Lyman, 2010. What Taphonomy Is and What It Isnt
Lyman, 2010. What Taphonomy Is and What It Isnt
Lyman, 2010. What Taphonomy Is and What It Isnt
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Journal of Taphonomy
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The term taphonomy was originally defined by paleontologist I.A. Efremov in 1940 as the study of
the transition (in all its details) of animal remains from the biosphere into the lithosphere. The term
evolved to include plant remains because Efremov also indicated that taphonomy concerned the
transition from the biosphere to the lithosphere. The concept and the term were both adopted by
zooarchaeologists who were interested in whether modified bones represented prehistoric tools or were
concerned about the fidelity of the paleoecological signal of a collection of faunal remains. Until the
middle 1970s, the term still meant what Efremov originally intended. When some archaeologists adopted
the term to signify the formation and disturbance of the archaeological record and natural modification of
artifacts, they caused the term to take on meanings different than those originally specified by Efremov.
Taphonomy concerns once living material whereas archaeological formation processes concern both
once living and never living material; taphonomy concerns the transition from living to non-living and
geological, so includes both natural and cultural formation processes as either biasing or information
laden and of research interest whereas archaeological formation concerns the transition from a living
system to a non-living geological one but natural processes are biasing whereas cultural formation
processes are of research interest. Taphonomists should quietly inform archaeologists who misuse the
term that in so doing they exacerbate confusion and misunderstanding.
What Taphonomy Is, What it Isnt,
and Why Taphonomists Should Care
about the Difference
R. Lee Lyman*
Department of Anthropology, 107 Swallow Hall
University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211 USA
Journal of Taphonomy 8 (1) (2010), 1-16.
Manuscript received 13 May 2009, revised manuscript accepted 28 July 2009.
Every form of inquiry about a kind of
phenomena -literature, organisms, celestial
bodies, chemical elements, geological deposits,
whatever- includes more or less unique
terminology about the subject phenomena.
The purpose of the terms is to provide
shorthand labels for unique properties of the
subject phenomena so that they might be
What Taphonomy Is
originally intended. Use of the term by
archaeologists has occasionally provided a
unique way to view the history of the
formation of the archaeological record, and
that is good; however, taphonomy has also
been used as a label for phenomena that are
arguably not what the term actually signifies.
The latter can hinder communication, reduce
understanding, and exacerbate confusion.
Given the history of terminological confusion
in archaeology (e.g., Lyman et al., 1998)
and zooarchaeology (e.g., Lyman, 1994a) and
the misunderstanding and confusion that has
resulted, it behooves taphonomists to educate
their colleagues in archaeology as to proper (and
improper) use of the term that delineates a
very particular subject matter. This paper is
meant to be a warrant for that educational
endeavor. The history indicates that misuse of
the term was likely initiated and perpetuated
with good intentions, and that such misuse
is growing in pervasiveness. The history also
indicates that the misuse was unnecessary
and can be discontinued with minimal effort
on the part of taphonomists.
What taphonomy is
Russian paleontologist I.A. Efremov (1940:85)
coined the term taphonomy as a label for
the science of the laws of embedding, or
the study of the transition (in all its details)
of animal remains from the biosphere into the
lithosphere. First, note that as originally
defined, only animal remains were included;
I return to this point later. Second, note that
the etymology of the term resides in the
Greek words taphos for burial and nomos
for laws (Cade, 1991); Efremov (1940:85)
denoted this new branch of paleontology
as all those efforts focusing on analyzing
the processes of embedding. Taphonomy as
distinguished from other phenomena and to
enhance communication efficiency during
the course of research and teaching (e.g.,
Pushkin, 1997; Slisko & Dykstra, 1997).
But terms are words we choose as labels,
and they have meanings that we assign to
them rather than having some inherent
meaning that originates in the phonemes
and morphemes of which they are made.
The critical issue therefore is that we must
agree on what terms mean else we are
merely jabbering at one another rather than
communicating. If we do not agree on the
meanings of terms, then we may think two
individuals are talking about the same thing
when they say cup when in fact they are not,
or we may think two individuals are talking
about different things when one says spoon
and the other says ladle when in fact they are
not. The implications of obscure terminology
or terms without agreed upon and generally
understood meaning should be clear. The
clarity and explicitness of scientific terminology
are particularly important given that the
sciences depend on replicability (repeatability)
and independent empirical confirmation of
knowledge claims.
In this paper, I briefly review the
origin and history of the term taphonomy
in its parental discipline of paleontology.
This history establishes what the term was
originally intended to mean and how that
meaning evolved to keep pace with the
evolution of paleobiology from paleontology
(Sepkoski & Crane, 1985). Then a sketch of
the history of the use of the term in North
American archaeology is presented to illustrate
how the term was sometimes adopted by
that discipline without clear understanding
of what the term was originally intended to
mean, and how other times the term was
adopted by archaeologists to label a related
but different sort of phenomena than that
the paleontological record, they also added
potentially important information such as
predation marks (e.g., predatory bore holes
in mollusks).
More recently, Behrensmeyer et al.
(2000:103) indicated that taphonomy seeks
to understand processes [that have influenced
organic remains] so that data from the fossil
record can be evaluated correctly and applied
to paleobiological and paleoecological
questions. Other commentators at this time
agreed (e.g., Martin, 1999), reflecting a
growing sophistication in conception of
precisely what taphonomy is all about. The
consensus likely marks a natural evolution
of the term from denoting only processes
that somehow bias a collection of remains
of organisms, to acknowledging that some
of those processes may be of interest in their
own right. The consensus does not change
the connotation or denotation of the terms
original definition because the term had
always concerned what happened to the
remains of organisms after death and prior
to recovery - it is about the transition of
organic remains from the biosphere to the
lithosphere, not just the loss of those
remains. In short, other than the obvious
difference between a live organism and
dead one, since its inception taphonomy has
always concerned the differences between
the carcass of an organism that simply is
dead and its mortal remains some centuries
or millennia after it died. Why were the
latter (often, but not always) an incomplete
representation of the former? Why were the
latter articulated or not, scattered or not,
fossilized or not, broken or not? And on and
on. That the term was, in the early days,
often taken to mean information loss reflects
the narrow view of the time that the fossil
record was typically not complete relative to
some seldom specified biological unit, whether
a term designating a particular field of research
originated and evolved in paleontology where
it originally was conceived as involving two
stages, the first occurring between an organisms
death and its final burial (recognizing that it
could be buried, exposed, and reburied more
than once), or biostratinomy, and the second
stage occurring from final burial to recovery
by the paleontologist, or diagenesis. The
distinction was made in order to distinguish
and keep separate those largely preburial and
mostly biological (biostratinomic) processes
that influenced remains and those mostly
postburial geological and chemical (diagenetic)
processes that influenced remains (Lawrence,
1979a, 1979b, 1979c).
Taphonomy had become a household
word by the middle 1980s when paleobiologists
Anna Behrensmeyer and Susan Kidwell
(1985:105) indicated that taphonomic research
involved the study of processes of preservation
and how they affect information in the fossil
record. They underscored how historically
the research focus of taphonomists had been
on bias in, and information loss from, the
fossil record, but that it was increasingly
understood that taphonomic processes not
only removed information they also added
information, such as gnawing marks on bones
suggesting predator identity. Efremov (1958:85),
for example, noted that a significant regularity
of taphonomy is the absence in geological
chronicle of any remains of land animals
conserved in their life conditions. Historically
early taphonomic research therefore focused
on stripping away the taphonomic overprint
(Lawrence, 1968:1316, 1971:593); the historically
later phase had the additional focus of
deciphering the paleoecological significance of
taphonomic attributes displayed by the remains
of organisms (Wilson, 1988). Taphonomic
processes did not just remove potential data
by altering (perhaps to the point of destruction)
What Taphonomy Is
reached something of a peak of interest as
more deeply penetrating questions were asked
about the possible proto-cultural behaviors
of early hominid ancestors (e.g., Brain, 1967;
Dart, 1949) and also about human behaviors
as reflected by the archaeological record in
general (e.g., Reid et al., 1974, 1975). During
the 1970s, the general interest among
archaeologists concerned the formation
processes that had created the archaeological
record (e.g., Schiffer, 1972, 1975), soon to be
referred to as middle range research
(Binford, 1977). Because they were asking
slightly different questions, paleobiologists
not only did actualistic paleontology
(Warme & Hntzschel, 1979) but soon came
to refer to at least some of their efforts as
fidelity studies (Kidwell & Flessa, 1995);
the latter were concerned with how accurate
a reflection a fossil collection was of one or
more properties of a biocoenose.
As noted above, the early taphonomic
focus of paleontologists with paleoecological
and evolutionary interests was on the many
kinds of information loss and biases
(information distortion) in the fossil record
(Martin, 1999). This same focus on information
loss and bias also attended early concerns
over the archaeological record (e.g., Ascher,
1968; Schiffer, 1972, 1975). In both cases,
the comparative standard was the living
record - for paleontology, a biological population
or community of organisms (Olson, 1980); for
archaeology, an ethnographic culture (Schiffer,
1972). Paleontologists and archaeologists
alike were the unfortunate distant relatives of
the parent theory-rich and information-rich
disciplines of biology and anthropology,
respectively (Lyman, 2007; Sepkoski, 2005).
One could say that archaeologists were
preadapted to thinking taphonomically
(from the perspective of a biased and
incomplete archaeological record) given
an organism, population, community, or some
other unit (e.g., Olson, 1980). The term was,
after all, coined by someone with deep
interests in the paleoecological meaning of
fossil remains (e.g., Efremov, 1958; see also
Cade 1991; Lawrence, 1968, 1971; Martin,
Most recent discussions authored by
paleobiologists reflect the evolved definition
of taphonomy (e.g., Rogers et al., 2007).
That is, taphonomy is now typically conceived
as the processes that convert one or more
organisms into phenomena of interest to
paleobiologists. Those phenomena can be
micro- and macro-scopic remains of plants
or animals, their condition with respect to a
plethora of variables, and their locations,
orientations, distributions and associations.
In short, taphonomists ask particularlistic
versions of the question: Are the remains
different than when they were part of a live
organism, and if so, how are they different,
and what do the similarities and differences
indicate about paleobiology, paleoecology,
and the like?
From paleontology to archaeology
Multidisciplinary research that was associated
with understanding early hominid evolution was
the door through which taphonomy first entered
archaeological research in an explicit way
(e.g., Behrensmeyer, 1975; Hill, 1976). The
introduction was facilitated by increasing
archaeological questions about distinctions
between naturally modified bones and those
modified by hominids (e.g., Shipman & Phillips,
1976; Shipman & Phillips-Conroy, 1977).
This general question was an old one that had
been around since the beginning of archaeology
as a distinct field of inquiry about the
human past (e.g., Wyman, 1868), but it
to fit an assemblage of artifacts (Figure 1b).
In borrowing a model of information loss,
DeBoer not only provided a very useful
heuristic device for understanding some
aspects of the formation of the archaeological
record, he sharpened the focus on formation
processes that create and modify the
archaeological record as somehow biasing
and information removing rather than
potentially of interest in their own right.
Despite the parallels between
paleobiological taphonomy and archaeological
formation processes, there is a critically
important distinct difference between the two
fields when it comes to the reconstruction
enterprise, by which I mean inferring properties
of the biocoenose from which a collection of
biological remains originated, or inferring
properties of the culture from which a
collection of artifacts derived. Unlike an
archaeologist, a paleobiologist knows what
a particular seed or leaf or bone or tooth or
shell looked like when the organism was alive.
This makes this first, reconstruction step of
taphonomic analysis relatively straightforward;
the comparative baseline -the size and form
of the living organism- is known. Does the
prehistoric specimen of concern display any
attributes that make it unlike a normal
(modern) specimen of the same kind? Is it
distorted, broken, scarred, discolored, burned,
mineralized, disarticulated? If so, why? Is the
difference representative of a pathology that
was caused when the organism was alive, or is
the difference postmortem and thus taphonomic
(e.g., Bartosiewicz, 2008)? Having a more
or less well known model of what the
contributing organism(s) looked like is a major
advantage in paleobiology; archaeologists
do not have that advantage and must infer
very fundamental properties of the artifacts
they study, such as whether a projectile point
is an arrowhead, the tip of an atlatl dart, a
their interests in culture and human
behavior, things that only exist among
living people.
Archaeologists had been told for
years by their ethnologist colleagues that the
archaeological record was a fragmented and
incomplete ethnographic record, to the point
that they believed it and repeated it (references
in Lyman, 2007), just as paleontologists had
been told their materials were a fragmented
and incomplete biological record (Sepkoski,
2005; see Simpson [1944] for an early effort
to fight back). Thus it is not surprising that,
like in paleontology (e.g., Clark & Kietzke,
1967; Lawrence, 1968), an early focus in
archaeology geared toward answering cultural
questions was on information loss, bias and
distortion (e.g., Ascher, 1968; Isaac, 1967;
Schiffer, 1972); the archaeological record was
conceived to be a fragmented and incomplete
cultural or human-behavioral record.
Paleontologists did actualistic or neotaphonomic
research virtually from the start in an effort
to make that portion of the earth-history record
they studied into something recognizable to
a biologist (e.g., Richter, 1928; Weigelt,
1927); archaeologists did the same (e.g.,
Ascher, 1961; Atkinson, 1957; Hayden, 1945;
Kleindienst & Watson, 1956; Semenov,
1957) in their parallel effort to put the few
remaining fragments of cultural systems
back together and to get at the prehistoric
human behaviors that resulted in the artifacts
of the culture they had found.
Some of the parallels between
paleobiological taphonomy and the processes
that form the archaeological record are
found in a discussion by Warren DeBoer.
DeBoer (1983:20-21) borrowed the term
taphonomy and modified a schematic
illustration of taphonomic history (Figure 1a)
from Clark & Kietzke (1967:117) (DeBoer
credited the illustration to derivative sources)
What Taphonomy Is
It would also add little to establishing the
central point of this paper, which is to
demonstrate that the concept has indeed
been misused by archaeologists. I therefore
merely discuss several examples of misuse
of the concept. I do not intend to imply either
that the authors I cite display particularly or
even exemplary faulty reasoning or that these
authors represent the majority of archaeologists.
The items I cite happen to be ones that I was
aware of, they were on my bookshelf, or I
found them during the course of research
for this paper. In short, the individuals I
cite are merely those whose thoughts were
readily accessible to me.
In an early use of the term in the
archaeological literature, White (1979:211)
provides a relatively lengthy description of
what he means by taphonomy: Archaeological
sites are subject to a series of taphonomic
processes that take place between the time
that the artifact or object is deposited and the
present. Referred to as non-cultural formation
process concepts or n-transforms, these concepts
allow the archaeologist to explain and/or
predict the interactions through time between
a culturally deposited assemblage (or anything
less than an assemblage) and the specific
environmental conditions in which it was
deposited. Differences between what was laid
down in the behavioral past -the systemic
context- and what the archaeologist recovers
in the present -the archaeological context-
are at least partially explained by these
White misuses the term and concept
of taphonomy in a way that becomes pernicious
in archaeology: Taphonomy concerns only
natural or non-cultural processes. This is not
at all what Efremov, a paleontologist and
paleoecologist, had in mind, nor is it an
accurate use of the concept as involving the
transition from the biosphere to the
spear head, or a knife. After that, they really
dont have any way to determine what the,
say, arrow shaft (e.g., fletched, unfletched)
and bow (e.g., sinew backed, or not) looked
like. But a femur demands a tibia, and the
femur of a bear (Ursidae) demands a particular
kind of tibia whereas a femur of a squirrel
(Sciuridae) demands a rather different kind
of tibia. Knowing those anatomical necessities,
in conjunction with what a normal skeleton
looks like, provides a significant comparative
framework for detecting taphonomic attributes
of skeletal remains. (Plants are a bit more
complex; how many apple seeds are represented
by a single leaf from an apple tree?).
Another notable similarity between
paleobiological taphonomy and archaeological
formation process or middle-range studies
involves the conception of time averaging in
the former (e.g., Johnson, 1960; Peterson,
1977; Schindel, 1980) and palimpsest or
coarse-grained assemblages in the latter
(Binford, 1980; Brooks, 1982). Both have
been pursued with some vigor in their
respective disciplines (e.g., Kowalewski &
Bambach [2003] for paleobiology; Bailey
[2007] for archaeology). The amount of
cross-pollination between the two disciplines
has, unfortunately, been minimal (see Lyman
[2003] for an example of the effects of time
averaging on results of a zooarchaeological
analysis). It is perhaps because of the lack
of cross-disciplinary communication and
sharing of ideas and methods that the basic
concept of taphonomy has been misunderstood
in archaeology.
In archaeology
It would be impractical if not simply impossible
to list the numerous examples of misuse of
the concept of taphonomy by archaeologists.
Figure 1. Models of (a) paleontological taphonomy (after Clark & Kietzke, 1967) and (b)
archaeological taphonomy (after DeBoer, 1983).
What Taphonomy Is
archaeological taphonomy is unclear, although
he seems to think it will assist with writing
research questions that are answerable if
formation and recovery processes that influenced
a collection are explicitly considered.
Dibble et al. (1997:630) note that
archaeology is in need of a term to refer to
[non-human] distortions of the archaeological
record and so for want of a better term,
they use taphonomy (see also Hiscock,
1985). By this term they mean to denote a
wide range of natural processes that distort
the whole of the archaeological assemblage,
including lithics and fauna, both during and
subsequent to its deposition (Dibble et al.,
1997:630). In using the term in this fashion,
Dibble and colleagues misuse it in two ways.
First, and as should by now be anticipated,
the term was originally meant to signify the
transition of organic remains from the
biosphere to the lithosphere, not the transition
of, say, lithic artifacts from the systemic
context to the archaeological context. Second,
and perhaps less obviously, the term was
not meant to denote distortion but rather
the transition, whether distorting or not. By
defining taphonomy the way that they do,
Dibble et al. (1997) make the term take on
only a fraction of what it was originally meant
to denote. Their definition of the term,
despite its greater efficiency than natural
processes of formation of the archaeological
record, ignores those human behaviors such as
carcass butchery and skeletal part accumulation,
fragmentation, and deposition that are, by
the original definition, just as much a part of
taphonomy as any carnivore behavior that
accumulates or modifies bones. Dibble and
colleagues (2006) have continued to misuse
the term in both ways.
Some, such as Kluskens (1995:241),
have expanded Efremovs (1940) seminal
definition to include cultural remains as
lithosphere. And while it is unclear as to
why White uses the term, let alone why he
uses it the way that he does, it is not difficult
to speculate that saying taphonomy is a lot
easier than saying non-cultural formation
processes that influence the archaeological
Whitlam (1982:146) argues that
taphonomy, strictly defined, refers to the
laws of burial and embedding and is an
earth science, and on those bases he suggests
that archaeological taphonomy focuses on
the study of the transition (in all its details)
of artifacts from abandonment by the
subject population until their archaeological
recovery. This conception focuses on
alterations of the formal and spatial
characteristics of artifacts by natural processes
following abandonment by the subject
population (Whitlam, 1982:147). Confusion
immediately arises because this natural-
process focus precludes alterations of artifacts
by human activities, such as excavating
cache pits and in so doing breaking or
moving artifacts. Taphonomy as originally
conceived and defined with respect to
organic remains includes no such confusion,
which is not to say that some paleobiologists
dont err in categorizing, say, butchering
marks as non-taphonomic attributes of
bones (examples in Lyman, 1994b). Rather,
my point is that Whitlams characterization
doesnt explicitly distinguish the biostratinomic
and diagenetic stages. Further, it does not
note that the important point of taphonomy
is to distinguish postmortem alterations
from those that reflect paleoecology when
the artifact was alive. This is the same
distinction that Schiffer (1972) made between
the archaeological context and systemic
context many years ago, a fact Whitlam
(1982) recognizes. The reason that Whitlam
suggests that we use the concept of
But his definition, like that of Klusken
(1995) and Rapp & Hill (1998, 2006), although
a seemingly simply and innocent expansion of
the original, produces an incorrect definition
that could lead to eventual confusion.
In their textbook meant to be an
introduction to archaeological method and
theory, Renfrew & Bahn (2004:56) state
that in recent years archaeologists have
become increasingly aware that a whole
series of formation processes may have
affected both the way in which finds came
to be buried and what happened to them after
they were buried -i.e. their taphonomy. It
should be clear that this statement is
inaccurate; Renfrew & Bahn (2004:290-291)
provide a much more accurate description
of exactly what taphonomy is later in the same
volume, though they focus on animal remains
and ignore plant remains. Interestingly, Bahn
(1992:489) had earlier defined taphonomy
as the study of the transformation of
materials into the archaeological record.
Originally the term was limited to the
examination of these processes for living
organisms the focus of taphonomic studies
is the understanding of the processes resulting
in the archaeological record per se. This
definition -and that is surely what it is
because it is in a dictionary- is misleading in
several ways; taphonomy is not the study
of transformations but instead it is the
transformations and processes themselves.
The definition also does not specify materials,
so it could include faunal remains, lithic and
ceramic artifacts, sediments, and whatever
else one considers to be parts of the
archaeological record.
Along similar lines, taphonomy has
been used to denote the effects of natural
processes on all sorts of archaeological
phenomena. Bednarik (1994:68) specifically
referred to the distorting effect of taphonomic
well as animal remains. A similar expansion
is suggested by Rapp & Hill (1998:50) who
indicate that artifact taphonomy is an
interpretational perspective based on the
study of formational processes that affect the
final spatial pattern and compositional character
of the archaeological record. They note that
taphonomy concerns processes that can
transform the original [human] behavioral
signal of the archaeological record and the
principles of artifact taphonomy provide a
framework for evaluating the events and
processes that affect objects as they travel
from the dynamic contexts associated with
human behavior through the transforming
events after they become part of the geological
context to the point at which they form the
patterns that become the archaeological
record (p. 50). While noting that the concept
of taphonomy had been originally applied to
physical biotic remains [making up] the
fossil record, they suggest that the usefulness
of a parallel application of the taphonomic
approach to the archaeological record should
be clear (p. 50). Of course Klaskens (1995)
and Rapp & Hill (1998; see also Rapp & Hill,
2006) are correct that knowing about the
processes that create the archaeological
record is useful, but is that expansion
conceptually and intellectually harmless? I
outline why I think such expansion is potentially
harmful below.
In a book that has been used as a text
for upper-division classes in archaeology,
Johnson (1999:56) writes that taphonomy
is the study of how the archaeological record is
created from cultural and natural behavior.
He follows with examples of carnivore
destruction of bones in archaeological and
ethnoarchaeological contexts, likely because
he finds taphonomy most strongly developed
in areas like botanical and faunal remains
and animal behavior (Johnson 1999:58).
What Taphonomy Is
that taphonomic factors would have ensured
the survival of skeletal remains of only a
few of [hundreds or thousands of individual
mammals] (Fiedel, 2009:24). This notion
has been acknowledged for more than a
century. Archaeologist Oscar Montelius
(1888:5) remarked that Only a small part
of what once existed was buried in the
ground; only a part of what was buried has
escaped the destroying hand of time; of this
part all has not yet come to light again.
And paleontologist Adolph Seilacher
(1992:109) pointed out that taphonomy is a
science about the unlikely: the survival of
organic materials and forms in spite of their
general drive towards recycling by biological,
physical, and chemical degradation. What
is important is if that incompleteness creates
a bias, and recognizing that bias is relative to a
variable that must be measured in order to
answer a research question. An assemblage
that has undergone carnivore ravaging will
be lacking those skeletal parts that were
destroyed and/or consumed by the carnivores
and thus be biased relative to the variable of
skeletal part frequencies as reflections of
differential transport. That same assemblage
may not be biased with respect to the list of
species whose remains were accumulated
by site occupants.
The second point to be made is that the
view that cultural processes, or human behaviors,
are not taphonomic is pervasive among
archaeologists as well as zooarchaeologists.
For example, consider the statements by
Dibble et al. (1997) quoted earlier. They are
not alone in their misrepresentation of the
concept. Schiffer (1987:260), for one, says
that the branch of science that studies the
natural transformations of living animals
(and plants) to the paleontological record is
known as taphonomy. Some zooarchaeologists
also hold the view that human behavioral
processes [on prehistoric] symbolic production
[and art]. Niknami (2007:101) stated that
landscape taphonomy deals with the
processes by which elements of the landscape
become selectively removed or transformed
by both natural and cultural processes.
Barton et al. (2002:166, 167) refer to
artifact taphonomy as the study of
accumulating agents, differential element
loss, and morphological alteration of
artifacts making up a collection in order
not simply to identify gaps or distortions in
the archaeological record but to match
inferences to the appropriate resolution for the
available data and to use an understanding
of formation processes to gain additional
information about past human behavior.
Rick et al. (2006) seem to largely use the term
taphonomy as a synonym for archaeological
record formation processes, but their discussion
occasionally suggests that formational
processes create the archaeological record
whereas taphonomic processes disturb,
alter, and destroy the human behavioral
signal of the archaeological record.
Other (mis)conceptions
There are two additional points that warrant
identification in the context of this paper.
One concerns so-called bias; the other concerns
another common misrepresentation of the
concept of taphonomy. In the following I first
briefly consider each of these in turn. I then
turn to a final aspect of the definition of
In archaeology, the old connotation
of taphonomy as concerning only those
processes that produce a fragmented and
incomplete record still predominates despite
more than two decades of an expanded
conception in paleobiology. Thus we read
evolutionary or paleoecological significance
(the usual questions) of a prehistoric animal
or collection thereof: Why do these faunal
remains appear the way that they do? The
ability to answer this question ensured that
efforts to answer questions about evolutionary
histories and paleoecology -the ones
traditionally asked by paleontologists- were
not misguided. In the preceding discussion
of the history of the concept, I have touched
on reasons why I think the concept and term
have been misused by archaeologists. Here I
summarize that earlier discussion and
highlight the similarities and differences
between taphonomy as originally conceived and
formation processes of the archaeological
record. The discussion that follows is
summarized in Table 1.
Taphonomy concerns the transition
of living organisms into a geological mode of
occurrence; archaeology concerns the use of
non-living material such as stone and clay
as well as originally living tissue such as
sticks, bones, and hide as tool material and
the human modification and transition of that
material to a geological mode of occurrence,
as well as its modification after it initially
has a geological mode of occurrence. Thus
taphonomy is but a small part of the formation
processes that create the archaeological
record - the formation processes that involve
animal and plant tissue. This is one of what
I take to be three critical distinctions between
taphonomy and the formation of the
archaeological record. In short, this first
distinction means that living tissue has a
different mode of natural occurrence than
lithics or clay or metal, and this in turn
means the two kinds of material have a
different starting point in their respective
histories with regards to formation of the
archaeological record. In particular, as noted
above, a mammal skeleton provides a natural
processes (such as butchering) that influence
bones are not taphonomic processes. A
wonderful example of this is Speths (1991:37)
comment that taphonomic rather than hominid
agencies are responsible for [a bone]
assemblage. I have suggested elsewhere that
this conception of taphonomy is discipline-
centric because human behaviors are the
major subject of interest to archaeologists
whereas anything that might obscure or
destroy indications of human behavior must
be taphonomic because taphonomic processes
are (mis)conceived as biasing (Lyman,
1994b:33). Obviously such a conception of
taphonomy fails to grasp what Efremov
originally meant by the transition from the
biosphere to the lithosphere.
Taphonomy was proposed as a distinct
field of study because of the disconnect
between a biotic community and its organic
fossil traces, and the potentially muddled
paleoecological signal of the latter with
respect to the former (Efremov, 1940, 1958).
That it was originally defined so as to concern
only animal remains but quickly came to be
applied also to plant remains is not unexpected
given that paleontology, paleobiology, and
paleoecology concern remains of both, and
also because of Efremovs phrase transition
from the biosphere to the lithosphere (emphasis
added). Both plants and animals are part of
the biosphere, and thus such an expansion of
Efremovs definition of the term he coined
does little violence to the original concept.
Taphonomy as a term and concept served a
useful purpose in paleontology when coined
by Efremov (1940). It implied a particular kind
of very general question had to be answered
if paleontologists were to determine the
What Taphonomy Is
categorized generally as natural or cultural
(Table 1). But otherwise, depending on the
research question asked, natural formation
processes tend to be of research interest in
and off themselves with respect to biotic
remains (gnawing marks indicating predation
and perhaps predator identity) but are typically
conceived as noise or biasing with respect to
cultural remains (Schiffer, 1987). This subtle
ontological difference is perhaps the most
fundamental difference between taphonomy
as originally conceived and archaeological
record formation processes. Failure to recognize
this distinction is why archaeologists often
consider human behaviors such as butchering
and fracture of bones for marrow extraction
to be non-taphonomic whereas carnivore
gnawing of bones to extract marrow is
considered to be taphonomic. Thus, carnivore
gnawing is not a source of ecological
information to an archaeologist whereas it is
to a paleobiologist. To escape this ontological
morass, archaeologists must recognize that
taphonomy concerns both natural and cultural
processes and agents that influence the
biotic record. Sometimes, depending on the
research question asked, those natural
model to which a prehistoric bone can be
compared. There is no similar natural model for
a lithic or clay specimen that is an artifact.
The second critical distinction between
the two is this: By definition, an object must
display at least one attribute created by human
behavior for that object to be considered of
archaeological significance, that is, to be
considered an artifact (which is not to say
that archaeologists have no interest in
natural objects). Bones and seeds and shells
and leaves need not have an artificial
attribute to have research significance for an
archaeologist. Sometimes termed ecofacts,
non-artificially modified biological specimens
indeed have ecological research significance,
but they may also have other sorts of
significance as well. Some faunal remains
in a site deposit may have little to do with
human occupation of the site, and thus
while they might reflect something of the
ecology of the site setting, they have little to
do directly with human ecology.
The third and final critical distinction
concerns the fact that formation processes
influencing the biological record and those
influencing the cultural record can both be
Topic Taphonomy Formation of the Archaeological Record
Material Living*; a model of standard
skeleton, seed, leaf, etc., is known
for every taxon (taphonomic
starting point)
Living* and Non-Living; a model of a
standard specimen of raw non-living
material is unknown
Similarities Modified from natural state by
natural and/or cultural processes
Modified from natural state by natural
and/or cultural processes
Differences Can be merely dead (unmodified
from natural state)
Must have at least one attribute created
by human activity to be
Natural - of potential interest
(e.g., trace fossils of predators
such as gnawing damage)
Cultural - of potential interest
Natural - usually only of interest as
potentially biasing or destructive
Cultural - of central interest (e.g.,
technology, use-wear)
Table 1. Comparison of taphonomy and formation of the archaeological record.
formation (including distortion, fragmentation,
modification, and destruction) of the
archaeological record of artifacts, features,
landscapes, and the like. I suggest that if we
wish to maintain what taphonomists do as
something distinct within paleobiology and
archaeology, then we need to quietly correct
those who use the term to signify something
that is not what Efremov had in mind.
I thank the archaeologists who have used
the term taphonomy in ways that forced me
to think about what the term really means.
And thanks to Matthew G. Hill for catching
a couple silly errors in an early draft.
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processes are indeed biasing or troublesome;
other times, they might well be the topic of
greatest interest because they reflect directly
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One might wonder if we should be concerned
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those of us who write for Journal of Taphonomy
and read its contents know what the term
meant to Efremov, but a disconcertingly
large number of our colleagues in archaeology
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to change its original definition to fulfill a
need they perceive. One might quibble about
how important this change is; I suggest it is
critically important because as philosopher
of archaeological science Merrilee Salmon
(1982:148) noted some years ago, does the
term (signifying a concept) help us get some
analytical work done by having a particular
definition? I suggest it does because it specifies
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(e.g., Pushkin, 1997; Slisko & Dykstra,
1997). In short, in so far as the meaning of a
term is agreed upon, understanding and
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efficiency is greater. I have shown some of
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What Taphonomy Is
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