You Attitude Exercise

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You Attitude and Reader Point of View

Rewrite the following sentences to focus on the readers point of view.

Poor: I got your email about the problem.
Improved: Than you for your email about the problem you are having.
!. "e wish to announce our new product.
#ou can now purchase a ...
$. "e will be happy to email the contract details.
#ou will now obtain the contract details
%. "e must have your proposal immediately.
#our proposal is very important to us& please submit as soon as you can
'. (ur safety policy forbids us from renting power e)uipment to anyone who cannot
demonstrate proficiency in its use.
#ou can rent power e)uipment when you have demonstrated proficiency
*. +o that we may bring our customer records up,to,date and eliminate the expense of
duplicate mailings& we are asing that you complete and return the enclosed card.
#our completed and enclosed card will allow us to bring our customer records up,to,date and
eliminate the expense of duplicate mailings
-. "e are offering an in,house training program for employees who want to improve their
writing sills.
If you wish to improve your writing sills& we are offering an in,house training program for

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