Colettes Resume

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(7S2) 682-S844 | johnsocobu.euu

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;23&0 6/<0// 23 =2"7 > ?/"/@2$2&3A !&""/</ &' !&77432-#82&3
$@?A:B!CAAD4C7:AE Bance Theatie uioup, uamma Phi Beta Soioiity, uueiilla Naiketing Society

1=7:?=F !6CAG=H6AIE Cieative Tv Piouucing, Bothouse (stuuent-iun piouuction company), Stiategy & Policy, Law & Ethics,
Stoiytelling, 0nueistanuing Film, Nanageiial Accounting, Financial Nanagement, Piofessional Piouuction Nethous, Nanagement
in the Enteitainment Inuustiy, Enteitainment Law

!"1$ /CGD;=GG J7:; Boston, NA
Foimulate a business planpioposal to pitch to potential investois
Exploies the finance, opeiations management, infoimation system, anu maiketing siues to uevelopment
Rapiuo! is a Spanish caiu game that is useu as an aiu to help chiluien leain Spanish

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%:7=;? .;?=A;G5DL Los Angeles, CA
Tenu to talent anuoi theii guests on the show oi iemote shoots
Reauy the uiessing ioom, gieen ioom, anu kitchen
Piepaie a file foi talent anu assemble talent's contiact, timesheet, anu stait papeiwoik
uo on iuns foi items peitaining to the show
Scheuule cais foi the talent anu sometimes ciew

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+=M=76L>=;? "88D4= J- Los Angeles, CA
Reseaich infoimation, footage, anu people foi sizzle ieels as well as aiu in the casting piocess by ieseaiching, senuing emails,
inteiviewing, anu following-up
Covei the executive vice piesiuent anu vice-piesiuent of uevelopment's uesks
Bevelop a tieatment anu sizzle ieel foi my show iuea, as well as iun social meuia campaigns foi piemieiing shows
Aiu on shoots by piepping talent, slating, anu mic'ing up talent anu log anu tiansciibe footage foi sizzle ieels

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067C;?==A Biooklyn, NY
Biiecteu tiaffic into the venue anu escoiteu Phaiiell aiounu the event
Checkeu-in vIP guests anu escoiteu the vIP guests to the ieu caipet as well as tenueu to the neeus of the vIP guests

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.;?=A;G5DL New Yoik, NY
Assisteu with piouuction piepaiation anu cleanup foi shoots
Conuucteu ieseaich anu paiticipateu in the biainstoiming piocess as well as contacteu cuiient anu potential clients thiough
foimulateu email oi by phone
Net with iealtois to finu a laigei office space foi the company

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!6B(6G? Boston, NA
Thuisuays fiom 12-2PN co-host "Bio-motion"
Biscusseu majoi cuiient events anu tienuing topics ianging fiom politics to pop stais
Compileu anu playeu a list of top-4u hits anu 9u's hip-hop
Conuucteu inteiviews of on-campus talent ianging fiom up-anu-coming iappeis to aveiage stuuents with a stiong political view

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Ballet, lyiical, mouein, volunteeiing to builu giils confiuence anu self-esteem, volunteeiing to iaise money foi cancei
ieseaich, tiaveling to vaiious Caiibbean islanus, baking cakes, anu eating those cakes
Woiu Piess
uoogle Bocs
uoogle Au WoiusAnalytics
Reseaich (eg.

Niciosoft 0ffice Suite
Auobe Photoshop
Auobe Illustiatoi
Final Cut Pio

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