This document discusses paediatric asthma and anaesthesia. It begins with definitions of asthma and discusses its increasing prevalence and difficulty of diagnosis. It outlines triggering factors and pharmacotherapy options for asthma including bronchodilators, methylxanthines, anticholinergics and corticosteroids. The role of the anaesthesiologist in thorough preoperative assessment and optimizing pharmacotherapy is discussed to achieve successful outcomes for children with asthma requiring surgery.
This document discusses paediatric asthma and anaesthesia. It begins with definitions of asthma and discusses its increasing prevalence and difficulty of diagnosis. It outlines triggering factors and pharmacotherapy options for asthma including bronchodilators, methylxanthines, anticholinergics and corticosteroids. The role of the anaesthesiologist in thorough preoperative assessment and optimizing pharmacotherapy is discussed to achieve successful outcomes for children with asthma requiring surgery.
This document discusses paediatric asthma and anaesthesia. It begins with definitions of asthma and discusses its increasing prevalence and difficulty of diagnosis. It outlines triggering factors and pharmacotherapy options for asthma including bronchodilators, methylxanthines, anticholinergics and corticosteroids. The role of the anaesthesiologist in thorough preoperative assessment and optimizing pharmacotherapy is discussed to achieve successful outcomes for children with asthma requiring surgery.
This document discusses paediatric asthma and anaesthesia. It begins with definitions of asthma and discusses its increasing prevalence and difficulty of diagnosis. It outlines triggering factors and pharmacotherapy options for asthma including bronchodilators, methylxanthines, anticholinergics and corticosteroids. The role of the anaesthesiologist in thorough preoperative assessment and optimizing pharmacotherapy is discussed to achieve successful outcomes for children with asthma requiring surgery.
A Rudra 1 , S Sengupta 2 , S Chatterjee 3 , S Ghosh 4 , A Ahmed 5 , S Sirohia 6 Summary Asthma in children is a complex disease with several aetiopathogenic factors, is difficult to diagnose and the incidence is on the increase. More such children need anaesthetic interventions today. Anaesthesiologists need to be aware of the triggering factors, pharmacotherapy of the disease including the possible drug interactions. Successful outcome will depend upon thorough preoperative assessment and optimization of the pharmacotherapy. Prudent judgment in the preoperative period is needed to understand which patients with asthma need to be postponed prior to an elective procedure keeping in mind best clinical outcome. Children with asthma who come in for surgical proce- dure may be appropriately taken up for either inhalation or intravenous anaesthesia. Adequate, depth of anaesthesia is vital to avoid critical perioperative events. Smooth emergence from anaesthesia minimizes the risk of postoperative bronchospasm. The scientific literature till date is inadequate to provide guidelines for postoperative pain relief for these children afflicted with asthma. Key words Anaesthesia; Asthma; Pathology; Treatment 1. Hon. Consultant, Anaesthesiologist, Apollo Gleneagles Hospital, Kolkata, 2. Consultant Anaesthesiologist, Apollo Gleneagles Hospital, Kolkata, 3. Assistant Professor of Anaesthesiology, Medical College & Hospital, Kolkata, 4. DNB student, Apollo Gleneagles Hospital, Kolkata, 5. DNB student, Apollo Gleneagles Hospital, Kolkata, 6. Consultant Anaesthesiologist, Apollo Gleneagles Hospital, Kolkata, Correspondence to: A Rudra, 1, Shibnarayan Das Lane, Kolkata-700006 Indian Journal of Anaesthesia 2008;52:Suppl (5):713-724 Introduction Asthma in children is the most common chronic inflammatory lung disease and is a major health prob- lem showing steady increase in prevalence both in de- veloped and developing countries. The incidence of asthma in Asian countries varies between 5.2 percent in Taipei to 10 17 percent in other countries. In Ban- galore, a metropolitan city in India, asthma increased from 9 percent in 1979 to 29.5 percent in the last 25 years correlating to the demographic changes in the city 1 . Even with greater understanding of the pathol- ogy, the fundamental factors underlying the develop- ment of asthma remain unknown. The increase in preva- lence of asthma has been attributed to hygiene theory, dietary habits, western lifestyle of living, and air pollu- tion. Furthermore, genetic predisposition, atopy, and parental all appear to influence the development of asthma 2 . The rising prevalence of asthma in childhood means that the anaesthesiologists with increasing fre- quency are encountering children with asthma sched- uled for surgery. Moreover, increase in the volume of day case surgery has limited the time available for the assessment of both childs medical condition and pos- sible anaesthetic risk. In this article, the literature rel- evant to the child with asthma and progress through preoperative and postoperative care is reviewed. Definition 1 In the light of the current knowledge, the defini- tion of asthma is a lung disease with following charac- teristics : A. Airway obstruction, which is reversible either spontaneously, or with treatment (reversibility may not be complete in some patients) B. Airway inflammation C. Airway hypersensitivity to a variety of stimuli Epidemiololgy 1 Genetic predisposition and atopy are contribut- 714 Indian Journal of Anaesthesia, October 2008(P.G.Issue) ing factors in the development of reactive airway dis- ease, as is respiratory syncytial virus infection in infancy. However, children migrate to urban area from rural ar- eas begin to experience a much higher prevalence of asthma when followed over a period than similar chil- dren who remain in the rural areas. The urbanized en- vironment increase exposure to new allergens and irri- tants. Seventy-four percent of asthma attacks experi- enced in children less than 5 years of age and 26 per- cent in less than 1 year of age. Male to female ratio is 2:1. Triggering factors Asthma triggering factors include: respiratory in- fections (especially viral), aeroallergen (dust), air pol- lutants (cigarette smoke), temperature changes (par- ticularly cold air), gastroesophageal reflux, exercise, and anxiety. The period before and during the induction of anaesthesia is uniquely suited to trigger bronchospasm in susceptible individuals because of the patients emo- tional stress, fear, and excitement. There is resultant hyperventilation with mouth breathing of dry anaesthetic gas mixtures, airway irritation by volatile anaesthetics, and mechanical stimulation of the pharyngeal and la- ryngeal mucosa by laryngoscopy and endotracheal tube. Diagnosis 2 Asthma in children is a notoriously difficult condi- tion to diagnose with confidence. There is no confir- matory diagnostic blood test, or radiographic, or his- topathologic investigation. The diagnosis of asthma is based on clinical evidence of recurrent symptoms such as wheezing, chest tightness, cough, and shortness of breath, with increased airway hyper responsiveness to various chemical, pharmacological, and physical stimuli. The diagnosis is often difficult because the clinical pic- ture is diverse and the possible pathophysiologic mecha- nisms are numerous. Differential diagnosis Some features are uncharacteristic of asthma: 1. Unremitting wheeze or stridor is suggestive of a fixed obstruction. 2. Persistent wet, productive cough is suggestive of suppurative lung disease (cystic fibrosis, primary cili- ary dyskinesia, immuno-deficiency, following infection). 3. Cough without wheeze is often a post-viral bronchitis. 4. Intermittent wheeze since birth often due to tracheomalacia or bronchomalacia. Pharmacotherapy Patients with asthma are believed to be at increased risk for perioperative pulmonary complications and that can lead to prolonged hospital stay. Therefore, the goal of preparing a patient with asthma for anaesthesia and surgery is to maximize the patients pulmonary function. The anaesthesiologist must consider the maintenance or addition of bronshospastic drugs. Bronchodilators 1. Beta adrenergic agonists, are commonly used to provide rapid relief of acute bronchospasm and are also used for chronic treatment. The inhaled beta-2- adrenergic agents have a toxic dose that is an order of magnitude greater than their therapeutic dose. These drugs initiates their action on the receptor sites of air- way smooth muscle cells and cause smooth muscle re- laxation and bronchodilatation. Moreover, these agents cause increased mucocilliary clearance by activating adenyl cyclase to increase cAMP levels. Inhalation administration provides faster peak bronchodilatation and fewer systemic side effects than other routes of delivery 3 . They may be also administered by oral or intravenous routes. 715 Beta-2-agonists are the most potent bronchodilators available and are the drugs of choice for the treatment of acute exacerbation in mild asth- matics and for maintenance therapy in severe reactive airway disease. The recommended doses of commonly used beta-2-agonists are : Albuterol (salbutamol) 4 : 4-8 puffs through en- dotracheal tube ; 1-2 puffs orally; metered dose in- haler 0.01 ml / kg of 0.5 percent solution nebulized. However, only 2.5 12 percent of delivered dose reaches end of endotracheal tube when aerosolized at endotracheal tube connector of 3-6 mm sizes. Metaproterenol 4 : 2 puffs orally ; 0.01 mg / kg of 0.5 percent solution nebulized. The duration of ac- tion of this agent is less than albuterol. Terbutaline 5 is a preferred agent for mild to moderate asthmatic attacks. Terbutaline can be given either by jet nebulizer (0.1% solution,3ml over 10 minutes)or by subcutaneous injection of 5 to 10 -1 . However, for patients with severe asthma associatedwith severe respiratory failure, terbutaline can be used intravenously. This should be done in an ICU with continuous ECG and arterial pressure monitoring, as arrhythmia and marked tacchycardia may result. 2. Methylxanthines Methylxanthines (e.g. theophylline) produce bronchodilatation by inhibiting adenosine-induced bronchoconstriction in asthmatic patients 6 . It is used for prophylaxis against acute attacks in the severe asth- matic and in the prevention of nocturnal episodes of bronchospasm. Theophylline has a very low therapeu- tic index and toxic effects can be seen at levels below maximal therapeutic effects. Side effects include nau- sea, irritability, learning difficulties in children and head- ache 7 . The great variability of drug metabolism and the necessity for monitoring of blood levels is one reason the use of theophylline has declined. Dose : (a) oral solution 10 mg / kg / day; (b) im- mediate release tablet may be given upto 16 mg / kg / day ( > 1 year) ; (c) sustained release capsule upto 5 mg / kg/ day + 0.2 mg (age in weeks) (< 1 year). 3.Anticholinergics Anticholinergics are less effective bronchodilators than the beta-adrenergic agonists or the xanthines, and should be viewed as adjunctive agents. They produce bronchodilatation by inhibiting cholinergic activation of airway smooth muscle (inhibiting mucous hypersecre- tion and decreasing reflex bronchoconstriction) 8 . Ipratropium bromide is a quarternary ammonium compound with no significant systemic absorption or side effects and is available as a metered-dose inhaler and as a nebulizable solution. It has a slower onset of action than beta-2-agonists, but the duration of action is longer (up to 8 hours). The optimal dose is 50 to 125 mcg 9 . However, anticholinergics may have a limited role in paediatric patients due to their central not peripheral airway effects. Anti-inflammatory drugs 1. Corticosteroids Corticosteroids are initiated earlier in treatment for their anti-inflammatory properties because reactive airway disease has a significant inflammatory compo- nent. Inhaled corticosteroids have reduced systemic side effects, compared with oral steroids. Regular use of an inhaled corticosteroid allows effective control of symp- toms and improvement in lung function; reduces air- way inflammation, and results in a gradual reduction in airway hyperactivity 10,11 . Onset of benefit is within a few hours (maximum effect 12 to 36 hours) making intravenous steroids useful as a preoperative medica- tion in patients with moderate to severe asthma 12 . Oral or parenteral corticosteroids are most effective for acute exacerbations of asthma unresponsive to maximal bron- chodilator therapy 13 . The preparation used most fre- quently is hydrocortisone 1 to 3 mg / kg intravenously. The onset of action is 1 to 2 hours after administration. Methylprednisolone 1 to 2 mg/kg is an alternate choice, A Rudra. Paediatric asthma 716 Indian Journal of Anaesthesia, October 2008(P.G.Issue) with less mineralocorticoid effect. Corticosteroid ad- ministration improves oxygenation and peak flow rates 14 . Oral or parenteral corticosteroids are most ef- fective for acute exacerbations of asthma unresponsive to maximal bronchodilator therapy. 2. Cromolyn sodium Cromolyn sodium is used prophylactically to re- duce the incidence of asthma attacks. It attenuates bronchoconstriction caused by allergen, exercise, and bronchial challenge 15 . It prevents release of mediators from pulmonary mast cells and is frequently given in aerosol form for treatment of chronic asthma. It is rela- tively free of side effects and has no known interac- tions with drugs used in anaesthesia. Therefore, it can be given until the time of induction of anaesthesia 16 . Cromolyn sodium may take 2 to 4 weeks to produce a clinical change. It has no place in the treatment of acute asthma. However, maintenance therapy with cromolyn is recommended in children with moderate to severe asthma. 3. Leukotriene pathway modifiers These are the first new drugs for the treatment of asthma to be introduced in more than 20 years. Leukotrienes were isolated from leukocytes and stimu- late airway smooth muscle contraction by a non-hista- mine mechanism. Leukotrienes and other products of the 5-lipoxygenase pathway induce pathophysiologic responses similar to those associated with asthma oedema, migration of eosinophils, and stimulation of airway secretions. These drugs are particularly useful in two areas (i) exercised-induced asthma and (ii) as- pirin-induced asthma. Oral administration of any of these drugs in patients with chronic asthma decreases (a) the need for rescue beta agonists, (b) decreases the fre- quency of exacerbations of asthma requiring oral glu- cocorticoid therapy, (c) and decreases the dose of in- haled glucocorticoid required to maintain control of asthma. Thus, leukotriene pathway modifiers exert a glucocorticoidsparing effect 17,18 . Severity of asthma It is important to establish both the severity of the disease and the quality of control, as two aspects are closely linked. Mild asthma that is poorly controlled may appear severe in terms of frequent or persistent symptoms. Whereas a child with severe asthma may have well controlled symptoms but require high doses of inhaled corticosteroids. The severity of asthma has been defined by British Thoracic Society and the Na- tional Heart, Lung and Blood Institute 19,20 in a five step scale dependent upon the amount of treatment required to control symptoms. Step 1: Occasional use of a short acting beta-2-ago- nist Step 2: Addition of inhaled steroids 400 mcg of beclamethasone diproprionate or equivalent per day. Step 3 : Addition of long acting beta-2-agonist or leukotriene receptor agonist to obviate the need for an increase in inhaled steroids. Step 4 : Cautious increase of inhaled steroid (beclamethasone diproprionate) to a maximum 800 mcg per day. Step 5 : Oral steroid, high dose of inhaled steroid > 1000 mcg per day or systemic steroid sparing agent (aminophylline). Most children will be on the first two steps of treat- ment protocol. However, extra cautions must be taken while anaesthetizing children on step four and five. Perioperative assessment In children with asthma, it is important to estab- lish both how severe the disease is and how well it is controlled currently. The two aspects are closely linked. Mild asthma, which is poorly controlled, may appear severe in terms of frequent and persisting symptoms. In contrast, a child with severe asthma may have well controlled symptoms, but require high doses of inhaled 717 corticosteroids to maintain control. Poorly controlled asthma is defined by various features such as frequency of symptoms and use of reliever medication. Frequent emergency attendances, hospital admissions or use of oral steroids also indicate inadequate control. In addi- tion, a small group of children may have life-threaten- ing asthma .These children may have poorly controlled asthma, or brittle asthma with sudden onset of as- phyxiating or anaphylactic-type asthmatic attacks. A previous history of severe or life threatening exacerba- tions, especially if requiring intensive care is indicative of a particular vulnerable group of children. Sudden asphyxiating asthma may also be precipitated by non- steroidal analgesics or irritant gases (both used in ana- esthesia) 21 . Therefore, preoperative assessment of the patient with asthma should include a thorough preoperative history and physical examination with a focus on the patients pulmonary status to determine the level of res- piratory dysfunction and to assess the effectiveness of current therapy. Objective testing is not diagnostic but can support a clinical diagnosis. Most tests have a rea- sonable positive predictive value but a poor predictive negative value. Some tests may also help in assessing current control or severity of airways inflammation. Laboratory evaluation may include spirometry to as- sess the presence and degree of airway obstruction, and reversibility with bronchodilators. Oxymetry may provide information with regards to desaturation with exertion. A chest radiograph is rarely useful unless a condition other than asthma is felt to be present in an acute exacerbation. In patients with mild or intermittent disease, there is no significant benefit of obtaining pul- monary function tests, oxymetry, or chest x-ray; how- ever, patients with more moderate to severe symptoms may require these evaluations to adequately assess their pulmonary risk. History 1. Current medications, including all bronchodilators and steroids. 2. Response to previous anaesthesia. 3. Recent upper respiratory infections or episodes of wheezing. Four to six weeks should be elapsed after an episode of bronchospasm because of the risk of exacerbation. 4. Assessment of patient regarding current status com- pared with the baseline condition. Physical examination 1. Degree of bronchospasm from the appearance of patient (e.g. agitation, respiratory distress). 2. On auscultation of chest, wheezing is audible during expiration. 3. Presence of cyanosis, intercostals retractions, and use of accessory muscles due to severe bronchospasm. 4. Presence of pulsus paradoxus of greater than 24 mm Hg is often seen. Pulmonary function testing Preoperative spirometry may be useful for docu- menting the extent of obstructive airway disease and, more importantly, the potential for reversal with bronchodilators. Comparing parameters of pulmonary function against predicted values allows a classification of clinical impairment 3 . (Table 1) Improvement in pulmonary function parameters after a trial of bronchodilators in a child with acute bron- Table 1 Severity of expiratory airflow obstruction FVC, FEV 1 FEF 25-75% (% of predicted) (% of predicted) Normal > 80 > 75 Mild 65 80 60 75 Moderate 56 64 45 59 Severe 35 55 30 44 Very Severe < 35 < 30 FVC = Forced Vital Capacity ; FEV 1 = Forced Expiratory Volume in one second ; FEF = Forced expiratory flow. A Rudra. Paediatric asthma 718 Indian Journal of Anaesthesia, October 2008(P.G.Issue) chospasm implies a reversible component and suggests that adjustments in bronchodilator therapy before elec- tive surgery may be beneficial. Inflammatory markers Evidence of inflammation to help diagnose or monitor asthma have been sought in blood (peripheral blood eosinophillia 22 , eosinophilic cationic protein 23,24 ), urine(urinary leukotriene and eosinophil-derived pro- tein X 25 ) and exhaled air(exhaled air nitric oxide 26,27 ). However, these remain largely research tools. Patients with mild to moderate symptoms do not require further workup, but patients who are symp- tomatic or who are deteriorated from their normal con- dition should be postponed and optimized prior to elec- tive surgery. Asthmatics should not be anaesthetized for elective surgery during an acute viral respiratory in- fection as the risk of bronchospasm is very high. They should ideally be postponed 4-6 weeks after such an event. Preoperative arrangements In addition to the concerns about lung function and bronchospasm in children with asthma undergoing anaesthesia, the anaesthesiologist must be aware of other associated problems. In particular, atopic asth- matics are prone to allergic reactions and may develop anaphylaxis precipitated by allergens such has drugs, drug excipients, or latex 28 . Potential allergies to drugs such as antibiotics and previous anaesthetic agents should be sought. Preanaesthetic preparation and medication The anaesthesiologist must get to know the asth- matic child and his or her parents and gain their confi- dence to minimize the childs anxiety before anaesthe- sia induction. The child should be well sedated to avoid struggle and hyperventilation, which can provoke ex- ercise-induced asthma. Preoperative preparation for mild asthma should include an use of nebulized beta-2-adrenergic agonist 12 hours prior to surgery. For moderate asthma, ad- ditional optimization with an inhaled anti-inflammatory agent and regular use of nebulized beta-2-adrenergic agonist one week prior to surgery can be instituted. This may help abolish the increase in respiratory resis- tance seen with some anaesthetic agents 29 . Severe asth- matics may need addition of one of the following : oral prednisolone 1 mg/kg/day (60 mg maximum) 35 days before surgery; or oral dexamethasone 0.6 mg / kg (16 mg maximum) or methylprednisolone 1 mg/kg for 48 hours prior to surgery 30 . Premedication with oral midazolam 0.5 to 1 mg/ kg can be indicated since anxiety may precipitate acute bronchospasm. Use of systemic corticosteroids in the last 6 months is indication for stress dose coverage to avoid the risk for adrenal suppression. Hydrocortisone 1-2 mg/kg every 6 to 12 hours is initiated 1 day before surgery and is continued for at least 2 days postopera- tively. The use of anticholinergic drugs should be indi- vidualized, remembering that these drugs can increase the viscosity of secretions, making it difficult to remove them from the airway. Agents to provide anaesthesia Both intravenous and inhalational inductions of anaesthesia are common in paediatric anaesthesia prac- tice, and the choice of route or agent may be influ- enced by a history of asthma. The goal during induc- tion and maintainance of anaesthesia in children with asthma is to depress airway reflexes with anaesthetic drugs to avoid bronchoconstriction of the childs hy- peractive airways in response to mechanical stimula- tion. Stimuli that do not evoke airway responses in the absence of asthma can precipitate life-threatening bronchoconstriction in children with asthma. A. Intravenous anaesthetics Thiopentone Thiopentone may release histamine. In addition because it gives only a light level of anaesthesia, airway 719 instrumentation under thiopentone alone may cause bronchospasm 31 . In practice, thiopentone has been used frequently for successful induction of anaesthesia for asthmatic patients 31 . Propofol Propofol appears to be a safe anaesthetic in asth- matic patients. In adults, propofol has been shown to provide more protection against bronchospasm induced by tracheal intubation than an induction dose of thio- pentone 32 . This may be due to the profound depres- sion of airway reflexes. Propofol may also produce bronchodilatation in patients with other types of airway disease 33 . Propofol may be the agent of choice for in- travenous induction in a haemodynamically stable pa- tient. Regardless of the drug chosen (thiopentone or propofol), it is important to give sufficiently large intra- venous dose to blunt the response and to start adding potent volatile anaesthetic before the peak effect of in- travenous agent is lost. Ketamine In the actively wheezing child or emergency sur- gery, ketamine may be the induction agent of choice 34 , because ketamine produces smooth muscle relaxation and bronchodilatation both directly and via release of catecholamines 35 . However, it may increase airway secretions unless administered with an anticholinergic. Etomidate Etomidate does not seem to offer the protection that propofol or ketamine does 30 . B. Inhalational anaesthetics Development of bronshospasm during induction of anaesthesia may be prevented by the potent inhala- tional anaesthetic agents (a) by blocking airway reflexes, (b) by directly relaxing airway smooth muscles, (c) or by inhibiting mediator release 36 . Lack of controlled studies does not indicate what inhalational agent would be most suitable for the child with asthma. Halothane, was previously advocated when an- aesthetizing children with asthma, but its use has de- clined in popularity as it sensitizes the myocardium to the cardiac dysrythmic effects of catecholamines. Sevoflurane, is excellent for an inhalational induc- tion having a decreased incidence of laryngospasm and cardiac dysrhythmias but also bronchodilating effects. At the present, sevoflurane must be considered as the agent of choice for mask induction. C. Muscle relaxants Due to absence of histamine release vecuronium, rocuronium, or cisatracurium are acceptable choices. Neuromuscular blockade could be antagonized with neostigmine. Neostigmine does not cause bronshospasm if atropine or glycopyrrolate are admin- istered concurrently. Anaesthetic technique Regional anaesthesia avoids airway manipulation but regional anaesthesia only may not be feasible for paediatric patients or site of surgery. However, regional anaesthesia can be combined with inhalational anaes- thesia with sevoflurane. Adolescents, however, are ac- ceptable candidates for regional anaesthesia without general anaesthesia in specific circumstances. In all situ- ations where there is high risk of complications associ- ated with the administration of a general anaesthetic, a regional anaesthetic technique should be considered. Avoiding intubation by using a facemask or laryn- geal mask airway (LMA) for appropriate cases, may be useful as its use avoids the laryngeal and tracheal stimulation of intubation 37-39 . However, this has not been investigated in children. It is known that children with upper respiratory tract infections who also have reac- tive airways, the incidence of complications with LMA was significantly less than that with tracheal intubation 40- 42 .For very short procedures in children with reactive airways it would seem reasonable to avoid instrumen- A Rudra. Paediatric asthma 720 Indian Journal of Anaesthesia, October 2008(P.G.Issue) tation of the oropharynx altogether by use of a face mask only 43 . Endotracheal intubation is the most important risk factor for bronchospasm because the endotracheal tube stimulates large airway irritant receptors 44 and can trig- ger bronchospasm. Having the patient use a beta-2- adrenergic agonist inhaler prior to the induction of ana- esthesia as well entering a deep plane with inhalational anaesthesia prior to intubation may decrease the risk of increased airway resistance and bronchospasm that can occur with intubation. Intravenous administration of glycopyrrolate or atropine after induction may de- crease secretions and provide additional bronchodilatation prior to intubation. An anaesthetic technique using a volatile anaesthetic may be prefer- able to a balanced technique (i.e. nitrous oxide, opioid, and a muscle relaxant) for child with asthma because of the advantage of bronchodilating properties of vola- tile agents. Recognizing and treating complications Intraoperative wheezing Asthmatics may develop bronchospasm because of their increased airway reactivity, or secondary to an anaphylactic reaction. If wheezing develops during the course of anaesthesia, bronchospasm is the mostly likely cause, although other cause of wheezing includes light anaesthesia, kinked endotracheal tube, mainstem bron- chial intubation, increased airway secretions, pulmo- nary oedema, and aspiration. Bronchospasm is recog- nized by bilateral expiratory wheeze, prolonged expi- ration, with increased respiratory effort, increased air- way pressure, rising end tidal carbondioxide and hypoxaemia. Hypoxaemia may become manifest more quickly in the child where the respiratory drive has been blunted by anaesthesia. Bronchospasm can be treated by the administra- tion of 100 percent oxygen and an increased concen- tration of inhalation anaesthetic. If increasing anaesthetic depth does not resolve the bronchospasm, the beta- agonists (e.g., terbutaline, albuterol) are the drug of choice, usually given in nebulized form. Terbutaline can also be given subcutaneously 5 to 10 mcg/kg. Steroids are also appropriate, although their slow onset of ac- tion limits their utility in an episode of acute broncho- spasm. An intravenous dose of ketamine (0.5 to 2 mg/ kg) is a quick way of maintaining blood pressure, rap- idly deepening the anaesthesia and supplementing in- halation anaesthetics. Intravenous or subcutaneous ad- ministration of adrenaline in racemic form, or intrave- nous administration of isoproterenol may be used if previous therapy is unsuccessful in terminating the bron- chospasm. Other options include intravenous magnesium 40 mg / kg over 20 minutes 2 . The anticho- linergics should be viewed as useful adjuncts. Anaphylaxis Anaphylaxis is a rare but potentially catastrophic complication of anaesthesia. Neuromuscular blocking agents, antibiotics, or latex are the most common pre- cipitants 45 . Latex allergy is most common in children who have encountered this antigen before. For example, children who require intermittent bladder catheteriza- tion may be sensitized 46,47 . In addition, cross reactiv- ity between latex and various fruit antigens( such as avocado, kiwi, and banana) also exists 48 . Patients with proven or suspected allergy to latex or rubber should be managed in a latex-free environment and premedi- cation with intravenous steroids and H 1 and H 2 re- ceptor antagonists. (Table 2) Table 2 Pretreatment of children with latex allergy Drug Dose Schedule Methylprednisolone 1 -1 6 h iv Ranitidine 1 -1 6 h iv, over 20 minutes Chlorpheniramine 0.25 mg. kg -1 (1-12 mon) 5 mg (1-5 years) 6 h iv 10 mg ( 5-12 years) 6 h iv Doses to be given for 12 h (i.e. 2 doses) preoperatively and 24 h postoperatively. 721 Signs of anaphylaxis include angioedema, flush- ing or urticaria, and tachycardia, reduced perfusion and hypotension secondary to hypovolemia. Unfortunately, in anaesthetized patient, prodromal symptoms such as perioral tingling, urticaria or angioedema may be ab- sent. The most common presentation is cardiovascular collapse (with absent pulse noted) or bronchospasm (with difficulty in ventilating the patient). Anaphylaxis should be treated quickly and ag- gressively according to established protocol with the administration of intramuscular adrenaline, nebulized salbutamol and fluid resuscitation 49 . Corticosteroids and antihistamines should also be considered. Intramuscu- lar adrenaline is first-line therapy although in patients with intravenous access, careful administration of in- travenous adrenaline may be considered (1: 10 000 solution of epinephrine titrated to effect). Any suspected anaphylactic reaction should be investigated and re- ferred for follow up. Adrenal Crisis Suppresion of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis may occur with steroid therapy. Adrenal crisis is then precipitated by a stress such as surgery. The presentation may be dramatic with hypotension, hypoglycaemia or seizures. The patient will usually re- spond to intravenous hydrocortisone and fluid resusci- tation to increase intravascular volume, and dextrose as required to correct hypoglycaemia. HPA suppression may be assumed in any child who has received significant doses of steroids for a prolonged period. Short courses of prednisolone used to treat asthma exacerbations can affect HPA function for up to 10 days but dysfunction is unlikely to be pro- longed 50,51 . High-doses inhaled steroid therapy has also been associated with HPA suppression with several case of adrenal crisis reported including one postoperatively 52 . HPA suppression may occur without obvious growth retardation 53 .The Committee on the Safety of Medi- cines advices that inhaled steroids may be associated with adrenal insufficiency 54 .Perioperative steroid cover is indicated for those recently requiring systemic ste- roids and should be considered for those on high-doses inhaled steroid 48,55 . Intraoperative management Tracheal suction of any secretions should be per- formed before emergence to decrease coughing due to migration of mucous plugs. If a mechanical ventilator is used it should be set with low inflating pressures to pro- vide optimal distribution of ventilation relative to perfu- sion and prolonged expiratory time to prevent air trap- ping in the presence of expiratory airflow obstruction characteristic of asthma. Therefore, positive end-expi- ratory pressure may not be ideal because of the likeli- hood that it impairs adequate exhalation in the pres- ence of narrowed airways. Liberal intravenous admin- istration of crystalloid solutions during the perioperative period is important for maintaining adequate hydration and ensuring the presence of less viscous secretions, which can be expelled more easily from the airways. Techniques of extubation 56,57 At the conclusion of surgery, a slow, smooth emergence from anaesthesia minimizes the risk of bron- chospasm. Therefore, unless contraindicated by other contraindications, tracheal extubation at deeper plane of anaesthesia avoids the risk of bronchospasm from bucking on the endotracheal tube. Successful deep extubation is facilitated by the achievement of sponta- neous breathing before attempted extubation. After deep extubation, the patient should be taken to the recovery room for postoperative observation and care. If a deep extubation is contraindicated, awake extubation should be considered. Prophylactic treat- ment with the inhalation of a beta-2-agonist should be considered prior to the awake extubation even if a dose was previously given, during or after the induc- tion of anesthesia. Alternatively, adding opioid agent (e.g., fentanyl, 1-2 mcg/kg) or intravenous lidocaine (1 A Rudra. Paediatric asthma 722 Indian Journal of Anaesthesia, October 2008(P.G.Issue) mg/kg) or both as the child emerges will help to smooth the awake extubation. Emergency surgery 58,59 The combination of emergency surgery and asthma introduces a conflict between protection of the airway in patients at risk for aspiration and the risk of trigger- ing bronchospasm in the presence of light anaesthesia. Furthermore, due to lack of time it would not be pos- sible to start bronchodilator therapy. In extremities or superficial surgery, choice of technique would be re- gional anaesthesia. Postoperative pain relief Non-steroidal analgesics are commonly used in paediatric surgery. Their association with sudden dete- rioration of children with asthma is a cause for con- cern. Provocation of bronchospasm by NSAIDs is thought to be a result of a relative excess of leukotriene production. Aspirin sensitivity is present in about 2% of children with asthma and around 5% of these pa- tients are cross-sensitive to other NSAIDs. However, a recent study found no change in lung functions in a group of known asthmatic children given a single dose of diclofenac under controlled conditions 60 . A local/re- gional analgesic technique should be used in all cases of pediatric anaesthesia unless there is a specific rea- son not to 61 (Table 3). In paediatric hospitals or other centres with significant numbers
of paediatric surgical interventions, the establishment of a
dedicated paediat- ric pain service is the standard of care. Where
this is not possible, adult pain services often manage children with specific paediatric medical and nursing advice and expertise. The studies on drug safety are, however, severely limited by the small numbers of children involved, as shown by secondary surveillance. Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease and the physiological consequence is bronchial hyperresponsiveness to different stimuli. With the worldwide increase in the prevalence of asthma, an in- creased number of asthmatics are likely to require ana- esthesia for surgical procedures. The evidence-base for the safety of many medications used in anaesthetizing the child with asthma remains poor. However, an aware- ness of the potential problems together with careful preoperative assessment and preparation would hope- fully make common complications less common. References 1. Paramesh H, Subramanyam L, Somu N. Bronchial asthma. In : IAP textbook of pediatrics. Parthasarathy (editor), 3 rd edition. 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