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The Legal Needs

of American Families
A Research Study Conducted by Decision Analyst, Inc.
Commissioned by LegalShield
About the Study
This study of full-time employees in the U.S. was conducted over the Internet.
A national probability sample of males and females aged 18 to 64 was drawn from
American Consumer Opinion Online, Decision Analysts worldwide panel of over
eight million consumers. The sample was balanced by geography and selected
demographics such as gender, age, ethnicity, and household income. Panelists were
invited by email to the screening survey, and those employed full-time were invited
to Decision Analysts DAISurvey website to participate in the study.
A total of 1,000 interviews were completed online from September 20 through
September 26, 2012.
About Decision Analyst
Decision Analyst is one of the largest marketing research and analytical consulting
rms in North America, and serves an array of Fortune 500 companies around the
world. The rm specializes in strategy research, product testing, advertising testing,
and marketing optimization using advanced simulation techniques. The rm is
headquartered in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

57 Million Americans Have Legal Issues
(Thats a Whole Lot of People)
The Legal Needs Of American Families Study (Legal Needs Study) shows that working
Americans and their families face a myriad of legal issues on almost a daily basis.
The study shows that 57 million full-time working Americans experienced at least one
signicant legal event in the past 12 months, but only 60% of those who experienced
such an event actually sought out the services of a lawyer to help them.
The areas of greatest need identied in the survey include auto and trafc issues such
as trafc tickets and accidents, family issues such as adoption and divorce, and estate
planning concerns such as wills, trusts, and estate or inheritance management.
The Legal Needs Study also shows that legal problems know no economic boundaries.
All income levels experience legal issues or events at about the same rate - 66%.
Automobile accident
Execution of a contract
Secured a home mortgage/
renanced home
Speeding ticket or trafc violation
Prepared a will
Leased an apartment or home
Set up a trust
Became executor of parents estate
Was subpoenaed
Vehicle damaged while parked
on street
Sold faulty merchandise

Identity theft
Inherited property
Filed bankruptcy
Friend who owes you money
les for bankruptcy
Injured someone accidentally
Leased a vehicle
Challenged a will
Creditor taking legal action
Adoption of a child
Property was damaged while
in storage
Dog bit someone
A tenant sued you
Many Americans Go It Alone
The Legal Needs Study shows that Americans forgo or avoid legal help
because of cost, access and trust issues. According to survey results,
Respondents reported paying an average hourly rate of $284, with nearly 25% paying in
excess of $400 per hour. Additionally, nearly 20% did not know their attorneys hourly rate.
Seventy-two percent of respondents believe that most lawyers are difcult to reach by
phone and 63% believe that most lawyers are not responsive. An overwhelming
74% said they dread the thought of talking to a lawyer, and 72% said that most lawyers will
try to take advantage of you.
The Legal Needs Study also indicates that Americans have a difcult time nding a
qualied attorney to help them. Sixty-seven percent of respondents reported that they did
not know a lawyer to call prior to needing one. The remainder said they found an attorney
randomly through an online search, the Yellow Pages, or through some sort of advertising.
IRS audit
Automobile accident
Spouse died without a will
Arrested or detained by
Adoption of a child
Identity theft
Bought or renanced home
Unjustied property
93% of respondents believe lawyers charge too much
for their services.
76% of respondents said that they were hesitant
to call a lawyer.
Legal Service Plans Offer A Solution
Despite facing signicant legal issues on a regular basis, the Legal Needs Study shows
that few Americans are proactive in taking steps to get the legal protection they need
for themselves and their families.
At the same time, however,
Even more troubling is the fact that two-thirds of Americans say they have never
heard of any such plans or services.
When asked if they would be willing to pay $20 per month to have unlimited access
to qualied attorneys at an accomplished law rm for advice and counsel on legal
issues no matter how serious or trivial
This number increased to 70% when a 50/50 split in cost with their employer was
factored in.
Nearly 90% of Americans say they dont have any form
of legal insurance or legal protection service that could
make getting qualied legal help easy and afordable.
More than 60% reported they would be interested in
purchasing legal protection.
9 out of 10 respondents said if cost were more
afordable, they would seek legal advice for even
trivial issues such as a trafc ticket or the review of
a rental agreement.
This gure is signicant to employers, considering that
However, only 13% of these working Americans and families have some type of legal
service through work, and of that group 93% responded that they are satised
with their jobs with this benet being one of the reasons.
Of the respondents who have a legal benets plan,
an average of 75% are very satised with their coverage.
66% of respondents reported they had to take at
least one day of from work in the past year to deal
with one or more legal issues.
70% of respondents with a legal benets plan said
they use the service more than three times per year.
Respondents reported that they had better
peace of mind and were less distracted at work
when they had a legal protection plan in place.
Worry Less, Live More.
LegalShields Legal Needs of American Families Study shows that we face legal issues on
almost a daily basis and the barriers of cost, confusion, and trust limit the access to the
legal help we need.
LegalShield removes these barriers and empowers its member
by giving them uncomplicated and afordable access to the legal
assistance they need to protect themselves and their families.
For a low monthly fee, LegalShield members get access to qualied attorneys who
are experts in the areas of law that most impact families and small businesses.
The attorneys have been with their respective law rms for an average of 19 years and
have the expertise and experience to navigate members through a variety of everyday
legal issues such as family matters, estate planning, nancial and business issues,
consumer protection, tax, real estate, benets disputes, and auto/driving issues.
Last year alone, LegalShield rms received more than 2.1 million
calls from its members.
Today, LegalShield provides legal services to
1.4 million families covering 3.5 million lives
across North America.
LegalShield has dedicated law rms in 49 states and
4 provinces in Canada.
More than 34,000 companies ofer the LegalShield
plan to their employees as a voluntary benet.

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