Chilled Water System: Part 1: General

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NC STATE University Construction Guidelines

15535 Chilled Water Systems

Rev 0 06/15/01 Page 1 of 3
15535 Chilled Water System
Part 1: General
1.01 The chilled water systems at NC State University consist of combinations of series loops,
primary/secondary/tertiary loops and stand alone building chillers. It is the Universitys long
range plan to eliminate these distributed generation systems and progress towards a
centralized district cooling system(s) utilizing a primary/secondary/tertiary configuration.
This guideline is intended to assist the designer in designing a new or renovated building
system that will be compatible with future connection to a district cooling system.
1.02 The designer of a new or renovated building system should coordinate with the staff of
Facilities Planning and Design for the particulars of the specific chilled water loop in the
vicinity of the project under design. The particular project location will determine if the
project will provide a building chiller or connect to an existing chilled water loop for the
interim period until the district system is completed.
1.03 Central chilled water will be operated year round with a supply temperature of 42 F. Each
building will connect to the central chilled water loop either with or without its own chiller.
1.04 Each building will use a variable volume, variable head pumping system. For buildings not
requiring 100% outside air, the building shall use return water temperature control set
initially at 54 F to provide a minimum ? T of 12F.
Part 2: Design Guidelines
2.01 General
The designers goal should be to design a building system that can function as closely as possible
as a variable flow constant temperature rise system over the entire load range for all seasons.
Design pressure for all components should be at least 250 psig at 100 F.
Pipe all system drains to sanitary sewer. Provide brass hose adapter, cap and chain on all vents
and drains.
2.02 Coils
All chilled water coils shall be selected on the basis of 44 F entering water temperature and 58
F leaving water temperature. Minimum tube velocity shall be 4 fps at full load condition. Select
coils to maintain a 14 ? T from 100% load down to 25 % part load.
All coils shall be of minimum six row construction. Air flow and water flow shall be piped in a
counterflow arrangement.
Specify two way control valves for all coils and provide variable flow loop for the building or
process loop. All control valves and operators shall be selected for the full possible pump head
on the loop. Control valves shall be in accordance with the HVAC controls design guideline.
All coils shall have non-ferrous headers and tubing.
NC STATE University Construction Guidelines
15535 Chilled Water Systems
Rev 0 06/15/01 Page 2 of 3
2.03 Building Pumps
Building loops shall be variable volume loops. Provide variable frequency drives for building
pumps of 10 hp or greater. Pumps less than 10 hp may use control valves selected for the full
pump head.
The building chilled water pump and head should be selected with a reasonable safety factor for
strainer plugging and future pipe roughness and flow. Pumps should be selected in the mid-
points of their curves. Providing extra flow capacity is acceptable.
2.04 Direct Buried Piping System
General: All underground piping for chilled water system distribution shall have a minimum
diameter of 4 and shall be cement lined ductile iron.
Pipe Joint Restraint Calculations: Submit complete calculations for underground chilled water
pipe joints indicating the requirements for restrained and push-on joints. Submission of output
data from an approved vendor computer selection/calculation program will be required to justify
the use of push-on joints in certain locations. This program shall utilize the depth of cover
indicated on the profile drawings.
Ductile Iron Pipe: Pipe shall conform to AWWA C151 minimum class 50. All ductile iron pipe
shall be cement mortar lined in accordance with AWWA C104 and shall have asphaltic coating.
Piping 4 12 shall have 350 psig minimum working pressure. Piping 14 24 shall have a
300 psig minimum working pressure.
Select backfill material shall be provided for bedding and backfill 12 above pipe.
System drains and vents Provide system drains at low points and system vents at high points
according to details as attached.
Fittings: Fittings for ductile iron pipe shall be ductile iron and rated a minimum of 250 psi
working pressure. Fittings shall be cement mortar lined equivalent to the pipe lining.
Mechanical Joint Fittings: Comply with AWWA C110. Where restained joints are identified, use
Megalug Series 1100 system or approved equal. Gasket material shall be SBR
Push-on Joint: Comply with AWWA C111
Butterfly Valves: Comply with AWWA C504. Valve shaft to be type 304 stainless steel. Cast
valves from gray or ductile iron. Provide interior coating of body and disk. Valves shall be
furnished with buried service gearbox operator, shaft extensions, ground level position indicators
and valve boxes.
Gate Valves: Comply with AWWA C509. Stem shall be non-rising and shall be cast bronze.
Valve body and wedge shall be ductile iron and shall be coated inside and outside with epoxy.
The coating shall meet or exceed AWWA C550. Valves shall have a minimum pressure rating of
250 psi. Gate valves shall be US pipe or approved equal.
Valve Boxes: Valve boxes shall be 2 piece cast iron with heavy duty traffic weight lid marked
with valve number as shown on drawings (such as CWS 22). Valve boxes not in paving shall be
supplied with a pre-cast concrete mowing ring.
NC STATE University Construction Guidelines
15535 Chilled Water Systems
Rev 0 06/15/01 Page 3 of 3
2.05 System Pressure and Leak Test
Length of test, unless otherwise approved, shall be a minimum of 4 hours. Contractor shall have
conducted a preliminary pressure test prior to final acceptance test to locate and correct any pipe
Chilled water piping shall be leakage rate tested. Leakage rate test shall be conducted at the same
time as the hydrostatic pressure test. Leakage rate is defined as the quantity of water that must be
supplied into respective underground piping system to maintain pressure within 5 psig of the
specified hydrostatic test pressure after system has been vented and filled. Contractor shall
document test results and sign/date each test.
The maximum allowable leakage is determined by the following formula:
L= N*D*(P)
2 / 1
/ 7,400
L = allowable leakage (GPH)
N = number of joints in length of pipe line tested
D = nominal pipe diameter (inches)
P = average test pressure during leakage test (psig)
If measure leakage rate exceeds maximum leakage rate, repair with new materials
and repeat test until satisfactory results have been obtained.
2.06 Control Logic
Secondary chilled water pump logic should include:
1. Pump speed is varied to maintain differential pressure
2. Use VSD status for pump status instead of pump differential pressure switches.
3. Backup pumps should start based on low differential pressure or VSD faults.
Tertiary or building chilled water pump logic should include:
1. Return water temperature control valve is modulated to maintain 54 F (adjustable) return
water from the building to the chilled water distribution return. Not all buildings, such as
100% OA, will require return water control.
2. When the building pump is commanded off, the return water valve shall close.
2.07 Building Service Entry
Each building should include as a minimum, cutoff valves, temperature and pressure gauges,
system drains and metering in accordance with metering guideline.
2.08 Accessible Distribution System Piping
Piping in accessible tunnels and mechanical spaces shall be schedule 40, black steel pipe.

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