Arden CSR Christmas Enews
Arden CSR Christmas Enews
Arden CSR Christmas Enews
@ i r c lSe ufl,reR a n r
2OA9 A R DEN ,76nthr io www. csr anch . c a/ ar den'
ftfu" lf youregisterbeforeDecemberjj"*
$ .*r. youmaynK
Ouronlineregistrationis nowuP
heardthatthere andrunning at ourwebsite:
is a newSheriff ww\ry.
in town,andif
so youheard :NZT'
right.Hi every *<h$$trHopeeveryone hashada wonderful4
one,my name iF^\', timebackat school!Everybody probably
is Dwayne wishesschoolwouldlastforeverbut it wont,so
MatsonandI amthenewRanchSheriff.I startthinkingaboutthe summerandall thefun
am reallylookingforwardto meetingallof timesahead!The horsesarentgettingfat but
you,SheriffFrankhastoldmeso much theregettinglazyandthe lakeis so lonleyit'll
aboutyou.I am learning a lotof newthings probablyfreezeoversoon.So hurrybackso
thingscanget backto normal.AnywaysGracie
aroundtheRanch,somethingsarehard, and Chloearedoingwellandwe areworking
someareeasybutwe haveto remember ' withthe new Sheriffto getthingsall readyfor '
"throughGodallthingsarepossible" I the summer.Oh ya
wouldliketo tellyoua littleabouttnyself, congratulateme'lm
mywlfe's name is Cindy and we have three a deputy;)
wonderful childrenAndrew, Dara-Lynn, and
Zackery.Weareall veryexcitedto be here Hopeeveryonehas
andexcitedto starta newseasonof camp. a MerryChristmas!!
Wewouldbe happyto hearfromyouso
pleasekeepin touch. /)rputo Jtroto
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