Padma Chakra Dasa 4

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Child may get money from

his/her own family or family
earns more money due to the
working horoscope of child.
2. He may get money from foreign
countries or states or relatives,
who belong to foreign countries
or states.
3. He may travel long ourneys to
foreign and incurs e!penses.
". #ny member of family may
have to be hospitali$ed and
incurs e!penses.
%. #ny member of the family may
go to foreign country and incurs
&. 'r any member of family may
get money from foreign
(hus by the use of )adma Chakra
*+wadasamsa, -ethod we can predict
more deeply and precisely with
e!tensive details *like we have
predicted about child.s family,.
(his method will be discussed further
by using the actual horoscope of the
individuals in the ne!t article.

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