Rev - John Flynn: "If You Start Something Worthwhile Nothing Can Stop It" - Rev - John Flynn

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27/3/14 Rev.

John Flynn Manlin Lobo

John flynn was born on 25 November 1880 in Moliagul, Victoria. Flynn parents were Thomas(Dad)
and Rosetta(Mum). His mum Rosetta died when he was two, so his relatives toook care of
him.When he was growing he loved helping people and talking with people. He helped them without
anyone telling him to help them.He was very religious from child hood.After going to bush
schools(Snake valley, Sunshine and Braybook primary schools)he decided to became a minister of
religion.At the age of 18 he joined the university high school, Carlton.
In 1917, he studied theology in Melbourne (Theology means religion) and in 1911 he became Rev.John
Flynn.When he travelled to the outback of Australia (Northen Territory and Central Australia) he
realised there was a need for medical services. He began writing a newsletter called the Bushmans
Companion with loads of useful informationand tips for isolated ( far away from citys and other
places. He also set up the Mailbag Leaugue where city people could sent letters to isolated people
to make them feel less lonely. During the next 33 years, he had set up 15 hospitals in the outback
areas for the need of the isolated people.
Then after visiting the remote areas of Australia, he got a great idea, no one has ever thought
about it. To make his idea a reality he would need some help. He met with Hudson Fysh, Founder of
quatas in 1927 and they madea deal that quatas make the flying doctor service. The first flight took
off from Cloncurry, Victoria on May 17 1928 with Dr.Kenyon and St.Vicennt Welch(Doctors).
After a few months people were getting prombelms trying to call Flynn. But with the help of Alfred
Taeger the promblem was solved. Taeger was very intrested in engineering and his hobby was working.
Flynn hired him to make a simple pedal radio. After it was ready his plan (idea) was a reality. After
convincing the State and Federal Goverments to carry on his work, he was helping the outback of
Sadly he died of cancer in May 5 1951. But his idea grew bigger and BIGGER. His Kind personality
and determination saved thousands of peoples lives and he should be regonised as one of Australias
Greatest Heroes. He was honored with Australian $20 note and stamps. He was called Flynn of the
island. Flynn tried hard to make his idea a reality. There were times where he had to make hard
decisions. But he never gave up.
In 2005, the organization treated over 234,783 patients which is an average of 630 people per
day. The Flying Doctor Service became The Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) in 1955. They are
still helping over 100 people per day. RFDS provides 24 hour service for people around Australia.

If you start something worthwhile nothing can stop it Rev.John Flynn

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