Paul Watzlawick & Giorgio Nardone Brief Strategic Therapy-Philosophy, Techniques, and Research
Paul Watzlawick & Giorgio Nardone Brief Strategic Therapy-Philosophy, Techniques, and Research
Paul Watzlawick & Giorgio Nardone Brief Strategic Therapy-Philosophy, Techniques, and Research
2012 - Paul Watzlawick & Giorgio Nardone - Brief Strategic Therapy- Philosophy,
Techniques, and Research ::
>>> like lieswki's work...
"fake it until you make it"
John Elster:
>>> magick, according to ... sigils
>>> this shows why it's good to work in groups and let others dictate a portion of what you're doing. so
you can see more of what there is. Perspectives you would probably never have thought of.
ie Not simply arguing about a different perspective, but experiencing it--through a set of directions for
actions and experiences.
>>> sound communication isn't it?!
>>> towards self-fulfilling prophecies.
>>> is this the base for: humans affecting past present and future?
need more thoughts, and looking into dissipative structures
>>> constructivism in a nutshel...
>>> best fuck you to hegelianism ever isn't it?!
>>> fuck megalomaniac revolutions. Who wants to be the instrument of another world wide
Although I'd be ok with man's destruction if it happens, since that would just highlight the absurdity of
the human enterprise, I'd rather see humans evolving together without steping on one-another's toes
too much. I certainly want to be left alone to a great extent.
>>> is this going to address my idea about letting as much space to dumbfucks than to geniuses? Just
because they might do whatever they do best, and that might be enough in and of itself?
>>> wonder if my intros into non-aritotelian logic are about to dawn on me.
>>> to some extent, he's speaking about the information value of new, ie unpredictable, events impact
on learned patterns.
Also, this is quite a heavy blow in the face of free will, or anything else for that matter, and yet gives a
beautiful way to look at it--shwoing that we made it real to some extent. Then, maybe, the quesiton is:
what's the point? If now it is real, what's the point of arguing? Well, looking for the origins of life is the
goal of psychology, and finding it while claiming that it can't be found is the paradox of constructivism...
I like paradoxes I must admit, they are genraly more elegant than righteousness.
>>> reason why i look into einstein and constructivism
>>> = what magic does, I think: building theory around desired result.
>>> and yet magick seems to be always guilty of hegelian formalism.
Is this Strategic Logic reconciliable with slef-fulfiling prophecy? to some extent, as long as the validity of
the concept of the self-fulfilling prophecy isn't to be put above the desried result. This theory goes
round in this way, and thus become tautologic perhaps... .. . ha!
>>> what was the goal of Einstein besides translating god's thinking...?
Well, one of the points is that it responsibalises scientists.
>>> questioning assumptions is most important of all.
>>> =)
>>> how do you escape showing the validity of your argument...? ie how do you escape claiming your
truth as above that of another's?
You can't. In a way I want people to leave one another alone, so they can be with one another again.
Others who have other objectives see it differently probably, which closes the loop of tautology to me
by proving everyone wrong to some extent, and right to some extent. How weird?!
I guess arguments can go only so far...
>>> this is arguably a complete denial pf anything real, and right now i can't see any how that's
restricted to the level of theorising, since it expresses the basis of our perceptual ability, ie interpretative
doubting perception brings a complete deconstruciton of all perceptual bits, showing that i fill up the
external world with my own substance, and yet on the other hand i recognise an external reality. This
basicly says it, and the implications are
also i am afraid of my own projections in time, bringing a deep doubt in my capacity to deal with the
furture, when in reality i'll probably cope with anything coming up to an extent i can't even start to think
about at this point. I'm not sure what should be done about this dissonance of mine.
But the thought of reshaping my own perception in an act of creative will is just so fuck scary. The
responcibility involved in this act...a sort of universal act of command.
i don't see any difference between this and expanding one's view to the extent that it englobes the
whole of things...
an act i beleive to recognise in Einstein and appears to be of most prfound beauty.
It appears to me that tragedy occuring with it must be universal to, and this frightens me to the deepest
Encompssing the universe is the same as seing one's subconscious and any other influence on the mind,
take over the whole of one's reality. This to some extent could be seen as the smae condition than that
of those beleiving seeing themselves as in charge of street passants. This could be seen as pathological.
And yet these people seem to dissociate completely of this reality, and concidering it external, while
capable of represnting it internally. For some reason this is so obvious to me and parently to most
others, and yet can very easily be quesitoned...
argh fuck it..i hate when this feeling of doom creeps on me... as if i would trap myself in representation
that's erronee, as if there was actually something one can relly on as realty, as if one can loose touch
with it..when everyone is somewhat out of touch with it,
>>>baiscally best answer is hypnotic suceptibility. as if it meant that some people can't even imagine
anything else than wha't s real...and supporting the idea the this cpacity for imagination can be used for
all kind of purposes such as self change and art in general.
But damn the implications of saying that osme sees things more like they are than others...!!
what am i to do with this but the snake eating its tail?
>>> wow that seems like, exactly what i am saying... and yet the assumption is that one wants to evolve
towards 'reality' instead of towards made up stuff, like what the theory kinda implies.
and in a way, what i am proposing is to offer oneself the space to give ultimate expression to the most
intimate sythax of sort... so that it can reframe what is perceived.
this is a complete destruciton of all tht is know, there is no guarentee as one would say, and yet all
previous experience shows that reality reintegrates in a harmonious and coherent way, because,
perhaps, of the need of the self to to be wholly...
Said it before
makes sense now
this is a form of nihilism and postive affirmation of the objectif in a paradoxical and highly creative way,
and yet i can't really see a reconciliation of the two, besides the separation between mind and reality.
this is certainly an assumption and bias, based on a million verifications, and arguably reality... a
statement I am trying to combat to the core, for how sad its expression in this world.
Another thing I have to say is that this shift in 'reality' can be seen as diffrent perspectives on the same
thing, allowing you to always affrim the partial truth of what you're perceving most of the time.
And the capcity to see it all is then assumed to be inatainable... making this whole thing far more
bearable than these i recognize as my own demons.
This is quite a cut, and strangely enough it seems very close to encompassing the whole of reality
Back to the loop...Not sure where to delineate the full of this argument to make it cricular enough to be
stoped, and inclusive enough to nevertheless relevant.
Re-reading what I wrote these last two days should give enough material to try to catch this circular
argument... for it seems that ill come back to it until it is done with.
>>> here is reminicence of judgemental assholes in my pst surrounding.
I see the german girls as judgemental towards my main arguments without daring addressing them in
any way--simply based on there own 'knowing' of what should remain. and france as questioning my
sanity based on arguments that are too far out.
My main reaction is to dismiss whoever can't deal directly with who i am and se retranche derriere une
certain alienation.
i starve towards de-alienating myself through the most authentic expression i can have, because of how
appealing it obviously is to anyone for a reason i ignore besides what's been called abstractly as
charisma to describe the phenomenon.
and i drop everyone who fucks with this by not taking the full of me in their face... that might be wrong,
seems protective, and yet feels just right.
The black goddess of groove spoke et a tranche.
A sharp cut, the gravity of which isn't to be taken too lightly, however ridiculous the act is.
>>> OMG I know!! There is a problem with me being here doing this, because I am not contributing to
what's going on, negating the importance of my surrounding's status quo and standart of living.
I can't beleive someone is that stupid around here, with libertarianism as the main idealogy of the entire
neighborhoud, whowever special that might be and however farf it leads in the kind of cautioned
Missing this point seems to be a trap of great slime and bad faith.
And yet I can also see the neighboorhood as a concentration of genius negation and alienation of the
other, dooming me to reenact the past of public frustration. And my way out is, of course, the complete
affirmation of my style. Le gay savoir.
How many more deaths before I can poetise philosophy, how can i get to dance perception?
>>> very smart. similar to express emotions in order to gsain control over them.
affirmation, expression, aknowledgement, letting go...