This document provides writing tips and recommendations for creating clear, well-structured writing. It recommends using simple language, clear sentences, and well-structured paragraphs with a topic sentence, supporting details, and concluding sentence. Specific tips are provided for writing sentences, paragraphs, texts, and following the writing process. Different types of texts are also outlined such as descriptive, argumentative, and letters.
This document provides writing tips and recommendations for creating clear, well-structured writing. It recommends using simple language, clear sentences, and well-structured paragraphs with a topic sentence, supporting details, and concluding sentence. Specific tips are provided for writing sentences, paragraphs, texts, and following the writing process. Different types of texts are also outlined such as descriptive, argumentative, and letters.
This document provides writing tips and recommendations for creating clear, well-structured writing. It recommends using simple language, clear sentences, and well-structured paragraphs with a topic sentence, supporting details, and concluding sentence. Specific tips are provided for writing sentences, paragraphs, texts, and following the writing process. Different types of texts are also outlined such as descriptive, argumentative, and letters.
This document provides writing tips and recommendations for creating clear, well-structured writing. It recommends using simple language, clear sentences, and well-structured paragraphs with a topic sentence, supporting details, and concluding sentence. Specific tips are provided for writing sentences, paragraphs, texts, and following the writing process. Different types of texts are also outlined such as descriptive, argumentative, and letters.
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Writing tips
These are some tips to help you in your writing.
General The ideal English text is easy to read and understand. Good writers usually use plain English words. So your sentences should be simple, clear and well structured. When writing, remember the following recommendations in mind: use simple language use simple and clear sentences write well structured paragraphs (with a topic sentences supporting details and a concluding sentence you may use subordinate clauses but !eep them short prefer acti"e "oice to passi"e "oice a"oid slang language. Sentence #a!e your sentences simple and clear. $ sentence always encloses a sub%ect, a "erb and , optionally, a complement. Examples: she tells stories She lies $ sentence may contain subordinate clauses (relati"e clauses, if clauses& Paragraph $s to paragraphs, !eep the following rules in mind: 'oncentrate on one main point per paragraph. Summari(e this point in the first sentence ( topic sentence. $ll sentences that follow support the main point or limit its scope (supporting sentences The last sentence is a summary of the main point of the paragraph and is used as a transition to the next paragraph. (concluding sentence Text The typical structure of a text is as follows: (title introduction main part conclusion #a!e your texts interesting. )ary the lengths of your sentences. *se a short sentence to put emphasis on an important statements. )ary the lengths of your paragraphs and a"oid one+ sentence paragraphs. There are "arious possibilities on how to structure your texts, e.g.: General to Specific: general statement followed by details and examples Specific to General: details and examples followed by a generali(ation: ,nown to *n!nown: pro"ide new information based on what readers already !now -east .mportant to #ost .mportant: catch and !eep readers/ attention 'hronology (ordering by time: e.g. in biographies Process writing Writing is a process. 0amous successful writers follow these steps in their writing: 'ollecting the data 1rgani(ing the data #a!ing an outline. The first draft. Editing. 2ossible reassessment of the ideas (crossing out some ideas, introducing new ideas, rearranging ideas& 0inal draft. Type of texts 3escripti"e $rgumentati"e -etters (personal and business letters 'ause and effects& 4y : Teacher #ed. 5a!ani