Geography 1

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General Knowledge Tests- Geography 1

1. Which of the following states has the largest coastal area in India?
a)Andhra Pradesh b)Tamilnadu c)Kerala d) Karnataka
2. Which river is also known as the Vridha anga!"akshin anga?
a)Krishna b)#auver$ c) Godavery d)%armada
&. Which is the most widel$ distributed s$stem of irrigation in India?
a) wells b) tanks c) tubewells d)#anals
'. Which is the longest river in India?
a)Indus b) (rahma)utra c) Ganga d) *amuna
+. The onl$ river to cross the ,-uator twice.
a)%ile b)/ma0on c)Zaire d)1ississi))i
2. The 333333333 regions of the world are known as the 4orchards of the world5
a)Tro)ical b) Mediterranean c)Tem)erate d) ,-uatorial
6. The largest river in the World is
a)%ile b)Amazon c) *angt0e7 Kiang d) 1issouri71ississi))i
8. The 9ue0 #anal was built b$
a) "avid :ivingstone b) :e #orbuiser c) Ferdinand De Lesseps d) Vasca da ama
;. The countr$ with highest death rate and lowest life e<)ectanc$
a) ierra Leone b) ,thio)ia c) uines7 (issau d) =aire
1>. The aborigines of /frica5s Kalahari"esert are known as
a) ?$gmies b) !"shmen c) 1asais d) @ausas
11. Kimberle$ 1ines of 9outh /frica are Known for its
a) Diamonds b) #o))er c) old d) #oal
12. ?resent da$ =imbabwe was earlier known as
a) %orthern Ahodesia b) o"thern #hodesia c) ?ersia d) 1eso)otamiia
1&. The largest countr$ areawise in /frica is
a) 9outh /frica b) ,g$)t c) %igeria d) "dan
1'. 9wedenB IclandB %orwa$ and "enmark are collectivel$ known as
a) (alkans b):atin /mericans c) $andinavians d) ulf countries
1+. Which countr$ is the cock)it of ,uro)e ?
a) !elgi"m b) 9wit0erland c) Ireland d) reece
12. 3333333333 is known as the land of seven seas.
a) Aome b) Ara%ia c) Cinland d) #uba
16. Who discovered /ustralia?
a) &aptain 'ames &oo( b) #a). /rthur ?hilli) c) #olombus d) Vasco da gama
18. "etroit in D.9./. is famous for
a) Cilms b) #igars c) lass d) A"tomo%iles
1;. :ondon is situated on the banks of the river
a) "anube b) Aavi c) 9iene d) Thames
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2>. 3333333 line se)arates India and ?akistan.
a) "urand b) 1acmohan c) #ad$li))e d)1aginot line
21. /ustralian Tem)erate rasslands are known as
a) ?raries b)9avanna c) Downs d) Velds
22. Kalgoorlie in /ustralia is famous for
a) "iamond mining b) Gold Mining c) #oal 1ining d) ?etroleum
2&. Where is 9chrodinger5s (asin?
a) En Fu)iter b) *n Moon c) En Venus d) /ndaman
2'. The longest river in ,uro)e is
a) Tiber b) 9iene c) "anube d) +olga
2+. The dee)est )oint on earth is in the ?acific Ecean.It is the
a) Mariana Tren$h b) ?hilli)ines Trench c) Tonga Trench d) Fa)an Islands
22. The Indian Institute Ef ?etroleum is located in
a)Delhi b)"eheradun c) "ibrugarh d) "igboi
26. The lines Goining the areas having the same rainfall are called as
a) Isobars b) Isotherms c) Isohalines d) ,sohyets
28.Which one of the following soils is best suited for dee) rooted cro)s?
a)!la$( soils b) /lluvial soils c) :aterite soils d) Aed soils
2;. Which one of the following ocean currents is )o)ularl$ known as Hwarm blanket of ,uro)eI?
a) G"l) stream b) West wind drift c) (enguela current d) #anaries current
&>. Which of the following set of countries are com)letel$ surrounded b$ land?
a) 9$riaB#0echoslovakiaB?aragua$ b) Mongolia-Zam%ia-!olivia c) :ib$aB =ambiaB
d) ?aragua$B 1ongoliaB 9$ria.
&1. Which climatic region has the least tem)erature range?
a)./"atorial region b)1onsoon region c) Tro)ical region d) 1editerranean region
&2. WhoB among the followingB invented the )rinci)le of reflecting telesco)e B which is now used in
world5s largest telesco)es?
a)%icolas #o)ernicus b) ,ssa$ 0ewton c) T$cho (ranche d) alileo alilei
&&. / denseB hardBradioactiveB nickel7white metal with the highest atomic weight is
a) /luminium b) #o))er c) Thorium d) 1rani"m
&'. /))alachian coalfields are located in which of the following countries?
a) #hina b) reat (ritain c) 122A2 d) D.9.9.A.
&+.The belts of low atmos)heric )ressure on either side of the e-uator are called
a) Doldr"ms b) Westerlies c) :atitudes d) ,asterlies
&2. Tirana is the ca)italof
a)#$)rus b3 Al%ania c) =an0ibar d) #uba
&6. Kalahari is in which countr$?
a) 9outh /frica b) :ib$a c) #hina d) !otswana
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&8. Which of the following rivers divide /ravalli ranges?
a) %armada and Ta)ti b) 0armada and one c) (etwa and Ko$na d) (anas and :uni
&;. / broad channel where the waters of a river and a sea mingle is called
a)/ delta b) An est"ary c) / harbour d) / 9trait
'>. Ene7hour difference in local time between two )laces is e-uivalent to a difference of
a) 1> degree longitude b) 14 degreelongit"de c) 1+ degree latitide d) 2> degree latitude
'1. The time7lag between the sun7rise in /runachal ?radesh and 9aurashtra is a))ro<imatel$
a) @alf an hour b) Ene hour c) Two ho"rs d) Three hours
'2. In which countr$ was the first oil7well drilled in 18+;?
a) 9audi /rabia b) 122A2 c) D.9.9.A. d) Vene0uela
'&. The first news)rint )a)er mill in the )ublic sector was set u) in
a) Andhra Pradesh b) 1adh$a ?radesh c) 1aharashtra d) West (engal
''. Aihand Valle$ ?roGect is in
a) 1ttar Pradesh b) Erissa c) 1adh$a ?radesh d)1aharashtra
'+. WhoB amongst the following is regarded as the first astro)h$sicist?
a) 'ohannes Kepler b) Issac %ewton c) T$cho (rahe d) #hristian hu$gens
'2. Which of the following is a tro)ical grassland?
a) Taiga b) avanna c) ?am)as d) ?rairies
'6.Which of the following has the highest h$del )ower )otential?
a) %ile basin b) &ongo %asin c) /ma0on basin d) 1ississi))i basin
'8. Which of the following countries has the longest land frontier?
a) (urma b) D.9.9.A. c) &hina d) :aos
';. Which of the following is the dee)est lake ?
a) 9u)erior b) 1ansarover c) Victoria d) !ai(al
+>. Which of the following mountain ranges ac-uires %.,.79.,. structural trend in India?
a) Vindh$a range b) Aravali range c) 9hivalik range d) 9at)ura range
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