The document summarizes the techniques of Taijitsu, which is broken into four training categories: body conditioning, body movement skills, body striking skills, and grappling/ground fighting skills. It provides details on over 100 specific techniques across these categories, including breaks falls, rolls, springs, somersaults, leaps, postures, angles, blocks, locks, throws, chokes, and more. The techniques are categorized by level (high, mid, low) and cover training for self-defense, combat, and ceremonies.
The document summarizes the techniques of Taijitsu, which is broken into four training categories: body conditioning, body movement skills, body striking skills, and grappling/ground fighting skills. It provides details on over 100 specific techniques across these categories, including breaks falls, rolls, springs, somersaults, leaps, postures, angles, blocks, locks, throws, chokes, and more. The techniques are categorized by level (high, mid, low) and cover training for self-defense, combat, and ceremonies.
The document summarizes the techniques of Taijitsu, which is broken into four training categories: body conditioning, body movement skills, body striking skills, and grappling/ground fighting skills. It provides details on over 100 specific techniques across these categories, including breaks falls, rolls, springs, somersaults, leaps, postures, angles, blocks, locks, throws, chokes, and more. The techniques are categorized by level (high, mid, low) and cover training for self-defense, combat, and ceremonies.
The document summarizes the techniques of Taijitsu, which is broken into four training categories: body conditioning, body movement skills, body striking skills, and grappling/ground fighting skills. It provides details on over 100 specific techniques across these categories, including breaks falls, rolls, springs, somersaults, leaps, postures, angles, blocks, locks, throws, chokes, and more. The techniques are categorized by level (high, mid, low) and cover training for self-defense, combat, and ceremonies.
Tai-Jutsu is broken into four (4)-training categories, designed to master body
movement, attacking and breaking an attack. These four (4) categories are: 1. Junan-Taiso (Body Conditioning) 2. Tia-hen-Jutsu (Body movement skills) 3. Daken-Tai-Jutsu (Body striking skills) 4. Ju-Tai-Jutsu (Grappling and Ground fighting skills) Tai-Hen-Jutsu Body Movement Skills Ukemi Gata: Break falls Zenpo Ukemi - Forward Break fall Yoko Ukemi - Side Break fall Koho Ukemi - Backwards Break fall Yoko Nagashi Zenpo Ukemi - Quiet Ground Drop Zenpo Kaiten Ukemi: Forward Roll Break fall Shizen Ukemi - Standing Zagata Ukemi - Kneeling Ryote Ukemi - Using Two Hands Katate Ukemi - Using One Hand Tuski Ukemi - Punching / kicking From Break falls Kaiten Waza: Ground Rolls Zenpo Kaiten - Forward Roll Naname Kaiten - Diagonal Rolls Sokuho Kaiten - Side Roll Koho Kaiten - Backwards Roll Hicho Kaiten - Dive Rolls Shizen Kaiten - Standing Zagata Kaiten - Kneeling Ryote Kaiten - Using Two Hands Katate Kaiten - Using One Hand Mute Kaiten - No Hands Tuski Kaiten - Punching and kicking From Break falls Kuruma Waza: Hand springs Oten Cartwheels Royote Oten - Two Handed Cartwheels Katate Oten - One Handed Cartwheel Oten Gyaku - Cartwheel Reversal Kiten - Hand Springs Zenpo Kiten - Forward Hand Spring Koho Kiten - Backward Hand Spring Hicho Kiten - Front Diving Hand Spring Katate Hicho Kiten - One Handed Handspring Koho Kiten: Backwards Hand Spring Royote Koho Kiten - Two Hand Katate Koho Kiten - One Hand Kuten Waza: Somersaults Zenpo Kuten - Front Somersault Yoko Kuten - Sideward Somersault Koho Kuten - Backwards Somersault Shiho Tenchi Tobi: Leaping Skills Zenpo Tobi - Front Leap Sokuho Tobi - Side Leap Koho Tobi - Back Leap Fudoza Tobi - Vertical Leap Naname Tobi - Directional Leaping Kamae Body Postures Fighting: Hira-no Kamae - Natural Posture Shizen-no Kamae - Side Natural Defensive Posture Bobi-no Kamae - Defensive Posture Ichimonji-no Kamae - Back Defensive Posture Suin-no Kamae - Hidden Knife Posture Doko-no Kamae - Angry Tiger Posture Hicho-no Kamae - Crane Posture Kosie-no Kamae - Weapon Defense Posture Nagata-Kosie no Kamae - Weapon Defensive Posture Kneeling Jumonji Kihon-no Kamae - Natural Crossed Wrist Posture Jumonji Kumite-no Kamae - Side Natural Crossed Wrist Posture Ihen-no Kamae - Forward Offensive Posture (Migi - Right / Hidari - Left) Hira Ichimonji-no Kamae - Open Defensive Posture Hoko-no Kamae - Angry Bear Posture Ceremonial: Kongo Gassho-no Kamae - Greeting Posture Suwari Gata-no Kamae - Sitting Crossed Leg, with One Heel Tucked into Crouch Fudoza-no Kamae - Sitting with Crossed Legs Seiza-no Kamae - Sitting on Knees Zarie - Bowing with Respect Tai-Sabaki: Angling and reversals techniques Irimi Waza- Entering Nagashi Waza- Avoiding Okuri Waza Sliding Gyaku Waza - Reversals and Angling Kamae no Kata - Posture to Posture Changing Shyoten-no Jutsu: Balance Skills Atama Tatsu - Head Stand Aruku-no Morte - Walking on Hands Heio - Walking on Beams Geta - Wooden Sandals Sanshin no Kata 5 Elemental Movements (Bujinkan Dojo) Chi-no Kata Earth Sui-no Kata Water Ka-no Kata Fire (also known as Hi-no-Kata) Fu-no Kata Water Ku-no Kata - Void Kihon Happo-no Gata Eight Basic Movement Forms (Bujinkan Dojo) Koshi Senpo Ichimonji-no Kamae Hicho-no Kamae Jumonji-no Kamae Torite Goho Omote Gyaku Oni Kudaki Ura Kote Gyaku Musha Dori Ganseki Nage Uke Waza: Blocking Skills Taisoken Uke - Palming Blocks Fudoken Uke - Counter Fist Strike Blocks Hiji-Ate Uke - Elbow Blocks Koteken Uke - Forearm Blocks Sokkiken Uke - Knee Blocks Fumigeri Uke - Foot Stamping Blocks Ken Kudaki - Fist Crusher Geri Kudaki - Kick Crusher Antoshi Jutsu: Entrapping Techniques Atami Antoshi - Head Entrapment Ippon Antoshi - Single Hand Entrapment Morote Antoshi - Two-Hand Entrapment Ude Antoshi - Arm Entrapment Hiji Antoshi - Elbow Entrapment Hiza Antoshi - Knee Entrapment Ashi Antoshi - Leg Entrapment Ashi Kubi Antoshi - Ankle Entrapment Hoken Juroppo Ken: Fists, Kicks and Body as Weapon Fists: Fudoken - Clenched Fist Uraken - Back of Hand Tetsuken - Hammer Fist Boshiken - Extended Thumb Shikanken - Extended Knuckles Shutoken - Sword / Knife Hand Shitanken - Thumb and Finger Fist Shukoken - Claw Hand Taisoken - Palm of Hand Happaken - Double Cupped Hand Koppoken - Thumb Knuckle Kagiken - Hooking Hand Body as Weapon: Hijiken Elbow Sokkiken Knee Koteken Forearm Kikakuken Head Taiken Katatsuli - Left and Right Shoulder Taiken Dembutsuki - Left and Right Hips Tsubaken - Spitting Kicks: Sokugyaku Geri - Toe Kick Mae Geri - Front Snap Kick Zenpo Geri - Front Stomp Kick Yoko Geri - Side Kick Sendo Yoko Geri - Lead Side Kick Koho Geri - Back Kick Kakushi Geri - Hooking Kick Sokugyaku Geri - Heel Kick Fumi Geri - Stamping Kick Sunne Geri - Shin Kick Mawasha Geri - Round House Kick Koho Boseki Gerie - Spinning Back kick Happo geri - 8 Directional Kicking Zenpo Tobi Geri - Front Leaping Kick Morote Zenpo Tobi Geri - Double Front Leaping Kick Kaeshi Waza: Counter Techniques Jodan - High Level Strikes (Head and Neck) Chudan - Mid Level Strikes (Shoulders to Top Hips) Gedan - Low Level Strikes (Hips to Feet) Kihon Uchi Kata: Combination Attacks Jodan - High Level Head and Neck Chudan - Mid Level Shoulders to Top Hips Gedan - Low Level Strikes Hips to Feet Randori - "Sparring" One on One One Against Two or More One Against a Large Group Unarmed Defense Against a Weapon Unarmed Against Multiple Weapons Ranshi Waza: Flesh Grabs Jodan - High Level Chudan - Mid Level Gedan - Low Level Kyusho Jutsu: Vital Point Attacks Jodan - High Level Chudan - Mid Level Gedan - Low Level Shinki Kyusho - Nerves Attacks Kinryoku Kyusho - Muscle Attacks Kikan Kyusho - Organ Attacks Koppo Jutsu: Bone Breaking and Dislocations Jodan - High Level Chudan - Mid Level Gedan - Low Level Jutai-Jutsu Grappling Skills Kuzushi Waza: Breaking Attacker's Balance Zenpo Kuzushi Forward Yoko Kuzushi - Side Ways Koho Kuzushi Backwards Uwa-Muki no Kuzushi Upwards Naname Kuzushi Diagonally Kudari-no Kuzushi Downwards Kensetsu Waza: Joint Locks Musha-Dori - Elbow wristlock Muso-Dori - Shoulder lock Takeori Controlling wrist-lock, Breaking the Bamboo Omote Gyaku - Out-side wrist-lock Ura Gyaku - In-side wristlock Ude Gatame - Straight arm lock Omote Oni Kudaki - Out-side arm lock / shoulder slam Ura Oni Kudaki - In-side number four lock Hon Gyaku - Straight Arm lock Kote Gaeshi - Under arm wrist twist Ude Garami - Arm entanglement Ushiro Ude Garami -Rear arm entanglement Ju-Ji Gatame -Arm cross over Kogo Roshi -Finger lock Oyago Roshi - Thumb lock Ashi Gatame - Leg lock Kubi Ashi Gatame - Ankle lock Kubi Gatame -Full nelson neck lock Yoko Gatame - Side neck lock Ushiro Kubi Gatame - Reverse neck lock Shimi Waza: Chokes / Strangulations Kubi Jimi - Standard choke Hadaku Jimi - Choking brace Kata Ha Jimi - Single wing choke Boshi Jimi - Extended thumb choke Hon Jimi - Shoulder choke Do Jimi - Torso choke Ryote Jimi - Crossing hand choke Kubi Jimi - Single Hand Choke Osae Waza: Ground Controls Ude Gatame - Straight arm lock Koshi Gatame - Hip Lock on back Ushiro Koshi Kudaki - Hip lock reversed Hiza Gatame - Knee lock Kubi Gatame - Full nelson neck lock Ushiro Kubi Gatame - Reverse neck lock Takeori - Wrist lock Kata Gatame - Shoulder hold Ushiro Kata Gatame - Reverse shoulder hold Kessa Gatame - Scarf hold Ushiro Kesa Gatame - Reverse scarf hold Ha-Jutsu: Grabbing Escapes Hoten-no Jutsu - Running Up Surfaces Nobori Kata - Climbing Skills Mitsu Kudaki- Voice Throw Metsubushi - Blinding powder/Blinding Technique Tehadoki: Freeing the hands, wrists and arms Aggressive hand shakes Both hands grabbed Single wrist grab outside Single wrist grab inside Wrist grab with opposite hand Both wrists grabbed in front Both wrists grabbed from behind Wrist grab on your side Two-person wrist grab Straight-arm locks Arm grab Two-person arm grab Grabbing your shoulder: Front, Side and back Two people Shoulder Grab Taihodoki: Freeing the body Jodan - High level grabs Rear Head Lock Side Head Lock Front Head Lock Front Neck Grab Rear Neck Grab Strangles Hair Grabs Face Grabs Hand Over Mouth Chudan - Mid Level Grabs Chest Grabs Front Bear Hug Rear Bear Hug Tackle Grab Shoulder Grabs Gedan - Low Level Grabs Leg Tackle Leg Grabs Ankle Locks Leg Locks Knee Locks Nage Waza Throwing Techniques Koshi Nage: Hip Throws Hari Goshi - Backward Hip Throw Ganseki Otoshi - Forward Hip Throw Ganseki Oshi - Cloths Line Throw Sio-Nage - One Arm Shoulder Throw Morote Sio-Nage Two Arm Shoulder Throw Ushiro Nage - Reverse Collar grabbing Throw Kubi Sio-Nage - Reverse One Arm Neck Throw Hane Koshi Nage - Across The Back Kubi Koshi Nage - Forward Neck Throw Ganseki Ori - Bear Hug Counter Throw Kokyu Nage - Chest Grabbing Throw Atemi Nage - Face Grabbing Throw Kubi Nage - Neck Grabbing Throw Ushiro Sio-Nage - Reverse Clothes Line Throw Koho Kubi Nage - Backwards Neck Throw Ashi Barie: Leg Sweeping / Tripping Throws Ganseki Nage - Forward Leg Tripping Throw Osoto Gari - Major Sweeping Leg Throw Uchi Gake - Major Inner Sweeping Leg Throw Kakushi Nage - Hooking Kick Throw Ashi Kubi Karu - Ankle reaping Throw Ushiro Ashi Karu - Reverse Leg Reap Morote Ushiro Ashi Karu - Double Reverse Leg Reap Gyaku Nage: Wrist and Arm Lock Throws Ura Gyaku Nage - Inwards Wrist Lock Throw Omote Gyaku Nage - Outward Wrist Lock Throw Zenpo Gyaku Nage - Forward Wrist Lock Throw Haku Gyaku Nage - Sweeping Wrist Lock Throw Tekubi Gaeshi Nage - Double Wrist Lock Throw Oni Kudaki - Shoulder Lock Throw Katate Dori - Straight Arm Lock Throw Ushiro Katate Dori - Reverse Straight Arm Lock Throw Sutemi Nage - "Sacrifice Throw," Reverse Elbow Lock Throw Juji Garami Nage - Double Arm Locking throw Kashira Nage - Arm lock Rolling Throw Kimon Nage - Side Break fall Throw Ryohiji Kimi Nage - Double Elbow Lock Throw Nosaru Nage: Initial Action Throws Ushiro Kappi Nage - Water Fall Throw Hisaku Nage - Leaping Double Leg Hooking Throw Kubi Koshi Kaeshi Nage - Neck and Hip Counter Throw Ushi Nage - Reverse Body Drop Ushiro Kubi Nage - Reverse Neck Throw Koyoku Nage - Walking Shoulder Throw Sumi Nage - Reverse Roll Throw Uki Otoshi Pull Down Throw Kata Nage - Fireman's Throw Tachi Nage - Front Fireman's Throw Irimi Nage - Hooking Arm Throw Muna Nage - Neck Twisting Throw Zenpo kaiten Nage - Forward Roll Throw Zenpo Kiten Nage - Forward Hand Spring Throw Kuruma Nage - Counter Attack Throw Temakure - Vertical Body Drop Iwa Nage - Rock Throw