5V Test Gold Unit 6-10 + Exam Idiom 17-20

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5V Test Gold unit 6-10 + Exam Idiom 17-20___

Unit 6:
Grammar 1: hypothetical meaning p. 70 (ex 1, 2, 3)
Vocabulary 1: word + preposition(s) p. 71 (ex 1, 2, 4)
Grammar 2: substitution/ellipsis p. 74-75 (ex 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Use of English: key word transformations p. 76-77
Vocabulary 2: easily confused words p. 77 (ex 1, 2)
Review p. 79

Unit 7:
Vocabulary 1: phrasal verbs p. 81 (ex 2)
Grammar 1: ways of referring to the future p. 85-87 (ex 1, 2, 3, 5, 6)
Vocabulary 2: words with similar meaning p. 87 (ex 1, 2)
Use of English: word formation p. 88 (ex 2)
Grammar 2: verb patterns p. 88-89 (ex 1, 2, 3, 4)
Review p. 91

Unit 8:
Vocabulary 1: three-part phrasal verbs p. 92-93 (ex 2, 3)
Use of English: word formation p. 93 (ex 2)
Use of English: multiple-choice cloze p. 96 (ex 3)
Grammar 1: direct and reported speech p. 96-97 (ex 2, 3, 4)
Grammar 2: reporting words p. 99-100 (ex 1, 2, 3, 4)
Review p. 103

Unit 9:
Grammar 1: review of narrative tenses - p. 105 (ex 1, 2)
Vocabulary: dependent prepositions - adjectives and nouns - p. 108 (ex 1, 3, 4)
Grammar 2: emphasis (cleft sentences with what) - p. 110 (ex 1, 2, 3)
Use of English: open cloze - p. 112 (ex 1)
Review Unit 9 - p. 115

Unit 10:
Grammar 1: countable/uncountable nouns - p. 117 (ex 1, 2, 3)
Use of English: open cloze - p. 121 (ex 2)
Grammar 2: introductory it - p.122 (ex 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Vocabulary: phrasal verbs and compound nouns - p. 124 (ex 1, 2, 3, 4)
Progress Test Unit 6-10 - p. 127 t/m 129

(Grammar en vocabulaire is voornamelijk leerwerk; Use of English opdrachten en
review zijn voornamelijk om nog eens te oefenen.
Achter in het boek in de Grammar Reference staat indien nodig- uitleg bij de
grammatica onderdelen. )

Examen idioom
Hoofdstuk 17 t/m 20
(Kijk goed welk deel je En Ne of Ne En moet kennen.) Je hoeft alleen de
woordjes te kennen, niet de zinnen.

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