Division Lesson Plan
Division Lesson Plan
Division Lesson Plan
Tonski Coursework
Lesson Plan Sample Template Vancouver Island University
Name: Vanessa Furness
Grade 5 Topic Math- Division
Date April 28
, 2014 Allotted Time 50 mins
Cite sources used to develop this plan:
1. Rationale:
Students will be learning about the topic of division. This is an important unit because the students havent learnt division
yet this year. This will be review for some students as they learn division in grade 3 and 4. However, the students have
never worked with remainders before and will be introduce to them near the end of the chapter. We will connect the
students learning through multiple activities, hand on learning and worksheets.
2. Provincial Prescribed Learning Outcome(s) (PLOs):
A3- apply mental mathematics strategies and number properties, such as
skip counting from a known fact
using doubling or halving
using patterns in the 9s facts
using repeated doubling or halving to determine answers for basic multiplication facts to 81 and related division f
A6- Demonstrate, with and without concrete materials, an understanding of division (3digit by 1digit) and interpret
remainders to solve problems
3. Assessment (for/of/as)
Lesson Outcome
What will students learn?
Students will be able to (+ verb):
Sources of Evidence
What product or action will show what
students have learned? (Title of Product
or Action) Write, Say, Do
What will you look for in this evidence
(product or action)? What does the
successful product look like?
Students will be able to divide by
subtracting repeatedly
Do: review quiz
Do/Write: questions independently
Students will be engaged and raise
their hands when reviewing the quiz as
a class
Students will successfully complete
question 1-6 on pg 315 for next day
4. Resources, Material and Preparation:
Math text book
Math quiz (marked)
J. Tonski Coursework
5. Lesson Development (Remember the 3 Main Principles of Teaching and Learning)
**CM students will need their math binders and text books
**CM hand out quiz
We will talk about what we have learned about division in the last 2 weeks by reviewing the quiz
as a class (class participation)
Teaching/Learning Sequence ( I do/We do/You do & M. Hunter):
**CM collect quiz back
I will review the topic of dividing by subtracting repeatedly by doing an example on the board
with the class
We will have a discussion about how to work through the problem
Write equation out (long way)
Multiply divisor by 10 or 100 (if possible)
Subtract repeatedly with product of step 2
When you cannot subtract anymore subtract by original divisor
When you cannot subtract anymore that number is your remainder
Every time you subtracted by multiple of 100 100 groups, 10 10 groups, 1 1 group
Count up all subtraction equations
Answer at the top, remainder beside answer (if there is one)
They will complete question 1-6 on page 315
I will choose a student to explain the process of dividing by subtracting
5 mins
10 mins
7 mins
25 mins
3 mins
6. Accommodations (adaptations, extensions, other ):
Provide support for students who may have difficulty with this activity
Allow students who finish early to work on art that is due at the end of the day or read quietly at their desk