Ubto Trust
Ubto Trust
Ubto Trust
Tr usts
The purpose of this article is to inform you of the various factors and issues concerning
trusts so that you may make an informed decision as to whether a trust may be of any
benefit in your life.
Statutor y v. Non-Statutor y
The first and most fundamental issue that one needs to understand is the distinction
between a statutory trust and a non-statutory trust. A non-statutory trust is
generally referred to as a common law trust. [See The Law within this site for
information on the common law.]
Statutory trusts are those, which like corporations, are established by and through a law
created by the legislature of your state. Such trusts are imbued by the legislature with
certain financial advantages (e.g. exempting certain property from State taxation of one
form or another). However, such trusts are 100% within the regulatory control of the
State. I f the legislature were to change its mind tomorrow and withdraw the trusts
financial advantage, they would be doing nothing wrong and you would have no recourse.
When you place property in a statutory trust, you are in effect saying to the legislature,
I agree that this property is within the States jurisdiction and it would be really great if
youd treat me fairly in the future. Placing ones property within a statutory trust also
makes that property ripe for administrative levy and/or seizure in the event that a tax
agency makes a claim against the person who established the trust, or against the trust
Conversely, common l aw trusts are not created by legislative fiat, but are created in
the realm of Equity and under a Ci ti zens unal i enabl e ri ght to contract. [See The
Law in this site.]
A pure Trust is non-statutory. The Court holds that the Trust is created under
the realm of equity under common law and is notcreated by legislative
Croker v. MacCloy, 649 US Supp 39
[A contractual organization is] created under the common l aw of contracts and
does not depend upon any statute for i ts exi stence.
156 American Law Review 28
I t is important to know and understand that an organization (such as a common law
trust), which has not been created under State authority, generally cannot be regulated,
and most State laws (written to effect corporations) have no legal force upon such an
organization. [See the Sales Tax page within this website for a revealing discussion on
the term person, and corporations.] We say that such a trust cannot generally be
regulated, because we wish the reader to understand that there are certain activities
that are inherently subject to State regulatory control [e.g. hauling toxic waste on the
highway] and if a common law trust were to engage in such an activity, then it would be
subject to State regulatory control.
Another advantage of a common law trust is that the trust possesses the same rights,
privileges and immunities (speaking in Constitutional terms) as the trustee.
The fact that a business trust is not regarded as a legal entity distinct from its
trustees, if a true trustmay result in this advantage to the trust, which a
corporation does not possess: The trust consists of individualswho are Citizens,
and who, therefore, are entitled to certain rights and immunities such as those
guaranteed by the privileges and immunities clauses of the Federal Constitution,
which do not apply to Corporations.
Morrissey v. Commissioner of I nternal Revenue, 296 US 344 (1935)
This is an important concept that translates into important real-life benefits. Most
organizations are statutory fictions and are subject to virtually every law on the books.
They are also obligated to open their books and records, upon demand, to allow the
government to explore whether or not some violation (of a virtually endless list of laws)
has occurred. Statutory entities may also be prohibited from activities from which a
Citizen with unalienable rights cannot be prohibited.
Common law trusts are not bound by laws controlling the actions of corporations.
Common law trusts are not bound by public policy decisions of the legislature that are
masquerading as law. Common law trusts need not open their books to anyone unless
ordered to do so by a true judicial warrant issued by an appropriate court. Common law
trusts may freely engage in any activity that any American Citizen may engage in
(provided that the trustee is a Citizen of a state of the Union). [See our Citizenship page
for distinctions in the nature of citizenship.]
These trusts whether pure trusts or partnership are unincorporated. They are not
organized under any statute; and they derive no power, benefit, or privilege from any statute.
Hecht v. Malley, 68 L ed 949
A Pure Trust is not subject to legislative control. The Court holds that the Trust isnot subject
to legislative restriction as are corporation and other statutory entities created by legislative
Croker v. MacCloy, 649 US Supp 39
A Pure Trust derives no power, benefit, or privilege from any statute.
Crocker v. Malley 264 US 144
So What Does One Use a Tr ust For ?
Trusts are used primarily for four purposes:
Protection of assets
Generational preservation of assets
The conduct of business
[Editors Note: For the balance of this article, the word trust shall mean a common law
trust, unless otherwise indicated.]
Privacy Common law trusts can provide privacy in a manner that no statutory entity
can. Whenever the State is a party to a business arrangement, such as establishing a
corporation or other statutory entity, the State requires the particulars from all the
associated parties and that information becomes a part of the public record and is
generally accessible.
By contrast, a common law trust is traditionally held in the strictest privacy, with no one
but the settlor and the trustee knowing all the details of the trust and the identities of
those involved.
Generational Preservation of Assets Many people would prefer to avoid a situation
in which inheritance taxes would be owed on property after their death. By placing
property (real or personal) in a Family Preservation Trust, the owner of the property
(the trust) never dies, and therefore no inheritance takes place. Despite the fact that
the property belongs to a trust, current and future generations of family may make
unfettered use of the property under the terms of the trust. This form of trust
arrangement should always be an irrevocable trust (which will be addressed shortly).
Protection of Assets We live in a society that is increasingly complex. Legislatures
are pumping out laws faster than the average Citizen can keep track of them, while at
the same time recourse to the courts to solve every little grievance is on the increase. We
know that there are laws firms in existence today that conduct research to see what
companies are in the best financial position to be sued. Add to that a government that is
hungry for any excuse (lawful or otherwise) to seize ones property and this is likely the
most precarious time in American history for a Citizen to own property of any significant
For these reasons and others, Americans are now protecting their assets through trusts
on an ever-increasing basis. Done correctly, a settlor may retain the use and benefit of
the property while no longer being the actual owner. This form of trust arrangement
should always be an irrevocable trust (which will be addressed shortly).
Business Trusts This trust activity may be the least used, and is certainly the one
with the most untapped potential. A common law Pure Trust Business Organization is a
phenomenal corpus from which to conduct the private business operations of the average
One of the objectives of a business Trust is to obtain for the trust associates, most of
the advantages of corporations, without the authority of any legislative act and
with the freedom from restrictions and regulations generally imposed by law upon
corporations. 13 Am J ur 2d, page 379, Paragraph 51
When a trust conducts business, it enjoys privacy, freedom from most State regulation,
separation of personal assets from business assets, and the officers of the trust are
shielded from the liability of business (unless fraud or wrongful death are involved).
That last benefit is similar in concept and operation to what corporate officers call, the
corporate veil. Here is what the federal courts say about the protections afforded to the
trustee(s), managing agents, and the trust.
The fact that the trustees hold property, does not mean the trustees own personal
property. Trust property cannot be held under attachment nor sold upon execution
of trustees personal debtTrustees and beneficiaries cannot be held liable for debts
incurred by the trust. I f, in fact, a true trust had been created, the certificate
holders [the true owners of the Trust property] are not liable on obligations incurred
by the trustees or managing agents appointed by the trustees.
Hussey v. Arnold, 70n N.E. 87; Mayo v. Moritz, 24 N.E. 1083
Trust property cannot be held under attachment nor sold upon execution, for the
trustees personal debts.
Clew v. J amison, 182 US 461, 21 S Ct 645
As you can see, a trust affords the very same type of protection for, and from, the
trustee(s) and managing agents as a corporation does for its officers.
Pure Trust Business Organizations also have the added advantage of incurring no
federal or State tax liability. The I RS has confirmed this in writing. Original I ntent
possesses a determination letter from the I RS, which states:
Accordi ng to our Nati onal Offi ce a Pure Trust Organi zati on (an
uni ncorporated busi ness trust) i s an organi zati on that has no return
fi l i ng requi rements and i s a nontaxabl e organi zati on. Therefore, your
Pure Trust Organi zati on doesnt need an EI N. [EI Ns are used in place of
TI Ns for trusts]
I t should be noted that when the I RS makes a written determination from its National
Office, the determination is a product of their legal staff, issued after significant review
and consideration. The I RS has not reversed their position since it was confirmed on
1960. The I RS cannot reverse this position because it is controlled by Constitutional
Revocabl e v. Ir r evocabl e
All trusts, common law or statutory, come in two flavors revocable and irrevocable.
Revocable means that the trust can be readily dissolved and the property within the
trust reverts to the sole ownership of the grantor (the former owner). These trusts are
often referred to as a Grantors Trust. Such trusts do not afford much asset protection.
I n most cases, the law considers such trusts to be little more than an alter-ego of the
grantor. Many courts have declared revocable trusts to be nothing more than a dba of
the grantor.
I rrevocable trusts offer the strongest asset protection possible. Like a corporation,
irrevocable trusts are considered a separate legal person from the settlor and/or the
grantor(s). I rrevocable trusts generally exist for eternity or until some specified event
occurs, requiring the termination of the trust. However, unlike a corporation, a common
law pure trust may exercise all the rights, privileges and immunities of the trustee. I f
the trustee is a Citizen of a state of the Union, thats a significant advantage over other
business forms.
I t should be understood that property conveyed into an irrevocable trust becomes the sole
property of the trust and will generally not be returned to the previous owner. Once
property is conveyed into trust, it is held in trust by the trustee and administrated in
the best interest of the trust, in accordance with the trust indenture. This is one of the
essential reasons that property within such a trust is so secure there can be claim
made that the property still belongs to the former owner (grantor).
Pr oper Tr ust Administr ation
Over the years, folks within the Patriot movement have made some serious mistakes.
I mproper trust administration is certainly one of the most notable areas where Patriots
have gotten into trouble and brought quite a bit of pain upon themselves.
Patriots are always looking for the fastest way to solve a problem. We think that is
only natural because often times a Patriot is already under attack from a government
agency and is trying desperately to find a way to thwart the aggressive actions of the
government. I n most cases we have seen, the Patriot is morally and legally in the right,
but does not have the expertise to prevail over a fleet of government lawyers, or the
Patriot has taken the proper steps and the agency is simply steamrolling the Citizen
and the rights of every American in the process because if you plow over the rights of
one Citizen, you are plowing over the rights of all Americans. Nevertheless, if in haste
we make poor choices, we will likely feel the consequences of those poor choices in the
Adding to the problem is the plethora of Patriot gurus, who learn just enough to be a
danger to themselves, and then begin to tell others how it is. These gurus have done
as much to injure the Patriot movement as anything the government has done over the
past 30 years. There are few things more discouraging than finding out that your own
side laid the foundation for your failure! We have spoken to many former Patriots who
have left the movement because they felt that the movement didnt know what it was
doing. Theres certainly some truth to such observations. Trust administration is clearly
one of those areas.
A trust i s admi ni strated by a trustee, or a board of trustees. Thats the long and
the short of it. There is no other proper and lawful way for a trust to be administrated.
Anyone who tells you otherwise is ignorant or lying to you.
Many in the Patriot movement have been fond of conveying property into trust, becoming
Managing Agents (or whatever term they use as an equivalent) of the trust, and then
having the trustee delegate complete authority to them. They then wonder why several
years later the I RS (or some other government agency) is able to take the trusts
property from them. The reason is simple, the trustee acted in manner which vitiated
the credibility and legal protections of the trust.
Another huge mistake made by Patriots is the unfounded belief that you can avoid an
income tax (if legitimately owed) by conveying the income into trust prior to paying the
taxes. The I RS nails Patriots on this stupid mistake all the time. Lets be clear on this:
A trust can do nothing to alleviate any legitimate tax liability that you may have. I f you
owe the tax, you must pay it! However, if you dont owe a tax on the money (or other
property) that you receive, then conveying it into trust may well protect it later from an
attack by an unlawful and money-hungry government. [See Federal I ncome Tax and
State I ncome Tax to help you determine if you owe income tax.]
Patriots have probably made as many trust mistakes, as there are inexperienced and
unqualified trustees in the Patriot movement. We cannot address all the errors that we
have seen. What we can say with absolute certainty is this: I f you establ i sh a trust,
make sure you acqui re a qual i fi ed and professi onal trustee. To do otherwise is to
place everything at risk.
[For professional trustee services, Contact Us.]
The Business Tr ustee
Having a professional trustee is even more essential if a trust is involved in business
activities. Trusts that merely hold property have very few dealings with other people,
but a business trust will generally be an active part of the business community and will
interact with numerous people, entities, and government bureaucrats. For this reason it
is essential that a business trust have a trustee (or trustees) who is knowledgeable in
various areas.
The trustee of a common law business trust should be knowledgeable in the following
Consti tuti onal l aw A common law trust relies on the rights of the trustee,
which are secured by and through his state Constitution and the US Constitution.
I t should be manifestly obvious that a trustee cannot assert his rights, and thus
those that are operational for the trust, if he has little knowledge of the his own
rights, privileges, and immunities, as well as the remedies that are available to
secure those rights from abridgement.
Trust l aw I t should be plainly obvious that one cannot administrate what one
doesnt know or understand.
Contract l aw I t will fall within the duties of the trustee to execute agreements
in the name of the trust.
Tax l aw Although a Pure Trust Busi ness Organi zati on has no tax
payment or reporti ng requi rements, the trustee must know how to preserve
that position.
General Busi ness Law Although a trustee should not be involved in running
the business, he cannot properly undertake his trustee duties if he does not have
a firm grasp of fundamental business practices.
We feel compelled to make one disclaimer concerning business trusts. I f you believe that
you will need to acquire a significant amount of investment capitol from investors in
order to achieve your business goals, a business trust is likely not the proper business
form to establish. Although there is no practical reason that investors cannot invest in
the business activities of a trust and receive the same returns and assurances, investors
are inexperienced with business trusts and will virtually always insist that their capitol
go into a corporation.
The Gover nment Lies (Again)!
As common law trusts have experienced a resurgence of popularity, the government and
its cronies (i.e. financial institutions, tax attorneys, CPAs, the media, etc.) have
embarked on a campaign of lies intended to undermine the growth and expansion of
common law trusts especially business trusts.
Over the last 2 years weve seen articles published in periodicals for the financial
industry, as well as in other more mainstream publications, which assert that common
law trusts are not real that they do not actually exist and that promoters of such
trusts are merely charlatans who are preying upon the ignorance and naivet of an
unwitting public.
Many of these articles have been written by attorneys who know that they are lying. I n
one recent case, after reading an article in which the author (an attorney for the Trust
department of bank) stated that there is no such thing as a common law trust we
contacted the editor of the well-known financial publication that printed the article and
provided him with numerous federal court decisions concerning common law trusts. We
asked him how he could run an article in which it was stated that common law trusts
dont exist, when the federal courts have been verifying their existence for 225 years. We
pointed out that since it would have been a simple task to check the authors allegation,
the editor must have either been remiss in his duties, or intentionally chosen to publish
the lie. We asked that a retraction be printed. What was his response? Silence. We
never heard back from him and no retraction was printed.
Accountants are routinely sent information from the I RS telling them to be on the
lookout for abusive trusts. These publications frequently contain the words common
law trust in the warning.
For a full and detailed examination of the I RS smear campaign against common law
trusts, see Debunking I RS Lies on this site.]
Summar y
We hope that this article has given you some useful information concerning common law
trust. We also hope you will visit Debunking I RS Lies so that you wont be intimidated
by the carefully crafted statements from the snakes (ohsorrywe meant attorneys)
at the I RS. Once you understand the word games the government is playing, you will
have a good laugh at their expense.
Here is what weve covered in this article:
1) Common law trusts are established under the unalienable right of Citizens to
contract with one another.
2) A contract of a particular form (a trust indenture) creates a trust.
3) Trusts may be used for various purposes.
4) No matter what purpose you have in mind for a trust, increased privacy will
always be one of the benefits.
5) These purposes may be advantageous to you and/or your family.
6) Trust can be revocable or irrevocable. I rrevocabl e is generally a better choice.
7) I f you owe income tax on your earnings or income, it must be paid before you
convey money or property into trust.
8) I f you have paid the tax, or dont owe a tax, conveying property into trust can
protect your assets from a future unlawful attack by the government.
9) A professi onal trustee i s essenti al to the proper operati on of a trust.
10) I n the business arena, common law trusts offer many of the same advantages as
statutory entities, but without the government strings attached.
11) A Pure Trust Busi ness Organi zati on has no tax payment or reporti ng
requi rements.
12) Common law business trusts are not the best vehicle with which to seek
investment capital.
13) Reading how the government attempts to misrepresent common law trusts will
assist you in understanding how the I RS generally misrepresent a myriad of
issues to the public.
Obviously, the area of trust law, and its proper administration, is far too large and
detailed to fully address within this article. I f you would like addi ti onal i nformati on,
or would like to establ i sh a trust, or are seeki ng a professi onal trustee, please
Contact Us.
I f you have found this page to be informative, please send this URL to a friend.