The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry Looney and Knechtel Arrais et al
study were close to the final DC. At the 10-minute interval, differ- ences in DC between light- and auto- polymerized groups ranged from 3.5% (Calibra) to 33.9% (RelyX ARC). The clinical relevance of such differences in DC deserves consideration, as only a 4% decrease in DC impairs elastic mod- ulus, hardness, and fracture strength of composite resins. 25 The relative hard- ness of composite resins has been pro- posed as a means of determining the effectiveness of polymerization when comparing values of a test group to those of a control group known to have been maximally polymerized. It is also suggested that a ratio of 90% would be acceptable for a clinical situation. 10 If such an assumption was extrapolated to the DC analysis of the current study, the autopolymerizing modes of prod- ucts exhibiting PC A/D values of approxi- mately 90% might provide RLA layers with mechanical properties capable of resisting the high stress imparted after cementation of an indirect restora- tion. Based on these findings, it may be assumed that RLAs demonstrating such polymerization characteristics would perform adequately when light is completely blocked by the indirect restoration. However, studies evaluat- ing the mechanical properties of dual- polymerized RLAs within the short period of time following the mixing of the components may provide further information. CONCLUSIONS Within the limitations of the cur- rent study, it was concluded that the dual-polymerizing mode of all RLAs tested generated higher DC values than the autopolymerizing mode. However, R p max and PC A/D varied widely among products. The DC of all products at 10 minutes after initial material mixing was higher than that at 5 minutes, only in the autopolymerizing mode. Thus, the first 2 research hypotheses were val- idated, while the third hypothesis was only validated when the resin cements were allowed to autopolymerize. REFERENCES 1. Braga RR, Cesar PF, Gonzaga CC. Mechanical properties of resin cements with different ac- tivation modes. J Oral Rehabil 2002;29:257- 62. 2. Peutzfeldt A. Dual-cure resin cements: in vitro wear and effect of quantity of remaining double bonds, filler volume, and light curing. Acta Odontol Scand 1995;53:29-34. 3. Santos GC Jr, El-Mowafy O, Rubo JH, Santos MJ. Hardening of dual-cure resin cements and a resin composite restorative cured with QTH and LED curing units. J Can Dent Assoc 2004;70:323-8. 4. Tanoue N, Koishi Y, Atsuta M, Matsumura H. Properties of dual-curable luting composites polymerized with single and dual curing modes. J Oral Rehabil 2003;30:1015-21. 5. Arrais CA, Giannini M, Rueggeberg FA, Pash- ley DH. Effect of curing mode on microtensile bond strength to dentin of two dual-cured adhesive systems in combination with resin luting cements for indirect restorations. Oper Dent 2007;32:37-44. 6. Lu H, Mehmood A, Chow A, Powers JM. Influence of polymerization mode on flexural properties of esthetic resin luting agents. J Prosthet Dent 2005;94:549-54. 7. el-Mowafy OM, Rubo MH, el-Badrawy WA. Hardening of new resin cements cured through a ceramic inlay. Oper Dent 1999;24:38-44. 8. Hofmann N, Papsthardt G, Hugo B, Klaiber B. Comparison of photo-activation versus chemical or dual-curing of resin-based luting cements regarding flexural strength, modulus and surface hardness. J Oral Rehabil 2001;28:1022-8. 9. Fonseca RG, Santos JG, Adabo GL. Influence of activation modes on diametral tensile strength of dual-curing resin cements. Braz Oral Res 2005;19:267-71. 10.Johnston WM, Leung RL, Fan PL. A math- ematical model for post-irradiation hardening of photoactivated composite resins. Dent Mater 1985;1:191-4. 11.Blackman R, Barghi N, Duke E. Influence of ceramic thickness on the polymerization of light-cured resin cement. J Prosthet Dent 1990;63:295-300. 12.Cardash HS, Baharav H, Pilo R, Ben-Amar A. The effect of porcelain color on the hardness of luting composite resin cement. J Prosthet Dent 1993;69:620-3. 13.Arrais CA, Rueggeberg FA, Waller JL, de Goes MF, Giannini M. Effect of curing mode on the polymerization characteristics of dual-cured resin cement systems. J Dent 2008;36:418-26. 14.Milleding P, Ahlgren F, Wennerberg A, Ortengren U, Karlsson S. Microhardness and surface topography of a composite resin cement after water storage. Int J Prosthodont 1998;11:21-6. 15.Nathanson D. Etched porcelain restorations for improved esthetics, part II: Onlays. Com- pendium 1987;8:105-10. 16.Cook WD, Standish PM. Polymerization kinetics of resin-based restorative materials. J Biomed Mater Res 1983;17:275-82. 17.Asmussen E. Setting time of composite restorative resins vs. content of amine, peroxide, and inhibitor. Acta Odontol Scand 1981;39:291-4. 18.Caughman WF, Chan DC, Rueggeberg FA. Curing potential of dual-polymerizable resin cements in simulated clinical situations. J Prosthet Dent 2001;86:101-6. 19.Anusavice KJ, Hojjatie B. Tensile stress in glass-ceramic crowns: effect of flaws and ce- ment voids. Int J Prosthodont 1992;5:351-8. 20.Rueggeberg FA, Craig RG. Correlation of parameters used to estimate monomer con- version in a light-cured composite. J Dent Res 1988;67:932-7. 21.Rueggeberg FA, Hashinger DT, Fairhurst CW. Calibration of FTIR conversion analysis of contemporary dental resin composites. Dent Mater 1990;6:241-9. 22.Ruyter IE. Methacrylate-based polymeric dental materials: conversion and related properties. Summary and review. Acta Odon- tol Scand 1982;40:359-76. 23.Ruyter IE. Unpolymerized surface layers on sealants. Acta Odontol Scand 1981;39:27- 32. 24.Ruyter IE, Svendsen SA. Remaining methacry- late groups in composite restorative materials. Acta Odontol Scand 1978;36:75-82. 25.Ferracane JL, Berge HX, Condon JR. In vitro aging of dental composites in water--effect of degree of conversion, filler volume, and filler/matrix coupling. J Biomed Mater Res 1998;42:465-72. 26.Braga RR, Ferracane JL. Contraction stress related to degree of conversion and reaction kinetics. J Dent Res 2002;81:114-8. 27.Barron DJ, Rueggeberg FA, Schuster GS. A comparison of monomer conversion and inorganic filler content in visible light-cured denture resins. Dent Mater 1992;8:274-7. 28.Rueggeberg FA, Caughman WF. The influence of light exposure on polymerization of dual- cure resin cements. Oper Dent 1993;18:48- 55. 29.Paul SJ, Leach M, Rueggeberg FA, Pashley DH. Effect of water content on the physi- cal properties of model dentine primer and bonding resins. J Dent 1999;27:209-14. 30.Lee IB, An W, Chang J, Um CM. Influence of ceramic thickness and curing mode on the po- lymerization shrinkage kinetics of dual-cured resin cements. Dent Mater 2008;24:1141-7. Corresponding author: Dr Cesar AG Arrais Department of Operative Dentistry, School of Dentistry University of Guarulhos R. Dr. Nilo Peanha, 81, Predio U 6 Andar Centro Guarulho, Sao Paulo BRAZIL CEP: 07011-040 Fax: 55-11-64641758 E-mail: Acknowledgment The authors thank Bisco, Inc, Kerr Corp, Pentron, Inc, Dentsply Caulk, and 3M ESPE for providing all restorative materials, and the Medical College of Georgia School of Dentistry, Augusta, Ga, for allowing the use of facilities and providing all required equipment to perform the study. Copyright 2009 by the Editorial Council for The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry. Diagnosing denture problems using pressure-indicating media Robert W. Loney, DMD, MS, a and Mark E. Knechtel, DDS b Faculty of Dentistry, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia a Professor and Head, Division of Removable Prosthodontics. b Instructor and Head, Division of Comprehensive Care. Pressure-indicating media have long been advocated for use in di- agnosing problems with dentures at insertion and denture adjustment appointments. 1-8 Typically, pressure indicators are used to identify prob- lems related to impingement, exten- sion, and/or width of prostheses. 8 Although patient input is useful in identifying the general location of sore spots, patients often cannot precisely pinpoint the location of irritations. 9,10
Therefore, some authors 5,9 advocate that a denture base should never be modified without first using media to identify specific areas requiring ad- justment. While primarily used to locate ar- eas on the denture base that cause pressure and pain, 8 pressure-indi- cating media have diverse applica- tions for identification of a variety of denture-related problems. 5 Pressure- indicating media can be nonsetting and cream-based (Pressure Indicator Paste; Mizzy, Inc, Cherry Hill, NJ), nonsetting aerosol powders (Occlude; Pascal Intl, Inc, Bellevue, Wash), or media that polymerize (typically catalyst/base elastomers such as Fit Checker; GC Corp, Tokyo, Japan). The purpose of this article is to provide guidelines for optimal use of the media, and to identify alternative applications for consideration in daily practice.
Pressure-indicating media have more diverse applications than merely the identification of areas on the denture base that cause mucosal pressure and pain. The purpose of this article is to provide guidelines for optimal use of the media and to identify alternative uses that could be considered in daily practice. (J Prosthet Dent 2009;101:137-141) TECHNIQUE 1. Prior to applying media, remove any obvious spicules or sharp projec- tions from the denture, to minimize patient discomfort. 9 2. Evaluate the denture base adap- tation with pressure-indicating media prior to occlusal adjustments, as al- terations in the base adaptation can alter the occlusal contacts. 3 3. Dry the denture before the ap- plication of media, 6,9 so that the material will adhere to the denture surface. However, leave the oral mu- cosa moist, so that the paste does not adhere to it. Instruct patients with a dry mouth to rinse with water and/or spray the paste-covered denture with water prior to placement intraorally. 1
Note that spraying the paste-covered denture with air-water aerosol is ef- fective. After removal from the oral cavity, ensure that the media is not adhering to tissues and pulling off the base, creating a false positive for ex- cessive pressure. 4. Use the correct amount of mate- rial. For cream types, apply sufficient material so that the base appears to be primarily the color of the media, as too little or too much material will make interpretation more difficult. 4,5
Use a stiff brush to place pronounced streaks in the material (Fig. 1). 1,3,6,11
5. For polymerizing materials, use as thin a layer as possible to complete- ly obscure the underlying denture. Do not place streaks in elastomeric materials. Place both types of media on the intaglio side of the prosthesis and over the flanges to evaluate for proper extension or frenal impinge- ments (Fig. 2). Seat dentures with polymerization-type materials before the start of polymerization, so that the development of increased viscos- ity will not prevent complete seating of the denture. 2 6. Insert the denture using mouth mirrors to retract the commissures, so that the material is not wiped away from the denture during inser- tion. If the entire prosthesis cannot be placed without touching the lips or cheeks, evaluate right and left quad- rants separately, 8 and/or evaluate the denture base and denture peripheries separately. 7. When seating the prosthesis to verify tissue adaptation, use light pressure initially to ensure patient comfort. 6 Subsequently, apply firm pressure in the area of the first molars or instruct the patient to close with firm pressure on cotton rolls over the posterior teeth. 1,3,4,9,11 Do not allow occlusal contacts, which can cause tipping of the denture and a change in the distribution of pressure. 4,7,9,11
8. If manual pressure is used, apply it as firmly as possible, 4 as increased pressure tends to increase the flow of indicator media. 7 Do not apply pres- 138 Volume 101 Issue 2 The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 139 February 2009 Looney and Knechtel Looney and Knechtel 3 Areas with streaks remaining in paste have not con- tacted tissue (N). Areas of paste with no streaks represent acceptable contact (C). Areas without paste represent areas of tissue impingement (I). 4 Slight flange overextension in retrozygomal area (ar- rows) caused displacement of denture during function. Cream-type media failed to reveal overextension. 5 Undercut areas will cause paste to be wiped off and will appear to need adjustment. Use caution in these areas. 6 Use of indicating medium for adjustment of hamular notch areas is critical, as removal of acrylic resin in incor- rect areas can result in breach of posterior palatal seal, resulting in decreased retention. 7 Use indicating medium on nonbearing surfaces of dentures to disclose problems such as impingement by coronoid process in lateral excursions. Interferences can cause both pain and loosening of dentures. sure on the palatal portion of a max- illary denture, as functional loading does not occur in this location. 3 9. Exert pressure perpendicular to the occlusal plane unless evaluating the pressure pattern when the den- ture is moving. 9 Do not move or tip the denture or allow it to shift when assessing normal denture base fit. 5 10. To evaluate flange extensions, stabilize the denture over the occlus- al surfaces of the teeth to prevent it from moving while the patient makes functional movements, 12 or while the clinician manipulates the cheeks or lips, 8 to detect overextensions in areas of the moveable mucosa and frena, which typically do not displace media as easily as firmer tissues. 11. To interpret nonsetting pastes, examine the denture for 3 distinct pat- terns in the media: areas where streaks remain, representing areas where there has been no contact with tis- sues; areas with paste but no streaks, where there has been acceptable con- tact; and areas without paste, which normally suggest excessive pressure or impingement (Fig. 3). 3,5,6
12. For polymerizing-type pastes, areas of excess pressure will appear as uncovered, or more lightly covered, with media (Fig. 4). Although nonpo- lymerizing pastes have been found to be more accurate in some situations, 2
use media of different thicknesses 7 or viscosities to identify problem areas that might not be identified by anoth- er media (Fig. 4). 13. Use caution when interpret- ing lack of paste surrounding tissue undercuts (Fig. 5). 9,11 Note that when the denture moves over an undercut, paste will normally be removed from the denture. 9,13 Adjust the undercut area only when there are signs or symptoms of excess pressure or tissue impingement. Similarly, expect slight- ly more pressure on primary bearing areas and do not adjust these areas unnecessarily. 1,11 14. Note that commonly adjusted areas of complete dentures include the incisive papilla, 8 malar process of the zygoma, 9,13 median palatal raphe, 14 posterior palatal seal area, 9
and mandibular 8,9 dentures, bony prominences 8,14 or spicules, mental formina, 9 buccal shelves, 9 and frenal attachments. 8,9
15. Use pressure-indicating media to detect and adjust other areas on the oral, rather than the intaglio, sur- face of a prosthesis. Note that func- tional impingements of the coronoid process against the distobuccal sur- face of the denture 8,9,14 (Fig. 7), bulky buccal contours 8 (Fig. 8), and teeth placed too far buccally into the ves- tibule (Fig. 8) can be identified using pressure-indicating media. 9
16. Diagnose speech problems, when possible, with palatograms, using paste and spray-type pres- sure-indicating media to diagnose tongue contact areas on the denture palate. 14,15 Instruct the patient to re- peat problematic sounds with the media covering the palate. Note that different sounds result in different contact patterns 15,16 (Fig. 9), which can be modified by selective removal from or additions to the palatal con- tour. Note that the registration of the tongue contact area on the palate us- ing paste-type media may sometimes require numerous repetitions of pho- netic phrases before the registrations are easy to interpret. 17. After identifying areas requir- ing modification, adjust the denture with an acrylic bur of appropriate size and shape (H79E, H351E, H261E, H251E; Brasseler USA, Savannah, Ga). After adjustment, reapply me- dia to ensure that the adjustment has been effective or to determine if other areas require modification. 8 18. For cream-type media, use an air syringe to blow off as much of the adjustment debris as possible, then wipe away 6 any remaining debris in the cream, prior to reapplying paste with streaks. 1 Coat denture with enough paste so base is primarily color of medium, with streaks in paste as on left. Too little (upper right) or too much (lower right) can make inter- pretation more difficult. 2 Apply paste well over flange edge onto buccal surface. Lines of burn-through on flanges often indicate over- extended or overcontoured areas. Note double line of burn-through on facet where denture has already been adjusted. 138 Volume 101 Issue 2 The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 139 February 2009 Looney and Knechtel Looney and Knechtel 3 Areas with streaks remaining in paste have not con- tacted tissue (N). Areas of paste with no streaks represent acceptable contact (C). Areas without paste represent areas of tissue impingement (I). 4 Slight flange overextension in retrozygomal area (ar- rows) caused displacement of denture during function. Cream-type media failed to reveal overextension. 5 Undercut areas will cause paste to be wiped off and will appear to need adjustment. Use caution in these areas. 6 Use of indicating medium for adjustment of hamular notch areas is critical, as removal of acrylic resin in incor- rect areas can result in breach of posterior palatal seal, resulting in decreased retention. 7 Use indicating medium on nonbearing surfaces of dentures to disclose problems such as impingement by coronoid process in lateral excursions. Interferences can cause both pain and loosening of dentures. sure on the palatal portion of a max- illary denture, as functional loading does not occur in this location. 3 9. Exert pressure perpendicular to the occlusal plane unless evaluating the pressure pattern when the den- ture is moving. 9 Do not move or tip the denture or allow it to shift when assessing normal denture base fit. 5 10. To evaluate flange extensions, stabilize the denture over the occlus- al surfaces of the teeth to prevent it from moving while the patient makes functional movements, 12 or while the clinician manipulates the cheeks or lips, 8 to detect overextensions in areas of the moveable mucosa and frena, which typically do not displace media as easily as firmer tissues. 11. To interpret nonsetting pastes, examine the denture for 3 distinct pat- terns in the media: areas where streaks remain, representing areas where there has been no contact with tis- sues; areas with paste but no streaks, where there has been acceptable con- tact; and areas without paste, which normally suggest excessive pressure or impingement (Fig. 3). 3,5,6
12. For polymerizing-type pastes, areas of excess pressure will appear as uncovered, or more lightly covered, with media (Fig. 4). Although nonpo- lymerizing pastes have been found to be more accurate in some situations, 2
use media of different thicknesses 7 or viscosities to identify problem areas that might not be identified by anoth- er media (Fig. 4). 13. Use caution when interpret- ing lack of paste surrounding tissue undercuts (Fig. 5). 9,11 Note that when the denture moves over an undercut, paste will normally be removed from the denture. 9,13 Adjust the undercut area only when there are signs or symptoms of excess pressure or tissue impingement. Similarly, expect slight- ly more pressure on primary bearing areas and do not adjust these areas unnecessarily. 1,11 14. Note that commonly adjusted areas of complete dentures include the incisive papilla, 8 malar process of the zygoma, 9,13 median palatal raphe, 14 posterior palatal seal area, 9
and mandibular 8,9 dentures, bony prominences 8,14 or spicules, mental formina, 9 buccal shelves, 9 and frenal attachments. 8,9
15. Use pressure-indicating media to detect and adjust other areas on the oral, rather than the intaglio, sur- face of a prosthesis. Note that func- tional impingements of the coronoid process against the distobuccal sur- face of the denture 8,9,14 (Fig. 7), bulky buccal contours 8 (Fig. 8), and teeth placed too far buccally into the ves- tibule (Fig. 8) can be identified using pressure-indicating media. 9
16. Diagnose speech problems, when possible, with palatograms, using paste and spray-type pres- sure-indicating media to diagnose tongue contact areas on the denture palate. 14,15 Instruct the patient to re- peat problematic sounds with the media covering the palate. Note that different sounds result in different contact patterns 15,16 (Fig. 9), which can be modified by selective removal from or additions to the palatal con- tour. Note that the registration of the tongue contact area on the palate us- ing paste-type media may sometimes require numerous repetitions of pho- netic phrases before the registrations are easy to interpret. 17. After identifying areas requir- ing modification, adjust the denture with an acrylic bur of appropriate size and shape (H79E, H351E, H261E, H251E; Brasseler USA, Savannah, Ga). After adjustment, reapply me- dia to ensure that the adjustment has been effective or to determine if other areas require modification. 8 18. For cream-type media, use an air syringe to blow off as much of the adjustment debris as possible, then wipe away 6 any remaining debris in the cream, prior to reapplying paste with streaks. 1 Coat denture with enough paste so base is primarily color of medium, with streaks in paste as on left. Too little (upper right) or too much (lower right) can make inter- pretation more difficult. 2 Apply paste well over flange edge onto buccal surface. Lines of burn-through on flanges often indicate over- extended or overcontoured areas. Note double line of burn-through on facet where denture has already been adjusted. 140 Volume 101 Issue 2 The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 141 February 2009 Looney and Knechtel Looney and Knechtel nies a pressure spot, do not ask the patient if the adjustment has made a problem better, as the most likely re- sponse will be yes. Rather, ask an un- biased question, such as, How does that feel? Then, if the patient states that the problem feels better, ask the patient to rate the improvement in terms of a percentage. 5 Note that the patient should rate the improvement in comfort at close to 100% when the adjustment is complete, and, if the patient does not, further adjustment is most likely warranted. 5 SUMMARY Use of an indicating medium is one of several strategies that clinicians can employ for improving diagnosis and correction of denture-related prob- lems. Denture adjustments are more accurate and effective when made using an indicating medium. The authors recommend that the use of pressure-indicating media for adjust- ing dentures should become routine. REFERENCES 1. Carr AB, McGivney GP, Brown DT. Mc- Crackens removable partial prosthodontics. 11th ed. St. Louis: Mosby; 2004. p. 363-72. 2. Firtell DN, Arnett WS, Holmes JB. Pressure indicators for removable prosthodontics. J Prosthet Dent 1985;54:226-9. 3. Greenwood AH, Firtell DN. Pressure indicators-a useful diagnostic aid. Quintes- sence Int 1985;16:531-3. 4. Jankelson B. Adjustment of dentures at time of insertion and alterations to compen- sate for tissue change. J Am Dent Assoc 1962;64:521-31. 5. Loney R. Diagnosing denture pain: principles and practice. J Can Dent Assoc 2006;72:137-41. 6. Phoenix RD, Cagna DR, DeFreest CF, Stew- art KL. Stewarts clinical removable partial prosthodontics. 3rd ed. Chicago: Quintes- sence; 2003. p. 431-7. 7. Stevenson-Moore P, Daly CH, Smith DE. Indicator pastes: their behavior and use. J Prosthet Dent 1979;41:258-65. 8. Zarb GA, Bolender CL, Eckert SE, Fenton AH, Jacob, RF, Mericske-Stern R. Prost- hodontic treatment for edentulous patients: complete dentures and implant-supported prostheses. 12th ed. St. Louis: Mosby; 2003. p. 402-26. 9. Levin B. Impressions for complete dentures. Chicago: Quintessence: 1984. p. 162-80. 10.Yeoman LR, Beyak BL. Patients ability to localize adjustment sites on the mandibular denture. J Prosthet Dent 1995;73:542-7. 11.Renner RP, Boucher LJ. Removable partial dentures. Chicago: Quintessence; 1987. p. 335-45. 12.Boucher LJ. Insertion adjustment of denture base surface contacting the mylohyoid ridge. J Prosthet Dent 1992;67:900-1. 13.Rodegerdts CR. The relationship of pres- sure spots in complete denture impressions with mucosal irritations. J Prosthet Dent 1964;14:1040-9. 14.Grant AA, Heath JR, McCord JF. Complete prosthodontics: problems, diagnosis and management. London: Wolfe: 1994. p. 33-87. 15.Farley DW, Jones JD, Cronin RJ. Palatogram assessment of maxillary complete dentures. J Prosthodont 1998;7:84-90. 16.Kong HJ, Hansen CA. Customizing palatal contours of a denture to improve speech in- telligibility. J Prosthet Dent 2008;99:243-8. Corresponding author: Dr Robert W. Loney Division of Removable Prosthodontics Department of Dental Clinical Sciences Faculty of Dentistry, Dalhousie University 5981 University Ave Halifax, NS B3H 1W2 CANADA Fax: 902-494-1662 E-mail: Copyright 2009 by the Editorial Council for The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry. 19. For elastomeric media, mark the exposed areas of the denture us- ing a dampened tip of a disinfected red or blue pencil, so that the area re- mains indicated, should the polymer- ized elastomer catch the bur and tear or pull away from the denture. 20. Adjustment is complete when the area being evaluated has a rela- tively even pattern of contact (Fig. 10; compare with Fig. 3). Note that it is often not possible to achieve perfect adaptation of the base. 9 If interpre- tation of the indicating media is dif- ficult, avoid adjustment until signs or symptoms appear, so as not to over- adjust the denture. 6,9
21. When discomfort accompa- 8 A, External contours of dentures can be evaluated with media. Bulky gingival contours around teeth have no paste. B, After functional movements, bulky flanges have no paste. Thin these areas, if patient has problems with loosening or discomfort. 9 A, Contour of palate can affect phonetics. Palatogram represents correct pattern for S sounds with minimal loss of pressure media behind central incisors. B, Palatogram represents correct pattern for T, D, N, J, and Ch sounds. Addition of wax or removal of palatal base material can be performed to modify contact areas and improve phonetics. 10 Well-adjusted denture base. Areas of tissue inflammation that do not correlate to areas of burn-through are most likely caused by tilting of dentures, possibly due to occlusal problems. A B A B Noteworthy Abstracts of the Current Literature Single-tooth replacement in the anterior maxilla by means of immediate implantation and provisionalization: A review De Rouck T, Collys K, Cosyn J. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2008;23:897-904. Objectives: The objective of this study was to assess to what extent the outcome of immediate implantation and pro- visionalization for replacing single maxillary teeth in the esthetic zone is favorable and predictable from biologic and esthetic points of view. Material and Methods: An electronic search (MEDLINE and Cochrane Oral Health Group Specialized Trials Register) and a manual search were performed to detect studies concerning maxillary single-tooth replacements by means of dental implants immediately placed into fresh extraction sockets and provisionalized within the first 24 hours. Only full-text reports on clinical studies published in English up to June 2006 were included. Case reports and reviews on the topic of interest were excluded. Results: Eleven studies were selected. Based on a qualitative data analysis, implant survival and even management of papilla levels seem predictable following immediate implantation and provisionalization. However, maintaining the midfacial gingival margin may be more problematic, since postextraction bone remodeling and therefore marginal gingival changes will occur irrespective of the timing of the placement of an implant. The long-term impact of this remodeling is currently unclear and needs to be elucidated in future research. Conclusion: The clinician is recommended to be reserved when considering immediate implant placement and pro- visionalization for replacing single maxillary teeth in the anterior zone. At the very least, a number of guidelines and prerequisites need to be taken into consideration. Reprinted with permission of Quintessence Publishing. 140 Volume 101 Issue 2 The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 141 February 2009 Looney and Knechtel Looney and Knechtel nies a pressure spot, do not ask the patient if the adjustment has made a problem better, as the most likely re- sponse will be yes. Rather, ask an un- biased question, such as, How does that feel? Then, if the patient states that the problem feels better, ask the patient to rate the improvement in terms of a percentage. 5 Note that the patient should rate the improvement in comfort at close to 100% when the adjustment is complete, and, if the patient does not, further adjustment is most likely warranted. 5 SUMMARY Use of an indicating medium is one of several strategies that clinicians can employ for improving diagnosis and correction of denture-related prob- lems. Denture adjustments are more accurate and effective when made using an indicating medium. The authors recommend that the use of pressure-indicating media for adjust- ing dentures should become routine. REFERENCES 1. Carr AB, McGivney GP, Brown DT. Mc- Crackens removable partial prosthodontics. 11th ed. St. Louis: Mosby; 2004. p. 363-72. 2. Firtell DN, Arnett WS, Holmes JB. Pressure indicators for removable prosthodontics. J Prosthet Dent 1985;54:226-9. 3. Greenwood AH, Firtell DN. Pressure indicators-a useful diagnostic aid. Quintes- sence Int 1985;16:531-3. 4. Jankelson B. Adjustment of dentures at time of insertion and alterations to compen- sate for tissue change. J Am Dent Assoc 1962;64:521-31. 5. Loney R. Diagnosing denture pain: principles and practice. J Can Dent Assoc 2006;72:137-41. 6. Phoenix RD, Cagna DR, DeFreest CF, Stew- art KL. Stewarts clinical removable partial prosthodontics. 3rd ed. Chicago: Quintes- sence; 2003. p. 431-7. 7. Stevenson-Moore P, Daly CH, Smith DE. Indicator pastes: their behavior and use. J Prosthet Dent 1979;41:258-65. 8. Zarb GA, Bolender CL, Eckert SE, Fenton AH, Jacob, RF, Mericske-Stern R. Prost- hodontic treatment for edentulous patients: complete dentures and implant-supported prostheses. 12th ed. St. Louis: Mosby; 2003. p. 402-26. 9. Levin B. Impressions for complete dentures. Chicago: Quintessence: 1984. p. 162-80. 10.Yeoman LR, Beyak BL. Patients ability to localize adjustment sites on the mandibular denture. J Prosthet Dent 1995;73:542-7. 11.Renner RP, Boucher LJ. Removable partial dentures. Chicago: Quintessence; 1987. p. 335-45. 12.Boucher LJ. Insertion adjustment of denture base surface contacting the mylohyoid ridge. J Prosthet Dent 1992;67:900-1. 13.Rodegerdts CR. The relationship of pres- sure spots in complete denture impressions with mucosal irritations. J Prosthet Dent 1964;14:1040-9. 14.Grant AA, Heath JR, McCord JF. Complete prosthodontics: problems, diagnosis and management. London: Wolfe: 1994. p. 33-87. 15.Farley DW, Jones JD, Cronin RJ. Palatogram assessment of maxillary complete dentures. J Prosthodont 1998;7:84-90. 16.Kong HJ, Hansen CA. Customizing palatal contours of a denture to improve speech in- telligibility. J Prosthet Dent 2008;99:243-8. Corresponding author: Dr Robert W. Loney Division of Removable Prosthodontics Department of Dental Clinical Sciences Faculty of Dentistry, Dalhousie University 5981 University Ave Halifax, NS B3H 1W2 CANADA Fax: 902-494-1662 E-mail: Copyright 2009 by the Editorial Council for The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry. 19. For elastomeric media, mark the exposed areas of the denture us- ing a dampened tip of a disinfected red or blue pencil, so that the area re- mains indicated, should the polymer- ized elastomer catch the bur and tear or pull away from the denture. 20. Adjustment is complete when the area being evaluated has a rela- tively even pattern of contact (Fig. 10; compare with Fig. 3). Note that it is often not possible to achieve perfect adaptation of the base. 9 If interpre- tation of the indicating media is dif- ficult, avoid adjustment until signs or symptoms appear, so as not to over- adjust the denture. 6,9
21. When discomfort accompa- 8 A, External contours of dentures can be evaluated with media. Bulky gingival contours around teeth have no paste. B, After functional movements, bulky flanges have no paste. Thin these areas, if patient has problems with loosening or discomfort. 9 A, Contour of palate can affect phonetics. Palatogram represents correct pattern for S sounds with minimal loss of pressure media behind central incisors. B, Palatogram represents correct pattern for T, D, N, J, and Ch sounds. Addition of wax or removal of palatal base material can be performed to modify contact areas and improve phonetics. 10 Well-adjusted denture base. Areas of tissue inflammation that do not correlate to areas of burn-through are most likely caused by tilting of dentures, possibly due to occlusal problems. A B A B Noteworthy Abstracts of the Current Literature Single-tooth replacement in the anterior maxilla by means of immediate implantation and provisionalization: A review De Rouck T, Collys K, Cosyn J. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2008;23:897-904. Objectives: The objective of this study was to assess to what extent the outcome of immediate implantation and pro- visionalization for replacing single maxillary teeth in the esthetic zone is favorable and predictable from biologic and esthetic points of view. Material and Methods: An electronic search (MEDLINE and Cochrane Oral Health Group Specialized Trials Register) and a manual search were performed to detect studies concerning maxillary single-tooth replacements by means of dental implants immediately placed into fresh extraction sockets and provisionalized within the first 24 hours. Only full-text reports on clinical studies published in English up to June 2006 were included. Case reports and reviews on the topic of interest were excluded. Results: Eleven studies were selected. Based on a qualitative data analysis, implant survival and even management of papilla levels seem predictable following immediate implantation and provisionalization. However, maintaining the midfacial gingival margin may be more problematic, since postextraction bone remodeling and therefore marginal gingival changes will occur irrespective of the timing of the placement of an implant. The long-term impact of this remodeling is currently unclear and needs to be elucidated in future research. Conclusion: The clinician is recommended to be reserved when considering immediate implant placement and pro- visionalization for replacing single maxillary teeth in the anterior zone. At the very least, a number of guidelines and prerequisites need to be taken into consideration. Reprinted with permission of Quintessence Publishing.
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