Application Available Flyer

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Available from the

The Howard County Arts Council
scholarships for students who would GUIDELINES:
like to pursue a career in the arts.
♦ The applicant must be a legal resident of
This year, HCAC will award a Howard County.
minimum of $10,000 in
scholarship funds to students ♦ The applicant must be a high school senior.
entering college in the 2010-2011
academic year. ♦ The applicant must be applying to major or concentrate
in an arts-based program at an accredited college or
Scholarships must be used for university.
enrollment in an accredited college
program for a degree in the arts. ♦ The completed application form must be accompanied
by two (2) sealed letters of recommendation from
Awards will be made in the teachers, artists, or professionals who are familiar with
minimum amount of $1,000 and the applicant’s work.
may be used for tuition and fees
only. ♦ The application packet must also include a sealed
academic transcript from the applicant’s school.
Review criteria will include artistic
merit, demonstrated knowledge of an ♦ Students are required to submit work samples with their
artistic discipline, commitment to a application such as slides or CD (visual art), original
career in the arts, and a compositions (e.g. poetry, prose, script),
demonstrated track record of audio or video (instrumental or vocal), or
success in an academic setting. video (e.g. dance, theatre, film).

♦ Application deadline is January 11, 2010.

Applications MUST be received by this

For a hard copy of the application or for more information, please contact HCAC at
410.313.ARTS (2787) -or-
The application is also available on our website at

***Applicants will be notified of the Committee’s decision by April 2010.***

The Howard County Arts Council receives major grants from Howard County Government and the
Maryland State Arts Council and support of $5,000 or more from: Columbia Bank, the Columbia Foundation,
the Isadore and Bertha Gudelsky Family Foundation, Bach and Bob Jeffrey, M&T Bank, and
The Rouse Company Foundation.

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