The Self-Defence Manual

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Self-Defence Manual
David Birdsall
and Martin Dougherty
s u m m e r s d a l e
Copyright David Birdsall and Martin Dougherty, 2003
The rights of David Birdsall and Martin Dougherty to be identified as
the authors of this work have been asserted in accordance with sections
77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
No part of this book may be reproduced by any means, nor transmitted,
nor translated into a machine language, without the written permission
of the publisher.
Summersdale Publishers Ltd
46 West Street
West Sussex
PO19 1RP
Printed and bound in Great Britain
ISBN 1 84024 227 2
Photos by Nate Zettle
About the Authors
David Birdsall (left, cheerful) is a qualified sports therapist. As the senior
technical coach of Nihon Tai-jitsu GB, which is pending status as
governing body for the Nihon tai-jitsu martial art, he teaches self-defence
seminars across the United Kingdom. Past experience includes boxing,
kick boxing, Wado Ryu karate, and he currently teaches tai-jitsu, ju-jitsu
and aiki-jitsu. He has participated in security work at large public
venues and conference centres throughout the world for a number of
years. This work included venue security, evacuation liaison, front-of-
house security, backstage security and personal VIP security at venues.
Martin J. Dougherty ( right, surly) freelances in the defence and security
fields and has addressed major international conferences on security issues.
He trains in Nihon tai-jitsu with David and has studied judo, karate, jeet
kune do and ju-jitsu. He is also a fencing instructor. Martins other
publications include novels, games, non-fiction and technical material as
well as strategic reports for the defence industry.
A Note on the Photos
The people in the photos are (mostly) not martial artists as such. Most of
them are members of various Nihon tai-jitsu clubs or the University of
Sunderland Fencing Club who happened to be available when we were
taking the photos. This was a deliberate policy on our part most readers
will not be martial artists, so we avoided a martial arts approach to the
demonstrations. Only one of our demonstrators holds a black belt; some
have never trained in a martial art at all. These are real, ordinary people
who have learned to use the techniques mentioned in this book. If they
can do it, you can too!
Some of the photos are intended to illustrate a general point. Most
demonstrate a specific technique. The choice of aggressor and defender
is not intended in any way to suggest that persons of a particular height,
gender, ethnic origin, mode of dress or any other arbitrary characteristic
are likely to be attackers, or to be attacked. Note also that all the techniques
in this book are universal, i.e. they can be used by anyone of any height or
build, though common sense suggests that extreme differences in size
will make some options unworkable.
Everything in this book is intended for the use of decent, well-intentioned
people interested in preserving their own safety and that of others. The
authors are strongly opposed to the use of violence except as a last resort
for self-defence purposes. No liability can be accepted for the misuse of
the defensive techniques presented in this book. Comments on the use
of weapons are intended to facilitate understanding of how an attack might
be made and how to defend against it, and should be viewed in that light.
Theoretical assailants in the book are generally referred to as men. This
reflects the reality that the majority of potential attackers are male. No
sexism or other prejudice is implied or should be inferred from any
statement in this book.
Lastly, we are not out to put anyone down or to be disrespectful to any
martial art or fighting style. We recognise their merits and the long hours
of hard training involved. We are well aware that the various martial arts
all have a lot to offer we have trained in many of them! However, we do
sincerely believe that for the great majority of people, the methods in this
book are the best option.
We owe a great debt of thanks to the people that made this work possible:
To our families and friends, who for some reason continue to put up
with us when were difficult to live with.
To the students at the Sunderland and Billingham clubs.
To the people who taught us, trained with us, inspired us, and only
occasionally hurt us.
To the people who helped out with the photos and otherwise made the
production possible; especially those who came back again and again to
help: Craig, Ian, Mary, Mike and Rachel, and the ones who would have
been there if they could.
We made it in the end, and its thanks to you.
Special thanks are owed to two very generous individuals:
To Geoff Thompson, for kind permission to steal his work on the fence.
To Nate Zettle, for photography, advice and the occasional bust lip.
But if we must dedicate this book, then it has to be to the person who
needs it. To someone who would take charge of their life and be a little
safer if they could. Someone smart enough to know that our world is a
dangerous place, and courageous enough to take responsibility for their
own safety. Someone who will use our humble book wisely and well,
avoiding violence yet prepared to defend against it.
This is the person for whom we wrote this book, and it is to whom it is
Who is this person?
Its you if you want it to be.
Foreword by Geoff Thompson..........................................................10
Part I: First Things First
What is Self-Protection?........................................................................14
The Right to Go Home Alive................................................................15
Self-Defence and the Law......................................................................18
Self-Defence Myths and Facts...............................................................35
Self-Protection for Everyone................................................................38
Times when you MUST Fight..............................................................56
Part II: Threat Avoidance and Management
Chapter 1: Self-Protection and Personal Safety..........................59
Self-Protection Begins with the Self......................................................59
Cold and Hot Attacks..........................................................................61
The Self-Defence Formula: ADDER.................................................61
Assertiveness versus Aggression.........................................................69
Assertiveness Issues..............................................................................72
The Hidden Benefits of Being Prepared.............................................81
Training and Reaction............................................................................84
Chapter 2: Avoid!.................................................................................86
Better Not to Fight At All....................................................................86
Threat Avoidance...................................................................................89
Chapter 3: Deter!................................................................................93
Threat Analysis....................................................................................93
Deterring Cold Attacks.......................................................................95
Deterring Hot Attacks........................................................................97
Target Hardening for Beginners..............................................................98
Target Hardening for Vulnerable People.................................................102
Chapter 4: Defuse!................................................................................106
Body Language, Words and Other Signals..........................................106
Confrontation Management.................................................................108
Chapter 5: Evade!..................................................................................114
Personal Space........................................................................................114
The Fence..............................................................................................115
Part III: Under Attack
Chapter 1: The Attack..........................................................................124
What is an Attack?..................................................................................124
The Top Five Physical Assaults............................................................125
Recognising the Signs............................................................................128
What Actually Happens in Fights........................................................129
The Battle of the First Salvo...............................................................132
Chapter 2: Respond!.........................................................................135
The Big Secret....................................................................................135
You Really Can Defend Yourself.........................................................136
Non-Physical Responses....................................................................138
Physical Responses............................................................................142
Ten Basic Rules for Self-Defence.......................................................142
During an Assault.................................................................................145
After an Assault.....................................................................................146
Chapter 3: Tactics for Successful Self-Defence................................152
What You Should Always Do............................................................152
What You Should Never Do...............................................................152
Distractions and Deceptions...........................................................152
Pre-Emptive Techniques.................................................................155
Improvised Weapons........................................................................157
On to the End!.................................................................................161
Dealing with Multiple Attackers......................................................162
Part IV: Training
Chapter 1: Martial Arts and Self-Defence Classes...........................165
Why Take a Class?...........................................................................165
Finding a Suitable Art or Style.........................................................167
Choosing a Class or Course...........................................................169
Chapter 2: The Martial Arts...........................................................172
Summaries of Martial Arts Styles.................................................172
Grades, Belts and Licences...........................................................175
Clothing and Equipment for Training..............................................178
Chapter 3: Learning and Training.................................................180
Sensible Training...............................................................................180
Reliable Techniques.....................................................................182
Part V: Self-Defence Techniques
Chapter 1: The Basics.....................................................................191
Ready Stance......................................................................................192
Movement and Evasion................................................................193
Situational Awareness and Tactical Mobility...................................195
Distance and Entries........................................................................196
Covers and Parries versus Blocks.....................................................197
Chapter 2: Striking Techniques....................................................203
Principles of Striking.............................................................................204
Using your Hands..............................................................................205
Palm-Heel Strikes, Backfists and Hammerfists.................................210
Kicking Techniques.............................................................................212
Elbow Strikes...................................................................................215
Chapter 3: Defensive Techniques....................................................220
Defending Yourself Against Grabs and Chokes................................220
Defending Yourself Against Punches.................................................226
Throws and Takedowns......................................................................229
Defending Yourself on the Ground.................................................231
Defending Yourself Against Weapons.................................................234
In Extremis...........................................................................................240
Targets and How to Exploit Them.................................................242
10 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
It would be fair to say that I have spent the last thirty-odd years of my life
studying different methods of self-protection, right from school where
the bullies made my days very long and very sad to the present day. I
thought that the bullying might end with the last bell of my schooling
years; I was wrong. It continued into the work place, the pub bar, the
football match, in fact, every aspect of life hell, even life itself seemed
laced with intimidation. I blamed everyone and everything (even God,
who I abandoned on more than one occasion) for my dilemma. Then
one day I put my honest head on and admitted that, actually, it was
nobodys fault but my own. People bullied me because I let them.
Situations intimidated me because I quaked helplessly in my boots and
thus encouraged my fears. Life walked over me because I lay down on
the floor and let it.
Once I took responsibility for myself and for my place on this spinning
planet and listen in, unless you do take responsibility for your own
safety you will always be somebodys whipping boy things started to
turn around, and my habitat and my cohorts suddenly started to take on
a healthier hue. I started to get respect from people, because I demanded
no less. I developed the art of invisibility; because of my confidence
(developed over many years in the forging grounds of hard martial arts),
people no longer saw me as a victim.
The big problem for me as a younger man was choosing the right kind
of training to prepare me for an unsolicited attack, one that would likely
eclipse the formulaic norms of dojo fighting. In my life-long search, I
studied many arts I would go as far as to say most. I even spent ten years
working as a nightclub doorman to fine-tune what I had learned. I had
hundreds of fights, I damaged a multitude of people who got in my way
and at the end of it all, after the murder and mayhem, the punching and
stamping, the harm and the hate I came to the same conclusion as the
authors of this excellent tome: self defence at its very best does not involve
a physical response, rather it is about understanding the (so-called) enemy
so that we can avoid him, escape him, verbally dissuade him, loop-hole,
posture anything to avoid a physical response because violence is, and
has to be, a very last resort.
An analogy: preparing people to defend themselves is a little like
teaching children road safety. We dont instruct our kids in the fine art of
first aid just in case a car hits them, we teach them awareness and the
Green Cross Code so that they can avoid it in the first place. Because we
all know that once theyve been knocked over, it is too late. For most
people (even many of the so-called trained martial artists) being attacked
in the street is like being knocked over by a car: many of the victims are
debilitatingly injured and mentally traumatised, most never completely
recover. Some of the less fortunate die because of their injuries.
Thats what I love about this book. It is not the usual gung-ho, thumb-
lock and shoulder throw technique boutique of old; it is a mature,
intelligent, comprehensive and life-saving manual on how to avoid
becoming the next victim of an unsolicited assault.
As well as covering pre-fight strategies, everything from violent body
language to attack precursors, the book also covers what to do if a physical
response is called for, with the added and sensible advice that the
techniques are unlikely to work unless you spend a long time practising
So we have the pre-fight (how to avoid an assailant), the in-fight (the
stuff that will work in the street as opposed to in a James Bond movie)
and a very comprehensive look at post-fight how you stand with regard
to the law if you should injure your attacker in the course of defending
There is so much in this book that I could probably write another
book just telling you about it. I wont do that. Its enough to say that this
is a fabulous book, very well written and researched. I highly recommend
both the book and its authors.
You know what they say (whoever they are): If you want to stay safe,
be informed. I can think of no better way of being informed that this
excellent book.
Geoff Thompson
Coventry England, 2002
12 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
This is not a book about fighting. Indeed, most of it is about finding ways
of not fighting, not having to fight, and (best of all) not being in a situation
where there is any threat of violence at all. True, later sections do deal
with the mechanics of violent self-defence, and many readers will have
already skipped there to see whats on offer. This book, however, is for
those whose primary interest is in staying or getting out of trouble without
This book is intended for the use of anyone and everyone who goes in
harms way (or who feels that harm may come to visit uninvited). In
particular it will be of interest to children, students, women, the elderly
and people with occupations that place them at increased risk. Increased-
risk occupations include healthcare providers, members of the emergency
services, taxi drivers, bar and shop staff, council employees, teachers and
anyone else whose occupation takes them out alone or places them in
situations where confrontations may occur.
The measures in this book will work for anyone, and everyone can
benefit from increased personal security. Even people sure that they can
handle themselves are wise to avoid trouble if they can. The unfortunate
reality is that violence of any sort can have unexpected and very unpleasant
consequences, even if you win the fight. It is truly better not to get
involved in violence at all. Most people believe that they have no choice
in the matter; either they will be attacked or they wont. Some are certain
that it will never happen to them. Both of these views are wrong, as we
will show. For now, two facts:
It can happen to you.
It doesnt have to.
This book asks one thing of you: that you embrace a measure of reality.
Nobody is suggesting that you should become paranoid or live in constant
fear, but in order to reduce the risk of attack (and you can!), you must
first accept that an attack can happen, and that it will be very nasty indeed
if it does. In return, this book will show you a series of simple measures
that will greatly increase your personal safety.
You will learn not only how to avoid trouble altogether, but how to get
out of a confrontation without coming to blows, how to escape from
someone who means you harm, and what you are legally allowed to do to
prevent someone from hurting you. Later sections do detail some violent
defensive measures you can take, but they are a last resort; part of a package
of measures that should prevent it from ever coming to that.
Think of these measures as a series of ever-finer filters. One filter will
let some dirt through, but stop most of it. Another catches most of what
is left. Our system has five layers of filters. The first layer prevents most
situations from becoming a threat. The second nullifies most of what
slips through the first, and the third deals with most of what remains.
Only a tiny proportion of threats actually reach the fourth and fifth layers
of our defences.
By layering defences in this way, you can weed out a huge proportion
of potentially dangerous situations. But what are these filters? How do
you create them? How do they work?
That is what the rest of the book is about.
14 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
Part I: First Things First
What is Self-Protection?
Everyone knows that self-defence is a matter of learning a few simple
strikes and grappling techniques so that you can disable or escape from
an attacker. Sadly, everyone who knows that is wrong. Self-defence begins
with you; the process of protecting yourself begins long before a
confrontation develops. However, the term has acquired certain
connotations that can make its use misleading.
Words like self-defence mean different things to different people, so
we will draw a distinction between self-defence and self-protection for
the sake of clarity.
Self-defence refers to the skills of fighting, evasion and fleeing that
are used to thwart an attack that is imminent or already taking place.
Self-protection encompasses many layers, one of which is the act of
self-defence. Self-protection also includes alertness, target hardening,
confrontation management and a host of other skills used to avoid,
deter or prevent attacks or to deal with them if they do happen.
Self-protection is about acknowledging that there is a risk of attack,
weighing it, and acting accordingly. That is not to say that you should be
afraid. You have every right not to be. What you should be is aware. Aware
of the dangers, aware of what you can do about them, aware that you are
worth protecting and aware that you know how to protect yourself. There
are many layers to self-protection. Defeating a physical assault is the final
stage in the process of self-protection when all other measures have failed.
Self-protection begins when you take the (rather intimidating) step of
admitting that there are people out there who may choose to attack you.
From there it is a small step to analysing how, when and why they might
do that, and taking steps to reduce the risks. Fighting (or self-defence)
skills, and tools such as rape alarms, fall into the category of back-up
plans; they are there if you need them, but its much, much better not to
have to use them.
Alertness Codes
The level of alertness an individual exhibits can be classified according to a colour code
that is used by the armed forces and by many self-defence writers. The colour code
looks like this:
Code White: Code White: Code White: Code White: Code White: Oblivious of threats and totally unprepared for trouble. It is usually obvious
you are Code White, and many potential assailants are more likely to attack you if you
display this kind of behaviour. You wont see an attack coming, wont be able to react
until too late, and your reaction will be panicky. Code White can be caused by
preoccupation with other things, alcohol or complacency. Whatever the cause, it can be
fatal. Code White is not the place to be, ever.
Code Y Code Y Code Y Code Y Code Yellow: ellow: ellow: ellow: ellow: Alert for threats, looking around, conscious of dark shadows, lonely places,
dangerous people, yet not stressed by it all. Someone who is Code Yellow will take
sensible precautions to preserve their safety, and their preparedness will show; many
potential assailants will look elsewhere for a softer target. If you are attacked while Code
Yellow, you will react more effectively and wont be caught by surprise. Code Yellow is
the state of habitual awareness we should all cultivate until it requires no effort to maintain.
Code Orange: Code Orange: Code Orange: Code Orange: Code Orange: Under threat, ready to respond. Suspicious or threatening circumstances
will cause alert people to move up to Code Orange; they are in balance, ready to back
off, fight or run as needed. Code Orange preparations can be quite subtle and can be
concealed, or they may be quite open to act as a deterrent. Either way, someone who
is Code Orange is ready to react if necessary, but calmly, and without doing anything to
precipitate violence in a situation that might yet be salvaged.
Code R Code R Code R Code R Code Red: ed: ed: ed: ed: Violence is imminent. Someone who is Code Red is ready. Their senses are
tuned for the first threatening movement or the crossing of their defence threshold,
whereupon they will have no choice but to fight or run. Code Red is tiring and stressful.
Many people go Code Red in response to threats that arent very serious often straight
from White to Red. Experience and understanding allows an individual to maintain a less
stressful Orange or Yellow posture until there is a real threat, yet remain just as able to
The Right to Go Home Alive
You are a unique individual. You may be pretty dissatisfied with some
aspects of your life, but its yours. You have the right to go on living it; to
make the best of your life that you can. Nobody has the right to intrude
into that life or to take it away from you.
16 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
When someone goes out in search of a victim, they are usually looking
for just that. Not a fair fight, not even a major risk. Theyre looking for
someone they can frighten, intimidate and hurt with relative impunity.
Those young men across the street may be good people, but its equally
possible that they are looking you over, trying to decide if you are a victim.
And believe it or not, you do have some choice as to whether you become
one. One of the key concepts in self-protection can be explained by the
crime triangle. For any crime to take place you need:
If any of the three is removed, then no crime can take place. An attacker,
of course, brings himself and his willingness to attack you to the situation.
You have at least some control over the other two sides of the triangle. By
your actions and habits you can ensure that a potential attacker is presented
with few opportunities to carry out his attack. If at all possible, you should
try to ensure that the crime triangle remains incomplete by implementing
the avoidance, deterrence and evasion measures discussed later in this
book. Simply put, this means that if you arent there, you cant be attacked.
Even if you and a potential attacker are both in the same place, there may
not be an opportunity to attack you on the terms that he wants.
Depriving him of an opportunity can be as simple as making sure you
can see him, not turning your back, being aware of your surroundings or
determinedly maintaining your personal space.
Even if the triangle is completed, an attack is by no means a certainty.
Whether you are subjected to violence or not depends upon his willingness
to attack you. You do have a small measure of control over this as you can
manipulate the situation or his perception of it to reduce the possibility
of attack but only if you know how to do it!
Often the deciding factor in whether or not you get attacked is how
you handle the situation.
For example, if you are facing a threatening situation and you behave like
a victim that is, you show fear and generally fit into the potential
assailants script for events then you are more likely to be attacked
than someone who acts calmly and confidently and breaks the script. It
might seem that faced with three tough-looking thugs, you have little
choice in the matter, but in fact you do.
Preparation plays an important part. Knowing that you have at least
some idea of what to do when under attack can be a great help when
putting on an Oscar-winning performance of confident assurance. But
there are other factors too.
A large proportion of attacks occur while the victim is doing something
that they know isnt very smart. Shortcuts down dark alleys are never a
good idea, yet people take them. Sometimes the victim realises that a
situation is sliding out of control, but is afraid that walking away would
mean accepting derision and ridicule from the potential assailant. Later,
they are treated in hospital for injuries that make a few harsh words seem
rather trivial. (The authors have, unfortunately, both been involved in a
certain amount of unscheduled field research and can assure you that
harsh words are always rather trivial when compared to physical injury!)
Most lamentable of all: someone who knows an attack is about to take
place chooses not to assume a defensive posture (mental or physical)
because they are embarrassed to, or because they simply cannot believe
that this is happening to them. Caught flat-footed and mentally out of
gear, they are an easy target. These things happen all the time, yet they
are so easily avoided.
Cutting through this alley saves a whole two minutes. Is it worth it?
18 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
It is easy to become drawn into the attackers chosen script for events,
or to find yourself being railroaded into going along with something that
does not feel right. People sometimes place themselves in extreme danger
simply because they are embarrassed to cross the road, assume a defensive
stance, ask for help, or just tell a stranger that they are uncomfortable and
would like to be left alone.
In order to assure your safety, you must not be embarrassed to take
simple defensive measures. Most decent people will respect you for
bluntly stating that you dont want to go with them and most would be
upset and apologetic at having made you nervous. Thugs might not be
pleased, but they will probably decide to look for an easier victim, and if
they do decide to go for you, at least your position is better than if youd
let them take you where they wanted to go.
There are less obvious alternatives to the fists-up fighting stance, which
will be discussed later, but for now remember that assuming a fighting
stance is not overreacting if you perceive a real threat to your safety. Anyone
who wants to make fun of you for being ready to defend yourself is
welcome to; they are either an idiot or a potential victim. Your life is too
precious to be risked because of what someone else might think of what
you are doing.
Rage leads to stupidity never lose your temper. However, an edge of
irritation or annoyance can give you the courage to break out of a situation
or to act decisively. You are a special, unique, worthwhile person. The
idea that someone might try to take that away from you should be enough
to provoke some anger. A healthy annoyance at your potential assailant
should give you the courage to assume a defensive stance and make it
very clear that you are no victim. They may still try, of course, but the
fact that an attacker will have to pay for interfering in your life might just
be enough to make them back off. You have the right to go home alive
and unhurt. Assert it.
Self-Defence and the Law
Many people have no real idea of what is, and what is not, legal in self-
defence. Many of those who do know are wrong. The law is a complex
business and is subject to interpretation in a manner that sometimes defies
the understanding of laypeople. However, legal cases and statements by
prominent legal officials have made certain things very clear, and that is
enough for our purposes.
Fighting is not legal. Exchanging blows outside a pub or a football
stadium over a difference of opinion or an unkind word is against the law
nor is it acceptable conduct in a civilised society. Self-defence is a
different matter. In an ideal world it would simply not be necessary, but
this is not an ideal world. Sometimes violence is thrust upon us, and the
only option is to meet it in kind. Therefore, the law recognises that
sometimes an individual may have to resort to violent means to preserve
their safety, and that within certain limits this is acceptable conduct, both
legally and morally.
The authors strongly advocate that everyone should obtain at the very
least some basic self-defence training; however, we do not suggest that
anyone should, or needs to, learn to fight.
Self-defence is not the same thing as fighting.
Fighting is mutual combat; self-defence involves repelling an assault or
protecting another individual. Winning the fight is a means to an end,
not a goal in itself. Your goal is to escape the situation without being hurt,
not to batter someone. Once you have an alternative to continued violence,
you should take it! To put that another way, your goal is to:
Create a window of opportunity so you can escape.
Any self-defence or martial arts training you undertake should be directed
at this goal, and any self-defence actions you take should serve the same
purpose. The only reason for continuing to fight is the lack of an
alternative. This is not merely our opinion; it is also the gist of self-defence
law in Britain.
Your Rights and Duties
Firstly, and most importantly for our purposes, you do have the right to
defend yourself and the people around you, using force if necessary. You
also have the right to protect property, but this is not a factor here for
reasons that will become clear as we progress.
The law recognises that a person who is under attack, or honestly
believes that he or she or someone nearby is about to be attacked, has
the right to use reasonable force to prevent or halt the attack. To quote
Lord Griffith (1988): If no more force is used than is reasonable to repel
the attack, such force is not unlawful and no crime is committed.
S E L F - D E F E N C E A N D T H E L A W
20 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
The amount of force that is reasonable will be discussed shortly. The
important factor is that, subject to certain limitations:
It is not a crime to defend yourself using reasonable force.
The law also recognises that a person under attack cannot precisely
calculate the absolute minimum force required to halt the attack, nor can
an ordinary civilian be expected to apply such minimum force effectively.
There is no Principle of Minimum Force.
The law recognises that it is not wise to wait for an assailant to actually
attack you. As long as you have been given very clear reason to believe that
an attack is imminent, and you cannot otherwise resolve the situation (say
by withdrawing), then you may attack pre-emptively. Similarly, you do not
need to be attacked yourself to be justified in responding with violence. If
an attack is underway or is obviously imminent on any person nearby, you
are legally allowed to use violence to prevent or to halt this attack.
Striking first is not a crime.
Again, quoting Lord
Griffith (1988), a person
about to be attacked does
not have to wait for his
assailant to strike the first
blow or fire the first shot,
circumstances may justify a
pre-emptive strike.
However, if a pre-
emptive strike takes place
you are not allowed to strike
maliciously or vindictively
to get revenge after the
danger has passed.
Most street attackers throw huge,
slow punches. If you are alert you
may be able to snap a fast jab into
his face before his attack gets going.
The law even recognises that at times it may be necessary to use a
weapon or instrument to protect yourself. This is, as always, governed by
the concept of reasonable force.
If you honestly feel that you are under sufficient threat as to warrant
an armed response, the law permits you to provide yourself with some
kind of weapon or instrument. However, while you may choose to obtain
a weapon in response to a clear and imminent threat, it is not justifiable
to arm yourself just in case or to habitually go armed.
In addition, you are never justified in possessing a weapon for use in
self-defence if the situation requiring its use is of your own making. That
is to say, if you have been given reason to fear that someone might come
to you with violent intent, then you may pick up or otherwise obtain a
weapon. If, on the other hand, you go to confront someone and take a
weapon along because you suspect that they may become violent, then
this is very definitely not lawful. You are creating a situation in which you
may have to use the weapon rather than attempting to avoid the possibility
of violence or protect yourself from it.
You are permitted to arm yourself if necessary, but only in response
to a clear and serious threat.
Just reading the bullet points and ignoring the supporting text gives the
(incorrect) picture that it is all right to go around hitting people who you
think might be a threat or who are committing a crime. This is absolutely
not the case! Vigilantism is not acceptable in law or in society.
Self-defence with Illegal Weapons
A contradiction occurs when a person obtains a weapon that is prohibited by law for use
in self-defence. For example, it is illegal to own firearms or combat knives in Britain, yet
if the threat was sufficient then you would be justified in using one to defend yourself.
The issue is clear if the weapon is brought into the equation by your assailant, since you
are likely to obtain such an instrument only by being attacked with it. If you manage to
disarm someone who is trying to kill you with a weapon and he attempts to take it back
or produces another lethal implement, then your use of the weapon will probably be a
matter of reasonable force. This is also the situation if you are attacked in your home
with a lethal weapon and grab a carving knife or a similar quite legal, but deadly, object to
protect yourself.
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But what of a situation where you feel that you are about to be attacked by armed
individuals and that the only effective response is to obtain an illegal weapon? This is a
difficult situation. Certainly under normal circumstances you could be charged with a
criminal offence for possessing such a weapon. But what if you had obtained it in response
to a clear and imminent threat?
A case in 1983 offers some clarification of this point. During a period of extensive rioting,
fearing for his safety, a shopkeeper made a number of petrol bombs and stored them in
his shop. The case went to the Court of Appeal, where it was decided that the use of
petrol bombs might have constituted reasonable force under the circumstances of the
expected attack, and that therefore the shopkeeper possessed the weapons for a lawful
Petrol bombs are, of course, illegal under British law. The courts view was that it was
lawful to make and store such a weapon because the individual has the right to prepare
to repel an attack, as long as its use is in keeping with the principle of reasonable force.
However, it is important to note that the court stressed that the threat must be imminent.
Therefore, in the face of an imminent and serious threat, obtaining a weapon specifically
prohibited under law may be considered a necessary act of self-defence. Readers are
advised to be extremely careful however; this is the absolute outer fringe of legal self-
defence, and the outcome of a court case is in no way certain.
It is obvious that a person does have the right to use violent means in self-
defence, and to use as much force as is necessary to stop the attack. You
may be called upon to justify your actions in court, especially if you used
a weapon or injured someone badly. However, a wise man once said that
it is better to be tried by twelve than carried by six, and if you can show
that you acted in good faith and conscience, out of concern for your safety
or that of others, then the law is firmly on your side.
You do have certain duties imposed by law. First, and most importantly,
you are required to remain within the bounds of common law. An attack
on your person is not considered in any way to be special circumstances.
There are laws governing what you may and may not do, and you must
adhere to them.
Secondly, you are required to take reasonable steps to ensure the safety
of your assailant once he is no longer a threat. This means that if you
seriously injure someone or render them unconscious, you must summon
medical assistance. If possible, you should render first aid, but not if this
would place you in additional danger. It is perfectly acceptable to flee the
scene of the attack and call for an ambulance from a safe distance a few
minutes later if remaining there would place you in danger.
Finally, you are also expected to inform the police of any incident where
injury occurred. You may think that this is unwise, since it draws attention
to the fact that you have hurt someone, but in fact it works in your favour,
providing you remained within the law and the bounds of reasonable force. By
reporting the matter to the police you are acting as a responsible citizen,
something that criminals rarely do. If, for any reason, there are legal
complications and the police do become involved, your statement is
already on record and your correct behaviour noted. This can be very
important if your assailant becomes involved in another fight later, and is
injured, or if there is an attempt to cast doubt on your character.
Some duties commonly believed to exist are in fact myths. Specifically,
You do not have a duty to warn an assailant of your skills.
There is no duty to retreat.
The first case applies to martial artists and other trained people. Many
believe that they are required to warn an assailant of their capabilities
before using their skills. This is simply not true. A trained person is subject
to exactly the same laws and duties as everyone else and no more. A
warning may or may not be a useful deterrent. Some assailants may decide
to look for trouble elsewhere if you tell them about your training. Many
will not believe you, and some will attack just to prove their superiority.
Issuing a warning is something that you can choose to do if it seems
useful, but it is in no way a requirement.
The duty to retreat is a common misconception. Many people think
that you are required by law to disengage, withdraw or temporise if at all
possible. You are not. If your actions are judged in court, it will do your
case good to be able to show that you made every effort to avoid conflict.
Of course, if it is clear that you accepted combat when an alternative
resolution was available, then you will not have acted in self-defence.
But you are not actually required to retreat.
There are times when attempting to withdraw might place you in greater
danger, say, by taking you out of a public place or distancing you from the
safety of your car. On other occasions withdrawal may be impossible; for
example, if you are attacked suddenly or are attempting to render assistance
to a person under attack. There are many circumstances where you can
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legally engage in violent self-defence without attempting to disengage,
withdraw or temporise, though as a rule you should always seek to avoid
conflict if you possibly can.
Reasonable and Necessary Force
Sometimes there is no alternative but to use violent means to defend
yourself. The law in most countries is much the same in that it recognises
that an individual has the right to use reasonable and necessary force to
protect their own safety and that of the people around them. Reasonable
force is also permitted in defence of property, but common sense must
be applied here. There is little in your wallet or home worth being killed
or killing someone for, and it could be argued that by violently opposing
a burglar or other criminal you are deliberately and unnecessarily creating
a situation where violence will probably ensue.
In summary, reasonable force may be used to:
Defend yourself.
Defend others.
Protect property.
Make a citizens arrest or to assist police officers in making an arrest.
Exactly what constitutes reasonable force is open to debate, and it is sadly
true that there have been some horrible travesties of justice. However, in
the vast majority of cases common sense wins out. Interpretation of
reasonable force depends on several factors:
The gravity of the crime you were trying to prevent.
Whether it was possible to prevent it by non-violent means.
Whether you were ready to try those means first.
The relative strength of the parties involved.
It is generally recognised that an individual suddenly coming under attack
cannot be expected to gauge and apply the precise minimum of force
necessary to end the assault. Someone who is attacked is not responsible
for bringing about that state of affairs; they are instead forced to take
whatever violent measures they must in support of their recognised right
to protect their own safety.
This is an important factor. In Britain (and most other places worldwide):
a person is responsible for their own safety.
While society does its best to create a safe environment for you to live in
through the exercise of law and its enforcement by the police force, it is
not directly responsible for protecting you at every moment, nor are the
police responsible for your personal security (though any police officer
will do his or her utmost to protect members of the public).
The person responsible for your safety is you. You are responsible for
taking sensible self-protection measures, for staying away from dangerous
people and places, and for removing yourself from danger. If you find
yourself under attack, you may or may not have failed in this responsibility,
depending upon circumstances, but you cannot blame anyone else (except
the person intent upon attacking you). The final step in taking
responsibility for your safety is active self-defence. You have the right to
defend yourself and the responsibility both for doing so and for the
ensuing consequences.
Be aware that although a violent criminal intent upon attacking you
has chosen to step outside the rules and laws governing behaviour in our
society, you are still subject to them. That said, do not be concerned with
thoughts like people would not approve if I used violence when under
attack. Our society has laws and codes in place to guide our behaviour
within civilised norms. However, if you are attacked then that system has
failed to protect you and you are thrown back on your own resources.
In this situation, you have been dragged into the world of the violent
criminal. Trying to behave in a civilised manner in these circumstances
can get you hurt or killed, so you must forget about ideals like never
strike first or violence solves nothing and do whatever you must to
escape the situation.
You must match the threat with appropriate measures however violent
and you must not hold back. If your life is in danger and the only way
to preserve yourself is to cripple, blind or even kill someone, then that is
what you must do. That, or choose to die and our society has no right
to expect you to do that! Violent criminals have little remorse and no
honour. You must win (or at least gain enough of a victory to escape) or
they will do whatever they please to you.
The law understands this. As long as you do not cease to act like a
decent, reasonable citizen, then you are in the right. It is all but impossible
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to clearly define what level of force is reasonable to fit all possible sets of
circumstances, but if an attacker (or group of attackers) is clearly intent
on doing something likely to result in death or permanent harm, then a
considerable level of force is justifiable.
Where someone poses a relatively minor level of threat, an attempt at
restraint is all that is reasonable. However, it is important to understand
that restraint will rarely work against a very violent, determined individual.
It sometimes takes four or more trained police officers to restrain a
struggling suspect, so common sense must be applied.
In essence, you have the right to use necessary as well as reasonable force.
You are not required to place yourself at unreasonable risk by remaining
constrained by rules of engagement forbidding, say, punches to the head,
or any such thing. You may do what you honestly believe is necessary to
end the assault. And no more.
If your response is judged by a court, then an attempt will be made to
establish the reasonableness of your response. The reasonableness of the
level of force used is judged objectively. That is, your opinion of how
much force was necessary is not the one that counts. There is an accepted
level of force associated with any given set of circumstances, and if you
did not remain within those limits, then you will be found to have acted
However, where your opinion does matter is in the assessment of the
circumstances that prevailed. A court will judge your response as
reasonable or not based upon the circumstances as you perceived them.
Thus while you are not permitted to use whatever degree of force you
feel like, you are permitted to use a degree of force appropriate to the
threat that you thought existed.
This has two important ramifications. First of all, it means that if you
honestly believed that you were under, or about to come under, attack,
and acted to protect yourself, then you have not committed a crime even
if you were mistaken in that belief.
Secondly, it means that your assessment of the situation probably
made in a split second as violence erupted in your face is used to judge
the reasonableness of your response. The law recognises that a person
under sudden and violent attack does not have complete information on
the situation, nor time to determine the exact level of threat.
The reasonableness of your response is judged based on the situation
as you perceived it at the time.
As you can see, common sense and your judgement of the situation are
highly important. Many common questions can be answered by
considering the matter in this light. Is it acceptable to kick someone whos
on the ground? No NEVER if he seems to be staying there, or is
trying to protect himself, escape or is otherwise no continued threat to
you. But if hes getting up to come back at you? Maybe, if you are sure he
still poses a threat to you. If youd be in serious danger when he regained
his feet, then you are justified in making sure he does not, in exactly the
same way as you are allowed to strike pre-emptively. But you must stop
your attack as soon as your assailant is no longer a threat.
If you carry on attacking someone who is no longer a threat to you,
you become the aggressor, and therefore a violent criminal.
In truth, reasonable force need only be an issue for you if you are a trained
martial artist or an experienced fighter of some other kind, or if you have
a weapon to hand. If you have the skills to deal out a range of degrees of
harm then you will have to think about what is reasonable under the
circumstances. For an ordinary person, the issue is in fact rather simpler.
For a start, you will instinctively estimate the threat level, based on
your own capabilities and those you ascribe to your opponent(s). You
will know whether you need to grab a weapon, strike out or just push
someone away.
Secondly, you (as an untrained person) will have some difficulty dealing
out sufficient (necessary) force, let alone excessive violence. You are almost
certain to be overmatched physically or in terms of numbers or weapons.
Thirdly, you are a human being with a conscience, morals and a sense
of justice. You know what is wrong; you are opposed to hurting people
and wouldnt do it if there was an alternative. As long as you do not give
in to outrage, panic or anger, you will not lose your humanity and thus
you will know when to stop! Your most likely problem, as an ordinary
person, is not avoiding excessive violence, but using enough force to halt
the attacker.
That point is worth repeating. As long as you do not allow fear and
anger to turn you into a monster, you need not worry too much about
using reasonable force. Simply allow your conscience and common sense
your basic humanity to guide you. You will know what you need to
do, and you will know when to stop.
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It really is this simple:
Fight as hard as you need to.
Stop when its over.
This depends heavily on not allowing fear or anger to take control of
your actions. We have all heard of people losing it and describing the
loss of self-control as I just saw red! Getting the balance right takes
time. Attending self-defence courses generates a certain amount of
familiarity with the situation and with appropriate responses, thus
reducing the fear factor. With even fairly basic training, you are more
likely to remain in control.
One of the main benefits of self-defence training is that you will develop
an understanding of force levels and the ability to remain calm while
under attack. With suitable training, you are not only more able to deal
out force to an attacker, but are actually less likely to use excessive force.
Provided you do not get your training at the Headcase School of Street
Thuggery, the defences you learn will be effective yet flexible enough to
allow a measured response. Another hidden benefit comes to light if you
ever do end up in court. You will be able to answer questions about your
actions in an informed manner, and most importantly, will be able to
refute allegations of excess force by saying that Yes, I do know restraint
techniques, and I am sufficiently skilled to understand that attempting to
use such an approach would, in this case, not have been appropriate.
In short, your training will allow you to show that you chose your
actions in an informed manner, calmly, and as were appropriate to the
situation you perceived, in addition, of course, to rendering you capable
of taking such actions.
There are, of course, several things that you simply must not do in a
self-defence situation. For the sake of clarity we will spell them out. You
must not:
Habitually carry a weapon, even if only for self-defence.
Enter into a violent situation unless you have no alternative.
Carry on fighting when you could escape instead.
Carry on attacking once it is clear that you are no longer in danger.
Kick or beat a helpless person on the ground.
Deliberately use lethal force except as a last resort.
Remember that in most cases of self-defence, there is no legal involvement
and even if the police become involved, they will make a judgement as to
whether legal proceedings should be undertaken. If it is clear that you
acted as a reasonable, responsible citizen within the bounds of necessary
force, then there has been no crime (on your part) and it is extremely
unlikely that charges will be brought against you.
This is particularly true if you can demonstrate that you tried to avoid
or defuse the incident, then acted only in self-defence, even going so far
as to summon medical assistance for your injured assailant. Remember
also that the average street thug holds the police in contempt. He is
unlikely to attempt legal redress if he is hurt by his intended victim.
Thoughts of courtrooms and juries should not be foremost in your
mind while defending yourself. Be aware of the need to use only necessary
force, but dont hold back from doing what you must. It is better to explain
to a police officer or a court why you were forced to harm someone than
to be killed because you were unwilling to resist effectively or worse
because you feared you might be punished for it. Remember you have
the right to use all reasonable and necessary force.
You must also be true to your own humanity when defending yourself.
You will have to live with whatever you do, and even if you think your
assailant was just criminal scum who deserved what they got, you
diminish yourself by becoming a violent animal.
The thing that makes you better than your attacker is that you remain
a decent person, doing what you must but no more.
Pushes, Shoves and Slaps
Youd be quite justified in pushing someone away if they were very close to you and you
didnt like what they were doing. But unless they were a real threat, you wouldnt be
justified in hitting them. If they resist or barge back into your personal space, then they
are using force and a more robust response is justified.
A slap is an assault you have the right to press charges against someone who slaps you.
But if thats all they do, then you dont have the right to hit back thats fighting, not self-
defence. If they continue to be a threat then yes, you can resist as vigorously as necessary.
But the response must be appropriate to the threat you perceive. If the threat is a
stinging slap then youre not justified in responding with a knockout punch.
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Carrying a Weapon
The law recognises that a person who has reason to fear attack may arm
him- or herself, and that this constitutes self-defence providing the weapon
was obtained in response to a clear and present threat. This law does not
allow you to carry weapons just in case or when going out somewhere
that seems a bit dodgy.
The use of a weapon must also be reasonable. If attacked by superior
numbers, with weapons, or by an opponent who obviously overmatches
your strength, then grabbing a weapon may be nothing more than a
necessary measure to ensure your survival, and thus is quite reasonable.
Taking a stick to someone who presents little threat or who has only
offered minor violence, such as a shove or a slap, is never acceptable.
As a simple rule, if your life is in danger and you hit someone with a
brick or a stick that you grabbed from the ground, you should be within
the bounds of reasonable and necessary force. If you went out carrying
the weapon that you used, you had better be able to show you had a
reason for carrying it, because even if it was reasonable to use the weapon,
it may not be legal to have been carrying it.
The first rule of carrying a weapon for self-defence is dont.
If firearms or other weapons are legal for self-defence where you live, by
all means get one if you feel the need. But be sure to learn how to use it
effectively, or youll just be a danger to yourself and to other innocent
people. Unless a given weapon is legal in your area, dont carry it. This is
especially true of knives and guns.
Knives are lethal weapons, and as such are actually very limited as self-
defence tools. If you use one on someone you run a grave risk of killing
them. In fact, knives are so deadly that as an untrained person, you simply
do not possess the skill to avoid killing someone.
This creates an all-or-nothing situation, which can lead to hesitation
on your part. Using a knife to threaten someone is pointless unless he
really thinks you will use the weapon. Justifying use of a lethal implement
will be difficult.
The simplest and safest rule is never carry a knife.
The same comments apply to firearms of all kinds (which are illegally
obtainable in Britain, unfortunately), with the added problem that some
people will not believe that a gun is real, which again creates an all-or-
nothing situation. Firearms (and imitation firearms) also tend to attract
the attention of armed police, whose response is likely to be somewhat
robust and, assuming you do not get yourself shot, will result in criminal
charges against you.
Various other implements are sold as self-defence tools or carried as
weapons. Many are illegal, and in the United Kingdom carrying any
implement as a weapon, even one intended purely for self-defence, is
illegal. Whatever you think of that law, it is still the law and there are
good reasons behind it.
There are a number of objects that can be picked up or carried quite
legally that make decent weapons. These will be discussed in a later
chapter. Remember, though, that if you use anything in self-defence you
may have to explain why you were carrying it and why you chose to bash,
stab or otherwise harm your assailant with it. Dont be caught with
anything you do not have an innocent reason for carrying, and remember
two vital points:
Anything you carry as a weapon can be taken away from you and
used against you.
A weapon is no use at all unless you know how to use it and are
willing to do so.
Legal Involvement and Defence
Since criminals prefer not to operate in front of the police, most self-
defence situations are over long before law enforcement officers arrive,
if they ever become involved. However, let us begin with a caution if
the police do arrive in the middle of a fight, they are unlikely to be able to
tell in an instant who the innocent party is. This can be important,
especially if you are full of adrenaline. Police officers will try to stop more
violence from happening first of all, rather than get involved in an in-
depth discussion of what occurred. If you seem unwilling to stop fighting,
you can expect to be restrained, and if you resist then you will have no
redress if you suffer injury in the process. You will also probably face
Remember that police officers are frequently assaulted in the course
of their duties; far too many have been seriously injured or killed while
responding to a minor incident like a fight. Officers are unlikely to take
chances if your actions seem threatening to them. It is also harmful to
your legal position of justifiable self-defence if you demonstrated a
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willingness to take on the local constabulary as well as your alleged
You must cooperate with police officers and attempt to deal with them
in a calm and civilised manner. Chances are that there will be no problem
here. If you are in the middle of fending off a vicious assault and help
arrives, your relief and gratitude will be obvious!
What you do in front of the attending officers can be very important.
You should comply with their requests and show no interest in continuing
the struggle now that they are there to protect you. You may want revenge,
or the attacker may have some of your property, but it doesnt matter! Sit on
your rage and reflect on this: you could have died or been permanently
injured, and that danger has now passed. Be thankful, not angry.
Attending officers will ask you questions and may caution you that
what you say may be used in a court of law. Since you are likely to be in a
very unbalanced state, it is possible that you may say something you later
regret. It is best, therefore, to keep answers very short and to the point
and of course truthful! Express your willingness to make a full statement,
but dont make one while you are still shocked and frightened. A statement
is a matter of legal record and could land you in real trouble if not done
Remember that what you say to police officers and in any statement
must be the truth. Disregarding for a moment all concerns about personal
integrity and so on, it is a matter of common sense; CCTV or witnesses
can show untruths for what they are, and inconsistencies in your story
will probably emerge if you start to tell lies. Once you are found to have
lied about what happened, your situation becomes far worse.
If you are arrested, the officers are legally obliged to tell you on what
grounds. Do not resist, even if you are outraged at the injustice of it all.
Provided you have acted reasonably, you will be able to prove it. You
certainly have nothing to gain from creating additional charges.
If you are arrested, you are entitled to and should insist upon legal
advice. The law is a complicated business and however intelligent you
are, you are not qualified to conduct a satisfactory legal defence. One of
the authors has actually seen someone try to do this and can attest that (in
addition to the fact that the defendant was guilty and had no evidence
whatsoever to the contrary) he had no chance at all in the face of an
experienced and skilled prosecutor. The humiliation he received in that
courtroom was probably as bad as the sentence imposed. But the simple
point here is that you must take the legal advice offered, even if it is
obvious that you are innocent!
Since the law is such a complicated business, this book will not present
a detailed guide to legal defence. You will have (should the matter ever
arise) a legal advisor for that purpose. There are, however, certain
principles that you should be aware of ahead of time.
There are two legal defences if you hurt someone. The first is that of
self-defence. This is enshrined in common law and has been explained;
you exercised your right to use reasonable force in self-defence. In this
case, self-defence also includes protecting other people, so the common
law defence can be stated as:
A person has the right to use reasonable force to protect him- or herself
or another individual from assault.
The second defence is that you were using reasonable force to prevent a
crime from being committed. This is not part of the common law, but it
is a statutory defence. The statutory defence can be stated as:
A person has the right to use reasonable force to prevent the
commission of a crime or to assist in the lawful arrest of a criminal.
This applies in situations where the first defence clearly does not apply,
for example, where force was used to resist the theft of or damage to
property, or where a bystander moved to assist police officers in making
an arrest.
Note that vigilantism is not permissible in our society. The statutory
defence exists primarily to protect good citizens from conviction when
cooperating with the police or acting in legitimate defence of property.
Readers are strongly advised not to become involved in any situation
where their safety will be placed in danger unless there is an overriding
need, such as to protect a vulnerable person. Property is rarely worth
such a risk and is never worth dying for.
In any situation where you are required to account for your actions,
one or both of the two defences mentioned above will apply, and your
legal counsel will advise as to which is more appropriate. If you resorted
to force only to protect yourself or another individual and you acted in
self-defence, then it is up to the prosecution to prove beyond reasonable
doubt that this was not the case. If your statement to the police was clear
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and to the point, and matches your observed actions, then your position
is good. It may well be that the police will decide not to pursue charges,
either because they agree that your actions were lawful or because they
do not feel able to prove that they were not.
Even if matters still come to court, the things you said and did at the
time of your arrest will stand you in good stead. Note that many people
are convicted not so much on what they did as what they said to the police.
So, if you are arrested and/or charged:
Do not resist.
Do not argue with police officers in the street.
Do not tell friends or the media how it really was.
NEVER boast or sound like you are boasting about damaging
someone, or about how he got what he was asking for.
Do not speak contemptuously of your assailant, or in any way that
implies hate and rage.
Do not be drawn into extra discussions where you might say
something detrimental to your case.
But do:
Cooperate with the police.
Insist upon legal advice.
LISTEN to your legal advice!
Make a clear, short statement that spells out the facts as you perceived
In your statement (and in any conversation with police officers) you
should not use language like I was terrified; say instead, I was gravely
concerned for my safety. This makes it less likely that you will be accused
of overreacting due to panic, and makes you sound like exactly what you
are a responsible citizen who acted in rational self-defence. Your
statement should include certain critical components:
You did not create this situation and did not react to provocation but
to a real threat to your safety.
You attempted to defuse/deter/evade the situation (if possible).
When you resorted to physical measures, you did so with regret and
as a last resort in the face of a clear and imminent threat to your safety.
You defended yourself using only lawful and reasonable measures
appropriate to the situation as you perceived it.
You ceased your efforts as soon as you were sure the attack was over.
And provided, of course, that these things are true, then your defence
should be sound.
Self-Defence Myths and Facts
There are many, many myths relating to self-defence. Many are
perpetuated by action movies, others by well-meaning but uninformed
or unrealistic people. A few of these myths are very dangerous, and must
be dispelled.
Violence is wrong.
Of course, hurting people is morally reprehensible. But it is not, and it is
never, wrong to protect your safety and that of others in the face of attack.
It is certainly wrong not to mention rather stupid to go out seeking
trouble, but if trouble finds you then you have the right to defend yourself.
If you attract comment for using violence to defend yourself, ask yourself
this: in what way is it better to be raped, hospitalised or beaten to death
than to respond to an attack with necessary violence?
Martial artists and self-defence people are violent thugs.
Some are, of course. Bad people can be found everywhere. But most of
the people who train in the martial arts develop a deep respect for their
fellow human beings. Most are decent people with jobs, homes, families
and pets, just like you. Studying self-defence or a martial art is a positive
activity and will no more turn a person into a thug than possessing a
carving knife will make you a murderer. The discipline inherent in most
martial arts is often a factor in making a person better and less rather than
more violent.
Fights happen like they do in films.
Films are staged. Those big kicks look amazing, and they can demolish
the largest opponent. However, it takes a great deal of training to make
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them work, and even then they are simply not reliable. A kick can take
you off-balance, or be so slow that you get hit before it lands. There is
also the risk that you will kill your assailant with a single kick to the head.
Conversely, standing in the way of big kicks or punches and blocking
them with your arms works rather less well in reality than on the big
screen. It is better to get out of the way of attacks and to keep your
techniques simple.
Whatever you may have seen in the movies, this sort of thing is rare on the street. Even if you have
trained for it, dont try it! Kick low, punch high.
Cant happen to me.
Many people just will not believe that they might be in danger, or choose
to find spurious reasons why they are perfectly safe. It requires a certain
amount of moral courage to cast aside this illusion, but those who have
done so and are constantly aware of the risks are far safer than those with
their heads in the sand. Take this one unpleasant statistic as a challenge to
the cant happen to me illusion: Almost 10 per cent of reported rapes
are carried out on men or boys.
No point in resisting.
One school of thought suggests that victims should not resist in the hope
that they will get off lightly. True, struggling may enrage an attacker, and
in the case where there are weapons involved, you may be well advised
not to resist; but always be aware that someone already engaged in hurting
you is not likely to act in a humane manner. He may or may not intend to
just give you a few punches or have his way and leave. It is just as likely
that he will kick you on the ground or even deliberately kill you. You
cannot know until it happens, and by then it may be too late to escape.
In 1989 a Home Office working group reported that people who fight
back do not risk sustaining greater injury than those who dont fight. By
all means judge the situation and give up property rather than risk getting
hurt, but it is the opinion of the authors that if there is any chance at all
that you will be successful in resisting or escaping a violent attack, then it
is better to try.
Cant hurt him.
It is hard to believe that you can do anything to harm a large, confident
and violent man. However, every human being has nerve bundles and
joints. It takes very little pressure to cause intense pain at a nerve point,
and only 710 pounds of force to dislocate a joint. With very little training,
even a small, weak person can apply this much force effectively enough
to disable or escape from an assailant.
Gravity can also be a great ally. There are many ways to induce someone
to fall, many of which involve causing him a degree of damage. Learning
one or two is a worthwhile use for a few hours. And lastly, there are ways
that anyone can be hurt. Later sections of this book will explain them in
detail. For now, it is enough to say that a strike to the eyes, throat or
genitals will hurt or disable the largest person. You always have a chance,
but only if you are willing to act.
He/she was asking for it.
This statement is used by rapists and people who have carried out a violent
assault to justify their actions. It does not. You see, no matter how a person
was dressed or what they said, he or she was not asking for it.
The only possible justification for attacking someone is to stop them
from hurting you or someone around you. No matter how insulting or
offensive they are (or you are, but try not to be, please!), there are few
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words that justify attacking someone. (Im gonna kill you with this knife!
and similar phrases are obvious exceptions!)
As for rape, there is no possible justification. No matter what someone
has done or said, the moment they say that they dont want sex, thats it.
There is no middle ground here. No is no end of discussion. Do be
aware that rejection, especially rejection that seems sudden and contrary
to the way youve been acting up to now, can cause hurt, resentment and
anger. If someone perceives the way you are dressed or acting as a come-
on, then they may be upset at being rejected. This can lead to bad places.
Be aware of this fact and ready to get out of a situation if it starts to go
in a direction you dont like. Dont fuel anger and resentment by arguing,
just remove yourself from danger. Protect yourself. Say no, make it clear
that you mean no, and depart with as little fuss as possible.
Much the same comments apply to other assaults. Of course you have
the right to walk into a pub filled with drunken fans commiserating over
a 170 defeat wearing the shirt of the winning team, making comments
about the losers abysmal performance and to get out alive. But that doesnt
mean you will.
Even if an assault is illegal, unjustifiable and morally damning, you
may still be attacked if you give people what they perceive as a trigger or
a reason. It doesnt matter that it shouldnt happen; it might. Be aware of
this: nobody is asking for it, but it can still happen to you.
Self-Protection for Everyone
Everyone has the right to feel safe and to know what to do in a crisis
situation. The people who are most at risk from attack are those who
start out with a disadvantage. We all know who they are: lone women,
children, older people. These are the ones who will be picked out as
victims by an attacker who wants as little risk as possible. These are the
people who start out with the greatest disadvantages. These are the people
who must have the greatest awareness of danger and who should act before
the situation gets out of control.
This is not to say that others should ignore the issues described in this
book. Everyone is at risk; it is merely that some people are more at risk
than others.
Thugs and muggers have no sense of honour. Some people imagine
that just because they are old or young, disabled or not feeling well,
they will be left alone. This is a very dangerous way to think.
Increased Risk Activities
Some activities, while basically harmless and entirely normal, carry an
increased risk of attack. To differentiate from high-risk behaviour, which
should not be indulged in, we have grouped these activities under
increased risk.
It is more likely that young people will engage in these activities, rather
than those with more experience, but the following comments apply to
Social gatherings, parties and dating are pretty normal activities, but
these are times when the risk of attack is increased. At any good social
event, you are likely to meet people you dont know very well, if at all. It
is easy to assume someone is decent or harmless because they look nice
or they were introduced by someone you know. It might be that the person
doing the introductions has only just met this person, or doesnt know
them very well, so this guarantee cannot be relied upon.
In the relaxed atmosphere of a party, it is easy to get to like someone
and even come to trust them, forgetting that you only know what theyve
told you about themselves, and youve only seen what theyve shown
you. This is not to say that you should never leave a party with someone
you met there you cant become a hermit, no matter how much safer
youd be. But do be aware that the persona worn in public may not be
someones real personality.
We tend to develop an impression of someone early on and do not
readily change that impression, even when the signals given off by that
person change quite considerably. It is thus important to watch someones
behaviour carefully the first few times you are alone with them. If it
changes in a way you dont like, then you may wish to back off. As a rule,
dont leave a gathering with someone unfamiliar and their friends. You
might be able to deal with one person, but an ill-disposed mob will be
able to overpower you easily.
Similar comments apply to dating. Its a pretty necessary part of life,
but there are dangers you would be wise to avoid. Date rape is becoming
increasingly common; with violence, using drugs, and the old-fashioned
method of getting someone to drink too much. Currently, the most
common targets for date rape in Britain are successful women in their
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thirties. There are several theories about why this should be, but in truth
it doesnt matter. Everyone should be on their guard.
A date rapist will want you somewhere secluded and away from help if
at all possible, whatever his chosen method. It is a good idea to avoid
such places anyway, since there is always the danger of lurkers and the
possibility that agreeing to go somewhere more private might be seen as
a come-on, or even as a tacit agreement to have sex. Better to go
somewhere public with people around until youre sure of the person
youre dating.
Also remember that a rapist may not attack you the instant youre alone.
Dont ever let your guard down straight away.
Dont trust people youve just met.
If you do leave a gathering with someone new, make sure someone
knows where you are going, and with whom.
Watch for things being slipped into your drink.
Resist attempts to get you to drink too much or take drugs.
Be alert for changes in behaviour, especially bullying or aggressive
Stick to public places until youre sure of the person youre dating.
Some peoples jobs put them at increased risk, either by sending them to
places where they may be in danger, creating confrontations, or otherwise
giving people a reason to attack them. Some people (e.g. the police, security
and so on) are actually employed to handle dangerous situations. They
are not our primary concern here, though of course self-protection still
applies to those employed to make the rest of us safer.
People such as housing officers, education welfare officers, computer
engineers, plumbers, electricians, doctors and teachers who are required
to make home visits are at increased risk, especially when the visit is made
to address a problem. Some professions are well prepared for such
situations and provide training and guidelines for people who deal with
the public. Some people, however, are wholly unprepared and are sent
out to deal with sensitive or confrontational situations without adequate
training or back-up.
As a rule, most home visits involve a discussion, a cup of tea and an
agreement on how the problem is to be dealt with. Usually the worst
problem to be faced is an over-friendly dog or cat, or the unpleasant fake
cream in the cake thats clearly been bought specially by people trying to
be nice.
However, confrontations do sometimes develop, especially when youve
gone to someones home to tell them something they dont want to hear.
It is not wise to go to a suspect location alone; most local authorities have
a policy of sending officers in pairs to deal with difficult individuals.
If a confrontation does develop, the important thing is to preserve your
safety. If that means not delivering the information or message you came
with, then so be it. Your goal is to stay safe a summons, eviction notice
or whatever can always be delivered later. Confrontation management is
discussed elsewhere in this book; it should always be practised, but just
as importantly you should be willing to abandon the job at hand and
retreat to safety.
When out and about at work, dont focus on your job to the exclusion
of your own safety. People have been attacked when leaving an amicable
meeting just as often as during a confrontation. And stay on guard at all
times. A female estate agent was violently raped by a man pretending to
be a client. He asked to see a property she was showing, knowing that the
empty building was an ideal site for his attack.
Emergency personnel particularly A&E staff, ambulance crews and
firefighters are attacked far too often. The reasons vary, from an attempt
to steal drugs from an ambulance to violent drunkenness on a Saturday
night. What all these attacks have in common is their pointless stupidity.
Beating up the people who are there to help others just doesnt make
sense. But it happens.
If you have to place yourself in harms way as a part of your work:
Do not become so focused on the job at hand that you forget about
your personal safety.
Be aware that some people will deliberately set a trap. Assess the risk
before you rush in.
Be ready to summon help or to escape if a confrontation develops.
Be willing to abandon tools or other paraphernalia if thats what it
takes to stay safe.
People who work in shops, ticket offices and similar places where they
have direct contact with the public are also at risk, especially if they work
in an isolated location or at unusual hours.
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Robbers tend to target lone cashiers at night, or managers as they open
up a shop early in the morning. Other attacks are less well planned. One
of the most common reasons for violence occurs when a thief is
confronted. Amazingly, many shops expect their staff entirely untrained
to confront, restrain or otherwise deal with thieves or people making a
nuisance of themselves in the store. This is obviously a very bad idea, but
it is hard for staff to say no when a manager informs them that it is part of
their duties to do so. Of course, shops and other businesses that place
staff in danger without adequate training are seriously breaching health
and safety laws, but it happens.
A set of general rules for shop staff (and people employed in similar
circumstances) looks like this:
Do not confront anyone who seems dangerous, and never confront
anyone alone.
If you have to ask someone to leave the store and they wont, call
security or the police. Dont argue or try to use force.
Keep a counter between you and any customer who seems angry or
otherwise dangerous. Stay back from it to prevent them reaching you.
Dont chase thieves. Get a good description for the police.
Dont defend the till. The moneys not even yours!
Keep the till closed and locked when not in use.
Dont become so fixated on your job that you forget to be aware of
your surroundings and potential hazards.
Employers should provide their staff with suitable training and the means
to ensure their protection. Failure to do so is negligence, which can land
a manager in prison. This means that you are entitled to expect procedures
and measures in place to protect you from violence at work. Learn them
and use them!
Relatively minor measures can reduce the risk to you greatly. For
example, attacks on bus drivers, though still a problem, are less common
than they used to be. Many such attacks are carried out simply because
the attacker saw a lone person far from help and decided to attack for the
fun of it. Screens and radio links improve protection, and thus deter many
such attacks. Taxi drivers have a similar problem; they have to go out
alone, often at night, and deal with groups of people who may be drunk
or aggressive. People with such occupations (where the risk of violence is
obvious) tend to learn to be alert for danger, but in truth everyone,
whatever their occupation, should.
Its worth taking a leaf out of the US Navys book. The worlds largest
navy exists to confront and deal with problems involving violence on an
awesome scale. Many of its ships visit foreign ports on courtesy visits
(this is called showing the flag and its an important part of the Navys
job). Imagine the embarrassment if the worlds most powerful naval force
was scared to enter a port! Imagine the political humiliation if a captain
chose to turn around and leave because he was afraid his personnel might
be in danger!
And yet that is what they do. A US Navy commander at a conference
told one of the authors: We do a threat analysis before we enter any
foreign port. If we dont like it, we dont go in. Well take the political hit
for that, but we wont put our people in danger unnecessarily. Thats all
there is to it.
These people are paid to fight. They have guns, missiles and nuclear
weapons; they have the pride of a whole nation to think of. But they
wont place themselves in danger unnecessarily. If that policy is good
enough for them, itll do very nicely for us!
Unless your job is to do something dangerous, dont place yourself
in danger to do your job!
And do remember that you can also be attacked as you are leaving a difficult
situation with a sense of relief at getting out intact, as you get home from
work, or at any other time. Stay alert, and dont switch off.
Women are often seen as easy targets. The vast majority of rapists target
women, and while physical attractiveness and mode of dress may be a
factor in the choice of some victims, remember that anyone could be a
There are of course many strong, empowered women around.
However, it is an observable fact that many women find it difficult to
even consider using force to defend themselves (though a threat to a
mothers children can prompt an entirely different response). Many
women are uncomfortable with the idea of hurting someone and are
very unwilling to do so.
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This degree of empathy may well make the individual a better and
more admirable person, but it can be counterproductive in the face of a
violent attack. Overcoming the inhibition against violence is difficult for
most of us. Anger is one way, or an overriding need to protect a loved
one. Another way to beat the inhibition, as will be discussed later, is
training. Trained responses are often carried out without a pause for
thought. You are suddenly grabbed; you throw your assailant off and kick
him in the ribs. Not only is such an instant response far more effective
than one that requires you to think about what you are doing, but it is
also far more likely to happen at all. Think for too long and you may
freeze out of fear or a laudable but misguided unwillingness to hurt
someone. Acting immediately and effectively is also very intimidating to
an assailant, who may well wonder who he has chosen to tangle with!
Sometimes a marginally effective response is enough, simply because the
attacker realises that he is not dealing with a victim, but with someone
who is going to make him work for whatever he wants. Criminals do not
like work.
It must be acknowledged that a woman is likely to be a lot weaker than
her assailant (though it should be pointed out that women do initiate
violence, if less frequently than men.) While any well-trained fighter can
demolish an unskilled but powerful opponent, most women should
concentrate on responses intended to deter or drive off an attacker, and
should seek escape rather than a protracted battle. In truth, this applies to
It would be pleasant to believe that our children are safe and that no one
would assault a child. Sadly, this is not the case. Children come under
attack far too frequently. The perpetrators vary, but they are all dangerous
in their different ways.
Many, perhaps even most, children are bullied at some point, and
physical violence is frequently a part of the process. Bullying cannot be
discounted as harmless. Children have killed themselves out of despair
over bullying since time immemorial. We can never know how many
potential suicides have saved their own lives by losing their temper and
turning on the local bully. Even ignoring psychological trauma, bullying
can turn very nasty and we owe it to our children to give them a fighting
Children also get robbed, especially in this age of rampant consumerism.
The most common form of robbery is the theft of mobile phones, often
accompanied by violence. Designer coats and shoes are also common
targets. Such robberies are often carried out by other children.
More sinister is the danger of abduction. Paedophiles come immediately
to mind as a threat, but there are other dangers including childless people
carrying out a fantasy of having a family, or the (thankfully very, very
rare) situation where some twisted individual simply wants to torment
and kill someone and sees a child as a soft target.
Children are at a disadvantage in any confrontation and should be
thinking of escape above all else. Prevention is the key here. Children
should not be frightened to go out, but they must be aware of potential
dangers and capable of minimising the risks. Children should be taught
to take sensible precautions that keep them away from dangerous places
and also maximise the risk for an attacker. Fear of being caught is a strong
Child abductions often begin with a seemingly innocent situation as
the victim is gradually lured into danger. The most important things we
can teach our children are to recognise when things are not right and
how to get out of a dangerous situation before it is too late. As adults,
most of us have a feel for situations and can spot when we are being
manipulated. Children have not usually developed this instinct and may
feel inhibited about being rude to an apparently nice stranger. They must
be taught that self-preservation is an overriding concern.
But what if prevention fails? Teaching children self-defence skills must
be accompanied by education and socialisation so that the child comes to
understand what the skills are for. The majority of self-defence and martial
arts classes provide excellent, supportive environments where personal
development is encouraged and where the child will meet many new
friends. A later chapter deals in detail with selecting a suitable class.
The important thing to teach children is balance the balance between
restraint and the ability to fight at need; the balance between innocence
and awareness. They must learn to gauge a situation and react responsibly.
Self-defence must be approached sensitively and sensibly. Parents must
not think that a child who is too sensitive and wouldnt hurt a fly needs
to be toughened up and hardened. On the contrary, that child must be
supported and told that they are exceptional and good.
The authors have encountered parents who think that learning self-
defence means allowing their children to attend violent classes where
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they are likely to be punched in the head repeatedly so they can learn to
take a punch! When offered a similar learning experience for themselves,
these people quickly decided that the child needed it more than they did.
Children must not be pushed into violent heavy-contact fighting styles.
For most, this serves no useful purpose as the child will not learn how to
defend him- or herself; he or she will learn how to get hurt! Instead,
childrens self-defence must be taught in a sensitive, disciplined (but fun)
environment, and should include personal safety teaching as well as
measures to facilitate escape.
People with Physical Limitations or Disabilities
Every one of us has different physical capabilities. Some have far greater
strength, speed, fitness or balance than is usual. Others, for whatever
reason, fall below the norm in some of these areas. Age, build, lack of
training and old injuries can place a person at a considerable physical
disadvantage. This is not a reason to suggest that such people have any
less right to self-defence, nor is there any reason to assume that a truly
disabled person is a helpless victim to be protected or pitied. Disability
can place extreme limitations on a persons physical capabilities, yet a
person whose physical abilities are somehow restricted is still a person,
with all the rights and duties that entails. Why should they be barred
from learning self-defence skills? The authors can find no good reason.
The proportion of people so disabled as to be helpless is actually rather
small. Of the remainder, many have a specific limitation that may make
some actions impossible. It is possible to work around such limitations
and to achieve a considerable capability despite them.
We hear about the heroes; those who were born with, or suddenly
gained, a tremendous disability yet rose above it to achieve incredible
success. Yet for every blind Olympic sprinter or one-armed black belt
there are dozens of ordinary people painfully struggling against the odds
to achieve rather mediocre success. These people are heroes too. And so
are those without any disability at all, who strive to be the best they can
and to push their limits. It is not in winning that heroes are made, but in
trying to win.
This is the truth about people with disabilities wanting to learn martial
arts or self-defence: they are just people like everyone else. We each have
our limitations. Striving to overcome them makes us better people, and
if the standard we reach for a given amount of effort differs from person
to person, what of it? Unfair as it is, it remains a fact of life. Self-defence
is an exercise in realism and these truths must be embraced.
One of the authors of this book is disabled. The techniques are slightly
different for him, but the outcome is the same: he creates a window of
opportunity to escape, and when force has to be used, he is capable of
doing it right. The fact is that everyone has the right to learn self-defence,
and what they learn may save their life.
The Elderly
Sadly, someone who is old or infirm is more likely to be seen as an easy
mark than a person upon whom honour precludes an attack. Elderly
people have as much right to be safe as anyone else, and the same self-
protection measures work for older people as for their young counterparts.
In fact, older people do have a number of factors on their side. Firstly,
older people tend to be wiser and less likely to engage in dangerous
behaviour. Secondly, in the event that an elderly person is attacked, people
are more likely to offer assistance (though this is not always to be relied
upon). Thirdly, an older person is unlikely to be asked why they were
carrying the stick they beat an attacker off with.
There is no reason at all why an older person who is reasonably fit and
able should not be capable of undertaking some self-defence training.
This may have to be modified to fit what they can or cannot do, but any
improvement in fitness or capability can make all the difference, and
continued training and exercise can contribute to a longer, fitter life. One
woman in her sixties whose health and mobility were quite poor even
took up karate and earned her black belt despite these difficulties (and
please do understand that black belts are not given lightly; this person
earned the grade like anyone else, under the same criteria!).
For the rest of us mere mortals, a mild increase in health, fitness and
self-defence capability might be all that is possible. But that slight
improvement might be all it takes to deter or escape an attack. All elderly
people (whether capable of training or not) can undertake sensible
precautions such as:
Making the home a safe place with good security.
Being able to summon help. Get a mobile phone, even if you hate the
Getting a walking stick (whether you need one or not).
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Getting a suitable dog. No mugger or burglar wants to fight your
dog, and they make great companions.
Cultivating good relationships with the people who live around you
and in the places you normally go, such as the local shops.
An older person may not be quite as able to punch it out with an assailant,
but hopefully will be wise enough to understand that there are better
ways to be safe.
Young People
Young men and women are the least likely to take sensible self-protection
measures and the most likely to engage in high-risk behaviour. It is no
coincidence that the 1724 age group is where both the most common
perpetrator and victim of assaults are to be found. There are many reasons
for this, many of which boil down to ego.
Ego manifests itself in many ways, including:
A need to show off for the benefit of friends, prospective partners or
the world in general.
An unwillingness to lose face by backing down.
An overdeveloped self-belief.
Refusal to accept that there is danger.
Unwillingness to be seen playing safe.
Ego is highly dangerous because it fuels any confrontation. Where a wiser
person might be willing to accept some abuse and withdraw, someone
possessed by the demon of ego will refuse to yield an inch, and will
probably decide that he needs to be seen to win a confrontation. This
leads inevitably to escalation, and if violence ensues this cannot be called
a self-defence situation.
Many of the beliefs held by young people are also somewhat misplaced.
Too many young people really do think that it cant happen to them or
that they are too hard for that to happen. Proof to the contrary can only
be provided by the most unpleasant circumstances.
Many school leavers have particularly dangerous misconceptions.
School is a protected environment, staffed by professionals who are
absolutely forbidden to lay hands on a pupil, and who are not in any way
inclined to do so. A certain minority of young people become used to
being abusive and difficult in school, since there are no consequences
worth speaking of.
If this attitude is taken into the outside world, it can have disastrous
consequences. A nightclub doorman or random stranger in the street
may have no compunction about meeting abuse with violence. Similarly,
even the schoolyard (which can be a violent place in some localities) is
not the same environment as the backstreets at midnight. A fight picked
in school is unlikely to be very serious. On the street, any exchange of
blows could end in a stabbing or one party being kicked to death on the
ground. And the involvement of authority is not a trivial matter. A criminal
conviction can have life-long effects, even if the sentence is a short one.
Young people must realise that the real world is infinitely more
dangerous and less controlled than the environment they inhabited in
school and that their actions can have lasting and serious repercussions.
Young people are also prone to ignore good sense, wise advice and
sensible conduct in favour of doing what they want. Thus they are more
likely than older people to engage in high-risk behaviour. This includes
going to pubs and clubs renowned for their violent clientele, hurling
abuse at passers-by, and leaping into confrontations rather than
withdrawing from them. In this, peer pressure is a strong factor, as no
young people want to be diminished in the eyes of their mates.
The term mates is used here rather than friends, and in quotes, because
the authors find it difficult to call a friend anyone who would encourage
a person to engage in violence or to risk violence being done to them. It
is important to understand that while the mob may be cheering you on,
any given one of them in your place would probably want to let the matter
go. It is easy to urge someone else to do something dangerous, after all.
Older people have usually developed a measure of self-confidence that
enables them to assert themselves in a potentially dangerous situation. A
younger, less experienced person may not even realise what is happening,
and even if they do, may lack the self-confidence to act assertively.
Young people like to be accepted and to belong. Thus they are more
likely than other age groups to be attracted to charismatic figures (who
usually do dramatic things, many of them anti-social, to gain attention)
and to very tribal groups. Sometimes this simply means becoming a
rabid fan of a particular star, group or sports team (these are pretty harmless
and even beneficial activities for the most part), but it can also lead to
more dangerous affiliations. Gangs and extremist organisations (from
football hooligans to neo-Nazis) can be attractive to young people seeking
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to belong. It is easy to be manipulated or drawn into violence by such
Young people are also prone to drinking or taking drugs. No judgement
need be passed here, but it is worth mentioning that recreational
chemicals can seriously affect a persons judgement and also their ability
to act coherently. This means that if you drink heavily or take drugs, you
are not only more likely to lose your temper and be dragged into
something, but are less likely to be able to deal with it. You are also less
aware of danger and thus are more likely to be attacked in the first place.
Note that I was drunk is not a valid defence of your actions in law,
and a state of drunkenness (or other intoxication) can seriously affect
your defence if you must defend yourself. The two main factors to
consider are:
A court may, upon hearing that you were drunk, become hostile
towards you, losing you some of the benefit of the doubt.
If you use excessive force to react to a situation, you normally have a
defence based upon the facts as you perceived them. However, if you
made a mistake or misjudged a situation because of voluntary
intoxication then you cannot use this defence.
Thus, overall, young people are at increased risk because they:
Are likely to ignore danger signs.
Lack sufficient experience to recognise many dangerous situations.
Lack the self-confidence to break out of a dangerous situation.
Are likely to be subject to, and give in to, peer pressure.
Are more likely to be drawn to dangerous groups.
Are prone to drink heavily.
Are less likely to back down in a confrontation.
Often do not believe or want to listen to good advice.
Do not wish to be seen playing safe.
Increasingly, young women are involved in violent encounters that are
really no different from those of their male counterparts. Fights are usually
between two (or more) women, rather than a woman attacking a man.
However, the age of chivalry is long dead, and many men have no
problems about hitting a woman.
This is one area where young women are more at risk than men. Men
are not at risk from the great majority of women (there are exceptions!),
but women are in danger from both sexes, though for slightly different
A dispute between two women that leads to violence will usually be
more or less the same as one between two men. The same ego, pride and
so forth are all at play here, and the same confrontation management
measures can be used to resolve the situation.
Violence between a man and a woman is a different matter. Of course,
if a man is under attack by a woman and feels that there is a real need to
protect himself, he has every right to use reasonable force to do so. Gender
does not enter into it pain and injury are the same, whoever is dealing
them out. But what we are concerned with here is the situation where a
man is using unreasonable force against a woman. This can be very serious,
and sometimes it is entirely avoidable.
Many young women feel the need to behave in a highly confrontational
way. Smart or obscene put-downs, abuse and so on, are all part of the
taking no crap persona that some young women like to wear. They feel
safe because they are female and what man would hit them?
The truth is that behaving this way is highly dangerous. This kind of
conduct causes anger and resentment, and some men will respond
violently. In the authors experience, most young women are totally sure
that they are quite safe and can behave how they please, right up until
someone snaps and throws a punch. The bottom line is that social
convention is not adequate protection if you provoke people someone
will lose their temper sooner or later.
Some young women take this dangerous behaviour a stage further and
do inflammatory things like taking a mans drink in the pub or even
initiating violence with a slap or similar blow. This is dangerous for two
reasons. Most obviously, someone who is angered and outraged by your
actions or who is suffering an instant of sudden shock and pain may
lash out blindly, and a mans response to a slap may be a full-blooded (if
unintentional) punch. Note that we are in no way condoning this merely
pointing out that it happens.
The second danger is that once physical violence (however trivial) is
allowed into a situation, the gates are opened. Its like a switch gets thrown
in the mind subconsciously, the man now feels that it is OK to use
physical force. Many men, who would not normally consider hitting a
woman, have resorted to violence after being struck. Again, we are not
S E L F - P R O T E C T I O N F O R E V E R Y O N E
52 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
condoning this, nor is it worth trying to explain the psychology behind
it. All that matters is that you should be aware of the effect.
Once violence is brought into a situation, it will escalate.
Another situation where women are at risk is when a man feels that sexual
or romantic advances are suitable, and is spurned. Whether a chance
meeting in the pub, a dinner date or an encounter during the normal
business of work, babysitting, going to school or whatever, any such
situation is highly charged, and dangerous.
The great majority of men will deal with disappointment and remain
respectful; some will be unpleasant but would not consider violence. And
some may be on the borderline. The thing to do is to get out of the
situation without conflict. You may feel like giving him some abuse or a
slap, particularly if he has done something physically inappropriate, but
this is extremely dangerous. Again, once violence is allowed into a
situation, it will escalate. A great many rapes are perpetrated after the
woman initiated violence in some way, and of them, the majority could
have been avoided if the victim had withdrawn rather than engaged in an
argument or physical violence. Again, this is not to suggest that a rape
victim is to blame. It is merely advice to help you avoid becoming one.
Get out of any situation you dont like with a minimum of fuss and no
violence triggers. Of course, if you feel sufficiently threatened and
physical action is necessary to prevent something serious from happening,
then act! But dont slap or shout abuse. These are half-measures, taken in
anger, and they will only lead to more violence. To summarise:
If you can, get out of the situation quietly.
If you need to repel a threat, do it.
Dont hit anyone unless absolutely necessary. If you do hit them, dont
take half-measures. Lay them out.
Young people, then, have some difficult challenges ahead if they are to
engage in self-protective behaviour. But the rewards a long, safe life
free from violence are worth it. Just remember that your ego isnt worth
getting hurt over, and social convention will not protect you from someone
whos really intent on hurting you. Try not to give anyone a reason.
Playing the Odds
Self-protection is all about stacking the odds. Youve already begun to tilt them in your
favour by taking steps to avoid attack. But what if it happens anyway?
More odds-stacking can help you here. You can tilt the odds in your favour in several
ways. Training (actually knowing what to do!) is a big help. Being fit (fighting is incredibly
tiring. Most street fighters will be out of breath in a few seconds. Stay out of trouble for
that long and hell become less effective). Alertness is vital too your odds are better if
you actually know the attack is coming!
But the biggest thing in your favour is you, and your determination to get out of this
intact. As long as you dont give up and surrender to your fate, you have a chance.
Role Models and Heroes
It is worth examining the effect of certain types of role model on common
behaviour at this point, if only because understanding the influences on
our conduct will assist us in rejecting certain modes of behaviour. These
comments are aimed at everyone, but particularly young men and women.
We dont mean any insult by this, its just that younger people are often
influenced more by their role models and by extreme role models
than older folks whove seen more and had time to develop a more
balanced viewpoint.
Many of the traits we see as heroic or worthy of emulation are in fact
contrary to good social conduct and enlightened self-protection. The great
majority of heroes admired in our society are warriors, battling devilish
foes and impossible odds. Examples are as diverse as Beowulf, the
Incredible Hulk and Obi-Wan Kenobi. As a culture, we are largely raised
on a diet of dramatised conflict and combat. This is all very well in
entertainment, but it is rather less wholesome in daily life. Real people
have to live with the consequences of their actions, and a single incident
can mar the rest of a persons life or cut it short.
Similarly, the soap operas that make up much of our TV viewing seem
to be an endless round of door-slamming bust-ups. Again, this is all well
and good for the sake of ratings and viewer excitement, but if we behave
that way in our daily lives then we are likely to run out of friends very
54 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
The behaviour of fictional role models runs almost directly contrary
to good sense, and while few people will think to themselves, Batman
wouldnt back down! in a dangerous situation, the things we read or see
on television do exert a subliminal influence upon our behaviour. We
really do identify (even subconsciously) with the characters and their
conflicts. Most of us have surely, at some point, wished we could just let
go and have that huge end-of-series row.
Thus a predisposition towards violence and confrontation runs subtly
through our cultural psyche. It particularly affects young men, but
everyone is somewhat influenced by it. The result is a set of values that
are contrary to what common sense suggests are appropriate in a civilised,
peaceable society.
Specifically, many people are predisposed to admire the following types
of behaviour, which emulate our fictional role models:
Feisty, taking no crap from anyone.
Smart comments and always having the last word.
Confrontational, refusing to back down.
Maverick, disrespectful of authority.
Loud, opinionated.
Brave, risk-taking.
These attitudes can lead to escalation in a confrontation. For example, a
situation that would quietly simmer away to nothing can be brought to a
violent boil by one or both parties involved insisting upon getting the last
At least one serious assault the authors have direct knowledge of
occurred as a confrontation ended. Wisely trying to avoid a fight, one of
the participants we shall call him Andy displayed submissive behaviour
and placated the person who confronted him, despite clearly being in the
right. After successfully managing the dangerous confrontation, Andy
then felt the need to save face among his friends. Jerking his thumb over
his shoulder as he walked away, he made an insulting and dismissive
reference to the person hed just gone to so much trouble to placate.
Andy did not even have time to turn around before being beaten to the
floor and kicked repeatedly. And this happened at the very moment when
the situation was over and the danger past.
The point here is that while participating in loud confrontations,
winning arguments and getting the last word in may be attractive, these
things are dangerous, and all the more so because others are also
predisposed to do the same. It is possible to become locked into a cycle of
escalating provocation until, neither side being willing to back down,
violence ensues.
Of course, in these circumstances, fighting is not self-defence. It is
unnecessary conflict brought about by an unwillingness to undertake
sensible self-protection measures and to act as a responsible and peaceable
citizen. There really is no reason for this to happen, nor any excuse.
It can, however, be very hard to act submissively and to let someone
apparently win out over you. To do so actually requires a strength of
character that bullies simply do not possess. Yet this is heroism of a sort
too. Just as the person who places their life on hold for months or years
to look after a sick or aged relative is every bit as heroic as someone risking
their life in a swollen river or blazing building, so it is also a worthy and
admirable act to keep the peace in the face of provocation.
Truly, there is better karma (and a certain satisfaction) in avoiding
conflict than in creating it. There is also a great deal of satisfaction to be
had from winning in a dangerous situation; winning in a manner that
your prospective opponent cannot even understand. You got what you
wanted that is, you avoided suffering harm or all the consequences that
might ensue from a fight. Therefore, you won. He may have said all
kinds of things, postured for the benefit of the crowd or whatever. He
may even think that he got one over on you. But that doesnt matter. You
quietly got what you wanted from the situation and moved on with your
life. Hell never understand, but you have just got one over on him.
Any idiot can swear or swing adrenaline-fuelled punches. These
behaviours are easy and natural to many people. On the other hand it can
be incredibly hard not to give in to the subliminal predisposition towards
conflict; it can be a tremendous challenge to rise above the primal anger
of the insulted animal. But to rise above these things, to remain true to
yourself despite extreme provocation that requires real strength. Thus,
in a very real way, it is just as heroic to choose not to fight. Its also a
great deal safer!
Learning How to Take a Punch
If you go in for serious training, you may find that the occasional ouch! is part of the
package. Thats fine it happens when training is realistic and really, its no big deal. But
56 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
some people think that in order to learn to defend yourself, you need to learn how to
take a punch.
Self-defence is about learning how not to take a punch because you evaded or pre-
empted it. Self-protection is about learning how not to take a punch by not having fights.
Learning self-defence by being thumped is like learning the Green Cross Code by getting
run over.
Times When You MUST Fight
There are some circumstances where a violent response is the only realistic
option. You will have to decide for yourself whether such a situation is
developing and make the awful decision to fight now rather than put off
the inevitable for a few moments.
Fortunately, such situations are rare. A challenge to fight, issued in
front of your friends, is not one. A situation where there is a grave threat
to others, such as when you see a group beating up an obviously helpless
individual, may or may not be such a situation. You may feel honour-
bound to intervene, no matter what the odds. You may not even think
about it, but just act. These are situations where you still have some
options. It may be that you can best serve the victim by escaping to get
help rather than in making a gallant but doomed charge to the rescue.
One of the most terrible decisions you can face is deciding whether to
act in the face of overwhelming odds when there is an option that seems
to offer safety or at least the postponement of violence. But there are
times when you must do so. Here, we are referring to encounters in
which your survival depends upon acting now.
You must fight whenever the consequences of not resisting are likely
to be worse. You must decide for yourself whether an attacker simply
means to give you a punch and steal your property (which may be
acceptable to you) or whether he means to beat you to the floor and kick
or rape you.
One particular example is in the event of an attempted abduction. The
attacker may be armed or may threaten to hurt you or your loved ones if
you do not comply. Resistance seems daunting and may be very dangerous.
But you can be sure that if you allow yourself to be taken somewhere of
the abductors choosing, your position will be far worse. Resisting where
you are is fraught with risks, but there are escape routes and possible
assistance. This will not be the case if you allow someone else to choose
the ground.
Similarly, if someone tries to tie you up, you face a tough choice. It is
one thing to comply with a robbery, but if you are tied up you become
completely helpless. Your last chance to save yourself will slip away if
you comply. After that, you can only hope to be freed; your fate is in the
hands of the gods.
Hostage situations are similar. Until quite recently, people were well
advised to comply with hostage-takers and avoid drawing attention to
themselves, awaiting a resolution of the situation by the proper authorities.
In recent times terrorists have become more willing to cause mass
casualties. It is no longer as likely that hostages will be peacefully released;
they may be killed to make a statement or simply in passing as part of a
greater design. It seems that in at least some hostage situations, it may be
best to resist, no matter what the odds.
In many ways this is similar to the decision you must make when
choosing to strike pre-emptively. You must analyse the threat and the
likely consequences of not acting, and decide whether or not to attack. If
you do decide to act, pick your moment (perhaps pretending to comply
to put the assailant off-guard) then attack or flee if you can.
Just remember that you may have this one chance to preserve yourself.
Compliance may make you a helpless victim to be toyed with and
murdered at leisure. So pick your moment and act!
Self-protection is more than being able to fight its a way of living.
Threats exist all around you, and can develop at the most unexpected
It is always best to avoid fighting if at all possible.
Sometimes resistance is your best or only option.
Nobody fights fair on the street.
The consequences of an attack can be very severe or even fatal.
The best time to deal with an attack is long before it happens, by
being prepared or by ensuring it does not happen at all.
Everyone has the right to obtain some form of self-defence training,
and should be encouraged to do so.
You have the right to defend yourself and the people around you.
58 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
You may strike pre-emptively if you are sure an attack is about to
Your response must be reasonable, but you may use all necessary
You are permitted to arm yourself in the face of a clear and imminent
threat, but you may not carry a weapon under normal circumstances.
If you are forced to take violent measures to defend yourself, you
must stop when there is no longer a threat. If you do not, you become
a criminal.
And more than anything:
Do not engage in high-risk behaviour. Always act in a manner that
minimises your exposure to threats, no matter what people might
think of you. Your life is precious. Protect it!
Part II: Threat Avoidance and
Chapter 1: Self-Protection
and Personal Safety
Our society is basically a safe, supportive place filled with people who
mean you no harm. Many simply dont care enough to hurt you, while
others are genuinely well disposed towards strangers.
There are, sadly, exceptions to this rule. You can meet one of those
exceptions anywhere, and it is small comfort to the victims or their
relatives that violent assaults are actually quite rare. The fact that it can
happen at all is sufficient reason to assume it will, and to prepare
It is an unfortunate fact that the people best able to take care of
themselves are the least likely to be chosen as victims. This is no
coincidence, but again it is little help to those of us who are not large and
strong. What can the rest of us do?
What we can do is be smart and prepared. We can learn what our
strengths and weaknesses are, and work to exploit or cover them. We can
identify trouble and avoid it, and we can take steps to prepare for situations
we cannot avoid. That means not only acknowledging the possibility of a
violent confrontation, but also thinking through what might happen and
being actively prepared for it.
Self-Protection Begins with the Self
Self-protection really does begin in your own mind. The defensive habits
you adopt, the way you watch for danger and act to minimise it, even the
clothing you wear, can all contribute to your personal safety.
There are other factors too. Preparation is vital. If you are overweight
or unfit, it is worth considering putting in a little effort to correct this.
Fitness has many benefits beyond being able to run from an attacker or
punch him effectively, but those are a good start. It is probably not worth
making a grand resolution to change your lifestyle to be ready for an
60 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
assault that probably will never happen youll never carry it through. A
few subtle changes might be useful, however. Playing a little sport or
going for a walk from time to time are good places to start that wont
disrupt your life too much.
However, much of your preparation can be done in your own mind.
This is where the most important events take place anyway. Develop a
habit of looking around you from time to time. Try to identify potentially
dangerous behaviour or places and avoid them. And most of all, be aware
that violence can happen to you at any time. This simple change in mindset
can help you react more quickly and more assertively to a developing
situation. It could save your life.
So what should you be doing as things start to go off the rails? Heres a
checklist of the most important points:
Understand that this is a threat situation, and that you could get hurt.
Be ready to react, but dont make aggressive moves.
Assess the threat.
Spot additional hazards such as extra assailants or bad terrain.
Look for escape routes or possible assistance.
Decide what you want out of the situation.
The last point is very important. Decide what you want. Most likely this
is for the assailant to leave you alone, but realistically this means escape,
survival, to protect loved ones or some other clear-cut goal. Keep that
goal in mind and dont be distracted from it. As soon as you get a chance
to get what you want from the situation, go for it.
Having a plan like this is a big asset. If you have decided that youll
make a break that way as soon as you can, your actions will be
subconsciously tailored to support your plan. When an opportunity arises,
youll be ready to exploit it without having to think about it, or worse,
missing it because you didnt recognise the opportunity in time.
If your plan is thwarted, look for another chance but be ready to change
your plan to suit the circumstances. Keep assessing the situation, and
keep looking for ways out. By doing this you may be reacting to the
attackers actions, but youre taking control of the situation.
Remember that your focus is not the attacker, but yourself.
If you have to stay, say to protect someone else, then your actions will be
different. You will need to drive off or disable your assailant(s) rather
than simply clearing a space to make a run for it.
Cold and Hot Attacks
Attacks can be subdivided into two types cold and hot. Cold attacks
are premeditated by the aggressor with some gain in mind money or
property, sexual gratification, revenge or the pleasure of hurting a member
(or presumed member) of a despised social, cultural or ethnic group.
Cold aggressors may attack by surprise using stealth or deception or may
close in overtly, enjoying intimidating the victim before striking.
Often there is no warning of a cold attack; a friendly stranger may
suddenly and savagely turn on you. Cold attacks tend to come without
warning unless youre alert for the signs. A cold attacker selects his victim
according to his own criteria maybe you were the only person to happen
along on an otherwise quiet night.
Hot attacks are those where a situation flares into violence due to ego,
pride, temper or some combination of causes. Alcohol is frequently a
factor in such situations as it suppresses the parts of the brain that limit
anti-social behaviour. The victim can be anyone, as the aggressors rage is
often self-fuelling. It is usually possible to see where a hot confrontation
is going and to withdraw or at least be ready.
Cold attacks are pre-planned and begin with deception or stealth.
Hot attacks are made in anger, usually during a confrontation.
Both kinds of attack can be dealt with by the same measures, though they
are applied somewhat differently, as we will see later.
The Self-Defence Formula: ADDER
Rather than rely on any one self-protection mechanism such as fighting
skills or the hope that it wont happen, it is best to create a layered defence
that deflects or avoids some of the potential threats. In this way the great
majority of dangerous situations can be headed off or evaded long before
things get really dangerous.
62 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
The steps to self-protection are summed up by the acronym ADDER.
A basic overview is presented here. Each concept then receives a detailed
treatment in its own chapter.
The first stage of self-protection is to avoid danger wherever possible.
This is largely a matter of common sense. Potential attackers like lone
victims in dark, secluded places where they can do as they wish without
witnesses. Other dangerous places include town centres at night, where
considerable amounts of alcohol are consumed. It is sensible to avoid
such places, but if you job or social life takes you there, then you can
practise other forms of avoidance; avoid aggressive people, and avoid
conduct that might spark or escalate a confrontation.
The most obvious deterrent to attack is, of course, to look like you could
and will tear any aggressor into bloody strips. Failing this, deterrence is a
more subtle matter. For starters, try not to look like a victim. People who
walk briskly and purposefully, looking around them, seem more confident
than those who amble aimlessly along staring at the ground. Smart and
tidy (but not ostentatious) clothes can also make you seem confident and
powerful. Believe it or not, this can deter an attacker. The simple fact
that you seem confident and can see the attack coming may prevent it
from happening at all. Deterrence in its simplest form means not looking
like a victim.
A confrontation can sometimes be defused. In the case of an attempted
robbery this can mean letting the attacker take your property rather than
getting into a fight. When tempers flare, it is possible to head matters off
by accepting abuse and threats without reacting. This may be difficult
when you want to throttle someone, but it really is a better option than
getting into a fight with someone and all their friends too.
When other options fail, you can always evade. This may mean running,
placing an obstruction such as a parked car between you and the threat,
or going into a public building where there are many people around.
The absolute last resort is response. You should be ready to respond right
from the beginning, just in case, but only when all else fails should it
become the option of choice.
Responding means entering into a fight situation (or being ready to).
Response options are varied: evading a blow, striking pre-emptively, setting
off a personal alarm or simply assuming a ready stance. If matters get to
the Respond stage, things are very serious indeed and you must be ready
to do whatever you need to in order to survive and escape. You will have
little or no time to plan or to think, so it is best to know what to do
The ADDER formula suggests the order in which these five layers of
defence apply to a situation. On most occasions the Avoid or Deter stage
is as far as things get you cannot be robbed in an alley if you do not
enter it.
Threats are thinned out by the five layers of defence, so it is highly
unlikely that you will need to respond. However, you should always be
ready to go to the next stage or back to the last one. Forced to respond
to an attack, you see an opening and evade, placing a parked car between
you and your attacker. Another time you try to evade but find your assailant
catching up. Assuming a fighting stance, you look him in the eye, saying
nothing but sending a clear message. He may be deterred, or you may
have to progress to responding. If you do have to, then at least youll be
As a rule, the closer you are to the A in ADDER, the better you are
doing. There is no shame in being attacked and having to respond, but it
is better to avoid, to deter, to defuse or to evade than to risk your safety in
a hand-to-hand scramble.
Whatever Works
A friend of mine once drove the lens end of a torch into the face of a very determined
attacker and screwed the broken glass into his chin. Another friend backfisted her
assailant then gouged his face with her rings. Yet another swung his sons bike by the
handlebars and laid out a local wannabe hard man. Highly trained martial artist that I am,
I have resorted to biting someones foot for lack of a better option.
When you are in imminent danger of serious harm, do something! Its better than
waiting for the inevitable.
T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E F O R M U L A : A D D E R
64 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
The most important tool or weapon you have at your disposal is awareness.
You cant do anything about what you dont see coming.
The authors still use the Green Cross Code when we want to cross the
road. Why? Because we know it works, and because (although weve never
tried it) we know that being hit by a car is bad. It is the same with awareness
of your surroundings. You dont have to get attacked to know that being
punched in the face is unpleasant, and every tool you have to prevent that
from happening depends upon awareness. Practise looking around until
it becomes automatic. And dont just look, see! Learn to note hazards like
people loitering in narrow places or dark areas.
Even when you are in the middle of a fight, you must try to remain
aware of your surroundings and seek an escape route. As a rule, awareness
will serve you best before a situation develops by allowing you to either
avoid it or prepare yourself to deal with it.
Many attacks come by surprise and often from behind. It is very likely
that if you are attacked by surprise, you will be dazed or hurt so much by
the initial onslaught that you cant respond at all. Psychological paralysis
also plays a part here the brain races to catch up with what is happening,
but never quite makes it, leaving you trying to respond to the situation
on instinct rather than rationally.
Being aware of your surroundings means you can (and should) turn to face potential threats.
Someone whod be happy to attack you from behind may well be unwilling to fight you face to face.
And even if he does still attack you, youre better placed to respond if you can see whats coming.
Attackers of this sort could be labelled stealthy. They attempt to get
past your defences by either lying in wait and launching an attack from a
position of concealment or by coming up from behind or on a blind side
while you are distracted by, say, putting the shopping in the car. Many
such stealthy attacks are opportunistic; the attacker sees an opening and
goes for it. If you are obviously alert, the opening may not be there, so
the attack will not take place.
Awareness is far more than just having your eyes open. If you do not
have the correct mindset, you will miss all but the most obvious signals.
Many potential attackers serial killers come particularly to mind here
approach their victims and try to get inside their guard either by deception
or feigning innocence.
Awareness is twofold: seeing threats, and recognising them.
Awareness is useless if you dont act upon it!
Deceptive attackers are likely to approach openly but in an apparently
friendly fashion. Some will ask for or offer assistance. Others will pretend
to know you, or say that they think they do. Bogus meter-readers, date-
rapists and people you know who turn out to be not what they seem also
fall into this category. By chatting amiably, seeming concerned about you
or simply by asking for a light, they will work their way close to you, and
perhaps more importantly, inside your mental guard. When they are close
and you are disarmed by their non-threatening nature, they launch their
devastating attack. You are unlikely to be able to resist it.
Innocent attackers are those who do not actually pretend to be a friend,
but instead wander into your threat zone as if they have every right to
be there. By seeming preoccupied and more or less oblivious to you
and engaged in some innocent activity like using their mobile phone or
hurrying to their car they encourage you to ignore them. Then, having
crept in under the radar, they strike.
All types of attacks that do not begin with a confrontation are, by
definition, cold. The attacker is not the victim of alcohol and temper;
he has deliberately chosen this course of action. The important thing is
that he has time to think, and can quietly abort his attack if he realises
that you are not such an easy target after all. This is where habitual
awareness can protect you. If it is obvious that you are alert, then the
typical cold attacker will probably find someone easier to pick on.
66 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
Awareness, then, is:
The habit of looking around you.
The rational recognition that unknown people may pose a threat.
The willingness to act on the danger signals, whenever they occur.
Danger signals vary. Sometimes you simply get a subliminal feeling that
something is wrong. This is usually a response to body language that you
may not consciously recognise. Sometimes there are no real signals at all,
but an alert person can be tipped off that things are going wrong by the
situation rather than the actions of the person in front of them.
Situational danger signs include:
Someone you dont know trying to get close to you.
A feeling youre being pressured or railroaded into going somewhere.
A feeling that something about the situation is unusual.
The last point is vague, but vital. As an example, a woman in the USA
saved herself from probable rape and murder by listening to her feeling
that something was odd about the man offering to help her. She had
come back to her car in a shopping mall car park to find a tyre flat. As she
was struggling with it, a well-dressed man approached her and offered to
help. He changed the tyre, then put his briefcase in the boot of her car
and asked if shed mind driving him around to the other end of the mall.
Hed come out into the wrong car park, he said. The woman did not feel
that she could refuse; hed helped her out, after all. But it struck her as
odd that hed put the briefcase in the car before asking. A trivial thing,
perhaps, but that and something about his manner made her
uncomfortable. She told him shed forgotten something and had to go
back to get it. He said hed wait. So she went back into the mall and
approached security. The mans briefcase contained nothing except rope,
rubber gloves and knives. And there was nothing wrong with the deflated
tyre other than the fact that the air had been let out.
The signals in this case were not strong, but they were there, and
thankfully this woman heeded them. It is easy not to; not when it means
telling a helpful stranger to go away or refusing to help in return, or
seeming bad-mannered. But survival can depend upon such actions. Thus
awareness is more than seeing the signs of a threat (current or potential).
It is also the defensive mindset that heeds the warning and acts accordingly.
People are afraid of all sorts of things: death, pain, wasps, disfigurement
and suchlike come to mind, but other fears can be equally important;
fear of what people would say, or even fear of being afraid. Despite the
fact that we are afraid of so many things, most of us really do not
understand fear. Thus we have no hope of controlling or harnessing it.
Blind and confused, we can only react to it and become its slaves.
Fear is a strange and powerful thing, capable of rendering a normally
competent and assertive person temporarily incapable of action or
decision. And yet it is a valuable part of the survival mechanism, serving
in part to prevent you from doing something stupid, and in part to trigger
the fight or flight reaction that frequently saved early man from becoming
lunch for something bigger than he was. Fear gave him the strength to
overcome his foe or to outrun it and it can do the same for you.
In any tense situation you will feel fear. This is not cowardice but a
completely normal and pretty much unavoidable reaction to danger. (A
common definition of cowardice, if it matters to you, is the failure to
overcome fear or to maintain self-control sufficient to do what must be
done.) Thus cowardice means giving in to fear, not feeling it; if it were
defined as merely feeling frightened, then there would be exactly two
kinds of people in the world cowards and hopeless psychotics.
Fear is natural and unavoidable. The fact that you are feeling it is
irrelevant anyone would be! What is important is whether you let it
overwhelm you, or let it do its job by preparing you for desperate
physical activity.
The point here is that it is normal to feel fear, and it can work for you if
you understand it or learn to work around it. Besides, much of what you
recognise as fear, isnt actually that. Its the package of hormonal
responses your body makes to a crisis to allow you to perform your best
and get out of trouble.
We do not have space to go into much detail, so let us simply take a few
examples of fear-associated symptoms and try to explain what they really
Leg shake: this is due to adrenaline turbo-charging your muscles.
Used right, this is power, not weakness.
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Heavy breathing: your body needs oxygen to generate energy from
fuel stored in your tissues. Heavy breathing is the way it gets the air it
Tunnel vision: this is your body focusing on the threat. It can be
dangerous, since it can mean you miss something else.
Bladder and bowel discomfort: your body wants to stop burning
energy on waste products and get rid of excess weight, like the contents
of your bladder. This is an unfortunate, but natural, survival reaction.
These things are not symptoms of fear: they are reactions to it! They are
how your body prepares to get you out of trouble. The problem is that
while these responses can bring your body up to an incredible level of
capability, they also mess with your mind. Unable to make sense of what
your body is doing, it is easy to be rendered incapable by these strange
One of the worst manifestations of fear is the red mist that descends
upon some people when they are hurt or angered. This is how a normal,
reasonable person can turn into a raging killer, driven by blind berserker
rage. The line between berserk fury and total fear-induced incapacity is
rather fine, and it is hard to say what will push any given individual over
Fear can make you helpless, or turn you into a raging psychotic.
Fear can be a powerful ally or a terrible master. Tempered by rationality,
fear can give you focus and power. Out of control, it can rob you of
sanity or the ability to act. Fear cannot be banished or made not to exist
for most people anyway. It must instead be tamed and overcome.
The best tool for overcoming fear is training. Firstly, training makes
the fear-inducing situation a little more familiar and thus less frightening.
Secondly, even quite gentle self-defence training can help you get used to
the stress of a live situation. Lastly, and most importantly, you will know
what to do and be used to doing it. Under stress that can be vital. Heres
When you are under serious threat you may not be able to think
rationally. Everything you think you know will be gone. What remains
is what you really do know. This may just be ineffective, instinctive
responses, but it can be trained skills, developed to the point that you
can carry them out no matter what is going on. The choice is yours.
This is why soldiers spend so much time practising the same things. It is
one thing to be able to clear a jammed weapon on the range, but in the
field, in poor light, while desperately tired and hungry, and with people
trying to kill you, a simple task becomes very difficult indeed. A skill must
be second nature if it is to be reliable under these circumstances. The
same applies to self-defence skills.
Fear can be useful to you for two reasons:
If you feel fear, even just a hint of it, then you are perceiving a threat.
LISTEN TO THAT WARNING and look for a way to withdraw
from the situation.
If you feel shaky, have butterflies and a dry mouth, then be thankful!
Your body is primed and ready to go; if you have to fight or run youll
be on record-breaking form.
Fear can also confuse you and render you incapable of doing anything at
all if you allow it to get out of control. The way to avoid this is preparation.
That means get some training, mentally rehearse what youre going to
do, have a plan, and above all, believe that you can get out of this situation
if you can just find the courage to act!
The only thing we have to fear is fear itself ? Well, probably not. There
are plenty of things to cause us to fear. But fear itself is not something to
be afraid of.
Assertiveness versus Aggression
There is a world of difference between aggression and polite assertiveness.
Assertiveness can deter a potential assailant, but reacting aggressively to a
situation is likely to make it far worse. For this reason it is wise to avoid
sudden movements, shouting, bad language and, particularly, threats.
Many potential assailants are bound by normal inhibitions, and are
actually unwilling or unable to make the first move. However, your
aggressive behaviour may trigger his fight! reaction and tip him over
the edge into violence.
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In addition, remember that you are expected to keep the peace, not to
make a threatening situation worse.
If you respond aggressively to a situation and end up in court, your
actions will be judged, and it may be decided that you are partially or
even wholly responsible.
Instead of being aggressive, you should try to assert yourself calmly. This
can be incredibly intimidating to someone expecting a fearful or
adrenaline-filled response. By remaining calm you are less likely to make
a stupid mistake, and nobody can claim you precipitated anything. It also
conceals your intentions so that if you choose to strike pre-emptively it
will come as a big surprise to your opponent.
Assertiveness means refusing to be intimidated by a potential assailant,
but also much more. It means taking control of the situation. The
importance of having a plan has already been mentioned. Such a plan is
only useful if you carry it through, and this requires assertiveness. It can
be hard to find the conviction to order someone out of your way or to
assume a fighting stance in the face of a frightening opponent. If you can
find it in yourself to behave as if you have every right not to be afraid of
this bully, sometimes he will believe it too.
Assertiveness is a strange thing. You may think that you cant control a
situation when you are faced with a violent person determined to do as
he pleases. But humans are not rational creatures. Millennia of instincts
can exert more influence than a few centuries of rationality.
It is possible to control a situation, even when you are outnumbered
and overmatched.
For most of our existence, humans were animals, living among other
animals. We were smart, and we had tools. We could organise hunting
parties and work cooperatively, but we were not above the animals around
us. We did not dominate the planet. Unwary humans could be killed and
eaten by dangerous creatures.
This environment created survival instincts that exist to this day. A
person facing off against you on the street is as much Cro-Magnon man
facing a fearsome prey as he is todays lager lout looking for a fight outside
the pub. On an instinctive level, he is not facing you, he is facing potential
danger. If you give off the right signals, then you can manipulate his
subconscious and thus control the situation.
To put that another way, early man did not square off all alone against
sabretooth and snarl Come on then if you think youre hard enough!
Sabretooth was not a foe to tackle lightly. He inspired fear, and rightly so.
In the dim recesses of the mind, we face sabretooth when we confront
any danger. And so, in the mind of your potential assailant, you can create
a seed of doubt if you give off the right signals. The moment he realises
that you pose the slightest threat, early man peeps out and starts to wonder
Is this sabretooth? Will he kill me? And at that point it becomes possible
for you to dominate the situation. Your opponent is crippled by his own
survival instincts and the doubts they create. You act. You gain control. It
is possible to assert yourself over a potential assailant. But how?
As a rule, you can assert yourself over someone by:
Telling them what you want them to do as if you expect them to do it.
Saying little else, and nothing that sounds weak or confused.
Acting like you expect to be obeyed.
Control of a situation does not end when violence erupts. Everything
you do should be aimed at controlling your attacker and the circumstances
you find yourself in. How you move, and where to, should be chosen by
you and not forced upon you by the assailant. Whether you strike, dodge
or run is your choice. A little training will help you to decide which
option to take and how to carry it out effectively.
Many people never realise that they are simply reacting and allow
control to pass to the other person who often will not realise that he has
control, but simply continues acting as he pleases. It is, therefore,
important to think about what is happening. Is what you are doing the
best option for you? Has it happened by accident or did your assailant
want this?
If you lose control of a situation, try to reassert it as quickly as possible.
If you end up on the floor in a grappling match and dont want it to
continue, take steps to break off and get up as soon as you can. If you are
agile, move and make your attacker come after you. If hes strong, dont
let him get hold of you. On the other hand, if you have some handy
close-in techniques, let him close and give him a nasty surprise. Never
fight on anyone elses terms.
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Assertiveness is about fighting on your own terms and making the most
of what you have by taking control of the situation. To even realise that
you can have control, it is necessary to think about what is going on in a
calm and rational manner. This is where aggression and anger fail. Neither
is rational, and calm rationality is your best hope to get out of trouble.
Stay calm. Take charge.
The Power of Rage and Fear
Four nice, decent young men were at a junction in a car. They went to pull away, then
stopped suddenly as a car came around the corner moving fast. The driver behind (a
lone man) thought theyd gone and began to pull away too. He had to brake hard, but
there was no collision.
The four pulled out and drove off no harm done. But the lone driver followed them
for a quarter-mile, then rammed their car, driving it off the road. For the next 15 minutes
he smashed every panel in the car, broke all the glass with rocks and his feet and the
four men inside just sat and cowered.
They all had mobile phones. None of them even called the police. They could have
overpowered the attacker, but they were paralysed by terror. This is what happens
when people are caught off guard by sudden fear.
Not only was the attacker stupidly, criminally violent, but he was also extremely unwise.
If the four nice young men had been driven to rage by their fear, they could easily have
killed him. Or they might not have been nice at all. He had no way of knowing that they
werent armed, or experienced street thugs. But such was his rage that he launched his
criminal assault, and such was their fear that they were intimidated into passivity. This is
the reality of street violence.
Assertiveness Issues
One common reason why people are confrontational is a lack of
assertiveness. That might sound like a paradox, but it isnt. A problem
can often be dealt with effectively early on with a polite (but firm) word
and an obvious willingness to follow through if need be. However, most
people are not very assertive (its just not that easy!) and tend to allow
situations to grow rather than deal with them. Some of these situations
then explode uncontrollably.
We dont just mean confrontations with a potential for violence here.
It happens all the time in daily life. Weve all encountered the workplace
Can you just which causes immense problems and isnt really part of
our job anyway. Or that moment when you realise that youve just been
fed the thin end of a truly impressive wedge. Having agreed to (or at least
not refused to) do a minor thing, its hard to find a place to draw the line.
Many sales people exploit this fact. How often have you decided to
buy the goods before the sales person mentions the extras package that
only costs a little more but actually doubles the amount of money youll
be parted from? Having already decided to buy, youre amenable to add-
ons that would cause you to reject the deal if you were offered it in one
lump. Sales people on the phone do it too. They say things that you agree
with, and once youve started saying yes its hard to stop (thats one of
the Ultimate Sales Truths, by the way!). Unless you draw the line at some
point, youll buy whatever they want you to.
Drawn lines are worthless unless you defend them. Theres no point
in saying No more! and then caving in for the sake of a quiet life or the
hope that the person threatening you will leave it at that. If you draw a
line or take a stand, you will be challenged. Expect it, and dont give the
slightest hint that you might yield. As soon as someone spots a weakness
in your resolve, theyll push and push until they break through.
A recent political publication suggested an alternative approach to the
war on terror. It suggested that if the West stopped giving people in
other nations reasons to be angry, terrorism would cease. The best defence
is to give no offence, it said. Rubbish. No matter how polite and
considerate you are, how much you give up or give in (and this applies
equally to people and nations), there will always be someone who wants
something from you that you are not willing to give. Pacifists get murdered
No matter how much you are willing to do in order to avoid
confrontation, there will be some point you are not willing to go beyond.
And this is why major confrontations develop. Arriving at the point of no
return will usually take the form of several small steps as the situation
becomes increasingly unpleasant, and there is likely to be no single point
where it feels easy and natural to put the brakes on. But suddenly, youve
had enough. The pile of straws is just too big and you need a new camel.
By this point, you have a certain amount of pent-up unhappiness and
anger, and depending upon the situation, possibly fear. It will come
pouring out, and (however hard you try) your attempt at rational
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assertiveness will come out as angry defiance. And, of course, someone
who has got used to you giving in and doing what they want (over a
timescale of seconds or years; its the same thing) will be annoyed at your
sudden refusal. Your snappish defiance will fuel that anger.
If this is a domestic situation, then a major row is the most likely result.
You might do irreparable damage to your relationship with someone in
the process. Far worse is the situation where someone is trying to get you
to agree to sex, or a similarly volatile situation. Sudden anger and defiance
can lead to violence or rape. Better to head the problem off early if you
can. But that requires you to put your foot down at some point and mean
it. Choosing where and when can be a problem. Its easy to say as soon as
you become uncomfortable with what you are being asked to do, but
when exactly do you hit that comfort threshold? Only you can decide.
Putting your foot down quietly, politely, but in no uncertain manner, is a
tough job. It requires you to develop a degree of assertiveness that most
people dont have.
Drawing the Line
I worked as a teacher in some of the roughest schools in Britain for several years.
Confrontation management and self-protection were high on the agenda. A paradox of
the teaching profession is that if you are attacked by a 15-stone, 6-foot thug in the
classroom and defend yourself in a manner allowed by British law, your career is over.
And the attacker, being a child in your care is unlikely to suffer anything more than a
temporary exclusion from school. But thats how it is.
One thing I learned, more than anything else, was how to draw a line. My authority and
control of the situation were constantly being probed; if you let one trivial thing go,
pretty soon the next line has been overstepped too. Eventually theres a crisis and you
can completely lose control of the situation. (Ive seen it and been there. Its not pretty.)
The only way to avoid this is to draw sensible lines and defend them. No matter how
tired or sick of it all you may be, you have to be consistent. If you say youll do something,
you have to do it. (This is one reason why I never make threats. I do sometimes state
consequences do that and Ill floor you but I never make threats. The only difference
is that I will do what I say, regardless.)
You cannot afford to allow people to trample over your lines. If you give in to threats or
plea-bargaining (just this once; Ill never ask you to do this again, promise) then your
line becomes worthless. The person you gave in to knows that whatever new line you
draw, they can wheedle or threaten their way over, just like this one. As a wise man
once said, As you have said, so must you do.
In other words: No means No! Definitely, absolutely not! No chance! Not now, not
next time you ask and not ever! It is not going to happen! I dont care what Ive said or
done in the past, or that you manipulated me into sort of agreeing to this; Im saying no
here and now and I MEAN IT! and you must be willing to back that up with whatever
measures are appropriate. Chances are, most people will see that you mean exactly
what you say and wont bother to push it.
Developing Assertiveness
As has already been said, assertiveness is useful in gently dealing with
domestic and life problems before they become major issues, in fending
off sales pitches, and in dealing with potential aggressors. But how do
you develop it?
Some people are naturally assertive. They know what they want and
are willing to try to get it, but they have good enough manners to do it
politely. Others have a sort of rough, closed-minded arrogance that makes
them slap down anyone who says something they dont like. This is
actually not assertiveness, but a confrontational mindset that requires
other people to be assertive in order not to be railroaded. But most of us,
raised to be nice, gentle, self-effacing and polite (i.e. good!) people, have
a problem with asserting ourselves. But we can learn to do it. It gets
easier with practice.
First of all, assertiveness stems from self-worth and self-knowledge.
Its not arrogant to feel that you are a worthwhile person, to respect
yourself and to know what you want out of life. And its not selfish to
pursue the things you want its a right we all have, which is balanced
against the need to interact considerately with others.
The first step to assertiveness is to accept yourself as a real, worthwhile
person. You are not just somebodys partner, mum, dad, child, employee
or friend, you are YOU! You exist in your own right as an individual, and
you have the right to be happy. Now you know that its OK to want
certain things (to be safe, not to have to go outside in the rain, not to
leave a party with this person), how do you go about getting them without
causing offence?
Well, first you have to be willing to cause a little offence. Not by rude
words and aggressive behaviour, of course, but you have to be willing to
put your needs first and if that means that someone might choose to be
offended when you say no, so be it. If you know your reasons are good
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for the things you say, then you need not feel guilty or give in to wheedling.
Similarly, you must not worry about what your friends might think. What
is important is what you want. If you dont want to play on the railway
line, have sex with a stranger, or fight someone, even if your peers think
its a great idea, then you have to believe that your opinion is the important
one. They might tease you, but whats that compared to doing something
you really dont want to? Or the risk of being hurt?
Its still difficult to say the words, even now you know its OK to do so,
especially if you have developed a habit of giving in and people expect
you to (or you expect you to!). But you have to. No, Im not willing to do
that or Thats a bit unreasonable, dont you think? Say it quietly and
politely, and without anger. But say it! The confidence to say these things
comes from many places. In part, self-confidence is a habit; you get used
to being assertive and confident, until you stop questioning yourself and
just do it. But self-confidence can also be deliberately and consciously
developed. How?
To develop your self-confidence, collect good things. Not seashells
and 50 notes, but achievements, things youre proud of, reliable and
good friends, happy memories, inspirational stories and similarly positive
things. Keep them in mind. Lets start with appearance. It doesnt matter
how attractive you are, you can bolster your self-confidence by knowing
youre well dressed and you look good. (You dont have to become a
fashion victim, just dress in a manner that makes you feel good.)
Now, what else have you got thats good? A nice smile? A voice people
like to hear? Do you come over as honest and reliable because you make
eye contact and take care to tell the truth? These things are viewed
positively by others; knowing that will help develop your self-confidence.
Go too far and youll have a fat ego, but dont worry about that. You can
learn humility some other time.
Turning to your inward treasures, what have you got to give you
confidence? Mastery of physical skills is a great confidence-builder. Not
just self-defence skills (though these are useful in so many ways), but
other physical skills. Are you fit? Can you juggle? Are people impressed
with your rock-climbing ability or the amazing pencil sketches you draw?
Can you sing? Dance? Play an instrument? Are you good with children,
or plumbing, or computers? Are you good at struggling your way through
a problem or puzzle just on intuition or determination? Is there someone,
anyone, who loves you? A friend or a relative that relies on you?
Once you start thinking about it, you should be able to come up with
a whole list of things you can do, or things that you are, that are worth
feeling good about. You dont have to be the best, or even very good; you
just have to be good enough to feel good about what you do and what
you are.
The train of thought that leads to self-confidence looks like this:
What can I do? Whats good about me?
Hey, Im not such a loser after all!
In fact, Im a pretty worthwhile person.
If I can do all that, then what else could I achieve if I had the confidence
to try?
Lets find out!
Thats the first half of assertiveness; feeling good about yourself and being
self-confident. The second half can be learned. Its hard at first, but with
practice it gets easier. The telephone is a great training aid for assertiveness.
Heres how it works: at some point your phone will ring, probably around
teatime, and an unknown person will begin telling you how amazingly
good something is in the hope of selling it to you. Most people are annoyed
by this sort of cold calling, though sometimes the product is attractive
enough to make them want to buy it. However, most people who do buy
are manipulated into it by the caller. Thats their job, you see. And while
its just someone trying to make a living, they are intruding into your life
so you might as well get some benefit out of it (and you may even decide
that you want to buy their product, after all!).
The pitches these people are trained to use are designed to lead you to
a buying frame of mind. Theyll start you saying yes, offer you something
fabulous, and slip the expensive part in quietly. Its all based on well-
researched psychological principles, though many cold-callers dont know
that. Theyre just doing what theyve been trained to do. Normally its a
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nuisance, but you can practise assertiveness in this harmless situation
(just be careful not to buy a conservatory or a Pacific island).
Youre probably familiar with the vague feeling of being led and not
knowing what to do as the pitch unfolds. Exactly the same factors are at
play here as when a situation starts to go out of control or someone starts
to overstep your lines.
So here you can teach yourself to break out of the situation. Interrupt
the sales person with a question, and when they repeat a rehearsed
textbook answer telling you some great feature of their product, dont
accept that as the answer demand that they directly answer your question
rather than rattling off pat phrases. Question the details. Get answers,
not standard phrases. And smirk to yourself at the manipulative ego-
boosting things they say to you, since you now know them for what they
If youre asked for bank data, refuse to give it. Say, I dont give out
financial information on the phone. But I am interested please send
me your literature. Many companies that get business by cold calling
like this will lose interest at this point; they want to sell you something
right now. Theyll give you all sorts of reasons to give them your bank
details. Dont (thats a good idea in general, by the way).
Similarly, dont agree to have a sales person call (unless youre really
interested in the product, and who knows, you might be!). Ask for
literature and brochures, and say youll talk it over with the family and
decide if you want to take it further. This is a good idea in any case when
dealing with cold-callers.
One of the authors has a habit of cross-examining cold-callers like this
as a test of the firms worthiness and refuses to deal with those who
treat him as a mark. Firms that treat you like a human being and are
willing to accommodate your requirements are more likely to be
trustworthy and do a good job or have a good product than those who
just consider you a sales target and try to hustle you through a set
procedure to buying, with no regard for your needs, your feelings or
your humanity.
If you feel that its a bit unkind to do this kind of thing to a sales person
whos just trying to make a living, then dont do it. But these people
intrude into our lives and try to manipulate us with their trained pitches.
Its nothing more than an occupational hazard if you want to ask some
awkward questions. And it is a good way to learn to break out of a situation
where someone is leading you.
Assertiveness can be practised at all times in your daily life. When you
buy something and are offered optional extras that cost more; when
you make arrangements with your friends in almost any interaction
you have with other human beings. In general, to become more assertive:
Spell out what you want from people and stick to what you agree.
Expect them to do the same. (For example, Sure, Ill give you a lift.
But I need you to meet me at 7.30 and I wont hang around if you
arent there.)
Dont tolerate people letting you down. You dont have to be rude,
but do ask why if they dont do what they say they will. Give them
one chance, but thats all.
Be willing to compromise with people. Ask them what they want/
need from the situation and explain what you need in return. But
remember where the lines you draw are, and make it clear that theyre
not negotiable.
Do what you say you will, even if you dont want to.
Defend the lines you draw. Dont be persuaded into changing your
In a dangerous situation, you first have to realise that youre not happy
with how things are going (awareness). Your best bet is to act early, closing
the door before things can get out of hand. If you can make excuses or
use humour to soften your words, then thats great, as long as your
meaning remains clear and its obvious that you arent going to change
your mind. In a threatening situation, the steps to assertiveness are:
1) You realise you dont like whats happening, or what is potentially
going to happen.
2) You decide what you do want, or how far you are willing to
3) Once youre sure you know what you want, make it clear to everyone
4) Stick to what youve said and dont even show the slightest sign of
changing your mind.
Assertive phrases neednt be harsh or particularly forceful. All they have
to do is make it clear what you want or are going to do. Examples include:
80 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
I dont want to do this/go there.
Or (chuckle) we could not. Lets do this instead
I have to go now.
Id rather not, thanks.
Id rather you didnt do that, if you dont mind
I cant I promised (whoever) that Id be back by now.
Id better be off I turn back into a pumpkin at midnight!
Sometimes it helps to offer a reason for what you say, at other times
theres no need. Thats something to judge according to the situation,
but dont get all long-winded and apologetic. Youre stating what you
want and you have a right to do that. Just do it. If a light-hearted, humorous
or gently polite approach doesnt work, you can try a flat statement still
polite, still non-aggressive, but no messing about any more:
Have a little respect, will you? I said no.
I cant/wont do that, so theres no point pushing it.
I dont care what I said earlier Im saying no now, and I mean it.
Dont EVER try to do that again.
Im leaving. No, you cant come with me.
A direct stare and blunt statement cannot be mistaken. Some people will
still refuse to take you seriously, and you may have to retreat or even fight
your way out of a situation, but if you establish clear ground rules early
on, and make it obvious that theyre not flexible, then the chances are
that you wont have to.
Assertiveness is difficult, yes. But if you learn to act assertively then
youll have less stress, less danger, more respect and a better chance to get
what you want from your life. Dont go too far and become an arrogant,
demanding person who upsets people with their abrasive attitude, but
there is a happy medium where you become a confident, reliable person
with whom everyone knows exactly where they stand, but who is polite,
friendly and reasonable in their dealings with others. Thats a pretty good
person to be.
An Attacker may not be Obvious
Some potential aggressors might as well hang a sign around their neck, but others can be
frighteningly subtle. This is particularly true of serial killers and the like, who have been
known to use very devious methods to get their victims off guard. It is hard to tell the
good from the bad, and not worth being paranoid over. You cant just shut yourself off
from the world. However, it is worth remaining on guard.
A woman struggling with her broken-down car and two distraught children was
approached by a seemingly friendly man who offered to help. He seemed harmless, but
he wasnt! He was a skilled martial artist who could easily overpower this woman,
especially with the advantage of surprise. Yet she was happy to trust this potentially
dangerous, total stranger. Within minutes her guard was completely down. Relaxed,
Code White, trusting, she was extremely vulnerable to anything he decided to do. People
have disappeared in these circumstances.
In this case the man was one of the authors, and his intentions were good, but that might
not have been the case. You cant put up walls against all of humanity, but its wise not to
trust someone you met five minutes ago, and particularly not someone who approaches
you at a time when youre already vulnerable.
The Hidden Benefits of Being Prepared
There is peace of mind to be found in the knowledge that you are prepared
for the worst and that at need you can protect your loved ones. But the
benefits inherent in self-protection go further than this. The chief benefit
is freedom from fear. Fear is debilitating, especially when it is of the long-
term sort, with no relief or resolution possible. Fear increases stress and
takes its toll on our health, happiness and quality of life. By confronting
the reality of self-protection, you can obtain freedom from fear, and live
life more fully.
This sounds like a contradiction, since acknowledging the need for
self-protection also means accepting that there is a real risk of attack.
However, it is better to understand the risks and to know that measures
have been taken to reduce them, than to harbour dangerous illusions.
Besides, the worst fear is fear of the unknown, and while it is not pleasant
to think of robbers and thugs, they are at least known quantities and
threats that we know how to deal with.
82 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
In being aware of and understanding both the risks and the defences
available, we can achieve the best peace that can be found in our flawed
world. This is just one of the many paradoxes that fill our lives.
Permanent Damage
Physical injury is not the only consequence of an attack. Sometimes the mind can take a
long time to heal and sometimes it never does. Rape or physical injury can change a
person permanently, long after the scars have healed. One factor in the mental recovery
process is how much a person blames him- or herself for the attack.
Someone who feels that they could have done more to resist or prevent the attack may
develop this misplaced self-blame, and some go so far as to feel that they collaborated or
even made it happen. There doesnt have to be any basis for this; traumatic experiences
do strange things to the mind.
Research has shown that people who know they did their best to prevent or resist an
attack recover most quickly and fully. People who passively submit normally suffer the
worst and most lasting trauma. This is, of course, assuming that the attack went ahead
despite the best efforts of the victim. The purpose of resistance is to prevent that!
Confidence, Success and Health
There are benefits to be gained from the physical side of preparedness
too. If you undertake some form of training (this might be for fitness or
directly related to self-defence) then you will enjoy increased fitness and
health. For a very modest input in terms of time and effort, general fitness
can be improved considerably. This is beneficial in combating stress,
increasing resistance to disease, and generally improving your quality of
life. Your confidence will also improve. Knowing that you can defend
yourself may seem to be of little value in the classroom or the workplace,
but that confidence spills out in other ways. Other people will see it,
even if you dont. Learning self-defence is learning to take charge of your
life, and that does not end when you leave the gym or dojo. Learning for
its own sake is a worthwhile use of your time, and along the way you will
meet new friends. You will also learn to look at a problem and work out
how to deal with it. This is a valuable life skill that so many of us lack.
Its hard to confront a problem. (This is not the same thing as confronting a person!)
Wouldnt it be easier to ignore the situation? Well, yes. But problems tend to grow if
theyre allowed to. Heres an example.
We moved quite recently into a nice house in a nice neighbourhood. The place we lived
before was nice enough, too, but for a time it was marred by a young man whod
moved in next door. Hed party (loudly!) until one, two or even four in the morning, on
average five nights a week. Id then have to get up at 6 a.m. and drive for an hour to get
to work. It was intolerable.
But nobody wanted to confront the problem. It was easier to say maybe itll be quiet in
a few minutes than to confront this person and (usually) his drunken friends. Once the
pattern was established, he felt that he had the right to behave as he chose. It got worse;
bottles, used condoms and drugs-related refuse were left scattered about the local
gardens. The noise was louder and for longer. The entire neighbourhood suffered, and
when people complained, feuds started. His friends were determined to fight for their
right to party.
Everyone around suffered for an entire year. The gang (no other word for them)
deliberately intimidated people to prevent them interfering. For a long time nobody
really did anything about it. We didnt want to make things worse; we felt that we were
being unreasonable (!), and we had all manner of other reasons not to deal with the
problem. But eventually the lost sleep and stress became intolerable. Our lives were
being run by a gang of 18-year-olds. Not hard men or even criminals (other than their
drugs use and vandalism). It might have been prevented at the beginning if someone had
acted, but we didnt.
Eventually, the rest of us got together and took action through the local council. They
applied new anti-social laws and built a legal case with our help. Eventually the young
man was evicted from his rented home and he had no idea who made that happen.
Our lives returned to normal, though the strain had told on some relationships and on
the health of some residents, and there were lasting effects of other sorts too. I resolved
that this would never happen to me again. As soon as it started again, Id deal with it.
After several months in my new home I was awakened from my customary Saturday-
evening doze by thunderous music from next door. The house was rocking. I fretted
about it for a while. I liked my neighbour; this had never happened before. Surely it
would stop any instant. I really did not want to confront him. Apathy held me back. But
I had to do it. I went round, angry and ready for a row (psychological baggage from
earlier incidents; loud music from next door instantly makes me dangerously angry). At
the last second I grabbed the reins and spoke nicely. I apologised for bothering my
neighbour, but told him that his music was disturbing me.
84 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
He was about to go out; hed been drinking and had thoughtlessly cranked the stereo
right up. He was embarrassed and apologetic, and dismissed my apology for bothering
him, saying that I was right, he was out of line. This was the very first time he did this; it
was also the last, since he knows what I think about it and that Ill act on my displeasure.
A potential problem just went away. But I wonder how it would have turned out if Id
stood on his doorstep and made demands or threats?
Training and Reaction
It is a strange fact that when a crisis develops many people dither around
uselessly. This is sometimes because they simply do not know what to
do, but it has as much to do with an unwillingness to get involved as
anything else. Those who are trained and know what to do will plunge
right in and get on with dealing with the problem. Others may follow
them to assist once someone makes a move, but that initial unwillingness
to do anything can cost lives.
Self-defence training is primarily useful in that you will know what to
do in a violent situation without having to invent something off the cuff.
But the mindset that goes with the training is useful everywhere. When
fire breaks out or someone is injured, you may not have the specific
training to deal with the situation, but you will have one important edge;
you have the habit of assessing a situation and formulating a response.
That habit of getting in amongst it and dealing with the problem can save
One of the habits you will develop as you study self-defence is the
habit of threat analysis. This is the art of spotting danger and assessing
the level of threat it poses. Very soon you will begin to apply the concept
to your daily life. This can help you avoid accidents in the kitchen or on
the road, and to generally go about your business in a safer manner. It is
a particularly useful skill for those with small children. Things long taken
for granted and considered safe can pose a deadly threat to a baby or
small child. Your new habit of looking for danger could avert a tragedy.
Be aware of your surroundings at all times.
Fear is natural. It can make you helpless or psychotic, or it can give
you the edge you need.
Be prepared well in advance; get some training if you can.
Most situations can be headed off by assertive but non-confrontational
Remember that violent self-defence is the last line of defence. Employ
other measures first if you can.
86 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
Chapter 2: Avoid!
Self-protection is about more than dealing with one attack. It is a matter
of protecting yourself from the attack and any consequences that might
have come of it. It is a matter of staying safe. If an incident can be headed
off at the cost of a few insults, aspersions on your parentage or sexuality,
then this is clearly a better option.
Better Not to Fight At All
Take, for example, a situation where youre going about your normal
business when someone suddenly approaches you and demands to know
what youre looking at. He struts and postures a bit, acting the hard man.
There is no reason that you can see for this behaviour, but it is happening
right here and now, and you are the target. This is the decision point: do
you try to defuse the situation, acting assertively or submissively as
necessary (and accepting whatever insults the potential assailant may
choose to hand out) or do you allow yourself to be sucked into a verbal
exchange that gradually slides towards violence?
Let us imagine that words were exchanged, tempers became frayed
and violence ensued. Lets further assume that you came off best in the
ensuing scuffle which is by no means certain. You may have successfully
defended yourself, but it may be that your problems are only beginning.
It is possible that the attacker will get together with his friends and come
looking for you. Next time you may be attacked without warning by four
or five people. Possibly with weapons. Or you may have injuries sustained
in defending yourself. You may have to go to court if your assailant was
seriously injured.
As a wise man once said, Contrary to what conventional wisdom has
to say on the subject, violence really can solve a problem. Sadly, it is likely
to create at least three new ones at the same time. On the other hand, if
you were able to defuse (or flee) the incident, the potential assailant may
think youre a coward or a fool (do you actually care what they think of
you?), but the whole can of worms remains firmly sealed shut. This is
why it is better to avoid fighting altogether. But if there is no other way
out then fight hard and win.
An Offer to Fight Might be a Trap
A couple returning to their car was suddenly deluged with abuse from a man who was
hanging around the car park. He threatened and abused the couple from a distance, and
invited the man to fight with him, increasing the severity of his taunts as the couple warily
continued on the way to their car. They left the car park and went home.
A few minutes later, a man was beaten, stabbed and robbed in the same car park. Police
believe that he was offended and went over to sort out the man shouting abuse, and
was suckered into a trap set by a gang. He died.
The first layer of your defences lies in avoiding trouble altogether. That
may sound obvious, yet it can be seen from the actions of so many people
that it is not at all obvious. Or perhaps it is obvious, yet they find reasons
not to do it. It is unfortunately true that many people get hurt because
they go in harms way needlessly and are unprepared for what they find.
Unless someone has a grudge against you, an attack will be impersonal.
You are a potential victim, a target of opportunity, nothing more. That
may seem insulting, but it is actually to your advantage. If you do not
offer a potential attacker a good opportunity to attack you (it is, of course,
better not to give him any opportunity at all!) then he is unlikely to chase
after you seeking a better chance; hell let you go and wait for some other
potential victim. Some attackers do select a target and follow them, seeking
a good moment to strike, but the same principle applies if there is no
good opportunity, you will not be attacked.
The first stage in threat avoidance is understanding. Not of how and
why attacks occur that isnt important just yet. What we are interested
in is where and when, so we can avoid those situations. Potential attackers
favour certain locations and situations. Other situations have a way of
throwing up random confrontations. You can reduce your vulnerability
to attack by keeping exposure to these places to a minimum. Without
getting into how and why attacks take place, let us imagine that there is a
percentage chance of being attacked associated with any place (as long as
you and a potential aggressor are both present there).
You already know what sort of places are high on the threat scale. Ask
yourself if you are likely to be mugged in the foyer of the local police
A V O I D !
88 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
station or to get into a fight at the Returns desk of the library? So where
are you likely to be attacked? Think for a few seconds and youll suddenly
remember being uncomfortable the other night when you were all alone
in the street, or when those young men came into the bar and started
fooling around.
The point is that while many people cheerfully blank out the possibility
of attack, they already know the sort of places that should be avoided.
These come in two flavours. One sort is dark, secluded and removed
from discovery or any possible assistance by distance or barriers such as
walls and bushes. This is the domain of the gang, the mugger and the
rapist, who know that they can do as they please in such places without
fear of interruption.
Dark and secluded places are potentially lethal.
The other sort of high-threat area is noisy and full of people. Normally
the latter indicates a measure of safety, but with alcohol (and maybe drugs)
to amplify emotions or cloud judgement, the town centre on a Saturday
night is a high-risk area. No matter how many people are about, how
close the police may be, or how many CCTV cameras are pointed at
them, some people will become violent as a result of alcohol, a gang
mentality or some random factor like a messy break-up ten minutes ago.
One disturbing trend in recent years is for uninvolved passers-by to run
up and kick anyone who is on the ground. Far from being a source of
assistance, the boozy crowds may hide an extra threat.
Crowds of town-centre drunks are just as dangerous as lonely places.
This happens far too often in our society. If you are forced to the ground, you must get back up.
Passive covering will just delay the inevitable.
People who have been attacked often search for a meaning or a reason for the assault.
They wonder if it was their own fault. It wasnt. It never is. No matter how unwise
someones actions are, no matter that they should not have been in that place, or doing
that thing unless you are the one who initiates violence, youre not the one to blame!
Looking for reasons is often pointless. I have been threatened and even attacked simply
because I was there. On one occasion, I visited a city Id never been to before on the
same day as an important football match. Some fans of the away team decided to pick a
fight because (in their beer-addled minds) I was a local, and therefore a fan of the home
team, i.e. a member of the other side and by inference, a perfectly legitimate target for
a beating.
I didnt try to explain how and why they were mistaken. (I wasnt a local, and wasnt
aware that the city had a football team, let alone being a supporter!) But none of that
mattered. I was a target and they were going to attack me. I demonstrated a self-defence
theory that Ive held for some time: a sufficiently motivated sober person can run faster
than several drunken ones!
I know people who have been attacked because they were students, Jewish, Muslim,
gay, fans of an obscure football team, not fans of a prominent football team, wearing a tie
with cartoon animals on it (!) or on the ground nearby and an easy target It doesnt
have to make sense anywhere outside the attackers head, so dont believe that just
because there is no reason, an attack wont happen.
Threat Avoidance
Threat avoidance is a matter of common sense. Stay out of areas that are
high on the threat scale, or at least limit your exposure to them. Trust
your instincts and think about what you are doing and what other people
might be doing. Some (hopefully all) of the following circumstances
should be obvious as high-threat situations.
Dark streets and alleys.
Secluded areas such as parks and car parks at night.
Areas where gangs congregate or hang around.
Rough bars and pubs.
Town centres at night.
Areas, and especially pubs, near a sports stadium on match day.
90 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
There is, however, more to it than this. If someone has decided to attack
you, he will choose a moment when you are vulnerable and when he can
gain most from the confrontation. In our daily lives, we are especially
vulnerable or attractive to attackers at particular times. These include:
When we are using an ATM or cashpoint machine.
When we are coming out of the bank.
In public toilets.
While fumbling with car or house keys.
When we have been drinking.
When we are alone or far from help.
When we are already distressed by other circumstances.
When our hands are full of shopping or other objects.
If we seem weak or helpless due to age, manner or appearance.
When driving, wherever we are forced to stop.
The other thing that makes us particularly attractive to a potential assailant
is when we are Code White that is, not taking any real notice of the
surroundings and any possible threat that might be encountered.
Interviews with criminals suggest that the great majority of attacks for
gain (cold attacks) are carried out on people who seemed like a good
target precisely because they were not alert to the possibility. Surprise is a
great ally, and criminals know this. Easy targets will be chosen in almost
all cases.
You can also try to avoid people who seem to be or are becoming a
threat. While you are out and about you should be aware of potential
threats and prepared to respond if necessary as a matter of course (Code
Yellow). You will be able to spot people that seem to pose a threat.
Trust your instincts they are pretty good, despite the veneer of
civilisation! It may be nothing tangible, just a feeling about the way
someone is lounging half out of sight in a doorway or the attitude of a
group of young men on a street corner. When the radar sends you a
warning like this, act on it. You are already in proximity to the threat, so
complete avoidance is unlikely to be an option. A discreet U-turn is always
a possibility though. Who cares if it makes you late or its obvious you
were nervous? Better that than the possible alternative! Discretion is the
very best part of valour.
There are ways to minimise the danger posed by individuals. You can
cross the street to put some distance between you or walk by screened by
a lamp-post or other pedestrians. The majority of potential attackers dont
care enough to go to any trouble theyll act if an opportunity drops in
their lap; otherwise they probably wont bother.
There is a third factor in threat avoidance, particularly in the case of a
potential hot attack. Avoid confrontation and do not be drawn into an
argument or a shoving match. Although it may be hard to keep your
temper and to resist the temptation to get a few choice words in, just
dont do it. There is a script that confrontations tend to follow. The
scene builds up from a seemingly minor incident into a violent
confrontation that can end with you being kicked to death on the floor. If
it starts, break the script and play the scene out on your terms.
Better yet, avoid being drawn into the situation in the first place.
Someone looking for trouble may well be liquored up, trying to impress
his mates or a girl, or he may decide to take exception to something you
do, or wear, or possibly something he thinks you are. Its not important.
What matters is that you may be able to avoid becoming his chosen victim.
When around potentially aggressive people follow these simple guidelines:
Keep your distance. You cant accidentally jostle someone if youre
not close. Similarly, they cant jostle you to try to get a response.
Dont make eye contact if you can help it. Many potential aggressors
see this as a challenge or a tacit agreement to a confrontation.
If your eye is caught, break contact. Dont get drawn into a staring
match. Sometimes just looking away is fine, as if you were just looking
around. Alternatively you can half smile and vaguely wave, mouthing
a greeting as if you think you know him but arent sure. He may
think youre an idiot, but its a graceful way to disengage.
Always be ready to withdraw, back down, placate someone or even
leave the building. If someone starts demanding to know what youre
looking at or tells you to stop eyeing his girlfriend, its better to
apologise and say you dont want any trouble than let your temper
flare and get drawn in.
Keep your temper and maintain your focus. It doesnt matter that
this isnt your fault or that you werent doing what he says you were.
Just remember what you want out of this confrontation to get out
without a fight. You win if that happens, whatever he says.
92 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
Avoiding dangerous places and dangerous people is the first layer of your
defences. Around 80 per cent of potential threats can be nullified simply
by ensuring that you are not in a place where you can be easily attacked at
the same time as a potential attacker.
If you have to defend yourself, even if you win, there may be further
problems. Thus the very best response to a difficult situation is to
avoid it altogether.
Avoid dark, lonely places.
Avoid potentially dangerous people.
Be aware of the times you are most vulnerable, and act to minimise
Be willing to openly turn around and go elsewhere.
If a situation starts to develop, look for a way out. Dont be drawn in!
Chapter 3: Deter!
It is not always possible to avoid dangerous situations or people.
Sometimes you will have a reason to be in harms way. Other times, trouble
will find you and usually when you dont expect it. So the first layer of
your defences has failed. No problem; there are plenty of options left
and dont think that avoidance is useless because a threat leaked through
that layer. You may never know how many threats you have successfully
dealt with by being somewhere else.
Having failed to avoid the situation, we now move on to deterrence.
We will assume that you and the potential attacker are in reasonable
proximity. You can see one another, but nothing has happened yet. It is
time to evaluate the danger.
Threat Analysis
Threat analysis is simply the skill we all have (to some degree) of spotting
dangerous people or situations and weighing up the odds. Threat analysis
tells us how likely we are to be attacked and how serious the threat is.
That in turn leads to an informed choice about whether to withdraw,
fight, run or surrender. We instinctively conduct a threat analysis whenever
a situation presents itself. We become uncomfortable, even frightened, in
situations where we could be in danger. This is a good thing if we use it
The single biggest obstacle to threat analysis is complacency. Many
people wander about in a state of complete Code White numbness. The
brain cells charged with threat analysis may well be jumping up and down
and screaming something about dark alleys, gangs of youths armed with
baseball bats and the wad of money in your hand, but onward you amble,
until the threat grows so big and so obvious that you cant ignore it. By
then, of course, youve had it.
The other end of the spectrum is not a good place to be, either. If you
are hypersensitive to threats then youll become a nervous wreck who
overreacts to the slightest threat by running away screaming or piling
into everyone who comes within reach. Neither is particularly desirable.
Somewhere between hypersensitivity and total brain anaesthesia is an
enlightened, balanced state of mind where you are aware of potential
danger and are ready to act, but are firm enough to discount trivialities.
94 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
In this alert but confident state you can analyse the threat and act calmly
and responsibly to it. That does, of course, include taking violent measures
even pre-emptively if necessary or fleeing back the way you came,
but at least youll be doing these things in a reasoned and responsible
Threat analysis is a matter of common sense (what in the self-protection
field is not?). People who have violence in mind give off subtle (and
often less than subtle!) signals. Your instincts know how to read them.
Strong clues include:
As you approach, an individual keeps looking in your direction, then
quickly away again, and is acting excessively nonchalantly.
Members of a group look in your direction, exchange words or a
nod, and begin to move (purposefully or otherwise) in your direction.
Individuals move to close off your path or escape route or to surround
Twitchy or agitated movements.
Short words. People about to attack you tend to use short words and
Attention fixed on you.
Eye contact.
Expression. Hostility is usually easy to read.
Posture. Splayed arms or hands that seem to want to grasp something.
Tension, sudden movements and an inability to keep still.
These are very strong clues and are certainly sufficient that you would be
justified in preparing for violent self-defence or flight. You would be very
foolish to ignore such clues, though many people do.
Some attackers (of the cold variety) may try to seem calm, friendly and
helpful to gain your confidence. That way, they can get you into a
vulnerable situation or persuade you to lower your guard before striking.
Often someone who operates in this way will slip, letting you catch a
glimpse of their real intentions. But by then your first impression of a
nice, friendly or harmless individual will be firmly fixed, and you will
probably ignore conflicting signals unless you are very alert. So be very
cautious with strangers, especially when you are alone with them for the
first time.
It is also possible to determine the level of threat by a quick glance.
Some things about a potential attacker will quickly give you an impression
of how much trouble you are in. These include:
Physical size
Obvious ferocity
Appearance (tough, or rough)
However, some of these impressions can be misleading. Someone who
appears rough and ferocious to the point of caricature may actually have
nothing to back up their intimidating appearance. Whether or not its
worth taking the risk is an open question. But this serves to illustrate the
other side of the threat analysis coin. A potential attacker will be evaluating
the threat too, and you can use this to deter an attack.
Deterring Cold Attacks
Unlike in the Avoid phase, the reason for the attack or potential attack is
important. A cold attacker is looking to gain something and will be careful
in selecting his victim. Remember that:
An attacker does not want a fight, he wants a victim.
The motive for a cold attack will be to get your possessions or money, to
rape you or to hurt you for pleasure. The potential attacker will weigh
the prospect for gain against the amount of trouble he is likely to have to
go to or the prospect of getting hurt before making his decision. If
you seem like the sort of person who will make him work for his gain,
hell probably look for a better risk-to-gain ratio.
Think of it as a see-saw. If an attacker perceives that the gain end is
heavier than the risk end, he is likely to attack. The other way around,
and unless hes desperate, hell back off. If the see-saw is fairly balanced,
then it could go either way. What actually happens is determined by how
badly he needs the gain that he perceives and how you handle yourself.
96 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
How to tip the see-saw in your favour is dealt with in Target Hardening
for Beginners, below.
Note that we project power on a subliminal level, and an assailant will
pick up the signals even if they lack the brain capacity to understand why
you seem powerful. A powerful or empowered person comes across as
someone who is:
Aware of what they want and that includes not being attacked.
Used to getting what they want. They wont surrender easily.
Not used to backing down. Theyll put up a hell of a fight.
Assertive. Theyll act with authority and effectiveness.
These are things that no potential assailant is looking for in a victim.
Indeed, an empowered person is not likely to be a victim or at least, not
to act like one. They may still become a victim, be overcome by surprise
or strength or cunning, but they wont give up willingly. That mental
picture is quite a deterrent to the potential attacker. But how do you
achieve this image? Do you need bulging biceps and a tight vest to show
them off? A shotgun under your arm? Well, those would help. But for
normal people, the image of empowerment is projected like this:
Tidy appearance. It says I know what the world thinks of me, and I
care what it thinks; I am aware of my surroundings.
Dark clothing. For some reason, dark clothes are seen as powerful.
Confident, relaxed attitude. It shows that you are in control of the
Brisk, purposeful movements. They show that you know what you
are doing and how to achieve your aims.
The image of empowerment is nothing to do with fighting skills. It is
more a subconscious thing, whereby some people are seen to be in charge
of their life and surroundings, and others are not. The image can be
entirely false, yet it influences people very strongly.
Put simply, a scruffy individual ambling along, head down and
apparently purposeless, is likely to come over as someone who doesnt
care what happens, thus a victim, while a tidily dressed individual,
obviously going somewhere and alert to their surroundings, is seen as a
much harder target. Sufficient potential gain may make an attacker take
the hard target, but the odds of your survival are better if you reduce the
apparent gain while increasing the power you project. This will also
increase your chances of talking your way out of trouble or forcing
someone to back down by acting assertively. The psychology of this
phenomenon does not concern us. It is simply useful, so we will use it
for all it is worth.
Deterring Hot Attacks
Someone who is angry (at you, or in general) is still attacking for gain
he wants to release his anger by hurting someone. But his threat analysis
is likely to be skewed by his anger. Other gains may be seen as peripheral
advantages, but for the most part his end of the see-saw is weighted by
his fury.
Passive measures as described in Target Hardening do work against a
hot attacker, but they are generally less effective. Even someone who is
very angry at you is unlikely to launch an assault as you stroll with six
other members of the Domestic Wolf Owners Association and your pets,
but for the most part you are likely to need the measures described under
Confrontation Management. Of course, by practising basic target
hardening you make yourself less likely to be picked for a Hot
confrontation in the first place
Triggering Violence
One statistic that stands out about assaults and particularly rape is how often the victim
initiates the violence in the situation. This is not to say that the victim was to blame that
is never true! But sometimes a person, feeling threatened, will strike out, usually with a
push or slap that it supposed to say enough of that!
Many assaults are triggered by this action. The situation is teetering on the edge of
violence; it could go either way. Hitting or shoving someone may trigger a reflexive or
angry response, but it has another effect. It creates a situation (in the mind of the attacker
only!) that violence is acceptable in this situation. Once physical violence has entered a
situation, it can only escalate.
To repeat: a rapist or violent attacker is the person to blame not the victim. However,
many such people need a trigger to open the psychological door to assault. Do not give
them one. To put that another way: dont hit someone unless you fully intend to lay
them out!
98 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
Target Hardening for Beginners
In general, attackers seek soft targets. You can harden yourself (make it
less convenient to attack you, or make yourself less attractive to attackers)
with some basic measures. Of course, some targets are perceived as softer
than others. Many attackers will look for physical weakness, meaning
that people who are most at risk are:
Older people.
Anyone who is physically small or seems unable to act in self-defence.
Anyone who is encumbered (e.g. with children, bags and so on).
At the most basic level, a target is perceived as hard if:
An attack will have physical consequences.
An attack will have legal consequences.
An attack will present problems of another kind.
The first case refers to people who seem like they can defend themselves
or who have sufficient numbers to make an attack problematic. An attacker
is far less likely to tangle with you if you have a dog or an implement
such as a walking stick with you or if you are with other people who
appear to have some capability to assist you.
The second case refers to the possibility of being caught and punished.
The number of people around will make a difference, especially if some
of those people are obviously with you and are therefore likely to raise
the alarm and give a good statement or description to the police, even if
the attacker does not feel that they could stop him. Similarly, CCTV
cameras can have a deterrent effect since an attacker knows he may be
identified. The exception here is drunks, who tend to forget or cease to
care about such things.
The third case is the target who makes it hard to attack them. Someone
who habitually looks around at their surroundings and cannot be surprised
or who casually uses obstacles to impede a potential attack may be seen as
not worth the trouble. The following target-hardening techniques work
for everyone, though some may be more appropriate than others to certain
age groups.
You can make yourself less attractive to potential assailants, a harder target,
or both, by these measures:
Hide the gain. Dont display your wealth, watch, clothing, car and so
Stay with others you trust.
Book taxis rather than wandering around at night.
Dress smartly but not ostentatiously.
Walk confidently.
Be continuously and obviously alert.
Dont make yourself vulnerable by wandering around drunk.
At Home
There are a few basic security measures that you really should already be
taking. Forget what people think of you. Forget about being called
paranoid. Think about survival.
Lock doors and windows. Use deadbolts if you have them and get
them if you dont. A house or flat should be a safe haven, but its no
good if anyone can just walk in.
Dont have the TV or music on so loud that you cant hear whats
going on. Besides, it annoys the neighbours.
Use the door chain or peephole. You do have one, right? And even
with the chain, make sure you are balanced as you open the door so
you can slam it and/or lean on it if someone tries to force entry.
Try to get a look at callers out of a window, especially at night. You can
also see if there are others lurking out of sight.
Dont open the door at all to groups of youths. A conversation held
through the letterbox is fairly undignified, but better than letting a
mob into your home.
Dont let strangers in to use the phone. By all means offer to make
the call for them, but dont be talked into removing your best defence
against attack a solid obstruction.
If you let someone in, close the door and be sure it latches so no one
else can wander inside.
Check the ID of anyone who calls claiming to be from an organisation.
As a rule, even the pushiest utility company reps dont call late at
night. Meter readers certainly dont.
100 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
Keep an eye on even apparently legitimate callers. Dont leave them
alone, and dont let them keep the door open.
This is all basic, obvious stuff, yet so many people dont take even the
simplest precautions. Common sense is your best guide as to what is
appropriate. Just remember that its better to be embarrassingly paranoid
than kicked to a pulp and robbed or raped.
Out and About
While out on your daily business, remember to follow the guidelines in
this chapter. Particularly:
Code Yellow alert for hazards should be your natural state. Look
around you, take notice of what your instincts tell you, and dont be
Minimise vulnerable periods. Have keys ready and make sure there
is no one lurking near your car or home as you approach. Dont linger
by banks or cash machines to count your dosh. Pocket it securely and
depart briskly. Check that no one follows you.
Use handy obstacles like lamp-posts and dustbins to ensure that
anyone coming at you is slowed down.
Change direction, train carriage, side of the street or bus if you sense
you are moving into a dangerous situation or if you think one is
Stay away from people who seem dangerous. Trust your instincts. If
someone nudges his mate, nods at you and laughs, withdraw quickly.
Dont be drawn into a confrontation.
Get where you are going efficiently without travelling through
secluded, dark or otherwise high-threat areas.
Carry a mobile phone. You may well feel that they are a curse on
modern society, but they can be useful if you need to summon help.
Much of our travelling is done in cars these days. A car offers two excellent
defensive advantages mobility and protection. Ensure that you can use
both at need.
Close your windows (or only leave them an inch or so open) and
lock the doors.
Dont stop in risky areas if you can help it. Time your approach to
traffic lights by slowing down early so that you dont have to come to
a complete stop. It is sometimes better to nip through an amber light
than halt beside a gang of toughs.
If you have to stop, keep a good lookout. If someone approaches the
car and seems like a threat, pull away if you possibly can. Take care to
avoid collisions, of course, but if you are faced with the choice between
a minor traffic violation and remaining in a dangerous position, then
it is usually best to err on the side of self-protection.
Make sure your vehicle is reliable.
Choose your route sensibly. Major roads are a better bet than quiet
back alleys.
Consider joining a motorists rescue service. They do not cost all that
much, and if you do have problems on the road, you wont be left
wandering around in the middle of the night.
Many objects that can legitimately be carried in a car spanners, cans
of de-icer and so on can be used as improvised weapons. Never carry
a weapon explicitly for that purpose, but be prepared to use whatever
is to hand to deter someone from getting in the car with you.
Drive steadily, smoothly and sensibly. Try not to get annoyed at other
motorists, and dont give them a reason to be mad at you. If you are
on the receiving end of road rage, remember that you can only be
attacked if you stop and the attacker can get to you. If you do get
stopped in traffic and someone tries to get at you, lean on the horn to
attract attention.
If you are attacked and someone tries to drag you out, your seatbelt is
unlikely to stop them, but it will entangle you and prevent effective
defensive measures. If you cannot simply drive off or slam and lock
the door, then it is best to undo your belt and get clear of the vehicle,
giving you freedom to fight or run.
Be aware that the simplest way for an attacker to immobilise your
vehicle is to grab the keys out of the ignition. Dont let that happen if
you can prevent it. If someone does take your keys (and you dont
have spares with you, obviously!), disregard the car as a means of
escape and seek another way out of the situation. Dont try to fight
for the keys or do what your assailant wants in exchange for the
promise of their return.
There are some places you simply should not drive through. So dont.
102 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
Target Hardening for Vulnerable People
Almost anyone could be considered vulnerable, so while these notes are
aimed primarily at young mothers, older people and children, they are
applicable to everyone.
Until youre almost grown up (and maybe not even then!) you cant really
hope to deal with an adult attacker. Thus your best defence is the fact that
your family knows where you are and when youll be back, and if youre
missing then its full alert with search parties combing the streets!
All that shouting at you for coming home six minutes late or not being
at your friends house like you said you would be is actually wind down
from DEFCON1. Your family were ready to take on all comers to get
you back safe. Someone who considers attacking you will know that while
they may be able to overpower you, theyre not just tackling you theyre
taking on everyone who loves you plus the local police force.
Other defences against adult attackers are to make sure youre with
others who can report anything that happens (this is a deterrent, and if
something happens to you then its also your lifeline) and to only go to
places that are reasonably safe; that is, places where people can see you
and whats happening to you, and where you cant be quickly dragged
out of sight. It might also be smart to take a dog (maybe one of your
friends has one, but if not then you can score points with relatives or
neighbours by offering to take theirs out with you dogs like this sort of
An attack on you by an adult is likely to be very serious, but its also
extremely unlikely to happen. Youre more likely to be attacked by other
kids, especially older ones or a gang. Designer shoes and cool mobiles are
the prime targets; mobile phone robbery is one of the most common
crimes around, and most of the victims (and the criminals!) are kids.
Maybe you can deal with another kid trying to take your shoes, but
maybe not. Kids have been stabbed over a jacket or a phone, so dont rely
on fighting. Your best bet is to play safe stay away from people who
seem dangerous, and get away if they approach you.
Most importantly, you should tell people where youre going and when
youll be back. That way if something happens to you, youll know that
rescue is on the way and so will a potential attacker! Its a pain, but it
really is your best defence.
Young Mothers/Young Women
If youre out with your kid(s) then youre responsible for your safety and
theirs not an easy task! And its a sad fact that children make you
vulnerable. It takes such a long time to get anywhere or do anything, and
it takes all of your attention just to stop them diving under buses or eating
chewing-gum off the pavement. You cant flee and leave your child (or
anyone elses), and even just getting out of danger presents an almost
insurmountable logistics problem.
Potential attackers know all this and will exploit it mercilessly. However,
there are some measures you can take to mitigate the risk. Firstly, if your
child is old enough, teach them that there are no messing situations,
where they have to do as they are told immediately. It is possible to make
a kind of game of this, yet still teach your child some basic safety
procedures such as what to do if there is a fire or if you have to deal with
a crisis and get the older child, the new baby and yourself to safety. It is
possible that even a fairly young child can actually be an asset if taught
properly, but realistically the best you should hope for is minimising the
It is wise to take another adult with you when you go out with the kids.
Possibly there is another harassed parent you can team up with to do the
shopping or the school run, or perhaps you have an older relative whod
enjoy the trip out (even if it does mean keeping an eye on the whirling
dervish while you pay for the groceries).
Remember that even if the person you are with could not possibly
protect you, they are an additional pair of eyes many attackers will strike
from behind when you are distracted, sure that you will be too stunned
to get a clear look at them. It is far harder to evade two pairs of eyes than
one. The other person, a potential witness, may be an effective deterrent.
Besides, there is a deep-rooted reluctance in the human psyche to attack
when outnumbered, even if the conscious mind says that there is no real
Older People
Your chances of successfully fleeing or repelling an assault diminish as
you get older, and attackers know this. They also know that the
consequences of an attack are likely to be greater for you than for a younger
person. But they dont care. It is therefore vital that you take steps to
ensure your safety.
104 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
One particular factor affects old-age pensioners: pension day! Think
about it: there is a regular time when you are sure to have money on you.
This makes you an attractive target. You might want to vary the time you
pick up your money or at least dont go alone. It is wise to take someone
with you when you go out. Even if that person is less active than you,
they are a second pair of eyes and a potential witness. You might want to
consider getting a dog or carrying a walking stick too.
Do understand that a street thug has no respect whatsoever for you.
He does not care that you are an old soldier or an elderly lady. All he sees
is someone who is easy to hurt. You must resist the temptation to confront
people and give them a piece of your mind. Its just too dangerous.
Instead, concentrate on your own safety.
Try to cultivate a habit of greeting people in passing; make sure the
people you pass on your way to the shops recognise you. And be nice to
them! Have a smile and a moment to chat (if they want), but dont pester
anyone whos too busy. What you are creating by doing this is a support
network; a set of people who are disposed to help you if you need it. And
dont be afraid to ask for help if you need it chances are youve earned
a bit of goodwill by this stage in your life!
Strength versus Strength
You are not going to be attacked by someone weaker than you. A strong person, faced
with a weaker opponent, will tend to launch big, one-shot-knockout attacks. You cant
reply in kind. That means that you cannot match strength against strength and just battle
your way through. So what can you do?
If you have the skill, you can pick your shots and use precise techniques to strike, or to
attack the joints. It takes very little to break a bone or dislocate a joint. Anyone can do it
if they know how.
And some things will hurt anyone. It doesnt matter if you are a little frail, or nine years
old, or ill, or injured. There are still things you can do. Elbows and knees are powerful,
no matter who uses them. Anyone can bite, scratch, poke at the eyes, kick out at the
knees and shins, stamp on the instep or attack the genitals.
Target hardening is a matter of common sense. Trust your instincts, think
about what might happen to you, and when, and act to minimise the
potential. Its that simple.
An attacker isnt looking for a fight, he wants a victim.
He doesnt want consequences or comebacks.
If an attack looks like being hard work, he wont bother.
People alone are more likely to be attacked than people in groups.
Dont become so wrapped up in what youre doing that you forget to
be alert.
Dont be embarrassed to take defensive measures if youre suspicious
of someone or a situation.
106 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
Chapter 4: Defuse!
Once in a while, a confrontation will develop despite all your measures
to prevent it. It can be very frightening to feel a situation sliding out of
control towards violence. However, if you keep your head you can often
defuse a dangerous confrontation and get out of it without having to
resort to violent means.
Body Language, Words and Other Signals
Much of our communication is non-verbal. And just as it is possible to
misinterpret a phrase, it is also possible to fail to read someones body
language correctly or at all.
We are subconsciously able to deduce some meaning from the way a
person stands, looks at us or fidgets. Most of us never realise we are doing
it. However, as soon as we begin to try to consciously do it, reading body
language seems to become rather difficult.
Most peoples interest in non-verbal communication is related to dating
and relationships; many of us deliberately study the subject (and other
people) and become minor experts on the romantic signals that people
send. Yet few people have any interest in body language for self-protection
purposes and can miss a broad clue about violent intent when they would
pick up the slightest hint of interest in a potential partner.
Some signals that a person means you harm are very, very obvious. A
person who seems determined to barge into your personal space, who is
talking through clenched teeth, or who keeps on advancing after the third
time you back up to give him some room probably means you harm in
some way. The really obvious signals that someone means to hurt you
Intense, fixed stare.
Lowered brow (head tilted down).
Sneer or snarl.
Eyes: very big or very small pupils.
Pecking motion with the head and neck.
Arms splayed.
Inability to keep still.
Constant advance or invasion of your space.
Attempts to grab you.
However, it is possible to read someone at a greater distance and stay
out of their way if they seem aggressive. It is always wise to avoid drunks
and obviously rowdy people, but others are a little more subtle. Someone
who is looking for trouble is likely to display some of the following
Tension in the body.
Looks around frequently as if searching for someone.
Sharp, angry movements.
Frequent eye contact with anyone willing to meet his stare.
Very direct movement if he has to go anywhere.
Willing to push or walk into people rather than go round them.
Meets any glance or contact with defiant, aggressive posture.
Mutters a lot, especially one-word insults.
Turns around quickly and aggressively if anyone comes close to him.
It is wise to stay away from anyone displaying these types of behaviour, to
avoid or break eye contact and not to be drawn into a confrontation for
any reason. Any encounter will be headed towards a violent conclusion
from the start.
Someone who means you harm will tend to be abusive and use a lot of
foul language. There are several reasons for this, from building up his
own confidence by putting you down to scoring points off you with his
hard-hitting insults and taunts in effect already attacking you with his
words. Words, of course, cant cause you physical harm, but allowing
yourself to be goaded into a fight might have that result.
If someone is talking coherently and in longish sentences, then chances
are he does not mean to launch an attack. (Although conversation can be
used to disarm an opponent.) If, however, the sentences are getting shorter,
then he is working up for an assault. Once someone is speaking in
monosyllabic grunts, his intentions will be very apparent.
The shorter the words and sentences, the more danger you are in!
Body language is also a useful indicator during a confrontation. Many
people will give away their intentions before attacking (known as
B O D Y L A N G U A G E , W O R D S A N D O T H E R S I G N A L S
108 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
telegraphing the attack) and this will give you time to evade or pre-
empt. Some of the clues that give away an attack are fairly subtle:
Narrowing of the eyes.
Twitching of the mouth.
An indrawn breath.
Sudden tension around the shoulders.
Shifting of weight.
Other signs are very obvious, such as chambering a blow (cocking the
fist ready to punch, then launching it). However, many street fighters
practise striking by surprise, often by talking to their victim while they
move in close. It is therefore very important to watch for the signs of an
attack developing and not to let anyone you do not trust get close to you.
I witnessed a classic assault a while ago. Two men both had been drinking began to
argue. Neither would back down. There was no pushing or shoving, but one of the
men had a point to make and the other was very aggressive and abusive in his rejection
of it. Things got steadily more heated, and the less aggressive man started to shout. He
wasnt ready for violence; his hands were down. He was just angry, insulted and a bit
drunk. Unfortunately, he made a sudden movement and the other man lashed out in
It was about the worst punch I have ever witnessed: a weak, overhand downward cross
hook-type thing that a sober man could have walked slowly out of the way of. Against an
unprepared, flat-footed target with reflexes slowed by drink, it was all that was needed.
It hit the bridge of his nose and smashed it. The victim folded up in pain and shock and
thankfully the attacker just postured a bit and taunted him. It could have been much
Confrontation Management
Human behaviour often falls into patterns; we are predisposed to act out
certain roles as if there were some kind of script. Knowing that certain
kinds of behaviour will trigger certain responses in other people is a useful
tool, especially when you realise that most of them will not understand
that it is happening. For example, two common roles that we fall into are
Angry Parent and Defiant Child. This has nothing to do with biological
relationships or who is involved. It is simply that if a person is involved
in a situation and begins to act the role of Angry Parent (they will probably
do this subconsciously) then the person opposite them will naturally
become defiant.
It is thus possible to manipulate a situation without the other person
even realising it is happening. Some kinds of sales people use this
technique in various ways. However, you can also trigger an argument or
confrontation without meaning to and drag an unwilling person into the
script by acting out a role almost always without meaning to assume it.
You may think that once a script is underway, you are locked in to it.
This is simply not true. If you change the role you are playing, the script
changes with it. Thus you might choose to act as a Helpful Advisor
rather than an Angry Parent to get the same message across, (usually)
with better results.
Change the script and take charge of the situation.
The other (rather strange) result of this script theory is very useful to us.
People are comfortable when they have a script and act naturally because
they know what to do. If you suddenly break the script and place them in
uncertain territory, they may become confused; certainly their actions
are less natural and require more thought. This is useful to us in several
In a typical confrontation, one person assumes the role of Aggressor.
There are two natural responses. One is Frightened Victim, the other
Counter-aggressor. These are the responses that the aggressor will expect
and be comfortable with. Which you fall into will dictate the remainder
of the script.
Frightened Victim: He will strut and posture, threaten and push you,
and generally enjoy the feeling of power. Your fear fuels his aggression
and his ego; he will quickly or gradually escalate the violence he employs
until he gets around to doing you some serious harm or robbing you,
possibly both. Acting like a victim is unlikely to get you off lightly; it just
means that he will take a little longer about harming you.
Counter-aggressor: Faced with a sudden threat, his own defensive
reflexes will be triggered. As the preamble of shouting and pushing
escalates, he will suddenly (and subconsciously) make the decision to
go and attack you all-out with extreme violence.
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Neither of these scripts has a happy ending. It is not normally possible
to change the script by assuming a role he will react to. Once his role is
set, he will play it out. The time to change a script is before it is set.
Your best chance to change the course of a confrontation is early on.
Breaking the script, however, can and does work. If your response to his
role does not make any sense does not follow a conventional script
then he will be confused. Rather than knowing what to do (i.e. being
guided by the script) he must formulate his responses; he must think.
And a thought-out response takes longer than one that follows a pre-set
One way to break the script is not to react at all. Someone begins
shouting abuse at you and you just pass by (at a safe distance). Your
response doesnt make sense; youre supposed to react. By the time the
potential aggressor has overcome his confusion, you are on your way out
of the danger zone.
Another form of non-reaction is the calm readiness of a trained person.
Rather than being rattled by the aggressive approach, you simply stand
there, expression neutral. Without making aggressive moves, you slide
into a semi-ready stance. Hes now got a problem. Your reaction makes
no sense to him, causing confusion and doubt, and your calm stare says
that you dont consider him worth getting excited about. This can be
very intimidating.
Training will help you remain calm under stress.
The best way to break a script, however, is to say something totally
unconnected to the situation. Someone snarls at you or demands to know
what youre looking at and you ask him what the time is or how to get to
the railway station. It is best to say something that requires an answer
other than yes or no, but almost anything is better than being drawn into
the script.
Once the script is broken, it is likely that a new one will begin to be
created. You could attempt to set this script by assuming a role, but do
understand that the person in front of you is still predisposed to violence
and so any new script is more than likely to be an action film. It is better
to use the confusion to withdraw if at all possible under the cover of the
potential assailants hesitation, to seek a better position or to attack pre-
emptively if this seems like the only option.
It is worth noting that many attackers require a trigger before they can
act. There are many reasons for this, but one is simply that many would-
be fighters are such cowards that they cannot bring themselves to take
someone on face to face. A surprise attack from behind is fine, but if the
potential victim is aware and facing them, they are unable to just go in
and attack in the face of opposition.
Some people need an aggressive action from you to trigger their violent
instincts. Dont give them one.
Such people will actually try to get you to make the first move by pushing,
threatening, shouting, taunting or whatever means they think will work.
Once you can be induced to shout or push back, their inhibitions are
overcome by their instinctive fight or flight reaction and they can act
usually suddenly and with great violence. If you can avoid providing the
trigger by remaining calm (but ready to act), then the situation will not
escalate into violence.
Similarly, many people genuinely do not want to fight. Temper, ego or
peer pressure makes them say something belligerent and a response in
kind locks them into a confrontation. Unable to back down (through
pride) but unwilling to initiate violence (either through fear of being
hurt or because they dont want to fight at all), such a person will attack
with words and the odd shove until something happens to break the
If you give such a person a trigger then violence will ensue, but if you
can give him a way to back off without losing face, he will often take it.
This is called loopholing, and many people who have got into a
confrontation without wanting to fight are only too glad to be given the
opportunity to wriggle out of it. Some are, of course, too ignorant or too
angry to take the offered loophole, and violence is a likely result unless
you are willing to back off, make an apology, accept some abuse and depart
the scene. Given the alternative, you really should be.
Most of the time, if you give someone a way to get out of fighting
with you without losing face, he will take it and be glad of it.
112 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
When trying to manage a confrontation, it is important to remain calm
and alert but to be ready to evade or attack if it becomes necessary to do
so. However, a fighting stance not only gives away your intentions, it is
also seen as threatening. It may be the trigger that the assailant wants.
Certainly, if you have brought your fists up and gone to a ready stance,
you have shown the world that you are willing to fight, and your potential
assailant knows that people will have seen this. If he backs down now,
hell be seen to have retreated instead of fighting. So he wont.
If you bring your fists up, you are going to have to fight.
Of course, if a fight seems likely anyway, then get your hands up to guard
and be ready for it. But there is a better way to be ready and yet not give
anything away. This is the fence as discussed in the next part of this
book. For now, it is enough to say that a good fence made with your
hands open, coupled with a slight change in posture, places you about 90
per cent on guard without looking in any way threatening. If you also say
placatory things and attempt to disengage, the gesture will look natural
and non-threatening.
You get the best of both worlds with a fence a good guard position,
deception about your state of readiness, and you dont cross the line and
make violence inevitable. Learn how to use the fence. It is one of the
most useful self-defence tools you can acquire.
Back Off and Win Later
I was involved in a long-running dispute with a neighbour who was causing trouble for
the whole community. A request to desist became a confrontation. Seeing where it was
going (and not liking the look of the neighbours three mates), I backed off, accepting
abuse, taunts and continued anti-social behaviour. Mr J didnt back off. Angry, he began
to shout. This triggered a reflexive attack by the miscreant, who broke Mr Js nose and
caused other injuries from which he still suffers.
The villain of the piece was evicted from his home shortly afterward, and prosecuted for
his assault. I ended up in court as a witness against him. He was found guilty, but more
importantly, he had absolutely no idea that I was responsible for the legal proceedings
that cost him his home. There was no need to tell him, so I didnt. I just quietly won. I
got what I wanted out of the situation by backing off and finding another way to win. Mr
J came over all manly and confrontational, and just got hurt for his trouble.
Learn the signals thatll tell you if someone means you harm.
Break the script.
If a confrontation develops, try to defuse it by giving the other person
a reason not to fight with you.
Be ready to defend, but dont make aggressive movements.
Use the fence!
114 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
Chapter 5: Evade!
The last-but-one layer of our defences is to evade. This can be taken to
mean ducking a blow, but here the term has a wider meaning. Evading is
the skill of getting away from a confrontation, putting an obstacle in the
way of an attacker or creating a situation where an attack is unlikely to be
carried out. However, note that you cannot evade an attacker if he has
hold of you. You must try not to let him get this close, and if he does, you
must create a space in which to manoeuvre and begin your evasion
Personal Space
None of us like having someone move too close to us uninvited. Unless
it is someone we know and trust, we are uncomfortable in this situation
and rightly so. Personal space equates roughly to the distance we can
punch, so it is no surprise that we are instinctively uncomfortable with a
potential attacker getting that close.
This space is sometimes referred to as the threat zone or defence
threshold. This is because someone who is inside your personal space
can attack or grab you very suddenly, leaving you no time to react. Thus
many people feel (with justification) that someone deliberately moving
into the threat zone must be repelled, violently if necessary. This is worth
Your personal space must be preserved and defended if necessary.
If someone does decide to move into your personal space, dont let them
stay there. Move away a little, perhaps with a smile and a joke about not
being able to focus that close. Decent people will get the hint. Anyone
who insists on being that close is probably up to no good and can attack
without giving you any warning. This is a very bad position to be in. To
keep people out of your personal space, you can move, use barriers like a
table or post, or you can put up your hands to create a fence as described
below. Worst case, you can attack them as they move in, but obviously
there has to be a real threat before this becomes an option.
Anyone this far away is no real
threat. You will have time to react
to an aggressive movement so
long as your hands are not in your
Most street attacks start at
conversation distance. This is
about as close as you want to let
someone get unless you trust them.
If you have any suspicions at all,
dont even let them get this close!
There is no way you could react to
an attack launched at this
distance. No way at all. Maintain
your personal space.
The Fence
Clenched fists and ready stances give away your intent to fight and can
tip a confrontation over the edge into violence. Besides, it may not be
considered reasonable to assume a ready-to-fight stance in the face of
mere posturing.
An alternative to a fighting stance, which also helps preserve your
personal space, is the fence. There are many ways to create a fence around
your personal space: a glare (non-verbal fence), a request to give you
some room or a sharp warning to stay clear (verbal fences of two very
different kinds), or interposition of an object (physical fence). We are
concerned with the most useful form of fence, one made with your hands,
which places them to act as a barrier, but in a non-threatening way that
should prevent escalation.
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The fence serves the purpose of preserving your personal space and
positioning you to defend or pre-empt, yet it does not look threatening.
Assuming this stance cannot possibly be construed as an aggressive action,
yet it offers nearly 100 per cent of the benefits of a good fighting stance
and one other. It hides your readiness to respond to the threat, a fact that
may be decisive. A basic fence will serve you in many situations. It is very
much like a fighting stance (as youll see in a later section), but its non-
confrontational and does not give your intentions away. To assume a fence:
Move your right foot back a little and turn the foot to your right
about 45 degrees. Let your front (left) foot turn a little too.
Flex your knees slightly. Your torso will turn a little so that your left
arm and shoulder are slightly more forward than your right. This
body position is very much like a boxers guard, but is less pronounced.
As youre doing this, bring your hands up with your palms out in an
open and non-threatening way. Your left hand will be slightly higher
than and forward of the right, in a position similar to a guard, but
lower, as if youre making a placating gesture or an apology.
Your hands are now positioned ready to deal with attacks, and more
importantly they form a barrier between you and the opponent (a fence!)
which he subconsciously knows he must remove or get around to get at
If you do all of this surreptitiously without obvious, fighting
movements, then your opponent will not realise you are preparing to
fight, giving you a surprise advantage if you do have to resort to force.
Hopefully, however, you wont, since youre both fencing him out of
your personal space and talking him down. One other important advantage
is that if you end up in court, nobody can say you provoked the fight by
acting aggressively putting your open hands up and moving back a little
is hardly an aggressive action!
A good fence preserves your personal space, but doesnt look
If you raise your hands while speaking (not snarling threats but just as if
you are in the habit of talking with your hands) then the person you are
fencing out may not even realise how close you are to a ready stance.
Moving smoothly and evenly (not necessarily slowly), you will get ready
to defend yourself without triggering a response from the opponent.
What if he insists on moving in anyway? He may bully or weasel his
way in, act pally or just keep advancing as if oblivious of your fence. This
is proof that he means no good, and therefore must be kept out.
You can try moving back a little (keeping the hands up) and ask him to
give you a little space. Your fencing hands make a slight pushing gesture
as you say this, making the whole thing seem more natural. He might
back off at this point. If not, you can assume that he means you real
harm. Hes been asked to stay out of your personal space and even given
a barrier to contend with. If he chooses to barge in anyway, then its obvious
that he cares nothing for what you want. You dont want someone like
that close to you, so youre going to have to stop him.
If someone tries to barge through your fence, you know he means
you harm!
Here, the fence serves another useful purpose.
Your left hand, which is forward, is ideally
placed for a straight-fingered eye jab if
necessary. And when his chest touches your left
hand, the range is about right for a right cross
or hook. If youve been subtle about setting up
your fence, he will not even know that youre
ready. Youll have a single clear shot at him if
you choose to take it.
A good fence is little different to a defensive or fighting stance,
other than the open hands. However, it might not be identified
as a fighting posture, which can allow you to talk your way out
of trouble or launch a surprise pre-emptive attack.
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A friend of mine stopped for a bite to eat on the way home from a sporting event. As he
waited at the fast-food counter, he spotted a couple of young men nudging one another,
nodding at him and talking conspiratorially. Sure enough, one of them started to
purposefully approach. My friend did nothing overt, just shifted his feet slightly and started
scratching his chin (his hand close to a guard position without seeming to be). He looked
steadily at the approaching would-be attacker.
At the last second, the attacker bottled out. His purposeful strut evaporated and he
veered off to head for the toilets. My friend isnt a big guy, but the attacker realised that
he wasnt going to be the easy target that hed seemed at first. The young man was quite
willing to shove around or even assault a random stranger, but at the first sign that there
might be resistance, he changed his mind about the matter.
If you know what to do and are clearly ready to do it, you give off signals that many (but
sadly not all) potential attackers will pick up. Knowing how to defend yourself actually
makes it less likely that you will have to.
Obstacles can be vitally important in keeping an assailant from harming
you. The most obvious obstacles that come to mind are large physical
objects like cars, pillars and doors, but a creative person can find something
to place in the way of a potential assailant. Obstacles need not be large,
nor are they always a physical obstruction.
For example, bad footing, broken ground and so on can obstruct an
attacker. He may not want to step into a patch of deep mud or come at
you through a nettle patch, and if he does he will be slowed down. In this
way, some obstacles can become traps for an attacker. Positioning yourself
so that if he does rush you, he will have to come through an area of loose
and uneven footing may not stop him from doing so, but he may turn an
ankle, be suddenly slowed or even made vulnerable to your counter-
attack by your choice of battleground.
Barriers can help you in many ways. Here, the defender has backed up until shes got a post
between her and the aggressor. As she turns to flee, the obstacle delays him.
People make good obstacles too. Not only are they solid and difficult
to move out of the way, but they often take exception to being manhandled
in this manner. People who may be quite unwilling to protect you from
assault could still be allies if you can entangle the attacker with them.
This should give you time to escape.
In a fight situation, obstacles can be used to temporarily neutralise one
or more assailant while you concentrate on another. When you are
attempting an escape, visual cover provided by disappearing behind an
obstacle can give you the chance to change direction and elude pursuit,
to find a hiding place or to ambush a pursuer.
In summary, obstacles:
Can provide physical protection from attack.
Can provide respite or simply make you hard to get at.
Can be used to cover your escape and/or slow pursuit.
Can limit an attackers mobility.
Can thin out an attacking groups numerical advantage.
Can be used to conceal you.
Can be almost anything.
120 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
Assistance for threatened individuals is, sadly, far too thin on the ground
in modern society. You cannot passively rely on assistance being rendered,
but must instead base your response to a threat around the assumptions
Help will not present itself unasked.
Even asking for help may not get a result.
Help, if it arrives at all, may well be too late.
Thus you should assume that you have only your own resources to rely
upon, though at the same time you should take active measures to ensure
that help does come. You might think that a crowd of potential witnesses
should be a reasonable deterrent. This is not the case. Some attackers
simply do not care or become so blind with rage that they forget about
witnesses and CCTV cameras. Other factors are at play too.
Some attackers are too drunk or enraged to care who sees what they
For some reason, attackers are generally not deterred by the presence of
people who were there when the attack began. There is a feeling that
these people have tacitly agreed to the confrontation, and therefore are
no threat to the attacker. This is not always the case, but it happens with
surprising frequency, especially in town centres at night. It appears that
for far too many people, witnessing a fight is simply part of an evenings
If you can take the situation into new surroundings, the attackers
perception often changes; he begins to feel the threat posed by witnesses
and may back off. He also has the feeling that he does not know this
crowd; the perceived risk of intervention is greater. The psychology at
work here is complex and irrelevant to us; it is enough to know that the
phenomenon occurs and to use it.
The police and other services are bound to assist you if you can make
your plight known to them. However, unless you call them yourself, you
cannot be sure that they will be called at all. Many people will dial 999
the instant they see someone in trouble; it is a trained social reflex and an
important part of our society. Yet others will simply shrug and get on
with their business, so it is something of a lottery as to whether someone
will place that vital call or not. And, of course, responding to an emergency
call takes time, especially on a busy night.
You cant always rely on the police to get there in time. They may not
even be called at all.
Some people are predisposed to offer assistance wherever it is necessary.
This includes well-intentioned passers-by as well as that curious creature,
the white hat street fighter. The latter is a rough individual who is quite
possibly out looking for trouble, but whose personal code requires him
to keep it in the family that is, only fight with people who also want to
fight. Such people often use the laudable ideal of protecting the weak as
an excuse to indulge their darker instincts and yet maintain a feeling of
moral rectitude. As long as you dont pick fights with these people, youre
in no danger from them, and anyway, it really doesnt matter where help
comes from, as long as it comes. The problem is that most of the time
it doesnt!
There are some steps you can take to ensure that help is summoned or
given. Many people can be more or less forced into becoming assets in
your struggle for survival. This is because one of the strongest motivating
factors for humans is fear of the consequences of action (or inaction).
Someone who is willing to ignore the sounds of a struggle or even cries
of rape! from outside their home will probably respond to the word
fire! because fire might have consequences for them!
Similarly, someone witnessing an attack may sidle off out of the
(probably valid) fear of becoming a victim and will probably not head for
a phone or even use their mobile. If you grab them and tell them to make
the call, you create a moral imperative that may break through their apathy.
You have also created a new consequence for them the possibility that
they may have to explain to the police or their peers why they ignored
your request for help.
Apathy, fear and selfishness may stop people from helping you.
This is an important factor. People will pretend they have not seen
anything or that they did not recognise a dangerous situation unless you
give them no excuse. That means you must make a noise, hammer on
doors or if necessary, break something to get attention. It is strange how
122 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
the sound of a car window breaking can bring the owner tearing out of
his home when he failed to hear your cries for help a moment before. Do
not be concerned with property damage if your life is in danger.
If you are being followed or pursued, it is sometimes possible to wipe
off the pursuer on other people; that is, to lead him into a situation
where he becomes entangled (not necessarily literally) with other people
and thus slowed down. If he is barging through a crowd, it is possible
that he may end up in a confrontation with someone else, allowing you
to escape. This can also work when you are under attack. Leading your
assailant in amongst other people may or may not prompt them to assist
you, but if he starts forcing his way past them, the likelihood of
intervention increases greatly.
Active measures are often required to obtain assistance from the people
around you.
Try to ensure that the people around have no excuse not to help you.
Thrust your problem in their collective face; demand help, and if possible,
use them as entanglements to slow or get rid of your attacker. Criminals
and thugs do not want an audience. The more fuss and noise there is, the
more people will look. That correlates directly to an increased chance
that some of them will actually try to help you.
Not Everyone is What They Seem
A friend of the authors, a student unfamiliar with the city, was walking home from a party
past a park that was notorious for assaults, rapes and even a murder. It was three in the
morning and he was dressed as a clown. Spotting a bunch of skinheads up ahead, he
changed direction and headed into the park. The skinheads saw him and shouted
something. He hurried on, so they started to follow him, still calling out to him. Thinking
he was about to be attacked, he fled.
The skinheads gave chase. He fled, but a clown outfit isnt the best attire for jogging.
Despairingly, he turned to face the six breathless skinheads. To his surprise, their leader
said, Here mate, you mustnt go in here at night. Dont you know? People die in here.
He gestured towards the park and went on, Come on, well see you get home safe.
And they did.
Maintain your personal space.
Fence out anyone trying to get close to you.
If you must escape, run towards safety rather than just away from the
Have an escape plan in your mind.
Use obstacles and other people to slow a pursuer.
Dont rely on intervention by white hat passers-by. Make people
help you.
Remember that your personal safety is worth a little inconvenience
or embarrassment.
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Part III: Under Attack
Chapter 1: The Attack
Much of self-protection has nothing to do with being under attack, and
your attention should be on avoiding any situation where you may have
to use violence to defeat an attacker. However, the worst-case scenario
can happen at any time, and if it does you must be ready to react without
hesitation, to carry through your actions and to do whatever you must to
escape intact.
What is an Attack?
An attack is a physical assault on your person intended to cause you harm.
That is fairly obvious. The trick is to detect when a situation is deteriorating
to the point where an attack becomes likely and to gauge how and when
it will come. Understanding the nature of a potential attack will enable
you to formulate an effective defence or escape.
As has already been said, nothing is certain in a self-defence situation,
and unusual and downright bizarre things can happen. It is impossible to
predict with absolute certainty what will occur in a live situation.
However, certain common factors emerge again and again from studies
of physical assaults. In the vast majority of attack situations:
The attacker is full of alcohol and/or adrenaline.
The attack is made in an untrained but highly aggressive manner.
The attacker is strongly right-handed and employs this hand as their
main striking tool.
The attacker does not employ sophisticated martial arts techniques.
The attacker grabs or wades in swinging.
Something like 80 per cent of attacks begin with a grab of some kind.
The usual follow-up is a right hook but this is not certain. Often someone
who is full of adrenaline will grab his target in such a way that his favourite
swings are awkward, so hell do something else, like headbutt or wrestle.
If you can elude or break the grab you will often spoil the attack but
dont be so mesmerised by your efforts to break a wrist grab that you get
punched in the face with his other hand.
Perceived Threat
One of the dumbest things Ive ever seen took place while I was at university. I was
standing around in a metalwork shop, waiting to start work on my latest engineering
masterpiece. One of my fellow students said something. I didnt hear him properly, so I
turned straight into a right hook!
It was a big, slow punch, but I was flat-footed and had nowhere to go. I cant begin to
explain what was going on in my head at that moment, because there was nothing I
just saw the threat and reacted. I threw a fast jab into the shoulder joint with as much
weight behind it as I could manage. The shoulder stopped moving forward and the
hook never reached me. I backed up and assumed a defensive stance, but my attacker
just went grey and walked slowly away.
Demolishing fellow students was frowned on by the university, but my colleague realised
hed been stupid and didnt make a fuss about it (he wasnt seriously hurt, though his arm
didnt work properly for a few hours). But even if he had, I was legally justified in what I
did I perceived a sudden attack, and dealt with it. I did nothing more than I had to. The
fact that my colleague wasnt really attacking me didnt matter I thought he was, and
thats what matters in court.
And why did this happen? Well, apparently my colleague was bored, and had suddenly
remembered my interest in martial arts. Hey, you do kung fu, right? he said (which is
what I half-heard) and threw a huge punch at me to see what Id do! Well, he found out.
The Top Five Physical Assaults
The five most common physical attacks, which occur far more often than
all the others put together, are:
1. The big right hook: the classic bar-brawl punch is actually a very
inefficient way to hit someone. Almost always aimed at the head, this
wide, swinging punch takes time to reach its target but connects with
massive force. If in fairly close, the assailant will often try to grab you
with his left hand to pin you for the strike. His weight may well shift
onto the back foot and he will lean back to wind up for the punch. Further
away, he will usually step forward with his left foot as he launches the
126 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
punch. Unless you are caught off-guard or flat-footed, you should have
time to evade. Blocking such a big punch with an arm is unlikely to
succeed. If you have fast punches, you can usually land a good tight blow
while the attacker is wasting time and effort with his big wind-up and
swing. Hit him hard enough and hell be driven back and his attack will
2. Body punch: either as an initial attack
(usually without a grab) or after
grabbing and dragging you in close, the
attacker swings a large uppercut (a
shovel hook) into your stomach
region. If he has a good grip on you, he
will usually keep hold and hit again and
again. Breaking his hold will allow you
to move out of reach. The only viable
alternative is to smother the blow, get
in close, then hurt him and drive him
back so that hes too busy to hit you.
A body punch or shovel hook like this one can
demolish you if it lands.
3. Grab and headbutt: a favourite in tight spaces, the assailant will usually
grab you with both hands and attempt to butt you in the face. Worst case,
you can lower your head and let his brow meet yours, hurting both of
you rather than just you, but it is better to evade the grab or at least get a
hand to his forehead, pushing his head away or cushioning the blow.
4. Choke: standing or on the ground, from behind or in front, chokes are
very dangerous. Methods of breaking them are discussed in Part III, but
again it is better not to allow your assailant to get that close. If someone
gets a choke on you, do whatever is necessary to make him release it.
Dont counter-strangle or pull at his hands; it wont work. Instead you
must hurt him and make him recoil from you in shock or pain. If you are
being choked, your life is in danger and you have seconds to deal with it
before you lose consciousness. Do whatever you must.
A grab around the throat like this can be used to
immobilise you, drag you off, or choke you to death.
You must react immediately if you are to escape!
5. Grab and drag: an assailant may try
to drag you into a vehicle or a secluded
place, or perhaps hold you for someone
else to attack. Even if he is much
stronger than you, you must make him
let go. That means causing him pain
and possibly injury by any means
possible. Make a noise while youre
struggling to escape. In about 50 per
cent of cases of attempted rape, women
who struggle escape unharmed. That
figure rises to nearly 90 per cent for
those who struggle violently or flee
while making a noise. By making life
difficult for the assailant and drawing attention to the situation, you affect
his risk assessment. Are you really worth all this trouble? He may decide
that you are not.
Once someone has a good hold on you or your
clothing, you are very vulnerable. Try to keep your
distance to prevent this from happening.
Attacks with glasses, bottles or knives
are very dangerous, but are not quite
as common as any of the previous
attacks. Most assaults with such
weapons take the form of a sudden
threat or attack, usually with a thrusting
action. Any such weapon must be
treated with the utmost respect as a
mere touch can cause serious injury.
Evasion is vital.
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Armed attacks are extremely dangerous, no matter who is using the
These are the most likely forms that a sudden attack will take. Often, if a
fight develops, the combatants will end up on the ground, and there you
are exposed to the risk of being kicked by your assailant, his friends or
sometimes a passing stranger. Measures for dealing with these scenarios
are presented later, but it is really much, much better not to end up wrestling
on the floor.
Recognising the Signs
Most assaults do not happen without any warning. You may not see the
assailant sneaking up behind you but you might have, with a little more
vigilance. Any attack from the front is usually preceded by a period of
confrontation. The assailant will often engage in pushing or insults before
actually attacking you. He may actually need to provoke you into
responding to trigger his own defensive reflexes. It is best to say little or
nothing to a potential assailant, simply watch him from a position of
readiness. If you must speak, try to restrict yourself to telling him what
you want from him in a calm and assertive manner.
If he cannot provoke you into doing something stupid, your assailant
must come to you to make his attack. There will usually be signs that this
is about to happen:
A sudden indrawn breath.
Narrowing or widening of the eyes.
Shifting of balance.
Enraged or hateful expression.
A twitch or other movement as he gathers himself to make his move.
He may also have to close with you, entering your personal space in an
aggressive manner. This is a very broad hint that something is happening.
Most assailants, being untrained thugs, will come in with big, powerful
but fairly clumsy grabs and swings. If you are ready to move and have
read the signs correctly, you should have time to pre-empt, evade and/or
counter the attack.
Most importantly, accept that an attack is likely and watch for it. Dont
be mesmerised by fear or try to kid yourself that it wont happen. It might
not, but it is better to be ready in case it does.
Justification and Response
There is a fine line between what is justified and what is not. Its never acceptable to hit
someone just because they offend or annoy you. Likewise, a non-violent sexual approach
(hetero- or homosexual) is not grounds for a physical response, even if you are offended
or a bit scared. So how do you know when you are justified in using force and when you
arent? Most of the time its really, really obvious. However, there are some situations
that are just on the borderline, and this is where your judgement is vital.
If someone makes a sudden movement that alarms you, and you respond thinking it is a
punch, and your response is appropriate to a punch, then you are justified. If a large,
strong man has his hands all over you and wont back off when warned, and you fear
that he is going to try to overpower you, then you are justified in striking the
consequences if you dont make him stop might be dire. In a situation thats right on the
borderline, it all comes down to the level of threat that you perceive. Trust your instincts.
Dont worry about being wrong. Protect yourself.
What Actually Happens in Fights
Most people have no idea what to expect from a fight situation. Indeed,
many martial arts give a somewhat false picture as a result of an overstylised
approach. There are, however, several things that come out again and
again from studies of real-world conflict.
The great majority of combatants have no training (though they may
be experienced street fighters). Of those who do have training, the majority
do not use it for a variety of reasons. Usually the situation escalates through
threats, pushing and shouting before any actual blows are struck. The
most common exception to this occurs when the attack is cold. In this
case, the attacker has already decided that he is going to make his assault
and either piles straight in or uses stealth or deception to sneak up for a
surprise attack.
The most common opening attack from behind is a grab. From the
front it is a badly executed but powerful right hook. If it lands, such a
blow can end the matter there and then. However, it is relatively easy to
avoid if you are alert. Most attackers will not use sophisticated
130 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
combinations. They will instead launch a series of large one-shot attacks.
If any of these land, they can be very serious, but they do not flow; there
are momentary pauses between them. At some point the matter usually
becomes one of grabbing and wrestling. Most fights that last more than
ten seconds go to the ground, and this must be avoided wherever possible.
Most attackers will hurl a series of powerful one-shot attacks.
Where a fight does not immediately go to the ground, it often becomes
an unscientific grabbing match interspersed with powerful but relatively
clumsy blows. Few brawlers make any real attempt to evade or manoeuvre.
Most simply keep moving forward, getting closer and closer while
swinging punch after punch. Some people attempt to kick a standing
opponent. This is rare, and when it happens it is usually a clumsy (but
still dangerous) untrained blow, attempted instinctively. Knees and shins
are the most likely targets.
Street encounters usually degenerate into scruffy grappling matches where the odds are in favour of
the biggest and strongest. Training and good tactics are required to end the matter before it starts to
look like this!
When brawlers do succeed in getting close in, things get really vicious.
Many attackers bite, grab hair or jewellery, or knee their victim. More
raw strength than skill is used here, so the combatants tend to lurch about
crashing into obstructions. This usually leads to one or both parties falling
to the ground as much by accident as design.
Most fights that last longer than ten seconds end up on the ground.
If an attacker gets his victim to the ground, he will almost certainly kick,
even if the victim is helpless and no longer resisting. This threat does not
just come from the initial attacker. Anything on the ground seems to be
considered a fair target by certain kinds of people, some of whom will
run in and kick even if they are uninvolved in the incident. Being kicked
on the ground can be fatal.
If you end up on the floor, you will get kicked.
Being hit or hitting your attacker is not necessarily the end of the
matter. A single blow rarely ends a fight, but it can be the deciding factor.
A quick and painful, but not damaging, jab to the face or kick at the knee
sometimes gives an attacker second thoughts, though this is not usually
the case. More often, a single, relatively light blow simply causes pain
and anger in someone who is full of adrenaline. However, a sharp blow
can open the door for a more powerful strike or gain you time to do
something else. This is why trained fighters never strike once and wait to
see what happens. They use combinations, opening the door with a quick
strike and exploiting the opportunity that follows. That initial quick jab
is the decisive blow, making an opportunity for a more powerful follow-
up that will end the fight.
In summary, the usual course of a street fight looks like this:
Some preamble involving threats and shouting.
A large right hook.
A grab and close-in wrestling.
The fight goes to the floor.
Close-in strikes and other vicious combat.
Kicks to the helpless victims body and head.
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This course of events must be avoided. Fortunately, there are several ways
to break out of the cycle or to turn each stage to your advantage. Later
sections of this book demonstrate how this can be done, but there is one
idea you can consider right now: you cannot be dragged to the ground if
your attacker cannot get hold of you. Evade. Whatever else you do, keep
him from getting hold of you.
The Battle of the First Salvo
Most fights are pretty much over the first time someone lands a decent
blow, particularly if that blow is to the head. This is most likely to happen
when someone attacks by surprise or uses deception and distraction to
slip in close while disarming the victim with non-threatening dialogue.
A sudden attack from this position almost always lands exactly as planned.
Similarly, a strike from behind or the side is usually extremely effective.
Since the attacker can set up a perfect strike, the victim is stunned or
rendered insensible. It is likely that the victim is wholly unable to respond,
even if still conscious. Think of it as a naval battle where one side detects
the other and is able to launch a salvo of missiles before the other is even
aware of their presence. This catastrophic first salvo shatters the defenders,
who can be finished off at leisure if anything remains of them.
A first strike, launched by surprise, is likely to render the target
However, this first salvo may be pre-emptively launched by the defender,
and may take an overconfident attacker by surprise. If this first salvo fails
for whatever reason (alertness, evasion or countermeasures on the part
of the victim), then a fight or scuffle situation commences.
If the matter is not decided by the first strike, it will inevitably become
a scruffy mess of shoving, grappling and random punches.
In a scuffle where attacker and defender are moving around, throwing
punches, grabbing and shoving at one another, it becomes very difficult
to get that clean, perfect shot in. With all those arms and legs flailing
about, distance opening or closing, and the risk of being struck while you
are attacking, opportunities for a precise, fight-winning strike are distinctly
thin on the ground. What tends to happen is that most of the blows that
land, while painful and frightening, are survivable.
Amid all that frantic scuffling, punches tend to be weakened by being
thrown while off-balance. Often they only glance off. Some miss entirely.
Most people naturally react by trying to get close and start grappling (this
is a strong instinct in human beings), and once that happens the fight
almost always goes to the ground. If it does not, then both participants in
the scuffle will probably take a few painful knocks but, if they are full of
adrenaline or trained to remain in control under such an attack, they will
manage to keep fighting.
Strikes launched in a scuffle are less effective than blows struck by
surprise or in a sparring situation.
At some point, however, someone will either land a lucky blow or their
opponent will make a mistake and walk into a punch. A really skilled
fighter will find or make an opportunity for a good, solid strike. At that
point, the first salvo situation is restored. The opponent may not go
down to the blow, but for a brief moment the door is open. This is an
opportunity to get as many good, powerful blows in as possible or to
close for a takedown and end the matter.
Obviously, if your assailant is on the floor and appears to have taken up
residence there, you can leave it at that. But if he shows the slightest
interest in resuming hostilities or is dazed but still upright, then you
should escape immediately if you have the opportunity. If that is not
possible for any reason then it will be necessary to finish him off. This
does not mean delivering a brutal kicking or attempting to kill him. It
means lining up and making a fight-winning attack while you have a
clear shot; in effect, launching a new first salvo.
If you get the opportunity to land one or more clean blows, take it!
The moment will be fleeting, and this may be your only chance to get
out of the situation intact.
Note that this is a last resort. If you have done enough to win your escape,
then escape! You should only finish someone if you have no alternative,
say if you cannot escape or are trying to protect someone. Remember:
Most fights end with the first salvo.
134 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
Those that do not usually go to the ground.
If it turns into an extended scuffle, you will need stamina to keep moving
and punching until you get a chance to escape or you land that door-
opening strike. Once the door is open, take the opportunity for all its
Keep in mind that the first salvo in naval warfare is usually launched
with cruise missiles capable of blasting a ship into small pieces of blazing
wreckage. If you get a chance to launch such a salvo, thats the effect you
want to have on your opponent. Dont mess around when your life is in
Sudden Grabs
A sudden grab is a major threat. Many attacks begin by immobilising you, and chokes
only take a few seconds to render you unconscious. As soon as you feel a grab, break it!
Move away, turn to face the grabber (if theyre not in front of you) and be ready to
defend yourself with the utmost vigour. If you wait to see whats going to happen or
whos got hold of you, you place yourself in mortal danger.
Learn to recognise an attackers intent from his body language.
Treat weapons with the utmost respect, whoever is holding them.
Most street attacks start with a grab.
The street fighters favourite strike is a big right hook.
Most protracted fights go to the ground.
Most fights are decided by the first solid blow to the head.
Chapter 2: Respond!
When all else (Avoid, Deter, Defuse, Evade) fails, you may have to respond
to a developing threat. If things get this far, then you are in a dangerous
situation a self-defence situation. However, this does not necessarily
mean that you will have to get physical. There are still a couple of options
Successful self-defence does not have to involve violence. You may
still manage to defend your safety by withdrawal or deterrence in the
form of an obvious willingness to protect yourself. If things do get physical,
self-defence may mean creating an opportunity for a record-breaking
sprint to safety. Or it may, if there is no alternative, mean battling it out
with your attacker. Just remember your objective: dealing with an assault
does not mean winning a fight!
An effective response means getting out of the situation with minimal
damage to yourself or the people you were protecting. Winning a
fight is irrelevant except as a means to this end.
That is your goal. Remember it, and stick to it. Only carry on fighting if
you have to. Escape if you can, as soon as you can. If you cant then you
must fight and win!
The Big Secret
We make assumptions all the time in our lives. Most are based on our
experience and are reasonably valid. In deciding to attack you, your
assailant has made the assumption that he can get what he wants out of
the situation without suffering much harm. It may look that way to you
too. If you give in to the assumption that you cant escape or deal with
this problem, then it becomes true and youll get badly hurt.
Fortunately, assumptions can be incorrect, and here we discover the
big secret about self-defence; the thing that most people, even skilled
martial artists, never consciously understand. It is simply this:
Nothing is certain or clear-cut in a self-defence situation.
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In practical terms, this means that the unexpected can, and often does,
happen. You may beat the odds. Your assailant may have all the advantages;
numbers, skill, weapons, size or strength, but you may still manage to
escape or even defeat him. Or you may actually have aces up your sleeve
that are not apparent at first.
Whatever other factors may apply, you have one advantage that an
assailant does not. Desperation. He can withdraw from this situation at
any time; you cannot. You must make the opportunity to escape. You
need to win more badly than he does. That, and the fact that you
understand that nothing is carved in stone, can be enough to turn a
situation around. But only if you possess the will to try.
If you are willing to try, you have a chance. Give up and youre finished.
The odds against you may be huge, but thats all they are odds, not
certainty. Knowing that, you can set out to even up those odds or even
stack them in your favour. You might get lucky by sheer fluke anyone
can trip up, become distracted or otherwise mess up when they have all
the advantages but there are things you can do to manipulate the odds
and give you a far better chance of escape. Later chapters will discuss
some of them. For now, remember that fighting hard is good, but fighting
smart is better.
Perversely, there is an advantage to be had from seeming defenceless.
An attacker who thinks he is going up against someone who could really
hurt him will usually come in hard and fast, if he attacks at all. Against
someone he holds in contempt, he will rely on dominance and his
overpowering presence. He is more likely to grab or strike to hurt rather
than damage you. He will not be expecting his weak, terrified victim to
be able to do anything useful about it. You can use this to your advantage
if you react in a determined manner and dont hold back. As long as you
keep trying to win, you have a chance.
You Really Can Defend Yourself
However bad things are getting, you must always believe one thing:
You can successfully defend yourself against attack!
You may be wondering what use it is to know that or indeed if it means
anything at all. In fact, this is the most important thing to know, since
without it you are helpless.
As you will see, self-protection is as much a state of mind as a set of
physical skills. Many martial artists and confident people never even
consider whether or not they have the ability to resist an assault, but if
you are a physically small or weak person, it may seem that you would
have no chance and should just give up. This is not the case at all; you
always have a chance.
If you are convinced in your own mind that you are beaten, you may
not even try to resist. Your responses will be half-hearted and easily
brushed aside. Your assailant may well be encouraged by your feeble
If you are defeated in your own mind, you are truly beaten before any
blows are struck.
If, on the other hand, your assailant can see that hes going to have to pay
for whatever he wants to do to you, he may decide to back off and seek an
easier victim. If you do still have to fight, a response made with the intent
of winning, in the knowledge that you can win the fight, will be more
determined than one made with defeat in mind. It will be fast, hard and
committed and you are 500 per cent more likely to succeed.
One simple statistic bears this out. It has been found that victims of
attempted rape who flee, struggle violently and/or make a noise are 50
90 per cent more likely to escape unhurt than those who surrender. In
almost all cases, a rapist possesses advantages of size and/or strength, yet
active victims are far more likely to avoid harm.
Two examples from our own experience occurred during a free form
self-defence session in our dojo. One of the high-grade men was assigned
to grab and attack one of the women. He should have known better
than to be complacent; she was wearing a blue belt (and we dont give
those away with breakfast cereal), but, encouraged by her apparent
dithering and lack of response, he marched straight in. She didnt bother
with techniques, just waited until he overconfidently reached for her
and kneed him between the legs. Game over.
Another of the women, who is very small and light and a relative
beginner, was attacked by one of the big lads during the same session.
Shed just fended off one of the women in a calm and very dojo manner.
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As this new assailant reached for her, her reaction was totally different.
No way was she letting this large man (who she didnt really know and
wasnt inclined to trust) get hold of her! Her response was single-minded
and vigorous to the point of viciousness. Even though this was a controlled
dojo situation, he backed off dismayed. He didnt even try to use his
strength; he knew shed hurt him if he tried. Her obvious willingness and
ability to defend herself was enough she scared him off.
These are two very different approaches, but in both cases a much
stronger assailant (one of whom was a skilled martial artist) was defeated
by a determined defence put up by a small, light but resolute person. It
can be done.
Non-Physical Responses
We can divide the possible responses to a live situation into two categories:
those that involve the direct use of force against an attacker, and those
which do not. We will begin by discussing the non-physical responses
you might make.
Withdrawal and Flight
Sometimes its possible to simply walk (or run!) out of a dangerous
situation. Forget any thoughts about cowardice; this is an effective
response! After all, what do you want out of this situation? To escape
without getting hurt! And you cannot be hurt in a fight that you dont
If it seems safe enough, you can simply change course to avoid the
person shouting insults at you from the pathway ahead. Pride and ego
might want you to keep on and walk right past to show youre not
intimidated or even to stride up and give him a clout. But this is not wise.
Muggers sometimes use verbal abuse to draw in their victims, and anyway,
who cares what street trash think of you? Play safe instead.
Life is more precious than ego.
If the person threatening or insulting you is already close, you will have
to be careful about turning away. If you are within reach when you turn
your back, you risk a sudden assault when you become vulnerable. Better
to back off a little first and remain highly alert for a sudden movement or
attack from behind. Basically it should be obvious when not to turn your
back. Trust your instincts on the matter they preserved Cro-Magnon
man against sabretoothed tigers, and theyll work for you against the
descendants of either that you may encounter on the street.
If the only way to get clear of a situation is to run, then run!
You may find the thought of flight undignified or embarrassing, but really,
who cares if thats what it takes to come home safe? Taking a beating or
getting killed because you were too proud to flee might also be considered
somewhat undignified.
Many times, a potential assailant will not bother to pursue you for
more than a few steps or may give half-hearted chase for the fun of it
without any real intent of catching up. If, however, you have a determined
attacker behind you, your options begin to narrow. If you are fit you
should be in good shape to escape and may be able to outrun him,
especially if you are desperate.
If you are not fit enough to escape, then you still have some options. If
you can run a short distance then you can use flight tactically to string
out a group of attackers and even the odds somewhat or to tire them a
little. Remember that when they get tired, they have the option to
withdraw. You do not. Going for a little jog before the boxing match
begins may be too much like hard work for lazy thugs. You, propped up
by desperation, will fight until you drop. They are more likely to sidle off
and find something less exhausting to do.
It is best to have an aim in mind when you choose to flee. Running can
take you into more dangerous situations or locations, or cause you to trip
or otherwise injure yourself, reducing the chances of successful self-
defence. Better to choose an escape route or goal and make for it at your
best speed.
Flight should be directed towards an escape route or assistance.
Sometimes youll just have to run randomly until they give up. Other
times youll be able to reach a public place, your car or some other means
of ending the chase on favourable terms. But never run yourself to
exhaustion. Better to turn a corner and stop, then vigorously attack the
nearest pursuer as he comes racing around after you than to run till you
drop and get attacked as you choke and wheeze for breath.
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Verbal Resistance
By verbal resistance, we mean using your voice against an attacker. There are
many ways this can be done. The authors have heard the same stories as
everyone else about martial artists who can stun a grown man or kill a rabbit
with a single shout. Handy as this talent may be (air is certainly cheaper than
buckshot!), most people are not likely to be able to do much damage to an
assailant this way. Shouting and screaming does have certain uses, however.
A sudden (LOUD!) shout or shriek can startle someone, creating an
opening for a strike or a swift departure. The flinch reflex can cause
someone to lose their grip on your lapel. A sufficiently loud noise can
actually cause pain, and who wants to get close to a shrieking lunatic?
Shouting also attracts attention. No assailant wants that.
The martial artists kiai (shout while striking or kicking) is more than a
dramatic flourish that says Look! I have punched stylishly! The kiai
tightens up the stomach muscles, creating extra power for a blow and
ensuring that any return blow does not hit you while you are full of air.
In this way, it serves the same purpose as a boxers grunt or nasal exhalation.
However, a loud kiai also distracts the opponent as you strike, while
remaining less likely than a snort to dump the contents of your nasal
passages down your shirt front.
Shouting while you fight wastes air but can be worth it for several
reasons. Yelling as you thump someone may startle or distract your target
while it adds power to your blows. It also makes you look like a complete
nutter, which may put off others from tangling with you.
Verbal resistance also extends to the things you say. It is best not to snarl
and make threats or, indeed, to speak much at all. Speak in a firm but calm
and even tone. By all means give orders; telling people what you want
from them implies that you have the power to make them comply. But say
little else unless you have a good reason to (see Deception and Surprise).
Calm assertiveness can be intimidating to an assailant who expects fear
and submission or adrenaline-fuelled rage. It helps if you have some
succinct phrases to use. But whatever you say, make sure it comes out as
a polite instruction or a firm order, never a plea. Good places to start are:
Just stay there!
Get out of my way!
Keep away from me!
I am armed!
The latter is a warning and obviously requires that you do have a weapon
within easy reach. It can apply equally to the pool cue, kitchen knife or
large spanner that you grab upon sensing the need for a weapon.
If you need to state a warning, make sure that what you say comes out
as a statement of the natural consequences of a given action rather than as
a threat. Especially avoid lame threats that are vague or obviously badly
thought out.
Stay there or Ill put you down!
This is far better than, If you come any closer, I swear, Ill tear your arms
off I really will
Sometimes after a situation has gone out of control, speaking calmly
simply will not get through. This is the one and only time when snarling
something like Fucking back off or Ill fucking kill you! serves any useful
purpose. The rest of the time, foul language is a waste of breath and may
cause witnesses to wonder if you were just as bad as the attacker. Better
to speak calmly and with authority than to yell obscenities.
Note that while you may find it intimidating when some thug starts
screaming obscenities and threats, this does not mean that it will work
for you. Such behaviour offends and frightens decent, civilised people
but to the average street thug its normal conversation. All youll succeed
in doing is giving him a trigger for his attack.
You cant intimidate street thugs by trying to seem rougher than
them. So dont try.
There is one occasion when you might want to try acting the part of a
complete psychopath. If you are attacked and manage to beat off one
assailant only to find that his friends are starting to close in, it may be
worth capitalising on the fact youve defeated one of their number. At
this point, sounding and looking like a real animal is sometimes the only
way to drive the message home. However, as a rule, an air of calm assurance
is the best option. It is intimidating, gives nothing away and will not
usually provoke a response. It is also useful if you end up in court
defending your actions.
Above all, remember:
Speak little, use short sentences and act like youre in charge.
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Physical Responses
Once an attack has begun, you must deal with it. There was a time when
a sense of fair play prevailed in fights; it was common for an assailants
friends to drag him off if he went overboard or for strangers to intervene
to protect a victim. This is no longer the case. Giving in and taking it is
not an option since the great likelihood is that the attacker or even random
passers-by will run up and kick you once youre knocked to the ground.
Whatever this situation may say about our society, it is fact. Your only
chance to escape without serious harm is to deal with the assault. That
means making an effective physical response.
Appropriate and Effective Responses
What response you make to an assault must be governed by your
judgement of the situation and it must be within the bounds of reasonable
force. If you are sure that your life is in danger or your assailant means to
do you serious harm, you should use whatever measures are necessary to
defeat him. If you can avoid danger by, for example, allowing a burglar to
escape unhindered, then this is the best course of action.
Whatever you do must be effective. Hitting someone in an ineffective
manner is likely to anger them and may provoke them to hurt you more
than they would have otherwise. Obviously, in some situations you have
nothing to lose on that score, but you will need to weigh the risks for
yourself on a case-by-case basis. If you must respond to violence, follow
the ten basic rules listed below, always remembering the law as regards
Ten Basic Rules for Self-Defence
Let us assume that all your preventative measures have failed and you are
being attacked. You can assume that the assailant has some advantage.
Only very occasionally is someone stupid enough to attack a superior
victim. Your attacker(s) probably has superior numbers, size, fighting
ability or weapons. He also has the advantage that he is actually seeking a
fight and you are not. This being the case, you must obey the most basic
rule survive!
You must do whatever is necessary to get out of this situation with
your hide and that of your companions intact. That may mean running,
fighting, biting, scratching or handing over your wallet. Theres nothing
in it worth dying for anyway. If you are forced to fight, then do so as
effectively as possible. This is where your training, if any, comes into its
own. Even if you have no training, there are certain rules that it makes
sense to follow in a street fight or self-defence situation.
1. Dont go to the ground!
Anything on the ground seems to be considered a target by certain kinds
of people. Even if your assailant has no accomplices with him, it is possible
that someone will run up and kick you. Never go to the ground by choice.
2. If you do go to the ground, get up fast!
Many fights do go to the ground most that get past the first-punch
stage in fact. Sometimes it cant be helped. But if it happens, get up as
soon as you possibly can. Dont pin an opponent and wait for him to
submit; hurt him and get up.
3. Move!
Do not stand still, especially if outnumbered. It is surprisingly difficult to
hit a moving target. If you can think clearly enough, you can manoeuvre
tactically to make multiple assailants get in one anothers way. At the very
least you can make yourself far harder to hit or grab by moving about and
be ready to make a break for it. This can be very tiring, but once you are
static, you are an easy target so keep on moving!
4. Dont overcommit!
Use simple, quick techniques to hurt or disable your attacker, but try not
to get into a wrestling match or use overcommitted techniques that leave
you vulnerable to counter-attack. Strike, shove or throw, and move on.
5. Stay alert!
Try to remain aware of your surroundings, of potential escape routes, new
assailants and improvised weapons if such measures become necessary.
6. Remember, this isnt a kung fu movie!
There is no script, and your enemies will not line up to be knocked down
one by one. Big, flash techniques will get you into trouble more often
than they help. Never, ever try massive spinning kicks and other
impressive techniques. Real experts know how to make them work but
they also know how risky such techniques can be. Keep it simple.
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7. Dont fight strength!
Dont try to oppose physical strength or numbers. Move to make attackers
get in each others way. Push or throw them into one another. Evade
attacks rather than meeting them head on. Do not get involved in a wrestling
match with someone bigger and stronger than you.
8. Finish it!
Hit hard, throw attackers onto the ground, apply locks and, if necessary,
use sufficient force to break or dislocate a joint. You did not start this;
you didnt want it. But you had better finish it if you want to walk away.
It is never acceptable to kick someone whos helpless on the ground, but
if you get an attacker down and think hes about to get up and carry on
attacking you, exploit your advantage. Kick him while hes trying to get
up and keep doing it until he changes his mind about fighting you. Then
9. Move on!
Unless you have a profoundly good reason for remaining at the scene,
move on after the incident. Dont stick around to taunt your attackers or
go back for a sly kick while theyre down. Just get away from there and
get on with your business. If you disable someone, you have a legal
obligation to summon medical assistance for them, but this can be done
from a phone a safe distance away.
10. Cooperate with law enforcement officers!
If the police become involved, you can help your case in any investigation
by behaving in a calm and reasonable manner. If the attending officers
find you enraged, swearing and kicking at a bloody pulp on the floor,
youre in trouble. A rather better profile to present is this: you were
attacked while going about legitimate business in a manner that threatened
no one. You feared for your life or safety, and defended yourself in a calm
and restrained manner, doing only what was necessary to ensure the attack
ended. You stopped when it was obvious you were no longer in danger.
You cooperated immediately and fully with the police and seemed pleased
or relieved to see them (they are, after all, there to protect innocent citizens
like you!). If you are arrested, comply politely with instructions but insist
upon a lawyer. The police are not draconian fascists looking to stitch you
up, but its better to have the benefit of legal advice.
You Can Hurt Him!
Im not a big guy, but Im much, much bigger and stronger than the young woman who
was my training partner for a while. I should have been able to demolish her. I moved in
overconfidently, meaning to grab and drag her and met the Mother of All Punches
coming the other way. It went in under the breastbone and felt like it was coming out
the back. I was on the floor before I knew Id been hit. The woman who laid me out
wasnt really trying this was training, after all. And she weighs 6 stone less than me. She
hit the right spot, not even very hard, and that was it job done.
During an Assault
Coming suddenly under attack is a terrifying experience. An escalating
confrontation with threats and shouting can actually be worse. If you
find yourself dealing with an assault, these are the cardinal points to
Preparation: know the law and get some training before it happens!
This will free you from doubt and give you effective responses to
Assumption of threat: be ready in case a situation starts to become
dangerous. Dont leave it until you are sure its happening. That will
be too late.
Withdrawal: back off if you possibly can.
Evasion: keep your assailant from getting hold of you or striking you.
Escape: as soon as you can, find or make an opportunity and flee.
Effective response: fight as hard as you have to until you can escape
or there is no longer a threat.
As you realise a situation is sliding out of control towards violence, there
is a strange, panicky numbness that can paralyse your brain. Dont give in
to it! This is the time you need to think most clearly. Decide what you
want out of the situation and set definite goals.
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It is vital that you are ready if someone initiates an attack on you.
Fighting stances are discussed elsewhere, but essentially you should be
balanced and ready to move or resist an attempt to push or drag you.
Your hands should be up. You can react more quickly that way. You must
also stay alert a second attacker could sneak up and attack you from
behind. You should be doing these things and be ready for a physical
response even while you try to withdraw or talk your way out of trouble.
Before an attack (during a confrontation):
Say little.
Give orders.
Dont make threats; state consequences.
Assume a ready position.
Be ready to move.
Withdraw if possible.
Prepare a plan of action.
Prepare an escape plan.
Once under attack:
Make a noise.
Escape as soon as you can.
Only stay to fight if you must.
Stay alert for other threats.
Follow your plan.
Escape towards help or safety.
Finish what you start if you cannot escape.
After an Assault
The aftermath of an attack can be as bad as the attack itself. Even if you
arent seriously hurt, the trauma can cause lasting mental anguish.
However, the effects can be mitigated by sensible actions at the time.
Medical Assistance
First of all, if there is any physical injury (to yourself or someone else,
even the attacker) then it must be dealt with. If you fight someone off
and he leaves under his own power, you are safe in assuming that hell
see to his own medical needs. If hes unconscious or helpless, then you
have a legal responsibility to see he receives medical attention.
Anyone with a serious injury should be taken to a hospital. (It may be
quicker to use private transport or a taxi than an ambulance, depending
upon where you are and what time of the week it is!) Even relatively
trivial injuries should be looked at by your doctor, just in case.
While you wait for medical attention, there are a few simple things that
you can do and that may save your life. We will borrow a mantra from
the British Army to help us. This procedure is designed for battlefield
self-help by wounded soldiers. Itll serve us nicely on the street:
Check the breathing!
Stop the bleeding!
Treat for shock!
The aim of battlefield medicine is to keep casualties alive until they can
be properly treated. This is our aim too.
First, ensure that the casualty is breathing. Obviously, if someone is
standing up and able to talk, they can breathe well enough. If the casualty
is not breathing, you may have to perform CPR or assisted breathing. If
you dont know how to do this, you may want to consider taking a first-
aid course. We are not going to try to explain the procedure here for legal
reasons. We will give a warning though: if there is any pulse at all, do not
attempt to use chest compressions. You could stop the heart!
If someone is bleeding, then this must be controlled. If the blood is
thick and dark, this is very serious, since it means that an artery has been
severed. Thin, runny blood is less critical, but should be controlled quickly
Bleeding can be controlled by direct pressure (using a makeshift
dressing or just your hand to close the wound). For very large wounds,
push the edges of the wound as close together as you can and use a pad to
cover the area where bleeding is worst, trying to hold the wound closed.
If there is a knife or other implement in the wound, leave it there and
pack around it.
Elevating a damaged area can also reduce bleeding, and very serious
blood loss can be reduced by pressure on arterial pressure points. A first-
aid course will teach you how to find these reliably. Note that stress is a
factor in bleeding. If the casualty can be calmed and reassured, their heart
rate and blood pressure will fall, reducing blood loss.
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Other injuries, such as fractures, are unlikely to be fatal. The casualty
should be kept still and treated for shock, and medical assistance should
be summoned. If it is necessary to move a casualty (say to escape further
danger) then try to immobilise the fracture. Someone with a suspected
back or neck injury should not be moved.
Shock is caused by blood loss, extreme pain or a sudden, traumatic
injury. It can kill even as a result of relatively minor injuries. A person
going into shock may behave strangely. Symptoms are:
Cold, clammy skin and possible cold sweat.
Shallow breathing.
Weak pulse.
Low blood pressure.
Feeling sick or vomiting.
Confusion, dizziness or feeling faint.
It is possible to fight wound shock and carry on with whatever you are
doing, but it is very unwise. Unconsciousness can be sudden, causing
further injury. An unconscious person in shock may die.
Shock is best treated by the following measures:
Lie the casualty down and raise their legs slightly (unless they have
injuries that prevent this).
Stop bleeding and immobilise fractures.
Keep the casualty warm.
Allow only small amounts to drink.
Shock requires expert medical attention, which should be sought
immediately. The casualty may not want to cooperate, may be incoherent,
confused or just incredibly stubborn, but they should be treated. If not,
they may suddenly collapse or die.
Dealing with the Aftermath of an Attack
Not all injures are physical. To a gentle person, the memory of an attack
can be very traumatic. Even if you acted perfectly correctly and escaped
with no harm to yourself (and little to the assailant), you may suffer mental
trauma for some time. It is possible to mitigate this, however.
Firstly, you should report incidents to the police as soon as possible.
There are many reasons for doing this. A strong one is the fact that youve
just been the victim of a crime! You may feel that the police cannot do
anything, but one of the reasons they have trouble is lack of help from
the public. Your report may become part of a bigger picture and lead to a
successful arrest.
You are expected to report crimes to the police. They cant act on
what they dont know.
Other reasons for informing the police have to do with your own
protection. If the details of the incident are on record and there are future
complications, then you will be shown to have acted correctly. This is
important if the attacker goes away with seemingly trivial injuries which
turn out to be more serious than was apparent, or if they are later hurt by
someone else. Also, if there are threats or some sort of comeback, a timely
report of the original incident will help you build a case against the person
harassing you.
There are two final reasons to inform the police. When you do so,
your statement will be taken and the matter discussed with you. If it is
obvious that you are an innocent person and were forced to defend
yourself, the officers you deal with will be sympathetic and may offer
you advice (police personnel tend to be less sympathetic towards people
who go out fighting for the fun of it!).
One important factor here is reassurance. After your statement has
been looked over at the local police station (this will probably take a few
days) you will be told whether any action against you will be taken. More
likely, you will be informed that action will not be taken against you. If
you dont inform the police, there will be a slight doubt hanging over
you about this. Making a statement clears the air.
Being sure that there will be no legal difficulties over what happened
isnt nearly as good as knowing (because the police told you so) that
there will not.
You may also be struggling with your conscience, especially if you hurt
someone. The things said to you by police officers, coupled with the fact
150 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
that youll be informed that no action is being taken, should help you to
put it behind you. Knowing that individuals and the organisation best
placed to understand these things think that you have done nothing wrong
can help you come to understand that too. The police can also advise you
on local victim support groups.
If you find that you are still traumatised by the incident, you may be
able to get some support from a local victim support group (the police
can put you in touch or you can try the phone book), or from a more
general support group such as the Samaritans. Talking to your friends
and relatives can help too. Not, obviously, rehashing the gory details, but
just talking it out with people who care can help you get everything in
Talk to someone professionals, friends or family about what
happened. Dont let it stew.
Some people are contemptuous of counsellors. Dont fall into this trap.
The human mind is an amazing, but delicate, thing. It can be damaged in
an incident and need some help to heal, just like your body.
This is not to say you should wallow in self-pity quite the opposite.
One of the best ways to beat mental trauma is to be busy and active,
allowing fewer moments for your mental injuries to sneak up and beat
you about the head. In time, the scars will fade and youll come to terms
with what happened. But at first, that can be hard, so dont be afraid to
ask for a little help. Youd ask a friend to help you stop your arm from
bleeding or would go to a hospital with a knife wound, wouldnt you?
Whats so different about mental injuries?
If you must respond to a situation, you must do so effectively.
Be ready for physical self-defence, but try to withdraw or escape.
Speak calmly and with authority. Say little.
If a situation gets physical remember that your goal is escape or
survival, not winning!
Make a noise.
Take any opportunity to escape.
Remember, you can defend yourself if you try hard enough.
Youre not beaten until you give up or are rendered unconscious.
Afterwards, report the matter to the police.
Ensure any injuries receive medical attention.
Talk to someone about the incident.
Dont blame yourself.
152 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
Chapter 3: Tactics for
Successful Self-Defence
Once a situation has gone so badly wrong that you have to fight, then it is
imperative that you put up enough resistance to drive off the attacker or
win an opportunity to escape. There are a few little tricks that you can
use to greatly increase your effectiveness, plus a few things that you should
never do.
What You Should Always Do
Have a plan of action.
Remain aware of your surroundings; watch for opportunities to escape
or new threats.
Keep moving it makes you harder to hit.
Escape as soon as you can.
Use combinations rather than single strikes.
Use terrain and obstructions to slow or hamper attackers.
Remember the law!
What You Should Never Do
Dont go to the ground.
Dont wrestle or grapple with someone bigger or stronger than you.
Dont wrestle or grapple with anyone!
Dont stay to fight if you can escape.
Dont lose control and become an animal.
Dont fight unless you have no alternative!
Dont let someone take you to a more secluded place.
Distractions and Deceptions
It is possible to use tricks and distractions to create an opening to escape
or give you a chance to land a pre-emptive strike. There is absolutely
nothing wrong with using such tricks after all, you are using them
against someone who is attacking you!
One simple distraction that really works is to throw something in your
attackers face. The object thrown can be almost anything. A handful of
loose change is good, but anything you have in your bag or pockets will
do as long as it is heavy enough to fly straight. You can distract an attacker
with a comb, a handful of sweets, your half-eaten sandwich almost
anything! But never throw your car keys or mobile phone. These are tools
you might need to escape or summon help later.
If you throw something at someone (it need not be hurled; an
underhand toss is fine) then they will naturally react. The usual reaction
is to recoil, throw up the hands to protect the face or try to catch the
object. This creates a momentary distraction for you to attack or turn and
flee. Be aware that some people will not flinch and that any distraction
lasts for a second or two at best, so you must exploit the opportunity
immediately. Even if you have more things to throw, this trick is unlikely
to be effective more than once.
Distract and act!
Deception will probably work only once.
Spitting in someones face, uncouth as it may be, can be an effective
distraction. Similarly, kissing or licking someones face as you grapple
with him, or (if you are suitably unshaven) scraping him with your stubble
may cause him to flinch away.
Other distractions include suddenly glancing off to the side of your
opponent as if someone is approaching him from behind or making a
sudden noise. Noise can be a powerful ally. A sudden scream or yell in
the attackers face may make him hesitate, and of course there are other
benefits of making a noise as discussed earlier.
Distraction takes many forms. Anything that breaks an attackers
concentration is useful to you.
Deception can be used to hide your real intentions. For example, if you
have decided that your only option is to launch a pre-emptive attack,
then speaking to your attacker can be a good cover for your preparations.
Dont make threats that gives too much away. Say something that makes
him think for a second, something totally irrelevant like suddenly asking
the time or how his brother is (even though you dont know him or his
154 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
hypothetical brother from Adam!), or something disarming, like saying
you dont want to fight.
Sometimes it is useful to attack while you or the attacker is still talking.
Gunfighters in the Old West found that not only do people tend to
concentrate on your words and not on the preparations to attack them,
but they are also mentally disarmed while a conversation is going on.
This can let you gain time on your opponent, which can be vital. If you
intend to use deceptive speech:
Ask a question or say something that gets his attention, and act
immediately afterwards, or
Start talking, and act in the middle of a sentence.
Another way to conceal your intentions is to use movement and timing.
If you stand very still, it is easy for an attacker to spot you starting to
move. This is especially true for poorly trained or untrained people who
visibly gather themselves before acting. If you are already moving a little
moving your hands, changing the distance between you then it is
harder for him to spot when you start an attack. Again, this lets you gain
a little time. Moving also makes you harder to hit.
It is easier to spot a stationary object or person that starts moving than
to identify a threatening movement among constant non-threatening
and fake-threatening ones.
You can also suddenly change direction and speed to confuse an opponent,
backing away slowly then suddenly closing in for a strike. Unless he is
very skilled he will have trouble adjusting to the change in speed, and
since he is probably following you as you retreat, you will suddenly be in
range for an attack. This may make him reluctant to follow you afterwards,
allowing you to gain some space or even enough room to turn and flee.
You can also deceive an opponent by feigning an inability to react,
perhaps through fear or extreme tiredness. This ploy can be somewhat
risky, since your opponent may see it as an opportunity to launch a
devastating strike and come in hard and fast. Thus it is best to do this
when you have a little space. In most cases, an attacker who sees his
opponent fold up out of fear or exhaustion will not be able to help himself.
This is when he is most vulnerable to an all-out counter-attack. He will
be physically off-guard and, more importantly, mentally unprepared for
his helpless victims sudden attack. This ploy (feigned fear or helplessness
rather than tiredness) is also useful at the beginning of a confrontation if
you plan to launch a pre-emptive attack.
Faking exhaustion or panicked surrender can create a window for a
fight-winning attack.
More complex deceptions, such as foot feints, where you shift your
weight as if doing one thing, then do something entirely different, rely
upon your opponent reading them and reacting. This only works on
experienced or well-trained fighters (very experienced ones learn not to
fall for this sort of thing) and can be difficult to execute if you are not
highly skilled. In short, complex feints and deceptions are not something
you should worry about on the street. Most thugs will just come in
swinging and your deception probably wont even be noticed.
Its a fact that everyone has an aversion to falling. The moment they lose their balance,
people will stop worrying about whatever they were trying to do, and concentrate on
regaining equilibrium. This can be turned to an advantage. If a big, strong person has
hold of you, its difficult to break free. Wrestling isnt going to work. But if you get him off-
balance, you can twist away (or hit him) as his attention shifts to not falling over.
There are many ways to break someones balance. One of the best is to shove up and
back against his face and nose (or throat, but this is dangerous). Hell flinch and lose his
balance. Follow up with a strong, sharp push, then twist away. It doesnt need much
force, and it works.
Pre-Emptive Techniques
Contrary to popular belief, it is perfectly legal to strike someone pre-
emptively if you have reason to believe that there is a real threat. He was
about to punch me is good enough. Hes a skinhead is not. Pre-empting
an attack with a powerful strike is a good option if youre sure things are
about to go out of control. This can prevent a situation reaching the point
where you cannot win. However, there are other options if you are unable
or unwilling to strike first.
P R E - E M P T I V E T E C H N I Q U E S
156 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
If you are confident of your grappling abilities, you can close in, smother
any attempt to hit you and use a takedown or restraint technique to gain
physical control of the opponent. This is unwise if he is obviously stronger
than you, and even if he is not, its always fraught with risks.
Another option is to use a strike that causes pain and moves the attacker
away from you. A double palm-heel strike to the shoulders will send
most people reeling away in pain. Hopefully, the shock and pain of the
strike will cause the attacker (who is now out of reach and able to withdraw
if he chooses) to lose interest in you. There is always the chance that he
will charge back in full of rage and endorphins, however.
The level of violence you employ must always be judged according to
the situation. You will get no second chances; it is better to be sure than
to be kicked to death for trying to use minimum force on someone bigger
and stronger than you who was looking for trouble in the first place.
Remember that you are the person responsible for your own safety. Do
what you must to survive, and if that means striking first then do it.
I once had a fight with a local bully. He planned to have a fight with me but I beat him to
it. Hed spotted me and decided to give me some. He came over to where I was
standing, shoved me around, called me various names, invited me to hit him the
usual routine. Hed beaten up several people I knew who tried to fight him, and several
more who didnt even try because they were so scared of him. This guy was huge!
I tried to wriggle out of the situation, looked around for help, but the only people around
were six of the bullys mates and one of mine who was edging nervously away. Not
much help there. So, realising that it was going to happen anyway, I let fly a powerful
body punch into the solar plexus that started moving about a second before I decided to
hit him.
By the time he realised the fight had started, he was on the ground groaning and I was
departing the scene at a rate of knots. His six mates just looked puzzled they hadnt
even seen the punch. I got well clear before the penny dropped and they decided to
come after me.
Had I tried to slug it out with this colossus of a man and all his mates, Id most likely have
been hospitalised at best. As it was, I got out unhurt, and I owe that escape to a hard-
nosed decision that since things were about to get as bad as they possibly could, I might
as well chance all on a pre-emptive strike.
Improvised Weapons
All manner of things can be used as a weapon in self-defence. Any heavy
object can add weight to a blow, anything sharp can cut and anything that
looks remotely like a weapon vastly increases your chances of deterring
an attack. Someone who does not believe you can hurt him with your
fists may not be so sure about a table lamp or a kitchen knife.
Remember that the use of weapons is governed by the law, and their
use must constitute reasonable force in the circumstances.
Many martial artists train with strange and interesting weapons of a sort
that you are unlikely to find lying around. However, it is worth
understanding that most of these weapons are derived from things that a
Chinese peasant (or whoever was developing the art) might have had
lying around. Skills learned in the dojo with a five-foot staff or a rice flail
may or may not be useful on the street where these things are not available,
but (with the exception of some of the really esoteric devices), many
everyday objects behave remarkably like the traditional martial arts
Whether or not you want to get some weapons training is up to you.
Its only really worth it if you intend to pursue a martial art. But it is
worth understanding how some of the skills transfer across and how to
use certain objects as weapons.
One important factor about improvised weapons is that they have an
innocent purpose, so if you do have to use them, explaining why you had
the weapon handy is not a problem. As an example, if you use a rice flail
to disable an attacker, then even if the act of using it was lawful, you are
going to have to present a good reason why you were carrying it. On the
other hand, if you are attacked while driving and your hand falls on a can
of de-icer or a steering wheel lock, then you are justified in having these
weapons to hand. However, your use of them must still constitute
reasonable force.
Knives and Similar Objects
Your home (and possibly place of work) has a number of objects that can
be used to slash or stab in desperate self-defence. Scissors, kitchen knives,
chisels and screwdrivers can all serve to deter an armed attacker and
they can kill very easily. It is actually harder not to kill someone with
158 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
sharp objects, particularly impaling weapons like carving knives, than to
inflict a mortal wound. Use a sharp implement for defence only where
your survival is at stake.
Blunt Instruments
Lamps, pans, odd sticks found lying around, hammers, stools, the plug
end of a power cord (the end with the vacuum cleaner or TV on it is just
too unwieldy!) or even an unopened drink can add weight to the impact
of a strike and can serve as a deterrent in a way that fists cannot. Blunt
objects can be also used to jab with; even a rolled-up newspaper can be
effective if used in this way. Blunt instruments can be used to inflict non-
lethal injury. Blows to anywhere but the head are unlikely to be fatal,
though they may well break bones. It is relatively easy to kill by hitting
someone over the head with a hard object, so again, this is a matter for
extreme circumstances. Otherwise, a blunt instrument makes a fine
defensive tool.
Small, blunt (but hard) instruments such as keys or pens can be used
to apply force. If you poke a hard object like a pen or key against the side
of the head, the ribs, collarbone or the neck, someone who has hold of
you will let go and recoil in pain. This can be vital if you are borne to the
ground where there is little leverage. A bunch of keys held in the hand
with a few sticking out of the bottom of your fist could also be used in
this way, and the sharp edges of keys can be used to gouge at an attackers
face, which will usually make him back off or give you a chance to get up
from the ground. Hairbrushes and combs also cause a remarkable amount
of pain if used this way.
Bottles and Glasses
A large bottle makes a fine club, and even a small one can be held by the
body and used to jab with, which can cause real pain to an attacker. Note
that bottles do not break like in the movies, and slamming them against a
kitchen bench is likely to leave you holding just the neck if you dont
cut your hand to ribbons!
Glasses, on the other hand, do break easily and become capable of
inflicting nasty, jagged wounds. Obviously, only fairly solid glasses are
any use here champagne flutes are stylish but not very effective. When
breaking a glass (even breaking one by ramming it into someone!), you
run the risk of cutting yourself too. Broken glass is best saved for desperate
Hot Liquids and Other Hot Weapons
Coffee, tea, soup or even a pan full of sauce can cause severe injury. Faced
with an armed attacker, you are justified in threatening him with a pan
off the stove or in throwing the contents of your coffee cup over him.
This does not simply apply in the obvious location the kitchen but
wherever you happen to be. Many people buy coffee and drink it while
going somewhere. Some people make a point of having a nice hot cup of
coffee in their hand while waiting for a late night train, and while this
could hardly be described in court as being armed, it does provide a
defensive weapon should you need it. Anything else that is hot can be
used to cause pain to an attacker and distract, deter or disable him. Potential
weapons range from a domestic iron to soldering irons and even hot
food. Shoving a slice of hot pizza in someones face will distract him
while you escape or attack if necessary!
Note that hot fat is so damaging that it might be viewed as lethal force.
If you have nothing else in reach and your life is in danger, then perhaps
a pan full of hot fat might be an option as a defensive weapon, but do be
aware that it would be considered a very extreme response.
A cigarette lighter can be shoved into an assailants face (while lit,
naturally). Similarly, if you work with one, a hand-held blowtorch is a
powerful deterrent. Dont bother trying to make a flame-thrower out of
an aerosol can, though. The spray will work well on its own, without the
risk of setting fire to your home, yourself or even causing an explosion.
Several handy weapons can be improvised from clothing, whether grabbed
from the laundry pile or taken off for the purpose. Heavy shoes can make
a decent blunt instrument, while stilettos can be swung overhand to strike
with the heel. A sock stuffed with anything heavy makes a good club,
while a belt with a heavy buckle makes a weapon somewhat similar to the
martial artists rice flail. Odd items of clothing (or towels, rugs and so
on) can be thrown at or over an attacker to entangle or blind him for a
moment. More substantial clothing such as a heavy coat can be wrapped
around an arm as a shield against a weapon, while anything heavy with
metal zips can be swung as a flail.
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Many things come in spray cans or trigger-operated sprayers. Oil, de-
icer, oven cleaner, deodorant, hairspray or almost anything else can be
sprayed in an attackers face to distract or disable him. Note that some
things such as oven cleaner are highly caustic and may cause permanent
damage. Such weapons must only be used where there is a very serious
threat. Fire extinguishers also make excellent weapons since you can spray
an attacker and/or bash him with the metal body of the extinguisher.
Improvised Shields
Chairs, bicycles, the kitchen bin (or an old-style dustbin lid if available)
can be used as a shield and a (rather clumsy) club to defend against an
attack. Jabbing the legs of a chair or stool at an opponent while keeping
the seat in front of your body can be very effective. One of the authors
once stopped a kick and demolished the kicker with of all things a
large plastic laundry basket!
Other Improvised Weapons
Taking a lead from old Westerns, you can throw a handful of loose material
like sand or gravel in an attackers face to distract him or hopefully irritate
his eyes. Irritants such as pepper, salt or chilli powder can be very effective.
Almost anything striking the face causes a flinch reaction (especially if
it is wet), so you can gain a moment to escape or find a better weapon by
throwing the first thing that comes to hand. Random examples include:
Potato peelings.
A CD box.
The cat (!)
A handful of soil.
A bottle.
A shoe.
School books.
Absolutely anything else that is to hand.
If you look around you, you will spot many objects that can be used to
deter, distract or disable an attacker. It may seem silly to consider throwing
a household pet in the face of an armed assailant, but if this gains you the
time to run into the kitchen and find a suitable weapon, then it could
save your life.
On To the End!
It is vitally important to finish what you start. A single strike may create
an opening for another blow or give you time to escape, but if you freeze,
horrified at what you have just done or wait to see what effect it has, you
will have an enraged assailant to deal with.
If you must use force, do not stop until you are sure the assailant
cannot continue to attack you or you have a good chance to escape.
Dont worry about the legality of this. Refer again to the section on self-
defence law, but in simple terms:
If your assailant is still a threat, then you are justified in continuing to
use force.
If he isnt then youre not.
Body Armour
Contrary to popular opinion, it is quite legal for private citizens in this country to own
body armour and to wear it while going about their business. The overt flak jacket type
is probably not appropriate for ordinary people, but concealable body armour that can
be worn under other clothing is available. At present, vests are normally slash and stab-
proof or are designed to stop bullets. Combination vests are more expensive and bulkier.
There is really no point in most people obtaining body armour, but for some high-risk
occupations, such as ambulance crews, doormen, taxi drivers and journalists, the
investment may be deemed worth it. A stab vest is the best choice for most people. The
basic type costs around 200, or 250 for a vest offering protection from the increasing
syringe threat.
Body armour, even the best available, is somewhat hot and bulky, and it does not make
the wearer invulnerable. But if you feel the need is great enough, a stab vest may be an
appropriate investment.
O N T O T H E E N D !
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Dealing with Multiple Attackers
The truth of trying to fight multiple attackers is summed up in two words:
You cant.
This does not mean its all over if youre outnumbered. It just means that
you cannot possibly hope to fight two, three or more people all at once. It
is just about possible to shove, punch and generally battle your way
through a small mob of attackers to gain an escape route, but as a rule if
two or more people grab you at once or get into a position where one of
them can attack you from behind, things look bleak. Its even worse if
you end up on the ground wrestling with one of them. The others will
take their time lining up the kicks and you wont have a chance.
If two or more people grab you, youre in serious trouble.
If you manage to remain upright, you need to manoeuvre so that they
can only attack you one at a time. This is incredibly physically exhausting,
but you need to keep it up. Situational awareness is vital here. If you can
use obstacles to slow or block some of the attackers, then the odds are
better for you. Not good, but better.
If you get a chance to flee, then take it. If not, then you may be able to
deter the group by dealing with the leader (hes the one with the big
mouth who struts and postures for the benefit of the rest). You may be
able to face him down or manage the confrontation before it gets physical
its unlikely but possible.
Once matters do become physical, if you cant escape then you are
going to have to fight your way out. It may be possible to take the fight
out of the whole group by demolishing one of their number (the leader
is best) with a pre-emptive or highly skilled attack, followed by an obvious
readiness to do the same to all the others.
If that doesnt work, then youre going to be involved in a desperate
scramble with attacks coming in from all quarters, people trying to grab
you and sometimes getting in one anothers way. Your only real chance
is to attack everything that comes near you. Strike hard, fast blows intended
to keep anyone from getting hold of you and (hopefully) cause sufficient
pain and injury to make that individual drop out of the fight.
Keep moving so they can only get at you one at a time.
You may actually have to attack one of them rather than let them all attack
you at once. As always, your goal must be to create an escape route. If you
can do this, then you arent fighting several people at once, youre fighting
them one at a time. This truly is your best chance, but its not a good one.
If you find yourself grappling, you will end up on the ground where
youll get kicked. One option to defend against this is to get one of the
attackers on top of you (that should present little problem, given how
you got to be on the ground in the first place) and use him as a shield
while you choke him out (if you know how). You can also make him
recoil suddenly by attacking the face or throat, creating a space so you can
get to your feet.
Thats the crux of the matter you have to get back up! A good grappler
can defeat one person on the ground indeed, many people train for
ground fighting to the point where its their preferred arena but you
cant deal with several attackers from the floor. If you cant get up and
escape, at least start moving around to keep them from ganging up on
you, otherwise youre in big trouble.
If you are taken to the ground by multiple attackers, you must get up
If your attackers goal is rape, then things may work out slightly differently.
Rapists will want to subdue you or hold you down; they may hit you to
take the fight out of you, but their main goal will be to get you down and
If you are upright, then your tactic is the same as before you should
keep moving and try to keep anyone from getting a good hold on you;
cause pain or (better) injury and try to gain an opportunity to escape.
If grabbed or forced down, you still have some options. Your clothing
and theirs will be in the way and will distract them. Or you could more
or less stop struggling for a moment. (Only do this if youre well and
truly held; if there is a reasonable chance you can get free then keep
fighting!) Rapists are not focussed on hurting you; they want to get on
with the act. That means that if you are not fighting back, they will keep
hold of you, but they are unlikely to hit you. Their attention will quickly
turn to savouring what theyre about to do. While they are distracted, do
something unbelievably violent and break free.
164 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
What you want is to not only disable whoevers got hold of you, but to
get his accomplices to turn their attention to him rather than you. Biting,
eye jabs and throat strikes are good options. You dont want to struggle
free you want the nearest one to recoil in agony and horror and his
mates to look to see what hes screaming about thus creating an escape
Do not try to wrestle with one or several rapists.
Cause pain or, better yet, damage and break away as they recoil.
As long as you keep on trying to get up and get away, you still have a
chance. Anyone who has tried to administer a pill to a cat will be familiar
with the sensation of trying to keep hold of a small hurricane with fur
and claws. Take your cue from our furry friends and struggle like crazy.
Bite, scratch and kick out at anything that comes within reach. Grab an
attacker around the knees and pull him over. If you can create enough
confusion youll get a chance to surge to your feet and run for it. Or the
attackers may decide that battling a wild-eyed dervish is just too much
effort and back off.
Prepare! Learn to look for improvised weapons and for potential escape
Make use of deception and distraction.
Strike first if you are sure you are about to be attacked.
Move, and KEEP MOVING!
Use only simple, reliable techniques.
Make use of improvised weapons.
Break off and escape if you can.
Finish what you start.
Part IV: Training
Chapter 1: Martial Arts and
Self-Defence Classes
Even a small amount of training can be hugely beneficial to your chances
of successfully defending yourself. Training not only gives you useful
things to do, but makes the close-in, physical confrontation situation more
familiar and thus less frightening. In some people this can be counter-
productive because they start to think theyre invincible after a few
sessions, but for most the training experience is a positive one.
Anyone, of any age, has the right to some form of self-defence training,
and a good club or course will make whatever special arrangements are
necessary to allow students to learn what they can. Some martial arts
clubs cater almost exclusively for young people; however, many instructors
tailor their courses to older or less active people. The ones who really do
not want to know are mostly into hard man styles that are not appropriate
for any but a small group of lets say special people, anyway.
If a suitable course cannot be found, it may be possible to get together
with a few other people and contact a local martial arts school and ask for
one. If enough people are interested, such a course might be arranged
and one would expect tailored specifically to the recipients.
Why Take a Class?
In a crisis situation, people react according to their training. Thats why
its better to have some! Most people can figure out a fairly effective
solution to a crisis, given time. But with the clock ticking and the stress
piling up, panic can paralyse even the smartest of people. Any solution
invented spontaneously will be sloppy and hurried, and so will its
execution. This is still better than nothing, but a prepared, calm response
is far superior.
Fear and adrenaline will cloud your thinking. But if you know what
to do ahead of time and youve practised it, youll be all right.
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Training has two benefits in this area. First, self-defence training gives
you trained-reflex responses to carry out. This can be vital if someone
tries to choke you or drag you off; such attacks can be dealt with if you
know how. If you dont, your chances are slim. Usually you will have
only a few seconds to respond do the wrong thing and its all over.
There is simply no time for trial and error, and brute force rarely works.
The second benefit of training is hidden, but just as real. The knowledge
that you know what to do helps you think more clearly and respond
more assertively. This can deter an assailant who is not totally committed
to attacking you. Even if a situation is beyond your experience, your
familiarity with self-defence situations may help you come up with a
response that would not have occurred to an inexperienced person.
If you know what to do, itll show. This means you may not need to
do anything at all!
There are other reasons for going along to martial arts or self-defence
classes, of course. Learning something new is a worthy act in itself. The
achievement looks good on a CV and there are real fitness benefits. You
get to meet interesting people and throw them around the room, try
to choke them, stamp on their fingers Seriously, martial arts require
rather more effort than most people are prepared to put in, but a couple
of one-off self-defence classes cost little in terms of time or money, and
they could make all the difference.
It takes regular and effective training to develop muscle memory and
the fitness required to be really effective in a self-defence situation, and
this benefit is gradually lost over time. However, most people experience
a huge jump in capability after attending a class or two. This is for two
Firstly, a decent class will teach you some basic things to do, and youll
go from having absolutely no idea what to do or how to do it, to at least
having a general idea. As an example, many people really dont know
how to throw a punch. A basic class will teach you, along with simple
ways to break a grab or strangle.
Secondly, and most importantly, having some idea of what to do means
that you are more likely to do something. What you actually do when under
attack may be sloppy, unplanned, incoherent and not terribly effective,
but that is still a thousand times better than rolling into a ball and waiting
for the inevitable! Remember that most attackers dont want a fight, they
want a victim. The instant you start doing something about the attack,
you stand a chance of deterring the attacker.
A few good classes will give you a quantum leap in capability.
After that, progress is slower, but steady.
The primary benefit of taking the occasional self-defence class is
psychological. Your attitude will change from Help! to Hey, get away
from me! Im not helpless you know! And what a difference that makes!
Be advised, though, that some people go along to a class, bash the pads
and break a couple of wrist grabs, and strut out feeling invincible. This
kind of psychological change isnt beneficial. All youll have is an attitude
and nothing to back it up. Thats not much short of suicide, so dont let it
Do take a class. A quantum leap in capability can be made in a couple
of hours. Your chances of repelling an assault will be greatly increased
and your chances of having to will be correspondingly diminished.
Finding a Suitable Art or Style
The first question is: self-defence or martial art? The issue is quite
complicated, since some martial arts are actually sports, and some are so
stylised that they have no real self-defence value. On the other hand,
self-defence courses are often quite superficial and while they can instil a
basic capacity to defend yourself, there is usually little depth. Worse, some
self-defence courses are little more than placebos. Students are shown
some amazing techniques, spend some time punching a bag and are
allowed to go on their way feeling better about their ability to repel an
attack, when in reality they have learned little. The available courses and
styles can be categorised as follows:
Stylised Martial Arts
Some arts are so concerned with aesthetics, forms and kata (solo displays
of technique) that they have little value on the street. Some martial arts
are very much bound up in tradition and do not take account of the real
threat on our streets today. The situation is complicated by the fact that
one instructor in a given art may be committed to practical applications
of the techniques, while another may be concerned only with the correct
performance of kata and forms.
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Fitness Martial Arts
A current fad, this is actually a form of aerobics that uses kick-boxing-
type movements. Fitness benefits aside, it has little combat value.
Inner Martial Arts
Some arts, such as tai chi, are a form of moving meditation using slow
and graceful versions of fighting techniques. They are a great way to relax
and learn balance (physical and psychological) and are beautiful to watch
or participate in, but have very limited applications on the street. Some
martial artists use inner arts as part of their training package, usually as
a warm-down at the end of a session.
Sport Martial Arts
Some martial arts are aimed primarily at competition. These arts are
limited by their rules, which prohibit some techniques from being used
in competition (so they are not learned), but there is still a lot to be gained
from training within those rules. To give an example of drawbacks, take
judo. Both the authors have trained in judo and have a great deal of respect
for the art and its practitioners, so no insult is intended when we say that
some aspects of the art are not well suited to self-defence. Judo
practitioners train for competitions in which punching and kicking are
not allowed. A defensive move when downed on the judo mat is to go
into a ball or lie flat, face down. This is ideal for judo competitions, but
on the street it will get you killed. Sport martial arts represent an excellent
way to learn certain techniques throwing and grappling skills in the
case of judo but you must remember to leave the competition techniques
in the dojo.
Submission Fighting Training
This is aimed at the specialist arena of full-contact submission fighting.
Practitioners are excellent fighters and are certainly able to take their
formidable skills out of the arena (which has only a few more rules than
a bar brawl!). Submission fighting training is very, very violent and not
for most people. Also, ground fighting is a big part of submission fighting
training, and as has been mentioned, the ground is the last place you
want to be. That said, submission fighters are very capable of defending
themselves if knocked to the ground on the street.
The two styles that are of most interest to us are:
Self-Defence Training
A good self-defence course will cover critical issues such as threat
awareness and self-defence law, in addition to teaching simple and effective
counters to likely street attacks. Such courses tend to stick to boring,
vanilla-flavour techniques with a heavy dose of reality thrown in. While
a one-off course cannot create the muscle memory and high state of
readiness that regular training does, such a course is a good option if time
is limited.
Self-Defence-Based Martial Arts
These arts offer much the same as a self-defence course, but are structured
as a traditional martial art, with grades signified by belts or sashes. A
practical martial art of this kind must evolve to meet new threats, teach
techniques that work for everyone (not just large, strong young men!)
and must involve cross-training so that practitioners can do something
effective if they are knocked to the ground, are caught in a tight space or
find themselves facing more than one opponent. In other words, a self-
defence-based martial art must, more than anything else, be practical!
These classifications are not intended to denigrate any of the groups
listed. Each has its merits and within its own field is highly effective. We
have a particular set of requirements, and it is worth understanding that
many martial arts are simply not appropriate to that need. However, the
lines are somewhat blurred. Boxing, for example, is technically a sport,
but boxers are extremely effective fighters outside the ring. So are muay
Thai practitioners (Thai boxers) and kick boxers. A judoka (judo student)
can be deadly if someone is foolish enough to grab them. You can thus
find the skills you need in a variety of places. What is most important is to
find a style and an instructor that suits you. In fact, the single thing that
matters more than any consideration of art or style is the instructor.
Choosing a Class or Course
If you can only spare a little time, a one-off self-defence course may be
the best option. Indeed, unless you intend to train regularly, a self-defence
course is probably best for you. Such courses tend not to be very in-
depth, but they offer a few simple, practical techniques for dealing with
an attacker or at least gaining enough time to escape. Self-defence courses
170 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
tend to be relaxed, accessible and fun, which is good for people not wishing
to get involved in the formal martial arts.
If you do decide to take it further and study a martial art, be aware
there are many on offer and some will simply not suit you. It may be
necessary to try a few before you find a style and an instructor that you
are happy with. Some arts require a long time to become proficient at, or
are aimed more at sport than serious self-defence. Some are so deadly
that use outside a controlled environment is fraught with risks. It is the
opinion of the authors that a martial art taken up for self-defence should
be practical, not stylised, and should include both striking and grappling
When searching for a suitable class or style, the following rules are
good guidelines:
Shop around. Have a look at a few different classes before you decide
on one.
Ask to sit in on a class, or take a taster session if one is available.
Talk to the instructor. Do you feel this person can be trusted to give
you what you need?
Talk to some of the students (not during a class!) without their
instructor present.
Evaluate the teaching. Could you learn this way?
Evaluate the techniques. Would they work for you?
If you get the impression that the class would not suit you, then you are
almost certainly right! There are certain concrete signs that a class is not
Arrogant, abusive or offhand teaching styles.
Overcrowding or other safety issues.
Emphasis on flash techniques.
Emphasis on power to defeat an opponent.
Attitude of Harder! Stronger! Faster! rather than good technique.
Racism, sexism or similar unacceptable conduct.
Insistence that you do not train elsewhere.
Attempts to pressure you into a contract, sell you T-shirts and
equipment, and generally make money from you before youve had a
fair chance to find out if the course is for you.
Expensive gradings and other high costs.
Overall, you are looking for a class that will help you learn and will
motivate you to make the most of your abilities while making allowance
for any limitations you may have. (This is not the same thing as letting
you get away with laziness!) You should also get a fair return for your
money. Quality is not always expensive, and cheap is not always good!
And if you find yourself thinking these people are headcases! then
you really should look elsewhere for your training. Remember that if the
training is more likely to get you hurt than going out on the street
untrained, then youre really much better off without it!
The most important factor is the instructor. A good instructor has some
or all of the following characteristics:
Competence. The instructor can do it as well as show it.
Patience with struggling students as long as theyre genuinely trying
to learn.
Firm but polite and respectful control of the training environment.
Approachability. The instructor is willing to answer questions and
help with problems rather than just teach and go.
Sensible and realistic attitude to the reality of street self-defence.
Insistence upon safety in the training environment.
Respect for students as human beings.
Refusal to accept sexism or racism.
Do take a course. Even a one-off session will make a huge difference.
It does, however, take regular training to become skilled.
Choose your course wisely. The instructor is the most important factor.
Choose someone you can respect and trust wholl show you the same
172 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
Chapter 2: The Martial Arts
There are many, many arts out there, and the situation is further
complicated by the fact that many instructors offer several styles depending
upon the needs of the students, but advertise their club under a general
title. What follows is a rough guide to some of the more common arts on
offer. Within each, there are often different sub-styles.
Summaries of Martial Arts Styles
Aikido is a self-defence art based on the concept of blending with an
opponent and using his momentum against him. One very strong plus is
the emphasis on evasion (tai sabaki), which teaches a fundamental self-
defence skill that of not being in the path of an attack. However, aikido
does surrender the initiative to the attacker and relies on fine motor skills
that may be heavily degraded by stress and adrenaline.
Aiki-jitsu is basically a stripped-down version of aikido optimised for
street self-defence. Aiki-jitsu places less emphasis on flowing with
techniques and more on persuading an attacker to be thrown by the use
of joint locks and similar coercive measures.
Not considered a martial art by most, boxing is all about punching, with
no kicks or grappling at all. Boxers are excellent punchers and also learn
a lot about timing, distance and evasion. However, boxing tends to involve
contact when training and is perhaps most useful as a side-study to develop
striking skills rather than as a main self-defence art.
A Korean art that draws on many traditional arts for its techniques and
fuses them into a coherent and versatile whole that has been adopted by
some law enforcement agencies. Hapkido uses high kicks similar to those
of tae kwon do as well as close-in combat techniques.
Jeet Kune Do
Primarily a striking art, jeet kune do was developed by the late Bruce Lee
and incorporates concepts from Wing Chung kung fu and other arts.
Different styles of jeet kune do exist, leading to considerable variation in
teaching. As a hard striking style, jeet kune do is practical and effective.
However, association with the Lee name makes jeet kune do highly
attractive. Some instructors are not true jeet kune do teachers, but are
merely trying to cash in on the popularity of the arts founder.
A mixed striking/grappling art, ju-jitsu is highly effective for self-defence
in most situations. Ju-jitsu eschews high kicks for the most part in favour
of close-in work ideally suited to the pavement arena. Various styles of
ju-jitsu exist, including Brazilian (or Gracie) ju-jitsu, which is primarily
focused on ground fighting.
Judo is a combat sport spun out of ju-jitsu. It is limited by competition
rules to grappling and throwing techniques, but practitioners tend to be
very skilled at those. Judo is thus an excellent training ground for grappling
skills but is not the first choice for self-defence.
Both of these arts are primarily weapons styles, though they deal with
basic, practical weapons such as sticks and knives rather than the more
esoteric weapons often associated with the martial arts. Probably not a
good option for beginners, these arts are highly pragmatic and very
powerful in armed self-defence.
There are several styles of karate. What they have in common is an
emphasis on hard striking techniques. Shotokan karate in particular is
very stylised, while Wado Ryu is more natural in its stances. Karate, if
well taught, is extremely effective as a striking art. However, some
instructors place more emphasis on display than self-defence and
concentrate on kata rather than on practical applications.
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Kick Boxing
Like boxing, kick boxing is a sport and is constrained by competition
rules that prohibit certain strikes and all forms of grappling. Kick boxing
is an excellent way to practise striking and kicking techniques and also
teaches concepts like timing and distance, but it is not primarily focused
on self-defence.
Kung Fu
Several styles of kung fu exist, of which Wing Chun is probably the most
famous. Developed for the tight spaces of the Hong Kong alleyways, Wing
Chun is excellent at close quarters. Other kung fu styles are more open.
Kung fu is mainly about striking an opponent and can be tricky to learn
(though well worth the effort).
Muay Thai
Muay Thai, or Thai boxing, is a sport similar to kick boxing, but all strikes
are permitted and grappling can also take place. Training is tough and
painful as body conditioning needs to be developed, but muay Thai
remains (for those who become skilled at it) a fearsome striking art.
Nihon Tai-jitsu
Nihon tai-jitsu is the favoured style of the authors. Very similar to ju-
jitsu, it places strong emphasis on close-combat techniques, short-range
striking and throwing, and tai sabaki (evasion). It is designed as a street
self-defence art and discards many stylised movements in favour of
simplicity and effectiveness.
Ninjutsu is usually billed as the fighting art of the Ninja, though in fact
ninjutsu refers to the whole range of stealth and assassination skills used
by the Ninja of feudal Japan. Exactly what is taught under the banner of
ninjutsu depends upon the instructor. Usually it looks like a variant of
karate or ju-jitsu with some extras thrown in. The mythos associated
with the Ninja name is a powerful selling point, though whether it lives
up to expectations depends on the instructor.
Pencak Silat
Originating in the Philippines, pencak silat is gaining acceptance in the
West. There are actually many, many versions of silat. Silat instructors
are quite uncommon and very selective about their students, so the art is
probably not for beginners, though it is highly practical and powerful in
self-defence applications.
Savate is French kick boxing that includes some wrestling moves too.
Savate practitioners often participate in full-contact matches, making the
art highly practical for self-defence.
Similar in some ways to judo, sombo is a jacketed wrestling sport
originating in Russia. It has self-defence applications but is primarily a
Tae Kwon Do
Tae kwon do is a Korean striking art similar to karate. Like judo, it has
been altered to become a sport, and this limits its usefulness in the self-
defence arena. Tae kwon do requires great flexibility and makes use of
many high kicks that, while devastating if they land, are difficult to use
effectively on the street.
Personal Styles/Cross-training
Many martial arts instructors are cross-trained in several arts and teach a
mix of techniques drawn from their various styles. Cross-training allows
practitioners of, say, a style emphasising striking techniques to cover the
gaps by learning some grappling and ground fighting moves. This mixing
of arts means that it is not always possible to simply categorise a martial
arts school. Many instructors run a school under their own name or a
general title like North-East Fighting Arts. Observing a class and talking
to students or instructors will give you a good indication of whether a
particular instructor or school is suitable for you.
Grades, Belts and Licences
Many (but not all) martial arts have a grade system, which shows how
advanced students are. Others have a system whereby youre an instructor,
assistant instructor or a student, and grades are subjective the student
standing up is better than the one getting up from the floor!
G R A D E S , B E L T S A N D L I C E N C E S
176 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
In the majority of arts, grade is shown by a coloured belt, though some
use sashes, gloves or have no outward indication of grade but award
certificates to show achievement. Typically, a student starts as a white belt
(martial arts uniforms come with a white belt) and progresses through
steadily darker colours to black. Different arts have their own system,
but typically you can expect to progress through yellow, orange, green,
blue, purple and brown belts before taking your black belt.
Most arts have a grading system shown by coloured belts or sashes.
Black belt is not the end nor should it be a goal! Black belt status is
simply something that happens when you are very skilled. A belt is, after
all, just a piece of cloth. It is you, and what you can do, that is important.
This is really, really important. Dont look at the people in the dojo and
say Of course shes good shes a blue belt! or worse Ill be that good
when Im a blue belt because you wont be.
This is because you dont get good when you earn the grades you
train hard and get good, and you earn your grades as you do it. A belt or
grade system is helpful in measuring your progress (which might improve
your motivation) but its not an absolute necessity. You can become just
as skilled without ever taking a grading.
Your grade is an indication of your proficiency, but it is what you can
do thats important, not the colour of your belt!
Gradings are done in various ways. Many arts run formal gradings every
three months or so, with students aiming to be at their peak at this time.
Depending on the art being studied, you may also have to attend a certain
number of courses or fulfil other requirements to reach a certain grade.
Those who pass are awarded their new belt; those who fail try again next
time. Senior grades usually have to wait longer periods between gradings.
The authors use a different grading system, which some arts have now
adopted. It is based on assessment during normal training. This is less
stressful for students and more flexible regarding when a new belt can be
attained. Some students (and this is exceptional) do it in one month.
Others take six months or more. As with any other grading system, it
really doesnt matter how long it takes you; you only fail when you give
up. Otherwise, the worst that can happen is that you dont pass today and
have to do it again some other time. This is a better, more positive, way to
view it than I might fail which means you have a better chance of
As has been mentioned, black belt is not the end. At black belt (or its
equivalent) you may choose to become an instructor and can go on
collecting grades (first Dan, second Dan and so on) as you continue to
develop. Its a strange fact about graded martial arts that 90 per cent of
students never make it to black belt (hardly surprising its not easy and
life can send you in other directions rather suddenly) but of those who
make it, about 90 per cent then give up martial arts. Its as if theyve
reached their goal and have nowhere to go.
Black belt isnt a goal. Its something that happens when you get really,
really good at what youre doing. But dont aim at black belt aim at
being as good as you can possibly be!
The truth is that black belt (or any other grade) is just another landmark
on the road. What is important is how good you are at self-defence (or
your chosen art). And you can go on getting better forever!
Many martial artists possess a small book that is usually referred to as a
licence. This book is used to record grades earned in various arts, courses
attended, katas learned and all manner of other pertinent information.
Its a sort of logbook of your martial arts career. However, its not really a
licence in the same way as a TV or driving licence is. You dont have to be
licensed to be a martial artist, and you dont get any real benefit from a
licence outside the martial arts community.
You dont need a special licence to learn martial arts.
There are two exceptions to this. Firstly, some competitions and events
will want proof that youre skilled and safe enough to enter or attend. A
licence is a convenient (and the standard) way of providing such proof.
Secondly, some shops will want to see your licence before selling you
certain weapons. This is basically to assure them as far as possible that
youve trained with these weapons and will use them responsibly. People
who just want to stab someone are unlikely to go to the trouble of training
in a martial art and diligently recording their grades theyll just buy a
knife! Other than this, a licence is just a convenient way of recording
your achievements. You dont need one, though many organisations require
you to have one.
G R A D E S , B E L T S A N D L I C E N C E S
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Clothing and Equipment for Training
Most training is undertaken on mats, which means bare feet or specialist
footwear. If you train off the mats, you will need trainers. Indoor-type
trainers (e.g. squash shoes) are a good choice. Theyre light and designed
for indoors. Most fashionable trainers are thick-soled running types. Its
not that critical, but if you have to buy trainers specially, squash shoes are
much cheaper and are actually better suited to martial arts training.
The typical training uniform is a white gi (suit) consisting of loose
trousers and a long jacket fastened with a white or coloured belt to display
your grade. Some organisations use black or coloured gis, especially those
that compete and want a distinctive appearance, while others have
traditional or specialist clothing. While a specified training uniform does
result in a nice appearance for a class, it isnt really necessary. It does,
however, avoid the problem of fashion war and wear on students
Some styles simply use track pants and a T-shirt for training. Most
self-defence courses allow you to wear what you like, though common
sense suggests that sports clothing is a good choice. T-shirts bearing the
logo of the art, school or organisation are popular, and a class wearing
uniform pants and a T-shirt looks just as good as one in pristine white
gis. More importantly, clothing has nothing to do with the quality of
Suits and uniform clothing look good and have practical advantages,
but they dont make you better that you get through training!
If you are going to get involved in sparring, you may find that you need
to get some gloves or other equipment such as shin pads and groin
protectors, though only if you are going to study a martial art in depth for
some time. You will not be expected to have a gi or other uniform for
your first session, and requirements will be explained to you if you decide
to stay.
If you do decide to buy a gi, there are two basic types. Light karate-type
gis are ideal for training that doesnt involve being dragged around by
your clothing. A typical starter gi will last quite a while. The alternative is
a heavy judo-type gi, favoured by people who do aikido and yes, judo.
Much heavier and more robust (people tend to swing on your clothing
when grappling), a heavy gi has the disadvantage of being a little bulky
and a lot hotter to wear. One of the authors uses one and compares it to
wearing a thick towel.
Unless youre studying something with a lot of grappling involved, a
light gi should be fine.
Ask an experienced student or your instructor about clothing. Theyll be
glad to advise, and many clubs can get you clothing at a discount.
Street fighting
Street fighting is listed here rather than in the main text because it is not a martial art. You
cannot go to a gym and learn street fighting, though you can learn fighting skills and take
them out on the street. There is exactly one way to become a street fighter go out
and get into fights. Street fighter is a more glamorous way of saying thug or bully.
Some martial arts teach street applications, and even describe their style as things like
scientific street fighting. This is a different thing entirely. While anyone can get some
training and take it out on the street, many martial arts teach techniques specific to street
self-defence. There is nothing wrong with this indeed, it is a very good thing provided
the students intentions are honourable. Given the discipline inherent in learning a martial
art and the excellent role model offered by the majority of instructors, most people who
train in street defence methods will be reluctant to use their skills except in dire need.
The difference, then, between a street fighter and a person who is skilled in street self-
defence is in the character of the person and their intentions. One is a violent thug who
goes out looking for fights. The other is a good citizen who has sensibly obtained a
means of self-defence. Street fighters are the reason we train, not what we try to become.
There are many martial arts available. Not all are suitable for self-
defence use, and not all are suitable for you.
The same comments apply to choosing an art as to picking a self-
defence course. Take a good look before you commit to anything.
Remember that youre not there to learn to fight, but to learn how to
defend yourself. There is a difference.
Dont be mesmerised by gradings and belt systems. Your goal is to be
as good as you can be, not to get another belt.
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Chapter 3: Learning and
Sensible Training
If you are going to train, then you must train sensibly. Many people want
to dive right in and get involved in sparring, groundwork and other fun
activities, when in fact this may not be the best approach at all.
Sparring and groundwork serve a useful purpose, but they are primarily
about learning to apply your skills in a fluid environment. First, you must
have those skills. Just piling into sparring is a good way to have your morale
dented and to develop some bad habits thatll take a long time to train
Training must be appropriate to your level of ability and fitness.
You will gain fitness through training. However, if you frequently suffer
strains and exhaustion in training then your ability to train effectively on
a regular basis will be reduced. Overall, this is counterproductive. It is
better to train at a pace that gently pushes your limits rather than suddenly
exceeds them. In the long run, youll improve more and better this way.
Note that gently pushing your limits is not the same as slacking!
Some factors are critically important. A good (as opposed to hard)
warm-up is vital to avoid straining yourself during training, and a warm-
up should include some light stretching to improve mobility and flexibility.
Note that flexibility is a long-term project and hard, painful stretching
sessions will achieve little while exposing you to the risk of strain. Better
to stretch gently each day and gradually improve your flexibility than risk
injury by doing too much too soon. In truth, everyone should stretch a
little every day, just for the sake of health and fitness for life.
If you do a little flexibility and fitness exercise every day, youll be
fitter and healthier whether you train in self-defence or not.
A really hard workout at the beginning of a session may be good for
fitness, but it means that you will begin training tired and out of breath.
This is not conducive to learning skilful techniques. It is better to pace
yourself and get warmed up beforehand, then put some effort into the
training itself. This will help you develop the actual skills you need and
will promote fitness too.
If you want better fitness (this is good for so many reasons, of which
self-defence is only one) then this is best done by using a gym or running,
cycling or playing intense sports like squash, away from your self-defence
training. The change of pace will help you avoid becoming bored too.
Fitness is good. Its worth a little effort to maintain.
While training, it is vital to listen to your body. Awkward movements are
ineffective; let your body guide you and find a natural way to perform
each technique. This is not a licence to ignore your instructor, of course.
It is merely the suggestion that if something is awkward or feels wrong,
then it probably is, even if it looks exactly like what you were shown!
You should be diligent about training. This has two meanings. First,
you should practise what the instructor teaches you, rather than something vaguely
similar. This tends to happen when you are taught a technique that is
similar to something you already know or when you return to something
you havent practised for a while. It is better to ask for another
demonstration and get it right than to muddle along doing something
similar only to find that when you need it, the technique doesnt work.
Dont practise something that you think looks about right. Practise
what you know is right!
Secondly, diligent training means taking responsibility for your own
learning and not waiting to be chivvied by the instructor. Practise
techniques lots of times, even if youre a bit tired or demotivated. If you
think youre doing something wrong, ask about it rather than waiting to
be corrected.
If you have limitations (including injuries, extreme unfitness or illness
as well as things normally defined as disabilities) then work around them
but be sensible. There is a fine line between not wanting to injure
yourself and using your limitations as an excuse to slack off. Be honest
with yourself and find a path between laziness and over-zealousness.
Similarly, if you are not as apt or as fit as someone you train with, dont
try to compete. Try to do your best, not theirs. Any decent instructor will
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respect you for making your best effort, even if there are people in the
dojo who are far better than you.
Train to be as good as you can be not as good as everyone else.
Finally, remember the ultimate test you should apply to anything you
learn. No matter what belts, badges, sashes, pins or gloves you may earn,
the real test the one that matters is Can I use this technique to defend
myself from attack? If the answer is no, then you need to do some more
The skills you learn in a self-defence or martial arts class are very, very
important. You owe it to yourself to learn as efficiently as possible and to
stick at it even if it takes a long time to learn. Weve all been in a situation
where everyone else in the room has got it and you still have no idea
what youre even trying to do. It happens to everyone at some point, but if
you are diligent and stick at it, youll get there.
It can be hard sometimes, especially at the beginning when you dont
know what youre doing. Actually, its always like that, but you get
better at dealing with it! There will always be something youll struggle
with its just that the things that make you struggle will be more
impressive as you get better.
To quote an unknown but wise martial arts instructor: The thing about
this art is, the techniques work unless the students dont!
Train sensibly: well rather than hard, diligently rather than aggressively.
Push yourself, but dont hurt yourself. And if you get fed up and wonder
if its worth it remember that your training may be the only thing
between you and death or serious injury. So train, and train well.
Reliable Techniques
Many of the techniques taught in martial arts schools are archaic, dating
from a time when samurai fought in armour with swords and bows.
Others are overstylised, excessively complex or intended for competition
use. And some are just plain useless. Nevertheless, every martial art has a
range of highly effective moves that can be useful in protecting yourself
from attack if you take the trouble to learn how to use them properly.
Take a good look at whats on offer before you make any decisions as to
the utility of any given technique, style or art. First impressions, gained
without any real understanding of the hows and whys involved, can make
an art seem awesome or useless when in fact the truth is very different.
When learning a martial art for self-defence (as opposed to competitive,
aesthetic or fitness purposes) you would be well advised to discard
borderline-useful techniques along with any obvious rubbish, then sort
through the genuinely useful techniques for the ones that work best for
you. Each and every one of us is different, so some otherwise really fabulous
techniques wont be much use to you. Thats fine. Its you that youre
selecting tools for, not everyone else.
What youll end up with is a small selection of moves that you can use
reliably and without thinking about them. These are the tools that you
will instinctively select when the tactical centre in your brain says Got a
clear shot or Incoming right hook!. Learn to perform them to maximum
Choose a small selection of techniques you find effective and hone
Eventually, you will find that you have a toolbox containing two or three
favourite techniques at close and striking range, plus a larger number of
backup options that are there if you need them. Make sure your chosen
techniques are both simple to use and highly effective, but flexible enough
to be employed in many situations. Youre better off with an adjustable
spanner than a pair of surgical tweezers, however finely made they are.
Everyone is different, so exactly which techniques you choose as your
favourite tools is a matter for your own judgement. As a general rule,
dont bother with more than one kick or any high kicks at all. Leave out
light techniques such as backfists, except possibly as a door-opener for a
combination. Make sure that at least some of your techniques are good
for when someone has hold of you.
Chances are there will be nothing complex or sophisticated in your
toolbox because its better to have a limited repertoire of techniques that
you can do reliably under stress than a boatload of flashy stuff that needs
cue cards!
Find out what works for you, practise it, polish it and make it second
nature. Then, and only then, add a range of extra stuff that you might
find a use for.
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Chuck away the kung fu movie stunts and youre left with a bunch of
vanilla-flavour, boring, prosaic and above all simple techniques. If youve
got any sense, that should be exactly what you want!
Fitness is an important part of self-defence. If you are fit you can fight
better and longer, you can run away more quickly (and further), and if
you seem to be in good shape, youre more likely to be seen as a hard
target and thus probably wont be attacked at all.
If you are reasonably fit and plan to become good at an art, then some
form of additional training is a good idea. An unfit person wanting to get
into slightly better shape before taking a class or just because its a good
idea to be a bit fitter may also want to do some basic exercise. Mostly,
this will be general stuff: flexibility and cardiovascular (CV) fitness.
Many people are worried by terms like stretching and CV fitness.
They have connotations of Lycra-clad people with bodies you could use
for an anatomy lesson, pumping dumb-bells the size of a bungalow. But
it neednt be like that. Fitness training works at any level, and everyone
can benefit. Only people who are already quite fit need to do really
strenuous exercise.
If you dont ask your body to do much, it gets lazy. Ever found yourself
suddenly doing something physical (like playing frisbee with the kids or
an impromptu football game) and discovered that youre too out of breath
to enjoy it? Thats your lazy body protesting.
If you dont maintain your fitness level, youll lose it.
If you dont make your body work, you will lose muscle and, if you eat
more than you need to (pretty much everybody does), youll put on some
fat. Youll stiffen up as your joints become less flexible; youll get out of
breath more easily. Older people will lose mobility and become older
than they are.
You can fix this, though. Older people can turn the clock back a decade
or more. Younger people can build some impressive physical capabilities.
Everyone can halt or even reverse their bodys decline and be more active,
fitter, younger and healthier. And as a spin off, youll be more attractive.
Were not necessarily talking toned abs and bulging biceps here; just the
natural improvements that come with feeling good about yourself and
being active and healthy.
Fitter people are more resistant to disease and recover better from
They can do more and get more out of life.
They feel good, which is a prize in its own right.
And it shows, making them more attractive.
The question is, how? Its not so hard. In fact, its best if you ease into it
gently. Many people make their decision to get fit and rush to the gym.
There, they lift weights until theyre so exhausted they cant even get
their shirt back on, think aargh! and never do it again. Instead, start
gently with a minimal amount of effort, but stick at it and gradually work
up to whatever level you think is appropriate. For some, this means three
to five heavy gym sessions a week and long road runs. For others its ten
minutes of gentle stretching every day and a walk in the park on Sundays.
Whatever you do will be better than nothing. Do what you feel you want
to; make exercise a part of your life and youll live longer and more fully.
Youll also be better able to defend yourself. There are three component
parts to fitness: CV fitness, flexibility and muscle tone.
CV Fitness
Cardiovascular fitness refers to your heart and lungs everybody needs
those! If you are of fairly advanced age or are very unfit, then your CV
fitness will be very low. Note that it is possible to be heavily overweight
and still have good CV fitness or to be whip-lean and terribly unfit.
CV fitness is an important part of stamina the ability to keep going
when things are tough. It also has to do with muscle conditioning and
will, but since a good level of CV fitness means that your body is able to
make good use of air and energy, its pretty vital if you want to do anything
lasting more than twenty seconds.
Flexibility isnt just for gymnasts and people who want to kick high. Its a
vital part of a healthy life. While recovering from a chronic and serious
back injury, one of the authors discovered what a simple joy it is to be
able to tie your own shoes or pick the cat up and how frustrating it can
be when you cant.
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There is no need to dive into harsh stretching routines (please dont!),
and your goal should not be to get your foot behind your head or do the
splits. Your goal should simply be to improve the range of movement
available to you and to maintain that improvement.
If you join a class or take up any organised sport, youll be taught some
appropriate stretching exercises, or you can get advice from a fitness coach,
say at the local gym. Just remember to take it gently and dont bounce
on stretches or do them violently. Dont stretch when cold. Listen to
your body, find its limits and gently push them.
Muscle Tone
The third component of fitness is muscle tone. Big, bulging muscles
may or may not impress people, but theyre not really necessary to self-
defence. You dont need massive strength to defend yourself. Your natural
strength is enough as long as you act effectively and decisively. What you
do need is good tone. That is, your muscles need to be used to working
hard and efficiently.
Muscle tone is developed by working your muscles. You can do this by
using weights (though if you do, it is best to seek advice from a coach
rather than just plunging in and pumping away) or by engaging in toning
activity such as playing sport, gardening or other work. What you do
need not be amazingly strenuous at first; any activity will tone you up a
Getting Fit
If you take up a class or martial art, then getting fit will be a part of your
training, though as has already been remarked, its worth your while to
do some extra work. You can get fit independently of a class, however.
We will discuss some general things you can do to improve your overall
fitness level. Any or all of them may work for you pick those that suit
you best.
If you are fairly (or very!) unfit, then start very gently. Walk somewhere
every day. Use the stairs instead of the lift. Play fetch with the dog. Take
it easy and build up a little every time. You can also con yourself into
doing healthy exercise. Take up some sport or other it doesnt matter,
just something you like. Squash, five-a-side football or whatever. While
youre having fun, youll keep going longer than you would have if youd
been doing exercise. Dont overdo it though, or youll be stiff and sore
for days! Even if you are pretty fit, you can maintain your level by working
exercise into your daily routine.
Jogging or Running
As your fitness improves (or you are more able to handle exercise) then
you might start jogging a little. This does not necessarily mean road work
or putting on a hooded sweatshirt and going out for a run; it can just
mean walking down to the petrol station in the morning to get a paper
and jogging some of the way.
If youre going to jog outdoors, plan your route with safety in mind,
and consider wearing a decent pair of running shoes. Running can be
quite hard on your body, but it can be substituted with cycling or
riding an exercise bike. Bikes and running machines can be found in
most gyms, which have the advantage of less motor traffic too!
At first, jogging a short distance will really take it out of you. Actually it
can be rather frightening to discover that running one hundred metres at
no great speed can leave you feeling sick and breathing like a bellows.
Dont push it; walk gently until you feel better (its better to keep going a
little than to stop completely). Maybe you will feel up to another little
run, but dont give yourself a heart attack. The purpose is to get fitter, not
kill yourself. If you feel bad, call it a day and have another go tomorrow.
Other CV Exercise
Various alternatives exist to running. These include rowing machines,
exercise bikes and so on. Start gently and gradually push your limits. If
you do this regularly, youll see a steady improvement over time. There
will come a point where you have to do something really quite strenuous
to get yourself hot and tired. You wont really notice at first, but suddenly
youre fit!
Weights and Machines
By all means join a gym and use the weights or the machines. Free weights
are best, since you have to balance them as well as pulling or lifting them.
Just be sure not to drop them on yourself (or anyone else!). Weights
work your muscles effectively, but they can also damage you. Dont use
188 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
the heaviest thing you can lift; use a sensible weight and gradually increase
the number of repetitions (reps) of your exercise.
You should be able to do 3 sets of 1215 reps with any given weight
(and it should be an effort!). Once this becomes fairly easy, its time for
the next weight up. When using weights, you get far more out of the
exercise if you go slowly than if you pump away like some colossal engine
Weights are good, but dont be mesmerised by them. The myth of the
slow, muscle-bound fighter is just that a myth. You can be hugely
muscled and still fast, as long as your tone is good. But you really dont
need to be.
Press-ups and Ab Crunches
Some exercises need no equipment, so you can do a few in any spare
minute. Again, these exercises are more beneficial when done slowly than
at speed. Its better to do crunches than sit-ups.
Press-ups work the arms and upper body. Lie face down with your feet
together and your body more or less straight. Put your hands palm down
on the floor and push yourself up (keeping your back straight) until your
arms are straight. From there, lower yourself (fairly slowly) until your
nose is close to the floor, then push yourself back up. Thats one! Do as
many as you can, in sets of ten. If you cant manage it full-length (most
people cant), then put your knees on the floor. Its easiest when youre
more or less on all fours and hardest when youre almost full-length.
Work up to it.
Crunches work the abdominal muscles. Lie on your back with your
legs straight out and your feet comfortably apart. Bring your feet towards
your body by bending and raising your knees. Cross your hands lightly
on your chest. Sit up as far as you can (slowly) and go slowly back down.
Youll be able to feel the abs working.
Swimming is great exercise for toning your body in general. Its ideal for
people with back trouble. If youre going to swim, do proper lengths of
the pool rather than just splashing about in the water.
Punchbags are the best form of exercise for self-defence. They not only
let you develop very specific muscle tone for hitting, but also stamina
too. You can also work on your technique, ironing out mistakes and getting
the most out of your strikes. Most gyms have a punchbag or two. Youd
be well advised to use bag gloves though as repeatedly hitting a bag can
rip your hands to pieces!
Other Exercise
Almost any sport or exercise is good for you and is useful in developing
your self-defence capability. Forget anything youve seen in movies
though. Leave ideas like training under waterfalls or kicking down trees
where they belong in the realms of fiction. Stick to simple exercises
that a fitness coach would approve of, work at it regularly and push your
limits gently but consistently. Before you know it, youll be fitter and
healthier and will probably lose some weight into the bargain.
We have tremendous fun training. Really! Theres a great joy to be found in the application
of physical skills; theres the stress-busting release of chemicals that takes place when
you undertake intense physical activity. There are the benefits of fitness, flexibility and
health to consider too. And there are those moments when something goes horribly
wrong and everyone dissolves into laughter, to be rehashed in the bar afterwards. And
in one of the clubs where we train, anyway there is also a tremendous feeling of
closeness, of family, that comes from sharing intense experiences (and what is more
intense than trying to take someones head off with a punch?). Training can be a chore;
a necessary task determinedly undertaken. Were lucky to be able to make it a fun part
of our lives.
But were also pretty serious about it after all, were training for an event in which the
first prize is not waking up in a hospital bed (and third place means not waking up at all).
We hurl punches with every intention of knocking each other out (you have to train
realistically, after all) and apply painful joint locks, or slam one another into the deck. But
its all done in conditions of courtesy and respect, with no malice or anger, even when
we fail to evade and get soundly clobbered round the head.
Is this a paradox? Light-hearted diligence and violent respect? Maybe. But life isnt clear-
cut or simple, so who says you have to be grim and silent when training? Be effective;
thats what matters. But also be aware that if you train, then training is part of your life.
Live it to the full, and wring everything you can out of it.
190 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
Improve your fitness gradually but consistently.
Develop a few techniques you can use well rather than a whole
collection that you get muddled up with.
Train sensibly but diligently. Push your limits gradually; dont try to
do too much at first or youll hurt yourself.
Stick at it and work towards your goals. Youll get there in time.
Part V: Self-Defence
This part of the book deals with the act of physical self-defence. If you
use the measures youve already read about, it is unlikely that you will
need to use these techniques. All the same, its wise to be prepared.
The techniques discussed here are universal; they can be used by unfit,
small, light people as well as hulking martial arts monsters. There are, of
course, many other highly effective techniques, but these provide a basic
core of useful moves. If you want more, the place to get them is on a
course or in a martial arts class.
Chapter 1: The Basics
Before plunging into the mechanics of dealing out damage, it is worth
understanding what you are trying to achieve. What exactly is your aim
in a self-defence situation? Remember that self-defence is not the same
thing as fighting. In a fight, the goal is to hurt someone and win. In a self-
defence situation, the emphasis is on keeping yourself intact and safe.
Your aim when defending yourself will always be to get out of the
situation unhurt, or with as little damage as possible. Early on in a situation
you have time to make some choices. This is the best time to begin
protecting yourself against all the dangers of the encounter.
At this stage it must be reiterated: violent self-defence is a last-resort
option! If it does become necessary, then this chapter explains some of
the basics of how to go about it. Note that this is in no way a
comprehensive guide to combative techniques. There are many, many
ways to strike, to throw and to otherwise disable an assailant. If you want
to know more, then you should take a class. What we are showing you
here are the basics; simple things that you can do without extensive
192 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
Ready Stance
A good ready stance is a must for successful self-defence. A good stance
is a stable platform to throw hard, accurate punches from; it allows you
to manoeuvre out of the way of an attackers rush and it creates some
space for you to work in.
A good stance is balanced and comfortable and nothing at all like you see in the movies! Feet are
about shoulder width apart, turned in about 45 degrees or as much as is comfortable. Hand
positions vary so long as you are ready to react, strike or cover, anything you are comfortable with
will do.
Typically, an assailant will begin his actions at a distance he chooses, but
he will base this distance on the nearest part of your body. If you are
standing with your hands down, this is your nose. You really do not want
to have someone who means you harm that close to you. If your hands
are up, then a typical attacker will take his distance from the nearest hand.
That gives you a little more time to react, and also creates a barrier (your
hands) to protect you.
Most people fight left side forward (in left lead). Left-handed fighters
and some people who choose to train the other way around fight southpaw
or right lead. There are merits in this, but we will assume a normal left
lead, since this is best for most people (including many left-handers).
To assume a ready stance:
Stand square on to your opponent.
Take a short step back with your right foot.
Move the back foot out to the right so that your feet are shoulder-
width apart.
Turn your feet a little so that your left shoulder is forward and your
toes point off to the right somewhat. Your rear (right) foot will be
more sideways than the front one.
Flex your knees a little.
Now bring up your hands (open hands or fists). The left hand is
forward of and a little lower than the right, which guards your chin.
Be ready to move.
Practise flowing smoothly into your ready stance so that you can assume
it in an instant. You are now ready to evade, strike or to move in any
direction. It is a point of law that if you were threatened and stepped away
from your opponent (even slightly) as you came up on guard, you are
considered to have reacted defensively. If you move forward into a ready
stance, you can be considered to have reacted aggressively. Most times
this will simply not matter, but stepping away a little also gives you some
room to work with, so its not a bad idea.
Movement and Evasion
Movement is vital. A great military thinker once wrote: Above all, avoid
immobility. That which is static invites attack at a time and in a manner of
the enemys choosing. This roughly translates as move or get clobbered!
Movement makes you harder to hit. It also disguises your intentions
somewhat, since the brain picks out a static object that begins to move far
more readily than one it is used to seeing move. In this way, movement
can be part of your deception as discussed above it disguises your location
and your intentions.
Move and keep on moving!
You can also use movement directly against your opponent by getting
out of the way of an attack. In its simplest form, this can be stepping back
out of range of a punch. You can also duck or move to the side. Sometimes
you will actually want an opponent to come to you, so you suddenly stop
backing off, let him close and strike!
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The basic form of movement you should use resembles a boxers push-
shuffle. This involves taking small steps by pushing yourself forward with
the rear foot, or backwards with the front one. Dont take normal steps as
this telegraphs your movement and slows it down.
To shuffle forward, drive with your back foot and push yourself forward, keeping your guard up.
To move back, drive with your front foot and push yourself backwards. Thats all there is to it!
Aikido and some styles of ju-jitsu use a system of evasive movements
called tai sabaki (which simply means body movement or evasion). It
is an effective way of not being in the way of an attack, yet remaining
close enough to be able to counter-attack. Every martial art or combat
sport has a system of evasion designed to help the fighter avoid being hit.
It doesnt matter how you evade an attack as long as you do. The best
option is to make fast, light movements rather than panicky ducking
motions or overblown acrobatics. If you can, try to evade by a small margin
rather than a desperate leap; it does not matter if an attack misses by a
centimetre or a metre, so long as it misses. By evading, yet remaining
close in, you are well positioned for a counter-attack.
Many street attacks involve huge, overcommitted punches like this one. Instead of trying to block,
the defender moves back and allows the attacker to stagger off-balance. The time is now perfect for
a precise counter-attack.
Situational Awareness and Tactical Mobility
Always, always, always be aware of your surroundings. Most unprovoked
attacks take place on people who are Code White, not paying attention to
the danger they are in. Being aware of potential threats not only allows
you to pre-empt or avoid them in many cases, but it also cuts down the
mental response time if you must defend yourself.
By being constantly Code Yellow (aware of and habitually evaluating
all threats around you) you make yourself a harder target and thus may
not be attacked at all. But situational awareness does not end when the
punches start.
Be aware of the conditions around you. Particularly, take note of hazards
such as slippery footing, confined spaces you can be backed into and
additional opponents. As the situation develops, manoeuvre to give yourself
196 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
a clear escape route or to place obstacles in your assailants path. Take note
of improvised weapons that you or your attacker could grab at need.
Remain aware of your surroundings at all times.
Always move in a fight; a few random steps or a bit of back-pedalling to
keep the distance open can make you a much harder target. Against more
than one opponent, you can manoeuvre to make them get in one anothers
way. You can also strike or throw attackers so that they impede one another.
Drop one so that his friend has to step over his body to get to you. Not
only is that rather intimidating, but as he takes the big step hell be
distracted and off-balance. Thats when to run or attack. Above all, always,
always keep moving and stay aware of whats happening around you.
Distance and Entries
All weapons have an effective range. You cant hit what you cant reach. Many
martial arts teach that there are three combat ranges: long, striking and close.
Long range is where someone can hit you, but only by reaching with a
weapon or moving in a couple of steps. The big kicks favoured by some
martial arts are only useful at long range, but most fights start closer than
this. Even those fights that do start at long range dont stay there for long.
In a fight situation, distance vanishes and you will end up nose-to-
nose in seconds.
Striking range is where striking is most effective (!). Punches and other
hand strikes are the weapons of choice, with some close-range kicks if
you can get or make a good opportunity to use them.
At close range, normal kicking and punching are difficult, and fights
become a scruffy mess of grabbing and grappling, interspersed with nasty
close-in techniques such as headbutts and elbow and knee strikes.
Technique makes up for a lot, but big, strong fighters have a considerable
advantage in close. Most fights start at striking range and close rapidly,
ending up as a grappling match on the floor.
Where possible, manoeuvre and try to keep your opponent(s) from
getting close enough to grapple. However, they may succeed anyway, so
be prepared for it. It is a good idea to open the distance whenever possible,
forcing your assailant to close with you if he wants to continue the
encounter. One reason for this is that an attacker will not break off if he
is in a clinch with you, no matter how badly you are hurting him (he
cant!). If you allow him some room, he may decide that you are too
dangerous (or simply too much trouble) to deal with and depart.
Opening the distance also allows you to break off and to watch for new
attackers. It also has the big advantage that your attacker cant drag you to
the floor if youre ten feet away.
If you can, keep some distance between you and the attacker.
Most techniques require what is termed an entry getting in to actually
use the technique. For kicks and punches, this is simply a matter of getting
into range with a step or two and having an open line of attack to strike
into. For grappling and throwing techniques, you have to be closer. Dont
worry about getting in to use your technique in the latter case the attacker
will come to you, and hell be offering handy arms and legs stuck out for
you to grab and use. And if he doesnt come to you? Why then the fight
is over, and you can break off. You got what you wanted.
Some attackers, particularly fans of real fighting competitions, may
attempt a manoeuvre known as a shoot, where they suddenly rush in to
take you to the ground. This involves a tackle around waist height and an
attempt to grab you around the back of the thighs as the attacker body-
slams you backwards. It is possible to stop a shoot by evading, back-
pedalling, assuming a strong stance or kneeing the attacker in the face as
he comes in, but all of these things require quick reactions and a degree
of preparedness. Fortunately, shooting is more committed than most
attackers want to be, and thus it is quite rare on the street. Your best
defence against someone who wants to do this is to move out of the way
and keep the distance open or to be so close that the manoeuvre cannot
work (though that means being in grappling range already )
As a general rule, you can expect things to happen at close or striking
range in a street fight. These are the ranges that your skills should concentrate
on. Remember this when you are selecting a martial arts or self-defence
class. Anyone who wants to get in close will manage it. Be ready.
Covers and Parries versus Blocks
Forget any ideas you may have about hard, heavy blocking actions made
with your forearms or hands. While trained martial artists can learn how
198 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
to make these techniques work for them, you should not try. The powerful
karate moves and other hard blocks you see in the movies will not be
any use to you on the street. To put that another way:
Someone who really means to hit you will do so, and placing your
left forearm in the way will not stop him!
Do you really think you can put your arm in the way of a kick and
still be able to use it afterwards?
There are other disadvantages to blocking too. If you block hard, your
opponent tenses up and usually hurls an even harder punch with the
other arm. He knows hes got a fight on his hands and will move up a
gear to be sure of winning it.
Forearm blocks work well in films, but a determined attacker will just smash right through and hit
you anyway. Pre-empt, evade, parry or cover, but dont meet force with force.
So how do you avoid being hit? One way is to land a good pre-emptive
strike as soon as the attacker commits himself. If you can end the matter
before he hits you, you dont need to stop his attack. However, this is not
always an option.
The secret of not being hit is to move to be where the punch is not.
Boxers, karate practitioners, ultimate fighting contestants and everyone
else who knows what fighting is about does this, whatever formal blocking
techniques they may study. Moving away from an attack, ducking, circling
and other movements keep the attackers blows from landing and allow
you to stay out of his reach unless you move in to strike him.
There are two things you can do to assist your evasion: covering and
parrying. Covering is a matter of keeping a good guard up and allowing
strikes to land on your forearms rather than your head or body. This is
different to blocking, since moving away from the attack robs it of much
of its force even if it does land, and covering absorbs what little remains
of the attack, if it lands at all. Being hit on a covering arm is painful, but is
better than being smashed on the side of the head.
If you cant get out of the way of an attack, you can hunch up and take it on your forearms like
this. Its not a great option: it hurts, and you cant see while youre doing it, but its better than
getting a punch in the face.
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Parries are relatively subtle attempts to deflect an attack, and they are
usually combined with movement. Rather than blocking hard, you push
the attack to the side or deflect it past you using a minimum of effort.
This has two advantages. Firstly, you are not opposing strength with
strength, and secondly a light touch does not warn an attacker what you
are doing, or make him likely to increase the fury of his attacks.
As the attacker moves in, deflect his arm (this
is not the same as blocking as it involves no
power or hard contact) and dart past him to
escape. You may be able to pull him off-
balance, gaining you more time and possibly
making him fall.
As the attacker initiates his strike, move diagonally
forward past it, pushing it aside with your hand.
This is not a block the most important thing is to
evade and escape, or to turn faster than your
attacker so that he runs into your counter-attack if
he turns to have another go at you.
The difference between blocks and parries or covers is actually quite
simple. A block is a hard motion that goes out and meets the attack. This
results in a slamming-together of your limb and the attackers. Karate
practitioners can learn how to do this effectively, but for the rest of us its
a bad idea. Your forearm will not stop a heavy punch or kick and may
well be injured.
A parry, on the other hand, is a deflecting motion that pushes the attack
away from you. Rather than placing your forearm directly in the way of a
blow, you push it away. This requires little force and has no impact
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involved the force of the punch is heading towards you, and you push
the arm sideways. You dont at any point meet the force of the attack
Covering is more passive. It is a last resort if you cant parry, or it is
done as insurance in case your evasion fails. You dont go to meet the
attack at all, but just cover the vulnerable body parts (head, ribs, etc) with
your arms to absorb the impact. Not a great option, but better than
A block meets the attack head-on with force and attempts to stop it.
A parry meets the attack and redirects it.
Covering replaces the target with something less vulnerable.
Stun or disable the attacker, then escape. Do not prolong an encounter
for any reason.
Never meet strength with strength.
Never wrestle or grapple if you can avoid it.
Always try to remain aware of your surroundings and additional
A good ready stance is vital.
Move! Deliberately evade attacks, but also keep moving a little, even
when youre not being attacked.
Dont try to make hard blocking movements. Evade and cover!
Maintain distance between you and the attacker if you can.
Chapter 2: Striking Techniques
Most people can punch. However, most of them cannot do it very well.
The fact is that while power and size are of course useful, a light person
who lands a well-executed strike at a vulnerable point is more likely to
win a fight than a big swinger. And, of course, a punch that is not thrown
out of fear or hesitation cannot hurt anyone.
If matters have deteriorated to the point where you actually have to hit
someone, then you must do it wholeheartedly. Nothing is more likely to
get you injured or killed than thumping someone hard enough to cause
pain and anger, but not to deter them.
If you have to hit someone, hit them hard!
If you have a good striking technique and get a clear (usually pre-emptive)
opportunity, then a fight can often (but not certainly) be ended with a
single blow. However, it is far more likely that a scuffle will develop in
which you may have to throw several punches, some of which will not
connect with any real effect.
At some point, you will land a door-opener, a blow that creates an
opportunity by momentarily stunning an opponent or physically knocking
him backwards. At this moment, you have an opportunity to end the
matter, but if you hesitate, your assailant will come back full of murderous
fury and youll be in more trouble than ever.
You may be best served by flight at this moment, since you have created
an opportunity to get a bit of a head start. However, unless your door-
opener was a very good one, you are likely to have an angry and hurting
assailant in pursuit.
An alternative, once the door is open, is to leap through it with both
feet. If you have the skills, you can close in for a takedown. With your
assailant on the floor (and you still standing never join him on the deck)
you have a far better opportunity to escape, since he has to collect his wits
and get up, then decide whether he really wants to give chase. You can be
long gone by then.
But most likely, upon hitting someone, you will find that the door is
open for just a moment, but the fight is not over. You can keep the door
open by landing more blows. This is the principle behind the boxers
combination, the straight blast of jeet kune do and many other
204 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
combination striking techniques. One quick shot opens the door, and
while the opponent is physically and mentally off-balance, more powerful
blows reduce him to an irrelevance. It is much easier to get a good hit in
on someone who is reeling back than an attacker who is advancing with
his fists up. Take the opportunity for all it is worth. You have this one
chance to end the matter without being hurt. Take it!
Most importantly, do not strike then pause to think Look what I just did!
Take the opportunity and make sure you finish the matter. You must judge
for yourself when its over, but a fleeing opponent or one crumpling to the
pavement provides a strong clue. If he goes down and tries to get up, you
may be justified in kicking him if you feel that he is still a threat. If hes
getting up to attack you some more, you have to prevent him. If, on the
other hand, he goes down and stays down, its over. Job done. Leave.
Principles of Striking
The human body is very tough, but also surprisingly vulnerable in some
ways. Anyone, no matter how light or small they may be, can strike
effectively enough to put someone down. Doing so is a combination of
resolve, technique and the ability to remain calm and just get the job done
instead of indulging in panicky flailing. Some people say you should not
strike with your fist or arm but with your whole body. This is not true. You
should punch with your whole body, and with your heart, soul and all your
aspirations for the future behind it. If you must hit someone, make it count.
Without delving deeply into applied mathematics or biomechanics, it
is still possible to understand how strikes work. Strikes can be categorised
into two types: impact techniques and force techniques. There is some
crossover between the two, but the distinction between them is important.
Impact techniques may hit the target hard, moving quickly, but they
deliver little force. They will cause pain and damage vulnerable areas
such as the lips and nose, but they are basically painful nuisance techniques
that can cause a distraction but will not put someone down. The backfist,
some jabs, slaps and punches thrown too short fall into this category.
They can cover an advance or retreat, open a door by causing momentary
pain, but basically impact techniques will not stop someone who is full
of adrenaline pain will annoy rather than deter. Dont use impact strikes
except as a distraction.
Impact techniques will hurt your assailant, but they wont stop him.
Done properly, strikes deliver force to the target (in the physics sense,
not brute force). How fast this force arrives determines the effect. If the
force you deliver arrives relatively slowly, your strike will be a push, driving
your opponents entire body away from you. This can be a good thing. If
you deliver your force quickly, his entire body will not have time to move
away. Only nearby tissue and body parts will move. This is what causes
cheekbones to snap, organs to be shocked, or brain shake.
In all cases, your strike must be driven into or even through the target. It
is rather unlikely that your fist will actually come out of the back of your
opponent, but try all the same. This ensures that maximum force is
delivered and thus maximum effect.
Force techniques wont just hurt an assailant theyll defeat him.
Strikes must be delivered from a firm base, either while you are well
balanced and firmly planted on the floor or while you are moving forward.
In that case, your fist has your body weight moving behind it, and even if
you weigh six stone, that is still a great deal to put behind a punch!
If you choose to study a martial art, you will learn the striking style of
that art and how to make it work. What we are presenting here is a basic
idea of how to thump someone effectively. There is plenty more to learn,
and we could write a whole book on punching alone!
Practise shadow-boxing or use a punchbag (most gyms have them;
punching a bag is a great form of exercise) if you cant get to a dojo. You
can really unload into a punchbag, which is also a real stress-buster. If
you arent hitting something, make sure you dont overextend your strikes
or youll hurt your joints.
Using your Hands
Your hands are your main weapons in a self-defence situation. Most fights
are won by the first person to land a decent blow on the head, and your
hands are ideally positioned to launch such a strike or to be in the way of
it. Hands can be used to strike in many ways and are normally used to
strike in the high line (to the head) or the mid line (abdomen and
chest). Punches can be hooked around a guard or driven straight into the
target if an opening exists.
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There are many ways to strike with the hand: eye jabs, spearhands,
tiger claw strikes, hammerfist or knifehand strikes and many more. If
you want to learn about these and they all have their uses then you
may want to take a class. We will concern ourselves with two strikes
punches and palm-heel strikes.
A punch drives the first two (major) knuckles into the target. It is
important that you make a good fist if you are going to punch, since a
loose hand or bad position can cause you injury. Also, make sure that
your knuckles are lined up along the line of the forearm. This delivers
more power and reduces the chance of injury to your hand or arm.
How to make a good fist:
Let your open hand naturally assume a comfortable position. It should
be slightly cupped, with the fingers partially curved and the thumb
sticking out and forward.
Turn your hand so that the thumb is on top.
Curl your fingers into the palm, leaving the thumb out. Dont crunch
your fingers in too tight, but make sure they bend at all the joints.
Your fingertips will be in a line, down the middle of your palm.
(Alternatively, give an imaginary friend a big thumbs-up. Youll get
the same finger position.)
Now fold your thumb down, so that it rests on the outside of your
DONT tuck your thumb inside the fist, leave it sticking up or lie it
on the top. This will break your thumb if you hit something.
Seen from the top, your thumb and first finger should make a sort of
Dont clench your fist super-tight, but dont let it rattle loose either.
Strike with the top two knuckles (the biggest ones, at the thumb end).
Remember that you should not just strike with your arms. You may or
may not have a fair set of muscles in your arms, but a strike that comes
from the arm alone is weak. Power is generated by twisting the body,
dropping or rising a little, or by moving forward with a blow. Strikes
launched when you are retreating are by definition weak. The techniques
listed below include hints on how to get the most from them.
A good fist. The thumb is well tucked in down the side. Aim to strike with the top two knuckles.
Punches are the staples of self-defence. There are several styles of
punching, each with its own merits and idiosyncrasies. Karate, boxing
and kung fu all use different methods but they get the same result!
Here are some of the basics:
Straight Punches: the Jab and the Cross
A jab is fired out, fast, from the front hand. It is not an amazingly powerful
strike, but it can open the door for something more powerful, disrupt an
opponents attack or cover you as you move in or out. The jab can be
used to probe for an opening. If it lands, a heavy cross from the back
hand follows in the classic boxers combination.
Both jab and cross are aimed at the head. As the cross is launched, pull
the jabbing hand back to guard your head. Allow your body to turn as
you throw the cross to deliver maximum power. This isnt too hard.
Imagine your body is a hinge and allow it to pivot forward. Your right
foot (assuming youre throwing the cross with your right hand) will pivot
on its toes and the heel will want to come up. Let it. Both the jab and the
cross are all about pushing your fist into a target hard and fast.
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A good jab is fast and straight, launched from the front hand. Note the good stance and rear hand
covering the jaw.
The cross, launched from the rear hand (usually the right) is a powerful weapon. To make the
most of it, let the hip come through and pivot on the back foot. Bring the front hand back to cover.
Hooked Punches: the Hook and the Shovel Hook
Big swinging hook punches are typically used by idiots intent on giving
someone a beating. They are the most natural of techniques, and done
properly they can be very effective, slipping around a guard and causing
brain shake that can lead to unconsciousness.
A hook punch travels in an arc rather than straight to the target. To see
how it works, hold your arm (fist clenched) straight out in front of you.
Now draw your elbow back so that your upper arm is straight out to the
side, level with your shoulder, and the fist is still pointing forwards. If
you keep the arm bent and swing it forwards from the shoulder, itll
travel in an arc. An actual hook punch will follow that motion, but you
should allow your elbow to bend as much or as little as you need, and let
the shoulder come round with the punch. This is a basic hook. Play around
with the motion until it becomes natural, remembering that you are
aiming at an imaginary opponents head directly in front of you.
The typical street hook is a large and uncontrolled version of the basic
hook. To see what one looks like, take your fist back and down to about
the level of your hip, as far back as you can get the arm (which should be
curved). Now let the arm swing out, up and across in front of you as if
you were trying to get it to travel right round and strike your other
shoulder. This is a highly inefficient way to punch, but untrained people
often do it instinctively.
Hooks can be launched from the lead hand, but this requires practice
so they are more usually thrown from the rear, power hand. Make sure
your elbow is up and the forearm is in line or the hook will bounce off as
your arm crumples. Targets include the side of the jaw, the temple or low
into the kidneys.
The shovel hook (or body punch) is made with a shovelling action,
driving a fist low into the abdomen or groin. It slips nicely under a guard
but requires you to be pretty close. Street thugs will sometimes use a
similar body punch, so it is worth being aware of this one for defensive
purposes if nothing else. Hooks are thrown with a pivoting action similar
to a cross.
The Uppercut
A boxers favourite knockout punch, the uppercut is a pistoning action
up under the chin. Done from in close, uppercuts require both skill and
opportunity, but if you have those then the fight is pretty much over.
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Palm-Heel Strikes, Backfists and Hammerfists
Punching with the knuckles risks breaking them on bony parts of your
opponent, especially in the case of young women whose bones are light
and not yet hardened. Striking with the heel of the palm and the bottom
of the fist reduce this risk, since there is some fleshy padding there. These
strikes have some other advantages too.
Palm-heel strikes are executed in the same manner as punches, but the
striking surface is the fleshy heel of the hand with the wrist angled sharply
back. This has the advantage of protecting your hand from damage and
also lining up the forearm nicely. Palm-heel strikes are concussive they
deliver force deeply into the target and do not risk damage to the knuckles
or wrist. Good targets include the shoulder, the head or ribs. A solid
strike, shot out from the shoulders with your weight behind it, will also
drive the opponent back, away from you and create an opportunity for
escape. Palm-heel strikes are particularly suitable for young people
(especially women) and older people whose bones are susceptible to
As an alternative to punching, drive the heel of your palm into the target. Here, a palm-heel strike
is used to deter an attacker from grabbing at the defenders lapel.
A backfist strike is carried out by simply straightening a bent arm and
swinging the back of your fist into the target. It is a light impact strike
that is primarily useful to cover you as you move from an awkward
position, or to open the door for
something more substantial. If you
tense your arm as you hit, you can
deliver a fair amount of power with
a backfist, but really its just a weight
(the hand) swung out on a string
(your arm). No matter how much
muscle you have in that arm,
backfists cannot be driven through
a target. They bounce off and
deliver impact rather than force.
The backfist is a painful but not damaging
blow. It is best used to create an opening or a
The hammerfist is similar to a
backfist, but is delivered with the
fleshy base of the hand. The impact
is greater than a backfist, since the
arm delivers more power in that
direction. Hammerfists can be
dropped onto someone in front of
you (opportunities arise during
vertical or ground grappling) or can
be used like a sort of inside hook
punch to the nose. This is good
against someone who has hold of
Striking with the bottom of the fist like this
can be a powerful strike, and like the palm
heel, it does not risk breaking the knuckles if
bone is hit.
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Kicking Techniques
A good solid kick can be devastating and can end the fight there and then.
However, trying to kick in the street will usually get you into more trouble
than you were in before. Kicking really has little place in street self-defence.
You will rarely have the room to deliver a good martial arts kick, since
fights happen at such close ranges. That said, if you have trained in a
martial art that favours kicks and have become very good at them, then
you might spot an opening for a sophisticated kicking technique. However,
the only really useful kicks on the street are low, short and not very exciting.
If you do kick, dont try to be clever, and whatever you do, dont try to do
those high movie kicks not even if you have practised them in training!
Kicking on the Street
The following kicking techniques are useful on the street. They give you
some extra options without creating much risk. Against an opponent who
has grabbed you or you dont feel able to defeat any other way, a hard kick
at the knee can cause enough pain and impair movement to such a degree
(even if you dont damage the knee significantly) that you may be able to
escape. Its hard to chase someone on a knee thats just been kicked. This
is particularly important for small, light people like women and children.
If it comes down to it, make sure that the attackers attention is on your
hands (maybe fake a punch), then kick. Its risky but better than nothing.
If it works youll be able to escape.
Foot Stamp
A foot stamp can be surprisingly effective, and it is something anyone
can do. It pretty much does what it says on the tin: lift your foot and
stamp on his instep (not the toes). It hurts, and if you hit the instep nerve
bundle just right, it can floor someone without doing them any actual
Front Snap Kick
This is a martial arts kicking technique. Aim to hit with the ball of your
foot (or the toes if you have fairly heavy shoes on; you wont hurt yourself).
Lift the knee and snap the foot out; dont swing it as if you were kicking
a football. The height you raise the knee to dictates where the kick will
go. Good targets are the knee or maybe the groin. Dont bother going
any higher.
A downward stamping kick to the leg can disable an attacker, or at least make him (or her!)
reluctant to get close to you.
Kicks can be a powerful weapon. In this case, the knee is lifted and the leg straightened to drive
the ball of the foot into the attackers groin. It works well on men and women. The groin is about
as high as you should ever try to kick on the street, and only then if youve trained for it.
A front kick can also be launched with the back foot. The principle is much
the same. In both cases, get your foot back on the ground as fast as possible,
and keep your hands up and guarding while you execute the technique.
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Side Stamp Kick
Primarily used to stamp down on the knee (and break it by hyper-extending
it backwards or to the side), the threat of this kick is also good for making
people keep their distance. Lift your knee, turn the foot sideways and stamp
down and out at the knee. You can lean back for balance and to keep your
head out of the way of retaliation. But keep that guard up!
Even if it does not disable your attacker, this kick should bring him to
a sudden stop. It causes immense pain that will severely limit his ability
to chase you. Even if you fail to connect, an attacker who knows he is
risking having his knees destroyed will often become rather less keen to
tangle with you.
Thrust Kick from the Ground
A close cousin to the stamp kick, this one is for protecting yourself when
downed. Turn on your side, draw the top leg back and thrust it out at the
A kick like this, driving your heel into the attackers knee, will stop him in his tracks. You could
also hook his ankle with your other (bottom) foot to ensure he falls; this would also increase the
amount of damage caused to his knee by preventing him from moving away.
You can also thrust backwards or with a stamping motion while on your
back. There is really nothing to it, just a matter of timing it right and
aiming straight. But this technique might be the only thing between you
and being kicked around the floor like a football.
It is also possible that you might be faced with an attacker you cant
escape from and cant really hurt, for instance, if you are a child under
attack by a large man. You do have one (desperately risky but better than
nothing) option. This is the one and only time you should even consider
going to the ground.
If absolutely everything else fails, drop onto your side or back and launch
a stamping kick at the knees of anyone coming close to you. This is about
the most powerful strike you will be able to muster, and itll attack the
knees, which are vulnerable. You should only go to the ground like this if
you have absolutely no chance otherwise, because it makes you very
vulnerable to being kicked, and you cant flee. If youre immensely
overmatched, this might offer you a chance.
Elbow Strikes
Elbows are deadly, especially in close. There are basically two ways to use
the elbow: thrust it or swing it. Swinging elbows are a staple of muay
Thai (Thai boxing), and are deadly but require some practice to get right.
Tuck your arm in with the hand close to your chest and swing the arm as
if doing a hook punch. Aim at the head or ribs.
Thrusting or driving elbows are primarily used to the side or backwards.
Aimed at the head or the solar plexus, the effect of driving the point of
your elbow into someone can be pretty spectacular. The movement is
natural too, Push your elbow back or to the side in the direction of an
imaginary opponent. Thats all there is to it.
Someone who has grabbed you from behind can be dealt with by driving your elbow straight back
into his body. Elbows are powerful, and dont require any real training to use.
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As with the cross, allow your body to
pivot with the strike and follow
through for maximum effect.
Your head can be used as a weapon. This may seem brutal it is! but
when your safety is at stake you must act decisively. Never butt brow to
brow. Instead drive the front corner of your head or your forehead into
an opponents cheek or nose. If you can, set up a whipping action by
moving your body forward, then the
head. A headbutt can be made more
powerful by grabbing an opponent and
dragging them in towards you and an
attacker may try to do this to you. You
can also drive your head backward into
someone who has hold of you from
behind. This can be highly effective in
gaining release.
Headbutting someone is a little barbaric, but its
certainly effective! Drive your brow hard into the
attackers face, striking him on the nose or
cheekbones if you can.
A rear headbutt into the face may convince an attacker to let go of you, and anyone who has
grabbed you from behind is ideally placed to be butted. Jerk your head sharply backwards and hit
whatever you can.
Knees are the nuclear weapons of self-defence. Very few people can
withstand a knee driven into their body. Lifting the knee is a natural
movement that requires only gross
motor control, and anyone can do
it, even under the most awful stress.
There are clever techniques for
long-range kneeing, but here we are
concerned with close-in situations.
Your leg muscles are designed to
raise the knee, and they are very
powerful! Knee the thigh (front or
side) or the abdomen or groin. Dont
worry about what you hit whatever
you contact, youll get a result!
Knee attacks are ideal for close-in grappling
situations. A straight driving knee like this one
will go in deep and bring most incidents to a
rapid close.
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Kneeing is easy. Grab the attacker any way you can and lift your knee,
driving it into the thigh, groin or body. You can also swing the knee in an
arc, out and back in, aiming under the ribs. This is a devastating, fight-
winning technique. In fact, be very careful when practising this with a
partner. Quite light contact with the knee (well, everything is relative!)
will demolish your partner, especially if you land a strike in the floating
ribs/kidneys region.
A knee in the leg will usually result in a dead leg of epic proportions.
One in the abdomen will wind someone spectacularly and a hit to the
groin (even if you miss the genitals) will considerably diminish an
attackers ability to hurt or chase you, or stand up, for that matter.
A roundhouse knee swings out and then back into the target in a curve. Whether you knee straight
or round depends upon the situation choose whichever one seems to have the best chance of
hitting the target.
If you are downed, get up as quickly as possible.
Kick low, punch high.
Never try to kick high.
Unless you are skilled, dont kick at all.
Dont strike bone with your knuckles if you can help it.
A precise strike is far more effective than a powerful but random
220 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
Chapter 3: Defensive
Self-defence cannot be purely passive or defensive. Unless you can wriggle
free and run for it (always an option and not one to be underestimated!),
you will have to do something to hurt an attacker to make him back off
or to end the attack. Unpleasant as it may sound, it is usually preferable
to use a pre-emptive attack. This is quite legal as long as you are sure that
you are under attack. It isnt always possible, however.
Once an attack has begun, you will need to defend against it before
you can begin to carry out your bash and dash escape plan. Frankly, your
chances are poorer if youre defending than if you can pre-empt, but
with the right techniques you can defeat an attack and cause the assailant
some harm in the process. The most important thing is to keep your
head and act coherently rather than flailing about in a panic.
Defending Yourself Against Grabs and Chokes
People who mean you harm will often open proceedings by grabbing
you, and if you cant deal with it, then its all over. A fight situation often
becomes an exercise in grabbing too. Pretty much any part of your body
or clothing can be grabbed and used to immobilise or drag you. Some
assailants will try to choke you (deliberately or otherwise). Typical grabs
One or both wrists.
Shirt front or lapel.
Bear hug from front or rear, over or under the arms.
Around the neck from behind.
Throat from in front.
It is best to break a grab before your attacker has a decent grip on you or
to move and prevent him from getting hold in the first place. Once a grab
is on, it can be difficult to escape. If a large, powerful person has a good
bear hug on you, it can be impossible.
Many street attacks begin with a simple wrist grab. Twist your wrist sharply and jerk the arm
back or up to break the grab.
A bear hug that immobilises your arms can render you helpless, or even stop you from breathing.
Escaping once the attacker has a good hold is very difficult.
222 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
As soon as someone tries to get hold of you even if you arent sure they
mean you harm react! Move sharply away, push their hands aside and
make yourself a hard target. It is especially important to react quickly to a
strangle or choke, or when someone gets hold of you from behind.
React INSTANTLY to anyone grabbing you.
In the case of a strangle or choke, you have seconds to do something
about it. The oxygen level in your brain drops, then unconsciousness
follows. It is very rare for this to take longer than 10 seconds. If you spoil
the choke by moving or dropping your chin then you have a little longer,
but escape is imperative all the same.
Defences Against Front Grabs and Chokes
The best defence against grabs is to be out of reach. The next best is to
break the grab before it is on properly. The absolute worst is to end up
wrestling with someone!
If someone tries to grab your wrist, move away while sharply twisting
your wrist and pulling that hand back. If your other hand is free, use it as
a distraction. You might shoot it towards his eyes in the hope hell flinch,
flick him in the face with the back of your hand or punch him soundly
on the nose. Most important is the sudden movement of the wrist and
the twisting action that makes it hard to get or to keep hold of you.
Move sharply and twist to break a wrist grab.
A wrist grab can immobilise you for a follow-up punch. Be ready to escape instantly if someone
gets hold of you.
It is harder to dislodge a solid hold on your clothing. Many garments will
tear, which may or may not be a good thing. If this does not happen then
you will have a hard time dislodging someones grip. Strength and
wrestling are unlikely to succeed. On the plus side there is a wide range
of locks and throwing techniques that could be applied, but you will
need to have learned and practised them to have any chance of success.
The time to consider doing this is well before someone grabs you!
To dislodge a grab on your clothing or a strangle, your best chance is to
hurt your assailant and make him flinch away. A backhanded flick to the
eyes or bridge of the nose, coupled with a sharp movement away from
him, is an option if you think he is not too serious. If he is determined to
hurt you then he will almost certainly punch with his other hand or knee
or headbutt you. Your best option is to pre-empt his attack you have
plenty of justification by moving in with a headbutt, knee or other
strike of your own, or grab his chin and the back of his head, and twist
him away.
Alternatively, you can jam your forearm across his throat (an arm bar)
and push. Make sure you jam his knee by moving your leg forward, but
dont strike the throat unless you are willing to risk causing death. Pressure
on the throat should change the focus of his attention from grabbing you
to getting away from you, allowing you to escape.
Chokes must be broken instantly. Never try to counter-choke or you
will die.
Do whatever you must to escape. Someone who tries to strangle you
means to kill you. You cannot afford to have any doubt about that. If you
can relieve the pressure by turning your body away or twisting one hand
off then this may help, but do not rely upon wrestling. Instead, make
him pull or flinch away. Strike his throat or eyes. Even if you blind or kill
him, youre justified. He was in the process of murdering you, and you
have the right to prevent that at any cost (to your assailant!).
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As the confrontation develops, the defender moves into a fence. Note how the fingers of the right
hand are pointed at the assailants eyes. Simply by straightening his left arm, the defender can
launch a devastating eye strike.
Defences Against Rear Grabs and Chokes
Being grabbed from behind is usually a complete surprise otherwise
you would have turned round! An attacker might try to spin you round
to hit you in the face, may bear-hug you or may just grab you around the
throat to choke or control you. A forearm across the throat can be very
difficult to dislodge and can choke you unconscious very quickly. You
must act fast, ideally before the grip is properly on.
As in the case of front grabs, there is a plethora of beautiful throwing
techniques you could use to make a rear-grabbing assailant wish hed
stayed at home. But these require training and practice, so here we will
stick to the simplest of measures.
A choke from the rear will usually be done from close in. If someone
tries to put their hands round your neck, you can sometimes slip out of
their grasp by moving sharply forward. Forearm chokes (a forearm across
your throat rather than hands around your neck) are harder to break
unless you can move away as you feel the grab begin.
Move away or turn if you think someone is close behind you. Dont
let them get a choke on you from behind if you can help it.
To escape from a bear hug or similar rear grab, your best bet is, as always,
to move as soon as you feel someone grabbing you. Once the grab is on,
your chances are slimmer. You have four primary weapons, all of which
should be used along with kicking and struggling like a wet cat. It can be
hard to keep hold of someone who is thrashing about and yelling, and an
attacker may well decide that he does not want to! Your four weapons, in
addition to this general wildcat behaviour, are:
Drive your elbow backward into the solar plexus (pit of the stomach)
or up and back at the head.
Slam your head back, or sideways and back, in a rear headbutt, and
keep doing it!
Stamp down on the instep (not the toes; there is a nerve bundle on
the instep that is less well protected than the toes) or scrape your
shoe down his shin.
Bring your heel up by bending the knee sharply. Aim for the groin.
When grabbed from the rear you can also push backwards suddenly and
sharply, hopefully sending both of you reeling. This can be a bit of a
lottery as to whether he lets go, or one or both of you fall, but it is better
than nothing.
An attacker who is behind you can be discouraged by stamping down hard on his instep (this
hurts much more than the toes) with your heel. Be ready to take advantage of any flinch on the
attackers part.
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As an extreme one-shot defence, you can drop sharply and suddenly
forward and to your knees. Dont rely on gravity, lean forward, dig your
feet in and lunge forward and down. If you can, twist your body to one
side as you go. If this fails and youre on the ground and still held, things
are bad. But it may spring you free or turn into a spectacular throw.
Defending Yourself Against Punches
Most assailants will punch you or grapple with you when standing, or
kick you if youre down and they are still standing. Few will kick if youre
upright, though someone with a little training or who has seen too many
movies may try it. The special (but all too common) case where you are
both on the ground is dealt with separately.
Remember that all defence against strikes is based around not being hit
rather than hard, powerful blocks. Your basic options are to evade while
staying in reach, move out of reach or close in and smother the blow
before it develops any real power.
A body punch can be defeated by moving back and dropping your hand onto the punch to cover.
Pull the attacker off-balance as you strike with your other hand. The most important thing is to
move back so that the punch does not strike you.
An effective defence against a punch is to move inside it while pushing the arm away. Grab the
attackers arm to pull him off-balance, then deliver a counter-strike.
Most attackers will throw a series of punches, often in a manner referred
to as head down and swim, or will grab at you and try to strike you.
Turning to flee is not an option since youll be hit as you try to escape, so
getting a strike of your own in is a necessity if you are to create any space
to escape. It is very, very difficult to get a decent blow in on someone
who is constantly attacking, so you only have a few options:
Pre-empt the attack.
Evade and counter.
Let the attacker come to you and use a throw or takedown.
Launch a counter-attack.
The last option is feasible if you can time it right and if you have what
it takes to walk into someone and start punching despite their best efforts
to knock you off your feet. If you do this, the best option is to try to turn
yourself into what the authors call the Unstoppable Karate Machine.
Storm into your opponent, throwing out a series of straight punches (they
get there quicker than hooks and will force the attacker onto the defensive,
protecting you as well as hopefully disabling him).
For most people, though, counter-attacking like this is not an option.
Your best bet is to move and keep moving, seeking an opening. If the
assailant uses big, slow attacks you may be able to get a fast jab in between
228 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
them, creating an opening, or you may be able to evade and strike him as
he withdraws his hand after he has missed. Either way, if you land a hit
you will create an opening to do something else. He may go down dazed
or back off in pain. He may flinch and give you time to dart away. Even if
your first blow does not end the matter, you can press the attack and hell
find it very difficult to hit you as long as you keep coming forward and
attacking. Just be sure not to run into a sucker-punch.
Do remember that youre not fighting with him, youre creating an
opportunity to escape the situation. Keep that in mind, and once the chance
appears, take it! If you can evade his attack and hit him with a strike, you
may end the matter then and there. If not, you might manage to stun him
long enough to escape or to hit him again.
There is nothing sophisticated about this; its simply a matter of applying
the evasions and strikes already discussed. However, there is another
option. One of the best ways to create an escape opportunity is to get the
assailant to fall or to throw him.
Getting Hit
Ive been knocked out exactly once. If it happens then theres nothing you can do about
it. But most of the time a blow causes a great deal of pain (and often injury) but only
momentary incapacity. Ive been hit by blows that threw me back and made the attacker
run after me, and by short, sharp blows that simply stunned me. I clearly remember
receiving a succession of fairly light (i.e. non-knockout) blows on one occasion. Between
each and the next it was as if a little inner voice was yelling at me to act, but I couldnt. By
the time my brain was back in gear the next one slammed home. It stopped only when
I was on the floor listening to the words, you see?
But this was a very skilled, very fast puncher. Someone less skilled or more angry would
have left gaps between the blows. And in that moment as my brain rebooted, and
before the next one landed to again take away my conscious volition, I would have had
a choice to make: the instinctive (fold up and go down), or the hard but necessary
option (stay up, move, cover, and fight back).
Thats how it is if you get hit by any significant blow. There will be a second or two
where you cant do anything at all, then the fold or fight moment. Panic, fear, anger,
pride, training, determination or a desperate need to survive and/or protect your loved
ones will be factors in deciding whether you keep your feet or become a football. If you
find yourself in a position to make that choice, there is only one possible option and its
not surrender!
Throws and Takedowns
Many martial arts, especially judo, aikido and ju-jitsu, use a lot of throwing
techniques and often get heavily into grappling too. Throws and
takedowns are very similar; both aim to get someone on the ground. As a
rule, throws are intended to cause injury, while takedowns are less complex
and are mainly aimed at just getting the opponent down, either for
grappling or to allow an escape.
It is not really possible to deal with effective throwing techniques in
the space we have available. Throws can be very effective, especially if
someone grabs you, but they require training and practice (with a partner)
if they are to become very useful. If you can get to a self-defence class or
study an appropriate martial art, then you will learn some useful throwing
techniques. Takedowns are mainly used by people who want to grapple,
which we are trying our best to avoid.
For these reasons our coverage of throws and takedowns is limited to
these highly useful (and simple) techniques. We have grouped them
together for clarity; do remember that these techniques can be applied
any time someone attacks or grabs you, whenever they seem appropriate.
The Ground is Very Hard!
Gravity and concrete can be great allies, especially for small, light people who feel that
they cant deal with a given attacker using strikes. Not only will it take time for an attacker
to get up to pursue you, but the fall may cause injury (and, if its absolutely necessary, you
can kick or stamp on your assailant to prevent him getting up quickly).
One tiny, lightweight woman that I had the pleasure of training with had this down to a
fine art. She just liked to make people fall. Shed wait until you launched an attack, then
dodge, pull your arm and trip you up. Or kick one of your feet away as you took a step.
On the hard wooden floor where we trained, this was unpleasant. On the street, it
would be very nasty indeed.
She was tiny; I could have punched her into orbit. Yet it was me that limped away from
our training. And you know what? She hardly ever hit me. I was soundly beaten up by
the ground.
230 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
Outside Hock/Trip Takedown
This technique is useful when you find yourself in close, for example,
when you have closed in to smother a punch. Keep moving forward,
hooking your arm around the attackers neck and get one foot behind
one of his. Then push him backward to make him fall and accelerate
away out of danger. The key is that arm around his neck. Pushing back
on his throat will make him recoil and remove any need to rely on raw
strength. This takedown works even better if you can break the attackers
posture by reaching down his back, bending him backwards and making
it difficult for him to keep his balance.
Evasion and Sweep Throw
This makes use of an attackers momentum as he surges in with a big
right hook or cross. He will be moving forward with a lot of momentum.
Evading the strike by taking a step forward and to your right (assuming
hes attacking with his right hand), reach out and grab the attackers arm
at the biceps with your left hand. Pulling the attacker forward and down
with your left hand, keep moving out of the way to the right, sending the
attacker stumbling past and gaining time for an escape.
Alternatively, you can turn this into a throw by pushing up under his
left armpit with your right hand while sweeping his left foot away. His
momentum will make him flip over with stunning force, allowing you
to escape.
Dropping Full Shoulder Throw from Rear Grab
This technique is an excellent way to escape from a rear choke if you are
standing up. You must act immediately, or you will be choked or dragged
backwards. As you feel an arm go around your neck, drop your chin to
protect your throat (you may not be quick enough, but try) and get a
hand into the crook of the elbow to relieve the pressure.
Pull down and forward with this hand, while dropping to one knee
and twisting round. An attacker will normally choke with his right arm,
so you should drop to the right knee and twist left. The attacker should
fall over you and land in front of you where you can strike him to gain
time to get up and escape. Be careful if you try this one out with a partner;
the throw happens very suddenly and your partner will hit the floor
extremely hard.
If someone gets a good grip on you from behind, especially around the neck like this, you are in
serious trouble. You must act immediately to get rid of them. Grab their arm and turn away from
it, dropping to one knee. The attacker will crash to the ground in front of you.
Defending Yourself on the Ground
You should never choose to go to the ground, but if you end up there,
your goal must be to get up again as quickly as possible. However,
sometimes it is necessary to defend or even fight while on the ground.
Many martial arts especially those intended to prepare practitioners
for competitions like Ultimate Fighting Championship and Shoot
Wrestling tournaments do a lot of ground fighting. For the ring, this is
an excellent choice most fights are won on the ground. But on the
street you are liable to be kicked while you wrestle someone into
submission. Besides, street thugs are unlikely to tap out, accept defeat
honourably and then leave, are they?
232 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
It is very useful to have some training in ground fighting, just in case
you end up on the floor with someone. You are far less likely to panic if
the situation is familiar, and youll be better able to break out if you have
the skills. Groundwork is also incredibly good for building stamina.
However, do not become obsessed with ground fighting. Your goal is to
stay up or get back up, not to roll around on the pavement among the
broken glass and dog excrement.
Going to the Floor
I have an aversion to going to the floor that borders on phobia. Im also really, really
good at staying upright no matter what (fifteen years of fencing has something to do with
that!). And yet, despite all the years of training and practice, I end up on the deck all the
Ive been dragged down by a big guy who kept hold of me, taken down by experts who
can bring buildings down if they want to, thrown by people of all sizes, run into and
knocked down by a 16-stone sparring partner with more determination than common
sense (and this despite the fact that I thumped him hard on the way in), had my feet
swept out from under me, been tripped
But most of the time, it just happens. The fight closes in and vertical grappling begins.
Somebody loses their balance and the floor beckons. The bottom line is that if a fight
gets close in, it stays there. After that its a matter of time before you end up on the
ground. Keep your distance and break off as soon as you can.
Defences Against Kicks
If you are downed, it is likely that you will be kicked. You must protect
your head, no matter what. Curling into a ball with your arms around
your head will delay the inevitable, but you will be kicked unconscious
after a while, and your head will be used as a football. Believe it. It happens.
So, your defence must not be passive covering you must fight back!
The first option is to keep your feet towards your attacker and kick out
at his knees as he closes. This does not work very well against groups, but
against a single attacker it is effective. Alternatively, you can use a side
thrust kick (as described in the previous chapter) to strike out at your
You are very vulnerable on the ground. One option is to pivot so your feet are pointing at the
attacker, and kick him if he approaches. Sooner or later, though, you have to get back up!
If you are caught on the ground and are about to receive a kick (it will
almost certainly be aimed at your head), you will have to absorb it on
your arms. Do not attempt to block a kick at its strongest point. Either
close in and smother the kick before it gains power, or move away and
grab the leg when the force is largely spent.
Now, either kick at the knee or thread your leg through the attackers
and hook it behind one knee, toppling him over you. As he falls forward,
get up and run. Give him a disabling kick if you think this is necessary to
ensure your escape.
Defences Against Strangles
On the ground you are even more vulnerable to chokes and strangles.
You must break the hold on your throat as quickly as possible. Striking
upwards is very difficult, so you will have to grapple. Grab your assailant
by the chin and back of the head and twist hard. His body will follow his
head around and roll off you. Dont worry about damaging his neck; he
will move voluntarily before you can do any real damage, and besides,
even if you did break his neck he was in the middle of killing you! The
same technique can be used to get a rapist or anyone else off you.
Other techniques for getting someone off you include striking the
kidneys, shoving the face or jabbing a hard object like a key or pen into
the side of his head or neck.
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Getting Up
Getting up is the most important thing you can do in a ground fight. If
you are both on the floor then all that matters is speed. However, if you
are likely to be attacked as you get up, it is important that you cover
yourself. Dont worry about gymnastic manoeuvres you may have seen
in films. Instead use this simple procedure:
Face your opponent; dont turn away.
Support yourself on one arm. Keep the other ready to guard.
Get one leg under yourself and stand up.
Keep a guard up.
Pull away from the attacker rather than moving your head towards
him as you stand.
Go to a ready stance and be ready to move.
Defending Yourself Against Weapons
Armed attacks are less common than most people think, but all the same
it is wise to assume that any attacker may be armed. Dont ever be drawn
into a confrontation with someone you think you can take. Not only is
it pointless and stupid, but if he has a hidden weapon then the first you
may know about it is when it enters your body.
The stereotypical downward stabbing attack is actually very rare.
Most attackers will slash horizontally or thrust straight forward.
Common Sense and Weapons
The only time you should try to fight someone who has a weapon is if he
attacks you with it, or if not resisting now will place you in a more
dangerous position later.
In the face of a knife, stick, bat or (heaven forbid!) a firearm, you are
wisest to hand over valuables and cooperate, as long as the motive only
seems to be robbery. On no account should you try to foil an armed
robbery it is only money being stolen, and its probably not even yours!
If the armed assailant tries to abduct you or cause you harm, then
resistance may be the best option. This is a decision you will have to
make on the spot. As a rule, if someone with a knife tries to get you into
a car, you are best to resist. Wherever you may be, the place he wants to
take you is likely to be far worse. You may only have this one chance to
save your life.
If you must defend yourself against a weapon, forget any formal, stylised
moves that you may have been shown. All weapon defences are a frantic
scramble, no matter how skilled the defender. The basic principle is
Immobilise the weapon hand.
Demolish the attacker.
Do not try to grapple with someone who has a knife other than to
immobilise the knife hand. It is just too easy to be cut or impaled when
in close. If you can grab the knife hand, try to control the thumb and turn
the weapon away from you.
Most knife users will thrust forwards with the weapon. Move to the side, then lunge in and pin
the weapon arm as you strike. Remember that any knife defence will be messy. You must take
whatever opportunities you can.
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You cannot hold back in the face of a lethal attack. You will have a brief
moment at best in which to act. You must hit and hit again, doing as
much damage as you possibly can, until the attacker collapses. Any less
and you will die.
The Reality of Knife Attacks
Nobody ever attacks with an overhead stabbing action. If someone really
means to use a knife on you, he will try to keep it concealed and stab or
slash you from up close, then walk away as you collapse, bleeding. The
most likely knife attacks are either during a robbery where the robber
becomes nervous or impatient, or an impromptu attack where an angry
person seizes a sharp implement. Another possible scenario occurs if
someone tries to abduct you at knife point and you resist.
Whatever happens, it is likely that you will be cut. Keep fighting! To
give up is to die. There is no alternative. Its really better not to tackle
knives unless you absolutely have to. The best defence against any weapon
is to run away. If at any point you get the chance to flee then run for it!
Knife Defence: Slashing Attack
A slashing attack is very difficult to defend against. You will not be able to
kick the knife out of the attackers hand, so dont try. Your best chance
(other than a rapid departure) is to move back out of range and let the
slash go past, then move in and pin the knife to the attackers body. Push
his weapon hand against him (if he stabs himself, he stabs himself. You
cannot be blamed) and hit him as hard as you possibly can until he goes
down. A really hard kick at the knee can also work. Little else will,
especially not intricate kata-like defences. Attackers are rarely compliant
with formal techniques.
Knife Defence: Stabbing Attack
A stabbing attack is very likely to be fatal. A penetration of two inches at
most places on the torso (and that is easy to achieve!) will kill you or
disable you so you bleed to death. It is slightly easier to avoid a stab than
a slash, but the consequences are even more serious if you fail. Allow the
knife hand to reach full extension (move out of the way, obviously) and
grab the hand around the thumb. Push it back against the attackers body
or off to the side, and close in. Kick him hard on the knee as a distraction
if you get the chance, then hit him again and again until you are sure the
attack is over.
Bottle Defence: Overhead Swing
The best defence against an overhead swing is to step to the side and let it
go past. Cover yourself, just in case. The attacker will be wide open for a
moment. Elbow him in the head or deliver a similarly devastating strike.
Stick and Bat Defence: Body Swing
A more or less flat swing at the body will resemble a slash with a knife. It
is difficult to stop such an attack, and it is very likely to connect if you
remain within range. The best answer is to move back and let the weapon
go past, then close in and, again, pin the weapon hand against the attackers
body as you deliver a series of determined strikes.
Here the defender dodges back and lets the swing go past. He then lunges in to pin the weapon
arm as best he can, and launches an all-or-nothing strike to disable the attacker.
238 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
Stick and Bat Defence: Overhead Swing
An overhead swing with a heavy implement will break your collarbone
and could kill you if it strikes your skull. The previous bottle defence can
be used against a stick (and vice versa), or you can close in before the
attack gains any power and grab the attacking arm, halting the swing.
Immediately attack with your knee or elbow. Do not attempt to block the
attack with your forearm. You will merely get a broken arm for your
An overhead swing like this could kill you outright. You must do something about it.
Hesitate and its all over!
An untrained person will throw up an arm to protect their head not very effective!
Instead, the defender moves to the side and deflects the swing, pulling the attacker off-balance.
A vigorous counter-attack should follow.
Firearms are readily obtainable in some countries, and even in Britain
the ban on private ownership has done little to alter the number of
weapons in criminal hands. However, even in places where guns are legal,
you are far more likely to face a punch than a bullet.
If someone produces a firearm of any sort, assume that it is real, that it
is loaded, and that your assailant is willing to use it. You may be lucky; it
may be a defective weapon, a replica or an air pistol. If it looks real, dont
gamble your life on it being a fake.
Assume that any weapon that looks real is real, is loaded and has a hair
Assume that a person holding a weapon is willing eager, even to
use it.
You must tackle a gunman only if you have absolutely no alternative. If
this is the case, then grab the weapon and twist it to point away from you.
Keep hold even if it goes off and becomes hot. If you let go the next shot
will hit you. Once the weapon is not aimed at you, attack the gunman
and dont stop until you are sure he is no longer a threat.
240 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
If you flee a weapon, it is worth knowing that most people (especially
if they learned to shoot by watching films) have no real idea what they
are doing and will be wholly unable to hit a moving target, even at quite
short ranges. Change direction as you run and get as far away as you can.
If you are shot and you are still upright, then you can still fight or flee.
A very serious gunshot wound will render you helpless, but anything
that does not is not immediately life-threatening, however shocking and
painful it may be. You can still win if you havent been downed. Escape if
you can, and if not then fight on and disable your attacker.
Seek medical help for any injury as soon as possible. Most people who
are shot do not die immediately, but many bleed to death or collapse
from wound shock.
Final Note on Weapons
If you are facing a weapon then you should only fight if you have no
alternative. If you do win, make sure you get control of the weapon.
Dont leave it lying around where someone could pick it up and attack
you again.
Control the weapon during the fight.
Secure the weapon afterwards.
Remember that if a weapon is used against you, then the attacker is trying
to kill you. You must do anything you can to prevent that. You will get
one chance only; make it count.
In Extremis
Some situations are less serious than others, though in this day and age it
is wise to assume that any assailant or potential assailant is armed and has
several similarly equipped friends with him, even if he seems to be alone.
Treat any situation as potentially life-threatening, and be aware that it can
all go badly wrong in seconds.
Some situations are obviously potentially lethal from the outset. If an
assailant or group of assailants is attempting to use lethal force against
you or someone around you or you have good reason to fear that they
will then you have every legal and moral right to fight back with any
and all means at your disposal.
In a lethal situation, do whatever you must to survive.
In a life-threatening situation you must not hold back. Nor must you
flinch from distasteful and downright unpleasant actions. Some of these
are oddments that could be used anytime (if you feel the need) but which
dont really fit elsewhere. The rest are very nasty things to do to someone
and really should be reserved for horrific threats like attempted rape or
murder, or else are included for reference because a street thug may choose
to use them on you!
The important thing when using these dirty fighting tricks is to be
inventive and vicious. Some of these tricks are mainly psychological in
effect, in that they are just so unpleasant that the person you use them
on, though not badly hurt, will usually recoil in shock.
Biting: unpleasant, and bearing some slight health risks, biting is a
matter of personal taste (!). It is hard to cause serious injury with a
bite, but the pain and psychological effect can be considerable.
Anything that you can get your teeth into can be bitten. Whether to
hang on or to let go is up to you. It really depends upon the
circumstances. To cause the most pain, nip some flesh rather than
biting deep.
Headbutting: there is really nothing to a headbutt. Drive the
forehead, corner or back of your head into your opponents face, side
of the head or other body parts. It is possible to deliver a dead arm or
leg with a powerful butt, and a headbutt under the shoulder blade is
painful too. If your limbs are entangled, butt anything within reach.
Never meet brow to brow, though, unless you happen to be a
Eye-poking and gouging: a nasty business, but if it is the only way
to prevent your untimely death then it is justified. Eye jabs can be
made with fingers or thumbs. Its really not very difficult if you are
willing or desperate enough. Even if you fail, you will make the attacker
recoil and gain time to do something else.
Throat strikes: crushing the windpipe or other parts of the throat
can be fatal. A good firm squeeze or a light jab will usually cause an
attacker to recoil, coughing.
242 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
Face attacks: as well as the eyes, there are plenty of facial features to
scratch at, pull, grab or squash. Pull and twist the lips, crush the nose,
grab ears and pull hard. Swing on his hair or any facial piercings.
Alternatively, grab the chin and the back of the head and twist hard.
This will give you control of your attackers body and make him
thoroughly defensive.
Grabbing genitals: grab and twist, squeeze or yank hard. The results
are surprisingly similar. Most people become very defensive when
you grab their gonads, which may give you an opening to do something
else. However, note that it is actually quite hard to get a useful grip
since clothing and legs get in the way.
Targets and How to Exploit Them
The human body is an amazing thing. It can survive 100-mph car crashes
almost undamaged, yet be disabled by a few pounds of pressure on a
bone. If you must attack a human body, then it is vitally important that
you attack it effectively. That means exploiting its weaknesses with precise
attacks rather than flailing away at the body in general.
If aiming at the head from in front, try to strike right on the tip of the
chin (many experts call this the button since if you hit it right, the jawbone
presses on nerve centres and causes instant unconsciousness).
Alternatively, punch the nose. This causes severe pain and makes the
targets eyes fill up with tears. Do not hit the mouth. Teeth can severely
damage your hand.
From the side (say with a hook punch), a blow on the side of the jaw or
the temple will cause brain shake which can result in unconsciousness
or disorientation. Hitting the cheekbone will cause the commonest of
fight-related injuries black eyes and possibly a cracked cheekbone but
it is not likely to stop an attacker.
Striking the throat quite lightly will cause the target to cough and lose
his breath. A little harder will kill him. Be aware of this. Similarly, a blow
to the side of the neck can stun, cause unconsciousness or kill.
The shoulders are good targets for a palm-heel strike intended to crack
the collarbone. This will disable the attackers arm without being life-
threatening. Hit both at once to send him staggering away. A straight
punch into the shoulder joint is also highly effective and makes it difficult
for the attacker to use his arm.
The chest is quite well protected by the rib cage. Even a blow hard
enough to crack a rib may not stop an attacker. However, there are some
useful targets. A blow over the heart can be very serious since it shocks
this vital muscle. The ribs at the sides, about at sternum level, can be
struck for good effect. There is a large nerve bundle there, as well as
intercostal muscles, which, if struck, will make the targets breathing
somewhat painful.
Lower down at the sides, a blow can be hooked into the kidneys, which
is very effective. Striking the corner of the rib cage where it curves up at
the front to meet the sternum (breastbone) will shock the diaphragm
and cause a great deal of pain. Between these two points is the solar plexus.
Hitting this requires relatively little force to produce a folding-up effect
on the target.
From the rear, strikes to the kidney area are effective. It is also possible
to strike the spine, back of the neck or the rear of the skull, though this
can cause paralysis or death so should only be done in extreme
circumstances. An opponent who is doubled up in front of you can be
best attacked by driving an elbow down into his back under the shoulder
blades. This causes winding and muscle trauma, but is unlikely to inflict
permanent harm.
The groin is a good target. This is about as high as you should kick and
is a bit lower than you would normally punch. Obviously, hitting the
genitals will floor most attackers, but it is actually quite difficult to do.
However, a strike that shocks the hip or pubic bone can also be intensely
painful and may limit an attackers mobility.
Striking at the arms is not normally useful, though a blow to the inner
or outer side of the biceps, about halfway up, can cause a dead arm.
The legs can be more usefully struck, usually by kicks. The knee can
be kicked from in front or from the side. Kicking the knee from behind
will crumple the leg and may make the attacker fall, but it wont cause
much damage. You can also kick or knee the front or side of the quadriceps
(the big thigh muscle) to cause a dead leg and thus facilitate your escape.
A pushing kick to the knee from the side will not cause much damage
but will buckle the knee and may make the attacker fall.
Kicks to the shin are very painful, as is stamping down hard on the
instep (not the toes). This works even better if you can scrape down the
shin on the way.
244 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
Attacking Joints
There are many locking techniques available. Most are designed to allow
effective restraint, but since they work by moving a joint in a direction it
is not supposed to go in, it is obvious that a good lock can be used to
damage the joint. Some martial arts teach devastating lock-and-throw
techniques that can utterly destroy a joint; however, it is unlikely that
you will be in a position where locking techniques are useful to you. If
the assailant poses a significant threat to you, you should rely on striking
and escaping rather than locking and restraint techniques for your own
The fingers have particularly vulnerable joints. Grab and bend fingers
back to break them or cause pain and make someone let go of you.
Other Attacks
At need you can make a variety of other attacks. The eyes are vulnerable
to a poke, jab or push. This need not be a deep, blinding attack. It is
possible to push on the face (especially the eyes and nose) to make
someone recoil from you without causing any lasting damage.
Other facial features can be grabbed and twisted, pulled, bitten or
nipped. The lip, nose and ears are obvious targets. Do not attempt to
hook a finger into someones mouth and pull. While effective, it exposes
you to a grave risk of being bitten.
The throat is another area that merits special mention. Obviously, you
can strike the throat hard to kill if you have no alternative. Under self-
defence conditions, it is unlikely that you will have sufficient control to
hit the throat lightly, so a throat attack is an attempted kill. However,
there are other ways to use the throat. Firstly, pressure on the neck or
throat will force compliance on almost anyone in other words, if you
push on someones throat, the rest of him will move in the same direction.
Secondly, you could attempt a choke or strangle.
The word could is used here rather than can. This is because you
should not attempt to choke in a self-defence situation unless you have
no alternative. It is too easy to cause death by choking someone, and it
requires a good hold and a (rather short) period of time to take effect. If
you slip or are attacked from elsewhere during that time or if the attacker
breaks your hold, then you are no better off than before. Choke holds
should be reserved for two occasions: when you have absolutely no other
options (say when you are on the ground under someone and cant escape)
or as a tool to subdue someone or to ensure compliance with a restraint
and only then if you are trained and know what you are doing.
Nerve-point attacks, as taught in many martial arts, can and do work.
However, you have to hit the right spot, which is not always in exactly
the same place on different people. Some nerve-point work is valuable as
a self-defence tool, for example, knowing where the major nerve bundles
are so that you can deliver a blow to them. Subtle use of nerve and pressure
points requires long training and is not always effective even then. If you
want to attack nerve points (and do understand that this is a useful tool
that can be used by anyone if they know how to do it!) then you will
have to undertake a long period of training. Unless you are going to do
that, forget about nerve or pressure points.
Purely defensive measures will not be enough; defeat the attack then
Avoid grappling, but be willing to trip or throw an assailant as long as
you stay upright.
Do not tackle weapons unless you have absolutely no option.
No half-measures in the face of an armed attack. Immobilise the
weapon and destroy the attacker.
Unless you are trained, you will not be able to apply an effective joint
Facial features can be pushed, pulled, poked or bitten to cause pain.
Leave the throat alone unless you need to kill someone.
Do not bother with nerve points unless you are very skilled.
Do whatever you must to end the attack, especially if your life is in
danger, but remember that you must not lose control and become a
raging animal.
246 T H E S E L F - D E F E N C E M A N U A L
If youve got this far, you have probably had a couple of good scares,
disagreed violently with at least one thing weve said and nodded to
yourself in a couple of places, thinking I already knew that. However
good or bad your experience with this book has been, thanks for reading
so far.
If you disagree with us about something (or even everything), thats
fine we respect you and your opinions, and were sure your reasons for
holding them are as valid as our reasons for holding ours. If you do disagree
with us, please think about why you hold that opinion; is it for a good
reason or is it just complacency and conventional wisdom? Our ideas
about what happens out on the street are drawn from experience and
research; we believe in our conclusions.
That does not mean that your opinions are wrong, of course. But our
advice is to be very sure that you hold those opinions for a good reason;
one based on real-world experience rather than films and news reports.
And having got this far, we have something rather unpleasant to tell
you. You see, by reading this book, you have achieved very little. The
intrinsic worth of all the information in this volume is nothing at all.
You are no safer having read these pages and looked at the pictures than
you were yesterday, unless you act upon what we have told you. If you
think about the contents of this book, implement the measures and maybe
get some training or improve your fitness a little and most of all begin to
practise habitual awareness then you will make yourself many times safer
without really changing your lifestyle. You owe it to yourself to do this.
You may be a little annoyed at reading this. Sorry about that. But all
youve done is spend some money on a book and invested a little time in
reading it. Little effort and no gain. In the harsh environment of street
survival, safety cannot be bought with money.
If you want to be safe, you will have to practise self-protection. Weve
shown you how, now its up to you. There is only one person you can
definitely rely on you! Just remember what we told you many, many
pages ago:
Self-protection begins with the self.
Wed offer blessings and good luck, but self-protection isnt a matter of
luck. Instead well just part with some advice:
On the street there are no second chances so dont take any!
You dont have to be paranoid, and you dont have to be a victim. Dont
be afraid; be ready.
Look after yourself!

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