Jesse Reyes Newest Resume-Revised Word
Jesse Reyes Newest Resume-Revised Word
Jesse Reyes Newest Resume-Revised Word
5 Pacana Circle
Salinas, CA 93905
Objective: To obtain a position allowing me utilize my leadership skills, my abilities to work well
with people of diverse backgrounds, and pursue my passion of conservation.
Fast learner and adapt easily to changes
Punctual, professional, and reliable
Critical thinking skills
Work well alone as well as part of a team
Ability to lead and motivate others
Organized and detail oriented
Knowledgeable of safe work practices
Work Experience:
California State Parks-Monterey Trails Crew Monterey, CA 2013-Present
Senior Maintenance Aide
Preserve the state's extraordinary biological diversity
Protecting the states most valued natural and cultural resources
Creating opportunities for high-quality outdoor recreation by maintaining and enhancing exist-
ing trails
California Conservation Corps Salinas, CA 2010-2013
Conserve, maintain, improve, and develop natural resources in both urban and rural areas
Protecting and enhancing Californias environment, human resources and communities
Work in the wilderness planting trees, cutting trails and cleaning streams
Assist in emergency operations, such as natural disasters relief
Genesco Journeys Salinas, CA 2009-2010
Third Key Supervisor/ Part-time
Open and close duties required me to count the registers money and complete the stores sale numbers.
Do the stores paper work.
Supervised a minimum of two part-time employees.
Achieved employee of the month during the month of August 2010.
Distribute sales with a positive and motivated attitude.
California State University of Monterey Bay Seaside, Ca 2013-Present
To obtain a degree in Environmental Studies B.A.
Volunteered 30 hours with Return of The Natives, mainly doing restoration work.
California Conservation Corps Salinas, CA 2010-2011
Completed Leadership Training (2011)
Volunteered 30 hours to the Salinas community
Completed the Backcountry Trails Program (Summer 2011)
Completed the Australia Exchange Program (January-March 2013)
California Sate University Fresno Fresno, CA 2006-2008
Maintained a 3.7 GPA my freshman year.
Volunteered 80 hours at Hoover high school for the opportunity to receive scholarships.
Received a $1,000 dollar scholarship from the Dorothy foundation.
Everett Alvarez High School Salinas, CA 2002-2006
Achieved High School Diploma.
Selected as a Link Crew Member to help steer students in the right path and succeed in high school