30 Day Failure

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Your Name

123 Your Street Address

Your City, ST 01234
Big Credit Bureau
Their Street Address
Some City, ST 5678
"#$ %is&ute 'etter o( 2!10!1
%ear Credit Bureau,
This )etter is (orma) *oti+e that you ha,e (ai)ed to res&o*d i* a time)y ma**er to my dis&ute )etter o(
2!10!1, de&osited -y registered mai) .ith the /ost 0((i+e o* that date1
As you are .e)) a.are, (edera) )a. re2uires you to res&o*d .ithi* 30 days, yet you ha,e (ai)ed to
res&o*d1 3ai)ure to +om&)y .ith these (edera) regu)atio*s -y +redit re&orti*g age*+ies are
i*,estigated -y the 3edera) Trade Commissio* 4see 15 5SC 41, et se2161 7 am mai*tai*i*g a +are(u)
re+ord o( my +ommu*i+atio*s .ith you o* this matter, (or the &ur&ose o( (i)i*g a +om&)ai*t .ith the
3TC shou)d you +o*ti*ue i* your *o*8+om&)ia*+e1
Be a.are that 7 am ma9i*g a (i*a) good.i)) attem&t to ha,e you +)ear u& this matter1 You ha,e 15
days to +ure1
3or your -e*e(it, a*d as a gesture o( my good.i)), 7 .i)) restate my dis&ute1 The (o))o.i*g i*(ormatio*
*eeds to -e ,eri(ied a*d de)eted (rom the re&ort as soo* as &ossi-)e$
C"#%7T0" A:#NCY, a++t1 1238345678ABC
The )isted item is +om&)ete)y i*a++urate a*d i*+om&)ete, a*d is a ,ery serious error i* re&orti*g1
/)ease de)ete this mis)eadi*g i*(ormatio*, a*d su&&)y a +orre+ted +redit &ro(i)e to a)) +reditors .ho
ha,e re+ei,ed a +o&y .ithi* the )ast 6 mo*ths, or the )ast 2 years (or em&)oyme*t &ur&oses1
Additio*a))y, &)ease &ro,ide the *ame, address, a*d te)e&ho*e *um-er o( ea+h +redit gra*tor or other
5*der (edera) )a., you had 30 days to +om&)ete your rei*,estigatio*, yet you ha,e (ai)ed to res&o*d1
%o *ot de)ay (urther1
Be ad,ised that the des+ri&tio* o( the &ro+edure used to determi*e the a++ura+y a*d +om&)ete*ess o(
the i*(ormatio* is here-y re2uested as .e)), to -e &ro,ided .ithi* 15 days o( the +om&)etio* o( your
your sig*ature
Your Name
SSN; 1238458678
Co&yright < 1482007, =i+hae) >ie)s9y, =i+hae)?>ie)s9y1+om1 A)) "ights "eser,ed1 htt&$!!mi@61+om!1

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