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Week 4 Activity: The Water Cycle Play
a. Kids act out the water cycle play
- This !"-inute readers# theater play traces water in its never-ending cycle. $tudents read the script as they per%or the play. &either props nor scenery is necessary. There are !' characters( )ut in a sall class( students can easily play ore than one part. The students could even write their own water cycle adventure. Cast: $un *who is also the narrator+ ,cean water drop ! ,cean water drop - Water vapor ! Water vapor - Cloud $now%lake ! $now%lake - .lacier ice ! .lacier ice - $trea water ! $trea water - /iver water ! /iver water - /eservoir water ! /eservoir water - Tap water ! Tap water - Water in drain pipe $ewage processing plant $cript The $un: ,ur story starts in the ocean. We are watching two drops o% water. ,cean water drop !: 0t#s getting hot here in the ocean - 0 don#t think 0 can swi any ore. 0# %eeling light and airy1 0 think the $un#s doing it to e. The $un: 0 can#t help it - 0# hot and %ull o% energy. That#s what 0 do( and 0 do it so well( don#t 02 ,cean water drop -: 3es( you do( )ut 0 think 0# getting di44y and there isn#t even a whirlpool here. 0# %eeling so strange1 0 think 0#ll 5ust %loat %or a while - no ore swiing %or e. ,cean water drop !: 6h oh1 3ou#re not %loating in the water anyore( you#re %loating in the air - you#re not a drop o% water either - you#re water vapor now. Water 7apor !: What#s water vapor2 Water 7apor -: 0t#s water( )ut it#s a gas. 3ou#ve evaporated and turned into a gas - and so have 0. 8et#s %ly up high1 Water 7apor !: 0 %eel like 5oining the others and %oring a crowd. Water 7apor -: 0 think you ean a cloud( not a crowd. ,kay( let#s condense. Water 7apor !: What does that ean2 Water 7apor -: Condensing eans that we#ll change )ack into a li9uid *water( o% course+. Then we#ll )e part o% a cloud. Cloud: ,kay( now we#re a )eauti%ul( %lu%%y cloud. 8et#s %ly over the land and watch the goats. Take a look at those )eauti%ul ountains1 :ut now 0# %eeling heavy and cold. 0 think 0# going to snow1 $now%lake !: ;ey( what#s got si< ars and there#s nothing e<actly like it in the whole world2 $now%lake -: =e - 0# so special. 3ou( too( o% course. We#re )oth snow%lakes. ;ey( where are you going now2 $now%lake !: 0 can#t stop %alling - you#re %alling too. :ut where are we going2 $now%lake -: >own. $now%lake !: Thanks - 0 knew that. 0t looks like we#re taking a trip to the ountains. 0 hope you know how to ski. $now%lake -: Well( it looks like we#re stuck on a glacier - 0 wonder why they#re called rivers o% ice. .lacier 0ce !: 0# getting crushed here. &ow 0# ice - this is &,T y %avorite part o% the water cycle. .lacier 0ce -: We#re only oving at a)out one %oot a year. This is going to )e soooooo )oring - it#s a long way to the )otto. .lacier 0ce !: 3ou#d )etter get used to it( we#re stuck on this glacier %or a while. The $un: A long( long( long tie later( two very )ored drops o% water eerge %ro the )otto o% the glacier. 0 haven#t )een uch help to the lately. $trea water !: Wow( 0#ve %inally elted1 $trea water -: =e too - 0# %ree at last. What a change( we were practically standing still( and now we#re shooting the rapids. $trea water !: Watch out %or that rock1 And that water%all1 $trea water -: ,uch1 0#ve had enough o% this. Can we go hoe now2 $trea water !: We don#t have a hoe. At least we#re out o% the ountains. The water#s getting deeper. What#s going on here2 /iver water !: 3ou can slow down now - we#re in a river. And we#re getting warer. /iver water -: 0 like this. &ot too %ast and not too slow. /iver water !: 8et#s go down this side strea - it looks clear and clean. /eservoir water !: ,kay. We#re in a reservoir now - we#ll )e %lowing through huge pipes soon - 0#ve )een here )e%ore. /eservoir water -: ;ere they are. 0t#s dark and spooky in these pipes. ;ow do we get out o% here2 /eservoir water !: ?ust go with the %low. Tapwater !: There#s a light at the end o% the tap - we#re in a sink. @ew - that kid is )rushing her teeth1 Tapwater -: 0 hope she doesn#t drink us - it#s really weird when that happens. Tapwater -: Whew( that was a close call. 8ooks like we#re whirlpooling down the drain. ;old your nose1 Water in drain pipe: =ore dark pipes - )ut these pipes are really selly. We ust )e in the sewer under the city. :oy do 0 need to take a )ath. $ewage processing plant: 0 heard that. 0# a sewage processing plant. 3ou#ve coe to the right place. 0# so aa4ing that 0 can even give )ath water a )ath1 &ow you#re all %iltered and clean - 5ust take that pipe to the sea. ,cean water drop !: We#re %inally )ack in the ocean. 3ou know( 0#ve done this trip a illion ties( and every tie it#s di%%erent. ,cean water drop -: 0 was well water in Washington once. ,cean water drop !: 0 was in a typhoon in Thailand twice. ,cean water drop -: 0 was rain in /wanda. ,cean water drop !: 0 was snow in $i)eria. ,cean water drop -: We#ve all )een snow in $i)eria. :ut 0 was in a puddle in Pakistan. ,cean water drop !: 0 was in a lake in 8ouisiana. ,cean water drop -: 0 was in a swap in $wit4erland. ,cean water drop !: There are no swaps in $wit4erland. :ut a long( long tie ago( 0 was sleet that %ell on the snout o% a T. re<. ,cean water drop -: $howo%%. 0 rained on a plain in $pain( and 0 seeped through the soil. and went into a cave( and was groundwater %or A"" years. ,cean water drop !: :oooorrrrrring. $un: ;i there1 0t#s e again. >id you iss e2 0 know you did. ,cean water drop !: 0 %eel so hot and di44y1 ,cean water drop -: ,h no( it#s starting all over again1 ,cean water drop !: 0 wonder where we#ll go this tie2 $T6>@&T W,/K$;@@T B6@$T0,&$: !. What did the sun do to the water droplets2 -. What is water vapor2 C. When the water vapors 5oin together they )ecoe a DDDDDDDDD. 4. What does condensing ean2 A. What happens to the cloud when it reaches soewhere cold2 E. Put the %ollowing in order: /eservoir water strea water tap water river water F. Why is the sun so iportant2 G. Where do the water droplets travel to2 '. >oes the cycle ever end2 why2 !". Would you want to )e part o% the water cycle2 What would you want to )e2 Where would you want to go2 $T6>@&T W,/K$;@@T A&$W@/$: !. The sun ade the droplets %eel light( airy( hot( and %ull o% energy. -. Water( in a gas %or C. Cloud 4. When water vapor turns )ack into its li9uid %or. A. The vapor turns into snow%lakes. E. $trea river( river water( reservoir water( and tap water. F. 0t#s iportant )ecause it is the one changing the water to li9uid( solid( or gas %or. G. The water droplets travel around the world *no set place+. '. The cycle never ends )ecause the water is always changing. 0t always goes to )ack to the )eginning and continues with the loop process. !". Answers will vary.