The document provides an overview of the digestive system, including its major organs and their functions. It discusses:
1) The two main groups that make up the digestive system - the alimentary canal (gastrointestinal tract) and accessory digestive organs like the teeth, tongue, liver and pancreas.
2) The basic processes of digestion - ingestion, propulsion, mechanical and chemical digestion, absorption, and defecation.
3) The structures and functions of the mouth and associated organs like the lips, teeth, salivary glands and tongue.
4) The histology and layers of the alimentary canal walls from the esophagus to the anal canal.
The document provides an overview of the digestive system, including its major organs and their functions. It discusses:
1) The two main groups that make up the digestive system - the alimentary canal (gastrointestinal tract) and accessory digestive organs like the teeth, tongue, liver and pancreas.
2) The basic processes of digestion - ingestion, propulsion, mechanical and chemical digestion, absorption, and defecation.
3) The structures and functions of the mouth and associated organs like the lips, teeth, salivary glands and tongue.
4) The histology and layers of the alimentary canal walls from the esophagus to the anal canal.
Original Description:
Human Anatomy & Physiology (8th Edition) by Elaine Marieb, ISBN 978-0321694157
The document provides an overview of the digestive system, including its major organs and their functions. It discusses:
1) The two main groups that make up the digestive system - the alimentary canal (gastrointestinal tract) and accessory digestive organs like the teeth, tongue, liver and pancreas.
2) The basic processes of digestion - ingestion, propulsion, mechanical and chemical digestion, absorption, and defecation.
3) The structures and functions of the mouth and associated organs like the lips, teeth, salivary glands and tongue.
4) The histology and layers of the alimentary canal walls from the esophagus to the anal canal.
The document provides an overview of the digestive system, including its major organs and their functions. It discusses:
1) The two main groups that make up the digestive system - the alimentary canal (gastrointestinal tract) and accessory digestive organs like the teeth, tongue, liver and pancreas.
2) The basic processes of digestion - ingestion, propulsion, mechanical and chemical digestion, absorption, and defecation.
3) The structures and functions of the mouth and associated organs like the lips, teeth, salivary glands and tongue.
4) The histology and layers of the alimentary canal walls from the esophagus to the anal canal.
A81 1: CvL8vlLW Cl 1PL ulCLS1lvL S?S1LM 1wo groups of organs o AllmenLary canal (gasLrolnLesLlnal or Cl LracL) ulgesLs and absorbs food MouLh, pharynx, esophagus, sLomach, small lnLesLlne, and large lnLesLlne Accessory dlgesLlve organs 1eeLh, Longue, gallbladder ulgesLlve glands Sallvary glands Llver ancreas D|gest|ve rocesses 1he Cl LracL ls a dlsassembly" llne nuLrlenLs become more avallable Lo Lhe body ln each sLep Slx essenLlal acLlvlLles 1. lngesLlon - Laklng food lnLo Lhe dlgesLlve LracL 2. ropulslon - swallowlng and perlsLalsls er|sta|s|s - waves of conLracLlon and relaxaLlon of muscles ln Lhe organ walls 3. Mechanlcal dlgesLlon - chewlng, mlxlng, and churnlng foods 4. Chemlcal dlgesLlon - caLabollc breakdown of food 3. AbsorpLlon - movemenL of nuLrlenLs from Lhe Cl LracL Lo Lhe blood or lymph 6. uefecaLlon - ellmlnaLlon of lndlgesLlble solld wasLes 8as|c Iunct|ona| Concepts GI tract regu|atory mechan|sms 1. MechanorecepLors and chemorecepLors 8espond Lo sLreLch, changes ln osmolarlLy and pP, and presence of subsLraLe and end producLs of dlgesLlon lnlLlaLe reflexes LhaL AcLlvaLe or lnhlblL dlgesLlve glands SLlmulaLe smooLh muscle Lo mlx and move lumen conLenLs 2. lnLrlnslc and exLrlnslc conLrols LnLerlc nerve plexuses (guL braln) lnlLlaLe shorL reflexes ln response Lo sLlmull ln Lhe Cl LracL Long reflexes ln response Lo sLlmull lnslde or ouLslde Lhe Cl LracL lnvolve CnS cenLers and auLonomlc nerves Pormones from cells ln Lhe sLomach and small lnLesLlne sLlmulaLe LargeL cells ln Lhe same or dlfferenL organs
D|gest|ve System Crgans: ke|at|onsh|ps er|toneum and er|tonea| Cav|ty erlLoneum - serous membrane of Lhe abdomlnal cavlLy vlsceral perlLoneum - covers exLernal surface of mosL dlgesLlve organs arleLal perlLoneum - llnes Lhe body wall erlLoneal cavlLy 8eLween Lhe Lwo perlLoneums lluld lubrlcaLes moblle organs allowlng Lhem Lo sllde across one anoLher MesenLery - double layer of perlLoneum 8ouLes for blood vessels, lymphaLlcs, and nerves Polds organs ln place and sLores faL 8eLroperlLoneal organs - ouLslde, posLerlor Lo Lhe perlLoneum lnLraperlLoneal (perlLoneal) organs - surrounded by Lhe perlLoneum 8|ood Supp|y: Sp|anchn|c C|rcu|at|on ArLerles and Lhe organs Lhey serve lnclude: PepaLlc, splenlc, and lefL gasLrlc lnferlor and superlor mesenLerlc: small and large lnLesLlnes PepaLlc porLal clrculaLlon uralns nuLrlenL-rlch venous blood from dlgesLlve organs uellvers lL Lo Lhe llver for meLabollc processlng and sLorage n|sto|ogy of the A||mentary Cana| lrom esophagus Lo Lhe anal canal, Lhe walls of Lhe Cl LracLs have Lhe same four baslc layers (Lunlcs): Mucosa Submucosa Muscularls exLerna Serosa Lach Lunlc has a predomlnanL Llssue Lype and speclflc dlgesLlve funcLlon Mucosa MolsL eplLhellal layer LhaL llnes Lhe lumen of Lhe allmenLary canal lLs' Lhree ma[or funcLlons are: SecreLlon of mucus, dlgesLlve enzymes and hormones AbsorbLlon of Lhe end producLs of dlgesLlon roLecLlon agalnsL lnfecLlous dlsease 1hree sublayers: eplLhellum, lamlna proprla, and muscularls mucosae Lp|the||um ConslsLs of slmple columnar eplLhellum and mucus-secreLlng gobleL cells 1he mucus secreLlons roLecLs dlgesLlve organs from enzymes (prevenLs dlgesLlng Lhemselves) Lases food along Lhe passage May secreLe enzymes and hormones (e.g., ln sLomach and small lnLesLlne) Lam|na ropr|a Loose areolar and reLlcular connecLlve Llssue Caplllarles for nourlshmenL and absorpLlon Lymphold folllcles (parL of MAL1), lmporLanL ln defense agalnsL bacLerla
Muscu|ar|s mucosae SmooLh muscle LhaL produces local movemenLs of mucosa Cther Sub|ayers Submucosa uense connecLlve Llssue conLalnlng elasLlc flbers 8lood and lymphaLlc vessels, lymphold folllcles, and submucosal nerve plexus Muscularls exLerna 8esponslble for segmenLaLlon and perlsLalsls lnner clrcular and ouLer longlLudlnal layers MyenLerlc nerve plexus SphlncLers ln some reglons Serosa Serosa - vlsceral perlLoneum 8eplaced by Lhe flbrous advenLlLla ln Lhe esophagus 8eLroperlLoneal organs have boLh an advenLlLla and serosa
Lnter|c Nervous System lnLrlnslc nerve supply of Lhe allmenLary canal Submucosal nerve plexus 8egulaLes glands and smooLh muscle ln Lhe mucosa MyenLerlc nerve plexus ConLrols Cl LracL moLlllLy Llnked Lo Lhe CnS vla afferenL vlsceral flbers Long AnS flbers synapse wlLh enLerlc plexuses SympaLheLlc lmpulses lnhlblL secreLlon and moLlllLy arasympaLheLlc lmpulses sLlmulaLe
A81 2: lunC1lCnAL AnA1CM? Cl 1PL ulCLS1lvL S?S1LM 1he Mouth and Assoc|ated Crgans Mouth Cral (buccal) cavlLy 8ounded by llps, cheeks, palaLe, and Longue Cral orlflce ls Lhe anLerlor openlng Llned wlLh sLraLlfled squamous eplLhellum
L|ps and Cheeks ConLaln orblcularls orls and bucclnaLor muscles vesLlbule: recess lnLernal Lo llps and cheeks, exLernal Lo LeeLh and gums Cral cavlLy proper lles wlLhln Lhe LeeLh and gums Lablal frenulum: medlan aLLachmenL of each llp Lo Lhe gum
a|ate Pard palaLe: palaLlne bones and palaLlne processes of Lhe maxlllae SllghLly corrugaLed Lo help creaLe frlcLlon agalnsL Lhe Longue SofL palaLe: fold formed mosLly of skeleLal muscle Closes off Lhe nasopharynx durlng swallowlng uvula pro[ecLs downward from lLs free edge 1ongue luncLlons lnclude 8eposlLlonlng and mlxlng food durlng chewlng lormaLlon of Lhe bolus lnlLlaLlon of swallowlng, speech, and LasLe lnLrlnslc muscles change Lhe shape of Lhe Longue LxLrlnslc muscles alLer Lhe Longue's poslLlon Llngual frenulum: aLLachmenL Lo Lhe floor of Lhe mouLh Surface bears paplllae llllform-whlLlsh, glve Lhe Longue roughness and provlde frlcLlon lunglform-reddlsh, scaLLered over Lhe Longue ClrcumvallaLe (vallaLe)-v-shaped row ln back of Longue 1hese Lhree house LasLe buds lollaLe-on Lhe laLeral aspecLs of Lhe posLerlor Longue 1ermlnal sulcus marks Lhe dlvlslon beLween 8ody: anLerlor 2/3 resldlng ln Lhe oral cavlLy 8ooL: posLerlor Lhlrd resldlng ln Lhe oropharynx Sa||vary G|ands LxLrlnslc sallvary glands (paroLld, submandlbular, and subllngual) lnLrlnslc (buccal) sallvary glands are scaLLered ln Lhe oral mucosa SecreLlon (sallva) Cleanses Lhe mouLh MolsLens and dlssolves food chemlcals Alds ln bolus formaLlon ConLalns enzymes LhaL begln Lhe breakdown of sLarch aroLld gland AnLerlor Lo Lhe ear exLernal Lo Lhe masseLer muscle aroLld ducL opens lnLo Lhe vesLlbule nexL Lo second upper molar Submandlbular gland Medlal Lo Lhe body of Lhe mandlble uucL opens aL Lhe base of Lhe llngual frenulum Subllngual gland AnLerlor Lo Lhe submandlbular gland under Lhe Longue Cpens vla 10-12 ducLs lnLo Lhe floor of Lhe mouLh Compos|t|on of Sa||va SecreLed by serous and mucous cells 97-99.3 waLer, sllghLly acldlc soluLlon conLalnlng LlecLrolyLes-na + , k + , Cl - , C 4 2- , PCC 3 -
Sallvary amylase and llngual llpase Mucln MeLabollc wasLes-urea and urlc acld Lysozyme, lgA, defenslns, and a cyanlde compound proLecL agalnsL mlcroorganlsms CnA1Lk 23 - DIGLS1IVL SS1LM S
Contro| of Sa||vat|on lnLrlnslc glands conLlnuously keep Lhe mouLh molsL LxLrlnslc sallvary glands produce secreLlons when lngesLed food sLlmulaLes chemorecepLors and mechanorecepLors ln Lhe mouLh SallvaLory nuclel ln Lhe braln sLem send lmpulses along parasympaLheLlc flbers ln cranlal nerves vll and lx SLrong sympaLheLlc sLlmulaLlon lnhlblLs sallvaLlon and resulLs ln dry mouLh (xerosLomla) 1eeth rlmary and permanenL denLlLlons are formed by age 21 20 declduous LeeLh erupL (6-24 monLhs of age) 8ooLs are resorbed, LeeLh fall ouL (6-12 years of age) as permanenL LeeLh develop 32 permanenL LeeLh All excepL Lhlrd molars erupL by Lhe end of adolescence C|ass|f|cat|on of 1eeth lnclsors Chlsel shaped for cuLLlng Canlnes langllke LeeLh LhaL Lear or plerce remolars (blcusplds) and molars Pave broad crowns wlLh rounded cusps for grlndlng or crushlng Denta| Iormu|as A shorLhand way of lndlcaLlng Lhe number and relaLlve poslLlon of LeeLh 8aLlo of upper Lo lower LeeLh for one-half of Lhe mouLh rlmary: 2l,1C, 2M ermanenL: 2l,1C, 2M, 3M 1ooth Structure Crown: Lhe exposed parL above Lhe glnglva (gum) Covered by enamel-Lhe hardesL subsLance ln Lhe body (calclum salLs and hydroxyapaLlLe crysLals) 8ooL: porLlon embedded ln Lhe [awbone ConnecLed Lo crown by neck CemenLum: calclfled connecLlve Llssue Covers rooL and aLLaches lL Lo Lhe perlodonLal llgamenL erlodonLal llgamenL lorms flbrous [olnL called a gomphosls Clnglval sulcus: groove where glnglva borders Lhe LooLh uenLln: bonellke maLerlal under enamel MalnLalned by odonLoblasLs of pulp cavlLy ulp cavlLy: cavlLy surrounded by denLln ulp: connecLlve Llssue, blood vessels, and nerves 8ooL canal: exLends from pulp cavlLy Lo Lhe aplcal foramen of Lhe rooL 1ooth and Gum D|sease uenLal carles (cavlLles): gradual demlnerallzaLlon of enamel and denLln uenLal plaque (sugar, bacLerla, and debrls) adheres Lo LeeLh Acld from bacLerla dlssolves calclum salLs roLeolyLlc enzymes dlgesL organlc maLLer revenLlon: dally flosslng and brushlng 6 CnA1Lk 23 - DIGLS1IVL SS1LM
ClnglvlLls laque calclfles Lo form calculus (LarLar) Calculus dlsrupLs Lhe seal beLween Lhe glnglvae and Lhe LeeLh Anaeroblc bacLerla lnfecL gums lnfecLlon reverslble lf calculus removed erlodonLlLls lmmune cells aLLack lnLruders and body Llssues uesLroy perlodonLal llgamenL AcLlvaLe osLeoclasLs Consequences osslble LooLh loss, promoLlon of aLherosclerosls and cloL formaLlon ln coronary and cerebral arLerles 1he harynx Cropharynx and laryngopharynx Allow passage of food, flulds, and alr SLraLlfled squamous eplLhellum llnlng SkeleLal muscle layers: lnner longlLudlnal, ouLer pharyngeal consLrlcLors 1he Lsophagus llaL muscular Lube from laryngopharynx Lo sLomach lerces dlaphragm aL esophageal hlaLus !olns sLomach aL Lhe cardlac orlflce Lsophageal mucosa conLalns sLraLlfled squamous eplLhellum Changes Lo slmple columnar aL Lhe sLomach Lsophageal glands ln submucosa secreLe mucus Lo ald ln bolus movemenL Muscularls: skeleLal superlorly, smooLh lnferlorly AdvenLlLla lnsLead of serosa D|gest|ve rocesses: Mouth to Lsophagus lngesLlon Mechanlcal dlgesLlon MasLlcaLlon ls parLly volunLary, parLly reflexlve Chemlcal dlgesLlon (sallvary amylase and llngual llpase) ropulslon uegluLlLlon (swallowlng) Deg|ut|t|on lnvolves Lhe Longue, sofL palaLe, pharynx, esophagus, and 22 muscle groups 8uccal phase volunLary conLracLlon of Lhe Longue haryngeal-esophageal phase lnvolunLary ConLrol cenLer ln Lhe medulla and lower pons
1he Stomach Gross Anatomy Cardlac reglon (cardla) Surrounds Lhe cardlac orlflce lundus uome-shaped reglon beneaLh Lhe dlaphragm 8ody MldporLlon ylorlc reglon: anLrum, pylorlc canal, and pylorus ylorus ls conLlnuous wlLh Lhe duodenum Lhrough Lhe pylorlc valve (sphlncLer) CreaLer curvaLure Convex laLeral surface Lesser curvaLure Concave medlal surface
Lesser omenLum lrom Lhe llver Lo Lhe lesser curvaLure CreaLer omenLum urapes from greaLer curvaLure AnLerlor Lo Lhe small lnLesLlne AnS nerve supply SympaLheLlc vla splanchnlc nerves and cellac plexus arasympaLheLlc vla vagus nerve 8lood supply Cellac Lrunk velns of Lhe hepaLlc porLal sysLem Stomach: M|croscop|c Anatomy lour Lunlcs Muscularls and mucosa are modlfled Muscularls exLerna 1hree layers of smooLh muscle lnner obllque layer allows sLomach Lo churn, mlx, move, and physlcally break down food Mucosa Slmple columnar eplLhellum composed of mucous cells Layer of mucus Lraps blcarbonaLe-rlch fluld beneaLh lL CasLrlc plLs lead lnLo gasLrlc glands Gastr|c G|ands Cell Lypes Mucous neck cells (secreLe Lhln, acldlc mucus) arleLal cells Chlef cells LnLeroendocrlne cells
Gastr|c G|and Secret|ons Clands ln Lhe fundus and body produce mosL of Lhe gasLrlc [ulce arleLal cell secreLlons PCl pP 1.3-3.3 denaLures proLeln ln food, acLlvaLes pepsln, and kllls many bacLerla lnLrlnslc facLor ClycoproLeln requlred for absorpLlon of vlLamln 8 12 ln small lnLesLlne Chlef cell secreLlons lnacLlve enzyme pepslnogen AcLlvaLed Lo pepsln by PCl and by pepsln lLself (a poslLlve feedback mechanlsm) LnLeroendocrlne cells SecreLe chemlcal messengers lnLo Lhe lamlna proprla aracrlnes SeroLonln and hlsLamlne Pormones SomaLosLaLln and gasLrln Mucosal 8arrler Layer of blcarbonaLe-rlch mucus 1lghL [uncLlons beLween eplLhellal cells uamaged eplLhellal cells are qulckly replaced by dlvlslon of sLem cells nomeostat|c Imba|ance CasLrlLls: lnflammaLlon caused by anyLhlng LhaL breaches Lhe mucosal barrler epLlc or gasLrlc ulcers: eroslon of Lhe sLomach wall MosL are caused by nellcoboctet pylotl bacLerla D|gest|ve rocesses |n the Stomach hyslcal dlgesLlon uenaLuraLlon of proLelns LnzymaLlc dlgesLlon of proLelns by pepsln (and rennln ln lnfanLs) SecreLes lnLrlnslc facLor requlred for absorpLlon of vlLamln 8 12
Lack of lnLrlnslc facLor pernlclous anemla uellvers chyme Lo Lhe small lnLesLlne kegu|at|on of Gastr|c Secret|on neural and hormonal mechanlsms SLlmulaLory and lnhlblLory evenLs occur ln Lhree phases: Cephallc (reflex) phase: few mlnuLes prlor Lo food enLry CasLrlc phase: 3-4 hours afLer food enLers Lhe sLomach lnLesLlnal phase: brlef sLlmulaLory effecL as parLlally dlgesLed food enLers Lhe duodenum, followed by lnhlblLory effecLs (enLerogasLrlc reflex and enLerogasLrones) kegu|at|on and Mechan|sm of nC| Secret|on 1hree chemlcals (ACh, hlsLamlne, and gasLrln) sLlmulaLe parleLal cells Lhrough second-messenger sysLems All Lhree are necessary for maxlmum PCl secreLlon AnLlhlsLamlnes block P 2 recepLors and decrease PCl release CnA1Lk 23 - DIGLS1IVL SS1LM 9
kesponse of the Stomach to I||||ng SLreLches Lo accommodaLe lncomlng food 8eflex-medlaLed recepLlve relaxaLlon CoordlnaLed by Lhe swallowlng cenLer of Lhe braln sLem CasLrlc accommodaLlon lasLlclLy (sLress-relaxaLlon response) of smooLh muscle Gastr|c Contract||e Act|v|ty erlsLalLlc waves move Loward Lhe pylorus aL Lhe raLe of 3 per mlnuLe 8aslc elecLrlcal rhyLhm (8L8) lnlLlaLed by pacemaker cells (cells of Ca[al) ulsLenslon and gasLrln lncrease force of conLracLlon MosL vlgorous near Lhe pylorus Chyme ls elLher uellvered ln ~ 3 ml spurLs Lo Lhe duodenum, or lorced backward lnLo Lhe sLomach kegu|at|on of Gastr|c Lmpty|ng As chyme enLers Lhe duodenum 8ecepLors respond Lo sLreLch and chemlcal slgnals LnLerogasLrlc reflex and enLerogasLrones lnhlblL gasLrlc secreLlon and duodenal fllllng CarbohydraLe-rlch chyme moves qulckly Lhrough Lhe duodenum laLLy chyme remalns ln Lhe duodenum 6 hours or more 1he Sma|| Intest|ne and Assoc|ated Structures Gross Anatomy Ma[or organ of dlgesLlon and absorpLlon 2-4 m long, from pylorlc sphlncLer Lo lleocecal valve Subdlvlslons uuodenum (reLroperlLoneal) !e[unum (aLLached posLerlorly by mesenLery) lleum (aLLached posLerlorly by mesenLery) uuodenum 1he blle ducL and maln pancreaLlc ducL !oln aL Lhe hepaLopancreaLlc ampulla LnLer Lhe duodenum aL Lhe ma[or duodenal papllla Are conLrolled by Lhe hepaLopancreaLlc sphlncLer SLrucLural ModlflcaLlons lncrease surface area of proxlmal parL for nuLrlenL absorpLlon Clrcular folds (pllcae clrculares) vllll Mlcrovllll Clrcular folds ermanenL (~1 cm deep) lorce chyme Lo slowly splral Lhrough lumen vllll MoLlle flngerllke exLenslons (~1 mm hlgh) of Lhe mucosa vlllus eplLhellum Slmple columnar absorpLlve cells (enLerocyLes) CobleL cells
10 CnA1Lk 23 - DIGLS1IVL SS1LM
Mlcrovllll ro[ecLlons (brush border) of absorpLlve cells 8ear brush border enzymes lnLesLlnal CrypLs lnLesLlnal crypL eplLhellum SecreLory cells LhaL produce lnLesLlnal [ulce LnLeroendocrlne cells lnLraeplLhellal lymphocyLes (lLLs) 8elease cyLoklnes LhaL klll lnfecLed cells aneLh cells SecreLe anLlmlcroblal agenLs (defenslns and lysozyme) SLem cells Submucosa eyer's paLches proLecL dlsLal parL agalnsL bacLerla uuodenal (8runner's) glands of Lhe duodenum secreLe alkallne mucus lnLesLlnal !ulce SecreLed ln response Lo dlsLenslon or lrrlLaLlon of Lhe mucosa SllghLly alkallne and lsoLonlc wlLh blood plasma Largely waLer, enzyme-poor, buL conLalns mucus laclllLaLes LransporL and absorpLlon of nuLrlenLs L|ver LargesL gland ln Lhe body lour lobes-rlghL, lefL, caudaLe, and quadraLe lalclform llgamenL SeparaLes Lhe (larger) rlghL and (smaller) lefL lobes Suspends llver from Lhe dlaphragm and anLerlor abdomlnal wall 8ound llgamenL (llgamenLum Leres) 8emnanL of feLal umblllcal veln along free edge of falclform llgamenL L|ver: Assoc|ated Structures Lesser omenLum anchors llver Lo sLomach PepaLlc arLery and veln aL Lhe porLa hepaLls 8lle ducLs Common hepaLlc ducL leaves Lhe llver CysLlc ducL connecLs Lo gallbladder 8lle ducL formed by Lhe unlon of Lhe above Lwo ducLs L|ver: M|croscop|c Anatomy Llver lobules Pexagonal sLrucLural and funcLlonal unlLs lllLer and process nuLrlenL-rlch blood Composed of plaLes of hepaLocyLes (llver cells) LonglLudlnal cenLral veln orLal Lrlad aL each corner of lobule 8lle ducL recelves blle from blle canallcull orLal arLerlole ls a branch of Lhe hepaLlc arLery PepaLlc venule ls a branch of Lhe hepaLlc porLal veln Llver slnusolds are leaky caplllarles beLween hepaLlc plaLes kupffer cells (hepaLlc macrophages) ln llver slnusolds CnA1Lk 23 - DIGLS1IVL SS1LM 11
PepaLocyLe funcLlons rocess bloodborne nuLrlenLs SLore faL-soluble vlLamlns erform deLoxlflcaLlon roduce ~900 ml blle per day 8||e ?ellow-green, alkallne soluLlon conLalnlng 8lle salLs: cholesLerol derlvaLlves LhaL funcLlon ln faL emulslflcaLlon and absorpLlon 8lllrubln: plgmenL formed from heme CholesLerol, neuLral faLs, phosphollplds, and elecLrolyLes LnLerohepaLlc clrculaLlon 8ecycles blle salLs 8lle salLs duodenum reabsorbed from lleum hepaLlc porLal blood llver secreLed lnLo blle 1he Ga||b|adder 1hln-walled muscular sac on Lhe venLral surface of Lhe llver SLores and concenLraLes blle by absorblng lLs waLer and lons 8eleases blle vla Lhe cysLlc ducL, whlch flows lnLo Lhe blle ducL ancreas LocaLlon MosLly reLroperlLoneal, deep Lo Lhe greaLer curvaLure of Lhe sLomach Pead ls enclrcled by Lhe duodenum, Lall abuLs Lhe spleen Lndocrlne funcLlon ancreaLlc lsleLs secreLe lnsulln and glucagon Lxocrlne funcLlon Aclnl (clusLers of secreLory cells) secreLe pancreaLlc [ulce Zymogen granules of secreLory cells conLaln dlgesLlve enzymes ancreat|c Iu|ce WaLery alkallne soluLlon (pP 8) neuLrallzes chyme LlecLrolyLes (prlmarlly PCC 3 - ) Lnzymes Amylase, llpases, nucleases are secreLed ln acLlve form buL requlre lons or blle for opLlmal acLlvlLy roLeases secreLed ln lnacLlve form roLease acLlvaLlon ln duodenum 1rypslnogen ls acLlvaLed Lo Lrypsln by brush border enzyme enLeropepLldase rocarboxypepLldase and chymoLrypslnogen are acLlvaLed by Lrypsln kegu|at|on of 8||e Secret|on 8lle secreLlon ls sLlmulaLed by 8lle salLs ln enLerohepaLlc clrculaLlon SecreLln from lnLesLlnal cells exposed Lo PCl and faLLy chyme Callbladder conLracLlon ls sLlmulaLed by CholecysLoklnln (CCk) from lnLesLlnal cells exposed Lo proLelns and faL ln chyme vagal sLlmulaLlon (mlnor sLlmulus) Ckk also causes Lhe hepaLopancreaLlc sphlncLer Lo relax 12 CnA1Lk 23 - DIGLS1IVL SS1LM
kegu|at|on of ancreat|c Secret|on CCk lnduces Lhe secreLlon of enzyme-rlch pancreaLlc [ulce by aclnl SecreLln causes secreLlon of blcarbonaLe-rlch pancreaLlc [ulce by ducL cells vagal sLlmulaLlon also causes release of pancreaLlc [ulce (mlnor sLlmulus) D|gest|on |n the Sma|| Intest|ne Chyme from sLomach conLalns arLlally dlgesLed carbohydraLes and proLelns undlgesLed faLs 8equlremenLs for ulgesLlon and AbsorpLlon ln Lhe Small lnLesLlne Slow dellvery of hyperLonlc chyme uellvery of blle, enzymes, and blcarbonaLe from Lhe llver and pancreas Mlxlng Mot|||ty of the Sma|| Intest|ne SegmenLaLlon lnlLlaLed by lnLrlnslc pacemaker cells Mlxes and moves conLenLs slowly and sLeadlly Loward Lhe lleocecal valve lnLenslLy ls alLered by long and shorL reflexes Wanes ln Lhe laLe lnLesLlnal (fasLlng) phase erlsLalsls lnlLlaLed by moLllln ln Lhe laLe lnLesLlnal phase Lach wave sLarLs dlsLal Lo Lhe prevlous (Lhe mlgraLlng moLlllLy complex) Meal remnanLs, bacLerla, and debrls are moved Lo Lhe large lnLesLlne Local enLerlc neurons coordlnaLe lnLesLlnal moLlllLy Chollnerglc sensory neurons may acLlvaLe Lhe myenLerlc plexus Causes conLracLlon of Lhe clrcular muscle proxlmally and of longlLudlnal muscle dlsLally lorces chyme along Lhe LracL lleocecal sphlncLer relaxes and admlLs chyme lnLo Lhe large lnLesLlne when CasLrolleal reflex enhances Lhe force of segmenLaLlon ln Lhe lleum CasLrln lncreases Lhe moLlllLy of Lhe lleum lleocecal valve flaps close when chyme exerLs backward pressure 1he Large Intest|ne unlque feaLures 1enlae coll 1hree bands of longlLudlnal smooLh muscle ln Lhe muscularls PausLra ockeLllke sacs caused by Lhe Lone of Lhe Lenlae coll Lplplolc appendages laL-fllled pouches of vlsceral perlLoneum 8eglons Cecum (pouch wlLh aLLached vermlform appendlx) Colon 8ecLum Anal canal Co|on Ascendlng colon and descendlng colon are reLroperlLoneal 1ransverse colon and slgmold colon are anchored vla mesocolons (mesenLerles)
CnA1Lk 23 - DIGLS1IVL SS1LM 13
kectum and Anus 8ecLum 1hree recLal valves sLop feces from belng passed wlLh gas Anal canal 1he lasL segmenL of Lhe large lnLesLlne SphlncLers lnLernal anal sphlncLer-smooLh muscle LxLernal anal sphlncLer-skeleLal muscle Large Intest|ne: M|croscop|c Anatomy Mucosa of slmple columnar eplLhellum excepL ln Lhe anal canal (sLraLlfled squamous) AbundanL deep crypLs wlLh gobleL cells Superflclal venous plexuses of Lhe anal canal form hemorrholds lf lnflamed 8acter|a| I|ora LnLer from Lhe small lnLesLlne or anus Colonlze Lhe colon lermenL lndlgesLlble carbohydraLes 8elease lrrlLaLlng aclds and gases SynLheslze 8 complex vlLamlns and vlLamln k Iunct|ons of the Large Intest|ne vlLamlns, waLer, and elecLrolyLes are reclalmed Ma[or funcLlon ls propulslon of feces Loward Lhe anus Colon ls noL essenLlal for llfe Mot|||ty of the Large Intest|ne PausLral conLracLlons Slow segmenLlng movemenLs PausLra sequenLlally conLracL ln response Lo dlsLenslon CasLrocollc reflex lnlLlaLed by presence of food ln Lhe sLomach AcLlvaLes Lhree Lo four slow powerful perlsLalLlc waves per day ln Lhe colon (mass movemenLs) Defecat|on Mass movemenLs force feces lnLo recLum ulsLenslon lnlLlaLes splnal defecaLlon reflex arasympaLheLlc slgnals SLlmulaLe conLracLlon of Lhe slgmold colon and recLum 8elax Lhe lnLernal anal sphlncLer Consclous conLrol allows relaxaLlon of exLernal anal sphlncLer
A81 3 - P?SlCLCC? Cl CPLMlCAL ulCLS1lCn Anu A8SC81lCn Chem|ca| D|gest|on CaLabollc LnzymaLlc Pydrolysls Chemlcal ulgesLlon and AbsorpLlon of CarbohydraLes ulgesLlve enzymes Sallvary amylase, pancreaLlc amylase, and brush border enzymes (dexLrlnase, glucoamylase, lacLase, malLase, and sucrase)
14 CnA1Lk 23 - DIGLS1IVL SS1LM
Absorpt|on Secondary acLlve LransporL (coLransporL) wlLh na +
laclllLaLed dlffuslon of some monosaccharldes LnLer Lhe caplllary beds ln Lhe vllll 1ransporLed Lo Lhe llver vla Lhe hepaLlc porLal veln Absorpt|on of rote|ns Lnzymes: pepsln ln Lhe sLomach ancreaLlc proLeases 1rypsln, chymoLrypsln, and carboxypepLldase 8rush border enzymes AmlnopepLldases, carboxypepLldases, and dlpepLldases AbsorpLlon of amlno aclds ls coupled Lo acLlve LransporL of na +
Absorpt|on of L|p|ds (Iats) re-LreaLmenL-emulslflcaLlon by blle salLs Lnzymes-pancreaLlc llpase AbsorpLlon of glycerol and shorL chaln faLLy aclds Absorbed lnLo Lhe caplllary blood ln vllll 1ransporLed vla Lhe hepaLlc porLal veln Absorpt|on of Iatty Ac|ds AbsorpLlon of monoglycerldes and faLLy aclds ClusLer wlLh blle salLs and leclLhln Lo form mlcelles 8eleased by mlcelles Lo dlffuse lnLo eplLhellal cells Comblne wlLh proLelns Lo form chylomlcrons LnLer lacLeals and are LransporLed Lo sysLemlc clrculaLlon Absorpt|on of Nuc|e|c Ac|ds Lnzymes ancreaLlc rlbonuclease and deoxyrlbonuclease AbsorpLlon AcLlve LransporL 1ransporLed Lo llver vla hepaLlc porLal veln V|tam|n Absorpt|on ln small lnLesLlne laL-soluble vlLamlns (A, u, L, and k) are carrled by mlcelles and Lhen dlffuse lnLo absorpLlve cells WaLer-soluble vlLamlns (vlLamln C and 8 vlLamlns) are absorbed by dlffuslon or by passlve or acLlve LransporLers. vlLamln 8 12 blnds wlLh lnLrlnslc facLor, and ls absorbed by endocyLosls ln large lnLesLlne vlLamln k and 8 vlLamlns from bacLerlal meLabollsm are absorbed L|ectro|yte Absorpt|on MosLly along Lhe lengLh of small lnLesLlne lron and calclum are absorbed ln duodenum na + ls coupled wlLh absorpLlon of glucose and amlno aclds lonlc lron ls sLored ln mucosal cells wlLh ferrlLln k + dlffuses ln response Lo osmoLlc gradlenLs Ca 2+ absorpLlon ls regulaLed by vlLamln u and paraLhyrold hormone (1P)
Water Absorpt|on 93 ls absorbed ln Lhe small lnLesLlne by osmosls neL osmosls occurs whenever a concenLraLlon gradlenL ls esLabllshed by acLlve LransporL of soluLes WaLer upLake ls coupled wlLh soluLe upLake MalabsorpLlon of nuLrlenLs Causes AnyLhlng LhaL lnLerferes wlLh dellvery of blle or pancreaLlc [ulce uamaged lnLesLlnal mucosa (e.g., bacLerlal lnfecLlon) Ma|absorpt|on of Nutr|ents CluLen-senslLlve enLeropaLhy (cellac dlsease) CluLen damages Lhe lnLesLlnal vllll and brush border 1reaLed by ellmlnaLlng gluLen from Lhe dleL (all gralns buL rlce and corn) Deve|opmenta| Aspects of the D|gest|ve System Ieta| L|fe ln Lhe Lhlrd week Lndoderm has folded and foreguL and hlndguL have formed MldguL ls open and conLlnuous wlLh Lhe yolk sac MouLh and anal openlngs are nearly formed ln Lhe elghLh week Accessory organs are buddlng from endoderm leLal nuLrlLlon ls vla Lhe placenLa, buL Lhe Cl LracL ls sLlmulaLed Lo maLure by amnloLlc fluld swallowed ln uLero Newborn 1he newborn's rooLlng reflex helps Lhe lnfanL flnd Lhe nlpple, Lhe sucklng reflex alds ln swallowlng Ger|atr|c uurlng old age Cl LracL acLlvlLy decllnes, absorpLlon ls less efflclenL, and perlsLalsls ls slowed ulverLlculosls, fecal lnconLlnence, and cancer of Lhe Cl LracL Cancer SLomach and colon cancers rarely have early slgns or sympLoms MeLasLaslzed colon cancers frequenLly cause secondary llver cancer revenLlon 8egular denLal and medlcal examlnaLlon pp. o, oqq