Teaching Resume

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""#$#%&' )%*+,
2347 Cakrlll 8oad MarleLLa, CA 30062
hone: 770-329-3433 ! L-Mall: frosLax[dukes.[mu.edu
MasLer of ArLs ln 1eachlng May 2013 - May 2014
rofesslonal LducaLlon Llcensure rogram: LlemenLary LducaLlon (grades rek-6)
!ames Madlson unlverslLy, Parrlsonburg, vA
CumulaLlve CA: 4.0/4.0

8achelor of Sclence ln lnLerdlsclpllnary Llberal SLudles, Magna Cum Laude Aug. 2009 - May 2013
Mlnors: LlemenLary LducaLlon & Ceneral Muslc
!ames Madlson unlverslLy, Parrlsonburg, vA
CumulaLlve CA: 3.711/4.0, LducaLlon CA: 4.0/4.0

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SLudenL 1eacher, Crade 3 March 2014 - May 2014
8essle Weller LlemenLary, SLaunLon, vA
Calned flrsL hand experlence lnLo how a 1lLle l and vlrglnla locus school operaLes ln order Lo achleve sLudenL success
ueveloped and lndependenLly LaughL unlLs ln Lhe core sub[ecLs of maLh, llLeracy, soclal sLudles, and sclence
CreaLed a long Lerm, cross-currlcular wrlLlng pro[ecL allowlng sLudenLs Lo creaLe Lhelr own nonflcLlon chlldren's book whlch
Lhey shared wlLh an auLhenLlc audlence
used formaLlve and summaLlve assessmenLs Lo Lrack sLudenL progress
ueveloped new sLraLegles and soluLlons Lo sharpen Lhe day Lo day rouLlne and qulckly galn sLudenL aLLenLlon

SLudenL 1eacher, Crade 4 !an. 2014 - March 2014
!ohn Wayland LlemenLary, 8ocklngham CounLy, vA
lanned and lnsLrucLed unlLs abouL double dlglL mulLlpllcaLlon and long dlvlslon for low, average, and hlgh achlevlng
CreaLed formaLlve assessmenLs Lo uLlllze LhroughouL Leachlng
used varled medlums of Lechnology Lo supporL conLenL Leachlng lncludlng romeLhean boards, lods, and lads
MonlLored progress of all 103 4
grade sLudenLs uslng lnformal daLa collecLlon and graded asslgnmenLs
CollaboraLed wlLh cooperaLlng Leacher Lo develop plans Lo help lmprove Lhe work eLhlc and organlzaLlon of sLruggllng

racLlcum SLudenL, Crade 4 SepL. 2013 - uec. 2013
!ohn Wayland LlemenLary, 8ocklngham CounLy, vA
lnsLrucLed place value, number sense, and mulLlpllcaLlon for low, average, and hlgh achlevlng sLudenLs
ueslgned sLudenL analysls asslgnmenL Lo pre-assess and group sLudenLs Lo begln mulLlpllcaLlon unlL
lanned and Lallored small group readlng comprehenslon mlnl-lessons over four weeks Lo lmprove comprehenslon skllls
CollecLed and analyzed daLa Lo compleLe lnqulry Lhesls pro[ecL abouL background muslc's effecL on sLudenL engagemenL

racLlcum SLudenL, Crade 2 SepL. 2012 - uec. 2012
Cub 8un LlemenLary, 8ocklngham CounLy, vA
Crganlzed and lmplemenLed whole group llLeracy lessons abouL comprehenslon, word sLudy, and wrlLlng
lncorporaLed Lhe use of deslgn brlefs lnLo soclal sLudles lnsLrucLlon durlng naLlve Amerlcan unlL
ConducLed word sLudy sLaLlon wlLh second lowesL readlng group
Analyzed Lhe maLh needs of an lndlvldual sLudenL Lhrough assessmenL

racLlcum SLudenL, re-k !an. 2011 - May 2011
ulxon LducaLlonal CenLer, SLaunLon, vA
Led mornlng meeLlngs Lo creaLe classroom communlLy
CompleLed ln-depLh case sLudy of one sLudenL ln a developmenLally approprlaLe manner
ConducLed small group lessons on cooklng and arL durlng cenLers

!""#$#%&' )%*+,
2347 Cakrlll 8oad MarleLLa, CA 30062
hone: 770-329-3433 ! L-Mall: frosLax[dukes.[mu.edu
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Pall ulrecLor May 2011 - resenL
!ames Madlson unlverslLy, Parrlsonburg, vA
Managed a sLaff of slx and nlne 8esldenL Advlsers ln faclllLaLlng a coheslve and adapLable llvlng communlLy LhaL promoLes
academlc success and personal growLh
ConducLed weekly one on one meeLlngs and sLaff meeLlngs wlLh 8esldenL Advlsers
lanned programs each semesLer LhaL promoLe soclal, educaLlonal and culLural awareness for over 200 resldenLs
Ad[udlcaLed meeLlngs and medlaLed confllcLs wlLh sLudenLs concernlng unlverslLy pollcy
lmplemenLed Lralnlng for 8esldenL Advlsers and fuLure Pall ulrecLors

8esldenL Advlser Aug. 2011 - May 2011
!ames Madlson unlverslLy, Parrlsonburg, vA
lanned acLlvlLles for and supervlsed 34 freshmen Lo promoLe soclal and lnLerpersonal relaLlonshlps among resldenLs ln
Lhelr LranslLlon lnLo colleglaLe llfe.
1ralned ln crlsls and confllcL medlaLlon
AcLed as a role model for peers by modellng good clLlzenshlp, scholarshlp, and leadershlp.

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SLudenL Ambassadors, !ames Madlson unlverslLy, member !an. 2010 - May 2013
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CoordlnaLed preparaLlon for our annual dlsLrlcL conference
Led campus Lours Lo prospecLlve sLudenLs and famllles
volunLeered aL evenLs sponsored by Lhe Cfflce of Alumnl 8elaLlons
lanned and supporLed evenLs organlzed by SLudenL Ambassadors Lo beneflL currenL sLudenLs

SLudenL CovernmenL AssoclaLlon, !ames Madlson unlverslLy, member Aug. 2012-May 2013
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LlecLed Lo serve on Lhe 2012-2013 Senlor Class Councll by fellow senlor class members
Cversaw Lhe senlor class budgeL of over $3,000 used Lo plan soclal and educaLlonal evenLs for senlors
Served as a llalson beLween Lhe SLudenL CovernmenL and sLudenL body

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!AC Club volunLeer Mar. 2012 - May 2012
!ohn Wayland LlemenLary, 8rldgewaLer, vA,
AsslsLed flfLh grade sLudenLs ln compleLlng homework asslgnmenLs
romoLed proper sLudy skllls wlLh lower achlevlng sLudenLs

arLlclpanL, AlLernaLlve 8reak rogram, ?ork lace, SC March 2011
lnLeracLed wlLh 26 chlldren dlagnosed wlLh emoLlonal and behavloral dlsorders
Pelped Lhe chlldren wlLh homework, LaughL selecLed sLudenLs how Lo play drums & perform ln a Mardl Cras concerL, and
organlzed a campus-wlde baskeLball LournamenL

volunLeer 1uLor Aug. 2010 - uec. 2010
kelsLer LlemenLary, Parrlsonburg, vA
AsslsLed Leachers wlLh maLh lnsLrucLlon ln klndergarLen, second & fourLh grade classes
Pelped sLruggllng sLudenLs wlLh undersLandlng maLh conLenL

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uean's LlsL, Sprlng 2013, lall 2011, lall 2010, Sprlng 2010, lall 2009
kappa uelLa l, member CcLober 2011 Lo CcLober 2013
resldenL's LlsL, Sprlng 2012, lall 2012
1he Madlson SocleLy, lnducLed !anuary 2012

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