Factors Associated With The Presence of Coliforms in The Feed and Water of Feedlot Cattle
Factors Associated With The Presence of Coliforms in The Feed and Water of Feedlot Cattle
Factors Associated With The Presence of Coliforms in The Feed and Water of Feedlot Cattle
0099-2240/05/$08.000 doi:10.1128/AEM.71.10.60266032.2005
Copyright 2005, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.
Factors Associated with the Presence of Coliforms
in the Feed and Water of Feedlot Cattle
Michael W. Sanderson,
* Jan M. Sargeant,
David G. Renter,
D. Dee Grifn,
and Robert A. Smith
Department of Clinical Sciences, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas
; Food Animal Health and Management
Center, Mosier Hall, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas
; Department of Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology,
Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas
; Great Plains Veterinary Educational Center, University of Nebraska,
Clay Center, Nebraska
; and Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Oklahoma State University,
Stillwater, Oklahoma
Received 10 February 2005/Accepted 24 May 2005
The objective of this study was to investigate coliform counts in feedlot cattle water and feed rations and their
associations with management, climate, fecal material, and water Escherichia coli O157 using a cross-sectional
study design. Coliform counts were performed on feed samples from 671 pens on 70 feedlots and on water
samples from 702 pens on 72 feedlots in four U.S. states collected between May and August 2001. Management
and climate factors were obtained by survey and observation. Month of sampling (higher in May and June),
presence of corn silage in the ration (negative association), temperature of the feed 1 in. (ca. 2.5 cm) below the
surface at the time of sampling (negative association), and wind velocity at the time of sampling (positive
association) were signicantly associated with log
coliform levels in feed. Month of sampling (lower in May
versus June July and August), water pH (negative association), and water total solids (positive association)
were signicantly associated with log
water coliform levels. Coliform counts in feed and water were not
associated with prevalence of E. coli O157 in cattle feces or water. Management risk factors must be interpreted
with caution but the results reported here do not support the use of coliform counts as a marker for E. coli O157
contamination of feed or water.
Coliform bacteria, including Escherichia spp., Klebsiella spp.,
and Enterobacter spp., are considered to be an indicator of
fecal contamination in feed and water. As such they may be an
indicator of contamination of feed and water with fecally trans-
mitted food-borne disease agents such as E. coli O157 and
Salmonella spp. The epidemiology and ecology of Salmonella
spp. and E. coli O157 suggest fecal contamination of feed or
water may be a possible source of exposure to cattle on farm
(5, 6, 29). On-farm control efforts have received considerable
attention and disease modeling suggests that decreased shed-
ding in feces could decrease beef contamination with E. coli
O157 (14). If feed and water are a signicant source of expo-
sure for cattle to potential food-borne pathogens, on-farm
control efforts to decrease fecal prevalence will need to ac-
count for feed and water contamination through a feed and
water safety and security program.
Salmonellae have been commonly found in feed, but until
recently Escherichia coli O157 had only been found rarely in
cattle feed (5, 9, 11, 12, 25). E. coli O157 has been shown
experimentally to survive and even replicate in moistened feed
at room temperature, and replication of generic fecal E. coli
has also been demonstrated in livestock feeds (17). Escherichia
coli O157 have recently been detected in signicant numbers of
feed samples in a study to assess the effects of culture tech-
niques on isolation of E. coli O157 from feed (6). E. coli O157
has been commonly found in water sources, including tanks
and ponds, and free-owing streams (7, 11, 16, 21). In an
experimental water microcosm model, E. coli O157 survived
for at least 245 days (15).
We hypothesized that if feed or water is a source of E. coli
O157, feed and water coliform levels might be a marker for
E. coli O157 contamination and subsequent cattle exposure. If
so, coliform levels might provide a simple method of monitor-
ing feed and water quality and safety in the feedlot. The ob-
jective of the analysis reported here was to investigate coliform
counts in feedlot feed and water samples, and their association
with water and fecal E. coli O157, as well as management and
climate factors in midwestern U.S. feedlots.
Feedlot selection and sample collection. The study population was comprised
of commercial feedlots in four states in the United States (Kansas, Nebraska,
Oklahoma, and Texas). The data for this analysis are based on methods previ-
ously described (23). Feedlots reported on in this study are a subset of those
reported previously including only those where feed and water was collected and
analyzed for coliforms. Briey, the authors selected feedlots based on previous
contact, geographic location, and willingness to participate. Each feedlot was
visited once between May and August of 2001 and up to 10 pens per feedlot were
included in the study. Selected pens contained cattle receiving their nal feedlot
ration and were within 1 month of anticipated market date. If more than 10 pens
on a feedlot met the inclusion criteria, the 10 pens closest to the market date
were selected. If less than 10 pens met the inclusion criteria, then all pens that
did so were selected.
A single feed sample of approximately 1 kg was collected by combining 10 grab
samples from multiple areas in the feedbunk. The feed samples were collected
from the bunk without regard to whether cattle had already accessed the feed.
Within each sampled pen, 15 cattle were observed to defecate and the fresh fecal
* Corresponding author. Mailing address: Department of Clinical
Sciences, 103J Mosier Hall, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS
66506. Phone: (785)532-5700. Fax: (785)532-4989. E-mail: sandersn
Present address: Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Bio-
statistics, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
samples were collected off the pen oor. Three water samples and two water tank
sediment samples were obtained from a single water tank in each pen for E. coli
O157 culture. A single water sample was taken from each tank for coliform and
total solids analysis at a private lab (SDK Labs, Hutchinson, Kansas). Samples
were identied by feedlot, pen and sample type at the time of collection. Col-
lected samples were stored on ice and shipped overnight to the laboratory at
Kansas State University. Sample processing began within 24 h of collection.
Standard coliform counts. Total coliforms (Escherichia spp., Klebsiella spp.,
and Enterobacter spp.) were quantied in water by most probable number quan-
tication using protocol 9223 from Standard Methods for the Examination of
Water and Wastewater (1) and recorded as the quantity per ml of sample. Serial
dilutions used allowed a maximum count of 1.21 10
CFU/ml to be quantied.
Counts higher than this maximum were recorded as the maximum value. Total
suspended solids were recorded as the quantity per ml and determined using
protocol 2540D from Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and
Wastewater (1).
Coliform counts were performed on feed samples collected from individual
pens in each feedlot. After feed samples arrived at the laboratory each sample
was thoroughly mixed and ten grams of feed was placed in a sterile plastic bag
containing 90 ml of distilled water. This sample was mixed for 30 sec, and serially
diluted to provide 10
, 10
, 10
, 10
, and 10
dilutions. From each dilu-
tion, 100 l was spread plated onto MacConkey agar and incubated at 37C for
18 h. Following incubation the number of colonies on each plate was counted,
and a coliform count for the sample was calculated.
Identication of E. coli O157 in feed, feces, and water. Feed was collected and
cultured as part of a cross-sectional survey on management associations with
E. coli O157 in feedlots (22, 23, 24), and the sensitivity of detection of E. coli
O157 in feed samples (6). Feed E. coli O157 culture results were only obtained
on a subsample of the data reported here (504 pens, 54 feedlots). Briey, for the
feed samples two enrichment methods were used in parallel. For each method
10 g of feed was added to 90 ml of enrichment medium and incubated for 6 h at
37C (6). Fecal samples were cultured by the addition of 1 gram of feces to 9 ml
of gram-negative broth containing 0.05 g/ml cexime, 10 g/ml cefsulodin, and
8 g/ml vancomycin, and samples were incubated at 37C, for 6 h. Water and
sediment samples were vortexed and 5 ml of water or sediment was added to
5 ml double-strength tryptic soy broth (Difco, Detroit, MI) and incubated for
24 h at 44C.
Following incubation, the identication protocol for fecal feed and water
samples was the same. Samples were vortexed and 1 ml of the enrichment broth
was added to 20 l Dynabeads (Dynal, Inc., Lake Success, NY) for immuno-
magnetic separation. After immunomagnetic separation, 50 l of the sample was
spread plated on Sorbitol MacConkey agar plates supplemented with cexime
(0.05 g/ml) and tellurite (2.5 g/ml) and incubated overnight at 37C. Following
incubation up to six sorbitol-negative colonies with typical E. coli O157 mor-
phology were picked onto blood agar plates using sterile toothpicks. The blood
agar plates were incubated overnight at 37C and an indole test was performed
on each colony. Colonies with a positive indole reaction were checked for the
O157 antigen with a latex agglutination assay (Oxoid, Basingstoke, Hampshire,
United Kingdom). Agglutination-positive colonies were conrmed as E. coli by
Rapid A.P.I. tests (bioMerieux, Hazelwood, MO).
Collection of feedlot data. Feedlot management data were collected using a
personally administered questionnaire. One of six eld-sampling personnel on
the project interviewed the feedlot manager at each sampled feedlot. Additional
feedlot data were accumulated by observation at the feedlot by the eld-sam-
plers. The questionnaire collected data on management and climate factors to
assess their association with coliform counts in cattle feed as well as E. coli O157
in feed, feces, and water (25, 27). A hand-held pH meter (pHep3, Hanna
Instruments, Woonsocket, RI) was used to test water pH in each of the sampled
water tanks. A hand-held weather meter (Kestrel 3000, Nielsen-Kellerman,
Chester, PA) was used to calculate temperature, humidity, and heat index at the
start of sampling at each feedlot. The same instrument was used to measure the
average wind speed over a 30-second period in the feed bunk area of each
sampled pen. Following the visit total amount of precipitation during the previ-
ous week and date of the last precipitation prior to the sampling date were
obtained from a web-based information source (http://www.wunderground.com)
using ve-digit ZIP codes.
A copy of the complete survey is available on request from M. W. Sanderson.
A description of the survey development and pretesting and management ques-
tion categories and climate variables is available elsewhere (23).
Statistical analysis. All statistical analysis was performed in STATA (STATA,
version 8, College Station, Texas). The analyses for both the feed and water
models were at the pen level. Since the coliform count data were not normally
distributed the outcome variable for all analysis was the log
of the feed
(or water) coliform count. Due to the presence of 0 counts, we added 1 to all
coliform counts before transforming with the log
function. Fecal E. coli O157
culture results at the individual-sample level were collapsed to yield a single
estimate of percent positive for fecal E. coli O157 shedding for each pen of cattle.
Water tank E. coli O157 culture results for water and sediment in each individual
tank were collapsed to categorize water tanks as positive or negative. Water
tanks with one or more positive cultures for E. coli O157 were categorized as
positive. Separate statistical models were developed for water coliform and feed
coliform counts.
In the initial development of the models, the fecal, feed, and water E. coli
O157 results from each pen and biologically plausible feedlot and pen manage-
ment and climate factors were individually tested for univariate association with
the log
coliform count of the feed or the log
coliform count of the water in
a linear model controlling for feedlot effects as a random variable (xtreg, STATA
8.0). Variables signicantly associated with log
coliform count (P 0.2) in
these screening models were entered into a multivariable, linear model control-
ling for feedlot as a random effect (xtreg, STATA 8.0). Factors were removed by
order of the largest P value (Wald Chi-square) until all factors remaining in the
model were signicant at P 0.05. Excluded variables were then offered back
into the model one by one and retained if they were signicantly associated with
coliform count in feed or water (P 0.05). Biologically plausible 2-way
interactions were tested for variables included in the model. Variables screened
and offered to the models are presented in Tables 1 and 2. Goodness of t was
assessed using R
values and visual assessment of residual distribution.
Since the measure of total solids in water includes coliforms, an additional
model was developed using the same techniques but without including total
solids to determine if the inclusion of total solids prevented other variables from
entering the model.
Feed coliform model. Samples were collected from May to
August 2001. Feed samples were collected from 671 feedbunks
from 71 feedlots. Due to missing data, feed samples and com-
plete data were available for the nal feed coliform model
from 642 feedbunks in 70 feedlots in the states of Kansas
(n 29), Nebraska (n 20), Oklahoma (n 9), and Texas
(n 12). Feedlot size varied considerably. Number of cattle
placed on feed in the previous 12 months ranged from 7,500 to
273,062, with a median of 41,000. Number of cattle on feed the
day of the visit varied from 2,882 to 102,000, with a median of
20,000. The number of cattle in individual pens included in the
study ranged from 22 to 414, with a median of 113. Feed
coliform counts ranged from 0 to 1.24 10
with a median of
6,800 CFU per gram. Coliform counts were 0 in 8.8% of feed
samples, less than 54,000 CFU/g in 75% of feed samples and
less than 1.96 10
in 90% of feed samples. Prevalence of
E. coli O157 in individual fecal samples collected from cattle
in the feed coliform study population was 10.3% (980/9,522),
and prevalence of E. coli O157 in pen water tanks was 12.3%
Month of sampling (higher in May and June), presence of
corn silage in the ration (negative association), temperature
of the feed 1 in. (ca. 2.6 cm) below the surface at the time of
sampling (negative association), and wind velocity at the time
of sampling (positive association) were signicantly associated
with log
coliform counts in feed (Table 3). There were no
differences in feed log
coliform count between Kansas, Ne-
braska, Oklahoma, or Texas feedlots. There was no association
between log
coliform count in feed and presence of E. coli
O157 in feed, or pen prevalence of E. coli O157 in feces. Both
the residual error and variance of this model were approxi-
mately equal to one. The feedlot variance parameter estimate
was signicant and indicated approximately 56% of the vari-
ance was at the feedlot level. The R
for the model was 0.239
and visual observation of the residual distribution did not in-
dicate the model was misspecied.
Water coliform model. Water samples were collected for
coliform counts from 702 water tanks in 72 feedlots. Due to
missing data, water samples and complete data were available
for the nal water coliform model from 661 watertanks in 68
feedlots in the states of Kansas (n 30), Nebraska (n 19),
Oklahoma (n 7), and Texas (n 12). Feedlot size varied
considerably but was very similar to the lots included in the
feed coliform model. Only the median number of cattle in
individual pens included in the study differed from the feedlots
in the feed coliform model (113 versus 112 head). Water co-
liform counts ranged from 0 to 1.21 10
/ml with a median of
525 CFU per ml. Coliform counts were 0 in only one sample,
were less than 1,950 CFU/ml in 75% of water samples, and less
than 7070 CFU/ml in 90% of water samples.
TABLE 1. Feedlot level and climate variables tested for univariate association with the log
coliform count in cattle feed bunks and water
tanks in feedlots in four states between May and August 2001
Feedlot level
Feedlot demographics
Month of sampling Y* Y*
State (KS, NE, OK, TX) Y Y
No. on-feed past 12 months Y* Y
Same holding pens for receiving and shipping (Y/N) Y Y
No. of pens on site Y Y
% of pens occupied on day of visit Y* Y
No. of cattle on site on day of visit Y Y
Acreage of feedlot Y Y
Water management
Water tanks routinely cleaned? (Y/N) Y Y
Frequency of water tank cleaning Y Y
Method of water tank cleaning (chlorine, empty and rell, scrubbed while full, Y Y
scrubbed while empty)
Feed storage
Mineral supplement, protein supplement, fat supplement, feed additives, energy
concentrate, roughage; for each feed, producers were asked to choose bags, sealed
containers, uncovered piles, covered piles, or does not apply
Method of y control (Y/N for each method listed): manure removal, predatory insects,
insecticide ear tags, environmental sprays, animal sprays/powder/pour-on, larvacide
feed additives, y traps, y bait, other
Y* Y*
Frequency of other animals seen in pens/alleys: dogs/foxes/coyotes, stray cats, deer/elk,
rodents, small mammals, birds (for each species group, producers were asked to
choose: at least daily, at least weekly, at least monthly, occasionally, or never)
Y* Y*
Aggressiveness of control measures in pens, alleys: dogs/foxes/coyotes, stray cats, deer/
elk, rodents, small mammals, birds (for each species group, producers were asked to
choose: aggressive, moderate, minimal, no control program, or not considered a
Y* Y
Frequency of other animals seen in feed storage areas: dogs/foxes/coyotes, stray cats,
deer/elk, rodents, small mammals, birds (for each species group, producers were
asked to choose: at least daily, at least weekly, at least monthly, occasionally, or
Y* N
Aggressiveness of control measures in feed storage areas: dogs/foxes/coyotes, stray cats,
deer/elk, rodents, small mammals, birds (for each species group, producers were
asked to choose: aggressive, moderate, minimal, no control program, or not
considered a problem)
Y* N
Environmental management
Use of permanent sprinklers for dust control (Y/N) Y* Y
Use of mobile sprinklers for dust control (Y/N) Y Y
Use of mechanical scrapers for dust control (Y/N) Y Y
Use of increased cattle density for dust control (Y/N) Y Y*
Frequency of removal of manure during feeding period Y* Y
Manure stored on feedlot premises (Y/N) Y Y
Same machinery used to feed and clean pens (Y/N) Y
Climate variables
Temperature at start of sampling (C) Y* Y*
Humidity at start of sampling (%) Y Y
Heat index at start of sampling (C) Y* Y*
Weather at start of sampling (sunny, partly cloudy, mostly cloudy, light rain, or heavy rain) Y Y
Amount of rainfall in previous 7 days (inches) Y* Y
Days since last rainfall Y Y
, variables that passed screening (P 0.2) and were offered to the nal model.
Month of sampling (lower in May versus June July and
August), water pH (negative association), and water total sol-
ids (positive association) were signicantly associated with
water coliform levels (Table 4). There were no differ-
ences in feed log
water coliform count between Kansas,
Nebraska, Oklahoma, or Texas feedlots. There was no associ-
ation between log
coliform count in water and pen preva-
lence of E. coli O157 in feces, or whether water tanks were
positive for E. coli O157. The residual error and variance
estimate at the feedlot level for this model were 0.75 and 0.5.
The feedlot variance parameter estimate was signicant indi-
cated approximately 31% of the variance was at the feedlot
TABLE 2. Pen-level factors tested for univariate association with log
coliform count in cattle feed bunks and water tanks in feedlots in four
states between May and August 2001
Pen level
Demographic information
New additions during production (Y/N) Y Y
Water management
Tank water chlorinated (Y/N) Y Y
Days since water tank cleaned Y Y
Water temperature (C) Y Y
Water pH Y Y*
Water total solids Y Y*
Water clarity Y Y*
Percent dry matter in ration Y N
Time since feed last delivered to pen Y N
Feedstuffs in ration
Specic components in ration (Y/N) reported for corn, milo, canola, whole cottonseed,
cottonseed meal, urea, soybean meal, liquid protein, alfalfa hay, alfalfa silage, corn
silage, cottonseed hulls, beet pulp, corn gluten, potato, tallow, wheat midds, dried
brewers grains, probiotics
Y* N
Feed antibiotics
Antibiotics ever included in ration (Y/N) Y N
Antibiotics currently in ration (Y/N) Y N
Specic antibiotics currently in ration (Y/N): chlortetracycline,
chlortetracycline/sulfamethazine, oxytetracycline, sulfamethazine, tetracycline, tylosin
Y* N
Number of days antibiotics included in the ration for: chlortetracycline, chlortetracycline/
sulfamethazine, oxytetracycline, sulfamethazine, tetracycline, tylosin
Ionophores included in the ration (Y/N) Y* N
Pen and cattle characteristics
Cattle density (ft.
/head) Y Y
No. of cattle in pen Y Y
% of cattle fecal samples positive for E. coli O157 Y Y
Presence of E. coli O157 in pen feedbunk (Y/N) Y* N
Presence of E. coli O157 in pen water tank (Y/N) N Y
Wetness of pen: cattle dry, mud/manure below fetlock of cattle, mud/manure above fetlock
of cattle
Windbreaks provided (Y/N) Y Y
Shade provided (Y/N) Y Y
Sprinklers/misters provided (Y/N) Y Y
Mounds provided (Y/N) Y Y
Wind velocity, feedbunk area (ft./min) Y* Y*
, variables that passed screening (P 0.2) and were offered to the nal model.
TABLE 3. Associations between management and climate factors and feed coliform counts, with the feedlot effect controlled, in cattle feed
samples in 635 pens on 68 feedlots sampled between May and August 2001
Variable SE P
95% condence interval
Intercept 6.3 0.58
Mo of sampling
May or June Referent
July or August 1.008 0.29 0.001 0.43, 1.59
Corn silage in ration
Yes 1.14 0.29 0.000 1.71, 0.56
No Referent
Feed temp (C) 0.04 0.009 0.000 0.05, 0.018
Wind velocity (ft/min) 0.0004 0.0002 0.049 1.4 10
, 0.0007
Wald chi-square statistics: overall R
, 0.239. Variance parameter estimates: feedlot, 1.14; residual, 1.006; fraction due to feedlot, 0.56.
level. The R
for the model was 0.085 and visual observation of
the residual distribution did not indicate the model was mis-
specied. The exclusion of total solids from the modeling pro-
cess did not allow any additional variables to come into the
model (data not shown).
Coliform bacteria are lactose fermenting bacteria belonging
to the family Enterobacteriaceae including Escherichia coli and
Klebsiella and Enterobacter species (4). They are considered a
marker for fecal contamination. Coliforms are easily enumer-
ated in feed and water samples and as such could serve as
valuable indicator organisms for contamination of feed and
water by E. coli O157 and other food-borne organisms trans-
mitted in feces. Generic E. coli is commonly found and may
replicate in cattle feeds (17), but procedures to enumerate
them are more involved than for coliforms.
The seasonal nature of E. coli O157 shedding in cattle (10,
18, 28) and the nding of genetically indistinguishable isolates
in herds separated by long distances (20) have led to the
suggestion that feed may be an environmental reservoir and
route of regional distribution (12). Experimentally, very low
doses of E. coli O157 may result in colonization in some calves.
Besser et al. (2) showed colonization in 2 of 17 calves exposed
orally to 300 CFU of E. coli O157. Once some calves are
colonized, they may amplify E. coli O157 and transmit it
to calves in contact. Therefore, relatively small amounts of
contamination in feed or water could result in widespread
With the recent nding of a relatively high prevalence of
E. coli O157 in feed (2) and the common presence of E. coli
O157 in water sources (7, 11, 16, 19, 21, 24), we hypothesized
that management factors associated with coliform counts in
feed and water would also be associated with presence of
E. coli O157 in feedstuffs and water and serve as an indicator
organism to guide management decisions in an overall feed
safety and security program
In the feed coliform model, corn silage in the feedlot ration
was negatively associated with the log
coliform count in feed.
Little work has been reported on coliform levels in feed, how-
ever, Lynn et al. (17) reported that generic E coli are com-
monly present and even replicate in silage based dairy rations.
Changes in E coli concentrations in these dairy rations were
negatively correlated with concentrations of acetate and pro-
pionate in the feed (17). Subsequent studies in the same lab
have found little evidence of E. coli replication in dairy feeds,
rather, they report that silage is inhibitory to growth of E. coli
O157 (12). The fermentation process of ensiling may be valu-
able in decreasing coliforms, generic E. coli, and E. coli O157.
In contrast, enterobacteria and E. coli O157 proliferate in
aerobically spoiled (poorly fermented) grass silage (8). In
properly ensiled grass, general enteric bacteria and inoculated
E. coli O157 were not detectable past 19 days into the ensiling
procedure, coinciding with a drop in pH and elevation of
organic acid levels (3). Our data are consistent with previous
work indicating proper fermentation of forage feedstuffs may
be an effective way to control general enterobacteria and
E. coli O157 and that organic acid presence in silage may be
effective in decreasing post ensiling replication of E. coli O157.
Coliform counts in feed were higher in the months of May
and June than in July and August. Environmental variables
temporally associated with month could affect contamination
probability, coliform survival, or replication and subsequent
Coliform counts in feed were negatively associated with feed
temperature in the bunk 1 in. below the surface at the time of
collection; as feed temperature increased feed coliform counts
decreased. Average feed temperature increased over the
course of the study from May to August (May, 20C; June,
26C; July, 30C; and August, 33C). Generic E. coli has been
shown to replicate faster in cattle feed stored at 21C than at
37C (17) and this may account for this association.
The measured velocity of the wind was positively associated
with feed coliform counts. Increased wind increases dust and
potentially contamination of feed by coliforms carried in the
air. If feed coliform contamination is related to dusty condi-
tions and resulting aerosolization of coliforms in dried manure
then use of sprinklers may decrease contamination. The use of
permanent sprinklers on the feedlot for dust control was not
included in the nal model but was the last variable to be
excluded from the model (P 0.12). We did not collect infor-
mation on the frequency of use of permanent sprinklers or the
time since they had last been used.
Water coliform counts were higher in this study than in a
previous study involving water on dairy farms (16) but similar
to a previous study in feedlot water tanks (27). In the water
coliform model, coliform counts were lower in the month of
May compared to the months of June, July, and August. Av-
erage water temperature at the time of collection increased
from May to August, most dramatically from May to June
(May, 15C; June, 24C; July, 27C; and August, 28C) but
water temperature at the time of collection was not related to
water coliform levels. Water coliform levels may be more re-
lated to long term water temperatures than to daily variability.
LeChevallier et al. (14) noted water coliform bacteria were
signicantly higher in treated human water supplies when
water temperatures were above 15C. If this is true, water tanks
may not warm adequately to support increased coliform levels
until later in the summer. As such feed may be a more signif-
icant source of coliform exposure in the early summer and
water more signicant later. Increased coliform levels in water
later in the summer could also be related to the amount of time
cattle spend at the tanks as the ambient temperature increases,
TABLE 4. Associations between management and climate factors
and water coliform counts, with the feedlot effect controlled,
in cattle feed samples in 661 pens on 68 feedlots sampled
between May and August 2001
Variable SE P
95% condence
Intercept 6.1 0.89
Mo of sampling
May Referent
June, July, or
0.56 0.17 0.001 0.23, 0.9
Water pH 0.26 0.12 0.03 0.49, 0.03
Water total solids 0.0009 0.0002 0.000 0.0004, 0.001
Wald chi-square statistics: overall R
, 0.085. Variance parameter estimates:
feedlot, 0.5; residual, 0.75; fraction due to feedlot, 0.31.
resulting in increased consumption of water and opportunities
for contamination.
Water coliform counts were negatively associated with water
pH; as pH increased water coliform counts decreased. The
range of water pH observed in the study was from 6.6 to 9.7
(mean, 7.37, and median, 7.4). Decreased coliform levels in
alkaline water samples suggest that maintaining a higher pH
may help control coliform levels, but no relationship has been
identied between water pH and the presence of E. coli O157
in water or cattle feces (22, 26).
Water coliform counts were positively associated with water
total solids in the tank. Total solids are a measure of dissolved
and suspended solids in the water. Dissolved solids include
calcium, chlorides, nitrate, phosphorus, iron, sulfur, and other
ions. Suspended solids include silt and clay as well as plankton,
algae, bacterial small organic debris, and other small particu-
late matter. We do not have any estimate of the proportion of
dissolved and suspended solids in the water samples. Dissolved
solids would be related to feedlot-specic water source quality
issues. Suspended solids may be related to contamination is-
sues either at the water source or in the water tank, including
general tank cleanliness.
There was no relationship between water coliforms and days
since the water tank had been cleaned, which is consistent with
previous studies that have failed to show an effect of tank
cleaning (27).
We found no relationship between feed coliform levels and
feed E. coli O157 presence or water coliform levels and water
E. coli O157. Further, risks identied for presence of E. coli
O157 in feed in a subset of these feedlots (24) do not parallel
risks for elevated coliform counts identied in this study. Nei-
ther do risks identied for the presence of E. coli O157 in
water (24) parallel the risks associated with water coliform
levels in this study. We also found no signicant relationship
between feed or water coliform count and fecal prevalence of
E. coli O157 within the pen. As such, this study provides no
support for the use of feed or water coliform counts as a
measure of E. coli O157 exposure. The cross-sectional nature
of this study does not rule out a possible association involving
temporal variables.
Not all contamination of feed or water with bovine feces will
result in E. coli O157 contamination. In this study only 10% of
cattle were shedding E. coli O157 in their feces, so most fecal
contamination would result in elevated coliform levels but not
necessarily result in E. coli O157 contamination. Further, the
cross-sectional, one-time sampling design of the present study
does not allow the evaluation of any issues related to the
persistence or sequence of exposure to feed or water contam-
inated with high levels of coliforms and subsequent fecal shed-
ding. Temporal issues may be important in assessing any
potential relationship between feed coliforms or E. coli O157
and E. coli O157 presence in cattle feces.
This study was unable to assess whether feed or water coli-
form levels were consistent within each feedlot or exhibited
substantial variability over time. As such, risk factors for per-
sistently high coliform levels could be relevant. Feedlots that
maintain persistently elevated coliform counts could be more
at risk for feed E. coli O157 contamination and subsequent
cattle exposure. Such a temporally related association would
not have been captured by this study design. Coliforms and
E. coli O157 persist in water tanks (15), but feed is turned over
daily in feedbunks. As such, the temporal relationship of feed
contamination may be more important in assessing the rela-
tionship between feed coliforms or E. coli O157 and fecal
E. coli O157. If fecal contamination and high coliform levels
are a sporadic event, then fecal E. coli O157 shedding would
likely occur several days after the contamination, and any as-
sociation would only be detected by a longitudinal study. In
previous work, Sargeant et al. (24) found no relationship be-
tween feed E. coli O157 and fecal E. coli O157, perhaps due to
temporal issues. A longitudinal study of feedlots and the tem-
poral appearance of coliforms and E. coli O157 in feed, water,
and feces may be more appropriate to assess this relationship.
Alternatively, the source of coliform bacteria in the feed and
water in this study may be other than from cattle. Wildlife
contact with feed may be a source of coliform contamination
but not commonly result in E. coli O157 contamination. Fi-
nally, feed coliforms may be too general a measure to identify
a relationship with E. coli O157. Enumeration of generic E. coli
in feed may be more useful in identifying any relationship
between fecal contamination and E. coli O157 presence. As
with all cross-sectional studies, the management risk factors
identied here must be interpreted with caution due to the
possibility of residual confounding resulting in spurious asso-
We thank Xioarong Shi and Amy Hanson for overseeing the culture
laboratory, Linda Cox for overseeing the feed coliform counts, and
SDK Laboratories (Hutchinson, Kansas) for performing the water
coliform analyses. We also thank the following eld-sampling and
laboratory staff: Walid Alali, Ryan Church, Sabrina Bowker, Rebecca
Ebert, Misty Foresman, Jocelyn Fox, Jennifer Friesen, Shelly Gissler,
Kerri Hudson, David Lee, Kyle Kennedy, Marc Rundell, Riley
Russman, Grant Turner, and Kari Wallentine. This project would not
have been possible without the support of the participating feedlot
owners and managers.
Funding for this project was provided by USDA grants 00-35212-
9393 and 99-34359-7474.
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