sg246699 New
sg246699 New
sg246699 New
Best Practices and Tools
for Creating WebSphere phere
Commerce Sites
Hernan Cunico
Nicolai Nielsen
Sanjeev Sharma
Systematic project development
Development and migration best
Development and
migration tools
Front cover
Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere
Commerce Sites
March 2005
International Technical Support Organization
Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2005. All rights reserved.
Note to U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP
Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
First Edition (March 2005)
This edition applies to Version 5, Release 6, Modification 2 of WebSphere Commerce.
Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in
Notices on page ix.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved. iii
Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
The team that wrote this redbook. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
Become a published author . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii
Comments welcome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii
Summary of changes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv
March 2005, First Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv
Part 1. Systematic project development method. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Chapter 1. Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.1 Method overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2 Further information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Chapter 2. Method for project development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.1 Systematic development method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.2 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.2.1 Work product . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.2.2 Deliverable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.2.3 Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.2.4 Activity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.2.5 Task . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.2.6 Work unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.2.7 Work breakdown structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.2.8 Strategy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.2.9 Customer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.2.10 Customer IT team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.2.11 Project team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.2.12 Project repository . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.3 Project life cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.3.1 Core development phases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.4 Using the method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.4.1 Customizing and adopting the method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.4.2 Project roles and skills requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.4.3 Structuring information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.4.4 Case studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
iv Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
2.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Chapter 3. Design phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.1 Purpose of the design phase. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.2 The design phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.2.1 Creating the site design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.3 Solution outline activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3.3.1 Gathering the functional requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.3.2 The solution outline workshop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.3.3 The solution outline document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
3.3.4 Analyzing current site assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3.3.5 Design-based sizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3.4 Macro design activity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.4.1 Methods of approaching design activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.4.2 The data model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
3.4.3 Creating interaction diagrams and class diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
3.4.4 JSPs templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
3.4.5 Creating a WebSphere Commerce site database. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
3.5 Micro design activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
3.6 Design review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
3.6.1 Data analysis review. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
3.7 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Chapter 4. Build phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
4.1 The project build phase. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
4.2 Build and team work assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
4.2.1 Assigning team members to tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
4.2.2 Tracking progress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
4.2.3 Regular builds and systematic integration testing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
4.3 Integrated development and test infrastructure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
4.3.1 The team development environment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
4.3.2 The shared test environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
4.3.3 Configuring a development process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
4.3.4 Configuring a simulated production environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
4.3.5 Source code management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
4.3.6 The build process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
4.3.7 Build and deployment automation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
4.3.8 Build deployment status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
4.4 The problem determination process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
4.4.1 Component installation and configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
4.4.2 Build deployment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
4.4.3 Runtime problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
4.4.4 Application or customization defects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Contents v
4.4.5 Performance problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
4.5 Subsystem integration test activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
4.6 Handling errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
4.6.1 Handling each aspect in a real project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
4.7 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Chapter 5. Site test phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
5.1 Site testing activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
5.1.1 Creating the site testing infrastructure and processes . . . . . . . . . . . 91
5.1.2 Executing test cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
5.2 Functional Verification Test (FVT). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
5.2.1 Team organization during testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
5.3 System Integration Test (SIT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
5.4 System Verification Test (SVT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
5.5 User Acceptance Test (UAT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
5.6 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Chapter 6. Launch phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
6.1 Site deployment and launch activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
6.2 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Part 2. Development and migration best practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Chapter 7. Development and migration tools. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
7.1 Development tools. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
7.1.1 Lightweight WebSphere Commerce test environment . . . . . . . . . . 116
7.1.2 Full WebSphere Commerce test environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
7.1.3 Comparison between the test environments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
7.1.4 Command line utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
7.2 Migration tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
7.2.1 Database migration (migratedb) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
7.2.2 Encrypted data migration (migrateEncryptedInfo). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
7.2.3 Instance migration (wcim) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
7.3 Additional tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
7.3.1 Lightweight Object Query System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
7.3.2 Auto-deploy tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
7.3.3 CommerceQA test tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Chapter 8. Developing new sites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
8.1 Basing development on a starter store . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
8.2 Using a separate database server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
8.3 EJB and data bean best practices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
8.3.1 Customizing WebSphere Commerce tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
8.3.2 Customizing WebSphere Commerce EJBs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
vi Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
8.3.3 SQL security considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
8.3.4 Using well-formed ejbCreate constructors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
8.3.5 Lazy fetch data retrieval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
8.3.6 Handling database vendor specific code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
8.3.7 Using session beans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
8.3.8 Managing concurrent updates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
8.3.9 Flush remote method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
8.3.10 Generating primary keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
8.4 Best practices for JSP programming. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
8.4.1 Using JSTL in place of Java code. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
8.4.2 Using WebSphere Commerce activation tags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
8.4.3 Using WebSphere Commerce maps to get request parameters . . 163
8.4.4 Using StoreErrorDataBean for error handling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
8.4.5 Using an appropriate includes mechanism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
8.4.6 Using the JSPF file extension for JSP segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
8.4.7 Using the escapeXml attribute to preserve HTML formatting . . . . . 167
8.4.8 Ensuring XHTML compliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
8.4.9 Using CSS to separate layout from content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
8.4.10 Adding id attributes to links and form elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
8.4.11 Invoking controller commands from within a JSP page . . . . . . . . 170
8.4.12 Using the post method for form submission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
8.5 Command best practices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
8.5.1 New command naming and hierarchy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
8.5.2 Using constants to hold class and method name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
8.5.3 Command error handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
8.5.4 Tracing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
8.6 General security considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
8.6.1 Access control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
8.6.2 Encrypting sensitive information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
8.6.3 Protecting sensitive configuration files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
8.6.4 Protecting sensitive parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
8.6.5 Avoiding default credentials and port numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
Chapter 9. Migrating existing sites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
9.1 Why migrate? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
9.1.1 Business benefits of new products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
9.1.2 Business benefits of new capabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
9.1.3 Preparing for end-of-service of your product. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
9.2 Migration strategy considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
9.2.1 Getting help. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
9.2.2 Migrating the different environments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
9.2.3 Handling complexity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
9.2.4 Component view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
Contents vii
9.2.5 Minimizing customizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
9.2.6 Performance optimization with dynamic caching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
9.2.7 Scalability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
9.2.8 Database cleanup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
9.2.9 Basing development on starter stores. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
9.2.10 Store archive (SAR) migration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
9.2.11 Delta migration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
9.2.12 How custom code impacts the process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
9.2.13 How database customizations impacts the process . . . . . . . . . . . 197
9.2.14 Migrating your WebSphere Commerce instance or recreating it . 198
9.3 Migration approach considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
9.3.1 Switchover migration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
9.3.2 Coexistence migration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
9.3.3 In-place migration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
9.4 Migration planning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
9.4.1 Planning activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
9.4.2 Gathering migration requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
9.4.3 Planning the migration activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
9.4.4 Preparing for migration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
9.4.5 Migrating the site. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
9.4.6 Testing the migrated site. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
9.4.7 Going live . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
9.5 Planning and sizing templates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Chapter 10. Integration with existing systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
10.1 WebSphere Commerce integration capabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
10.1.1 Messaging architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
10.1.2 Predefined messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
10.2 Web services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
10.2.1 Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
10.2.2 Why use Web services? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
10.2.3 Web services architecture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Part 3. Appendixes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Appendix A. Project team creation and common roles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
Creating the project team. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
The core competency strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
The holistic strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
Guidance for selecting the strategy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
Project roles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
Appendix B. Analysis, site maintenance and enhancement phases . . . 233
Analysis phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
viii Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Analysis phase sizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
Site maintenance and enhancement phase. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
Appendix C. Additional methods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
Deciding the method and terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
IBM methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
The Rational Unified Process (RUP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
Related publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
IBM Redbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
Online resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
How to get IBM Redbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
Help from IBM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved. ix
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x Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
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Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved. xi
Gone are the days when creating e-commerce sites was considered a fine art
requiring highly specialized skills. E-commerce development has become a
rather mature field since it was first introduced in the mid- to late-1990s.
Experience proves that using a systematic methodology to develop software
applications for e-commerce systems greatly reduces project risk and improves
proper alignment of software functionality with customer business requirements,
two key influencers of project profitability and customer satisfaction.
This IBM Redbook is an update to Best Practices and Tools for Creating IBM
WebSphere Commerce Sites, REDP-3616. It introduces a systematic project
development method that was specifically adapted for the creation of
e-commerce sites using the IBM WebSphere Commerce product family.
This redbook details two WebSphere Commerce development scenarios:
1. Creating a new e-commerce site.
2. Migrating to WebSphere Commerce V5.6.
This redbook covers development and migration tools and also provides best
practices for both scenarios.
The team that wrote this redbook
This redbook was produced by a team of specialists from around the world
working at the International Technical Support Organization, Raleigh Center.
Hernan Cunico is a Certified Consulting IT Specialist and WebSphere software
specialist at the International Technical Support Organization, Raleigh Center.
He writes extensively and teaches IBM classes on WebSphere Commerce and
WebSphere Application Server. Hernan has nine years of experience in the
Information Technology and e-business consulting areas. His areas of expertise
also include networking, Internet security, e-business and e-commerce solutions
Nicolai Nielsen is an Advisory IT Specialist with IBM Global Services, Denmark.
He has nine years of experience in the field of consulting, application
development, and systems integration. Nicolai holds a degree in engineering
from the Technical University of Denmark. He has written extensively about
xii Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
WebSphere Commerce and has worked on several WebSphere Commerce
projects over the last three years.
Sanjeev Sharma is a team lead of the WebSphere Commerce Solutions team in
IBM Canadas software development lab in Toronto. He has five years of
experience in the WebSphere Commerce and database administration fields. He
holds a Computer Engineering degree from McGill University in Canada. His
areas of expertise include solution design, installation, integration and testing. He
has written extensively about installation and integration test methodologies as
well as WebSphere Commerce migration.
Thanks to the following people for their contributions to this project:
John Ganci
International Technical Support Organization, Raleigh Center
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Preface xiii
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xiv Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved. xv
Summary of changes
This section describes the technical changes made in this edition of the book and
in previous editions. This edition may also include minor corrections and editorial
changes that are not identified.
Summary of Changes
for REDP-3616-00
for Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
as created or updated on March 2, 2005.
March 2005, First Edition
This revision reflects the addition, deletion, or modification of new and changed
information described below.
New information
Best practices for development.
Best practices for migration.
Development and migration tools.
Integration with existing systems.
Changed information
Restructured content.
Revised project development method.
xvi Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved. 1
Part 1 Systematic
Part 1
2 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved. 3
Chapter 1. Introduction
Using a systematic method to develop software applications for e-commerce
systems greatly reduces project risk and improves alignment of software
functionality with a customer's business requirements, which are two key
influencers of project profitability and customer satisfaction. This redbook
introduces a project development method that was specifically adapted for the
creation of e-commerce sites using the WebSphere Commerce family of
products. Not only does it support new implementations of the technology, but
the method can also be used to migrate current assets and data to WebSphere
Commerce V5.6. In addition, the method may be combined with tools to
streamline the entire WebSphere Commerce migration process.
4 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
1.1 Method overview
A typical project development method consists of six phases; refer to 2.3,
Project life cycle on page 19 for more details about the several phases.
Within this redbook, we focus on the following four core phases for commerce
site development:
Site testing
A diagrammatic overview of the project development method is shown in
Figure 1-1 on page 5.
Chapter 1. Introduction 5
Figure 1-1 Overview of project development method
New or
Business requirements
Fit-gap analysis
Staff small architecture
Current/new site flow
Current/new design docs
Current/new schema
Current code for migration
Use cases
Site flow
Business rules
Initial project plan
Initial skills plan
Solution outline document
Refined Solution Outline
Phase documents
Reviewed and approved
macro design document
Revised project plan
Test plans/strategies
High level DB design
Gather current
Reviewed and approved
micro design document
Detailed project plan
Test plans/strategies
DB design/schema
Staff additional design
Coded/unit tested/
reviewed site
Approved test cases
Staff development team
Macro Design
Micro Design
Build Phase
Build high level site design, project
plan, test plan and DB design
Review initial solution outline and
site flow with customer
Present additional function for
future requirements
Review requirements documents
Build initial solution outline
Identify implementation team
Build development/test/integration
Build backend simulation
Plan build process
Code/unit test based on design
Integrate with simulated backend
Gather business requirements and
initial fit-gap
Site Test Phase
FVT - Functional Verification Test
SIT - System Integration Test
SVT - System Verification Test
UAT - User Acceptance Test
Fully tested site ready for
Launch Phase
Prepare host systems
Deploy final, verified code
Live site
Gather new
6 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
During the analysis phase, the customer must assess their business
requirements objectively, and then plan their e-commerce site carefully, because
results derived from these activities will set the direction and help define the
duration of key project activities. It is critical for the customer to define and
document all their business requirements adequately prior to the completion of
this phase; the results produced by these activities will be the seed for the site
design work.
The design phase marks the beginning of a WebSphere Commerce project, from
the perspective of a services engagement, and during this phase, project teams
work to define and document the site's design based on the requirements that
result from the analysis phase. The design phase can be decomposed into the
following three distinct activities:
Solution outline
Macro design
Micro design
During the solution outline activity, the project team identifies all relevant
functional requirements for the site from the predetermined business
requirements. All functional requirements should be recorded in a solution outline
document that would consist of the following components:
Project team skills plan
High-level project plan
Revised sizing estimate (that is, work effort) required to develop the site
A concluding task in the creation of the solution outline document is the solution
outline workshop. The solution outline workshop allows the project team to work
with the customer team, reviewing the project's functional requirements and
plans. Where necessary, each may be adjusted to gain customer approval in
order for the design work to start properly.
Prior to working on the design phase, the project team itself must be organized
by the project manager or lead. The project team plays a significant role during
the design phase in aiding the customer to define and document site
requirements and project plans.
This team must consist of dedicated, suitably skilled individuals who can be
relied upon to complete all required tasks related to the design and
implementation of a target site. A project manager is likely to assess the
following project factors when identifying team resource requirements and
considering how best to structure a project team:
Skill and experience requirements
Project objectives
Project timeline
Chapter 1. Introduction 7
Customer requirements
Geographic considerations
Direct customer involvement in project tasks
Training requirements
A thorough understanding of these factors will enable the project manager to
pursue an appropriate strategy for organizing and structuring the team
accordingly. It will also enable them to create a team with appropriate skills to
match the project and customer objectives. Two proven team assignment
strategies are as follows:
Core competency strategy
Holistic strategy
The core competency strategy advocates using expert resources to staff and
complete project tasks based on skill. This strategy fosters specialization,
because team members are able to hone and refine their expertise in given
areas. Generally, when team members complete a project that employed this
strategy, they are capable of undertaking more challenging design and
development responsibilities in the future.
The holistic strategy, on the other hand, stresses using resources with strong
fundamental e-commerce design and development skills to make each fully
capable of performing all project tasks. One result of this strategy is a workforce
that is versatile and adaptable when performing diverse work assignments. In
addition, it enables the project manager to reposition resources as needed
during the life of the project to aid the team in maintaining the integrity of the
project schedule.
The project manager may also use an appropriate combination of the above
strategies to satisfy particular project demands. Again, it is critical that the project
manager fully assess the nature and scope of the project to determine how best
to structure a project team.
It is during the design phase that the project team strives to create and document
the project's functional requirements and requisite project and skill plans.
The project team is likely to employ one of the following strategies to complete
the remaining activities within the design phase:
Iterative and incremental design strategy
Combination design strategy
The iterative and incremental design strategy advocates working through each of
design's activities in sequence so that details captured during the earlier solution
outline activity can be used and further extended by the subsequent activities. In
other words, the site design is built and refined over time as the team works
8 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
through each activity. This strategy work best on projects involving complex
business logic.
The combination design strategy, on the other hand, enables the project team to
combine the activities of related activities into one phase. For example, solution
outline may be combined with macro design, or macro design and micro design
may be combined. This strategy is suited for projects with simpler designs,
because it allows the project teams to complete related design activities in
parallel to reduce the length of time need to complete the project.
The main focus of macro design is the creation of a WebSphere Commerce
design that incorporates the requirements that were approved during the solution
outline. The project team may pursue one or a combination of the following
design methods:
System level (for example, WebSphere Commerce interacting with external
Subsystem level (for example, interactions among WebSphere Commerce
Use case level (for example, site flows as identified in use cases)
Component level (for example, interactions among JSPs and EJBs)
These factors enable the project team to understand and then design a site given
the approved requirements. Very detailed examples and project
recommendations are provided throughout this redbook.
Once the macro design requirements have been defined and documented in the
macro design document, the project team may then proceed with the micro
design activity. The main objective of this third iteration of the design phase is for
the project team to identify, and then document, the detailed design decisions
that are required to implement the target site. For example, the project team will
want to document the required interfaces between commands, JavaServer
Pages (JSPs), and the persistence layer of Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs), data
beans, and possibly, LOQS objects.
Completion of all design activities enables the project team to initiate the build
phase. During this phase, the project team codes the site elements, or
components, and when done, the team unit tests each prior to integrating the
components into builds. The recommended development strategy a project team
should pursue is the continuous and incremental development and code
integration testing strategy. This strategy advocates anchoring development on
use cases and then testing and integrating code components into builds, which,
Chapter 1. Introduction 9
in turn, must be tested prior to deployment using a Build Verification Test (BVT)
process. The build process must define:
A build lead who is responsible for managing the process.
A build schedule outlining when builds will be made available.
The established roles and responsibilities for team members who create and
use builds.
Build deployment and build failure processes.
In addition to establishing the build process, the project team must also define
and implement an integration test strategy. This will enable the team to test and,
as needed, to correct code components of builds as they are integrated into the
appropriate WebSphere Commerce subsystems.
Extensive details are provided throughout this redbook with recommendations
and guidance about how to:
Subdivide implementation responsibilities.
Structure appropriate BVT and build deployment processes.
Support error handling after code implementation and site launch.
This redbook identifies a systematic strategy for fully testing a commerce site.
The site may either be original or one that has been newly migrated from an
older site. The objective of the test strategy is to ensure that the customized site
components interact correctly with each other, as well as with all relevant
out-of-the-box components. The key activities within the site testing phase are:
Functional Verification Test (FVT)
System Integration Test (SIT)
System Verification Test (SVT)
User Acceptance Test (UAT)
Employing a systematic test strategy streamlines the site testing process, which
results in the project team being able to deliver operational site code faster and
with improved reliability. To support the site testing strategy effectively, the
project team must first create a suitable testing infrastructure, as well as define
the testing process. The infrastructure must reasonably mirror the production
system as closely as practical, in terms of interfaces with third-party software or
system connections, if it is to produce meaningful test results. The testing
process will also aid the project team in pursuing the test strategy, allowing the
team to complete each test phase, identify bugs, work to correct them, and retest
the components. The process should also define how the project team that
designed the site may best be divided into the test and problem fixing subteams
to support all test activities efficiently.
10 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
The actual testing of code may follow either a single-pass test strategy or a
multi-pass test strategy. The single-pass strategy advocates that the test team
conduct one pass of a test case to determine the code's integrity. This strategy
lends itself to projects where there is limited interaction between use cases and
test cases. The multi-pass test strategy, on the other hand, requires the project
team to conduct two or more passes through a test case to verify the code
functions as designed. This test strategy is suitable for projects where there is
considerable interrelationship between use cases and test cases.
In terms of the test phases, FVT requires the test team to function test site code
from end-to-end using a suite of test cases to ensure it operates as designed.
SIT, on the other hand, is an interim test phase, because it enables the project
team to assess the test system (using a simulated production environment) to
ensure it can and will support SVT and UAT. SVT marks the commencements of
the final tests, and it enables the test teams to validate the site code that resulted
from the implementation phase. The customer IT team should undertake most of
this testing responsibility, because they are best suited to assess the functionality
of the site code to ensure it satisfies the stated business requirements. Doing so
also prepares the customer team to lead UAT, which requires the testing of site
look and feel, site flows and behavior, as well as validating business processes.
These tests should be performed by the customer's business users.
The key reason for employing a systematic test strategy is to ensure all code
operates as designed, and if any bugs are found, that they may be passed to the
problem fixing team for prompt resolution. This redbook provides numerous
details and tips for supporting and pursuing the recommended test phases.
This redbook concludes with a summary of the steps and considerations a
customer IT team should address prior to deploying the site on a production
environment. During this phase of a project, the project team must assist the
customer with determining if the production environment is capable of supporting
either the new site code or the migrated code. The key activities include:
Hardware preparation
Prerequisite software preparation
Hardware and software configuration
Implementation of tested and approved code
In addition to these preparatory activities, the customer IT team is encouraged to
perform contingency planning to compensate for potential issues or failures that
may result after launch. Core among these activities is the need to define and
document how the existing site can be restored, as well as how the new site can
be tested, repaired, and re-launched.
Again, the purpose of this redbook is to present a viable development method
that a WebSphere Commerce development team can use to create or migrate
Chapter 1. Introduction 11
WebSphere Commerce sites. In addition, this redbook provides many
recommendations regarding team structure; design, implementation, and test
strategies; and it reinforces each with real project examples of how to perform
specific activities during a new implementation or a migration project.
Additionally, this redbook contains a chapter fully dedicated to migrating
WebSphere Commerce sites, including a discussion of migration strategies,
planning and tools.
This redbook provides a high-level overview of the available WebSphere
Commerce development tools and how each tool may be used. This redbook has
specific sections that detail unique usage possibilities during key phases of the
development method.
To conclude, the key premise of this redbook is that tools, when combined
properly with a logical development method, can produce significant benefits to a
project team and a customer so that either may improve its ability to create or
migrate WebSphere Commerce assets efficiently.
1.2 Further information
IBM consultants are available to aid your implementation of the WebSphere
Commerce development method as discussed above and in greater detail within
the body of this redbook.
The IBM service organization is comprised of highly skilled consultants with a
broad business and architectural knowledge, as well as deep technical skills, and
with access to lead developers and product support personnel in IBM research
and development facilities. These service teams provide worldwide assistance
and support for WebSphere products to customers and business partners alike
through service offerings to aid in e-commerce business analysis, as well as in
the design, building, testing, and deployment of applications for e-business.
By engaging the IBM services team, you not only have access to some of the
best business consulting, product consulting, and training skills in the world, you
also have a team dedicated to help ensure the success of your e-business
To learn how IBM Business Consulting Services may assist you in the analysis of
your e-business strategy, visit the following Web site:
12 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
To learn how IBM Software Services for WebSphere and IBM Global Services
may assist you to implement WebSphere Commerce efficiently, visit the following
Web sites:
Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved. 13
Chapter 2. Method for project
In this chapter, we introduce a proven project development method that was
specifically adapted for the creation of e-commerce sites using the WebSphere
Commerce family of software products. After reading this chapter, you should
have a clear understanding of the following topics relevant to the development
Key development phases
Actions and terms
Deployment conditions
All subsequent chapters are built upon the overview provided in this chapter.
14 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
2.1 Systematic development method
Gone are the days when creating e-commerce sites was considered a fine art
requiring highly specialized skills. E-commerce development has become a
mature field since it was first introduced in the mid- to late 1990s. Experience
proves that using a systematic method to develop software applications for
e-commerce systems greatly reduces project risk and improves proper alignment
of software functionality with customer business requirements, two key
influencers of project profitability and customer satisfaction.
The key characteristics of a systematic development method are as follows:
It is systematic.
The method has been validated and refined through empirical experience
gained through e-commerce development.
The framework of the method is centered around established project
management principles to help define work products, deliverables, and
time-lines (or phases) to deliver software on time and within budget, to meet a
customer's business needs.
The method outlined in this chapter is flexible to support the creation or migration
of both small- and large-scale e-commerce sites. Prior to introducing the method,
this chapter identifies and defines the relevant terminology that is used
throughout the remainder of this redbook.
This redbook covers two scenarios in developing WebSphere Commerce sites:
Creating a new e-commerce site
Migrating an existing version of WebSphere Commerce to WebSphere
Commerce V5.6
Migrating sites from earlier versions of WebSphere Commerce to WebSphere
Commerce V5.6 requires careful planning and a systematic approach; for details,
refer to Chapter 9, Migrating existing sites on page 185.
2.2 Definitions
To improve your understanding of the project development method, this section
will provide definitions of the central terms used in this redbook. This section
establishes a vocabulary that:
Is used throughout the remainder of this redbook.
Can be used when communicating and sharing knowledge of the method with
Chapter 2. Method for project development 15
2.2.1 Work product
Work products are tangible pieces of information or artifacts that can be created,
shared, and communicated. The method itself is work product based, meaning
that work products are the central piece of information to the method.
The following are all examples of work products:
An education or training roadmap.
A macro design document.
Deployment code.
An e-commerce database with customer information.
2.2.2 Deliverable
A work product becomes a deliverable when it has been highlighted in a
contractual document that has been signed by both the customer and a services
provider, such as a Statement of Work (SoW) or a Document of Understanding
Deliverables are thus work products that the engagement team are contractually
committed to deliver to the customer. Deliverables will typically also have to be
accepted by the customer, be it through a sign-off or an acceptance test.
Due to the overhead of the acceptance process, as well as the potential risk of
overloading the customer with information, the number of deliverables should be
kept at an acceptable minimum.
2.2.3 Phase
The development method consists of a set of time or function bound phases (for
example, the design phase). From a system view, a phase has very clear input
and output work products (for example, the customer requirements document).
Important: With respect to the method, deliverables are neither more nor less
important than non-deliverable work products. During some projects,
non-deliverable work products are sometimes overlooked, or even
intentionally skipped. This is dangerous, because all work products are
equally important during the life cycle of the project and the extended
maintenance period of the final site.
As such, minimizing the number of deliverables should not be regarded as a
way of minimizing the number of work products that must be produced.
16 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
A phase takes one or more work products and performs a set of activities or
tasks to enhance existing work products or create new work products. A phase is
generally closed before the next one in the sequence is started.
2.2.4 Activity
An activity is an element of work to be performed during the course of a project.
In the context of a work breakdown structure organized hierarchically by
Phase Activity Task, an activity is an element of work at a particular
hierarchical level.
These activities may be reused in different phases. Examples of activities are:
Conduct Static Testing (Micro Design phase)
Perform Programming Cycle (Build Cycle phase)
Perform Development Testing (Build Cycle phase)
2.2.5 Task
A task is a subdivision of an activity and is the smallest unit described in this
A typical project phase generally involves many tasks, and each may be
executed either sequentially or in parallel with one another. In addition,
depending on their individual requirements, tasks may be completed by
individual team members or distinct teams or subteams.
A task is likely to require input in the form of work products, and once it has been
completed, it will produce one or more output work products. For example, when
creating a database, you would require a data model for the target database to
define and create the database schema. When complete, the target database
may then be populated with customer or sample data to create the required
As an example, the following is a list of the tasks in the Perform Development
Testing activity:
Review Source Code
Conduct Unit Tests
Conduct Integration Tests
Conduct Usability Tests
Evaluate Programming Cycle Results
Note: Alternatively, the term subphase can be used instead of activity.
Chapter 2. Method for project development 17
Each of these tasks has defined primary and assistant practitioner roles, as well
as work product inputs and outputs.
2.2.6 Work unit
Used in early definition stages to help organize and construct the work
breakdown structure, work units are grouping of activities that have certain
common properties.
A work unit can be used as a reference to any of the following terms:
2.2.7 Work breakdown structure
A hierarchical decomposition of project activities, including dependencies, into
lower-level activities and tasks. Each descending level of this decomposition
represents an increasingly finer view of the constituent parts.
2.2.8 Strategy
In terms of this redbook, a strategy is a method for executing a task. A project
team may execute tasks in a variety of ways to produce the desired output work
products. Therefore, many strategies may be used to complete specific project
tasks and create the associated output work products.
For example, it is possible to use either the migration tools or hand-coded SQL
scripts to perform data migration during a migration project. Using the migration
tools is one strategy for creating a target database, while using hand-coded SQL
scripts represents an alternate strategy. Both strategies should produce the
same output work product, namely the target database.
Because a strategy is associated with a task, which may repeat in several
phases, its scope may reside within a single phase or span multiple ones.
Each strategy possesses factors that influence its selection by the project team
as the strategy for a particular project phase or phases. Factors most likely to
influence a project team's decision making process are:
Resource skill level
Business requirements
Availability of tools or aids to streamline tasks
18 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Before pursuing any one given strategy, you are strongly encouraged to assess
and compare the advantages and disadvantages of potential candidates to
select the appropriate ones given your project's requirements.
2.2.9 Customer
The customer should be viewed as one who either owns an e-commerce site or
who wishes to develop an e-commerce site. In either case, the customer defines
and approves the business requirements for the e-commerce site.
2.2.10 Customer IT team
This is a team consisting of one or more members, each assigned by the
customer, that is responsible for maintaining the customer e-commerce site and
associated computing infrastructure, such as the back-end or legacy systems.
2.2.11 Project team
Owing to its responsibilities, the project team is prominently positioned with the
method in this redbook, because the method seeks to emphasize the activities of
this team.
Because a project team may consist of subteams, such as a design team or test
team, the appropriate subteam will be identified by name if it is responsible for a
method task. In other words, the project team will be the primary reference team
used either explicitly or implicitly throughout this redbook unless specified
In terms of projects, a project team is sanctioned and supported by the customer
during an in-house project, while during a consulting engagement, the project
team is controlled and supported by outside services organizations, such as
ISSW, IGS, or IBM Business Partners. No matter the allegiance of the project
team, all should carefully assess project execution and control requirements
whenever team members will be geographically dispersed.
The assessment would typically be based upon an evaluation of factors, such as
frequency of communication, the quantity and nature of control information
supplied, and the difference between expected and observed progress in project
Each project manager or leader will need to understand the working relationships
between team members to plan and coordinate project activities appropriately,
especially when the teams reside in different locations. This topic is an important
part of project management discipline, such as the Project Management Institute
(PMI) standard adopted by IBM. However, since further information about
Chapter 2. Method for project development 19
implications of dispersal on projects would be available from a project
management specialist, we do not discuss the topic further in this redbook.
2.2.12 Project repository
A repository of project-specific information should be established and maintained
for all team members to access. It would hold background information, reports,
minutes of meetings, results of discussions, and indeed, any other kind of
information that is relevant to the execution of the project.
The project repository could be implemented using any workflow management
tool, for example, a Lotus Notes database. It may be better to make use of
collaborative facilities, such as those provided by Lotus Quickplace, which not
only supports team information and resource sharing, but can also support
controlled external access by customers using Web browsers.
2.3 Project life cycle
Figure 2-1 on page 20 graphically represents the six phases of a typical project
development method. Within this redbook, we focus on the following four core
1. Design
2. Implementation
3. Site testing
4. Deployment
Figure 2-1 on page 20 also illustrates the flow iterations based feedback provided
by the different phases.
Note: The purpose of this figure is to show the most common phases of a
project; this is not an exhaustive list.
20 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Figure 2-1 Project life cycle phases
The following is a high-level work breakdown structure based on the project life
cycle illustrated in Figure 2-1. In this work breakdown structure, we only show
some common activities; tasks are not shown.
Business requirements gathering and analysis
Fit-gap analysis
Constraints definitions
Solution outline
Macro design
Micro design
Establish development environment
Establish test environments
Perform programming cycle
Site Maintenance
& Enhancement
Site Test
Core Development Phases
Chapter 2. Method for project development 21
Perform test cycle
Develop support documentation
Site test
Functional verification test (FVT)
Systems integration test (SIT)
System verification test (SVT)
User acceptance test (UAT)
Cutover to production
Site maintenance and enhancement
Once the e-commerce site has been launched, any new modifications added to
the site after the project ends should be managed as functionality enhancements
(shown in Figure 2-1 on page 20 as New Release).
During the lifetime of the e-commerce site, one or more of the method phases
may be repeated as necessary to facilitate enhancements (shown in Figure 2-1
on page 20 as feedback arrows). Typically, repeated implementations of the
method will be required to incorporate significant enhancements to the site, such
as new versions of WebSphere Commerce software or updates, or to
accommodate changing business requirements.
2.3.1 Core development phases
Figure 2-1 on page 20 highlights the core development phases and how those
phases tend to be iterative. Following the figure is the work breakdown structure
showing the common activities for each phase. It is important to understand that
proper assessment of a project will help determine which, if any, of the activities
will apply. Also note that the relevance and scope of each activity will vary from
project to project. To accommodate this, a method adoption workshop is typically
arranged during the analysis phase.
Analysis phase
The customer must consider, assess, and plan their e-commerce site carefully.
Understanding site requirements, defining the nature and intricacies of the
existing site for transition projects, and documenting the required features and
functions of the target WebSphere Commerce site are key customer activities
that should be completed during this phase.
A common event during this phase is for the customer to request estimates of
resources required, time to develop, and other details, such as the machine
specification required to host the final site. The intention is to use the provided
22 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
numbers for budgeting or sizing purposes. It may be possible to provide
extremely rough estimates, based on similar previous projects. It would be
impractical to provide more accurate figures until later in the project, and the
customer must be made aware that any estimates at this phase are tentative.
Design phase
The design phase marks the beginning of the WebSphere Commerce project
and consists of the following three activities:
Solution outline
Macro design
Micro design
Taken together, these activities represent incremental and iterative design
activities that enable the project team to define the target system details. Details
of this phase are described in Chapter 3, Design phase on page 27.
Build phase
During the build phase, the project team focuses on coding the design that
resulted from design phase activities. This phase also includes continuous and
incremental unit testing and the integration of required software components.
Details of this phase are described in Chapter 4, Build phase on page 59.
Site testing phase
The site testing phase covers several formal activities, all of them enable the
project team to test the newly developed or migrated e-commerce site assets
systematically. Details of this phase are given in Chapter 5, Site test phase on
page 89.
Launch phase
During the launch phase, the project team assists the customer IT team to bring
the e-commerce site to a production-ready state and, as required by the
customer, to support and help its IT team to enable the site. Details of this phase
are described in Chapter 6, Launch phase on page 105.
Project close phase
The solution close phase is where the results of the project are assembled and
archived for use by other practitioners and analyzed. There is one major activity
in this phase, which is capturing project results. This also the phase in which the
project team performance is analyzed and estimates are compared to actual
spendings with a focus on improving any shortcomings in later projects.
Chapter 2. Method for project development 23
2.4 Using the method
Using the method effectively involves certain considerations which will be
elaborated upon below. Your understanding of the implications and requirements
for each of the several considerations outlined here will improve your ability to
employ the method during any given project.
Developing a firm understanding of the considerations will enable you to
effectively adapt the method presented here to meet specific requirements of the
development work for a given project. For example, the method presented in this
redbook provides guidelines for deciding between the use of all the design
activities (solution outline, macro design, and micro design), or combining one or
more activities within a given e-commerce project. Understanding and carefully
evaluating these guidelines, and applying the results to an e-commerce project,
will increase the chance of the project manager making the best decision for the
project, and so increase the probability of success.
2.4.1 Customizing and adopting the method
It is possible to customize this method to allow it to be applied to building all
types of e-commerce sites using WebSphere Commerce software. This includes
B2B and B2C sites, which may be small, medium, or large in size.
For each phase, this redbook describes core strategies that help the project team
to complete key tasks. Approaches for customizing the method are also provided
to enable project teams to tailor it to specific project requirements. All the
strategies identified in this redbook are grounded in best practices that IBM
services teams have derived from actual WebSphere Commerce projects and
2.4.2 Project roles and skills requirements
Any given project will entail specific role and skill requirements. In terms of this
redbook, most of the activities will be described from the perspective of either a
project manager or a WebSphere Commerce architect. The purpose of this
redbook is to enable project managers, WebSphere Commerce architects,
designers, and developers to define, plan, and execute WebSphere Commerce
projects efficiently by providing appropriate guidance, recommendations, and
examples. Common roles and skills needed for typical WebSphere Commerce
projects are discussed in detail in Appendix A, Project team creation and
common roles on page 225.
24 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
2.4.3 Structuring information
Because each phase and activity is likely to have a corresponding list of tasks
requiring completion, each task may have one or more execution strategy. Some
tasks and strategies are discussed in detail, while others only receive cursory
mention. Strategy tables are provided to summarize the elements and rationale
for each strategy so as to enable the reader to select an appropriate one to
complete a task.
The following recommendations will help you to develop the appropriate project
It is very important that the main phases of the project development method
never be ignored or skipped when building a project plan.
The activities of this method can be combined, overlapped, deleted, replaced
with others, or supplemented by new activity to suit project needs.
The list of tasks and strategies that are specified in this redbook represent a
subset of the possible tasks and strategies that could be applicable during a
project. We would recommend adding new and relevant tasks and strategies
when creating a project plan.
Prior to customizing any activity, fully assess the associated advantages and
disadvantages of the customizations. All the tasks and strategies listed in this
redbook are based upon best practices gained from direct experience.
2.4.4 Case studies
While describing the various phases, activities and tasks of the development
method, we provide examples to aid your understanding the phase or task. Many
of the examples were inspired by case studies of real projects. The examples
provide concrete scenarios for you to use and adapt during your planning efforts.
2.5 Summary
In this chapter, we have defined a project development method that can be used
to develop new e-commerce sites or to migrate existing sites built with earlier
versions of WebSphere Commerce software.
Note: The development method may accommodate many strategies, so the
reader is encouraged to develop strategy tables, using the templates provided
when building project plans. Also, the reader is encouraged to assess and
review all strategies first, prior to selecting one with which to proceed.
Chapter 2. Method for project development 25
Having reviewed this chapter, you should be able to:
Describe the core phases of the development method.
Identify key development terms and concepts.
Discuss relevant deployment conditions.
In the following chapters, we will discuss and frame the core development
phases of the method.
26 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved. 27
Chapter 3. Design phase
The design phase is the first major activity in a project following the analysis
phase. The gathering of the business requirements and fit-gap analysis
conducted during the analysis phase serve as input work products to the design
phase. In addition to technical activities performed by the project team, the
project manager, working with technical lead staff and the customer project
manager, starts to build a detailed project plan.
This chapter identifies the design activities performed by the project team and
the project planning activities performed by the project manager. Each is a core
design activity, and in some cases, the resulting output work products will be
used throughout the remainder of the project. Also, some of the output work
products will need to be completed during this phase prior to the project team
initiating the build phase. This phase is discussed further in Chapter 4, Build
phase on page 59.
Note: The process of developing a commerce site, whether it is a new site or
a migration of an existing site, is one that requires the same precision and
rigor as any other significant systems engineering project. This chapter frames
the development process for you.
28 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
3.1 Purpose of the design phase
The purpose of the design phase is to define and document the site design for
the target site. The key deliverable of this phase is a detailed project plan (a work
breakdown structure), which the project manager should create before exiting
the activities of the design phase, that is, upon completion of the solution outline,
macro design, and micro design activities.
Once the site design has been defined, and all technical work items are
identified, the project manager should add each to the project plan.
While not an explicit activity, we recommend adding lead time to each phase
within the project plan. This recommendation is based on good project
management practice and practical experience of commerce implementations.
Some tasks require substantial planning to ensure that all prerequisites are met.
Adding lead time to all tasks is a good practice, because it provides you the
opportunity to compensate for unforeseen circumstances when executing on
Note: Regardless of whether a project involves the implementation of a new
site, or the migration of any existing one, if the work is similar to a previous
project, or appropriate resources or skills are available, the project manager
may be tempted to reduce or eliminate some aspects of the detailed design
and proceed with planning later activities.
Doing so introduces a substantial risk that the detailed design activities
uncovers or introduces details that will require the earlier plans to be
discarded or at least significantly modified.
Such bypassing of the design phase can thus not be recommended!
Note: Defining the data model early in a project is important because it will be
used to lay the foundation for the overall site design and subsequent data
creation or migration activities. In addition, the process for developing the data
model may reveal aspects of the project that were not noticed during prior
activities, but that may require adjusts to the project plan.
Chapter 3. Design phase 29
3.2 The design phase
The design phase is the formal beginning of a WebSphere Commerce
development project. Depending on whether the project purpose is to implement
a completely new site, or to migrate and existing site, there will be a slight
difference in the entry point to this phase, as shown in Figure 3-1.
Figure 3-1 Collecting information according to the nature of the project
An overview of the design phase itself is shown in Figure 3-2 on page 30.
A subset of the project team will be assigned to focus on the design activity. The
team must have specialists with skills in WebSphere Commerce architecture and
design. These roles are described in more detail in Appendix A, Project team
creation and common roles on page 225.
New or
Business requirements
Fit-gap analysis
Staff small architecture team
Current / new site flow
Current / new design docs
Current / new schema
Current code for transition
Use cases
Site flow
Business rules
Initial project plan
Initial skills plan
Gather current
Review requirements documents
Build initial solution outline
Gather business requirements and
initial fit-gap
Gather new
30 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Figure 3-2 Overview of project design phase
3.2.1 Creating the site design
Creating a design for a commerce site is a key activity of the development
method. Site design not only influences and controls all development tasks, it
also affects the day-to-day use and operation of the site after launch.
Given the importance of the site design, it is essential that the project manager
structure design activities in the right way to produce a proper design. After
forming the team as previously discussed, the project manager should next
determine how to proceed with site design.
Through many engagements, IBM has found two beneficial design strategies,
both of which will be described in detail next:
1. The iterative and incremental design strategy, where tasks are performed
while allowing for the possibility of refining the result by repeating the activity
(iteration), and the tasks themselves proceed in a step-by-step fashion
2. The activity combination design strategy. The details for each are discussed
in the subsequent sections.
Project Design Phase
Key Influencers:
Possess clearly defined site logic and requirements.
Organized skilled team with practical experience: WC
Architects, Administrators, Developers and Designers.
Customer team is available to review and approve proposed
Work Products
Analysis Requirements
HW / SW Specifications
Work Products
Solution Outline
Design Requirements
Macro Design
Micro Design
Skill Requirements
Task :
Site Design and
Skills Definition
Create site design and
define project phases
and activities
Project Phases: All Project Type: Either new or migration
Chapter 3. Design phase 31
The iterative and incremental design strategy
This strategy divides the main design phase into three activities. The rationale for
this strategy is that through close interaction with the customer, the teams
understanding of site requirements and constraints will improve over time. The
implication is that as the information improves, so will the site's design. This
strategy accommodates continually changing information through incremental or
iterative design activity.
The three activities of this strategy are as follows:
Solution outline activity
Macro design activity
Micro design activity
Each activity builds on the output produced by the previous one.
This strategy promotes interaction with the customer during each activity and
encourages formal sign-off as tasks are completed.
An overview of the iterative and incremental design strategy is provided in
Figure 3-3 on page 32.
Note: This approach to the project design and implementation has a high risk
of changing the scope and thus the estimates and the final cost of
implementation. For this reason, this approach cannot be recommended for
fixed prices projects.
Even for time and material projects, it is important that the customer has a
clear understanding that this project approach can lead to significant changes
in the implementation cost. This is often acceptable, as the customer gets
added value, but to avoid misunderstandings, it is important that the customer
knows the potential impact that this approach can have on the final costs.
32 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Figure 3-3 Iterative and incremental design strategy
Experience suggests that the iterative and incremental design strategy is best
suited to projects with complex business logic.
Activity combination design strategy
As its name implies, the activity combination strategy combines, or alternatively,
compresses, the design activities of solution outline, macro design, and micro
design into refined design activities. Please note that combining or compressing
activities does not, in any way, absolve the project team from collecting site
information, nor does it reduce the amount of information required for proper site
The combined approach requires the project team to determine which activities
should and can be combined in such a manner as to support the design
The level and details of customer requirements obtained as input to the design
phase will aid the project team to determine which combination of activities may
be appropriate. For example, given well-defined requirements (that is,
requirements that are unambiguous, precise, sufficient, consistent and
Iterative and Incremental Design Strategy
Strategy: Three Phase Iterative and incremental Design
Key Influencers:
Experienced design team.
Availability of customer team to review and approve design
as it moves between activities.
Complexity of business logic required by target site.
Work Products
Skilled Team, which
may consist of one or
more members
All available analysis
output work products,
including customer
Work Products
Project design
Task :
Create project design
Establish scope and
number of activities for
the design phase
Project Phases: Design Phase Project Type: Either new or migration
Chapter 3. Design phase 33
non-contradictory), it is possible to combine the solution outline activity with the
macro design activity. Conversely, if the requirements are open or not well
articulated, work defining the requirements should be performed during the
solution outline activity. Only when the requirements have been completed can
the project team pursue a combined macro design and micro design activities.
An overview of the combined activity design strategy is provided in Figure 3-4 on
page 34.
Note: The activity combination design strategy is most suitable for simple
sites being developed by experienced project teams. If used, the project team
should maintain at least two of the design activities, which means the possible
activity combinations are either solution outline and macro, or macro and
micro. No matter what the final determination ends up being, the project team
should engage the customer throughout the design process to ensure the
resulting design incorporates all requirements and is satisfactory.
The project team must determine how the design activities can be combined
to fully support the design requirements. The customer requirements obtained
during the initial project phase will aid the project team in determining how to
combine the activities. For example, given well-defined requirements, a
project team should combine solution outline activities with macro design
ones. Conversely, should the requirements be open, the project team should
combine macro design and micro design activities and retain the solution
outline in order to refine the design requirements with the customer.
34 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Figure 3-4 Combined activity design strategy
Irrespective of the design strategy selected, site requirements should be
documented fully prior to the project team commencing with the build phase, as
discussed in Chapter 4, Build phase on page 59.
3.3 Solution outline activity
Prior to starting the solution outline activity, the project manager must ensure that
both the customer's business requirements and output from the fit-gap analysis
are available and ready for use by the project team. This information will enable
the project team to begin its design work. Without it, work on the solution outline
is not likely to produce much of value. Should key details be missing, the project
manager is encouraged to consult with the customer to obtain the missing details
prior to completing the remaining design activities.
In some projects, the need for a solution outline activity may be questioned; it
may appear desirable to progress directly to the macro design activity. The
reason why the solution outline activity is so important is that most projects will
require information to support budgeting, capacity, and skill planning as soon as
Combined Activity Design Strategy
Strategy: Combine one or more Design Activities
Key Influencers:
Experienced design team.
Availability and willingness of customer team to provide
timely and detailed feedback.
Complexity of business logic required by target site.
Availability of detailed customer requirements.
Work Products
Experienced team with
one or more members
who possess related
design knowledge
All available analysis
output work-products,
including customer
Work Products
Project design
Task :
Create project design
Define scope and
number of activities for
the Design Phase
Project Phases: Design Phase Project Type: Either new or migration
Chapter 3. Design phase 35
possible. More accurate information to help provide these details would not
normally be available until after the completion of the macro design activity,
which may take some time. Addressing these issues as part of the solution
outline activity allows the project team to avoid a delay, which may potentially be
measured in months, and so progress key directional decisions earlier, as well as
allowing parallel activities, such as ordering of hardware.
The major output work product produced during this activity is the solution outline
document. It captures the initial high-level design for the target site.
The tasks and work products used in the solution outline activity are detailed in
Figure 3-5. It is important to note that during each activity, besides the core tasks
listed, additional project activities would typically continue in parallel. The main
tasks are described in detail next.
Figure 3-5 Solution outline activity
During the solution outline activity, the project team will lead substantial
interactive discussions with customer to help define the design requirements. It
will normally take several iterations of technical investigation and discussion to fill
in details of the requirements, define external system and component
dependencies, and finally, deliver the initial high-level design that incorporates
each requirement. Iterations are often necessary to clarify points of
misunderstanding, to supplement detail where more information is required, and
to address omissions or agree to late additions to the requirements.
Tip: It is very valuable to have a standard templates for capturing and
communicating the design details.
New or
Current/new site flow
Current/new design docs
Current/new schema
Current code for transition
Use cases
Site flow
Business rules
Initial project plan
Initial skills plan
Solution outline document
Refined Solution Outline
Phase documents
Gather current
Review initial solution outline and
site flow with customer
Present additional function for
future requirements
Review requirements documents
Build initial solution outline
Gather new
36 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
3.3.1 Gathering the functional requirements
The first step in the solution outline activity is to gather the functional
requirements, which are driven by the customer's business requirements for the
Functional requirements for an WebSphere Commerce project normally consist
of the following:
Use cases
Use cases are the basic way to capture functional requirements. Due to the
nature of WebSphere Commerce projects, most use cases will be similar
across projects, describing standard WebSphere Commerce functionality,
such as the shopping flow. This by no means imply that such use cases can
be left out, since use cases describe the functionality of the site and this forms
the foundation for the test cases used in the testing phases.
In effect, the use cases describe how the system should work. Without the
use cases, it is not possible to formally validate if the system works as
Site flow descriptions
The site flow descriptions document how the user is directed through the site,
and can thus be viewed as a high-level use case model.
Business rules
Integration with other systems or products
This will typically be captured in the System Context Diagram with its
accompanying description.
Some customers will already have one or more of these defined. Others will
depend on the project team to help them come up with the functional
Note: Although projects have both functional and non-functional
requirements, we will focus on the functional requirements in this redbook.
This should not be seen as an indication that non-functional requirements are
unimportant. Non-functional aspects, such as security, scalability,
maintainability, etc., are very important parts of any project, WebSphere
Commerce based or not.
Chapter 3. Design phase 37
For most WebSphere Commerce migration projects, the project team is typically
given the customer's current site as the starting point for building the functional
requirements. The project team should start by reading the customer's existing
requirements documentation, reviewing the current site, and reverse engineering
the code as appropriate. Refer to Chapter 9, Migrating existing sites on
page 185 for specific WebSphere Commerce migration projects considerations.
If several WebSphere Commerce designers are working on the solution outline
activity, the project manager may wish to divide the design team to enable its
parts to focus on design activities relevant to specific WebSphere Commerce
subsystems. No matter what part of the design a designer is working on, a
subsystem or the whole, they will be responsible for the following activities:
Creating a comprehensive and complete set of use cases
Creating site flow information and diagrams
Determining the required business logic and processes used for site
It is extremely helpful to have an internal project bulletin board, typically as a part
of the project repository, where each team member can post questions and
responses about the project. During the solution outline activity, these questions
will help resolve ambiguity about functional aspects of the requirements, unclear
business rules, and inaccessible paths through the site flow.
Note: The importance of the work on the functional requirements cannot be
overstated. The process of creating and checking use cases and site flows
with the customer will often help clarify and validate the business
requirements for the customer, as well as the developer. It is by no means
unusual for the business requirements to change, sometimes significantly, as
a result of the insight gained from producing the functional requirements.
Note: It is not always possible to have detailed access to existing site
information. The current site may have been developed by an external third
party, who, depending on the status of their affiliation with the customer, may
or may not be open to providing access to design details or source code.
Constraints imposed by third-party vendors are often the leading reason why
customers consider implementing new sites.
38 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Note that such inter-team communication features cannot replace team
brainstorming meetings. Team meetings where open discussion is encouraged
can often help mitigate design issues, although too frequent meetings can
become counter-productive.
On a regular basis, the project manager should review outstanding team
questions and discuss them with the customer. Depending on the number of
questions, weekly reviews may be sufficient. Sending the questions to the
customer using e-mail means that they are written down in a form that allows the
customer to discuss them internally, and as necessary, for the customers project
manager to produce an answer for the project team. Communicating using
e-mail as a medium can also help to emphasize ambiguities as people often
more easily recognize such ambiguities in the written medium than in oral form.
Periodic communication with the customer will often result in the project team
developing direct contacts with core members of the customer IT team. This is a
potential windfall, as it allows an efficient channel for sorting out technical
problems and ambiguities.
Tip: This sort of a bulletin board can be useful even for a small team, in which
case the bulletin board is used mostly for capturing design issues and
decisions before they are finalized in the design documents. This type of
historic decision documentation can be helpful in later maintenance or
functionality enhancement projects
Note: Delays in answering core design questions are surprisingly common in
projects. The questions normally arise from ambiguities or inconsistencies
with the customers business requirements, which may indicate similar
uncertainty or difference of vision in the customer. Resolving these problems
and answering the questions may take time until an agreement is reached,
and it is possible that the project development team may be invited back to the
customer to provide additional help. Delays of this type must be incorporated
into the project plan.
Chapter 3. Design phase 39
Once the fundamental requirements have been gathered, the project manager
should arrange a workshop with the customer for the project teams to confirm the
The solution outline activity deliverables include:
The functional requirements
The non-functional requirements, which we will not discuss in detail in this
The solution outline document
The functional requirements and the solution outline document are an extension
of the customer's business requirements, describing how these will be realized.
The functional requirements transform the business requirements into more
tangible site specifications and implementation details. The solution outline
document, on the other hand, enables the project team to define how each
business requirement can be mapped to either out-of-the-box WebSphere
Commerce functions or specific customizations. The document should also
address how the proposed site will integrate with existing legacy systems,
third-party applications, or back-end systems.
3.3.2 The solution outline workshop
During a solution outline workshop, the design team will validate all functional
requirements and review targeted out-of-the-box WebSphere Commerce
functions with the customer team. The objective of the workshop is to ensure the
proposed site uses all available features provided by WebSphere Commerce.
The customer and design teams must have a common understanding and
shared vision for the planned site.
An overview of the solution outline workshop is shown in Figure 3-6 on page 40.
Note: While communications of this kind may be helpful, quick, and easy,
project team members should fully document the questions asked, the
resulting discussions, the people involved, and any conclusions reached.
There is a real danger that informal or poorly documented communication may
result in problems, such as project scope creep.
The customer should also be made aware that changes in functionality,
however small, must be verified with the project manager and architect before
the project team is officially committed to the change. Processes of this kind
act as a damper to the risk of project scope creep.
40 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Figure 3-6 Overview of solution outline workshop
The design team starts the workshop by inviting the customer team to talk about
their current site structure and any ideas for future expansion plans. The design
team then uses the information to identify how WebSphere Commerce can be
used to fulfill the customer's stated needs. The design team will make every
attempt to stress as much out-of-the-box WebSphere Commerce function as
practical over product customizations, but where necessary, it will explain how
the product should be customized to suit unique requirements. The workshop
discussion is likely to reveal potential third-party application or legacy system
Product functionality is assessed through WebSphere Commerce subsystems.
The design team should conduct a product demonstration stressing the
functionality provided by each relevant subsystem. This review will also enable
Note: Even customers who have used previous versions of WebSphere
Commerce may not be familiar with the more recent or newly released
functionality in the product, because each release typically adds many new
features. In many cases, the customer may view the workshop as a way to
train themselves on new WebSphere Commerce features and functions and to
discuss options for the future of their site.
Use cases
Site flow
Business rules
Initial project plan
Initial skills plan
Solution outline document
Refined Solution Outline
Phase documents
Reviewed and approved
macro design document
Revised project plan
Test plans/strategies
High level DB design
Macro Design
Build high level site design, project
plan, test plan and DB design
Review initial solution outline and
site flow with customer
Present additional function for
future requirements
Review requirements documents
Build initial solution outline
Chapter 3. Design phase 41
the customer to fully understand the capabilities offered by WebSphere
Following the review, the design team should walk through the proposed site
flow, stressing customer requirements and related business rules. For migration
projects, it is very helpful to discuss the current data model that may be extracted
from SQL statements and the approaches that may be used for data migration.
Another important topic that is often overlooked is the content management
process, which includes both catalog data and static content data. This
discussion should cover both initial data load and subsequent regular planned
updates. For further details, refer to WebSphere Commerce V5.4 Catalog Design
and Content Management, SG24-6855-00.
At the conclusion of the workshop, the design team, with review and approval by
the customer, should have the business and functional requirements fairly well
defined, along with the project scope and any key dependencies. These
decisions are then documented as the deliverable from the solution outline
activity together with a preliminary design to meet the requirements.
3.3.3 The solution outline document
The solution outline document will typically include three sections:
System overview and architecture
The system overview and architecture captures the site component overview
and component responsibilities that together provide a template of the
proposed site construction.
Architectural decisions, grouped by subsystem
The architecture decisions describe the business requirements and
assumptions, document the issues encountered and their resolution, and
record the high-level design decisions made for each requirement, such as
which out-of-the-box function will be used and what customizations will be
required. All issues must be discussed with the customer during a
subsequent solution outline review period.
Outline of assets to be built, grouped by subsystem
The outline will normally be used to size projects. For example, it can be used
to estimate the required number of JSPs, custom commands, or EJBs. In
addition, development of other utilities, such as data loading and integration,
should be included in the outline. This information may be captured in a
spreadsheet, along with estimates for difficulty rating and sizing.
42 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
3.3.4 Analyzing current site assets
Where an existing site is being migrated, it is essential to get a detailed
understanding of the current site assets. This involves analyzing the current site
assets, such as EJBs, JSPs, and custom database tables or extensions. This
analysis must encompass the explicit customer business and technical
requirements as part of creating a high-level design for the new site.
We recommend using the migration tools that are included with WebSphere
Commerce V5.6. These tools will help migrating instance configuration and
standard database tables.
Information included within a fit-gap analysis document can help identify the
areas of site functionality that may be implemented using new out-of-the-box
functions; the benefit of relying on out-of-the-box functionality is that it helps
reduce the quantity and complexity of custom code in the site, thereby reducing
both the amount of initial development, as well as minimizing the short and long
term maintenance required. It may be necessary to reuse the existing site design
if no out-of-the-box function meets the customer business needs for one or more
components of the site.
3.3.5 Design-based sizing
Sizing for the project is usually possible at, or soon after, the completion of the
solution outline activity. An earlier, less accurate sizing will already have been
performed as part of the analysis phase.
In brief, for each functional requirement, an asset count is produced. This will
include the expected number of JSPs, the number of new or extended
commands, and the number of EJBs and data beans. Each of these assets is
given a complexity level. Next, the effort to develop an asset is established,
based on information from prior completed projects, and adjusted to reflect team
experience and other pertinent factors. The result is an estimate of the effort
required for building and testing each of the assets that can be aggregated with
the other estimates to produce a reasonably accurate project sizing.
Note: Even if a decision is taken to reuse existing site design for one or more
components of the site, it is still recommended that you use the WebSphere
Commerce framework in the new implementation to make sure that the
custom design integrates well with the product architecture and benefits from
best-practice guidelines.
Chapter 3. Design phase 43
3.4 Macro design activity
The main focus of the tasks during this activity centers on creating an
WebSphere Commerce design, the details of which are recorded in a macro
design document.
An overview of the work products and tasks for this design activity is provided in
Figure 3-7.
Figure 3-7 Macro design activity
3.4.1 Methods of approaching design activities
There are several perspectives that may be taken when considering WebSphere
Commerce site design:
The overall system level, which involves WebSphere Commerce interacting
with external back-end or legacy systems.
Note: The design team that completed the solution outline activity should also
follow through with the macro design for the target site. You may need to
consider adding or removing members of your design team to balance
resource availability against the time required to deliver the site.
Solution outline document
Refined Solution Outline
Phase documents
Reviewed and approved
macro design document
Revised project plan
Test plans/strategies
High level DB design
Reviewed and approved
micro design document
Detailed project plan
Test plans/strategies
DB design/schema
Staff additional design
Macro Design
Micro Design
Build high level site design, project
plan, test plan and DB design
Review initial solution outline and
site flow with customer
Present additional function for
future requirements
Identify implementation team
Build development/test/integration
Build backend simulation
Plan build process
44 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
The subsystem level, which includes the main WebSphere Commerce
subsystems, such as Member, Order, and Catalog. This also includes the
supporting infrastructure, such as the database and messaging systems.
The use case level, which includes functional sequences that together form
the overall site flow and behavior. Use cases will normally address visual
aspects, such as the flows from page to page within the site, and non-visual
resources, such as the expected operation and behavior of the order
subsystem as it communicates with the back-end inventory system.
The component level, which includes JSPs, data beans, access beans, EJBs,
and commands.
The design team should consider each of these levels during the design phase
for the main site. Considering use cases as a means of site design is especially
appropriate during the macro design activity. In a use case strategy for site
design, the design team creates detailed use cases. This approach is also
consistent with applying an object-oriented method to site design, because it
helps to identify the actors and actions performed within the system.
An overview of the use-case-based design strategy is provided in Figure 3-8 on
page 45.
Note: Driving an overall design strategy through use cases yields significant
advantages, especially during the build and site test phases, which are
discussed in Chapter 4, Build phase on page 59, and Chapter 5, Site test
phase on page 89 respectively.
Chapter 3. Design phase 45
Figure 3-8 Use case strategy for capturing design decisions
By centering the design around use cases, we mean that all the design decisions
made during the macro design activity will categorize site components, such as
commands, EJBs, and JSPs, based upon use cases for the target site.
One way of applying the use case design strategy is to create a macro design
document template that the design team can use to create the WebSphere
Commerce site design. This template should structure information such that
appropriate levels of design decisions, such as What JSPs, commands, and
EJBs are needed to implement the user registration use case? are based on
use cases for the target site.
A major output work product from the macro design activity is the interaction
diagram for each use case, described at command and JSP levels. These
Note: Since the use cases are so central in the use-case-based design
strategy, this also makes it very important that all functional requirements are
documented through use cases. An often overlooked category of use cases,
are those that describe how the WebSphere Commerce system
communicates with external systems.
Use-case Strategy for Capturing Design Decisions
Strategy: Centralize Design on Site Use-cases
Key Influencers:
Customer requirements adequately describe site flows
Design team knowledge and application of OOD, such as
Work Products
Customer Site Flows
Functional requirements
for target site
Work Products
Detailed use-cases
capturing design details
Task :
Create site design
Capture design details in
Project Phases: Design Phase, although benefits
cascade through build and site test phases
Project Type: Either new or migration
46 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
diagrams help clarify the site objects and components. For example, clear
identifiers are assigned to the objects, and the diagrams show how each object is
called or accessed when performing a given WebSphere Commerce task.
3.4.2 The data model
Another major output work product from the macro design activity is the definition
of the data model for the site. Creation of a valid data model for a new commerce
site requires a thorough understanding of the customer data and its structure, as
well as detailed knowledge of the out-of-the-box WebSphere Commerce data
The first step in defining the data model is for the design team to identify the data
entities from the business requirements and then understand how the data is
used and how it flows through the site. For WebSphere Commerce sites, it is
useful to categorize the data by WebSphere Commerce subsystems:
Member data
Data that is related to user configuration, organizations and security-related
information, such as access control data.
Marketing data
Data for campaigns, advertisement, coupons, discounts and collaboration.
Inventory data
Information about inventory levels and the way that the site should manage
the inventory.
Note: Large projects may contain several hundred use cases. In such
projects, interaction diagrams are not needed for each use case, but can be
produced for the architecturally significant use cases. Care should always be
taken when deciding not to produce interaction diagrams for all use cases,
Note: The site data model is a part of the development work that, in some
cases, does not receive as much attention as other more visual aspects, such
as the Web pages or site flow. The low visibility associated with development
of the site data model may result in an underestimation of effort required for
data model development. The effort to create the data model may be
increased both by the complexity of the site data and also by the large quantity
of data to be processed. It is, therefore, very important to start working with
real customer data as soon as possible. Even subsets of customer data may
be used to test the validity of the development database.
Chapter 3. Design phase 47
Trading data
Pricing information, except discounts which is handled by the marketing
subsystem, auction and contract information
Catalog data
Product data and categorization.
Merchandising data
Cross-sell, up-sell and other catalog entry relations.
Data for the messaging subsystem, for example transport configuration,
definition of message types, etc.
Order data
Order related data, including shipping costs and taxation.
For example, user data is first created when the user accesses the site as a
guest shopper. They eventually become a registered shopper with a login
identifier and password. Typically, a registered shopper is assigned an internal
customer number by a back-end system.
By following the data flow in the above manner, and then analyzing the data used
at each stage of the flow, the design team should be capable of ensuring that the
data model contains all required data entities.
For each of the data types, the data can be split into configuration and
operational data. For example, the order system contains both information about
the actual orders, which change rapidly during the lifetime of the site, as well as
configuration data about shipping and taxation rules, which change less often.
The focus of catalog data is on the purpose of the catalog, how the catalog is
structured into a sensible hierarchy, what the product information consists of, and
how content, such as images and support documents, are related to the main
catalog data.
The following step is to use the functional requirements to come up with the data
structure necessary to support the business logic. This data is distinct from the
catalog data, because it is not part of the data to be presented to shopper;
instead, it is related to the business rules required for supporting the functional
An example of data-supporting business rules would be to use product sets with
contracts in order to apply constraints on the catalog navigation, such that a
customer would have a restricted view of part of the catalog and products,
depending on the product brand information they are authorized to see. Similarly,
48 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
shipping rules may be affected, where certain products cannot be shipped across
international boundaries, or have a limited shelf life, excluding a slower shipping
In contrast to new site projects, the data gathering task is much simpler in
migration projects, because it usually requires analysis of the existing data model
and understanding the usage of each data field.
After gathering all the data required, the design team should compare the
required site application data model with the out-of-the-box data model. In most
cases, the out-of-the-box data model will be sufficient.
Not all site-specific data requires a new custom table. Almost all WebSphere
Commerce tables provide some custom fields, but very little logic related to them
except direct support for read and write. If the extra data falls into this simple
category, it is sensible to use the custom fields from out-of-the-box tables. Refer
to 8.3.1, Customizing WebSphere Commerce tables on page 147 for more
information about utilizing the standard WebSphere Commerce database
Something that should definitely be avoided is adding new columns to
out-of-the-box tables to support extra data. These extensions would mean that
the standard EJB for the table would not cover the new fields. It would be much
better to use a custom table to store the extra data, with a primary index
corresponding to the primary index as the out-of-the-box table. A new EJB would
be required, corresponding to the new table, but this would be a project-specific
Note: It is especially important to ensure that data stored within the standard
out-of-the-box tables will be used exactly as specified in the data model.
Misunderstanding the standard data model and the consequent effect of
standard commands on data stored in the model can have deep-seated and
hard-to-reconcile consequences for the project.
For example, in some multinational organizations, a single product may be
offered under several different brand names. It may be tempting to treat the
brand as simply an attribute of the product and store this brand information
within the standard out-of-the-box ATTRIBUTE and ATTRVALUE tables as
descriptive product attributes. However, this might introduce other problems or
complexities, because the brand may also be used to support catalog
navigation logic and, therefore, the range of products a customer can view. In
this case, the brand is not merely a product attribute, but also has a significant
effect on the perceived structure of the catalog. In such cases of
incompatibility between the stated purpose of an out-of-the-box data model
component and the desired application, it may be better to design new tables
that more effectively support the desired logic.
Chapter 3. Design phase 49
extension and, therefore, would not compromise future migration. For more
information, refer to 8.3.2, Customizing WebSphere Commerce EJBs on
page 148.
3.4.3 Creating interaction diagrams and class diagrams
Interaction diagram and class diagram are both use case driven. For each use
case, there should be at least three possible paths of execution:
The normal or standard path
An alternate path
An error path
Each interaction diagram should address all three paths for each use case.
Creating these diagrams will help illustrate the site flow and so assist with the
underlying implementation details.
For WebSphere Commerce projects, the majority of classes used will be
commands, EJBs, JSPs, and data beans. In terms of macro design, emphasis
will normally be on commands and JSPs. Consideration of EJBs and data beans,
which address how data is accessed within commands and JSPs, is normally left
to micro design.
Having established the site flow for the use cases, the design team should
identify the Web pages used for each path. These pages may be static HTML or
dynamically generated from JSPs.
The next step is to determine which command to use to complete the flow. By
analyzing the use case and referring to the solution outline, it is possible to
determine which out-of-the-box command could be used. This involves deciding
the following:
Whether the out-of-the-box command will perform exactly the desired task
What each path's input, condition, and result are
What tables are to be accessed
Based on the analysis, the result is a list of commands that includes standard
out-of-the-box commands, as well as the ones that need to be developed as part
of the project.
Note: After the data model has been defined, you are advised to reassess the
solution outline and functional requirements to make sure that all the selected
out-of-the-box functions identified are correct for the functional requirements,
that the out-of-the-box data model supports the site data, and finally, that all
the functional requirements that are not supported out-of-the-box have been
included in extension data tables.
50 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Migration projects have another factor that should be taken into consideration. If
any of the original site implementation used out-of-the-box commands, it is likely
that corresponding commands can be used for the migrated code. Further, even
if the original site required a customized command to be created, it does not
follow that the new site will also require a new customized command; the extra
functionality offered within the newer version of WebSphere Commerce may
provide the desired functionality. It is advisable to repeat the analysis to
determine if there is a suitable out-of-the-box command, or what alternative
customizations may be needed. Refer to Chapter 9, Migrating existing sites on
page 185 for further details on migration planning.
Real projects have identified five scenarios for using out-of-the-box commands:
The standard out-of-the-box command fully meets the requirements.
The out-of-the-box command must be extended with extra logic, for example,
to read or write data stored in a new customer table.
The out-of-the-box command implementation must be replaced.
The functionality requires that one or more out-of-the-box commands are
invoked in sequence.
A completely new command must be created.
This information should be documented in class diagram. The WebSphere
Commerce Information Center contains examples of these development tasks.
JSP can be categorized into five groups:
JSPs used for display of data
JSPs used to allow a user to enter data
A combination of data display and data entry
Error pages
Hidden JSPs used to construct outbound messages, either XML, HTML or
text, to be sent through one of the outbound adapters, such as the JMS,
e-mail or Web Services adapters (this JSP does not play a part in site flow)
Note: Replacing out-of-the-box commands must be handled carefully.
Other standard out-of-the-box commands may refer to the replaced
command. This must be taken into consideration when determining the
functionality of the new command logic. This potential ambiguity will not
arise if the replacement command has a different name to highlight its
project-specific nature.
Chapter 3. Design phase 51
JSPs used for displaying data might include HTML files to display static data, in
which case, the HTML page should be documented as well. An error page can
contain just the error message, or it may be the same JSP that handles the
non-error case, including code to display the error message prior to other
content. Again, all error conditions and messages must be documented.
After all commands, EJBs and JSPs have been identified, the design team can
build the interaction diagrams. The diagrams documents the interactions
between the user, commands, EJBs and JSPs. The interaction diagram should
define input and output parameters.
3.4.4 JSPs templates
The design team should create a template for all site JSPs to use to promote a
consistent look and feel. This presentation style will usually be designed by the
customer. The project team has the task of transforming the look into templates
for later JSP development. Refer to 8.4.5, Using an appropriate includes
mechanism on page 166 for tips about establishing a consistent look and feel
through the use of JSP include techniques.
3.4.5 Creating a WebSphere Commerce site database
A WebSphere Commerce site clearly needs a database to store persistent data.
The development project for the site must also have a working implementation of
a site database for this purpose. In a migration project, the database structure
will already be known. The migration tools included with WebSphere Commerce
V5.6 should be used to migrate such a database so that it will be complete at the
end of the macro design activity. For new sites, it would be expected that at least
a high-level view of the database would be available after the macro design
activity, sufficient to implement many of the required data structures, but still
likely to be refined following the micro design activity. For details on the available
Note: One of the starter store models is a good basis to start building the
customer site. The store models use a well-established design that covers the
basic site functions and demonstrates how the commands and JSPs are
linked together to accomplish a task. The WebSphere Commerce Information
Center contains business process definitions for the starter stores. Refer to
8.1, Basing development on a starter store on page 144 for more information
about the starter store models.
Note: Customer expectations for site look and feel generally exceed basic
branding, and the design team must work to manage these expectations.
52 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
development and migration tools refer to Chapter 7, Development and migration
tools on page 115.
Table 3-1 shows the expected status of database design work within each design
activity, according to the type of project being executed.
Table 3-1 Database status for design activities, according to project type
Creating or migrating a sample database by the end of the macro design activity
has several advantages.
During migration projects, the database will serve the design team when they
translate and test target site SQL statements to determine if session beans are
appropriate. A prerequisite for creating a sample target database is the finalized
data model that is produced during the macro design work. The persistent data
layer, which consists of out-of-the-box and customer EJBs, access beans, and
data beans for the target site, will also require the final data model. Finalizing the
data model for the target site enables the design team to create a sample, or
migrated target database, which in turn, will aid their completing the remaining
design details.
Typically, it is the data creation or migration expert who creates or migrates the
sample database, for details on user roles refer to Chapter 9, Migrating existing
sites on page 185 and Appendix A, Project team creation and common roles
on page 225.
Creation of databases is an activity that applies during both the design phase
and the build phase, and the activity holds true for both new and migration
projects. We have already indicated that, ideally, a development sample
database would be created during the macro design activity. This database can
Project type Activity
Solution outline Macro design Micro design
Idealized project High-level
database design
Database design
Database schema
Initiate request for
Assess and finalize
database design
Database design
Migration project High-level
database design
Database design
complete, and
database schema
mostly complete
Chapter 3. Design phase 53
then be extended to become the solution database during the build phase. This
approach minimizes the effort needed to create the solution database.
Each database has a common starting point, which is the out-of-the-box
database provided by WebSphere Commerce V5.6. This database provides the
foundation for the out-of-the-box functions. The foundation consists of the
schema, table constraints, bootstrap information, and indexes. If no further
customizations are required, it should be possible to load customer data directly
into the database early in the project. If further customizations are required for
the site, the new schema, constraints, and indexes must be applied to the
original database prior to loading the data.
Figure 3-9 on page 54 provides an overview for two different strategies for
creating the database, depending on whether the database is for a new site
project or a migration project. The strategies are different, although the initial
steps required to create the solution database are the same. An important factor
that affects the success of both strategies is the separation of work into their
subsystems and assigning the more difficult ones to the more experienced
developer. Separation of duties supports code maintenance.
Note: The sooner the design team obtains customer data, the better for the
project. It is surprisingly common in projects that the customer supplies data
that is supposed to be correct, consistent, and complete; yet on closer
inspection, it is found to have errors and inconsistencies that may require
significant cleansing. Such problems are typically encountered where the data
is owned by or originates from different departments or divisions.
54 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Figure 3-9 Creating a solution WebSphere Commerce database
Details on how to migrate an existing database are covered in Chapter 9,
Migrating existing sites on page 185. The available tools are covered in
Chapter 7, Development and migration tools on page 115.
3.5 Micro design activity
The micro design activity follows the macro design activity. The purpose of this
activity is to determine what part of the data access layer should be implemented
with entity EJBs and what part with session EJBs, as well as to determine the
detailed interface between commands, JSPs and EJBs. For this activity to
proceed smoothly, the design team must have a sample target WebSphere
Commerce V5.6 database, whether it is a new database, or migrated from a
previous WebSphere Commerce version.
One of the main goals of the third iteration of the design phase is to build on the
macro design by capturing the detailed design decisions. The capture of detailed
design decisions is a key requirement needed to start the build phase. The
design decisions should be recorded in the micro design document, which the
Creating a Solution Database for WebSphere Commerce
Strategy: Use either Massloader provided w/ WC for new projects or
the migration tools for migration projects
Key Influencers:
Customers desire to migrate original data
Work Products
Design Phase Output
Internal design
Out-of-the-box database
Sample database (if
Customized data model,
schema, constraints and
bootstrap information
Customer data
Work Products
Solution database
Task :
Create a solution
Capture design details in
Project Phases: Build Phase Project Type: Either new or migration
Chapter 3. Design phase 55
customer should review and approve, that is, obtain appropriate sign-off on the
design details.
A core micro design task is to define and create the appropriate interfaces
between commands, JSPs, and the persistence layer of EJBs and data beans.
Pseudo-code, representing business logic in commands, should also be
recorded in the micro design document.
An overview of the tasks and work products of the micro design activity is
provided in Figure 3-10.
Figure 3-10 Micro design activity
Before proceeding to the next phase, the design team should verify that either
the database has been migrated, or that a target database has been created for
the project, as indicated in Table 3-1 on page 52. As determined by existing
technical conditions, the database design might require updates should the data
model be changed after it has been reviewed with the customer during the micro
design activity. No matter what happens during micro design, all database
creation tasks must be finished before the end of the micro design activity.
Failure to produce a valid database at the end of the micro design activity will
impede progress, because workarounds and delays will be required to achieve
code requirements during the build phase.
Reviewed and approved
macro design document
Revised project plan
Test plans/strategies
High level DB design
Reviewed and approved
micro design document
Detailed project plan
Test plans/strategies
DB design/schema
Staff additional design
Coded/unit tested/
reviewed site
Approved test cases
Staff development team
Macro Design
Micro Design
Build Phase
Build high level site design, project
plan, test plan and DB design
Identify implementation team
Build development/test/integration
Build backend simulation
Plan build process
Code/unit test based on design
Integrate with simulated backend
56 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Source SQL statements from earlier sites collected in the previous phases
should now be analyzed to determine which ones may be replaced by suitable
data beans. Entity EJBs are best suited to replace statements with data read or
data write requirements, and session EJBS should be used to generate
read-only beans for statements requiring read-only access. SQL statements that
are candidates for entity EJBs need to be mapped to existing EJBs or
implemented as new custom EJBs.
Before proceeding to the build phase, verify that the database has been migrated
and is available for use by the coding team. In addition, the project team should
create a team development environment that uses a shared Source Control
Management (SCM) team repository server and the common (migrated)
WebSphere Commerce V5.6 database.
The micro design activity should produce a list of line items to implement as part
of the detailed project plan. If a site migration project is being performed as part
of a consulting engagement, it is advisable to complete a second statement of
work to document all project execution activities that will be required through to
completion. The test strategy that began during the early stages of the project
should evolve into a more detailed test plan.
3.6 Design review
The design review is the first major opportunity afforded the design team to
review the match between the main site objectives and the site's design to meet
the objectives.
A good design will have certain characteristics:
It should be focused on producing a site that will apply and demonstrate best
It should maximize the incorporation of reusable components, or where new
components are designed, there should be consideration for future reuse.
Note: Although it is recommended to use a shared database, some team
members may be involved in activities that either requires a very stable
database, which would be the case for performance testing activities, or a
highly volatile database, which would be the case for as team members
working with frequent deletion and reload of data, for example migration script
Such team members should have access to dedicated databases, which
could still be located on a centralized database server, if required.
Chapter 3. Design phase 57
The design should comply with the spirit, as well as the letter, of the
WebSphere Commerce programming model.
When reviewing a design, the design team should consider the design's context,
especially so when an existing site is being migrated. Earlier versions of
WebSphere Commerce used different implementation architectures and
technologies. In addition to migrating the site, the customer must also invest in
new tools, education, and techniques that will be needed to support the migrated
During migration projects, project teams focus on specific success factors, such
No change to database schema, and only limited changes to database
access plans, as optimized by the customer database administrators.
Minimum impact on existing back-end and supporting infrastructure.
Minimum increase in maintenance and retraining costs.
Maximum preservation of the shopper experience; unnecessary changes
should be avoided.
Maximum, on-going parallel work to avoid a moving target situation.
Careful analysis of previous, current, and predicted database use and needs
to come up with an appropriate data services architecture.
Optimum scheduling, use of available team skills, and project management.
Appropriate value-add to the WebSphere Commerce technology.
3.6.1 Data analysis review
The data model proposed for the site should be reviewed carefully. Even large
projects should require only few additional tables.
Some tables will require transactional reads and updates. In those cases,
Container Managed Persistence (CMP) EJBs work best. They require less
development work and, by default, will provide optimized performance.
The majority of tables are likely to require read-only access. Many of them
contain data that changes infrequently, if at all. In such cases, use of CMP EJBs
is inappropriate, because the site will not benefit from the advantages afforded
by CMP.
Note: Generally, customers strive to reduce the number of platforms and
technologies requiring direct support. Therefore, many customers will view
favorably the opportunity to reduce costs when optimizing their existing site.
58 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
The main reason for not using CMP EJBs is that they will:
Increase the number of database accesses, proportional to the number of
tables accessed and rows retrieved.
Increase the network traffic; more SQL is used, and the results will return
whole objects instead of 1 or 2 columns.
Increase resource management demands, to support tasks such as
passivation and memory reclamation.
To minimize the number CMP EJBs used for such tables, use the techniques
mentioned in 8.3.7, Using session beans on page 153, potentially combined
with use of the LOQS tool (see 7.3.1, Lightweight Object Query System on
page 140).
3.7 Summary
In this chapter, we discussed core design activities for project teams creating
new sites or migrating existing ones. For each activity, we summarized how it
should be performed, what roles and team structure would best suit it, and
provided a high-level overview of the skill requirements.
We then described the major phases of the design work, including detailed
information about the design of the site data model. In the next chapter, we
explain how the design details created during this phase can and should be used
to implement the site.
Note: In a very large project that required over 450 SQL statements:
Nearly 300 of those statements accessed a single table.
Just over 80 of those statements involved a join of four or more tables,
many of which were out-of-the-box WebSphere Commerce tables.
Through experience, IBM Software Services has learned that there is no
correlation between the number of SQL statements required and the project's
data model. The number of statements reflects the way the logic of the
application is built, optimized, and tested.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved. 59
Chapter 4. Build phase
In this chapter, we describe build activities of the development method. The core
activity during the build phase is application coding, which may be performed
using different strategies. We discuss work assignments for the project and build
teams. In addition, we introduce initial testing procedures for assessing site
code. We also explain the appropriate steps for creating an integrated test
60 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
4.1 The project build phase
Following the successful completion of the micro design activity, the project team
may now begin developing site code using the specifications produced during
the design phase. It is assumed that the project manager will staff the project
team with suitable developers and skills, as defined in the project plan and
Appendix A, Project team creation and common roles on page 225. Figure 4-1
provides an overview of the build phase.
Figure 4-1 Build phase overview
Figure 4-2 on page 61 summarizes the activities and work products produced
during the build phase.
Reviewed and approved
micro design document
Detailed project plan
Test plans / strategies
DB design / schema
Staff additional design team
Coded / unit tested / reviewed
Approved test cases
Staff development team
Micro Design
Build Phase
Identify implementation team
Build development / test / integration
Build back-end simulation environment
Plan build process
Code / Unit test based on design
Integrate with simulated back-end
Site Test phase
FVT - Functional Verification Test
SIT - System Integration Test
SVT - System Verification Test
UAT - User Acceptance Test
Fully tested site ready for
Chapter 4. Build phase 61
Figure 4-2 The build phase
4.2 Build and team work assignment
We begin with a discussion of a strategy for build and team work assignment,
based on continuous and incremental design. The strategy is based on best
practices that have proven successful on various commerce projects. The build
and team work assignment strategy specifies that newly implemented project
elements, such as JSPs, commands, or EJBs, be unit tested and integrated
incrementally. This strategy differs noticeably from the traditional waterfall model,
where each major activity follows a sequential development approach. In other
words, the site components are coded, then unit tested, and finally, integrated.
4.2.1 Assigning team members to tasks
Prior to starting the build phase, the project manager should complete the
following two tasks:
Select a team organization structure, as discussed in Appendix A, Project
team creation and common roles on page 225.
Define the model for producing site code that is test ready, preferably site
Work Products
Micro design
activity outputs
Build Phase
Work Products
Integrated and unit-tested code for the
target WebSphere Commerce system.
Code reviews that aid in modifications
and/or corrections to target code.
Approved test cases, which may have
come directly from the customer or
were created by the project team.
Build Verification Test (BVT) cases or
scripts, which may be automated using
tools, such as SilkTest; note: BVT
represents a subset of final test cases.
Implement, unit
test, and
integrate code.
Ensure code is
implemented as
specified in
micro design
62 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Figure 4-3 provides an overview of a continuous and incremental development
and code integration testing strategy.
Figure 4-3 Continuous and incremental development and code integration testing
Even though the continuous and incremental development strategy is very
useful, it must have a solid anchor point. In 3.4.1, Methods of approaching
design activities on page 43, we advocate creating a use-case-centered design.
Through experience, we have found that anchoring code development on use
cases produces tangible benefits.
Use cases and code components, such as JSPs and commands, can be
organized so that the project team start work item assignments and then monitor
dependencies within and between use cases. An example of the team
organization and work assignments is shown in Table 4-1 on page 63.
Continuous and Incremental Development and Code
Integration Testing Strategy
Key Influencers:
Appropriate team structure and organization
Availability of team development and test environment
Adequate coordination between team members
Work Products
Detailed project plan
Complete/approved site
Adequate development/
test skills
Work Products
Operational use cases
Develop and implement
code following defined
Ensure code gets
developed and tested.
Project Phases: All Project Type: Either new or migration
Chapter 4. Build phase 63
Table 4-1 Team assignment examples
A key factor in executing this strategy is the team structure, as discussed in
Appendix A, Project team creation and common roles on page 225.
If the team structure is based upon the core-competency strategy, as described
in Appendix A, Project team creation and common roles on page 225, the
project manager should assign use cases and most or all of their components to
skilled WebSphere Commerce developers to produce the required code. This
strategy enables the developer to code, unit test, and integrate code elements for
each use case prior to moving to the next use case. The effect of this assignment
model is that the use case columns illustrated in Table 4-1 will have only single
names; only one person would be implementing the complete use case.
On the other hand, if the team structure is organized using the holistic strategy,
Table 4-1 will have multiple names in each column for each use case.
Alternatively, the project manager may decide to use a combination of
core-competency and holistic strategies. In that case, the columns of an
assignment table would contain a mixture of names. Some columns would have
a single name, while others would contain multiple names.
When assigning developers to use cases, the project manager must ensure that
critical use cases are identified first and that all dependencies are highlighted for
the team. This activity enables the project manager to prioritize and sequence
the development of code components, and it affords them the opportunity to
monitor progress.
4.2.2 Tracking progress
Progress may be tracked in many ways. For example, one method assigns
completion percentages to specific build stages:
A 50% measure might indicate the percentage of total effort that is required to
complete component coding.
Code category Component name Use case 1 Use case 2
JSPs Login.jsp John
Place-order.jsp Joe
Commands MyLoginCmdImpl John
MyOrderProcessCmdImpl Jill
EJBs MyUserExtension Li
64 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
A 30% measure might indicate the percentage of total effort required to
integrate the use case components.
A 20% measure might indicate the percentage of total effort required to
complete unit testing.
Even such a simple strategy should aid the project manager track team progress
throughout the build phase.
4.2.3 Regular builds and systematic integration testing
Once a use case has been implemented, that is, coded, integrated, and unit
tested, its components should be published to a test server and retested.
Integration testing each use case within the WebSphere Commerce test
environment should be considered an initial step in code testing. The task of
publishing implemented use cases to a test server for additional testing improves
the project team's ability to integrate use cases efficiently. Publishing and
retesting use case code is discussed in more detail in 4.5, Subsystem
integration test activity on page 82.
While progressing through the build phase, the development team should publish
regular code base versions and builds to the test server, as described in 4.3,
Integrated development and test infrastructure on page 65. This activity
supports incremental code development, integration, and testing. The team
should also create a Build Verification Test (BVT) process, one where each new
build is executed before making this build available to the team. A BVT covers
one or more test cases or scenarios, and it should test the critical paths through
the code that are operational and require validation. Executing the BVT will
ensure that the new build has no obvious errors. The BVT process should start
as soon as one or more use cases are ready and has been tested on the test
server. In addition to orchestrating the build process, the project manager should
Note: These percentages are clearly simplistic, but help illustrate a means for
quickly assessing overall progress. For example, using these percentages, if
half the work on coding, one-third of the component integration, and one
quarter of the unit testing work is complete, the overall progress could be
estimated as 25% + 10% + 5% = 40% complete.
Important: Extreme care should be taken when tracking progress for a given
task. Developers are likely to only consider core development effort when
communicating the progress of a given task, overlooking the unit testing and
inter-component integration effort. This is not laziness on the developers part,
but a natural result of each developers personal focus on performing the
coding effort.
Chapter 4. Build phase 65
arrange periodic code reviews with the team to ensure code quality is acceptable
and as desired.
The back-end test system should reasonably mimic the interfaces and
communication systems of the production systems to ensure the code can be
tested using end-to-end scenarios. The better able the team is to create an
accurate test environment, the more effective and thorough its tests will be.
As seen, the first serious testing of site code begins during the build phase.
4.3 Integrated development and test infrastructure
To be effective, a project team needs both a development and a test
environment. Although each is distinct, they are inter-related and connected.
The environments are as follows:
The development environment
This environment is used by the project team to develop and share software
between team members and then to unit test this software before it is
integrated to create a coherent e-commerce site.
The test environment
This environment is used by the project team to integrate all code pieces and
then to test the integrated units, as described in 4.5, Subsystem integration
test activity on page 82, and 5.2, Functional Verification Test (FVT) on
page 96.
The physical hardware to implement the development and test environments
could be shared. Prior to the start of the build phase, all the required hardware
and software, and the team development environment and site test
infrastructure, must be ready and available. The project team will require both the
development and test environments during the build phase to develop and test
site code.
Figure 4-4 on page 66 provides an overview of a strategy for creating an
integrated development and test environment. This strategy is based upon best
practices, and we recommend its use whenever practical. Both system and
database administration skills will be required to implement it.
66 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Figure 4-4 Integrated development and test environment strategy
This redbook assumes that the project team works apart from the customer's IT
team, generally in geographically distinct locations. Due to the geographic
separation, the project team is assumed to have its own integrated development
and test infrastructure, as well as processes. The customer IT team, on the other
hand, may or may not have its own development and test infrastructure or
Because this redbook also assumes that most of the development work is to be
performed by a project team, the project manager should not be overly
concerned with synchronizing the project team's development and test
environments and processes with those of the customer's IT team, if applicable,
during the build phase. Due to the focus of this redbook, most of the activities for
the build phase is presented from the project team's perspective.
Note: It should not be inferred that working geographically separated from the
customer is best practice per se. Working directly in contact with, as well as
separate from, the customer has its pros and cons. Which approach to use
depends very much on the individual wishes and preferences of both the
project team and the customer.
Integrated Development and Test Environment Strategy
Key Influencers:
Availability of team members who can perform system
admin, database admin, and data migration tasks
Team development goals
Skill level of development team
Work Products
Team hardware and
Code architecture
Work Products
Integrated team
development and test
Approved team
development and test
Create an integrated
development and test
Ensure development
and test activities and
linked via an integrated
Project Phases: All Project Type: Either new or migration
Chapter 4. Build phase 67
4.3.1 The team development environment
Setting up a proper development environment is a critical project team activity,
because the environment can be considered the nerve-center during site
implementation. An efficient development environment will enable all team
members, that is, the developers, to be fully utilized and productive when coding
and unit testing site components. Conversely, an incomplete development
environment can lead to frustration and significant productivity loss.
Figure 4-5 illustrates the different environments and how they are used during
the various deployment stages.
Figure 4-5 Environment overview with deployment procedures
Creating the development environment involves setting up a number of
components. Typically, team development environments consist of a repository
server to store Java and non-Java file assets, a shared database server, and
individual code development systems. It may be necessary to have shared
access to any external systems, such as an WebSphere Commerce Payments
node or an WebSphere MQ server.
Figure 4-6 on page 68 illustrates each element of the team development
Integration Test
1: Build deployment package
2: Perform BVT
3: Deploy package from step 1
4: Perform SIT, FVT
5: Deploy package from step 3
6: Perform SIT, FVT, SVT, UAT
7: Deploy package from step 3
7: Perform SVT
(validate depoyment)
68 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Figure 4-6 A typical team development environment
We will now describe each element of the team development environment. The
names refer to Figure 4-6.
Database server
Setting up a shared database for development and test purposes can help
reduce setup time and should also reduce the chance for data errors. This
database can reside on a testing server (as described in 4.3.2, The shared
test environment on page 72), or on a dedicated database server machine,
depending on the size of the project. If the project team consists of more than
three to five developers, we would recommend setting this up on a dedicated
Since the installation of WebSphere Commerce Developer V5.6 requires an
installation of IBM DB2 Universal Database Enterprise Server Edition V8.1.5,
using a shared server will not save hard drive space, but configured correctly,
it can greatly reduce the processor and memory requirements, since the
database server services can be disabled on the individual developer nodes.
Developer Client
SCM Server
Database Server
WebSphere Commerce
Payments Server
WebSphere MQ Server
Developer Client Developer Client
Chapter 4. Build phase 69
In Figure 4-6 on page 68, a dedicated database server hosts a number of
databases, configured for code development, test, and QA activities. If the
database stored on each developers machine, it will be necessary to
maintain and update each database whenever there is an update to either
test data or database schema. During the build phase, the database tends to
be updated or fixed regularly, and these updates will significantly reduce
access time for developers if their systems must be updated. Further,
application of a database-related fix or fix pack must be duplicated on each
developers system as well. These are the main reasons for recommending a
shared database server for a project team during the build phase.
Source code management (SCM) server
All projects, be they large engagements with many developers or small ones
with only one developer, will benefit from a source code management system.
The project team should implement one regardless of the size of the project.
Developer clients
The developers client systems should be installed with WebSphere
Commerce Developer V5.6. The developers code development system
should connect to the shared database and shared source code repository.
All developers should code and unit test inside one of the WebSphere
Commerce Developer integrated test environments (refer to 7.1,
Development tools on page 116 for details about the development
environment). After initial coding and testing has been completed, the project
team should continue test activities in a project test environment, which is
described later in 4.3.2, The shared test environment on page 72.
WebSphere MQ Server
Because most projects are likely to require some form connectivity to
back-end systems, the project team should install and configure an
WebSphere MQ server on either a separate system or using shared
resources in the project test environment. An overview for situating
Note: Using a shared database may constrain the development
environment so that constant connectivity is required. This would limit the
scope for mobile development and may be inconvenient during
circumstances such as presentations or demonstrations.
It is fairly simple to enable off-line support by utilizing the cataloging
features in IBM DB2 Universal Database and allow developers to switch
between a server and a local copy of the database for such scenarios,
since the WebSphere Commerce Developer already contains a copy of
IBM DB2 Universal Database Enterprise Server Edition V8.1.5.
70 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
WebSphere MQ in the test environment is described in 4.3.2, The shared
test environment on page 72.
Where needed, WebSphere MQ client software should be installed and
configured on developer systems.
WebSphere Commerce Payments Server
Should the site accept online payments, the developers systems will need
access to a shared WebSphere Commerce Payments system.
As with a shared WebSphere MQ system, it is possible to install this software
on a test server or use a dedicated server to host it. The developers requiring
access to this functionality need to have their development system properly
configured to use the WebSphere Commerce Payments.
Potentially, all the developers can be connected to the shared systems at the
same time. The developer systems will host the development environment, IBM
WebSphere Studio Application Developer, a database client, and other
project-specific tools for developing non-Java assets.
The system administrator will play a key role in setting up the development
environment. The database administrator will also be required to install and
configure the shared database server. Refer to the next section for more details
about team responsibilities.
Team roles and responsibilities
The details about the roles and responsibilities for the development team in
setting up and configuring a shared development environment are provided here
and summarized in Appendix A, Project team creation and common roles on
page 225:
System administrator
The system administrator must:
Install and configure the source code management system.
Install and configure a shared WebSphere Commerce Payments system,
if needed.
Note: WebSphere Commerce Developer V5.6 contains a WebSphere
Commerce Payments test server. While it is possible to use this on the
individual developer systems, it is recommended to use a shared system.
As with the discussion about using a shared database server, there are
situations in which it is preferable to use a local WebSphere Commerce
Payments test server, for example when developing custom payment
Chapter 4. Build phase 71
Install and configure a shared WebSphere MQ system, if needed.
Document the process for connecting these various components and
Database administrator
The database administrator must:
Install and configure the database server.
Create and populate a database for developers to use during the build and
unit test phase.
Create and configure a separate set of databases for WebSphere
Commerce integration testing (as discussed in 4.5, Subsystem integration
test activity on page 82), and Functional Verification testing (as discussed
in 5.2, Functional Verification Test (FVT) on page 96.
The developers must install and configure:
WebSphere Commerce Developer. This must be configured for using the
team repository.
Client software for source code management, if not included with
WebSphere Commerce Developer.
WebSphere MQ client.
Other necessary software.
Team repository administrator
The team repository administrator must:
Configure the team repository by importing the initial code versions to the
Import other required repositories.
Create appropriate projects and packages as outlined in the macro design
and micro design documents.
Create users and assigns appropriate permissions, as outlined in the
macro design and micro design documents.
For smaller projects, the system administrator can also act as a team
repository administrator.
Build manager
The build manager is responsible for:
Creating the build deployment process.
Coordinating a build schedule with the team.
72 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Identifying all elements and the contents of each builds.
Creating regular builds.
Establishing roles and responsibilities of team members in creating and
using builds.
Establishing actions that must be taken when a build failure occurs.
4.3.2 The shared test environment
The project team's use of the shared test environment is described in detail in
4.5, Subsystem integration test activity on page 82 and 5.2, Functional
Verification Test (FVT) on page 96, but it is helpful to highlight key points here.
The main objective of setting up a shared test environment is to integrate code
pieces from all developers, in the form of unified code drivers, and deploy them
on the test servers for comprehensive testing, as illustrated in Figure 4-5 on
page 67.
One or more sets of test servers can be used for a project team. We recommend
that each project team should have minimum of two test server configurations so
that testing and code fixing tasks can be performed in parallel.
A test server topology can be single tier or multi-tier. The closer the match
between topologies for the test server and the final production environment, the
better the chances of finding and addressing any infrastructure or configuration
related issues early in the test cycle.
If the test topology is in a single tier configuration, this means that the database,
WebSphere Commerce, the WebSphere MQ server, and WebSphere Commerce
Payments are installed and configured on a single hardware box. These test
servers may also host shared facilities, such as the database, the WebSphere
MQ server, or the WebSphere Commerce Payments software used by the
developers during the build phase, as previously described. It is the sharing of
physical resources that establishes the basis of the integrated development and
test infrastructure for the project team.
4.3.3 Configuring a development process
In addition to setting up hardware and software, the project team should
establish a development process that ensures consistent code development.
Chapter 4. Build phase 73
Doing so will create a good and effective team working environment. The
development process should address, at a minimum, the following questions:
Who should fulfill the role of team repository administrator? Although the
system administrator might assume this role, this should be a deliberate
rather than default decision.
When should all team members receive new drops of the current code
solution so that code written by the team can be integrated, used, and tested
as the build phase progresses?
The development process must also take into account how database updates
are to be managed as problems are discovered in the schema or either in sample
or migrated data. The database administrator, with assistance from the data
migration expert, would typically perform this role and would be responsible for
coordinating appropriate changes to all instances of the databases on all servers
with the system administrator.
4.3.4 Configuring a simulated production environment
The development and testing environment should mimic the production
environment as closely as possible. However, there may be circumstances
where it is not feasible to mimic fully the production environment due to
hardware, software, and tool constraints.
In those situations, the project team may need to simulate a production
environment in the development and test environments, especially when the
development and test environments are not located at the client site. For
example, if the project team is not at the client site, it may not be possible to
access back-end systems, such as ERP systems, from the developer and test
The back-end simulator should be designed to accept request messages and
produce response messages, based on the request message identifier. Although
the simulator may not fully test all back-end scenarios, it may be sufficient to test
code that at the time requires back-end connectivity. This simulator could also be
used for FVT, until the code is transferred to customer location for end-to-end
system integration testing (as described in 5.3, System Integration Test (SIT) on
page 98).
Following are two examples of how creating a simulated environment aided
project teams:
A customer was using a proprietary method of user authentication through a
Lotus Domino server. In this case, the project team decided to simulate the
authentication mechanism, using a JSP to pass in the authentication code.
74 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
This meant that during the build phase, the project team had a realistic way of
testing this proprietary mechanism.
An alternative approach would be to install and configure a Lotus Domino
server within the development and test environments. This alternative was
rejected, because it would have required more effort to install, configure, and
manage the server than creating and using the JSP-based simulation tool.
In a commerce engagement project, the team implemented a simulator that
helped test the connectivity of WebSphere MQ with the customers
mainframe systems. The simulator generated appropriate response
messages for the test request messages. This simulator also helped test the
format of the request and response messages.
The simulator designed by the services team also randomly selected a
response message from a pool of test messages previously collected from
real back-end transactions. The selection was constrained by the request
message ID. This simulator helped the project team with troubleshooting
connectivity, for example, by identifying message format mismatches,
performance issues with back-end connectivity, and so on.
The cost of implementing a simulation tool such as this would obviously vary
from customer to customer. This additional resources required should be
determined early in the project, such that it can be incorporated in the project
4.3.5 Source code management
As with any software development project, code components for an e-commerce
site will be written by several developers working over a significant period of
time. Any modifications to code need to be tracked and managed, so if a problem
occurs, it is easier to identify the change or changes that caused the problem.
Using a source code management systems brings a number of benefits:
It helps prevent problems when two or more developers makes changes to
the same code component at the same time.
Earlier versions of code can usually be obtained easily by backtracking
through the code management system.
Any change made to a component, along with the reason for the change and
the name of the developer, can be listed.
Note: Some SCM systems simply prevents simultaneous modification of
the same file, while others, like CVS, has procedures to handle conflicts
when two developers makes changes to the same parts of a file.
Chapter 4. Build phase 75
Backups are easier to implement and manage.
It is possible to extract or export a current snapshot of all the code
components, making builds easier to implement.
4.3.6 The build process
The build process is a mechanism for creating a unified code driver that has all
the necessary code and non-code pieces to allow some level of site testing.
The project team should create a build process for the project. This process
could be shared with the customer IT team so that a similar activity can start at
the appropriate phase in the project life cycle, usually after site launch. The build
process should be finalized before exiting the design phase.
A build process may be created and used for code development during the build
phase and, additionally, for all types of test phases. During test phases, the
project team can use the build process to apply tests in order to build or generate
test results.
The following is a high-level description of the build and deployment process:
The build schedule
The first task is to define a build schedule for both development and testing
phases. During testing, the builds tends to be performed more frequently than
during the development phase.
It is important to start the build process as early as possible during
development to establish how well the use case integration is progressing.
We recommend creating a schedule that suits the project needs. Creating
builds too often during implementation will likely require too much time to
Note: If the project requires developing the application on one platform (in this
context, platform refers to any of hardware, operating system, database
system, etc.) before deployment to a different platform, any differences in
platforms must be incorporated into the Java code and JSPs as they are
Despite the fact that these components are written in Java, there may be
minor problems encountered in the porting that should be addressed as
quickly as possible. For example, differences in the implementation of SQL
may require conditional code in any developed session EJBs. Refer to 8.3.6,
Handling database vendor specific code on page 151 for some tips to
overcome these differences.
76 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
deploy, which in turn, will prevent the development team from being able to
use the builds.
Conversely, not creating enough builds during FVT may lead to a longer
testing phase, as closing defects will take longer.
During the SVT and UAT activities, as described in Chapter 5, Site test
phase on page 89, the build frequency should typically be once or twice a
week. In practice, the frequency depends on the number of defects that get
reported by the customer IT team.
Emergency builds can always be created during FVT and UAT activities when
a build fails with critical, or show-stopper, problem.
Roles and responsibilities
Although creating a complete build involves participation from several team
members, the project manager should assign one individual to be responsible
for creating builds. This person may either be one of the developers or the
team repository administrator.
The build person will be responsible for following the build process to create
builds at the scheduled times. They should also ensure that code to be
included in the build is delivered by the code-cut-off time. The code-cut-off
time is when the developers decide to release their code as part of the
packages to be included in the next build.
Depending on the SCM system being used, various procedures must be
followed. With CVS, for example, it is common to tag the resources using a
special naming scheme to mark files part of a given build.
Creating the build content
Build creation involves a number of steps. Each build is composed of many
components. In WebSphere Commerce V5.6, a build is packaged into an
EAR file and deployed on a target WebSphere Commerce server.
If the specific environment requires additional deployment resources, for
example database modification and population scripts, all of these should be
packaged together into one ZIP or TAR file. Doing so will allow for storing a
deployment as a single file. A deployment script that deploys all the resources
in one action can then be devised.
Version control for builds can be managed more easily with one deployment
file than with loose individual build files, especially if multiple deployment files
are used for each build. It is usually possible to include the build files in a
source code management system to get benefits from the version control
Chapter 4. Build phase 77
A typical WebSphere Commerce V5.6 build includes:
An EAR containing the JSPs, commands, EJBs and data beans.
Database modification scripts (SQL or DDL files).
Database population scripts. These can be packaged as a store archive
(SAR) and deployed using the WebSphere Commerce Administration
Other non-Java assets, such as HTML files and images that are going to
be deployed directly to a Web server.
Finally, there may be other specialized custom components.
Build deployment
After creating a build, the project team must deploy it to one or more test
servers. The build deployment process should be repeated for each of the
test servers.
Deploying the build for the first time may require additional steps. Some of the
deployment steps may need to be executed manually. Subsequent
consecutive builds may be automated with scripts. For example, some
engagement only publish the store archive once, while other use the store
archive functionality for each deployment.
At a high level, the build deployment process consists of the following:
Deploying the EAR file.
Publishing the store archive or populating the database with necessary
changes, for example, inserting data into URLREG, VIEWREG, and
CMDREG tables.
Copying non-Java assets to the testing server under the correct
Running the JSP batch compiler (refer to 7.1.4, Command line utilities on
page 118).
Restarting the WebSphere Commerce instance.
4.3.7 Build and deployment automation
Automating the processes for build creation and deployment will save a lot of
time. Most of the tasks can be automated through various scripts, with each task
having a specific set of automated activities:
A build can be created automatically by writing scripts that can extract assets
from the SCM. Most SCM vendors provide tools to work with their products
through scripting.
78 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Next, a script can be used to copy the build file over to the appropriate test
After the file is copied over to the test server, a script on the test server can
extract the files and copy them to the appropriate directories.
DDL files may be used to update the database, if necessary.
After the files have been deployed, the application must be restarted. This
can be an automated by using the wsadmin scripting facility, included with
WebSphere Application Server V5.
The wsadmin script, supplied with WebSphere Application Server V5, can also
be used to deploy any new EJBs.
Finally, we would recommend using the batch compiler script to precompile
any JSPs.
The complete build creation and deployment process can be performed through
automated tasks, which are directed by scripts. The individual task scripts can be
combined into a single larger script that can then be invoked automatically at
build times.
Experience shows that build automation can save time, as well as reduce the risk
of human error. Once the build is deployed successfully, the later build
verification tests performed using testing tools (as described in Chapter 5, Site
test phase on page 89) can also be automated.
4.3.8 Build deployment status
After the build has been successfully deployed, the project team should perform
a Build Verification Test (BVT) on the resulting site to ensure the build is free from
errors and that it has been applied correctly.
In most cases, the BVT will confirm the build status. However, in some projects,
there will be occasions when the Build Verification Test fails. If a failure occurs,
the build person must decide if a second build should be created immediately, or
if the team should wait to create the build during the next build schedule.
The decision is likely to depend on many factors. If the build failed during the
build phase, and the failure is not critical, for example, other components
continue to function correctly, then it may not be necessary to fix the build and
recreate it. However, if the build failed during a test phase, such as Functional
Tip: A WebSphere Commerce V5.6 build and deployment tool is available
from IBM. Refer to 7.3.2, Auto-deploy tool on page 141 for more information.
Chapter 4. Build phase 79
Verification Test (FVT), and the failure affects test cases being executed, then it
maybe advisable to re-create a new build and redeploy it.
If the build failure can not be remedied immediately, it may also be necessary to
roll back the build by deploying a previous build to the test server.
4.4 The problem determination process
From time to time, the project team is likely to encounter problems. They may
arise during the build phase, but will mostly surface during test phases.
Because a typical commerce site will consist of many components, such as
WebSphere Commerce itself, WebSphere Commerce Payments, WebSphere
MQ, a database, and directory services, any one or more of these components
may fail or experience problems. The key to efficient problem resolution is first
isolating the component where the problem surfaced and then identifying the root
The recommended approach for isolating the problem is searching the log files.
Each component will write to one or more log files.
Most production systems are not likely to be configured for logging, because the
task consumes valuable system resources and disk space. Normally, the default
logging setting for production systems is to log only essential components. The
logic is that the risk of missing the original cause of a problem must be balanced
against the probability of a problem occurring, the resource demand, and the
administrative cost of keeping excessive logging in continuous operation.
Problems can be categorized into a number of distinct groups. These are as
Installation or configuration
Build deployment
Application defects
Note: Each component may have to be configured for logging, and the
component's documentation should explain how the component's parameters
should be configured to start logging.
80 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
4.4.1 Component installation and configuration
The installation and configuration of many components also presents
opportunities for problems to surface. If a problem were to occur soon after a
component is installed, then the project time should review the component's
installation logs for clues, as all components are likely to have log files. In
addition, the project team should confirm (preferably reconfirm) that all
prerequisite software has been installed, is at the required level, and that the
necessary patches and fixes have been applied.
Check the product documentation for any troubleshooting tips to help understand
installation problems.
4.4.2 Build deployment
Problems may be encountered during build deployment and could be due to
incorrect builds or errors resulting from the deployment process. The process of
locating, diagnosing, and resolving problems with build deployment should begin
by checking the log files.
Note: Any errors or problems encountered should never be dismissed as
unimportant. With complex systems, the interactions between one or more
broken components can often result in apparently unconnected errors or
symptoms that can become increasingly difficult to diagnose by the project
team as it progresses through the development process.
Note: Unless the installation instructions or prerequisites explicitly state that
later versions of a product may be used, you must ensure that you install
exactly the correct version number for each component. Incorrectly using a
more recent or later version for a component may invalidate the system
Similarly, before applying intermediate fixes or fix packs to WebSphere
Commerce and its components, care must be taken to ensure that all
prerequisite patch levels of supporting software are as required. Failure to do
so may not be reported during the installation of the fix and a broken system
may result from this.
Note: Some problems may surface as Java errors, and the Java stack trace
information is not always very informative. The preferred manner for
assessing the problem is reviewing the trace to determine which component
may have caused the problem.
Chapter 4. Build phase 81
4.4.3 Runtime problems
The causes of runtime problems are many. The preferred starting place for
tracing a runtime problem in the WebSphere Commerce log files. The log files
will most likely point to the location of the failed component.
4.4.4 Application or customization defects
Problems or defects with application code are best debugged and fixed by using
the development environment. Extra debug flags may be added into the Java or
JSP code to help narrow the location of the problem. Specific checkpoint
messages may be output from the code and will show up in the log files. These
messages will provide line-by-line sequence of execution, which should help the
developer to find and fix the problem.
4.4.5 Performance problems
Even though log files are the best place to find and isolate problems, their
usefulness in diagnosing performance issues is limited, because not all
performance issues are caused by component errors. If faced with performance
issues, the project team should check system performance monitors first.
Most components ship with performance monitors to aid in measuring and tuning
their performance. As with logging, however, the function is usually turned off.
The project team should turn on (if currently off) appropriate component
performance monitors and begin assessing the output. Please note that the
performance monitors may adversely impact the existing performance, so the
project team should plan their use accordingly. As with system logging, each
Note: For some runtime problems, you may want to see what system
functions were running when the error occurred. Using a tail command to
monitor the data recorded in log files in real time may pinpoint for you the
event that triggered the error condition.
Tip: The WebSphere Commerce Developer V5.6 environment can be
configured with both a lightweight and a full test environment. Due to resource
constraint, the full test environment should be run in debug mode. If the IBM
WebSphere Studio Application Developer debugger is to be used, the
development environment should be configured for the lightweight test
environment. Refer to 7.1, Development tools on page 116 for more
information about the test environments in WebSphere Commerce Developer
82 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
component's documentation should explain how to enable and disable its
performance monitor.
4.5 Subsystem integration test activity
The final activities of the build phase involve using an integrated coding, unit, and
integration testing method. After completing code build activities, the project
team must integrate all the use cases to ensure that they function and
communicate correctly together. The use cases must also integrate with the
WebSphere Commerce subsystems, such as Member, Order, and Catalog. The
project should start formal site testing only when all use case and subsystem
integration tests have been finished.
Incorporating subsystem integration with the build phase is feasible; however,
the project team is better served by keeping the activities separate. When the
activities remain separate, the project team is capable of implementing code and
then integrating it with greater efficiency than if performed through a combined
approach. The main reason for the increased efficiency is that the project team
can focus on related tasks, sequentially. The total gain will be affected by the
structure and location of teams and subteams.
A checklist summary for the tasks and work products of the subsystem
integration test activity is provided in Figure 4-7.
Figure 4-7 The subsystem integration test activity
Work Products
Build phase
Subsystem Integration Testing Activity
Work Products
Code integrated at all levels, which may
include components, use cases and/or
WebSphere Commerce subsystems
Code that is ready for systematic/formal
site testing within the specified
development methodology
Implementations ready for testing on the
target WebSphere Commerce system
Ensure proper
code integration
between use
cases and
Chapter 4. Build phase 83
The project team will most likely not want to use the entire set of use cases for
testing during this activity, as a subset would be more appropriate. The team
should assess the use cases to select as small a set that will allow sufficient
integration testing between the use cases and the WebSphere Commerce
subsystems. Please note that there would be little value gained from testing
outside the subsystem integration tests at this phase of the project, because to
do so would only increase the complexity and number of tests that would
otherwise need to be performed. All testing that is to be performed should be
done on a common test server rather than in an integrated development
environment running the test environment, because it will ensure that the
integration tests are performed within a realistic environment. Using test cases
also prepares the team for the more complex and comprehensive formal testing
activities that are to come under the site testing phase.
The team that worked on the previous build phase may now be split, if needed,
into test and problem fixing subteams. Please note that at the start of this phase,
the site code, as a whole, was not ready for formal testing. Considering this fact,
the project manager must ensure that the project team completes all levels of
WebSphere Commerce integration before its team members are reassigned to
other tasks.
4.6 Handling errors
Despite the integration testing, errors may continue to occur throughout the
project and during normal operation of the site. For example, users may create
errors after failing to supply a valid response in a form or on a Web page form.
Managing errors requires special attention to ensure prompt recovery. The
project team will want to minimize adverse side effects, while providing as much
detail to the team responsible for diagnosing and correcting the problem.
Each time an error or system exception occurs, the project team must assess the
following six aspects of the problem:
What will the user, for example a shopper using the site, see?
What will the system administrators see when maintaining the site?
What will the developers see, for example, when they develop, test, deploy,
and troubleshoot the site?
What will be the effect of the error or exception on the current transaction?
What is the recovery strategy following the error or exception?
After the error or exception, what state are the objects left in?
84 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
4.6.1 Handling each aspect in a real project
For a large project, IBM Software Services addressed the aspects of this
particular project as follows.
The user aspect
As with most projects, the user interface was handled by JSPs. Each JSP was
coded with error handling in mind.
There are three options for handling errors in this way:
Each JSP can contain code to handle errors, where the code addresses all
aspects of the error handling required.
A JSP-specific error URL is registered with each JSP that determines what
the user will see.
A global error URL is registered for the whole store.
The system administrator
WebSphere Commerce V5.6 provides logging functions that support the issuing
and logging of error messages. This function is fully documented in the product's
online documentation. Please note that the function is based on error codes, and
it is enabled for multiple languages.
This facility was used to log the following:
All exceptions and errors that occur.
All suspicious situations, such as failure to authenticate a user.
All severe problems.
The developers
The project used the WebSphere Commerce log facility:
All errors
All warnings
Tip: For WebSphere Commerce V5.6 errors, detailed error description and
resolution is available through the use of the WebSphere Application Server
Log Analyzer. For more information on using the Log Analyzer refer to the
WebSphere Application Server Information Center at the following Web site:
Chapter 4. Build phase 85
Refer to 8.5.3, Command error handling on page 175 for more information
about handling error occurring in custom code.
The project used the WebSphere Commerce tracing facility:
Default values used when no explicit parameter or value was specified.
Success or failure of key operations.
Empty result sets for a given key or search criteria.
Things not found or initialized.
General messages about the state of the code, for example, while debugging.
All assertions, where a developer would normally put a comment, such as:
/*this should never happen*/, or /* why are we here*/
Refer to 8.5.4, Tracing on page 179 for more information about using the
WebSphere Commerce tracing APIs in custom code.
Recovery and object state
Recovery, or the handling of an exception, means managing the effects of the
exception to ensure they are corrected, and then restoring the normal flow of
operation code.
Often one single component cannot deal with all the aspects of exception
handling. Usually, it is a collaborative effort, where several components
cooperate, with each of them handling different aspects of the exception.
The WebSphere Commerce features for retrying a command are not always
sufficient for recovering from a specific error condition. For example, on one
project, a system resource could not be found. The component would try to
Note: The failure would already be reported as an error, but reporting the
higher level key operation failure is also important.
For example, the initial error could have been a failure connect to a
back-end ERP system to submit an order, and would be reported as a
communication failure, while the reported key operation failure could be
reported as the failure to process the order.
Important: The WebSphere Commerce command framework performs
transaction control and has the ability to retry commands that have been
configured as retriable. These features must always be used for transaction
86 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
recover fully from the situation. First, it attempted to use a default name for the
resource if a specific name had not been passed. Second, it would try to use a
series of different or default locations to find the resource. The component would
attempt to find the resource in the system class path and then the current
directory. The component did not simply give up the first time the problem
occurred. The result was a significant improvement in the robustness of the
system, producing a site that was much more stable and resistant to error. The
lesson from this is that a command must not just rely on letting the WebSphere
Commerce framework retry the operation, if it is possible to implement
alternatives in the control flow.
Not all exceptions signal an error condition. For example, when attempting to
retrieve a non-existing row using CMP entity EJBs, the EJB container will throw
the checked exception ObjectNotFoundException. The problem is to decide what
should be done if the data required to proceed does not exist. In practice, the
business logic components should resolve the issue. Depending on the context,
it may be acceptable to not have data, or it may be an unacceptable and
exceptional situation. If it is acceptable, the business logic should adjust the flow
of execution to the appropriate scenario. If it is unacceptable, an exception must
still be raised, again by action from the business logic components.
4.7 Summary
This chapter has discussed implementing code for WebSphere Commerce sites.
Special attention has been paid to establishing an integrated development and
test environment, because it is important to unit test site code as it is developed.
Doing so enables the project team to uncover errors and correct them while code
is still being developed. Automating the build process was highlighted to
reinforce that fact that it can improve development efficiency by reducing time
and decreasing errors. The discussion about problem determination emphasized
the fact that problems should be resolved, whenever possible, as early in the
development process as possible.
Note: Catching exceptions and doing nothing or simply logging the fact is not
exception handling, it is exception masking. No component should mask
exceptions, because it quickly becomes impossible to detect and resolve
problems. Always recover from the exception, or handle as many aspects as
possible and throw the remaining exception aspects again. Refer to 8.5.3,
Command error handling on page 175 for techniques on signalling
exceptions without necessarily throwing them again.
Chapter 4. Build phase 87
The chapter concluded with discussions about the importance of testing
components as they are developed, as well as what the best practices are for
developing code to correctly handle errors and exceptions from a production site.
In the next chapter, we discuss best practices for comprehensive site testing.
88 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved. 89
Chapter 5. Site test phase
All the testing completed prior to the site testing phases described in this chapter
focused on integration of the site code at one of three levels: unit or component,
use case, and WebSphere Commerce subsystem. The emphasis so far has
been on ensuring that each of the customized components operate correctly
within themselves.
For the site test phase, we describe a series of activities that may be used
systematically to test a newly created site or a migrated one prior to the cutover
to production step. The emphasis of the testing is to ensure the customized site
components interact correctly with each other, as well as with all relevant
out-of-the-box components.
Note: The site test phase is not the only time during the project lifetime that
testing activities are carried out. As already mentioned in Chapter 4, Build
phase on page 59, testing activities are carried out throughout the build
phase. Also static testing, such as design reviews, are also a constantly
reoccurring activities. Refer to 3.6, Design review on page 56 for an example
of the latter.
90 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
5.1 Site testing activities
Before entering the overall site testing phase, individual components should
have been tested using Build and Verification Tests (BVT), as described in 4.4,
The problem determination process on page 79. Once validated by BVT,
acceptable components may be assembled and integrated and then tested as an
integrated unit. The test activities discussed in this chapter are as follows:
Functional Verification Test (FVT)
System Integration Test (SIT)
System Verification Test (SVT)
User Acceptance Test (UAT)
As the topic implies, the site testing phase add value by ensuring that all code is
tested at the site level before the site itself becomes fully operational. Unless
otherwise indicated, all stress and performance tests should be performed on the
actual site code.
Each activity focuses on a different aspect of the commerce site testing. Through
experience, IBM Software Services has realized that the systematic approach
outlined here helped streamline site testing during engagements, and as a result,
improved their ability to deliver operational site code faster with a higher degree
of reliability.
An overview of the site testing phases is shown in Figure 5-1 on page 91.
Note: Throughout the testing phases, it is essential that all test results and
responses are recorded, along with all actions taken. This includes progress
reporting, test pass or fail results, and problem determination procedures to
assist with later problem resolution or troubleshooting.
Chapter 5. Site test phase 91
Figure 5-1 Site testing phases overview
5.1.1 Creating the site testing infrastructure and processes
Irrespective of who will perform the actual testing, the project team must ensure
that an adequate test environment and appropriate test processes have been
established and configured. Without a suitable test environment, namely one that
reasonably resembles the target deployment system, all results produced using
the test systems will be marginal at best, because they will not have been tested
to operational standards. In addition, if test processes are omitted or must be
developed at the last minute, the project will require time to validate test results,
a resource demand that will surely extend the entire test process.
During engagements, IBM Software Services has identified the following
activities as very helpful for configuring an adequate test environment and
creating appropriate test processes:
Identify a test lead.
Both the customer project manager and project team manager should identify
and nominate test leads. The customer and project test leads will assume
responsibility for all test activity preparation and act as the liaison between the
Coded / unit tested / reviewed
Approved test cases
Staff development team
Build phase
Code / Unit test based on design
Integrate with simulated back-end
Site Test phase
FVT - Functional Verification Test
SIT - System Integration Test
SVT - System Verification Test
UAT - User Acceptance Test
Fully tested site ready for
Launch phase
Prepare host systems
Apply final, verified code
Live site
92 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Prepare a simulated production environment for testing.
This activity involves implementing a WebSphere Commerce test
environment that has production ready characteristics, including simulations
of all required back-end connections. As appropriate, the project team may
adapt the test environment used during the build phase to jump-start
site-level testing, such as FVT. The customer IT team should assume the
responsibility for implementing the simulated test environment, because they
will be best suited to ensure the system reasonably resembles the target
production infrastructure.
Prepare more than one test server.
At a minimum, the customer IT team should configure two test server
systems. Having multiple test servers is especially beneficial when teams,
such as a test subteam and a problem fixing team, share servers, because
the various test servers can support simultaneous testing of regular builds.
For example, one server could be used exclusively by the problem fixing team
to correct builds, while another server would support the test team's
continued review of new builds. Configuring multiple servers will enable the
various test teams to work in parallel assigned tasks to reduce the total time
needed to test, correct, and validate system code.
Ensure that a communication infrastructure is in place.
Another important task that should be resolved during this phase is that the
project manager should secure a high-speed network connection to any
needed back-end systems. This type of connection eliminates the need for a
simulated back-end system, and more importantly, it will enable the test
teams to test performance when communicating with the back-end systems.
The project team will then be capable of resolving any communication issues
prior to the customer IT team initiating the SIT, System, and UAT activities.
Create testing, problem fixing, tracking, and reporting processes and
Establishing appropriate test processes may involve the use of off-the-shelf
testing software or local tools and processes. The customer IT team is
encouraged to explore all testing strategies, but they should base their
decisions on the level of experience they have with available tools and
processes. Selecting a strategy that maps experience with available tools and
processes produces the best results in terms of time, effort, and investment.
If testing tools are to be used during the site test activities, their acquisition
and implementation must occur prior to the start of the site test. This
responsibility rightfully belongs to the person acting as test lead.
Chapter 5. Site test phase 93
It is important that the identified problems are visible to all team members and
that the project manager is able to generate status reports to aid in progress
At a minimum, any test process should demonstrate the following
Test cases are assigned to a test team.
Test cases are executed by the test team.
Any problems or bugs are documented.
The documented results are sent to the test lead.
The test lead categorizes results according to criteria, such as component
at fault and the severity of the problem.
For each problem, the test lead assigns a developer to resolve the issue.
The developer corrects the problem.
The developer updates the test lead, advising that the problem has been
The test lead should normally schedule a re-run of the test. There may be
other component dependencies that must be met before a re-run can be
A test phase can be considered complete only when all test cases have
been successfully executed and no problems have been found.
Automate the BVT process.
Automating BVT enables test teams to streamline the validation of new builds
while minimizing idle time related to waiting for test results. Off-the-shelf
products can aid test teams to automate this phase, and they should be
investigated to determine if they can be used during a project.
Note: The testing may uncover problems with code: defects. Information
about these defects should be recorded to provide useful metrics that help
assess and improve development and testing processes. Useful metrics
Severity of defect.
Average time to find defect.
Method for correcting each defect.
Actual time spent correcting each defect.
Average time to fix defect.
Number of errors caused by fix for original defect.
94 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Review BVT test cases.
The BVT test cases should be reviewed to ensure that all functionally critical
paths are executed and tested.
5.1.2 Executing test cases
The two testing strategies that should be considered for a WebSphere
Commerce project are the single-pass test strategy and the multi-pass test
An overview of the first test strategy, single-pass testing, is provided in
Figure 5-2.
Figure 5-2 Single-pass test strategy
The single-pass test strategy involves making only one pass through each test
case. If a test case executes successfully, it will be marked complete. If, on the
Note: A useful guideline is that the execution of a BVT should not exceed
30 minutes. If it does, the BVT test case should be assessed to determine
how it may be refined, subdivided, or updated to improve test efficiency.
Single-Pass Test Strategy
Key Influencers:
Limited interaction between use cases and test cases
Work Products
Depends on specific
test phase being
Work Products
Depends on specific
test phase being
Execute test cases.
Ensure code tests follow
prescribed process.
Project Phases: Site Testing Phase Project Type: Either new or migration
Chapter 5. Site test phase 95
other hand, a test case fails either completely or partially, all remaining tests are
halted and the problems or errors found get reported to the problem fixing team
for immediate review and action.
Once the problem fixing team resolves a reported problem, the test case may be
re-evaluated. The sequence of test report correct retest should continue
until the questionable test case executes without issues. Only then should it be
passed as complete.
This testing strategy works well when there is limited interaction between use
cases and test cases.
The test lead must review all test results so that they may ascertain the cause of
problems. For example, a report may indicate that 10% of the test case was
successful, but 90% of the test case could not be executed because of issues
identified as one or more open problems. Being aware of all testing issues and
progress, the test lead will then be able to report accurately the current testing
status to the project manager.
An overview of the second test strategy, multi-pass testing, is provided in
Figure 5-3.
Figure 5-3 Multi-pass test strategy
Multi-Pass Test Strategy
Key Influencers:
Substantial interaction between use cases and test cases
Time available to complete test activities
Testing resources are available to oversee the tests
Work Products
Depends on specific
test activities being
Work Products
Depends on specific
test activities being
Execute test cases
Repetitively test code to
ensure it is free from
Project Phases: Site Testing Phase Project Type: Either new or migration
96 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
The multi-pass strategy involves making multiple passes over the suite of test
cases. Normally, at least two passes will be performed. The first pass should
follow the same process as that detailed for the single-pass strategy illustrated in
Figure 5-2 on page 94.
Once the first pass has been run, the test lead must select a subset or the
complete set of test cases for the test team to repeat the testing process from
start to finish. The second pass, or subsequent ones, should take less time to
complete than the first, because any issues found would be fixed prior to the start
of the subsequent passes.
This testing strategy works well when there is a considerable interrelationship
between use cases and test cases.
5.2 Functional Verification Test (FVT)
The main objective of the Functional Verification Test is to test the functionality of
the site code from end to end, using a suite of test cases. The project team
generally performs FVT activities before passing the code to the customer IT
team for further testing. This phase is especially important when the project team
is based at a different location than the customer test site or using a different
environment than the one used during SIT, System, and UAT activities. If the
project team is indeed at a different location, the FVT environment should mimic,
as closely as possible, the production environment so that any back-end
integration issues may be resolved as early as possible.
If, on the other hand, the project team is based at the customer location and has
access to the simulated production environment, the FVT and SVT activities,
described in 5.4, System Verification Test (SVT) on page 101, can be
If FVT and SVT activities are combined, we recommend using the multi-pass
testing strategy described in Figure 5-3 on page 95 to ensure that all aspects of
the site code get fully tested and are shown to be free of bugs or other issues.
An overview of the FVT activities and work products is provided in Figure 5-4 on
page 97.
Chapter 5. Site test phase 97
Figure 5-4 Functional Verification Test (FVT)
It is important to reassess the activities listed in 5.1.1, Creating the site testing
infrastructure and processes on page 91. Most of the activities should be
completed prior to beginning FVT.
5.2.1 Team organization during testing
Testing and problem fixing may either be performed by separate teams or by a
single team, preferably the one that participated in the build phase of the project.
There are two possible strategies to consider to determine how best to organize
your test teams:
1. The original build team is divided into testing and problem fixing subteams.
The test lead can then assign test cases to the teams. The main advantage of
this strategy is that it is not necessary to add new resources to the project;
each test member was originally a developer on the project and, therefore,
will possess a deeper understanding of the code and will be better able to test
or fix it. However, for this strategy to be valid, it is essential that test cases be
assigned to individuals who did not develop the functionality being tested.
2. A completely separate and independent set of testers is identified and
assigned to perform the FVT. This group has the sole mandate of performing
the FVT. The advantages of this strategy are a quick release of the original
development team and a clear and fresh perspective on the code being
Work Products
Integration test
phase outputs
Stress test scripts
Functional Verification Test (FVT)
Work Products
Function tested code that executes in a
simulated production environment
function test
code, using
end-to-end test
Function test
site code to
ensure function
is desirable.
98 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
tested. Typically, problem fixing takes less effort than the original
implementation, even allowing for the fact that the new testing team may not
be familiar with the original design and development work. However, this
approach is only possible if the previous phases were executed successfully.
Irrespective of which strategy is adopted, the FVT problem fixing and testing
subteams should collectively decide and agree on a build frequency that
supports the objective of completing the FVT within the project schedule. Before
new builds are put on the test servers, code should be run through the Build
Verification Test (BVT) activity, preferably using automated scripts, to ensure no
issues exist.
FVT progress should be reviewed regularly, preferably on a daily basis. The
review would normally involve:
Monitoring a predefined percentage of test cases to see how many have been
Tracking the number of remaining open problems reported.
The FVT team members who performed the test cases and fixed the reported
problems should be responsible for reporting test results to the test lead.
The FVT phase should also include executing stress test scripts once the code
approaches a stable state. Executing stress test scripts should continue
throughout FVT to ensure that problems, such as memory leaks, are caught and
fixed before the FVT completes. Problems discovered during stress testing need
to be reported to the development or problem fixing team, because these issues
will need to be fixed and retested during FVT. Tools to automate the running of
scripts should be considered, because they will free resources to concentrate on
other test or repair activities. If tools are used, the system administrator will
assume responsibility for implementation.
5.3 System Integration Test (SIT)
The customer IT test team needs to plan, prepare, and execute System Tests
and UAT using a simulated production environment. The closer the test
environment is to the actual or planned production system, the easier it will be for
the team to launch the site after testing.
The SIT activity is a preparatory phase that determines if the customer test
environment is ready to support System Tests and UAT. An overview of the
activities and work products of the System Integration Test (SIT) phase is
provided in Figure 5-5 on page 99.
Chapter 5. Site test phase 99
Figure 5-5 System Integration Test (SIT)
Unlike previous test activities, the SIT should be conducted by the customer IT
team. It is important to make decisions up front as to the scope of testing and the
nature of test infrastructure used for the System Tests and UAT. Ideally, the
infrastructure should map as closely as possible to the planned production
environment. If achieving this close approximation is not feasible, careful
planning will be required to ensure that the System Tests and UAT will identify all
issues with regard to the production environment.
The customer IT team needs to consider a number of aspects when preparing a
test environment. It is essential that these aspects are addressed prior to
commencing the System Verification Test, and it is advisable to begin these tasks
while the FVT is underway. In many cases, intermediate code that has not yet
gone through complete FVT can still be used to support the following main tasks:
Select and implement an appropriate hardware-software configuration for the
test environment.
You may want to use either a single-tier or multi-tier hardware configuration
that supports either horizontal or vertical scaling through software
configuration. No matter how you configure the test environment, you must
ensure the final configuration is suitable for System Tests and UAT. Your
system configuration decisions should be based upon capacity planning
Work Products
Intermediate or final
drivers from FVT
System Integration Test (SIT)
Work Products
Customer test
environment ready for
System Test
SIT is a preparatory phase
designed to validate test
Assess the test environment
to ensure it is capable
supporting System Tests and
100 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
If replicating the production environment proves to be infeasible, you should
still refer to capacity planning information when configuring your test
environment, because it will enable you to develop production style
Install WebSphere Commerce and the associated software stack on the
selected hardware and software configuration.
If a scaling architecture has been selected for the production environment,
ensure that the corresponding test environment has the required setup.
Configure WebSphere Commerce and the other software components, such
as WebSphere MQ servers.
The test environment should be configured accordingly with appropriate
software that will enable it to communicate properly with back-end and legacy
systems. If the customer IT infrastructure is maintained by multiple teams, the
test leads must work with all the teams to ensure the appropriate
infrastructure gets configured for test.
Apply and test code developed by the project team.
This task is necessary to ensure that all back-end communication through
any customized code works according to the design. For example, messages
from WebSphere Commerce must travel successfully to back-end systems,
and responses must be properly picked up by the project specific code.
This task is an important milestone for both the project and customer IT
teams, because it determines when SVT should begin. Completing it may
take time, especially when different customer IT teams own different parts of
the communication infrastructure, so it is advisable to carry out some
advanced planning.
In order to successfully achieve this part of SIT, it will be necessary to
understand the code deployment process for the test servers. For BVT
activities, the project team can transfer the knowledge, and in some
instances, share BVT scripts with the customer IT team to automate this task.
For code deployment, where possible, the project team should automate this
task through the use of scripting language, such as Perl.
Use a subset of test cases that supports test drivers.
This process is sometimes referred to as a happy-path test case.
Happy-path testing should focus on testing the integration points between the
commerce system and any back-end or legacy systems that the customer
test environment connects to.
Chapter 5. Site test phase 101
Report all problems identified in this activity back to the project team.
The customer IT test team should establish simple processes for the
Tracking of problems discovered during SIT
Reporting the problems to the project team
Retesting fixes
This process of testing happy-paths and reporting problems should be
repeated as often as necessary until such time as the test environment has
been validated as acceptable.
5.4 System Verification Test (SVT)
The System Verification Test is typically conducted by the customer IT team, and
their objective is to validate the functionality of site code received from the project
team. All system tests should be performed in the simulated environment. An
overview of the activities and work products of the System Verification Test is
provided in Figure 5-6.
Figure 5-6 System Verification Test (SVT)
Work Products
FVT activity outputs
SIT activity outputs
Stress and
performance test
Test cases
System Verification Test (SVT)
Work Products
Site code ready for
Test target code on
simulated environment that
reasonably resembles the
production system and its
connections. Perform stress
Validate code function to
ensure it maps to site design
and performs as expected
under load.
102 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
The customers IT team should undertake more testing responsibilities during the
System Verification Test, while the development teams continue to focus
resources on problem resolution. The customer and development test leads
should employ agreed upon processes as defined in their joint test plan.
Mechanisms for reporting and fixing problems should be well established and
used throughout SVT.
To validate the appropriate SVT infrastructure is in place, the customer IT team is
encouraged to review the activities listed in 5.3, System Integration Test (SIT)
on page 98. Reviewing this section will also enable the customer IT team to
validate the testing strategy.
It is during the SVT activity that the site code first communicates with external
systems. These systems may either be live or test ones, and they may consist of
back-end systems, or specific ones, such as tax systems, data load, or feed
programs. To validate the test environment, the customer IT team should
conduct appropriate stress and performance tests, because the closer the
environment can be made to approximate the target production system, the more
reliable and useful the test results will be. The project team can share its stress
test scripts with the customer IT test teams if both teams use the same tools to
measure site stress test results. Capacity planning documentation can be an
effective tool for assessing potential performance.
Any problems or unsatisfied results uncovered during either stress or
performance testing should be discussed with and worked on by the project
team. In practice, it is often the case that custom code developed by the project
team is rarely the sole cause for a target sites performance issues. A variety of
actions must be taken to ensure performance targets are achieved, such as
tuning the test hardware and software.
A successful SVT is likely to include not only successful function tests, but
successful stress and performance tests as well. However, performance targets
can be less than desired for the live site if the test environment failed to mirror the
production environment.
5.5 User Acceptance Test (UAT)
The User Acceptance Test focuses on the final site look and feel, the site flows
and behaviors, and overall business process validation. The customer's business
team generally is responsible for validating UAT tasks. An overview of the tasks
and work products of the User Acceptance Test (UAT) activity is provided in
Figure 5-7 on page 103.
Chapter 5. Site test phase 103
Figure 5-7 User Acceptance Test (UAT)
The UAT is conducted on the same test environment that was created for the
SVT. The project team in this activity can provide the same support as it did
during the SVT, specifically problem resolution. If all of the previous test activities
were successful, then UAT is likely to be simple, because the business team will
only have to validate the look and feel and business operations of the target site.
The customer IT team can act as the communications link between the customer
and the project team, through which problems can be reported, tracked, and
when fixed, re-deployed.
If the customers IT team has been given the responsibility of testing the look and
feel and business functionality of the site, then the SVT and UAT activities may
be combined. If SVT and UAT are combined, we recommend the test objectives
be fulfilled prior to site launch.
Work Products
System Test phase
Test cases
User Acceptance Test (UAT)
Work Products
Site code that is
ready for production
Test site look-and-feel, flows,
and behavior.
Validate site acts according
to design requirements.
104 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
5.6 Summary
In this chapter, we identified and described the major testing activities for a
commerce site. We discussed creating and applying a test infrastructure, as well
as integrating it with back-end and legacy systems.
A key point throughout the chapter was that System Tests and UAT extend
testing beyond the component tests conducted during the build phase. Also, the
customer teams play a significant role in leading and conducting the tests, and
as a result, they are properly positioned to assess more effectively what gets
delivered against that which was proposed and required.
After successful conclusion of system testing, the customer will be ready to
implement the proven, but non-operational code. The task of setting up the site
to go live is discussed in the next chapter.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved. 105
Chapter 6. Launch phase
Up to this point, the design, build, and testing phases for the new commerce site
have taken place within a clean and controlled environment. Each activity is
planned and prepared in advance. Each component is used either in isolation
from other components, or as part of a very controlled interaction.
In a live site, each of the components will be subjected to real user tasks. Real
data is used to support the site functionality, and all transactional data and status
information becomes mission critical. It is only when the actual component code
is deployed to the production environment that real performance can be
observed and fine-tuned.
In most transition projects, the new site will run in parallel with the old site to
ensure a successful cross-over of functionality. This may introduce complexities
of duplicate data sets that must be carefully managed and later synchronized.
In this chapter, we describe the final activities involved in preparing a production
site for launch.
106 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
6.1 Site deployment and launch activities
All of the project phases so far have focused on preparation of a commerce site
that is fully functional and well tested. However, there are still certain activities,
some of which started during the design phase described in Chapter 3, Design
phase on page 27, that must be completed before the production site can be
made available to end users.
Figure 6-1 Site Launch phase overview
The main objective of this phase (as shown in Figure 6-1) is to ensure that the
production environment can support the new or migrated code, with the expected
capacity and performance.
An overview of the activities and work products of the launch phase is provided in
Figure 6-2 on page 107.
Site Test phase
FVT - Functional Verification Test
SIT - System Integration Test
SVT - System Verification Test
UAT - User Acceptance Test
Fully tested site ready for
Launch phase
Prepare host systems
Apply final, verified code
Live site
Chapter 6. Launch phase 107
Figure 6-2 The site deployment and launch phase
If the production environment is separate from the SVT and UAT environments,
then all the steps listed in 5.3, System Integration Test (SIT) on page 98 need to
be repeated to prepare the hardware and software environment for launch.
These activities include:
Setting up hardware
Installing software
Configuring the hardware and software
Connecting the resulting production-ready system to the back-end or legacy
systems, as needed
Applying UAT validated code builds
A capacity planning activity should be performed that reviews site traffic and load
estimations and confirms that the hardware and software architecture for the
production environment is sufficient to handle the anticipated capacity. The
capacity planning activity may start as early as the design phase described
inChapter 3, Design phase on page 27.
Launch Phase
Key Influencers:
Availability of resources to prepare production environment to receive
the code
Adjust / Tune production system as necessary to support code
Availability of resources to conduct mock launch
Availability of contingency plans for alternate launch
Work Products
UAT output and
customer approval that
code is ready for
Work Products
Code ready for
Launch plan
Contingency launch
Task :
Prepare tested code for
deployment to
production infrastructure.
Ensure production
system is ready for site
108 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Similarly, site infrastructure activity, as well as testing of new or migrated code,
should be finished and refined, as needed, prior to site launch to ensure that
targeted capacity requirements can be achieved at launch.
Some basic site hardware and software tuning may be required to improve site
performance. The tuning may take place just prior to going live once all
components are installed and operational within the production environment.
Subsequent tuning may also be required as performance is observed and
assessed over time.
System tuning may affect the database, WebSphere Application Server, or
WebSphere Commerce itself. It may be helpful to run stress and performance
scripts to observe actual performance, rather than to look for problems. Doing so
will enable the team to gauge what tuning may be required. Any tuning steps
performed during the earlier SVT and UAT phases should be repeated on the
production environment to confirm the validity of the results and any changes
Performance and stress tests conducted during SVT provide a means for
comparing the actual production configuration of software and hardware and the
customized code against desired capacity targets. If after conducting
performance and stress tests, and tuning the code, the production site fails to
perform properly, the customer IT team should consider the following actions
prior to launch:
Tuning the site, focusing on the software stack or the hardware
The tuning might include making changes to the lower-level software
components, that is, those components closer to the operating system level
than to the WebSphere Commerce level. For example, the team might modify
buffer size, caching configuration parameters, and network connectivity
time-out values.
Making changes to the production architecture of software or hardware
In extreme cases, the team may need to upgrade the architectural
components of the production system. For example, the team might increase
memory within the servers, or add faster processors.
This last option should be pursued only if all prior actions fail to produce desired
improvements. Please note that proper capacity planning early in the project
should minimize the likelihood of ever having to pursue this last option.
For existing sites that are being migrated, down time is a probable characteristic
of a production launch. In order to assess the expected down time, the customer
IT team should conduct partial or full mock launches. This will enable the team to
identify all the steps required to bring up a new site.
Chapter 6. Launch phase 109
After this data is available, it is sensible to compare it with the forecasted down
time that the business can accommodate. This assessment will aid the customer
teams in determining appropriate actions for reducing the launch window, which
may be measured in hours, to a manageable limit.
For migration projects, another concern is the possibility of overrun in the down
time while a new site is brought online. It is advisable for the team to consider
and plan for the possibility of launch failures or other unexpected issues that may
arise during the launch window. The following considerations will enable the
customer team to assess launch contingencies:
When the next launch is scheduled
How the next launch is scheduled
How to back up and restore the old site until the newly migrated site becomes
Contingency planning will lessen the impact associated with failures in hardware,
software, or networking components of the system.
Decisions made during this phase of a project depend on many factors, such as
site complexity, availability, and the number and type of business transactions.
Because many of the decisions affect more than just the site infrastructure, the
customer IT teams need to play a lead role in overseeing and directing site
launch preparations. Intimate knowledge of operational details and practical
experience will enable customer IT teams to prepare the commerce site
efficiently for operational availability. The development teams should transfer site
knowledge to the customer IT teams to prepare each for post-launch activities,
such as site maintenance.
The project team can also use this phase to transfer site knowledge to the
customer IT support teams so that they can support the maintenance of the site
after launch.
6.2 Summary
This redbook introduced a project development method that was specifically
adapted from industry standards for the creation of e-commerce sites using the
WebSphere Commerce family of products. Given that a typical development
method consists of six phases, we made a conscious effort to focus only on the
following four core development phases:
110 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Site test
The reason is simple: when developing e-commerce sites using WebSphere
Commerce, it is critical for the project manager, as well as the team, to
The key input work products for each phase
The core tasks that must be accomplished to complete each phase
The skill requirements needed to support the tasks
The output work products to deliver during the phases
The project development method outlines a structured approach that enables
teams to build on the work products produced during the preceding phase. This
incremental approach significantly reduces project risk, because it enables
project teams to identify design, code and integration issues in a timely manner
throughout the project's life cycle, so if problems arise, each may be corrected
with minimal interruption to the project's schedule.
As specified in this redbook, the design phase marks the beginning of a typical
WebSphere Commerce project, and it consists of three distinct activities:
Solution outline
Macro design
Micro design
The solution outline provides input to macro design activity, which in turn,
provides input to the micro design activity. Following this incremental process,
the project team will identify skill requirements, outline a project plan, establish a
project team, and then define the project's functional requirements and
document the detailed design decisions that are required to implement the target
site. Actual execution of the phases will depend largely on the intricacies of the
site, and the project team is free to adapt and employ any strategy, so long as the
strategy used is valid and consistent with the concepts presented in this redbook.
Completion of all design activities enables the project team to initiate the
implementation phase. Ideally, the project team should pursue the continuous
and incremental development and code integration testing strategy during this
phase. This strategy advocates anchoring development on use cases and then
testing code prior to it being integrated into builds. In essence, the project team
codes site components, tests each, and then integrates the tested components
into builds. Because the project team will be managing the integration of builds,
the project manager will want to ensure the team employs an appropriate build
verification test process, as well as an integration test strategy. The project
manager should identify key people on the team to oversee the efforts, as well as
Chapter 6. Launch phase 111
to establish schedules, assign responsibilities, and create failure and
error-handling processes. After the site components have been fully integrated,
the team may start site testing.
During site testing, the project team should employ a systematic test strategy.
The objective of the test strategy is to ensure the site components interact
correctly and that each works well with out-of-the-box WebSphere Commerce
components. The key site testing phases are as follows:
Functional Verification Test (FVT)
System Integration Test (SIT)
System Verification Test (SVT)
User Acceptance Test (UAT)
Employing a systematic test strategy streamlines the site testing process, which
results in the project team being able to deliver reliable operational site code
more quickly. The project team should create a suitable test infrastructure, one
that resembles the production system closely, and define test processes to
support the test strategy properly. Doing so will ensure the test results are
meaningful and that they can be used to improve code reliability. How the project
team is structured to support testing depends on the project's requirements and
availability of skills, but the project manager is encouraged to structure resources
so that there is a clear division of responsibility between test resources and
problem fixing resources.
The FVT phase requires the test team to function test site code from end-to-end
using a suite of test cases. SIT is an interim phase that requires the test team to
assess the test systems to ensure each can support SVT and UAT. During SVT,
which the customer test team should undertake, the site code is validated to
ensure it operates as designed. Doing so prepares the customer team to conduct
UAT, which is the testing of site look and feel and behavior. The key reason for
employing a systematic test strategy is to ensure all code operates as designed,
and if any bugs are found, that they can be passed to the problem fixing team for
prompt resolution.
The final project phase, as outlined in this redbook associated to the core
development phases, is the launch phase. During this phase, the project team
must assist the customer to assess and ready the production environment to
support the new or newly migrated site code. The key activities include:
Hardware preparation
Prerequisite software preparation
Hardware and software configuration
Code implementation
In addition to the standard deployment activities listed, the project team should
also encourage the customer team to plan contingency activities to mitigate
112 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
potential issues or failures that may arise after launch. Contingency planning is
prudent, and it can be as simple as identifying how the old site can and should be
restored if the new site fails.
To conclude, the purpose of this redbook is to present a viable development
method that a WebSphere Commerce development team, whether comprised of
IBM consultants, third-party consultants, or customer team members, can use to
create or migrate WebSphere Commerce sites. Contained within the body of this
redbook are numerous recommendations, examples, and notes to help the
reader understand and then employ the method and relevant strategies. In
addition, it provides extensive coverage on how tools that can be used to migrate
specific site assets, and in some cases, even how it may aid in the deployment of
new ones. When used properly along with a systematic development method,
tools can significantly improve the efficiency of a project team to create or
migrate WebSphere Commerce assets reliably.
The following chapters in this redbook provide details about the best practices to
create or migrate WebSphere Commerce sites.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved. 113
Part 2 Development
and migration
best practices
Part 2
114 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved. 115
Chapter 7. Development and migration
This chapter provides details about the available tools for development of new
WebSphere Commerce sites and for migrating sites from older versions of
WebSphere Commerce to WebSphere Commerce V5.6.
In addition to the tools contained in the WebSphere Commerce V5.6 distribution,
we also discuss a number of additional tools that can be an aid in the
development and migration of WebSphere Commerce sites.
The chapter is organized into the following sections:
7.1, Development tools on page 116
7.2, Migration tools on page 135
7.3, Additional tools on page 140
116 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
7.1 Development tools
WebSphere Commerce Developer V5.6 is based on Eclipse technology. The
development environment is a fully configured workspace for WebSphere Studio
Application Developer with various enhancements:
Unlike the VisualAge for Java-based development environment for
WebSphere Commerce Suite V5.1, a WebSphere Commerce runtime
environment is not required.
WebSphere Commerce provides two pre-configured servers for your testing
needs in development environment: Full WebSphere Commerce Test
Environment and Lightweight WebSphere Commerce Test Environment.
The Full WebSphere Commerce Test Environment uses the full WebSphere
Application Server Base Edition to give you a more precise testing
The following sections will describe the main differences between the two types
of test environment and then go on to discuss other tools contained in
WebSphere Commerce Developer V5.6.
7.1.1 Lightweight WebSphere Commerce test environment
The lightweight test environment is the default test environment in WebSphere
Commerce Developer V5.6. The test environment can be configured to use IBM
Cloudscape, IBM DB2 Universal Database V8.1.5, as well as Oracle 9i for the
underlying database.
As the name implies, the lightweight test environment has a smaller resource
footprint than the full test environment.
Due to the resource requirements of the full test environment, we recommend
that you use the lightweight test environment, unless your development needs
can only be fulfilled by the full test environment. Refer to the next section for
details about choosing the test environment.
Limitation: WebSphere Commerce Developer Express V5.6 does not support
Oracle 9i for the development database. Only IBM DB2 Universal Database
V8.1.5 and IBM Cloudscape are supported by WebSphere Commerce
Developer Express V5.6.
Chapter 7. Development and migration tools 117
7.1.2 Full WebSphere Commerce test environment
The full test environment is closer to the actual WebSphere Commerce V5.6
runtime, running inside the WebSphere Application Server V5 test environment,
supplied with WebSphere Studio Application Developer.
Like the WebSphere Commerce runtime, the full test environment does not
support dynamic reloading of classes and JSPs. As such, development of
databeans, commands and JSPs can be very tedious in the full test environment.
Also, running the server in debug-mode is not practical due to the high resource
requirements of the full test environment.
You should only use full test environment if any of the following is true:
Your application requires additional data sources, beyond those used by
WebSphere Commerce.
You are developing against the WebSphere Application Server DynaCache
Your are developing code that requires WebSphere Application Server
specific extensions to the servlet container.
You are developing stateful session beans.
You are working on performance issues.
If none of these is true, you should use the lightweight test environment.
7.1.3 Comparison between the test environments
Table 7-1 on page 118 is a matrix of supported databases in the two possible test
environments on the various WebSphere Commerce editions.
Limitation: The full WebSphere Commerce test environment does not
support the use of IBM Cloudscape for the development database.
Refer to Table 7-1 on page 118 for detailed information about database
support across the various WebSphere Commerce editions and test
Note: Not all developers have to use the same type test environment at the
same time. This allows for dividing the work between the developers to
minimize the number of developers that have to use the full test environment.
Also, since it is easy to change between the lightweight and the full test
environment, the developers can switch between environment, based on the
test environment requirements for their current task.
118 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Table 7-1 Database support for the various test environments and releases
Table 7-2 shows a comparison of average startup times for the test server using
different test environments and database products. The tests were carried out
using WebSphere Commerce Developer Business Edition V5.6 with no fix packs
applied and not performance tuning on any of the databases. The actual startup
times for your environment will vary from these, but the timings should give you
an idea of the relative differences in response times for the different
Table 7-2 Timing comparison between test environments and databases
7.1.4 Command line utilities
The WebSphere Commerce V5.6 has a long range of command line utilities.
These are useful for development and daily site maintenance. In the following
sections we will describe the main features of the following command line
ID resolver
Text transformer
XML transformer
Edition Lightweight Test Environment Full Test Environment
Business IBM DB2 Universal Database
Enterprise Server Edition V8.1.5
IBM Cloudscape
Oracle 9i
IBM DB2 Universal Database
Enterprise Server Edition V8.1.5
Oracle 9i
Professional IBM DB2 Universal Database
Enterprise Server Edition V8.1.5
IBM Cloudscape
Oracle 9i
IBM DB2 Universal Database
Enterprise Server Edition V8.1.5
Oracle 9i
Express IBM DB2 Universal Database
Express Edition V8.1.5
IBM Cloudscape
IBM DB2 Universal Database
Express Edition V8.1.5
Database Lightweight Test
Full Test Environment
IBM DB2 Universal Database 1:58 3:29
IBM Cloudscape 1:12 n/a
Chapter 7. Development and migration tools 119
JSP batch compiler
Encryption tools
Database cleanup utility
The load, or massload, command is a cross-platform utility for importing data into
a database. The tool can load data into any of the following database providers:
IBM DB2 Universal Database
IBM Cloudscape
Oracle 9i
The source format is flat XML file where each XML element represents a row in
the database and the attributes for the element contains the data for the columns
of that row.
The main advantage of using the loader tool, as opposed to executing files with
SQL, or importing comma-delimited files, is platform independence. The same
file can be loaded on any of the platforms and database systems, supported by
WebSphere Commerce. This gives great freedom in the development process.
For example, the development team can develop the site using IBM Cloudscape
or IBM DB2 Universal Database under Windows and then deploy the solution to
a WebSphere Commerce runtime running with Oracle 9i on Linux, without having
to create platform-dependent import scripts. In this example, it is obviously
important that the development team uses as database vendor neutral coding as
possible in case they need to develop SQL code. Refer to 8.3.6, Handling
database vendor specific code on page 151 for information about this.
Another advantage is that, in combination with the ID resolver (see ID resolver
on page 120), there is no need to hard-code generated primary keys in the SQL,
and the import files can thus be used on any system, without imposing
restrictions upon the existing data with respect to such generated primary keys.
Example 7-1 on page 120 shows an example of an XML document containing a
catalog stub.
Note: Example 7-1 contains literal identifiers, such as the values for the
STOREENT_ID and CATALOG_ID column. Having to specify these internal
database identifiers is obviously not feasible from a maintenance standpoint.
For this reason, WebSphere Commerce contains the ID resolver, as described
in ID resolver on page 120.
120 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Example 7-1 Sample XML document for loading a catalog stub
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE import SYSTEM "mystore.dtd">
identifier=Master Catalog
description="Master Catalog for My Store"
name=Master Catalog
shortdescription=Master catalog for My Store
longdescription=The is the master catalog for the My Store online shop
ID resolver
The ID resolver is a utility for transforming an XML document containing symbolic
references, such as the one shown in Example 7-2 on page 121, into an XML
document containing static identifiers, such as the one shown in Example 7-1.
Limitation: The XML document in Example 7-1 contains the IBM DB2
Universal Database specific syntax for the current time, CURRENT TIMESTAMP.
The document is thus not platform independent. In order to work with Oracle
9i, the text would have to be changed to NOW.
The massloader unfortunately does not currently provide a platform
independent method of loading time stamps.
Chapter 7. Development and migration tools 121
Example 7-2 XML document for catalog stub with symbolic identifiers
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE import SYSTEM "mystore.dtd">
identifier=Master Catalog
description="Master Catalog for My Store"
name=Master Catalog
shortdescription=Master catalog for My Store
longdescription=The is the master catalog for the My Store online shop
The differences between the XML document shown in Example 7-2 and that of
Example 7-1 on page 120 have been emphasized with bold typeface.
Example 7-2 uses four features to avoid literal identifiers in the XML document:
XML entities
Automatic ID resolution
Internal symbolic ID references
External symbolic ID references
These techniques are described in the following sections.
XML entities
Since the ID resolver uses a standard XML parser to read the source document,
it is possible to utilize XML entities for identifiers that are of a more static nature
but still may change, such as the &MEMBER_ID; entity in Example 7-2, or for
122 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
identifiers that are really static, but that you do not wish to keep literal in the file,
such as the &en_US; entity.
These entities must be specified in the DTD file for the massloaded file. In the
case of Example 7-2 on page 121, the DTD would look similar to Example 7-3.
Example 7-3 Sample mystore.dtd file
<!ELEMENT import (( catalog | storecat | catalogdsc )*)>
<!ENTITY en_US "-1">
<!ELEMENT catalog EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST catalog
catalog_id CDATA #REQUIRED
identifier CDATA #REQUIRED
description CDATA #IMPLIED
<!ELEMENT catalogdsc EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST catalogdsc
catalog_id CDATA #REQUIRED
language_id CDATA #REQUIRED
Note: Due to the fact that XML entities are expanded during ID resolving, it is
necessary to escape such references if there is a requirement to store these
literal in the database.
For example, the site requirements may be such that a given category must
have the following value in order to be output correctly in the resulting XML:
If the input XML is first run through the ID resolver and then the massloader,
the XML must contain the following value:
Note that the ampersand has been escaped twice. This line will look as follows
after being run through the ID resolver:
When read by the massloaders XML parser, the massloader will then store
the following value in the database:
Chapter 7. Development and migration tools 123
shortdescription CDATA #IMPLIED
longdescription CDATA #IMPLIED
thumbnail CDATA #IMPLIED
fullimage CDATA #IMPLIED
Automatic ID resolution
When the ID resolver encounters an XML element in the input document that
corresponds to a database table with an entry in the KEYS table, and the XML
element does not contain a valid ID for that column, the ID resolver will try to
deduce the correct ID. If the ID cannot be deduced, the ID resolver will assign a
new generated ID for that element. The ID resolver will also update the KEYS
table accordingly.
The ID resolver will use the unique indexes defined for the table to determine the
ID. For the XML document in Example 7-2 on page 121, when the ID resolver
encounters the catalog element, it will
Look up the table name in the KEYS table.
If the table was found, check the attribute, corresponding to the COLUMNNAME
column in the KEYS table.
If such an attribute exists with a valid ID then stop and use that value.
Check the contents of the target table for rows matching the current element,
using the unique indexes for the table.
If a row exists, matching the current element, assign the ID of that row to the
current element.
Otherwise, create a new ID for the element and update the KEYS table
Internal symbolic ID references
No matter if the ID is generated or deduced from the context, if an attribute for
the ID column is specified using the following format, the ID resolver will then
assign the deduced or generated ID to that variable:
In the following, other elements can refer to that value using the same syntax:
In the XML document in Example 7-2 on page 121, the following attribute
specification occurs three times:
124 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
The first time, the attribute is the primary key for the CATALOG table. Since the
expression @catalog_master is not a valid ID, the ID resolver will assign the
actual catalog ID to the internal reference named catalog_master.
The subsequence occurrences will refer to that generated value and the ID
resolver will simply substitute the generated ID for the references.
External symbolic ID references
XML elements that contain foreign key references may specify these using
external symbolic references, in addition to the methods already mentioned.
External symbolic references are specified using the following format:
where column1value, column2value and column3value are either literal values or
XML entities, specifying the values for each of the column in the unique index for
the table being referred to.
For example, assume that a contract with the attributes shown in Table 7-3 has
been published. This contract can then be referenced from a child table, such as
STORECNTR or STOREDEF, using the following attribute value in the input to the ID
Table 7-3 Unique key values for sample contract
Text transformer
The text transformer is a utility for converting comma-delimited files to XML
format. The utility is meant to be used to convert files to the format used by
massloader and ID resolver.
The text transformer also has a graphical user interface, although this feature is
only available in the WebSphere Commerce runtime. To start the graphical user
interface, do the following:
Column name Value
NAME MyStoreContract
ORIGIN 1 (imported)
Chapter 7. Development and migration tools 125
1. Select Start Run....
2. Enter WC_installdir\bin\TextTrans.cmd and click OK. For example, we
If you wish to use the graphical user interface on a WebSphere Commerce
Developer installation, you need to do the following:
1. Copy the following directory from WebSphere Commerce to WebSphere
Commerce Developer:
2. Copy the following directory from WebSphere Commerce to WebSphere
Commerce Developer:
3. Copy the following file from WebSphere Commerce to WebSphere
Commerce Developer:
4. Edit the file WCToolkit_installdir\bin\TextTrans.cmd as shown in Example 7-4
on page 126. The changed parts are highlighted in bold.
Note: We have experienced problems using the online help from within the
graphical tool. Refer to the WebSphere Commerce Information Center for help
on the tool. The help can be found under the following topic:
Transforming data using the Text Transformation GUI tool
The WebSphere Commerce Information Center can be accessed from the
following address:
126 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Example 7-4 TextTrans.cmd modified for WebSphere Commerce Developer
@echo off
REM (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2002
REM US Government Users Restricted Rights Use, duplication or
REM disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
REM The program is provided "as is" without any warranty express or
REM implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
REM warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
REM IBM will not be liable for any damages suffered by you as a result
REM of using the Program. In no event will IBM be liable for any
REM special, indirect or consequential damages or lost profits even if
REM IBM has been advised of the possibility of their occurrence. IBM
REM will not be liable for any third party claims against you.
call setenv.bat
set lib=%WCS_HOME%\applications\wcfull.ear\lib\loader
set adminhome=%WCS_HOME%\wcmadmin
set log=%WCLOGDIR%\texttransform.log
%JAVA_HOME%\bin\javaw -classpath %clspath% TextTransformerUI > %log%
XML transformer
The XML transformer is a utility for transforming an XML document from one
schema to another. The transformation is be specified using an XSL stylesheet.
WebSphere Commerce uses the XML transformer extensively in its internal
utilities, such as for the contract import tools and the access control policy loader.
Refer to the XSL family Web site for more information about using XSL:
The massextract tool is a cross-platform utility for exporting data from a database
to XML format. The output from the massextract tool is an XML file in the same
format as the one used by the massloader utility, such as the one shown in
Example 7-1 on page 120.
Chapter 7. Development and migration tools 127
Example 7-5 on page 128 shows an example of an extraction filter to generate
an XML document with the languages that are encoded using ISO88591-1 and
As the filter shown in Example 7-5 on page 128 shows, the root element of a filter
XML document must be sqlx. The root element contains a number of elements
named functionDef and execute. Each execute element must correspond to a
functionDef element, referenced through the id attributes. In Example 7-5 on
page 128, the execute element refers to the functionDef element by having the
same value for the id attributes, namely Language.
Example 7-5 on page 128 also shows how to use variables: The variable
:encoding is specified using the paramDef subelement of the functionDef
element and passed in using the param subelement of the execute element. As
Example 7-5 on page 128 shows, the variable is simply injected into the SQL
specification, making it necessary to use quotes if the variable is a string. This is
in contrast to the use of variable substitution in embedded SQL, where such
quotes are not necessary.
Tip: As is the case with the remaining database-related tools, the massextract
tool will use the current database configuration. For WebSphere Commerce
Developer this means that the tools will use the current database settings as
specified by the setdbtype command.
Limitation: From the syntax, it would seem that it is possible to specify more
than one execute element for each functionDef element. Using the scenario
from Example 7-5, if it is required to extract the languages using Chinese
encodings, it would be desirable to be able to specify the following two execute
<execute id="Language">
<param name=":encoding" value="Big5" />
<execute id="Language">
<param name=":encoding" value="gb2312" />
This is unfortunately not possible. To do this, one would either have to modify
the SQL in the functionDef element, or have two functionDef elements, one
for each desired output encoding.
128 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Example 7-5 Sample extraction filter to extract ISO8859-1 encoded languages
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<functionDef id="Language" schemaentity="language"
description="Extract languages for a given encoding">
<paramDef name=":encoding" description="Encoding" />
select * from "language" where encoding=':encoding'
<execute id="Language" description="Extract latin-based languages">
<param name=":encoding" value="ISO8859-1" />
JSP batch compiler
The JSP batch compiler is a tool for ensuring that all JSP files are compiled
before they are executed. Using the batch compiler is highly recommended, as it
improves the user experience by avoiding long delays while a JSP file is
compiled the first time it is used, as well as it allows for a faster detection of any
static errors in the deployed JSPs.
The JSP batch compiler can be used both in a runtime environment and in the
development environment. In the development environment, the batch compiler
is invoked as follows:
WCToolkit_installdir\bin\JspBatchCompiler <test_environment_type>
Note: The massextract tool will place log files in the same directory as the
binary file. For WebSphere Commerce Developer, this is:
For WebSphere Commerce, the log files will be placed in:
The log files are named:
db2j.log (for IBM Cloudscape)
Chapter 7. Development and migration tools 129
where <test_environment_type> is the type of test environment to use to
compile the JSP for. It can be one of the following:
The test environment must be specified, as the JSP batch compiler invokes the
same JSP compiler that would have been invoked if the JSP had been activated
through that test environment. Also, the two test environments do not share the
temporary directories in which the compiled code would be placed.
In a runtime environment, the JSP batch compiler is invoked as follows:
WAS_installdir\bin\JspBatchCompiler WC_<instance_name> Stores.war <hostname> <hostname> WC_<instance_name>
<instance_name> is the name of the WebSphere Commerce instance.
<hostname> is the host name of the runtime node.
For example, we used the following command:
C:\WebSphere\AppServer\bin\JspBatchCompiler WC_demo Stores.war wcdemo wcdemo WC_demo
Encryption tools
In order to generate encrypted values, WebSphere Commerce contains tools for
encrypting values using the various methods in use by the WebSphere
Commerce framework.
Tip: The server does not need to be running when the JSP batch compiler is
invoked, no matter if the batch compiler is invoked on a WebSphere
Commerce Developer or a WebSphere Commerce runtime.
Also, since the JSP batch compiler uses the Web applications configuration,
customized code will be picked up by the compiler just as when the JSP is
invoked through the application server, or test environment, from a browser.
130 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Please note that WebSphere Commerce only contains script for encryption.
There are currently no standard WebSphere Commerce command line utilities
for decryption of encrypted values.
This tool is a front-end to the WebSphere Commerce class (see 8.6.2, Encrypting sensitive information
on page 180) and can thus be used to either encrypt a string using a 64-bit key,
or to obfuscate a string.
Since the wcs_encrypt command has two functions, it can be invoked in two
different ways:
1. Obfuscate a value, such as the merchant key:
wcs_encrypt <text>
wcs_encrypt deadbeef12345678
ASCII encrypted string : wJNBcU/5M0DwObRLTuRtcvC7xiUN2sAc
HEX encrypted string : 774A4E4263552F354D3044774F62524C54755274637643377869554E
2. Encrypt a value using a merchant key:
wcs_encrypt <text> <64-bit hexadecimal merchant key>
Important: Obfuscation is typically used to avoid that sensitive information,
such as the merchant key, database passwords, etc. stored in WebSphere
Commerce configuration files are instantly readable. It is important to stress
that the information should in no way be considered safe just because it is not
looks that way. Obfuscation is used to avoid that a casual onlooker can pick
up such information from a glance on a terminal where the information is
Care should be taken to protect files, containing such sensitive information,
using file system protection and other available operating system
mechanisms. See also 8.6.3, Protecting sensitive configuration files on
page 182 for further details.
Note: Even though the output says ASCII encrypted string, the output is
really not encrypted. It is possible to retrieve the original text, in this case
deadbeef12345678, without an encryption key, since the algorithm is known.
Chapter 7. Development and migration tools 131
wcs_encrypt password deadbeef12345678
ASCII encrypted string : /WzGMpIK7Z5H9jpXTQzPPA==
HEX encrypted string : 2F577A474D70494B375A3548396A705854517A5050413D3D
The output from the wcs_encrypt command, as shown after the text ASCII
encrypted string, can then be stored in a configuration file, as the case typically
is for obfuscated values, or in the database, as the case is for encrypted values.
The ASCII encrypted string is in fact a base 64 encoding of the encrypted, or
obfuscated, value, as represented by the HEX encrypted string.
In earlier versions of WebSphere Commerce, user passwords would simply be
encrypted using the merchant key and stored in the database. Since WebSphere
Commerce V5.4, however, the algorithm has also involved a one-way hashing
with a random salt value. In order to be able to generate encrypted passwords,
the wcs_password command was introduced.
The syntax of the wcs_password command is:
wcs_password <password> <salt> <64-bit hexadecimal merchant key>
<password> is the password to be encrypted.
<salt> is a random ASCII text string.
<64-bit hexadecimal merchant key> The merchant key to use to encrypt the
password with.
For example, we used the following command:
wcs_password password 8nmbfk5z5jw8 deadbeef12345678
Note: In order to be able to store the string in the USERREG table, the salt
just needs to be less than 254 characters. The WebSphere Commerce
framework, however, limits the random salt to a 12-character lower-case
alphanumeric string, so we recommend that this procedure is followed for
manually generated salts in order to avoid incompatibilities.
132 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Resulting in the following output:
ASCII Format: eQm5AiZNqSqS5vpXImS/4qfEIeruZtrvD8RLUSuzS1k=
Hex Format: 65516D3541695A4E7153715335767058496D532F34716645496572755A747276443
The random salt and the ASCII formatted string can then be inserted to the
USERREG table to reset the password to the specified value.
Example 7-6 wcs_password.bat script for WebSphere Commerce Developer
@echo off
cd %~p0
call setenv
%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java -classpath %CP% %1 %2 %3
The wcs_pmpassword command is used to generate passwords for WebSphere
Commerce Payments. The syntax of the command is:
wcs_pmpassword <password> <salt>
<password> is the password to be encrypted.
<salt> is a random ASCII text string. Since the wcs_pmpassword command is
typically used to generate a payments password for a given WebSphere
Commerce user, this is typically just taken from the SALT column of the
USERREG table.
For example, we used the following command:
wcs_pmpassword password 8nmbfk5z5jw8
Limitation: The wcs_password command is only included in WebSphere
Commerce runtime and are thus not available in WebSphere Commerce
Developer. If you need to encrypt password in the development environment,
you can use the script shown in Example 7-6. Place the script in the directory
Chapter 7. Development and migration tools 133
Resulting in the following output:
ASCII Format: bJTFxYhozbOHfPaL0VoceXH7cgU=
Hex Format: 624A54467859686F7A624F486650614C30566F63655848376367553D
Example 7-7 wcs_pmpassword.bat script for WebSphere Commerce Developer
@echo off
cd %~p0
call setenv
%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java -classpath %CP% %1 %2
Database cleanup utility
The database cleanup utility, dbclean, should be used on a regular basis to clean
up the production database and file system. The utility is configured by default to
for a number of cleanup type operations using predefined rules. For example, by
the dbclean command contains the following predefined rules for cleaning up
orders shown in Table 7-4 on page 134.
As is indicated in the rules listed in Table 7-4 on page 134, it is possible to specify
parameters when invoking dbclean. The -days parameter specifies how old the
objects should be before they are deleted, while -name parameter can be used to
specify the name, or identifier, of the objects to delete. How the -days and -name
parameters are used, depends on the actual cleanup rule.
Limitation: The wcs_pmpassword command is only included in WebSphere
Commerce runtime and are thus not available in WebSphere Commerce
Developer. If you need to encrypt password in the development environment,
you can use the script shown in Example 7-7. Place the script in the directory
Note: Although named dbclean, the command is also capable of deleting file
system resources. This is done by specifying an SQL select statement in the
configuration for dbclean. The utility will then locate the corresponding file
assets and delete them.
134 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
For example, none of the rules shown in Table 7-4 use the -name parameter,
while all use the -days parameter to ensure that orders have a certain age before
they are purged.
Table 7-4 List of pre-defined rules for cleaning orders
Rule name Description
canceled Delete all canceled orders (orders in state X), older than the
specified number of days, for which a return or store credit is not
registered. Also delete any business flow control information for
non-existent orders.
completed Delete all completed orders (orders in state C), older than the
specified number of days, for which a return or store credit is not
registered. Also delete any business flow control information for
non-existent orders.
deposited Delete all deposited orders (orders in state D), older than the
specified number of days, for which a return or store credit is not
registered. Also delete any business flow control information for
non-existent orders.
quotation Delete all orders that represent the child in a parent-child quotation
relation, where the relation has been marked for deletion. Also,
delete the relation.
shipped Delete all shipped orders (orders in state S), older than the
specified number of days, for which a return or store credit is not
registered. Also delete any business flow control information for
non-existent orders.
stale_guest Delete all guest user orders that are either pending, submitted,
waiting for approval or with approval denied (orders in state P, I, W
or N), older than the specified number of days, for which a return or
store credit is not registered and for which no inventory movement
has been initiated. Also delete any business flow control
information for non-existent orders.
stale_non_guest Delete all orders for registered users that are either pending,
submitted, waiting for approval or with approval denied (orders in
state P, I, W or N), older than the specified number of days, for which
a return or store credit is not registered and for which no inventory
movement has been initiated. Also delete any business flow control
information for non-existent orders.
Chapter 7. Development and migration tools 135
7.2 Migration tools
WebSphere Commerce V5.6 contains a number of tools for assisting a migration
from a previous version of WebSphere Commerce. The individual tools are
described in the following sections.
7.2.1 Database migration (migratedb)
The migratedb command migrates the standard WebSphere Commerce
database schema to the level used in WebSphere Commerce V5.6. If the
existing site contains customized tables, these must be manually migrated.
The database migration script will perform an in-place migration of the database,
that is to say the script will transform a given database from a previous
WebSphere Commerce database schema version to the WebSphere Commerce
V5.6 database schema.
The migratedb script migrates the database schema and the unencrypted data
as needed. The behavior of this script is controlled by one or other configuration
files depending on your pre-migration WebSphere Commerce level.
For example, if you are currently using WebSphere Commerce Suite V5.1, the
configuration file used is WC56_install_dir/schema/migration/config/
DataMigrationPlan51.xml. Example 7-8 shows an excerpt of that configuration
Example 7-8 Excerpt of DataMigrationPlan51.xml file
<dataMigrationCommand name="drop.wcs.constraint" type="sql">
<dataMigrationCommand name="backup.wcs.bootstrap" type="sql">
Important: Any customizations of the database schema must be handled
manually. If, for example, a customized table has been added with a
referential constraint to a standard WebSphere Commerce table, that
referential constraint must be dropped from the database before the migration
136 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
<dataMigrationCommand name="" type="sql">
<property name="commitCount" value="1" />
This file controls the sequence of the execution of various SQL files, in addition
to other activities. This provides fine-grained control over how migration should
proceed. In the following are some examples of the usefulness of this approach.
Some of the column lengths have decreased in the WebSphere Commerce V5.6
schema when compared to the column lengths in database schemas for
previous WebSphere Commerce versions. However, if you have data that
occupies more space than is allowed by column length in WebSphere
Commerce V5.6, then the data migration schema will fail.
We strongly recommend that you re-evaluate your need to have larger column
length and solve the issue in a different way, for example by using a different
column to hold this data. However, if you must have the same column length as
defined in the previous schema version, then you can change the behavior of
one of the SQL files mentioned in the configuration file.
Both the standard output and the migration log file specify the command that it is
currently executing. This can be used for error resolution. For example, if an
error occurs while creating the new WebSphere Commerce V5.6 tables, the log
file will show that the last executed command before the error message will be
wcs.schema.recreate.tables.sql. For WebSphere Commerce Suite V5.1, this
file can be found in the directory WC56_install_dir/schema/migration/51.
Even if no error occurs, you can utilize the logging of the current SQL command
to optimize the execution times. If, for example, a given step is taking a long time
to run, you can examine the corresponding SQL statements and tune your
database to run this SQL command more efficiently.
7.2.2 Encrypted data migration (migrateEncryptedInfo)
The migrateEncryptedInfo script transforms encrypted data in a database that
has already had its schema migrated by the migratedb script. The encrypted
Chapter 7. Development and migration tools 137
data must be migrated to handle new algorithms for encrypting passwords and to
support changing of the merchant key, if needed.
The migrateEncryptedInfo script reads all the rows of a given table. Then it
processes and commits a subset of rows at a time. Note that the instance must
be migrated prior to running this script since, in addition to other instance specific
files, the script needs the migrated instance_name.xml file.
For migrations from WebSphere Commerce Suite V5.1 to WebSphere
Commerce V5.6, this script will invoke the MKChangeApp command twice with
different parameters and configuration files:
1. The first invocation uses the CCInfoDBUpdate.dbtype.txt configuration file,
which defines the following two action items:
System key to current key migration: Prior to WebSphere Commerce Suite
V5.1.1.2, the merchant key was not used to encrypt credit card data.
Instead a system key was used. Since this behavior has changed, the
data will have to be re-encrypted.
PDI flag enforcement: The variable PDIEncrypt in the instance file
indicates whether credit card data is encrypted. Depending on the value of
this variable, credit card information is encrypted or decrypted accordingly.
This script provides you with an opportunity to change and enforce the PDI
encryption setting.
2. The second invocation of the MKChangeApp command uses the configuration
file schema\dbtype\migration\DBUpdate.txt, which defines the following two
Password migration: Passwords are re-encrypted using the random salt
values and one-way hash keys.
Merchant key migration: This script gives you the opportunity to change
your merchant key and migrate your data based on the new merchant key.
This script acts on the tables listed in Table 7-5.
Table 7-5 Tables used by migrateEncryptedInfo script file
USERS_ID Password related information
ORDERPAYINFO VALUE ORDERPAYINFO_ID Credit Card related information
Credit card related information
138 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
7.2.3 Instance migration (wcim)
The instance migration script supports moving of specific file assets and to
migrate the instance configuration.
Here is a brief description about what wcim does at the high level. The following
two steps are additional for switch-over instance migration (for a runtime
environment only). You do not need to do these before you migrate a local
1. Package wcim on a V5.6 machine and its environment for remote execution.
Run wcim to create a ZIP file, including wcim itself, an the environment it
requires. This package is used to build the migration environment for the
switch-over migration.
2. Unpack wcim on V5.1 machine. Unzip the wcim ZIP package generated
earlier. This builds the runtime environment with the correct level of the Java
Developer Kit (JDK), Extensible Markup Language (XML) parser, ANT,
Configure Manager client, and wcim while maintaining the file permissions and
For example, to migrate a local WebSphere Commerce Suite V5.1 instance or a
WebSphere Commerce Studio V5.1 instance, follow these steps:
1. Back up the instance to be migrated. Backing up the WebSphere Commerce
runtime environment is required in case of switch-over instance migration.
While this is optional, we recommend that you do it in other instances. The
backup includes:
Configuration and installation information about the previous WebSphere
Commerce installation
Configuration information about the WebSphere Commerce instance to be
Configuration information about the local IBM HTTP Server.
PATTRVALUE_ID Personalization attributes,
handled with credit card data
processing (table began to exist
in v5.4 onwards)
Note: Since the package that is created includes all these platform
dependent files, scripts, and attributes, you cannot migrate across
Chapter 7. Development and migration tools 139
Configuration information about WebSphere Commerce Payments, the
supported payment cassettes, and the deployed EAR file
If there is no EAR file, wcim collects enough information to build a migrated
EAR file. All files are compressed into a single ZIP file to
be transferred to the target WebSphere Commerce server.
2. Migrate the instance. This includes:
Creating a migrated EAR file based on the original EAR file, and the
default EAR in the new release
Wrapping stores published before the migration into a Web module, with
the addition of multiple Web modules and resource adapters
Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs) for the correct database type, JavaServer
Pages (JSPs), servlets, commands, HTML files, images from the new
version packaged into the migrated EAR file
An application server named WC_instance_name is created with the
correct configuration required to run the migrated EAR file
The JDBC provider and the data source configured for the server, with the
migrated EAR file installed onto the server
Modifying the deployment descriptor
Migrating the configuration of the original instance, including the instance
itself, access control, organization, trading, loader, payment, and store
Changing the Web server host name and the database name/SID by wcim
during the migration if users choose to do so
For the switch-over migration, configuring the correct Web server host
name, WebSphere Application Server node name, and WebSphere
Application Server cell name for the migrated instance
For local replace migration, assuming the same Web server host name
The user can take this opportunity to switch to a different Web server. For
local coexistence migration, a different Web server host name is enforced.
Local IHS is configured. WebSphere Application Server plug-in
configuration is regenerated. You can run the backup and migration steps
together for local migration. No human intervention is required in between.
For local coexistence migration, or migration from WebSphere Commerce
V5.5 replace migration, using a temporary host name (required for
wcim can perform IP-switching to reconfigure the migrated instance to use
the final Web server host name. WebSphere Application Server virtual
hosts, instance configuration XML file, and local IHS configuration are
140 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
modified. WebSphere Application Server plug-in configuration is
3. The development environment is migrated by wcim in a similar fashion as
explained in steps 3 and 4. In addition, custom store assets, servlets, and
commands are moved to the following pre-configured projects in the
WebSphere Studio Application Developer workspace:
7.3 Additional tools
The development and migration tools that have already been discussed in this
chapter are all tools that are shipped as part of the WebSphere Commerce V5.6
In addition to these tools, there are a number of unsupported tools that have
previously been used with success in customer engagements:
Lightweight Object Query System
Auto-deploy tool
CommerceQA test tool
Although these tools are not officially supported by IBM, they can provide added
value and speed up the development process, and as such they deserve
7.3.1 Lightweight Object Query System
While traditionally a part of the Transition Tools Suite (TTS, a migration tool suite
for migrating from based versions of WebSphere Commerce), the
lightweight object query system (LOQS) is a useful tool, not only for migration
efforts from, but also for developing new sites.
Note: The wcim tool converts all occurrences of <%@ page language="JAVA"
%> to <%@ page language="java" %> during this step. However, during
migration projects, we have found that not all occurrences are modified.
After this step, ensure that no more occurrences of <%@ page
language="JAVA" %> exists. You can do this by doing a file content search
in the Stores project.
Note: LOQS is currently not available for download. Contact your IBM
representative for more information about how to obtain LOQS.
Chapter 7. Development and migration tools 141
LOQS consists of a runtime component and a set of development tools and
provides the ability to automate the process of generating session beans for
read-only database access, as well as the generation of lightweight data objects
to hold the retrieved data.
The LOQS suite contains the following two tools:
LOQS wizard
LOQS command line generator
Each of these will be briefly described in the following sections.
LOQS wizard
The LOQS wizard is a graphical user interface (GUI) interface for building
session beans for SQL specified by the user, as well as the related data objects.
The wizard can be used to either generate XML configuration files, called
LOQSML files, for later use by the LOQS command line generator, or directly
generate the Java code.
LOQS command line generator
The LOQS command line generator, loqsgen, is used to generate Java code
from a previously prepared LOQSML file. The LOQSML file can either be
generated by the LOQS wizard, or written by hand, or both.
The LOQS command line generator is invoked as follows:
loqsgen <LOQSML file> [-v]
where <LOQSML file> is the name of the LOQSML file. The generated Java code
will be placed in the directory as specified in the LOQSML file.
7.3.2 Auto-deploy tool
In order to automate many of the repetitive and manual steps necessary when
deploying assets to a WebSphere Commerce V5.6 runtime, IBM has developed
a tool that can build a package containing assets and executable code such that
the package itself can be used to deploy a variety of assets, such as:
Database schema changes
Database content changes
JSP files
Property files
Java code for data beans, task and controller commands
EJB code
142 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
The auto-deploy tool is described in detail in the following developerWorks
article from where the tool can also be downloaded:
7.3.3 CommerceQA test tool
It is important to establish as systematic unit testing environment. In order to
support this, IBM has established a set of sample files that illustrate how to use
HttpUnit to test WebSphere Commerce sites.
HttpUnit is an open source Java utility that can be used to emulate a browser.
Since it can be invoked from Java, it can be used in combination with a testing
framework, such as JUnit, to automate Web page testing. HttpUnit supports
cookies and HTTP authentication, allowing it to be used to test all pages of a
WebSphere Commerce site.
The CommerceQA tool is described in detail in the following developerWorks
article from where the tool can also be downloaded:
HttpUnit is available from the following address:
JUnit is available from the following address:
Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved. 143
Chapter 8. Developing new sites
This chapter describes best practices for implementing new WebSphere
Commerce sites. The focus of this chapter is on the techniques and best
practices considered during the build phase, thus the chapter will be of a more
hands-on nature than the rest of the book.
The chapter is organized into the following sections:
8.1, Basing development on a starter store on page 144
8.2, Using a separate database server on page 145
8.3, EJB and data bean best practices on page 146
8.4, Best practices for JSP programming on page 159
8.5, Command best practices on page 171
8.6, General security considerations on page 180
144 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
8.1 Basing development on a starter store
WebSphere Commerce contains several fully functional starter stores. We
recommend that you use one of these stores as a basis for new development.
The starter stores may be modified as necessary for your business needs. Refer
to the WebSphere Commerce Information Center for detailed information about
the starter stores and for guidelines on modifying specific parts of the stores.
Starter stores are meant to shorten the time between installing WebSphere
Commerce and going live with your site. This is achieved by providing not only
commands and JSP files but also the appropriate organization layout, approval
configuration, and subscription to the appropriate access control policy groups
for particular business scenarios. Each starter store is packaged as a
WebSphere Commerce store archive. Store archives contain the assets to
create a functional store, no further installation is necessary. In order to create a
running store, you must publish one of the composite store archives. The
lightweight test environment in WebSphere Commerce Developer V5.6 (see
7.1.1, Lightweight WebSphere Commerce test environment on page 116) is
preconfigured with published starter stores.
The WebSphere Commerce Business Edition contains starter stores for the
following business models:
Consumer direct (ConsumerDirect)
A business-to-consumer (B2C) business model for supplying sales, services
and information channels directly between a retailer and its customers. Note
that in this context, a retailer is a role defined as a business that sells
merchandise directly to consumers, and does not necessarily a traditional
retailer, but could be a manufacturer, or even a government agency.
B2B direct (B2BDirect and AdvancedB2BDirect)
The business-to-business (B2B) direct model is used for handling the sales,
services and information between two businesses.
Demand chain (DemandChain, also known as Commerce Plaza)
The demand chain model provides a way for a manufacturer to connect its
resellers to its distributors. Each reseller can set up a hosted store in the
demand chain hub, using a subset of the manufacturers product catalog.
Supply chain (SupplyChain, also known as Supplier Hub)
The supply chain model provides a way for a manufacturer to connect its
resellers to its distributors. Each reseller can set up a hosted store in the
demand chain hub, using a subset of the manufacturers product catalog.
Chapter 8. Developing new sites 145
Hosting (CommerceHostingHub)
The hosting model allows for a business, typically an ISP, to provide store
hosting services, as well as the ability to generate a store directory, much like
a mall.
It is very important to understand the features and limitations of the many starter
stores, in order to be able to make an informed decision about which starter store
to base the development of a new site upon. Refer to the WebSphere Commerce
Information Center to enhance your understanding about the business
processes for the various starter stores.
8.2 Using a separate database server
Deploying a separate database server to create a two-tier or three-tier topology,
as illustrated in Figure 8-1 and Figure 8-2 on page 146 respectively, is one of the
most effective methods of implementing a scalable architecture.
Figure 8-1 A two-tier architecture with separate database
Limitation: WebSphere Commerce Professional Edition and WebSphere
Commerce Express only support the consumer direct and B2B direct store
models, via the following two starter stores:
Web Server
Application Server
(Commerce Application)
Database Server
DMZ Application Zone Intranet Internet
Web Server
External User
146 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Figure 8-2 A two-tier architecture with separate database
In both Figure 8-1 on page 145 and Figure 8-2, the Database Server is located in
the Application zone and is protected by firewalls between the DMZ and the
companies intranet. Some companies choose not to have their WebSphere
Commerce sites hosted by a third party, instead hosting the solution in-house. In
these situations, the intranet zone can typically access the application zone,
while the DMZ is not directly accessible. In such situations it can be necessary to
have a separate Web server (named Administration Web Server in the figures) in
order to access the administrative WebSphere Commerce applications.
In situations where the administrative users access the application from the
internet, or when access to the DMZ from the intranet is available, such an extra
Web server is not necessary.
8.3 EJB and data bean best practices
This section describes best practices for developing new WebSphere Commerce
EJBs and data beans. The section contains information about the following
Customizing WebSphere Commerce tables
Customizing WebSphere Commerce EJBs
SQL security considerations
Using well-formed ejbCreate constructors
Lazy fetch data retrieval
Handling database vendor specific code
Web Server
Database Server
DMZ Application Zone Intranet Internet
Web Server
Application Server
(Commerce Application)
External User
Chapter 8. Developing new sites 147
Using session beans
Managing concurrent updates
Flush remote method
Generating primary keys
8.3.1 Customizing WebSphere Commerce tables
If it is determined that the existing WebSphere Commerce database schema is
not sufficient, there are two ways to add data to a specific WebSphere
Commerce entity:
Using existing customizable columns (FIELD1, FIELD2, FIELD3, etc.)
Adding a new customized table, referencing the standard table
If the existing customizable fields are sufficient for the customization
requirements, an extra table should not be created. The three main reasons for
this are:
Using existing customizable fields requires practically no additional
development effort.
Future migration efforts are greatly increased when custom tables are added
to the database schema, since this extends the number of manual steps
involved in the migration.
The performance of the site is impacted when additional tables are
introduced, because for each standard WebSphere Commerce EJB lookup,
an additional lookup must be performed to retrieve the data from the custom
When creating new customized tables for the WebSphere Commerce schema,
the new tables should be prefixed with an X to distinguish the tables from
standard WebSphere Commerce tables. This will also minimize the risk of having
a name clash when the site is migrated to a future version of WebSphere
The new table should use the same primary key as the standard WebSphere
Commerce table to which it will refer. This primary key should then also be
declared as a foreign key to the existing WebSphere Commerce table.
Important: We strongly discourage any modifications to existing WebSphere
Commerce tables for the reasons noted below.
148 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
8.3.2 Customizing WebSphere Commerce EJBs
If the creation of additional tables is required for the WebSphere Commerce
database schema as discussed in 8.3.1, Customizing WebSphere Commerce
tables on page 147, a new CMP EJB, mapping that new table, must be created.
New EJBs must be created in the WebSphereCommerceExtensionsData project
in the WebSphere Commerce Developer workspace.
8.3.3 SQL security considerations
A particular coding practice for the use of EJBs and data beans minimizes the
chance for malicious users to access your database in an unauthorized manner.
SQL statements should be created at development time and not built
dynamically. Use SQL parameters to gather runtime input information.
Suppose a session bean that retrieves data for a data bean. This session bean
has a method, findOrdersByComment that retrieves all orders for a given user that
have a given order comment. The method will be called from a command using
the user ID of the current user. This should ensure that order for other users are
not visible to the current user.
Example 8-1 shows one way to implement the SQL for the findOrdersByComment
method. This approach builds the SQL from the parameters and then executes
that SQL.
This approach, however, has a serious flaw in that it creates an SQL injection
vulnerability whereby it exposes the site to unauthorized access.
Example 8-1 Building SQL dynamically using the input parameters
public class mySessionBean
implements SessionBean
public Collection findOrderIdsByComment(String comment, Long ownerId)
throws javax.naming.NamingException, SQLException
String sql = select orders_id from orders where comments=+comment+
and member_id=+ownerId;
Important: Although it is possible to modify one of the existing WebSphere
Commerce EJBs to also retrieve data from the customized table, this is
strongly discouraged for maintenance reasons. Specifically, the application of
future fix packs and migrations will be severely complicated if this is done.
Chapter 8. Developing new sites 149
PreparedStatement stmt = getPreparedStatement(sql);
ResultSet rs = executeQuery(stmt, false);
If, for example, the user enters the following search text:
The resulting SQL will be:
select * from orders where comments=||comments-- and member_id=<user_id>
where <user_id> is the user ID of the current user.
This SQL is equivalent to, and can be reduced to, the following SQL:
select * from orders where comments is not null
Thus all orders, regardless of which user placed that order, are returned. All it
requires to exploit this is a little knowledge about the database model and the
query being executed. The database model is known and the nature of the query
can, in most cases, be deduced by injecting other query strings and examining
the returned error messages.
Example 8-2 on page 150 shows an example of implementing the method using
SQL parameters instead. This is the recommended way to retrieve information
from the database, as it is not vulnerable to the same sort of attack as the code in
Example 8-1 on page 148.
150 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Example 8-2 Using SQL parameters to inject variables to pre-built SQL
public class mySessionBean
implements SessionBean
public Collection findOrderIdsByComment(String comment, Long ownerId)
throws javax.naming.NamingException, SQLException
String sql = select orders_id from orders +
where comments=? and member_id=?;
PreparedStatement stmt = getPreparedStatement(sql);
stmt.setString(1, comment);
stmt.setLong(2, ownerId);
ResultSet rs = executeQuery(stmt, false);
8.3.4 Using well-formed ejbCreate constructors
Ensure the ejbCreate method for each CMP EJB contains a parameter for each
underlying column in the table that the bean maps to. Also ensure that those
ejbCreate methods have been promoted to the remote interface.
Doing so will ensure that a row for that table can be created in one operation.
Otherwise, a user of the bean will have to first create the row and then update the
remaining columns. This will result in two database accesses, and thus
unnecessary overhead.
8.3.5 Lazy fetch data retrieval
When a data bean is activated, it can be populated by a data bean command or
by the data bean's populate method. The attributes that are retrieved come from
the data bean's corresponding entity bean. An entity bean may also have
associated objects, which themselves, have a number of attributes.
If, upon activation, the attributes from all the associated objects were
automatically retrieved, a performance problem may be encountered.
Performance may degrade as the number of associated objects increase.
Consider a product data bean that contains a large number of cross-sell, up-sell
or accessory products (associated objects). It is possible to populate all
associated objects as soon as the product data bean is activated. However,
Chapter 8. Developing new sites 151
populating in this manner may require multiple database queries. If not all
attributes are required by the page, multiple database queries may be inefficient.
In general, not all attributes are required for a page, therefore, a better design
pattern is to perform a lazy fetch as illustrated in Example 8-3.
Example 8-3 Example of lazy fetching
public ProductDataBean[] getCrossSellProducts()
if (crossSellDataBeans == null)
crossSellDataBeans = getCrossSellDataBeans();
return crossSellDataBeans;
8.3.6 Handling database vendor specific code
Although SQL is standardized, it is often necessary to resort to database vendor
specific code. An example is the method to retrieve the current timestamp:
IBM DB2 Universal Database:
IBM Cloudscape:
Oracle 9i:
To help in such situations, the class used as a superclass for all custom session
EJBs,, contains several
static utility methods to check for the current database vendor, as shown in
Table 8-1.
Table 8-1 Database vendor methods in BaseJDBCHelper
Method Return vale
useDB2 Returns whether IBM DB2 Universal Database is used (regardless
of hardware platform).
useDB2_390 Returns whether IBM DB2 Universal Database is used on IBM
useCloudscape Returns whether Oracle 9i is used.
useOracle Returns whether IBM Cloudscape is used.
152 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
In addition, the class contains
methods to retrieve the SQL string used to retrieve the current timestamp, as
shown in Table 8-2.
Table 8-2 Retrieving SQL for timestamp manipulation from the TimestampHelper class
Example 8-4 shows an example of using the TimestampHelper class to generate
database vendor neutral code.
Example 8-4 Handling database vendor specific code
public class mySessionBean
implements SessionBean
private final static Integer SECONDS_30_DAYS = new Integer(-60*60*24*30);
public Collection findOrdersLast30Days(Long ownerId)
throws javax.naming.NamingException, SQLException
final String sqlNow = TimestampHelper.getSQLCurrentTimestamp();
final String sql30daysago =
sqlNow, SECONDS_30_DAYS);
String sql = select orders_id from orders +
where timeplaced <= +sql30daysago;
PreparedStatement stmt = getPreparedStatement(sql);
ResultSet rs = executeQuery(stmt, false);
Method Return vale
getSQLCurrentTimestamp Returns a string with the database vendor
specific SQL for retrieving the current
getSQLSyntaxTimestampPlusInteger Given a string representation of a timestamp
and an integer value, this method returns the
SQL string for adding the integer value,
interpreted as a number of seconds, to the
specified timestamp.
Chapter 8. Developing new sites 153
8.3.7 Using session beans
One of the strengths of WebSphere Commerce stems from its ability to take
advantage of container-managed persistence (CMP) entity beans. CMP entity
beans are distributed, persistent, transactional, server-side Java components
that can be generated by the tools provided by WebSphere Studio Application
Developer. In many cases, CMP entity beans are an extremely good choice for
object persistence and they can be made to work at least as efficiently or even
more efficiently than other object-to-relational mapping options. For these
reasons, WebSphere Commerce has implemented core commerce objects using
CMP entity beans.
There are, however, some situations in which it is recommended to use a session
bean JDBC helper. These situations include the following:
A case where a query returns a large result set. This is referred to as the
large result set case.
A case where a query retrieves data from several tables. This is referred to as
the aggregate entity case.
A case where an SQL statement performs a database intensive operation, or
queries that return data that does not correspond to existing CMP EJBs. This
is referred to as the arbitrary SQL case.
Large result set case
There are cases where a query returns a large result set and the data retrieved
are mainly for read or display purpose. In this case, it is better to use a stateless
session bean and within that session bean, create a finder method that performs
the same functions as a finder method in an entity bean. That is, the finder
method in the stateless session bean should do the following:
1. Perform an SQL select statement.
2. For each row that is fetched, instantiate an access bean.
3. For each column retrieved, set the corresponding attributes in the access
Note: If the session bean is being used as a JDBC wrapper to retrieve
information from the database, it becomes more difficult to implement
resource-level access control. When a session bean is used in this manner,
the developer of the session bean must add the appropriate where clauses to
the select statement in order to prevent unauthorized users from accessing
The trade-off between performance and maintainability should therefore be
carefully considered.
154 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
When the access bean is returned, the command is unaware of whether the
access bean was returned by a finder method in a session bean or from a finder
method in an entity bean. As a result, using a finder method in a session bean
does not cause any change to the programming model. Only the calling
command is aware of whether it is invoking a finder method in a session bean or
in an entity bean. It is transparent to all other parts of the programming model.
Aggregate entity case
In this case, one view combines parts of several objects and a single display
page is populated with pieces of information that come from several database
tables. For example, consider the concept of My Account. This may consist of
information from a table of customer information (for example, the customer
name, age and customer ID) and information from an address table (for example,
an address made up of a street and city).
It is possible to construct a simple SQL statement to retrieve all of the information
from the various tables by performing an SQL join. This can result in significant
performance gains, and is referred to as performing a deep fetch. Example 8-5
shows an SQL select statement for a deep fetch of data from the CUSTOMER and
ADDRESS tables.
Example 8-5 A deep fetch
The tools in WebSphere Studio Application Developer for enterprise beans at the
EJB 1.1 specification do not support this notion of a deep fetch. Instead, a lazy
fetch, resulting in an SQL select for each associated object, is used. This is not
the preferred method for retrieving this type of information.
In order to perform a deep fetch, it is recommended that you use a session bean.
In that session bean, create a finder method to retrieve the required information.
The finder method should do the following:
1. Perform an SQL select statement for the deep fetch.
2. Instantiate an access bean for each row in the main table as well as for each
associated object.
3. For each column fetched and for each associated object fetched, set the
corresponding attribute in the access bean.
In some cases where an access bean contains a getter method that returns
another access bean, the generated code for the getter method does not
correctly cache the return value. To amend this, you can extend the access bean
Chapter 8. Developing new sites 155
class and create a local copy of the returned access bean, as shown in
Example 8-6.
Example 8-6 Overriding potential non-cached accessor methods
public class CustomerAccessBeanCopy extends CustomerAccessBean
private AddressAccessBean address=null;
/* The following method overrides the getAddress method in
* the CustomerAccessBean.
public AddressAccessBean getAddress()
if (address == null)
address = super.getAddress();
return address;
* The following method sets the address to the copy.
public void _setAddress(AddressAccessBean aBean)
address = aBean;
Continuing the CUSTOMER and ADDRESS example, the session bean finder method
would instantiate a CustomerAccessBean for each row in the CUSTOMER table and
an AddressAccessBean for each corresponding row in the ADDRESS table. Then,
for each column in the ADDRESS table, it sets the attributes in the
AddressAccessBean (street and city). For each column in the CUSTOMER table, it
sets the attributes in the CustomerAccessBean (name, age and address).
Arbitrary SQL case
In this case, there is a set of arbitrary SQL statements that perform database
intensive operations. For example, the operation to sum all the rows in a table
would be considered a database intensive operation. It is possible that not all of
the selected rows correspond to an entity bean in the persistent model.
An example that could result in the creation of an arbitrary SQL statement is a
when a customer tries to browse through a very large set of data. For example, if
the customer wanted to examine all of the fasteners in an online hardware store,
or all of the dresses in an online clothing store. This creates a very large result
set, but out of this result set, it is most likely that only a few fields from each row
156 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
are required. That is, the customer may only initially be presented with a
summary showing the item name, picture and price.
The way to solve this is by creating a session bean helper method. Depending on
the requirements, the session bean helper method would either perform a read
or a write operation. When performing a read operation, the method will return a
read-only value object that is used for display purposes.
With proper data modeling, the number of cases of arbitrary SQL statements can
usually be minimized.
Refer to 7.3.1, Lightweight Object Query System on page 140 for information
about a tool to aid in the creation of read-only session beans and corresponding
data beans for the arbitrary SQL case.
8.3.8 Managing concurrent updates
A concurrent update is when multiple processes, or multiple threads within the
same process, attempt to update the same row of a table. There are situations in
which concurrent updates may be allowed, but in most situations concurrent
updates are definitely not desired.
In order to prevent two threads from concurrently updating a row, the first thread
accessing the row must fetch the row using the for update option. When the for
update option is used, an exclusive write lock is obtained for the row. With this
write lock applied to the row, any application that attempts to access the row
using the for update is blocked.
If your application permits concurrent updates, it can just fetch the data, without
locking the row.
Consider the OrderProcess scenario in which UpdateInventory needs to find all
the products included in an order and update the inventory accordingly. Since the
same products may be included in many other orders, find for update should
be used, and it should be used as early as possible within a transaction scope to
reduce the possibility of deadlocks. Therefore, the UpdateInventory algorithm
may be represented by the following pseudo code:
1. Find all the products in an order, using for update.
2. For each product, do the following:
a. Deduct the quantity from the inventory.
b. Commit the change.
Chapter 8. Developing new sites 157
Even if this process runs for a long time, any other process attempting to retrieve
the same rows using for update will wait until the UpdateInventory algorithm is
8.3.9 Flush remote method
Since WebSphere Application Server does not write changes made on the entity
beans to the database until the transaction commit time, the database may get
temporarily out of synchronization with the data cached in the entity bean's
A remote method named flush is provided that writes all the committed changes
made in all transactions to the database. That is, the method takes information
from the enterprise bean cache and updates the database. This method is
defined in the class. This
remote method can be called by a command. Use this method, only when
absolutely required, since it is expensive in terms of overhead resources, and
therefore, has a negative impact on performance.
Consider a logon command that has the code shown in Example 8-7.
Example 8-7 Example of using commitCopyHelper
UserAccessBean uab = ...;
Until the transaction has been committed, the REGISTRATIONUPDATE column in the
USERS table will not be updated with the current time stamp. The update only
occurs at transaction commit time. In other words: the commitCopyHelper method
does not actually commit the data to the database until the entire transaction is
committed. In WebSphere Commerce, this happens with the current controller
command returns from the performExecute method without an exception being
The flush method has to be used so that any direct JDBC query run in the same
transaction, for example, a session bean that executes an SQL query using the
JDBC API, returns the same data that has been committed via CMP EJBs.
8.3.10 Generating primary keys
In the WebSphere Commerce programming model, the persistence layer
includes entity beans that interact with the database. As such, database records
may be created when an entity bean is instantiated. Therefore, the ejbCreate
158 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
method for the instantiation of an entity bean may need to include logic to
generate a primary key for new records.
When an application requires information from the database, it indirectly uses the
entity beans by instantiating the bean's corresponding access bean and then
getting or setting various fields. An access bean is instantiated for a particular
record in a database (for example, for a particular user profile) and it uses the
primary key to select the correct information from the database.
The ejbCreate method is used to instantiate new instances of an entity bean.
This method is automatically generated but the generated method only includes
logic to set the primary key to a value specified by the caller.
You may need to ensure that the primary key is a new, unique value. In this case,
you may have an ejbCreate method similar to code shown in Example 8-8.
Example 8-8 Generating a unique primary key
public void ejbCreate(int argMyOtherValue)
throws javax.ejb.CreateException
//Initialize CMP fields
MyKeyValue = ECKeyManager.singleton().getNextKey("table_name");
MyOtherValue = argMyOtherValue;
In the code shown in Example 8-8, the getNextKey method generates a unique
integer for the primary key. The table_name input parameter for the method must
be an exact match to the TABLENAME value that is defined in the KEYS table. Be
sure to match the characters and case exactly.
In addition to including the preceding code in your ejbCreate method, you must
also create an entry in the KEYS table. Example 8-9 shows a sample SQL
statement to make the entry in the KEYS table.
Example 8-9 Adding a table_name to the KEYS table
values ("table_name", 0, 1)
Note that with the SQL statement in Example 8-9, default values for the
remaining columns in the KEYS table are accepted Refer to the database schema
documentation in the WebSphere Commerce Information Center for details
Chapter 8. Developing new sites 159
about the semantics for the remaining columns. The value for the COUNTER
column indicates the value at which the count should start. The value for KEYS_ID
should be any positive value, not conflicting with an existing row.
If your primary key is defined as a long data type (BIGINT or NUMBER(38, 0)), use
the getNextKeyAsLong method instead of the getNextKey method.
8.4 Best practices for JSP programming
Display pages return a response to a client. Display pages should be
implemented as JSP pages. Although it is possible to generate the view output
directly from a servlet, it is strongly discouraged.
In order to support multiple device types, a URL access to a view command
should use the view name, not the name of the actual JSP file.
The main rationale behind this level of indirection is that the JSP page represents
a view. The ability to select the appropriate view (for example, based on locale,
device type, or other data in the request context) is highly desirable, especially
since a single request often has multiple possible views. Consider the example of
two shoppers requesting the home page of a store, where a shopper using a
typical Web browser and the other using a cellular phone. Clearly, the same
home page should not be displayed to each shopper. It is the Web controller's
responsibility to accept the request, then based upon information about the user
determine the exact JSP template that should be executed to generate the
shoppers view.
The following are a list of the best practices described in this section for JSP
development with WebSphere Commerce V5.6:
Using JSTL in place of Java code
Using WebSphere Commerce activation tags
Using WebSphere Commerce maps to get request parameters
Using StoreErrorDataBean for error handling
Using an appropriate includes mechanism
Using the JSPF file extension for JSP segments
Using the escapeXml attribute to preserve HTML formatting
Ensuring XHTML compliance
Using CSS to separate layout from content
Adding id attributes to links and form elements
Invoking controller commands from within a JSP page
Using the post method for form submission
160 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
8.4.1 Using JSTL in place of Java code
The JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL) is a collection of JSP tags
that provide standard functionality most commonly sought by JSP page authors.
JSTL has support for conditions, iteration, locale-sensitive formatting, and so
forth. It also has an expression language that allows page authors to control how
data is retrieved and displayed.
Store JSP pages should contain little or no Java code in favor of JSTL. Any
business logic should be delegated to page-friendly data beans, and the
remaining presentation logic should be implemented in JSTL.
There are two versions of JSTL:
1. Expression language based JSTL
2. Request-time expression based JSTL
For WebSphere Commerce, the former, expression language based JSTL,
should be used.
JSTL 1.0 consists of four functional areas, which are exposed as separate tag
libraries with their own name spaces:
XML processing
I18N (internationalization) capable formatting
Relational database access (SQL)
Since the WebSphere Commerce programming model requires that data for JSP
pages is retrieved through the use of data beans, the SQL library tags may not
be used. Refer to 8.4.2, Using WebSphere Commerce activation tags on
page 162 for information about using WebSphere Commerce specific template
library tags for activating WebSphere Commerce data beans.
The use of JSTL will be shown in the following examples.
Example 1: Retrieve product price
This example assumes that a product data bean is available to the JSP page and
uses it to display the minimum item price of the product if it is available and the
string Not available otherwise.
Using Java, this task can be accomplished by means of direct access to the data
bean and object methods as shown in Example 8-10 on page 161.
Chapter 8. Developing new sites 161
Example 8-10 Java code in JSP for retrieving the product price
<% if (productDataBean.getMinimumItemPrice() != null) { %>
<%= productDataBean.getMinimumItemPrice() %>
<% } else { %>
<% } %>
Using JSTL, the same task can be accomplished by means of the <c:out> and
<fmt:message> tags as shown in Example 8-11.
Example 8-11 JSTL tags for retrieving the product price
<c:out value="${productDataBean.minimumItemPrice}">
<fmt:message key="NO_PRICE_AVAILABLE" bundle="${storeText}" />
The <c:out> tag outputs the result of evaluating its value parameter or, if that is
null, the value provided in its body. The <fmt:message> tag retrieves the
locale-specific version of a message from a resource bundle.
Example 2: Display product names and prices
This example assumes that a category data bean is available to the JSP page
and uses it to display the name and price for each product in the category.
Using Java, this task can be accomplished by means of direct access to the data
bean and object methods in conjunction with the Java control facilities as shown
in Example 8-12.
Example 8-12 Java code in JSP for displaying product names and prices
ProductDataBean[] products = categoryDataBean.getProducts();
for (int i=0; i < products.length; i++)
<%= products[i].getDescription().getName() %>
if (products[i].getMinimumItemPrice() != null)
<%= products[i].getMinimumItemPrice() %>
162 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Using JSTL, the same task can be accomplished by means of the <c:foreach>,
<c:out>, and <fmt:message> tags in conjunction with the JSTL expression
language facilities as shown in Example 8-13.
Example 8-13 JSTL tags for displaying product names and prices
<c:forEach var="product" items="${categoryDataBean.products}">
<c:out value="${}" />
<c:out value="${product.minimumItemPrice}">
<fmt:message key="NO_PRICE_AVAILABLE" bundle="${storeText}" />
8.4.2 Using WebSphere Commerce activation tags
WebSphere Commerce data beans require activation prior to their use. For this
purpose, a WebSphere Commerce-specific version, <wcbase:useBean>, of the
JSP useBean tag is provided. This tag performs data bean activation in a
Java-free manner and is the recommended method of data bean activation in
store JSP pages.
Using the WebSphere Commerce activation tags not only result in more easily
maintainable code, as the following example will show, it is also a requirement for
using the JSP previews environment.
As an example, Example 8-14 on page 163 shows the generic way of activating a
category data bean.
Note: The JSTL examples (Example 8-11 and Example 8-13) are more
compact, easier to understand and easier to maintain than their Java
counterparts (Example 8-10 and Example 8-12).
Important: Data bean activation can fail and cause an exception condition. To
comply with the JavaServer Page specification requirement that no output be
written to the output stream when forwarding to other Web assets. Error pages
and data beans should be activated at the beginning of the JSP page.
Chapter 8. Developing new sites 163
Example 8-14 Activating a data bean using DataBeanManager
<jsp:useBean id="dbCat"
dbCat, request, response); %>
The recommended way of accomplishing the same task in WebSphere
Commerce V5.6 store pages is shown in Example 8-15.
Example 8-15 Activating a data bean using the wcbase:useBean tag
<wcbase:useBean id="dbCat"
classname="" />
8.4.3 Using WebSphere Commerce maps to get request parameters
WebSphere Commerce provides the following customized versions of the implicit
JSP objects param and paramValues to facilitate access to decrypted HTTP
request parameters. These are outlined in Table 8-3.
Table 8-3 WebSphere Commerce-specific parameter objects
Although, in many cases, the standard implicit objects param and paramValues
provide equivalent functionality to their WebSphere Commerce-specific
counterparts, the former are not guaranteed to work properly in the case of
Exception: The DataBeanManager class used in Example 3-13 provides two
methods for activating data beans:
A WebSphere Commerce-specific JSP tag is only provided for the former
method. In some instances, the silentActivate method is required, and in
such cases, the generic method will have to be used.
Object Description
WCParam A Map instance that maps the name of a
request parameter to its single String
WCParamValues A Map instance that maps the name of a
request parameter to a String array of all
values for that parameter.
164 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
encrypted parameters, and hence WCParam and WCParamValues should be
consistently used in store JSP pages.
Example 8-16 shows how to output the value of the catalogId request
parameter. This approach will work even if the request parameters are being
Example 8-16 Using WCParam to access the catalog ID from the request
<c:out value="${WCParam.catalogId}" />
8.4.4 Using StoreErrorDataBean for error handling
To display store-specific error messages in JSP pages, use the
StoreErrorDataBean data bean. This data bean provides getter methods to do
the following:
Retrieve the store error key, <ECMessageKey>.<Error Code>
Retrieve the error message parameters, that is, the substitution parameters
used in the error messages
In mapping error codes to error messages, the StoreErrorDataBean data bean
relies on the existence of the store error message properties file, named
storeErrorMessages_<locale>.properties, where <locale> is the current locale
(for example en_US).
The file should reside in the following directory:
Exception: The WebSphere Commerce specific maps cannot be used to
access additional parameters that are passed into a dynamically included
page (that is, a page included by means of the <jsp:include> or the
<c:import> tag). Thus, in the following example, SomePage.jsp and
SomeOtherPage.jsp will not be able to access showSubCategory through
WCParam or WCParamValues and will have to do so through param or
paramValues instead:
<jsp:include page="SomePage.jsp" flush="true">
<jsp:param name="showSubCategory" value="true" />
<c:import url="SomeOtherPage.jsp">
<c:param name="showSubCategory" value="false" />
Chapter 8. Developing new sites 165
WCToolkit_installdir\workspace\Stores\Web Content\WEB-INF\classes\<sto
<storedir> is the name of the store directory.
<node_name> is the name of the WebSphere Application Server node.
<instance_name> is the name of the WebSphere Commerce instance.
The store error message properties file should contain error message definitions,
such as the ones shown in Example 8-17.
Example 8-17 Sample store error messages
# UserRegistrationAddForm.jsp
_ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM.2020 = Type an e-mail address in the E-mail address
_ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM.2050 = Type your password in the Password field.
# UserRegistrationUpdateForm.jsp
_ERR_AUTHENTICATION_MINIMUMLENGTH_PASSWORD.2200 = The password you have entered
contains fewer than {0} characters. Ensure that your password is at least {0}
characters in length, including {1} digit(s) and {2} letter(s), and try again.
Example 8-18 shows an example of using the StoreErrorDataBean.
Example 8-18 Using the StoreErrorBean to retrieve error information
<wcbase:useBean id="storeError"
classname="" scope="page">
<c:set target="${storeError}" property="resourceBundleName"
value="${sdb.jspStoreDir}/storeErrorMessages" />
<c:if test="${!empty storeError.key}">
<c:set var="errorMessage" value="${storeError.message}" />
Error handling for JSP pages can be performed in various ways:
Error handling from within the page
Error JSP page at the page level
Error JSP page at the application level
Error handling from within the page
For JSP pages that require more intricate error handling and recovery, a page
can be written to directly handle errors from the data bean. The JSP page can
166 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
either catch exceptions thrown by the data bean or it can check for error codes
set within each data bean, depending on how the data bean was activated. The
JSP page can then take an appropriate recovery action based on the error
received. Note that a JSP page can use any combination of the following error
handling scopes.
Error JSP page at the page level
A JSP page can specify its own default error JSP page from an exception
occurring within it through the JSP error tag. This enables a JSP page to specify
its own handling of an error. A JSP page that does not contain a JSP error tag
will have an error fall through to the application-level error JSP page. In the
page-level error JSP page, it must call the JSP helper class
( to roll back the current transaction.
Error JSP page at the application level
An application under WebSphere can specify a default error JSP page when an
exception from within any of its servlets or JSP pages occurs. The
application-level error JSP page can be used as a mall level or store level (for a
single store model) error handler. In the application-level error JSP page, a call
must be made to the servlet helper class to roll back the current transaction. This
is because the Web controller will not be in the execution path to roll back the
transaction. Whenever possible, you should rely on the preceding two types of
JSP error handling. Use the application-level error handling strategy only when
8.4.5 Using an appropriate includes mechanism
JSPs support two includes mechanisms:
Static includes
The static include directive causes the content of the specified file to be
textually inserted into the including file at compile time, that is, when the JSP
page is translated into a Java servlet. JSP elements of the included file are
thus effectively visible anywhere in the resulting JSP page and must have
unique names to avoid name clashes. Typical Web containers are unable to
detect changes made to the included file at run time, and hence the including
file needs to be updated for the changes to take effect. The syntax for the
static include directive is as follows:
<%@ include file="filename.jspf" %>
Dynamic includes
The dynamic include actions include the response generated by executing
the specified page during the request processing phase, that is, when the
including page is requested by the user. Since what is included is the
Chapter 8. Developing new sites 167
response generated by the page, and not the content of the page itself,
scripting variables declared in the included file are not visible elsewhere in the
resulting JSP page. Changes made to the included file, on the other hand, are
transparent to the including file.
Two alternatives exist for the dynamic include:
<c:import url="filename.jsp" />
<jsp:include page="filename.jsp" flush="true|false" />
Unlike jsp:include, the c:import action provides a mechanism to access
resources that can be specified through a URL, thus allowing page authors to
get access to resources that reside outside the Web application. On the other
hand, it lacks the ability to flush the response. Finally, c:import is
comparatively more heavyweight and is therefore not appropriate when a
lightweight solution is sought.
Whereas the dynamic include is more flexible than the static include, it falls short
in terms of efficiency. As a consequence, use static includes whenever possible
to avoid performance issues.
8.4.6 Using the JSPF file extension for JSP segments
JSP segments are separate JSP files that are intended to be included into
another page as described in 8.4.5, Using an appropriate includes mechanism
on page 166. There JSP segments need not be legal JSP pages and thus may
not compile properly.
To enable code development and support tools, such as the WebSphere
Commerce JSP batch compiler, to differentiate between the two types of files,
use the JSP extension for the source files of complete JSP pages and use the
JSPF extension for the source files of JSP segments.
8.4.7 Using the escapeXml attribute to preserve HTML formatting
By default, the value of the escapeXml attribute of the JSTL <c:out> tag is true.
This default behavior ensures that HTML special characters, such as <, >, &, ', or
", contained in output strings are converted into their corresponding character
entity codes and displayed properly in the HTML page produced by the JSP
page. In some common WebSphere Commerce store scenarios, however, this
behavior is unwanted. One such scenario is the display of prices in globalized
stores. Envision a JSP containing the tag following tag:
<c:out value="${product.listPrice}" />
168 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
If, for instance, the price in the example is 3,544 Japanese yen, WebSphere
Commerce will generate the following string in the underlying call to the
getListPrice method of the ProductDataBean:
¥ 3,544
The ampersand will then be escaped by the c:out tag, and the following will be
written to the browser:
&yen; 3,544
This will then be interpreted by the browser, and the following text is displayed to
the user:
¥ 3,544
To prevent the conversion, escapeXml should be explicitly set to false as follows:
<c:out value="${product.listPrice}" escapeXml="false" />
Another common scenario is the display of user-supplied text, such as product
descriptions or dynamic text messages. If you expect advanced users to use
HTML tags for formatting, such as line breaks or bulleted lists, set the escapeXml
attribute of the c:out tag used to display the text to false as in the following
<c:out value="${productPromotion.longDescriptionString}" escapeXml="false" />
8.4.8 Ensuring XHTML compliance
JSTL and HTML elements of your JSP pages should conform to the W3C
XHTML standard and recommendations. Especially consider the following:
Use lowercase for all element and attribute names. For example, <table>,
and not <TABLE>.
Enclose all attribute values in double quotation marks. For example:
<img value="car.jpg" width="20" />
and not:
<img value='car.jpg' width=20/>
Ensure that every element has an end tag or is self-terminating if it is empty.
For example:
<p>Welcome to WebSphere Commerce!</p>
<c:set var="xyz" value="uvw" />
For HTML-compatibility, include a space in all empty element tags before
closing the tag. For example, <br /> instead of <br/>.
Chapter 8. Developing new sites 169
Ensure that the HTML page that your JSP page produces begins with a valid
document type declaration. For example:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
To ensure XHTML-compliance, use XHTML validators, such as the WebSphere
Studio Application Developer HTML validator or the W3C Markup Validation
Service, found at the following address:
8.4.9 Using CSS to separate layout from content
While not being strictly WebSphere Commerce specific, a general best practice
for any Web application is to separate the layout of the site from the content
This can be accomplished using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). The advantages
of using CSS include:
A less complicated HTML structure, resulting in simpler JSP files, which
means shorter initial development cycle and easier code maintenance.
As the HTML structure becomes structured for content, instead of layout, the
site will be more accessible for other browser types (for example,
text-to-speech readers for people with disabilities).
The site can use the same HTML for several media (for example, a Web
browser, printer, a pervasive device, and just change the style sheet).
The HTML documents are typically shorter, resulting in a marginally faster
page load.
Separating content from style is just plain logic.
For more information about using CSS, see Related publications on page 245.
8.4.10 Adding id attributes to links and form elements
In order to support automated testing, we suggest that id attributes are added to
all links, forms and form elements. Refer to 7.3.3, CommerceQA test tool on
page 142 for an introduction to an environment for automated testing a
WebSphere Commerce site.
A typical JSP code fragment to generate a category link would look like this:
170 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
This could be changed to the following, provided that it is can ensured that all
category names are valid as XHTML identifiers:
<a id=catlink_<%=categoryName%>
Alternatively, the category ID could have been used for generation of the id
attribute. The id value should be selected such that it can be used in a test script
that should not be constantly updated to reflect changing id values.
Although not strictly required by the various testing tools, it is good practice also
add id attributes to forms and their elements.
Note that all values of id attributes must be unique within the same XHTML
8.4.11 Invoking controller commands from within a JSP page
Although invoking controller commands from within a JSP page is not consistent
with separating logic from display, you may encounter a situation in which this is
required. If so, the ControllerCommandInvokerDataBean should be used.
Using this data bean, you can specify the interface name of the command to be
invoked, or you can directly set the command name to be invoked. You can also
set the request properties for the command.
When this data bean is activated by the data bean manager, the controller
command is executed and the response properties are available to the JSP
If you do call the setRequestProperties method before activating this data bean,
the parameters from the request object will be passed to the bean and, hence,
also passed to the controller command. If you do, however, call the
setRequestProperties method before activating this data bean, only the
specified properties (those passed into the setRequestProperties method), as
well as any default properties specified in the PROPERTIES column of the CMDREG
table for the invoked command will be made available to the command.
Once the controller command has executed, you can execute the view.
You should not reuse the same instance of the data bean to invoke other
controller commands, as it will contain data and state information from its original
Refer to the WebSphere Commerce Information Center for more information
about using the ControllerCommandInvokerDataBean.
Chapter 8. Developing new sites 171
8.4.12 Using the post method for form submission
Data can be sent from client to server by way of an HTML form using either the
get or the post method. Servlets can handle either method properly by
appropriately parsing and decoding the incoming request. In general, use of the
post method is recommended for the following reasons:
Get request data is transmitted as part of the URL string and is hence
vulnerable from security viewpoint, unless the URL string is encoded. In
contrast, post request data is sent as part of the HTTP message body and is
hence considerably less exposed.
Different platforms and Web servers can impose a limit on the length of the
URL string, which includes the get request data.
Get request data is restricted to the ASCII character set. In contrast, the post
method, with the content type of multipart/form-data, can cover the entire
ISO10646 character set.
8.5 Command best practices
The following sections describes best practices for creating new customized task
and controller commands.
The following topics will be discussed:
New command naming and hierarchy
Using constants to hold class and method name
Command error handling
8.5.1 New command naming and hierarchy
When creating a new controller or task command, there are a number of
considerations to take.
Class hierarchy
Create both an interface and a class, each extending from the base interface and
class, respectively. The new class must implement the new interface, as
illustrated in Figure 8-3 on page 172.
172 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Figure 8-3 Class hierarchy for new commands
Figure 8-3 also illustrates the preferred naming convention: Name both the
interface and class similarly, using Cmd and CmdImpl as the suffix for the interface
and class, respectively.
New controller commands should be named using a noun-verb combination,
where the verb is in infinitive form. Table 8-4 gives some examples of bad
controller command naming and better alternatives.
New task commands typically use a verb-noun combination instead.
Table 8-4 Controller command naming examples
8.5.2 Using constants to hold class and method name
The WebSphere Commerce utilities for error logging and tracing require
information about the current class and method names. The class name can be
retrieved during runtime in Java using the following method:
The advantage of this is that the developer does not have to worry about the
actual class and package name when developing. Unfortunately, for debugging
Bad command names Good command names
CreateCommentCmdImpl CommentCreateCmdImpl
ReceiveOrderFromSAPCmdImpl SAPOrderReceiveCmdImpl
BaseCmd BaseCmdImpl
MyCmd MyCmdImpl
extends extends
Chapter 8. Developing new sites 173
purposes, this also hides information. As result of this is the name of the current
object class, not the name of the class in which the method is implemented.
For example, invoking SubClass.main from Example 8-19 will result in the
following output:
Inside SubClass.method1()
Inside SubClass.method1()
While this is correct in the sense that method1 is invoked on an object of the
SubClass, for debugging purposes, the following output would be desired:
Inside BaseClass.method1()
Inside SubClass.method1()
In addition, as Java does not have a mechanism for retrieving the name of the
current method, it is necessary to use either constants or literal strings in the
logging or tracing statements.
Example 8-19 Example of the drawback of using getClass().getName() for debugging
public class BaseClass {
public void method1() {
System.out.println(Inside +getClass().getName()+.method1());
public static void main(String[] args) {
BaseClass baeClass = new BaseClass();
public class SubClass extends BaseClass {
public void method1() {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SubClass subClass = new SubClass();
In order to overcome these issues, it is recommended to add a constant to the
class itself, containing the class name, as well as a constant string to each
method with the name of the method, as illustrated in Example 8-20 on
page 174. Notice that the entry and exit trace string can simply be copied
174 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
between methods without changing the content. Example 8-21 on page 176
shows how to use these constants when throwing exceptions.
Example 8-20 Using constants for class and method names
package mypackage;
public class MyControllerCommand
extends ControllerCommand
/** use a local constant to avoid long tracing lines */
private static final long COMPONENT = ECTraceIdentifiers.COMPONENT_EXTERN;
/** save the class name in case this class is subclassed */
private static final String CLASS_NAME = mypackage.MyControllerCommand;
public void performExecute()
throws ECException
/** define the method name once */
final String METHOD_NAME = performExecute;
ECTrace.trace(COMPONENT, CLASS_NAME, METHOD_NAME, Trace string);
public void validateParameters()
throws ECException
/** define the method name once */
final String METHOD_NAME = validateParameters;
ECTrace.trace(COMPONENT, CLASS_NAME, METHOD_NAME, Trace string);
Chapter 8. Developing new sites 175
8.5.3 Command error handling
WebSphere Commerce uses a well-defined command error handling framework
that is simple to use in customized code. By design, the framework handles
errors in a manner that supports multicultural stores. The following sections
describe the types of exceptions that a command can throw, how the exceptions
are handled, how message text is stored and used, how the exceptions are
logged, and how to use the provided framework in your own commands.
Types of exceptions
A command can throw one of the following exceptions:
Throwing an ECApplicationException is a signal that an application-level
error condition has occurred. This exception is typically thrown if the error is
related to the user. For example, when a user enters an invalid parameter, an
ECApplicationException is thrown. When this exception is thrown, the Web
controller does not retry the command, even if it is specified as a retriable
This exception is thrown if a runtime exception or a WebSphere Commerce
configuration error is detected. Examples of this type of exception include
null-pointer exceptions and transaction rollback exceptions. When this type of
exception is thrown, the Web controller retries the command if the command
is retriable and the exception was caused by either a database deadlock or
database rollback.
Both of the above listed exceptions are classes that extend from the class
Exception handling is tightly integrated with the logging system. When a system
exception is thrown, it is automatically logged.
Note: New in WebSphere Commerce V5.6 is the StoreErrorDataBean which
uses a new properties file to map error codes to messages. Using the
StoreErrorDataBean is the recommended way to retrieve error messages
within a JSP page.
Refer to 8.4.4, Using StoreErrorDataBean for error handling on page 164 for
details about using the StoreErrorDataBean.
176 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Throwing predefined exceptions
When creating new commands, it is important to include appropriate exception
handling. You can take advantage of the error handling and messaging
framework provided in WebSphere Commerce, by specifying the required
information when catching an exception.
Writing your own exception handling logic, involves the following steps:
1. Catching the exceptions in your command that require special processing.
2. Constructing either an ECApplicationException or ECSystemException, based
upon the type of exception caught and the context of the error condition.
3. If the ECApplicationException uses a new message, defining the message in
a new properties file.
Example 8-21 illustrates the first two steps. Note that the constants CLASS_NAME
and METHOD_NAME are defined using the method described in 8.5.2, Using
constants to hold class and method name on page 172.
Example 8-21 Throwing an ECSystemException
try {
// your business logic
catch(FinderException e) {
throw new ECSystemException(
The definition of the constant object ECMessage._ERR_FINDER_EXCEPTION
is shown in Example 8-22.
Example 8-22 Definition of ECMessage._ERR_FINDER_EXCEPTION
public static final ECMessage _ERR_FINDER_EXCEPTION =
new ECMessage(
The constant ECMessageKey._ERR_FINDER_EXCEPTION is defined as the string
_ERR_FINDER_EXCEPTION and refers to the key in the corresponding
language-dependent properties file, ecServerMessages_<locale>.properties.
The message for the locale en_US is shown in Example 8-23 on page 177. The
Chapter 8. Developing new sites 177
fourth parameter specified in Example 8-21 on page 176 is substituted for {0}
before the message is logged.
Example 8-23 Message text for _ERR_FINDER_EXCEPTION for locale en_US
_ERR_FINDER_EXCEPTION = The following Finder Exception occurred during
processing: "{0}".
_ERR_FINDER_EXCEPTION is an example of one of the predefined messages,
corresponding to standard exceptions.
Table 8-5 Commonly used predefined system messages
Implementing customized messages
If an exception condition that does not correspond to a predefined exception
message occurs, it is possible to add a customized message for this condition.
Also, it is recommended that you add your own messages for your specific
situations and document these messages in the operational guides. This can be
a great aid in the daily site maintenance.
Message object name Exception Message text
_ERR_FINDER_EXCEPTION FinderException The following Finder Exception
occurred during processing: "{0}".
_ERR_REMOTE_EXCEPTION RemoteException The following Remote Exception
occurred during processing: "{0}".
_ERR_CREATE_EXCEPTION CreateException The following Create Exception
occurred during processing: "{0}".
_ERR_NAMING_EXCEPTION NamingException The following Naming Exception
occurred during processing: "{0}".
_ERR_NULL_EXCEPTION NullPointerException A Null pointer exception occurred
during processing.
_ERR_REMOVE_EXCEPTION RemoveException The following Remove Exception
occurred during processing: "{0}".
The following Number Format
Exception occurred during processing:
_ERR_IO_EXCEPTION IOException The following IO Exception occurred
during processing: "{0}".
_ERR_GENERIC Any other unexpected
system error
The following error occurred during
processing: {0}.
178 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
The steps involved in creating a custom messages are:
1. Create a new message file, file, adding the
new message text to this file. The custom message file must be placed in a
directory that is in the applications class path. An example is shown in
Example 8-24.
Example 8-24 Custom message file,
_ERR_MY_ERROR = A custom error occurred. Additional details are "{0} and {1}
2. Create a new interface to hold the message key constants for the custom
messages. Example 8-25 shows an example of a new interface.
Example 8-25 Custom interface for message key constants
public interface MyMessageKey {
public static final String _ERR_MY_ERROR = _ERR_MY_ERROR;
3. Create a class, or interface, containing a constant instance of the ECMessage
class. You can make the new class a subclass of the ECMessage class, thereby
having access to the predefined messages through this new class. The
disadvantage of doing so is that it is not apparent from the exception throwing
code whether the message being reported is a standard WebSphere
Commerce, or if it is a custom message. Example 8-26 shows an example of
creating the custom message interface.
Example 8-26 Custom interface for holding custom message instances
public interface MyMessages {
public static final String MY_RESOURCE_BUNDLE = ecCustomMessages;
Important: Never modify any of the existing message properties files.
Instead, create a new file as described. Although the actual file name can
be chosen arbitrarily (see Example 8-26 on page 178), it is recommended
to use the name This will make the site
more standardized which can ease the introduction of new developers to
the team.
Important: When instantiating the custom message, ensure that you
specify the name of the custom message file, created in the first step, as
the last parameter. Also, the message type must be ECMessageType.USER,
not ECMessageType.SYSTEM.
Chapter 8. Developing new sites 179
public static final ECMessage _ERR_MY_ERROR =
new ECMessage(
When the new message has been defined, the message can be used in an
exception as shown in Example 8-27. This will result in a message with the
following description:
A custom error occurred. Additional details are "info 1 and info 2
Example 8-27 Throwing an exception with a custom message
throw new ECApplicationException(
ECMessageHelper.generateMsgParms(info 1, info 2),
<errorTaskName>, <properties_for_error_view>);
8.5.4 Tracing
Tracing can be crucial to determine problems with code running in a production
environment, so a general recommendation for custom code is to trace early and
often. Particularly, follow the these guidelines for tracing:
Entry and exit points to non-trivial methods should be marked as shown in
Example 8-20 on page 174. If the method contains exception handling, the
exit trace statement should be placed in the finally block.
Use trace statements to reflect the overall flow if the method contains
conditional statements.
If the method has a catch block, this block should have a trace statement,
logging the stack trace, unless this is logged by other methods (by throwing
an ECException, for example). This is done to avoid error masking. See
Example 8-28 on page 180 for an example of this (note that Example 8-28 on
page 180 assumes that the instructions in 8.5.2, Using constants to hold
class and method name on page 172 have been followed).
Trace the content of relevant state variables and parameters.
Note: Always use the tracing framework for outputting status messages.
Never use System.out.println to output tracing information. The examples in
this chapter should show how simple it is to use the tracing commands. Also,
using System.out.println can have a severe impact on performance.
180 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Example 8-28 Tracing previously masked exceptions
try {
catch (Exception x) {
// this should not happen
if (ECTrace.traceEnabled(COMPONENT)) {
ByteArrayOutputStream bosTrace = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
PrintStream psTrace = new PrintStream(bosTrace);
new String(bosTrace.toByteArray()));
8.6 General security considerations
This section describes the following security related best practices:
Access control
Encrypting sensitive information
Protecting sensitive configuration files
Protecting sensitive parameters
Avoiding default credentials and port numbers
8.6.1 Access control
All commands, URLs and other resources must be protected using the
WebSphere Commerce access control framework. Any custom command that
uses protected resources, such as data beans, must declare these using the
getResources method.
Refer to the WebSphere Commerce Information Center for details about
configuring the access control for your custom resources.
8.6.2 Encrypting sensitive information
Sensitive information, such as passwords and credit card information, must
always be protected. In the database, this is done by encrypting all such data
before storing it.
Chapter 8. Developing new sites 181
The class can be used to encrypt and decrypt
such information. Example 8-29 shows an example of how to encrypt and
decrypt values using the merchant key.
Example 8-29 Encrypting and decrypting values in a controller command
package mypackage;
public class MyCmd {
private static final String CLASS_NAME = "mypackage.MyCmd";
private static final long COMPONENT = ECTraceIdentifiers.COMPONENT_EXTERN;
private String strMerchantKey = null;
private String getMerchantKey()
throws ECException
final String METHOD_NAME = "getMerchantKey";
try {
if (strMerchantKey == null) {
String _strMerchantKey = WcsApp.configProperties.getMerchantKey();
strMerchantKey = nc_crypt.decrypt(_strMerchantKey, null);
if (strMerchantKey == null) {
throw new ECSystemException(
"Unable to retrieve merchant key. nc_crypt.decrypt returned null!"));
catch (Exception x) {
throw new ECSystemException(
"Unable to retrieve merchant key: "+x.getMessage()), x);
182 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
finally {
return strMerchantKey;
private String encrypt(String secret)
throws ECException
return nc_crypt.encrypt(secret, getMerchantKey());
private String decrypt(String secret)
throws ECException
return nc_crypt.decrypt(secret, getMerchantKey());
8.6.3 Protecting sensitive configuration files
Any WebSphere Commerce installation will have several configuration files
containing sensitive information. As described in wcs_encrypt on page 130, this
information is obfuscated to avoid a casual onlooker to retrieve this type of
information. This type of obfuscating should in no way be confused with industrial
strength encryption. If an attacker gains access to the merchant key in the
obfuscated form, such as it is available from the instance XML, that attacker will
be able to convert that into the clear-text value within minutes. Example 8-30
shows an excerpt from an instance XML file, revealing the obfuscated merchant
key and site administrator password.
Example 8-30 Sample excerpt from an instance XML file
ParentResellerOrgDN="o=reseller organization,o=root organization"
Chapter 8. Developing new sites 183
It is therefore important to use all available mechanisms for limiting access to the
files on the systems running the site, whether it be the Web server, the
application server or the database.
8.6.4 Protecting sensitive parameters
If sensitive information is passed to a URL command as a parameter, this must
be protected. The first step is to ensure that the request is encrypted. This is
done by setting the value in the HTTPS column in the URLREG and VIEWREG
database tables to 1.
The second step is to mark the parameter as a sensitive parameter. This ensures
that the tracing subsystem of WebSphere Commerce does not output the value
of the parameter to the trace file if tracing is enabled for this feature.
Protecting a parameter is done by editing the instance XML file, which is located
in the following directory:
Locate the ProtectedParameters node and add your parameter to the list.
Example 8-31 shows the default settings.
Example 8-31 Protecting parameters from being put into log files
<Parameter display="false" name="logonPassword"/>
<Parameter display="false" name="logonPasswordVerify"/>
<Parameter display="false" name="logonPasswordOld"/>
<Parameter display="false" name="password"/>
<Parameter display="false" name="cardNumber"/>
Adding your parameter to this list ensures that the tracing commands will output
that parameters value starred out, as in the following example:
Side note: The clear-text values for the merchant key and the site
administrator password, as shown in Example 8-30, are deadbeef12345678
and password, respectively.
184 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
8.6.5 Avoiding default credentials and port numbers
From a security standpoint it is generally a good idea to change as many TCP/IP
server port numbers as possible from their default values. While this does not
secure the application as such, it will make it more difficult for a casual intruder to
utilize know vulnerabilities on remote servers.
Also, refrain from using standard user names and passwords, such as
wcsadmin, dbadmin or db2admin.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved. 185
Chapter 9. Migrating existing sites
Most businesses treat investments in technology updates and migrates as
overhead expenses. You may understand perfectly well that you need to upgrade
or migrate to the latest WebSphere Commerce version to be on the leading edge
of the technological offering. However, providing a business justification to do so
requires outlining the business benefits, a clear strategy and a meticulous plan.
Each business works with a unique set of requirements and challenges. As such,
it is unlikely that there is a methodology that would fit the requirements for
businesses. For instance, you may have a highly federated system with a load
balancer, a system with lots of back-end integration, a system with highly
customized databases, and so on. However, there are a number of best
practices which could serve as a guide through these migrations.
This chapter provides you with an array of best practices, proven to contribute
towards the successful migrations of WebSphere Commerce sites. After reading
this chapter you should be able to chart a draft plan for your sites migration
needs by completing the Planning and Sizing Template (see 9.5, Planning and
sizing templates on page 210). This will ascertain the milestones on which you
need to focus as well as provide a rough estimation of time frame you may
require to migrate your commerce site.
186 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
9.1 Why migrate?
This section deals with strategic reasons and business justifications for
migration, as well as strategies which may be adopted for your WebSphere
Commerce site migration.
Migrating your WebSphere Commerce system requires time and resource but in
most circumstance the investment is worth it. After migrating your site, you will
be able to use a host of new and powerful features and enhancements.
9.1.1 Business benefits of new products
The latest version of WebSphere Commerce provides a number of up-to-date
IBM technologies and conforms to the current industry standards. For example,
WebSphere Commerce V5.6 provides you with the following features:
WebSphere Application Server V5
WebSphere Application Server uses a very convenient and powerful Web
based interface. It no longer requires a separate database or a Web server to
be installed and operational. Many significant improvements can help you to
get your job done more effectively.
WebSphere Studio Application Developer V5.1.1, based WebSphere
Commerce development environment
Many existing customers have upgraded in order to be able to take
advantage of the Eclipse based WebSphere Studio Application Developer
environment. Now, the WebSphere Test Environment uses the full base
WebSphere Application Server, allowing for a more precise testing
DB2 Universal Database V8.1.5
DB2 Universal Database V8.1.5 contains a number of maintainability,
usability, performance, and scalability related enhancements.
JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL) 1.0
The starter store JSP pages now provide the benefits of JSTL, including ease
of customizations.
9.1.2 Business benefits of new capabilities
The capabilities made available in WebSphere Commerce evolve through
customer and market centric development cycles. Collaboration is a key
influencer in WebSphere Commerce development. In specific cases, partners in
development influence plans for the coming years. A new version of WebSphere
Chapter 9. Migrating existing sites 187
Commerce provides opportunities to take advantage of the new capabilities. This
enables you to stay in tune with the marketplace and ahead of your competitors.
Consider adding the new features and functionality that are available in
WebSphere Commerce V5.6 to increase revenue and improve the customer
experience. For example, many of the marketing, advertising and convenience
features are now built into WebSphere Commerce V5.6 just to do that.
The following sections highlight some key built-in features that you can exploit to
enhance customer experience and drive business benefits. For a complete list of
new features, refer to the What's new in this release topic in the WebSphere
Commerce Information Center.
Increased performance
You may be satisfied with your existing WebSphere features and functionality
and you may be interested in moving your existing implementation to the current
version without any changes. Even in this case, you may still benefit from a site
migration if the load on the application server and database components can be
In addition to page based caching techniques available in the past, fragment
caching is also available, which allows fragments of the JSP file to be cached.
You should realize performance gains with the new caching capabilities.
Catalog and product management
The main new features within the category of catalog and product management
Different navigational catalogs:
WebSphere Commerce has introduced the concept of a master catalog and a
navigational (or sales) catalog. Use navigational catalogs to easily create a
different catalog navigation experience for your customers.
Additionally, these catalogs can be managed from the provided Web-based
administrative tools without the need for further customization.
Catalog Filtering:
In WebSphere Commerce Business Edition, you can use the Catalog Filter to
exclude any of the products or categories in a master catalog that you do not
want to sell at any of your stores.
188 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Campaigns and promotions
New features in the merchandise marketing category include:
Promotions redesign
The promotions system has been completely redesigned. It now provides
support for redemption limits and promotion codes. Any promotion type may
be distributed as a coupon. The promotions system removes all
dependencies on the Blaze Advisor rule processing system yet maintains full
backward compatibility with Blaze Advisor for those sites that have existing
Blaze licenses.
With the addition of the coupons feature, you can offer electronic coupons to
your customers. Coupons can be collected by the customer in a coupon
wallet until they expire or are redeemed with a qualifying purchase.
Rules-based discounts
Rule-based discounts support various new discount models.
WebSphere Commerce supports two types of collaboration functionality. To use
one, or both features, you must first install the supporting software associated
with each type of collaboration.
Collaborative workspaces (WebSphere Commerce Business Edition only)
Collaborative workspaces support asynchronous communication by way of
Lotus Quickplace.
Customer care
Customer care provides real-time customer service support through a
synchronous text interface using the Lotus Sametime server.
Orders and inventory management
WebSphere Commerce provides various new capabilities that include the
Split orders that are based on inventory (WebSphere Commerce Business
Edition only)
Multiple ShipTo addresses (WebSphere Commerce Business Edition only)
Availability-to-promise (ATP) inventory management that provides the
availability date for the order based on real-time inventory
Refund management and Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA)
Chapter 9. Migrating existing sites 189
Various Request for Quotation (RFQ) enhancements (WebSphere Commerce
Business Edition only)
Web visibility: optimizing your site for search engines
Optimize your site for search engines by ensuring that your JSP pages can
generate data that can be optimally consumed by search engines.
To optimize your Web pages so that they are given more weight by search
engines when ranking search results, WebSphere Commerce provides the
information, tools and enablement features in the latest release to remove any
inhibitors. This optimally indexes dynamic pages at your site. Consider the
following items for your migration project. For additional information, refer to the
WebSphere Commerce Information Center:
URL Mapping: Provides a full set of indexable pages, matching the dynamic
pages that have traditionally not been indexed by search engines.
Site Map capability: A set of tools and techniques for optimizing the indexed
content for your site.
Suggestions on WebSphere Commerce optimization of the page content.
Plan to enhance WebSphere Commerce Analyzer with reports. Track the
search engine performance and the conversion rate.
Easily hosting multiple merchant storefronts
An Extended Site, or Ex-Site, is a business-to-business Web site that provides a
richly featured site where the selling organization can set up different storefronts
to target each of their business customers. When a business customer enters the
Ex-Site storefront, any discounts, product configurations, and special instructions
particular to that customer are displayed.
All features of the advanced B2B direct starter store, such as approvals, and
account management also apply in a Ex-Site. The distinguishing characteristic of
an Ex-Site store is that a Seller can provide a customized storefront and catalog
to each business partner or customer.
Advanced analytics through WebSphere Commerce Analyzer
WebSphere Commerce Analyzer now includes redesigned installation and
configuration components, decreasing install time. It also includes many new
capabilities including single sign-on (SSO), a restriction on viewing reports based
on authorization, the Reporting Framework which replaces the Brio Broadcast
Server, and integration with Tivoli Web Site Analyzer.
190 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
9.1.3 Preparing for end-of-service of your product
WebSphere Commerce products are supported for a three year service window.
A direct migration path is available to the current release from any version
released during this service window. If you would like to migrate to the latest
version from a version that was released prior to this service window, you will
have to migrate to an intermediate release before migrating to the current
It is a good practice to migrate at least once during the three-year product service
window. WebSphere Commerce ensures API compatibility for the service
window of the product. As such, your migration effort will be greatly reduced.
9.2 Migration strategy considerations
Migration to WebSphere Commerce V5.6 can be a complex undertaking,
depending on your existing system configuration. Regardless of the migration
approach you choose, the complexity of your site design, the level of
customization, and so on, the migration may require a significant investment in
time and resources. This section presents some factors that you may need to
consider while formulating your migration strategy. For example, it is often cost
effective to include any pending site redesign or enhancement projects along
with your migration effort.
Your existing site may be integral part of a number of business imperatives. It
may be generating revenue, requiring maintenance, and requiring updates.
Many other activities may be ongoing with it or due to it. It may have a topology
with only one machine or many machines (upwards of ten or so). Your site may
be based on a WebSphere Commerce sample store with just a different
presentation layer or flow, or your site may have highly customized code and
database schema. The effort of the migration depends on these factors and
Clearly identity your plan targets and plan to test each of the targets. Also
consider a roll-back plan from each target. Refer to 9.4, Migration planning on
page 203 for more details.
9.2.1 Getting help
Migration complexity has been consistently decreasing compared to the previous
releases. Migration is a far more efficient and manageable task now than ever
Chapter 9. Migrating existing sites 191
Depending on the complexity of your site, your migration schedule, the skilled
resource available (refer to 9.4, Migration planning on page 203) and the critical
nature of your business, you may consider getting help from an IBM services
team or business partner. Refer to 1.2, Further information on page 11 for more
information about available options.
You can outsource your complete project. Alternately, you can seek assistance
from one or more experts, to help with migration while you provide the rest of the
resources for the project. The latter approach may be useful if you have skilled
resources to assist the external experts. This approach has the benefit of having
skilled resources helping you with the actual migration tasks. It also helps the
rest of your team in answering their questions and assists with problem
determination, if required. Either way, in your plan, ensure that you account for
skills transfer from the experts to your team so that your team can function
efficiently on the migrated system when the expert leaves.
You may also consider outsourcing performance and throughput testing to an
IBM services team, as they have the automated tools and processes to provide
assistance with quick turn-around.
Finally, consider getting education to get familiar with the new features and how
they may impact or improve your day-to-day operations.
9.2.2 Migrating the different environments
There are three environments that you will need to migrate:
1. Development environment:
The development environment refers to the machines you use to develop
custom code. Development environment migration uses the in-place
migration approach, where all the migration steps are done on your existing
machine. It is recommended that you have a second development machine
available to maintain your existing WebSphere Commerce site.
2. Test and staging environments:
The test environment refers to the test servers used during site maintenance,
as well as the staging environment used to test configuration changes, such
as catalog updates, before they are applied to the production environment.
3. Production environment:
Production environment refers to your existing live environment or site used
to serve your end customers.
The latter two environments are typically denoted as runtime environments, in
that they are similar with respect to the installed WebSphere Commerce software
192 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
stack. The development environment contains a different software stack,
requiring a different migration procedure.
Migrating the development environment
Although there is no requirement to migrate the development environment first,
this is the recommended approach. This approach is recommended since if you
have any custom code, you will need to migrate (or, at least compile) it using the
upgraded development environment before you can deploy it on your migrated
runtime system.
The WebSphere Test Environment available in the WebSphere Commerce
Developer product is based on the full WebSphere Application Server
functionality (base edition). Thus, the migrated development environment will
also provide you with an excellent ability for testing the functionality of your
migrated site before attempting a runtime migration.
Since there is typically more than one existing development system, you can
proceed with a migration of one, while retaining the ability to use the remaining
systems to maintain your existing environment.
Migrating the runtime environments
After migrating the development environment, migrate the test environment to
allow you to test the deployment of your custom code. Migrating a test
environment before attempting your production environment is highly
recommended. This allows you to practice migration on the test system and
surface any issues before attempting it on your live production environment.
Finally, the runtime environment can be migrated using one of the approaches
described in 9.3, Migration approach considerations on page 198. Ascertain
your migration approach so that you can plan for it at the next stage of the
Consideration for cloned environments
If you have a cloned environment, and you are not installing your migrated
environment on a new set of machines, you may choose to take part of your site
offline for migration. This assumes that you can afford to have your site running
at lower performance or with lower redundancy, for example during an off-peak
time. By migrating part of your current WebSphere Commerce environment while
the rest of it is still online, you can significantly decrease your downtime to the
range of the switchover approach discussed in 9.3.1, Switchover migration on
page 199.
Chapter 9. Migrating existing sites 193
9.2.3 Handling complexity
Divide the migration project into smaller tasks to isolate the scope of activities to
logical stages. This would help isolate and resolve any potential problems.
The following provides one mechanism to divide the migration tasks and then
further subdivide them into even smaller tasks. The underlying themes in doing
so are as follows:
Start simple to get traction and confidence and build your project on stronger
Tackle mandatory complex tasks early: once you have sufficient traction,
consider planning complex but higher priority (for example, mandatory) tasks
Core migration and custom code migration
The key here is to differentiate migration from new feature development. This
compartmentalizes the risks and the testing and troubleshooting efforts into
smaller, more manageable problem domains. For example, if you have
customized shipping or promotions code, you can divide the migration of your
existing site into a core migration task including database migration and instance
configuration migration and custom code migration. Once you complete the core
migration, you discover that your custom code is impacted by API deprecation. In
this case, consider bypassing your custom code and just test the standard
functionality. Once you are satisfied with the core migration, you can focus on the
custom code migration.
Having divided the migration task into different environments, you can further
break down migration tasks by logically grouping together related features.
Adding new features
It is likely that in addition to migration, you wish to exploit new features and
functionality provided by the new version of WebSphere Commerce. Isolate the
new feature development task from the site migration task by performing site
migration first and successfully testing it.
Itemize all additional requirements you have and identify the requirements which
are logically related and should be done together as a group. For example, you
may consider implementing all your promotions customization together first, then
all your order management customization, and so on.
9.2.4 Component view
At this level, you further divide the components identified above into more
specific tasks.
194 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
For example, if you have customized shipping or promotions code, you can
divide migration of your existing site into a core migration task. This includes
database migration, instance configuration migration, and custom code
migration. Once you are done with the core migration and you discover that your
custom code is impacted by API deprecation, you may consider bypassing your
custom code and just test the standard functionality. Once you are satisfied with
the core migration, you can focus on custom code migration.
9.2.5 Minimizing customizations
WebSphere Commerce Commerce provides you with a very rich set of features.
By using out-of-the-box features, some customizations done by customers may
have been avoided by simply using the out-of-box functionality. In some cases,
customized features can be replaced by out-of-the-box functionality during a
migration project. By rebuilding stores based on one of the new starter store
models, it is possible for you to take advantage of the new functionality rather
than maintaining these features in the existing site. It is often possible to reduce
the amount of customizations that you must manage. This translates directly into
lower operating costs.
Consider a classroom educational course from IBM Education if you are not
familiar with the new features available in your target WebSphere Commerce
version. There are also a number of online, self-paced educational courses
available as well.
9.2.6 Performance optimization with dynamic caching
You can redesign JavaServer Pages (JSPs) to use the dynamic caching page
and fragment caching technology. You will notice performance improvement with
either of the two options. This will also result in measurable improvements in
throughput by reducing the load on the application server and database.
If you employ personalization, it is recommended that you isolate the
personalized content within JSP fragments to ensure efficient operation of the
site. Using fragment caching will likely provide a very substantial performance
improvement. You may consider using the new starter stores as a model to
understand how fragment caching works.
9.2.7 Scalability
To meet the growing needs of your business consider hardware upgrades as well
as adding clustering to your environment. WebSphere Application Server
Network Deployment provides a centralized mechanism to manage your all your
clones from one machine.
Chapter 9. Migrating existing sites 195
9.2.8 Database cleanup
Database cleanup should be an integral part of your WebSphere Commerce
database maintenance. Regular maintenance of your database reduces
additional disk requirements and increases the performance of your system.
It is suggested that to improve the performance of database migration you clean
up your current WebSphere Commerce database by clearing the following
database objects. You can remove unused or obsolete objects from your
database using the database cleanup utility dbclean.
Logs (for example, user traffic log)
Any abandoned shopping carts
Old guest users
If you put off your database maintenance to when you actually migrate, it will add
substantially to your migration service window. If you are not cleaning up your
database on a regular basis, then consider small but regular overnight cleanup
everyday before scheduled go-live date.
If cleaning up your database will take an unacceptable amount of time, consider
migrating it as it is. The performance of database migration has substantially
improved. It may actually be faster to migrate obsolete data than to clean it.
However, if you take this approach, make sure to start regular clean up of your
database right after your site migration!
9.2.9 Basing development on starter stores
Sample starter stores, are provided to quickly get you up and running by
customizing them to meet your requirements. If you used a sample store to base
your site, or if your new site design is very similar to one of the sample stores,
consider starting with a sample store and then adding your customizations. Your
site would benefit from all the new improvements delivered and showcased in the
new starter stores.
Furthermore, it is much easily to remove or turn off a feature than to add it
yourself. Refer to 8.1, Basing development on a starter store on page 144 for
more information on this topic.
9.2.10 Store archive (SAR) migration
In WebSphere Commerce V5.6, the role of a Store Archive has been focused to
that of a deployment vehicle for the WebSphere Commerce sample stores. Thus,
there are no longer tools that update the contents of a SAR. Tools such as the
Store Profile editor, and the Tax and Shipping editor have been integrated with
the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator tool.
196 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Changes to a store's content are made either during development before the
assets are packaged into a store archive (SAR), or as part of managing a
deployed store. Given that there is no need to manage the content in a SAR, the
Store Archive Publish process has been streamlined so that a new SAR is no
longer created based on a sample SAR. Instead, the parameter values that were
previously specified (for example, during the creation of a WebSphere
Commerce V5.4 SAR) can now be specified during the publishing process. The
Store Archive Publish process has been enhanced so that it is controlled by XML
descriptors within the SAR. This provides added flexibility and control to the store
deployment. Also, note that each sample SAR shipped since WebSphere
Commerce V5.5 now contains all supported languages.
If you are considering SAR migration, re-evaluate your need to do so unless you
need to publish the migrated SAR many times. For more information about SAR
migration, refer to the Migration Guide for your platform.
9.2.11 Delta migration
Delta migration refers to the scenario where you migrate your production
database in two stages. First, you migrate a copy of your production database
on, say, to your test environment. Once you are satisfied with the migration you
take your production environment offline and simply migrate the delta changes in
the production data while integrating the migrated delta with the previously
migrated database.
This type of delta migration scenario is not supported by WebSphere Commerce
since a complete end-to-end database migration should no longer take more
than an overnight service window. Improvement in WebSphere Commerce
database migration techniques allow you migrate large databases very quickly.
However, if there is some reason that you find yourself wanting delta migration
then re-evaluate your need since dividing up your database migration purely due
to its size may not be required.
Note that there may be some valid delta migration scenarios as well. For
example, assume you have migrated a copy of your production database on your
test environment. Now, you want to modify the data on your test environment and
then propagate these changes to the production database after the production
database has been migrated. On the new migrated site, you may want to present
a completely redesigned master catalog or provide redesigned navigational
catalogs or any other non-operational data. In such a case, you have two
Capture all the changes done to your migrated database in your test
environment, in a script file, and execute the script after your production
database migration.
Chapter 9. Migrating existing sites 197
Alternately, set up a staging server and migrate a copy of your production
database on it. Make any changes on this database as desired. Once you are
satisfied with all the changes, bring your production environment offline, and
migrate your production data. Finally, propagate all the non-operational data
from your staging server.
9.2.12 How custom code impacts the process
Regardless of the approach you choose for the migration, you may need to
recreate and test your custom code to account for changes in the new version.
Several changes in the structure and deployment of custom code require your
attention. Review the WebSphere Commerce Migration Guide for further
information. Here we list a few key areas. Note, however, once you have
migrated your development environment, WebSphere Studio Application
Developer will indicate to you the custom java code that requires attention.
As an example, the following list highlights some of the most apparent API
differences between WebSphere Commerce Suite V5.1 and WebSphere
Commerce V5.6:
String converters in access beans are no longer supported.
Security roles are now required for Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs).
Fine grained access control methods have changed.
Command parameter validation methods have changed.
User registration and logon mechanisms have changed.
Calculation framework customizations are now policy based.
Access to order items through the OrderItemAccessBean has changed to now
use a new Item bean class.
9.2.13 How database customizations impacts the process
If your database schema was highly customized and requires migration, consider
extending the database migration scripts to migrate your custom tables as well.
The database migration script uses an XML plan file which controls the behavior
of database migration utility. All the database changes are passed to the
database migration tool as SQL files using this plan file. Thus, it allows you to
control the database migration behavior and fine tune it for your requirements.
Refer to the appendixes of the WebSphere Commerce Migration Guides to find
further information about this.
198 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
9.2.14 Migrating your WebSphere Commerce instance or recreating it
The WebSphere Commerce instance migration (wcim) tool automates the
migration and packaging of your application as an EAR file as well as its
deployment to the target WebSphere Commerce system. This includes migrating
your store assets, JDBC information, changing the Web server and database
names, and so on. This tool runs in both the development environment (either
based on VisualAge for Java or WebSphere Studio Application Developer) and
the runtime environment.
It is highly recommended that you use this tool to migrate your WebSphere
Commerce instance. However, it is possible but not usually recommended to
create a new instance and point it to the migrated database, as described in the
appendixes section of the WebSphere Commerce Migration Guides.
9.3 Migration approach considerations
As mentioned in 9.2.2, Migrating the different environments on page 191, there
are three environments to migrate. These can be divided into two types of
Development environment
The development environment refers to the machines you use to develop
custom code. Development environment migration uses the in-place
migration approach, where all the migration steps are done on your existing
Runtime environments
The runtime environment refers to your testing, staging and production
environment where you deploy your custom code and serve your site.
There are three approaches to migrating the runtime environment:
Switchover migration
This approach involves creating a separate WebSphere Commerce V5.6
environment on a remote node, while keeping the previous WebSphere
Commerce environment operational.
Coexistence migration
Coexistence migration involves migrating to a WebSphere Commerce V5.6
environment and creating a new instance while the previous WebSphere
Commerce environment is still running on the same machine. This is possible
if the existing WebSphere Commerce node has sufficient capacity to operate
both of the instances (and software stacks, for a single node installation) at
the same time.
Chapter 9. Migrating existing sites 199
In-place migration
The in-place migration scenario transforms the existing production runtime.
This means that the production system has to be non-operational for the
duration of the migration.
The approach that you use depends on the availability of new hardware, or the
capacity of the existing hardware. The fastest and safest approach to migration is
the switchover migration.
Table 9-1 shows a comparison between the different migration scenarios, who
will be described in detail in the following sections.
Table 9-1 Comparison of the migration scenarios
9.3.1 Switchover migration
To use the switchover migration approach, you must set up duplicate hardware.
You will set up your WebSphere Commerce V5.6 production environment on a
separate set of machines, while your existing WebSphere Commerce production
environment is still operational and unaffected by the migration.
This approach is the recommended scenario, but is only suitable when the
necessary hardware to duplicate the current runtime environment is available to
create a test environment where the migration takes place. After this test
Note: This approach is not supported for Microsoft Windows platforms.
Attention: This migration scenario is not recommended, as it results in the
highest downtime for the runtime environment. Additionally, this approach
also involves a high risk, as a viable roll-back option is not readily
Category Switchover Coexistence In-place
Impact to
Low Medium High
Fall-back risk Low Medium High
At least one
additional runtime
No additional
No additional
200 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
environment is fully migrated and tested, it becomes the new production
environment. Then the previous production environment can be taken off line.
With this approach, the WebSphere Commerce server downtime is kept to a
minimum. The migration is carried out and tested on the test environment while
the production servers remain running in parallel. By the time the migration and
testing are complete, the database from the migrated environment can be out of
sync with the production database. To reconcile the data, take the previous
WebSphere Commerce production environment offline and re-migrate the
database based on your experience with the previous migration. When the
migration is complete, switch over the test environment as the production
Turning the newly migrated environment into production is a relatively simple
task. Figure 9-1 shows a high-level layout of the switchover migration scenario
approach implementation.
Figure 9-1 Overview of a switchover migration
The following four steps are the major steps in a switchover migration. The
numbers refer to Figure 9-1:
1. Migrate the development environment.
2. Install WebSphere Commerce V5.6 on additional hardware and migrate your
existing site to this environment.
3. Take the existing production system offline and migrate your database.
Network Address Translation (NAT)
Deploy code
New WebSphere
Commerce V5.6
New WebSphere
Commerce V5.x
Commerce V5.x
New WebSphere
Commerce V5.6
Chapter 9. Migrating existing sites 201
4. Reroute Internet traffic to the new system.
The switchover migration approach offers clear benefits. The migration is
comparatively low risk, because the impact to your existing production site is
minimal. In the event of encountering problems during the migration, the original
WebSphere Commerce production environment serves as the recovery
9.3.2 Coexistence migration
The coexistence migration approach uses your existing test and production
hardware. However, you must have sufficient spare capacity to concurrently run
two versions of WebSphere Commerce. If you use this approach, you should
have a test environment available. IBM iSeries and IBM zSeries systems often
migrate by using the coexistence migration approach.
Figure 9-2 Overview of a coexistence migration
Generally, the steps for a coexistence and in-place migration are the same. The
main difference is that you must select the coexistence options during installation
and migration, when applicable.
Deploy code
New WebSphere
Commerce V5.6
Test environment
Commerce V5.x
Commerce V5.6
Commerce V5.x
Production environment
202 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
9.3.3 In-place migration
The in-place migration approach uses your existing test and production
hardware. Choose this migration approach if you do not have any duplicate
hardware or extra resource on your existing production environment.
The test environment allows you to practice migration on a test system. You can
resolve any issues before you migrate the production environment.
Because an in-place migration may impact your live production site, it is the
riskiest migration approach. An in-place migration is not recommended, if you do
not have a test environment. Downtime can be reduced considerably if your
production environment is cloned or if it has built-in redundancy.
An in-place migration is performed on the production server. This approach
typically has the longest server downtime in comparison to the other two
approaches, although the entire migration does not have to be done all at one
time. Migrating some components individually may help to minimize the
production server downtime.
Consider this approach when there are limited hardware resources and only the
production server is the available system for migration (such as single-node
implementations). This assumes that high availability is not required and/or no
additional systems are available. If this is the case, this approach offers an option
to migrate to WebSphere Commerce V5.6.
Having a multiple-node environment may provide the chance to consolidate
functionality and nodes. Freeing up some nodes can allow you to migrate them
offline. The trade-off is a reduction in the processing capacity, but the site still
remains operational.
Detailed and careful planning is required for this approach. Although supported,
it may not be preferred if there is server downtime. Working directly on the
production server may be of concern.
Note: This migration approach is not supported on the Microsoft Windows or
Linux platforms. Additional information about this migration approach can be
found in the WebSphere Commerce Migration Guide.
Chapter 9. Migrating existing sites 203
Figure 9-3 Overview of an in-place migration
The in-place migration involves three main steps. The numbers refer to
Figure 9-3:
1. Migrate the development environment.
2. Install WebSphere Commerce V5.6 on an existing test environment, or set up
a new one, then migrate your existing site to this environment.
3. Install WebSphere Commerce V5.6 on your existing production environment,
and migrate your site to the V5.6 level. This step impacts your production site.
Decide when to take down your production site based on your experience
when migrating the test environment.
9.4 Migration planning
WebSphere Commerce integrates with several other software products to
provide award winning e-commerce solutions. Migrating WebSphere Commerce
can be a complex and challenging task given the number of products and
subsystems involved. A complete migration plan must include all the necessary
Migrate code
New WebSphere
Commerce V5.6
Commerce V5.x
204 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
upgrades to the application code and WebSphere Commerce servers. The plan
must also consider business requirements, while ensuring that during the
migration, service cannot be significantly affected. That is, your existing business
must continue during the migration.
Migrating to a new version of WebSphere Commerce may impact several
aspects of your business. Your WebSphere applications are far more than just
application code. Along with the application code, it is important to consider the
following items:
Custom application code
Development environment (including source control management systems)
Build processes
Runtime environments
Deployment processes
Education and training
Migrating WebSphere Commerce requires careful planning. Since the process
involves a number of interdependent software products, it can take a
considerable amount of time, and requires specialized skills. Careful migration
planning will ensure minimal impact on your business.
In general, the migration effort is determined by:
Your current version of WebSphere Commerce. The older the version, the
greater the effort.
The site architecture and configuration, before and after migration.
The level of site customizations, before and after migration.
Integration of additional software products.
To some extent, the size of the database.
A WebSphere Commerce migration project typically requires the following six
Inventory the existing WebSphere Commerce site assets.
Itemize the requirements for the post-migrated site.
Plan the migration activities.
Prepare for migration.
Test the migrated site.
The following sections provide greater detail on the above and provide you with
checklists which you could use to devise your migration plan.
Chapter 9. Migrating existing sites 205
9.4.1 Planning activities
During the planning activities for migrating a WebSphere Commerce site you
should consider evaluating the current site assets and how they currently meet
your needs for e-commerce. Based on this information, you will be able to
determine the skills required to complete the migration effort. The following
sections do not provide a comprehensive list of assets, but simply the more
common assets at most sites.
Evaluating current site assets
Take an inventory of your current WebSphere Commerce site assets, which
Topology information, such as information about the following items in your
existing site:
Cluster members
Custom code developed:
Enterprise Java Beans and commands
Custom Java code
Java Server Pages
Database schema customizations
Code deployment scripts
Data loading scripts
WebSphere Commerce tools, etc.
Existing business processes:
To ensure that existing processes continue to work flawlessly, you first need
to identify them. It may even be possible to better support these processes
with the availability of new capabilities in the new version of WebSphere
Commerce. For example, should free shipping be provided before or after
Source code:
Ensure you have access to all custom source code as you may need to
migrate any deprecated code.
Integration points:
WebSphere family of products, for example MQ, LDAP, messaging and so
Third-party software, for example Payments, taxation and so on
Back-end integration
206 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Evaluating skilled resources required
Inventory the skills of the people that will be involved in the migration effort.
Consider if you have the appropriate database, Java, coding, testing, and IT
systems administration skills to migrate your customizations and support your
migration needs:
Database administration skills, to help migrate custom database extensions,
such as new tables or views, for example:
IBM DB2 Universal Database (UDB) or Oracle
An understanding of relational database concepts
The ability to perform basic SQL queries
WebSphere Commerce development skills, to migrate custom Java code.
WebSphere Commerce administration skills, to minimize the impact to your
existing production site.
Software installation, configuration, and maintenance skills, to install and
configure WebSphere Commerce and co-required software products, for
The operating system
WebSphere Application Server administration
IBM HTTP Server administration
Understanding of TCP/IP, HTTP, and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
9.4.2 Gathering migration requirements
Itemize the requirements for the post-migrated site.
New requirements
New requirements can include following examples as dictated by your
reasons for migration (please refer to 9.2, Migration strategy considerations
on page 190 for additional examples):
Upgrading or adding hardware
Using new features or functionality
Replacing existing custom-code with out-of-the-box functionality
Address additional performance or scalability requirements
Accommodate new or changed Business Processes
Software level support
If there are integration points (as listed in the previous section) for the new
site then ensure that the third party vendor claims integration with the new
version of WebSphere Commerce.
Chapter 9. Migrating existing sites 207
9.4.3 Planning the migration activities
The activities for a typical migration project are:
Installing the WebSphere Commerce V5.6 software products, or upgrading to
the WebSphere Commerce V5.6 software levels.
Migrating the WebSphere Commerce instance configuration (and if required,
the WebSphere Commerce Payments instance configuration) to the
WebSphere Commerce V5.6 level.
Migrating the database schema to the WebSphere Commerce V5.6 level.
Depending on the extent of database customizations, you may have to
migrate your database more than once on your test machine prior to
migrating your production environment. For example, you may want to fine
tune the database configuration parameters to minimize the database
migration time.
After you have migrated your site, you must test it to validate a successful
Now is the time to complete the planning of the migration tasks. Use the following
checklist of key items as a guide:
Consider a phased migration approach as discussed in 9.2.3, Handling
complexity on page 193.
Consider migrating your environments in this order:
i. Development environment
ii. Test environment
iii. Production environment
For clustered or federated environments consider a piece-meal migration
as discussed in Consideration for cloned environments on page 192.
First migrate existing applications on a new software stack, then include
Decide on your production migration approach. Refer to 9.2, Migration
strategy considerations on page 190 for more details.
Ensure that you have the required skills (or available as needed) depending
on the customization requirement of your site.
Validate hardware and software requirements.
Ensure the new required software stack is supported by IBM and by your
internal corporate standards
208 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Ensure the planned hardware meets your production requirements. For
example, consider additional disk requirements beyond what is mentioned
in the WebSphere Commerce Installation Guide and in the WebSphere
Commerce Migration Guide. Extra resources may be needed for backups.
Plan for education.
Ensure that you understand the new version of WebSphere Commerce,
including the new features and changes which have occurred. To do so
review the WebSphere Commerce V5.6 documentation or take a self-paced,
on-line educational courses.
Consider migrating a backup copy of your production database during your
development or test environment migration.
Consider database cleanup, as discussed in 9.2.8, Database cleanup on
page 195.
Consider utilization of caching technology and fragment caching.
Pay particular attention to integration points.
Plan for backups and have a fall-back plan should you encounter any difficulty
during the migration.
Review the migration roadmap available in the WebSphere Commerce
Migration Guide and prepare your project plan. Refer to 9.5, Planning and
sizing templates on page 210 for a sample that you may use and enhance for
your needs.
9.4.4 Preparing for migration
The following is a checklist of the tasks and activities that you must complete in
preparation of the bulk of the migration effort:
Study the WebSphere Commerce Migration Guide for your platform that
provides detailed, step-by-step directions to lead you through the migration
processes and tools. Additionally, you can also review the Keeping
Commerce Applications Updated, SG24-6320-00 redbook, which provides an
example of an end-to-end migration to WebSphere Commerce V5.6 on the
Windows platform.
Note: If you do not understand features required by your site design then
up-front education is better than learning on-demand. Learning during the
implementation phase may have adverse effect on both the implementation as
well as project plan.
Chapter 9. Migrating existing sites 209
Do not let the migration impact the maintenance schedule to the current
WebSphere Commerce site.
Identify one of the development systems for migration and ensure that the
other systems are sufficient for your needs.
If only one machine is available, consider installing the new version of
WebSphere Commerce and its software stack on the same machine.
Perform an in-place install on the test machine without overwriting the
current stack.
Before you migrate, ensure you have a way of restoring the system to a
known, operational state.
Complete any pre-migration activities that may be required.
Production environment migration.
Practice migration at a test environment before migrating the production
If your database schema was highly customized and requires migration,
consider extending data migration scripts to migrate your custom tables as
well. This is discussed on 9.2, Migration strategy considerations on
page 190.
Decide on switching method (hostname/IP switching, DNS update, or
Prepare test plans.
9.4.5 Migrating the site
Ensure that you have a migration plan as discussed earlier. Follow the
WebSphere Commerce Migration Guide as per your plan to complete migration.
If you discover that you require any repetitive manual steps, then consider
creating a script for your subsequent migration attempts. For example, to make
database updates. When considering these scripts, include the production
environment migration, where downtime is extremely critical and manual steps or
errors in the process can slow down or be detrimental to the migration process.
If you have read the WebSphere Commerce Migration Guide and Keeping
Commerce Applications Updated, SG24-6320-00 and have the required
resources, consider migrating your custom code and database concurrently to
save some time.
210 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
9.4.6 Testing the migrated site
After you have migrated your site, you must test it to ensure that the site
functionality still meets your expectations and that the site is performing well.
Along with the migration of your site, you should also migrate test cases
supported by your site. If you did not have test cases, consider creating them and
account for them in your plan. Testing is a project target which gets affected by
project delays. If the plan does not account for this phase and provide
contingency, you run the risk of runtime disruptions to your live site if testing is
not adequate.
Unit test your site to ensure each piece or unit of code works well. This type of
testing should be done on an on-going basis as units of code become available.
Perform functional verification test (FVT) of your site to ensure it supports the
business processes as expected. You can perform FVT on an on-going basis,
once the development of a function is complete or at the end of the development
Perform system verification test (SVT) of your site to ensure it delivers adequate
response times and sufficient throughput. Use the caching technologies and
stress-test the site to ensure that it can handle the load over peak periods. If you
lack skills and tools to test performance and throughput consider the ideas in
9.2.1, Getting help on page 190.
9.4.7 Going live
After you have migrated your development environment and test environment
you are ready to move ahead with migrating the production environment.
Installation of WebSphere Commerce V5.6 and its required products can be
done while the current site is operational. Only the database migration requires
that the production site be taken offline.
To minimize the risk of down time due to unexpected database migration
problems it is recommended that you migrate a copy of your production database
during your development environment migration or during your test environment
9.5 Planning and sizing templates
Depending on your site, the migration process may take a few days or several
Chapter 9. Migrating existing sites 211
1. The first step, migrating the development environment, may take several
2. Next, migrating the test environment can take up to two weeks.
3. Finally, migrating the production environment can be scheduled to occur
during a short service window. The downtime of your site is determined by the
size of this service window.
There are a number of activities which go into migrating your site. Figure 9-4
shows a sample diagrammatic representation of the migration activities.
Figure 9-4 Migration overview
Table 9-2 shows a sample planning worksheet that you can use and enhance for
your needs.
Table 9-2 Migration planning worksheet
Application & DB migration
Functional testing
Stress testing
Dev/Test env. upgrade
1 3 4 2 5 7 8 6
Time units
Task Sub Task Time Assumptions,
Site analysis and preparation Review the current site and gather
new requirements.
Review the WebSphere Commerce
Installation Guide and WebSphere
Commerce Migration Guide. Access
any referred TechNotes.
212 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Development environment
Ensure you met all prerequisites.
Install and configure WebSphere
Commerce Developer.
Migrate your development
environment instance configuration.
Migrate your custom code.
Migrate your development
Test your migrated applications in
the development environment.
Migrate Payments.
Test environment migration Ensure you have met all the
Install and configure WebSphere
Commerce on your test
Migrate your test environment
instance configuration.
Migrate your test database.
Complete all post-instance and
database migration tasks.
Migrate WebSphere Commerce
Complete any additional migration
Implement dynamic caching.
Task Sub Task Time Assumptions,
Chapter 9. Migrating existing sites 213
Production server migration Ensure you have met all the
Install and configure WebSphere
Commerce on your production
Migrate your production
environment instance configuration.
Migrate your production database.
Complete all post-instance and
database migration tasks.
Migrate WebSphere Commerce
Complete any additional migration
Perform FVT and SVT to adequately test your migrated site
Get education for the day to day maintenance
Post launch support
Project management
Contingency (for unknown or unexpected issues)
Total project hours:
Task Sub Task Time Assumptions,
214 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved. 215
Chapter 10. Integration with existing
External systems integration is a key feature of a WebSphere Commerce
solution. In WebSphere Commerce, business logic is enabled for integration and
built-in adapters and interfaces are provided for common integration points.
Additionally, the WebSphere Commerce integration solution leverages
integration standards by using various IBM connectivity solutions.
216 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
10.1 WebSphere Commerce integration capabilities
WebSphere Commerce can integrate with:
Customers by multiple channels
Back-end systems within the enterprise
Partners and suppliers
To help integrators easily connect with external systems, WebSphere Commerce
provides reference applications. Reference applications, available from the
WebSphere Commerce support page, contain documentation and sample code
to integrate with a back-end system.
The messaging system gives WebSphere Commerce the ability to communicate
with its external environment. This communication includes sending messages to
and receiving messages from back-end systems or external systems, as well as
sending notification to customers and administrators that events have occurred
within WebSphere Commerce.
Figure 10-1 depicts how WebSphere Commerce can integrate with existing
Figure 10-1 WebSphere Commerce integration points
For example, you can set up the messaging system to send e-mail messages
notifying your customers that their orders have been shipped. You can configure
WebSphere Commerce to send message to a back-end system whenever an
order is created at your store. This order information can be used by the
back-end system to do necessary order fulfillment processing. The back-end
system can later send order status messages back to WebSphere Commerce
Adapters and Interfaces Web Services
InterChange Server
WebSphere MQ
WebSphere Commerce
Chapter 10. Integration with existing systems 217
indicating that order delivery has taken place, or an order invoice has been
issued. An e-mail can also be sent to update the customer.
Inbound messages are used to run commands in WebSphere Commerce based
on messages coming from back-end systems. Outbound messages can be
generated by the outbound messaging system in order to update back-end
systems with events that have taken place, such as a new customer order.
Figure 10-2 shows WebSphere Commerce components and utilities used to
communicate with external systems. For example, XML files can be used as
input by the Loader utility which uses the files to populate the WebSphere
Commerce database. The Extractor utility can be used to extract data from the
database into various file formats. XML messages are also used as input to the
Messaging system, based on the content of the XML messages the Messaging
system can perform business logic or send messages to an external system.
Figure 10-2 WebSphere Commerce Integration capabilities
10.1.1 Messaging architecture
The WebSphere Commerce messaging subsystem is comprised of two
component subsystems for inbound and outbound messaging. To speed
development, WebSphere Commerce provides many predefined inbound and
outbound messages. The predefined messages provide common messaging
functionality for fulfillment and back-end messaging needs. In addition,
WebSphere Commerce provides an architecture for adding new inbound or
outbound messages and transports.
XML Files
Logic Exits
XML Messages XML Messages
XML Files
WebSphere Commerce
218 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Figure 10-3 WebSphere Commerce messaging overview
As seen in Figure 10-3, the inbound messaging system can receive XML-based
messages via the HTTP protocol and WebSphere MQ. The outbound message
system provides a means of sending notifications via e-mail to customers and
administrators, send XML-based messages via the WebSphere MQ and
WebSphere Interchange Server transports, and write a message to a file.
10.1.2 Predefined messages
The messaging system is prepared to send and receive a number of pre-defined
messages in XML format. This format offers a high degree of readability, making
the messages easy to modify and maintain. You can also use the legacy
message format. However, the XML message format is recommended. You can
also add new messages. You can associate new inbound messages with either
existing WebSphere Commerce commands, or commands which you have
WebSphere Commerce provides several messages that the system can use to
communicate with an external system. In addition to the messages provided, you
can also create custom messages. Refer to the redbook WebSphere Commerce
V5.5 Handbook: Customization and Deployment Guide, SG24-6969-00 for
further details about integration with WebSphere MQ.
Inbound Request
Outbound Notification
(MQ, InterChange Server,
JavaMail, File)
Response to Request
Response to Outbound
(MQ, InterChange Server)
WebSphere Commerce
Logic and
Chapter 10. Integration with existing systems 219
10.2 Web services
This section briefly explains the Web services infrastructure in WebSphere
Commerce and helps you understand the internal Web services architecture. It
also describes the method to expose WebSphere Commerce business
processes as Web services and how WebSphere Commerce can access Web
services hosted by external systems.
This information is intended for those who want to expose the business
processes in WebSphere Commerce as Web services and developers who need
to understand how to enable and implement Web services for WebSphere
10.2.1 Overview
Web services are a new breed of Web applications. They are self-contained,
self-describing, modular applications that can be published, located, and invoked
across the Web. Web services perform functions that can be invoked ranging
from a simple request to complicated business processes. Once a Web service
is deployed and registered, other applications can discover and invoke the
deployed service. The foundation for Web services are standards such as Simple
Object Access Protocol (SOAP), the Web Services Description Language
(WSDL), and the Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI)
WebSphere Commerce includes code and documentation that allows you to
enable WebSphere Commerce business functions as Web services. You can
allow WebSphere Commerce to be the service provider by enabling its business
functions as Web services that can be accessed by external systems. You can
also allow WebSphere Commerce to be the service requestor by enabling it to
invoke Web services that are hosted by external systems.
10.2.2 Why use Web services?
Web services allow applications to be integrated more rapidly, easily and less
expensively than ever before. Integration occurs at a higher level in the protocol
stack, based on messages entered more on service semantics and less on
network protocol semantics, thus enabling loose integration of business
functions. These characteristics are ideal for connecting business functions
across the Web, both between multiple enterprises and within a single
enterprise. They provide a unifying programming model so that application
integration both inside and outside the enterprise can be performed with a
common approach, leveraging a common infrastructure. The integration and
220 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
application of Web services can be performed in an incremental manner, using
existing languages and platforms and by adopting existing applications.
A Web service is an interface that describes a collection of operations that are
accessible through the network by using standardized XML messaging. A Web
service is described using a standard, formal XML notation, called its service
description. The service description includes all the details necessary to interact
with the service, including message formats (that detail the operations), transport
protocols and location. The interface hides the implementation details of the
service, allowing it to be used independently of the hardware or software platform
on which it is implemented and also independently of the programming language
in which it is written. WebSphere Commerce is designed to support Web
services, both as a provider of Web services and as a requestor (client) to other
Web services provider.
10.2.3 Web services architecture
The Web services architecture describes three roles: service provider, service
requester, and service broker; and three basic operations: publish, find, and bind.
A network component can play any or all of these roles. The service providers
publish Web services to a service broker. Service requestors find required Web
services by using a service broker and bind to them.
Figure 10-4 Web services architecture
In a typical scenario, a service provider hosts a network-accessible service
module, which is an implementation of a Web service. The service provider
defines a service description for the Web service and publishes it to a service
requestor or a service registry. The service requestor uses a find operation to
retrieve the service description locally or from the service registry hosted by the
service broker. The service requestor uses the service description to bind with
the service provider and invoke or interact with the Web service implementation.
Publish Bind
Chapter 10. Integration with existing systems 221
This solution provides runtime support to enable business processes that are
defined by WebSphere Commerce as Web services.
For further information on WebSphere Commerce back-end integration, refer to
the WebSphere Commerce Information Center at the following URL:
222 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved. 223
Part 3 Appendixes
Part 3
224 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved. 225
Appendix A. Project team creation and
common roles
There are a number of common roles that are needed within a team to execute a
WebSphere Commerce project. In this appendix, we outline the process of
creating a team and briefly describe the key roles. This information can be used
as a guide to assess what roles and responsibilities make sense and are
appropriate for a given project context.
It is possible for one or more of these roles to be performed by a single person
during a project.
Some of the roles will be performed over the complete duration of the project,
while others will only apply to certain phases of the project development method.
Having identified the roles, we then show how these roles relate to the migration
tools, indicating which tool would be used at a particular point in the project by
specific role performers.
226 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Creating the project team
Although this is fairly obvious, note that all projects require a team of dedicated
and skilled people to perform the activities that will ensure the project's success.
A project team should be formed by the project manager. When selecting
available people and assigning them to roles, the project manager must consider
such factors as:
Skills and expertise
Project objectives
Time scale for deliverables
Customer requirements for new or replacement site functionality
Geographic location for overlapping projects and teams or sub-teams of
Customer intention to utilize their own staff for development or support
On-site multicultural support
Internationalization and translation
Double-byte character set (DBCS) enabling
An ideal commerce project, specifically one based on WebSphere Commerce,
requires a set of common roles for team members. These required, or more
appropriately, recommended roles are described in detail in Project roles on
page 230.
Identifying team members and then assigning each to a role, or possibly roles,
can be performed in many different ways. IBM Software Services has found two
strategies for forming project teams, in particular, to be helpful during project
design, each of which are discussed in detail here:
The core competency strategy
The holistic strategy
Note: A project team may consist of both customer and consulting resources,
which is generally the case when a project requires skills transfer between the
consulting firm and the customer, or the customer has requested that it should
have the necessary skills required to administer the site after the project has
ended. It is important to realize that time or resources spent supporting or
training customer personnel should be included as a separate part of project
development estimates.
Appendix A. Project team creation and common roles 227
The core competency strategy
This strategy assumes that several of the team members have the relevant skills
required by the project, and it enables the project manager to divide the roles and
responsibilities according to the existing skills or competencies.
For example, if some members of the team are skilled, or have been certified as
experts on specific WebSphere Commerce subsystems, such as Order, Member,
or Catalog systems, then the project manager should assign design work
involving these subsystems to the available experts.
An overview of the core competency strategy is provided in Figure A-1.
Figure A-1 Core competency team assignment strategy
The core competency strategy fosters a team structure that is based on
technology assignments, which in turn, afford each team member the opportunity
to hone and refine their skills. At the conclusion of the project, each team
member is likely to be better prepared to assume more challenging design and
development responsibilities on future engagements, such as commerce
projects. In addition, project models based on this strategy generally produce
greater specialization and expertise in specific commerce areas within a services
organization, skills the organization can call upon and sell later.
Core Competency Team Assignment Strategy
Strategy: Core Competency Model
Key Influencers:
Teams e-commerce skills and experience
Geographic location of teams/sub-teams
Availability of team members
Future skill requirements of team members
Work Products
Education and training
On-the-job skill
Coaching and
Work Products
Skilled team to
accomplish project
Create team structure.
For each project task or
phase, assign roles and
responsibilities to team
Project Phases: All Project Type: Either new or migration
228 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
The holistic strategy
The holistic strategy is based on the requirement of making each team member
equally effective in performing all project tasks, hence the reason for its name.
An overview of the holistic strategy is provided in Figure A-2.
Figure A-2 Holistic team assignment strategy
The holistic strategy is very useful when creating a workforce that can adapt to a
variety of projects or work assignments. This strategy enables team members to
focus on developing a breadth of commerce knowledge prior to refining it in
given competencies. For example, when this strategy is employed, the project
manager can expect and count on any team member being capable of design,
coding, and testing most project artifacts, such as WebSphere Commerce
commands or JSPs. To succeed using this strategy, the project manager must
ensure the team has, or is in the process of obtaining, skills and experience with
all core Java technologies, such as JSPs, commands, and EJBs, as well as
ensuring that the team understands and has experience with core project
activities, such as site design, implementation, and testing.
Either strategy, or a combination of elements from each, may work for a
particular project. Prior to selecting a team strategy, you are encouraged to
Holistic Team Assignment Strategy
Strategy: Holistic Model
Key Influencers:
Team members possess knowledge, skills, and
experience to manage technical projects.
Future skill requirements of team members.
Work Products
Education and training
On-the-job skill
Coaching and
Work Products
Skilled team to
accomplish project
Create team structure.
For each project task or
phase, assign roles and
responsibilities to team
Project Phases: All Project Type: Either new or migration
Appendix A. Project team creation and common roles 229
assess the nature and scope of your project early to help you determine how
best to form your project team and manage them through a specific strategy.
Even after having made a decision, you will want to reassess your team strategy
between project phases, because you may need to pursue a new strategy for
any given phase.
In practice, resource exclusivity is a rarity on most projects. Therefore, project
managers should comprehensively document all design tasks and work
assignments and then post the documentation so that all team members may
access it. Whenever possible, the project manager should use standard
document templates and layouts to enable new and old team members to
assimilate the information quickly. Combined, these activities will enable the
project manager to mitigate some of the problems or issues that may arise from
people movement during the design phase.
Guidance for selecting the strategy
Selecting the appropriate strategy for a project will necessarily reflect the
circumstances of the project itself. However, a useful guide is to assess the skill
level of team members and their previous experience with commerce projects.
If less than 20% of the team have previous commerce experience, it is advisable
to build core commerce skills before commencing the project. While it may
appear attractive to build skills on the job, this is likely to introduce significant
scope for error in estimating the time to complete phases and may impact the
project delivery date.
Note: Whenever practical, we recommend not making significant changes to
your project team during the design phase. Each new member added to the
team will require appropriate lead time for them to establish a bearing with
regard to the projects current course and direction. Although the resulting
delay is rarely convenient, it is absolutely necessary if the new members are
to be fully integrated into the team to become productive members.
We recommend not assigning team members to multiple projects, unless, of
course, the transition between projects can be managed adequately so not
delaying any of the projects. Because people require time to context-switch
between projects, and the length of time needed is directly proportional to
project complexity, reducing people movement in and out a project team
during the design phase will help ensure an efficient and productive design
230 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
If less than 40% or 50% of the team have previous commerce experience, this
would indicate that the core competency strategy would be appropriate for the
If more than 40% or 50% of the team have previous commerce experience, this
would indicate that the holistic strategy would be appropriate for the project.
Project roles
The most common WebSphere Commerce project roles, and the skills
necessary to perform the roles, are summarized in Table A-1.
Table A-1 Common project roles and associated skills
Note: The percentages suggested here are for guidance purposes only; each
project should be assessed individually.
Project role Main phases Product related
skills required
Other skills
All General
understanding of
Commerce product
and architecture.
Project management,
preferably in the
e-commerce area.
Manages and leads project team along all phases of the project and
also acts as a contact point to interact with customer IT and test teams.
All WebSphere
architecture and
design skills.
Preferably, having
experience in technically
leading a project team
during all phases of a
Looks after the overall project technical architecture/design, quality
assurance of the solution, knowledge transfer to customer, and
mentoring to the project technical team members.
Appendix A. Project team creation and common roles 231
Design WebSphere
Commerce design
Technical design
experience; OOD and
implementation experience;
knowledge of Java
technology; knowledge of
the development
environment and tools.
Based upon project scope and complexity, one or more WebSphere
Commerce designers can work to create detailed project technical
designs. The work effort can be divided based on common WebSphere
Commerce subsystems, such as Catalog, Member, Order, and
communication with back-end or legacy systems.
creation or
Design Understanding of
Commerce schema,
and database
creation or migration
Database knowledge, such
as DB2 and Oracle; SQL
The main database creation or migration effort should be complete by
the end of design phase; it is assumed that the data model for the new
or migrated site is available to the design team of the WebSphere
Commerce architect and designers.
Build and Site
J2EE programming,
knowledge of the
development environment
and tools.
WebSphere Commerce architect/technical lead and WebSphere
Commerce designers can also participate in building new or migrated
Design, Build,
Site Test and
Team repository
administration; setting and
working with live or
simulated back-end
systems, for example,
using MQ for connectivity.
Responsible for all types of project software and hardware
infrastructure setup and maintenance work.
Project role Main phases Product related
skills required
Other skills
232 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Test lead All General
understanding of
Commerce product
and architecture.
Detailed understanding of
functioning of customer
site; experience in leading
testing activity; test tool
Lead the test team during all site test phases; work with customer IT
team to support SIT, SVT, UAT, and launch preparation phases.
Testers FVT Knowledge of the
test tools used by
the test team.
General understanding of
Web-based systems and
customer site information
and behavior.
Any members of the project team, who can satisfy the criteria may
participate in this activity.
DBA Design, Build,
Site Test and
Some knowledge of
Database administration.
The database creation or migration activity role could also be
performed by the DBA.
Project role Main phases Product related
skills required
Other skills
Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved. 233
Appendix B. Analysis, site maintenance
and enhancement phases
In this appendix, we provide a brief description of the analysis and site
maintenance and enhancement phases. These represent the entry and exit
points, respectively, for a typical WebSphere Commerce project.
234 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Analysis phase
During the analysis phase, we recommend conducting a high-level fit-gap
analysis to begin defining the project scope and to help develop a rough sizing of
the work effort. A good vehicle for this activity is to participate in a fit-gap analysis
workshop with the customer.
The output of this activity should provide information to support development of a
plan to proceed with the project. In terms of a normal consulting engagement,
this information leads to a statement of work (SoW) or a document of
understanding (DoU). Figure B-1 provides an overview of this phase.
Figure B-1 Overview of analysis phase and deliverables
The scope of the first SoW or DoU would typically be limited to only the work that
is required to produce a valid site design, which is a major output of the design
phase. A second SoW or DoU would then be used to describe the remaining
tasks for the project that come after site design.
As an additional observation, when engaged in an in-house project, which is one
that is owned and operated by the customer, it is likely that additional time will
have to be allocated for obtaining project sponsorship.
A checklist summary for the activities and work products of the analysis phase is
provided in Table B-1 on page 235.
New or
Business requirements
Fit-gap analysis
Staff small architecture
Current/new site flow
Current/new design docs
Current/new schema
Current code for transition
Gather current
Gather business requirements and
initial fit-gap
Gather new
Appendix B. Analysis, site maintenance and enhancement phases 235
Table B-1 The analysis phase
If this is a migration project, a high-level analysis of the current site's assets and
the current data model will help in performing the fit-gap analysis during this
Analysis phase sizing
In many projects, customers will require budget and planning numbers as soon
as possible, often before detailed requirements have been established. Although
the design work will not begin until after the analysis phase, it may be possible to
provide an approximate sizing by comparing the project with similar scenarios or
projects. These prior experiences may give an indication of the number of hours
and resources required.
Analysis phase sizing is experience-based and is also referred to as
business-process or scenario-based sizing. The approach taken is typically to
break down the project as follows:
1. Identify each high-level business process or key subsystem.
2. For each of these processes or subsystems, identify the business functions
that must be implemented.
Concept Detail
Phase name Analysis phase.
Short description This phase is conducted before a WebSphere Commerce
project starts formally. The customer and the organization
providing the project team must work together to define
and document high-level objectives, project scope, and a
work proposal ready for the WebSphere Commerce
project to start.
Input work products RFI, RFP, or customer business requirements document.
Output work products As a result of conducting a fit-gap analysis workshop,
several outcomes would normally result:
Initial fit-gap analysis document containing rough
Refined customer business requirements document.
Education roadmap.
Knowledge communicated face-to-face on
WebSphere Commerce and its high-level relevance to
the customer business requirements.
First SoW or DoU.
236 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
3. For each business function, produce a list of functional requirements and
implementation scenarios, and assign an assessment of expected effort
based on prior experience.
4. Add the total assessed effort.
5. For any other project aspects not already included, add a percentage effort
for coding or testing activities accordingly. The percentage used should again
be based on prior experience.
This sizing approach does not require a design, and the result will certainly be
less accurate than a sizing performed after design has been completed.
However, it will help to provide the customer with an early indication of the likely
project sizing, and so assist them with early activities, such as ordering
Site maintenance and enhancement phase
This phase marks the beginning of site activities that are related to maintaining
and enhancing (based on new and changing business requirements) site assets
after the successful launch of the customer e-commerce site. The project team
completes its major role before this phase starts, and this phase would normally
continue for the remaining life of the site.
A checklist summary for the activities and work products of the site maintenance
and enhancement phase is provided in Table B-2.
Table B-2 The site maintenance and enhancement phase
For a migration project, it is assumed that before the start of the project the
customer site is already in the maintenance phase. After the migrated site has
Concept Detail
Phase name Site maintenance and enhancement phase.
Short description This phase marks the beginning of site activities that relate
to maintaining and enhancing site assets after the new or
migrated site is launched. The project team completes its
major role before this phase starts.
Input work products Site launch phase outputs (see Figure 6-2 on page 107).
A live e-commerce site following completion of the
WebSphere Commerce project.
Output work products Error-free live site.
If new or changed business requirements have been
fulfilled, the live site will have been successfully enhanced.
Appendix B. Analysis, site maintenance and enhancement phases 237
been launched, however, the customer site will normally re-enter the
maintenance phase to continue its life cycle.
After launching the site, the customer IT or support team can take charge of the
ownership of maintaining and enhancing the site. Besides regular maintenance,
this team may also have the mandate of adding new features or enhancing the
existing features of the live site, based on new or changing business
In order for the customer IT or support team to manage this activity effectively, it
must have the following:
A fully functional development environment so that the site code may be fixed
or enhanced as desired.
A test environment on which to assess changes before moving the code to
the production site.
238 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved. 239
Appendix C. Additional methods
This redbook uses specific terminology to describe a WebSphere Commerce
development method. The terms are in common use among the Toronto-based
IBM Software Services commerce team and originate from IBM Global Services
terminology, subsequently adapted slightly for WebSphere Commerce
implementation projects.
In this appendix, we consider other methods used within IBM or as part of
engagements where IBM consultants work with customers on implementation
projects. The purpose is to highlight that the literal terms used in this redbook are
less significant than the concepts they embody, with the proviso that all
consultants and developers working on a project must have an agreed upon and
common understanding of the terms being used.
240 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Deciding the method and terminology
In deciding the method and terminology to be used, the starting point should be
to assess:
Project team and customer team familiarity with existing methods and terms.
The match between the conceptual model that underpins the method and the
project requirements.
For example, a project team that has worked with the customer team on previous
projects is likely to have developed their own local interpretation or dialect of
terms that have evolved as an optimized amalgamation of standard methods and
terms. It would be unwise to discard the procedural and teaming benefits of this
localization, as long as the basic rigor of the method is maintained.
Similarly, a method that focuses on code implementation using an
object-oriented model may be inappropriate to use on a project that simply
requires reconfiguration of standard components, rather than development of
code using an object-oriented language.
IBM methods
Not surprisingly, IBM has a well-established discipline for managing development
projects. Within that context, there will be development methods that are
optimized according to the nature of the project work. For example, the process
of designing and developing a system performance assessment tool may have
differences when compared with the design and development of an embedded
hardware component for a Point-of-Sale terminal.
The intent is to ensure that a balance is found between a process that is
insufficiently structured, and so allows freedom and flexibility, but is hard to
measure and document, against a process that is too structured, and so
constrains creativity and that may be bureaucratic or slow.
The Rational Unified Process (RUP)
The Rational Unified Process (RUP) is an software engineering process. Its
purpose is to provide a disciplined approach to identifying and assigning tasks
and responsibilities within a development project. RUP is intended to be
configurable according to project circumstances.
The complexity of most significant development projects make it unlikely that a
simple sequential development model will succeed; rather an iterative process
Appendix C. Additional methods 241
must be applied where earlier steps will be revisited and refined in the light of
subsequent understanding and progress on the problems and tasks. The
Rational Unified Process is an iterative process at a macro and micro level. It
supports iterative development in a number of ways, for example, using frequent
test releases of code or assets to allow customer testing, verification, and
At the macro design level, Inception, Elaboration, Construction and Transition
can be identified in the process. These activities are basically periods of the
initial planning, design, build and closing and moving on to the next project cycle.
The next cycle will repeat these phases. At the micro level each activity may go
through several iterations of itself. For example during a construction phase:
coding, testing and re-coding may take place a number of times. Figure C-1 gives
an overview of the Rational Unified Process.
Figure C-1 Rational Unified Process overview
Also shown in Figure C-1, the Rational Unified Process identifies a number of
disciplines that are practiced during the various phases. These disciplines are
practiced during all phases but the amount of activity in each phase varies.
Clearly the requirements discipline will be more active during the earlier inception
and elaboration phases for example.
Inception Elaboration Construction Transition
Initial Elab #1 Elab #2
Business Modeling
Analysis & Design
Configuration &
Change Mgmt
Project Management
242 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Table C-1 shows how the RUP phases correspond approximately to the phases
identified within this redbook.
Table C-1 Comparison between RUP and redbook terminology
The Rational Unified Process maps disciplines to roles. There are many roles but
the roles break down into 4 basic sets of roles: Analysts, Developers, Testers,
Managers. Members of the team may take on more than one role. More than one
team member may have the same role. Each role may require the practice of
more than one discipline. Table C-2 shows the basic mappings between roles
and disciplines.
Table C-2 RUP disciplines (vertical) mapped to RUP role sets (horizontal)
RUP redbook
Inception Analysis, discussed in Appendix B,
Analysis, site maintenance and
enhancement phases on page 233.
Elaboration Design discussed in Chapter 3, Design
phase on page 27. Phase activities are:
Solution outline
Macro design
Micro design
Construction Build and test, discussed in Chapter 4,
Build phase on page 59 and Chapter 5,
Site test phase on page 89. Phases
activities are:
Project implementation.
Functional Verification Test.
System Integration Test.
System Verification Test.
User Acceptance Test.
Transition Site launch, discussed in Chapter 6,
Launch phase on page 105.
Analysts Developers Testers Managers
Requirements X
Test X X X
Analysis &
Appendix C. Additional methods 243
The Rational Unified Process can be followed without using Rational Software, it
is just a process specification after all. However, the Rational Unified Process
provides specific guidance (called Tool Mentors) on how to use Rational
Software when following the process. The disciplines identified in the Rational
Unified Process such as requirements analysis, design or testing map to specific
pieces of Rational software and artifacts that this software generates. The
Rational Unified Process is a process that can be bought into as much or as
little as is required.
For more information on the Rational Unified Process visit the following URL:
If a match is found between a standard method and the project requirements,
then clearly the method is a strong candidate for use on the project. If no clear
match is found, then the closest approximations should be considered to assess
the impact of the discrepancies. It may be that a close match can be adjusted
sufficiently to support the project, while not compromising the architectural
foundation of the method itself.
& Change
& Project
Deployment X
Note: Each discipline and each role in Table C-2 has many sub roles and sub
disciplines. The table is simply an overview.
Analysts Developers Testers Managers
244 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved. 245
Related publications
The publications listed in this section are considered particularly suitable for a
more detailed discussion of the topics covered in this redbook.
IBM Redbooks
For information on ordering these publications, see How to get IBM Redbooks
on page 245. Note that some of the documents referenced here may be available
in softcopy only.
Best Practices and Tools for Creating IBM WebSphere Commerce Sites,
Online resources
These Web sites and URLs are also relevant as further information sources:
IBM Business Consulting Services
IBM Global Services
IBM Software Services
WebSphere Application Server Version 5.0 information center
How to get IBM Redbooks
You can search for, view, or download Redbooks, Redpapers, Hints and Tips,
draft publications and Additional materials, as well as order hardcopy Redbooks
or CD-ROMs, at this Web site:
246 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
Help from IBM
IBM Support and downloads
IBM Global Services
Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved. 247
access bean 44, 52, 153154, 158, 197
corresponding attribute 153154
Activity 16
address table 154155
Analysis 20
Analysis phase 6, 21, 27, 42, 234235
work products 234
Analysts 242
application or customization defects 81
application-level error 166
condition 175
messaging 217
Assigning tasks 61
Availability-to-promise (ATP) 188
back-end system 39, 47, 69, 73, 92, 100, 102,
Build 20
Build Cycle phase 16
build deployment 80
build deployment errors 80
build deployment status 78
Build manager 71
build phase 8, 22, 27, 34, 52, 5961, 6465, 82, 89,
92, 104, 143
code development 75
code requirements 55
core activity 59
final activities 82
project team 69
solution database 53
subsystem integration 82
team progress 64
test environments 65
build process 75
Build Verification Test (BVT) 9, 64, 78, 90, 9394,
98, 100
business requirement 3, 6, 10, 14, 1718, 2021,
27, 34, 3638, 204
data entities 46
Business rules 36
c:out value 161162, 164, 167
Case studies 24
Catalog data 47
Chinese encodings 127
comma-delimited file 119, 124
commerce database 51
CommerceQA tool 142
configuration errors 80
Construction 241
container-managed persistence (CMP) 153
core development phases 21
custom code 42, 85, 102, 179, 191193, 197198
customer 18
customer IT team 18
data bean 8, 42, 49, 77, 141, 146, 148, 150, 160,
Java code 141
same instance 170
data model 16, 28, 41, 4649, 231, 235
Catalog data 47
Inventory data 46
Marketing data 46
Member data 46
Merchandising data 47
Messaging 47
Order data 47
Trading data 47
Database administrator 71
database schema 16, 52, 69, 135, 141, 147148,
158, 190, 197, 205, 207, 209
column lengths 136
Database server 68
DB2 V8.1.5 68
activity 16
customer 18
customer IT team 18
248 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
deliverable 15
phase 15
project repository 19
project team 18
work breakdown structure 17
work unit 17
Deliverable 15
deployed JSPs
static errors 128
deployment process 75
Design 20
design activity 8, 2223, 27, 2931, 33, 43, 110
design phase 68, 15, 22, 2731, 60, 75, 106, 229,
231, 234
major output 234
people movement 229
project team 229
purpose 28
remaining activities 7
design strategy 7
design team 18, 37, 39, 231
Design-based sizing 42
developed session EJBs
conditional code 75
Developer clients 69
Developers 71, 242
development environment 20, 65, 6770, 116, 128,
132133, 140, 186, 191192, 197198, 231
encrypt password 132133
development process 72
Document of Understanding 15
Document of Understanding (DOU) 15, 234235
DOU 15
Double-byte character set (DBCS) 226
EAR file 7677, 139, 198
ECMessageHelper.gene rateMsgParms 176, 179,
e-commerce site 3, 13, 21, 65, 74, 109110
business requirements 18
code components 74
Elaboration 241
E-mail Address 165
enhancement phase 233
entity bean 150, 153
finder method 153
new instances 158
entity EJBs 54, 56
error handling 83
error message 149, 164, 175
existing site 10, 24, 27, 29, 37, 42, 57, 135, 185,
190, 193194, 200, 203
external system 8, 35, 67, 102, 215217, 219
final String
METHOD_NAME 174, 181
sqlNow 152
finder method 153154
fit-gap analysis 20, 27, 34, 42, 234235
functional requirement 67, 3637, 39, 41, 45, 110,
functional requirements 36
Business rules 36
Integration 36
Site flow descriptions 36
Functional Verification Test 78
Functional Verification Test (FVT) 9, 21, 96, 111,
main objective 96
functionDef element 127
paramDef subelement 127
graphical user interface (GUI) 124125, 141
handling errors 83
holistic strategy 7, 63, 228, 230
HTML page 51, 167, 169
IBM Business Consulting Services 11
IBM Cloudscape 116119, 128, 151
IBM DB2 Universal Database
V8.1.5 116
IBM Global Services 12
IBM Software Services 12
ID resolver 119123
Inception 241
indexes defined (ID) 122123
Information Center 125, 144145, 158, 170, 180,
189, 221
Index 249
in-place migration 135, 199, 201203
installation errors 80
instance configuration 207
Integration 36
Inventory data 46
Java Developer Kit (JDK) 138
JSP 45, 50, 63, 7374, 77, 81, 128129, 141, 144,
JSP file 128, 167, 169, 187
JSP page 159, 165, 186, 189
Error handling 165
store-specific error messages 164
JSPs 4142, 4445, 49, 6162, 75, 7778
JSPs template 51
Launch 21
Launch phase 22, 106107, 111
work products 106
Lightweight Object Query System (LOQS) 58, 140
log file 7981, 128, 183
LOQSML file 141
Lotus Domino 73
Macro design 6, 8, 15, 20, 2223, 28, 3234, 43,
71, 110, 241242
main focus 8
Macro design activity 43
Managers 242
Marketing data 46
massextract tool 126128
massloader 120, 122, 124, 126
Master Catalog 120121, 187, 196
Member data 46
Merchandising data 47
merchant key 130131, 137, 181, 183
clear-text values 183
Messaging 47
Messaging architecture 217
inbound messaging 218
outbound messaging 218
Micro design 6, 8, 16, 20, 2223, 28, 3233, 49, 51,
110, 242
activity 8, 5456, 60, 110
document 5455, 71
model definition 61
non-existent order 134
non-functional requirements 36
Oracle 9i 116, 118120, 151
Order data 47
out-of-the-box command 4950
out-of-the-box data model
required site application data model 48
out-of-the-box function 4142
param name 127128
performance problems 81
Phase 15
Build 4
Design 4
Launch 4
Site testing 4
planning activities 27
port number 184
problem determination 79
application or customization defects 81
build deployment 80
configuration 80
installation 80
performance problems 81
runtime problems 81
production database 133, 196, 200, 208, 210, 213
production database 196
production environment 10, 7273, 96, 99, 105,
111, 179, 191192, 196, 198199
software architecture 107
project life cycle 19
analysis 20
build 20
design 20
launch 21
site maintenance and enhancement 21
Project Management Institute (PMI) 18
project manager 67, 18, 23, 27, 6061, 63, 66,
250 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
9193, 95, 110, 226230
project plan 6, 24, 2728, 38, 56, 60, 74, 110, 208
project repository 19
Project role 23, 230
project team 6, 8, 1718, 27, 60, 62, 6466, 73,
9192, 96, 100101, 109111, 226, 229230, 232,
235236, 240
core design activities 58
test infrastructure 72
public void
ejbCreate 158
method1 173
performExecute 174
validateParameters 174
Rational Unified Process (RUP) 240243
Redbooks Web site 245
Contact us xiii
Request for Quotation (RFQ) 189
Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) 188
returned access bean
local copy 155
RFQ 189
Roles 70
Analysts 242
Build manager 71
Database administrator 71
Developers 71, 242
Managers 242
System administrator 70
Team repository administrator 71
Testers 242
runtime environment 128129, 138, 191192, 198,
runtime problems 81
Construction 241
Elaboration 241
Inception 241
Transition 241
SCM 69
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) 206
select orders_id 148, 150, 152
session bean 52, 141, 148, 153156
session EJBs 54, 56
shared test environment 72
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 219
single sign-on (SSO) 189
site asset 42
site code 910, 5961, 65, 83, 8990, 96, 101, 111,
first serious testing 65
site design 67, 30, 32, 4243, 190, 195, 228, 234
use case strategy 44
Site flow descriptions 36
Site maintenance and enhancement 21
Site Test 21, 89, 92, 110, 231232
site test
infrastructure 65
phase 44
skills requirement 23
Solution outline 68, 20, 2223, 28, 32, 34, 110,
design activities 32
Solution outline document 41
Solution outline workshop 39
Source code management 74
Client software 71
Source code management (SCM) 6971, 74, 76
Source Control Management (SCM) 56
SQL file 136, 197
SQL statement 41, 52, 56, 58, 148, 155
starter store 51, 144145, 194195
business process definitions 51
business processes 145
Statement of Work 15
Statement of Work (SOW) 15, 234235
Strategy 17
System administrator 70
System Integration Test (SIT) 9, 98, 111
system test 9899, 101, 104
System Verification Test (SVT) 9, 21, 76, 99, 101,
111, 210
testing responsibilities 102
systematic development method 14
systematic method 3
Systems integration test (SIT) 21
target site 6, 8, 28, 35, 43, 45, 52, 102103, 110
data beans 52
Index 251
data model 52
initial high-level design 35
look and feel and business operations 103
macro design 43
site design 28
sole cause 102
use cases 45
Task 16
team member 7, 9, 16, 1819, 37, 56, 61, 67,
7273, 93, 98, 226230, 242
common roles 226
share software 65
skill level 229
working relationships 18
Team repository administrator 71
team structure selection 61
test case 10, 36, 9397, 111, 210
complete set 96
predefined percentage 98
test environment 20, 65, 92, 98, 116118, 129,
186, 191192, 196, 199, 237
appropriate hardware-software configuration
high resource requirements 117
Practice migration 209
resource requirements 116
Test lead 9193, 9596, 232
test phase 910
test server 64, 70, 72, 7879, 92, 118, 191
average startup times 118
code deployment process 100
system 92
topology 72
test team 10, 18, 92, 111, 230
Testers 242
Tool Mentors 243
Tracking progress 63
Trading data 47
Transition 241
Transition Tools Suite (TTS) 140
unit test 63, 65, 210
Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration
(UDDI) 219
URL string 171
use case 8, 10, 3637, 4446, 6264, 8283, 89,
9596, 110
code development 62
code elements 63
integration testing 83
interaction diagrams 4546
interrelationship 10
limited interaction 10
set creation 37
site flow 49
User Acceptance Test (UAT) 9, 21, 102, 111
USERREG table 131132
SALT column 132
VisualAge for Java 116
Web service 219221
service description 220
Web services Description Language (WSDL) 219
Web Site 126, 189
WebSphere Commerce 3, 6, 810, 1314, 2123,
29, 36, 45, 48, 54, 6364, 7172, 76, 89, 92, 94,
100, 108112, 115117, 119, 124, 143, 163, 168,
176, 189191, 193, 215217, 219, 225228, 230,
Accelerator tool 195
Analyzer 189
Business Edition 144, 187188
database migration technique 196
Developer 69, 71, 125, 127129, 132
Developer Business Edition V5.6 118
Developer Express V5.6 116
Developer V5.6 6970, 81, 116, 144
development 206
Express 145
Information Center 125, 144145, 158, 170,
180, 189, 221
instance configuration 207
JSP batch compiler 167
messaging architecture 217
Migration Guide 197
Payment 72, 79, 132, 139, 207, 212213
Professional Edition 145
project 233
sample store 190, 195
site asset 205
Suite V5.1 116, 135138, 197
252 Best Practices and Tools for Creating WebSphere Commerce Sites
tool 205
V5.4 131
V5.5 139, 196
V5.6 3, 14, 76, 78, 84, 115, 117118, 135136,
159, 163, 175, 186187, 190, 195, 202
version 194
WebSphere Commerce Developer V5.6 68
WebSphere Commerce Information Center 50
WebSphere Commerce Payments 67, 70
WebSphere MQ 67, 6972, 218
work breakdown structure 17
work product 1417, 27, 35, 43, 55, 60, 82, 96, 98,
101102, 110, 235236
work unit 17
XML document 119121, 123, 126127
literal identifiers 121
XML file 119, 126, 135, 137, 139, 217
xml version 120121, 128