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Food Policy Analysis
C. Peter Timmer
Walter P. Falcon
Scott R. Pearson
Published for the World Bank
The Johns Hopkins University Press
Baltimore and London
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Copyright 1983, The World Bank All rights reserved.
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Food policy will be of paramount concern to economic development efforts for at least the next two
decades. Governments are trying to confront their food problems, and they need good analysis and good
analysts to do so. This book attempts to show that food problems are immersed in the broader problems of
economic development and that solving food problems is a complex task involving a long-run vision of
how food systems evolve under alternative policy environments. Our goal is to establish for the reader a
sense of that vision.
The book presents the tools and analytical frameworks for doing the sectoral analyses that are the
foundation of a consistent domestic food policy. Both the vision of the system and the analytical steps
needed to understand it have been fermenting in our minds for the past several years, partly because we
have been doing food policy analysis in various settings, partly because we have been trying to teach a
variety of audiences how to do it. Indeed, in many ways this book has emerged from the exhilaration and
frustration of teaching food policy analysis to diverse groups of students scattered around the world.
The students provided a major stimulus to write this book and also a complex, composite image of our ideal
audience. Our classes on food policy analysis have been attended by students from a wide variety of
backgrounds. Economics students, along with students in the allied fields of agricultural economics,
economic development, and economic history, are interested in applying the theory and tools of economics
to real-world settings. The nature of the topic-the problems of food and agriculture-also draws a range of
specialists, from public health professionals to political scientists, who find parts of the approach to these
problems relevant to their own disciplines. Civil servants from developing countries have enriched the
classes with their experience and insights. What brings all these students, plus a sprinkling of urban
planners, art history majors, and divinity students, is a desire to know more about the problems of the world,
especially the pressing and urgent problems of poverty and hunger.
Once the expectation is raised that problems of this magnitude will be dealt with, it then becomes difficult to
narrow the investigative focus. Temptation and pressures are great to consider all the relevant factors-
sociological, political, anthropological, demographic, economic, historical, biological, and medical-- so that
nothing will be missed. It is especially difficult to talk about poverty and hunger without including the
myriad of political factors that so influence the basic choices a society makes, which result, in many
countries, in large, dispossessed classes of people.
It was beyond the scope of this book to structure meaningfully the political issues of food policy. The
interests of different groups may range from those of competing factions within a bureaucracy to those of
revolutionaries trying to bring down a government. A reminder to students that a course in food policy
analysis is not a course in revolution brings knowing smiles from foreign students, for they are keenly aware
of the crucial role of politics and the limitations of incremental change designed to reduce hunger within a
particular political context. Political factors, however, do not necessarily dominate the formation of effective
food policies. For example, three Asian countries mentioned in this book--China, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka-
have vastly different political climates, yet each has a core of government and university people genuinely
committed to solving the pressing problems of hunger and poverty in their societies. Nearly all countries
have a few such people. In many countries they do not form a critical mass or have sufficient access to
political power to have an influence on policy.
The confidence to proceed with this book draws from experience with these committed individuals and with
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students around the world, deeply concerned about food problems in their societies, who come to our
classes, test the simple models against their own experiences, and depart, they say, with a better
understanding of the complex forces at work in their own countries. This book focuses on analysis, its
power and its limits for improving food policy. Analysis has an important role in policy design, but it cannot
solve all the problems that fall within its vision and grasp. Its most effective contribution is the analytical
process itself: the careful thinking through of complex problems within a consistent framework.
So it was with this modest and limited approach-building a framework using the theory and tools of
economics and applying it to the problems of hunger and poverty-that we set out in 1979 to write a book
that would show how to analyze food policies. The most difficult task which has bedeviled us for three
years-was identifying the audience we wanted to reach.
Who is this "food policy analyst" who figures 50 prominently in the book? In a narrow sense, the food
policy analyst is the staff member of a food ministry, such as the Indonesian Food Logistics Agency
(BULOG). The three authors teach a three-week training course to BULOG staff, most of whom return to
provincial centers where defending the "floor price" to farmers and the "ceiling price" to consumers has a
very real immediacy. These people are involved in the day-to-day management of a food policy. BULOG
staff in larger centers and the capital contribute directly to making policy, a responsibility shared by the
staffs of the Indonesian National Planning Agency, ministries of agriculture and finance, and the central
But in a broader sense, the analyst is all of our students. The audience includes students who ultimately fan
out around the world to staff agriculture ministries, planning agencies, bilateral donor agencies, international
voluntary organizations, foundations, research institutes, the World Bank, and the International Monetary
Fund. In many countries, former students teach in colleges and universities where they in turn train students
to staff government posts and an equally wide variety of positions. Some in this diverse group join
international organizations that provide development assistance to poor countries.
The diversity of our audience encouraged us to use an unconventional (some colleagues might say bizarre)
approach in writing this book. There are few econometric techniques presented and virtually no recipes to
follow that will assure success. Rather, the book relies on simple models to organize the complexity of an
interdependent food system and to develop a way of thinking about food and agriculture, and the associated
poverty and hunger, that will facilitate solving these problems.
By the standards of the economics profession, the analytical techniques seem overly simple. But the book is
not meant to train specialists. The book's purpose is to make food policy analysts stop and think about what
is happening and what is driving the system. It encourages the analyst to make tentative, rough calculations
at first, and then, if the analysis seems to be getting somewhere, to pursue the topic with more sophisticated
techniques. The book should help policy analysts know when the skills of a specialist-an economist to
analyze data on price formation or do benefit-cost studies, a nutritionist, or an agricultural scientist-can
effectively be used in dealing with the problems at hand.
The substantive theme of the book grows out of four separate streams of development policy analysis as
approaches to the problems of poverty and hunger: agricultural production and rural development, food
consumption and nutrition, macro policy and planning, and comparative advantage through international
trade. We have attempted to incorporate all four approaches into a "macro food policy framework" that
specifically seeks to reconcile the short-run trade-offs between producers and consumers in the context of
efficient and secure patterns of international trade and a healthy macroeconomic environment.
A variety of specific acknowledgments are in order. Four institutions played important roles in providing
the resources to write and revise this book. The World Bank provided both financing and substantive
encouragement (and discouragement where necessary) for the book, although it is not clear that Graham
Donaldson, chief of the Economics and Policies Division of the Agricultural and Rural Development
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Department, got what he thought he was going to get when the first conversations were held. BULOG
provided a laboratory for our substantive ideas and pedagogical approaches. It is fair to say that without the
several training sessions, so generously sponsored by Generals Bustanil Arifin and Sukriya Atmadja (the
chairman and vice-chairman of BULOG, respectively), and the intellectual and strategic counseling by the
late Drs. Sidik Moelyono, head of the Expert Staff, that the book would not look anything like it does, and it
probably would not exist at all. Both the Food Research Institute at Stanford University and the Division of
Research at the Harvard Business School provided resources and, significantly, time for the coauthors to
think about the issues and to write down their ideas.
Our intellectual debt is obviously large, and the annotated chapter bibliographies contain extensive
references to many other works that were crucial in the development of the ideas here. We also incurred
some more specific intellectual debts, as our colleagues have read and considered our drafts, pleaded, and
then bullied us into appropriate responses. Bruce Johnston, Bill Jones, and Tim Josling at Stanford played
this role, as did David Cole, Malcolm Gillis, Ray Goldberg, Kathy Hartford, Michael Reich, and Rob
Schwartz at Harvard. A special thanks goes to Nick Eberstadt, who read repeated drafts and bled over each
of them with his red pencil. To Nick we are indebted for our understanding of the special problems of
reaching the very poor in both urban and rural societies.
The World Bank solicited a set of external reviews before making up its mind about the fate of the
manuscript. After pondering the reviewers extensive comments, ultimately their wisdom and sense sank in,
and we hope they all see a personal, albeit anonymous, contribution to an improved and more effective
book. Others in the Bank also provided reviews of specific topics. John Cleave, Jim Goering, Cliff Lewis,
Gerald O'Mara, and Pasquale Scandizzo all deserve thanks for being willing to wade through a four-inch
manuscript in their "spare" time.
Lastly, the book is truly the result of Carol Timmer's organizational and editorial skills and her ability to
juggle 600 pages of manuscript not only in her head, but on a cumbersome computer as well. It is a fine line
between improving how a substantive point is made and the substance itself. That line never bothered Carol;
she simply crossed back and forth at will as if she had full diplomatic immunity. She claims she would be
uncomfortable to be named a coauthor, but all three of us feel her presence has vastly enhanced the quality
of the book.
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Copyright 1983, The World Bank All rights reserved.
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1. Introduction to Food Policy Analysis
Anyone who examines the world's annual output of basic grains-rice, wheat, corn, and other coarse grain-
and compares it with the world's total population will make a startling discovery. If the grain is converted
into calories and protein available on a daily per capita basis, the total is significantly greater than the
amount of nutrients needed for human survival. Further, over the past three decades the world has produced
more grain per capita, not less. And yet in any given year of that recent history several million people have
died from hunger-related causes. On any given day perhaps a billion individuals are restricted by their
economic circumstances to consume less food than they would like, and hundreds of millions have their
growth and physical activity limited by inadequate food consumption.
The juxtaposition of global food adequacy with widespread hunger raises a perplexing question. Because
food is so basic to our physiological and emotional well-being, why do societies not work out mechanisms
to distribute food more equally? Why must a food policy be more complicated than a set of international
arrangements to move food from surplus to deficit countries and domestic programs to funnel the food to
the needy?
Answering these questions requires an understanding of the nature and causes of hunger. Such an
understanding reveals two separate but linked problems. One involves global grain markets, international
trade, and price formation. The second problem is at the human level of chronic food deficits and the
accompanying impairment of people's lives. The global market and the human problems may seem only
loosely linked, but the connections dictate the nature of domestic food policy interventions needed to
alleviate hunger.
The Global Food Problem
Whatever a reasonable estimate of daily calorie requirements might be, the world has almost always
produced more, and usually significantly more. The contrast between "bad" and "good" harvest years is
particularly revealing. In the recent past, 1972 was the worst year, and its poor harvest contributed to the
"world food crisis" of 1973 and 1974. Good weather and strong incentives to farmers to increase food
production were factors in making 1978, in per capita terms, the best harvest year in history, even better
than the bumper harvests of 1981 and 1982. The difference between 1972 and 1978, however, was less than
12 percent in per capita daily calories available from basic grains alone, a calculation that makes no
adjustment for grain stocks carried into and consumed in 1972 or for nonconsumption of grain stocks
accumulated in 1978 which were available for future consumption. Relative to an arbitrary average energy
requirement of 2,500 calories per day, 1972 grain production was 128 percent of requirements while 1978
production was 143 percent. Even discounting nutrients available from such nonstaples as pulses, sugar, fats
and oils, range-fed meat, and fruits and vegetables, it is apparent that any global food problem is obscured
by, not revealed in, the global food production statistics. For example, knowing that in recent years about 40
percent of world grain was fed to livestock helps explain these puzzling numbers.
A very different picture emerges by looking at food price statistics. In the span of a decade, wheat prices
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have risen more than threefold, fallen back to less than half their peak, nearly regained it, and under the
influence of good harvests in the United States and weak demand abroad, have fallen to new lows. After
accounting for inflation, 1982 grain prices were lower than at any time since the 1930s. World grain markets
are highly competitive, and because prices determined in reasonably competitive markets measure the
scarcity of a commodity, the extreme volatility of basic grain prices over the past few decades is troubling.
Despite enough food each year to meet human needs, the sharply fluctuating prices indicate periods of
significant surplus and scarcity of food available for purchase in the residual international grain market.
Countries dependent on this market for even a minor proportion of their consumption needs find these
extreme fluctuations in world market prices unsettling and threatening to their domestic food security.
Perhaps the most important aspect of the global perspective on the world food problem cannot readily be
captured in price or trade statistics. The world's food economy is now intimately and probably inextricably
interdependent. The linkages among countries and commodities are provided through international trade in
grains that are highly substitutable both in origin and in consumption-corn and low-quality wheat are
equally satisfactory to cattle, for example. Trade in agricultural inputs, especially the petroleum-based
inputs, such as fertilizers, diesel fuel, and pesticides, also connects the agricultural and industrial economies
of many countries. Mirroring these physical flows are a set of international financial transactions whose
ramifications ripple through domestic economies in a remarkably pervasive manner. The effect of foreign
exchange transactions and the foreign exchange rate on the entire macroeconomic climate of a country
strongly conditions the set of possibilities for a domestic food policy.
Global interdependence in the world's food economy makes analysis of food policies more difficult.
Feedback mechanisms in an interdependent world sometimes amplify and sometimes dampen the welfare
impact of an initial shock. But interdependence also has the potential to spread risks and stabilize the
welfare costs of agricultural fluctuations, as long as large trading countries do not attempt to dump the
burden of adjustment outside their own national economies, thus leaving small countries especially
vulnerable to instability. Interdependence can enhance international specialization and promote higher
productivity for all participants, but the distribution of the gains may be sharply skewed. The global market
aspects of the world food problem are caused partly by the increasing interdependence in the world food
economy over the past few decades. Solutions are likely to be found not by attempts to dismantle this new
interdependence but by a better understanding and utilization of its positive potential at the national level.
The Human Problem of Hunger
In contrast to the sharp fluctuations in the global problem, the human problem of hunger is chronic and
grinding. The number of people whose daily existence revolves around the source of their next meal
increases somewhat in years of poor harvests and decreases to some extent with good harvests, but the
number is quite insensitive to the factors that influence the global situation.
The great majority of the world's hungry people are the very poor, the landless and nearly landless, the
vulnerable groups of young children, pregnant and lactating women, and the elderly, and they live mostly in
Asia. Although problems of poverty and quality of life certainly affect many of the world's small,
semisubsistence farmers, the worst problems of hunger in the developing world are not found on small
farms. Even if all the small farmers were well fed, many of the hungry people on the globe would be
untouched, and it is not even clear whether the process of raising small farmers to that level would help or
hurt the hungry in the short run.
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The Asian focus of the hunger problem is obvious. More than half the world's population lives in Asia, and
most of these people are very poor relative to average incomes for the other half, even including Africa and
Latin America. Two-thirds of the world's serious hunger exists in nine countries, six of which are Asian,
and these statistics exclude the 100-200 million in China recently said "not to get enough to eat." Only Zaire
and Ethiopia in Africa and Brazil in Latin America have large enough numbers (not percentages) of hungry
people to join India, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Pakistan, the Philippines, and Cambodia in accounting for two-
thirds of the world's hunger. In relative terms other countries have more hungry people: for example, Haiti
or the countries of the Sahel. But eliminating hunger in the first nine countries would radically transform the
human dimensions of the problem.
In searching for the causes of hunger, it must be recognized that hunger is not a disease or a single
biological state, but an individual problem caused by inadequate food intake. For purposes of food policy,
which deals with the decisions made by food consumers and producers, inadequate food intake is defined
relative to the individual's own perception of the food needed to maintain good health, provide for growth,
and allow a choice of physical activity levels, including work levels. Hunger among children too small to
make food intake decisions for themselves is obviously a more complicated question that must be treated in
a general household decisionmaking framework. Hunger as discussed in this book encompasses the entire
range of conditions related to food deficits-from acute starvation during famines, to elevated morbidity and
debilitation, and to milder forms of energy deficits.
From this view, hunger is caused by restricted choices of basic food quantities available to individual
consumers. Solving hunger involves expanding the available choices, which are a function of incomes, food
prices, food supplies, and consumer knowledge. Although the hunger of any particular individual can be
solved fairly easily by providing more income or more food directly, solving the problem of hunger for a
whole society is much more complicated because the direct approach is either too expensive or too
disruptive to the rest of the economy in which hungry people function.
The more general problem of hunger is enmeshed in the set of processes that produce (and consume)
agricultural commodities on farms, transform these commodities into food in the marketing sector, and sell
the food to consumers to satisfy nutritional as well as esthetic and social needs. These processes make up
the food system. The actual functioning of this system frequently leaves many poor people inadequately fed
because of a network of connections that determine their employment and income status, the prices they
must pay for food and other goods and services, and their ability to move in search of better opportunities.
The same food system, however, offers vehicles for the policy interventions that reach poor people with
sustainable improvements in their access to food.
Policy interventions can touch the food system along its entire dimension, from agricultural inputs to
nutritional supplementation. The connections between these food system components are illustrated in figure
1 -1, which distinguishes agricultural, food, and nutrition sector issues. It identifies the primary linkages
affecting the design of policy interventions intended to reduce hunger while preserving a viable food and
agricultural economy. Understanding these connections in the food system enables food policy analysts to
avoid isolating specific and apparently simple problems from the context in which they occur.
Hunger is one of those apparently simple problems, for it is caused by inadequate energy intake from basic
foods. A food system that contains many hungry people is a failure in at least one dimension. But is it a
failure to produce enough food, to produce the right kinds of food, to generate enough income to buy that
food, or to educate families about what foods to eat? Each of these factors can contribute to the food
problem; what must be identified are the direct and indirect causes of hunger.
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Few people willingly go hungry, and most hungry people know what to eat. These simple facts focus the
search for the causes of hunger and lead to an equally simple answer. Most hunger is caused by a failure to
gain access to the locally available supplies of food or to the means to produce food directly. The link
between poverty and hunger reflects an individual's access to food, what A. K. Sen calls the "exchange
entitlement." The main groups of people with low or insecure access are the very poor, the landless and
near-landless, the disadvantaged groups of young children, pregnant and lactating women, and the elderly
who have lost a productive role in their societies.
Even in normal circumstances these groups exist in the nutritional margin where daily food intake restricts
activity levels, growth, and resistance to disease. But they are also subject to sharp deterioration in their
economic circumstances, through a failed crop, a lost job, an additional infant in the family, or higher food
prices in the market. This vulnerability is already extreme for subsistence households combatting the
vagaries of monsoons, droughts, and pests. Participation in the market activities of the food system,
however, as a food buyer or seller or as a wage laborer, adds to the uncertainties and the vulnerability
because market forces are as far beyond the household's control as are the whims of the weather and locusts.
Market forces can bring both good news and bad news. Markets can open up new employment opportunities
and more secure incomes and can bring food supplies into an area experiencing a poor harvest.
Alternatively, however, market competition can drive local employers out of business, eliminating many
jobs and the incomes they provide, or crop failures miles and even oceans away can drive up local food
prices. Poor people are especially vulnerable to misfortune. Market connections simultaneously extend the
range of misfortunes that might befall them, while bringing opportunities to end their poverty or cushion
their local misfortunes. The tensions
Figure 1-1. Linkages among Agriculture (A), Food (F), and Nutrition (N)
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between these two effects explain much of the controversy over the impact of market penetration by the
world economy. A domestic food policy can protect poor people from being further disadvantaged by
markets while it improves their access to markets and the economic opportunities generated by trade.
Market connections provide the most important links between the world grain economy, with its price
instability and periods of gluts and shortages, and the extent of the hunger problem within individual
countries. The market connections between the two are not direct, because most countries attempt to buffer
their own food consumers and producers from the vicissitudes of world grain prices. To the extent such
policies are successful, the price link between international grain markets and domestic food markets is
weakened. Even where the efforts are successful, however, they require large administrative and financial
resources-resources with an opportunity cost in terms of the policies and programs that could otherwise be
directed at the domestic hunger problem. Also, few countries are able to isolate completely their domestic
food prices from international prices. Either their economies are too porous (someone looking at Indonesia's
coastline once remarked, "God meant Indonesia for free trade"), or the foreign exchange and budgetary
resources are inadequate for the task of full isolation.
Can a country hope to solve its food problems while the global problems of periodic shortages and price
volatility remain? Does domestic economic policy have the potential to reduce poverty and hunger, or must
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the international economic system be reformed before progress can be made within poor countries? The
debate over these questions is important to food policy analysts because world grain markets are integral
components of the global economy. More important, the connections between domestic problems of hunger
and the global food problem condition the range of choices open to domestic policymakers and influence
the extent of the hunger problem itself.
Food Policy
Food policy encompasses the collective efforts of governments to influence the decisionmaking environment
of food producers, food consumers, and food marketing agents in order to further social objectives. These
objectives nearly always include improved nutrition for inadequately nourished citizens and more rapid
growth in domestic food production. Many countries also seek more equal income-earning opportunities and
security against famines and other food shortages. Food policy analysis is the process of research and
thinking designed to discover the complementarities and trade-offs among food policy objectives and to
identify government initiatives in the project, program, and policy arenas that can best achieve these
Food policy analysis is concerned with all food-related issues, ranging from agricultural performance to the
distribution of nutrient intake, and with the mechanisms available to address these issues. The price paid for
this breadth of scope and range of potential policy levers is the resulting complexity of analysis, as is
apparent in a simple example. In many developing countries the primary protection for poor consumers
against high food prices comes from an overvalued exchange rate, which at the same time is an important
factor in keeping those consumers poor. Overvalued exchange rates slow economic growth and lower
incentives for agricultural production; the combination reduces the demand for unskilled labor.
This surprising dual role of a single variable, apparently far removed from the reality of hunger and poverty,
is just one example of the complexities that extend food policy analysis beyond the traditional boundaries of
agricultural or nutritional policy. When successful, the analysis offers important insights for solving food
problems in individual countries. Precisely because the analysis is complicated, however, analysts need a
framework to help organize their research and thinking, nurture the analysis, and bring it to bear on the
design and implementation of an effective national food policy.
In this book, the task of building a food policy perspective is separated into three components: an analytical
focus on micro behavior of food consumer and producer households; a trade perspective on the role of
markets, both domestic and international, in linking the micro sector and its household issues to the macro
sector and its policy issues; and an understanding of the effects of macroeconomic policies on the
performance of the food system. The flow of the argument is from micro through trade to macro, and the
book is structured accordingly. Separate chapters examine food consumption, food production, domestic
food marketing and price formation in an international setting, macroeconomics and the food system, and a
macro perspective on food policy.
The micro-oriented chapters (chapters 2, 3, and 4) review and restate basic economic models of
consumption and production from the decision-making viewpoint of food consumers and food producers,
who frequently live in the same household. The goal is to understand why these participants in the food
system behave as they do and how that behavior can be changed. Food consumption decisions are
influenced by a household's income, the prices for food and other commodities, and a host of social and
individual factors which may or may not be susceptible to government influence. Similarly, farm
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households allocate their resources to food and cash crop production in the context of their own knowledge,
access to productive inputs and prices of output, and attitudes about what factors will best contribute to
improved individual or family welfare.
Food consumers and food producers react to food prices in opposite ways. For consumers, higher food
prices restrict the range of foods and other commodities and services that can be purchased, while lower
food prices permit greater food intake, a wider variety of foodstuffs, and a higher quality diet, as well as an
occasional new shirt or a radio. Food prices are especially important to the very poor, for they spend much
of their incomes on starchy food staples. For these households, survival itself may hinge on low food prices.
Farm households see food prices as a major factor determining their incomes. For a particular harvest, if the
input costs are already paid and the yields are already in, the price received for the output is virtually the
sole determinant of farm income. In the longer run, the output price signals the incentives to the farmer to
use purchased inputs, new technology, and household labor and managerial skills, which directly affect the
level of output. Food prices reflect relative scarcity and abundance. They communicate to both governments
and farmers the collective desire and ability of consumers to provide adequate incentives to maintain food
supplies, either from domestic production or imports.
The dual role of food prices-determining food consumption levels, especially among poor people, and the
adequacy of food supplies through incentives to farmers-raises an obvious dilemma for food policy analysts.
Indeed, the dilemma runs deeper than is first apparent. The incomes of the poor depend on their employment
opportunities, many of which are created by a healthy and dynamic rural sector. Incentive food prices for
farmers are, in the long run, important in generating such dynamism and the jobs that flow from it. But poor
people do not live in the long run. They must eat in the short run, or the prospect of long-run job creation
will be a useless promise. This food price dilemma provides one major theme for the book. The
microanalytical focus of food policy analysis directs attention to the decisionmaking environment that
creates the dilemma and to the potential interventions that can bridge the short-run and long-run effects.
The emphasis on trade recognizes the critical role played by specialization and exchange in raising labor
productivity-the only long-run solution to poverty. Trade begins at the farm household, which, even though
it relies heavily on home production for family consumption needs, usually also purchases inputs, markets
output, and buys a range of items for home consumption from suppliers outside the household. Such trade
communicates price signals to farm decisionmakers, but the markets in which trade takes place also provide
the arena for price formation itself. Markets thus have a dual role which significantly conditions the
potential of government policy to influence price formation for traded foodstuffs.
In a world of free trade there would be no need to discuss domestic food price formation separately from
international food price formation. In a world of trade barriers, however, the two are quite different, and the
analytical discussion of domestic price formation in chapter 4 must be extended to international commodity
markets. This approach permits the design of an appropriate relationship between domestic and international
prices and helps analysts know how international trade in cash and food crops can be used to further
domestic policy objectives.
One aspect of the food price dilemma for domestic food policymakers is how tightly to link their country's
food system to world commodity markets. The economic efficiency and potentially rapid growth generated
by an open economy and relatively free trade offer wider choices for both today's and tomorrow 5
consumers. But the instability of world markets threatens to upset urban consumers when supplies are short
and may prove ruinous to domestic farmers during periods of glut. The future trends in grain market prices
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are obscure, which makes current agricultural investment decisions appear risky. Policymakers can respond
by increasing their domestic financial flexibility to deal with short-run price fluctuations and by following
international price trends in the longer run.
The trade policies that separate domestic prices from international commodity prices in the short run are
implemented in the macroeconomic context of foreign exchange rates and budget policies, which is
described in chapter 5. The entire food system, and not just pricing policy, has broad connections to the two
primary components of macroeconomic policy: the macro price policy that includes interest and wage rates
as well as foreign exchange rates; and the more traditional macro policy that includes fiscal, monetary, and
budget policy. Neither component of macroeconomic policy can be addressed primarily to food policy
concerns, for the interests of the entire economy must be incorporated in the design of macro policy. But
food policy analysts can contribute effectively to the macro policy debate when they understand both the
sectoral issues and their important connections to macroeconomic forces.
The links between macro policy and the food system work in both directions. Macro policy and the
macroeconomic environment exert powerful influence over the performance of the food sector and the
options available to improve it. But in most developing countries the forces in the other direction are also
important; macroeconomic performance, and especially macroeconomic stability, depend significantly on
production, consumption, and prices in the food sector. For this reason, food price policy is treated as an
important element of both trade policy and macro price policy.
The macroeconomic approach is extended in chapter 6 to a political economy framework for the design and
implementation of food policy. The macro perspective is especially useful in understanding how the various
constraints facing food policymakers interact to stymie policy initiatives aimed directly at reaching food
policy objectives. The objectives often conflict with each other in subtle, complicated, but ultimately
powerful ways. These conflicts are at the heart of the food price dilemma-the short-run welfare
consequences for the poor of rural price incentives that have the long-run potential to lift them from their
poverty. Many tensions between politics and economics in rich and poor countries alike flow from this
dilemma. Resolving it involves identifying policies for the food sector that deal with the dilemma and
understanding their capacity to produce desirable effects in both the short run and the long run.
Why a Food Policy Approach?
The motivation for placing traditional agricultural or nutritional policy analysis in a broader macro context,
despite the major complications such food policy analysis encounters, is the failure of alternative approaches
to establish a strong connection between levels and changes in food supplies available and the reduction of
hunger. The failure of government policies to deal more effectively with hunger-despite trends showing
greater availability of food-reflects a lack of understanding of the direct and indirect causes of hunger and
its relationship to a country's food system.
All food systems must accomplish similar tasks. By organizing the production or provision of food, its
marketing, and its consumption by the citizens of the society, food systems around the world end up having
much in common. The choices a society faces in organizing these tasks are completely analogous to the
larger economic choices faced by any society whether socialist or capitalist: what to produce, how to
produce it, and for whom. Different societies make fundamentally different choices in each area and yet
have food systems that are understandable within a common methodology of food policy analysis.
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The macro perspective places the food system squarely in the context of economic growth and efforts to
alleviate poverty. These efforts involve strategies for raising productivity in the agricultural sector, for it is
there that much poverty is found. A healthy and dynamic rural sector is essential to reducing hunger, but the
policies that create such rural dynamism do not all emanate from agricultural planning offices. Most of the
economic environment required to stimulate efficient resource allocation, labor productivity, and more jobs
is created by macroeconomic policy.
Using macro policies to alleviate poverty in the long run is only part of an effective food policy. Reaching
the poor in the short run is always difficult because of their weak link to the food system and the rest of the
economy. Poor consumers have different diets from those who are better-off, and their income sources are
usually much less secure. Similarly, very small farmers often do not control adequate resources in the form
of land, water, or credit to participate fully in the potential of new agricultural technology. The task is to
find interventions in the micro environment that can protect their welfare while the macro forces strengthen
their links to the economy in the long run. A primary function of the disaggregated food consumption
analysis discussed in chapter 2 is to find these links that will permit the careful targeting of food subsidies to
the poor.
A major role of the food policy analyst is to design a bridge between the problems at the micro level and the
macro environment that leads to more rapid growth. Understanding the role of trade and markets provides
the supports for that bridge, but closing the gap between short-run and long-run effects of macro policy
requires job creation, rural development strategies that reach small producers, effective use of food price
policy, and carefully targeted food subsidies.
Most countries start from a food price policy environment that uses food imports and budget subsidies for
across-the-board consumer protection, while a host of production-oriented government projects attempts to
increase food output. One of the primary lessons that comes from understanding the complexity of hunger
and its connections to the food system suggests that such a price policy/project orientation is backwards.
Governments can more effectively meet the full range of food policy objectives by using price policy, not to
keep food prices low for consumers, but as part of the incentive package that induces greater food
production from millions of small farmers. Programs and projects can then provide targeted food subsidies
to protect the very poor until they find jobs and higher incomes that result from the new policy environment.
Reversing the prevailing policy/project orientation toward dealing with hunger does not mean a new
emphasis on production while food consumption problems are quietly ignored. Such a strategy would fail on
both political and humanitarian grounds. The reversal of policy and project roles does mean dealing with
both production and consumption issues in a manner that creates fewer-not more-problems of poverty and
hunger for the future.
Starting the Analysis
Developing an effective domestic food policy depends on creating an environment in which alleviating
poverty is a major function of the economy. Within this environment, an understanding of the causes of
hunger and their connections to the food system provides a starting point for the design of programs and
policies that will balance the conflicts universally encountered in a government 5 objectives. Although the
weights will vary by country and over time, most societies have four basic objectives for a national food
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1. Efficient growth in the food and agricultural sectors
2. Improved income distribution, primarily through efficient employment creation
3. Satisfactory nutritional status for the entire population through provision of a minimum subsistence floor
4. Adequate food security to insure against bad harvests, natural disasters, or uncertain world food supplies
and prices.
Because of their direct contribution to a nation's health and welfare and, implicitly, to its political
stability, these four broad goals for the food and agricultural sectors are held by most policymakers in
poor and rich countries alike. Growth, jobs, a decent minimum standard of living, and security against
famine or extreme food shortages encompass most of what might be achieved by a successful food
policy. The problem is not in defining objectives but in getting from here to there. For policymakers
to influence the process of change, they must understand the environments and behavior of food
producers and consumers. This insight helps identify the policy instruments that can alter household
decisionmaking so that society's objectives are realized.
Parts of this book are applicable to the full range of countries sharing the globe, but the chief concerns
are the food problems of developing countries. Analysts in the United States, Japan, Germany, and
Hungary, for example, may find the discussion relevant to their own concerns because development is
a continuum, and all food systems must solve some common problems. But food problems are more
pressing at the bottom end of the development spectrum, where the scarcity of resources limits
flexibility in reconciling the interests of producers and consumers.
A country's food policy is formed at several levels of government, and each level has a different
analytical focus and need for food policy analysis. Parts of the book are intended to help policymakers
organize their thinking about food problems. Far from offering answers, this approach concentrates on
the issues that need to appear on the agenda. An old political adage holds that whoever controls the
policy agenda controls policy. This book seeks to provide policymakers with the data and arguments
needed to help set the agenda.
Once the policy debate is focused, policy analysts can illuminate it in a genuinely impartial and
technically sound fashion. Providing the framework for that analysis and the useful techniques for
carrying it out is an important rationale for this book. Analytical technique is helpful, however, only
when it addresses the relevant questions; therefore the discussion here deals with the agenda and the
analysis simultaneously.
The three micro-oriented chapters of the book are designed to help analysts, and ultimately
policymakers, understand the decisions of millions of individuals and households in the food system.
The diverse decisionmaking environments of food consumers, food producers, and the marketing
agents who connect them are examined in chapters 2, 3 and 4. Each of these chapters has a similar
structure: the nature of the problem in the sector; the understanding that economic theory offers of
how decisionmakers react within their environments and to policy-induced changes; the sources of
data and the analytical techniques to develop policy-relevant insights; and the nature of potential
policy interventions that address both specific sectoral problems and the full set of food policy
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Analysts will gain an understanding of the importance of a broader macroeconomic approach to food
policy analysis in chapter 5 which seeks to widen the analyst's training to include macroeconomic
concepts particularly relevant to food policy. The chapter may prove helpful as well to those macro
economists or macro policy analysts who have little understanding of the role of food and agriculture
in the macro economy. Much macro policy is designed in ignorance of any ramifications for the food
system. Chapter 5 begins the two-way educational process that can incorporate these ramifications into
the policy debate.
Because of the two-way nature of the macro food policy debate, parts of the book, especially chapters
4, 5, and 6, are directed to a wider audience than analysts and policymakers in food-related agencies.
Many important food policy decisions are made not in agriculture or food ministries but in ministries
of finance or planning or in the central bank. These agencies dictate the environment in which
decisionmakers in the food system operate. They are also the agencies that negotiate with the
International Monetary Fund and the World Bank over conditional assistance. The structural and
financial reforms required for such assistance frequently have severe repercussions on the welfare of
poor people, primarily through their access to food. One purpose of this book is to enable senior
domestic policymakers to bring a food policy perspective to these discussions.
The book has two time frames. One deals with the long-run process of equitable and rapid economic
development in which the needs and contributions of the food system are part of the strategic design.
The other focuses on the more immediate day-to-day management of food policy and programs. Food
policy analysis seeks to bridge the gap between the two time frames by designing programs to cope
with the short-run consequences of policy while retaining a consistent long-run vision of economic
Analysts will find the book's main lessons about programs and the elements of a consistent and
workable macro food policy in chapter 6. This chapter explains the desirable attributes of several ideal
solutions, such as land redistribution, lump-sum income transfers, and neutral technical change
leading to lower food prices. These solutions are best when they can be had. However, they are not
generally available to food policy analysts, who typically search for incremental improvements in an
untidy world. Some environments offer no scope for such marginalist skills. But even after the
revolution, a poor country discovers that it is still poor, and this book's analytical perspective becomes
Some "solutions" seem not to work. Their failure is not the accident of history, but rather is deeply
rooted in the nature of the problem and the political and economic mechanisms available to change it.
But policy can be pointed in the right direction by focusing on job creation, incentives to increase
food production, and greater investment in agricultural infrastructure. Economic efficiency and rising
productivity are of prime importance in poor countries. They cannot afford mismanagement, waste,
and inefficiencies caused by bad policies if their economies are to grow, mature, and ultimately
provide a wider range of choices to their citizens. But poor people cannot be excluded from a share of
current economic output if they are to survive to share in the larger pie. Their survival hinges on
access to adequate amounts of food to grow, live, and work. At least in the short run, that access is
likely to depend on a food policy that designs and implements targeted food subsidies. With political
commitment, good analysis, and careful implementation, food policy offers developing countries an
important vehicle for reconciling short-run equity with long-run growth and efficiency. This is no
modest claim, of course. The analysis that makes it possible lies ahead.
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Bibliographical Note
Food policy analysis is part of the evolving debate over the role of agriculture in economic development.
Some of the mileposts in that literature are still important reading: W. Arthur Lewis, "Economic
Development with Unlimited Supplies of Labor," Manchester School of Economic and Social Studies, vol.
22 (May 1954), pp. 139-91; Carl E. Eicher and Lawrence Witt, eds., Agriculture in Economic Development
(New York: McGraw-Hill, 1964); Theodore W. Schultz, Transforming Traditional Agriculture (New Haven,
Conn.:Yale University Press, 1964); John W. Mellor, The Economics of Agricultural Development (Ithaca,
N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1966); Herman M. Southworth and Bruce F. Johnston, eds., Agricultural
Development and Economic Growth (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1967); Clifton R. Wharton, Jr.,
ed., Subsistence Agriculture and Economic Growth (Chicago: Aldine, 1969); Yujiro Hayami and Vernon
Ruttan, Agricultural Development:An International Perspective (Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University
Press, 1972); Keith Griffin, The Political Economy of Agrarian Change (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
University Press, 1974); Bruce F. Johnston and Peter Kilby, Agriculture and Structural Transformation:
Economic Strategies in Late-Developing Countries (New York: Oxford University Press, 1975); Lloyd G.
Reynolds, ed., Agriculture in Development Theory (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1975);
Radha Sinha, Food and Poverty (New York: Holmes and Meier, 1976); Michael Lipton, Why Poor People
Stay Poor: Urban Bias in World Development (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1977); John
W. Mellor, The New Economics of Growth (Ithaca, N.Y: Cornell University Press, 1976); and Theodore W.
Schultz, ed., Distortions of Agricultural Incentives (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1978).
These volumes trace the idea that agriculture in developing countries is more than a source of surpluses to
spur industrialization. Agriculture can be a dynamic source of growth, but it requires investment in research,
infrastructure, human capital, and producer incentives to play a positive role relative to its large and
frequently impoverished population.
Missing from the agricultural development literature is any serious attempt to deal with the short-run
consumption consequences of an incentives-led production strategy. John R. Tarrant, Food Policies (New
York: Wiley, 1980), does deal with food consumption issues but not as they relate to production strategies.
The macro perspective of this book has no known precursors in the agricultural development literature.
Lance Taylor approaches the same issues with a different analytical perspective by building macro models
with disaggregated food sectors, as in F. Desmond McCarthy and Lance Taylor, "Macro Food Policy
Planning: A General Equilibrium Model for Pakistan," Review of Economics and Statistics, vol.62, no.
1(1980), pp. 107-21.
Five useful and varied assessments of the world food economy can be found in Radha Sinha, ed., The World
Food Problem: Consensus and Conflict (Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1977); Lester R. Brown, Food or Fuel:
New Competition for the World's Cropland, Worldwatch Paper no.35 (Washington, D.C.: World-watch
Institute, 1980); D. Gale Johnson, ed., The Politics of Food: Producing and Distributing the World's Food
Supply (Chicago: Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, 1980); International Food Policy Research
Institute, Investment and Input Requirements for Accelerating Food Production in Low Income Countries by
1990 (Washington, D. C., 1979); and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Agriculture
to the Year 2000 (Rome, 1979).
The treatment of the world food problem and the human problem of hunger is influenced by Shlomo
Reutlinger and Marcelo Selowsky, Malnutrition and Poverty: Magnitude and Policy Options, World Bank
Occasional Paper no.23 (Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1976). The international
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dimensions are treated in D. Gale Johnson, World Food Problems and Prospects (Washington, D.C.:
American Enterprise Institute, 1975); and in Gordon 0. Nelson and others, Food Aid and Development (New
York: Agricultural Development Council, 1981).
Two books provide useful analytical assistance with the techniques and perspective offered here. The first,
Edith Stokey and Richard Zeckhauser, A Primer for Policy Analysis (New York: Norton, 1978), is an
extremely helpful guide to using complicated analytical methodologies in policy settings. It is an appropriate
companion volume to Food Policy Analysis. The second, Hollis Chenery and others, Redistribution with
Growth (London: Oxford University Press, 1974), is a technically sophisticated treatment at the level of the
whole economy of the equity-efficiency dilemma that is discussed in this book from the perspective of the
food system.
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Copyright 1983, The World Bank All rights reserved.
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2. Analysis of Food Consumption and Nutrition
This chapter has two broad tasks. The first is to outline a definition of hunger that is relevant for policy
purposes. The second task is to introduce the very different approaches by which a society can and does
intervene to alter the number of hungry individuals and the severity with which their lives are affected. A
recurring theme in the book is that the most important interventions are frequently not specifically aimed at
reducing hunger, and some that are so aimed fail to have a fully satisfactory impact when many other,
negative forces are at work. This chapter's intent is to improve understanding of the context and causes of
hunger and to identify sustainable policy interventions that work to eliminate it.
To address these microeconomic issues, this chapter, like chapters 3 and 4, is structured according to a
sequence of analytical questions. What are the right issues? What principles or theory can organize the
analysis? What data and analytical techniques are required? How can the results be interpreted in a policy
context? The chapter ends with a review of specific government initiatives that increase food intake of the
Understanding the Hunger Problem
During the 1970s concern over the short-run and long-run consequences of hunger and malnutrition
mobilized international development agencies and many national governments to devote new attention and
resources to improving the nutritional status of their populations. Countries as rich as the United States and
Sweden and as poor as Bangladesh, the Philippines, Mexico, and Senegal developed plans and interventions
designed by nutritional scientists and based on modern understanding of human nutrient requirements.
The new attention to nutritional status is due in part to scientific evidence, accumulated over the past two
decades, which points to the heavy personal and social costs of malnutrition, especially inadequate energy
intake. Much of the new concern, however, stems from the concreteness of hunger as a measure of poverty
and deprivation and from the strong emotional response of planners and donors when confronted with stark
evidence of a hungry population. In short, the nutrition issue has increasingly been used as a lever for
mobilizing development efforts to deal with poverty and the basic needs of the poor.
Unfortunately, the approaches used to improve nutritional status have frequently been simplistic and
oriented to very short-run, palliative interventions; thus they divert attention and resources from broader
strategies with a better chance of effecting long-term improvements in the nutritional status of the poor.
This book presents a framework for analyzing a country's development efforts in the context of nutritional
(and other) objectives. This chapter identifies the questions to be answered before a sensible food and
nutrition intervention program can be designed and implemented.
A government program to deal specifically and effectively with hunger requires an understanding of (1)
who the hungry are; (2) how food intake changes when people's circumstances change; (3) the program
interventions that will raise food intake; and (4) how programs can be linked to policy.
1. Who are the individuals most vulnerable to inadequate food intake, where are they located
geographically, and during what seasons does hunger occur? Much of this information will be available
from household budget surveys, nutrition surveys, or even reports from regional hospitals and clinics. This
information reveals the nature and prevalence of hunger and, to some extent, the functional significance of
the problem. How important is intervention to the individual, to the family, to society? The evidence will
almost certainly suggest that certain vulnerable groups (infants, children, and pregnant or lactating women)
are more likely to suffer than adult men or women in the formal work force. The extent to which this is true
will strongly condition the nature and cost of alternative interventions. If adequate food resources exist at
the household level but significant malnutrition occurs among some household members, the intervention
strategies employed will be quite different from those used when poor households simply do not have access
to enough food to meet their nutritional requirements.
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2. How do the poor change their food consumption patterns when basic decision parameters change?
Answering the previous questions requires descriptive evidence. This question requires analysis of that
evidence to understand how food intake changes when incomes change, when food commodity prices
change relative to nonfood prices or to each other, or when family size, place of residence, health, or season
of the year changes. Much of this chapter is devoted to such disaggregated food consumption analysis
because the resulting parameters are essential to further food policy analysis. The analysis tends to be
complicated, but there is significant potential for borrowing and carefully adapting basic food consumption
parameters from other societies.
This analysis proceeds from two assumptions rooted in comparative experience. First, there is significant
substitutability between various starchy staples (for example, between rice and cassava or wheat and corn)
in the diets of the poor in societies where market availabilities make substitution possible between staple
foods with markedly different prices. Indeed, where such substitution is possible but not demonstrated, a
strong case can be made that the poor in that society do not suffer from serious calorie shortages. Other
nutritional problems may still be serious, and small children may have energy deficits because of the
bulkiness of the starchy staple. General hunger, however, is unlikely to be a priority for government
intervention if poor people are not consuming "inferior" starchy staples where they are available at low cost.
The second assumption is that food consumers are rational; that is, they logically weigh alternative ways to
improve their welfare and pick the one that uses the fewest resources. Studies of decisionmaking and time
allocation of adults within households have shown that consumers exhibit a strong rationality in allocating
scarce resources to meet household objectives. Evidence of rationality permits the use of powerful economic
models of household decisionmaking with respect to food consumption choices. This chapter shows how to
use (and how not to abuse) those models in a research setting constrained by poor data, inadequate computer
facilities, and limited time for analysis. The expectation of rationality in consumer decisionmaking also
justifies the search for some rough rules of thumb about plausible results from the consumption analysis.
3. How does a government program intervene in food consumption decisions to change nutritional
outcomes? This chapter outlines the efforts that have been tried in various countries, from food stamp
programs to fair-price shops, from child-feeding programs to amino acid fortification of basic cereals. The
range of possible interventions is enormous. Their efficacy is little studied or understood. Potential problems
and costs of each type of program or policy are considered in this chapter. Whether the costs will be worth
paying will depend on the results of each program in a particular circumstance.
4. How are various consumption programs and government policies linked? How are the consumption
programs linked to the rest of the food sector? Consumption analysis deals with the ramifications of these
programs for food production, the marketing sector, and even the macro economy and international trade.
To address these four issues, data on the related topics of food consumption patterns, nutrition patterns, and
family food security must be assembled and interpreted to provide an adequate base of knowledge about a
country's hunger problem. The connection between food consumption and the resulting nutritional status is
not straightforward. Many variables intervene between the two, and opportunities for intervention are
apparent along the entire chain of causation. For nonfarm households the chain begins with household
purchasing power. Rural households, even those with only small household plots, have other options for
securing their food. Once variations in food consumption patterns and the sources of access to the food are
understood, points of potential vulnerability of poor people and opportunities for government interventions
to improve and stabilize their food intake begin to emerge. Further analysis can then sharpen those points
and provide insight into how to target the interventions so that budget subsidies and secondary effects on the
rest of the food system can be minimized.
Food Consumption Patterns
Assembling food consumption data could provide a scholar a lifetime's work, but most food policy analysts
will think in terms of days or weeks. Shortcuts are inevitably necessary, and fortunately most countries have
a surprising wealth of information about food consumption patterns scattered among various ministries.
Food is not the province of any single sector or government agency. It is important to statistical bureaus
which calculate cost of living indices, to commerce bureaus which monitor and regulate trade, to
agricultural departments which project food requirements to justify agricultural investments and
intensification programs, and to health departments which frequently establish a relationship between the
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size and character of their patient load and the diets of those patients. Nurses in clinics dealing with sick
children often know a great deal about what those children eat.
The Food Balance Sheet
The starting point is usually a food balance sheet, which most countries now publish on an annual basis. A
condensed example from Indonesia is shown in table 2-1. Great commodity detail is usually available from
files or original publications. The food balance sheet is the primary device for showing average food
consumption levels. It can also be used to determine the representativeness of sample surveys. If the per
capita intakes measured by sample surveys, when "blown up" to national levels by multiplying by total
population, do not correspond to food balance sheet data, then something is amiss. In the past, food balance
sheets tended to understate the average level of food consumption because of biases against full
measurement of food production for household use and the tendency to tax farmers on the basis of output.
But with recent heavy pressures on government agencies to increase domestic food production, it is no
longer clear that all the biases in reported food production statistics are downward. Some upward biases,
especially for basic food grains which supply the bulk of calories in most developing countries, might also
be present as local officials try to show positive results from government agricultural development efforts.
The Indonesian food balance sheet is a useful example because of its commodity complexity. The version
published in the official statistical handbook lists seventy commodities, and the worksheet contains many
times more than that. And yet fourteen commodities provide 96 percent of the total calories consumed. The
starchy staples (this excludes sugar) provide 77 percent, and a single staple, rice (plus rice bran), contributes
54 percent of the energy in the average Indonesian's food intake.
This pattern is fairly typical of developing countries, especially those in Asia, and three aspects are
important. First, one preferred starchy staple dominates the food consumption picture. It is usually rice or
wheat, but it can be corn, cassava, or yams.
Second, the other starchy staples as a group are quite important on average. In the Indonesia example they
account for about half as many calories as the single preferred staple. Since they are not preferred foods,
they will probably be consumed primarily by the poor, but the food balance sheet says nothing about
distribution. Whenever inferior staples make up a significant fraction of the calories a society consumes,
however, differences in food consumption patterns between less advantaged and more privileged consumers
are likely to be pronounced.
Third, despite the great array of food commodities available in the society, only a few are important for food
policy. The Indonesian food balance sheet shows that entire categories of commodities-fruits, vegetables,
fish, meat, milk, eggs, and animal fats-are virtually irrelevant to calorie intake on average. Only bananas in
that entire list supply more than 20 calories per capita per day. More surprising is the fact that the same list
is almost as irrelevant to protein intake, for less than 13 percent of total daily protein consumed is
contributed by all those categories combined. Of course, all the animal protein is in that list, but Indonesia is
not unusual among developing countries in having animal protein contribute only 10 percent of average total
protein intake. For both protein and calories, basic food crops (especially the starchy staples) will command
the major attention of food policy analysts. Livestock projects for producing meat, eggs, or milk should be
justified primarily on the basis of their contribution to farm income rather than their alleviation of
nutritional problems. Exceptions occur, of course, but they should be treated as exceptions, to be
specifically defended against the normal expectation.
Food Balance Sheets by Income Class
The information in food balance sheets identifies the general priorities for consumption analysis and overall
food policy attention. Disaggregation by income class sharpens these priorities and brings the hunger
problem into clearer focus, primarily because the poor are so much more sensitive to changes in incomes
and prices than are the better-off groups in the society.
Table 1: Summary Food Balance Sheet, Indonesia, 1976 (thousands of tons)
- - - - - - Domestic use - - Per capita consumption
Changes Total Milling
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Commodity Production
Imports Exports
per year
per day
Cereals - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Wheat - - 964.53 - 964.53 - - 964.53 - - - - -
Wheat flour 694.46 +21.88 1.93 - 674.51 - - - - 674.51 5.05 48 1.57
Rough rice 23,300.94 - 10.21 - 23,311.15 466.23 9.10 21,673.37 932.45 - - - -
Milled rice 14,737.89 +183.58 1,290.98 - 15,845.29 -- - - 316.91 15,528.38 116.19 1,165 20.37
Rice bran 1,733.87 - - 162.64 1,571.23 840.61 - - 730.62 5.47 41 1.99
Shelled corn 2,572.14 - 54.38 3.51 299.38 52.46 66.35 - 52.46 2,451.74 18.34 175 4.51
Fresh corn 299.38 - - - - - - - - 299.38 2.24 22 0.56
Subtotal - - - - - - - - - - - 1,451 29.06
Starchy foods - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2,381.21 - - - 2,381.21 - - - 238.12 2,143.09 16.04 42 0.40
Cassava 12,190.73 239.37 413.06 12,017.04 240.34 - 421.96 1,201.70 10,153.04 75.97 204 1.46
Tapioca 118.15 - - - 118.15 - - - - 118.15 0.88 9 0.03
Sago flour 97.30 - - - 97.30 - - - - 97.30 0.73 7 0.03
Subtotal - - - - - - - - - - - 262 1.92
Sugar - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1,318.55 +186.23 201.55 - 1,333.87 - - - - 1,333.87 9.98 96 0
Other 284.00 - 3.80 169.08 118.72 - - -- - 118.72 0.89 9 0.03
Subtotal - - - - - - - - - - - 105 0.03
Pulses, nuts,
- - - - - - - - - -- - - -
Peanuts 324.26 - 6.11 1.57 328.80 30.16 - 19.73 --- 278.91 2.09 31 1.34
Soybeans 521.78 - 171.75 0.55 692.98 29.48 - - 34.65 628.85 4.70 52 4.52
13,974.97 - - - 13,974.97 - - 8,669.97 1,397.50 3,907.50 29.24 120 1.20
Subtotal - - - - - - - - - - - 203 7.06
Fruits - - - - - - - - - - - 39 0.48
(bananas) - - - - - - - - - - - (26) (0.33)
Vegetables - - - - - - - - - - - 10 0.66
Meat - - - - - - - - - - 3.38 19 1.22
Eggs - - - - - - - - - - 0.84 4 0.26
Milk - - - - - - - - - - 2.90 5 0.27
Fish - - - - - - - - - - 8.60 15 2.76
Fats and oils - - - - - - - - - - 4.86 118 0
(coconut oil) - - - - - - - - - - (4.51) (109) 0
Total - - - - - - - - - - - 2,231 43.72
Vegetable - - - - - - - - - - - 2,186 39.21
Animal - - - - - - - - - - - 45 4.51
Note: Mid-year population was 133.65 million. a. When stocks increase (+), quantities available for
consumption are reduced. b. "Kilocalorie" is the precise term for what is commonly known as a
"calorie." For simplicity, this book uses "calorie" rather than "Kilocalorie" as a unit of measure
stipulating the energy value in food, but the reader should bear in mind that 1 Kilocalorie=1,000
calories=1 calorie. Source:Central Bureau of Statistics, Statistik Indikator, 1978/79, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Constructing the equivalent of food balance sheets by income class is the next step. Household budget
surveys are the main source of information. In recent years they have used improved methodologies and
field techniques to measure expenditures more accurately. Thomas Poleman's paper contains a useful
discussion of the uses and abuses of household budget surveys. Their specific relevance to food policy
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analysis is summarized here.
The very best of the household budget surveys, for purposes of food policy, actually merge with the
nutrition surveys discussed below. They collect detailed information on household characteristics, income,
expenditures on specific commodities, quantities consumed, and, for a subsample of the survey,
anthropometric measurements of the household members. Such anthropometric measurements (age, weight,
height, sometimes arm or thigh circumference) can be made quickly and can provide reasonably accurate
indicators of both short-term and long-term energy deficits. Their collection in the same survey with data on
household income and food commodity expenditures will help establish the connection between the level of
food resources available to households and individual nutritional status relative to growth standards.
If budget surveys collect only expenditure data, it is hazardous to interpolate quantities of individual
commodities consumed by the household during the period of the survey (typically a week). If all the
households faced the same prices for the various commodities, no problem would arise, and expenditures on
a particular commodity could be divided by its average price to yield the quantity purchased. Three factors,
however, intervene in such a calculation:
(1) Regional price differences. Prices in different regions of a country can differ significantly, especially for
those commodities for which transportation costs tend to be a large proportion of total value, as is true for
many staple foods. Region-specific commodity prices are needed.
(2) Seasonal price differences. Prices vary during the year for most food commodities because of the
seasonality of production and positive storage costs. Since most household budget surveys are conducted
over an extensive period of time (frequently an entire year), while each household is surveyed for a
particular day or week of that period, time-specific food commodity prices are needed to convert the
expenditure data accurately into quantities.
(3) Quality differences. Prices for a given commodity vary with the quality of the commodity. Although in
principle each variety and grade of rice, for example, could be identified in a food expenditure questionnaire
as a separate commodity, such detail is not common because of the time required to administer each
questionnaire and the unreliability of results. The quality effect for even a relatively homogeneous
commodity, such as wheat or rice, can be quite significant. Upper-income households may spend on average
twice as much for each calorie of food energy as very low-income households even for starchy staples. The
quality effect becomes even more important for broader commodity groupings-cereals, starchy staples,
Spot surveys can often be used to make ad hoc adjustments for quality in surveys reporting only expenditure
data. Much information can be gained from such surveys when appropriate exogenous data are added to the
analysis. The solution to all three problems, however, is to have the original budget survey itself collect data
on both food expenditures and quantities bought (or average prices paid), plus home-produced amounts and
gifts. Such information permits a much more accurate picture to be drawn of the distribution of food calories
by commodity, income class, region, and sometimes season. Such disaggregated pictures permit a
comparison of food consumption patterns of the poor with those of the national average and with other
income groups.
A particularly picturesque summary of how nutrient intake patterns change by income class was prepared
from a review of the food balance sheets of many countries by J. Perisse, F. Sizaret, and P. Francois (figure
2-1). The figure shows roughly 75 percent of total calories coming from starchy staples at the lowest
income levels. The figure for Indonesia was 77 percent. This proportion declines rapidly to only 30 percent
at high income levels, with separated edible fats (butter and lard) and unseparated animal fats in meat, milk,
fish, and eggs accounting for more than half the change. Increased sugar intake accounts for most of the
rest. Somewhat surprisingly, total protein intake as a percentage of calories remains virtually constant with
a noticeable substitution of animal for vegetable protein. Total protein intake does rise with income because
total calorie intake rises with income, at least to a middle-income plateau.
The Perisse figure is even more revealing in terms of specific commodities for individual countries or
regions. Data from the 1969-70 Indonesian Socioeconomic Survey IV can be rearranged into this format, as
shown in figure 2-2. The commodities that loom large in the diets of the poor are readily apparent.
To devise programs that increase food energy intake, policymakers do not need to know exactly what the
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poor eat or what they switch to with higher incomes, if the costs of the programs are of no concern. The
poor are quite willing to eat the foods of the rich if available to them. What analysts learn from studying
food consumption patterns is which foods the poor eat that the rich do not. This permits targeted
interventions to be designed specifically to raise food intake of the poor, and these will be more efficient-
more food energy consumed by the poor per program dollar-because the intervention commodities are
consumed primarily by the target group. In addition, the analysis identifies the likely impact on the poor (in
nutritional terms) of changes in their incomes or in the prices of food they consume.
Nutrition Patterns
Determining a society's patterns of hunger and malnutrition is quite a different task from understanding its
food consumption patterns, although
Figure 2-1. The Effect of Income on Diet Schematized: Percentage of Total Calories Derived from Fats,
Carbohydrates, and Protiens, by Annual per Capita GNP
Note: The figure is drawn in semi-logarithmic scale.
Source: J.Perisse, F.Sizaret, and P. Francois, "The Effect of Income on the Structure of the Diet,"
(FAO) Nutrition Newsletter, vol. 7, no. 3 (July-September 1969), p.2.
Figure 2-2. The Effect of Income on the Commodity Composition of Diet: Rural Indonesia, 1969-70
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Note: The income axis is drawn in logarithmic scale.
Source: Indonesian Socioeconomic Survey 1V.
some of the same data are used. All individuals have certain fundamental knowledge about food
consumption. It is fairly easy to interpret statistics about availabilities of different commodities or to talk
with people at different levels of society about what and how much they eat. Evaluating nutritional status,
however, is a task for specialists familiar with the broad array of methodologies available and for those who
can judge the biomedical evidence for human significance. Nutritional status is an outcome of a
complicated biological process in which food intake is but one of many important variables. The untrained
outsider can spot gross malnutrition and incipient starvation, but most of the subclinical hunger and its
consequences are invisible except to trained observers.
Nutrition Surveys
Food policy analysts should not expect to carry out nutrition surveys that use medical examinations to
determine nutritional status along with questions on socioeconomic status. They should be prepared to
interpret their findings and translate the results into a rough matrix relating nutritional problems to
fundamental causes. It is the role of hospitals and clinics to deal with acute nutritional disorders. Food policy
analysis tries to understand the causes and to find effective interventions, sometimes at the level of basic
causes, sometimes further up the chain where palliatives are necessary.
If a nutrition survey shows an insignificant incidence of stunted growth and health problems directly
attributable to inadequate food intake, the food policy analyst could shift attention to the other objectives of
the food system~efficient economic growth, more equitable income distribution, and food security. Very
few societies fit this description, however. Even countries as rich as the United States would have a
significant number of people suffering from chronic hunger if there were no specific programs, such as food
stamps, to improve poor people's access to food.
Poor societies almost inevitably have many citizens who suffer from a range of environmental deprivations,
most notably inadequate access to food. Surveys that fail to identify these people may not have looked in the
right places or at the right times. Food policy analysts in poor countries should be skeptical of nutrition
surveys that show no significant food-related malnutrition (as opposed to nutritional diseases caused by
shortages of specific micronutrients such as iron or vitamin A) unless some type of food intervention
program is already in place. Some food programs may not have been originally designed to further
nutritional objectives, but they in fact have major nutritional effects. The food ration in Sri Lanka,
maintained primarily for political reasons, seems to have been very successful in eliminating the worst
manifestations of inadequate food intake. A survey showing little severe hunger in such a society might not
be surprising.
By interpreting nutrition surveys, food policy analysts can form a set of expectations, drawn primarily from
knowledge of disaggregated food consumption patterns, about the probable causes of chronic hunger, slow
growth, and poor health measured by nutrition surveys. Because of the wide variety of important factors
other than household food consumption influencing nutritional status, such expectations may well be off the
mark. The task is then to find out why the disaggregated food consumption patterns seem inconsistent with
the information provided by nutrition surveys, for the answer affects the nature of potential interventions.
In a world where social benefit-cost analysis is taken as the paradigm of modern, efficient government,
evidence of malnutrition is apt to elicit a response of "so what?" This question must be faced directly. A
typical nutrition survey will report three categories of malnutrition classified according to the Gomez scale
of expected weight for age. Third degree malnutrition, the severe category, is reserved for individuals whose
weight is less than 60 percent of the expected weight for that age. Between 60 and 75 percent is the
moderate category, or second degree malnutrition. First degree, or mild, malnutrition is reported for
individuals between 75 and 90 percent of expected weight, and 90 to 110 percent is considered normal.
Such weight-for-age statistics are used to interpret current nutritional status, while height-for-age statistics
are taken as indicators of more chronic nutritional problems. Heights less than 90 percent of height-for-age
standards indicate stunting associated with long-standing food deficits.
The World Health Organization suggests that among children five years old or younger in developing
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countries, perhaps 3 percent suffer from third degree malnutrition, 25 percent from second degree
malnutrition, and as many as 40 to 45 percent from mild, or first degree, malnutrition. What is the
functional significance of such statistics? How do various degrees of severity affect the welfare of the
individual? What is society's stake in reducing hunger? What are the social benefits to be matched against
the governmental costs of programs that shift children from third degree to second degree malnutrition, from
second to first, and from first to normal?
Unfortunately, no very clear answers to these questions exist. Some evidence suggests the social costs are
enormous and the effects of malnutrition extend several generations into the future, but other evidence
indicates that virtually all the impact of even severe malnutrition can be quickly and permanently reversed,
except for body stature. In a heavily populated, poor society with many claims on its scarce governmental
revenues, this uncertainty about the functional significance of malnutrition tends to immobilize careful
attempts to address the benefit-cost issue. Marginal government revenues are directed by default to projects
with more apparent or more calculable benefits.
The significance to the individual of stunted growth and poor health because of malnutrition is somewhat
easier to document. In most societies small individuals are at a competitive disadvantage relative to larger
ones. The severity of malnutrition is also strongly correlated with the extent and severity of illness~upper
respiratory infections, gastrointestinal infections, measles, and many others. While such diseases are a
nuisance to the well-nourished, they can be fatal to the malnourished.
Society clearly has some stake in these statistics. Costs for treating such health problems can skyrocket if a
curative approach is taken seriously. The work capacity and productivity of individuals severely stunted and
undeffed are limited. Perhaps the greatest social concern, and the one with the least satisfactory evidence, is
over the potential mental impairment of generations of citizens because of significant malnutrition in their
formative early years.
Scientific evidence will probably never be sufficiently clear-cut to enable a budget analyst to make a
distinct choice among building a steel rolling mill, implementing a child-feeding program, or maintaining a
two-tiered pricing system for wheat. Building commitment to implement food consumption interventions is
only partly the responsibility of the food policy analyst. If a government shows a willingness to examine
alternative interventions designed to reduce hunger, however, the food policy analyst can accept a wide
mantle of responsibility for demonstrating the range of effectiveness of different interventions and the
associated costs of each. Such analysis can be compelling. In a surprising number of circumstances it will
speak for itself. Food policy analysis cannot create the environment for effective government action against
hunger, but within such an environment it can mobilize the effort effectively.
Food Availability at the Household Level
Food consumption can be improved in two ways. The first is to increase household income or resources so
that current mechanisms of access to food can be used more effectively. Altering incomes is fundamentally
a task of price and income policies. The second way is to change the mechanisms themselves. In contrast to
urban households, which have few options but to buy their food, most rural households have some potential,
and sometimes a very large potential, to improve the quantity and quality of food consumption. Farm
families can adopt different cropping patterns that provide nutrient diversity and more stability of output
from month to month and year to year. For villagers and landless laborers with small homesteads, who must
buy most of their basic food staples, a home garden can offer an important nutritional margin. Properly
managed, even 100 square meters of intensively cultivated garden in a tropical setting can provide a family
of four with all its vitamins and minerals, one-third of its protein, and 10 to 20 percent of its calories. Such
yields require great skill, adequate inputs of labor, water, seeds, and fertilizer, and a conducive village
environment. Families cannot survive on 100 square meters of land, but a family that is able to buy only 75
percent of its staple food needs and has little income left over for variety or nonfood items might find a
well-tended garden plot the difference between chronic hunger, stunted growth, and wretched lives and a
life of comparative security and modest well-being.
Beyond household gardens, small farmers have several options for diversifying their cropping patterns to
improve the quality and security of their household food supply. Typically, farm households use their land
wisely in relation to their opportunities and needs. Agricultural researchers, however, have not always
developed new biological technology that matches the full range of the farmers' needs (including nutritional
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needs). Heavy emphasis on research to improve basic cereals has yielded impressive results. The new high-
yielding varieties significantly increase the relative profitability of growing cereals in monoculture stands,
particularly when package programs of fertilizer and other inputs are available with subsidized credit. In the
face of such technical change most farmers would be foolish to adopt multiple cropping and intercropping
of a wide variety of food crops that would provide a balanced spectrum of nutrients and a more even
seasonal distribution. With some redirection, researchers could make such a farming system an objective of
their research. Making such systems economically competitive with monoculture cereal growing could have
significant nutritional dividends.
The seasonal aspects of food availability also deserve attention. Early observations of the effects of the
preharvest "hungry season" in Africa suggested that adults tolerated the food deficits and resulting weight
loss without undue effects on productivity. Current evidence, especially from Bangladesh, suggests that the
seasonal effects are more subtle. Illness rates among small children tend to be significantly higher during the
"short season" preceding the harvest, and the death rates from those illnesses are also elevated. Seasonal
hunger translates into higher rates of infant mortality rather than adult starvation. Stabilizing the seasonal
availability of cereal grains, or even root crop substitutes, will have significant effects on nutritional welfare,
particularly of children, in addition to the consumer surplus effects normally used to justify price
stabilization schemes.
Food Consumption versus Nutrition as a Focus for Analysis
Food policy uses household food consumption as the primary variable to improve the nutritional status of
individuals within the household. This policy perspective is based on a hierarchical division of malnutrition
into two broad and overlapping stages. In the first stage, the entire household suffers from inadequate food
intake, although the distribution of the energy deficit among individuals in the family may be quite uneven.
In the second stage, chronic calorie deficits at the household level have been eliminated, but nutrient
imbalances such as vitamin and mineral deficiencies remain and vulnerable groups within the household
may still not receive adequate food to meet their special nutrient requirements for pregnancy, lactation, or
growth. Both types of households may be seriously affected by endemic disease and parasites or poor public
health environments, especially with respect to water and sanitation.
Strategies for improving nutritional status are likely to be quite different depending on whether a household
is classified primarily as stage one or stage two. Stage one households, those suffering significant energy
deficits, generally respond somewhat to efforts designed to improve the efficiency of the connection
between food available at the household level and the resulting nutritional status of individual family
members-problems associated with stage two households. However, the fundamental problem of the level of
food resources will dominate such environments. The variables that intervene between food consumption
and nutritional status are just as important as forstage two households, but interventions to improve water
supply, sanitation, and health are not likely to be effective in improving nutritional status until the basic
issue of caloric adequacy is addressed.
The situation for stage two families is quite distinct (although the two stages are clearly just points along a
continuous spectrum). With adequate food within the household to meet the daily energy needs of all family
members, nutritional concern shifts to a complex of synergistic variables that simultaneously condition the
nutritional well-being of each individual.
These variables make up what is now commonly called the "basic needs package": clean and abundant
water supplies, proper waste disposal and sanitation facilities, housing sufficient to provide protection from
the local climate, local health care facilities to treat infections and provide midwife services along with
family planning materials and information, and education programs designed to achieve functional literacy.
The overall relationship between a basic needs package and improved nutritional status is obvious, but the
actual connections are quite complicated when it comes to quantifying the variables and precisely
determining the effects.
The more obvious connections among these variables include: the relationship between the extent of
gastrointestinal infections and the efficiency with which food is digested and made available to the body for
work and growth; the connection between water and sanitation standards and the extent of such
gastrointestinal infections; the role of functional literacy in mothers' knowing the food requirements of their
children when sick and well; and the overall role of an accessible clinic in maintaining health levels of the
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Imptoving any one of these factors for a household would permit a higher nutritional standard for any given
level of food availability. Providing a package of such services will undoubtedly improve the connection
between food availability and nutritional status. The total effect of a package will probably be greater than
the sum of individual contributions. But nobody knows the extent to which these statements hold or their
quantitative dimensions. There is only the loosest sense of what the tradeoffs might be within the package.
The debate over a package of basic needs is productive when it focuses on the role of the poor in an
economy-"why poor people stay poor," to use Michael Lipton's phrase. For this reason, food policy analysts
are likely to find it more productive to deal with stage one of the malnutrition problem rather than with the
more household-specific stage two problem.
Nutrition education programs may be useful at stage two, once adequate amounts of food are available at
the household level. Programs to improve the mothers' nutritional knowledge-what foods to buy, how to
prepare them to retain maximum nutritional value, what to feed a sick child, the efficacy of breast-feeding-
almost certainly can have a high payoff in certain village environments. The situation is similar to farmer
extension programs which find a wide variation in the skills farmers have in growing crops. In both cases
the program must have something to extend. Through painful experience development specialists have
learned that "bad" farmers frequently are behaving quite rationally for their own environment, and many
apparently irrational food customs turn out to have a similar wisdom behind them. Other ways may certainly
be better, but understanding why a mother behaves the way she does is just as important as understanding
why a farmer applies only half the recommended fertilizer.
Food policy analysis of nutrition and consumption issues can be seen as a task of establishing priorities. In
particular, the descriptive data from food balance sheets and household budget surveys, when linked to
available nutrition survey data, will indicate whether the nutrition problems are primarily stage one (chronic
energy deficits at the household level) or stage two (nutrient imbalance or maldistribution within the
household). The food policy perspective presented here is designed mostly for stage one environments.
When a country's nutrition problems are primarily of the stage two type, the nutrition task can be assumed
by the public health and education specialists. Until then, much of the specialists' efforts will be ineffective.
Consequently, the analytical focus of most of this chapter is on understanding food consumption patterns as
the major connection between nutrition problems (and interventions to address them) and macro food
Food Consumption Analysis
For the food policy analyst, the analysis of food consumption data serves two specific functions. First, the
analysis provides the parameters to understand consumption adjustments in the macro food economy. What
happens to total cereal demand when prices fall or incomes rise? If cereal availability changes, what will
happen to prices? Second, the analysis helps determine the likely nutritional impact of changes in the
economic circumstances of the poor. What happens to the consumption bundle of the poor when their
incomes change and prices fluctuate for the commodities they consume?
Theoretical Perspective
Empirical investigation of food consumption data provides some answers to these questions. Economic
theory can be of great assistance in the empirical research by establishing a rational decisionmaking
framework in which to organize the range of potential consumer choices and by providing some simple and
plausible assumptions about what constitutes rational behavior. Both the framework and the assumptions are
subject to verification from actual pefformance. During the past fifty years the framework has withstood
exposure to the real world remarkably well, and the basic assumptions about rationality and the importance
of prices and income have been repeatedly confirmed.
Consumer Choice
The consumer brings to the marketplace a certain purchasing power and some sense of preference for
different goods. In the marketplace an often bewildering array is available~various commodities, qualities,
and amounts. The consumer decisionmaking framework presented here relates choices available to choices
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desired. Typically, a unique bundle of purchased commodities maximizes the consumer's satisfaction.
This framework can be illustrated by the choices available to a consumer between two inclusive
commodities, for example, "food" and "nonfood." Figure 2-3 shows increasing quantities of food available
along the vertical axis and increasing quantities of nonfood along the horizontal axis. Point A represents a
particular bundle including both food and nonfood, amounts FA and NFA, respectively. Point B represents
a different bundle of food and nonfood, with more of each commodity. Consumer theory assumes that
rational consumers will always choose bundle B over bundle A if given a free, unconstrained choice because
more goods to consume are better than fewer goods. On any smoothly increasing ray from the origin, for
example OAB, points farther from the origin are always preferred over points closer to the origin.
Figure 2-3. Choices of Food and Nonfood Available to a Consumer
What of the choice between B and B'? There is no unambiguous answer to this question. Only the
individual consumer can say which of the two commodity bundles is preferred. Bundle B has more food
than B', but B' has more nonfood. Within a reasonable range and for small changes, consumer theory
assumes that some quantity of nonfood can substitute for a small loss of food and still leave the consumer
feeling equally well off. Thus the dashed Indifference curve connecting B, B', B", B"' . . . shows
combinations of food and nonfood that the consumer finds equally satisfactory to the starting point B.
This curve is drawn with a particular shape that reflects the increasing difficulty of substituting one
commodity for another as more and more of the first commodity is taken away. Thus one unit of nonfood
will substitute for one unit of food (from B to B'), but two units of nonfood are required for the consumer to
be willing to give up a second unit of food (B' to B"). Four units of nonfood are required if yet another unit
of food is given up (from B' to B"'). This decreasing rate of commodity substitution is quite characteristic of
most consumption circumstances and is very important when the theoretical framework combines choices
available with choices desired.
The Budget Constraint
The choices desired are indicated by the location and shape of the indifference curves. In principle there is
one indifference curve passing through every possible combination of commodities. The choices available to
the consumer are dictated by the money income of the consumer-the budget line-and the prices of the
commodities available for purchase. If the consumer spends the entire income available on food and
nonfood, a reasonable assumption if savings are part of nonfood, then line CD (the budget line) passing
through point A reflects two separate constraints on the consumer: the total income available to be spent and
the relative prices of the commodities that can be purchased.
If the consumer spent the entire income on food, amount OC could be purchased, but no nonfood. Similarly,
if the entire budget were devoted to nonfood, OD could be purchased, but no food. The straight line CD
reflects all linear combinations of food and nonfood starting with amount OC of food and OD of nonfood as
extremes. Point A is one such possible combination for the consumer whose overall purchasing power is
reflected by CD. Thus CD is the outer boundary of choices available to this particular consumer in the face
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of the relative price of food to nonfood. Points on the interior of CD do not use the entire budget available.
An implicit assumption is that no household scale economies exist in the consumption of goods, which is
probably reasonable for food consumption in poor households.
If the relative food price changes, the choices available to the consumer change. For example, if the
consumer's money income remains constant while the price of food doubles, the choice set available is
restricted to C'D instead of CD. With food prices doubled, the given amount of money will buy only half as
much, OC' instead of OC. For any amount of nonfood purchased, only half as much food will be available.
Only consumers who were buying exclusively nonfood find their range of choice as large as before the price
rise. All consumers who purchased some food will find their potential purchases restricted by the food price
increase. No economic theory is involved in this result. As most consumers know, it is a matter of simple
Maximizing Satisfaction
The contribution of economic theory is in explaining how desired choices (indifferences curves) and
available choices (budget lines) are reconciled through rational decisionmaking. Figure 2-4 illustrates the
framework in the same context as the above discussion. In this example the consumer has income equal to
CD reflecting the initial relative price of food to nonfood. The consumer's preferences are revealed in the
shape of the indifference curve I, along which any combination of food and nonfood is equally satisfactory.
In seeking to maximize the degree of satisfaction from consuming food and nonfood within the constraint of
the budget CD, the consumer will seek the highest indifference curve possible. The maximum satisfaction
possible for this consumer is represented at the point of tangency, shown in figure 2-4 at point A. By
choosing to purchase and consume quantities FA of food and NFA of nonfood, the consumer just reaches
indifference curve I. No higher indifference curve can be reached from budget
Figure 2-4. Matching Consumer Desires with Available Consumer Choices
line CD. Any lower indifference curve yields less consumer satisfaction. Theory suggests that the consumer
chooses to consume FA of food and NFA of nonfood when income is CD and relative prices are reflected
by OC/OD, the negative of the slope of the budget line.
This is a powerful result. It "explains" each purchase of a commodity as a function of the consumer's
income, the prices of the commodities, and individual preference. The uniqueness of the individual
preferences is a critical component of consumer theory. Each consumer, even with identical income and
facing the same prices as other consumers, can have a unique consumption bundle of food and nonfood.
Such diversity is expected by economic theory, not inconsistent with it. The food policy analyst should
expect great diversity in how different individuals will respond to changes in the variables-incomes and
prices-that drive the consumer theory framework. In particular, poor consumers typically behave differently
(but still rationally) from middle- and upper-income consumers with respect to food consumption as
incomes and prices vary. The rationale for disaggregating food consumption analysis draws on this reality-a
reality entirely consistent with economic theory of the consumer.
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Implications of the Free-Choice Model
Freedom of consumer choice in the face of a budget constraint is one of several ways commodities can be
allocated among consumers. The market orientation implied by such a model of consumer choice has two
extremely important policy implications, even before the model is used to understand consumer behavior
when prices and income change.
First, this model of equilibrium between budget lines and indifference curves implies that all consumers
(who actually consume both commodities) have the same rate of substitution between commodities.
Although each indifference curve is unique to the individual, and the same is true of income level, all
consumers face the same relative prices and hence have the same slope to their budget lines. At equilibrium,
where consumers have just reached their highest indifference curves and the budget line and indifference
curves are tangent (just touching so that the slopes are equal), all consumers have the same rate of
commodity substitution. The rate is the same as the relative price of the two commodities. For small
changes, one commodity substitutes for another at the same physical rate as their relative prices for physical
quantities. For larger substitution shifts, the degree of curvature of the indifference curve is important.
Should the question arise, for example, as to how much an additional ton of wheat flour will substitute for
an existing ton of rice being consumed, the relative prices in the market provide the appropriate starting
point for analysis (despite the fact that a ton of rice and a ton of wheat flour are roughly equivalent in
nutritional terms).
The second important implication of the free-choice model of consumer behavior is the welfare implications
of individual choice as opposed to rationing. Providing each citizen with an equal or "fair" share of society's
economic output is certainly a legitimate way to divide the pie, a fundamental decision all societies must
make. Figure 2-5 shows a society that provides each of its two citizens with equal rations of food and
nonfood, labeled A and B. Thus citizen A receives a bundle with FA of food and NFA of nonfood, and
citizen B receives exactly the same bundle, FB and NFB. If both citizens have identical tastes and
preferences, they will be content with their rations because both would be on the same indifference curve
passing through A, B.
Suppose, as figure 2-5 illustrates in an exaggerated fashion, that A and B have significantly different tastes
and preferences, which are reflected in their respective indifference curves 1A and IB. Both indifference
curves must pass through the commodity bundle A, B, for that point indicates the initial endowment or
ration of the consumers. If no trading among consumers is permitted, then both A and B are restricted to 1A
and 1B respectively. However, citizen A may discover that citizen B is fed up with so much food in his
ration and craves more nonfood. Citizen A finds, to her delight, that more food would be welcome and
parting with some nonfood a minor
Figure 2-5. Gains in Consumer Welfare from Trade as Opposed to Rationing
inconvenience. If some ratio can be worked out, A and B have discovered they would both be better off by
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trading part of their rations to each other, with A giving up nonfood for more food and B receiving the
nonfood in return for the food.
Many trading ratios are possible in such a bilateral situation, depending on whether A or B is the better
bargainer, but the line CD reflects one plausible trading ratio that splits the gains of the trade fairly equally.
Along this trading line citizen A gives up an amount of nonfood equal to (NFA -NFA') to citizen B, who
thus gains (NFB' - NFB); the two amounts must be equal. In return, B gives up (FB - FB') to A whose food
consumption increases by the same amount (FA' - FA).
The remarkable fact is that after this trade, both A and B find themselves on higher indifference curves, 1A'
and 1B' respectively, than was possible by consuming the rationed commodity bundles A, B directly. The
possibility of trading makes both consumers better off. In a world of rationing, the trading line must be
discovered or negotiated between each pair of consumers. Although time-consuming and probably
inefficient, the many examples of such trading in places where rations are used suggest that it is well worth
Is there an easier and more efficient way to do the trading? A market does it automatically. The line CD is
no more than the price ratio between food and nonfood-a price ratio at which all consumers can trade to
maximize their own personal satisfactions from an initial endowment of goods or income. A system of free
choice in open markets allows consumers to capture all the welfare gains to trade that are possible. The
market paradigm is used widely even in those societies that profess otherwise. Where a government actively
suppresses the open market, black markets tend to spring up as consumers attempt to improve their positions
by trading goods surreptitiously.
Why does rationing remain such a popular government intervention? The answer lies not in the gains or
losses from trading or nontrading but in the transfer of real purchasing power to consumers by distributing
evenly or fairly a limited supply of an important commodity. Poor people with little purchasing power
would be unable to purchase adequate supplies of such a scarce commodity if high market prices were used
to allocate it instead of per capita rations.
Basic grain is such a commodity in a number of poor societies. The government frequently has no effective
mechanisms, other than physical distributions on an equal basis, to ensure that poor people receive adequate
amounts of food. Permitting free trading of such rationed food grains would still permit the gains to trade
illustrated in figure 2-5. It might, however, undermine the government's distribution mechanisms or control
of grain markets, and it might tempt poor families to sell grain that they "should" consume for nutritional
reasons. Implementing food ration schemes will obviously be difficult, but they should not be dismissed out
of hand simply because economic theory says they are "inefficient." If they are one of the few mechanisms
available to the government to implement income distribution or nutritional goals, their costs and benefits
need to be analyzed with careful attention to who will actually benefit and to the long-run impact on the rest
of the food system and on the macro economy.
Income Elasticities
The analysis of the costs and benefits of food consumption interventions requires fairly detailed
understanding of food consumption parameters. Economic theory helps condition expectations about
whether such parameters of change in commodity consumption will be p05itive or negative when incomes
and prices change, but theory is of little help in predicting the quantitative magnitudes of consumer
reactions. This is the task of empirical analysis. Whether the results of such analysis are sensible can be
judged relative to theoretical expectations and comparative experience. Empirical research provides the real
world parameters for further food policy analysis.
What are the theoretical expectations? Two changes are important and can be analyzed sequentially. First,
figure 2-6 shows what happens when the
Figure 2-6. Effect of Increasing Available Choices on Consumer Decisionmaking
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consumer's income is raised from CD to C'D', a neutral 50 percent increase in money income. The size of
the income increase can be determined by comparing OC with OC' or OD with OD'. Since the new food
and nonfood availabilities are 50 percent larger than the initial availabilities, the consumer S purchasing
power, or income, is 50 percent larger.
The extended range of potential commodity purchases is reflected in a higher available indifference curve
than I. Of course, it is still possible to choose a bundle of food and nonfood that lies on I, but such a bundle
is no longer the best choice available. As figure 2-6 indicates, the new equilibrium is where I' is tangent to
C'D', at A'. In this particular illustration the new commodity bundle contains both more food and more
nonfood. This is not a necessary result. Some commodities-"inferior" goods such as potatoes or cassava-
become less desirable at higher incomes, and indifference curves can easily be drawn to reflect this.
By connecting the points of consumer choice between food and nonfood at increasing income levels, it is
possible to construct an "income-expansion path" similar to the one shown in figure 2-6. In this case food
purchases increase rapidly at low income levels but level off at higher income levels, thus reflecting the
smaller proportion of income spent on food at higher incomes-a phenomenon generally characterized as
Engel's law. The relative degree of food consumption increases, compared with income increases, is
frequently quantified as an income elasticity for food. In this example an income increase of 50 percent
generated a food consumption increase of 20 percent (OFA'/OFA = 1.2), and so the income elasticity is
(roughly, because of the large size of the change) 0.4 (20 percent divided by 50 percent).
Consumer theory indicates two important properties of income elasticities. First, since they are derived from
the income-expansion path, such income elasticities can be unique to each individual consumer and, in
particular, are likely to vary systematically with the income of the consumer. Second, each income-
expansion path is drawn for a particular set of relative prices that is maintained during this example showing
increasing incomes. If those prices change as well, the income-expansion pathway may change also. The
lesson is that income elasticities are not likely to be constant, either from one consumer to another or from
one price environment to another. It is sometimes convenient to use a single income elasticity of demand for
food for an average or representative consumer when trying to understand how entire economies will adjust
to new policies, foreign exchange rates, or changed prices. But much diversity has gone into the aggregate
parameter, diversity which could be important in judging the desirability or reliability of a predicted
Price Elasticities
Economic theory also provides expectations about the impact on consumers and their choices of
commodities when prices change while money income remains constant. Figure 2-3 showed that a food
price increase leaves consumers with reduced consumption opportunities. Figure 2-7 shows how consumers
adjust to those reduced consumption opportunities when food prices rise.
The starting point is the familiar consumer income of CD that permits teaching indifference curve I with
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commodity bundle A, containing FA of food. The nonfood results are straightforward in this two-
commodity world and are not analyzed separately. If food prices double while nonfood prices and money
income remain constant, the new budget constraint is C'D, showing the reduced consumption possibilities
for the consumer-OC' is just half of OC.
How will the consumer react to the new higher food price? The analytics of choice remain the same as those
that produced the initial choice of A. The consumer will seek a combination of food and nonfood that yields
the highest indifference curve subject to the new purchasing power constraint C'D. In the illustration this is
achieved by A' where I' is just tangent to C'D. Food consumption is reduced from FA to FA' because of the
higher food price. In this particular illustration, a doubling of food prices reduces food purchases to less
than half their original value.
Figure 2-7. Effect of a Food Price Increase on Consumer Decisionmaking
Income and Substitution Effects
Two separate factors Can be seen to cause the overall drop in food purchases. First, higher prices cause real
putchasing power to fall when money incomes stay constant. This drop in real incomes will cause
consumption of most commodities to fall although inferior goods will be an exception. Second, even if the
consumer were to receive compensation for the reduction in real income caused by the higher food price, the
change in relative price would still cause most consumers to adjust the composition of their commodity
bundle against the commodity that has become relatively more expensive.
Both the income and the substitution effects are illustrated in figure 2-7. When the price of food changed
the consumer S budget line from CD to C'D, the overall or total consumption adjustment was from A, on I,
to A', on I'. Suppose the consumer received a small income supplement (for example, the government
granted a pay increase when it raised the price of food) just sufficient for the consumer to reach the old
indifference curve I but from the new relative price relationship. This new income is shown as C"D", which
is parallel to C'D but tangent to I at A". With C"D" the consumer is not worse off after the price change
because the original indifference curve I is still available.
The consumer, however, does not purchase the original commodity bundle when prices are reflected by the
slope of CD. In fact, the higher price of food causes the consumer to substitute nonfood for food along
indifference curve I until the new equilibrium is reached at A". That is, after a compensated price increase
for food that leaves the consumer identically as well off as at the beginning, food purchases drop from FA
to FA". This compensated price adjustment is known as the pure substitution effect, and it is always the
opposite sign of the price change if indifference curves have their normal shape. Economic theory can
"prove" this, but the proof is based on plausible assumptions noted above and has been amply demonstrated
by years of empirical experience.
Most price changes are not compensated by government or anyone else. In such cases the "income effect" of
the price change must also be added to the negative substitution effect to see the total change in
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consumption that will be reflected in actual consumer behavior. In figure 2-7, the income effect is shown as
the change from A" to A', a further drop in food purchases from FA" to FA'. For normal goods, the income
effect reinforces the negative substitution effect, as lower real incomes lead to reduced consumption.
Inferior goods-commodities such as potatoes, cassava, whole grain flour, or cornmeal consumed primarily
by the poor-are the exceptions. For these commodities the income effect works in the opposite direction of
the substitution effect because lower real incomes caused by higher prices lead to increased consumption of
inferior goods. It is logically possible for such an opposite income effect to be larger than the substitution
effect if the inferior good requires a very large proportion of the consumer's budget, as potatoes did in
nineteenth-century Ireland. At that time Parson Giffen thought he observed a paradox: poor consumers were
forced to buy more potatoes when potato prices rose because the income effect was so powerful.
Understanding the logic of the Giffen paradox is a good measure of ability to understand the economic
theory of consumer behavior. No satisfactory statistical evidence for the paradox, however, has ever been
presented from real-world examples. Food policy analysts are justified in expecting that consumers will
react to price increases with reduced purchases, and vice versa, in the absence of other factors not included
in the basic theory explained here.
Adding Realism to the Theory
Some of those other factors can be important in the short run. Changing expectations, in particular, can
upset the theoretical model. If sugar prices rise, many consumers rush out to buy more sugar, not less, for
they fear even sharper price rises in the future. Such anticipatory hoarding usually makes the expected price
rises actually result. The expectations are self-fulfilling. Such behavior does not invalidate economic theory.
It simply reinforces the necessity for analysts to use actually perceived decision variables, in this case
expected prices, rather than current market prices.
Expectations and anticipatory hoarding are extremely important for food policy. Very small shortages in a
relative sense, 3 to 5 percent of normal consumption, frequently lead to panic buying and price increases of
several hundred percent. Preventing such shortages is obviously the best strategy for food policy, but, failing
that, finding mechanisms to prevent panic buying can have extremely large welfare effects for poor
consumers who purchase much of their food from open markets. Rationing schemes or market injections of
grain can be quite effective in the short run in preventing such panic buying.
Quality effects can also lead to an apparent rejection of the normally negative relationship between
quantities purchased and price. If consumers judge the quality of the product by its price (but without any
"real" quality difference to justify the higher price), higher prices may well lead to greater consumption.
Understanding the potential role of the quality effect is very important when analyzing household food
consumption data gathered from cross-section surveys. The role of quality variations by income class in
food consumed is frequently critical to understanding the true impact of income and price differentials on
actual nutrient intake as opposed to monetary value of food consumed.
The Slutsky Equation
The theoretical perspective on food consumption is conveniently summarized by the Slutsky equation,
which relates the total change in consumption of a commodity to the change in price of any commodity,
including but not restricted to the commodity whose change is being observed. Consumption of substitutes
will rise when a commodity's price rises; consumption of complements will decline. Rice consumption will
change when rice prices change (relative to all other prices), but it might also change when wheat flour or
cassava prices change. Indeed, from the perspective of the Slutsky equation, any price change, even for
flashlight batteries, may affect rice consumption. Empirically, of course, such cross-price effects could be
too small to measure because the effects are swamped by errors in the data. Over time, however, the
cumulative impact of some cross-price effects can be quite significant. The cross-price linkages among
commodities suggested by consumer theory are an important element in understanding how the food system
adjusts to both exogenous forces and policy changes.
The elasticity version of the Slutsky equation shown below is convenient to interpret and use, where for
small changes elasticities refer to relative percentage changes.
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eij = ~ij - Ei~j
where eij = overall demand elasticity for commodity i when the price of commodity j changes
~ij = the pure substitution elasticity for commodity i when the price of commodity j changes
Ei = the income elasticity for commodity i
~j = the budget share of commodity j in the consumer's total expenditures on all commodities.
This equation is usually discussed in an empirical context for the same representative consumer in a society
depicted in figure 2-7, which illustrated the same changes graphically. Economic theory requires that each
consumer potentially have a unique Slutsky equation. It is already well recognized that Ei and ~j (income
elasticity and budget share) tend to vary systematically by income class. Most low-income consumers
devote a large share of their budgets to food (60 to 80 percent is not uncommon). They also buy
significantly more food when incomes increase. Income elasticities for food for very low-income consumers
sometimes approach one.
These factors alone suggest that eij, the overall demand elasticity, will also tend to vary systematically by
income class, with low-income consumers likely to make larger (in absolute values) adjustments in
commodity purchases than better-off consumers. Further evidence, to be discussed below, suggests that ~ij
the pure substitution term, also varies by income class.
The combined effects provide an important insight for food policy analysts. Low-income consumers are
likely to be far more sensitive in adjusting the quantities of food they consume to changes in prices than
either the representative consumer in the society, who reflects average data, or the upper-income groups.
Empirical analysis is needed to say how much more, but the theoretical framework does provide an
important set of expectations about the patterns the empirical data should reveal.
Estimating Consumption Parameters
The quantitative impact on food prices (and on the food energy intake of various population groups) of
changes occurring in the production, marketing, macro, or international arenas can be specified with
confidence only if empirical food consumption parameters for the society are available. Such parameters, in
the form of income elasticities, own-price elasticities, and cross-price elasticities, are needed at the macro
level to link aggregate food consumption to production levels, food imports, and food exports. For example,
if per capita incomes are projected to rise by 4 percent, but domestic grain production will increase by only
2 percent, how many tons of grain will have to be imported to keep prices stable? If imports do not increase,
how much will grain prices rise? Aggregate income and price elasticities are needed to answer such
At the micro level consumption parameters are used to determine the implications of price and income
changes on nutritional status, especially among the poor. This time the parameters must reflect the specific
behavior of the target group. The poor are very flexible in their food purchase decisions when their
economic environment changes. To know how their nutritional status might be affected by the grain price
increase calculated in the aggregate example just discussed, the analyst needs to estimate disaggregated
income and price elasticities. These parameters are also needed for program design to improve the
efficiency with which targeted subsidies actually reach the intended population. Commodities with high
aggregate income elasticities, for example, are not efficient vehicles for subsidization because upper-income
households consume more, and hence receive more of the subsidy, than low-income households.
Finally, short-run and long-run parameters are likely to be significantly different. Consumers require time to
adjust, and parameters estimated from data that reflect full adjustment to changes in prices and incomes will
be larger than the actual adjustment that is likely to take place in the short run.
The types of data available and the particular parameters sought determine the approach used to estimate
these parameters. Several texts provide stepby-step details for both time series and cross-section analysis,
and such details are inappropriate here. But it is useful to know how to frame the question, organize the
data, and interpret the statistical results. These points are covered here. Specific examples of analysis can be
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very helpful as case studies to follow from beginning to end, and several are listed in the annotated
bibliography to this chapter.
Types of Data
The food balance sheet and the disaggregated household food consumption data will indicate what
commodities are important enough to justify detailed consumption analysis. The primary starchy staples are
always important. They provide the bulk of both calories and protein, especially to the poor. The choice of
other commodities to include in the analysis depends on the nature of the nutrition problems, on existing
production and trade patterns, and on how sharply the consumption patterns differ by income class.
Table 2-2 shows the usual sources of information and data for obtaining consumption parameters. The table
shows that national aggregate data on consumption, production, trade, and prices are almost never suitable
sources for estimating micro consumption parameters, that is, the consumption elasticities for specific
income groups. The reason is fairly obvious. Information about which individual household consumes which
commodities is lost in the aggregation. Without this information, estimation is impossible. Only household
budget data that retain such household-specific characteristics are usually adequate for such estimation and
then primarily for long-run parameters. Such long-run parameters capture the full adjustment process to a
change in income or price. Typically, a five- to ten-year period is assumed necessary for full adjustment by
consumers to take place.
Even for macro consumption parameters-those that reflect the overall aggregate response of all consumers to
a change in average per capita income or in prices-household budget data are usually necessary to find the
long-run adjustment coefficients. The short-run parameters are typically estimated from the aggregat data
Table 2: Usefulness of Various Data Sources For Obtaining Consumption Parameters
- Consumption parameters
- Micro Macro
Source of data or information Short-run Long-run Short-run Long-run
National production, Consumption, trade, and price data N N U S
Household budget survey data S U S U
Marketing and food trade sources S N S S
International comparisons S/N S S S
U = Usual source
S = Secondary source
N = Not likely to be a useful source
However, many confounding influences condition the usefulness of aggregate data for any sensible
consumption analysis. Typically only one data point per year is available, and fifteen to twenty years of data
are needed for reliable statistical estimation. With changes in tastes, expectations, structure of the economy,
and even statistical reporting procedures, such lengthy time series of consumption data for most developing
countries are justifiably viewed with some skepticism. Useful information, sometimes even reliably
estimated parameters, can be gleaned from such data. The analyst will discover, however, that the gleaning
process is labor intensive and not successfully mechanized.
Unfortunately, no good sources of information or data exist for finding short-run micro consumption
parameters. Micro parameters estimated from cross-section data tend to reflect long-run adjustment
processes. Unless panel data-consumption statistics collected from the same households at regular times,
frequently quarterly-over reasonably long periods of time are available, no direct estimates of short-run
coefficients are possible. Panel data are extremely expensive to collect and are especially difficult to gather
for the very poor, who tend to have less fixed places of residence, to be illiterate, and often do not want to
cooperate with investigators who pry into their lives but offer nothing in return. Few sources of panel data
for developing countries exist.
Short-run micro parameters must, of necessity, be pieced together from various sources. The skill and
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intuitive feel of the investigator, acquired through experience with formal statistical estimation on a variety
of data sources and through widespread discussions with knowledgeable people in the food marketing arena,
are essential for achieving sensible results. Clearly, what is sensible is in the eye of the beholder. Theory
and international comparisons provide guidelines at the outset; the final test is the reliability of predictions.
Framing the Question
Numbers become data only when organized into some coherent framework for analysis, and the questions
asked always dictate the analytical technique. Food consumption analysis seeks primarily to explain patterns
of food purchases and intake, and the forces causing change in those patterns. Statistical analysis does not
reveal these important causal connections; causality is inferred by the analyst on the basis of the underlying
analytical framework from consumer theory. Merely estimating significant correlations between variables is
of little help in a policy context. Because of the complexity of basic economic structures, many correlations
between variables are produced indirectly. Knowledge of the structure and of indirect causal mechanisms
helps analysts predict accurately the effects of policy changes.
For understanding food consumption, some causal mechanisms are obvious and direct (higher incomes
permit larger food purchases, for example). Others can be quite subtle and indirect. For example, higher
incomes for middle-and upper-income households may increase demand for livestock products and
ultimately reduce food intake of the poor. The large conversion factor between feed grain and meat, coupled
with high income elasticities of demand for meat in middle- and upper-income households, means that
societies with highly skewed income distributions have the potential for very rapid increases in grain
demand. Indeed, a skewed income growth path can increase grain demand faster than income growth
targeted to the poor even with their higher income elasticities for basic food grains. Such indirect and
roundabout mechanisms indicate the complexity of most food systems.
The framework for analysis at the micro level is provided by household consumer theory. What factors will
the food buyer be considering during the purchase decision process? The list of factors provides the starting
point for the list of variables that must be organized for the analysis to proceed. Household income and
various food prices are the first items on the list, but when actual household level data are being used, many
other variables may also be important, such as size and composition of the family, location, and season of
the year. Education levels, occupation, and exposure to life outside a traditional village could be other
factors that influence the decision.
Many of these factors have no obvious policy significance. The analyst might be tempted to ignore them in
the pressure to produce results. However, their inclusion helps reduce any bias in the estimated coefficients
of the more directly policy-relevant variables. Price coefficients could be the main parameters sought in a
particular instance for policy purposes, but it will still be necessary to understand to what extent the price
coefficients reflect seasonal or locational factors rather than short-run response to variations in day-to-day
market prices. The more carefully the relationship is specified before estimation, the more likely it is to
provide the desired parameters of change.
Graphical Analysis
Organizing the data graphically is frequently a revealing exercise. Although the two dimensions of a sheet of
paper cannot capture subtle relationships among several variables, graphical presentation of the data forces
the analyst to decide what variables relate to each other. Frequently it helps specify the shape of the
relationship-linear, logarithmic, or more complex. Complex statistical techniques ofren overpower the
modest information available from typical data sets from developing countries. Extracting the information
actually contained in the data set, but not more than is contained therein, is sometimes easier with simple
graphical techniques than with computers.
Figure 2-8 illustrates the usefulness of graphical analysis. Per capita rice consumption in rural Java during
each trimester of 1976 is plotted against per capita income for the consuming households. Each axis is
scaled in logarithms so that the slope of the relationship between rice consumed and per capita income can
be read directly in elasticity terms. The slope of the line at any point indicates the income elasticity of
demand for rice, that is, the percentage increase in rice demand for a 1 percent increase in income, at any
income level. The household budget survey data shown in figure 2-8 were collected during calendar year
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1976 and were reported separately for each trimester, January-April, May-August, and September-
December. These periods correspond roughly to seasonal patterns of rice cultivation and harvesting, and
significant seasonal variations in rice prices occur between time periods. The lowest average prices occur
during the main harvest period, May-August, while the highest prices are reached in September-December.
If monthly data were available, a somewhat more accurate division into harvest, preharvest, and cultivation
periods could be made, but the existing division does reflect a uniform seasonal movement of rice prices.
Two patterns leap at the analyst from figure 2-8. First, the elasticity relationship between income and rice
consumption is not constant. It would
Figure 2-8. Rice Consumption Related to Income, Rural Java,1976
Note: The figure is drawn in logarithmic scale.
Source: Indonesoa, Central Bureau of Statistics, National Socioeconomic Survey V (Jakarta, 1976).
be difficult or, to be blunt, simply wrong to fit a single straight line to the data plotted in the figure. The
curvature of the relationship is very regular and strong. What functional form fits the data best is a question
for statistical estimation and a little trial and error, but certainly a log-linear function with a constant
income elasticity will be inappropriate. Simple examination of figure 2-8 shows that the income elasticity
for rice is nearly one for low-income households. It is zero or possibly slightly negative for very high-
income households. Since it is already known that rice plays a dominant role in overall caloric intake in
Indonesia, this pattern is both plausible and indicative of broader nutrient intake patterns (although the low-
income households are likely to be consuming substantial quantities of other, cheaper starchy staples in
addition to the relatively expensive rice).
The second powerftil pattern is the uniform shift of the entire income-rice consumption relationship from
period to period. The overall graphical relationship is quite smooth because the data from many households
are averaged together to form "cell means" for each income class. In some cases more than a thousand
households are averaged to show a single data point. Such averaging tends to yield fairly smooth graphical
relationships. The uniform shifting of the relationship, however, is an entirely separate matter. It is possible
to stop with the obvious explanation that there is a seasonal shift in rice consumption for each income class,
but a more satisfactory explanation suggests that the seasonal movements in rice prices cause the
consumption shifts.
A very rough price elasticity of demand for rice can be calculated from figure 2-8 by measuring the relative
shifrs from the low-price months (May-August) to the high-price months (September-December) and
comparing this consumption shift with the relative movements in rice prices themselves. Since the rice
prices are roughly 10 percent different and the consumption is about 6 percent different in the opposite
direction, a crude overall price elasticity of - 0.6 is indicated. This number can be greatly refined and made
income-class specific with computer analysis, but the preliminary graphical analysis has already produced
the main results needed for understanding the dynamics of rice consumption. Naturally, the world is not
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always so neat as figure 2-8 might suggest, and more subtle analytical techniques are needed. Graphical
analysis, however, can guide the search for appropriate analytical procedures.
Econometric Analysis
At some point in consumption analysis, resort to econometrics becomes inevitable. Discussion of
econometric techniques has been delayed here solely to block the instinct to move directly from numbers to
computer printout. All the earlier steps need to be taken so that the analyst feels quite comfortable with how
the consumption data were gathered and what they look like for several different plausible two-dimensional
plots. Formal statistical analysis can then be extraordinarily powerful in refining expectations formed in the
primary stages and in revealing subtle patterns and relationships that are invisible in raw data.
Although both time series aggregate data and cross-section household-specific data are generated by the
same decisions within the household, econometric analysis of the two types of data is quite different. First,
the number of observations, and consequently the degrees of freedom for analysis, is usually very large for
cross-section data sources (if raw household data rather than cell means are being used) but highly
constraining for most time series sources (if annual data are used). Time series analysis is usually deemed
quite successful if it yields reasonably robust estimates of price and income coefficients, with attention given
to major structural changes during the observation period. Frequently incomes and time are so strongly
correlated that no separate coefficients are possible, and it takes a great deal of faith to attribute all time-
related changes solely to income causation. But attributing it all to time is a profound expression of
ignorance of the causal mechanisms at work.
Cross-section data, especially in their raw form, are far richer in information than time series data but
specifically do not reflect how a household changes its consumption decisions when incomes and prices
change. The cross-section survey, by definition, collects data from different households, which have
different incomes and which sometimes face different prices because of temporal, spatial, or quality
differences. These households differ in many other subtle ways as well. The common practice is to interpret
income and price coefficients estimated from cross-section data as long-run adjustment parameters that
reflect the adjustment of all variables causing households to be different, including education levels and
traditional expectations about what constitutes normal consumer behavior. Both psychological evidence and
economic theory suggest that adjustments are normally much more flexible as decisionmaking gradually
adapts to a new income or price environment. Consequently, cross-section consumption parameters for
individual commodities are expected to be significantly larger, in absolute terms, than the short-run
responses revealed by actual purchase decisions. (The short-run versus long-run behavior of total
consumption and savings is a separate and different story.)
Care in specifying consumption equations is an essential step in estimating sensible parameters (assuming
adequate information is contained in the data in the first place). Specification determining what variables
and what functional form will best suit the regression estimated-is an art. Like all art, elements of technique
can be taught, and competence comes with experience as an apprentice. As with other artistic endeavors,
flair and creativity may be inborn. Some simple guidelines help at the beginning:
Real or deflated values. Consistency is important with respect to whether absolute values, deflated
values, or relative values of incomes and prices are being used. Over a long time in inflationary
settings the subtle effects of relative price changes may be lost in the wash of general price increases.
Deflating prices and incomes by cost of living indices sometimes works, but such deflation often adds
biases because of peculiarities of the weights used and the commodities included in the index.
Functional forms. Economic theory provides general guidelines as to reasonable functional forms for
consumption analysis, but it offers little insight into which form is preferred for regression analysis of
food consumption data. For the purposes of food policy analysis the most important criterion for
choosing among functional forms that make sense and are stable over time is goodness of fit,
especially for the domain of low-income consumers. Additional considerations include ease of
estimation and interpretation and the potential for specifying an overall regression form with income-
class-specific coefficients.
Tests of significance. Experimentation by including and excluding variables and by using different
functional forms is essential to understand the patterns of variance in any given data set. But even
modest experimentation, using a single set of data for the dependent variable, calls into question all
normal statistical tests of significance. Consequently, the specification for the first run should not be
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regarded as merely one of many plausible specifications. Careful attention should be given in advance
to the form and content of the equation most likely to give significant and plausible results. The
statistical tests of significance for this first regression and the coefficients in it can be taken quite
seriously. All other variations yield additional insight, and seeing the pattern of changing (indicated)
significance is often helpful. The first results, however, should be held as the standard of comparison.
This purist concern can be ignored if no a priori reasons exist for preferring one specification over
another, but it remains important to think carefully about specification first.
Interpretation of results. If specification is the artistic part of consumption analysis, interpreting the
results often seems to call for magic. Sometimes apparently implausible coefficients remain
statistically significant despite careful efforts at respecification. Analysts frequently go through great
contortions to explain such results. The attempt is important, for only through efforts to explain
awkward results does the analyst finally come to understand the patterns of variance in the data.
Ultimately it may be legitimate simply to throw up one's hands and say "it's crazy," but not until a
genuine effort has been made to find a plausible explanation for the result. The analyst tests a possible
explanation by trying a different specification, which should yield a predictable change in the result.
Interpretation is not always so difficult. Indeed, with skill and luck the original specification of a
functional relationship, before major complications and disaggregation are introduced, will be entirely
straightforward. Negative price coefficients and positive income coefficients will appear, all in some
plausible range. That is a starting point. A basic rule of empirical research is to extend the complexity
of the analysis until the results begin to lose statistical significance and the data will no longer support
the subtlety and disaggregation of the specification. Art and magic coalesce at this point where the
entire analysis begins to come apart at the seams but the patterns are still apparent.
Guidelines to Econometric Results
What should the empirical results look like? Are there any empirical regularities to guide the analyst?
Fortunately, an enormous history of food consumption analysis stretches back well over a century. Several
regularities have been sufficiently observed to be classified as the economic equivalent of laws.
Engel's law states that the proportion of a family's budget devoted to food declines as the family's income
increases. Frequently attributed to "the limited capacity of the human stomach," Engel's law does not in fact
refer to the quantity of food ingested but to expenditures, which continue to rise well after calorie intake has
stabilized. One common interpretation of the law is that the income elasticity of demand for food is less than
one. Although this seems to be universally true for all aggregate income elasticities for entire societies,
individual low-income consumers may actually have income elasticities for food of one or greater. On
average, Engel's law is perhaps the best-established empirical relationship in all of economics. It is not,
however, a necessary guide to individual family behavior in low-income households.
Bennett's law states that the "starchy staple ratio" declines as household incomes increase. The proportion of
calories that an individual derives from the basic starchy staples (mostly grains and root crops)-the starchy
staple ratio-falls with rising income as the consumer diversifies the. food consumption bundle to include
higher-priced calories. The Perisse illustration (figure 2-1) showed this diversification by nutrient
classification. Figure 2-2 showed that considerable substitution within the starchy staple category takes place
before any tendency is seen to reduce the relative importance of starchy staples in the total diet.
Bennett's law is well documented for changes in national diets over time as average incomes increase as
well as for cross-country comparisons of diets at different income levels. As with Engel's law, the
relationship is not a reliable guide to individual family behavior. Especially for international comparisons,
both relationships are conditioned by other factors, particularly basic food prices relative to prices of
industrial and light consumer goods.
A logical corollary of Engel's law is that the income elasticity of demand for food-less than one on average
for a society-is likely to be relatively large for low-income consumers and to decline to very small levels
for upper-income consumers. Bennett's law suggests that such a pattern will be much sharper for the starchy
staples for two reasons. First, Bennett's law refers to sources of calories, the intake of which is limited by
human physiology (for given activity levels and stable weight). Second, Bennett's law reflects the seemingly
universal desire for variety in the diet and for high-quality protein and refined sugar.
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Figure 2-9 illustrates these relationships via the simple but useful distinction between food quantity and
food quality. Although food quality is a vague term at best, economists can be very precise about its
definition in this context: food quality is measured by the average price paid for calories. Hence it can be
seen that Engel's law refers to observed patterns of food expenditure
Figure 2-9. Various Measures of Food Consumption Relative to Household Income Level
Note: The figure is drawn in logarithms to illustrate elasticities.
(log) Food quality = (log)food expenditure - (log)food quantity.
relative to income, while Bennett's law refers to food quantities (or more specifically, sources of food
calories) relative to income. The regular relationship between the tw~that the average quality of food
calories, measured by prices, rises with incomes-should probably be called Houthakker's law.
Strong empirical evidence demonstrates that consumers respond to commodity price changes by appropriate,
that is, inverse, adjustments in commodity purchases and consumption. Abstracting from expectations,
speculative behavior, and the snob effects of higher prices, which can clearly influence any specific
empirical test of the relationship between commodity price and quantity consumed, the negativity of the
own-price elasticity is almost as firmly established as Engel's law. The downward slope to the demand curve
should probably be named Slutsky's law in honor of the Russian theoretician who first showed how to
decompose the observed demand curve relationship into its substitution and income components.
Much of the empirical validity of Slutsky's law derives from the income term in the Slutsky equation
previously given. The empirical regularities driving this income term, which is the negative of the income
elasticity times the budget share, derive mostly from Engel's law. At least for low-income societies, the
budget share devoted to basic food commodities is likely to be large and the income elasticity significantly
greater than zero. Consequently, the income component alone of the Slutsky equation normally leads to
observed negative price elasticities. Since the pure substitution term is always negative (but of unknown size
from either theory or any known empirical relationship), Slutsky's law almost always holds in a static world.
Price elasticities, like income elasticities, vary by income. But it is much more difficult to relate the change
in price elasticity to income-class changes than it is to find the similar relationship for income elasticities.
The Slutsky equation again offers a convenient framework for forming empirical expectations about how
price elasticities for basic foods change with incomes. First, the income term of the Slutsky equation is
clearly a function of income class, via variants of Engel's and Bennett's laws. The proportion of the
household budget devoted to food falls as incomes rise (Engel's law), and the income elasticity also declines
(Bennett's and Engel's laws combined). Even if the pure substitution term is constant for all income classes,
the overall price elasticity for basic foodstuffs should be larger in absolute terms for poor households in a
society than for the better-off. A poor household spending 85 percent of its budget on food, with an income
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elasticity for food of 0.8, would have an own-price elasticity of demand for food of -0.68, even if the
substitution effect were zero. A family spending only 25 percent of its budget on food, with an income
elasticity of 0.1, would have a price elasticity of only - 0.025 (again ignoring the substitution effect).
The pure substitution effect also depends on income. Preliminary empirical evidence from several countries
relates the change in the absolute size of the pure substitution elasticity by income class to the rate of
change of income elasticities. Although economic theory seems to provide no insight whatsoever into this
relationship, the pure substitution elasticity for each commodity tends to decline in absolute size, as incomes
rise, at about half the rate of decline in income elasticities. It is premature to call this a "law," but the
relationship does offer a mechanism by which aggregate demand parameters estimated from time series or
combined cross-section/time series data can be modified to become income-class specific. Income
elasticities by income class and commodity are needed in this calculation. These can frequently be
estimated from cross-section data using log-quadratic or semi-log demand functions.
A simple example might work as follows. Suppose the price elasticity of demand for rice, the basic staple, is
estimated from time series data to be -0.40, a reasonable value for a food staple in a poor society with a
multi-staple food economy. Table 2-3 shows the necessary data and steps for calculating the own-price
elasticity for rice for three-low, average, and high-income groups in this society. The income elasticity is
estimated from a log-quadratic function, and so the pure substitution term becomes a declining (in absolute
values) function of the log of per capita income, taken to be $100, $300, and $600, respectively, for each
income class.
The results are quite dramatic. Although the overall price elasticity of demand for rice, as estimated from
time series data for the society, is only
Table 3: Calculation of Price Elasticity by Income Class
Annual per capita
income (dollars)
Budget share
to rice
Income elasticity
for ricea
Pure substitution
Total price
Low 100 0.60 0.96 -0.41 -0.99
Average 300 0.40 0.52 -0.19 -0.40
High 600 0.20 0.24 -0.05 -0.10
a. Calculated from the following Engel function
Log rice consumption = 2.80 log Y - 0.20 (log v)2
Rice income elasticity = 2.80 - 0.40 (log Y)
b. Calculated from the Slutsky equation and "Timmer Curvature" relationship in the following fashion:
Average pure substitution = = (E) ( ) + e
= (0.52) (0.40) - 0.40 = -0.19
The "Timmer Curvature" relationship is: Income-class-specific pure substitution term, =
Intercept (I) + half the income elasticity coefficient times log of income. = -1.33 +
0.20 (log Y). The intercept term (-1.33) was calculated from the average relationship -0.19=
I + (0.20) (5.70), where 5.70 = log 300.
C. Calculated using the basic Slutsky equation for each income class.
-0.40, the price elasticity for the low-income group is -0.99, more than twice as large. The price elasticity for
the high-income group is only -0.10. The steps involved in calculating these elasticities are lengthy,
somewhat complicated, and draw on a mixture of theoretical and empirical regularities. The results,
however, are plausible, are sufficiently different from the overall average to be well worth the effort, and
provide a convenient shortcut to the expensive and time-consuming consumption analysis needed to
estimate such parameters directly.
The full-blown consumption analysis should be conducted whenever possible to refine the parameters
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further and provide additional insight into the "empirical regularities" used to create the results in table 2-3.
Such an analysis, however, is not likely to be high on the list of priorities for food policy analysts. They will
be forced to borrow, to adjust, and to interpolate from other studies and settings. The rules and guidelines
provided here are intended to make that ad hoc process as easy and successful as possible. At the same time,
the limits to what these estimated and borrowed parameters can tell the analyst should be recognized. At
best, they capture the reactions of consumers who participate in markets, have measurable incomes, and live
at fixed residences where interviewers from statistical bureaus can find them. The parameters do not
capture, nor is very much known about, the consumption behavior of the very poor~the destitute who
subsist below the relative safety of mere poverty. It is not clear that policy can reach these people, for the
same reasons that interviewers cannot. Their hope lies in a dynamic economy that creates ready jobs for
unskilled workers and in the compassion of their society for the truly unfortunate.
Using Consumption Parameters
Food policy analysis focuses major analytical attention on food consumption patterns because of the
relationship between the quantity of food consumed and hunger. The market demand parameters for basic
foodstuffs that are an early product of food policy analysis are used to answer several important questions.
When average per capita GNP rises, how much is market demand for rice likely to increase? What will be
the effect on market demand for wheat? How will demand for cassava, corn, or meat change? How much
meat is grain-fed, and what will growing meat demand do to grain demand? How sensitive is market
demand to absolute and relative food prices? If all food grain prices rise relative to nonfood prices, how
much does demand drop? When rice prices rise, does wheat consumption rise while rice consumption falls?
Answering these questions is important because the resulting income, ownprice, and cross-price elasticities
provide necessary linkages from macro price policy and macroeconomic performance to food consumption
and, through the food marketing sector, to incentives for agricultural production. Estimating these aggregate
market demand parameters with any real confidence is seldom easy. Time series data are frequently short
and of dubious accuracy when domestic food grain production makes up a significant part of total
consumption. Mechanical regression analysis seldom gives plausible parameters. A combination of intuitive
judgment, talking to traders, evidence from household surveys, simple graphical and statistical analysis of
available data, and familiarity with similar parameters in other countries is frequently the best that can be
The second step in food consumption analysis disaggregates the first step. The motivation for this step is
quite different from the need to know aggregate market demand parameters to understand the macro
linkages in the food sector. The disaggregated consumption understanding is needed to trace the effects of
various price and income policies on the food intake of the poor. For designing programs that target food
subsidies efficiently, knowledge of how the consumption parameters of the poor differ from those of the
middle-and upper-income households is essential.
The starting point is to discover what the poor actually eat. Everyone knows that they eat less than the rich
eat. But in virtually all societies the composition of foods the poor eat is also significantly different from the
diets of middle-income and wealthy consumers. The point can usually be demonstrated and suitably
quantified by preparing separate food balance sheets for three or four income classes in a society and
comparing them with the aggregate food balance sheet published by the government. The information
needed to do this is normally available from household expenditure surveys.
Food policy analysts should always go this far in understanding disaggregated food consumption patterns. It
is critical to get the commodities and the amounts right. Whether it is then possible to disaggregate the
demand parameters by income class will depend on data availability, computer facilities, and analytical
capacity. The results of the few such analyses that have been conducted are both satisfying and exciting.
Intuitive prior judgments that the poor, in their food consumption decisions, are significantly more
responsive to economic signals-both income and price signals-have been strongly borne out in the analysis.
The ultimate goal of food consumption analysis is to improve the potential for and efficiency of government
interventions to increase staple food intake among the very poor. Such interventions have two effects: the
changed food intake among the target population; and secondary and usually unintended ramifications for
food production, marketing, and even for the rest of the economy. For example, generalized food subsidies
through low food prices have potentially negative effects on food production. The mechanisms by which
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subsidies and food price policies are implemented usually have an enormous impact on the food marketing
sector. An overvalued exchange rate that is maintained partly to hold food costs down can have very wide-
spread ramifications for overall economic growth. Likewise, policies and interventions in the rest of the
economy, including but not limited to the food system, frequently have unintended consequences for food
consumption among the poor. The disaggregated food consumption parameters permit analysts to predict, if
only roughly, how important this impact might be.
From Commodity Consumption Functions to Individual Nutrient
Commodity consumption functions, even those estimated for specific income classes, have two important
limitations. First, because virtually all food consumption data are gathered at the household level, few
consumption functions address the question of distribution of food within the household despite the greater
extent of malnutrition among young children and pregnant and lactating women. Second, information on
foods consumed is not the same as information on nutrients consumed. The body uses nutrients to provide
energy for work and growth and the raw materials for healthy metabolism and body development. Individual
food commodities carry a variety of nutrients, and often nutrient analysis is a helpful additional step in
consumption analysis.
Nutrient Analysis
Nutritional status depends heavily on nutrient intake. While such nutrients come from food, the body is
more or less indifferent to the source of specific nutrients, whether calories, amino acids, vitamins, or
minerals. Carrots and papaya both provide vitamin A; the eye can hardly tell the difference at the level of
blood chemistry. Individual commodity analysis is extremely important to understanding actual consumer
decision-making, for people buy and consume foods, not nutrients. Most foods, however, contain many
different nutrients, and not all important nutrients are completely supplied by normal amounts of one
particular food. Hence, an important distinction exists between food commodity analysis and nutrient
analysis, and some understanding of overall changes in nutrient intake is necessary to complement the
individual commodity results.
Separate analysis of individual nutrients (such as calories, protein, iron, calcium, and vitamin A) can be
made as if they were commodities. With information from nutritional scientists and dietitians the quantity of
food consumed can be converted into nutrients actually available to the body. Few such consumption
analyses have been conducted, especially for disaggregated income classes, and all have focused on income
effects. Except for studies in the United States (by Anne Thomson), Indonesia (by C. Peter Timmer and
Harold Alderman), and Bangladesh (by Mark Pitt), no price effects for basic nutrients by income class have
been directly estimated. Per Pinstrup-Anderson and others have generated such parameters for urban
households in Cali, Colombia, using a mixture of empirical and theoretical modeling. Knowledge of
disaggregated food commodity consumption parameters is just beginning to accumulate, and knowledge of
the overall nutrient effects is well behind even this modest level.
The impact of income change on nutrient intake can also be built up from individual commodity functions if
enough commodities have been analyzed. A fairly satisfactory understanding of protein and calorie intake,
the important nutrients for food policy analysis, can usually be generated from a half dozen commodities.
The same is not true of the micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, and trace elements) since they tend to be
supplied from secondary foods that need not be consumed in large quantities to provide significant amounts
of a particular micronutrient. A very small quantity of red palm oil, for instance, can supply several months'
requirements of vitamin A.
Price effects on overall protein and calorie intake cannot be aggregated easily from individual commodity
functions. Cross-price effects tend to dampen significantly the overall protein and calorie adjustments to a
change in a single commodity price. Since these cross-price effects are quite difficult to estimate reliably
when several commodity prices are changing simultaneously, the prediction of a calorie or protein change
becomes very inexact. More satisfactory results may be obtainable by estimating directly how calorie or
protein intake changes as a function of some weighted price of calories or protein. Large changes in
consumption patterns create difficulties in choosing appropriate weights for the prices, but the problem is
not significant for fairly small changes.
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Food Distribution in the Household
All the food and nutrient consumption analysis discussed so far has been conducted at the household level.
The nutrition survey data, however, usually identify certain vulnerable groups in low-income households.
Infants, small children, and pregnant or lactating women suffer from hunger and malnutrition far more
frequently and severely than the population as a whole. The elderly are often severely affected. How can
food distribution within the family be determined?
Despite the importance of the questions, there are no answers. Even the descriptive data available on food
consumption by income class of households seldom contain accurate information on distribution within the
family. With data on household size and composition by age, sex, and occupation it is sometimes possible to
estimate roughly the distribution of food to family members and the long-run parameters of change in food
intake by individual family members in response to income or price change. Since the short-run change
coefficients have never been estimated successfully, only anthropological insights are helpful with this
problem. Because of such data and analytical problems, food policy analysis focuses at the household level
rather than on members within it. Nutrition interventions frequently try to target their inputs more precisely,
but consumption interventions normally treat the household as the basic decisionmaking unit.
Food and Nutrition Interventions
Food and nutrition interventions are available over a wide range of categories and approaches. For example,
an overvalued exchange rate for a food-importing country provides a significant subsidy to all food
consumers in the society. Given the tendency for many poor, food-deficit countries to maintain overvalued
exchange rates, the most prevalent and probably the most important food consumption intervention in terms
of aggregate impact on food energy intake is precisely via this macro price, the foreign exchange rate. This
is the broadest and least targeted food consumption intervention.
At the extreme opposite end of the spectrum is hyperalimentation through intravenous feeding. Hospital
patients can be kept alive, even healthy, for months and even years while entirely bypassing their digestive
systems. All required nutrients for maintenance and growth can be supplied directly to the bloodstream
without prior eating or digestion. This is certainly the ultimate in targeted nutrition intervention.
Table 2-4 attempts to break this wide spectrum of potential interventions into a 2 by 2 matrix of categories:
food versus nutrition interventions and
Table 4: Categories of Food and Nutrition Interventions
- Food Nutrition
Targeted Food stamps with means test
Maternal and child health clinics with means tests or
geographic targeting
Fair price Shops with means test and geographic or
commodity targeting
Targeted nutrition education
- Targeted ration programs Targeted weaning foods
Supplementary feeding programs for women, children, or
other vulnerable groups
Vitamin and mineral supplements for deficit
- Price subsidies for inferior food commodities Malnutrition wards in hospitals for severe cases
- Food-for-work programs -
Nontargeted Direct (program) -
- General food ration schemes
Nutrition education on radio and television and through
other general media
Fair-price shops for primary foodstuffs and unrestricted
General fortification schemes (for example, iodized
- Indirect (policy)
Basic policies encouraging breastfeeding or
discouraging infant formula
- Overvalued exchange rate for imported food
Public health interventions (water, sanitation,
- General food price policy or subsidy -
Food production input subsidies (fertilizer, water, credit,
seed, machinery)
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targeted versus nontargeted interventions. Both distinctions are
blurred at best, but they do provide ends of spectrums along two important dimensions. The matrix provides
a starting point in the effort to understand a country's existing or potential food and nutrition interventions.
Food Versus Nutrition Interventions
The first important distinction is between food interventions and nutrition interventions. Many nutrition
planners consider all interventions that ultimately might have an impact on nutritional status as nutrition
interventions, but a much narrower view is taken here. Specifically, nutrition intervention projects, as
discussed here, are restricted to activities that achieve nutritional objectives without using the changed intake
of staple foods as the primary cause of the nutritional change. Nutrition education, development of calorie-
dense weaning foods, vitamin and mineral supplementation or fortification, encouragement of breast-
feeding, and public health measures all can have significant impact on nutritional status without significant
changes in the consumption of staple foods.
The other major category, food interventions, includes the possibilities for improving the distribution of
intake of food staples, hence reducing the extent and severity of chronic hunger. This category of
interventions is the main focus of food policy analysis, not because nutrition interventions are unimportant
but because they can be much more efficient and effective where significant food energy deficits have been
eliminated. This assessment is controversial, especially when broad-scale food interventions are set against
broad-scale public health interventions that attempt to improve nutritional status by capturing the synergistic
impact of clean water, adequate sanitation facilities, and simple treatment of infections and gastrointestinal
However this debate is resolved in any particular empirical setting, it should be made clear what the debate
is not about. In the context of widespread food energy deficits, nutrition interventions in the narrow sense-
nutrition education, malnutrition wards in hospitals, food fortification, even child-feeding or school lunch
programs-have not been very successful at improving the nutritional status of the recipients. Such narrowly
focused nutrition intervention projects usually can be effective only when household food intake is
sufficiently above a threshold at which all family members have access to adequate protein and calories for
growth and body maintenance.
Targeted Versus Non-targeted Interventions
The second major distinction is between targeted and nontargeted interventions. Targeting directs the
benefits to a specific group of recipients. If an intervention is designed so that virtually all the benefits are
broadly distributed among an entire population, the program is untargeted. Since targeting is not an all-or-
nothing proposition, the intent of the program must be clearly distinguished from the actual distribution of
its benefits. On the one hand, for example, a food stamp program might be intended to be highly targeted
because of an income test for qualification; but if no independent data can be used to verify a person's
reported income, the program can actually be relatively untargeted. On the other hand, a shop selling
subsidized food in the center of a very poor section of town could be freely accessible to all buyers, but
because of the targeted location (and perhaps restrictions on the quantity that may be purchased at one time,
for example, no truckload lots), the food subsidy in fact accrues almost entirely to food-deficit households.
Targeting can be judged only by result, not by intent. Disaggregated food consumption analysis provides the
descriptive and analytical understanding of the food consumption patterns of the poor necessary for
predicting actual results. Knowing what the poor eat and why and how those patterns will change when the
external environment changes is essential to designing food interventions that target in fact as well as in
intent. Since most food interventions take the form of an implicit or explicit subsidy, either altering the price
facing the consumer or transferring real income, the need to have disaggregated price and income elasticities
for important food staples is obvious.
Why is targeting such an important topic? Why not use fairly simple international trade instruments, such as
imports with subsidies, to provide cheap food to the entire population? Although quite effective if
implemented widely and with vigor, as in Egypt and Sri Lanka until 1979, such broad subsidies are
extremely expensive and can have powerful disincentive effects on the agricultural sector. Targeting
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consumer subsidies to just the households in greatest need provides most of the nutritional gains of the
broader subsidies without the enormous fiscal burden or the production disincentives.
Food consumption interventions can be targeted in a variety of ways, but all require substantial knowledge
about food consumption patterns of the poor, both descriptive (including who the poor are and where they
are located) and analytical (how the poor will change their food consumption patterns when their incomes or
prices change).
Targeting Mechanisms
Targeting refers simply to getting more food to the identified group and not to others. The success of any
targeting mechanism depends on limiting the leakage of program benefits to nonprogram families. Such
leakages tend to be a function of the size of the program benefits. Small benefits provide little incentive to
cheat or to participate contrary to the intent or regulations of the program. However, small benefits do little
to alleviate hunger, which requires the transfer of adequate resources to generate a significant increase in
food intake. Programs with relatively large program benefits for target families-those with food energy
deficits-tend to encounter large leakages (some would say hemorrhages, on the basis of historical efforts to
target food subsidies). One of two things must happen for ambitious food interventions to succeed. Either
the program will become more expensive and the fiscal burden greater, or the targeting mechanisms must be
more carefully designed and implemented.
Means Test
Targeting is a tricky concept for program design. The most obvious mechanism for targeting food
interventions to the poor is to implement a means test, that is, to have an income threshold above which
individuals or families do not qualify for the program. By design, a means test can be graduated, with
benefits declining as incomes rise, so that the implicit tax on earned income is not so high as to create a
strong disincentive to work. Means tests are expensive to administer, however, and tend to become tainted
with fraud and abuse because of bureaucratic inability to monitor closely every participant's income.
Moreover, although the work disincentive effects of such subsidy programs on recipient families can be
cushioned and made gradual, they cannot be eliminated altogether.
Means tests are used fairly successfully in industrialized countries with extensive income tax records and
computerized social security files. In societies with less extensive accounting information about individuals,
the record of bureaucratic implementation of means tests is quite dismal. Limiting food program subsidies to
low-income families by having government civil servants approve or disapprove applications on the basis of
income information submitted by each family can in principle lower food subsidy costs relative to general
subsidy costs. But such a bureaucratic approach to food intervention targeting is not likely to lower the costs
enough for the fiscal burden to be manageable without extensive outside financing. In addition to the high
costs of bureaucratic targeting, a means test frequently leaves out the most needy, who are unable or
unwilling to face a government officer in such a procedure. Other forms of targeting need to be
Beyond the income-related means test, targeting mechanisms for the various programs listed in table 2-4 are
identified by studying the results of a country's food consumption analysis. The goal is to find effective
targeting mechanisms that can extend the range of possible interventions in other dimensions of policy.
Some of these mechanisms are fairly obvious; others have surprising twists. In addition to income targeting
by a direct bureaucratic means test, five other forms can be considered for targeting the food and nutrition
interventions in table 2-4 more precisely to the intended beneficiaries: geographic, temporal, sex and age,
"roundabout" carrier, and commodity targeting.
Geographic Targeting
Geographic targeting requires fairly precise identification of urban or rural areas that have a uniformly high
proportion of poor people suffering from inadequate food energy intake. Government fairprice shops located
in the center of such areas selling heavily subsidized foods in retail quantities-for example, up to five
kilograms of wheat flour or rice-are sometimes an efficient mechanism for targeting the food subsidy to the
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Temporal Targeting
Temporal targeting is less well recognized but is done fairly frequently. If high food prices shortly before a
main harvest cause significant hunger, the government can dampen the seasonal price peak by market
injections of food and thereby reduce energy deficits and lower seasonal morbidity and mortality. Such
temporal targeting of food subsidies is not costless in a broader sense, however, because the private
marketing sector will drop out of transportation and marketing activity unless adequate price margins are
provided to generate normal profits.
A government that decrees uniform prices for the entire year usually finds itself handling the entire marketed
surplus rather than just a small margin sufficient to dampen high prices. The benefits to such a drastic
policy might be positive but only if the government is fully prepared for the new task, has the financial
capacity to carry it out, and manages the marketing functions as efficiently as the private sector. With
successful temporal targeting of food subsidies, the significant welfare gains from improving the seasonal
distribution of food consumption have both economic and nutritional components. With realistic demand
curves for low-income food consumers, price stabilization can be shown to increase consumer surplus, the
economic measure of a consumer's welfare. The gains in health and productivity which arise from the
improved nutritional status can be added to the economic gains, thus providing further impetus to policy
efforts to remove sharp seasonal fluctuations in the availability and prices of basic foodstuffs. At the same
time, holding grain stocks is expensive, and managing those stocks as part of a price stabilization policy is a
complicated undertaking. Chapters 4 and 6 return to these issues.
Sex and Age Targeting
Sex and age targeting is possible because much of the serious hunger and malnutrition, resulting from
inadequate food intake at the household level, is concentrated among small children and pregnant and
lactating women. Programs that direct food to these groups may be very efficient in nutritional impact per
dollar of program subsidy. But finding mechanisms that target specifically to the vulnerable groups is very
complicated. For instance, providing a child a free, nutritious meal at a school or day-care center would
seem to be very precise targeting. However, if the child receives 800 calories extra in the school lunch but
200 calories less at home for breakfast and 400 calories less for dinner because the parents know the child
was well fed at school, three-quarters of the food has leaked away from the target recipient.
The available evidence, especially as reviewed by James Austin and Marian Zeitlin, suggests that such
indirect leakages are pervasive and that age and sex targeting tends to be translated into family-wide income
supplements. Such supplements are not necessarily bad, of course, but nutritional impact on the target
individual is significantly diluted unless the programs specifically provide sufficient food resources for the
entire family. If this is done, however, the program is no longer an age-targeted program but a roundabout
carrier, which uses one vulnerable family member as the vehicle for reaching an entire poor family. Some
form of target criteria must still identify the child or mother in need, and so the targeting requirement
Roundabout Carriers
Roundabout carriers sometimes transfer significant resources to poor families. Finding such carriers involves
knowing how the poor spend their money and locating an efficient commodity or service that can be
subsidized specifically for the poor. In 1981 the kerosene subsidy in Indonesia, for example, provided the
equivalent of about forty kilograms of rice per year for families in the bottom third of the income
distribution. The kerosene subsidy caused serious distortions in the rest of the economy, but the example
suggests that food subsidies are not the only feasible way of increasing food consumption. Subsidized bus
passes, water, or education can have similar consequences for food consumption. The disaggregated
consumption analysis helps determine whether they do have such effects and whether new policy and
program opportunities have been revealed.
Commodity Trading
Commodity targeting can be used to focus and enforce geographic or age and sex targeting, for example,
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but it also has considerable potential as a direct targeting mechanism. Knowledge of food consumption
patterns and of the entire food system is essential to commodity targeting. If a food is consumed primarily
by the poor, that commodity can serve as an efficient vehicle for a subsidy intended to increase food intake
among the deficit population.
Figure 2-10 shows stylized food consumption patterns as a function of income. Three sources of calories
(rice, dried cassava, and "other") and their consumption relative to income are shown in the figure along
with the total calorie intake as a function of income. C * indicates the recommended calorie intake for the
representative consumer, and Y * indicates the income level at which such a calorie intake is normally
consumed. Rice and dried cassava are used as generic names for convenience; the commodities could be
wheat and millet or even white flour and brown flour. Indeed, one of the challenges of the commodity
targeting approach is to create new food commodities with desired characteristics for efficiently carrying
food subsidies to the poor.
It can be seen from figure 2-10 that subsidizing rice is not a very efficient mechanism for targeting subsidies
to the poor. Rice has a high income elasticity, and its consumption rises sharply with income. Consequently,
most of the subsidy accrues to upper-income groups in the absence of further
Figure 2-10. Stylized Food Consumption Patterns as a Function of Income
Note: Solid lines indicate consumption patterns before a sbsidy on dried cassava; dotted lines indicate
consumption patterns after a subsidy on dried cassava. The shaded areas indicate increases in calorie
intake after the subsidy.
targeting mechanisms. But the consumption of dried cassava behaves very differently, rising with income
among the very poor but then becoming a sharply inferior good with negative income elasticities for income
classes on both sides of Y . Dried cassava ultimately becomes a negligible factor in calorie intake for
middle- and upper-income households.
The dotted lines indicate a plausible result of a hefty subsidy on dried cassava for consumption in
nonproducing households. (The effects are more complicated for producer-consumer households, and
implementing a commodity price subsidy that affects only consumers requires careful attention to the
marketing issues discussed in chapter 4.) With the subsidy, dried cassava consumption increases fairly
sharply for the very poor, with relatively small increases for those with incomes over Y *, until eventually
the price subsidy has no impact at all on higher-income households. Next, some of the income effect of the
subsidy is used to increase rice consumption, a superior food for low-income households. Since this income
effect depends on the amount of cassava in the overall household budget, it drops off very sharply as Y * is
approached. This income effect might be offset and even made negative by a significant cross-price effect
between rice and cassava. Empirical evidence by income class for such cross-price effects between starchy
staples is virtually nonexistent. Cassava consumption in Indonesia seems to fall when rice prices fall and
rise when rice prices rise. This reflects normal substitution. Current statistical estimates do not show a
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significant impact on rice consumption when cassava price changes, however, perhaps because the budget
share of cassava is small even for poor households. Figure 2-10 shows rice consumption as complementary
to cassava consumption as a basic calorie source because of a positive income effect.
The combined effect of increased dried cassava and rice consumption on total calorie intake shows up as a
dramatic shift in the calorie-income relationship in favor of people below C *. Of course, this is a stylized
example designed to make precisely that point, but the consumption patterns shown are not atypical. The
potential for using self-targeting commodities justifies a fairly intensive analysis of food consumption
patterns in search of commodities that behave like cassava. In fact, figure 2-10 also shows what an "ideal"
commodity might look like. It is the mirror image of the calorie-income curve "reflected" from C *. If such
a commodity were available (or could be invented by food technologists) and distributed free to any
consumer who wanted it, the entire calorie deficit would be precisely and exactly eliminated. Such precision
is not possible in the real world, but the concept of an efficient carrier of food subsidies to poor people is
quite sound. A gruel made from dried cassava with some vegetable oil (for caloric density), a small amount
of soy or peanut meal (for protein), and red peppers (so the chickens won't eat it) might actually improve
protein-calorie intake more cheaply and efficiently than any existing alternative.
Keeping the chickens (and hogs, cows, goats, or pets) from eating a subsidized food is important. Most
inferior foodstuffs, such as corn, sorghum, or millet, are high-quality animal feeds. Poor countries typically
feed little grain (or even rootcrops, except to pigs in China) to livestock because it is too expensive.
Subsidizing such grains can fairly quickly transfer subsidies to a grain-intensive livestock industry,
distributing benefits by income class exactly opposite to the intention of the original targeting scheme.
Bread carried by truckloads to feed poultry on the outskirts of Cairo indicates the potential problem can be
quite real. Those concerned with commodity targeting must look in two very different directions: at the
consumption patterns of the poor, and at livestock-feeding patterns and the potential for a shift to a
subsidized inferior foodstuff. Ways to reach one group without benefiting the other are essential if
commodity targeting is to be effective. Table 2-4 provides the categories of interventions available for this
Linkages among Food and Nutrition Interventions
Program linkages complicate the design and implementation of food and nutrition interventions. Several
factors raise or lower the efficiency and effectiveness of any single intervention when others are introduced
simultaneously or sequentially. Integrating the conceptual design of food and nutrition interventions will
probably pay high dividends through greater cost-effectiveness of individual programs and greater
opportunities to sense and capture program synergies. The possible range of food and nutrition interventions
is extremely wide, from subsidized food imports to malnutrition wards in hospitals. A main task of food
policy analysis is to identify all the interventions under way, whether advertised as such or not, and to
quantify, however roughly, their actual impact on energy deficits.
With the understanding gained from the consumption analysis and resulting income and price elasticities,
the analyst will be in a position to identify proposed targeting mechanisms that will not work effectively and
to suggest others that will perform better. Much of the improved performance will come from intersecting
targeting, for example, by geographic region at particular times of the year with specific commodities
consumed primarily by the poor. Significant synergy might also be expected from programs that intersect.
Maternal and child health clinics that provide staple foods and birth control information and devices along
with their maternal and child health care might raise the effectiveness of all three programs. Integrating the
delivery of such diverse services is not without cost, however. The managerial and organizational
complexity of such integrated programs increases as more of the tasks must be simultaneously and
efficiently performed. Managerial and organizational talent is not a free good. The true costs and actual
ability to deliver through such integrated schemes must be considered relative to the potential synergistic
gains from integration.
This chapter has attempted to demonstrate both descriptively and analytically how the food consumption
sector of an economy can be understood from the perspective of public policy aimed at reducing calorie
deficits. The public policies that ultimately achieve that result will almost certainly not be restricted to
narrow sectoral interventions designed to deliver more food to hungry people. It is more likely that hunger
will be eliminated by a coordinated effort involving many sectors and a complicated array of policies with
partially conflicting objectives and effects. Food policy analysis identifies these relationships and seeks ways
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to reduce the conflicts and enhance the nutritional effects. Understanding food consumption patterns is the
first step in such analysis.
Bibliographical Note
No single source or even collection of source materials provides the perspective on food consumption and
nutrition presented here. This chapter deviates substantially from much of the nutrition planning literature in
its concern for policy levers as opposed to program elements. It is radically different from much of the
consumption literature in economics in its lack of concern for estimating systems of equations and its
antiquarian insistence on thorough inspection of data, careful specification, and concern for what question is
being asked in the first place. Consequently, the literature listed here will help fill in the nooks and crannies
of the perspective presented in this chapter, but none of the works expands on the theme. In fact, many of
the sources listed contradict some of what is presented here. The reader is forewarned!
The household decisionmaking perspective used throughout the chapter draws its logic from the "new
household economics" which is conveniently summarized in Robert T. Michael and Gary Becker, "On the
New Theory of Consumer Behavior," Swedish Journal of Economics, vol.75, no.4 (1973), pp. 378-96. The
classical model of consumer behavior used to explain the Slutsky equation perspective on the impact of
price changes is explained intuitively in Robert Doffman, The Price System (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.:
Prentice-Hall, 1964), and a full mathematical statement in an econometric context is contained in Louis
Phlips, Applied Consumption Analysis (New York: North-HollandlAmerican Elsevier, 1974). Many useful
graphical techniques are presented in the basic volume by Frederick V. Waugh, Demand and Price Analysis,
Technical Bulletin no. 1316 (Washington, D.C.: Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of
Agriculture, 1964). The best review of techniques for analyzing cross-section data is in W. J. Thomas, ed.,
The Demand for Food (Manchester, England: Manchester University Press, 1972).
The perspective on disaggregated food consumption analysis draws on an initial paper by Per Pinstrup-
Anderson and others, "The Impact of Increasing Food Supply on Human Nutrition: Implications for
Commodity Priorities in Agricultural Research and Policy," American Journal of Agricultural Economics,
vol.58, no. 2 (May 1976), which used a methodology by Ragner Frisch that requires separability among
commodities in the utility function. Concern over the restrictiveness of such a commodity "system"
approach led to a series of papers and dissertations employing direct estimation techniques on very large
data sets. The work can be traced sequentially in the following sources: C.Peter Timmer, "Food Prices and
Food Policy Analysis: Issues and Methodology" (Boston, Mass.: Harvard Business School, 1979;
processed); C.Peter Timmer and Harold Alderman, "Estimating Consumption Parameters for Food Policy
Analysis," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 61, no.S (December 1979), pp. 982-87; Anne
Thomson, "Nutrition, Food Demand, and Policy," Ph. D. dissertation, Food Research Institute, Stanford
University, 1979; Prasarn Trairatvorakul, "Food Demand and the Structure of [the) Thai Food System," D.
B.A. dissertation, Harvard Business School, 1981; and Cheryl Williamson Gray, Food Consumption
Parameters for Brazil and Their Application to Food Policy, IFPRI Research Report no.32 (Washington,
D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute, September 1982). Attempts to merge the disaggregated
and the "system" approaches have recently been partially successful, especially Mark M. Pitt, "Food
Preferences and Nutrition in Rural Bangladesh," Review of Economics and Statistics, vol. 64, no.1
(February 1983), pp.105-14; and John Strauss, "Determinants of Food Consumption in Rural Sierra Leone:
Application of the Quadratic Expenditure System to the Consumption-Leisure Component of a Household-
Firm Model," Journal of Development Economics, vol. 11, no.3 (December 1982), pp. 327-53. The possible
relationship between changes in income elasticities and pure substitution price elasticities for basic
foodstuffs as income levels change is explored in C. Peter Timmer, "Is There 'Curvature' in the Slutsky
Matrix?" Review of Economics and Statistics, vol.62, no.3 (August 1981), pp. 395-402.
The nutrition literature is far too extensive to summarize here. The major paper by Thomas T. Poleman,
"Quantifying the Nutrition Situation in Developing Countries," Food Research Institute Studies, vol. 18, no.
i (1981), is an excellent introduction to the difficulties in measuring hunger and malnutrition. A framework
for relating national statistics to the degree of hunger is developed by Roger W. Hay, "The Statistics of
Hunger," Food Policy, vol. 3, no.4 (1978), pp.243-55. The classic book that raised policy awareness of
nutrition as an issue for development planners is Alan Berg, The Nutrition Factor (Washington, D.C.:
Brookings Institution, 1973). Current thinking about nutrition policy is reflected in Alan Berg, Malnourished
People: A Policy View (Washington, D.C.: World Bank, June 1981).
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A major survey of nutrition intervention programs has recently been completed by James E. Austin and his
collaborators at the Harvard Institute for International Development. The overview, edited by James E.
Austin and Marian F. Zeitlin, Nutrition Intervention in Developing Countries (Cambridge, Mass.: OG&H
Publishers, 1981), summarizes the seven supplemental studies published in paperback by OG&H Publishers
in five volumes. These studies, by a variety of collaborators, are as follows: vol.1, Supplemental Feeding;
vol. 2, Nutrition Education; vol.3, Fortification; vol.4, Formulated Foods; vol.5, Consumer Price Subsidies;
vol.6, Agricultural Production, Technical Change, and Nutritional Goals; and vol.7, Integrated Nutrition and
Primary Health Care Programs. A survey by Lance Taylor and Sue Horton, "Food Subsidy Programs: A
Survey" (New York: Ford Foundation, December 1980; processed), provides a thorough review of subsidy
economics as well as a discussion of empirical experience with food subsidies in several countries. A
persuasive argument for integrating nutrition, health, and family planning interventions is contained in
Bruce F. Johnston and William C. Clark, Redesigning Rural Development: A Strategic Perspective
(Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1982).
A recent book attempts to pull together a wide range of issues affecting the design and implementation of
nutrition plans and policies: Nevin S. Scrimshaw and Mitchell B. Wallerstein, eds., Nutrition Policy
Implementation: Issues and Experience (New York: Plenum Press, 1982). The "Summary Comments" by
Sol H. Chaficin are particularly insightful. The nutrition planning literature received its impetus from a
paper by Leonard Joy, "Food and Nutrition Planning," Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol.24, no. i
(1973), pp.165-97. The connections to agriculture quickly become apparent. Nevin S. Scrimshaw and
Moises Behar, eds., Nutrition and Agricultural Development (New York: Plenum Press, 1976), contains
several useful papers that relate to this connection. Three papers in particular provide policy analysts with a
helpful perspective on some of the human biological issues that underlie the nutrition component of food
policy: Joaquin Cravioto and E. R. DeLicardie, "Microenvironment Factors in Severe Protein-Calorie
Malnutrition"; Michael C. Latham, "Nutritional Problems in the Labor Force and Their Relation to
Economic Development"; and Fernando M8nckeberg, "Definition of the Nutrition Problem-Poverty and
Malnutrition in Mother and Child." The seasonal connection between agriculture and malnutrition is one of
the topics explored in Robert Chambers, Richard Longhurst, and Arnold Pacey, eds., Seasonal Dimensions
to Rural Poverty (Totowa, N.J.: Allanheld-Osmun, 1981). The more general connection between
malnutrition and food crises is reviewed in A. K. M. A. Chowdhury and Lincoln Chen, "Interaction of
Nutrition, Infection, and Mortality during Recent Food Crises in Bangladesh," Food Research Institute
Studies, vol. 16, no. 2 (1977), pp.47-62.
Two works have attempted a general integration of food price policy with food consumption and nutrition:
C. Peter Timmer, "Food Prices and Food Policy Analysis in LDC's," Food Policy, vol.5, no.3 (August 1980),
pp. 18899, and Giorgio Solimano and Lance Taylor, eds., Food Price Policies and Nutrition in Latin
America (Tokyo: United Nations University Press, 1980). In addition, a series of IFPRI Research Reports
have examined the food consumption consequences of food pricing, distribution, and ration policies in
several countries with serious food problems. See Shubh K. Kumar, Impact of Subsidized Rice on Food
Consumption and Nutrition in Kerala, IPPRI Research Report no.5 (Washington, D.C.: International Food
Policy Research Institute, January 1979); P. S. George, Public Distribution of Foodgrains in Kerala-Income
Distribution Implications and Effectiveness, IPPRI Research Report no.7 (March 1979); Raisuddin Ahmed,
Foodgrain Supply, Distribution, and Consumption Policies within a Dual Pricing Mechanism: A Case Study
of Bangladesh, IFPRI Research Report no.8 (May 1979); James D. Gavan and Indrani Sri Chandrasekera,
The Impact of Public Foodgrain Distribution on Food Consumption and Welfare in Sri Lanka, IFPRI
Research Report no. 13 (December 1979); Raisuddin Ahmed, Agricultural Price Policies under Complex
Socioeconomic and Natural Constraints: The Case of Bangladesh, IFPRI Research Report no.27 (October
1981); and Grant M. Scobie, Government Policy and Food imports: The Case of Wheat in Egypt, IPPRI
Research Report no. 29 (December 1981).
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3. Analysis of Food Production Systems
Agriculture is the basic source of food, and farmers are the basic food producers. Farmers are remarkably
diverse people, ranging from near-subsistence peasants in India and Guatemala to corporate businessmen in
California and Sao Paulo. Nevertheless, private agriculture is a markedly homogeneous tndustry in the kinds
of decisions that must be made day in and day out and in the kinds of uncertainties that condition those
decisions. The corporate soybean farm in Sa~o Paulo or the rice farm in California has more in common
with the wheat-growing peasant operation in the Punjab than with U.S. Steel or Volkswagen of Brazil.
In a substantial part of the world, agricultural decisions are made within a collective environment-from
North Korea through China to Vietnam and in Eastern Europe and the U.S.S.R. Perhaps half the world's
farm households are part of collectivized or communal agriculture, and yet these households, like their
private counterparts, must still make many decisions that are not made by higher authorities. Much of
farmers' daily work is done at their own initiative, and the incentives that induce them to work in a timely
and careful fashion strongly influence the quality and quantity of agricultural output. In both private and
collective agricultures the decisionmaking environment is conditioned by incentives to work. Identifying the
factors that influence the size and composition of agricultural output is impossible without an understanding
of the decisionmaking environment of the farm household.
This chapter addresses four questions about the food production system. First, what are the objectives for
the sector itself, as opposed to the broader objective of providing food to meet consumption requirements?
Answering this question involves understanding why the agricultural sector is different from the steel or
transportation industry and what the social and analytical issues are that flow from these important
Second, how do farmers make decisions? Only with a decisionmaking framework that incorporates the full
range of factors influencing farm households is it possible to address the behavior and performance of the
food sector as a whole. Most farm households are characterized by joint consumption-production decisions,
but not in a tightly defined subsistence setting. Farm households base their consumption and production
decisions on farm input prices, cash and food crop output prices, the prices of consumer goods from the
market, the opportunity cost of their members' time either in outside labor markets or on farm production
(including household work), and demand for leisure. The full context of household decisionmaking is
essential to understanding how food production will change when external circumstances change.
Third, what government interventions are available to change household decisionmaking and thereby change
the performance of the food producing sector? Understanding how interventions will affect decisionmaking
is more important for agriculture than for any other sector, for the government has very few interventions
available that can directly alter domestic food production. State-run farms and public exhortations to farmers
to step up output still must deal with the reality of millions of day-to-day decisions in planting, tending, and
bringing in the crops. An old saying holds that governments do not grow food; only farmers grow food. But
governments can import food, subsidize fertilizer, make agricultural research a priority, or "purchase" food
surpluses at gunpoint. For better or worse, the farmer's fate is tied to government policy, and the
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government's fate, or at least the success of its food production plans, hinges on the willingness of farmers
to go along.
Fourth, what are the elements of a successful agricultural development strategy? Of the wide variety of
possible government interventions, what combination will reinforce the achievement of sectoral goals and
simultaneously serve the broader set of food policy objectives? This question raises somewhat different
issues from those of traditional output-oriented agricultural development literature, for the food policy
analyst is concerned with the intersectoral and consumption consequences of a production strategy as well
as the impact on yields.
Understanding Food Production Issues
What does society want from its food producing sector? The answers used to be cheap food and cheap labor
to foster industrial development and the earning of foreign exchange to buy the capital machinery to make it
possible. A host of new complexities, however, has been added. A concern for rural poverty, unstable world
markets, and the importance of efficient growth in the rural economy as well as in industry now make the
question much more difficult to answer. A major lesson of postwar development experience is that
agriculture is site specific. What works in one location may not work in another, even in the same country,
because the ecological setting is different or because farm households face different constraints on their
decisionmaking. The food production issues important to the policy analyst begin with understanding why
agriculture as a sector is so different from other industries and why agriculture itself is so heterogeneous
from farm to farm and even from field to field.
Five features set apart the agricultural sector from other productive sectors of an economy: its large
contribution to national income, the large number of participants, the peculiarities of the agricultural
production function, the role of the agricultural sector as a resource reservoir, and the importance of home
consumption of output. These features are more evident in traditional societies, and their distinctiveness
tends to erode during the process of economic modernization. Indeed, perhaps the most striking
characteristic of agriculture is its almost universal tendency to diminish in importance relative to other, more
rapidly growing sectors of the economy. There are healthy and unhealthy declines, however. An urban-
biased development strategy that neglects agricultural investments and incentives can force an agricultural
decline. The alternative path-rapid growth in both agricultural and industrial sectors-leads to a relative shift
in the agricultural sector's importance because citizens with higher incomes consume relatively less
agricultural produce. Finding the path that fosters growth in agriculture and industry is the goal of the
analysis here.
The Size of Agriculture in Gross National Product
A large proportion of economic activity is provided by agriculture in most poor societies. The agricultural
sector contributes as much as 70 percent of national product in a few countries just emerging from centuries
of traditional economic organization. Half the output in many developing countries is still produced in
agriculture. If related industries are also counted in, as these develop rapidly in the course of modernizing
agriculture itself, the share of this broader agribusiness sector seldom declines to less than one-quarter of
national economic output, even in advanced industrial societies. In very few societies do consumers spend
less than one-fifth of their incomes on food alone. If other agricultural activities-the input industries and the
production of industrial raw materials-are also added in, the continued importance of agriculture is obvious.
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When agriculture contributes half or more of gross national product, rapid growth in average per capita
incomes is very difficult to achieve unless rural incomes are rising. From a macroeconomic perspective in
poor countries, rapid and efficient increases in agricultural output will be essential to meeting overall growth
goals. From a growth perspective, simple arithmetic makes agriculture more important than other sectors.
Number of Participants
In many countries, 60 to 80 percent of the population still lives in rural areas, earning a livelihood directly
or indirectly from agriculture. In industrially advanced economies many of these people move to the
industrial sector while still engaged in agriculturally related jobs-producing fertilizer, canning tomatoes, or
stocking supermarket shelves. But in nearly all developing countries a majority of the population lives in
the countryside. The overwhelming predominance of the rural population has three important consequences
for understanding agricultural decisionmaking: most farms will be small because large numbers of people
must share the arable land; millions of individuals will each behave according to particular decisionmaking
environments; and much of the world's poverty and its human welfare costs will be in rural areas.
Size of Operations
In most countries, if the available arable land were divided equally among the farm population, the resulting
average farm size would be small by comparison with U.S. or European standards. Farms of less than a
hectare would characterize China, Bangladesh, and Java, and even Japanese farms average only slightly
more than a hectare. The average in India would be about i to 2 hectares, and in Africa and Latin America
farms would tend to be less than 20 hectares. Average farm size is well over 100 hectares in the United
States and well over 50 hectares in the United Kingdom.
The available farmland, of course, is usually not divided equally among all the potential farmers. The
conditions of land tenure and the size distribution of farms are important characteristics of a country's
agricultural decisionmaking environment. Although exact farm-size distribution is a subject for analysis in
each country, its general pattern is important in judging the likely degree of poverty and the income
distribution consequences of growth strategies for the rural sector.
A country with a unimodal distribution of farm sizes-a large number of small, family-operated farms
capable of supporting the family members above a subsistence level, with only a fringe of smaller and
larger farms around this modal norm-has the potential to use agricultural development strategy to reduce
rural poverty at the same time that it increases food production. Countries with bimodal distributions of
farm sizes-many very small farms on a minority of the land with a few very large, estate-like farms that
occupy most of the arable land and produce most of the food surplus available for urban markets-face much
more difficult dilemmas in reducing rural poverty while using traditional output-increasing strategies of
agricultural development. Such land tenure patterns are common in Latin America and are one reason that
land reform issues are so much more prominent there than in Africa or Asia.
The circumstances under which farm households have access to land for growing crops have many
ramifications beyond the obvious insecurity and commonly weak bargaining position of tenants and renters.
Landownership provides an asset which farmers can use to obtain credit for inputs or investments in farm
capital. It provides greater incentives to save from household income. The conditions of tenure frequently
affect the willingness of landlords to invest in land improvements and the willingness of tenants to use
yield-increasing inputs at socially efficient levels. The discussion of food production strategies engages this
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issue in the context of the broader objectives of food policy.
Decentralized Decisionmakers
Growing food is a decision-intensive undertaking. What crops to plant, what inputs to use, when to plow, to
seed, to cultivate, to irrigate, to harvest, how much to keep for home consumption, how much to sell and
how much to store for later sale are the decisions that occupy the daily routine of most farmers. Agriculture
is truly unique in that literally millions of individuals and households are making these decisions themselves
or in consultation with relatively small numbers of neighbors, friends, or partners. In Brazil, India,
Indonesia, Nigeria, and even China, influencing agricultural production decisions to increase food output is
an entirely different process from changing decisions about how much steel or cement to produce. In each
of the countries-indeed, in most countries-a dozen or so individuals could take direct action which would
lead to a 10 percent increase in steel output in a year or so. Their decisions would be decisive.
Nowhere, not even in socialist countries, can a similar small group of individuals decide to raise food
production by 10 percent. To be sure, a small group of planners or the president and the cabinet can decide
they want food production to rise by 10 percent. They can tell the food logistics agency, the ministry of
agriculture, the newspapers, and agriculture extension agents that they want food production to rise by 10
percent. But they cannot increase food production 10 percent by themselves. They must also convince the
millions of farmers in their country to want to increase food production by 10 percent, and make it in their
self-interest to do so.
Here is the true importance of the vast number of agricultural decision-makers. There are simply too many
of them to reach directly either with pleas for cooperation or with police power. Farmers must see the
benefits of higher yields for themselves; there are too many opportunities to let high yields slip beneath the
hoe or in a late fertilizer application, even under the watchful eyes of a guardian. Farming is a subtle
combination of skilled crafr and brute force. Brute force alone will not achieve high yields.
Farmers' decisions are likely to be altered only when they perceive the incentives to be favorable to the
change. A heated and frequently sterile debate has been waged over the incentives needed to induce change
in farmers. The elements range from pretty ribbons to raising political consciousness, from basic literacy to
the availability of consumer goods for purchase in rural markets. The debate is nearly dead now, for the
answer is largely in. Most farmers respond to opportunities to improve their economic and material well-
The evidence is overwhelming that farmers make economic calculations in considering their agricultural
decisions. When the economic environment changes, their calculations change in directions predicted by
economic models of producer behavior. Collective ownership of land and other implements, and collective
decisionmaking with respect to basic cropping patterns and investments, can alter sharply the perception of
risk from farming. If the returns are also shared collectively, the perception of reward for individual work
and initiative is altered as well. To produce agricultural output efficiently, most socialist agricultural systems
have found it necessary to maintain personal or household incentives that link farming effort to rewards.
The tendency toward economic rationality in farm household decision-making justifies the use of basic
economic models to help analysts judge the efficacy of policy interventions designed to change the
decisionmaking environment of rural households. Just as models of consumer decisionmaking with respect
to food help organize analysts' research and policy design, so do producer models help organize the
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complexity of the farm environment into several issues that are central to food policy.
Of these policy issues, some are of special importance: the efficiency with which farmers allocate the
resources at their disposal to produce crops, relative to alternative uses of these resources; the technical
ability of farmers to achieve the maximum output from a given set of inputs; and the impact of alternative
forms of land tenure on both the allocative and the technical performance of farmers. Each of these issues
conditions the scope for effective government intervention. One of the policy levers most susceptible to
effective government control is price policy for food crops and agricultural inputs. The role of prices in
influencing the behavior of farmers is extremely important and depends on farmers' allocative and technical
efficiency and on the form of tenure for the land they farm.
Characteristics of Agricultural Production Functions
The only way to produce output is to combine the necessary ingredients-the inputs or factors of production-
in suitable proportions so that the overall process yields the desired product. One unusual feature of the
agricultural production function-the technical relationship that specifies how much output will be produced
from any particular combination of inputs-is the joint combination of labor and management. Knowing what
the right inputs are, how to combine them, and how to tend the process is the major function of
management. In farming, this management skill is frequently combinedwith the farm household's own labor
power, which is also an important ingredient in growing food. Several other features contribute to the
uniqueness of agricultural production functions. The most important are seasonality, geographical
dispersion, risk and uncertainty, and sources of technical change.
No agricultural region of the world has an absolutely constant year-round climate. Winter and summer
create distinct growing seasons in the temperate zones. Wet and dry seasons and monsoons create
conditions in which planting is appropriate, harvesting is difficult, or some crops simply do not thrive.
Climatic variations cause agricultural production to follow distinct seasonal patterns even in most tropical
areas, but seasonality is not a fixed and rigid constraint. Rice will grow in the dry season if irrigation water
is provided, and tomatoes will grow in Siberia in January under artificial lights in a warm greenhouse.
Seasonality is important to farmers because it is generally cheaper to let Mother Nature provide many of the
essential inputs for agricultural production-solar energy, water, carbon dioxide, temperature control, and
essential nutrients from natural soils. But it is not always economical to let nature dictate the agronomic
environment. One of the major tasks of government policy is to invest in socially profitable interventions,
such as irrigation and drainage, that increase farmers' control over the crops that can be grown in particular
regions and seasons.
Seasonality also tends to place high premiums on the timely performance of such critical agricultural tasks
as plowing, planting, cultivating, and harvesting. Even though the available labor pool may seem more than
adequate to provide the required number of man-days per hectare over an entire year for all the crops being
grown, significant labor bottlenecks may occur if certain tasks must be performed very quickly at specific
times to ensure maximum yields. Such bottlenecks frequently induce individual farmers to mechanize
specific tasks-plowing or harvesting-even when much rural unemployment exists over the course of the
year. Furthermore, a tractor that pays for itself by timely plowing then has a very low marginal cost of
operation for other tasks as well, and labor displacement can be much more widespread than would be
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indicated by the removal of the plowing bottleneck alone.
Three lessons are apparent. First, seasonal aspects of agricultural production frequently constrain yields
because of input bottlenecks. Labor is most often the constraining factor, but fertilizer, seeds, credit, or
irrigation water must also be available at specific times. When fertilizer reaches the village godown a month
after the proper application time, it may as well not have arrived at all. Government authorities responsible
for managing the distribution of agricultural inputs are frequently unaware of or insensitive to the extreme
importance of the timely availability of inputs. Suppliers whose incomes depend on providing appropriate
inputs to farmers when and where needed are much more responsive to shifts in weather, cropping patterns,
and new technologies than are government agencies trying to allocate inputs available from a planned
industrial sector. Modern agriculture that uses industrial inputs as the basis for high yields is a dynamic
enterprise quite unlike factories. It requires smoothly functioning input and output markets for production in
the sector to grow rapidly and efficiently.
Second, there are often very high private economic returns to eliminating seasonal bottlenecks in
production. When these private returns are generated at least partly by higher and more stable yields of
agricultural products, society is also likely to gain. But if the private gains come from displacing hired labor
that has few alternative jobs, the social gains may be small or even negative.
The third lesson is the importance of viewing agricultural production in a seasonal context. Most agricultural
data are published on an annual basis, and there is an inevitable tendency to think about the sector in terms
of the same criteria used to evaluate the annual performance of the steel or cotton textile industry. Such an
annual approach, characteristic of five-year plans, hides two important roles for government analysis and
intervention-the appropriate provision of inputs when and where they are needed and the full analysis of the
social impact of private investments to reduce seasonal bottlenecks in agricultural production.
Geographically Dispersed Production
Agriculture is the only major sector that uses the land surface as an essential input into its production
function. Like seasonah.ty, this widespread use of land is due to the largesse of nature. It is simply cheaper
to let farms capture the free solar energy and rain than to stack a hundred hydroponic "fieHs" on top of each
other and provide the light, nutrients, and water from industrial sources. This wide geographical dispersion
of agricultural production has an important economic consequence. Transportation becomes essential if any
output is going to leave the farm for consumption by others or if inputs, such as modern seeds, fertilizer,
pesticides, or machinery, are to be used on the farm to raise output.
In combination, seasonality and geographical dispersion create the need for a marketing system that can
store the product from a short harvest period to the much longer consumption period and can move the
commodity from the farm where it was grown to the many households where it will be consumed. Both
functions require that the commodity change hands and that ownership be exchanged. This transaction can
happen only when both parties agree on the terms of the exchange, that is, the price, for the commodity at
the point of sale. In socialist economies the terms of exchange are usually set by the state, but all other
marketing services must still be provided if the food grown by farmers is to be eaten by consumers. The role
of marketing in price formation and the provision of food to consumers is the subject of the next chapter.
Risk and Uncertainty
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Farmers the world over talk primarily about two topics, the weather and prices. Cn these two variables ride
the rewards for the whole year's effort in farming. A failed monsoon, a flood, or a hailstorm can wipe out
the crop. A bumper harvest can cause large losses if the price falls too low. No other industry depends on
the whims of nature and volatile markets as much as farming does. Farmers who repeatedly make good
decisions in response to rapid changes in their economic environment tend to survive and thrive. Those who
do not, frequently fail and move to urban areas in search of jobs. Or they become impoverished landless
laborers dependent on the rural economy for their incomes and access to food. Socialist-managed
agricultures can cushion much of the welfare shock to individuals by sharing risks, but rapid and effective
decisionmaking remains the key to dynamic efficiency in agricultural systems.
The fact that weather is uncertain causes farmers to behave differently than they would if weather were
always known. This general uncertainty usually leads farmers to choose crops that will resist the extremes of
weather, particularly crop varieties that are more tolerant of weather variations, and lower levels of inputs
than would be optimal in a predictable world because of the risk of losing the investment altogether. These
individual farmer reactions to uncertainty spill over into the arena of policy concern, for the resulting crop
mix and aggregate output might be quite unsatisfactory for meeting government goals.
Equally important, farmers' reactions to weather variations have consequences for aggregate output. A late
monsoon may cause millet instead of wheat to be planted, good rains may permit a second or third rice
crop, and high temperatures and humidity can bring pests and diseases that force farmers to change crop
rotations. As each farmer reacts, the adjustments can spill over into rural labor markets and cause serious
shortages if planting must be done suddenly when the weather breaks or the harvest brought in before a
flood. A particularly "dry" dry season may mean the second crop is not planted or harvested, and an
important, perhaps critical, source of wage income is eliminated for many rural workers. The reduced
harvest may not be the most important consequence of such a crop failure. A famine could result because of
the failed income opportunities.
At an aggregate level, weather-induced variations for staple crop output are frequently 5 percent above or
below normal. For countries so small that erratic weather patterns affect all farming regions simultaneously,
as in Sahelian Africa and Central America, variations of more than 20 percent from one year to the next
have been recorded. Because food demand tends to be quite inelastic in the short run as people shift other
budget expenditures to maintain adequate levels of food intake, even small variations in basic food output
can cause large fluctuations in market prices unless governments have substantial buffer stocks available for
price stabilization or can arrange for additional imports in a timely fashion. In socialist economies, the
availability of food rations can be sharply curtailed if a crop fails and planners have not anticipated the need
for additional supplies from alternative sources.
In addition, fluctuations in aggregate production are magnified at the level of marketings (produce available
for consumption by nonfarm households) because farm household consumption tends to vary somewhat less
than production. Consequently, marketings vary considerably more than production in economies where a
significant share of food production is consumed directly by the farm household. In years of poor weather,
net marketings decline proportionately more than production. Similarly, in good years the percentage
increase in marketings is usually substantially larger than the percentage increase in production. These wide
fluctuations simply add to the government S difficulty in stabilizing domestic food prices and provisioning
urban areas. A tendency to use food imports for these purposes is certainly understandable, but it frequently
discriminates against food producers.
Price uncertainty also adds to the farmer's difficulty in deciding what crops to grow and how many inputs to
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use in growing them. Unlike the handful of manufacturers in large-scale industries, farmers are unable to set
their output prices and then adjust production and inventory levels to meet the price targets. Unlike
consumers, who know with near certainty the price they must pay for a given quantity and quality of a
commodity at the time they buy it, farmers must make major input purchase decisions well in advance of
knowing what prices their resulting output will bring. At the time many key farming decisions are made-the
allocation of land to various crops, fertilizer applications, hiring labor for weeding-the farmer can only
guess at the prices for the output.
Reducing weather and price uncertainties is an important task for food policy interventions. Dams and
drainage ditches can reduce the impact of rainfall variations, crop insurance can provide a guaranteed
income floor even if heavy investments are wiped out, and research on more adaptable but still high-
yielding plant varieties can reduce the risks of new technology. Similarly, a government can reduce price
uncertainty by providing better price forecasting information, by using import and export policy to provide a
band of prices within which domestic price formation can take place, or by implementing a more aggressive
floor and ceiling price policy with a government-operated buffer stock program. But these efforts to
stabilize prices must be visible in market operations, not just in press releases and legislative actions. Most
farmers have learned by painful experience that simple statements of government intentions to stabilize
prices-or even to require them by law-are ineffective.
Sources and Dynamics of Technical Change
Technical change is the source of most productivity growth in the long run, as continued investment in
traditional technology very quickly faces low marginal returns. Most farmers are inveterate experimenters
and tinkerers, always on the lookout for a slightly better way of doing things, whether a different seed
spacing or a modified shape to the plow. As late as the 1920s most of the agricultural innovations in Europe
and the United States arose on the farm and were gradually diffused by word of mouth and by agricultural
colleges. Such on-farm innovation continues, but the scientific revolution in agriculture has made the
process of technical innovation much more knowledge- and capital-intensive. Very few farmers even in the
United States have the resources to carry out significant agricultural research, and most of it is now
conducted by publicly funded agricultural research centers and by a handful of large agribusiness concerns,
which are involved primarily in developing hybrid seed technology, chemical technology (herbicides and
insecticides), and agricultural machinery. The small scale of most farms and limited financial resources
mean little important agricultural research is conducted by farmers.
Technical change in agriculture shares many of the characteristics of technical change in other sectors,
especially the tendency for individual inventors to be unable to capture the full economic rents from their
inventions. The economic returns to innovation are small from the private inventor's point of view unless the
new agricultural technology can be restricted for sale by its inventor or approved licensees. But the social
returns to innovation may well be very large. Both the sheer scale of investment required for modern
agricultural research and the inability of private research companies to capture the full return to their
inventions mean that public agencies should play a leading role in funding and in carrying out agricultural
Diffusion of new technology is also a matter of policy concern, especially because not all farm households
have equal access either to the knowledge to use new technology or to the agricultural and financial
resources needed to make it productive on their own farms. Credit programs designed to improve the access
of farmers, especially small farmers, to modern inputs are an essential component of the input programs
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themselves. Some inputs are "lumpy" and cannot be used efficiently on farms of even average size in many
parts of the world. Large-scale tubewells and tractors might contribute significantly to higher productivity
even on small farms if institutional arrangements can be found to separate the ownership of the assets from
the service flows that such inputs can provide.
This public role can be overemphasized; the evidence suggests that truly profitable innovations spread
quickly no matter what the government does. Where the entrepreneurship exists and the economic
environment permits, rental arrangements and tractor-hire services frequently emerge spontaneously. But the
location-specific nature of much new agricultural technology, especially seed technology, means that large
areas of a country may be bypassed by the diffusion process unless government research and extension
workers are actively engaged in the on-farm testing and evaluation of new technology. Adapting a general
agricultural technology to a specific seed strain or technique that fits individual farming environments is a
major responsibility of local research and extension stations.
An important policy concern is the impact of technical change on agricultural employment and rural income
distribution. Historical evidence shows enormous variation in both the short-run and long-run impacts of
innovations. The issues cannot be addressed satisfactorily by looking only at an individual farm. Because
agricultural innovations tend to be embodied in inputs that must be provided through markets, they have
complicated effects on the entire rural economy and eventually on the urban economy as well.
Most technical changes alter the biological processes of plants and animals to increase yield or they improve
the efficiency of the mechanical functions needed to tend those biological processes. Primitive agriculture
uses natural biological materials and processes in combination with human labor and management to bring
in a food crop or livestock product. Modern agriculture uses scientific knowledge to reshape the biological
materials so that each plant and animal is more productive, and it increasingly substitutes machines for
human labor. Biological-chemical innovations, such as hybrid seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides, tend to
increase yields and save land. Mechanical technology can also have a yield effect when it permits heavy
soils to be cultivated or water to be pumped to dry lands, but most mechanical technology is designed to
make agricultural work physically less burdensome and to save on the labor needed to produce a unit of
Yuj iro Hayami and Vernon Ruttan have shown that biological-chemical innovations have tended to be
discovered and introduced in land-scarce, labor-rich societies, such as Japan and Western Europe, whereas
mechanical innovations were developed and used in land-rich, labor-scarce societies, such as the United
States, Canada, and Australia. Such "induced innovation" suggests that each society develops an agricultural
technology appropriate to its resource endowments and agricultural needs. Whether such society-specific
innovation will continue to yield appropriate results in the context of a much more interdependent
international agricultural system is a prime question for the rest of the century.
Because most new agricultural technology is embodied in a physical input-a bag of fertilizer, a new seed
variety, a tractor, or an irrigation pump it can be effective in a farmer's field only if a purchase (or rental
arrangement) is made. Several consequences flow from this simple fact. For small farmers to participate in
the benefits of technical change, they must be able not only to use the input on their farms (combines, for
instance, usually are too large), but also to purchase the input that carries the new technology. Where a new
seed-fertilizer package has a 200 percent rate of return, even borrowing from a village moneylender at 10
percent per month may be profitable. But for the full benefits of modern technology to reach small farmers,
a credit program accessible to the farm household with only half a hectare or less may be essential.
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Equally important, since new technology is embodied in inputs, a marketing and distribution system will be
essential for both socialist and capitalist farmers to be able to purchase the inputs. Many traditional
agricultural societies have a long history of small-scale marketing of surplus output to urban regions in
exchange for consumer items, such as cloth, kerosene, or pots and pans, needed by farm households. There
is no similar experience with large-scale movements of inputs, such as fertilizer or modern seeds, to those
same dispersed farm households. The embodied nature of agricultural technology means that farmers cannot
just be told about it. The marketing system must also deliver the inputs when needed.
Complementary fixed capital investments are ofren required to achieve the maximum benefits from the
innovation. Usually this investment takes the form of better water control, land leveling, and drainage.
Better control of seed bed preparation may sometimes require tractors with modern implements. Combines
or threshers may be needed for faster and more sensitive harvesting techniques to avoid shattering and other
harvesting losses. Shorter-maturity cereal varieties are often ready to harvest while the rainy season is still
under way and solar drying is difficult or impossible. In such cases mechanical dryers and added storage
capacity are essential.
The Farm Household as Both Producer and Consumer
Truly subsistence households produce to meet their own consumption needs and do not use the market for
either buying or selling. To such households price signals are not only irrelevant, they are unseen. Few such
households remain in today's world, not because farm families no longer consume produce from their own
fields but because most farm families now buy and sell inputs and output in rural markets. They are aware
of and react to market prices in making a wide variety of household decisions. But most farm households
still retain some or most of their farm production for home consumption, which is a further distinguishing
feature of the agricultural sector. Few steelworkers or even textile workers take their products home for
household use.
The need to make connected production and consumption decisions within a single household obviously
complicates life for the farm household, for the value of additional time spent in food preparation or tending
the children must be balanced against the productivity of an additional hour weeding the rice, driving the
ducks, or tending the home garden. The opportunity to spend some of that time working for cash on a
neighbor's farm or in a rural wage-labor market places a lower bound on the value of household-farm time,
and the value of leisure ultimately places a limit on the willingness to work, especially at low-productivity
tasks. But for households with inadequate land to grow surplus crops for sale and with limited outside
employment opportunities, the marginal value of leisure time may be low indeed, and possibly near zero.
Even tiny increments to output can be valuable for very poor households.
The importance of joint household-farm decisionmaking also raises complex questions for analysts in search
of ways to organize data and research issues into manageable and comprehensible frameworks for analysis.
These complex questions have recently become the focus of a revived interest in models of household
economies. At one level, the "new household economics provides a powerful insight into joint
decisionmaking about food production, food consumption, investment in human capital, and even fertility
and other demographic factors. By showing how all these decisions are related to each other and to the
economic environment surrounding the household, the household economics models provide analysts with a
conceptual understanding of the complicated lives that rural people live.
At the level of full empirical specification, however, the household economics models have so far not been
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able to provide more than a hint of the quantitative significance of the internal decisionmaking relationships.
This shortcoming is partly because precise data on actual time allocations within households are difficult to
obtain, just as food distribution among family members is difficult to determine without having the observer
bias the distribution itself. More important, judging the real opportunity cost of time is both conceptually
and empirically difficult because the true value lies within the mind of the decisionmaker. Knowing whether
the possibility of entering the wage labor market really influences the amount of time a mother allocates to
raising children or the time family members spend in the fields and gardens is critical to using household
economics models. But such knowledge may not be attainable. This question of the real opportunity cost of
time arises several times in this chapter because of household labor's important role in agricultural
production; it is a main factor in understanding how farm households respond to economic incentives and
what their costs of production are when responding.
Agriculture as a Resource Reservoir
Much of the early literature on agricultural development was based on strategies that saw modern industry as
the cutting edge of the economic growth process. In this context, agriculture served a relatively passive role
of resource reservoir to be tapped as industrial needs required. Virtually all early models identified
agriculture as the traditional sector that housed surplus labor which could be moved to higher-productivity
industrial jobs at constant real wages as capital investment created a demand for their services. More
sophisticated and historical models looked to agriculture to provide food surpluses for urban workers,
capital surpluses to be siphoned into industrial investment, and an "expenditure" surplus that permitted
purchases of output from the industrial sector. Open economy models also focused on agriculture's role in
earning foreign exchange so that the modern sector could import capital goods.
These images of agricultural surpluses to be used by the industrial sector die hard. In a dynamic setting,
where the agricultural sector itself is participating in rapid and efficient growth, many of the transfers are
possible and desirable. But in the context of a static and traditional agriculture, such exploitation models
lead to both agricultural and industrial stagnation. Arthur Lewis argued that agricultural and industrial
revolutions always go together. From that perspective agriculture does play a unique role in providing
resources for economic development. A healthy rural economy creates productive employment for a large
population that might otherwise seek jobs in the overcrowded cities, while it provides opportunities for
investing in new technology with some of the highest returns available in any sector.
Food Production Analysis
Because of agriculture's extraordinary diversity and heterogeneity of decisions required daily from farm to
farm and in the entire marketing system, the sector is unique among major productive activities. This
diversity places a heavy premium on decentralized decisionmaking. Planning agencies are simply incapable
of making the necessary decisions efficiently and rapidly. Attempts to do so have stifled agricultural
productivity in a number of countries, especially the socialist economies that have attempted to incorporate
their agricultural sectors into the framework of central planning. As noted earlier, collective ownership and
decisionmaking offer important gains in some areas of rural life, especially reduction of risk for individual
households and more equal distribution of assets and incomes. In both socialist and market systems,
however, many decisions that affect farm yields and the productivity of inputs must be made on the spot,
day in and day out, by the individuals actually performing the work. The pressures and incentives these
farmers face to make the decisions efficiently vary widely according to the type of economic and social
structure and the agricultural policies pursued. Given that wide variation, it is important for analysts and
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policymakers to understand how farm-level decisions are likely to be made in a given context and how they
will change when the structure and policies change. This section explains the nature of the production
decisions that need to be made and the choices of individuals in the agricultural sector as they work to
improve their personal or household returns from farming.
Theoretical Perspectives
With an understanding of the features that make agriculture a unique sector, analysts are ready to address
the basic production decisions farmers must make to function effectively year in and year out: what crops to
produce, what combination of inputs to use to produce them, and what total output to produce. These
decisions are related to each other in an economic decisionmaking framework that provides a rationale for
farmer response to changed incentives. This section focuses on each of the decisions individually and then
combines all three to relate output decisions to changes in output (or input) prices in order to construct a
supply curve. The supply curve is a very convenient conceptual and empirical tool which summarizes a
great deal of complicated producer decisionmaking in a simple two-dimensional diagram. In combination
with the consumer demand curve for the same commodity, the supply curve is an essential tool in
economists' understanding of price formation in market economies, one of the topics dealt with in chapter 4.
Product-Product Decisions
From an often wide array of possible crops, farmers must decide what commodities to produce. Except for
perennial tree crops and pastoral livestock systems, these choices about which products to grow-often called
product-product decisions-are faced annually, sometimes even monthly, by farmers. To make such choices
in a rational fashion, farmers must assess the opportunity cost of growing more of one crop at the expense
of another.
The production possibilities available to a farmer are depicted graphically in figure 3-1. A production
possibility curve, LOFA, is drawn to show the various combinations of two crops that are technically
possible for a farm household to grow using its available resources on a given plot of land in a single
season. In this example, a farmer could choose to grow only beans (OA kilograms) and no corn. At the
other extreme the choice could be to grow only corn (OL kilograms) and no beans. Point F represents a
farmer's decision to grow some of each, OD kilograms of beans and OE kilograms of corn.
A rational and knowledgeable farmer would consider only points actually on the production possibility
curve. A point such as K, which is inside the curve, represents an output level substantially less than the
available farm resources could produce. It is not uncommon, however, to observe a farmer operating at an
interior point such as K. The reasons might include bad weather or a pest infestation, lack of knowledge
about appropriate production techniques, or an experimental new technique that failed. Understanding why
some farmers are not on the production frontier is one step in determining the constraints on expanding
The production possibilities are shown as a curve, rather than a straight line, because the farm household's
resources cannot produce corn and beans equally well. If the two crops were perfect substitutes, the
production p05 sibility curve would be a straight line. The greater the curvature, the less easy it is to
substitute one crop for another. Nearly all crops are substitutable for others to some degree if suitable
investments are made in providing an appropriate growing environment. Whether such investments should
be made for a particular crop is a crucial issue for agricultural policy. If self-sufficiency
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Figure 3-1. Profuct-Product Relationship
in corn is an important objective, it is possible to tear out rubber trees or tea bushes and plant corn. The
decision to do so is only partly an agronomic issue. Policy and economic incentives are often the
determining factors.
A farmer represented in figure 3-1 who wants to increase the production of corn, from point F to G, that is,
by ~C, must give up ~B units of beans. This opportunity cost is shown by the slope of the production
possibility curve. As drawn in the figure, this slope is measured in physical units (such as bags, bushels, or
kilograms). But farmers want to know the relative values they gain and give up, not weights. For this
comparison, they need to know unit prices for the output. Whether the farmer's decision to grow more corn
and fewer beans produces greater revenue can be determined only by comparing the value of bean output
forgone (~B.PB) with the additional revenue expected by growing more corn (~C.PC), where PB and PC are
the sale prices of beans and corn, respectively. If the gain exceeds the loss (if PC . ~C > PB . ~B), the
farmer will find point G more profitable.
The combination of corn and bean output that maximizes revenue 15 tangent to the highest possible
isorevenue line. This line is shown as MN in figure 3 - 1. It represents the combined value of output of both
corn and beans (PB . B + BC . C). Along this isorevenue line the total revenue is constant. The farmer
prefers higher isorevenue lines to lower ones but is equally content with any position along a particular line
(in the absence of differing variable costs and assuming the same risks for each crop).
The slope of this isorevenue line is - PB/PC and represents the rate at which corn can be exchanged for
beans in the market. This property is identical to the price relationship facing consumers with a given
income, or budget, constraint. In fact, for the simple decisionmaking environment illustrated here, line MN
is the farm household's budget constraint as well as its maximum revenue possibility. When this isorevenue
line and the production possibility frontier are tangent, as at G, the slopes of both lines are equal. The
production possibility frontier represents the physical tradeoff between corn and beans, or ~C/~B, and the
isorevenue line represents the monetary tradeoff, or - PB/PC. These two ratios must be equal when the two
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lines are tangent. At this point, G in figure 3-1, the revenue of the production lost is just equal to the
revenue gained because PC . ~C = PB . ~B. The marginal cost equals the marginal revenue, the standard
economic criterion for maximizing profit.
The equality of the two slopes also has implications for consumer welfare. If the farm household were to
choose between corn and beans for its home consumption, the highest indifference curve it could reach
would be tangent to MN, its income constraint. The rate of commodity substitution in consumer
decisionmaking is thus exactly the same as the rate of substitution in production (if marketing costs are
ignored). No reallocation of resources in production or consumption can improve on this result without
lowering output or welfare in some other part of the economy. Such a result is said to be a Pareto Optimum.
Relative prices are clearly a major factor determining important decisions of both consumers and producers.
Since government policy frequently uses import or export controls to alter relative commodity prices, as
well as exchange rate policy to alter the level of prices, it is apparent that farm-level decisions about how
much of which crops to grow can be directly influenced by such indirect government interventions.
Extension agents may be urging farmers to grow more corn, but if government price policy favors beans,
many farmers will ignore the advice.
Factor-Factor Decisions
When the farmer has decided which crops to grow, the next decision is how to grow them. To a significant
extent farmers can use varying combinations of factors of production, or inputs, to produce a given crop.
When the inputs are labor and capital, these factor-factor decisions have important consequences for
employment and income distribution in rural areas. The extent to which labor and capital might substitute
for each other in the agricultural production process is represented graphically in figure 3-2. The curved line
DGBA represents all the different combinations of labor and capital that could be used to produce, for
example, 100 kilograms of output. Point A would be a relatively capital-intensive technique. Point D would
use more labor to produce the same amount of product.
An infinite number of input combinations is theoretically possible on the 100 kilogram isoquant that shows
equal quantities of output. In practice, however, only a limited number of combinations are likely to be
important to farmers. Figure 3-2 illustrates four alternative techniques: hand labor (point D), oxen (point G),
a small tractor (point B), and large mechanized equipment (point A). The isoquant connecting these points
portrays the possible technical alternatives for growing 100 kilograms of rice.
The appropriate combination of labor and capital is determined by the prices of the inputs. A farmer
cultivating with human labor, who contemplates using oxen, wants to know how much labor is saved and
how much
Figure 3-2. Factor-Factor Relationship for Growing Rice
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oxen time is needed. Schematically, this is shown as a move along the isoquant from point D to G, to
represent a change in the combination of inputs, with ~L less labor and ~C more capital. If labor and capital
were priced so that the cost of the labor given up were greater than the cost of the additional capital used,
that is, if ~L . PL > ~C . PC where PL and PC represent the prices of labor and capital, respectively, the
farmer would find the switch to the more capital-intensive combination profitable.
With the prices for the two inputs known, it is possible to construct an isocost line connecting points of
equal costs. This line represents the various possible combinations of labor and capital that have the same
cost. Like the slope of the isorevenue line, the slope of an isocost line is the negative of the price ratio of the
two inputs. In figure 3-2, where the isocost line is tangent to the 100 kilogram isoquant, at point G, the
farmer has determined the least-cost combination of labor and capital that will produce 100 kilograms of
output. At any other point on the same isoquant, it will cost more to produce that amount of output. When
marginal costs equal marginal revenue (~L . PL = ~C . PC), a farmer is using the least-cost combination of
inputs to produce a given level of output.
To produce any more output, the farmer would have to use more capital, more labor, or both. Each level of
output has its own isoquant, represented in figure 3-2 by isoquants labeled 200 kilograms and 250
kilograms. A dashed isocost line is shown parallel to the first (the price ratio of labor and capital is the
same) and tangent to the 200 kilogram isoquant. The point of tangency at G' represents the least-cost
combination of labor and capital to produce 200 kilograms of output. In this example a farmer using the
least-cost combination to produce 200 kilograms would employ relatively more units of capital than labor in
expanding output from 100 kilograms to 200 kilograms.
Farmers make decisions about their techniques of production-their factor-factor choices-according to the
price relationships that prevail for the factors relative to their productivity. Whether those choices are
"appropriate" in a broader social sense depends on whether the prices and available technology that led to
the decision reflect the total costs to society of the techniques chosen. If capital is subsidized, either directly
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or indirectly, farmers are likely to choose techniques that use more capital than otherwise. If labor policy
tries to push up wages, fewer workers will be hired.
The actual prices for factors of production faced by rural decisionmakers-wages, the cost of capital and
imported equipment-are influenced significantly by macro policy. Such policy is often made by government
officials who have little knowledge of whether the resulting rural decisions produce appropriate or
inappropriate technology choices in agriculture. In many developing countries macro policy is designed to
keep capital cheap to favor investment, to raise wages to increase incomes of workers, and to provide direct
or indirect subsidies to imported capital machinery, such as tractors or combines, to raise productivity in
If unskilled labor is widely available in both rural and urban areas, however, these policies ofren have
exactly the opposite effect from that intended. The number of jobs created for each dollar of capital invested
is low, wages outside the large-scale, formal sector are depressed, and mechanized farming exists side by
side with rural unemployment and extreme poverty. The economic incentives determined by macro policy
influence thousands of decisions about how to plant, cultivate, and harvest crops. These decisions in turn
influence how many workers can find productive jobs directly. The breadth of rural purchasing power,
largely a function of agricultural prices and the choice of technology in agricultural production and
processing, determines the indirect and second-round employment effects. Together, the direct and indirect
employment effects reflect how dynamic the rural economy is and how widely shared are the benefits of
Factor-Product Decisions
Agricultural performance is linked to macro policy not only through farm-level decisions about which crops
to grow and how to grow them, but also through the overall response of total farm output to the economic
environment that determines the profitability of more intensive agricultural effort. Policymakers are
concerned about the outcome of farmers' decisions, for they determine the level of food grain supplies, the
availability of foreign exchange earnings from the agricultural sector, and incomes in rural areas. To
understand how these decisions are made and how they affect such important variables of policy concern, a
production function relating inputs to output is a convenient conceptual tool.
Various technical relationships, the prices of inputs, and the output price the farmer expects are all weighed
in the decision of how intensively to use factors to produce output-the factor-product decision. The
production function is the basic technical relationship used to analyze these issues, and it is illustrated by
curve GEMH in figure 3-3. This simplified one-factor function shows the yield of rice per hectare which
could be expected from applying different amounts of fertilizer. This function assumes that other factors of
production (such as land) are fixed and that all increases in output are due to fertilizer, the variable input
shown on the horizontal axis. The figure is drawn to show diminishing marginal returns, that is, each
additional unit of fertilizer results in a smaller increment in output. If no fertilizer were applied, a yield of
OG would be obtained. The physical maximum yield of OD would be attained with OB application of
fertilizer. Informal talks in the countryside with farm households and agricultural research workers can give
the analyst some insight into what these values might be.
Curve GEMH shows the rate at which fertilizer can be converted into rice at varying levels of fertilizer
input. This conversion is nature's exchange relationship between rice and fertilizer. The exchange can also
be made in the other direction, from rice to fertilizer. When farmers take rice to the market and return with
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fertilizer, they are carrying out a market exchange even if they use money as an intermediary for
convenience. The rate at which farmers can exchange rice for fertilizer is also shown in figure 3-3 as the line
OP. It reflects the ratio of the price of fertilizer to the price of rice. When fertilizer prices rise, the line
becomes steeper, reflecting the fact that more rice is required to buy a unit of fertilizer. Inversely, if rice
prices rise, the line becomes flatter as each bag of rice buys more fertilizer.
For most farmers the price line is more or less straight. Except for quantity discounts for large purchases and
price premiums for very small purchases, rice and fertilizer prices are little affected by individual farmer
decisions. Because prices are nearly the same whatever the level of use, the line OP can also be thought of
as a total cost curve in this example, for fertilizer is the only input. (The generalization to many inputs
provides similar insights but with more complicated mathematics.) Here costs are measured in the same
units as output, and so any excess of output over input costs for a given level of input use means the farmer
is earning a profit. When the cost curve is above the production function, net revenues are negative and
losses occur.
Figure 3-3. A Production Function Illustrating the Factor-Product Relationship
In a riskless world where farmers maximize profits, figure 3-3 can be used to determine how much fertilizer
a farmer should use and how much output would result. The maximum profit occurs when the distance
between output and input costs is the greatest. This point can be found by shifting the price line OP upward
in a parallel fashion until it is just tangent to the production function. The dashed line shows this point of
tangency at point E, where total rice production is OC and fertilizer use is OA. An amount of rice equal to
AQ must be exchanged for the fertilizer used (OA), thus leaving an amount of rice equal to QE left over to
repay the farmer's labor and use of land. AQ plus QE add up to OC, which is total output.
Of course, the degree of risk faced by farmers varies enormously-collective agricultural systems often
significantly cushion individuals against risk, while market systems expose small farmers to substantial risks
that affect their use of inputs. Also, pure profit maximization is an extreme case of rational behavior not
likely to be found in the complicated world in which farm households make decisions. But an alternative
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formulation of the decision-making framework of profit maximization can illustrate how farmers adjust their
fertilizer use and output decisions in response to inappropriate starting points or changes in prices or
technology: the farmer simply seeks to move in a direction that increases net revenue. By comparing the
additional revenue any increased yield will bring with the cost of the additional fertilizer required to produce
that output, the farmer can decide whether additional fertilizer is profitable. If the marginal cost of the
fertilizer is less than the marginal revenue (if ~F . Pf < ~R . Pr) the additional fertilizer is profitable. The
farmer will continue to use fertilizer up to the point where the slope of the production function equals the
slope of the ratio of the price of fertilizer to the price of rice (~R/~F = Pf/Pr), which is reached at E in figure
This is the same point found by maximizing profits in a single, all-knowing decision, but this time the
farmer arrives at E by a more plausible route of incremental trial and error. When farmers compare
additional costs with the expected additional benefits, a natural and rational way to make choices, their
behavior approximates that predicted by these simple economic models. Consequently, thinking about how
farmers will respond to changed economic or technical circumstances with this basic production function
model is likely to provide analysts with considerable insight into what will actually happen.
Figure 3-4 shows how this framework can help in understanding likely farmer reactions to significant
changes in the underlying technology available for rice production. The development of modern fertilizer-
responsive seed varieties shifts the entire production function up, allowing more output to be produced even
with the same fertilizer input. But something else has happened in the shift as well, for even at the same
fertilizer-to-rice price ratio a larger application of fertilizer is now profitable. The optimal point is E" where
OK fertilizer is used to produce OC" rice.
The increase in output is composed of two separate effects of the technical change. As figure 3-4 shows,
there is a neutral increase in yields from C to
Figure 3-4. Effect of Technical Change on Fertilizer Use and Yields
C' even when fertilizer use stays constant at the previously optimal level OA. This increase occurs because
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the production function has shifted upward from E to E'. Second, because of the fertilizer-using nature of
the technical change, optimal fertilizer input shifts from E' to E" even though the price relationship between
rice and fertilizer remains the same. Fertilizer use expands from OA to OK (for those farmers who can
afford it), and output reaches its new optimal level of OC". A shift can also occur through simple learning.
As they observe other farmers' results with fertilizer or experiment with small amounts themselves, farmers
gradually shift their own production function and demand for fertilizer upward.
The availability of different technologies may also explain why some farmers appear to be "inside" the
production function, as at point J in figure 3-3. As figure 3-4 indicates, such farmers may be using the
traditional seed varieties either for lack of knowledge or for lack of access to the appropriate inputs needed
to use the modern varieties efficiently.
Output-Price Relationship
The second major factor influencing the farmer's decisionmaking environment shown in figure 3-4 is the
relative price of fertilizer to rice, for this relationship determines the economic incentives to use more
fertilizer. In most countries these prices are heavily influenced by government policy. Figure 3-5 illustrates
what happens when the price of rice increases or the price of fertilizer falls (the two are equivalent in this
two-dimensional world, and hence only the price ratio is important here). As fewer units of rice must be
exchanged for a unit of fertilizer, the farmer is encouraged to use more fertilizer to grow more rice.
As long as the farmer can convert one unit of fertilizer into enough rice to buy more than that unit of
fertilizer, it makes sense to expand fertilizer use. When an additional unit of fertilizer fails to produce
enough rice to pay for itself, the farmer has gone too far. The appropriate stopping point is where
Figure 3-5. Effect of Relative Price Change on Fertilizer Use and Yields
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the exchange ratios are the same, a lesson already learned. Lowering the amount of rice needed to buy
fertilizer-lowering the price rati~normally leads to increased fertilizer use and higher yields (and vice versa).
According to rhe theoretical model, farmers are expected to apply inputs more intensively in order to
increase their output of a commodity when its price goes up, if other prices remain constant. This positive
supply response can also be illustrated within this framework, and the result is shown in figure 3-6.
The upper part of figure 3-6 is constructed from the technical relationship between inputs and resulting
output that is shown in the production function in figure 3-3. Because the price of rice in this example does
not depend on quantities sold, the total revenue line for the farmer is a straight line, where the angle
indicates the rice price itself. At higher prices the angle is steeper, indicating more revenue per unit of
output. The total cost curve is constructed from the production function and a given price of fertilizer. At
each level of output a particular level of fertilizer is required. The cost of purchasing this fertilizer
determines the cost of producing that output. As in figure 3-3' the optimal output is at point E, where the
excess of total revenue over total cost is maximized, that is, where profits are greatest. As noted before, this
point is also where the slopes of the two curves are equal, or where marginal revenue (equal to the price of
output) equals marginal cost (the slope of the total cost curve).
The lower part of figure 3-6 shows these marginal conditions directly as they relate to total output. The
vertical axis now measures cost per unit, as well as the price per unit of output. Since the price at which the
farmer can sell output is constant for all output levels, it can be represented by the horizontal line at PO .
Both the average cost curve and the marginal cost curve rise as output rises because inputs are being used
more intensively with lower marginal productivity. The higher marginal costs then pull up average costs.
Because output greater than D is impossible from this particular farm with its available technology,
marginal and average costs become infinite at that point.
The farmer's choice of output level in the lower part of figure 3-6 corresponds to the choice in the upper part
(and to the choice in figure 3-3). This point is again E, where the marginal cost of increasing output equals
the marginal revenue gained by producing it. This marginal revenue is the price of output-each additional
unit of output sold by the farmer brings in revenue equal to the price of output-and so the farmer's best
choice is where the marginal cost curve intersects the market price of output. This is an extremely important
result. If market demand or government policy caused the price of output to rise from PO to Pl the optimal
decision point for the farmer would change from E to E', and output on the farm would rise from OC to
OC'. The farmer's supply response to higher price incentives-the relationship between output supplied and
output price-is simply the farmer's marginal cost curve for producing additional output.
Figure 3-6. The Relationship between Farm Output of Rice Supplies and the Price of Rice
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Note: The farm area planted in rice is held constant.
With all the provisos noted about the simplified nature of these two dimensional diagrams, the farmer's
supply curve is the same thing as the marginal cost curve. Anything that shifts the marginal cost curve, for
example, new technology, access to new irrigation facilities, or even the weather, will also shift the supply
curve. Many of these shifts result directly or indirectly from government policy or investments, and so the
interest of analysts in farmers' responses is clear. Because the supply curve summarizes so much of farmer
decisionmaking in terms of two variables of great relevance to the rest of food policy-output and price-
knowing more about the elasticity of supply for important commodities is the next step for food policy
Estimating Farmer Supply Response
Government policy influences the location of the supply curve through investments that lower marginal costs
of agricultural production (or through unintended actions that raise costs). Policy also influences where on
the supply curve farmers choose to be, as price policies alter the incentives to use more intensive techniques
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of farming to produce more output. "Cheap food" policies can suppress growth in farm production while
increasing consumption, often requiring subsidized food imports to be effective. As governments look at the
costs and benefits of such policies, an immediate question is whether farmers will respond with greater
output if better incentives are provided or with less output in the face of reduced incentives. The answer will
vary for the short run as opposed to the long run, as well as for areas where additional land can be brought
into cultivation. Some environments, especially in Asia, must rely on yield increases as the primary means
of raising output. In addition, the supply response for individual crops, where, for example, corn can
substitute for beans, differs from that for aggregate agricultural production, where substitutions do not alter
total output significantly and response must come through changed intensity of input use, including labor.
These concerns are empirical, not theoreticaL They can be addressed only by careful attention to exactly
which question is being asked, coupled with specific statistical analysis of country or regional data. The
empirical estimation of supply response functions is an enormous and complicated topic and can be
surveyed only briefly here. Just as with sophisticated food consumption function estimation, the food policy
analyst is likely to be less concerned with actual estimation techniques than with a solid sense of what the
important issues are, when to distrust econometric razzle-dazzle, and how to interpret representative
empirical results.
Issues of Estimation
The lower part of figure 3-6 shows a positive relationship between price and quantity of output. A natural
inclination might be to look for a series of observations on a commodity's price and its output and to plot
them graphically or even to estimate a regression with output as a function of price. Sometimes this
technique actually works, but often the result is merely a confusing cluster of data points or, even worse, a
perceptible negative relationship between price and output. Does this mean that farmers are perverse and
have a backward-bending supply curve and produce less as prices rise? Usually it means the analyst has
identified a curve with elements of both a demand curve and a supply curve. This "identification problem"
has a famous history in economics, and although the theoretical issues are resolved, it continues to bedevil
empirical investigators. Without additional information about whether the supply curve or the demand curve,
or both, are shifting, any estimation results are unclear. If no additional information is available, the
identification problem is simply insoluble.
The most common approach in the empirical literature is to assume that consumers react to actual prices in
their purchase decisions and that farmers react to expected prices in their planting and cultivating decisions.
As argued earlier, this distinction is an important characteristic of agriculture because of the time between
the farmer's input decisions and the output results. If a way can be found to approximate the price the farmer
expects when making input decisions, most of the identification problem is resolved. Many models simply
assume the farmer reacts to the previous price received, with a time lag of one year or one season. The
results of estimating these models with time series data are surprisingly useful, for they indicate how
responsive farmers actually are to short-run changes in price signals. Naturally, they may adjust much more
as time passes, but the simple one-year lag model captures their immediate response.
The longer-run response can be captured only with more sophisticated models of formation of expected
prices or of lags in responding to changed environments. An innovative methodology for doing this
modeling was first used in an agricultural setting by Marc Nerlove and is appropriately called Nerlovian
distributed lag analysis. Reproducing the complicated algebra needed to derive an appropriate estimating
equation is not necessary because the results are intuitively plausible.
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A farmer's output is a function of the previous price of output and of output the previous year. This lagged
output term serves as a proxy for all previous adjustments to prices (and even to other excluded variables).
The short-run supply response to price continues to be estimated by the coefficient attached to lagged price,
but the long-run adjustment is larger by a factor determined by the coefficient estimated for the lagged
output variable. (The actual formula is: long-run supply response = short-run supply response / [1 - the
coefficient of lagged output].) In a typical case, if the short-run supply elasticity is 0.1 and the coefficient
attached to (log) lagged output is 0.6, then the long-run elasticity is 0.25, that is, 0.1/(1 - 0.6). A very
common result of this type of analysis is that the long-run supply elasticity is roughly twice as large as the
short-run elasticity.
This methodology for direct estimation of supply curves requires time series data with enough observations
to provide reliable statistical results at the same rime that significant structural change or technological
innovation is minimal. Most developing countries have undergone both in their relatively short histories,
and most supply curve estimation is confounded by these likely but difficult-to-measure shifts in the supply
curve itself. As figure 3-7 shows, rapid shifts in,the supply curve mean that both an apparently positive or a
negative estimated supply response could be consistent with actual p05itive and quite inelastic short-run
supply curves.
One approach to dealing with this problem, and other aspects of the identification problem as well, is to use
cross-section data to estimate supply functions. As with the use of cross-section data for consumption
analysis, this approach requires that the decisionmakers face reasonably comparable environments if the
results are to have any direct policy relevance. At the
Figure 3-7. Effects of Techinal Change on Estimation of Supply Curves
same time, the decisionmakers must face different prices that cause measurable differences in output if the
statistical analysis is to succeed in estimating an accurate supply response to price. Multiple regression
analysis can be used to control roughly for differences in environments, but many factors that
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decisionmakers consider are extremely difficult to measure.
Cross-section estimates are frequently made across states, provinces, and even countries in order to find
significant price variation. With such crosssection estimates, the argument is usually made that the resulting
supply response parameters reflect full and long-run adjustment in all aspects of the environment that are
related to price, not just the short-run response of farmers to price when that environment is held constant.
Since this includes such important variables as farmer knowledge, irrigation facilities, and well-adapted
seed varieties, this distinction is quite important. In fact, several researchers have discovered very high
supply responses to agricultural prices by using this methodology. Work by Willis Peterson, in particular,
shows an aggregate agricultural supply elasticity of about 1.2, but the countries in the sample that generated
this result are probably a century or more apart in their economic development and hence in the full
adjustment of the environments facing their farmers.
An alternative approach to direct estimation of farmer supply response uses technical or engineering data to
estimate the agricultural production function, specifying an appropriate functional form and then using
conditions of profit maximization to trace out the marginal cost function and hence the short-run supply
response. Either time series or cross-section data can be used for this indirect approach, and each presents
its own set of difficulties. The obvious general problem with estimating production functions to derive
supply response functions is that the approach assumes what was the object of the search, that is, the extent
to which farmers actually respond to price changes. Such "normative" supply curves are useful for placing
upper bounds on plausible farmer responsiveness, and they sometimes show that farmers are already using
inputs such as fertilizer about as intensively as is profitable. They are a relatively poor basis, however, for
making predictions about the impact of changed prices on aggregate supply unless no other information is
available. Then, of course, the one-eyed man is king.
A Synthesis of Supply Elasticities for Cereal Grains
A recent volume by Hossein Askari and John Cummings surveyed agricultural supply response estimates
available in the mid-1970s. The book has an extensive review of the Nerlovian supply response model and
of many of the studies around the world that tried to use it to estimate supply elasticities for a wide variety
of crops. Table 3-1 is extracted from their summary table and shows the shortrun supply elasticities for
rice,wheat, and corn, by approximate numerical range, for the regions and countries for which reasonably
reliable estimates could be located
Table 5: Supply Elasticities for Rice Wheat, and Corn for Various Regions, by Approximate Numerical Range
Grain Range of supply elasticities and region
Less than zero
Rice Uttar Pradesh,a Himachal Pradesh,b Gujarat,b Maharashtra,b Madras,b,c Kerala,b Egyptb,c
Wheat Uttar Pradesh,a,c Madhya Pradesh-Berar,b,c Bombay-Sind,b,c Iraqb
Corn Jordan,b Egyptb,c
Zero to one-third
Assam,b Bihar,a Mysore,b Punjab, West Bengal,b Tripura,b Pakistan,b Bangladesh,b Thailand, West Malaysia, Japan,b
Philippines, Egyptb,d
Mysore, Punjab,b Rajasthan,b West Bengal,b Maharashtra,b Himachal Pradesh,b Pakistan,b Hungary, Jordan,b Lebanon,
Egypt,b,c United States
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Corn Punjab, Egypt,b,d Lebanon,b Sudan, Philippines, United States
One-third to two-thirds
Rice Punjab,a Bihar-Orissa,a Peru,b Java, Iraq
Wheat Uttar Pradesh,a,d Bihar,a Egypt,a,d Syria, Lebanon,a New South Wales, United Kingdom,b France, Argentina, Chile
Corn Punjab, Hungary, Sudana
Two-thirds to one
Wheat Gujarat,b Egypt,a New South Wales,a New Zealand, United States, Canadab
More than one
Rice West Malaysia,a Iraqa
Wheat Syria,a New Zealand,a Chilea
Corn Thailand,b Syriab
Note: Unless otherwise noted, elasticities are short run.
a. Long-run elasticity.
b. Short- and long-run elasticity.
c. Pre-World War II.
d. Post-World War II.
Source: Assembled from Hossein Askari and John T. Cummings, Agricultural Supply Response:A
Survey of the Econometric Evidence (New York: Praeger, 1976)
Askari and Cummings note that their summary table was prepared by weighting different, sometimes
conflicting, results for the same crop and region and by using their own judgments about the reliability of
alternative estimating procedures or the particular time series data employed. Table 3-1 gives only a hint of
the full array of evidence gathered by Askari and Cummings; indeed, nearly 500 separate supply elasticities
are presented in their appendix!
Two points are important. First, most of the supply elasticities reported for basic cereal grains are positive,
with a median value likely to be near the top of the zero to one-third range. Although it is preferable to
determine grain supply elasticities on the basis of local conditions and data, sometimes this is not possible.
If forced at gunpoint to pick a number from comparative experience, the analyst will not be far from the
mark with an elasticity of 0.2 to 0.3.
Second, there is a noticeable tendency for the supply elasticity to be larger in more-developed countries and
in regions with longer commercial histories. This larger supply response is partly because farmers are more
economically minded, but also because purchased inputs have a greater role in farm production. The
decision to purchase inputs instead of relying on traditional household resources inevitably reflects a
willingness to calculate costs and benefits. In such circumstances the actual supply response begins to
approach the normative supply response predicted by the economic models used here to understand farmer
behavior. As the role of modern agricultural technology widens, the supply responsiveness of farmers
around the world is likely to increase.
The neoclassical decisionmaking approach outlined in this section can be very helpful to analysts in
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illuminating the underlying factors that explain trends in output of particular crops, in input use, and to
some extent In incomes in farming areas. Lagging productivity growth in corn production might be traced
to low fertilizer use. This could be explained by poor technology available to farmers or to poor incentives
to use inputs intensively. The answers have direct relevance to agricultural policies, whether for budgetary
resource allocations to research stations or for improved price incentives for important crops. A sense of the
responsiveness of farmers to policy changes is needed to pursue the issue from identification of problems to
appropriate policy responses. In the early stages of agricultural development when one or two primary food
crops dominate both traditional farm production and policy interests, fairly simple supply response analysis
can provide many of the needed insights. As agriculture becomes more commercialized and more
complicated, a broader approach that examines the full decision-making environment of the farm household
is likely to offer important additional insights.
Understanding Farming Systems
Neoclassical production theory is very helpful for understanding the direction of likely farmer response to a
changed economic environment at the farm level. This approach is crop-specific, and the empirical
estimates of farmer supply responsiveness have concentrated almost exclusively on single commodities, as
table 3-1 illustrated. Useful as this focus and the accompanying supply elasticities are to policymakers in
contemplating either pricing changes or the macro connections between agriculture and the rest of the
economy, several critical farm-level and broader rural issues are neither identified nor analyzed within this
Commodity substitution, land and labor allocations to alternative crops and farm household tasks, and
potential income-earning opportunities for farm labor in rural off-farm jobs are broad and important issues.
They influence the income and welfare of the farm household directly while contributing indirectly to the
commodity supply responsiveness of immediate concern to policymakers. These issues can be understood
by analyzing the entire set of farming activities and important nonfarm activities within a decisionmaking
framework that specifically accounts for the connections and opportunity costs across both crop and other
income-earning activities.
Activity analysis, or linear programming, is a technique for analyzing entire farming systems. Based on the
construction of a farming system tableau, it is a helpful and ultimately powerful technique for understanding
these broader farm decisionmaking issues. The tableau can help analysts identify the aspects of farming
systems that need much more careful attention and more rigorous analysis. Specialists or outside consultants
can then be brought in for this work, and their efforts made productive and relevant by specific terms of
reference based on the preliminary assessments from the tableau analysis.
Describing the Agricultural Sector
Describing the agricultural sector in statistical terms is complicated by agriculture's unique characteristics
that set it apart from the rest of the economy. Annual production statistics by crop for the entire country are
very important for describing overall crop balance, aggregate supplies relative to domestic demand and
import needs, and gross input requirements to maintain aggregate rates of growth in agricultural output.
Since ministries of agriculture, planning agencies, and central banks need these aggregate estimates to plan
investment and foreign exchange allocations, their gathering and analysis has dominated the statistical
description of the rural sector.
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The individual farm household decisions that generate these aggregate results are made from a very different
perspective, however. Each farm sits within a particular ecological setting (sometimes more than one) and
faces an economic environment dictated by the technological opportunities for crop production in that
setting and by the input and output markets nearby. To understand how farm households will react when
new technology is developed, input prices are subsidized, or output prices are raised, policy analysts need
much more specific information about these indiv~dual decisionmaking environments than can be gleaned
from national aggregate data. Such information usually must be collected from relatively homogeneous
agroclimatic zones at the farm level. The descriptions of representative farming systems, the variations in
yield and prices across those farms, and the distribution of farm sizes within each zone will provide the
analyst with
sufficient information to understand how various farm households are likely to react to policy or exogenous
changes in rural conditions and how these changes together provide an aggregate view of farmer
responsiveness to economic incentives.
Agroclimatic Zones
The ecological setting in which crops are grown strongly conditions the farmer's choice of crops, the
techniques used to grow them, the resulting yields, and how much is available for sale in outside markets.
Every field has a unique ecological setting, and each farm is different from neighboring ones. Too acute an
awareness of this ecological diversity is immobilizing to policy analysts attempting to define agroclimatic
zones, however, because central tendencies and representative settings are swamped in the local detail.
Finding an appropriate balance between aggregate national data and the specific crops grown in individual
fields and farms is necessary to bring any sense of order to the chaos of nature. It is good enough to know in
principle that every farm is different. In practice, finding a half dozen or so representative agroclimatic
zones that are reasonably consistent internally and have significantly different cropping patterns from zone
to zone will capture all the diversity the analyst can hope to cope with and still retain an overall sense of
how the pieces add up to form the nation's agricultural output.
When the analyst has time to conduct original survey research or has access to raw data from village-level
surveys, boundaries around agroclimatic zones can be drawn on the basis of uniform ecological settings.
Most analysts will have to settle for less precise boundaries, however, and will use district or provincial
agricultural data that have already been collected. These administrative units are usually responsible for
collecting agricultural data. When the administrative borders correspond, even roughly, to agroclimatic
zones, the analyst can shortcut the data-gathering process significantly. In most cases, major compromises
over the definition of a true agroclimatic zone are worthwhile to make it fit the existing data.
Just such a compromise has been made in the example used throughout the discussion of data gathering and
food production analysis. East Java, a major province of Indonesia, is a diverse region with a larger
population (more than 30 million people in 1981) than most countries. It is not a single agroclimatic zone,
yet its representative farming systems are significantly different from those of neighboring Central Java or
Bali. Certainly much can be learned by looking at individual districts or even villages within East Java, for
they vary considerably. But in view of the difficulty of trying to understand Indonesian agriculture and its
production responsiveness on the basis of individual farm households or the thousands of districts or
hundreds of thousands of villages, a focus on representative decisions and production patterns in East Java is
an appropriate compromise.
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Even when provincial data correspond fairly closely to agroclimatic zones, as they do in East Java, the data
most useful to analysts may not be available from government agricultural offices. Because government
departments and programs are often organized around single crops (for example, a rice improvement
program), agricultural ministries tend to collect new information mainly on individual commodities. Having
data on typical farms, however, is likely to be much more important for understanding how farmers react to
policy changes. Since most key farming decisions involve tradeoffs and opportunity costs as farmers seek to
increase their incomes, information is needed about alternative farm activities, not just about individual crop
productivity and response.
Farm-level data can be limited to the major crops or they can include garden, household, livestock, and off-
farm employment activities. Where land is abundant and labor is relatively expensive, as in much of Africa,
data limited initially to crop activities should suffice, for most income tradeoffs will revolve around crop
choice. If labor is abundant and land is relatively much more scarce, as in parts of Asia, off-farm
employment activities are likely to be more significant in determining household incomes and consequently
in assessing farmer response to agricultural policies.
Data from representative farms in a half dozen different agroclimatic zones provide the descriptive basis for
setting up a farming system tableau. The analyst begins with the main crop activities for the zone and adds
other components, such as livestock or off-farm employment, when they are needed to understand farmers'
responses to agricultural policies. The tableau serves to organize the analysis of important rural issues. To
link the tableau analysis to policy issues, the analyst also needs farm size distribution and price and yield
data. Some of these data can be found in published sources. Others wiU require discussions with farmers
and agricultural field staffs. First-hand knowledge gained while spending time in the countryside gathering
data imparts a sense of the diversity from field to field and the actual environment in which farmers must
make their decisions and is thus as important for the analyst as the tabulations themselves.
Farming Systems Data
The combination and sequences of crops grown by representative farmers make up a farming system, and
usually only a few different types are dominant in an agroclimatic zone. As with the zones themselves, any
definition of dominant farming systems is somewhat arbitrary. Cropping patterns vary among farms because
of differences in soils, irrigation, prices, and proximity to markets. Still, policy analysts can usually pick a
few primary cropping arrangements within a zone and resist the temptation to describe a large number of
farming systems in hopes of representing all the various patterns within the countryside. Too many data tend
to obscure rather than clarify the issues before policymakers, who need to understand how decisionmakers
in a few representative farming systems are likely to respond to alternative policy initiatives that will affect
the farming environment.
The cropping system diagram shown in figure 3-8 is an efficient way to visualize farming systems. To
capture the seasonality that is important in agricultural production, the horizontal axis is divided into time
periods. The three-season agriculture of East Java is shown over a one-year period, broken down by month.
Systems involving tree crops might cover a longer period. A temperate agriculture that is limited by the
number of frost-free days would cover a much shorter time.
Each rectangle in figure 3-8 represents the percentage of total arable land
Figure 3-8. Illustrative Cropping System for East Java, Indonesia
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that a given crop occupies in the region over three major seasons. The height of the rectangle is calibrated to
show the relative area planted to a crop, thus indicating the importance of the commodity in the region. Such
a visual picture of the farming system is simple and readily understandable and helps identify important
decision options and tradeoffs faced by farm households. Other useful seasonal data, such as rainfall,
irrigation flows, temperature, or intensity of sunlight, can be charted similarly to the rainfall graph in the
lower part of figure 3-8.
This simple presentation of a farming system reveals important crop competitions and complementarities
within seasons. The interactions between weather and cropping systems are also highlighted and may
indicate potential benefits of irrigation or drainage investments. Several charts of this type can readily
present the broad dimensions of farming operations within a region.
Farm Size Distribution
Table 3-2 illustrates data on farm size distribution for the province of East Java. Many of the numbers in
this table and the other examples are approximations rather than actual data, and the farming systems have
been greatly simplified to illustrate the concepts more easily.
From table 3-2 it is apparent that more than half (54 percent) of the farmers have landholdings of less than
0.3 hectares, yet they occupy a total of only 18 percent of the land. In terms of production, the 30 percent of
farmers with 0.3 to 0.5 hectares are more representative than the smaller farmers because they cultivate more
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than one-quarter of the land. Because farm-size distribution data identify different types of "representative"
farmers-most representative in total number or in area farmed-the information in table 3-2 helps organize
field visits. To think about the implications of policy changes for agricultural production, analysts need to
understand the likely reactions of several representative farmers. The table identifies their characteristics;
field visits then permit analysts to talk with these farmers about their decisionmaking.
Table 6: Size Distribution of Farm Operating Units in East Java
Size of farm
Percentage of
Area (millions of
Percentage of
0.05-0.1 2.0 20.0 0.15 3.2
0.1-0.3 3.4 34.0 0.68 14.5
0.3-0.5 3.0 30.0 1.20 25.6
0.5-1.0 1.0 10.0 0.75 16.0
1.0-2.0 0.3 3.0 0.45 9.6
2.0-5.0 0.2 2.0 0.70 15.0
5.0+ 0.1 1.0 0.75 16.0
Total 10.0 100.0 4.68 100.0
Note: The numbers illustrate general trends; they are not specific data representing actual conditions.
A simple farm-size distribution table can also indicate a great deal about the income distribution of a rural
region and the numbers of farmers whose net marketings are likely to be significant. Information on
respective yields by farm size can also be added, although this is complicated by different cropping patterns
and by differential access to inputs. For example, small farmers often use multiple cropping systems that are
much more labor intensive than the cultivation of uniform stands of cereals. Further, they often achieve
higher yields per hectare for a given level of fertilizer use, but credit constraints cause them to use less
fertilizer per hectare than larger farmers.
A rough estimate of the number of people likely to be affected by hunger if off-farm employment is
unobtainable can be made by adding the number of landless and near-landless laborers to the table. In the
East Java example an additional 2 million families would be included. In areas where large landowners split
their holdings among several tenants, a table showing ownership rather than operating patterns would reveal
something of the role of landlords in the countryside. Accurate ownership data are usually difficult to
assemble, but they are particularly important for assessing policy changes affecting tenancy or landlord-
tenant relations.
Price and Yield Data
Information on farm prices and yields actually paid and received by farmers brings the analyst face to face
with the decisionmaking environment in which rural households operate. By talking with a range of farmers
and with experiment station workers, the analyst can draw a rough picture of the relationship between input
use and crop yields. With input and output price data added, the profitability of intensifying crop production
can be estimated. In combination, the input, yield, and profitability data provide the analyst with a sense of
potential gains in production from available technology or changes in the structure of costs and prices and
of the importance of developing new technology.
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Price Comparisons
Prices actually received and paid by farmers in the region are essential to calculating several price ratios that
reflect the economic environment facing farm decisionmakers. In particular, the ratio of commodity prices
received by farmers to the price paid for a key input such as fertilizer provides a rough assessment of how
tightly the agricultural sector is being squeezed by low economic incentives relative to other regions and
A second calculation compares regional prices with international market prices for each commodity. The
comparison between rice prices in Bangkok and in East Java shown in table 3-3, for example, cannot be
made with any precision without careful attention to quality differentials and possible exchange rate biases.
But product and factor prices often vary enormously from country to country relative to the import or export
price. These wide price variations can alert analysts to local price environments that are greatly distorted. In
the Indonesian example in table 3-3, local corn prices may be
Table 7: Illustrative Data on Agricultural Technology and Prices for East Java, Indonesia
- Tons per hectare per crop
Technology Shelled corn Milled rice
Experimental yields per hectare per crop - -
International 10 15
East Java 3.5 10
Ratio of international to East Java 2.9:1.0 1.5:1.0
"Progressive" farm yield per hectare per crop - -
(East Java) 2.5 6
Average farm yield per hectare per crop - -
(East Java) 1.5 3.5
- Dollars per ton (rupiahs converted at Rp 625 per US$1)
Prices Shelled corn Milled rice
World price, October 1980 $145a $445b
East Java farm price, October 1980 145 280c
Ratio of world price to East Java price 1.0:1.0 1.6:1.0
World price of urea, October 1980 250d 250d
East Java farm price of urea, October 1980 115e 115e
Ratio of world price to East Java price 2.2:1.0 2.2:1.0
East Java commodity price/East Java urea price, October 1980 1.26 1.78
World commodity price/world urea price, October 1980 0.58 2.43
somewhat high if corn must be imported
a. F.o.b. U.S. Gulf port (no. 2 yellow).
b. F.o.b. Bangkok (25 percent brokens).
c. Rice equivalent at farm gate.
d. F.o.b. Near East (bagged).
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e. Subsidized rate of Rp 72 per Kilogram.
from the United States; rice prices seem significantly lower than the potential cost of landing Thai rice in
Indonesia. Urea prices are less than half the world price, indicating very large subsidies.
Wide deviations in local prices from international market quotations reveal the potential for significant
economic distortion and waste through misalocation of resources. Some of this distortion may be planned to
advance other government objectives, such as food security or income transfers top farmers or consumers,
but frequently the distortions and wasted resources are an unforseen byproduct of government policies for
the nonagriculture sectors. By identifying the magnitude and potential impact of these price distortions in
the countryside, analysts can bring to planning sessions a much more informed and persuasive case for
showing how government policies affect agricultural performance.
The exact calibration of yield and price data for a region requires fieldwork plus a bit of desk research to fit
the data together. They can be assembled rather quickly, however, into the type of information in table 3-3.
This table illustrates how much variation can occur across commodities even within the same region and for
different types of farmers. It is especially important to be on the lookout for factors that create an adverse
economic climate for small farmers. When appropriate allowance is made for credit arrangements with
suppliers, village moneylenders, and purchasing agents, small farmers often pay higher input prices and
receive lower output prices than do large farmers.
Yield Comparisons
In the East Java example, the ratio of local to international experimental yields indicates that the
development of appropriate varieties is much further advanced for rice than for corn. International
experimental rice yields are only half again as high as East Javan experimental yields. In contrast,
international experimental corn yields are nearly three times as high as in East Java, despite the fact that the
ratio of domestic to international prices is much more favorable for corn than for rice.
If farmers are obtaining low yields for the major food crop in a country, there is a reason. Perhaps farmers
do not have a technological package capable of producing high yields reliably in their ecological setting.
Perhaps farmers do not judge the economic returns from high yields to be worth the costs, efforts, or risks
of producing them. Or they may not know how to use the available (and accessible) technology in such a
way as to make a reasonable proftt by producing high yields. No doubt any one of these reasons is
important in many circumstances, and maybe all are relevant on occasion. A constraints framework
developed by Arthur Mosher helps analysts organize these factors and identify the constraints on farmer
behavior under existing circumstances.
The Constraints Framework
For a particular agroclimatic zone, the Mosher framework organizes farm households according to their
output per hectare for the dominant crop in the region. In figure 3-9, the horizontal axis represents the
percentage distribution of all arable land within an agroclimatic zone, and the vertical axis measures yield
per hectare for the dominant commodity, usually one of the cereal grains. The achievement distribution,
denoted a, indicates the distribution of yields actually obtained by farmers, ranked left to right from the
highest to the lowest. The slope and location of the a curve is determined empirically from the yield data. If
all farmers had the same yields, the achievement distribution would be horizontal. Analysts would expect
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farmers' yields to vary because not all farm households have equally good managers, land quality varies,
and not all
Figure 3-9. Agricultural Development Activities Appropriate to Raising Techinal and Economic Ceilings and
Achievement Distributions
Source: Arthur T. Mosher, An Introduction to Agricultural Extension (Singapore: Agricultural
Development Council, Singapore University Press, 1978), p.73.
farmers have access to specific knowledge about how to raise their yields. Thus the a curve slopes
downward. When the height of the achievement distribution measures the yield and the base reflects the
land area achieving each yield, the area beneath the curve represents the total production of the crop, shown
as the shaded area in the diagram.
The technical ceiling, the t curve, indicates the biological maximum yield for that crop, the yield an
experiment station could achieve in the region. (Yields technically possible elsewhere in the world can be
above a region's t curve within a zone.) The technical ceiling curve probably also slopes downward
somewhat because of varying soils or other biological reasons.
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The economic ceiling, shown by the e curve, reflects the yield constraint imposed on farmers by various
price and technical relationships, and by definition it lies below the technical ceiling. The economic ceiling
represents the yield achieved when all inputs are used at their most profitable levels on average. Most
farmers are risk-averse in the face of uncertain weather, many face credit constraints on how many inputs
they can purchase, and only a few are likely to know with any precision what the profit-maximizing levels
will be. For these reasons, the economic ceiling cannot be directly observed in the field.
Still some simple calculations can help the observer determine the yields that reflect the current economic
ceiling. If an additional unit of fertilizer will produce five units of grain, but the grain-to-fertilizer price ratio
is only 1:6, the rational farmer will not use additional fertilizer to raise yields. The marginal response of
grain to fertilizer can be determined accurately only by estimating fertilizer response functions with farm-
level data, but it can be readily approximated by asking farmers about their own experience with fertilizer
and by comparing different farmers' fertilizer use and resulting yields. Local experiment stations also
frequently have guidelines on fertilizer responsiveness in their locale.
With price data and information on farm-level yields relative to experimental yields in several representative
regions, the analyst is in a position to plot the achievement distribution quite roughly and determine whether
the economic and technical ceilings are tightly constraining or not. A wide variety of possibilities might
result, of course, but figure 3-10 shows four quite different environments which capture much of the
diversity of agricultural settings in developing countries.
A farming system with low productivity, tightly constrained by technology, is depicted in Area A. Since the
achievement distribution is near the economic ceiling, most farm households are doing as well as can be
expected, and little increase in output can result from changes in economic policy or from more aggressive
extension agents. For food production to be increased, biological and engineering research and investments
in land improvement would be needed to raise the technical ceiling. A large number of ecological zones
characterized by marginal rainfall and poor soils fit this pattern. In
Figure 3-10. Various Relationships between Technical and Economic Ceilings and the Achievement Distribution
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such areas high-yielding crop technology does not yet exist. In other, more hospitable areas which look like
Area A, adaptive research has been neglected, and efforts to borrow appropriate technology from other
regions have not been made.
Area B represents rational and knowledgeable farmers whose output levels are constrained by economic
policies, especially those affecting prices for inputs and output. When the economic ceiling is far below the
technical ceiling, policies affecting input and output prices, international trade, the marketing system, and
land tenure are preventing rapid increases in productivity and higher yields.
In Area C a few farm households are taking advantage of the available technology, but many are not. When
at least parts of the achievement distribution are well below the economic ceiling, efforts to provide
education, credit, and extension services are likely to be important parts of a production strategy to raise the
achievement distribution.
A high technology dilemma is represented in Area D. In parts of China and Japan rice yields are currently
pushing against the technical ceiling on rice production. Raising the technical ceiling requires long-run
investments to increase biological potential and is not a source of rapid growth in the short run. To raise
rural incomes more rapidly, it might be necessary to diversify the farming system into higher-valued crops.
Policy analysts can use the Mosher framework to determine the position of a country's agricultural sector
with regard to the technical and economic ceilings and the actual achievement distribution. Because the
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framework is crQp-specific, it is much more helpful in identifying issues for campaigns to raise the output
of wheat or rice, for instance, than it is for dealing with the complexity of multicommodity farming systems.
At the earJy stages of agricultural development this commodity focus is not a serious shortcoming because
major productivity gains from new technology tend to be commodity-specific, and most agricultural
development plans are already organized around particular commodities. At later stages in development,
however, efforts to raise agricultural productivity usually encounter complicated tradeoffs among
commodities as well as competition for farm labor from wage labor markets. Then other analytical
techniques, particularly the tableau discussed below, illuminate these more complex decisions made by most
farm households.
Modeling Farmer Response with a Farming System Tableau
The broad picture of a farming system shown in figure 3-8 illustrates the alternative crops grown in each
season, but it does not explain why farmers chose to grow these crops. To understand these choices more
fully, farming systems data can be organized into a tableau of information for economic analysis. The
concept of a tableau is derived from early attempts to organize the activities of an economy into a consistent
framework to show how national output was generated. The literature on mathematical programming and
activity analysis has developed the tableau into a formal tool which can be used to calculate optimal
solutions to farming or policy problems. Even without the formal analysis, however, organizing information
according to the conceptual elements of a tableau is an effective way to portray the array of decisions that
farmers face.
The basic elements of a tableau are presented in table 3-4. Each component is identified in a farming system
context and is linked to its analogous relationship in a linear programming framework. The core of a linear
programming model is the input-output coefficient matrix-the aij matrix which indicates the amount of input
i (for example, fertilizer) needed to operate activity j (for example, a hectare of rice) that will produce, say,
2.5 tons of output. The inputs are listed in rows on the left, the possible crop activities are shown in columns
in the center, and the availability of inputs is indicated on the right-hand side of the tableau. Each crop
activity produces a net revenue, and simple programming models have as their objective the maximization
of the sum of all crop revenues. This happens when at least one input is fully utilized and output cannot be
increased further.
The analyst need not (perhaps even should not) be a linear programming specialist to use this tableau
framework successfully. The importance of the linear programming technique is its insistence on
consistency and accurate specification of variables and data. In short, the tableau helps develop a logical and
consistent approach to the full range of farm decisionmaking.
Table 8: Elements of a Tableau
- Crop activities (crop production technique) -
Inputs 1 2 3 4 5 ... Constraints
List of inputs needed for all
activities(often called the input
vector); not all activities require
all inputs.
Input-output coefficient matrix (the aij coefficients that
indicate the amount a of input i needed to operate activity j
on a unit, or hectare, of land. The coefficients are linear and
Input availabilities or resources
available to the farmer (often called
the constraints vector or the right-
hand side)
Maximize ->the objective function = net revenue
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The objective function is the sum of the output for each crop activitv times the net revenue per unit of
output for producing it. If no cash costs are incurred, net revenue per unit is equal to the price of output.
Table 9: Inputs for an Illustrative Farming System in East Java, Indonesia
- Crop activities
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
- Paddy rice - - - -
-- Technique Technique Technique Technique - - - -
Inputs 1 2 3 2 Soybeans Peanuts Cassava Corn
Land (hectares) - - - - - - - -
Season I 1 1 1 - - - - -
Season II - - - 1 1 1 1 -
Season III - -- - - -- - 1 1
Labor (days per
- - - - - - - -
Season I 340 400 435 - - - - -
Season II - - - 400 200 175 100 -
Season III - - - - - - 150 120
(kilograms per
- - - - - - - --
Season I 0 500 1,000 - - - - -
Season II - - - 500 0 0 500 -
Season III - - - - - - - 0
Yield (tons per
2 3 3.5 2.5 0.5 0.4 20 1.0
In a tableau as shown in table 3-5, the crops a representative farmer in a region could grow during a year
are listed along with the inputs required to produce each crop on one hectare of land in each season. The
major commodity grown in the area usually can be produced with several alternative techniques, and each is
listed as a separate potential farm choice. Multiple cropping and seasonality are built into the tableau by
indicating various crops and inputs separately for each distinct growing season, denoted in this example as
Seasons I, II, and III.
Each alternative crop and cropping technique is a potential activity, and table 3-5 illustrates the alternative
activities available to a representative farmer in East Java. The labor inputs, in days per hectare, required for
each activity are recorded in the appropriate time periods for the three growing seasons in the year.
Similarly, the fertilizer rows list fertilizer inputs for each crop and cropping technique (that is, for each
activity). Since the input data for growing these crops have been standardized for one hectare, the
coefficient i in the land rows refers to the particular season a given crop occupies that one hectare of land.
The tableau represents the technical relationship between inputs and the resulting output, and hence it is a
numerical approximation of the production function. In this example paddy grown on one hectare using 340
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days of labor and no fertilizer yields 2 tons of rice (Activity 1). With 400 days and 500 kilograms of
fertilizer, a yield of 3 tons can be produced on that same hectare of land (Activity 2). By increasing fertilizer
input to 1,000 kilograms and labor to 435 days, the farmer can produce 3.5 tons of rice using Activity 3.
These three data points (fertilizer input, labor input, and resulting rice output) lie on a multifactor production
function analogous to the one-factor continuous function depicted in figure 3-3.
Farm households must make their cropping decisions in the context of their land, labor, and capital
resources available for crop production. To reflect these constraints, the total number of hectares of land,
days of labor the family can provide, and capital resources in the form of cash, oxen, irrigation water, or
other inputs, are entered along the right-hand side of the tableau, as in table 3-6. The constraints, however,
are not necessarily fixed. Family labor may supply 400 days of labor in a year, but if the family had
sufficient capital resources and if there were a market for agricultural labor, the farm household could hire
additional laborers and alter the labor constraint. Similarly, a credit constraint could be altered if borrowing
were a possibility.
The simple tableau in table 3-6 does not capture all possible constraints, particularly biological and
behavioral constraints. For example, if nematodes infest the soil, such crops as tomatoes must be rotated
from field to field to break the cycle of nematode reproduction. Planting a crop in only one year out of three
in a particular field presents a planting constraint. Behavioral constraints can also be important to the actual
Table 10: An Illustrative Farming System Tableau for East Java, Indonesia
Crop activities - -
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 - -
Paddy rice - - - - - -
Technique Technique Technique Technique - - - - - -
Inputs 1 2 3 2 Soybeans Peanuts Cassava Corn Resource availabilities
Land (hectares) - - - - - - - - - -
Season I 1 1 1 - - - - -
Season II - - - 1 1 1 1 -
Season III - -- - - -- - 1 1
Labor (days per hectare) - - - - - - - - - -
Season I 340 400 435 - - - - -
Price of labor:
$1 per day
Season II - - - 400 200 175 100 -
Season III - - - - - - 150 120
Fertilizer (kilograms per
- - - - - - - -- - -
Season I 0 500 1,000 - - - - - $1,000 Price of urea
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$0.25 per
Season II - - - 500 0 0 500 - $1,000
Season III - - - - - - - 0 $1,000
Yield (tons per hectare) 2 3 3.5 2.5 0.5 0.4 20 1.0 - -
Price per ton $200 $200 $200 $200 $500 $600 $35 $160 - -
Gross revenues per
$400 $600 $700 $500 $250 $240 $700 $160 - -
Net revenue per hectare $65 $75 $15 -$25 $50 $65 $325 $40 - -
If a farm household intends to produce enough grain for the family's consumption before engaging in other
production alternatives, a home consumption constraint must be added to the farming system tableau to
reflect such behavior.
The prices farmers face for both inputs and output complete the picture of the decisionmaking environment
of a farming system. Actual input prices paid and output prices received by farmers in the region-for each
activity-are used to calculate the gross and net revenues shown at the bottom of table 3-6. Gross revenue per
hectare is simply the yield in tons for each activity multiplied by unit values (prices per ton) for output. Cost
data for inputs used in each activity, for example, seed, fertilizer, and pesticide prices, are needed to
determine net revenue per hectare for each crop or cropping technique.
With these calculations made and the tableau complete, comparisons among various crop activities can
readily be made. The economic conditions faced by farm households, their responses to them, and the
structure of incentives are all revealed by the tableau, even in this simple version. Analysts can gauge the
impact of alternative output prices for various crops, of fertilizer prices, availability of credit, and so on, and
thus identify opportunities for policy initiatives that will reflect both the resource constraints facing farmers
and their likely behavior in response to various economic alternatives.
In the simplified tableau shown in table 3-6, the rational farmer's decision of what crops to grow can be
found by inspection and a little arithmetic. In Season I paddy rice grown with Technique 2 yields $75 per
hectare in net revenue, the highest of the three possibilities. In Season II peanuts yield $65 per hectare, but
cassava returns $325 per hectare if it is left in the ground for both Season II and Season III. Since corn is the
only Season III alternative, its $40 net revenue per hectare can be added to the $65 from peanuts in Season
II for comparison with cassava's returns. The $325 cassava returns far exceed the $105 joint returns from
peanuts and corn. The net-revenue-maximizing farmer thus grows 3 tons of rice in Season I, making $75 per
hectare, and 20 tons of cassava in Seasons II and III, making $325 per hectare, for a total net revenue of
$800 from the two hectares of land on the farm.
With somewhat more time and effort this solution could have been obtained from a linear programming
model run on a computer. For this simple but still quite interesting and revealing example, the back of an
envelope is easier and faster than the computer. As complexities are added, however, or other issues need to
be addressed, recourse to formal programming models and solutions may be inevitable.
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Formal programming models are necessary when the tableau includes more than about ten activities and ten
inputs, counting different techniques and seasons. Such complexity arises when a wide variety of potential
crops can be grown, as in warm regions with year-round irrigation, and when the timing of planting,
cultivating, and harvesting is intimately connected with the mix of other crops being grown and with
seasonal fluctuations in labor availability and in product prices. Full programming solutions can be very
helpful in understanding how farmers are likely to react to changed circumstances In such complicated
A second setting that requires formal solutions is the prevalence of buying and selling activities for
intermediate inputs, such as fodder or feed grains, or for labor in different seasons. Modeling these activities
efficiently requires knowing some tricks of the trade, most of which are presented in the volume by
Raymond Beneke and Ronald Winterboer listed in the bibliography. "Grow or purchase" decisions and on-
farm versus off-farm work are not merely issues for highly commercialized agriculture, however. Chinese
agricultural planners are interested in simple linear programming models that would address such questions
at the commune level (and even lower).
More complicated models also become important when the simple linear relationships presumed in the
tableau begin to break down. Diminishing returns to fertilizer were captured in table 3-6 by using three
separate production techniques for rice cultivation. The farmer is forced, however, to choose one technique
or another rather than use each over its efficient, but limited, range. Similarly, all purchased inputs are
available at a fixed price, and all output can be sold for a constant price. This fixed-price environment is
probably a fair representation of the individual farmer's perspective, but analysts who worry about how the
results look when aggregated into market totals need to know whether strong demand for fertilizer will raise
its price or whether the market price for cassava will fall below $35 per ton if every farmer grows 40 tons of
For the analyst, formal programming techniques have two important uses which the simple techniques in the
next section cannot address. The first is the opportunity to ask whether the full set of constraints facing the
farmer is actually incorporated in the tableau being used by the analyst. As additional biological and
behavioral constraints are imposed on the farmer's decision-making, the simple maximization of net revenue
outlined above will no longer give the "right" answer. While some analysts view the outcome of this simple
maximization as a test of the farmer's "rationality," it is closer to a test of the analyst's ability to see the
world through the farmer's eyes and to model what the farmer sees.
Part of the farmer's perception involves the aggregation problems raised above. Most farmers know that the
market prices for many specialty crops-fruits and vegetables-are very sensitive to the quantities supplied.
Through years of trial and error farmers have learned not to overplant these crops despite their apparent
high profitability per hectare. Programming models that have all of India growing watermelons are not
unheard of, and they measure the modeler's rationality, not the farmer's.
The second major role for formal programming solutions is the insight they provide into the value of
additional units of the inputs available in fixed amounts. Linear programming solutions calculate how much
net revenue will increase for a one-unit increase in each constrained input. Because these values are like
implicit prices that allocate among the various fixed inputs the total net revenue produced by the optimal
solution, they are often called shadow prices. These implicit input prices generate the same optimal solution
using cost minimization (with costs equal to shadow prices times input use) as would the original revenue
maximization solution. Since the revenue maximization procedure is normally done first, it is called the
"primal solution." The shadow prices attached to the fixed inputs constitute "the dual solution."
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Shadow prices from dual solutions provide important insight into the scarcity values of the inputs available
in fixed or partially fixed supply at the farm level. These inputs include land or fixed capital, rationed inputs
such as irrigation water for which the farmer may pay a price but still desire more, and family labor, which
may not have easy access to jobs in rural markets. The shadow price attached to each of these inputs (the
dual of the amount of input used in the optimal solution) indicates the value at the farm level of increasing
the availability of the input by one unit. Inputs in surplus supply-for example, farm household labor in
Season II on the representative farm shown in table 3-6, where only 200 of the available 400 days are
utilized growing cassava-will not contribute any additional revenue if more is available. In the absence of
outside hiring activities, the shadow price of such labor is zero. Conversely, in Season I the shadow price of
family labor would be positive if the 400 days of labor hired from the rural labor market were not available
to this farm. In fact, the shadow price of labor in Season I is about $1.17 for Technique i and $1.13 for
Techniques 2 and 3 (assuming family labor is not paid an internal wage in calculating costs).
Shadow prices are also helpful in determining the value of added water supplies since an appropriate
specification of water constraints at the farm level can provide planners with a full picture of how the dual
solution changes when water constraints are varied. Sometimes it is necessary to distinguish between social
and private costs and benefits in this exercise, a proviso that is equally appropriate for determining the
marginal value of labor. These dual values also provide insight into farmers' behavior, especially their ability
to allocate highly productive fixed inputs to appropriate uses. Additional constraints may also be revealed. If
fertilizer has a much higher shadow price for a particular farm than the apparent market price, when actual
use is inserted as a constraint, then the farm household has insufficient capital to purchase it, the fertilizer
market price is not actually applicable at the farm level, or the risks of using larger quantities are perceived
as being very great. Determining which answer is the relevant one requires some field investigation, but the
programming results have raised the right questions.
In collecting the data appropriate to the particular farming system, the first step is to select the number of
seasons or time periods to include, and the appropriate number obviously depends on the possible crop
activities for a region. Two or three seasons are frequently sufficient to capture the major elements of
seasonality in the system, but in irrigated areas where farmers have substantial flexibility in choosing
planting dates for key crops, inputs may have to be broken down on a monthly basis to reflect the full
options open to the farmer. A breakdown into shorter time periods is rarely necessary.
Eight to ten cropping activities are usually adequate, including different techniques for growing the most
important commodities. Interplanted crops can be specified as a single activity; for example, corn or rice as
an early intercrop with cassava represents a single activity. The input requirements, yields, and revenue
would pertain to the entire mixture. Despite the importance of home gardens for improving incomes and
nutritition, they cannot be modeled satisfactorily without introducing extreme complexity in the tableau
Input requirements can be quickly estlmated from a few published sources and later verified and modified
by talking to farmers in the countryside. Having the right input coefficients-the values for a~ that indicate
the amount a of input i into activity i-is clearly critical to using the tableau successfully to represent farmer
behavior. To ensure that the input data are representative, interviews in a region should focus on variables
such as irrigation, soils, and farm size, that determine the dominant crop activities and farming techniques.
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A series of group interviews will enable the analyst to inquire about the expected range and representative
values for the input coefficients. Large farmers tend to dominate group meetings, and the answers will be
biased unless the analyst is careful to sound out small farmers as well.
Input coefficients can also be obtained from farm management Surveys, but since such studies tend to be
village censuses, policy analysts can be swamped with irrelevant data. In addition, many tabulations average
across discrete activities, rather than treat them separately. For example, if half the farms use oxen and half
use tractors in growing cereals, separate data are needed for each activity, not an average coefficient for
Synthetic activities can be constructed to reflect crops or crop techniques that might be used by a farmer but
currently are not. For example, to explore the implications of introducing a power tiller when no tillers are
used in a region, it will be necessary to develop synthetic data on the productivity of tillers from other areas.
Similarly, investment in an irrigation system could radically alter cropping possibilities. These synthetic
activities are simply added to existing crop and input activities to assess likely farmer reaction to
agricultural production programs based on new technology or infrastructure. Great care must be taken in
this procedure, however, not to assume the answer by using a highly optimistic coefficient of input
productivity or actual on-farm availability. The trick is to see the innovation from the farmer's viewpoint
and to include it in the tableau in a realistic fashion.
Defining the appropriate geographic area to be covered by a resource constraint is sometimes an issue for
policy analysts. Since the tableau is used for policy planning, not for planning an individual farm, the
resources or constraints might plausibly apply to the entire agroclimatic zone. While some resource
constraints, such as irrigation supplies, are more clear-cut at the regional level than at the farm level, no
regional decisionmaker actually chooses particular crop activities and then invests time, effort, and
resources in growing them. Socialist economies frequently plan allocations of area to various crops and
inputs to the respective areas, but such plans are not self-fulfilling. Farmers must still receive the inputs and
the information from the plan on how, when, and where to use them. If a late monsoon delays the planting
of wheat, then corn or sorghum may be more appropriate. The tableau is built not to help planners make
these types of decisions, but to analyze how farm households make day-to-day decisions. For this reason, it
is preferable to design the tableau to reflect decision activities of typical farms.
Cost data for the inputs, such as fertilizer, pesticides, irrigation water, and seed, are straightforward entries
which can be determined by talking with farmers or farm supply depot managers in rural areas. Cost data
for the primary factors, such as labor, are more difficult to collect. Even though many farms rely primarily
on family labor, opportunities may exist both to hire additional farm labor if needs are great and for family
members to work off the farm for wages if they are not needed (or are not very productive) on the farm.
Because of these alternative opportunities, wage rates in nearby markets are needed to evaluate farmer
response to new technology, altered price policy, or investments in infrastructure. Questions with regard to
wage rates by season, differential wages between sexes (and children), and forms of payment need to be
noted as part of the early field interviews.
Input costs can be incorporated in the tableau in several different ways. For many purposes, supplemental
side listings of price and cost data, as shown in table 3-6, and solutions by inspection of the tableau for the
farmer's maximum revenue choices will be adequate. But when separate activities that show purchases,
sales, and transfers are added to the tableau, the farmer's best choices of activities can no longer be found by
simple inspection of the various alternatives. Mathematical programming techniques are then needed to find
optimal solutions to particular farming system or policy problems. Using such techniques requires expertise
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and practical experience if the results are not to be mechanical or trivial.
Using a Farming System Tableau for Policy Analysis
Aggregate farm output for any crop is defined by two variables: yield per hectare and area harvested. Both
variables are partially under the farmer's control and partially determined by weather and other exogenous
factors. The opportunities available to the farmer in both dimensions are illustrated in the tableau in table 3-
The important decision for the farmer in Season I is not what crop to grow but how to grow rice since no
other crop is competitive enough even to enter the tableau. The three alternative techniques shown are
representative of a wider, perhaps infinite, set of possibilities. Technique i uses traditional technology with
no fertilizer to produce 2 tons of rice per hectare. To grow two hectares of rice using this technique, the
farm household must hire 280 days of outside labor, at $1 per day, to assist the 400 days of household labor
available. The 680 days of total labor cost $680, assuming the household labor is paid the market wage. The
gross revenue is $400 per hectare, or $800 in total, from which the $680 in labor costs must be deducted,
leaving a net revenue of $120 for the farm, or $60 per hectare as the return to management and land during
Season I if Technique i is used.
Techniques 2 and 3 use more modern technology with moderate and large applications of fertilizer,
respectively. The added fertilizer, in combination with greater labor inputs, raises yields to 3 tons per
hectare with 500 kilograms of urea per hectare and to 3.5 tons with 1,000 kilograms per hectare. With urea
fertilizer prices at $0.25 per kilogram and labor costs at $1 per day, the added yields from Technique 2 more
than repay the added costs, and net revenue rises to $75 per hectare or $150 for the farm. But the additional
yield from Technique 3 is not worthwhile, and net revenues fall to only $15 per hectare. The fully rational
farmer will choose Technique 2 to maximize net revenue, but the additional $60 in labor costs and $125 in
fertilizer costs per hectare to earn an extra $15 in net revenue may look like a risky investment to some
farmers who would thus choose Technique i because of its smaller cash outlays.
In Seasons II and III the farmer must choose among several potential crops. Rice can still be grown using
Technique 2, but the yield will be only 2.5 tons rather than 3 because less water is available. Soybean and
peanut yields are very small, but they bring high prices. Cassava can be planted in Season II, but it produces
no revenue then because it occupies the land for two full seasons, thus displacing any further crop in Season
III. As noted earlier, the farmer must compare the two-season cassava revenues with the combined revenues
from a single Season II crop and a single Season III crop. In this example, only corn can be grown
successfully in Season III, but the cassava revenues dominate all possible combinations of corn with other
Season II crops. Consequently, the farmer represented in the table 3-6 tableau chooses to grow cassava over
the second two seasons, earning a net revenue of $325 per hectare.
The total income for the farming system is $800, not including the $900 earned by family labor during the
three seasons ($400 in Season I, when family labor supplies were exhausted and 400 days of hired labor
were required; $200 in Season II working on cassava; and $300 in Season III working on cassava). No
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additional labor income is earned when family labor is in surplus supply on the farm. This $800 net revenue
is the basis for calculation of shadow prices for the fixed factors of production, and it thus serves as return
to the farm household's land and management skills. This amount may seem like a satisfactory return for the
family, depending on alternative uses of their land and management skills (and whether they could get jobs
paying $900 per year off the farm). For example, if land of similar quality were selling for $2,000 per
hectare, the $800 net return to land and management represents a 20 percent rate of return on the value of
land alone.
One decision not represented in the tableau but which is important both to farm households and to policy
analysts is how much of the rice and cassava produced will be retained for home consumption and how
much will be sold to market intermediaries to become available for off-farm consumption or export. The
additional steps needed to incorporate this decision into the tableau make it sufficiently complicated that
formal solution techniques are needed to find the optimal answer, but the analyst's intuition can provide an
estimate even without formal models. If the farmer can raise cheaper food crops for home consumption
while offering more of the expensive crops for sale, the retained net revenue for the household will be
greater. This topic is treated in more detail in chapter 4.
Modeling the farmer's static choices of cropping patterns and input use is more a test of the analyst's ability
to calibrate the tableau properly than a test of the farmer's rationality, although the two must be decided
jointly. The usefulness of the tableau becomes apparent when parameters influencing the farmer's decision-
making environment begin to change. How do farmers respond when output or input prices vary or technical
change occurs? The tableau is designed to help analysts address these questions.
Most governments have the potential to influence the prices for basic food crops with import and export
controls, floor and ceiling price policies implemented with buffer stocks, or even special foreign exchange
rates. Such price policies are closely examined in chapter 4. Needed here is some sense of how farmers
might react to them.
The tableau in table 3-6 can be used to address this question. If labor and fertilizer costs are held constant
and rice prices are raised progressively by a policy intervention from $180 per ton to $325 per ton, the farm
household represented in the tableau will change rice production decisions according to each new net
revenue calculation. At $180 per ton, the farmer uses Technique i to produce 4 tons of rice. From $185 to
$320 per ton, the farmer uses Technique 2 and produces 6 tons of rice. At $320 per ton, the farmer switches
to Technique 3 and produces 7 tons of rice. All of this supply response comes during Season I from higher
yields achieved by more intensive labor and fertilizer use, an intensity made profitable by higher rice prices.
If rice prices continue to climb, the farmer begins to look at Season II. Growing rice in this season had been
absolutely unprofitable at $200 per ton, and it was even less desirable relative to the large income-earning
potential of two-season cassava. If rice prices exceed $324 per ton, however, the farmer will switch to
growing rice in Season II and produce an additional 5 tons of output from the entire farm, making a total of
12 tons of rice produced for the year. In addition, 2 tons of corn will be grown in Season III, and 40 tons of
cassava output will be lost. This supply response can be plotted as a "normative" supply curve, as in figure
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This supply curve, with its abrupt jumps in output at critical price levels, does not look much like the
smooth supply curve drawn in figure 3-6 in correspondence to the short-run marginal cost curve. The jagged
supply curve generated from the tableau shows what farmers "should" do if they make precise calculations
whenever prices change and then switch immediately to
Figure 3-11. Rice Supply Curve for the Two-hectare Farm Described in Table 3-6
he newly profitable technique and level of input use. Risk aversion and an understandable desire to
experiment on a small plot or with partial changes in input use, behavior which is not formally incorporated
in the tableau, will make observed supply changes in the face of rice price changes less abrupt and, no
doubt, somewhat less elastic in the short run. However, the supply function in figure 3-11 is a good indicator
of the likely direction of change when the farm household's environment is altered, and it provides an upper
bound to the potential magnitude of the response.
Several features should be noted about such a normative supply curve generated from a farming system
tableau. The illustrated supply curve is for one cropping system only. To obtain a national supply curve, two
steps are needed: aggregation of individual farms represented by several tableaux into a regional total, and
aggregation of regional totals into a national level. For example, if there are four representative farms per
agroclimatic zone and six zones in the country, an assessment would be required of twenty-four different
farming systems. This is a sizable number although many systems might show similar responses. In table 3-
6, increases in rice output in response to rice prices are caused primarily by increased fertilizer use. The area
planted to rice and other crops in the system is affected only after a substantial rise in rice prices. Knowing
the general mechanisms that lead to supply response and the relative weights of the various farming systems
in national farm production is usually sufficient for policy analysts to form rough judgments about farmer
responses to output price changes.
The farmer response to higher rice prices also illustrates the concept of cross-elasticities of supply, which
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are analogous to cross-elasticities of demand. In the tableau example, increasing the supply of rice from 7 to
12 tons by raising the price of rice above $324 per ton is done at the expense of cassava output. Cassava is
also an important starchy staple, especially among the poor in East Java, and the expanded rice output might
have negative nutritional consequences despite the larger supply of rice available. If the expansion of rice
production increased hiring of rural labor and wages rose, the poor who eat cassava might be better off,
because of their higher incomes, despite the smaller Supply of cassava available. If most of the added labor
comes from the farm family household in Season II, the rural landless poor could then be significantly
worse-off. At rice prices above $324 per ton, corn production in Season III expands and is thus
complementary with rice production in Season II.
A third complication not reflected in the supply curve in figure 3-11 is the potential interaction between
quantities and prices. In the example, the increase in rice supply generated by the higher prices does not
cause rice prices to fall because government policy determines the rice price. This assumption might be
reasonable for small changes in quantity or for very well-managed policies. In some instances, however,
increased supplies may depress prices and cause farmers to reevaluate their production decisions.
Purchased inputs produced in the modern industrial sector contribute to higher yields on farms that have
appropriate environments to use them. Differential use of purchased inputs, especially fertilizer, explains
much of the differential yields for important food crops around the world. Average rice yields for countries
in Asia, for example, are highly correlated with fertilizer applications. These applications in turn are directly
related to the farm price of rice relative to the price of fertilizer. Countries not wishing to use higher output
prices as a means of stimulating food crop production understandably turn to lower prices for fertilizer and
other inputs as a way to increase food supplies.
The farming system tableau in table 3-6 can be used to examine the farmer's response to changed input
prices just as to changed output prices. If rice prices are $200 per ton and the price of urea is $0. 125 rather
than $0.25 per kilogram, the rational farmer would switch to Technique 3 from Technique 2. More rice is
produced with the lower fertilizer price, and the farmer's net income increases from $75 to $140 per hectare
in Season 1. Both income to the farmer and production of rice increase. This distinction is very important,
for although subsidies can be used to lower input costs in order to raise production, their main effect might
be to transfer income to farm households. Subsidizing farmer incomes can be entirely legitimate when it is
intended, but the analyst should understand the distinction between the effects of subsidies on production
and effects on income transfers.
This distinction becomes even more important when assessing the relative merits of product price supports
as opposed to input subsidies. Within the assumptions of the simplified tableau of table 3-6, the rational
farmer will use the same quantity of fertilizer in Season I whether the price of paddy is $200 per ton and the
price of urea is $0. 125 per kilogram or the price of paddy is $400 per ton and the price of urea is $0.25 per
kilogram. In both instances the ratio of input to output prices is the same. As shown in figure 3-5, this price
ratio determines optimal fertilizer use and rice yields per hectare in a simple production function model. But
the income effects of the two price regimes are vastly different. In the $400/$0. 25 example, the net revenue
per hectare for the farm is $715 in Season I, but in the $200/$0. 125 example, the net income is only $140
per hectare. The more than fivefold difference in net income is likely to change farmers' notions of risk,
their capacity to make investments in subsequent seasons, and their entire consumption bundle. Analysis of
which price policy pays greater social returns requires tracing the employment effects of such sharply
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different income streams. This effort requires the macro perspective of chapter 5 to complement the farm-
level analysis here.
Farmers react to input and output prices within the technical environment of their farms. Changing that
technical environment by providing more effective water control, new biological technology, or better
mechanical equipment can change crop output significantly even within a stable price environment. For
example, if the farm household in the tableau in table 3-6 were suddenly to have access to free irrigation
water in Season II, rice yields from Technique 2 might rise from 2.5 to more than 4 tons per hectare (with
other inputs remaining constant) because of the reduced cloud cover and greater solar energy available in
the dry season. Growing a second crop of rice thus becomes profitable in combination with corn in Season
III, despite the low price of rice and high price of fertilizer. Such changes in crop productivity are the major
justification for investing in irrigation facilities or more rapid technical change. The farming system tableau
provides a quantitative framework for examining these productivity effects.
Analysts can also make rough estimates of the production impact of other investments in rural
infrastructure. For example, the effects of a new rural road, which might significantly influence farm-gate
prices (especially for perishables), can be assessed by calculating existing transportation costs and
estimating the costs that would prevail with a new road. With an estimate of how much marketing margins
will be reduced as a result of lower transportation costs, analysts can translate the lower marketing costs into
higher output prices for farmers as well as lower input prices. The new prices facing farmers are inserted in
the tableau, and the analyst solves for new net revenue. If the lower marketing costs are all passed on to
consumers through lower retail prices while farm-gate prices remain the same, no production impact will be
felt although consumer welfare may increase significantly.
These rather simple calculations are obviously no substitute for detailed investment project reports or for the
sophisticated benefit-cost procedures developed by the World Bank, and others. With a general familiarity
with farming systems in the region, however, a policy analyst using these techniques is likely to be much
more creative (and demanding) in the use of consultants to identify fruitful development projects.
Farmers usually argue that they are "losing money and that government price supports should cover "costs
of production." Policy analysts are frequently asked to calculate these costs as a basis for price policy. It is
important to understand, however, that even an individual farmer does not have a unique cost of production
and that the full array of a country's farmers have widely different costs. A tableau can be used to calculate
production costs and to illustrate the nature of the serious conceptual and empirical problems with such
cost-of-production calculations.
The out-of-pocket costs a farmer incurs are calculated directly from the tableau. For each activity, the costs
of production divided by total yield result in unit costs, that is, the average cost per ton of output. These
costs specifically do not include a return for the farm household's land or managerial skills, but some
assumptions about family labor costs are usually included. These family labor cost assumptions may not
accurately reflect the actual opportunity cost of that labor in its next-best employment possibility unless
great care has been taken to understand the dynamics of the rural labor market when the tableau was being
constructed. Depending on the inputs used and the crop activities chosen, each farmer's costs of production
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can vary significantly.
The supply curve in figure 3-11 (or its smooth theoretical equivalent in figure 3-6) illustrates that there is no
single cost of production, even for one crop produced by one farmer. At a price of paddy of $180 per ton,
the cost of paddy production is $170 per ton for producing 4 tons of paddy on the two-hectare farm. With
the output price at $320 per ton of paddy, the production cost per ton is $196 for the 7 tons produced, and at
$325 per ton the production cost rises to $202 per ton for 12 tons produced.
The supply curve for a farm crop is directly related to its marginal cost curve, that is, the additional cost of
producing additional units of output. The point at which a rational farmer chooses to be on the cost curve (or
the supply function) depends not only on the price of inputs but also on the absolute and relative prices of
the various crop outputs. Even for a single crop on a given farm, the cost of production is a fiction; there is
only a schedule of costs and outputs. These schedules vary by farm and by agroclimatic zone. Both
conceptually and empirically, therefore, the search for a single cost of production is fruitless, despite the
tendency of government procurement agencies and price control boards to justify their prices on just such a
basis. Various estimates over a wide range can all be correct even if the numbers are generated from reliable
farm surveys. There cannot be one right answer even with perfect measurements.
Even for a single farm household growing a single crop in the context of a given price environment,
calculating the cost of producing that crop is difficult when the value of family labor (or land) is included in
the cost analysis. When family labor must be supplemented in peak seasons with hired labor, using the
market price for labor in calculating net revenues is appropriate. But how is labor to be valued when there is
surplus labor in the labor market or when family labor availability generally exceeds labor requirements?
Very high implied costs of production result from using government-set minimum wage rates to value farm
labor. But smallholder agriculture is rarely affected by minimum wage laws, although plantations often
comply. Since minimum wages often bear little relation to labor productivity in agriculture and are almost
always higher than market wages for unskilled rural labor, market wage rates are likely to be much closer to
a correct value for labor, especially from the perception of the farmer needing to hire additional workers.
Market wages often vary considerably by season, being relatively higher in the planting and harvesting
seasons and relatively lower when crops are growing or when meager rainfall prevents intensive agriculture.
Although the tableau example uses a constant wage rate across seasons, seasonal wage rates would more
accurately reflect labor costs.
Even local market wages might overstate the actual opportunity cost to the economy of hiring an additional
worker or of a family member's working an additional day on the farm. In regions with surplus labor, a
farmer hiring additional labor will have to pay a wage, even if it is low. Mote people may be seeking jobs at
this low rate than can be hired, but the market wage falls only so far because no one is willing to work for
zero wages or for less than some traditional level that covers subsistence costs. In such situations, the
opportunity cost of labor-what labor is worth in its next-best occupation, such as petty trading-will be less
than the market wage. Thus, the market rate will overstate the true labor cost to the economy, the shadow
price of labor in the programming terminology discussed earlier, even though the market rate must be paid
by an employer.
It is important for policy analysts to understand the logic of shadow prices for analysis of the macro
implications of farmer decisionmaking, but their relevance to what farmers actually do in the countryside is
limited. Farm households make decisions on the basis of their perceived opportunity costs. Market wage
rates are a reasonable approximation for valuing both family and hired labor if the analyst has good data on
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wage variations by season and knows whether rural workers can find jobs at these wage levels. If they can,
the labor market provides a reasonable basis for valuation. If family workers cannot find jobs, the marginal
value of a family member's time may be near zero. This situation commonly occurs when the costs of
migration to find part-time or seasonal work outweigh any potential earnings.
If wage labor opportunities are near zero, it is rational for farmers to exclude labor costs in making their
production decisions and to calculate their return to the combined resources of land, management, and labor.
The cost data calculated in such circumstances then have considerable meaning for price policy because they
cover only cash costs incurred in crop production. Crop prices that are below these direct cash costs will
indeed cause losses
Social Profitability Analysis
Farmers make decisions that are privately profitable, basing their calculations on the prices they actually
pay. From a macroeconomic perspective these prices may be distorted for a number of reasons, including
surplus labor conditions, tariff barriers, and government subsidies or taxes. Net social profitability analysis
reveals how the calculations would change if all the price distortions were removed.
If rice prices are held down by trade policy, more intensive rice production will show greater profitability in
social terms than in the private calculations of farmers. Alternatively, a fertilizer subsidy will make rice
production (and other fertilizer-intensive crops) appear more profitable to individual farmers than to society
as a whole. Net social profitability analysis weighs all such positive and negative effects to arrive at an
overall judgment on the social desirability of carrying out a particular project.
Private profitability calculations are unlikely to result in a nation's best use of its resources when monopoly
elements in marketing or segmentation in the labor market give price signals to farmers that cause them to
misallocate resources. In addition, price distortions induced by government policies frequently cause farm
prices to diverge from the opportunity costs of inputs or output. Government subsidized credit to farmers,
for example, may encourage them to purchase capital equipment, thereby displacing labor even in a labor
surplus economy. Various government trade policies, including taxes, subsidies, and bans on imports and
exports, can cause domestic food prices to be vastly different from those prevailing internationally. Subsidy
and trade policies intended to protect domestic industry raise prices of many consumer and producer goods
used by farm households, thereby reducing their incomes and distorting their allocation of resources.
To measure net social profitability, the price data in a tableau such as table 3-6 are adjusted in two ways.
First, output and the inputs that are traded in international markets are valued in world prices to eliminate
the transfer effects caused by government policies. Output is valued at the price a country must pay for
imports of a commodity (or can receive for its exports) instead of the actual market price that prevails
domestically. Similarly, an input, such as fertilizer, that can be purchased or sold abroad is valued at its
international cost rather than at a subsidized (or taxed) market price. International prices measure the
opportunity costs of growing various crops because countries have the option of purchasing or selling goods
abroad, whether or not these international markets are competitive. Identifying the international price that is
relevant for the comparison is not always straightforward, however, because of short-run fluctuations in
many important world commodity markets. Rough guidelines for finding appropriate opportunlty costs are
provided in chapters 4 and 6.
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The second adjustment to the price data requires that domestic resources, such as labor, capital, and land, be
valued to reflect their social opportunity costs within the country-at the value of the output forgone from not
using these resources in their next-best alternative employment. If farmers receive subsidized credit at an
interest rate of 6 percent when the government could otherwise have used the capital in a development
project yielding a 15 percent social rate of return, the social, or shadow, price of capital would be 15
After the two price adjustments are made, social benefits-the value of the output for each activity at the
adjusted prices~an be compared with the social cost-the opportunity costs to society of using the inputs.
Whether the commodity is a desirable good for consumption is a separate social question that depends on
the distribution of purchasing power and a society's attempt to provide a minimum consumption floor for
basic goods and services. Once consumption of any commodity is contemplated or under way, society has
an obvious need to obtain the supplies as efficiently as possible. If social profitability is positive (if benefits
exceed costs), it is efficient to produce the commodity instead of trading for it. The calculation of social
profitability can be done for different commodities, different techniques of production, and different regions
by using the data in the tableau format of table 3-6.
At the private market prices for inputs and output shown in table 3-6, the farm household grew 3 tons of rice
per hectare in Season I using Technique 2 and 20 tons of cassava per hectare in Seasons II and III. Suppose,
however, that those private market prices resulted from two government policy actions that subsidized rice
imports by keeping the domestic price at $200 per ton while import prices were $250 per ton, and that
subsidized cassava exports by keeping internal prices at $35 per ton while the export price was only $20 per
ton (the cassava example especially is hypothetical). What would farmer decisionmaking be in the absence
of these government policies?
This is equivalent to asking whether the two activities chosen by the farmers are socially profitable as well
as privately profitable. In fact, when the social prices are inserted in the tableau and the new calculations
performed, rice production increases from 3 tons to 5.5 tons per hectare as the farmer shifts to Technique 2
for growing rice in Season II, corn production increases from zero to 1.0 tons per hectare in Season III, and
cassava production drops to zero, for its social profitability is negative. Although simple, the example shows
clearly how government policies that influence market prices can significantly affect total food supplies, the
composition of output, and even employment in the rural area.
Social profitability can diverge from private profitability in dimensions other than output prices. Table 3-7
shows the calculations of social profitability if private wage rates are different from social wage rates and if
fertilizer is subsidized, thus causing private costs to diverge from international opportunity costs. By
combining the total effects of each divergence, the analyst can judge the overall social profitability of each
activity. Equally important, table 3-7 shows the contribution of each component of the divergence-output
price policy, wage policy, input subsidy policy-to actual social profitability (or loss).
The difference between the private and social calculations in table 3 - 7 is striking. In this example, cassava,
which was the main income-earner under private prices, would have a negative social profitability because
the decline in private profitability from a lowered product price (- $300) and from the additional cost of
fertilizer (-$125) is not offset by savings on labor (+$62).
Table 11: An Illustration of Private versus Social Profitability (dollars)
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Commodity price
Fertilizer subsidy
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Rice - - - - -
Technique 1 60 100 0 85 245
Technique 2 75 150 -125 100 200
Technique 3 15 175 -250 109 49
Technique 2 - - - - -
(Season II) -25 125 -125 100 75
Soybeans 50 0 0 50 100
Peanuts 65 0 0 44 109
Cassava 325 -300 -125 62 -38
Corn 40 0 0 30 70
Column 1: Private profitability per hectare as shown in table 3-6.
Column 2: Commodity price effect, assuming the social opportunity price of rice (paddy) equals $250
per ton and the cassava price equals $20 per ton.
Column 3: Fertilizer subsidy effect, assuming an international price of $0.50 per kilogram of fertilizer
as opposed to a domestic price of $0.25 per kilogram.
Column 4: Wage effect, assuming an opportunity wage of $0.75 per day as opposed to a market rate of
$1.00 per day.
Column 5: Social profitability per hectare, assuming social prices and the physical coefficients of table
Rice would be much more profitable under social prices, even though less fertilizer would be used in rice
production. Rational farmers facing social rather than private prices would also have a very different
combination of crop activities with peanuts and corn replacing cassava. Rice production in Season II is no
longer the most profitable crop after the fertilizer subsidy is dropped. Employment would increase under
social prices from 1,300 to 1,720 days. In short, government policies can have a large impact, and using
social prices in a farming system tableau permits these effects to be identified and quantified.
Forming a Production Strategy
A strategy for agricultural development within a food policy framework is broader than a simple concern for
expanding farm production, important as that is for other elements to be effective. Growth in other sectors,
job creation, income growth and distribution, access of poor people to food, and household and national
food security are also integral components of a production strategy. The vast literature on agricultural
development strategies and more recent analysis of rural development strategies have devoted considerable
attention to such issues. Food policy incorporates these sectoral perspectives into a macro policy context
while addressing consumption concerns.
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Among the most difficult issues for agricultural sector planners are those of food self-sufficiency and
comparative advantage, which inherently deal with international markets, appropriate border price policies,
and foreign exchange rate management. These issues raise many of the topics treated in this book, and an
integrated discussion is not possible until the last chapter. But social profitability analysis is the primary
conceptual tool available to analysts to address these questions. Its ability to illuminate the issues raised by
concerns for food security, self-sufficiency, rapid economic growth, and reduction of hunger is instructive at
this stage.
Improving the Social Profitability of Agriculture
A major role of agricultural production policy is to reconcile differences between private and social
profitability, for farmers make their decisions on the basis of the market signals they actually perceive, not
those used by analysts in a planning agency. The desirability of reorienting a nation's farming systems
toward socially profitable patterns is obvious. By definition, such patterns lead to more efficient resource
allocation and faster growth in output. They do not, however, necessarily solve short-run problems of
unemployment, poverty, and hunger. Some of these problems were addressed by the consumption
interventions outlined in chapter 2, and some must await the appropriate macroeconomic environment to be
discussed in chapter 5. However, the production strategy itself has some potential for alleviating these short-
run problems.
To start, policy analysts need to understand what to do if social and private profitability calculations show
substantial divergence. As shown in table 3-7, farm activities can have positive or negative social profits,
even before a return to land is included. In some cases, private profitability greatly exceeds social
profitability because a set of government policies promotes the inefficient use of domestic resources. Then
crops are being grown for which a country does not have a current cost advantage. In countries especially
worried about self-sufficiency in food production, governments might wish to absorb small resource costs in
the interest of increasing food production at the expense of other crops. Such a decision involves assessing
the tradeoffs between greater food self-sufficiency, the budgetary costs required to achieve it, the transfer of
incomes from consumers to producers because of higher prices, and the efficiency losses that occur because
of misallocation of resources in a narrow economic sense.
Food Self-Sufficiency.
One of the most important roles of government is to ensure that the society's food supply is not subject to
the whims of weather, international markets, or political blackmail. Food security is different from self-
sufficiency, however, for in most countries domestic food production is even less stable than supplies
available in international markets. Further, domestic food self-sufficiency within a generally interdependent
world is an elusive concept. Does it mean self-sufficiency in a single staple grain, in all food, in all food-
producing inputs (for example, feed grains for livestock or fertilizer for grain production), or even in all
inputs to the input industries?
For a country bent on self-sufficiency, eliminating food grain imports is relatively easy. By raising grain
prices high enough, consumption will be curtailed, production will be stimulated, and any import gap can be
closed. Reaching self-sufficiency in this fashion, however, would surely be a hollow victory for food
policy. Simply eliminating food imports does nothing to guarantee that poor people have enough to eat, and
it may make matters much worse.
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Most hunger is related to poverty, and so income generation through efficient employment creation is an
important component of any strategy designed to improve household food security. Whether such
employment creation leads to greater food self-sufficiency is obviously not a question of food supplies
alone, but rather depends on the social profitability of increasing those supplies from domestic production.
Policymakers may rightly value the higher rural incomes from increased domestic production somewhat
more than the lower cost of similar food from imports and may feel that such production adds to the
society's sense of food security. Beyond a 10 to 20 percent premium paid for that increased production,
however, the wasted resources have very high opportunity costs for a poor country.
The argument that producing food should be a society's first priority until hunger is eliminated, after which
diversification into cash crops can be permitted, has an emotional appeal when strawberries are being
exported while landless peasants starve. The appropriate balance of crops-between cash crops and food
crops and between cereals and legumes-has several dimensions in addition to the apparently simple question
of whether all farm households are producing their own food first.
Several important crops are needed as industrial inputs, and increased cotton or jute output, for example,
might permit more and higher-paying jobs in the industrial sector. The productivity of these jobs is a major
factor in the social profitability of growing such crops. Farmers whose incomes are increased by growing
cotton might be much worse off if forced to grow corn, and the greater home production of food might not
offset the worsened poverty. At the same time, pushing tenants off the land on which they raised food for
their families in order to grow export crops with mechanized farming techniques may contribute to
significant rural hunger. The important issue, however, is not the nature of the crop being grown but the size
of the income stream from growing the crop and the recipients of that income.
Efficient and widespread income generation is the most important role for any economy. From income
stems the consumer S freedom to purchase a variety of desired goods; from lack of income stem restricted
food purchases, hunger, and malnutrition. If a food system is creating many new jobs accessible to the ranks
of rural workers dependent on wages for their livelihood, it is a success almost without attention to the
composition of output. Well-paying jobs cutting sugarcane or carnations for export are superior to the
hunger of marginal subsistence farming. It may be more desirable to have a well-fed, self-sufficient
peasantry with adequate land to feed, clothe, and educate a family, but in many parts of the world,
especially in much of Asia, this is not feasible. More productive jobs in the agricultural sector are then the
only realistic escape route from rural poverty.
Rural jobs can be created in a wide variety of ways. They can come directly from a project that invests in a
new agricultural endeavor, such as a sugar factory, an oil palm plantation, or an intensive livestock feeding
operation. Many rural jobs are created, however, in a more roundabout fashion. Derived demand for labor is
generated by the expenditure of income from basic agricultural production. Farmers consume some of their
own produce directly with little downstream ripple effect on employment, but they also buy many goods and
services from rural markets. Depending on the relative prices of those goods and services available for
purchase in rural areas, and hence on the composition of demand, the secondary employment impact can be
substantial. A strategy that pumps significant purchasing power into rural areas through incentive prices for
agricultural produce can have a large, secondary impact on employment generation if other policies on
industrial prices and wages are favorable to labor-intensive production of goods and services.
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Incentive price policies also influence the second major source of employment in rural areas, wage labor on
farms. An incentives-led agricultural development strategy encourages rapid growth in wage labor, and
hence in jobs available to the rural landless, if macro policies and agricultural development programs do not
offset this impact. Low interest rates, overvalued exchange rates, and direct subsidies to tractors and other
labor-saving machinery, for example, can counteract the growth in demand for agricultural labor from
higher agricultural prices.
Determining the appropriate degree of mechanization is very complicated. Tractors, for example, can be
important to agricultural development in some circumstances. They might increase yields and absorb labor
because more timely farm operations might make multiple cropping feasible. Such effects will make them
privately profitable without the need for government subsidies. Just as subsidies for fertilizer induced the
representative farm household in the tableau to use more fertilizer than was socially optimal, so subsidies to
tractors cause farmers to use more tractors than is socially profitable. This is likely to increase their labor-
displacing effects and reduce rural employment.
As the social profitability analysis showed, subsidies that distort prices have both production and income
effects at the farm level. When important choices of production technique are also affected, subsidies and
price distortions can have powerful consequences for employment and income distribution. Government
policies in many developing countries have tended to price domestic food below international levels, to
favor industry over agrIculture, to favor export crops over food grain production, and to favor capital-
intensive techniques relative to the employment of labor. The price distortions resulting from such policies
have important consequences for the level and composition of agricultural output, rural employment and
incomes, and the degree and distribution of hunger.
Social profitability analysis can illuminate and quantify some of these consequences. Not all the information
or insight needed to do this analysis is yet in hand. Which prices to use and how to incorporate other food
policy objectives into the analysis are topics for the next three chapters. But the social profitability analysis
of actual decisions farmers must make year in and year out provides the essential foundation for an
agricultural sector strategy that will be consistent with broader food policy objectives.
ELements of a Production Strategy
Four major lessons emerge from the farm decisionmaking analysis and are likely to influence most
production strategies, especially when they are incorporated into a broader and consistent food strategy.
These lessons include the desirability of broadly based programs for small farm households, the need for
government policy to foster appropriate price incentives that increase agricultural output and to generate
rapid increases in rural incomes, the importance of technical change for raising productivity and keeping
food prices to consumers within reasonable limits, and the efficiency to be achieved by using international
markets both as a source of gains from trade and as a measure of opportunity costs in policy deliberations
when short-run trade is ruled out for other reasons.
Countries that have emphasized broadly based programs for small farmers have been more successful in
achieving both their production and their consumption goals. Bimodal rural systems with a few large,
modern farms and many small farms have sometimes achieved agricultural growth, but most have
perpetuated or even exacerbated widespread poverty in the countryside. This poverty is the major constraint
on solving the problems of hunger and on using new technology to increase agricultural productivity in the
long run.
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The need to make rapid and multiple decisions in field after field and day after day has also made
centralized state farms difficult to manage. Socialist economies have found collective or communal farms
less productive than private plots except where farm managers and workers have receive4 clear incentives
to improve efficiency of input use. In such circumstances, however, the incentives tend to skew the
distribution of income and expose households to greater risk than if output were shared more equally. This
tradeoff between incentives to produce efficiently and the distribution of returns, especially to poorer and
highly risk-averse households, is not merely a problem for socialist economies, however. It contributes to
the basic food price dilemma in market-oriented economies as well.
In these economies, farming systems with a large number of relatively small-scale farms have more
effectively generated rural income and achieved a more equal income distribution than have systems of
large farms. Given the decentralized nature of agriculture, government policies with respect to prices, both
received and paid by farmers, are a crucial element in attempts to create a dynamic rural society. Even in
the short run, price responsiveness can be important quantitatively. For the longer run, a continuation of
"cheap food" policies, as pursued by many developing countries, is likely to have severely negative
production effects. With an appropriate set of price incentives, a country can benefit from a decentralized
system of management, where many individual farm households respond to changed economic conditions.
Since farmers reap the rewards of good management, income incentives are important in all agricultural
systems, both market-oriented and centrally planned.
The profitability of food production is related to technology as well as to prices. Outward shifts in the
supply curve arising from technical change are more important to increasing agricultural productivity than
are movements along it. Increasing productivity is a primary mechanism for sustaining longer-run
profitability in agriculture without having to resort to higher food prices for consumers. For farmers to adopt
new technology in response to price incentives, the improved technology must actually be available and
appropriate to the ecological setting. Governments play an important role in developing new irrigation
systems, fostering research to develop improved, locally adapted seed varieties, and investing in rural
infrastructure and marketing to facilitate the flow of productive inputs and output. In the absence of such
technical improvements in farming systems constrained by traditional technology, government policies can
have only a limited effect in raising agricultural productivity.
Interaction with international markets provides a standard of efficiency for both domestic industry and
agriculture. For poor societies, such efficiency is critical to the mobilization of domestic resources to cope
with poverty and hunger. Attempts by countries to become completely autarkic and to insulate themselves
from international prices have often led to severe price distortions and disincentives within agriculture, with
a stagnant rural economy as a result. For every country that followed international price signals too closely
and experienced roller coaster instability, there must be ten countries that have not read the signals closely
enough and are saddled with inefficient and stagnant rural sectors. Both types of countries are likely to face
significant problems of hunger in rural and urban areas, and both need to seek the middle ground defined by
a broader food policy perspective.
This broader food policy approach includes reading long-run international market trends and using the
signals to measure the efficiency of domestic price policy initiatives. It also includes careful attention to the
domestic food marketing sector, which is the primary carrier of both price signals and food commodities
from producers to consumers. For many commodities, price formation itself takes place in domestic
markets, and these prices influence farmers and consumers and the options available to policymakers as
they try to alter decisions made by both. Because of the marketing sector's role in generating and signaling
prices, the food policy discussion is inevitably broadened to include other prices important in rural
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decisionmaking, especially wage rates, interest rates, and foreign exchange rates. Policy for farmers must fit
within this broader marketing and macro context. At the same time, however, farm productivity
fundamentally conditions the options available to policymakers to achieve a wide range of food policy
objectives, including the reduction of hunger.
Bibliographical Note
Much of the vast literature in agricultural economics deals with the analysis of agricultural production
systems. The analytical base connecting neoclassical economics with rural resource allocation appears in the
classic book by Earl 0. Heady, Economics of Agricultural Production and Resource Use (Englewood Cliffs,
N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1952). More recent and accessible treatments of how farmers allocate resources are
provided by John Doll, V. James Rhodes, and Jerry West, Economics of Agricultural Production, Markets,
and Policy (Homewood, Ill.: Richard D. Irwin, 1968), and by a set of essays collected by Bock Thiam Tan,
Kamphol Adulavidhaya, Indirjit J. Singh, John C. Flinn, and Shao-er Ong, eds., Improving Farm
Management Teaching in Asia (Bangkok: Agricultural Development Council, 1980). A thorough discussion
of social profitability analysis as applied to agriculture is contained in Scott R. Pearson, J. Dirck Stryker,
Charles P. Humphreys, and others, Rice in West Africa: Policy and Economics (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford
University Press, 1981).
Issues involving risk in the agricultural production process are covered extensively in volumes by Jock
Anderson, John Dillon, and Brian Hardaker, Agricultural Decision Analysis (Ames: Iowa State University
Press, 1977), and by James A. Roumasset, Jean-Marc Boussard, and Indirjit J. Singh, Risk, Uncertainty and
Agricultural Development (Laguna: Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in
Agriculture, 1979). Both of these books require mathematical competence.
Several excellent books deal specifically with the application of linear programming to decision problems
within agriculture. A useful introductory discussion is provided in chapters 2 and 3 of R. C. Agrawal and
Earl 0. Heady, Operations Research Methods for Agricultural Decisions (Ames: Iowa State University Press,
1972). Researchers interested in solution techniques will find the analysis by Raymond R. Beneke and
Ronald Winterboer, Linear Programming Applications to Agriculture (Ames: Iowa State University Press,
1973), an essential reference. Several examples of policy application of programming methodology are
contained in the collection of essays on Pakistan edited by Carl H. Cotsch, "Linear Programming and
Agricultural Policy: Micro Studies of the Pakistan Punjab," Food Research Institute Studies, vol. 14,
no.1(1975). Finally, a state-of-the-art volume edited by Louis M. Goreux and Alan Manne, Multi-Level
Planning: Case Studies in Mexico (Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1973), provides an illustration of how a
series of programming tableaux can be connected across farms and regions.
There is an extensive bibliography on supply functions and the price responsiveness of farmers. The initial
formulation and empirical application of the Nerlovian distributed lag adjustment model is in Marc Nerlove,
The Dynamics of Supply: Estimation of Farmer's Response to Price (Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins
University Press, 1958). An excellent review of the earlier literature is provided in an essay by Raj Krishna,
"Agricultural Price Policy and Economic Development," in Herman M. Southworth and Bruce F. Johnston,
eds., Agricultural Development and Economic Growth (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1967).
Recent case studies by the World Bank also illustrate various pricing principles, as in Lucio C. Reca,
Argentina: Country Case Study of Agricultural Prices, Taxes, and Subsidies, World Bank Staff Working
Paper no.386 (Washington, D.C., 1980), and Carl H. Gotsch and Gilbert Brown, Prices, Taxes, and
Subsidies in Pakistan Agriculture, 1960-1976, World Bank Staff Working Paper no.387 (Washington, D.C.,
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1980). The best summary of empirical estimates of supply elasticities can be found in Hossein Askari and
John T. Cummings, Agricultural Supply Response: A Survey of the Econometric Evidence (New York:
Praeger, 1976). A more theoretical treatment of response is contained in the book by John Dillon, The
Analysis of Response in Crop and Livestock Production, 2d ed. (Sydney: Pergamon, 1977). A provocative
essay by Willis Peterson, "International Farm Prices and the Social Cost of Cheap Food," American Journal
of Agricultural Economics, vol.61, no.1 (1979), and a collection of essays edited by Theodore W. Schultz,
Distortions of Agricultural Incentives (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1978), offer new evidence on
the aggregate price elasticity of supply for agriculture.
Although this book on food policy does not deal extensively with benefitcost techniques for investment
projects, agricultural policy analysts will find helpful the manual on project analysis prepared by J. Price
Gittinger, Economic Analysis of Agricultural Projects, 2d ed. (Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University
Press, 1982). The Gittinger book, especially if supplemented with additional case materials from the
Economics Development Institute of the World Bank, illustrates important production policy issues
including shadow prices, discounting, and with/without calculations. Several methodological approaches to
dealing with choices of production technique, in the context of case studies, appear in C. Peter Timmer and
others, Choice of Technique in Developing Countries: Some Cautionary Tales, Occasional Paper no. 32
(Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Center for International Affairs, 1975).
A huge literature exists on agricultural development strategies. Some of the basic contributions in this field
are Theodore W. Schultz, Transforming Traditional Agriculture (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press,
1964); Arthur T. Mosher, Getting Agriculture Moving (New York: Praeger, 1966); John W. Mellor, The
Economics of Agricultural Development (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1966); Clifton W.
Wharton, Jr., Subsistence Agriculture and Economic Development (Chicago: Aldine, 1969); and Yujiro
Hayami and Vernon Ruttan, Agricultural Development: An International Perspective (Baltimore, Md.: Johns
Hopkins University Press, 1972). The book by Uma J. Lele, The Design of Rural Development: Lessons
from Africa (Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1975), summarizes much of the World
Bank's experience in Africa trying to broaden production strategies to include rural welfare issues. Bruce F.
Johnston and Peter Kilby, Agriculture and Structural Transformation: Economic Strategies in Late-
Developing Countries (New York: Oxford University Press, 1975), discuss bimodal and unimodal
agricultural development strategies and emphasize the importance of technical change within a broader
strategic vision. This strategic perspective is developed further and broadened in its scope in Bruce F.
Johnston and William C. Clark, Redesigning Rural Development: A Strategic Perspective (Baltimore, Md.:
Johns Hopkins University Press, 1982). An aggressive small-farmer development strategy is articulated in
Sterling Wortman and Ralph W. Cummings, Jr., To Feed This World: The Challenge and the Strategy
(Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1978). The role of agriculture as a resource reservoir is
summarized in the introduction to Lloyd G. Reynolds, ed., Agriculture in Development Theory (New
Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1975).
A small book by Arthur T. Mosher, An Introduction to Agricultural Extension (Singapore: Agricultural
Development Council, Singapore University Press, 1978), is extremely useful. Data collection procedures
relevant for the Mosher framework are covered in a new manual published by the International Maize and
Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), Planning Techniques Appropriate to Farmers: Concepts and
Procedures (Mexico City, 1980). The international data needed to supplement the analysis of this chapter
can be found in many sources, but the monthly Food Outlook series of the Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations is among the most helpful.
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4. Marketing Functions, Markets, and Food Price Formation
The food marketing sector transforms the raw agricultural commodities produced by farmers into the foods
purchased and eaten by consumers. The costs of storage, transportation, and processing-the marketing
transformations-are an integral component of food price formation. Because the producer and consumer are
typically different individuals even in developing countries, commodities must pass from one owner to
another, frequently many times, before reaching the family table. This process of exchange takes place in
markets and can be conducted only when a price has been agreed on between buyer and seller. In any but a
purely subsistence economy, these three topics are inextricably linked-the productive functions of marketing,
the role of the market as an arena of exchange, and the formation of food prices at which exchange takes
place. For both socialist and capitalist economies, it is impossible to discuss any one of these without at
least implicitly discussing the others as well.
This chapter is designed to provide food policy analysts with an understanding of all three topics. It employs
the same general structure that was used to present the analysis of food consumption and production: an
introduction to the issues that make marketing, markets, and price formation important to food policy
analysts; a guide to the data needed to describe and understand the marketing sector and price formation; an
outline of the theoretical perspectives and empirical techniques of analysis that permit analysts to reach
rough judgments on the extent and social costs of inefficiencies in marketing and distortions in price
formation; and a summary of the instruments available for government intervention in both marketing and
price formation and a policy discussion of the likely costs and benefits of such interventions.
For the sake of convenience, the term "marketing" will be used inclusively to refer to all three topics treated
in this chapter, and much of the discussion will be oriented toward those economies that use markets to
determine prices and allocate resources. The term "marketing functions" is used to refer specifically to the
commodity transformations in time, space, and form that are associated with storage, transportation, and
processing. These functions must be performed in socialist and capitalist economies alike. Even in socialist
economies, prices provide producers and consumers with signals about how to allocate their inputs and
household budgets. Consequently, how socialist economies set their prices and what impacr they have are
important analytical questions. Because marketing encompasses so many activities that are at the core of all
food systems, understanding the full range of marketing issues is a central task for food policy analysis.
Marketing Issues
Just as with food production, marketing is a means to an end. The objectives a society can reasonably hold
for its marketing sector are analogous to the four basic objectives for the food system as a whole: efficient
economic growth, a more equal distribution of incomes, nutritional well-being, and food security. Because it
links the production and consumption sectors, marketing can contribute to all four objectives rhrough the
efficiency with which it communicates signals of scarcity and abundance to decisionmakers. Because it is
the source of productive activities involving many jobs, marketing can contribute directly to economic
growth, income distribution, and nutritional objectives. Because of its capacity to link domestic markets to
international markets and to provide signals to policymakers concerning food shortages, the marketing
sector is integral to the design of mechanisms to improve food security.
Why is it, then, that marketing activities are frequently thought to be unnecessary and against the interests of
society, especially the interests of poor people in developing countries? The labels "middleman" and
"speculator" almost universally carry negative connotations or actual opprobrium. The tendency is too
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widespread to be attributed wholly to a bad press. In fact, markets do not always function in the best
interests of a broad cross section of society, especially in poor countries where communications and
transportation facilities are poor, markets are highly segmented, and access for marketing participants is
greatly restricted, sometimes to particular ethnic groups. Highly unequal financial bargaining power is often
brought to the exchange relationship between seller and buyer. In short, the efficiency and economic gains
potentially available from successful market coordination of a society's food system are an empirical issue,
not a matter of faith and logic.
Because the public image of marketing is so negative, especially in most developing countries, it is
important for the food policy analyst to determine how effectively marketing institutions and marketing
agents are performing their dual roles of transforming commodities in time, space, and form while reflecting
relative abundance and scarcity through the price signals communicated to producers and consumers. These
price signals can be generated in the process of exchange in markets, in which case the competitiveness and
efficiency of the markets must be examined. Alternatively, if governments set these prices to reflect other
criteria and objectives, their effectiveness and costs in other dimensions must be examined.
Elements of Market Efficiency and Market Failure
Markets are the arena for two important tasks required in all societies: the physical marketing functions, and
the communication of signals to producers and consumers about the costs of buying something or the
benefits of selling it. Governments concerned about equal distribution of economic welfare to all citizens are
understandably loathe to allow those price signals to be generated by anonymous market forces when the
values of such important commodities as food and fuel, for example, or services, especially labor, are at
A shortage of food means high prices in a market economy, with only the well-to-do able to purchase it. A
food shortage in a socialist economy means rationing, with perhaps long lines and little choice about what
goes into the food basket. In the short run, the socialist approach may deal more effectively with hunger, but
hunger is also a long-run problem of development and efficient use of resources. Here the allocative role of
prices becomes important, in addition to their role in income distribution. Much of the chapter is devoted to
understanding the tension between these two roles. The last section seeks ways to improve the efficiency of
allocation by using appropriate price signals without relinquishing all food distribution authority to the free
workings of the market.
Competition and the Number of Market Participants
Virtually all of the positive welfare implications of market coordination are derived from economists'
models that use "perfect competition" assumptions to drive the logic of decisionmaking behavior on the part
of market participants. Competition is a powerful force in economies. It is the "invisible hand" that guides
private self-interest into maximizing social welfare. For competition to play this powerful role, however,
there must be an adequate number of participants on both sides of the exchange relationship so that no
single agent can significantly influence the outcome of the exchange. The only time the condition is clearly
violated is when only a single participant sits on one side or the other. Even two sellers can provide strong
competition for each other if they compete. Alternatively, twenty sellers may not be competitive if a mutual
understanding exists about their appropriate market behavior. Very large numbers of participants-millions of
farmers and millions of consumers-guarantee competitiveness at each end of the food system. The issue is
the number of participants in the chain in between and the potential access of additional participants if the
returns to providing marketing services rise above the level dictated by competitive equilibrium.
The farmer is concerned to get the highest possible price for the output to be sold (or the lowest possible
price for the inputs to be purchased) for a given level of ancillary conditions, such as credit, speed of
payment, and discounts for moisture. The farmer must determine which marketing agent to sell to. The more
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agents there are competing to buy the farmer's grain, the better the information available to the farmer about
the prevailing price and the easier it is to switch from one buyer to another whose terms are relatively better.
Where there are many potential secondary buyers, such as rice mills or export firms, many farm-level
buying agents will offer the farmer great freedom of choice. If only a single end buyer exists, as in the case
of pineapples for canning, the farmer may have little choice but to sell to the buyer from the cannery or to
take a very large discount in a small local fruit market. Identifying the farmer's range of choice at the initial
point of sale is the first step in understanding how competitive price formation is likely to be.
A similar approach holds at the opposite end of the marketing chain, where consumers buy foods for home
consumption. Individual consumers have no influence over the prices they pay, but if many alternative retail
stalls offer similar commodities and services, the freedom of consumers to choose one retailer over another
prevents excess profits from high margins accruing to the retail marketing agents. If only a single retailer is
available for miles around, the potential for high profits is great. In such circumstances the analyst must
wonder why other retailers do not join the action. If significant barriers to entry impede the addition of more
retailers, government steps to improve access to retail trade may pay considerable dividends to food
consumers. If the monopoly position is caused by government regulations or is held by the government
itself, the impact on consumers through reduced freedom of choice and higher prices must be balanced
against any potential benefits that result from the government's role.
Transfer of Ownership and the Balance of Market Power
When both seller and buyer agree on the terms of a sale, a price is established for the exchange. Both parties
must be satisfied, but who actually decides what the price will be? Economists have been puzzled by this
question for centuries. Some have invented quite fanciful arrangements, such as Leon Walras's auctioneer
who permitted recontracting among parties until overall equilibrium was reached. Kenneth Arrow's
suggestion is more relevant to the issues here. He sees all exchange relationships as having at least small
elements of monopoly, or market, power on one side of the exchange or the other. Each exchange is to some
extent unique because each party has barriers of time and distance between an alternative exchange party.
Each party comes to the exchange with different knowledge about the characteristics of the underlying
market forces for the item of exchange. Arrow argues that the party with the relatively greater knowledge
actually sets the initial price. The other party then decides whether to accept or reject the offered or posted
price. If little competition exists, there will be little pressure to set the posted price close to the actual costs
of offering the product in that time, place, and form. Heavy competition, however, improves the other
party's knowledge of market conditions, and it forces an adjustment in posted price by either direct
negotiation or the patronizing of alternative dealers.
In such a framework of price formation, market knowledge is market power. One of the most important
steps governments can take to improve the fairness of market price formation so that it discriminates less
against the small farmer at one end and the consumer at the other is to provide these individuals with timely
and accurate information about actual market conditions. Such information enables them to bargain more
equally with purchasing agents or retailers who are naturally intent on widening their margins whenever
p05sible. More equal balance of knowledge provides a more equal distribution of the gains from efficient
market price formation.
Efficiency of Price Formation
Prices are formed efficiently when large numbers of buyers and sellers, all with similar access to relevant
market information, interact to agree on a basis of exchange, a price. This price sends signals to consumers
about the resource costs of supplying the commodity to them. It simultaneously sends signals to producers
about the willingness of consumers to pay the resource costs of production. Efficient price formation is
essential to the efficient allocation of resources in a market-directed economy.
This picture of price formation is essentially static, or at most it captures a sequence of static equilibria.
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This picture of price formation is essentially static, or at most it captures a sequence of static equilibria.
However, expectations about future conditions are also likely to be important in the actual formation of
prices. If expectations are precisely fulfilled in each period, a perfectly predictable dynamic pattern of prices
results. Of course, the real world is never so accommodating. The essence of the interaction between
expectations and price formation is that some market participants' expectations about the future are
constantly being contradicted as new market information becomes available. In what amounts to a
continuing wager against alternative expectations, large sums of money are made and lost when drought hits
or bumper crops roll in.
Is this somehow inefficient? It is tempting to think that governments should simply set prices for basic
grains (and other important commodities) at some "fair" level and prohibit the kind of trading that leads to
speculative gains and losses. The capital tied up in such trading could be put to more productive social use
through investments in factories or dams. Alas, this approach fails to recognize the dual role of dynamic
price formation. It integrates information about future crops and alternative supplies, demand pressures, and
storage costs to allocate the supplies in hand to future time periods. At the same time, the temporal pattern
of prices established, or the price expectations formed, signal producers, consumers, and the suppliers of
storage as to the opportunity costs of their production, consumption, and storage decisions.
Failure to receive accurate signals about these opportunity costs can cause enormous misallocation of
resources in food production and consumption and very serious disruptions to the smooth temporal flow of
food supplies to consumers. Many socialist economies, for example, try to use markets as a vehicle for
achieving short-run efficiency in the distribution of goods in the economy while the government determines
price signals that the markets will reflect to producers and consumers. Such government-set price signals in
command economies tend to communicate in only one direction, from the top down. When the price signals
fail to reflect the opportunity costs to the society of actual production and consumption decisions, no
mechanism communicates this information back up to the price control commission. As the signals become
more and more unbalanced, they frequently lead to severe shortages in the food system, as in Poland, or to
massive budget subsidies for food producers or consumers, as in Egypt and China. Truncating the dynamic
aspects of price formation caused by expectations also hobbles the mechanisms that produce static efficiency
in the allocation of resources. It is not possible to have one without the other.
Market Failure
For all of its efficiency in allocating economic resources, a competitive market economy cannot accomplish
some important social goals without careful government intervention. Some of these broader goals also
relate to economic efficiency; others concern the distribution of income, nutritional well-being, and security
of the society and its food supplies.
Even competitive markets with efficient price formation fail to provide a socially efficient allocation of
resources if externalities exist within the economic system. Unfortunately, the food system is full of
externalities. Irrigation decisions upstream affect water supplies downstream. Privately profitable
applications of pesticides have consequences for public health and for the environment. When farmers
cultivate hillsides and marginal lands in pursuit of food for their families (for example, on Java) or profits
(for example, in Nebraska), soils erode. Major changes in food policy by large countries in the world food
system, such as the U.S.S.R., the United States, and China, have an impact on producers and consumers in
other countries.
The existence of such externalities and the failure of market-determined outcomes to provide efficient
solutions are reasons for the analysis and design of food policies where government is an important
participant in the food system. At the same time, an understanding of these factors should provide insight
into the areas of economic resource allocation in which markets do an efficient job and government
intervention is likely to make matters worse, not better. Rather than telling farmers how much pesticide to
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use and trying to enforce the rule, pesticide prices might be set to reflect full social costs. Incentives to plant
crops that cause less soil erosion or replanting schemes to stabilize barren lands may be more effective than
police action to prevent farmers from cultivating hillsides or villagers from poaching firewood from public
The tension between intervening in markets and letting markets work is very strong in most countries.
Intervention is frequently predicated on the existence of market externalities. In the context of a careful
empirical understanding of the quantitative impact of such externalities, their existence does indeed call for
specific government intervention. Typically, however, such interventions call for a scalpel rather than a
Private market economies also fail to provide adequate quantities of public goods, such as national defense,
police protection, scientific research, even roads and education. These "goods" all yield benefits to the
population at large that cannot be priced and directly charged to the users by the (private) suppliers. An
important role for government is to use general tax revenues to provide such public goods in socially
optimal amounts.
Certain components of the food system are like public goods. Agricultural research is no doubt the most
important, and governments of virtually all countries accept responsibility for financing agricultural research
and adapting it to local environments. Rural education, roads, and communications networks all have at
least an element of public good in their supply and demand and hence call for a government program to
supplement private supplies.
Many observers regard the entire food marketing system as a public good because of the synergies and
interdependence among its various components. A smoothly functioning marketing system depends on the
simultaneous availability and interaction of these components: efficient communications, transportation, and
storage facilities; common grades and standards to facilitate trading at a distance; legal codes to enforce
contracts; credit availability to finance short-run inventories and processing operations; and a market
information system to keep all market participants, from farmers to consumers, fairly and accurately
informed about market trends. No private investor could hope to capture the total gains from the interactive
synergy of this system, and individual investments in pieces of the system do not produce the overall
synergy. Consequently, a vision of the ultimate productivity of an efficient marketing system provides a
powerful impetus for extensive government involvement in the design, construction, and possibly the
operation of the food marketing system.
Such a vision has much to recommend it. But it is not a vision that is easily put in focus by looking at the
food marketing systems of the United States or Western Europe. The efficient functioning of marketing
systems is particularly sensitive to local, cultural, and social conditions and especially to the local
availability of resources. These resources include labor and capital, of course, but for marketing systems
they also include managerial, administrative, and entrepreneurial resources, which are in very short supply
for most governments. Consequently, massive government efforts to "modernize" food marketing sectors,
especially if private investment and participation are not included, are likely to run afoul of the very
complexity of the system itself.
It is well understood by both economists and politicians that the efficient outcome of market forces does not
necessarily imply a satisfactory distribution of income or of food consumption. Most economists would like
to "fix" the income distribution with some sort of neutral income transfer via the government budget, rather
than alter prices for important commodities that influence the distribution of economic welfare. This
approach preserves the efficiency of the market solution by not distorting producer or consumer choices, but
most government policymakers find it impossible in practice. A typical response has been to use
government interventions not to transfer income directly to poor people, but to alter important prices that
significantly affect real incomes, because governments have more short-run control over prices than over
individual incomes.
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In the name of improving income distribution and the adequacy of food intake, therefore, many
governments try to keep food prices low, wage rates high, interest rates low, and imports cheap through an
overvalued foreign exchange rate. All these prices do have important implications for the real income of
virtually everyone in a society, but they also are absolutely critical as signals for the efficient allocation of
resources. Here again is the dilemma over the short-run welfare of the population, especially the poor whose
food consumption can least stand to be reduced, and the longer-run efficiency of resource allocation that
comes from allowing the scarcity of commodities and factors of production to be reflected in the prices paid
for their consumption or use. This dilemma appears repeatedly in this book. The elements of a resolution are
assembled in the consumption and production chapters, while the vehicles for their implementation are
analyzed later in this chapter. First, the task of analyzing marketing functions, markets, and price formation
lies ahead.
Marketing Functions and Price Formation
Suppose the farmer represented in the tableau of chapter 3 chose the optimal technique and has just
harvested 6 tons of rice in Season 1. Three questions are now pressing: how much rice should be sold (and
how much kept for home consumption), what price will it bring, and who will buy it? These questions lead
straight to the heart of the marketing issues, for answering them begins the process of understanding how
rice harvested in the farmer's field is transformed into a meal of rice to be consumed in another time and
The farm family is both a producer and a consumer. How much rice will this farm household wish to
consume? In terms of consumption, the most important determinants of the answer will be habits, income,
and rice prices relative to other staple food prices. But when marketing considerations are added, the issue
becomes complicated because the farm household income depends on the price of rice. In some
circumstances a higher price for rice could lead the farmer to consume greater amounts because of a strong
income effect. Most empirical evidence suggests, however, that farm families have negatively sloped
demand curves for the foodstuffs they grow. Although perhaps less elastic in response to price changes than
those of nonfarmers living in rural areas where a wide choice of foodstuffs is available, the demand curves
of most farmers slope downward like the one shown in figure 4-1. Both the vertical postharvest supply
function and the demand function are depicted for a representative farmer. Naturally, the supply function for
future periods would be expected to have a positive slope, reflecting the farmer's ability and willingness to
expand output in the face of greater price incentives.
With the farmer's rice supply fixed in the short run by the size of the harvest and with the quantity to be
consumed at home determined by the market price for rice, the amount the farmer is willing to sell to the
market will also be a function of that market price. At high rice prices the farmer prefers to consume
somewhat less rice (and more corn, wheat, cassava, or other staples that are relatively cheaper when rice
prices are high) and consequently is able to sell more rice. The amount offered to the market, the difference
between the fixed supply Qh and household consumption, is a rising function of price (at least up to the total
available supply Qh) and is shown in figure 4-1 by the dashed excess supply curve. This line reflects the
amount of rice the farmer will offer to the market at each market price and is constructed by subtracting
household rice consumption, itself a negative function of the market rice price, from the farmer's rice
production. The excess supply curve relates the farmer's market sales of rice to the price received. If the
market price is Pm, the farmer sells Qs and consumes Qc. The geometry of the excess supply curve
guarantees that Qs plus Qc equals Qh.
From whom does the farmer receive this "market price"? Although economists are prone to think of
exchange and price formation as neutral concepts which happen automatically, market participants know
better. Marketing agents are real people making decisions designed to improve their economic well-being
(and contributing to economic output in the process). The farmer must find someone to buy the rice, or some
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marketing agent must find the farmer.
What motivates such a marketing agent? By purchasing an amount Qs of the farmer's rough rice in the
farmer's field at an agreed market price Pm the agent hopes to do one or more of three things. First, the
agent might transport the rough rice to a bulking point or a rice mill and resell it
Figure 4-1. Short-run Supply and Demand Curves for a Representative Rice Farmer
immediately, hoping to recover in the resale price a margin for the effort and the risk involved in the
transaction, for the rice mill may not be willing to pay more than the agent paid the farmer.
Second, the agent might have a rice mill nearby. When the rice is milled, it becomes more valuable to
consumers, who prefer to eat milled rice instead of paddy or brown rice. If the willingness of consumers to
pay more for milled rice is sufficiently great, the marketing agent might be able to recover the costs incurred
for the rough rice when it was purchased from the farmer, plus an adequate margin to pay the full costs of
processing, including a return for investment costs and risks.
Third, the agent might store the rice in a warehouse and hope to sell it for a higher price later in the year,
after the abundant harvest supplies have been absorbed. This process involves even more risk, for the agent
must pay additional costs to store the rice~interest on the money invested in the rice, handling the rice as it
is moved in and out of the warehouse, rental costs (or maintenance and depreciation charges) for the
warehouse, losses while the rice is in storage, and insurance against fire and other hazards. When the rice is
removed from storage, there is no guarantee that the agent will be able to sell it for a price sufficiently
higher than the price paid to cover these costs plus a return for the time, effort, and risk involved. If the price
is too low to cover these costs fully, the agent is likely to stop buying rice for storage or to offer the farmer
a lower price at the next harvest. Although each of these functions-transportation, processing, and storage-
was treated independently, the same agent could be involved in any or all of them.
Costs and Prices
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It is apparent that an array of prices for rice is being formed during the performance of the marketing
functions. Consumers express a willingness to buy milled rice via their demand curves, farmers express a
willingness to sell rough rice through their excess supply curves, and marketing agents connect the two
parties by being willing, for an economic return to their time, capital, and risk-taking, to pay the farm price
and to transport, store, and process the rice in order to sell it to the consumer in the time, place, and form
desired. Prices are determined at each stage of this complicated marketing process. Although it is possible to
get lost in the complexity, it is important to understand the basic forces that explain this process of price
determination in markets. The example presented here focuses on temporal price formation, that is, the
relationship between prices during the harvest and prices during the "short" season before new supplies
from the next harvest become available. The transportation and processing functions can also be understood
within this framework. They are held in abeyance for the moment in order to concentrate on the essence of
price formation and its effects on quantities supplied and demanded in each period.
Figure 4-2 carries forward by two steps the analysis of the supply, demand, and market offers of the
representative farmer shown in figure 4-1. First, figure 4-2 deals with market aggregates rather than an
individual farmer. Consequently, the farm market supply function (offer curve) during the harvest period
shown on the right side of figure 4-2 is the sum of all farmers' offer curves at each possible harvest period
price Ph It is positively sloped in the short run because farmers consume less rice at higher prices. In the
longer run it will be even more elastically sloped because farmers will also react to higher prices by
increasing output. The market demand curve for rice during the harvest period, also shown on the right side
of figure 4-2, reflects the willingness of consumers to buy rice from the market at various prices (it is net of
farm consumption from retained supplies). If this were all
Figure 4-2. A Back -to-back Supply and Demand Framework for Understanding Seasonal Price Formation
there was to the story, competitive forces in the market would be expected to bring about an equilibrium
where both consumers and farmers were satisfied with the available price-quantity relationship. In this
example, the supply and demand curves intersect at Ph,1 and Qh,e.
But there is more to the story. The left side of figure 4-2 introduces the second step into the analysis by
showing that consumers wish to eat rice even during the time it is not being harvested. By arbitrarily
dividing the rice calendar into two periods, a harvest and a nonharvest period, figure 4-2 is able to show the
supply, demand, and price consequences of linking the two periods through the storage function. The
vertical axis measures the price of rice for both periods, for the harvest period extending to the right and for
the nonharvest period extending to the left. The right side of the horizontal axis measures quantities in the
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usual way of a Supply and demand diagram; the quantity increases from the origin to the right. To the left,
however, quantities are measured by reflection, as in a mirror image. Increasing quantities are shown by
moving to the left of the origin, and so the nonharvest period demand curve must slope down to the left, as
a mirror image of the demand curve during the harvest period. Because the two supply and demand
diagrams in price-quantity dimensions are placed next to each other with a common price axis, such figures
are called back-to-back diagrams. Their usefulness will become apparent when the opportunity to save rice
from the harvest period for consumption in the nonharvest period is considered.
No rice is produced in the nonharvest period~n the left side of figure 4-2. At all prices (within a normal
range) during the nonharvest period, zero supplies from production are forthcoming. But with zero supplies
and substantial demand for rice, prices in the nonharvest period would skyrocket. If prices in the nonharvest
period are sufficiently higher than in the harvest period, someone, a marketing agent, is likely to take the
risk of purchasing rice during the harvest and storing it for later sale at the higher price in the nonharvest
Figure 4-2 shows how this process works. In the figure, 5 equals the costs per kilogram that a marketing
agent will incur to store rice from the harvest to the nonharvest period. These storage costs include a
suitable reward for time, effort, opportunity costs of capital invested, and return for risk-taking. If costs
equal to S are actually covered by the difference in price between the two periods, the marketing agent will
be willing to continue these activities year after year. If the price difference is less than S, some marketing
agents will find it unprofitable to continue in business as transfer agents between the harvest and nonharvest
periods. If the price difference is greater than S, the agents will expand their storage operations, and others
may join the activity. Figure 4-2 is constructed on the assumption that the price rise will just equal the
storage costs S.
It is now possible to see where supplies will come from in the nonharvest period despite the total lack of
production. Speculator~the name for marketing agents who buy when the price is low in the hope that it will
rise after the harvest-will be willing to supply from storage an amount of rice that depends on the relative
market prices prevailing in the two periods. The two prices must be different by the cost of storing rice from
one period to the next. In figure 4-2 the nonharvest price Pnh,l is higher than the equivalent harvest price
Ph,l by the storage costs S.
Ph,l is a particularly important price. If it were to prevail during the harvest period, as indicated above,
harvest period market supplies would equal harvest period market demand, and no rice would be available
for purchase by speculators for storage. In the absence of storage costs, the excess market supply curve for
the nonharvest period would start at zero quantities for price Ph,l in the harvest period. Consequently, no
rice would be available for consumption in the nonharvest period, and consumers then would have to find
other sources of food or go hungry. If speculators bid up the harvest period price to a level higher than Ph,l,
however, consumer demand in that period would be less, market supplies forthcoming from farmers would
be greater, and speculators would move the excess supplies into storage for later sale and consumption in
the nonharvest period. The amount of these excess supplies available for the second period is a function of
the price prevailing in the harvest period.
The excess market supply function from harvest period to nonharvest period shown in figure 4-2 reflects
this price-quantity relationship. The solid line shows the excess supplies available in the nonharvest period
before storage costs are incurred. The dashed line shows the supplies available in the non-harvest period
after the costs of storage S have been paid. For each pricequantity relationship showing excess supply at a
price during the harvest period, the dashed line shows the equivalent price that must prevail in the
nonharvest period to cover the costs of storage.
What happens? This equilibrium price-quantity relationship, shown in figure 4-2 at Pnh,2 and Qnh,c, can be
located by determining the price at which the excess supply available in the nonharvest period is equal to the
demand during the period. Then, because the harvest price must be lower than the nonharvest price by the
costs of storage, the harvest price is located at Ph,2 From this price the decisions of consumers and farmers
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costs of storage, the harvest price is located at Ph,2 From this price the decisions of consumers and farmers
in the harvest period can be determined. In the example shown, market demand will be Qh,c and market
supplies will be Qh,s. The difference between the amounts supplied and demanded is Qh,s minus Qh,c
which must equal the amounts stored and consumed in the nonharvest period, Qnh,c. The excess supply
curve is constructed so that this is precisely what happens. The construction is easy with the linear supply
and demand curves in the example. It can be quite complicated with more complex shapes.
The Market Perspective
Figure 4-2 shows that marketing functions and price formation are simultaneously connected. One affects
the other. If storage costs rise because, for example, interest rates rise, the price of rice will be higher in the
nonharvest period than before and lower in the harvest period. These price changes will affect total supplies
available and the allocation of those supplies between consumers in the two periods. To continue the
example, the higher storage costs would cause marketed supplies in the harvest period to fall, as farmers
faced lower prices. Harvest period consumers would buy more because they also face lower prices. The
entire burden of reduced supplies would fall on nonharvest consumers through the higher prices in the
second period. Chapter 2 noted the potential nutritional significance of reduced consumption during
nonharvest periods of high seasonal prices. Figure 4-2 shows why high seasonal prices are an essential
element in supplying food to the short season in the first place. In the absence of subsidies to reduce the real
economic costs of storage, the seasonal price rise and reduced seasonal consumption are necessary to have
any food at all in the nonharvest period.
Marketing functions can thus be seen as the essential link between producers and consumers in two very
different and yet simultaneous and connected ways. First, the marketing agents link producers and
consumers physically, by actually buying, storing, transporting, processing, and selling commodities. Those
societies that lack adequate numbers of such marketing agents know best their value. Empty stores and
markets, long queues, furtive dealings on side streets or in back rooms testify to the valuable equilibrating
role provided by marketing agents as they balance their purchase, transformation, and sales decisions against
the likely economic reward. Simultaneously, however, because exchange of commodities is taking place,
open or implicit price signals are being generated and transmitted to the active economic agents in the food
system, influencing their production and consumption decisions. And by the cumulative reverberations of
those decisions back on the marketing agents, and back on price formation, and back on decisionmaking,
and so on in the endless repetitive flows characteristic of economies with markets, a dynamic equilibrium
process is established by which resources are allocated both to goods the consumers most want and to areas
where the resources are most productive in the farm system that supplies the goods.
Because socialist economies tend to use marketing systems in one direction only, the information generated
by imbalances in the exchange markets is largely lost as signals to producers and consumers below and to
policymakers above. To be sure, parallel markets in rural areas, or even gray-to-black markets in urban
areas, transmit some of this information on relative scarcity. Such informal markets provide much of the
food and rural income in a few economies where official prices and rigid market regulations have driven
supplies underground. The point is not the failure of state interventions in marketing and price formation,
although it happens often enough, but rather the importance of the information generated in markets for the
efficient use of a society's economic and human resources.
Understanding the Marketing System
When markets work, the automatic adjustment processes perform an awesome task of coordination with a
minimum of fuss, and economic resources are allocated efficiently. When markets fail, participants with
inside information and economic power are able to exploit both producers and consumers, to the special
detriment of the poor at each end. The task of this chapter is to help analysts know when markets are
working, identify markets that are failing and understand why, and determine which government
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interventions would improve both the efficiency of market operations and the distribution of gains generated
when markets work efficiently.
The questions of most importance in the marketing sector-the costs and efficiency of providing marketing
services and the dynamic capacity of the system to create and transmit signals about incentives to producers
and consumers that are consistent with resource availabilities and long-run structural transformation-are not
easy to answer. Because direct approaches are frequently constrained by unavailable or unreliable data,
indirect approaches that rely on normative competitive models are often used to provide additional insight.
In such circumstances, no direct listing of the data needed can lead straight to the analytical techniques. A
constant interplay is necessary between the availability and reliability of data on the one hand and the
analytical approach used to address important marketing questions on the other.
A number of empirical questions are addressed in analyzing marketing systems. What are the marketing
channels for important commodities and who are the participants? What are the costs, margins, and profits
that result from this process? What do price data at various levels of the marketing system reveal about the
process of price formation and the degree of connection among markets? How are international market
prices determined and how do they influence domestic price formation?
As with both consumption and production data, published sources provide the analyst with an efficient first
cut at the task of understanding how the marketing system works. But data from field observations, even
informal weekend surveys, add critical flavor and insight into the mechanisms that generate published
statistics. For example, riding with a bag of rice as it changes hands repeatedly between the farm gate and
retail stall and understanding all the decisions made along the way will guarantee the analyst a better
perspective on market decisionmaking and price formation than a host of statistical analyses done in the
Elements of a Competitive Market
One indirect way to measure market efficiency is to ask whether the elements of a competitive market are
present in the marketing system under study. These elements include the following set of conditions: items
of the traded commodity are fungible (interchangeable) and divisible; buyers and sellers act in an
economically rational fashion (they want more, not less, incomes and goods); firms are small and numerous
enough that their decisions have no impact on prices; all participants have equal access to activities of the
market on the same terms; and everyone has complete knowledge of forces likely to influence supply and
If these five conditions-divisibility, rationality, small firms, equal access, and complete knowledge-
characterize a marketing system, the market will perform efficiently with no scope for excess proftts.
Fulfillment of these conditions is sufficient, but not necessary, for a market to be competitive. For example,
price formation can occur efficiently in a market where only three or four large firms are selling or buying if
these firms compete rather than collude with one another. The main difficulty with this indirect approach,
therefore, is how to determine from a survey of market participants whether the system is operating under
circumstances that approximate the competitive ideal closely enough to rule out collusion and excess profits.
Of the five conditions needed for a competitive market, two are usually not at issue in food crop marketing.
Divisibility is a characteristic of nearly all food commodities, and virtually all market participants react
appropriately to economic signals. The third condition, numerous small firms, is also a feature of most
marketing systems in developing countries unless the government has created an effective parastatal
monopoly or has policies restricting the access of new entrants to the marketing system. Large-scale export
marketing firms are sometimes an important exception.
The principal focus is on the conditions of market access and knowledge. Because no system can have
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perfectly equal access and complete information, the matter is one of degree, that is, whether entry is free
enough and information is good enough for the market to work with a reasonable degree of
competitiveness-enough to bring about an efficient result. Much can be learned from surveys that inquire
about modes of entry into trade (periods of apprenticeship, capital requirements, and age distributions of
merchants) and about market information (credit arrangements and risk sharing, bargaining positions of
farmers at the first point of sale, and sources of price information for nearby and distant wholesale markets).
Ease of entry into the marketing system (as a petty trader or operator of a small-scale rice mill, for
example), in combination with reasonably accessible market information, carries a strong presumption of a
competitively efficient marketing system. If the marketing system is characterized by limited access and
information, government efforts to provide wider access to working capital, better gathering and
dissemination of price statistics and information about crop conditions, or the dissolution of state-sanctioned
market-area monopolies may well improve market efficiency.
To find out how many traders are operating in a marketing system, and at what points a commodity changes
hands, it is helpful to sketch its flow through the marketing chain. The competitiveness of a market and the
structure of the marketing chain are obviously related. If at some point in the chain only a single buyer or
seller exists, then noncompetitive behavior is likely. Alternatively, the presence of many active buyers and
sellers all along the chain carries a strong presumption of competitive behavior and efficient market
Market Flows and Participants: Marketing Chains
Construction of food crop marketing chains helps organize the links between production and consumption.
Some typical marketing chains for a commodity are shown in the following tabulation:
5. 1. Farmer S,P,T > rural consumer
6. 2. Farmer S,P,T > rural retailer T> rural consumer
7. 3. Farmer S,T > resident processor or assembler P,S,T > rural retailer T> rural consumer
8. 4. Farmer S,T > resident processor or retailer P,S,T > nonresident wholesaler S,T > urban consumer
9. 5. Farmer S,T > nonresident wholesaler P,S,T > urban wholesaler or consumer
where T = transfer operation, such as transportation or exchange of ownership; P = processing activity; and
S = storage function.
Estimating volumes and percentages of commodity transformations at each link in the chain provides an
overview of the marketing system's structure. How much of total production do farmers sell, and how much
is sold directly to rural consumers (marketing chain 1)? How much is sold to rural retailers in a nearby
marketplace (chain 2)? How much is sold to resident processors or assemblers, who then sell either to rural
retailers in the region (chain 3) or to nonresident wholesalers for shipment to urban markets (chain 4)? How
much is sold to nonresident wholesalers who travel to producing areas to buy supplies for urban markets
(chain 5)?
Using formal or informal market surveys, the analyst attempts to replace the arrows in the marketing chains
with quantities or percentages, as for the rice marketing chain shown in figure 4-3. In this example, farmers
sold 50 percent of their marketings to local assemblers, 40 percent to local processors, and 5 percent each to
district assemblers and processors. These quantities then moved on through the system until 85 percent was
exported from the district and 15 percent was consumed locally.
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Marketing chain diagrams thus specify market linkages that connect one price series to another to determine,
for instance, whether rural food prices are influenced by urban demand or whether expectations of high
preharvest prices work back to influence the harvest price. Knowing when and where the crops are sold,
their transportation and storage destinations, and who the ultimate consumer is permits the analyst to specify
the likely causal direction of market connections.
Marketing Costs and Margins
Large marketing margins-the spread between farm prices and consumer prices-can occur for two reasons:
either high real marketing costs cause consumer prices to be much higher than farm prices or monopolistic
elements in the marketing system are earning excess profits. Both a direct and an indirect approach can be
used to determine whether there are excess profits and serious inefficiency in food crop marketing or
whether wide margins are
Figure 4-3. Marketing Chain for Rice, Atebubu District, Ghana
Note: Amounts represent percentage of total marketings.
Source: V. Roy Southworth, "Food Crop Marketing in Atebubu District, Ghana," Ph. D. dissertation,
Stanford University, 1981.
due to high real costs which might be reduced through appropriate government investment in marketing
infrastructure. Because of serious data restrictions in most circumstances, both approaches~ne that looks at
costs, the other at prices and price margins-are usually needed to allow cross-checking with each other.
The direct approach looks at the three marketing functions whose combined costs constitute the marketing
margin. This kind of efficiency analysis of marketing has clear analogues with that of any productive
activity, including agricultural production. Such empirical applications, however, are usually difficult and
sometimes Out of reach because data requirements are very demanding.
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Records are needed of representative costs and returns from the main participants in transportation
(merchants, transporters, and brokers), processing, and storage. Analysts estimate the costs of all inputs,
including management costs. Subtracting costs from returns then gives profits at each level of the system.
An example of a marketing margin for rice in Ghana is presented in table 4-1. In the example, farmers
received 70 percent of the urban retail price, and net returns to assemblers, processors, and retailers each
ranged between 4.6 and 6.5 percent of the urban retail price.
Table 12: Average Marketing Margins for Rice Produced in Atebubu
District and Retailed in Kumasi, Ghana, January through July 1977
Item Cedis per tona Percentage of retail price
Atebubu market wholesale priceb 2,216.93 83.0
Producer pricec 1,894.38 70.9
Assemblers' gross margin 322.55 12.1
Commissions (20.06) (0.8)
Transport (90.28) (3.4)
Handling and storage (8.00) (0.3)
District tax (30.10) (1.1)
Assemblers' net margin 174.11 6.5
Kumasi wholesale priceb 2,525.00 94.5
Atebubu market wholesale price 2.216.93 83.0
Processors' gross margin 308.07 11.5
Transport (50.06) (1.9)
Parboiling (40.13) (1.5)
Milling (60.19) (2.2)
Handling (16.03) (0.6)
Commissions (20.00) (0.7)
Processors' net margin 121.66 4.6
Kumasi retail priceb 2,671.80 100.0
Kumasi wholesale price 2.525.00 94.5
Retailers' gross margin 146.80 5.5
Handling (6.50) (0.2)
Stall rental (7.00) (0.3)
Retailers net margin 133.30 5.0
a. Paddy prices at the producer and Atebubu market wholesale level were converted to their milled
equivalent at a 0.62 milling ratio. One cedi = 0.87 U.S. dollars.
b. Market prices are the average of monthly price figures collected by the Ministry of Agriculture from
January through July 1977
c. The producer prices are the average of prices recorded in the farm survey for producers in the
Kwame Danso area.
Source: V. Roy Southworth, "Food Crop Marketing in Atebubu District, Ghana," Ph. D. dissertation,
Stanford University, 1981.
Because normal profit is the return to capital (including working capital as well as equipment and
buildings), data are needed on capital used in the marketing enterprises. Rates of profit are calculated by
comparing estimated profit levels with the amount of capital in use. To determine if the return to capital
represents normal profits, the analyst must compare it with the prevailing interest rates in the credit markets
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to which the food crop merchants have access. If the prevailing interest rate (which contains a premium for
the riskiness of the marketing investment) is less than the earned rate of return, the earned level of profit is
above normal.
Although this type of analysis is time-consuming and the data requirements are extensive, it is worth
attempting for policy purposes if there is some prior evidence of excess profits or if policymakers believe
that marketing inefficiencies are so pervasive that only solid empirical evidence will prevent implementation
of marketing policies based on that belief.
Price analysis is an indirect approach for determining market efficiency. Efficient marketing systems are
characterized by a high degree of price integration~losely correlated movements of connected series of
price~ over space, form, and time. In an efficient market economy, price integration is caused by arbitrage.
In these economies market participants respond when they notice that prices in two markets are sufficiently
different that profits can be made by buying in the low-price market and selling in the high-price market. If
competitive conditions prevail and enough merchants respond in this way, the abnormal price difference
disappears because supplies in the low-price market decline, placing upward pressure on prices, and
supplies in the high-price market increase, causing prices to fall. Hence, prices in all efficient markets are
linked by the arbitraging decisions of merchants, and price differences should reflect only normal costs.
However, expectations about future price levels are an important ingredient in price formation. Because
future price levels are uncertain, merchants bear risks when holding commodities, and the costs of risk-
bearing are also included in marketing margins.
Price analysis of marketing margins involves statistical comparisons of pairs of price series that should be
connected by the marketing system, and it applies to interrelated markets (over space), degrees of product
processing (in form), and periods of storage (over time). In using price data to determine the degree of
correlation in price movements, it is essential to be clear about the level in the marketing chain to which the
prices apply. So-called farmlevel prices, for example, might have been calculated from other prices in the
system. The prices must pertain to a comparable quality and form of product, for example, milled rice of a
particular variety with a specified percentage of brokens. Prices do need to be reliably collected, and actual
prices prevailing in markets are to be distinguished from officially announced prices.
Low correlation coefficients mean the markets are unconnected by actual movements of commodities from
one town to another. High correlation of price series between markets, indicating strong price integration,
can result from several factors. First, stable prices in all cities can cause high correlation simply because
little price movement was observed. Second, high correlation among price movements might indicate perfect
competition and efficient price arbitrage. Alternatively, the strong correlations might result from monopoly
or effective government policy with little actual market connection occurring among towns. Corroborative
evidence is needed to understand the actual formation of prices between markets and hence to explain the
reasons for high correlation.
Maps of zones of competitiveness associated with the main marketing chains serve to summarize the
description of a marketing system. These maps, or the tabular information that go into their construction,
reveal the extent to which marketing costs for a commodity, together with the farm costs of producing it,
permit merchants in food producing areas to collect, process, store, and deliver foodstuffs competitively-that
is, without government subsidy or protection-to principal consuming centers. This mapping can also be used
to show how the national food system is linked to international commodity markets. The connection and
relationship between international and domestic grain prices are key elements of domestic food policy and
are discussed further in this chapter and in chapter 6. The domestic marketing sector provides the facilities
and connecting mechanisms that permit a food price policy to function effectively in an international market
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and connecting mechanisms that permit a food price policy to function effectively in an international market
Comparing the cost of a domestically produced foodstuff delivered to a port city (the farming cost plus
marketing cost) with the locally quoted price for export of the same commodity indicates whether that
commodity can be exported without government export subsidy. A similar comparison made with the full
import price shows whether the locally produced foodstuff can survive international competition in the port
city's wholesale markets and subsequently in interior markets where locally produced foodstuffs have more
of a competitive cost advantage. If the commodity is not competitive with imports, a government may
choose to limit imports with tariffs or quantitative restrictions. Isocost lines (connecting points of equal
costs) can be drawn on the map to indicate, at a given world price for a foodstuff, the limits of production
areas able to export competitively and of farming regions able to meet import competition without
protection. The likely effects of reductions in production or marketing costs can also be examined by
identifying how much additional output would be marketed competitively and where those marketings
would originate.
The type of information needed to identify zones of competitiveness is shown in table 4-2. Rice production
and marketing in one coastal country, Senegal, is compared with that in three interior countries in West
Africa-Mali, Niger, and Upper Volta.
Table 13: Net Social Profitability of Rice Production at Alternative Locations in West Africa (francs per
kilogram of rice)
Location of domestic rice production and consumption
Net social
Consumption at the production center in the interior countries (Mali, Niger,
and Upper Volta)
99.2 84.0 15.2
Production at the average distance with consumption at the main center in
interior countries
97.0 86.2 10.8
Production at the greatest distance with consumption at the main center in
interior countries
97.0 89.9 7.1
Production and consumption in Senegal, distant from the port 84.9 84.0 0.9
Consumption at the production center in Senegal 81.2 84.0 -2.8
Production at the average distance with consumption at the main center in
79.0 86.2 -7.2
Production at the greatest distance with consumption at the main center in
79.0 89.9 -10.9
a. Social returns are the opportunity cost of imported rice delivered to the consumption location,
according to the following assumptions (in francs per kilogram of rice):
Senegal Interior countries
Price of rice, c.i.f. West African port 74 74
Handling and port charges 5 5
Inland transportation and distribution
costs to main consumption center 0 18
Delivered cost of imported rice at main
consumption center 79 97
Various additional transportation charges are incurred in delivering imported rice to alternative
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consumption locations.
b. Social costs include farm production costs of 67.7 francs per kilogram, costs of collection and of
milling with a small-scale huller of 12.0 francs, and costs of transportation to a main consumption
center of 6.5 francs.
Source: Data taken from Charles P. Humphreys and Scott R. Pearson, "Choice of Technique in
Sahelian Rice Production," Food Research Institute Studies, vol.18, no.3 (1979-80).
Results are reported in social costs, returns, and profits so that the effects of government policies on actual
market prices are removed.
Table 4-2 is constructed to illustrate the decreased social profitability of growing rice the closer the
production area is to the port that imports rice. With both production and consumption taking place at the
production centers of the interior countries, Mali, Niger, and Upper Volta, social returns are 99.2 francs per
kilogram (because of the high cost of bringing imported rice to these areas), while the social cost of
production is only 84.0 francs (production plus milling costs and a small transportation charge). The
resulting net social profitability is 15.2 francs per kilogram. This profitability declines as domestically
produced rice must be transported further while imported rice incurs smaller transportation costs. In the
interior countries net social profitability of rice production falls to 7.1 francs per kilogram under the least
favorable combination of assumptions for producing area and consuming location.
In the coastal country of Senegal, domestic rice production is barely socially profitable under the most
favorable set of locational assumptions. All other combinations show negative social returns, which indicate
that Senegalese rice production is not competitive against imported rice without government protection or
subsidies for the rice sector. The design of alternative protection and subsidy policies, as well as the analysis
for determining their impact or desirability, are treated later in the chapter. The possible mechanisms,
however, for increasing the private profitability of growing rice in Senegal are apparent from table 4-2.
First, and perhaps easiest, imported rice could have a tariff put on it. A duty of 10 francs per kilogram would
ensure the private profitability of rice production except in the most remote rice-growing areas in Senegal.
Alternatively, subsidies to farmers, perhaps through subsidized fertilizer or credit, subsidies to rice millers,
or subsidies to the transportation system, could accomplish the same goal.
Analytical Techniques for Measuring Marketing Efficiency
The scope for government intervention in marketing is determined by the efficiency and costs of performing
the basic marketing functions. If high costs exist, government investments can lower them. If serious
inefficiency exists, government policies might improve competitiveness or provide direct competitive
standards. Either way, the first task for analysts is to identify empirically the high costs or inefficiencies. If
analysts were able to examine the detailed records of marketing agents' costs and returns for transportation,
storage, and processing, monopoly profits and inefficiencies might show up directly. Such records are
extremely difficult to obtain, however, and those that are available may be of dubious accuracy. The indirect
approach of examining price formation at various levels in the marketing chain is frequently more feasible
and the data more reliable. Where evidence of inefficiency shows up from such price analysis, more detailed
checks of books and records might then be very effective in uncovering the source of high marketing costs.
Marketing efficiency can be analyzed by comparing seasonal price rises with the costs of storage and by
correlating market prices in different locations. More extensive analysis focuses on the full marketing
margin between farmers and consumers. Models of actual margins between product form and location test
the efficiency of processing, the direction of market connection, and the size of margin needed to establish a
connection. These techniques usually cannot "prove" that price formation is efficient or inefficient, but each
can point to more detailed field surveys which will have a high payoff to further data gathering, analysis,
and policy insight.
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Seasonal price analysis tests the effectiveness of arbitrage over time. Prices of food crops typically follow a
seasonal pattern, falling immediately after the harvest and rising thereafter until the next harvest, as farmers
and merchants store some supplies to meet consumer demand throughout the year. In a competitive market,
the seasonal price rise should just cover the costs of storage, which consist of interest charges on working
capital tied up in the form of stored commodities, provision for commodity losses, the cost of labor and
facilities used in storage, and normal profits (including risk-bearing).
By comparing monthly price rises with the monthly costs of storage, analysts can test whether there are
excess profits in the storage function. The monthly price rises are derived from an index of wholesale prices,
which are usually calculated as the average monthly percentage of a twelve-month moving average. This
version of price analysis seeks to identify excess profits in the storage cost portion of the marketing margin.
Even if data on storage costs are not available, much insight into the time dimension of the marketing
system can be gained by contrasting seasonal price indexes for the main food crops.
An example of seasonal price indexes for four commodities in Ghana is shown in table 4-3. The prices of
yams and corn nearly doubled from harvest to preharvest, while those for paddy rose 35 percent and for
dried cassava 50 percent. The additional information needed to estimate costs of storage is detailed in table
4-4, which contains storage costs for eight months under different assumed pairs of monthly interest rates
and commodity losses in storage. It is known from table 4-3 that corn prices on average rose 95 percent
during an eight-month season. This seasonal price rise is consistent with storage losses of 20 percent and a
monthly interest rate of 5.7 percent-magnitudes that correspond to a cost of storage for eight months of 99
percent of the purchase value. Alternatively, storage losses of 20 percent, an interest rate of 4.7 percent per
month, and other storage costs (such as rent on facilities, labor, and profit) of i percent per month also
correspond to the cost of storage for this period. Seasonal price rises for corn thus may reflect actual costs of
storage although these costs are quite high. Research in South Asia has tended to show significantly smaller
on-farm storage losses and seasonal price rises commensurate with these lower costs of storage.
Correlations of wholesale prices can be calculated between pairs of markets to test market integration.
Table 14: Index of Monthly Wholesale Prices of Yams, Paddy, Corn, and Dried Cassava
in Atebubu Market, 1965-74
Crop Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Range
Yams - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Mean 104 111 109 126 135 139 90 67 66 67 91 95 73
Standard Deviation 11 20 10 19 17 20 28 15 16 15 16 22
Paddy - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Meana 91 93 96 105 111 110 109 109 110 99 85 82 29
Standard Deviation 10 15 5 12 8 11 16 30 13 6 9 11
Corn - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Meanb 97 99 104 125 141 136 102 74 66 78 92 90 75
Standard Deviation 9 8 7 18 14 26 15 10 6 10 11 6
Dried cassava - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Mean 101 103 83 83 97 102 103 120 126 103 95 83 43
Standard Deviation 42 40 13 13 14 18 15 54 51 26 23 12
Note: Index is average monthly percentage of twelve-month moving average.
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a. January 1969 to July 1974
b. January 1968 to march 1974
Source: V. Roy Southworth, William O. Jones, and Scott R. Pearson, "Food Crop Marketing in
Atebubu District, Ghana," Food Research Institute Studies, vol. 17, no. 2 (1979), p. 180.
Table 15: Estimated cost of Storage for
Eight Months at Various Rates of
Interest and Storage Loss
Interest rate per montha
Storage loss (percent)
30 20 15 5 none
0 30 20 15 5 0
1 54 35 27 14 8
2 67 46 38 23 17
3 81 58 49 33 27
4 96 71 61 44 37
5 111 85 74 56 48
6 128 99 88 68 59
Note: The cost-of-storage figures in the body of the table are percentages of the purchase value of the
amounts left for sale at the end of eight months.
a. Calculations assume interest is compounded annually.
Source: V. Roy Southworth, "Food Crop Marketing in Atebubu District, Ghana," Ph.D. Dissertation,
Stanford University, 1981.
Results from one such analysis are reported in table 4-5 and mapped in figure 4-4. Wholesale prices of corn
were strongly correlated between pairs of markets in Ghana. Where a coefficient of 1.00 would indicate
identical price movements in the two markets, more than half the correlation coefficients were 0.85 or
above, and nearly one-fourth were at or above 0.90. A simple correlation coefficient of 0.90 means that 81
percent of the variation in one price series is correlated with variations in the other price series.
Because correlation coefficients are influenced by inflation and by very large seasonal price movements, it is
best to choose periods for analysis in which inflation was moderate or to correct for the effects of inflation
by correlating price changes rather than actual prices. The price changes are found by subtracting each
monthly observation from the one preceding it to obtain first differences.
The map in figure 4-4 shows lines drawn between pairs of cities that have corn price correlation coefficients
greater than or equal to 0.90. This mapping includes all but four markets, a result which suggests an
integrated marketing system for corn during the period tested. These high correlations indicate a significant
degree of spatial arbitrage so long as there are no extreme monopoly conditions or effective government
controls. If the analysis shows low correlation coefficients, communication and transportation networks may
be inadequate for effective integration of markets.
More significant judgments about the efficiency of spatial arbitrage cannot be made with this technique, for
relatively small differences in correlation coefficients can reflect highly profitable market manipulations.
The real purpose of intermarket price correlation analysis is to demonstrate that a domestic marketing
system really does exist and that it serves to connect the food markets of various cities and towns in the
Table 16: Correlation of Wholesale Prices among Pairs of Markets,
Ghana, 1965- 1972
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- Proportion of total coefficients by commodity
Correlation coefficient Yams Rice Corn Dried cassava
0.95+ 0.02 0.04 0.02 0
0.90-0.94 0 0.03 0.20 0.01
0.85-0.89 0.02 0.03 0.43 0.03
0.80-0.84 0.06 0.08 0.17 0.03
0.75-0.79 0.11 0.13 0.06 0.08
0.70-0.74 0.07 0.17 0.01 0.08
0.65-0.69 0.11 0.13 0 0.17
0.60-0.64 0.13 0.09 0.03 0.09
0.55-0.59 0.07 0.07 0.03 0.13
0.50-0.54 0.11 0.03 0.04 0.10
0-0.49 0.30 0.18 0.02 0.23
<0 0 0.03 0 0.06
Total 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Number of markets 16 16 16 16
Number of pairs 120 120 120 120
First quartile 0.70-0.74 0.75-0.79 0.85-0.89 0.65-0.69
Second quartile 0.60-0.64 0.65-0.69 0.85-0.89 0.55-0.59
Source: V. Roy Southworth, William 0. Jones, and Scott R. Pearson, "Food Crop Marketing in Atebubu
District, Ghana," Food Research Institute Studies, vol.17, no. 2 (1979), p. 189.
This simple demonstration can have a powerful effect on policymakers who believe that each market is
controlled by a protected monopoly reacting only to local conditions.
If farmers, consumers, and policymakers alike think the marketing margin is too large, an obvious question
is "how large is it?" The question is deceptively simple, for the measured size of the margin between the
farm-gate price and the retail price can change over time as conditions change in the marketing system. In
addition, the margin is calculated as the difference between the retail price and the farm-gate price, but this
calculation assumes implicitly that the commodity is actually being marketed through the entire chain from
farmer to retail consumer. This may be the right assumption during part of the year-for several months after
the harvest, for instance. During other parts of the year, however, no commodities may be flowing from
farmers to urban centers. During these periods when no market connection exists between rural and urban
markets (or at least the connection is not in the regular direction), comparisons of farm prices and retail
prices reveal nothing whatsoever of the size of the marketing margin.
Simple attempts to measure the size of the overall marketing margin by
Figure 4-4. Intermarket Correlation of Wholesale Corn Prices
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Note: Corn correlations > 0.90.
Source: V. Roy Southworth, William 0. Jones, and Scott R. Pearson, "Food Crop Marketing in Atebubu
District, Ghana," Food Research Institute Studies, vol. 17, no. 2 (1979), p. 184.
calculating the difference between average annual retail and farm-gate prices may significant~
underestimate the true costs of connecting these two markets with actual flows of commodities. The
alternative is to specify carefully a simple model of market connection and to use monthly or seasonal data
to measure the size of the marketing margin.
One such model is illustrated in figure 4-5, where rice prices are measured on the vertical axis and time
during a year along the horizontal axis. Both urban and rural rice prices (in milled rice equivalents) are
shown, separated by the full costs of transforming paddy at the farm gate to milled rice at the retail stall.
These price observations are all within the same month of observation so that no significant storage costs are
tncurred. Figure 4-5 is designed to show what happens to the short-run flow of rice from rural to urban
Figure 4-5. Marketing Margins and Connections between Urban and Rural Markets
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Source:C. Peter Timmer, "A Model of Rice Marketing in Indonesia," Food Research Institute Studies,
vol. 13, no. 2 (1974), p. 151.
areas and the consequent impact on the observed price margin of any interruption of that flow.
At time to the rice harvest has ended, and both rural and urban rice prices begin their seasonal rise. Urban
prices are higher than rural prices by the size of the actual marketing margin M. This margin reflects full
competitive costs of connecting the two markets with a physical flow of rice. At time t1, the urban rice price
reaches a ceiling dictated either by government policy and supplies from a buffer stock or by the availability
of imports at price Pu* Consequently, urban prices cease to rise. Costs of storage in rural areas continue to
mount, however, and so rural prices continue to rise from time t1 to time t2, when rural prices actually
exceed urban prices by the marketing margin M, and supplies begin to flow back to the rural areas until
time t3, when the rural harvest begins in the new season. Rural rice prices fall until they reach their seasonal
low at time t01, and the cycle begins again. The urban rice price does not begin to fall until time t4, when
the rural rice price has fallen below Pu* by the size of the marketing margin M, and hence the two markets
are again connected by physical flows of rice.
How can M be measured? Figure 4-5 shows that only during the periods marked A, from to to t1 and from
t4 to t01, is the actual marketing margin M reflected in the difference between the urban and rural rice
prices. During those times the analyst can observe the costs the marketing system is incurring to connect the
rural and urban markets. Naturally, there is no guarantee that these costs reflect efficient marketing or lack
of monopoly influence, but they are the actual costs that must then be compared with estimates of efficient
costs. However, the fact that the "measured" margin between t1 and t2, or between t3 and t4, is less than M
(and may even be negative) is not evidence that the margins from t0 to t1 and from t4 to t01 are excessive.
Only the latter measurements have any meaning at all.
Measuring marketing margins in this manner can quickly provide insight into the dynamics and costs of
basic food grain marketing. Published or readily available price data can often be used for the analysis.
What the analyst must provide is careful thought about how the marketing system actually works and its
seasonal variations. This information comes from many sources and especially from field trips to look at
markets. Knowing where the prices are collected and how the markets function are important precursors to
estimation of even simple marketing models.
International Commodity Markets
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Marketing analysts cannot be content when they understand how their domestic food markets work. Nearly
all countries are connected either directly or indirectly to international food markets as well. These
connections influence domestic price formation, and so they are important to the immediate issues being
treated here. International prices are also integral components of the social profitability analysis outlined in
chapter 3 and to the issues of food security that permeate the discussion throughout the book. Food
policymakers face a basic issue in deciding whether future food supplies should be produced domestically
by the country's own farmers or imported in exchange for other goods and services the country can produce
more cheaply and efficiently. The answer can be given only in the context of what level of international
prices will prevail when the time comes. These prices are highly unstable, and predicting them is no easy
At one level, a food policy analyst can find out about grain prices on international markets with a simple
telephone call to one of the major grain export firms, which will be only too happy to quote prices, delivery
dates, and conditions of payment. In a very real sense, such a conversation reveals the international price for
grain. For the food agency that needs 50,000 tons of wheat for sixty-day delivery, the quoted price is the
beginning and end of the story.
Other participants in the country's food system, both public and private, have additional concerns, however.
Two in particular are important: how long will the quoted price be relevant, and is the trend of real prices
(that is, corrected for inflation) up or down? At any given time experts are more or less evenly divided on
these questions. For commodities that are actively traded on ftitures markets (such as wheat, corn, and
soybeans), the best information available to market participants is reflected in quotations for contracts with
specific delivery dates, up to a year or somewhat more into the future. Even for commodities without active
futures markets (such as rice), forward contracts are usually available from major suppliers and give some
sense of how market participants view price trends for the near future.
For planning horizons of a year or so, these futures and fonvard markets provide the best information
available on likely price trends. Of course, they may not be right. But the evidence of the postwar era shows
that no country has been able to outguess these markets in a consistent fashion, and most grain importers
have paid higher prices than were available simply by using forward contracts and futures markets to hedge
against price risks. Considerable savings seem to be available to countries that develop the skills and
bureaucratic rules permitting active use of futures markets to provide the lowest and most stable costs of
grain for any given overall market environment.
For the longer run, even futures markets are of little help to planners trying to determine the opportunity
costs of investments to raise food production or to lower losses in storage or processing. When investments
have payoffs several years in the future, some sense of longer-run price trends in international markets is
needed. One way to achieve this is simply to plot over time the real prices of wheat, for example, averaged
over a five-or ten-year period to eliminate year-to-year variations and see whether the trend is up or down.
To most people's surprise, the trend for the past century has been significantly downward for wheat and
corn, except for occasional and short-lived spurts upward, as in 1951 or 1973.
An alternative to such a simple approach, but one that must ultimately be consistent with the trends
generated in the markets, is to look at the basic supply and demand factors which generate equilibrium
prices in world markets. It must be recognized when taking a supply-demand perspective that world markets
for grain do not reflect world supply and demand conditions in total, but rather the economic forces that
clear a residual market after internal supply has been balanced against demand inside most countries'
borders. Only a few countries permit world grain prices to set directly the signals communicated to domestic
consumers and producers; of these few, the United States is by far the most important. When the United
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States permits free trade of grain across ~t5 borders in response to prices foreign consumers are willing to
pay, which is most of the time, then its major grain markets, especially the Chicago grain markets, are the
world markets. That is where international grain price formation actually takes place.
The longer-run price trends generated in these markets depend on whether supply curves reflecting available
export supplies are shifting outward faster or slower than demand curves. The relevant demand curves
reflect desired (and affordable) purchases by countries whose domestic production is insufficient to meet
domestic needs within their actual price environment set by trade and subsidy policies. Consequently, the
most useful analytical framework for understanding grain price formation on international markets is the
same type of excess supply and excess demand curve framework presented in figure 4-2.
In such a framework the protectionist policies of the European Economic Community or the fluctuating
grain needs of the U.S.S.R. to meet livestock feed requirements can be incorporated directly into the
location and shape of the world market supply and demand curves. Consequently, the analysis can reflect
policy environments as well as the longer-run trends in population and income growth on the demand side
and technological change, area expansion, and weather and climate on the supply side.
Figure 4-6 illustrates one of two alternative international grain market environments. In this example
demand forces are rising more rapidly than factors shifting out supply curves, and the trend of real prices is
upward. Such a scenario was widely accepted in the late 1970s in the aftermath of the world food crisis of
1973-74. It would represent a shift in long-run historical trends, however, especially a dramatic slowing in
the rate of technical change in agriculture and in area expansion. Both changes are entirely possible, of
course, and a slower growth in new areas brought under cultivation is likely. However, if both technical
change and area of cultivation (particularly irrigated area) are to some extent a function of earlier incentives
to grow more food, then the high prices of the mid-1970s may have been partly self-correcting in the long
run through both shifts in the supply curve and in the elasticity of supply itself. As the more elastic, dashed
supply curves in figure 4-6 show, even when the shifts are identical to shifts in the inelastic supply curves,
the greater elasticity of supply response prevents prices from rising as rapidly.
The second possibility is illustrated in ftgure 4-7, which shows supply curves shifting out more rapidly than
demand curves. As was noted, this is consistent with historic patterns but may not reflect future trends if
demand pressures increase more quickly because of population and income growth or if supply curves do
not shift out as rapidly as has been the case historically. The important role of demand elasticities is
illustrated in this figure. If food grain demand is highly inelastic when supply shifts out rapidly, then the
trend of real prices is sharply lower. However, if grain demand is more elastic, even
Figure 4-6. International Grain Market Price Formation: Demand Curves Shift Faster than Supply Curves; Prices
Rise over Time
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Figure 4-7. International Grain Market Price Formation: Supply Curves Shift Faster than Demand Curves; Prices
Fall over Time
with exactly the same shifts in demand, then grain prices do not fall so sharply as more demand is induced
by the lower prices.
The elasticity of demand for grain is connected to its price level because more end uses become economical
as prices drop. Although the distinction between food grains, feed grains, and industrial raw materials is
commonly understood, the distinction is basically one of price. The elasticity of demand for wheat, for
example, varies with price levels. Grain will be used primarily for direct human consumption at high prices
and exhibit a very low demand elasticity. As figure 4-8 shows, at lower prices grain will be fed to animals
and eventually even be used industrially. Generally speaking, the lower the price of a commodity or the
higher the price of its substitutes, the more likely there can be end-use substitutions. New technical
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processes, specific government policy, and relative prices of other commodities all influence the degree of
substitution. High prices for corn, for example, would shift the feed use portion of the demand curve for
wheat, while sharply higher petroleum prices might add to the demand for wheat for energy use.
Figure 4-8. Effects of Changing End Uses on Demand Elasticities
From decade to decade, international price movements are driven fundamentally by world supply and
demand forces. This "longer run," however, is composed of a series of annual "short runs," which are in
turn affected by other causal variables. These short-run forces tend to be less stable and predictable than
population growth or technical change. Moreover, this annual price variability is frequently large enough to
obscure the longer-run trends in prices.
Poor weather is one factor that often accounts for substantial leftward shifts in export-supply curves or
rightward shifts in import-demand curves. This is especially true when abnormal weather affects a country
that is a major actor on either the supply or demand side of an international market. The other significant
destabilizing force in world markets is government policy change in one or more key Countries. Unexpected
Changes in domestic policy-embargoes, export bans, special barter arrangements, and so forth-often
accentuate price effects induced by weather or other short-term variables.
International trade in rice presents a good illustration of all these points. Rice is traded primarily among
Asian countries. Bad weather in Asia often affects the rice production of both exporters and importers at the
same time. In figure 4-9 poor weather, such as a bad monsoon that affects several countries in South or
Southeast Asia, simultaneously causes a leftward shift in the export-supply curve and a rightward shift in
the import-demand curve. The consequence is very high prices in years of poor weather and low annual
prices in years of good weather in Asia.
Figure 4-9. Effects of Weather on Price Fluctuations in the International Rice Market
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Weather-induced variability in rice prices is Compounded by two other sets of factors. First, rice is traded in
a "thin" market-a market where only a small percentage of production enters international trade. With world
production at approximately 350 million tons (milled rice equivalent) and trade at only 12 million tons, the
international market can be extremely sensitive to small changes. A variation of 5 million tons in rice
production in Thailand, a major export supplier, would not affect world rice output very much, but it could
eliminate 2 million tons of Thai rice exports and reduce world export supplies by one-sixth.
Second, most governments in Asia try to protect producers and consumers from short-run price instability in
the rice market by undertaking actions-such as setting up import and export monopolies, long-term purchase
arrangements, barter deals, import subsidies, and export taxes-that have the effect of isolating their domestic
rice price from changes in the international price. In most countries, movements in international food prices,
especially for basic food grains, are not passed on to consumers or producers. As more domestic markets are
isolated from international markets by trade and subsidy policies, the international markets themselves
become more subject to wide price fluctuations because of the thinness of export supplies and import
demands that are price responsive. These fluctuations thus add to pressures on domestic policymakers to
isolate themselves from world markets.
The tendency to protect a country's food producers and consumers from unstable world markets is quite
understandable, especially in countries that do not use market Systems to generate price signals or to reflect
relative scarcity to producers and consumers. Such autarky has its costs, however, including lower overall
levels of consumer welfare (although some countries may achieve a more equal distribution of important
commodities through such policies). Slow growth in agricultural production is also a common result because
signals are missing as to what should and should not be grown. Even in a context of nontrade, the
opportunity costs involved are of considerable interest and importance, and these depend on international
prices. The important question that remains is what international price should be used as the standard of
reference for social profitability analysis or for analysis of various price and trade policies? There will be
different answers depending primarily on the time frame of analysis, and an important issue is how to
distinguish short-run price fluctuations from long-run trends.
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For countries actively trading in international commodity markets, the question has a day-to-day
immediacy. Short-run international price fluctuations can be buffered to provide a more stable
decisionmaking environment for domestic producers and consumers. But such buffering, whether done
through physical storage of grain or trade policy and subsidies, is extremely expensive if domestic prices
remain out of line with international prices for Very long. At some point-and the point depends on financial
and logistical flexibility~omestic price policy faces strong pressures to conform to the opportunity costs of
the outside world. Otherwise budget subsidies play havoc with fiscal policy, and the dynamic distortions
become entrenched in the domestic economy.
To follow international market trends as an element of domestic food price policy, three components must
be distinguished: the short-run trends over several months that influence import purchases; the medium-run
trends that affect consumer and producer prices; and the long-run trends that affect government investment
decisions with regard to agricultural infrastructure and research. Analysts can identify these trends by
plotting moving averages of real (deflated) prices for the relevant period for decisions. Three-month, two-
year, and five- or ten-year moving averages can provide simple and mechanical, yet persistent, reminders
that the long run is made up of a sequence of short runs.
These three trends reflect the different time horizons of government decisions that are closely tied to the
world price. Whether to use grain from a buffer stock rather than to import grain is a relevant decision over
a two- or three-month period, but probably not for a six-month period and almost certainly not for twelve or
eighteen months. Similarly, consumer and producer prices can be stabilized for a year or perhaps two by
using budget subsidies or import duties to counteract movements in world prices, but the budget costs mount
and the distortions begin to get locked into production and consumption patterns before very long. Long-run
government investment decisions need a long-run perspective.
A food price policy that actively uses world markets thus requires a sequence of increasingly tighter links as
the time horizon of decisions gets shorter. This calls for a complex and somewhat muddy arrangement.
Managers of food logistics agencies should often be using an entirely different set of price signals from that
used by their own investment departments planning new marketing facilities. Market operatives who are
busy buying and selling grain to maintain a buffer stock can be enforcing floor and ceiling prices that are
different from either the short-run import price or the long-run investment price. Flexible financing
arrangements and a carefully managed buffer stock permit these multiple links between domestic and
international prices to serve national food policy objectives.
To further these objectives, two types of analysis are needed. The first looks at the costs and benefits of
price policies that use trade barriers or budget subsidies, or both, to place a wedge (or even an iron door)
between domestic and international prices. The second is an analysis of policies aimed at narrowing
marketing margins, especially dampening seasonal movements in prices and reducing geographical
differences. These policies are often implemented with government-operated buffer stocks supplied by
imports. Consequently, an understanding of efforts made to narrow marketing margins also provides insights
into the potential usefulness of links between domestic and international prices.
Domestic Markets and Price Policy
"Food prices are too high." "Crop prices are too low." Both complaints are heard in virtually all countries.
All consumers would like food prices to be lower, to take a smaller portion of their family budgets. All
farmers would like their crop prices to be higher, to provide them greater return for their effort and
investment. The tension between the two, the food price dilemma, inevitably focuses the attention of
consumers, producers, and policymakers alike on the margin between farm prices and consumer prices. All
these groups point to the middleman and say "marketing costs are too high."
Several factors common to all food marketing systems lead to this impression, whether it is true or not. First,
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the marketing system is the narrow point in an hourglass-shaped distribution pattern which first concentrates
the crop sales from millions of farmers and then disperses the food to millions of consumers in the time,
place, and form in which they want it. Politically, millions of farmers or millions of consumers are forces to
be reckoned with; the hundreds or thousands of middlemen usually are not.
Second, operating as a middleman is a very risky business even in developed countries where information is
excellent. In developing countries the risks are even larger. Only the highly skilled can survive for very long
in such circumstances, and the economic return to these skills is large. In short, many middlemen are quite
rich, in sharp contrast to the poverty of both their supplying farmers and consuming households. It is a very
short step between the observation of rich middlemen and the conclusion of high-cost, inefficient, and
monopolistic marketing. The conclusion, however, is wrong as a logical necessity, and, in a broad array of
developing countries, wrong as a matter of fact.
A third reason for the strong perception that marketing margins in developing countries are too high is that
they are high. Marketing costs are high when roads and communications are poor, when interest rates and
storage losses are high, and when processing facilities are poorly maintained and operated because of
difficulties in obtaining working capital or spare parts. In other words, marketing margins are high because
the real costs of marketing are high. It is not a matter of short-run private inefficiency and monopoly profits
accruing to a few greedy middlemen. Significant opportunities exist for socially profitable investment in the
marketing system that will reduce these high costs. The purpose of marketing analysis is to locate these areas
of high costs, to identify any inefficiencies and monopoly profits if they exist, and to propose policy
initiatives and investments that will lower the real costs of marketing.
Marketing analysis is concerned with both price levels and price margins since the marketing system
connects farm prices to consumer prices; in market economies it serves as the arena for price formation at
each level. Govern-ments can attempt to set all the important prices to reflect social priorities, or, through a
variety of trade and subsidy policies, governments can affect the level of the overall price structure. This
analysis is relevant to socialist economies as well as to market economies because allocating resources
efficiently and generating and utilizing information are important to both kinds of societies.
The market and welfare aspects of price level interventions are outlined to provide the analyst with a set of
tools for assessing the impact of trade and subsidy policies on the welfare of producers and consumers and
on the national budget. Determining the welfare impact requires the use of world prices as a standard of
reference to judge the opportunity costs of particular policies. Government policies can significantly affect
both price levels and margins, and this chapter also presents a wide range of potential interventions that
subsidize marketing margins and thereby deal with the food price dilemma.
Price Policy Analysis
In market economies nearly all government economic policies influence the rural-urban terms of trade,
defined roughly as the price of food crops relative to the prices of goods and services, including consumer
products and farm inputs, purchased by farmers growing food crops. The rural-urban terms of trade is a
major factor determining incentives to increase agricultural output while simultaneously signaling
consumers about the relative costs of food. For convenience and clarity, the terms of trade will be called the
"food parity price." This term is a reminder that farm incentives can be raised in two ways: higher output
prices or lower input prices (or lower prices for consumer goods that farmers purchase with their incomes).
The food parity price is principally influenced by two sets of policies: foreign exchange rate, interest rate,
and wage rate policies (the macro price policies discussed in chapter 5); and the subsidy and trade policies
that drive a wedge between the world price of a product (output or input) and its domestic price. These price
policies are illustrated here with food crops in mind, although the reasoning applies equally well to
manufactured goods or agricultural inputs, such as fertilizer.
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Price policies are judged by their effects on the four food policy objectives-promoting economic efficiency
and hence faster growth of income, distributing incomes more equally, guaranteeing adequate nutritional
status for all people, and providing security of food supplies. Empirical analysis of a policy requires
measurement of the size as well as the likely direction of its impact. In addition, the weights given by
governments to the several objectives and the constraints on choice of policy, including international
repercussions, determine the actual feasibility and efficacy of a price policy.
Each price policy uses a subsidy or a trade restriction to cause the domestic producer or consumer price, or
both, to differ from the world price. A simple consumer subsidy causes both producers and consumers to
face lower prices than those in the world market. A specific producer price subsidy can raise the farmers'
decision price above world levels while leaving the consumer price at the world price. In the absence of
specific policy intervention, the domestic price and world price for a commodity will be the same for both
producers and consumers.
A price policy intervention has an impact on the four food policy objectives in the following ways: it affects
economic growth by the extent of efficiency losses; income distribution by the direction of income transfers;
food security by increases or decreases in quantities traded internationally; and nutritional status by the
income transfers price policies effect to or from consumers. (The differential impact on poor consumers of
food price changes is not captured within this analytical framework.) The effect of the policy on the food
parity price itself depends on whether the policy is applied to a food crop or to a manufactured product
purchased by farmers and on whether the policy raises or lowers the domestic price of the commodity. A
subsidy on rice imports lowers the food parity price by reducing the food price. A subsidy on fertilizer raises
the food parity price by lowering the cost of an important input for food crop production.
A consumer subsidy on importables-goods for which domestic supplies are less than domestic demand in
the absence of price policy-is a common price policy intervention in developing countries. Subsidizing rice
imports, for example, causes the domestic price of rice for both consumers and producers to be less than the
world price. As a result, the quantity of rice produced domestically declines, the amount consumed locally
increases, and rice imports are greater than before the subsidy was introduced. The government must use
budget resources to lower the price of rice, and this makes consumers better off. In this short-run, static
model, when consumers gain, however, the producers of rice lose because their production, sales, and
proftts are reduced because of the lower price of rice. In effect, producers are forced to transfer income to
consumers. A subsidy on rice imports also causes the food parity price to fall because the domestic rice price
is reduced.
All four effects of subsidy policy~n quantities, transfers, efficiency losses, and the food parity price-are
shown in figure 4-10. The initial situation, before the subsidy policy, has the domestic price equal to the
world price, and so domestic supply is Q1 and domestic demand is Q3, with imports making up the
difference (Q3 - Q1). When the government introduces a subsidy on rice prices, thus lowering the domestic
price below the world price by PW - Pd demand increases to Q4 and domestic supply drops to Q2, both
because of lower prices. The import gap widens to Q4 - Q2.
Figure 4-10. Effects of a Subsidy Policy on a Consumer Import, Rice
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The government must pay a budget subsidy on all imported rice since the world price is higher than the
domestic price. The total subsidy is (PW - Pd) (Q4 - Q2), or the per unit subsidy times total imports. This
amount shows up in figure 4-10 as the rectangle BEHG. The rest of the subsidy is paid implicitly by farmers
because of the lower price they receive. Their income transfer to consumers is equal to the unit subsidy
times total production, or rectangle ABGF, plus the profits lost by reducing output, the triangle BCG. It is
clear that the total economic costs of the subsidy policy are much larger than just the cost of the budget
subsidy itself.
Although consumers clearly benefit by this price subsidy on rice, their total gain is less than the sum of the
budget subsidy and implicit transfer from farmers. The difference is due to the efficiency losses caused by
the price distortions introduced by the wedge between domestic and international rice prices. In this
example, there are efficiency losses in both the producing and consuming sectors.
The production efficiency losses are measured by the dotted triangle BCG. Because domestic resources can
be used to produce rice more cheaply than the opportunity cost of imports as long as the domestic supply
curve is below the world price, the triangle between the world price, the domestic price, and the domestic
supply curve is an area of wasted resources. The cost of this waste is paid by the budget, but no
commensurate gains accrue to consumers
On the consumer side, the demand curve represents the price consumers are willing to pay for each quantity;
so a lower price produces benefits for consumers who were willing to pay a higher price but no longer have
to. This consumer surplus is reflected by the area under the demand curve but above the consumer price. In
figure 4-10 the increase in consumer surplus is measured by the quadrilateral figure ADHF. The government
budget subsidies needed to move the domestic price from Pw to Pd are greater than the gain in consumer
surplus that comes from the lower prices. The consumption efficiency loss is shown by the triangle DEH.
One last lesson is apparent from the figure. The country using subsidies to provide consumers with imported
rice at prices lower than those in the international market has reduced the degree of food self-sufficiency
achieved relative to what would have occurred with free trade. An entirely different result would come from
restricting imports and causing domestic rice prices to rise above world levels. If pursued far enough, a
policy of pushing up rice prices could result in self-sufficiency for the country illustrated in figure 4-10. In
fact, if domestic rice prices were maintained at Ps, the country would exactly reach self-sufficiency, with
domestic rice consumption just equaling domestic production. The point is not that pursuing such self-
sufficiency is a good or a bad policy, but rather that any policy debate about food self-sufficiency can be
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conducted only in the context of the domestic price environment relative to world prices. Self-sufficiency at
price Ps could be a bitter policy victory if it reduces food consumption and displaces the production of other
important agricultural commodities.
Trade policies that place restrictions on the flow of imports or exports of a commodity can be analyzed by
using diagrams similar to figure 4-10. A trade restriction can be applied to either the price or the quantity of
the commodity to reduce the amount traded internationally and to drive a wedge between the world price
and the domestic price. For imports, the trade policy imposes either a per unit tariff (import tax) or a
quantitative restriction (import quota) to limit the quantity imported and raise the domestic price above the
world price. Likewise, trade policy for exports limits the quantity exported through imposition of either a
per unit export tax or an export quota, and the result is to cause the domestic price to be lower than the
world price.
If, for example, a trade policy restricts imports of textiles through imposition of a tariff, producers of textiles
gain because the domestic price rises above the world price. In response to higher local textile prices,
production expands, consumption declines, and the quantity of imports is reduced. Since the domestic price
is raised, consumers transfer income to producers and to the government budget because of the duties paid
on imports. As with the consumer subsidy on rice, efficiency losses occur in both production and
consumption because the policy-adjusted price is higher than the world price, which represents the actual
opportunity costs of imports. A tariff on textiles reduces the food parity price because textile prices rise for
farmers, thus increasing the price index of manufactured items purchased by farmers. Hence the relative food
parity price falls.
Price policies can be classified into six categories:
Table 17: Price Policies
Policies benefiting producers Policies benefiting consumers
Subsidy policies Producer subsidies on importables Consumer subsidies on importables
Producer subsidies on exportables Consumer subsidies on exportables
Trade policies Restrictions on imports Restrictions on exports
Each price policy can be analyzed graphically (as in figure 4-10) to determine the impact on quantities
produced, consumed, and traded; on income transfers among producers, consumers, and the budget; and on
efficiency losses in production and consumption. The results of these analyses are shown in table 4-6, which
summarizes the impact of each price policy and reveals several important effects of price policy
In the short-run, static world of this analysis all price policy interventions incur efficiency losses in either
production or consumption relative to an international price standard. The only exception is when a price
policy intervention specifically offsets an existing source of static inefficiency, such as a divergence
between public and private profitability that occurs because of externalities or economies of scale. Most
policies have efficiency losses in both production and consumption. Long-run efficiency gains are possible
if the subsidies call forth dynamic forces leading to technical change or the maturation of infant industries,
but these forces are not automatic. In many circumstances the short-run efficiency losses have tended to
accumulate and widen the distortions in the economy.
A government uses food price policy to bring about basic changes in the food system. Incentive prices can
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encourage production, discourage consumption, and reduce imports. Alternatively, food subsidies can
reduce production, increase consumption, and increase imports. All price policies have opposite (or at least
neutral) effects on production and consumption. To increase both the production and consumption of food
would require maintaining a dual price policy involving subsidies to both producers and consumers.
Table 18: Summary of Efeects of Price Policies
Quantity (increase, no change,
or decrease)
Transfer (gains, no change, or
Efficiency loss (incurred
or no change)
Type of policy Production Consumption Trade Producers Consumers Budget Production Consumption
Producer subsidies on
+ 0 - + 0 - x 0
Producer subsidies on
+ - + + - - x x
Consumer subsidies
on importables
- + + - + - x x
Consumer subsidies
on exportables
0 + - 0 + - 0 x
Restrictions on
+ - - + - + x x
Restrictions on
- + - - + + x x
Note: X indicates an efficiency loss is incured.
Such combined policies can also be analyzed within the framework used here, but the analysis is somewhat
more complicated than the "pure" examples illustrated in figure 4-10 and summarized in table 4-6.
All price policies have an impact on quantities traded internationally since, by definition, the policies apply
only to tradable commodities. The welfare effects of price policies for nontradables are difficult to measure
because of the absence of an international price standard of comparison. Table 4-6 shows that most price
policies reduce trade. This tendency is related to the pervasive efficiency losses incurred by price policies.
Because trade leads to gains in economic efficiency through better allocation of productive resources,
policies that reduce trade will likely incur efficiency losses.
The allocative effects of price policies on quantities produced, consumed, and traded have corresponding
income distribution effects that occur as transfers are made among producers, consumers, and the budget.
The full incidence of such transfers can be understood only in the context of the burden of raising tax
revenues for the budget, but the direct gains to producers and consumers, before taxes are netted out, are
shown in table 4-6. Transfers to producers and consumers tend to mirror the effects on quantities produced
and consumed. More important, all subsidy policies incur negative budget transfers while trade restrictions
earn the government a budget surplus. Such budget losses or gains are only a part of the total economic
transfers occasioned by price policy, and frequently only a tiny part if traded quantities are small relative to
total domestic production and consumption. The implicit transfers between producers and consumers are
often the most important aspects of food price policy and yet are the least visible.
For some purposes of food policy, knowing the direction of policy effects is enough. In most situations
actual measurement is required. Demand and supply elasticities permit the empirical analysis of trade,
transfer, and efficiency effects. Because of the static nature of this analysis, these measured effects reflect
short-run adjustments only. The dynamic adjustments of the food system to long-run price distortions are at
least as important, as is the disaggregated welfare impact relative to the average impact reflected in this
analysis. Income and price elasticities for each income class (assembled with the techniques outlined in
chapter 2) are necessary to disaggregate the impact on the poor of the various subsidy and trade policies.
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Typically the nonfarm poor will be disproportionately benefited by price policies that lower food prices and
transfer income to consumers at large and will be disproportionately hurt by higher food prices and income
transfers to farmers, at least in the short run. Price policies designed for efficiency and more rapid growth of
farm output will have a dynamic side effect of creating more jobs in rural areas and probably in urban areas
as well.
The policy problem is one of finding mechanisms to protect the food intake of poor urban and rural landless
consumers while the dynamic growth process has time to build momentum. The dynamic relationship
between an efficient food price policy and performance in the rest of the economy is treated in detail in
chapter 5, and the reconciliation of short-run consumer interests with long-run rural productivity is a major
element of chapter 6.
While food subsidies that favor consumers can operate within the general price policy environment created
by trade and subsidy policies with respect to international border prices, specific subsidies targeted to reach
poor urban and rural landless consumers are likely to be implemented through the marketing system. The
mutual interaction of food subsidies and the marketing system can be analyzed with the same tools that
were used for supply and demand analysis and for determining the effects of trade and subsidy policies.
Subsidies and the Food Price Dilemma
Both socialist and capitalist economies use a variety of subsidies to protect their producers and consumers
from the full brunt of the food price dilemma. Developed countries with highly productive farmers often end
up paying huge price subsidies to prevent their productivity from driving many farmers into bankruptcy.
Developing countries use subsidies to their consumers to allow small household budgets to be stretched just
a bit further, thus saving some of the very poor from the brink of starvation itself. Socialist economies often
face the food price dilemma directly by attempting to maintain entirely separate and unconnected prices for
producers and consumers. This requires that the state carry out all of the functions of the marketing system.
Some countries have managed these respective tasks quite efficiently and have equitable food distribution
and vigorous food producing sectors to show for it. Hungary and Costa Rica are examples. Others have been
trapped by the size of budget deficits or by the lack of information and the inability to make appropriate
allocative decisions. The failure is characteristic of bureaucratic behavior in the absence of markets where
price formation takes place. For countries with such problems, the following analysis of marketing subsidies
provides insights into the nature of these difficulties. Even for countries that rely extensively on markets to
allocate resources and generate price signals, analysis of marketing subsidies can identify cost-effective
mechanisms to reach poor consumers.
Subsidizing Marketing Costs
One obvious way to keep farm prices high and consumer prices low is to minimize the marketing margin.
Since real economic resources are required to transform food crops in space, time, and form to food that
consumers buy and eat, keeping margins below their private costs requires a government subsidy. Most
socialist governments and many even in market economies believe that marketing is somehow an
unnecessary function. One response is to carry out all marketing tasks directly; another is to legislate narrow
(or even zero) margins. Other countries recognize the real value and costs of marketing services and find
mechanisms to subsidize the margins as a way of narrowing the price spread between producer and
The impact of a marketing subsidy depends on whether consumers, producers, or both realize the price
benefits made possible by the subsidy. Figure 4-11 illustrates the alternative effects in a simple supply and
demand framework. The figure shows a retail supply function for food grain uniformly shifted above the
farm supply function by a constant marketing cost equal to Pm - Pf. These are real economic costs incurred
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in providing essential marketing services between producers and consumers. The retail demand curve for
food grain shows the amounts consumers purchase at each price level. The intersection at price level Pm
and quantity Qm indicates the market equilibrium in the absence of government intervention or subsidy.
Figure 4-11. Effect of a Marketing Subsidy on Supply and Demand for Food Grains
Source:C. Peter Timmer, "China and the World Food System, " in Ray A. Goldberg, ed., Research in
Domestic aud International Agribusiness Management, vol. 2 (Greenwich, Conn.: JAI Press, 1981), p.
A government subsidy on marketing costs equal to Pm - Pf can have a range of results, depending on
whether farmers or consumers receive most of the subsidy. Three possibilities are shown in figure 4-11. In
the first possibility, farmers receive the entire subsidy so that consumer prices remain at Pm, but farm prices
rise to Pm also. Farm output then rises along the farm supply function from Qm to Qm1 and the additional
output must be disposed of by the government, usually by subsidizing exports.
Alternatively, consumers receive the entire subsidy so that farm prices remain at Pf, but consumer prices
drop to Pf as well. Consumer demand then increases along the retail demand curve to Qf and the
government must either ration supplies at price Pf to the quantity Qm that farmers are willing to produce or
import additional quantities of food grain equal to Qf - Qm. Whether such imports will require subsidies
depends on the relationship between domestic and international prices.
In the third alternative, producers and consumers split the marketing subsidy in such a way that a new
equilibrium price and quantity is reached. In figure 4-11 this new position is shown at price Pe and quantity
Qe where farmers are just willing to produce along the supply function at price Pe a quantity that consumers
are willing to consume at Pe The government must continue to provide the full marketing subsidy of Pm -
Pf, but no rationing or subsidized imports or exports are required.
The three examples examined here are taken from a continuum of potential effects of a marketing subsidy.
The actual impact will depend on the structure of the marketing sector, how the subsidies are actually
implemented, the elasticities of the supply and demand curves, and how carefully the government attempts
to regulate the outcome to favor consumers or producers.
The mechanisms by which the government might implement such marketing subsidies are quite diverse.
Storage costs can be subsidized with low rental rates in government-owned warehouses or with cheap credit
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for financing inventories. Gasoline for trucks can be subsidized, and special rates for shipping food crops on
a state-owned or regulated rail system can be implemented. Imports of food processing machinery can be
subsidized by special tariff and tax concessions and by an overvalued exchange rate or preferential access to
foreign exchange. Working capital can be supplied cheaply from the state banking system. All of these
explicit or implicit subsidies can be used to reduce the actual costs incurred by the private marketing system.
A more direct subsidy can also be used to lower the marketing margin. Wholesalers, for example, could be
paid a per unit subsidy to enable them to sell a particular foodstuff for less than their costs of purchase plus
costs of marketing. Rice that cost a merchant Rp 100 per kilogram to buy, store, mill, and transport to the
city could be sold for Rp 60 per kilogram if the government provided a subsidy of Rp 40 per kilogram.
Alternatively, the state might simply take over the marketing tasks itself by setting up a parastatal marketing
agency with monopoly control over farm sales and consumer purchases. Farm prices and consumer prices
thus become a "simple" government policy decision, and a budget subsidy covers any losses on actual
operational expenses. When given total monopoly power to handle food commodities, such parastatal
marketing agencies have done a rather poor job of defending incentive farm prices and protecting consumer
prices without massive subsidies and inefficiencies. When parastatals are used to provide a standard of
competitive behavior relative to a private sector, the result is more favorable, although the private sector
does tend to have lower real costs of marketing than does the typical parastatal. Consequently, some subsidy
is required even in these more limited endeavors.
Both approaches to simple subsidization of marketing margins, either through the private sector or
parastatals, run into a very awkward problem. Unless a simple way can be found to separate the "purchase"
market from the "selling" market, there is an inevitable tendency for the cheap retail commodity to find its
way back to be bought again at the higher farm price. Clearly, this transaction can happen only when the
farm price is higher than the retail price for the same commodity, but it is surprising how many governments
have tried to implement just such a pricing arrangement. The subsidy burden is quite large when each ton of
rice, for example, is subsidized only once. When it appears two or three times on the subsidy rolls, the costs
quickly mushroom out of control.
Even success in subsidizing marketing margins does not eliminate marketing costs, for another segment of
society is paying them through general tax revenues for the benefit of food producers and consumers. The
actual incidence of such a revenue transfer could be socially desirable, but the transfer is still occurring.
The long-run efficacy of subsidized marketing costs is difficult to judge. Future productivity gains are likely
to come primarily through more efficient resource allocation led by price mechanisms based on real
opportunity costs. If so, state food logistics agencies have a poor record of receiving and transmitting
signals of relative scarcity, and better communication of such information will be needed. At the same time,
an active government role in dampening the transmittal of sharply fluctuating international prices is likely to
be desirable, as is some capacity to smooth out year-to-year fluctuations in domestic price formation.
Subsidizing Poor Consumers
The efficient way to deal with poverty is to transfer general government revenues to poor people and let
them make their own allocative decisions about how best to improve their consumption bundle. Few
societies wish or are able to accomplish such neutral income transfers, and yet most societies want very
much to alleviate the worst manifestations of extreme poverty. Providing direct subsidies to poor consumers
in the form of preferential access to or prices for special merit goods-goods whose social value is higher
than their market value-is the most common approach in societies as diverse as Sri Lanka, Mexico, and the
United States. Because food is considered a merit good in all societies, a number of special food subsidy
schemes for poor consumers have been designed and implemented. Chapter 2 categorized these into targeted
and nontargeted interventions. Three of the most important targeted food subsidy mechanisms are discussed
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here: dual price systems, food stamps, and subsidies for foods consumed primarily by the poor.
Several countries with market economies, especially in South Asia, have experimented with dual price
systems for basic food grains. Although program details vary considerably, the logic of the approach for a
closed economy, that is, one with no food imports, calls for farmers to pay a grain tax based on land
cultivated or on historic yields but not on current output. Farmers thus treat the grain tax as a fixed cost of
production which does not alter their resource allocation decisions or short-run incentives to produce. The
grain obtained from this tax is made available in government-operated or licensed fair-price shops where
low-income consumers are permitted to buy a ration quantity at very low prices. Farmers are free to sell
their surplus production in an open market where consumers, including the poor, are free to buy whatever
quantity they wish at the market-clearing price. Hence, there are two food prices in the system, the cheap
ration price set by the government in the fair-price shops and the free-market price set by the equilibrium of
supply from farmers and demand from consumers. In some systems the farmers are also paid a low
"procurement price" for their grain taken by the state, thus reducing but not eliminating the tax element in
the transfer.
The logic and mechanics of this dual price system also apply to a number of socialist economies that
maintain parallel rural markets for state purchases and private transactions. Important information is thus
generated about relative commodity scarcities, even though state purchases take place at fixed prices. In
China these markets are used to provide added sources of income for rural commune members; the price
signals indicate to planners how realistic their own purchase prices are for state procurement. Ration shops
in cities distribute the procured grain (as well as imported supplies) at low prices to protect the purchasing
power of Chinese industrial workers.
The analytics of a dual price system are quite complicated. Food production, consumption by low-income
and high-income consumers separately, and an equilibrium supply and demand framework must be
integrated into a consistent picture of the food system. The dynamics are illustrated sequentially in figures 4-
12 to 4-14.
In figure 4-12, the original supply curve SO and demand curve DO intersect
Figure 4-12. Market Supply and Demand Framework Illustrating the Effect of a Dual Price System
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Source:C. Peter Timmer, "China and the World Food System," in Ray A. Goldberg, ed.,Research in
Domestic and International Agribusiness Management, vol. 2 (Greenwich, Conn.: JAl Press, 1981), p.
to produce a market price Po and a quantity produced and consumed Q0. The dual price scheme is
implemented by government procurement of quantity Qp (in figure 4-13). In the absence of any price
response, this procurement of grain supplies shifts the supply and demand curves to S1 and D1, respectively,
with the same price and the new market quantity equal to the original quantity less the procurement quantity.
Figure 4-13. Food Production Framework Illustrating the Effect of a Dual Price System
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Source: C. Peter Timmer, "China and the World Food System," in Ray A. Goldberg, ed., Research in
Domestic and International Agrib~iness Management, vol. 2 (Greenwich, Conn.: JAI Press, 1981), p.
The procurement quantity Qp is sold in fair-price shops to poor consumers at, for example, half the original
market price of Po The effect on poor consumers is shown in figure 4-14, where Iop is the original
indifference curve for poor consumers before the implementation of a dual price system. After the system is
put into effect, poor consumers are able to reach indifference curve Iop by purchasing their entire ration
quantities at the ration price, plus small additional quantities of food from the open market at price P2 The
low ration price raises the quantities consumed by poor consumers because of an income effect. The added
demand shifts overall market demand from
Figure 4-14. High-income and Low-income Consumer Decisionmaking Framework Illustrating the Effect of a
Fair-price Shop
Source: C. Peter Timmer, "China and the World Food System," in Ray A. Goldberg, ed., Research in
Domestic and International Agribusiness Management, vol. 2 (Greenwich, Conn.: JAI Press, 1981), p.
curve D1 to demand curve D2 (in figure 4-12). The added demand causes supplies to increase along supply
curve S1 resulting in a new price equilibrium at P2. A small additional quantity is thus supplied to match the
added demand from low-income consumers (and a small decrease in demand from well-off consumers
because of the higher price in the market). By assumption, high-income consumers may not buy food at the
lower prices of the fair-price shops.
The effects on farmers are illustrated in figure 4-13. The added production is generated by higher food
prices, relative to input prices, which cause more intensive use of inputs along the food production function.
Total output thus rises from Q0 to Q1 when food prices rise from P0 to P2 (For simplicity, marketing costs
are ignored in this discussion.) The government procures a fixed amount of food Qp from farmers, who are
free to produce and sell as much as they like in the market. At the original price P0 total production is Q0.
At the new market equilibrium price of P2, farmers increase the intensity of cultivation and produce Q1.
This increase in output at price P2 must be equal to the increase in demand from consumers through the
combined effect of low prices in fair-price shops and higher market price P2 to other consumers.
The effects on low-income and high-income consumers are shown in figure 4-14. The initial quantities of
food consumed, Q0 - Qp and Qp respectively, add up to total initial food production Q0. The poor
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consumer is shown at "starvation" level, while the high-income consumer is well above the "recommended"
level of food intake. Both consumers are located on a general income expansion path for food.
After the government procures quantity Qp from farmers, it makes the food available to poor consumers in
fair-price shops at a price just half the original price of PO The income effect of this cheap price raises food
consumption of poor consumers, with the supplemental quantities being purchased at the new higher market
price ~2 The new higher market price P2 forces well-off consumers from indifference curve 10r to 1r1 and
their food intake is lowered slightly. The increase in food consumption among the poor minus the small
decrease among rich consumers must equal the increased quantity of food produced by farmers as a result of
the new higher price P2 The supply and demand framework of figure 4-12 must be consistent with the
production function results of figure 4-13 and the consumer decision-making results in figure 4-14.
Although these shifts are difficult to demonstrate graphically, markets automatically make the necessary
adjustments to reach consistency.
The three figures can also be used to show the impact on poor consumers who might be excluded from the
fair-price shops. The new higher market prices may force them below the starvation level. In addition, if
fair-price shops do not limit the quantity for sale or restrict their sales to low-income consumers,
procurement quantities will be inadequate to stock the shops. Food imports will be needed to fill the gap.
Otherwise the fair-price shops may be sold out and not provide low-cost food grain on a regular basis.
The successful dual price system has several key ingredients that are identified by this analytical approach.
First, it requires access to significant quantities of low-cost grain from farms large enough to produce
sizable marketings. Second, it requires careful control over access to the cheap grain available in the fair-
price shops. For the system to work, the ration quantities must be limited to the amounts available, and the
rations must be restricted to those at the bottom end of the income distribution, possibly by choosing
commodities only the poor will consume. If some of the poor are excluded from the system, they are doubly
disadvantaged, for not only are they denied cheap grain from the fair-price shop, but the free-market price is
now substantially higher than it would have been in the absence of the dual price system.
Although it might appear that a carefully designed system can operate without a subsidy, especially if the
procurement price is sufficiently low (even zero) so that revenue from ration sales pays for procurement and
distribution costs, the system clearly requires resource transfers from farmers to consumers. If the burden of
the transfers is on large wealthy farmers to benefit low-income consumers, income distribution may become
more equal. However, much experience points to the burden falling primarily on low- or middle-income
farmers to the benefit of middle-income urban consumers-typically a regressive income transfer. The very
poor are frequently excluded from the benefits.
A very carefully designed procurement program can minimize the disincentive effects on agricultural
production and hence prevent large efficiency losses, but most existing programs have been neither designed
nor implemented so carefully. A common outcome is that prices for all farm output are depressed through
the procurement program and incentives are sharply diminished. Even for the most carefully designed
program, the tax equivalent of the grain procurement reduces savings available for private, farm-level
investment in raising agricultural productivity. Such farm-level investment, when permitted, typically has a
high payoff.
Food stamps have been widely used in the United States as the main government program for reducing
hunger among poor people. Nearly 20 million people received a net value of over $6,000 million in food
stamps in 1981. This large government program remains very controversial, and widely publicized reports
of fraud and cheating as well as evidence of signiftcant disincentives for food stamp recipients to take low-
paying jobs have eroded public and congressional support. Strongest support for the program comes from
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labor and social welfare groups and farm lobbies. Farmers have found that the food stamp program adds to
demand through the regular food marketing system and thus contributes significantly to farm incomes.
Only a few developing countries have attempted to subsidize their poor consumers by using food stamps-Sri
Lanka, Trinidad and Tobago, and Colombia. Despite the theoretical efficiency of food stamps in providing
food subsidies targeted precisely to those most in need, the actual implementation record so far is quite
mixed. If no serious attempt is made to implement a means test, then food stamps transfer commodity-
specific income to a broad range of consumers. If poor consumers are already allocating much of their
budgets to these commodities, the transfer serves as a general income transfer rather than as a food-specific
transfer. Of course, without a discriminating means test, a large proportion of the population may try to use
the program.
Where serious attempts are made to limit food stamps to the most impoverished households, all the
problems of implementing an honest and efficient means test arise. Many relatively well-off households slip
into the system, many of the most destitute fall outside, and the bureaucratic costs become very large. Food
stamp programs as an efficient targeting mechanism for food subsidies can probably be used effectively
only in middle-income countries with a skilled civil service and accurate statistical records on at least the
urban population. For poorer countries and in the rural areas of even the middle-income countries food
stamps are not likely to be effective.
The poor in most societies eat different foods from those consumed by middle- and upper-income groups.
As chapter 2 showed, even in those countries where 70 to 90 percent of calories come from starchy staples,
the diets of the poor are remarkably different from the average availability shown in a food balance sheet.
Poor people's foods tend to be root crops (cassava, sweet potatoes, Irish potatoes) or coarse grains (corn,
sorghum, millet, and others). The preferred staple in most societies is either rice or wheat although corn is
preferred in some African and Latin American countries. In rice cultures wheat is sometimes regarded as an
inferior good.
Such sharp contrasts in food consumption patterns by income class within a country are not caused by
differences in taste but by economic necessity. The poor in Indonesia eating cassava and corn would prefer
to eat rice, as would the barley eaters in the Republic of Korea in the early 1970s. If a society does not have
the bureaucratic and financial resources to provide subsidies for the more expensive preferred foods,
subsidies to poor people's foods can be effectively self-targeting. If only the poor choose to eat the
subsidized inferior staples, only the poor capture the subsidy.
At the same time, many of the inferior foods are produced by very poor farmers on marginal lands at
considerable distance from major urban centers. Marketing subsidies that raise the returns to these farmers
while lowering the costs to the consumers may work simultaneously on both dimensions of poverty. Simply
forcing down prices, however, would have a devastating impact on the incomes and welfare of some of the
poorest of the rural poor.
Such subsidies have both short-run and long-run costs. In the short run, implementing subsidies for
commodities that do not travel or store well (root crops) or for which well-developed marketing systems do
not exist is usually not feasible without significant investment in food technology and improved marketing
infrastructure. Because farmers tend to switch to growing more profttable crops, obtaining supplies of these
commodities when market prices are being forced down is an obvious problem. Providing subsidies to poor
consumers via commodity-specific food stamps (available with minimal bureaucratic processing) while
allowing incentive prices for farmers in commercial markets might be more feasible. Alternatively, an
imported commodity can be an efficient carrier of subsidies to poor consumers and have less impact on
domestic farmers. A subsidized low-quality wheat flour might have this effect in Sri Lanka, for example.
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The longer-run effects are more troubling and suggest that disaggregated commodity price policies probably
can serve only as short-run bridges across the food price dilemma. The distortions introduced by significant
subsidies on a single commodity can eventually be very powerful. Low prices for high quality wheat at one
time led to almost one-third of Sri Lanka's calories being provided by a foodstuff it could not grow.
Livestock industries find heavily subsidized corn or wheat a cheap, high-quality animal feed. Such grain-
fed livestock industries redirect the subsidy from poor people to rich people. The lower prices for these
inferior foods almost inevitably dampen incentives for research and development of new technology for the
crops and reduce the profitability of growing them.
The implementation of food subsidies for poor consumers through the regular channels of the marketing
system is the most efficient way to protect food intake of the poor when price incentives to farmers are
improved. But both the analytics of the design and the historical implementation record suggest great
difficulties in isolating the targeted food subsidy programs for poor people from more general food
subsidies for all consumers, or all urban consumers. Such general subsidies have enormous fiscal effects and
serious disincentive consequences for agriculture. Both the problems and the potential rewards of
successfully implementing targeted food subsidy programs explain the extensive attention in this book to
these topics.
Government Intervention and Policy Perspective
Developing a marketing strategy for government intervention requires a clear vision of what the marketing
system should accomplish in the future plus a suitably detailed empirical understanding of what it actually
does accomplish now. This chapter has attempted to provide both the vision and the analytical tools to
address the empirical questions of market performance. The elements of a marketing strategy can be
identified by combining these two approaches.
Marketing analysis shows that the formation of price margins is largely a function of two elements: the costs
of transportation, storage, and processing; and the efficiency with which these marketing services are
provided. The government's role is to invest in the components of a marketing system to the extent that
social benefits from lowered marketing costs match the social opportunity costs of the public resources
needed for the investment. Lowering marketing costs is clearly a good thing as long as more resources are
saved than are needed to save them.
In addition to a concern for lowering the real costs of marketing, governments need to focus on the
efficiency with which marketing services are provided. In market economies, inefficiency means excess
profits, and excess proftts mean monopolistic middlemen or collusion in price formation. Both sources of
excess proftts are extremely difficult to regulate directly because of enforcement problems. In the face of
solid evidence of market inefficiency (as opposed to high costs), governments are faced with two quite
divergent alternatives. The first is to improve the competitiveness of the marketing system by creating better
market access for potential participants who might provide marketing services and by distributing better
information for consumers, producers, and marketing agents about factors likely to affect price formation.
The second alternative is for the government to provide the marketing services directly, setting a competitive
standard that all other marketing participants must meet. In most countries that have followed this course, it
was the government which could not meet the competitive standard of the existing marketing participants.
Continuing the government's marketing role thus would require either significant budget subsidies to cover
the high costs or the banning of private market activities to eliminate the competition, thereby forcing
consumers to pay the costs of government inefficiency.
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Banning private marketing activities never improves the welfare of broad groups of either farmers or
consumers. No government has ever been completely successful with such a ban, although many have tried.
Subsidized government marketing agencies, however, can play an important and socially profitable role. If
the subsidy is not too large, the agency can reflect a competitive standard for private marketing agents
without driving them out of business. At the same time, a public marketing agency can implement a price
stabilization policy that requires active government intervention to defend a floor price for farmers and a
ceiling price for consumers-a partlcularly useful role for a government agency in reducing extreme and
unexpected seasonal price swings. Again, the margin between the two will determine the amount of budget
subsidy required by the public agency to cover its own real costs as well as the ability of the private trade to
continue to provide a signiftcant share of marketing services. Forcing the entire food marketing burden into
government hands either by active policy or by default presents an awesome task of coordination, physical
handling, and price formation. No government has handled the task on its own even when it wanted to, and
those that have tried to handle more rather than less have achieved less rather than more.
The purpose of having efficient and low-cost marketing services provided to the food system in particular,
and to the whole economy in general, is twofold. First, and most important in the short run, low marketing
costs are the most efficient and sustainable solution to the food price dilemma. The narrower the margin
because of genuinely low marketing costs and highly efficient price formation, the more consumers and
producers both can share in the productivity potential of a healthy agricultural economy.
The second purpose is to enable markets to function in their dynamlc role of coordinating resource
allocation and providing accurate signals to producers and consumers that reflect the opportunity costs of
their decisions. Implicit in this role is the ability of producers and consumers, and indeed of the marketing
agents as well, to react quickly and efficiently to new price signals from the market. Although most
economic models show decisioninakers moving from one equilibrium to another equilibrium after, for
example, a price Change, the actual process of adjusting to a new disequilibrium environment is much more
Economic development is inherently a process of continuing disequilibrium. The economic value of being
able to cope successfully and efficiently with disequilibrium rises sharply as new technology, new markets,
and new opportunities are thrust into traditional economies. T. W. Schultz has emphasized how important
education is in building the capacity to process new information and decide quickly on appropriate
responses. Education, at least at the level of functional literacy, is considered by most governments to be a
basic human need. Beyond this, however, education is essential to the dynamic efficiency of market systems
and their distributional outcome. Poor people tend to be the least educated and thus have the least capacity
to respond appropriately to the opportunities offered by disequilibrium situations.
In a competitive food marketing system the level of prices is determined simultaneously with the various
margins among prices. Because real economic resources must be used to provide marketing services, the
formation of price margins is the major determinant of the efficiency of resource allocation in the marketing
sector. Similarly, the formation of price levels determines the efficiency of resource allocation in food
production and consumption. These price levels are also crucial determinants of income distribution,
especially between urban and rural sectors, and of the distribution of food intake.
Many governments in both socialist and market systems have intervened in the formation of price levels to
influence the distribution of income and food and have willingly sacriftced efficiency goals to do so.
Through trade and subsidy instruments that most governments can implement quite effectively, food prices
can be set (at least for short periods) with wide discretion.
The tension between the desire to set food prices for short-run distributional reasons and the need to avoid
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long-run productivity losses that mount from such seriously distorted prices is not easily resolved, even with
collective ownership and decisionmaking. The dilemma is not so sharp for wealthy societies which have the
budgetary and management resources to use food stamps or other welfare programs to protect the
consumption levels of very poor people. For less fortunate societies more structural compromises have
seemed inevitable, with at least part of the price and market system being used to deliver food to the poor.
To reconcile the conflict between food prices set for efficiency purposes and food prices set for
distributional purposes, ways must be found to target the effects of price policy interventions. Food stamps
target benefits to poor people very effectively if the bureaucratic capacity exists to identify and reach them
with appropriate amounts of stamps. This is a big "if." Fair-price shops in the context of a dual food price
system have been tried extensively in South Asia. Research by the International Food Policy Research
Institute points to positive consumption consequences of the systems in both Bangladesh and India. The
programs, however, have had very large leakages to nonpoor consumers and significant disincentive effects
for farmers. Most rural consumers have been out of reach of the system. Price targeting by commodity, with
subsidies paid only for food consumed primarily by the poor, has not been tried extensively anywhere, but
the strategy must face problems of supply and the potential use of subsidized inferior foods as livestock
feed. All three approaches used simultaneously in an intersecting targeted program-food stamps to gain
access to fair-price shops that sell foods consumed primarily by the poor-might offer a financially feasible
and effective alternative.
The temptation for governments to intervene in food marketing and price formation is very great. A variety
of interventions can contribute to important social goals. Investments can lower marketing costs. Well-
managed public buffer stocks can improve price stability and set competitive standards for private markets.
Appropriate price levels can improve production incentives or increase food consumption. But an even
greater variety of interventions can disrupt the food system or bring it to a standstill. Narrow margins set by
legislation can drive most food marketing activities into hiding. Heavy consumer subsidies for the major
foodstuff can distort producer incentives a~d place enormous burdens on the budget. Parastatal marketing
agencies with monopoly power can immobilize the efficient allocation of resources and simultaneously
damage the welfare of both poor farmers and poor consumers.
Marketing systems are at once fragile and robust. They are fragile because government actions can, with
ease, drastically raise the risks of storing, transporting, and processing food. With higher risks come higher
marketing costs and a distortion of price signals to producers, consumers, and marketing agents alike. Poor
societies can ill afford the waste from such distortion and inefficiency, especially when caused by the
actions of their own governments.
The robustness of marketing systems comes from the flexibility, adaptability, and sheer drive to survive and
do better that is characteristic of most decisionmakers in most marketing systems. Markets never entirely
disappear. They are too important for both people and society. A strategy that nurtures their development by
encouraging equal access, rather than forces them into hiding, is likely to pay handsome social rewards.
Bibliographical Note
Discussions of markets and prices and of price policies can be found in a number of books on
microeconomic theory, but no textbook deals with these topics explicitly in the context of food crop
marketing in developing countries. The two texts that best Complement this Chapter are Raymond G.
Bressler, Jr., and Richard A. King, Markets, Prices, and Interregional Trade (New York: John Wiley, 1970),
and William G. Tomek and Kenneth L. Robinson, Agricultural Product Prices (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell
University Press, 1981). Analysis of price formation in the presence of divergences between private and
social valuations in supply or demand is presented in W. M. Corden, Trade Policy and Economic Welfare
(Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1974). A modern statement of trade theory and a complete discussion of
international price formation are contained in Richard E. Caves and Ronald W. Jones, World Trade and
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Payments: An Introduction (Boston, Mass.: Little, Brown, 1981). An important but quite sophisticated
analysis of international buffer stock schemes to stabilize commodity prices is presented in David M. G.
Newbery and Joseph E. Stiglitz, The Theory of Commodity Price Stabilization: A Study in the Economics
of Risk (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1981). Their conclusions cast serious doubts on the workability of and
benefits from such schemes. This reinforces this chapter's emphasis on domestic price policy and the use of
international markets to further domestic objectives.
A discussion of market power and price formation is in Kenneth Arrow, "Toward a Theory of Price
Adjustment," The Allocation of Economic Resources (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1959).
This volume also contains a classic article by Hendrik Houthakker on seasonal price formation, "The Scope
and Limits of Futures Trading." Further discussion of market failure is in Francis Bator, "The Anatomy of
Market Failure," Quarterly Journal of Economics (August 1958). The role of education in coping with
disequilibrium is discussed in Theodore W. Schultz, lnvestment in Human Capital: The Role of Education
and of Research (New York: Free Press, 1971).
Examples of the analytical methods introduced in the chapter are presented in a variety of books and
articles. Techniques of price analysis are explained in Frederick V. Waugh, Demand and Price Analysis,
Technical Bulletin no.1316 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic and Statistical
Analysis Division, 1964). An empirical analysis of seasonal price formation is presented in Richard H.
Goldman, "Seasonal Rice Prices in Indonesia, 1953-69: An Anticipatory Price Analysis," Food Research
Institute Studies, vol. 13, no. 2 (1974), pp. 99-143. A study of marketing margins is contained in C. Peter
Timmer, "A Model of Rice Marketing Margins in Indonesia," Food Research Institute Studies, vol. 13, no. 2
(1974), pp. 145-67. A discussion of range of farmer choice in crop sales is in Ammar Siamwalla, "Farmers
and Middlemen: Aspects of Agricultural Marketing in Thailand" (Bangkok: United Nations Asian
Development Institute, 1975).
Techniques that can be used to analyze proposed projects for expanding marketing capacity are discussed in
J. Price Gittinger, Economic Analysis of Agricultural Projects, 2d ed. (Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins
University Press, 1982). The analysis needed to generate data for mapping marketing margins is illustrated
in Scott R. Pearson, J. Dirck Stryker, Charles P. Humphreys,and others, Rice in West Africa: Policy and
Economics (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1981). An analysis of the benefits of price
stabilization is presented in Saleh Afiff and C. Peter Timmer, "Rice Policy in Indonesia," Food Research
Institute Studies, vol. 10, no. 2 (1971), pp. 131-59. The use of rice prices as a major policy instrument by
Asian governments is analyzed in two special issues of Food Research Institute Studies edited by C. Peter
Timmer, "The Political Economy of Rice in Asia," vol.14, nos. 3 and 4 (1975).
Various approaches have been used to describe and analyze marketing systems and policies for food crops.
Elements of the perspective used here draw on the work of William 0. Jones, especially Marketing StapLe
Food Crops in Tropical Africa (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1972). A case study using the Jones
approach is reported in V. Roy Southworth, William 0. Jones, and Scott R. Pearson, "Food Crop Marketing
in Atebubu District, Ghana," Food Research Institute Studies, voL 17, no. 2 (1979), pp.157-95.
The issues of postharvest losses during storage, transporting, and processing are treated in a major section
of Nevin S. Scrimshaw and Mitchell B. Wallerstein, eds., Nutrition Policy Implementation: Issues and
Experience (New York:Plenum Press, 1972), which includes a comment by Michael Lipton that cites
important work done at the Institute of Development Studies at Sussex. See, for example, Martin Greeley,
"Appropriate Technology: Recent Indian Experience with Farm-level Food-grain Research," Food Policy,
vol.3, no. i (February 1978), pp. 39-49.
Three review papers place many of the food crop marketing issues discussed in this chapter in development
perspective: John C. Abbott, "The Development of Marketing Institutions," in Herman M. Southworth and
Bruce F. Johnston, eds., Agricultural Development and Economic Growth (Ithaca, N.Y.:Cornell University
Press, 1969), pp.364-93; Vernon Ruttan, "Agricultural Product and Factor Markets in Southeast Asia,"
Economic Development and Cultural Change, vol.17, no.4 (July1969), pp.501-19; and Barbara Harriss,
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Economic Development and Cultural Change, vol.17, no.4 (July1969), pp.501-19; and Barbara Harriss,
"There Is a Method in My Madness: Or Is It Vice Versa? Measuring Agricultural Market Performance,"
Food Research Institute Studies, vol. 17, no. 2 (1979), pp.197-218.
Book-length case studies include: Paul J. Bohannon and George Dalton, eds., Markets in Africa (Evanston,
Ill.: Northwestern University Press, 1962); Uma J. Lele, Food Grain Marketing in India: Private
Performance and Public Policy (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1971); and Leon A. Mears, Rice
Marketing in the Republik of Indonesia (Jakarta: P. T. Pembangunan, 1961). Results from a number of West
African studies are contained in Elliot Berg, "Marketing, Food Policy and Storage of Food Grains in the
Sahel" (Ann Arbor: University of MichiganlUsAID, Center for Research on Economic Development, 1977).
A series of Latin American studies is summarized in Kelly Harrison and others, "Improving Food Marketing
Systems in Developing Countries: Experience from Latin America," Research Report no.6(East Lansing:
Michigan State University, Latin American Studies Center, November 1976).
Trade protection has been an important topic of recent research. D. Gale Johnson's book, World Agriculture
in Disarray (New York: Macmillan, 1973), documented many of the inefficiencies in agricultural trade
patterns and their high cost to consumers in rich and poor countries. Alex McCalla and Timothy Josling,
eds., Imperfect Markets in Agricultural Trade (Montclair, N.J.: Allenheld-Osman, 1981), has an extensive
bibliography and assessment of research needs. Studies by International Food Policy Research Institute,
Agricultural Protection in OECD Countries: Its Cost to Less Developed Countries (Washington, D.C.:
IFPRI, December 1980), and Jimmye Hiliman, Nontariff Agricultural Trade Barriers (Lincoln: University of
Nebraska Press, 1978), look specifically ac the problems of developing countries caused by the agricultural
trade barriers of developed countries.
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5. Macroeconomic Policies and the Food System
Food policy analysts would seem to have enough to worry about with food consumption and nutrition, food
production and rural employment generation, domestic food price formation and the efficiency of storage,
transportation, and processing, and the effects of international prices on both domestic prices and the
opportunity costs of domestic policies. Indeed, "getting the issues right" in all these areas is a large task, and
designing effective policies to deal with the issues an even larger one. Few countries are this far along in
understanding and implementing consistent policies designed to reach the four basic objectives for the food
sector. Certainly much can be done to improve sectoral policies and performance without looking beyond
the micro sectors.
Still, that is not enough. In the long run, macroeconomic forces are too pervasive and too powerful for
micro sectoral strategies to overcome. When they work at cross-purposes, as they do in many developing
countries, an unfavorable macroeconomic environment will ultimately erode even the best plans for
consumption, production, or marketing. A simple example that integrates issues from all three sectors into a
macro context illustrates why this is so.
Before rice can be eaten, it must first be grown and then processed into the milled rice preferred by
consumers. Exactly how the milling is done turns out to be very important because it affects employment,
income distribution, the amount of rice available to consumers (or the amount of rice imported or exported),
and incentives to producers to grow rice. The range of technology available for milling rice varies
enormously-from hand-pounding with a pole in a hollowed log to very sophisticated and expensive
multiplepass milling machines integrated with large-scale drying and storage facilities that provide optimal
control over the rice grain from delivery afrer harvest to packaging for consumers.
Rice milling facilities in between these two extremes range from very small, self-contained mills, which
offer labor savings over hand-pounding at modest capital expense, to larger mills, which become
progressively mote expensive, more labor-saving, and more technically efficient in converting paddy into
milled rice. The choice is not restricted to the extremes although either can be appropriate in particular
circumstances. The choice is wide. The opportunity exists to find just the right combination of investment
cost, use of labor, and technical efficiency to fit a particular local environment.
What is the appropriate choice of technique in rice milling? The more costly techniques in terms of
investment per ton of milling capacity are also more technically efficient. For each ton of rough rice input,
the more sophisticated facilities produce higher quality rice with less waste. The smaller and cheaper mills,
however, need more labor per ton of capacity and will create more jobs than larger-scale mills. If a private
entrepreneur is trying to make a decision about investing in a rice mill, asking which technique is
appropriate is similar analytically to asking how farmers should produce their output - the factor-factor
decision analyzed in chapter 3 with the isoquant in figure 3-2. When the private sector is making the
investment decision in the context of market prices, the technique which is least costly per ton of output
will be installed.
Like the fertilizer and rice prices facing the farmer in chapter 3, the relevant prices in the rice miller's
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decision are not set solely by market forces, but are susceptible to policy influence. The miller's calculations
depend on nearly every important macroeconomic variable in a country: foreign exchange rates, interest
rates, wage rates, and rice prices. Foreign exchange rates dictate the cost of imported machinery for the rice
mill, interest rates determine the cost of the loan to pay for the machinery and the building, wage rates
determine the labor costs of running the establishment after it is operational, and rice prices determine the
value of the additional milled rice produced from each ton of paddy input by more technically efficient
When macro policy alters these important prices from their equilibrium values based on existing domestic
abundance and scarcity of the factors, the impact on choice of technique can be dramatic. When grain prices
are kept low, storage and processing facilities that save grain are not so profitable; few investments are
made to save grain, and little management effort is exerted to run the available facilities efficiently. When
interest rates are heavily subsidized and wage rates for unskilled labor are raised by legislation, large-scale,
capital-intensive mills are installed in the midst of widespread unemployment. If foreign exchange is
allocated to preferred investors at a cheap price, they will invest heavily in imported machinery, which tends
to be labor-displacing, while other investors outside the allocation process may not even be able to purchase
spare parts for their trucks or small-scale mills. Although the example here uses rice mills, the impact of
distorted macro prices on domestic investors obviously extends to nearly every sector.
For analysts to determine both the impact of existing macro policies on private investors in rice mills and
the appropriate milling technique to maximize social profitability, two separate issues must be addressed.
First, social profitability analysis of the alternative techniques will indicate which one adds most to the
social value of milled rice relative to rough rice. Second, this analysis will include a calculation of the
budget allocations needed to translate the desired level of macro prices that reflect social profitability into
actual market prices that private investors will use to make decisions. Determining the desired levels for
these prices places the issue of appropriate rice milling investments in a larger social context.
The answer to which technique is appropriate in social as opposed to private terms depends on how society
values job creation, the alternative uses of investment funds, and the foreign exchange needed to pay for
milling machinery and the rice imported to replace that lost in processing when a less technically efficient
mill is chosen. In other words, what is the scarcity value of labor? What is the opportunity cost of capital?
What is society's capacity to produce goods for export in order to import?
Empirical analysis of these questions often shows that existing market prices diverge from social
opportunity costs. In the terminology of the programming tableau of chapter 3, the shadow prices for labor,
capital, and foreign exchange may be different from market values used by private decisionmakers in the
economy. Sometimes this happens because of government intervention.
For example, if interest rates are subsidized in the hope of inducing investment in modern plants and
equipment, rice millers may buy facilities that are technically sophisticated but difficult to manage in a
traditional rural economy where the marketing infrastructure is inadequate to supply the daily input needs of
a large modern unit. Then the private interest costs are being distorted by government policy.
Alternatively, if widespread rural unemployment exists, the social cost of employing labor may be much less
than the actual market wage for the reasons discussed in chapter 3. Here the failure is in the market
mechanism itself, and policymakers may then seek interventions to reduce the profitability of more capital-
intensive, labor-saving mills in order to generate more jobs.
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Several important tradeoffs are involved in these policy decisions. Keeping wages high will help those with
jobs, but may induce firms to choose technologies that use little labor. Forcing interest rates down may
prevent owners of capital from receiving large earnings on their savings, but it may force capital into
unproductive uses. In addition, closing any gap between social and private prices for important factors of
production and commodities usually requires government subsidies. Consequently, finding the socially
appropriate policy environment depends on the difficulty of raising funds to pay for these budget subsidies.
These subsidies can be used to narrow the marketing margin and sofren the food price dilemma, but at the
same time they will also favor investment in more technically efficient mills that displace labor. Only
technically efficient mills can survive the pressure caused by very narrow margins between paddy and
milled rice prices. Price policies that lower domestic rice prices will favor consumers at the expense of
producers, but lower rice prices also favor labor-intensive rice mills. These smaller mills waste more rice
and generally produce a lower quality of output. Some clear and obvious tradeoffs are apparent in making
this choice.
Government policies strongly condition the macro environment in which micro decisions are made by
consumers, producers, and marketing agents in the food system. When it is recognized that fiscal and
monetary policies are intimately connected to the real values of policy-determined factor prices, it is
apparent that macroeconomic policy has a pervasive influence on the structure of incentives and
performance in the entire food system. Especially in the long run, macroeconomic policy determines the rate
of growth of both urban and rural sectors and also conditions the structure of that growth. In particular, the
degree of job creation and the distribution of income (and food consumption) are more a function of
macroeconomic policy than of sectoral investments and project design.
A major dilemma exists over this powerful role of the macro economy because short-run income
distribution consequences of a policy are frequently the opposite of its long-run effects. Consequently, the
food price dilemma which is the focus of much of this book has its parallel in macro policy. Because of the
important two-way connections between food policy and macro policy, it is necessary to integrate the food
price dilemma into this basic equity-efficiency trade off for macro policy, a task for later in the chapter.
First, a review of the simple elements of macroeconomics in a food policy context is necessary. Analysts
should hope to draw from this review not the skills needed to design better macro policies, but rather the
insight and language needed to participate in the debate over macro policy reforms. These reforms have
enormous implications for the food sector.
The Macro Economy and Macro Policies
Comprehending the relationship between the food system and the macro economy helps identify the policy
issues and range of choices available to policymakers. A distorted set of macro policies-which typically
includes rapid inflation, an overvalued exchange rate, subsidized interest rates for preferred creditors,
minimum wages for an urban working class elite, and depressed rural incentives-makes rapid growth in
agricultural output extremely difficult, while it simultaneously skews the distribution of earned income.
Short-run interests of poor people are often protected to some extent by such policies because they tend to
make cheap food available through subsidized imports.
When macro policies are badly distorted, their cumulative impact puts pressure on the economy for major
policy reforms. As these pressures build, the options available to food policymakers are extremely limited:
more investment in irrigation, a better agricultural research and extension program, perhaps a subsidy on
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fertilizer and modern seeds. These will contribute to agricultural growth, but in the constraining
environment of distorted macro policies, such programs will not provide the basis for long-run dynamic
growth of rural output and incomes, which is the essential base for a food policy that simultaneously
increases food production while reducing hunger.
Consequently, policy analysts need to understand the elements of an effective macro reform and determine
its impact on food policy objectives. It is not the mandate or the prerogative of food policy analysts to
design and implement such reforms. But the reforms do come eventually because serious macro distortions
generate powerful forces for macro policies more consistent with real scarcity values in the economy. Either
external creditors-the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, bilateral donor agencies, or the
multinational commercial banks-force these painful adjustments when a crisis is reached, or else a country's
macro policymakers stay ahead of the situation and design new policies that avert a crisis.
At one level these macro reforms are simple and obvious-remove the distortions in macro prices and change
fiscal and monetary policies to slow the rate of inflation. Even without specific concern for the food sector,
such a macro reform is likely to raise farm incomes by improving the rural-urban terms of trade. The food
price will rise to its international opportunity cost. More broadly, the devaluation that brings foreign
exchange rates into equilibrium usually will pump new purchasing power into rural areas, with positive
effects on rural employment and improved income distribution. Eventually, scarcity values for labor and
capital will induce a new efficiency in resource use which leads to greater employment creation and faster
economic growth.
Governments, however, are usually very reluctant to take these steps, for there are major short-run political
and welfare consequences. For the reforms to be effective, many price increases will be needed, and overall
budget subsidies must be cut. The real incomes of many workers and civil servants will be sharply reduced,
and the urban political base of a government can be seriously threatened in the wake of the painful
adjustments needed. With regard to food policy, those adjustments hinge critically on the likely reductions in
food consumption by poor households caused by the higher food prices that almost inevitably accompany a
macro reform. Here lies a major concern of the food policy analyst, for if a macro reform is in the works,
those responsible for food policy had best be prepared with a set of food consumption interventions that will
prevent the worst manifestations of such a squeeze on the poor.
A more active role is also possible. By carefully laying out the conflict between food consumption and
productive efficiency to macro policymakers and by designing short-run targeted food consumption
subsidies-of the types described in chapters 2 and 4-to help poor people across the bridge to long-run
economic growth, food policy analysts can make it easier for macro policymakers to proceed with the
needed reforms. The political inertia so often observed in the face of macro economies run amok is entirely
understandable. It is an almost inevitable result of the basic food price dilemma itself, as extended to the
macro context. An analytically sound food policy offers macro policymakers a new potential for action.
Capturing this opportunity requires a dialogue between food policy and macro policy analysts; for this
exchange the food policy analyst needs to understand the world from the macro analyst's point of view.
Describing Macro Economies
Macro economies can be described in four quite different, and yet ultimately identical, ways: in terms of
demand, supply, and income, and in monetary terms. In the demand approach the total of a nation's
economic activity is disaggregated into the major components of final demand-usually consumption, private
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investment, government expenditures, and any excess of exports over imports. When totaled, these
components make up a country's gross domestic product, or GDP. When net income transfers to or from
abroad are added, the total is gross national product, or GNP. The composition and overall aggregate of
demand has provided the main focus of macroeconomic theory and policy in market economies since the
Keynesian revolution began in the 1930s.
Just as food cannot be consumed unless it is first produced, aggregate demand cannot be met without a
supply of goods and services. The supply approach focuses on the structure by sector of production in an
economy. When output from agriculture, industry, services, and government is totaled, the result is also
GDP, and hence aggregate supply equals aggregate demand. Political and theoretical attention in developed
countries has recently been directed to this "supply side," as declining productivity and "stagflation"-the
combination of economic stagnation and rapid inflation-have discredited much of modern macroeconomics
as practiced in the industrialized countries. The supply approach to macroeconomics has a long tradition,
however, as classical macroeconomic theory focuses attention on the dynamics of long-run aggregate
supply. This concern for expansion of output has obvious relevance to developing countries-a relevance that
concern for the adequacy of aggregate demand often does not have.
The production of goods and services requires the employment of factors of production-labor, capital, land,
entrepreneurship and management-which earn income in return for their services. These incomes provide
the wherewithal to purchase the goods and services that have been produced. Incomes thus provide a third
way of tallying up national economic activity.
In market economies the total of wages, interest, rent, and profits is spent on the components of aggregate
final demand, and so total incomes also equal GDP. Aggregate income and its distribution among the basic
claimants in the economy are major concerns of macroeconomic analysis.
In socialist economies where rationing is used to distribute many goods and services and where the
domestic currency is not convertible into foreign exchange (and hence into imports), the total national
economic output is much more difficult to tally. Excess consumer purchasing power, arbitrary accounting
prices, and the direct allocation of housing, health services, and even public transportation make Western
macroeconomic accounting systems of little use. At the same time, the distribution of incomes is determined
primarily by the availability of rationed goods and services, not by money incomes as such. For this reason,
the extremes of poverty and wealth often seen in market economies are not so prevalent in those socialist
economies that are well managed.
Each of these three ways of describing a macro economy-demand, supply, and income-will be equally valid
even in a traditional, subsistence economy where exchange of goods and services takes place only by
physical barter. Nearly all economies have found a more efficient mechanism of exchange-the use of money
as a medium in which the prices of all goods and services are quoted. Indeed, it is through prices that all the
components can be added in a meaningful way. The use of monetary units, however, should not hide the
"real" nature of the economy being examined. Even when the real level of activity is constant, the monetary
total of economic activity can change because of changes in the general level of prices.
A general increase in prices-inflation-is a monetary phenomenon caused by changes in the amount of
money in circulation (or the rate at which it changes hands). The monetary policies that bring about
inflation, however, also involve variables that affect the real economy. A complex and poorly understood
relationship exists among the money supply, interest rates, inflation, price expectations, investment, and the
distribution of income. Money is more than just a convenient medium of exchange. It is also a significant
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factor with direct influence on the level of macroeconomic activity. The description and analysis of a macro
economy in monetary terms is as legitimate and important as its description and analysis in terms of
demand, supply, and income.
These various macroeconomic approaches would seem to be of scant concern to food policy analysts. As
seen in the rice milling example, however, most governments try to influence the level and distribution of
macroeconomic activity with a variety of policy instruments, nearly all of which have powerful direct or
indirect effects on the food system as well as on overall economic performance. Some of these effects on the
food system are intended, but most are simply accidental fallout. Much of macro policy is designed with
little thought given to its ultimate impact on such important food system variables as production, prices,
distribution of consumption, and volume of food imports.
Three main areas of macroeconomic policy will receive attention here: the budget, fiscal and monetary
policy, and macro prices (foreign exchange rates, interest rates, and wage rates). In addition, macro policy
has an indirect but powerful impact on food prices specifically and on the overall terms of trade between
rural and urban sectors more broadly. The terms of trade will also be considered as an element of macro
The impact of macro policy on the formation of food policy, and on the food system itself, is summarized in
figure 5-1. Although in the figure all the arrows connecting macro policy to food policy flow in one
direction only, feedback effects can be important in particular circumstances. The diagram emphasizes the
dual nature of macroeconomic policy: its fiscal and monetary component primarily expressed via budgetary
policy and subsequent implications for monetary growth; and its policy component with respect to the three
macro prices-foreign exchange rates, interest rates, and wage rates. Inflation plays a central role in
conditioning the real levels faced by the micro decisionmakers in an economy of policy-determined,
nominal macro prices. In addition, the border policies discussed in chapter 4 are a major determinant of
food prices directly and of the rural-urban terms of trade more broadly. Figure 5-1 assembles all the
components that comprise a country's food policy.
Budget Policy
No government budget anywhere in the world is allocated solely on the basis of economic criteria. The
budgetary process involves hearing and judging competing claims for budget revenues, and the judgments
cannot avoid such noneconomic intangibles as national security and political expediency. Most claims on
budget revenues are challenged and compromised, and few participants end up entirely happy with the
Budget allocations to the food sector are no exception, whether for consumer subsidy programs or
agricultural research and extension. Food policy analysts cannot take for granted a guaranteed share of the
budget for food programs. Two questions are of chief concern to food policy analysts: how large should
overall budget allocations for the food sector be; and how should resources be allocated to various programs
within the food sector, between consumption and production and between recurrent expenditures and
investment? Because the implementation of many food price policies, such as those discussed in chapters 2
and 4, requires budget subsidies, to join the budget debate is to join virtually the entire food policy debate.
Out of this debate emerge the nuts and bolts of a country's actual food policy.
Figure 5-1. Major Connections between Macroeconomic Policy and Food Policy
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Figure 5-2 shows the elements of the budget allocation process important for food policy. The size of the
government budget is determined by total tax revenues and the size of the deficit (or surplus), which
together make up fiscal policy. The total budget is allocated between the food and nonfood sectors (although
the distinction is sometimes arbitrary, as with investments in roads or port facilities).
Figure 5-2. Budget Allocations and the Food Sector
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As noted above, the basis for making this allocation extends well beyond the results of social benefit-cost
analysis to include important political and security issues. Allocations to programs for food producers and
allocations to programs for food consumers are not necessarily at the expense of each other from a fixed
food sector budget. There is some tendency for each major program to compete with all other programs in
the budget, not just with other programs within its own sector.
For many countries the major budget allocation to the food sector is for subsidies to producers, consumers,
or both. At one time more than half of Sri Lanka's budget was devoted to food subsidies for consumers; in
1981 nearly one-third of China's budget was devoted to subsidizing both food consumers and producers.
These subsidies have the implicit goal of dealing with the welfare consequences of the food price dilemma-
an inability to keep farm prices high and food prices low. Often, as in China, this goal is quite explicit.
The relationship between the use of subsidies in effecting income transfers to producers and consumers and
the role of subsidies in implementing food price policy is shown by the dotted lines in figure 5-2. As shown
in chapter 4, most price policies for basic food grains rely on trade or subsidy instruments to force a wedge
between international prices for the commodity and its domestic price to producers, consumers, or both.
Trade restrictions on imports or exports produce revenue for the budget. But budget allocations are required
for the food subsidies needed to keep domestic prices of imported food below the international price. As
noted in chapter 2, unless these consumer subsidies are carefully targeted to particular consumer groups,
they inevitably spill over to become part of food price policy. Producer subsidies have similar
characteristics. In some countries budget policy, subsidy policy, and food price policy are the same thing.
Budget allocations are also required for recurring expenses, such as salaries and office expenses for an
extension service or market information system, or interest on the public debt. Recurring expenses represent
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government consumption. They may be essential to the day-to-day provision of important government
services, but they do not build new productive capacity except in a very indirect way, as when extension
agents increase the decisionmaking abilities of the farmers they reach. Then the budget is being invested in
human capital.
Budget allocations for investment are intended to build long-run productive capacity directly. Investments
in the food sector are usually designed to increase food production-irrigation facilities, rural infrastructure,
including electrification and roads, agricultural research, and so on. But important investments can also be
made on behalf of food consumers. Because of the relationship among nutritional status, health status, and
food intake, government investment in public health infrastructure-sanitation, clean water, rural clinics, and
immunization programs-can significantly improve the efficiency of food consumers' expenditures. Equally
important in the long run, investments in agricultural research benefit consumers as well as farmers.
Improved agricultural technology lowers costs of production, and because agriculture tends to be a
competitive industry, lower costs are passed on to consumers quite directly.
Fiscal and Monetary policy
The overall size of the government budget (relative to the size of the economy) is determined by two factors:
the willingness and ability of the government to tax the domestic economy to produce revenue and the
willingness to run and finance budget deficits. Both are the province of fiscal policy and, because deficits
typically are financed by increasing the money supply, of monetary policy. The inflationary consequences of
rapid increases in the money supply can be quite severe, and most countries attempt to use tax policy to
generate as much government revenue as possible. Raising taxes distorts the economy in other ways,
however, and these distortions, plus the bureaucratic difficulties of administering complicated tax codes in
developing economies, place tight limits on the size of tax revenues.
A fundamental principle of taxation in societies attempting to alleviate poverty and reach a more equal
distribution of income is that the burden of taxes should fall proportionately heavier on higher-income
citizens. With progressive taxation in many industrialized countries, not only do tax collections rise in
proportion to a person's income, but also the legislated tax rate rises with income. In fact, effective tax rates
actually paid are quite uniform even in rich countries, and few developing countries are able to use
progressive taxation because of the difficulty of defining and accurately measuring personal incomes. The
tax structures of some poor countries are regressive because the commodities that are the most easily taxed
in such countries are those produced or consumed by poor people. Export taxes on smallholder agricultural
products, for example, usually have a regressive incidence.
The costs of tax collection include administrative expenses and the costs taxpayers incur in complying with,
legally avoiding, or illegally evading the tax laws. Because of the high level of administrative capacity
required to enforce taxes, especially on factor income (private and corporate income taxes and land taxes),
most developing countries raise large proportions of their revenues from commodity taxes, such as import,
export, sales, and excise taxes. These taxes are not necessarily regressive, especially if efforts are made to
exempt the commodities most important in the lives of the poor. Failure to make these efforts, however,
often means that the tax burden falls predominately on poor people.
A handful of countries have access to significant budget revenues without having to tax their own citizens.
Exporters of natural resources with low exploitation costs, especially petroleum, are able to generate large
rents paid by foreign consumers. With appropriate government policies designed to capture the profits
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implicit in the gap between the domestic resource costs of producing the oil or copper and its sale price in
world markets, these fortunate countries are able to transfer substantial revenues to the government treasury
without domestic efficiency losses, income distribution effects, or the collection costs associated with raising
local tax revenues.
These countries are not without macroeconomic problems, however. The large influx of foreign exchange
supports an exchange rate and level of imported goods that can seriously reduce output and employment in
domestic productive sectors, both agricultural and industrial. These macro problems of wealth are perhaps
easier to deal with than the problems of a poor resource base and low tax revenues, and little attention is
paid to the problems of countries with foreign exchange surpluses in the rest of this chapter. Significant
inflows of foreign aid can also ease the domestic tax burden. Very few countries, however, can look to this
Given the limitations on raising tax revenues and the equally intense pressures to increase spending, most
countries incur significant budget deficits. In principle, the deficit could be covered by borrowing from the
domestic private sector or from abroad, but in practice most developing countries with budget problems
finance large portions of their deficits through expansionary monetary policy, that is, through central bank
purchases of government debt. For this reason fiscal and monetary policies are closely linked in developing
Monetary policy affects the size and rate of expansion of the country's supply of money. Where up to half a
country's GDP is produced seasonally in the agricultural sector, an important task of monetary policy is to
manage the money supply flexibly to allow enough operating capital to finance seasonal requirements.
Money, including cash, savings accounts, and demand deposits (checking accounts), represents purchasing
power in an economy. If a government's central bank expands the money supply at about the same rate as
the economy-wide growth of physical output of goods and services (or somewhat faster if the economy is
still in the process of becoming monetized), the purchasing power of money creates an aggregate demand
for goods and services that is just met by the available aggregate supply of physical output, and overall
prices do not change. When a government has its central bank print money to finance a large budget deficit,
upward pressure on prices results because aggregate demand exceeds aggregate supply. In revenue-poor
developing countries, large budget deficits cause rapid growth of the money supply, which usually results in
Inflation is a continuing increase in the overall level of prices for a country's goods and services, as
measured by consumer or wholesale price indices. In every economy's national income accounts, aggregate
supply of goods and services produced must equal aggregate demand from the total of expenditures, as
shown in the following identity (which holds by definition):
Aggregate output = aggregate expenditures
Origin of income) = (uses of income)
Y = P*Q = C+I+G+X-M
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where Y = monetary value of national output or income
P = price index covering all goods and services produced
Q = quantity index covering all goods and services produced
C = national consumption expenditures in private sector
I = national investment expenditures in private sector
G = government expenditures on consumption and investment
X = total value of exports
M = total value of imports.
When the government runs a budget deficit and finances it by expanding the money supply, government
demand for goods and services (G in the identity above) will rise. This increased demand can call forth
increased physical supplies of goods and services (Q) if there are unemployed resources, such as idle labor,
unutilized plant capacity, or open land, that can be quickly brought into production. But in developing
countries supply bottlenecks rather than inadequate demand tend to be the constraint on rapid increases in
output, and so Q does not increase. For the value of aggregate output (Y) to equal the value of aggregate
expenditures after G has risen, either imports must increase (with an impact on the foreign exchange rate to
be discussed shortly) or the general price level P must rise, thus causing inflation. If the balance of trade is
held constant, more money is chasing the same amount of goods and services.
This demand-pull inflation results directly from macro policy and is the main, but not the only, source of
inflation. Cost-push inflation occurs if suppliers of inputs, particularly labor unions, are successful in
organizing to raise the costs of their services. Large wage settlements are then passed along by firms to
consumers in the form of higher product prices. Cost-push inflation may be a significant problem in
industrialized countries with strong labor unions, but it is relatively insignificant in developing countries
where industrial sectors are small, and unions, if they exist at all, have limited power.
Inflation can also be imported. The prices of goods and services that countries buy from abroad rise along
with inflation in the exporting countries. In recent years the prices of imports in developing countries have
risen 10 to 15 percent annually, apart from petroleum products whose prices have risen much faster than
other imports since 1973. Governments with fixed exchange rates have little effective control over imported
Macro Prices and the Food Sector
In Western economies most attention to macroeconomic policy has been focused on the budget, fiscal, and
monetary issues and on the resulting levels of aggregate output and rates of inflation. Until recently,
relatively little attention was devoted to another arena of government macro policy, the formation of prices
for factors of production-labor, capital, and land-and the formation of two important terms of trade-between
domestic and international goods and between rural and urban goods. These five prices-wage rates, interest
rates, land rental rates, foreign exchange rates, and the rural-urban terms of trade (the food parity price)-are
significantly influenced by basic macroeconomic policy in an economy.
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The rice milling example illustrated the importance of the dual role of these prices in allocating resources
efficiently and in determining levels and distribution of incomes. For both reasons, governments in
developing countries frequently use macro policy instruments in conscious attempts to influence the levels
of these prices. The direct role of government policy in determining three of them-foreign exchange rates,
interest rates, and wage rates-makes it appropriate to call them macro prices. Land rental rates and the rural-
urban terms of trade are influenced by macro policy in equally powerful but much more complicated ways.
They are treated as an indirect result of macro policy, the outcome of a complex interplay among trade and
subsidy policies, fiscal and monetary policies, and the other macro price policies.
Macro prices signal the scarcity of the factor of production concerned and, consequently, the incomes
flowing to each factor. Because most governments wish to affect income distribution in their societies, they
are greatly tempted to use government policy in an effort to set macro prices, rather than allow them to be
determined by market forces. If wage rates can be set high, labor is no longer cheap, and poverty is
eliminated. If interest rates can be set low, capital is not scarce, and a country can quickly have a modern
industrial sector. If food prices are kept low, food is abundant, and no one will be hungry. Macro prices
reflect the most basic conditions of a country's economy. A government that attempts to set these prices to
express its urgent desire for a modern, prosperous society is trying to short-circuit the economic
development process. It is no wonder that many countries have tried this approach. When it fails-as it must
until the productivity base has been built that will support higher standards of living in the long run-the
economy is riddled with serious price distortions. Resource allocations skew income distribution while much
of the labor power of the work force is left untapped, and the government faces stagnant growth in both
agricultural and industrial output. It is not easy to put such an economy back on track.
Some macro prices are easer to influence than others. The foreign exchange rate is most susceptible to
government control. Except for cases of significant imbalance between the official rate and what private
markets are willing to pay, most central banks are able to make the official rate widely reflected in actual
transactions throughout the economy. Interest rates and wage rates are subject to progressively less effective
government control. As already noted, the land rental rate and the rural-urban terms of trade are determined
by even more complicated mechanisms than the specific macro prices. Macro policy and the food parity
price, however, are functionally related to each other and need to be analyzed together. The rural-urban
terms of trade cannot be understood independently of macroeconomic policy. A separate section of this
chapter attempts to show the connections.
Foreign Exchange Rates
An exchange rate for a nation's currency establishes its value relative to the currency of another country. For
many industrialized countries the price of foreign exchange is determined in international currency markets
by the supply of and demand for a country's currency. These are established by the country's balance
between imports and exports and international capital flows. Similar fundamental economic forces exist in
developing countries, but their exchange rates are typically set by governments rather than determined in
markets. Whether a government sets the foreign exchange rate at a level that will more or less clear the
market determines whether imports or exports are priced (in domestic currency) at levels that reflect their
economic scarcities relative to domestic goods and services that are not traded internationally.
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The exchange rate reflects the rate at which a country must give up its own currency to obtain foreign
currency to import goods and services, and it simultaneously determines the value in domestic currency of
goods and services that are exported. If the exchange rate between the Indonesian rupiah (Rp) and the U.S.
dollar is set at Rp 625/$1, Indonesian importers must pay 625 rupiahs to receive one dollar's worth of
imports, and similarly each dollar of export earnings is worth 625 rupiahs when translated into domestic
A developing country typically ties or pegs its currency to that of a major trading partner, usually the U.S.
dollar, which exchanges freely with currencies of other trading partners. As long as the rate is pegged, the
currency follows the fate of the U.S. dollar in the foreign exchange markets, declining in value in relation to
currencies of third countries as the dollar depreciates relative to those currencies and rising in value as the
dollar appreciates. The exchange rate between the rupiah and the Japanese yen, for example, is thus
determined by dollar versus yen movements as long as the rupiah remains tied to the dollar at a fixed rate.
A government can change the price of its currency in terms of the dollar (and hence also of all other
currencies) by setting a new official exchange rate. To lower the value of its currency, that is, to devalue, a
government simply announces that henceforth more domestic currency will be needed to exchange for one
dollar. A change in the rate from Rp 625/$1 to Rp 700/ $1 would be a 12 percent devaluation of the rupiah
relative to the dollar [(700 - 625)/625]. Changes in the opposite direction, for example, from Rp 625/$1 to
Rp 550/$1 would amount to a 12 percent revaluation [(625 -550)/625].
Many developing countries choose explicitly or implicitly to maintain overvalued exchange rates. Such rates
keep the cost of foreign exchange low and hence imports cheap. They cannot be maintained with free
markets for foreign exchange, however, or there would be excess demand for foreign currency to pay for a
flood of imported goods. The low rates can be maintained only by currency controls, import tariffs and
barriers, and allocations of foreign exchange to preferred importers or for high priority uses (often,
unfortunately, military hardware). The presence of such controls and trade barriers shows that a country's
currency is overvalued, although by how much is a difficult topic beyond the scope of this analysis.
If a country's exchange rate is overvalued, commodities such as food crops that normally are traded
internationally either as imports or as exports are undervalued. Farmers receive less for their crops than they
would if the price of foreign exchange were market-determined. Hence overvalued exchange rates act as an
implicit tax on agriculture. All consumers of food and other traded goods are thus subsidized indirectly
because of the low prices for these items. The government budget is also relieved of part of the direct
burden of providing any food subsidies since these are shifted to food producers through lower prices.
Consequently, the tendency toward overvalued exchange rates has a strong biasing effect on the food
system. favoring urban food consumers and penalizing rural food producers.
Providers of nontraded domestic services, such as marketing agents and civil servants, and of goods that do
not enter world trade, such as bulky commodities with high transportation costs, benefit from an overvalued
exchange rate. The domestic prices of the nontraded goods and services are relatively high (and profitable)
compared with the prices for food and imported goods, which are relatively unprofitable.
Overvalued exchange rates are a major reason the rural-urban terms of trade are so unfavorable for
agricultural producers in developing coutries, and they are a major source of the "urban bias" that, according
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to Michael Lipton, leaves poor people poor. This urban bias has strong political roots in the student-
industrial worker-civil servant power base of most governments in the developing world. But overvalued
exchange rates are usually not the result of an overt and conscious choice of the government, even though
the urban political support is welcome. In most cases, overvalued exchange rates are generated without
specific policy decisions by differential inflation rates and are sustained to some extent by the prevalence of
industrial protection.
If a country begins with a fixed exchange rate that correctly prices its currency relative to foreign currencies,
then the demand for foreign exchange is matched by its supply. Domestic inflation, however, places
pressure on the country's fixed exchange rate because import demand will increase in the face of lower
relative prices for imported goods, export earnings will decline because of decreased demand for the goods
the country sells, and the market for foreign exchange will not clear at the fixed exchange rate without
capital inflows.
Because virtually all countries experience some inflation, the relevant comparison is between the domestic
rate of inflation and the rate in countries that are major trading partners. If a country experiences an annual
rate of inflation in its wholesale price index of 20 percent and if its main trading partners also experience 20
percent inflation during the year, domestic and foreign costs and prices would rise by the same amount, and
there would be no pressure on the exchange rate (in the absence of other structural changes in the economy,
such as differential productivity growth). If the inflation rate in the principal trading partners is only 8
percent, a figure more in line with recent experience of industrialized countries, the differential rate of
inflation is 12 percent (20 percent in the developing country minus 8 percent in its trading partners). The
exchange rate thus becomes overvalued by approximately 12 percent, even though no policymaker made any
decisions at all about the exchange rate.
Many developing countries are able to maintain overvalued exchange rates because of protective trade
policies, often supplemented by exchange controls and restrictions on foreign investment. Most governments
impose tariffs or quantitative restrictions on imports in an attempt to promote more rapid industrialization or
to raise government revenues. Taxes on exports also raise government revenues while keeping domestic
commodity prices low.
Protection is an instrument of industrial policy and of agricultural policy in many industrialized countries as
well as developing countries, but it has an important, and often fully intended, impact on exchange rates
which is relatively more important for poor countries. Protection raises the domestic market prices of
protected goods, which are or could be imported. In the absence of such protection the prices of these goods
would drop, demand for them would rise, and more would be imported. Bidding for the foreign exchange to
pay for these imports would cause the equilibrium value of foreign exchange to rise. When the government
maintains protectionist policies, the domestic currency can be overvalued, although supply of and demand
for foreign currency is in balance.
Overvalued exchange rates tend to divert the flow of purchasing power to urban areas, usually widening
rural-urban income distribution disparities. The depressed rural incentives cause low growth in output and
little gain in rural employment. Low food prices provide general subsidies to food consumers, which may
protect the welfare of the poor and raise total food intake. But since domestic food production is depressed
and foreign exchange is cheap, food imports tend to expand considerably. The strong tendency in
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developing countries toward overvalued exchange rates thus places heavy burdens on the design of a food
The remedy for overvaluation of an exchange rate is devaluation, which is meant to permit the economy to
regain its international competitiveness. Differential inflation distorts the price relationships between
tradable goods and services whose prices are determined by international market prices and nontradable
domestic goods and services. The latter are termed "nontradable" because transportation costs are so high for
certain types of bulky, low-valued goods, such as sweet potatoes, that their prices are determined by local
supply and demand conditions rather than by international market prices.
Because of differential inflation the prices of tradable goods in domestic currency are too low to clear the
market for foreign exchange. At the fixed exchange rate, too many imports are desired and too few exports
are supplied. A devaluation attempts to correct this situation by raising the prices of tradable goods relative
to those of nontradable goods. Because the amount of domestic currency earned per unit of foreign currency
is increased, producers of tradable goods receive higher prices relative to producers of non-tradable goods.
It is as if there were only two goods produced in the economy, and the government raised the price of one
(tradables) while leaving that of the other (nontradables) initially unaffected. In the example, a 12 percent
devaluation results in a 12 percent increase in the price of tradable goods. Consumers switch some of their
demand from the previously too cheap tradable goods to the now relatively less expensive nontradable
goods. Because their prices have gone up, producers of tradable goods expand output, and because prices of
nontradable goods have fallen, their suppliers contract production. Import demand falls, export supplies rise,
and demand for non-tradable goods increases. A devaluation thus brings about shifts in demand and supply
by changing relative prices between tradable and nontradable goods. But the decreased supply of and
increased demand for nontradable goods will push their prices up again unless fiscal and monetary policies
reduce aggregate demand or changed expectations lead to greater investment and less consumption.
A devaluation by itself, especially if the extent of protection remains unchanged, cannot solve the problem.
Differential inflation is the cause of the overvaluation. If domestic inflation is permitted to continue at levels
exceeding inflation in the major trading partners, devaluation alone will be followed by a rise in the relative
price of nontradable goods because of inflation. This rise will offset the initial price change and thwart the
switching of demand from tradable to nontradable goods and of supply in the reverse direction. The
exchange rate will again become overvalued (albeit at the new exchange rate). To be successful in the short
run, a devaluation must be accompanied by fiscal and monetary policies that reduce inflation by cutting
aggregate demand and lowering domestic expenditures. To be successful in the long run, the devaluation
must change expectations and generate greater investment by both domestic and foreign firms.
Most governments, however, find it very difficult to adopt more stringent fiscal, monetary, and exchange
rate policies. Devaluation is a politically sensitive topic largely because two groups are immediately worse
off after a devaluation: owners or workers producing nontradable goods and services or using large amounts
of tradable inputs-for example, civil servants and factory workers; and consumers, especially urban
residents, who have a high propensity to consume tradable goods. Continued overvaluation subsidizes the
real incomes of civil servants and urban residents in the short run and thus is politically popular. But it acts
as an implicit tax on agriculture because part of the cost of food subsidies is transferred from the
government budget to food producers. A devaluation usually raises food prices and thus shifts the food
parity price (the rural-urban terms of trade) in favor of agriculture. Many rural dwellers produce tradable
goods with the use of nontraded land and labor and few tradable inputs, and they often consume larger
proportions of nontradable goods than do urban residents.
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The failure to devalue in order to create better incentives for the rural sector lies not with urban-oriented
government policy alone, although this is important. Many painful adjustments must be made by both
producers and consumers in an economy when the exchange rate of the domestic currency is devalued. The
food consumption adjustments of the very poor can be especially painful, and one important role for food
policy analysts is to design programs that protect the short-run welfare of the very poor when a devaluation
is needed. It bears repeating that the devaluation offers the long-run prospect of more jobs and faster
growth. But the problem both for the government and for the poor is how to survive until then.
Interest Rates
Interest rates reflect two fundamental aspects of all economies. First, interest is the "wage" of capital and
reflects its productivity in increasing output. Capital has an opportunity cost and can be rented just like
labor and land. It must be compensated for its use at a competitive rate if owners of capital are not to
withdraw its services. Second, interest rates reflect an essential time dimension, as owners of capital have
the choice of consuming their capital in the present or saving it to reap potentially larger, but later,
consumption returns. If capital markets were perfect and riskless, the productivity dimension of interest
rates would just match the "liquidity," or time dimension, of interest rates because transactions between
different opportunities for productive investments would produce an equilibrium rate of time discount.
In the real world, however, such perfection is seldom achieved. Investments are risky, access to capital
markets is uneven, and, especially in developing countries, knowledge of actual investment opportunities
and payoffs is highly imperfect. Consequently, the marginal productivity of capital, one determinant of the
interest rate, frequently diverges from the rate at which society values future consumption as opposed to
present consumption, the alternative determinant of the interest rate. An important goal of financial policy is
to make this divergence as small as possible. The following discussion deals primarily with the interest rate
as a reflection of the productivity of capital. In well-functioning international capital markets the
productivity of capital will approximate its opportunity cost, with appropriate discounts for lenders' risks
and borrowers' concerns for the burden of indebtedness. The social rate of time discount is incorporated in
the policy perspective.
Many governments are reasonably effective at setting foreign exchange rates and making them widely
applicable even if they diverge somewhat from equilibrium levels. As the divergence widens, gray and black
markets for foreign currency spring up, and eventually the government loses control of the foreign exchange
rate. In such cases most foreign currency is exchanged for domestic currency through unofficial channels at
rates that more closely reflect its opportunity costs to importers and exporters. Furtive foreign exchange
markets reflect a breakdown of government policy, but when government policy is generally effective,
foreign exchange transactions are handled routinely through the banking System.
Capital markets are structured quite differently. Almost everyone in a monetary economy has the
opportunity to be either a borrower or a lender, however small, while the great majority of a country's
population seldom sees another country's currency. Each time a borrowing-lending agreement is transacted,
a miniature capital market has been established. No matter what the central government may want the
interest rate in the society to be, such individual capital transactions can and do go on. Consequently,
understanding the functioning of a country's capital markets and the role of government policy in setting
interest rates in those capital markets is much more complicated than understanding how foreign exchange
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rates are set.
Government policy with respect to capital markets is significantly affected by three related factors: interest
rate formation, the development of financial institutions, and the impact of monetary policy as an outgrowth
of budgetary and fiscal policy. Because there are two primary determinants of an interest rate, government
policy is frequently caught between the scarcity value of capital in increasing production and a desire to
make capital available at a rate that reflects the government's valuation of future consumption relative to
current consumption. On the one hand, if a society can keep interest rates low, then future events have
greater present value and the welfare of future generations becomes more important. Low interest rates
make investment cheaper in a capital stock to bequeath to children and grandchildren, and it makes the
conservation of natural resources and investment in social infrastructure with a long expected life easier to
justify economically. However, the current generation may not save enough at low actual interest rates to
finance those investments.
Keeping interest rates high, on the other hand, reflects the current scarcity and productivity of capital in
production, induces greater savings, and comes closer to matching the rate of time discount of private
decisionmakers in the economy. Consequently, the first issue for government policy with respect to capital
markets is interest rate formation. Naturally, it is difficult to judge what interest rates would be in the
absence of policy and how interventions actually alter those rates. Still, the direction in which policy is
having an influence is usually readily apparent, and knowing this is an important starting point.
The second concern of government policy is the development of institutions that actually carry out the day-
to-day functions of a capital market. In simple economies households with surplus cash can lend to their
neighbors who need a temporary addition to their incomes. But the essence of a modernizing economy is its
reliance on a network of financial intermediaries that provide convenient and safe places to save money as
well as efficient vehicles for accumulating savings for further loans to farms and businesses for real
investment to expand the productive capacity of the economy.
In most economies capital markets are better developed in urban centers and wealthier agricultural areas.
There the services of financial institutions are widely available. Markets for local securities and bonds
provide direct firm financing. Local financial intermediaries, such as insurance companies, banks, and
savings and loan companies, provide indirect financing to firms and other investors.
This uneven development of financial institutions is one cause of segmentation of the capital market and a
wide range of interest rates, even for similar risks and transaction costs. In addition, segmentation is caused
by government regulation itself, especially of major (and visible) financial institutions in the capital or
commercial center, as well as by a tendency of governments to subsidize their own banking institutions,
thus providing significant cost advantages over private financial institutions. As a result, rural credit markets
tend to be informal with very high interest rates, partly because of the high transaction costs and greater risk
premiums attached to small loans. The underdeveloped financial institutions, fear of regulation, and resulting
segmentation of the capital market inhibit the efficient flow of capital from savers to borrowers within rural
areas and between urban and rural areas.
The third factor affecting government policy on interest rates is not unique to developing countries. The role
of monetary policy in facilitating fiscal policy and financing government budget deficits is a topic of great
concern in developed countries as well. To avoid inflation, the growth in money supply should not be
significantly greater than the growth in real output (allowing for changes in willingness to hold money). But
"tight money" means that a budget deficit must be financed from private savings (or from abroad), which
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tends to drive up interest rates as private borrowers compete with the government for the available capital.
Recession and unemployment are the result. Alternatively, "monetizing" the budget deficit usually leads to
inflation, which lowers the value of holding a monetary debt instrument, such as a bond or savings
certificate. Lenders may understandably insist on higher interest rates to compensate for this decline in
value. The resulting combination of high interest rates and inflation has come to be known as stagflation.
Capital moves relatively freely internationally as modern communications and a sophisticated global
banking system permit billions of dollars to be moved anywhere in the world at a moment's notice. This
mobility of capital further complicates the linkage between interest rates and monetary policy. High interest
rates in a country attract an inflow of international capital; low interest rates tend to cause a capital outflow.
These flows of international capital affect the supply of and demand for foreign currency and thus influence
the foreign exchange rate.
Since the equilibrium exchange rate is significantly affected by differential inflation rates among trading
partners, the connections among monetary policy and inflation, interest rates and exchange rates, and
interest rates and monetary policy become obvious although they are extraordinarily complicated. In the
past, when exchange rates were relatively fixed, macro imbalance tended to be reflected in changes in
foreign exchange reserves. But with more flexible exchange rates and interest rates, imbalances tend to be
reflected by changes in international prices and trade flows and ultimately in the real incomes of producers
and consumers. This is especially true of those producers and consumers whose real incomes are very
sensitive to prices of traded goods, such as farmers who produce food and consumers who buy it.
An official interest rate-the level legislated by the government as the maximum rate that can be charged by
lenders-often exacerbates capital market segmentation. When the government sets the official rate of interest
below the market-clearing rate, only privileged borrowers gain access to cheap, rationed credit. The residual
market for credit, largely made up of traditional lenders and borrowers, continues to function, but it becomes
a thinner market because of the exit of those able to use officiaUy controlled institutions. Credit rationing
and reduced savings result from an interest rate ceiling and cause the interest rate in the residual market to
be higher than otherwise.
Official interest rates can be enforced mainly in large, visible financial institutions but only rarely in the
traditional, informal lending markets. With an official interest rate ceiling, the segmentation of the capital
market is increased because of the even wider differential between institutional and traditional lending rates.
Farmers and merchants consequently pay more for credit in traditional markets, and industrialists pay less in
financial institutions than they would in the absence of an official interest rate ceiling.
Inflation and the interest rate are related because inflation reduces the purchasing power of monetary assets.
As prices rise, fewer goods and services can be purchased with a given amount of money. Interest payments
are monetary assets that are transferred from borrowers to lenders within some specified time period.
Because interest payments have a time dimension, lenders are concerned about inflation, which reduces the
purchasing power of the interest payments at the time they receive them as well as the purchasing power of
their capital when it is paid back.
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Lenders thus consider not only the nominal rate of interest, that established in the borrowing agreement, but
also the real rate of interest, the one remaining after adjustments for inflation. Since both the inflation and
interest rates are denominated in annual percentages, the real rate of interest can be roughly approximated
by subtracting the inflation rate from the nominal rate of interest. If the nominal rate of interest is 18 percent
a year and the annual rate of inflation is 16 percent, the real rate of interest is about 2 percent (18 - 16). The
precise formula is {[(1 + nominal annual rate of interest) / (1 + the annual rate of inflation)] - 1}. For this
example, the precise real rate of interest is 1.7 percent [(1.18/1.16) - 1].
If the annual inflation rate increases to 24 percent in this example and the government keeps the official
interest rate at 18 percent a year, the real official rate of interest becomes negative: about -6 percent a year
(18 -24), or precisely -4.8 percent [(1.18/1.24) - 1]. A negative real rate of interest means that savers lose
purchasing power by lending their money at the official rate and that borrowers are subsidized in teal terms.
While borrowers would prefer negative real interest rates, savers tend to put their money in land or
commodities, for example, rather than in banks, to hedge against inflation. Inflation tends to cause financial
disintermediation-the withering of financial intermediaries, such as banks, savings institutions, and
insurance companies-when governments impose ceilings on interest rates.
A positive interest rate requires that the government, through the central bank, maintain the nominal official
rate above the rate of inflation. This can be done by controlling inflation, adjusting the nominal official
interest rate, or some combination of both. In practice, it is politically difficult to push up the official interest
rate. Maintaining a positive real rate of interest is made easier with low rates of inflation.
Evidence accumulated from the development experience of poor countries over the past several decades
shows that positive real rates of interest cause faster growth of financial institutions, and the faster growth
leads to more rapid increases in national incomes. A positive real interest rate encourages domestic saving
and investment, inflows of foreign investment, and thus domestic capital formation. The productivity of this
new capital is enhanced because the credit is allocated to its most productive uses by the market rather than
by rationing decisions of financial institutions and government agencies.
As the rice milling example suggested, subsidized interest rates make investment in modern, capital-
intensive technology more profitable. It would seem to follow from this that raising interest rates would
impede the development process, which depends on the accumulation of capital, and subsidized interest
rates would lead to more capital investment and to more rapid economic growth. The flaw in this logic can
be understood only by differentiating static and dynamic effects. Since economic development is an
inherently dynamic process, the dynamic effects of interest rate policy will be crucial for judging its impact
on development.
Figure 5-3 illustrates the alternative effects of two stylized interest rate policies. "Low" interest rates capture
the full effects of official interest rate policy that causes negative real rates for privileged borrowers,
financial repression, and increased segmentation of the capital market. "High" interest rates are meant to
reflect a financial policy that allows market-clearing rates to encourage savings and to channel capital to its
most productive uses, thus promoting financial deepening and reduced segmentation of capital markets.
Two related effects drive the conclusion from figure 5-3 that low interest rates lead to low investment, and
vice versa. The first relates to the rate of savings and the second to the productivity of the resulting
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investment of the savings. Both are large topics that cannot be treated in depth here.
Private households in both urban and rural areas usually respond to a change from negative to positive real
interest rates by increased savings. On average, more than half the total domestic savings in developing
countries comes from the private, noncorporate sector. Hence, the positive supply response of these savings
to the real interest rate can be of considerable quantitative significance. A country that wishes to increase its
rate of growth must either increase the rate of investment, by generating the savings resources to make this
possible, or increase the productivity of the new capital being invested.
Only a limited number of sources are available for increased savings: larger foreign capital inflows, higher
public savings from increased taxes or profits from public enterprises, and positive real interest rates to call
forth greater private domestic Savings. Aid-financed foreign capital inflows are decreasing in per capita
terms and as a share of world economic product. The profitmaking record of public enterprises in both
developed and developing countries is not promising, except for enterprises based on natural resources.
Public enterprises frequently absorb more public savings than they generate. Hence, countries looking for
increases in the supply of investable funds usually must look to positive real interest rates to encourage their
own domestic savers.
At least as important, these positive real interest rates will also directly affect the productivity of the
investments made possible by the savings.
Figure 5-3. Effects of Alternative Financial Policies
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The efficiency with which capital invested in one year is converted into new output the following year is
crudely captured, after the fact, by the gross incremental capital-output ratio, or ICOR. In societies where
disinvestment has occurred for many years and the economy needs major rehabilitation to function
smoothly, the ICOR can drop as low as 2.0 or even lower. It was 2.1 in Indonesia between 1970 and 1973,
when investment in spare parts and repair of bridges, roads, and rolling stock paid extremely high economic
returns. More typically the ICOR is between 3 and 4 in developing countries, with 3.5 being an appropriate
median. Table 5-1 shows a range of ICORS for a sample of sixty-six developing countries based on World
Bank statistics.
Although the ICOR is not a very useful planning tool-it is difficult to measure accurately and is subject to a
variety of influences on economic output not attributable to incremental investment-its wide range in
developing countries illustrates an extremely important point. The productivity of an investment, or the
efficiency with which capital is used in a society, is as important for growth and the alleviation of poverty
as the investment rate itself.
Countries cannot simply assume a low ICOR for planning purposes and then have it happen, but they can
attempt to create a policy environment that leads to the efficient use of capital. Positive real interest rates,
increased domestic savings and financial deepening, and concentration on labor-intensive investments that
create many jobs per unit of capital all contribute to a lower ICOR and more rapid growth in economic
output. Equally important, because of the labor-intensive focus of such an investment strategy, the earned
incomes will tend to be more equally distributed than is likely from a more capital-intensive strategy, even
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if equal growth were possible from both.
Growth-oriented financial policy requires that a government manage its macro policy to reduce inflation, set
its nominal official interest rate higher than the rate of inflation so that the real official rate of interest is
positive, and avoid imposing regulations that would unnecessarily constrain the growth of financial
institutions. Such financial policy causes financial deepening as the services of financial institutions become
more widespread. Financial deepening in turn results in (and is assisted by) more rapid economic
development. Conversely, negative real rates of interest and excessive regulation cause financial repression.
Table 19: Average Gross Incremental Capital-Output Ratio (ICORs) for Sixty-six Developing
Countries, 1968-73
Gross capital output ratio (ICOR) Number of countries Illustrative countries
1.5 - 1.99 6 Singapore, Indonesia
2.0 - 2.49 5 Korea, Mali
2.5 - 2.99 10 Gabon, Ecuador
3.0 - 3.49 9 Kenya, Colombia, Pakistan
3.5 - 3.99 9 Thailand, Mauritious, Zaire
4.0 - 4.5 5 Jamiaca, Tanzania
Above 4.5 22 India, Gambia, Guinea, Chile, Guyana, Zambia
Source: World Bank, World Tables, 2d ed. (Baltimore, Md.: John Hopkins University Press, 1980).
The outcome typically is financial disintermediation-a smaller role for financial institutions-and stagnant or
even negative economic growth. The rural sector in particular benefits from an expansion of financial
institutions that gradually replace higher-cost, informal sources of credit. Inversely, financial repression and
financial disintermediation place a heavy burden on development of the rural sector.
Wage Rates
Returns to labor are the primary source of personal income for the vast majority of the world's households.
Incomes generated by the other primary factors of production-capital, land, entrepreneurship and managerial
skills-tend to be skewed toward the upper third of the income distribution in most countries. Since the
creation of productive new jobs that pay a living wage is the only long-run solution to poverty and hunger,
the ability of a government to raise wages above a subsistence floor and to keep them there for the entire
population should be a key concern of food policy. As noted earlier, however, the mechanisms by which
wage rates are actually set are quite complicated, and the scope for successful government intervention to
raise real wage rates in the short run is surprisingly limited. Attempts to set minimum wages often cause
repercussions on decisions about investment, technology choice, and job creation which have the opposite
effect from those intended. Just as interest rate policy can have perverse dynamic effects which swamp any
desirable short-run results, so wage rate policy has the potential to cause serious distortions to the
development of the economy and to exacerbate poverty.
Except where labor unions introduce an element of collective bargaining into the process, wage rate
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formation in most countries takes place in a context of informal markets conditioned by tradition, social
norms, and labor supply and demand factors where employers tend to have much more negotiating power
than individual workers. Separate but connected markets exist for various skill levels and occupations. In
most poor countries the important questions for policy analysts concern the formation of wage rates for
workers who perform unskilled tasks. For workers who have no assets other than their own physical
capacity, the wages in this market determine how close to survival they will be. When governments are
actively concerned about poverty and income distribution, the pressures to legislate a minimum wage for
these workers may be great. Understanding how these wages are formed without government policy
provides the insight needed to judge the efficacy of minimum wage legislation.
Labor markets tend to be more segmented than capital markets, even for the basic grade of unskilled
workers. Part of the segmentation arises from the lower mobility of labor compared with capital. Workers
are limited in their willingness and ability to move from one region to another in search of job opportunities,
and employers frequently are unwilling to hire workers from other regions or because of their race, religion,
or sex. Knowledge about labor availability and job opportunities is spotty and uneven. Because of these
labor market imperfections, an equilibrium wage in the absence of government intervention is hard to
determine even in urban labor markets.
In rural labor markets wage rate formation is even more complicated than in urban markets. Many labor
agreements for rural workers involve land tenure relationships and conditional access to land, payment in
kind for specific agricultural tasks, and highly regimented division of labor by sex with wages bearing little
relation to actual physical productivity. Even in regions with substantially more workers available than can
be used productively for the available rural tasks, wage rates do not drop to an equilibrium that is below a
subsistence level. Access to the jobs available tends to be by rationing, luck, or the establishment of patron-
client relationships that bind landless workers to individual landowners or to merchants and small-scale rural
Governments have found it virtually impossible to intervene successfully in such complicated rural labor
arrangements without drastic restructuring of tenure relationships and rural asset ownership. Even indirect
mechanisms, such as helping to organize unskilled landless laborers into trade unions, have had little effect
on changing the real access of such workers to regular, productive jobs in the countryside. To create such
jobs, the structure and dynamism of agriculture itself must change, which is a long-run task for development
policy, not a short-run task for minimum wage legislation. Direct rural job creation through food-for-work
projects or labor-intensive rural works projects have the potential to guarantee jobs at a minimum wage if
local management is effective, if engineering design has made the projects useful and productive, and if
government finances enable a continuing commitment to the program.
In urban labor markets, attempts to legislate minimum wages and improved working conditions have been
much more successful. In large-scale industrial firms, in modern banks and service organizations, and in
government employment itself, legislated minimum wages for unskilled employees are enforced relatively
easily. Foreign enterprises in particular, not wanting to be charged with exploitation of cheap local labor,
usually pay wages at or above the legal minimum and above the rates prevailing in nearby informal labor
markets unaffected by government legislation.
The effects of minimum wage legislation on urban labor markets are quite controversial. Almost everyone
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agrees it has little impact on rural wages, except very indirectly. For workers able to obtain jobs at the
higher wage, the result is clearly beneficial. Their incomes are higher than in the absence of the legislation,
and their families are likely to be better housed, clothed, educated, and fed. As part of an urban "working-
class elite," these workers are likely to be very strong and vocal supporters of the government program and
of efforts to keep intact the real purchasing power of the minimum wage if inflation is tending to erode it.
Since many of these workers may actually be part of the government itself, pressures are great to implement
and maintain in real terms a minimum wage that provides a comfortable standard of living.
As figure 5-4 illustrates, however, such a wage policy causes several untoward effects. In the absence of
minimum wage legislation, the urban labor market clears at an equilibrium wage of We and workers
employed number Le. An effective legislated minimum wage raises wages to Wm, which reduces
employment to Ldm, while it increases the number of workers willing to work at Wm to Lsm Consequently,
the result is unemployment equal to Lsm - Ldm workers.
Figure 5-4. Illustration of the Effect of a Minimum Wage on the Urban Labor Market in the Formal Sector
In most poor countries these unemployed workers cannot survive without some type of job, and they seek
work in an informal urban sector while awaiting the lucky break that secures them a formal job at the
minimum wage. Hence a greater segmentation of the urban labor market exists than before the legislation.
Frequently the benefits from official jobs are so great that it is worth spending the entire educational
process, including college if necessary, collecting the qualifying credentials and then waiting for years in the
informal urban sector until the opportunity comes along. Although the worst manifestations of this queuing
occur for civil service sinecures, the problem is pervasive all the way down the hiring range to janitors in a
branch bank.
Figure 5-5. Illustration of Wage Formation in the Informal Sector of the Urban Labor Market after a Minimum
Wage Is Legislated in the Formal Sector
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Figure 5-5 illustrates wage formation in the informal urban sector. In the simplest case, the demand and
supply of labor for the formal sector are subtracted from the total labor demand and supply curves, and the
previous overall equilibrium wage We is established as the equilibrium wage in the informal sector, with
employment equal to Le - Ldm Thus workers fortunate enough to have a job in the formal sector are paid
Wm (the minimum wage shown in figure 5-4), and all other workers who were willing to work at We
actually have jobs at that wage in the informal sector. This presumes, of course, that the government does
not try to enforce minimum wages in the informal sector by police crackdowns or closing of establishments.
If it does, then the previous equilibrium shown in figure 5-4, with its open unemployment, is the actual
Two dynamic effects prevent the outcome in the informal market from being quite so positive as initially
shown in figure 5-5. First, decisions about choice of technique in investment alter the consequent creation of
productive jobs. High wages induce firms to substitute capital (especially when subsidized) for labor, no
matter how many workers may actually be available in the economy. Labor absorption can proceed more
rapidly where entrepreneurs are encouraged, not discouraged, from using the relatively abundant resource.
The reduced demand for labor is shown in figure 5-5 by a shifted demand curve, although part of the choice-
of-technique effect would show up in the informal labor market as additional supplies of workers in search
of jobs.
The second factor also affects the potential supply of urban workers looking for jobs in the formal sector but
pushed into the informal sector until they are successful. If the possibility of obtaining a high-paying job in
the formal sector attracts additional migrants from rural areas beyond the number that would come at the
lower equilibrium wage, then the labor supply curve for the informal market is shifted out. In combination
with the shifted labor demand curve, the new equilibrium wage in the informal market falls to We', well
below even the We level that would have prevailed in the absence of legislation.
The equilibrium real urban wages that accurately reflect labor abundance may be very low and may leave
many families in poverty. The alternative, however, is a badly segmented labor market with many families
left destitute by unemployment or low-productivity casual employment. While a targeted food policy can
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ease the short-run consumption problems of the productively employed poor, reaching the destitute requires
relief efforts that are tangential and frequently competitive to the overall task of raising productivity and
reducing poverty.
Because minimum wage legislation can be selectively enforced only for a few visible firms or in
government enterprises, it tends to short-circuit the gradual process of poverty alleviation by jumping a few
lucky workers directly into relative (but only relative) affluence. When the legislation has a meaningful
impact on urban wages, and therefore on choice of technique in manufacturing and services, the result is to
exclude many unskilled workers from these benefits and to generate a large, and frequently permanent,
subclass of labor which must subsist on the fringes of formal economic activity. It is within these fringes
that most urban food problems are found.
Rural-Urban Terms of Trade
The rural-urban terms of trade, or the food parity price discussed in chapter 4, are determined by the
interaction of four separate sectoral price elements-output prices for agriculture, input prices for agriculture,
output prices for the urban-industrial sector, and input prices for the urban-industrial sector. Governments
can and do influence all four of these sectoral prices, usually with very specific objectives. Tariffs on rubber
tires make the domestic tire industry more profitable, subsidies on steel make bicycle factories more
profitable, subsidized fertilizer makes grain production more profitable, and subsidized grain imports make
consumers better-off.
When combined, these separate price interventions make up the terms of trade for the rural sector relative to
the urban or industrial sector. These are then a direct indicator of the profitability of agriculture and of the
purchasing power in goods and services of agricultural income. The terms of trade will find their own
market-determined level in the absence of government intervention. But since all governments intervene, the
issue is how domestic and international markets condition what governments can do and should want to do
to structure the profitability of agriculture relative to industry.
Macro Policies and the Rural Sector
The social profitability analysis in chapter 3 and the price policy analysis in chapter 4 present tools to help
address this issue of appropriate government involvement in specific sectoral pricing questions. However,
the emphasis here is on the macro economy. How do macro prices and macroeconomic policy influence the
rural-urban terms of trade, and how is that influence transmitted to and felt in the rural sector?
Budget policy, fiscal and monetary policy, and macro price policy have a far stronger effect on the rural-
urban terms of trade than is often realized. In many circumstances, sectoral efforts to design incentive price
policies for particular commodities are partly or even totally vitiated by contrary pressures from the foreign
exchange rate, alternative subsidy policies, or high internal inflation. Understanding the incentives facing
rural producers is impossible without tracing both the impact of commodity-specific price policies and the
broader influence of the macro economy on agriculture.
Most industrial sectors in the developing world are protected by high tariff barriers or direct controls over
competitive imports. Agricultural producers receive little protection and frequently are actively
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discriminated against by subsidies on competitive imports and by taxes on their exports. As a consequence,
the rural-urban terms of trade are skewed quite directly by government policy in favor of the urban-
industrial sector and against the rural sector.
Such a direct policy has an important indirect effect on the terms of trade as well. The higher the level of
protection against imports, the more overvalued the foreign exchange rate will be. The agricultural sector
produces a much higher proportion of tradable goods-whose prices are directly connected to international
prices-than does the urban-industrial sector. An overvalued exchange rate, even when direct controls are not
needed to enforce it because of supporting trade and protection policies, discriminates significantly against
agriculture by reducing the rural-urban terms of trade.
The discrimination has consequences for both agricultural production and income distribution. A slower
growth in output, reduced incomes in rural areas relative to urban areas, and less job creation in agriculture
and the rural nonfarm service economy all result from unfavorable rural-urban terms of trade. Specific
commodity price policy can overcome this discrimination to some extent. A high rice price, for example,
will directly alter the profitability of growing rice, and the wide variation in domestic rice prices in various
countries in Asia is evidence of the substantial scope to use trade and subsidy policy to separate internal
commodity price policy from international market prices.
But the vitality of the rural economy depends on more than a single commodity. The influence of the macro
economy-the foreign exchange rate, industrial policies that alter costs and prices of important urban goods,
and fiscal and monetary policies that generate internal inflationary rates higher than those among the major
trading partners-extends into the rural economy and affects its vitality in indirect but powerful ways. The
clearest example in recent years of the macro economy's role in altering the profitability of agriculture
occurred when oil prices were pushed up on two occasions in the 1970s. The agricultural sectors of oil-
exporting countries suffered a sharp decline in their rural-urban terms of trade, while the terms of trade for
agriculture in oil-importing countries improved dramatically.
The mechanisms by which oil price shocks were converted into significant changes in the rural-urban terms
of trade are instructive for food policy analysts, for they help identify the important connections between
macro policy and food sector performance. The first connection is through the foreign exchange rate
directly. Oil exporters tend to run balance of payments surpluses when oil prices rise sharply, and thus their
domestic currencies appreciate relative to trading partners who are oil importers. Mirroring this effect, the
currencies of oil importers tend to depreciate when oil prices rise.
Actual changes in nominal exchange rates are not necessary for these shifts to take place because
differential inflation rates can accomplish the same changes in real terms. Thus Indonesia maintained an
exchange rate of Rp 415 per U.S. dollar from 1972 to 1978, although its domestic inflation rate averaged 5
to 10 percentage points higher per year than the U.S. inflation rate over this period. The rupiah appreciated
relative to the dollar by perhaps 50 percent during this time, although no macro policymaker decided to
make a change in the real exchange rate. The rural-urban terms of trade were hit hard by this real
appreciation of the exchange rate, and rural productivity and incomes suffered. The 50 percent devaluation
of the rupiah in November 1978, a conscious macro policy decision, sharply reversed this rural decline. At
least during the late 1970s and the early 1980s, Indonesia was the only oil exporter with a large rural
population that was able to maintain a healthy rural economy. This was accomplished by macro policy
designed, at least partly, with rural interests in mind.
The second major impact of oil prices on the rural-urban terms of trade is less direct. When oil prices rise,
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oil-importing countries must find a way to spur exports if the flow of oil is to be maintained. Governments
can stimulate exports by providing incentives through a devaluation and also by more specific government
actions. If a developing country's local industry is not competitive in export markets because of high
protective barriers (at both ends-high costs in its industry and poor access to markets in developed
countries), policymakers inevitably look to the rural areas for increased exports. To spur rural exports,
greater incentives and increased competitiveness are needed. These come through cost-reducing measures,
increased availability of yield-increasing inputs such as fertilizer, removal of export taxes, better attention to
infrastructure and marketing facilities, and a commitment to new research and technology for agriculture.
The evidence is quite clear that pressures to pay for oil imports force macro policymakers to improve the
terms of trade for agriculture.
The importance of the rural-urban terms of trade extends beyond structuring incentives to increase output or
to earn more foreign exchange to pay for oil imports. Rural-urban income distribution is also to a large
extent a function of these terms of trade. Differentials between rural and urban incomes are the source of
much of the rural poverty and hunger that food policy analysts are attempting to understand. Through
migration decisions made by rural households, many problems of urban poverty are also connected to these
differentials. In nearly all countries, average per capita incomes in rural areas are lower than per capita
incomes in urban areas. In a few industrialized countries the disparities are only 10 or 20 percent, but in
some African and Latin American countries urban residents earn ten times and more the income of the
average rural inhabitant. Apart from its obvious impact on human welfare, the distribution of national
income between urban and rural areas is important to food policy analysts because it is linked to the macro
economy through the structure of aggregate demand.
Rural consumers have different spending patterns from those of their urban cousins. At any given income
level they consume more food and fewer imported goods and services. Rural demand for domestic
manufactures emphasizes clothing, cookware and dishes, tiles, bricks, and other home construction
materials, lanterns, and eventually bicycles, radios, and sewing machines. By comparison, urban demand
patterns usually have relatively less domestically produced starchy staples, more meat and fish, more
imported food (both basic grain and processed luxury foods), and manufactured goods with a heavy import
content, such as automobiles, motorcycles, television sets, and refrigerators.
In addition, rural households have a higher savings rate at all income levels, reflecting the dual role of many
households as both producers and consumers. A significant share of rural household income is reinvested in
productive inputs. Some, such as fertilizer or seeds, are only short-run investments, although usually with
very high annual rates of return, while others, such as investments in farm implements, irrigation and
drainage facilities, and livestock, may have a significant long-term payoff. A diminished flow of income to
rural areas usually means a sharply diminished rate of rural investment and a consequent slackening in
demand for rural labor.
Extensive research by John Mellor and his colleagues, especially in an Indian context, has shown the
important second-round effects of the different consumption patterns in urban and rural households. Each
rupee spent by a household creates additional spending as the recipients add these rupees to their incomes
and then pass them on through their own expenditure patterns, thus multiplying the effect of any new
purchasing power. In terms of employment created and further economic activity in total, the multiplier
effects of the extra rupee spent by a rural household are larger than those of the marginal rupee spent by an
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urban household in the same income class. Some evidence suggests that the multiplier effects are larger for
rural lower-income households than for higher-income households in either rural or urban areas if their
additional food demand is met from domestic production rather than from imports. Otherwise, as Mellor
points out, poverty-oriented development strategies are self-defeating: food price increases or balance of
payments problems eliminate the income gains of the poor.
The discussion of the impact of macro policy on the rural-urban terms of trade has now come full circle. A
failure of the rural sector to increase productivity is the primary bottleneck for any strategy attempting to
raise the incomes and reduce the hunger of the poor. To eliminate the bottleneck, additional incentives to
agricultural producers are likely to be needed, but these may well lower the real incomes and increase the
hunger of the poor. The food price dilemma has reasserted itself, this time with the added macro dimension.
It is important to understand the implications of this new connection, for it narrows the options for
policymakers striving to generate a healthy rural economy in the long run, while it reemphasizes the need to
find short-run food interventions to reach the poor.
Rural Growth and Long-run Economic Efficiency
The elements of a strategy for dynamic growth in the rural sector include a modern technology base, an
infrastructure capable of moving inputs and output efficiently, an institutional support system that provides
farmers and merchants with reliable and current information and that sets and enforces fair "rules of the
game," and a set of positive incentives to farmers to increase output. In the context of the available
technology and all the other infrastructural investments and institutional support, these incentives are heavily
influenced by the rural-urban terms of trade, which are the outcome of a host of interacting sectoral and
macro policy decisions.
It is fair to say that much of the environment for rural decisionmaking is dictated by macro policy and the
macro prices. Rapid rural growth over long periods can occur only when this macro environment
encourages the efficient allocation of resources. Short bursts of growth are possible from any of the other
elements in the decisionmaking environment-a new seed technology, subsidized fertilizer, or a more
effective extension service. But for the long haul, rural growth will falter in the absence of an overall
economic environment that encourages and ultimately forces the allocation of land, labor, and capital into
their most productive uses. Good macro policy facilitates rural growth.
Precisely the same statement holds for the rest of the economy. The overwhelming lesson of development
experience over the past few decades is that the efficiency with which resources are allocated determines
how rapid the growth path will be. This experience is contrary to the expectations of many economists and
planners in past years, who noted that static economic losses to allocative inefficiencies were small,
typically less than 2 percent of national income even for severe distortions, and hence could easily be
dominated by more rapid growth. Just the opposite has happened.
The dynamic efficiency losses are compounded, not eliminated, in the face of macro policy that distorts the
allocation of economic factors, diverting them from their most productive uses. The distortions usually
found-overvalued exchange rates, subsidized interest rates, minimum wage legislation, depressed
agricultural incentives, and low food prices-arise from attempts to control inflation and the distribution of
output in the short run. But economic growth, including growth in rural areas, is ultimately inhibited by such
a set of macro signals. At the same time, the short-run distributional and welfare concerns remain and,
indeed, are exacerbated if attempts are made to bring the macro prices and macro policy into alignment with
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the underlying scarcity value of resources.
The tension between productive efficiency and economic growth in the long run and the short-run
consumption consequences of the macro environment needed to generate such growth is one of the core
topics of this book. A fairly direct link exists between efficient growth in the rural sector and efficient
growth in the rest of the economy because both are conditioned by the same set of macro prices and macro
This means that the food price dilemma, which has been treated so far as primarily a sectoral problem, is in
fact part of a larger macro price dilemma. This larger dilemma is the basic choice all societies must make
between equity and efficiency. To show the nature of the tradeoffs involved in making this choice, it is
convenient to focus the discussion on the food sector itself. Even here quantification is not easy, but it is
easier to deal with the tradeoffs in the food sector alone than to juggle those in the entire economy.
Figure 5-6 illustrates the basic issues. The core of the figure is the curve showing the "welfare-efficiency
frontier," or the short-run choices available between food intake of the poor and efficient allocation of
productive resources in the rural sector. There is, of course, much more to the distributional and welfare
aspects of the food price dilemma than the food intake levels of the poor. Similarly, there is much more to
efficient growth than static allocation of resources and total factor productivity. However, these two axes
capture the essence of the dilemma while still permitting some concrete sense of what is at stake.
Figure 5-6. The Food Price Dilemma Illustrated
The curve depicting the current choices available between "efficiency" and "welfare" is drawn in such a way
that only part of the range involves a tradeoff. For both low welfare levels and low efficiency levels, raising
one also raises the other. In many countries whose present situations fall within these boundaries, greater
efficiency in production will improve welfare, not decrease it. For some countries greater welfare would lead
to improved efficiency. In contrast, countries currently between A and B on the choices frontier have to
make very difficult tradeoffs with respect to food price policy and other food sector interventions, and these
countries face the food price dilemma directly.
A healthy rural sector with appropriate incentives will grow in total output and in productive efficiency over
time. This is shown by a widened frontier in the second period if society starts at point B, which maximizes
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the efficiency of resource use. As the productive capacity per capita grows, the society's potential to
eliminate food energy deficits also improves.
By contrast, if the society starts at point A, where food intake of the poor is maximized at the expense of
efficient use of rural resources, the future capacity either to produce or feed people is reduced-to the inner
frontier shown in figure 5-6. The growth path available to society is a function of the actual starting point on
the short-run curve of available choices. A high welfare, low efficiency starting point, such as A, is not
stable in the long run because the welfare potential declines either toward C, with negative growth, or
through A" toward B, with greater growth but reduced welfare. Alternatively, a high efficiency, medium
welfare starting point, such as B, puts a country on a path of rapid growth in output via B" but slow progress
in reducing hunger.
Starting point B is generated by a macro policy environment that provides efficient incentives to the rural
sector but with no food policy interventions on the consumption side. A continuation of such a policy
approach would lead society out path BB". The result is rapidly increasing rural productivity and a gradual
reduction in the proportion of the population with food energy deficits. In the absence of any consumption
interventions, such as the food stamp programs or fair-price shops described in chapters 2 and 4, such a
neoclassical growth path eliminates energy deficits slowly and asymptotically. Even wealthy countries
without food interventions have hungry people.
The alternative to the neoclassical growth path BB" is a food policy path BB' that involves more active
government intervention in the food system. Some growth in efficiency and output is sacrificed for a much
more rapid elimination of hunger, but economic growth remains a major objective of overall food policy.
How to reach and stay on BB' is practically a definition of the food price dilemma. The resolution requires a
combination of policies that provide farmers with adequate incentives while poor consumers are protected
from high food prices by targeted food interventions. By now the analyst can begin to see the various pieces
needed to complete this puzzle.
Some countries have attempted to use their macro food policies and budgetary allocations to favor short-run
welfare. Those that have succeeded find themselves at point A, facing production stagnation and some
difficult choices over what policies will best provide for continued short-run protection of existing welfare
levels and yet guarantee that future welfare levels can be maintained. As T. W. Schultz's book (see
Bibliographical Note to chapter 1 above) on distortions of agricultural incentives indicates, many countries
that have followed such a welfare policy are actually at point C, where greater productive efficiency would
help welfare even in the very short run.
Ideally, a country starting at point A (or even at point C) could find a set of policies and programs that
would permit rapid growth in productive efficiency in the rural sector without sacrificing welfare. Path AA'
(or CAA') would then permit the small remaining food energy gap to be closed in the context of rapid and
efficient growth.
Most rural growth strategies as now understood by the economic development profession do not permit a
direct transition from A to A'. In fact, most of the welfare policies that have produced starting point A are
inimical to rapid and efficient growth because they suppress incentives to farmers as a way of keeping food
prices low to all consumers or financing direct food subsidies for urban consumers. Implementing a rural
growth strategy that reverses this low food price bias and provides new price incentives to the rural sector
will cause the growth path to be from A via A" to B, and then along B".
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For policymakers in countries starting between C and A, a growth path of AA" to BB" must look distressing
indeed. Taking that route requires a significant increase in the degree of perceived hunger among the
population, which gives rise both to legitimate welfare concern and to strong political pressures to dismantle
the growth policies that use incentive prices. Are there any alternatives?
This book attempts to outline the framework for a set of food policies that open path AA' and BB' to
governments with a significant desire to alleviate chronic hunger among their people. Reaching such paths
requires active government intervention in food systems in a way that encourages private incentives.
Simultaneously, consumption interventions that reach the target population of individuals and families with
food deficits must be designed in a way that maintains fiscal integrity and does not destroy farm incentives.
Achieving these multiple and conflicting objectives is the task of a macro food policy, whose elements are
assembled in chapter 6.
The Macro Perspective
Macroeconomic issues are abstract and frequently counterintuitive. What seems at first glance like good
policy turns out to have negative consequences. In addition, the familiar decisions of everyday life are not
paralleled in macroeconomic decisionmaking. To be sure, there are macroeconomic decisionmakers, but
they are public officials who must respond to a wide variety of pressures and constraints, not simple
economic criteria, in designing and implementing macroeconomic policy.
Macroeconomic policy also performs in a subtle and frequently irreversible fashion. Economists are
accustomed to being able to operate policy levers equally well in either direction and expect decisionmakers
to respond at the margin. Supply and demand elasticities work both ways, but response to macroeconomic
policy changes is not so direct. Expectations and a sense of the future are inherent components of that
response, for the role of macro policy is to keep a nation's economy on an even keel, headed in the right
direction, and actually making progress. In short, macro policy fosters the environment in which economic
development takes place.
This environment is not merely a succession of short-term policy settings, but is more properly conceived of
as part of a historical evolution, where decisionmakers have memories as well as expectations. The
memories cause a sharp dichotomy in what macroeconomic policy can accomplish. It can be very effective
in creating an environment of distrust, high risk to investments, and extremely short time horizons for
decisionmakers. It can, in fact, bring the economic growth process to a halt almost overnight.
Macro policy cannot, however, easily recreate the environment for growth once its fragile structure has been
undermined. Regaining the confidence of investors large and small, foreign and domestic, requires a lengthy
commitment to investment incentives which have few short-term payoffs. Policy-makers often cannot
withstand the pressures to show immediate results. They respond with actions that threaten further the very
confidence they must win.
The food system has a major stake in this process. Macroeconomics is far removed from the problems
caused by a delayed shipload of grain, but solving those problems in a sustainable manner comes with the
structural transformation of the food system itself. This transformation is intimately tied in with the
development of the rest of the economy, which depends on the continuity and skillful design of
macroeconomic policy.
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Bibliographic Note
The literature on macroeconomics is vast, but it virtually ignores food and agriculture. Similarly, most of the
literature on food and agricultural policy has a micro focus which does not examine the macro environment
in which the food sector must develop. The references here note the exceptions, but provide mainly a guide
to the macroeconomic policy literature that is relevant to the food policy issues discussed in this chapter and
to the literature on food and agriculture that raises macroeconomic issues.
The four basic areas of macro policy-budget policy, fiscal and monetary policy, macro price policy, and the
rural-urban terms of trade-are placed in an economic development context in a textbook sponsored by the
Harvard Institute for International Development, S. Malcolm Gillis, Dwight H. Perkins, Michael Roemer,
and Donald R. Snodgrass, Economics of Development (New York: Norton, 1983). Many of the theoretical
issues connecting the macro topics discussed here are dealt with in detail in a textbook by Rudiger
Dornbusch, Open Economy Macroeconomics (New York: Basic Books, 1980). A helpful review of the
formal models available to macro policy analysts is Lance Taylor, Macro Models for Developing Countries
(New York: McGraw-Hill, 1980). Chapter 5 of Taylor's book contains a model called "price policy and the
food that people consume" and concludes: "The best way to summarize . . . is to observe that like many
macro interventions, changes in food price policy cut with more than one edge. . . . This conclusion ...does
point to an important corollary: attempts to 'get the prices right' may indeed have positive effects on output
or economic efficiency, but their negative distributional consequences for some groups in the population
may be large." Taylor's book tends to build from Ricardian and Keynesian bases rather than from a
neoclassical market-equilibrium approach, but it provides a powerful insight, available in no other volume,
into how to think clearly about macro problems, including food and agricultural problems, in a development
Budget policies and their relationship with fiscal and monetary policies are summarized in W. M. Corden,
Trade Policy and Economic Welfare (Oxford:Clarendon Press, 1974), especially pp. 58-87, and are treated at
greater length in John F. Due and Ann F. Friedlaender, Government Finance: Economics of the Public
Sector (Homewood, Ill.: Richard D. Irwin, 1973), and in John F. Due, Indirect Taxation in Developing
Countries (Baltimore, Md.:Johns Hopkins University Press, 1970).
The term "macro prices" was first used in a paper by C. Peter Timmer, "Public Policy for Improving
Technology Choice," Discussion Paper no.84 (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Institute for International
Development, March 1980), where their impact on the rural sector and on appropriate development
strategies was treated in the context of a continuum of decisionmaking between micro and macro levels.
The literature on each individual macro price is extensive. A theoretical approach to exchange rate policy is
fully developed in W. M. Corden, Inflation, Exchange Rates and the World Economy (Oxford:Oxford
University Press, 1977). Complementary textbooks include Richard E. Caves and Ronald W. Jones, World
Trade and Payments: An Introduction (Boston: Little, Brown, 1981); and Charles P. Kindleberger and Peter
H. Lindert, International Economics (Homewood, Ill.: Richard D. Irwin, 1978). Empirical evidence on the
purchasing power parity theory is contained in Ronald 1. McKinnon, Money in International Exchange: The
Convertible Currency System (New York: Oxford University Press 1979); on the effects of a devaluation in
Richard N. Cooper, "Currency Devaluation in Developing Countries," Essays in International Finance,
no.86 (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University, June 1971); and on the implicit tax on agriculture fostered by
an overvalued exchange rate in Ian Little, Tibor Scitovsky, and Maurice FG. Scott, Industry and Trade in
Some Developing Countries (London: Oxford University Press, 1970).
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The approach followed here to analyze interest rate policy is based largely on two seminal books, Ronald 1.
McKinnon, Money and Capital in Economic Development (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1973),
and Edward S. Shaw, Financial Deepening in Economic Development (New York: Oxford University Press,
1973). Empirical evidence of the links between positive real interest rates, financial deepening, and
economic growth is presented in Hang-Sheng Cheng, "Financial Deepening in Pacific Basin Countries," San
Francisco Federal Reserve Economic Review (Summer 1980).
A particularly useful review of financial policies is contained in a special issue, "National and International
Aspects of Financial Policies in LDCs," World Development, vol. 10, no.9 (September 1982). The paper by
John Williamson in this volume, "On the Characterization of Good Economic Policy: Is There a Consensus?
" suggests four policy rules which appear to be consistent with the main themes of this chapter: "(1) the
pursuit of micro-economic efficiency, to place the economy on the frontier; (2) maintenance of an effective,
though not necessarily rigid, anti-inflationary stance; (3) continuous maintenance of internal balance
(between aggregate demand and aggregate supply); and (4) medium-term pursuit of a current balance [of
paymentsj target guided by thrift and productivity" (p.695).
The discussion of the formation of wage rates draws on a literature as vast as the economic development
literature itself, based as it is on labor surplus models and the availability of rural labor at subsistence wages.
A recent review places this entire topic in historical and analytical perspective and emphasizes the enormous
complexity of rural wage determination: Hans P. Binswanger and Mark R. Rosenzweig, Contractual
Arrangements, Employment and Wages in Rural labor Markets: A Critical Review (New York: Agricultural
Development Council, 1981). A book by John Connell and Michael Lipton, Assessing Village labor
Structures in Developing Countries (New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1977), discusses the implications
of rural labor markets on rural-to-urban migration. Two books provide very helpful insights into the overall
effects of macro policy (and macro prices) on choice of technique, employment generation, and the ultimate
impact on alleviation of poverty. A. K. Sen, Employment, Technology and Development (London: Oxford
University Press, 1975), presents an integrated theoretical perspective on the topic, while Gary S. Fields,
Poverty, Inequality, and Development (Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1980), is the best available
review of empirical evidence on the impact of macro policy on the distribution of income and on alleviation
of poverty.
For over two decades the works of Bruce F. Johnston and John W. Mellor have provided insight and
evidence on the connections between agriculture and development of the rest of the economy. Their joint
article in 1961, "The Role of Agriculture in Economic Development," American Economic Review, vol. 51
(September 1961), pp. 566-95, began the long process of thinking about the agricultural sector as a
potentially positive factor in development rather than as a repository of resources to be tapped at the
pleasure of national planners interested in industrialization. Mellor's text, The Economics of Agricultural
Development (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1966), developed many of these themes empirically
and analytically. Chapters on "Agriculture and Capital Formation," "Agriculture and Foreign Exchange,"
and "Increasing Rural Welfare" still speak directly to the macro issues discussed here. A book that
synthesizes much of Johnston's thought, done jointly with Peter Kilby, an industrial economist, is
Agriculture and Structural Transformation: Economic Strategies in Late-Developing Countries (New York:
Oxford University Press, 1975). The Johnston-Kilby volume is particularly concerned with the issue of
technology choice discussed here and with appropriate policies to generate efficient use of resources. A
similar book by Mellor, The New Economics of Growth (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1976),
identifies both conceptually and empirically the important linkages between agricultural performance and
overall macroeconomic growth. A paper by Graciela Chilchilnisky and Lance Taylor, "Agriculture and the
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Rest of the Economy: Macro Connections and Policy Restraints," American Journal of Agricultural
Economics, Vol.62, no. 2 (May 1980), pp. 303-09, presents a comparative statics framework for addressing
these issues, primarily in a Latin American context.
The model of macro-micro connections and the empirical evidence that provided an understanding of the
impact of oil prices on the rural-urban terms of trade are presented in C. Peter Timmer, "Energy and
Structural Change in the Asia-Pacific Region: The Agricultural Sector," Discussion Paper no. 140
(Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Institute for International Development, December 1982).
The consequences of macroeconomic distortions and of a macro reform are beginning to be documented in
a rapidly growing literature. An analysis of the comparative empirical evidence on the important
relationships between macroeconomic policies and development is in two volumes published in the series
"Foreign Trade Regimes and Economic Development, " for the National Bureau of Economic Research
(Cambridge, Mass.: Ballinger Press): Anne 0. Krueger, Liberalization Attempts and Consequences, vol.10
(1978), and Jagdish Bhagwati, Anatomy and Consequences of Exchange Control Regimes, vol. 11 (1978).
The results of these books and of other recent work on this topic are reviewed and extended in Ronald 1.
McKinnon, "Foreign Trade Regimes and Economic Development: A Review Article," Journal of
International Economics, vol.9 (1979), pp.429-52. A lively debate on the actual effects on developing
economies of stringent macro reforms occasioned by external debt crises, as well as a more general
discussion of economic stabilization theory and comparative policy experience, is contained in William R.
Cline and Sidney Weintraub, eds., Economic Stabilization in Developing Countries (Washington, D.C.:
Brookings Institution, 1981).
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6. Macro Food Policy
Public policy is the rnajor factor in solving the problem of hunger. This potential for policy to influence the
lives and well-being of vast numbers of people explains much of the dominance of ideas and ideology,
rather than experience and empirical result, in attempts to improve global food security and in the efforts of
individual countries to reduce the number of hungry people. A better understanding of the world food
system and the potential for domestic food policy can help bridge this wide gap between ideas and actual
This book is about the formation of domestic food policy. Although the international economic environment
conditions the options and influences the pefformance of a nation's own economy, the most immediate
potential to improve the lives of the poor in a sustainable fashion lies in effective domestic food policies.
Chapters 2, 3, and 4 assembled the sectoral components of those policies; chapter 5 placed them in a macro-
economic context. With these pieces and this perspective in hand, food policy analysts should be able to
form a consistent picture of the country's food policy as it stands, as well as the effects of policies and
programs with other objectives that impinge on this policy. The goal is to understand how all the strands of
national policies and programs affect the food system~food production, consumption, marketing, and
especially food prices for farmers and consumers.
Food systems are made up of highly diverse producers and consumers connected by a network of markets
that function in a macro and international context. The diversity of producers and consumers is important to
the design of effective food policies. Much of the micro-level analysis done by food policy analysts is
intended to discover how differently situated decisionmakers react to changes in their economic
environments, particularly the poor who have greater sensitivity to changes in their incomes and the prices
they face. The food consumption patterns of the poor usually include large proportions of cheap starchy
staples. These people are forced by economic circumstances to be more flexible in their choices as market
signals reflect varying degrees of commodity scarcity and as prices rise or fall.
Similarly, food producers are also remarkably diverse. They include rural households with less than one-
tenth of a hectare of cultivated land who must earn most of their incomes from off-farm jobs. These
households purchase a significant proportion of their food from rural markets, and it is a mistake to think
that all small fariners are benefited by incentive price policies that raise the market cost of food. Most food
available in rural markets comes from larger farmers who do profit from greater incentives and who
typically respond enthusiastically to them with greater output.
The link between these two types of farmers, who represent points along a continuum, is often the rural
labor market. Price incentives for agricultural output raise demand for labor in these markets directly through
additional wage labor demanded on farms that produce marketed surpluses. At the same time, the labor
market is affected indirectly because less labor is supplied from small-farm households that find it profitable
to use more household labor on their small plots. In a roundabout way demand for labor is increased by the
higher farm incomes because rural household expenditure patterns usually reflect a demand for labor-
intensive goods and services. This positive effect of price incentives on job creation and rural wages causes
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a major dilemma, however, for the incentives also mean higher food prices.
The solution to poverty and hunger is jobs and access to food. Many of the productive jobs will be in the
rural areas, and access to food is a function of its price as well as household incomes, especially in the short
run. Rural labor markets and food markets are the primary connecting mechanisms between employment
and food prices in market economies, and even socialist countries must find some mechanisms to connect
workers with jobs and to signal producers and consumers about the opportunity cost of growing and
consuming food.
When the actual signals convey misleading information in either kind of economy, the resulting decisions
distort resource allocation and lower economic welfare on average. Distorted macro prices may protect the
interests of the poor in the short run to some extent, but the future welfare of a society, especially the
welfare of its poorest members, depends on the efficient use of resources, including human resources.
Policies in the agricultural sector-for example, prices for fertilizer, charges for irrigation water, or the
commitment of resources to agricultural research-directly affect the efficiency of resource use. These are all
important elements in how rapidly agricultural output grows and who benefits when it does.
At the same time, many of the factors influencing the efficiency of resource use in agriculture and the
distribution of benefits are reflections of the macro economy and the various policies and programs that
affect it. Consequently, food policy analysis includes the connections between the food system and the rest
of the macro economy. Ignoring the macro aspect of food policy virtually guarantees partial and simplistic
solutions that can be sustained only at high economic and political cost. A "macro food policy" approach is
required for a society to find a satisfactory reconciliation of its producer and consumer interests.
The Macro Food Policy Perspective
At this stage in the analysis of a country's food policy, the budding analyst no doubt feels a bit like a
juggler, with many pieces to keep in the air all at once. Some are more important than others, depending on
the circumstance, but that is precisely the problem. How does the analyst know at the beginning what will
be important in order to find a shortcut through the complex maze of data, issues, and connections?
There is no substitute for an empirical understanding, however rough, of how the food system works. For
this task certain key data provide much insight and do not require that the analyst spend years in village
surveys and model building: simple disaggregated food balance sheets; a few representative farming system
tableaux; local prices relative to international prices; and the size of and reasons for various marketing
margins for important commodities as they travel from farm to consumer. Prices in world markets keep the
concept of opportunity costs to alternative policies squarely in the picture, but they also raise important
macroeconomic questions. Food policy analysts even in the provinces and regions become increasingly
aware that foreign exchange rates, inflation rates, and real interest rates condition how the food system
works and where it is headed.
Where the food system is headed, of course, is the key question. Developing an intuitive understanding of
the critical pressures on the system at any particular time is the artistic part of analysis, but having a
framework of how issues are connected is the starting point for the craft. This framework begins with a
disaggregated knowledge of how producers and consumers make their decisions and is built on an
appreciation of the coordinating role of markets-in both socialist and capitalist economies. With an
understanding of how markets are actually working, analysts recognize that producers, consumers, and
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government agencies all have at least part of their fate linked through markets. Policy decisions, whether
motivated by analytical insight or political pressures, can change both the signals transmitted through
markets and the rules of the game within which markets operate.
The central theme of this book has been the need to think about the problem of hunger as susceptible to
domestic food policy interventions, while simultaneously recognizing its macro and international context.
This perspective has created two policy dilemmas: a micro-level food price dilemma that recognizes the
tradeoffs between producer and consumer interests in the short run; and a macro price dilemma that reflects
how strongly the macro economy conditions the scope for food policy. An important link between the two
dilemmas is budget policy. Targeted food subsidies are one mechanism for dealing with the food price
dilemma, but only if the macro economy is generating both expanding budget revenues and more jobs for
poor people. Too large a budget drain for subsidies almost always results in fiscal deficits, inflation, an
overvalued exchange rate, slow economic growth, low labor absorption, and an exacerbation of the policy
dilemma rather than a solution to It.
When macro and international economies create a hostile environment for food policy, finding effective
policies is even more difficult. Progress can be made in some areas. Sectoral strategies and efficient
infrastructural investment programs can be developed to maintain some growth in agricultural output.
Targeted food subsidy programs can be tried in various field settings to discover workable interventions
under different circumstances. Agricultural research can build a responsive productivity base.
In one sense, however, these are all essential preparations for the time when a major macro reform must be
instituted either to satisfy foreign creditors or simply to revitalize the country's growth prospects. When the
crunch comes, it is often too late for food policy analysis, except for the roughest, back-of-the-envelope
kind. At this stage, it is enormously valuable to a country to have a few analysts who have done their
homework, who understand the food system, and whose intuition can provide policy direction in the
pressured give and take over the nature and content of the reforms.
Macro reforms are often triggered by unexpected events in world markets. Export prices for primary goods
may collapse, the cost of imported grain may skyrocket, or a global credit squeeze may prevent the rollover
of short-run loans and thus precipitate a crisis of confidence in a country's ability to service its debts. One
response to this exposure to the vicissitudes of international markets is not to play the game. But autarky has
turned Out to be enormously costly to economic growth and, eventually, to the well-being of the poor as
well. Food security does not depend on food production strategies alone, and the use of world markets to
offset domestic instability can bring substantial gains in consumer welfare.
The question for food policy analysts is how to link a domestic economy, and especially its food system, to
the international economy. Countries have two primary decisions to make about this link: the appropriate
level of domestic prices relative to international price levels; and the extent to which global price instability
will be transmitted to domestic producers and consumers, whatever the long-run relative price levels. The
mechanisms for implementing a domestic price policy relative to international prices-buffer stocks, foreign
exchange contingency funds, futures markets, and skilled market analysis-are an important component of
managing a food policy, to be discussed in this chapter. First, a better sense of the international context
itself is needed.
The International Context
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Food is simultaneously an economic commodity and a biological necessity. More than any other commodity
in the world economy, food is torn by a contradiction between its value in exchange and its value in human
use. In economic terms, food can be produced, purchased, stored, and speculated on, just like steel, cement,
tin, or gold. Unlike any of these other economic commodities, however, food must be provided on a regular
basis in adequate amounts to all individuals if they are to survive, grow, and thrive.
One of the most pervasive forces in the economic history of modern societies has been an apparently
irresistible and irreversible trend toward the commoditization of food. Modern processing and transportation
techniques have converted food from a local product for home and regional consumption to an
interchangeable commodity moved from one part of the globe to another. As food becomes ever more like
other economic commodities in regional and world trade, its biological uniqueness endures. An inevitable
consequence is that the adequacy of food intake for millions of people hinges increasingly on the ebb and
flow of the world economy and on the response of their own local economies to it.
The international economy limits what policymakers can accomplish, but simultaneously it offers
opportunities for improving the design and implementation of food policy. A healthy and competitive
relationship between the domestic and the international economy has characterized most successes in
economic development for the past two decades. An openness to the world economy, at least to the extent of
judging domestic policies in terms of their international opportunity costs, is a major ingredient in domestic
food policy formation.
Food policy is constrained by the international economy through its impact on the balance of payments and
the foreign exchange rate. The exchange rate fundamentally conditions the environment in which public and
private food sector decisions are made. Food policy deliberations taken in isolation from the exchange rate
and the balance of payments miss one of the major building blocks of the structure of rural incentives.
The international economy impinges on domestic food policy in a second way. Instability in world grain
prices can upset development plans to allocate foreign exchange to capital investment and social
infrastructure. Being small in world markets is an advantage in this context, but it does not alter the reality
that import price fluctuations require great flexibility in foreign exchange allocations for grain imports.
Direct transmittal of the food price fluctuations into the domestic economy entails large burdens of
adjustment for producers or consumers.
Most countries try to protect their domestic economies from such shocks. Government intervention to buffer
the effects of large price fluctuations is easier from day to day than it is from year to year. The costs of
short-run insulation from the world economy are not large, and the benefits are substantial. To implement
such policies successfully, a country needs the analytical capacity to interpret international commodity price
trends, the budgetary resources to finance short-term stabilization policies, and the administrative capacity
to carry them out.
The benefits from international trade come in the medium to long run when specialization and efficient
resource allocation permit both trading partners to gain. To help a country participate effectively in this
trade, analysts need to recognize that underneath all the global instability is a world economy undergoing
major structural changes. These long-run changes are of particular importance to a poor country; they
dictate the nature of the goods and services that can be traded and at what opportunity costs to the country's
own economy.
Structural Changes in the World Economy
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The world economy is vastly different from what it was just a decade ago. Sharply higher real energy prices
have induced much of the change, bringing a significant redistribution of world incomes and very different
expenditure patterns as a result. The indirect and long-term ramifications of this change continue to be
worked out, and the full extent of the structural adjustments is still unknown. The slowdown in the world's
economy, the mounting debt of the developing world, and the delayed prospects for rapid growth of the
poorer countries are apparent even now, however.
Mostly as a result of long-term changes in the balance of economic power in the world, the Bretton Woods
system of fixed foreign exchange rates broke down in 1971. Interest rates and exchange rates became much
more volatile and interdependent when the need to finance oil imports and to recycle petrodoUars" back into
the world economy was piled on top of the new floating exchange rate system. The monetary and fiscal
policies of the major industrial countries and the overall health of their economies became linked into more
synchronous patterns than had existed before 1970. At the same time, the economies of the oil-exporting
nations seemed to fluctuate in countercyclical fashion to those of the industrialized countries, mostly
because of the petroleum price link and its macroeconomic effects on buyers and sellers.
Both the petroleum price and the international macroeconomic environment influence world commodity
markets. When real interest rates fluctuate in the Eurodollar market, price formation in world markets is
affected by the altered costs of carrying inventories of food commodities. In a more roundabout way, the
structural changes affect supply and demand in individual countries, and the cumulative effects gradually
spill over into world commodity markets and affect their structure and price behavior.
Petroleum Prices
Rising petroleum prices in the 1970s had both direct and indirect effects on domestic agricultural systems
throughout the world. The direct effects of higher oil prices were to raise the costs of pumping irrigation
water, the costs of fuel used in tractors, the energy costs of food processing and distribution, and, though the
correlation was far from perfect, fertilizer costs. Higher input costs caused farmers to use energy-related
inputs less intensively. The resulting lower output caused grain prices to rise; higher input costs were then
covered by the higher grain prices. Through such equilibrating market mechanisms, higher input costs
translate into higher output prices. Similarly, as market forces and continued investments bring input prices
back down, especially fertilizer prices, then grain prices also work their way down in real terms.
As chapter 5 explained, higher petroleum prices also had important indirect effects. Many food-importing
countries import oil as well, and they faced a double balance of payments problem after 1973-74. Some
countries reduced petroleum imports and slowed their economic growth, some reduced food imports and
pushed domestic food prices higher, and nearly all food-and oil-importing countries borrowed heavily from
world credit markets. The large and growing international debt of developing countries is a potential source
of disruption to world trade because the international financial system is a key factor in the smooth
functioning of trade movements.
An even more roundabout impact of higher petroleum prices may turn out to be the most important of all.
The oil-exporting countries experienced extremely rapid increases in their incomes while the industrial
economies showed slow growth or declines. This redistribution of world incomes is important for several
reasons. For the world food system it meant income shifted from relatively rich populations in the United
States and Western Europe, where income elasticities of demand for food are nearly zero, to populations in
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the Middle East, Nigeria, Mexico, Venezuela, and Indonesia, where food income elasticities are
significantly positive. Consequently, the 1970s saw a sharp increase in demand for food from a given dollar
increase in average world incomes.
In the framework of price formation in the world grain market shown in figures 4-6 and 4-7, the
redistribution of incomes caused demand curves for food grains in international markets to shift Out faster
in the 1970s than in previous periods. The decade also saw several years of poor production and slow
growth in supplies available to international markets. As a consequence, real prices for wheat and rice, the
two primary food grains, were higher in the 1970s than in the 1960s.
The Livestock Economy
The structure of the food demand itself has also shifted in response to the size and location of the income
growth. A consequence of the redistribution of incomes has been a sharp increase in demand for livestock
products. In market economies normal demand forces cause this shift to increased meat consumption when
incomes rise rapidly, but even in socialist oil-exporting countries such as the U.S.S.R. and China, providing
additional meat supplies has a very high priority in the economic plan. Much of the increased supply to
meet the demand is produced by feeding grain-especially corn and other coarse grains, but also low-quality
wheat-to livestock. In periods of rapid income growth, this demand for feed grains can push up the prices of
all grains, not just corn or sorghum.
Considerable concern has been expressed that the indirect demand for feed grain to produce meat for the
affluent has the potential to "bid food off the plates of the poor." Certainly in an environment of static
supply response, the added grain demand will raise market prices. One of the most persistent trends in
modern economic history, however, has been the elastic response of commercial farmers to even modest
improvements in the real price of grain. Demand pressures may yet outrun supply response and reverse the
long-run decline in teal grain prices. But lagging income growth in the early 1980s in the industrial
countries along with weaker oil prices have relieved much of the demand pressure in world grain markets in
the mid-1970s. Supplies have continued to be responsive to higher incentives. As developing countries
attempt to implement a food price policy consistent with international opportunity costs, their primary
problem is not likely to be a sharply higher long-run level of grain prices in world markets, but rather their
sharp instability.
The growing world livestock economy plays a somewhat surprising role in conditioning this grain price
instability. Grain price fluctuations are likely to be dampened by the increased use of grain to feed livestock.
Although demand for grain for direct human consumption is normally very price inelastic, the demand for
feed grain for livestock is quite price elastic in the medium run-about twelve to twenty-four months. With
40 percent of world grain production now destined to be consumed by livestock, the buffering opportunities
against extreme price fluctuations are quite substantial. This buffering does not work very effectively in the
short run-up to twelve months or s~and price fluctuations can still be very large in the face of significant
production shortfalls or new sources of demand for international supplies.
The potential of the livestock sector to stabilize international prices is diminished, moreover, if countries cut
off their producers and consumers from international price signals for long periods. Farmers then do not
adjust feed use in response to changing grain prices because domestic production and consumption decisions
are not influenced by international prices. Protectionist policies of countries in pursuit of domestic price
stability can thus increase international price volatility.
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For example, in response to sharply higher grain prices in 1973 and 1974, the amount of grain fed to
livestock in the United States fell below 1972 levels by 6.0 million metric tons and declined further in 1974
and 1975 by 38.7 million and 28.6 million tons, respectively. The total drop in feed use for the three years
amounted to 73.3 million tons. By contrast, during the same period, feed use in Japan and the U.S.S.R.
actually rose because feeding decisions were isolated from the opportunity costs of the feed. When
producers and consumers are completely protected from price changes, they cannot be part of the
adjustment process that price changes are intend~d to call forth.
Indirect Effects on Food Demand
In addition to changes in food expenditure patterns caused by the redistribution of global income, petroleum
wealth Created a new demand for industrial goods, many of which were supplied by the newly
industrializing economies, such as Brazil, Taiwan, and the Republic of Korea. Their incomes too became
linked to rising incomes in oil-exporting countries and further extended the income redistribution effects of
the oil price increase. The food consumption consequences of this indirect redistribution were similar to the
direct effects noted above.
An even less direct effect of petroleum wealth on food demand has come from the remittances of foreign
workers. The Middle Eastern oil exporters have hired many immigrant workers from poorer countries in the
region and from countries as far away as Bangladesh and Korea. The foreign exchange remittances from
these workers are a significant factor in the balance of payments of several countries, including Pakistan,
India, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka, permitting somewhat freer imports of food than would otherwise have
been possible under the dual burden of higher prices for petroleum and grain.
Macroeconomic Effects
The indirect and roundabout impact of higher oil prices on agricultural systems and the price of grains
traded in international markets are mediated mostly through macroeconomic mechanisms. Those specifically
connected to the redistribution of income were noted above, but several operate more through financial
changes and exchange rates than through demand patterns for food.
The most obvious result of the "new international financial order" and the use of high interest rates to
control inflation is the almost universal slowdown in the economies of industrial countries. The effect on
developing countries is twofold: the slower growth reduces the demand for their primary exports used as
inputs to industrial processes while increasing competition for their manufactured exports; and the high
interest rates raise the cost of storing commodities and depress their prices further. Such economic
mechanisms work both ways. When interest rates decline, economies should be revitalized. Storage costs
fall and induce greater storage and higher commodity prices in international markets. The interactive
leveraging of these effects is one of the main reasons for the dramatic swings in the expectations of market
participants and in commodity prices. For countries dependent on exports of a few primary commodities for
both their foreign exchange earnings and domestic incomes in rural areas, these price swings play havoc
with macro plans and the costs of providing food security to poor households.
The most important structural change under way in the world economy at the moment, and the one for
which the least statistical evidence is available, is the gradual adjustment, through exchange rate
realignments, in the overall terms of trade for agriculture in oil-importing countries (and in oilexporting
countries wise enough to recognize the importance of their rural sectors for long-run growth and more equal
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distribution of incomes). As chapter 5 explained, high-priced oil imports put pressure on the balance of
payments and cause a gradual depreciation of a country's currency. This depreciation raises the opportunity
cost of food imports (or the incentives to export) and thus stimulates a country's rural economy. The gradual,
but cumulative, effect is to add new food supplies to world markets and to reduce demand in those markets.
These trends of added supplies and reduced demand clearly complicate efforts to predict future directions
for world grain prices, for the trends run counter to pressures from increasing population and the
redistribution of income to countries with higher income elasticities of demand for food. It is inappropriate
here to predict which direction future prices will take. The goal has been more limited-to identify several
new elements that will influence those trends and that analysts can follow in their own efforts to track
historic trends and discern directions for the future.
Managing a Food Policy
Countries have only limited experience with managing a food policy that is internally consistent and
designed around the framework and perspective developed in this book. Pieces of the approach have been
tried in various places, for example, targeted ration shops in parts of India, incentive price schemes in the
Republic of Korea, and a macroeconomic environment conducive to agriculture in Indonesia. No country
has put the pieces together, largely because the need to have an integrated food policy has not been fully
appreciated, nor has the knowledge been available to do it. Consequently, this discussion of managing a
food policy focuses less on evaluating what works and what does not than on emphasizing several important
issues for implementation.
Administrative capacity is the first of these, for any program, no matter how beautifully designed, is only as
good as the ability to make it work in the field. Many of these administrative issues are important to
managing the food price dilemma successfully and to creating effective institutional structures and financial
arrangements for setting domestic food prices relative to international market prices. Buffer stocks and
foreign exchange contingency funds are mechanisms for implementing a food policy and managing the
inherent instability of agricultural systems. These mechanisms help cope with this instability as it spills over
into the macro economy through budgetary, fiscal, and monetary effects, the balance of payments, and the
availability of foreign exchange. Managing a food policy means first of all understanding these issues and
then being prepared to deal with them day by day. Some of the understanding can be provided here, but the
day-to-day lessons will be learned on the job.
Administrative Capacity
Traditionally, two separate and unconnected efforts have gone into public policy formation. The analytical
or design effort has focused on policy objectives and on financial and technical constraints. From the
juxtaposition of objectives and constraints emerged an optimal policy, which was then handed over to the
civil service for the second part of the effort-implementation and administration. A long-standing complaint
in developing countries has been the relative ease of getting "good" policy advice, but the subsequent
difficulties in implementing the recommended policies. Separatmg policy analysis in this way from policy
implementation is simply wrong. Policy analysis must evaluate the capacity to implement and manage the
policy on a daily basis. That need has complicated the analytical approaches in each chapter. The analysis is
not complete without a specific concern for political and bureaucratic capacity to implement the results of
the analysis.
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Limited capacity to do this analysis is a major constraint in all countries. More troubling, the capacity to
train analysts with appropriate tools, perspective, and sensitivity is also extremely limited. This book is a
bare beginning toward an understanding of the type of analytical capacity required and toward the
development of the skills needed to make that analytical capacity effective.
The importance of administrative capacity in implementing policies and programs is apparent when analysts
consider the tradeoffs between a desirable policy, its administrative intensity, and the capacity to implement
it. As a general rule, price policies implemented by appropriate trade instruments at the international border
do not require complicated bureaucratic management. But as the domestic price diverges more and more
from the international opportunity cost in either direction, the administrative task of keeping the country's
cheap grain at home or keeping Out the international market's cheap grain becomes much more difficult,
even more so if the coastline is long and open.
A food price policy that permits free trade of basic food grains in either direction requires almost no effort to
implement, but it might not be very satisfactory in furthering the government's objectives because of the
extreme instability that would be transmitted into the domestic economy. The more vigorous the objectives
relative to the international price standard, the more administratively intensive the policy will be. An
administratively intensive food price policy, without the bureaucratic resources to implement it, will be
circumvented and ultimately frustrated by market forces. Consequently, for food price policy an assessment
of administrative capacity is a necessary component of the planning.
The capacity to implement a fair means test to limit access to a targeted consumer food subsidy scheme
clearly conditions the entire tenor of all food planning discussions. If the government plans to provide
adequate incentives to farmers to grow more grain, it needs some mechanism to protect the poor from higher
food prices during the transition to rapid and equitable agricultural growth. An incentives-led growth
strategy requires sufficient administrative capacity to locate the very poor suffering from food deficits and
to design mechanisms to reach them with food without bankrupting the treasury or having serious spillover
effects on farmer incentives.
Food stamp programs or a network of fair-price shops restricted to poor consumers appeal to economists
because they target food subsidies efficiently. But if the programs cannot be restricted to the target
population, the budget costs mushroom and the efficiency disappears. If the bureaucracy cannot implement a
fair and efficient means test, then administrative targeting of programs directly to the poor is not feasible,
and other targeting mechanisms must be found.
An incentives-based food price policy in itself will require significant administrative capacity to implement.
Few countries leave food price determination entirely in private hands. Most evidence suggests that private
food marketing agents tend to be competitive and do not exert significant influence on seasonal or spatial
price formation. However, a public role still exists for smoothing out year-to-year variations through
import-export policies and a well-managed buffer stock program.
The major goal of such a program will usually be to ensure that incentive prices actually reach the farmers
during the weeks immediately following the harvest and that price ceilings for urban consumers are not
exceeded during brief, preharvest shortages. A price policy that leaves most of this task to the private sector
is no doubt the least costly in terms of government resources and administrative capacity, but it might not
accomplish the objectives the government desires of its food price policy. A more active role for
government in influencing price formation, perhaps with some subsidization of marketing margins, is likely
to be part of the management of food price policy.
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The importance of food price policy has been a persistent theme from the beginning of this book. The
inverse impact of food prices on producers and consumers creates a significant dilemma for policy by
separating the short-run interests of the poor from their long-run interests. Managing this dilemma while
trying to achieve all four food policy objectives, rather than just one or two, is the essence of a successful
food policy. That success requires an understanding of the political economy of food prices as well as more
specific tools for managing a country's border price through buffer stocks and greater financial flexibility
and control.
Food Prices and Consumer Pressure
In virtually all poor countries the strongest and most visible constraint on choosing among food policy
alternatives is consumer pressure in urban areas to keep basic food prices cheap. The less developed the
country, the more acute the problem. Figure 6-1 shows the relationship in 1975 between the prices of
calories from staple foods-cereals and pulses-relative to per capita incomes in a sample of seven diverse
countries. Both axes are drawn in logarithms to capture the proportional relationship better. For every 10
percent difference in per capita income, the staple calorie price varies roughly half as much. At India's 1975
per capita income of $140 (converted at the nominal exchange rate for the year), prices for staple foods
were only 5.95 cents per 1,000 calories. In Mexico, with a per capita income of $1,335, prices for staples
were 16.0 cents per 1,000 calories, while in the United States the price was 33.8 cents and per capita income
was nearly $7,150. The other countries in this sample are smoothly distributed in between. The evidence is
fairly clear that poor countries feel pressure to keep their basic cereal prices low to consumers and thus
forgo the gains in productivity that might come from offering their farmers better incentives.
Politicians and most bureaucrats in the developing world are susceptible to this pressure because food forms
a large share of the budgets of all but the most privileged, and urban populations must buy all their food.
High food prices hurt with an intensity which varies from a pinprick for wealthy merchants, to the
disappointment of a movie missed or a radio not purchased for students or factory workers, to the dull,
chronic pain of continuous hunger for the unemployed. Raising food prices sends many of these people
clamoring in the streets. Although the urban pressure for low food prices is usually exerted by consumers
who are relatively well-off by nutritional standards, this does not dismiss the importance of that cheap food
grain to the truly malnourished and hungry-the urban unemployed, the rural landless, or disadvantaged
infants and children.
The mirror image of urban pressure for cheap food is production stagnation or unsatisfactory performance in
the agricultural sector. Much of the production stagnation is caused by a cheap food policy, or so the
available economic evidence would indicate. Whatever the cause, the result is slow growth in food and feed
grain output relative to effective demand and especially to nutritional requirements. Stagnation leads to
rising food prices, which are resisted by urban consumers, or to growing imports from the world market.
Many countries have resorted to imports to satisfy the rapid growth in food demand fueled by growth in
population and incomes. Resort to international supplies is not a bad thing in isolation. Only if the imports
are used to support a strongly urban-biased development strategy do they create a significant problem for
domestic food policy.
Precisely because the urban pressure for low food prices is so strong, however, a disproportionate amount of
government policy attention and budgetary resources has been devoted to nonprice policy issues. Priority
attention to the neglected price issue should pay very high returns in both short-run and long-run
productivity growth. At the same time, mechanisms can be designed to deal with the short-run consumption
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consequences of providing better incentives to farmers.
Figure 6-1. Relationship between Staple Food Prices and per Capita Incomes in a Diverse Sample of Countries,
In the longer run, efficient job creation is a concomitant of a dynamic agriculture, and rapidly growing
employment contributes to more equal income distribution in poor countries and improves the welfare of
food consumers.
Domestic Food Price Policy
Managing domestic food price pOllcy requires setting and maintaining a border price relative to
international market prices. As chapter 4 explained, this task has essentially three time horizons. The first
focuses on the day-today and month-to-month fluctuations in domestic import needs relative to international
market prices and on management of a buffer stock operation to achieve the lowest cost possible for
imported grain (or the highest price for exports).
The internal price range set for domestic producers and consumers reflects a second time horizon, for this
price is most effective if maintained for a year or two at a time. This provides reasonably stable signals to
domestic decisionmakers about the opportunity costs of their production and consumption allocations. Such
stability improves the efficiency of resource allocation if it does not lock in misleading signals about the
long-run opportunity costs of producing and using resources. These long-run opportunity costs are read
from international market price trends, and they represent the third time horizon important for domestic food
price policy. Investment decisions with a payoff several years in the future should depend on these long-run
opportunity costs and not on short-run prices.
It is the inherent instability of both domestic agricultural production and international market prices that
complicates the management of food price policy. Otherwise, prices in the three time horizons would
correspond, and borders could simply be open even in the very short run to free trade in agricultural
commodities. Price instability is a problem in the case of both food imports where foreign exchange is
needed and agricultural exports where foreign exchange is earned. In both cases the important management
issues revolve around fluctuations in foreign exchange available to the entire economy, not just for the
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implementation of food policy.
Fluctuations in Food Import Bills
The balance between domestic food production, imports (or exports) of food, and food consumption is often
quite delicate. Variations in domestic food output of 20 percent occur on occasion, and to maintain stable
levels of food consumption, imports must fluctuate substantially. They frequently do not adjust enough to
prevent serious shortfalls in consumption. As table 6-1 shows, for several low-income countries, the total
value of food imports averaged more than 10 percent of the total of exports. But the average value for food
imports is not the primary issue. Committing 10 or even 20 percent of export earnings to food imports can
be entirely appropriate if other socially profitable activities can pay the bill.
Table 20: Measures of Food Insecurity in Developing Countries, 1961-76
Probability of
consumption falling
below 95% of trend
Probability of domestic
production falling below
95% of trend
Average ratio of cost of
food imports to total
export revenue
Variability of food
import bill (percent)
Because of
of price
Algeria 42 43 6.0 88 12
Bangladesh 26 22 88.4 84 16
Brazil 20 17 3.9 85 15
Chile 36 33 5.3 88 12
Colombia 14 13 2.8 83 17
Egypt 34 13 14.0 69 31
Ghana 21 20 3.7 65 35
Guatemala 24 22 2.4 55 45
India 17 22 22.2 96 4
Indonesia 21 18 9.5 92 8
Jordan 40 47 10.6 79 21
Rep. of
22 24 13.5 80 20
Libya 38 43 1.4 57 43
Mexico 17 36 0.4 100 0
Morocco 40 43 7.0 93 7
Nigeria 19 19 1.9 62 38
Peru 10 30 6.6 45 55
Phillipines 6 19 4.9 68 32
Senegal 37 39 12.2 55 45
Sri lanka 27 29 27.2 40 60
Syria 39 45 5.7 100 0
Tanzania 37 35 5.5 96 4
30 30 7.4 85 15
Zaire 11 15 3.1 40 60
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Source: Alberto Valdes and Panos Konandreas, "Assessing Food Insecurity," in Alberto Valdes, ed.,
Food Security for Developing Countries (Boulder, Colorado, Westview Press, 1981).
The main issue is the variability in imports and the foreign exchange needed to pay for them. A sudden
jump of the food bill from 10 to 50 percent of export earnings is highly disruptive to the rest of the macro
economy. The unexpected need for foreign exchange can put serious strains on the balance of payments and
the ability of the central bank to defend its foreign exchange rate. Fluctuating domestic food production
causes most of this problem, but volatility in international commodity markets also plays a role, for the cost
of those food imports may increase suddenly. Managing these price fluctuations is a function of border price
policies and the design and implementation of buffer stock operations.
Agricultural Exports
Fluctuations in food imports primarily affect the demand for foreign exchange. Since the agricultural sector
is often an important supplier of foreign exchange, normal variations in the production of export crops can
also create difficult problems for macro management and alter the availability of foreign exchange. The
proportional changes can be quite dramatic when a country is dependent on only a few agricultural exports
and there are large variations in crop yields. A crop failure can sharply reduce foreign exchange availability
as well as rural incomes.
Even without any variations in agricultural production, variations in international market prices for food and
cash crops can cause similar problems for countries that rely on exports of cash crops to earn foreign
exchange to import both food and capital goods. The prospects for stabilizing markets for basic grains and
cash crops, such as coffee, sugar, cocoa, and tea, are not very bright, and most macro policymakers will
have to continue to cope with significant fluctuations in the demand for and supply of foreign exchange
arising from the food and agricultural system.
Part of the effort to cope will require better estimates of likely export earnings by commodity. In addition,
when large shortfalls occur because of poor international prices or domestic crop failures, the International
Monetary Fund (IMF) offers compensatory financing at preferential interest rates. In the long run,
governments can make investments in research on disease resistance and in irrigation and crop
diversification that will result in greater stability of crop production. Internationally, greater price stability
for primary products seems a remote hope without a significant lessening of protectionist policies in both
developed and developing countries.
The food policy analyst can help in each of these areas, especially by focusing attention on the reality and
likelihood of large fluctuations in the demand for and supply of foreign exchange from the agricultural
sector. Plans made on the basis of the most optimistic assumptions, rather than realistic estimates, are likely
to go awry, with important consequences for the rest of the economy as well as for agriculture.
Food Aid
In some circumstances the foreign exchange needed to import food can be provided by food aid through
grants or long-term loans. Such food aid is attractive to recipient countries, for it reduces the import bill,
ensures supplies especially for urban food markets, and generates domestic currency revenues for the
government treasury when the food is sold. The attractiveness of food aid to donors depends very much on
the commercial outlook for grain sales. When international markets are weak, as in the early 1960s and early
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1980s, the opportunity cost of grain provided as food aid is quite low, especially if it can be delivered in a
manner that adds to effective global demand. Then food aid is a very attractive way for the United States
and the European Economic Community to provide foreign assistance. It is doing well by doing good.
Despite the appeal of food aid to both donors and recipients, the disincentive effects on domestic producers
and the problems of implementing food aid agreements are so serious that they vitiate much of the
usefulness of food aid. Especially as a way to cope with fluctuations in grain import needs in countries with
serious foreign exchange shortages, food aid is simply not available with sufficiently flexible timing to be
helpful. Emergency food aid for famine relief is a separate story, but routine food aid-Title I in the U.S. PL-
480 program, for example-is not an instrument for dampening macro fluctuations caused by instability in
food import needs.
Food aid provided under longer-term arrangements might be useful in providing temporary outside
resources to assist a country in transition to a balanced macro food policy. This typically means moving
from a consumer-based price policy and producer-based projects orientation to a mirror image-the
incentives-based price policy and food subsidy programs targeted to poor consumers that form the policy
focus of this book. In this sense, food aid will be much more important as a bridge between short-run
problems and long-run solutions than as a mechanism for coping with short-run instability directly.
Managing Instability
Even in periods of scarcity in world markets, higher prices have stimulated increased exports from food-
exporting countries where commodities had alternative domestic end uses. Food-importing countries are
generally less concerned with the physical availability of grain in world markets than with budget costs and
amounts of foreign exchange needed to pay for the grain the country needs. The fundamental need of most
importing countries is for mechanisms to deal with budgetary and balance of payments problems caused by
unexpected variations in domestic production or international prices.
Since the basic problem is price and not export supplies, financial schemes have been designed at the
international level to help low-income importing countries solve food problems caused by variations in
production or price. In 1981 the IMF expanded its compensatory finance scheme to cover balance of
payments problems associated with rising costs of cereal imports. By adding grain import costs to previous
provisions that had applied only to export shortfalls, the IMF recognized a basic international problem. For
low-income countries with highly variable domestic food production and a weak balance of payments
position, the buffer fund approach could be of considerable help.
Buffer Stocks
Another element in coping with fluctuating internal production and external prices is the maintenance of
domestic grain reserves. Public storage capacity and emergency stocks are a sensible investment for several
reasons, not the least of which is insurance for policymakers who otherwise would be exposed to the whims
of international markets. Grain stocks can be used to buffer short-run fluctuations in import deliveries and
prices, but they cannot smooth out major year-to-year movements in world market prices except at
extremely high cost. Nor do such modest reserves insure a country against food price changes that come
from fluctuating domestlc production, except by providing several months' planning time to make decisions
about import or export levels needed to defend domestic price policy.
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A buffer stock program involving domestic price stabilization operated in conjunction with a public storage
system can help increase the flexibility of low-income countries in using international markets to improve
their own welfare. Having sufficient storage capacity allows a country to import grain when prices are
relatively low, rather than during emergency conditions. In addition, the grain reserves permit more
flexibility in coping with short-term lags in delivery, and the additional storage facilities increase the
domestic marketing system's capacity to handle local surpluses. Especially if domestic production strategies
are successful, an expanded storage and marketing system will be needed to help supply large cities from
the hinterlands, rather than from imports. The location of new storage capacity should be determined by
both potential sources of stocks. It is apparent that a buffer stock is most effective when used for
implementing a domestic price policy that uses world markets effectively, not for isolating price policy from
world markets.
A buffer stock program can be designed to defend floor prices to farmers and ceiling prices to consumers as
well as to smooth year-to-year price fluctuations. For it to operate successfully, however, the government
must stand ready to perform a variety of economic functions simultaneously. It must buy from farmers at
the guaranteed price if private millers or middlemen find this transaction unprofttable. Grain must be
injected into retail markets if private storage is exhausted or if there is any evidence of collusion among
merchants to drive up prices. A buffer stock agency must carry stocks both to carry Out these day-to-day
logistical operations and to dampen price fluctuations from one year to the next caused by variations in the
size of the harvest relative to domestic and international demand.
These tasks require administrative skills and budgetary resources. An efficient food logistics operation
might cover most of its costs by purchasing at the floor price and selling at the ceiling price if adequate
margins are permitted. But so would the private trade, which would then carry much of the burden. As the
margin narrows under the pressure of keeping urban food prices low and farm prices high, the financial and
administrative role of the government increases. If the government has defined its objectives clearly and
understands the budgetary requirements, its enlarged role can pay social benefits. Conversely, the failure to
plan and budget for government food logistics operations can result in reliance on fiat and coercion, actions
which fragment markets and stifle the necessary signals between producers and consumers.
Increasing Domestic Flexibility
Although domestic buffer stock policies can cope with some of the instability in international markets,
greater flexibility in planning and allocating budget resources and foreign exchange can qlso help. Financial
and logistical flexibility in scheduling and contracting for imports or exports offers substantial opportunities
to conserve foreign exchange if short-term market trends are read correctly. Many countries buy desperately
in a rising market and thus push prices higher. Similarly, commodity exporters frequently sell aggressively
into a soft market in the fear that it wijl fall further, which it does because of their cumulative actions.
Having the financial capacity to stand back from purchases or sales for a month or so until short-run market
trends are clarified can pay very high financial returns in terms of lower average import costs or higher
export receipts. Alternatively, the use of futures markets to establish rolling purchase or sale positions for
either import or export commitments can, for relatively modest cost, insure a country against being caught
in short-run market dislocations. The Peck paper cited in the bibliography introduces analysts to the
workings of commodity futures markets in a food security context. More effective understanding and use of
futures markets to buffer against short-run fluctuations will require investment in the education of managers
who will be responsible for day-to-day operations and new bureaucratic procedures which maintain their
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financial accountability but give them freedom to take forward positions.
The efficient use of futures markets may require new operating skills and procedures in food logistics
agencies, but the result frequently is greater financial flexibility in the use of domestic budget revenues and
foreign exchange. This internal financial flexibility is an important component of the policies and programs
that buffer a country's long-run food price environment from short-run import price fluctuations. Foreign
exchange contingency funds can earn interest in international credit markets until needed to accommodate
the times when international prices rise for imports or fall for exports or when domestic production is
substantially less than expected. When such instability occurs in the face of planners' overly optimistic
projections of production or prices, development plans must be curtailed or abandoned unless contingency
funds are available to increase financial flexibility.
Budgetary, Fiscal, and Monetary Management
Most countries have agricultural sectors that can cause severe macroeco nomic problems in the short run.
Much of this impact stems from the inherent variability of both domestic agricultural production and
international market prices for a country's agricultural imports and exports. This variability affects the
balance of payments and the foreign exchange rate directly, but food price changes also work through the
macro economy by altering demand patterns. In particular, a sharp increase in domestic food prices can
force consumers to devote more of their incomes to maintaining food consumption levels. Their
discretionary income for purchases of services and manufactured goods falls, and a Keynesian recession
induced by inadequate demand can cause unemployment in the nonagricultural sector. The impact is
mitigated if the country's manufactured goods are competitive in export markets or if import substitution is
not complete and imports can be further restricted to protect the domestic industries. But several semi-
industrialized countries such as Mexico, Brazil, and Egypt fall outside these provisos and find the link
between food prices and industrial employment quite significant.
The level of food prices can also have macroeconomic effects through a variety of budgetary allocations,
especially to consumer subsidies and programs for farmers. Much of the effect comes from the budgetary
resources needed to stabilize food prices in the interest of overall price stability. Many countries judge their
effectiveness in protecting personal welfare levels by the stability of their cost-of-living index. Food has a
large weight in all such indices, and food price stabilization schemes are usually directed with an eye on the
total index as well as on the specific component itself. If fiscal and monetary policies are causing a general
inflation, one common response is to control food prices to slow the measured effects of those inflationary
The consequences of food price stabilization policies can be quite burdensome for the budget. An effective
buffer stock policy requires a government food logistics agency to purchase surplus supplies at harvest to
guarantee a floor price for farmers and to sell in urban markets to hold a ceiling price for consumers.
Unexpected bumper crops can then cause a massive flow of government revenues into the countryside.
Financing this flow usually requires a sudden increase in the money supply beyond normal seasonal
variations. How this money is spent in rural areas determines whether there is an inflationary spillover or a
surge in import demand. If the government purchases are financed by diverting money from other budgeted
areas, the inflation can be averted, but obvious tensions arise between government agencies when this
happens. Consumer interests are frequently pitted against producer interests when the lines are drawn, and
the easiest way Out in the short run is to finance the added purchases out of a budget deficit.
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Even without direct budget implications, variations in crop production can have significant macro effects.
Unless the farmers are forced to hold a bumper crop themselves in storage, the demand for credit from the
marketing sector to store and process the crop will increase sharply. Especially with segmented capital
markets, this credit squeeze may put a severe strain on rural interest rates and on the availability of credit to
farmers to finance the purchase of inputs for the next crop.
A credit squeeze also has a severe impact on industries that require large amounts of short-run working
capital. These industries, especially construction and food processing, tend to be very labor-intensive
relative to the amount of capital invested in plant and equipment. Tight money and high interest rates can
nearly shut down these industries, creating substantial unemployment among unskilled workers.
Control over budget deficits is one of the basic tenets of sound macroeconomic management. Chapter 5
showed the relationships between budget deficits, an accommodating monetary policy, and chronic inflation.
Such inflation often leads to overvalued exchange rates and to lower real food prices relative to other goods
and services. Consequently, the rural-urban terms of trade are reduced along with incentives for agricultural
production. Inflation frequently also puts heavy pressure on governments to use budget subsidies directly to
keep food prices low in order to dampen the measured rise in the cost of living. Even when other prices are
fairly stable, subsidies are sometimes used to stabilize food prices if they would otherwise rise rapidly.
The Trade-off Between Subsidies and Investment
During budget crises fiscal expenditures must be reduced, and postponable or low-priority programs are the
first to be cut. With the government's attention riveted on mainraining low food prices, many investment
programs for agricultural development are vulnerable because they can be postponed with no immediate
diminution of agricultural output. The building of feeder roads, irrigation dams and canals, improved port
facilities, and better rail service all have payoffs well into the future, at some time when the budget crisis
will be over or the responsibility of another administration. Cuts in subsidies for agricultural inputs,
however, usually have a much more immediate impact on agricultural output.
An important tradeoff exists between cutting rnvestment programs or cutting input subsidies. Investment
programs require bids, contracts, and significant forward commitments. Canceling them, except when fraud
can be demonstrated, can be quite expensive. Cutting input subsidy programs, however, usually garners the
budget immediate (and often sizable) returns. Consequently, the treasury usually prefers a cut in input
subsidies, whereas the food agency or ministry of agriculture typically prefers a reduction in the investment
From a broad policy viewpoint, a cut in input subsidies is preferable to reductions in investment programs.
If a tight budget brings inflation under control, more potential may exist to raise farmer incentives directly
through food prices rather than indirectly through input subsidies. Investment in long-run production
potential then becomes doubly important to permit a more vigorous response on the part of farmers to the
higher incentives. Adequate productive infrastructure in the form of dams and canals, for example, and low-
cost, efficient marketing channels are essential for such a vigorous response.
A Food Policy Perspective on Budget Reforms
A budget crisis, or scarce budgetary resources in general, almost inevitably renews the debate over food
price policy. Tight fiscal control, made possible at least partially by axing subsidies to agricultural inputs or
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other food production programs, permits less indirect agricultural incentives in the form of higher food
prices. Because maintaining adequate production incentives is essential to sustaining adequate food
production, farmers are protected somewhat even in the short run. Farmers can choose not to grow food for
the market if the terms of trade become too unfavorable.
Consumers have no such option to withdraw from the market, and they usually get hurt in a budget crisis.
Most countries have some form of consumer subsidy that requires budgetary resources to implement. (An
exception is an export levy on the basic food grain that both reduces the domestic food price and generates
budget revenues, though usually at the cost of lower export earnings and decreased economic efficiency.)
The costs of consumer food subsidies become prohibitive in a budget crisis, unless they are carefully
Farmers' incomes are protected through higher food prices to consumers when budgetary integrity is
reestablished. Initiatives to design short-term consumer subsidy programs to cushion temporarily the
immediate impact of higher food prices have little chance of success in an atmosphere of severe fiscal
restraint. But a reform of budgetary, fiscal, and monetary policies does increase basic food prices, and the
short-run consequences for consumption remain significant. Failure to deal with them because of budget
constraints means either greater hunger and malnutrition or mobs in the street (or both). It is no wonder that
most governments seem paralyzed by macro economies out of control. Few of them have the analytical
capacity to design or the short-run budget revenues to fund the food programs that would alleviate the
difficult consumer adjustments associated with a macro reform.
Moving From the Short Run to the Long Run
The food policy analyst is constantly facing such predicaments. It is hard to find feasible pathways from
tightly constrained, short-run Situations, where the objective is simply putting out the ever present
brushfires, to the longer-run goals of reducing hunger and increasing productive efficiency. The short-run
situation, however, is always the starting point for the search. A strategy for food self-sufficiency by the end
of the decade does not help the food logistics agency at all in its concern over the delayed arrival of a
critical shipload of grain. Fighting brushfires is an honorable calling, but food policy analysis has a long-run
vision behind the short-run reality. With an understanding of what policy ought to be next year and in the
next decade, it may be possible to plot a route from where it is today.
Experience with economic development efforts during the past few decades suggests that the route does not
reveal itself day by day. Brushfires often seetri to be fought in the same locations over the same issues with
little apparent headway. The short-run problems assume overriding importance and fail to point the way to
actions needed to reach longer-run objectives. This is partly because the longer-run vision itself has not
been very clear, but part of the problem stems from offices churning out five- or ten-year plans which are
isolated from the short-run concerns and thus are irrelevant to a policymaker's immediate needs. Food
policy analysis is designed to bridge this gap. A good starting point is to understand how a country's basic
food price policy compares with long-run international opportunity costs and how that policy affects
agricultural production and food consumption. The food price is the key variable that links producers and
consumers. Through its impact on investment decisions the food price also links the short run to the long
run. A clear sense of the level and impact of food prices will help the food policy analyst identify realistic
policy options and thereby gain access to the important policy debates.
An Effective Food Policy: Lessons and Perspectives
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The recurring theme of this book is that policymakers face real and honest dilemmas with respect to basic
food policy decisions. Policies that significantly improve production incentives for farmers often result in
reduced food intake for many poor consumers. Broad strategies designed to keep food cheap for these poor
consumers have negative production consequences and macroeconomic ramifications that can stifle the
economic development process.
A political-economic perspective that reconciles objectives and constraints in the process of policy
formation has been used here to evaluate and determine the elements of a successful food policy. What
follows are some personal judgments on those elements. Ideal policies are discussed first, not to dismiss
them but rather to be sure that analysts understand fully the appeal of theoretical solutions and the nature of
the constraints that cause implementation problems. For the government charting its policies, many of these
constraints are like icebergs. At a distance they do not seem dangerous; their full cost can be assessed only
after they have been struck. Even bold planning in this area usually means investments to loosen constraints
over time rather than frontal assaults to break constraints.
A number of popular food policy instruments simply do not work most of the time. Comparative experience
has revealed fundamental forces operating in a food system that lead to almost inevitable failure for certain
kinds of interventions. An analyst who understands the nature of these failures is prepared to consider the
elements of a successful food policy summarized at the end of the chapter. This final perspective grows out
of the same empirical experience and analytical approach that were drawn on in developing the book.
The Ideal Answers
Most economic models are driven by optimization principles. Producers maximize profits, consumers
maximize satisfaction, and market traders shift products to their optimal time, place, and form by capturing
all income-generating opportunities induced by price differences among markets. Sucb economic models,
when applied to food policy problems, frequently identify ideal solutions that depend critically on the
assumptions that allow the models to abstract from the full complexity of reality. The assumption of
competitive behavior of all market participants and access to market information is particularly relevant to
food policy analysts. In addition, the institutional and social costs that must be paid when policymakers
attempt to implement an ideal intervention cannot be ignored. The reality of the assumptions and the costs
of implementation are both of paramount relevance. The existence of these issues does not mean that
economists' ideal solutions should be dismissed out of hand, but that policy analysis has an added and
difficult dimension. The ideal answers to food policy problems have very desirable characteristics. If ways
can be found to implement them, the payoff to both producers and consumers will be very high.
Redistribution of Assets
In many countries with highly unequal ownership of assets, especially land, food production and
consumption goals could be significantly furthered by a more equal distribution of those assets. The most
successful examples of agricultural development coupled with the reduction of poverty-induced hunger have
all emerged from war-based and almost revolutionary land redistributions, as in Japan, the Republic of
Korea, and China. The importance of land reform, especially in Latin America, has been recognized for
some time, and many countries, including Mexico, Peru, Iran, and India, have made attempts at reform. The
dynamic effects of breaking up large landholdings, by shifting the attitudes and mobility of peasants, are
potentially as important as the static effects of providing smallholders and the landless with viable farms. In
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some settings these dynamic effects might be achievable by other policies, including village-level education,
organization, and cooperative mobilization. But in some societies, for both static and dynamic reasons, no
other food policy initiative seems to make sense without a significant restructuring of landholdings.
Experience with land reform programs since the 1930s has shown that land tenure patterns are not a simple
question of economic ownership. Large-scale landownership conveys great power in rural communities.
Such power is not relinquished lightly and almost certainly not cheaply. Hence, in most cases expropriation
is to some degree the only financially feasible way to implement land reform. This action directly threatens
the vital interests of the most powerful citizens in the countryside. It is no surprise that meaningful land
reform has been a policy instrument available primarily to revolutionaries. In societies utterly dependent on
land reform to open the door to effective food policies, analysts can identify the closed doors, but they do
not have the key.
Rapid Income Growth for the Poor
Aggregate economic growth since World War II in most developing countries has been remarkable by any
historical standard. Even the very poor have shared in the benefits of this growth to some extent, for their
life expectancy is higher, many of their children are literate, and they have greater opportunities than their
parents would ever have imagined.
In some countries, however, the growth process has been feeble, in others the poor have participated to a
very limited extent, and in virtually all countries a hard core of the "poorest of the poor" remains outside the
formal economy and beyond the reach of government relief efforts. Finding ways to reach this population
has galvanized the intellectual and emotional energies of many individuals in national and international
communities. The obvious solution is to bring the poor into the mainstream of economic growth and to find
policies that raise their incomes relative to the growth of the better-off segment of the population. One
academic but typical calculation shows that if only half the increment in economic product could be directed
to those in the bottom quarter of the income distribution, their incomes would rise above a "basic needs"
poverty line in a decade.
How can this redistribution of growth be accomplished? The poor are poor because they do not own scarce
factors of production that generate large income streams. The one asset they control, their labor, is not
highly valued in their economies because there is so much of it relative to demand. It is not scarce compared
with land (except in much of Africa, the frontiers in Latin America, and a few regions in Asia), capital, and
As population pressures and the spread of market relationships remove traditional floors for subsistence
wages, the average welfare and security of the very poor may decline. Growth strategies that tap this
abundant resource offer hope of raising their real incomes. Such growth strategies require appropriate
macroeconomic policies and agricultural incentives that together generate a healthy rural economy. These
policies, however, provide solutions to poverty in the long run, not the short run. For the next decade the
poor must be reached by bridging mechanisms that protect their food consumption intake while the growth
strategies gradually open new opportunities for their productive employment.
Lump-sum Income Transfers
Where redistribution of assets is blocked by political constraints and rapid increases in productive
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employment for the poor take too long to solve existing hunger problems, a third option favored by
economists is to transfer money income to the poor from general tax revenues. If the taxes are raised from
factor incomes in a nonregressive fashion and distributed without eliminating work incentives, the economy
can funcnon efficiently while the welfare problems are being treated.
The problems with such an ideal solution lie with the distortions to work incentives faced by both taxpayers
and recipients, the administrative resources needed to raise and distribute tax revenues, and the political
factors associated with taxing the middle- and upper-income groups. In addition, any revenues raised by
taxation have multiple claimants. Irrigation investments, salaries of civil servants, and defense spending all
compete with income supplements for the poor. In societies where the poor are a significant proportion of
the total population (and the bottom 40 percent of the income distribution is frequently used as the target
group in many countries), meaningful income transfers would be wildly inflationary. Lump-sum transfers
usually are confronted by political, administrative, and budgetary constraints.
Technical Change in Agricultural Production
Improved technology in food production during the past thirty years has benefited the poor significantly,
primarily through cheaper food. Virtually all studies of the income distribution consequences of the seed-
fertilizer revolution in the 1960s have shown that the major impact has been to lower food prices relative to
what they would have been in the absence of new technology. The welfare beneftts of lower food prices are
captured predominantly by poor consumers. Even when new technology has been available primarily to
large farmers and small farmers suffered as a result (and these circumstances are not the normal pattern), the
overall distribution of benefits for the entire society is still heavily weighted to the poor because of the large
role that food consumption plays in the total household budget.
Technical change has lowered the real price of basic cereal grains over the past century. Even though prices
were high in the 1970s, real wheat prices declined to lower levels at the start of the 1980s than at the start
of the 1950s. But despite this impressive record of beneficial effects, technical change cannot be considered
the answer to the problems of hunger because of its long-run and evolutionary character. If higher food
prices are needed to induce technical change, the dilemma is even sharper-as the problems in funding the
international agricultural research centers in the early 1980s indicate. The poor must place their hopes on
significant technical change in the long run while they seek their short-run survival in targeted interventions.
The Nonanswers
It is a mistake to think that governments do not feel the urgency of the hunger of their people. The pressures
to do something are great, the time for analysis is short, and political priorities and constraints usually limit
the scope for intervention. Many governments respond to this environment with programs that have great
emotional and political appeal, especially if cast in a rhetoric that oversimplifies complex problems for mass
consumption. Most of these programs do not work, and some make the problem worse. The leading
candidates for nonanswers are discussed below.
Eliminating the Middleman
Most policymakers see the middleman as an unscrupulous rascal who buys food at low prices from
disadvantaged small peasants and sells it to desperate consumers at prices so high they cannot afford bus
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fare to work. Surely the government can move food from farmers to consumers more fairly than that. The
promise to do so, especially when food shortages are forcing food prices up, brings wild cheers from the
urban population.
In its extreme form, in which the government takes over the entire food marketing function, the strategy
almost never works. Consumers find that the government cannot provide food as cheaply as their corner
market stall. Farmers discover that the government purchasing agent is missing when the crop needs to be
sold or that payment will be delayed several months, even years. A furtive private trade springs up,
reinforcing the government S view that the middlemen who conduct it are antisocial elements. Both
producers and consumers, however, find they are better off dealing with them. Very quickly, the
government 5 marketing program becomes a visibly empty shell.
There is too much truth in this caricature to ignore. Significant opportunities exist for government
interventions to improve food grain marketing, to the benefit of both producers and consumers. Such
interventions must take account of the productive roles played by marketing agents. If the private sector is
not carrying out marketing functions efficiently, and most empirical evidence says it is, the government
must understand why and how to intervene to improve matters. Simply attacking or supplanting the
middleman will almost never be the answer.
Crash Programs
Problems that have been allowed to develop into crises usually provoke a call for immediate and drastic
action-a crash program. By definition, such programs are not built on an analytical understanding ofthe
problem at hand, nor is there time to build one. The call for drastic action has political appeal precisely
because of its hurried and makeshift aspect. The rime is past for research, for analysis, for planning. Now is
the time to act.
Food problems are extraordinarily complicated, and expedient short-run interventions frequently have
devastating long-run consequences. Procuring grain at gunpoint, seizing private warehouse stocks, or
placing embargoes on exports are examples of shortsighted policies. Food policy analysis attempts to
identify the relationships between the short-run and the long-run effects of a policy. Failure to design
interventions in the food sector consistent with long-run objectives eventually causes a policy fiasco. The
greater the short-run pressures to implement a program~any program~the greater the probability that it will
have effects just opposite to those intended. Crash programs tend to crash.
Subsidizing Farm Inputs
As the analysis in chapter 3 showed, for any output price, the incentive to increase production by more
intensive use of an input can be improved by subsidizing the cost of the input. Using subsidies to lower
fertilizer costs is an especially common technique for increasing the profitability of intensive agriculture
while keeping food prices low. When total fertilizer use is low and the ratio of incremental grain yield to
fertilizer application is high, such subsidies can be a highly cost-effective strategy relative to higher output
prices or greater food imports with subsidies. Fertilizer subsidies can also speed the adoption of modern
seed varieties. As fertilizer use becomes much more widespread, however, the costs of the program rise
dramatically. The production impact per unit of fertilizer subsidy drops for two reasons: declining marginal
response rates, and few nonusers of fertilizer remain to be converted to users.
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Many governments subsidize other inputs as well. Irrigation water is provided to farmers well below cost,
frequently at no cost, over much of the world. Subsidized credit is widely used to encourage the purchase
and use of modern inputs despite poor repayment records and little apparent impact on output. Furthermore,
no input subsidy program is able to encourage farmers to use more labor and provide better managerial care
for the crops. All subsidies tend to distort the intensity of use of inputs from their economically optimal
levels, and significant waste is a result. Since not all inputs can be equally subsidized, output price increases
will have a greater impact on productivity than will input subsidies, especially in the long run.
Consequently, input subsidies can keep farm profitability high and consumer prices low only for a particular
stage of input use and for a short time. After that the shortrun distortions significantly impede an efficient
long-run growth strategy.
Direct Deliveries to the Poorest of the Poor
The basic needs movement has focused on the essential bundle of goods and services necessary to permit
human dignity for the poor. In the absence of structural reforms that enable the poor to earn incomes that
allow them to purchase these necessities, strategies have been proposed that would simply deliver a basic
needs package directly to the needy. Some components of the package, especially clean water, education,
and health care, can be provided as public goods. But housing and especially food tend to be supplied
through private markets, and these two components of the basic needs package present major difficulties for
delivery mechanisms. A direct delivery system must circumvent these private markets, with all the attendant
difficulties just discussed. The alternative, to use private markets as the most efficient vehicle for delivering
food, raises all the complexities and dilemmas discussed as the core of this book. Direct deliveries may well
work for some components of the basic needs package, but getting more food to the poor will require much
more sophisticated analysis of food policy mechanisms.
Nutrition Intervention Projects
Traditional nutrition intervention projects, such as school lunch programs, iron fortification, amino acid
supplementation of basic cereals, or milk distribution schemes, cannot solve the problem of chronic hunger
caused by poverty. Such projects can be useful because of their demonstration effect, and some can be
highly cost-effective in delivering important benefits to the poor. Their failure is relative to expectations-that
somehow a marginal intervention to remedy a specific micronutritional problem will significantly alter the
socioeconomic context of poor peoples' lives. Food policy analysts can be supportive of effective nutrition
projects without mistaking them for answers to the basic food issues they are addressing.
Food Aid
Food aid has had a very mixed record in reducing hunger. Its availability on short notice is critical for
famine relief. In emergencies, tens of millions of people have been kept from starving by the speedy
dispatch of food from donor countries, especially from the United States. But as a vehicle for more
permanent improvement in the ability of poor people to feed themselves, food aid has been a failure.
Countries that relied on food aid supplies to keep prices low created serious disincentives for their farmers.
In countries where the food aid displaced imports, did not distort farm prices, and had a large enough flow
to affect the level of macroeconomic resources available for development, its impact was entirely mediated
by the efficacy and equity of the development strategy. When this was positive, as in Korea and Taiwan,
food aid helped. When it was not, as in many other countries, it did not.
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Food aid can provide both the macroeconomic resources and the food required for a country to switch from
an urban-biased development strategy to an agricultural strategy based on incentives to farmers and
designed to increase food production and the flow of income to rural areas. The shortrun food consumption
problems that make this switch difficult have been repeatedly stressed. Food aid can help by providing
resources in the short run to soften the squeeze on the poor. But the overall volume of food aid available to
poor countries is quite limited, and bridging strategies that use food aid as a support will be available to
only a few. Even where it is available, the macro food policy context will dictate whether the food aid helps
or not. Food aid is not a substitute for a sensible food policy. But it can provide useful assistance in putting
one in place and speeding it on its way.
Elements of a Workable Food Policy
Food systems are complicated, and food policy is dependent on powerful macroeconomic policies and on
the international economy. The chances of choosing the wrong path are great because no invisible hand
guides policy-makers, and good intentions are no guarantee of good results. Painful experience shows that
uninformed policymaking usually makes matters worse. Analysis is needed to improve the poor
performance of policymaking done blind analysis that is done in the specific context of a country's own
problems and resources. This book can show how to do that analysis, but it cannot show the specific results.
The best the authors can offer as solutions at this stage is to reemphasize the basic themes of the book.
Productive Jobs
No practical and lasting resolution to the food policy dilemma is possible without the creation of vast
numbers of productive jobs for relatively unskilled urban and rural workers. Such jobs provide two
components of the answer: increased economic output to fuel economic growth, and greater earned income
of the poor so that they are able to buy the essentials of a dignified life. Finding ways to create these jobs
has occupied much of the development profession since serious concerns over the distribution of gains from
economic growth emerged in the 1960s. One major lesson is that governments do not create these jobs very
efficiently. Public sector or public enterprise approaches to unemployment cause massive over-staffing of
bureaucracies and state-owned factories, stifling initiative and performance in both.
Efficient job creation is primarily a function of private or cooperative initiatives in conjunction with
facilitative macroeconomic policy. Appropriate macro prices, fiscal control over budget balances, and
careful attention to monetary growth foster an environment in which investment decisions create productive
jobs. Macroeconomic policy is important to food policy in the direct ways outlined in chapter 5. For the
long run it is even more important in determining the real productivity of the poor who are the primary
concern of food policy.
Price Incentives for Food Production
There is no substitute for positive price incentives to the agricultural sector based on long-run opportunity
costs. The pressures for such a price policy can be circumvented for a while through input subsidies and
subsidized grain imports, but a poor country cannot long sustain the capacity to provide cheap food for
everyone. Societies that insist on keeping it cheap will gradually distort their economies sufficiently to choke
off the economic development process. The move to an incentives-oriented policy need not be immediate.
Gradual increases over the course of a decade are reasonable if the government can maintain such a long
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time horizon.
Two critical variables that are subject to policy influence determine the level of rural price incentives
compared with international opportunity costs: the foreign exchange rate and the domestic farm-gate price
for food. If the government maintains an overvalued exchange rate, an additional and sometimes impossible
burden is placed on domestic price policy. Discussions of domestic food price policy that do not include the
role of an equilibrium exchange rate miss the most pervasive aspect of policies biased against agricultural
production and rural income generation.
Removing the common biases against agricultural production in many developing countries would set the
stage for a much more dynamic rural sector. For food-importing countries, however, a case can be made for
going further and setting domestic food prices at a slight premium, perhaps 10 percent on average, over the
opportunity cost of imports. Maintenance of such a price premium is justified by the second-round effects of
the additional purchasing power in the countryside, where job creation for unskilled workers is most likely,
by the further improvement in rural-urban income distribution, and by the added impetus to investment in
future agricultural productivity. Private investment decisions are sometimes myopic, especially in the face of
high and fluctuating interest rates. Agricultural investments in particular require long time horizons. A small
premium on such investments in the interests of future generations can be produced with food price
incentives somewhat above efficiency levels. The premium might vary by commodity, with preferred grains
receiving a larger premium than staples consumed by the poor. Since the price premium will be reflected in
market prices, such commodity discrimination would minimize the adverse consumption consequences for
the poor.
Public Investment in Agricultural Productivity
In no country does agriculture receive a share of public investment as large as its contribution to gross
national product. Very few governments devote even half of agriculture's share in GNP to investment in the
sector. While no economic law dictates that the shares be equal, public investment should be directed to
projects with the largest social payoff. Following this rule would probably double agricultural investment if
the projects could be prepared and administered. The bottleneck is in the preparation of sound agricultural
Simply going this far would significantly improve the balance of public sector investments. But as with
market prices to encourage private investment, it is desirable to go somewhat further. Because of its
importance to the welfare of the poor, food can be treated as a merit good for purposes of public investment
and valued at a small premium over its long-run opportunity cost via imports or exports. Placing such a
premium on food also addresses the food security concerns of most countries by indicating their willingness
to pay a positive but not infinite price for food self-sufficiency. A premium of perhaps 10 percent is a
suitable starring point.
Since market prices for food grains in many countries tend to be below their long-run international
opportunity costs, implementing a market premium is probably an issue for the future. The use of a premium
in public benefit-cost analysis of investments, however, could be started immediately. For public investment
analysis, the relative premiums by commodity might well be reversed: the inferior goods consumed
primarily by the poor would receive additional credit in the project appraisal while the preferred staple could
be valued at its (premium) market price.
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Targeted Food Subsidies
A food price policy that provides farmers with positive price incentives relative to the opportunity cost of
food from imports, when coupled with a favorable macroeconomic development policy, will gradually
increase incomes of the poor and enable them to purchase their basic needs. The food price policy dilemma
arises because the poor bear the brunt of the short-run adjustments needed to implement this long-run
strategy. Historical experience suggests that only targeted food subsidies are likely to ease the nutritional
burdens of these adjustments. Subsidies are critical because the poor do not have the resources to purchase
adequate amounts of food from the market. Targeting is essential because society does not have the
resources to subsidize food for the entire population. Much of this book has been devoted to understanding
the likely efficiency of various targeting mechanisms in real-world circumstances. Since the ability of
bureaucrats to administer a fair means test in most of the developing world seems questionable, much of
food policy analysis involves a search for more effective self-targeting mechanisms for delivering food to
the poor.
No single targeting mechanism seems adequate to the task. Some combination of intersecting mechanisms
will probably prove essential to effective targeting and control over food subsidy budgets. One approach is
to use fair-price shops in locations accessible primarily to poor people and to sell commodities that loom
large in the budgets of the poor but not in those of the middle class. Distributing food stamps good only for
certain commodities in particular government shops might be another. Whatever the specific mechanism or
combination of mechanisms, only a clear understanding of the food consumption patterns of the poor can
provide insight into its probable effectiveness.
A Policy Debate focused on Food Prices
The emphasis throughout this book has been on the central role of food prices as the link between producers
and consumers in the short run and as a significant determinant of investment decisions that connect the
short run to the long run. A sensible price policy alone will not solve a society's food production problems.
Price incentives exacerbate the consumption problems in the short run. However, an understanding of the
positive and negative aspects of a country's food price policy illuminates most of the issues at the core of
the food policy debate. With this understanding, government policymakers have gained a vantage point to
survey the entire development process.
Food policy analysis can improve the quality of that debate by providing the best answers available to the
tough questions that policymakers have every right to ask. How much will food production increase if food
prices rise? When? Will the marketing sector be able to handle the additional supplies? Will traders siphon
off all the gain? How badly will food consumers be hurt? How can they be helped? What are the
implications for the budget? For the balance of payments? An analyst who can provide honest answers to
these questions has learned all this book has tried to teach, and more.
Bibliographical Note
Visions of how to end hunger are a dime a dozen (in 1982 U.S. dollars). They range from the utopian
schemes proposed by Frances Moore Lappe and Joseph Collins in Food First: Beyond the Myth of Scarcity,
rev. ed. (New York: Ballantine, 1979), in which peoples' instincts for self-aggrandizement are set aside in
the interests of more equal sharing of the earth's bounty, to the Panglossian treatment by Julian Simon in
The Ultimate Resource (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1981), whose last sentence concludes:
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"[thel ultimate resource is people-skilled, spirited, and hopeful people who will exert their wills and
imaginations for their own benefit, and so, inevitably, for the benefit of us all" (p.348), to the frankly
pessimistic, almost doomsday perspective of Lester R. Brown, with Erik P. Eckholm, By Bread Alone (New
York and Washington, D.C.: Praeger, 1974), which sees the world food economy at a turning point in
mankind's history.
Academic visions tend to be more balanced and hedged, and so they usually fail to gain the popular
attention that the simplistic and alarmist treatments receive. Complex issues do not yield to such treatments,
however, and a brief review of the academic research provides the pieces of a more complicated vision of
solving the problem of hunger. As a starting point, a very extensive bibliography has been assembled by
Nicole Ball, World Hunger: A Guide to the Economic and Political Dimensions (Santa Barbara, Calif.:
ABCCIo Press, 1981), which has over 3,000 entries. The commentary to this volume has a bit of the flavor
of Food First, but the massive collection of references is extremely useful to a wide range of scholars.
Three relatively new books provide perspectives on the role of agricultural trade. Jimmye Hillman and
others, International Trade and Agriculture: Theory and Policy (Boulder, Cob.: Westview Press, 1979), and
the University of Minnesota Extension Service, Speaking of Trade: Its Effect on Agriculture, Special Report
no. 72 (St. Paul, 1978), offer interesting blends of theory and agricultural trade policy viewed mainly from a
U.S. perspective. T. K. Warley, Agriculture in an Interdependent World: U.S. and Canadian Perspectives
(Washington, D.C.: National Planning Association, 1977), provides a clear sense of interdependence among
East-West and North-South trading partners. An article by G. Edward Schuh, "The New Macroeconomics
of Agriculture," AID/C Reprint no. 29 (New York: Agricultural Development Council, 1977), presents a
succinct review of productivity problems in U.S. agriculture in the 1970s, the macroeconomic implications
for the United States, and the trade implications for the rest of the world. A similar article reviews the
incentives-oriented food policy adopted in China in the late 1970s and examines potential trade
repercussions for the world grain market: C. Peter Timmer, "China and the World Food System,"in Ray A.
Goldberg, ed., Research in Domestic and International Agribusiness, vol. 2 (Greenwich, Conn.: JAI Press,
1981), pp.75-li8.
The potential for international arrangements to improve the stability of commodity prices depends
significantly on the structure of individual commodity markets. The world rice economy is summarized in
Walter P. Falcon and Eric A. Monke, "International Trade in Rice," Food Research Institute Studies, vol.
17, no.3 (1979-80), and the world wheat economy in International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center
(CIMMYT), World Wheat Facts and Trends (Mexico City, 1981). Buffer stocks are assessed in Shlomo
Reutlinger, "Evaluating Wheat Buffer Stocks," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol.58, no.1
(February 1976), and with quite different conclusions in Anne E. Peck, "Implications of Private Storage of
Grains for Buffer Stock Schemes to Stabilize Prices," Food Research Institute Studies, vol. 16, no.3 (1977-
78). A proposal to build domestic buffer stocks to improve food security is in World Food Council of the
United Nations, World Food Security and Market Stability: A Developing Country-owned Reserve (Rome,
March 1982). Serious doubts about the economic desirability or the workability of international (as opposed
to national) buffer stocks are presented in both expository and mathematical terms in David M. G. Newbery
and Joseph E. Stiglitz, The Theory of Commodity Price Stabilization: A Study in the Economics of Risk
(Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1981).
The macroeconomic impact of food aid, its potential for building human capital, and its role in an overall
national food policy are discussed in Gordon 0. Nelson and others, Food Aid and Development (New York:
Agricultural Development Council, 1981). Although food aid has often turned out to have negative
consequences for agricultural development and ultimately on the ability of a country to feed its own citizens,
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project food aid, especially when managed by private volunteer assistance agencies such as OXFAM, was
thought to have a much more successful record. However, a strong condemnation of the record of project
food aid as a contribution to development is made by Tony Jackson with Deborah Eade, Against the Grain:
The Dilemma of Project Food Aid (Oxford: Oxfam, 1982).
The book by Alberto Valde's, ed., Food Security for Developing Countries (Boulder, Cob.: Westview Press,
1981), deals with elements of instability as they affect domestic food security. This volume contains a
discussion of the use of buffer funds to assist food importers by Louis M. Goreux, "Compensatory Finance
for Fluctuations in the Cost of Cereal Imports," as well as an article by Alberto Valde's and Panos
Konandreas, "Assessing Food Insecurity," which contains the data shown in table 6-1. The use of futures
markets by importing countries is analyzed by Anne E. Peck, "Futures Markets, Food Imports and Food
Security," AGREP Division Working Paper no. 43 (Washington, D.C.: World Bank, September 1982).
The literature on basic needs has grown rapidly in the wake of the food and oil crises of the mid-1970s. At
that time sustained growth seemed to be impossible; much attention was devoted to finding new strategies to
alleviate the misery of the poor in the context of a stagnant economy. The most eloquent outcome of this
body of thought is Paul Streeten and others, First Things First: Meeting Basic Human Needs in Developing
Countries (New York: Oxford University Press, 1981).
The full range of World Bank publications, both free and for sale, is described in the Catalog of World Bank
Publications; the continuing research program is outlined in World Bank Research Program: Abstracts of
Current Stuclies. Both booklets are updated annually; the most recent edition of each is available without
charge from the Publications Distribution Unit, Dept. B., World Bank, 1818 H Street, N.W., Washington,
D.C. 20433, U.S.A.
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