1. The document is a partial exam question sheet for a basic electrical engineering course covering topics like permeability, resistance, and magnetizing force.
2. Question 2 asks students to calculate the current required to establish a flux of 3.5×10-4 Wb in the magnetic circuit shown in Figure 1.
3. The question provides the magnetization curves for sheet steel and cast iron that give the magnetizing force and flux density for each material, considered to have a linear intermediate relationship. It also gives the cross-sectional areas and lengths of the magnetic circuit to calculate the required current.
1. The document is a partial exam question sheet for a basic electrical engineering course covering topics like permeability, resistance, and magnetizing force.
2. Question 2 asks students to calculate the current required to establish a flux of 3.5×10-4 Wb in the magnetic circuit shown in Figure 1.
3. The question provides the magnetization curves for sheet steel and cast iron that give the magnetizing force and flux density for each material, considered to have a linear intermediate relationship. It also gives the cross-sectional areas and lengths of the magnetic circuit to calculate the required current.
1. The document is a partial exam question sheet for a basic electrical engineering course covering topics like permeability, resistance, and magnetizing force.
2. Question 2 asks students to calculate the current required to establish a flux of 3.5×10-4 Wb in the magnetic circuit shown in Figure 1.
3. The question provides the magnetization curves for sheet steel and cast iron that give the magnetizing force and flux density for each material, considered to have a linear intermediate relationship. It also gives the cross-sectional areas and lengths of the magnetic circuit to calculate the required current.
1. The document is a partial exam question sheet for a basic electrical engineering course covering topics like permeability, resistance, and magnetizing force.
2. Question 2 asks students to calculate the current required to establish a flux of 3.5×10-4 Wb in the magnetic circuit shown in Figure 1.
3. The question provides the magnetization curves for sheet steel and cast iron that give the magnetizing force and flux density for each material, considered to have a linear intermediate relationship. It also gives the cross-sectional areas and lengths of the magnetic circuit to calculate the required current.
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The University of Asia Pacific
Department of Computer Science and Engineering & Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Course Title: Basic Electrical Engineering Course Code: ECE ! "CSE# $ ECE %! "CEE# Time: &! min Class Test ' ( )ull *ar+s: %! Name: Reg. #: Roll #: Q:1. Define: [3X3 = 9] i) permeabilit ii) rel!"tan"e iii) magneti#ing for"e. Page 2 of 2 Q:2. $in% t&e "!rrent ' re(!ire% to e)tabli)& a fl!* = 3.+1, -+ .b in t&e [11] magneti" "ir"!it of $ig!re 1. $rom t&e /-0 "!r1e of 2&eet 2teel an% 3a)t 'ron .e 4no. t&e follo.ing fl!* %en)itie) for t&e "orre)pon%ing magneti#ing for"e): )or Sheet Steel: *agneti,ing )orce- . "At$m# )lu/ Density- B "T# 35, ,.6 27, ,.5 1,, ,.1 )or Cast 0ron: *agneti,ing )orce- . "At$m# )lu/ Density- B "T# 25,, ,.6 16,, ,.5 2,, ,.1 8&e interme%iate relation) of /-0 i) "on)i%ere% to be linear.
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