Quiz 3
Quiz 3
Quiz 3
shape of a :
a) Cylinder
b) Torus
c) Circle
d) Ellipsoid
Ans. (b)
What is the brick called in
geometrical term :
a) Cuboid
b) Prism
c) Rectangle
d) Cube
Ans. ( b )
Of the following curves , tell which
one of resemble the heart :
a) Hypocycloid
b) Trochoid
c) Cardioid
d) Epicycloid
Ans. ( c )
“ Two wrongs do not make a right”
What does this proverb says
Ans. ( a )
The symbols ε , κ , λ , µ ,ν ,
belongs to
a) Greek numeral system
b) Brahmi numeral system
c) Coptic numeral system
d) Arabic numeral system
Ans. (a)
The symbols X , M , V, L etc. are :
a) Arabic numerals
b) Roman numerals
c) Greek numerals
d) Moorish numerals
Ans. ( b )
Zero is denoted by several names in
ancient India . Tell which one is the old
one out of the following:
a) Gagana
b) Sunya
c) Gati
d) Kha
Ans. ( c )
Which is the number that is the
perimeter and area of a same square
a) 25
b) 16
c) 64
d) 121
Ans. (b)
Which is the number – other than 0 & 1
whose square root is equal to the sum
of its digits
a) 144
b) 36
c) 121
d) 81
Ans. ( d )
Which is the highest award of the I.M.U
bestowed on a person for his outstand-
ing contributions to mathematics
a) Copley medal
b) Field’s medal
c) Fisher’s medal
d) Russel’s medal
Ans. ( b )
Which is the (other than 1 & 2) that is
sum of the factorial of its digits
a) 92
b) 246
c) 145
d) 347
Ans. ( c )
Where is the Ramanujan Institute
of Mathematics located ?
a) Tiruchirapalli
b) Trivandrum
c) Lucknow
d) Madras
Ans. ( d )
A point on the wheel of a bicycle
draw one of the following curve :
a) Logarithmic spiral
b) Ellipsoid
c) Cycloid
d) Hyperbola
Ans. ( a )
Which decimal number is equivalent
to the Roman numeral “C”
a) 50
b) 1000
c) 10
d) 100
Ans. ( d ) 14