att !eber "ml#eber1$ro%&#ell%ollins'%om( 2 ) *oals ) Pro+e%t ,pproa%h - .esults ) Future /deas ) .eferen%es 0 ) 1o 2uantify the effe%ts of the many optimizations a3ailable and see #hat effe%t, if any po#er management has ) ost /mportant .e2uirements "/.s(
inimal startup and lo# laten%y pro%essing time
On4demand Po#er anagement
) 5a%&ground
6tilized a O,P0 pro%essor for image pro%essing
7inu8 2'9'0:'; <ernel #ith O,P P pat%hes
5uildroot #= Crosstool4ng tool%hain
Goals ; ) Cost=5enefit
Compiler > Co4Pro%essor > Po#er anagement >
?pe%ialized Cores
?upporting soft#are "#hi%h &ernel, pa%&ages,
3endor libraries, et%( ) @efine ben%hmar&ing tool ) *ather metri%s for optimization methods applied to
Platform "<ernel=rootfs(
!ith po#er management a%ti3e
Project Approach A ) *ot%has ,re 5inary %ompatibility - ar%hite%ture "arm3A, 39, 37a''''( mas&ing a problemB ,re your Platform - ,pp using the same tool%hainB ,re features li&e VFP "Ve%tor Floating Point( - ,d3an%ed ?/@ e8tension "a&a CEOC( enabledB ) 5uilding your o#n has some additional benefits D ?our%e %ontrol - ability to re%reate=fi8 issues D *eared to#ards your CP6 ar%h - hard#are FP6 D Could tailor &ernel headers to get a ne#er feature Possibly in%orporate the latest 7inaro *CC Project Approach: Compiler/Toolchain Know your toolchain! 9 ) OpenC3 2'1
boat Project Approach: Benchmarking Tool 7 ) 1estE Compiler Optimization ) @es%riptionE <ernel and .ootfs are built #ith same flags belo# and e8e%uting off an ?@Card' ) FlagsE CFLA! "# $pipe $O% ) .esultE F1:'0Ase% $G00hz Project Approach: Metrics Test ! Compiler G ) 1estE Compiler Optimization - use of hard#are %o4pro%essors ) @es%riptionE <ernel and .ootfs are built #ith same flags belo# and e8e%uting off an ?@Card' ) FlagsE CFLA! "# $pipe $O% $m&p'#(e)( $&tree$vect)ri*e $m&l)at$a+i#s)&t&p ) .esultE F;':1se% $G00hz F7AH in%rease in performan%e Project Approach: Metrics Test " Compiler Co4Pro%essor 0 5 10 15 20 25 O3 O3 w/Neon : ) 1estE Compiler Optimization - Po#er anagement ) @es%riptionE <ernel and .ootfs are built #ith same flags belo#' Po#er management is enabled to idle and fre2uen%y s%ale the CP6 on4demand bet#een 000 and G00hz' /t uses the default s%aling trigger threshold for the 2'9'0:'; &ernel' "CoteE Purely ,. %ore instru%tions'( ) FlagsE $pipe $O% ) .esultE F1:'0:se% $0004G00hz F;0mse% "2H( in%rease in pro%essing time #= P ) CommentE ?olely ,. instru%tions %ause the s%heduler to ha3e more demand for a higher %lo%& speed earlier, so it results in a small in%rease in the additional pro%essing time re2uired' Project Approach: Metrics Test # Compiler Po#er anagement 19.33 19.34 19.35 19.36 19.37 19.38 19.39 19.4 O3 O3 w/PM T i m e ( S e c o n d s ) 10 ) 1estE Compiler Optimization, %o4pro%essors and Po#er anagement ) @es%riptionE <ernel and .ootfs are built #ith same flags belo#' Po#er management is enabled to idle and fre2uen%y s%ale the CP6 on4demand bet#een 000 and G00hz' /t uses the default s%aling trigger threshold for the 2'9'0:'; &ernel' "CoteE ,. %ore and Ceon instru%tions'( ) FlagsE $pipe $O% $m&p'#(e)( $&tree$vect)ri*e $m&l)at$a+i#s)&t&p ) .esultE FA'12se% $0004G00hz F210mse% ";H( in%rease in pro%essing time #= P ) CommentE 7ess time spent e8e%uting ,. instru%tions, sin%e the Ceon %ore is offloading some of the pro%essing, %auses more e8e%ution at 000hz and a slight in%rease in pro%essing time' Project Approach: Metrics Test $ Compiler Po#er anagement Co4Pro%essor 4.8 4.85 4.9 4.95 5 5.05 5.1 5.15 O3 w/Neon O3 w/Neon & PM T i m e ( S e c o n d s ) 11 ) Finish testing #ith @?P and 1/ Code% Engine /nitial tests #ith CE, 7P, @?P7/C<, 1/ Code% Engine are #or&ing /ssues #ere found #ith the C9,%%el used in ?oC OpenCV @?P #or& "ne#er 1/ libraries, &ernel and %ompiler issues'''''( 1/ measurements #ith /ntegra ?OC "floating point @?P( sho# a G9H speed up for the mat%h template algorithm Project Approach: %uture Tests Compiler Po#er anagement Co4Pro%essor ?pe%ialized Cores 1! 1! 12 Project Approach: Per&ormance Metric 'ummary The key to the ne(t step is controlling o&&loa)ing o*erhea) Test Result (sec) "1 #O3 19.35 "2 #O3 & Neon 4.91 "3 #O3 w/ PM 19.39 "4 #O3 & Neon w/PM 5.12 "5 #O3 & Neon w/PM & $SP %s&. '3.07 10 Project Approach: Power Management Test ) 1ools > ben%h po#er4supply and data logging multimeter ) ?tartup board "po#er4supply is set to a 1, limit at AV( ) First test is on4demand ,r))t-+'il.r))t /01 ech) 23444442 5 6s7s6.evices6s7stem6cp'6cp'46cp'&re86scali(g_ma9_&re8 ,r))t-+'il.r))t /01 ech) 2)(.ema(.2 56s7s6.evices6s7stem6cp'6cp'46cp'&re86scali(g_g)ver()r cp'&re8$)map: tra(siti)(: 344444 $$5 %44444 ,r))t-+'il.r))t /01 ;6)pe(cv_templatematch <OR=>N555 cp'&re8$)map: tra(siti)(: %44444 $$5 344444 ?;@A4444 sec)(.s )& pr)cessi(g t@: %A4444 tA: ?B44444 Cl)cCspersec: @444444 cp'&re8$)map: tra(siti)(: 344444 $$5 %44444 ,r))t-+'il.r))t /01 ) ?e%ond test is userspa%e set fre2uen%y ,r))t-+'il.r))t /01 ech) 2'serspace2 5 6s7s6.evices6s7stem6cp'6cp'46cp'&re86scali(g_g)ver()r ,r))t-+'il.r))t /01 ech) 23444442 5 6s7s6.evices6s7stem6cp'6cp'46cp'&re86scali(g_setspee. cp'&re8$)map: tra(siti)(: %44444 $$5 344444 ,r))t-+'il.r))t /01 ;6)pe(cv_templatematch <OR=>N555 D;E@4444 sec)(.s )& pr)cessi(g t@: @@4444 tA: ?4A4444 Cl)cCspersec: @444444 ,r))t-+'il.r))t /01 1; ) CoteE the @?P adds an additional F07Am!, sho#n in yello# - pre3ents the ,. from s%aling up to G00hz' 1he %hart sho#s only an estimate of @?P po#er dra#IAJ and an appro8imate timeline from 1/ #hitepaper findings' ) /f an O,P *P6 options #as added, the appro8 po#er dra# #ould in%rease by F:0m!' !eKre not sure yet ho# mu%h o3erhead this #ould %ause on the ,.''' Project Approach: +nitial Power Measurements 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 (e)*+e(o),d-M # O.en/0 Tem.+)&e M)&c1 Powe, $,)w 23M4800M15 23M4300#800M15 %s&. 23M4300#800M15 & $SP Time(Seconds) P o w e ,
( w ) & & s ) O,i*. P,ocessin* 1A ) /n3estigate the ne# issues of Po#er anagement in a multi4 %ore #orld Lo# %ould load statisti%s be maintained for dynami% po#er %ontrol a%ross %oresB aybe add hoo&s into e8isting CP6Fre2 frame#or& for on4demand based on anti%ipated %ompletion from other %oresB !hat if 7inu8 on the primary CP6"s( suspended #hile the offloaded tas& is being pro%essedB %uture +)eas 7! 19 ) *soC pro+e%tE OpenCV @?P ,%%eleration "2010( D /n3estigate OpenCV %ode issues "lots of floating point and ?17( D *ather po#er, timing and laten%y=/PC o3erhead numbers using the 1/ Code% Engine approa%h Possibly implement %ustom @?P approa%h based on results ) *P6 D /n3estigate "future( ?*M *raphi%s ?@< #ith OpenC7 support D Currently the only published 3endor supporting OpenC7 is Nii7,5? "N? ?OC( and 1/ "O,PA( %uture +)eas 17 ) Lard#are D 5eagleboardM D "optional( 7/4A00 %amera ) .epository - !i&i in%ludes 8loader, uboot, sd%ard s%ripts, &ernel - rootfs, test se2uen%es git:66gith'+;c)m6mattheF$l$Fe+er6+'il.r))t;git https:66gith'+;c)m6mattheF$l$Fe+er6+'il.r))t6FiCi ) 5uildroot O3er3ie# http:66&ree$electr)(s;c)m6p'+6c)(&ere(ces6A4@@6elce6'si(g$+'il.r))t$real$ pr)Gect;p.& Project +n&ormation 1G I1JhttpE==###'ti'%om=lit=#p=spry17A=spry17A'pdf I2JhttpE==###'ti'%om=lit=#p=spry1;;=spry1;;'pdf I0JhttpsE==%ode'google'%om=p=open%34dsp4 a%%eleration=#i&i=*etting?tarted1 I;JhttpE==old'nabble'%om=.e2uest4for4%omments4on4pa%&ages4for41/ H27s4O,P04and4@09A4pro%essors4td2:7;1229'html IAJhttpE==pro%essors'#i&i'ti'%om=inde8'php=O,P0A00OPo#erOEstimatio nO?preadsheet I9JhttpE==###'sa&oman'%om=O,P=an4o3erie#4of4omap04po#er4 management4#ith4290:4pm'html I7JhttpE==###'ti'%om=general=do%s=#tbu=#tbugen%ontent'tspB template/dP9120-na3igation/dP11:GG-%ontent/dP;90G Cre)its/,e&erences