The letter is a formal dispute notice sent to a credit bureau regarding an inaccurate credit report entry. It informs the credit bureau that they failed to respond to an earlier dispute letter within the required 30 days under federal law. It requests that the inaccurate entry be deleted and a corrected credit profile be supplied to creditors who received copies in the last 6 months or 2 years for employment purposes. It also requests contact information for each credit grantor. The letter advises that a complaint may be filed with the FTC if no response is received and restates the dispute for their records.
The letter is a formal dispute notice sent to a credit bureau regarding an inaccurate credit report entry. It informs the credit bureau that they failed to respond to an earlier dispute letter within the required 30 days under federal law. It requests that the inaccurate entry be deleted and a corrected credit profile be supplied to creditors who received copies in the last 6 months or 2 years for employment purposes. It also requests contact information for each credit grantor. The letter advises that a complaint may be filed with the FTC if no response is received and restates the dispute for their records.
The letter is a formal dispute notice sent to a credit bureau regarding an inaccurate credit report entry. It informs the credit bureau that they failed to respond to an earlier dispute letter within the required 30 days under federal law. It requests that the inaccurate entry be deleted and a corrected credit profile be supplied to creditors who received copies in the last 6 months or 2 years for employment purposes. It also requests contact information for each credit grantor. The letter advises that a complaint may be filed with the FTC if no response is received and restates the dispute for their records.
The letter is a formal dispute notice sent to a credit bureau regarding an inaccurate credit report entry. It informs the credit bureau that they failed to respond to an earlier dispute letter within the required 30 days under federal law. It requests that the inaccurate entry be deleted and a corrected credit profile be supplied to creditors who received copies in the last 6 months or 2 years for employment purposes. It also requests contact information for each credit grantor. The letter advises that a complaint may be filed with the FTC if no response is received and restates the dispute for their records.
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Your Name
123 Your Street Address
Your City, ST 01234 Big Credit Bureau Their Street Address Some City, ST 5678 3!20!1 "#$ %is&ute 'etter o( 2!10!1 %ear Credit Bureau, This )etter is (orma) *oti+e that you ha,e (ai)ed to res&o*d i* a time)y ma**er to my dis&ute )etter o( 2!10!1, de&osited -y registered mai) .ith the /ost 0((i+e o* that date1 As you are .e)) a.are, (edera) )a. re2uires you to res&o*d .ithi* 30 days, yet you ha,e (ai)ed to res&o*d1 3ai)ure to +om&)y .ith these (edera) regu)atio*s -y +redit re&orti*g age*+ies are i*,estigated -y the 3edera) Trade Commissio* 4see 15 5SC 41, et se2161 7 am mai*tai*i*g a +are(u) re+ord o( my +ommu*i+atio*s .ith you o* this matter, (or the &ur&ose o( (i)i*g a +om&)ai*t .ith the 3TC shou)d you +o*ti*ue i* your *o*8+om&)ia*+e1 Be a.are that 7 am ma9i*g a (i*a) good.i)) attem&t to ha,e you +)ear u& this matter1 You ha,e 15 days to +ure1 3or your -e*e(it, a*d as a gesture o( my good.i)), 7 .i)) restate my dis&ute1 The (o))o.i*g i*(ormatio* *eeds to -e ,eri(ied a*d de)eted (rom the re&ort as soo* as &ossi-)e$ C"#%7T0" A:#NCY, a++t1 1238345678ABC The )isted item is +om&)ete)y i*a++urate a*d i*+om&)ete, a*d is a ,ery serious error i* re&orti*g1 /)ease de)ete this mis)eadi*g i*(ormatio*, a*d su&&)y a +orre+ted +redit &ro(i)e to a)) +reditors .ho ha,e re+ei,ed a +o&y .ithi* the )ast 6 mo*ths, or the )ast 2 years (or em&)oyme*t &ur&oses1 Additio*a))y, &)ease &ro,ide the *ame, address, a*d te)e&ho*e *um-er o( ea+h +redit gra*tor or other su-s+ri-er1 5*der (edera) )a., you had 30 days to +om&)ete your rei*,estigatio*, yet you ha,e (ai)ed to res&o*d1 %o *ot de)ay (urther1 Be ad,ised that the des+ri&tio* o( the &ro+edure used to determi*e the a++ura+y a*d +om&)ete*ess o( the i*(ormatio* is here-y re2uested as .e)), to -e &ro,ided .ithi* 15 days o( the +om&)etio* o( your rei*,estigatio*1 Si*+ere)y, your sig*ature Your Name SSN; 1238458678 Co&yright < 1482007, =i+hae) >ie)s9y, =i+hae)?>ie)s9y1+om1 A)) "ights "eser,ed1 htt&$!!mi@61+om!1