Pediatric Nursing

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A. Traditional definition of growth is limited to physical maturation
B. Integrated definition includes functional maturation
C. Growth is complex with all aspects closely related
D. Growth is measured both quantitatively and qualitatively over a period of time
E. Although the rate is not even, growth is a continuous and orderly process
1. Infancy: most rapid period of growth
2. Preschool to puberty: slow and uniform rate of growth
3. Puberty: (growth spurt) second most rapid growth period
4. After puberty: decline in growth rate till death
F. There are regular patterns in the direction of growth and development, such as
the cephalocaudal law (from head to toe) and the proximodistal law (from center of
body to periphery)
G. Different parts of the body grow at different rates
1. Prenatally: head grows the fastest
2. During the first year: elongation of trunk dominates
H. Both rate and pattern of growth can be modified, most obviously by nutrition
I. There are critical or sensitive periods in growth and development, such as brain
growth during uterine life and infancy
J. Although there are specified sequences for achieving growth and development,
each individual proceeds at own rate
K. Development is closely related to the maturation of the nervous system; as some
primitive reflexes disappear, they are replaced by a voluntary activity such as grasp

a. Infancy: 120 beats per minute (bpm)
b. One year: 80 to 120 bpm
c. Childhood: 70 to 110 bpm
d. Adolescence to adulthood: 55 to 90 bpm (after maturity, women have slightly higher pulse rate
than men)


a. Ranges from 40 to 70 mm Hg diastolic to 65 to 140 mm Hg systolic
b. These levels increase about 2 to 3 mm Hg per year starting at age 7 years
c. Systolic pressure in adolescence: higher in males than in females

a. Highest at birth, 17 g per 100 ml of blood; then decreases to 10 to 15 g per 100 ml by 1 year
b. Fetal hemoglobin (60% to 90% of total hemoglobin) gradually decreases during the first year to
less than 5%
c. Gradual increase in hemoglobin level to 14.5 g per 100 ml between 1 and 12 years of age
d. Level higher in males than in females

a. Infancy: 30 to 40 per minute
b. Childhood: 20 to 24 per minute
c. Adolescence and adulthood: 16 to 18 per minute

a. Gradual increase throughout childhood and adolescence, with a decrease in later life
b. Capacity in males exceeds that in females

a. Highest rate is found in the newborn
b. Rate declines with increase in age; higher in males than in females

1. premature and full-term newborns have some inability to concentrate urine

a. specific gravity (newborn): 1.001 to 1.02
b. specific gravity (others): 1.001 to 1.03
2. glomerular filtration rate greatly increased by 6 months of age
3. glomerular filtration rate reaches adult values between 1 and 2 years of age
4. glomerular filtration rate gradually decreases after 20 years of age

1. Stomach size is small at birth; rapidly increases during infancy and childhood
2. Peristaltic activity decreases with advancing age
3. Blood glucose levels gradually rise from 75 to 80 mg per 100 ml of blood in infancy to 95 to 100 mg
during adolescence
4. Premature infants have lower blood glucose levels than do fullterm infants
5. Enzymes are present at birth to digest proteins and a moderate amount of fat, but only simple
sugars (amylase is produced as starch is introduced)
6. Secretion of hydrochloric acid and salivary enzymes increases with age until adolescence; then
decreases with advancing age

1. Brain reaches 90% of total size by 2 years of age
2. All brain cells are present by end of the first year, although their size and complexity will increase
3. Maturation of the brainstem and spinal cord follows cephalocaudal and proximodistal laws

1. Pediatric dosages differ from adult medication dosages as a result of differences in physiology
a. Immature liver function
b. Immature kidney function
c. Decreased gastric function
d. Decreased plasma protein concentration
e. Altered body composition
(1) Decreased fat
(2) Increased water
2. Calculate dosage based on body surface area (m2) to ensure that the child receives the correct drug
dosage within a safe therapeutic range
3. Dosage can also be calculated based on body weight, although it is not as accurate as surface area
a. For most drugs the difference in calculated dosage is not significant
b. Children at either higher or lower growth chart percentiles will have the greatest difference
4. Child must be closely monitored for signs and symptoms of toxicity

A. Educational
B. Recreational
C. Physical development
D. Social and emotional adjustment
1. Learn moral values
2. Develop the idea of sharing
E. Therapeutic

A. Active, physical
1. Push-and-pull toys
2. Riding toys
3. Sports and gym equipment

B. Manipulative, constructive, creative, or scientific

1. Blocks
2. Construction toys such as erector sets
3. Drawing sets
4. Microscope and chemistry sets
5. Books
6. Computer programs

C. Imitative, imaginative, and dramatic

1. Dolls
2. Dress-up costumes
3. Puppets
D. Competitive and social
1. Games
2. Role playing

A. Safety
B. Compatibility
1. Child's age
2. Level of development
3. Experience
C. Usefulness
1. Challenge to development of the child
2. Enhancing social and personality development
3. Increasing motor and sensory skills
4. Developing creativity
5. Expressing emotions
6. Achieving mastery
7. Implementing therapeutic procedures


A. Unsafe
B. Beyond the child's level of growth and development
C. Overstimulating; frustrating
D. Limited uses and transient value (see play for each age group)
E. Foster isolation from peer group




1. Shock and disbelief: parents tend to:
a. Learn about the deformity but deny the facts
b. Feel inadequate and guilty
c. Feel insecure in their ability to care for the child
d. "Doctor shop" in hope of finding solutions
2. Awareness of the special needs: parents tend to:
a. Feel guilty, angry, and depressed
b. Envy well children: closely related to bitterness and anger
c. Search for clues or reasons why this happened to them
d. Reject and feel ambivalent toward the child
3. Restitution or recovery phase: parents tend to:
a. See the child's special needs in proper perspective
b. Function more effectively and realistically
c. Socially and emotionally accept the child
d. Reintegrate family life without centering it around the child

1. Learning cannot take place until awareness of the problem exists
2. Help the parents develop an awareness through their own realization of the problem rather than
identifying problem for them
3. Help the parents see the problem by drawing attention to certain manifestations such as failure to
walk or talk
4. Allow family to acknowledge difficulty at own pace, if reasonable

1. Help family feel a sense of adequacy in parenting by emphasizing good care, identifying small steps
in learning process of child, and acquainting them with parents of children with similar problems
2. Teach family how to work with their child in simple childhood tasks of sitting, walking, talking,
toileting, feeding, and dressing
3. Teach family how to stimulate the child's learning of new skills
1. Encourage them to avoid overprotection and to use consistent, simple discipline
2. Help them become aware of the effects of this child on siblings, who may resent the excessive
attention given to this child


1. Acquaint them with organizations, especially groups of parents who have children with similar
2. Be a listener, not a preacher
3. Assist siblings who may fear the possibility of giving birth to children with similar problems


H. Evaluate clients' response and revise plan as necessary

A. Risk for altered parent infant/child attachment related to:
1. Loss of image of ideal child
2. Child's physical condition that limits handling or fondling
3. Inability of parents to meet child's special needs

B. Risk for caregiver role strain

C. Family coping: potential for growth, related to child's ability and care

D. Decisional conflict related to:

1. Need for medical therapies
2. Proposed care for child
E. Risk for disorganized infant behavior related to:
1. Pain
2. Oral/motor problems
3. Invasive procedures

F. Diversional activity deficit related to inadequate support systems to provide respite

G. Fatigue related to care requirements of child with special needs

H. Anticipatory grieving related to:

1. Loss of image of ideal child
2. Projected death of child

I. Altered parenting related to:

1. Unrealistic expectations of child
2. Knowledge deficit

J. Situational low self-esteem related to loss of image of ideal child

K. Spiritual distress related to decisions regarding conflicts over the cessation or continuation of

1. Physical
a. Weight: gains about 150 to 210 g (5 to 7 oz) weekly during the first 6 months of life
b. Height: grows about 2.5 cm (1 inch) a month for the first 6 months of life
c. Head circumference: grows about 1.5 cm (1/2 inch) a month for the first 6 months of life
2. Motor
a. Assumes flexed position with pelvis high, but knees not under abdomen, when prone
b. Holds the head parallel with the body when suspended in prone position
c. Can turn the head from side to side when prone; lifts head momentarily from bed
d. Asymmetric posture dominates, such as tonic neck reflex
e. Primitive reflexes still present
3. Sensory
a. Follows a light to midline
b. Eye movements coordinated most of the time
c. Visual acuity 20/100 to 20/50

4. Socialization and vocalization

a. Watches face intently while being spoken to
b. Utters small, throaty sounds

1. Physical: posterior fontanel closed
2. Motor

a. Holds the head erect for a short time and can raise chest supported on the forearms
b. Bears some weight on legs when held in standing position
c. Actively holds rattle but will not reach for it
d. Grasp, tonic neck, and Moro reflexes are fading
e. Step or dance reflex disappears
f. Plays with fingers and hands
3. Sensory
a. Follows a light to the periphery
b. Has binocular coordination (vertical and horizontal vision)
c. Listens to sounds
4. Socialization and vocalization
a. Smiles in response to a person or object
b. Laughs aloud and shows pleasure in making sounds
c. Cries less

1. Physical
a. Birth-weight doubles
b. Drools because salivary glands are functioning but child does not have sufficient
coordination to swallow saliva
2. Motor
a. Balances the head well in a sitting position
b. Can sit when the back is supported; knees will be flexed and back rounded
c. Symmetric body position predominates
d. Can sustain a portion of own weight when held in a standing position
e. Reaches for and grasps an object with the whole hand
f. Can carry hand or an object to the mouth at will
g. Reaches for attractive objects but misjudges distances
h. Can roll over from abdomen to back
i. Lifts head and shoulders at a 90o angle when prone
j. Primitive reflexes (e.g., grasp, tonic neck, and Moro) have disappeared
k. Neurologic reflexes
(1) Landau (from 6 to 8 months to 12 to 24 months): when infant is suspended in a
horizontal prone position, the head is raised, legs and spine are extended
(2) Parachute (7 to 9 months, persists indefinitely): when the infant is suspended in a
horizontal prone position and suddenly thrust forward, hands and fingers extend
forward as if to protect from falling
3. Sensory
a. Recognizes familiar objects and people
b. Has coupled eye movements; accommodation is developing
4. Socialization and vocalization
a. Coos and gurgles when talked to
b. Definitely enjoys social interaction with people
c. Vocalizes displeasure when an object is taken away

1. Physical
a. Weight: gains about 90 to 150 g (3 to 5 oz) weekly during second 6 months of life
b. Height: grows about 1.25 cm (1/2 inch) a month
c. Head circumference: grows about 0.5 cm (1/5 inch) a month
d. Teething may begin with eruption of two lower central incisors, followed by upper incisors
2. Motor
a. Can turn over equally well from stomach or back
b. Sits fairly well unsupported, especially if placed in a forward leaning position
c. Lifts head off table when supine
d. Can transfer a toy from one hand to the other
e. Can approach a toy and grasp it with one hand
f. Plays with feet and puts them in mouth
g. When lying down, lifts head as if trying to sit up
h. Transfers everything from hand to mouth
3. Sensory
a. Has taste preferences
b. Will spit out disliked food
c. Begins to recognize things are still present even though they cannot be seen
4. Socialization and vocalization
a. Begins to differentiate between strange and familiar faces and shows "stranger anxiety"
b. Makes polysyllabic vowel sounds
c. Vocalizes "m-m-m-m" when crying
d. Cries easily on slightest provocation but laughs just as quickly

1. Motor
a. Sits steadily alone
b. Has good hand-to-mouth coordination
c. Developing pincer grasp, with preference for use of one hand over the other
d. Crawls, may go backward at first
e. Pulls self to standing position and stands holding onto furniture
2. Sensory
a. Depth perception is increasing
b. Displays interest in small objects
3. Socialization and vocalization
a. Shows anxiety with strangers by turning or pushing away and crying
b. Definite social attachment is evident: stretches out arms to loved ones
c. Is voluntarily separating self from mother by desire to act on own
d. Reacts to adult anger: cries when scolded
e. Has imitative and repetitive speech, using vowels and consonants such as "Dada"
f. No true words as yet, but comprehends words such as "byebye"
g. Responds to own name

F. 10 TO 12 MONTHS
1. Physical
a. Weight: birth-weight triples
b. Height: birth-length increases by 50%
c. Head and chest circumference are equal
d. Upper and lower lateral incisors usually have erupted, for total of six to eight teeth
e. Hematocrit: 29 to 41%
2. Motor
a. Stands alone for short times
b. Creeps (creeping is more advanced because the abdomen is supported off the floor)
c. Walks with help: moves around by holding onto furniture
d. Can sit down from a standing position without help
e. Can eat from a spoon and a cup but needs help; prefers using fingers
f. Can play pat-a-cake and peek-a-boo
g. Can hold a crayon to make a mark on paper
h. Helps in dressing, such as putting arm through sleeve
3. Sensory
a. Visual acuity 20/50+
b. Amblyopia may develop with lack of binocularity
c. Discriminates simple geometric forms
4. Socialization and vocalization
a. Shows emotions such as jealousy, affection, anger
b. Enjoys familiar surroundings and will explore away from mother
c. Fearful in strange situation or with strangers; clings to mother
d. May develop habit of "security" blanket
e. Can say two words besides Dada or Mama with meaning
f. Understands simple verbal requests, such as, "Give it to me."


A. Safety is chief determinant in choosing toys (aspirating small objects is one cause of accidental
B. Mostly used for physical development
C. Toys need to be simple because of short attention span
D. Visual and auditory stimulation is important
E. Suggested toys
1. Rattles
2. Soft, stuffed toys
3. Mobiles
4. Push-pull toys
5. Simple musical toys
6. Strings of large beads
7. Unbreakable mirrors
8. Weighted or suction toys
9. Squeeze toys
10. Teething toys
11. Books with textures
12. Activity boxes
13. Simple take-apart toys
14. Nested boxes and fitting forms


Feeding Milestones
A. At birth the full-term infant has sucking, rooting, and swallowing reflexes
B. Newborn feels hunger and indicates desire for food by crying; expresses satiety by contentedly
falling asleep
C. At 1 month the infant has strong extrusion reflex
D. By 5 to 6 months the infant can use fingers to eat teething cracker or toast
E. By 6 to 7 months the infant is developmentally ready to chew solids
F. By 8 to 9 months the infant can hold a spoon and play with it during feeding
G. By 9 months the infant can hold own bottle
H. By 12 months the child usually can drink from a cup, although fluid may spill and bottle may be
preferred at times

1. Birth weight usually doubled by 5 months of age and tripled by 1 year (small babies may gain more
weight in a shorter period)
2. Growth during the first year should be charted to observe for comparable gain in length, weight, and
head circumference
3. Generally, growth charts demonstrate the percentile of the child's growth rate (below the fifth and
above the ninety-fifth percentile are considered abnormal)
4. Percentiles of growth curves must be seen in relation to:
a. Deviation from a steady rate of growth
b. Hereditary factors of parents (size and body shape)
c. Comparison of height and weight
5. Satisfactory rate of growth judged by:
a. Weight and length (overweight and underweight constitute malnutrition)
b. Muscular development
c. Tissue tone and turgor
d. General appearance and activity level
e. Amount of crying and needed sleep
f. Presence or absence of illness
g. Mental status and behavior in relation to norms for the age


1. General good nutrition that promotes growth but prevents overweight
2. Prevention of nutritional deficiencies
3. Prevention of gastrointestinal disturbances, such as vomiting or constipation
4. Establishment of good eating habits later in life
5. Consistency of foods should progress from liquid to semisoft to soft to solids as the dentition and jaw


A. Breast milk is the most desirable complete diet for the first 6 months but requires supplements of
fluoride (regardless of the fluoride content of the local water supply), iron by 6 months, and vitamin D if
the mother's supply is deficient or the infant is not exposed to frequent sunlight
B. Iron-fortified commercial formula is an acceptable alternative to breastfeeding; requires fluoride
supplements in areas where the fluoride content of drinking water is below 0.3 ppm
C. Breast milk or commercial formula is recommended for the first year, but after this age the infant
can be given homogenized vitamin D fortified whole milk; the use of milk with reduced fat content
(skimmed or low fat) is not recommended because increased quantities of solids would be required to
supply the caloric needs, leading to overfeeding, and the high solute load would place excessive
demands on the immature kidneys; in addition, essential fatty acids are missing
D. Solids can be introduced by about 6 months; the first food is often commercially prepared iron-
fortified infant cereals; rice is usually introduced first because of its low allergenic potential; infant
cereals should be continued until 18 months of age
E. With the exception of infant cereals, the order of introducing other foods is variable; recommended
sequence is weekly introduction of other foods such as fruits and vegetables, and then meats
F. First solid foods are strained, pureed, or finely mashed
G. Finger foods such as toast, teething cracker, raw fruit, or crisp cooked vegetables are introduced at
6 to 7 months
H. Chopped table food or commercially prepared junior foods can be started by 9 to 12 months
I. Fruit juices should be offered from a cup as early as possible to reduce development of nursing bottle
J. Method
1. Feed when the baby is hungry, after a few sucks of breast milk or formula
2. Introduce one food at a time, usually at intervals of 4 to 7 days, to allow for identification of food
3. Begin spoonfeeding by placing food on back of the tongue, because of the infant's natural
tendency to thrust tongue forward

4. Use a small spoon with straight handle; begin with 1 or 2 teaspoons of food; gradually increase to
a couple of tablespoons per feeding
5. As the amount of solid food increases, the quantity of milk needs to be decreased to
approximately 900 ml (30 oz) daily to prevent overfeeding
6. Never introduce foods by mixing them with the formula in the bottle
K. Weaning
1. Giving up the bottle or breast for a cup is psychologically significant, because it requires the
relinquishing of a major source of pleasure
2. Usually, readiness develops during second half of the first year because of:
a. Pleasure from receiving food by a spoon
b. Increasing desire for more freedom
c. Acquiring more control over body and the environment
3. Weaning should be gradual, replacing only one bottle at a time with a cup and finally ending with
the nighttime bottle
4. If breastfeeding must be terminated before 5 or 6 months of age, a bottle should be used to allow
for the infant's continued sucking needs; after about 6 months wean directly to a cup
L. Diseases or conditions during infancy requiring possible dietary modifications
1. Diarrhea: decreased fat and carbohydrate
2. Constipation: increased fluids, add prune juice or strained fruit, change in type of carbohydrate
3. Celiac disease (malabsorption syndrome): results from gluten sensitivity; diet should be low in
gluten, which is found in wheat, rye, barley, and oat grains, so these grains are eliminated and rice
and corn are substituted
4. Allergy: individual diet modification according to specific food sensitivity; e.g., if milk allergy
exists, substitute forms of soybean or meat formula preparations are used
5. Lactose intolerance: found in non-white races; lactose-free diet used with Nutramigen as a milk

a. DPT given at 2, 4, 6 months; boosters given at 15 months and 5 years of age; Tripedia (DTaP)
diphtheria, tetanus, and attenuated pertussis is used for the booster doses
b. Diphtheria toxoid: effective for about 10 years; febrile reaction more commonly seen in older
children, so the adult type tetanus and diphtheria (Td) toxoid is recommended every 10 years after
the last booster at 5 years of age; Td is also used for any children over the age of 7 who have not
been previously immunized
c. Tetanus toxoid: nearly 100% effective; induces immunity for about 10 years; given at 5-year
intervals in the event of a possibly contaminated wound; tetanus is characterized by severe muscle
spasms and is potentially fatal
d. Pertussis vaccine (vaccine of whole organism)
(1) Started early since no passive immunity from mother exists, as with diphtheria and tetanus
(2) Not given after the child's seventh birthday because risk of disease is less than vaccine's
side effects


a. MMR vaccine (live attenuated vaccine): generally given at 12 months of age because of the
presence of natural immunity from mother; a second dose should be administered at 4 or 5 years of
b. Not given to any unimmunized pregnant woman or if pregnancy is suspected because of potential
infection of the fetus; pregnancy must be prevented until 3 months after immunization to eliminate
danger to the fetus
c. If respiratory symptoms, a fever, Koplik's spots, or a skin rash are present, measles cannot be
prevented by the administration of MMR (Koplik's spots occur on the buccal mucosa , rash appears
on trunk and extremities in 24 to 48 hours
d. Mumps causes swelling of the parotid glands and may cause sterility in postpubescent males
e. Rubella given to children mainly to prevent occurrence of the disease in women during the first
trimester of pregnancy; rubella (German measles) causes a maculopapular rash


a. Recommended for all children younger than 18 years of age
b. Infants receive 3 doses (given at 2, 4, and 6 months); fourth dose given at 5 years of age
c. Infants/children who are asymptomatic HIV positive or those with immune deficiencies and their
siblings should receive inactivated polio vaccine (IPV)


a. Polysaccharide vaccine given at 2, 4, 6, and 15 months of age (can be given sooner if child is in
high-risk category; e.g., child who attends day-care center, is asplenic, or has sickle cell anemia)
b. DPT can be given at same visit, but a different site should be used

a. Infants receive 3 doses (given at birth to 1 month, 4 months, and 9 months)
b. Must be given by IM injection
c. Can be given at same time as DPT but separate sites must be used


a. Children under 12 receive 1 dose
b. Teenagers and adults need 2 doses
c. Vaccine is 70% to 90% effective in preventing chickenpox and its sequelae, such as encephalitis
and thrombocytopenia


1. The benefit from being protected by the immunization is believed to greatly outweigh the risk from
the disease
2. Presence of maternal antibodies
3. Administration of blood transfusion or immune serum globulin within 3 months
4. High fever, serious illness (common cold is not a contraindication)
5. Diseases in which immunity is impaired
6. Immunosuppressive therapy in child or family member
7. Generalized malignancy such as leukemia
8. Anaphylactic reaction to egg protein
9. Neurologic problems such as convulsions during administration of pertussis vaccine
10. Allergic reaction to a previously administered vaccine or a substance in the vaccine such as
preservatives or neomycin
11. Live virus vaccines are usually not given to any child with an altered immune system

1. Mechanical suffocation causes most accidental deaths in children under 1 year of age
2. Aspiration of small objects and ingestion of poisonous substances occur most often during second
half of the first year and into early childhood
3. Trauma from rolling off a bed or falling down stairs can occur at any time


1. Birth to 4 months
a. Aspiration
(1) Not as great a danger to this age group but should begin practicing safeguards early (refer to
4 to 7 months)
(2) Inform parents of dangers from baby powder; encourage its proper use and storage if they
insist on use
b. Suffocation
(1) Keep all plastic bags stored away from infant's reach; discard large plastic garment bags after
tying in a knot
(2) Do not cover mattress or pillows with plastic
(3) Use a firm mattress, no pillows, and loose blankets
(4) Make sure crib design follows regulations and mattress fits snugly
(5) Position crib away from other furniture
(6) Do not tie pacifier on string around infant's neck
(7) Remove bibs at bedtime
(8) Keep crib away from other furniture and cords from window blinds
(9) Drowning: never leave infant alone in bath
c. Falls
(1) Always raise crib rails; tie rails to crib if malfunctioning
(2) Never leave infant on a raised, unguarded surface
(3) When in doubt about where to place child, use the floor
(4) Restrain child in the infant seat and never leave unattended while the seat is resting on a
raised surface
(5) Avoid using a high chair until child is old enough to sit well
d. Poisoning
Not as great a danger to this age group but should begin practicing safeguards early (refer to 4 to 7
e. Burns
(1) Check bath water and warmed formula and food
(2) Do not pour hot liquids when infant is close by, such as sitting on lap
(3) Beware of cigarette ashes that may fall on infant
(4) Do not leave infant in the sun for more than a few minutes, use hats and sunscreens
(5) Wash flame-retardant clothes according to label directions
(6) Use cool mist vaporizers
(7) Do not keep child in parked car
(8) Check surface heat of car restraint

f. Motor vehicles
(1) Transport infant (even newborn) in a specially constructed rear-facing car seat with
appropriate restraints
(2) Do not place infant on the seat or in the lap
(3) Do not place a carriage or stroller behind a parked car
g. Bodily damage
(1) Avoid sharp, jagged-edged objects
(2) Keep diaper pins closed and away from infant

2. 4 to 7 MONTHS
a. Aspiration
(1) Keep buttons, beads, and other small objects out of infant's reach
(2) Use pacifier with one-piece construction and loop handle
(3) Keep floor free of any small objects
(4) Do not feed infant hard candy, nuts, food with pits or seeds, or whole hot dogs
(5) Inspect toys for removable parts
(6) Avoid balloons as playthings
b. Suffocation
May begin to teach swimming as part of water safety
c. Falls
(1) Restrain in high chair
(2) Keep crib rails raised to full height
d. Poisoning
(1) Make sure that paint for furniture or toys does not contain lead
(2) Place toxic substances on a high shelf and/or locked cabinet
(3) Hang plants or place on a high surface rather than on floor
(4) Avoid storing large quantities of cleaning fluids, paints, pesticides, and other toxic substances
(5) Discard used containers of poisonous substances
(6) Do not store toxic substances in food containers
(7) Know telephone number of local poison control center
e. Burns
(1) Always check bath water and adjust household hot-water temperature to 120o F (49o C) or
(2) Place hot objects (cigarettes, candles, incense) on high surfaces
f. Motor vehicles (Refer to birth to 4 months)
g. Bodily damage
(1) Give toys that are smooth and rounded, made of wood or plastic
(2) Avoid long, pointed objects as toys

3. 8 TO 12 MONTHS
a. Aspiration (refer to 4 to 7 months)
b. Suffocation
(1) Keep doors of ovens, dishwashers, refrigerators, and front-loading clothes washers and dryers
closed at all times
(2) If storing an unused appliance, such as a refrigerator, remove the door
(3) Fence swimming pools; always supervise when near any source of water, such as cleaning
(4) Keep bathroom doors closed
c. Falls
Fence stairways at top and bottom if child has access to either end
d. Poisoning
(1) Administer medications as a drug, not as a candy
(2) Do not administer adult medications unless prescribed by a physician
(3) Replace medications and poisons immediately after use; replace caps properly if a child
protector cap is used
(4) Advise parents regarding proper use of syrup of ipecac if ordered
e. Burns
(1) Place guards in front of any heating appliance, fireplace, or furnace
(2) Keep electrical wires hidden or out of reach
(3) Place plastic guards over electrical outlets; place furniture in front of outlets
(4) Keep hanging tablecloths out of reach
(5) Do not allow infant to play with electrical appliances
f. Motor vehicles
(1) Do not use adult seat or shoulder belt without infant car seat
(2) Do not allow infant to crawl behind a parked car
(3) If infant plays in a yard, have the yard fenced or use a playpen
g. Bodily damage
(1) Do not allow infant to use a fork for self-feeding
(2) Use plastic cups or dishes
(3) Check safety of toys and toybox

(4) Protect from animals, especially dogs

1. Understand each parent's adjustment to newborn, especially mother's postpartal emotional needs
2. Teach infant care and assist parents to understand infant's individual needs and temperament and
that infant expresses wants through crying
3. Encourage parents to establish a schedule that meets the family's needs
4. Help parents understand infant's need for stimulation in environment
5. Support parent's pleasure in seeing child's growing friendliness and social response, especially
6. Plan anticipatory guidance for safety
7. Stress need for immunization against disease
8. Prepare for introduction of solid foods

1. Prepare parents for child's "stranger anxiety"
2. Encourage parents to allow child to cling to mother or father and avoid long separation from either
3. Guide parents concerning discipline because of infant's increasing mobility
4. Teach accident prevention because of child's advancing motor skills and curiosity
5. Encourage parents to leave child with suitable parental substitute to allow some free time
6. Discuss readiness for weaning


(Problems may continue past 12 months of age and through childhood)
A. Reactions to parental separation (begins later in infancy: refer to the
B. Infant recognizes pain but is not emotionally traumatized by intrusive procedures
C. General problems in care of the infant
1. Small size
a. Body warmth and temperature control
b. Maintenance of fluids: prone to edema, dehydration, and electrolyte imbalance
(1) Infants have a higher percentage of extracellular fluid than do adults, which can be quickly
(2) Infants' kidneys are unable to concentrate urine
2. Immature organ systems
a. Primary defense mechanisms just developing: loss of antibodies from fetal life increases the infant's
susceptibility to infection
(1) Antibody levels lowest at 6 weeks to 2 months of age; then infants begin to develop their own
(2) Problem subsides as infants grow older
b. Blood vessels still developing; increased fragility causes hemorrhage
c. Some essential enzymes (e.g., glucuronyl transferase, which is necessary for conjugation of bilirubin)
still developing: more chance for jaundice and brain damage


A. Ineffective airway clearance related to:
1. Accumulation of secretions
2. Immobility
3. Fatigue
B. Risk for altered parent infant/child attachment related to:
1. Possible loss of child
2. Child's physical condition that limits handling or fondling
3. Inability of parents to meet child's health needs
C. Anxiety related to:
1. Strange environment
2. Perception of impending event
3. Separation
4. Anticipated discomfort
5. Knowledge deficit
6. Discomfort
7. Difficulty breathing
8. Feelings of powerlessness
D. Risk for aspiration related to:
1. Disease process
2. Impaired swallowing

E. Risk for disorganized infant behavior related to:
1. Pain
2. Intrusive procedures
3. Separation from support systems
F. Interrupted breastfeeding related to:
1. Mother-infant separation
2. Inability of infant to suck
G. Risk for caregiver role strain related to:
1. Inadequate support systems
2. Family member illness
3. Unfamiliarity with resources
H. Ineffective family coping: compromised, related to:
1. Situational crisis
2. Temporary family disorganization
I. Diversional activity deficit related to lack of sensory stimulation
J. Altered family processes related to:
1. Situational crisis
2. Knowledge deficit
3. Temporary family disorganization
4. Inadequate support systems
K. Fear related to:
1. Separation from support systems
2. Uncertain prognosis (parental)
3. Perceived inability to control events (parental)
L. Risk for fluid volume deficit related to:
1. Inability to concentrate urine
2. Higher percentage of extracellular to intracellular water
M. Anticipatory grieving (parental) related to:
1. Expected loss
2. Gravity of infant's physical status
N. Risk for infection related to:
1. Immature immune system
2. Impaired skin integrity
3. Presence of infective organisms
O. Risk for injury related to:
1. Use of specific therapies and appliances
2. Incapacity for self-protection
3. Immobility
P. Knowledge deficit related to anxiety
Q. Pain related to:
1. Disease process
2. Interventions
R. Altered parenting related to:
1. Separation
2. Skill deficit
3. Family stress
4. Knowledge deficit
5. Interrupted parent-infant bonding
S. Powerlessness related to health care environment
T. Sensory perceptual alteration: tactile related to protective environment
U. Risk for impaired skin integrity related to:
1. Immature structure and function
2. Immobility
V. Sleep-pattern disturbance related to:
1. Excessive crying
2. Frequent assessment
3. Therapies
4. Interventions
5. Fear of child's prognosis
W. Spiritual distress (parental) related to:
1. Inadequate support systems
2. Challenged belief and value system because of moral/ethical implications of therapy

A. Assessment
1. Identify chromosomal abnormality
2. Determine functional limitations
3. Parental perceptions of child

4. Child's health status
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Ineffective airway clearance related to:
a. Nasal obstruction
b. Excessive thick secretions
c. Impaired musculature
2. Risk for aspiration related to:
a. Impaired swallowing
b. Nasogastric tube feedings
c. Impaired gag reflex
3. Body image disturbance related to:
a. Unrealistic self-expectations
b. Sterility (Turner's and Klinefelter's syndromes)
c. Lack of pubertal changes (Turner's and Klinefelter's syndromes)
4. Impaired verbal communication related to cognitive impairment
5. Fear related to hospitalization
6. Knowledge deficit related to cognitive or sensory impairment
7. Altered nutrition: potential for more than body requirements related to immobility
8. Chronic low self-esteem related to:
a. Unrealistic self-expectations
b. Sterility (Turner's and Klinefelter's syndromes)
c. Lack of pubertal changes (Turner's and Klinefelter's syndromes)
9. Risk for impaired skin integrity related to:
a. Immobility
b. Dermatologic changes (Down syndrome)
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Provide emotional support to parents
2. Encourage genetic counseling appropriate for type of problem
3. Assist parents in setting realistic expectations and goals for the child
4. Refer for careful testing of intellectual functioning for guidance to parents
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Child is able to breathe without obstruction
2. Child does not aspirate
3. Child is able to communicate with caregivers
4. Child expresses feelings and concerns
5. Child demonstrates understanding of procedures
6. Child consumes adequate calories for growth and development
7. Child exhibits behavior indicative of positive self-image
8. Child does not exhibit signs of skin breakdown


1. Trisomy 21: frequently associated with advanced parental age
(40 to 44 years of age - 1%; over 45 years of age - 2%); can occur in all age groups
2. Translocation 15/21: translocated chromosome transmitted most often by the mother who is a
carrier; age not a factor
3. Mosaicism: mixture of normal cells and cells that are trisomic for 21 (usually leads to a less
severe phenotype)

B. Clinical findings
1. Small, rounded skull with a flat occiput
2. Inner epicanthic folds and oblique palpebral fissures
3. Speckling of the iris (Brushfield's spots)
4. Small nose with a depressed bridge (saddle nose)
5. Protruding, sometimes fissured, tongue
6. Small, sometimes low-set, ears
7. Short, thick neck
8. Hypotonic musculature (protruding abdomen, umbilical hernia, and respiratory problems)
9. Hyperflexible and lax joints
10. Simian line (transverse crease on the palmar side of the hand)
11. Broad, short, and stubby hands and feet
12. Delayed or incomplete sexual development (men with Down syndrome usually are infertile)
13. Congenital heart defects are frequently present
A. Prevent infection, especially respiratory
B. Provide activity consistent with abilities and limits
C. Provide physical supervision and habilitation
D. Monitor nutritional intake to prevent obesity

A. Sex-chromosomal abnormality of XXY in males
B. Clinical findings
1. Physical characteristics: tall; skinny; long legs and arms; small, firm testes; gynecomastia; and
poorly developed secondary sex characteristics at puberty
2. Behavioral disorders and mental defects often present
Nursing Care of Infants and Children with Klinefelter Syndrome
A. Counsel with emphasis on positive aspects such as adoption or donor insemination
B. Recognize that emotional problems may require lifelong counseling

A. Failure of union of embryonic structure of face
1. Fusion of maxillary and premaxillary processes
2. Occurs between 5 and 8 weeks of fetal life
B. Cause unknown; evidence of hereditary influence and relationship to maternal smoking
1. Incidence in general population is 1 in 700 births
2. If one infant is born with a cleft lip or palate but no history of the anomaly in family, the chance
of occurrence in the next infant is about 4%
3. If a history of either anomaly exists in one parent, there is about a 4% chance that the first
infant will have the defect
C. More common in males
D. Classification
1. Bilateral or unilateral; if unilateral, more common on the left side
2. Can be of several degrees; complete cleft usually continuous with cleft palate
E. Clinical findings
1. Difficulty feeding because the infant cannot form a vacuum with the mouth to suck, but may
be able to breastfeed (sometimes the breast fills the cleft, making sucking easier)
2. Mouth breathing results in:
a. Increased swallowed air, causing a distended abdomen, pressure against the diaphragm
b. Mucous membranes of the oropharynx become dried and cracked with increased risk of
F. Therapeutic interventions-- surgical repair
1. Performed soon after birth-- further modification may be necessary
2. Aids infant's ability to suck
3. Helps parents with the visible aspects of the defect
4. Multidisciplinary team


A. Assessment
1. Feeding behaviors; does infant consume adequate calories for
growth without excessive energy expenditure
2. Check mucous membranes for dryness, signs of infection
3. Observe parent/infant interaction and the effect of facial defect on bonding
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Risk for disorganized infant behavior related to pain and discomfort and need to restrict
2. Risk for injury related to surgical incision and developmental age
3. Altered nutrition: less than body requirements related to feeding difficulties
4. Risk for altered parenting related to visible physical defect
5. Altered family processes related to having an infant with a physical defect
6. Sensory-perceptual alteration related to inability to suck
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Preoperative nursing care
a. Feed in an upright position
b. Feed with a soft large-holed nipple or rubber-tipped syringe or cleft lip or palate nurser
c. Burp frequently because of swallowed air
d. Teach parents to give water after each feeding to cleanse the infant's mouth
e. Prevent infection from irritation of the lip
(1) Restrain infant's arms, if needed
(2) Provide a pacifier to increase sucking pleasure
2. Postoperative nursing care
a. Maintain a patent airway
(1) Problem because of edema of the nose, tongue, and lips combined with the infant's
habit of breathing through the mouth

(2) Proper equipment such as laryngoscope, endotracheal tube, and suction at or near
the bedside
b. Cleanse the suture line to prevent crust formation and eventual scarring
c. Prevent crying, because of pressure on suture line (encourage the parent to stay with the
d. Place the infant in supine position with arm or elbow restraints
(1) Change position to the side or sitting up to prevent hypostatic pneumonia
(2) Remove restraints only when supervised
e. Feed (same as before surgery)
f. Support the parents by accepting and treating the infant as normal
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Infant consumes adequate calories for growth and development
2. Family accepts infant despite visible handicap
3. Surgical site heals without trauma
4. Infant is comforted by other means because unable to suck until suture line is healed
5. Family is able to meet needs of infant

A. Failure of union of embryonic structure of face; fusion of palatal structures between 9 and 12 weeks;
may involve the soft or hard palate and may extend into the nose, forming an oronasal passageway
B. Cause unknown; evidence of hereditary influence (refer to DATABASE B1, B2, and B3 under Cleft Lip)
C. More common in females
D. Clinical findings
1. Infection, especially aspiration pneumonia
2. Speech
a. Palate is needed to trap air in the mouth
b. Tonsils usually not removed because they provide an additional mechanism to trap air
c. The child will need a speech appliance to help prevent guttural sounds if repair is delayed
beyond speech development
3. Dental development
a. Excessive dental caries
b. Malocclusion from displacement of the maxillary arch
4. Hearing problems caused by recurrent otitis media (Eustachian tube connects the nasopharynx
and middle ear and easily transports foreign material to ear)
E. Therapeutic interventions - surgical repair
1. Age for repair is usually after the child has grown but before speech is well developed; between
6 months and 3 years
2. Multidisciplinary-team approach, including speech therapist


A. Assessment
1. Feeding behaviors; child must consume adequate calories for growth and development
2. Respiratory status; child at increased risk for aspiration pneumonia
3. Parent/child interaction
4. Oral hygiene
5. Possible hearing impairment; child has frequent otitis media
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Risk for disorganized infant behavior related to pain and discomfort and need to restrict
2. Altered family processes related to having a child with a physical defect
3. Risk for infection related to aspiration potential and otitis media
4. Risk for injury related to surgical incision and developmental age
5. Altered nutrition: risk for less than body requirements related to feeding difficulties
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Preoperative nursing care: same as for infants with cleft lip except:
a. Feed upright to prevent aspiration
b. Feed by gavage if necessary
c. Encourage early use of spoon and cup
d. Teach parents the need for proper dental hygiene and the importance of regular dental
2. Postoperative nursing care: same as for infants with cleft lip except:
a. When maintaining a patent airway, try to avoid use of suction
that traumatizes the operative site
b. Place the child in a prone Trendelenburg position to prevent aspiration and promote
postural drainage
c. Avoid trauma to suture line by telling child not to rub tongue on roof of mouth; avoid the
use of a straw, spoon, or toothbrush

d. Provide liquid diet; no milk, because of curd formation on suture line
e. Recognize the need for emotional support of the parents is greater, since recovery is
longer and the prognosis uncertain
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Child consumes adequate calories for growth and development
2. Child has decreased number of infections (pneumonia, otitis media)
3. Surgical site heals without trauma
4. Family is able to meet the needs of child


A. Usually low birth weight
B. May be associated with other anomalies
C. Choanal atresia: a nasopharyngeal anomaly that exhibits as a lack of an opening between one or
both of the nasal passages and thenasopharynx
D. Tracheoesophageal anomalies
1. Absence of the esophagus
2. Atresia of the esophagus without a tracheal fistula
3. Tracheoesophageal fistula
4. The most common type of anomaly is proximal esophageal atresia combined with distal
tracheoesophageal fistula
E. Chalasia: an incompetent cardiac sphincter
F. Clinical findings
1. Excessive drooling
2. Excessive mucus in nasopharynx causing cyanosis, which is easily reversed by suctioning
3. Choking, sneezing, and coughing during feeding, with regurgitation of formula
4. Inability to pass a catheter into the stomach
G. Therapeutic intervention - surgical repair can be done in one procedure or several, depending on
infant's condition and severity of defect


1. Three C's of tracheoesophageal fistula
a. Coughing
b. Choking
c. Cyanosis
2. Monitor for signs of respiratory distress
3. Observe parent/infant interaction
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Ineffective airway clearance related to physical defect
2. Anxiety related to inability to swallow, surgical pain
3. Risk for disorganized infant behavior related to pain and discomfort and need to restrict oral
4. Risk for injury related to surgical procedure
5. Altered family processes related to having an infant with a disability
6. Impaired swallowing related to physical defect
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Preoperative nursing care
a. Keep NPO
b. Maintain in upright position
c. Suction oropharynx to remove accumulated secretions
d. Observe for signs of respiratory distress
e. Change position to prevent pneumonia
f. Monitor intake and output
2. Postoperative nursing care
a. Frequently suction mouth and pharynx
b. Provide high humidity to liquefy thick secretions
c. Stimulate crying and change of position to prevent pneumonia
d. Perform proper care of chest tubes if used
e. Maintain nutrition by oral, parenteral, or gastrostomy method
f. Provide a pacifier if oral feedings are contraindicated or before a tube feeding
g. Provide comfort and physical contact, because hospital stay is usually long
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Airway is maintained and infant does not aspirate secretions
2. Infant receives adequate calories for growth and development
3. The surgical site is not injured
4. Infant rests calmly
5. Family demonstrates ability to care for infant

6. Infant alert when awake
7. Family able to list potential complications

A. Congenital life-threatening obstruction of the intestines
B. Classification
1. Mechanical: constricted or occluded lumen
2. Muscular: interference with normal muscular contraction
C. Clinical findings
1. Abdominal distention
2. Absence of stools, especially meconium in the newborn (meconium ileus)
3. Vomiting of bile-stained material; may be projectile
4. Cyanosis and weak grunting respirations from abdominal distention, causing the diaphragm to
compress the lungs
5. Paroxysmal pain
6. Weak, thready pulse
D. Therapeutic interventions - surgical repair
1. Either by single-staged or multistaged procedures if defect is severe
2. Prevention of pneumonia
3. Supportive nutritional therapy; gastrostomy tube


A. Assessment
1. Protruding abdomen indicative of distention
2. Visible peristaltic waves often indicate pathologic state
3. Absence of bowel movements
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Risk for disorganized infant behavior related to pain and discomfort and need to restrict oral
2. Altered family processes related to having an infant with a defect
3. Risk for injury related to inability to evacuate rectum
4. Altered nutrition: less than body requirements related to inability to feed
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Preoperative nursing care
a. Keep NPO; provide a pacifier
b. Monitor intake and output
c. Observe for signs of dehydration
d. Maintain nasogastric suction
2. Postoperative nursing care: dependent on type of surgery performed
a. Keep operative sites clean and dry, especially after passage of stool
b. Position infant on side rather than abdomen to prevent pulling legs up under the chest
c. Care of colostomy: prevent excoriation of skin by frequent cleansing and use of a diaper
held on by a belly binder
d. Instruct the parents about colostomy care (include avoidance of tight diapers and clothes
around the abdomen)
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Infant achieves normal bowel function
2. Infant consumes sufficient calories for growth and development
3. Family demonstrates ability to care for infant


A. Most common intestinal anomaly
B. Failure of the membrane separating the rectum from the anus to absorb during eighth week of fetal
life C. Fistulas within the vagina, urinary tract, or scrotum are common
D. Classification
1. Low anomalies - Puborectalis muscle, internal and external sphincter present and well
developed with normal function
2. Intermediate anomalies
a. Rectum at or below puborectalis muscle
b. Rectal opening anterior in perineum
c. May be persistent opening to genitourinary tract
3. High anomalies
a. Rectum ends above puborectalis muscle
b. Absence of internal and external sphincters
E. Clinical findings
1. Failure to pass meconium stool

2. Abdominal distention
F. Therapeutic interventions
1. Immediate surgical correction unless fistula is present
2. Possible colostomy with multistaged surgical repair


1. Rectum for opening
2. Passage of meconium
3. Abdomen for distention
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Risk for disorganized infant behavior related to pain and discomfort and need to restrict oral
2. Altered family processes related to having a child with a defect
3. Risk for injury related to inability to evacuate rectum
4. Altered nutrition: less than body requirements related to inability to feed
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Child achieves bowel function
2. Child consumes sufficient calories for growth and development
3. Family demonstrates ability to care for child

A. Congenital hypertrophy of muscular tissue of the pyloric sphincter, usually asymptomatic until 2 to 4
weeks after birth
B. Five times more common in males than females
C. Classification
1. Grossly enlarged circular muscle of pylorus
2. Narrowed opening between stomach and duodenum
3. Inflammation and edema can result in total obstruction
D. Clinical findings
1. Vomiting, progressively projectile
2. Non-bile-stained vomitus
3. Constipation
4. Dehydration and weight loss
5. Distention of the epigastrium, visible peristalsis, and palpable olive-shaped mass in the right
upper quadrant
E. Therapeutic intervention - surgical repair
The Fredet-Ramstedt procedure: longitudinal splitting of the hypertrophied muscle


A. Assessment
1. Feeding history and vomiting
2. Failure to gain weight
3. Presence of projectile vomiting
4. No evidence of pain or discomfort
5. Upper abdominal distention
6. Palpable olive-shaped mass in epigastrium just to the right of umbilicus
7. Visible peristaltic waves
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Risk for disorganized infant behavior related to pain and discomfort and need to restrict oral
2. Altered family processes related to having a child with a lifethreatening illness
3. Altered nutrition: less than body requirements related to vomiting
4. Fluid volume deficit related to vomiting
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Preoperative nursing care
a. Keep NPO
b. Monitor intake and output
c. Monitor for signs of dehydration
2. Postoperative nursing care
a. Same as for any abdominal surgery
b. Teach parents the specific feeding method
(1) Give small, frequent, diluted feedings and feed slowly
(2) Hold the infant in a high Fowler's position during feeding and place on the right side
after feeding with head of bed slightly elevated
(3) Bubble frequently during feeding and avoid handling afterward

1. Infant does not become dehydrated
2. Infant consumes adequate calories for growth and development
3. Family demonstrates ability to care for infant


A. Absence of parasympathetic ganglion cells in a portion of the bowel, which causes enlargement of
the bowel proximal to the defect
B. Four times more common in males than females
C. Classification
1. Length of involved bowel varies from only internal sphincter to entire colon
2. Rectosigmoid colon the most commonly affected site
D. Clinical findings
1. Symptoms may occur gradually
2. Constipation or passage of ribbonlike or pelletlike stool
3. Intestinal obstruction
E. Therapeutic intervention - surgical
1. Removal of aganglionic portion of the bowel
2. Colostomy if necessary


1. Thorough elimination history
a. Onset of constipation
b. Character of stools - ribbonlike, foul smelling
c. Nutritional/hydration status
2. Poor feeding habits; fussiness; irritability
3. Abdominal distention
4. Current nutrition/hydration status
1. Risk for disorganized infant behavior related to pain and discomfort associated with treatment
2. Constipation related to defective bowel motility
3. Altered family processes related to situational crisis (hospitalized child)
1. Teach parents the correct procedure for enemas if indicated (point out danger of water
2. Use only isotonic solutions
3. Prepare isotonic saline by using 1 tsp table salt to 500 ml (1 pint) of tap water
4. Use the following suggested amounts of fluid for enemas:
Age Amount (ml)
Infant 120 to 240
2 to 4 years 240 to 360
4 to 10 years 360 to 480
11 years 480 to 720
5. Postoperative nursing care: dependent on type of surgery performed
1. Child is able to empty bowel of contents
2. Child and family can demonstrate colostomy care

A. Failure of the pleuroperitoneal cavity to close completely during embryonic life
B. High mortality; a surgical emergency in immediate newborn period
C. Classification
1. Most of abdominal organs may be found in the thorax
2. Respirations compromised by increased contents in the chest - interferes with newborn's
normal diaphragmatic breathing
D. Clinical findings
1. Severe respiratory difficulty with cyanosis
2. Relatively large chest, especially on the affected side
3. Failure of affected side of the chest to expand during respiration, absence of breath sounds
4. Relatively small abdomen
E. Therapeutic interventions
1. Respiratory support
a. Position head and thorax higher than abdomen and feet
b. Nasogastric suction for stomach decompression
2. Surgical repair

1. Monitor respiratory status
2. Observe for irritability/pain on increased distress
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Activity intolerance related to:
a. Generalized weakness
b. Hypoxia
2. Risk for aspiration related to depressed cough and gag reflexes
3. Risk for disorganized infant behavior related to pain and discomfort and need to restrict oral
4. Ineffective breathing pattern related to interference with diaphragmatic breathing
5. Altered family processes related to situational crisis (critically ill infant)
6. Risk for infection related to incision and increased secretions
7. Altered nutrition: less than body requirements related to lack of energy to suck and chew
8. Pain related to difficulty in breathing
1. Support parents because of critical nature of the condition
2. Gastric suction to remove secretions and swallowed air from the stomach and intestine before
and after surgery
3. Preoperatively position the infant on affected side with the head elevated to allow full
expansion of the unaffected side
4. Postoperatively feed the infant by gavage to decrease chances of swallowing air
5. Titrate pain medications to promote relief
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Infant is able to maintain oxygenation
2. Infant will not show evidence of pain/irritability
3. Parents will be able to verbalize feelings about serious nature of infant's condition

1. Pulmonary circulation rapidly increases
2. Decreased oxygen concentration results in closure of the foramen ovale, ductus arteriosus, and
ductus venosus
a. No abnormal communication between pulmonary and systemic circulation
b. If a connection within the heart chambers exists, pressure forces blood from the arterial
(left) to the venous (right) side of the heart, where it is reoxygenated
a. Abnormal connection between the pulmonary and systemic circulations
b. Venous or unoxygenated blood enters the systemic circulation
c. Polycythemia (increase in the number of red blood cells) occurs as the body tries to
compensate for inadequate supply of oxygen
d. Squatting or knee-chest position is preferred because it decreases venous return by
constricting the femoral veins, which have a very low oxygen content; consequently a
smaller volume of this blood enters the right ventricle so that the blood shunted into the
aorta has a higher oxygen content; it also increases systemic vascular resistance, which
diverts right ventricular blood from the aorta into the pulmonary artery, increasing
pulmonary blood flow; this increases the amount of oxygenated blood in the left side of the
heart and eventually into systemic circulation
e. Compensation and the nature of the defect cause clubbing of fingers and toes, retarded
growth, and increased viscosity of blood; can lead to congestive heart failure
1. Dypsnea, especially on exertion
2. Feeding difficulty and failure to thrive, often first signs discovered by the parent
3. Stridor or choking spells
4. Heart rate over 200, respiratory rate about 60 in the infant
5. Recurrent respiratory tract infections
6. In the older child, poor physical development, delayed milestones, and decreased exercise
7. Cyanosis, squatting, and clubbing of fingers and toes
8. Heart murmurs
9. Excessive perspiration
10. Monitor for signs of congestive heart failure
a. Tachycardia and hypotension progressing to extreme pallor or duskiness

b. Tachypnea, dyspnea, and costal retractions progressing to grunting respirations
c. Weight gain, ascites, and pleural effusions progressing to peripheral edema
1. Surgical intervention
2. Pharmacologic approach: cardiac glycosides to increase the efficiency of heart action
a. Positive inotropic effect is achieved by increasing the permeability of muscle membranes
to the calcium and sodium ions required for contraction of muscle fibrils
(1) Forceful contraction during systole improves peripheral tissue perfusion
(2) Chamber emptying allows additional venous blood to enter the cardiac chambers
during diastole
b. Negative chronotropic effect is achieved through an action mediated by the vagus nerve
that slows firing of the sinoatrial (SA) node and impulse transmission through the
atrioventricular (AV) node (negative dromotropic action)
c. Drug preparations have the same qualitative effect on heart action but differ in potency,
rate of absorption, amount absorbed, onset of action, and speed of elimination
(1) Digitalis: longer onset, peak action, and half-life
(2) Digoxin (Lanoxin): rapid onset and peak action and short half-life; drug of choice in
children, especially because the risk of toxicity is lessened by the shorter half-life
d. Digitalization
(1) Provides an initial loading dose for acute effect on the enlarged heart
(2) After desired effect is achieved, the dosage is lowered to maintenance level,
replacing the drug metabolized and excreted each day
e. Adverse effects
(1) Most frequent: nausea, vomiting, headache, drowsiness, insomnia, vertigo,
confusion; all attributable to drug action at central nervous system (CNS) sites; oral
forms also cause nausea and vomiting by irritation of the gastric mucosa
(2) Bradycardia attributable to drug-induced slowing of SA node firing
(3) Dysrhythmias are first evidence of toxicity in one third of clients; premature nodal
or ventricular impulses; varying degrees of heart block caused by drug action that
slows transmission of impulses through the AV node
(4) Xanthopsia (yellow vision) caused by drug effect on the visual cones
(5) Gynecomastia (mammary enlargement) in males resulting from the estrogen-like
steroid portion of digitalis glycosides
f. Considerations during therapy
(1) Premature contractions elevate the audible apical rate and mask the pacemaker
conduction rate; apical pulse is taken before administration and drug is withheld when
pulse rate drops to 110 to 90 in infants and below 70 in older children
(2) Immaturity of hepatic and renal systems in premature and newborn infants or
depressed hepatic or renal function in children may result in cumulation
(3) Because potassium ions are required for interaction of digitalis glycosides with
sodium-potassium-dependent membranes, the lowering of serum potassium ions may
foster digitalis toxicity
(4) Because calcium ions act synergistically with digitalis on myocardial membranes,
an elevation of serum calcium ion levels may increase sensitivity of cardiac muscle to
digitalis action
g. Drug interactions
(1) Phenobarbital, phenytoin, and phenylbutazone, by induction of hepatic microsomal
enzymes, accelerate metabolism of digitalis glycosides; serum levels are lower when
drugs are used concomitantly
(2) Diuretics that cause hypokalemia may contribute to the incidence of serious
dysrhythmias when administered concurrently with digitalis glycosides; supplemental
potassium may be used for replacement of losses, or potassium- sparing diuretics may
be prescribed to prevent potassium ion losses

A. Abnormal opening between the two ventricles
B. Severity of the defect depends on size of the opening
C. High pressure in the right ventricle causes hypertrophy, with development of pulmonary
D. Low, harsh murmur heard throughout systole
E. Specific therapeutic intervention - closure of the opening at the septum
F. Prognosis - a single membranous defect has less than a 5% mortality rate; multiple muscular defects
can have a mortality risk of 20%


A. Types
1. Ostium secundum defect, in which the hole is in the center of the septum
2. Ostium primum defect, in which there is inadequate development of the endocardial cushions

3. Sinus venosus defect, in which the superior portion of the atrial septum fails to form near the
junction of the atrial wall with the superior vena cava
B. Murmur heard high on the chest, with fixed splitting of the second heart sound
C. Specific therapeutic intervention - closure of the opening at the septum
D. Prognosis - this defect has less than a 1% operative mortality


A. Failure of the fetal connection between the aorta and pulmonary artery to close
B. Blood shunted from the aorta back to the pulmonary artery; may progress to pulmonary
hypertension and cardiomegaly
C. Machinery-type murmur heard throughout the heartbeat in the left second or third interspace
D. Specific therapeutic intervention - closure of the opening between the aorta and the pulmonary
artery; in critically ill newborns, pharmacologic closure may be attempted with a prostaglandin
inhibitor (e.g., indomethacin)
E. Prognosis - this defect has less than a 1% mortality


A. In utero, failure of aorta to develop completely; stricture usually occurs below level of the aortic arch
B. Increased systemic circulation above the stricture: bounding radial and carotid pulses, headache,
dizziness, epistaxis
C. Decreased systemic circulation below the stricture: absent femoral pulses, cool lower extremities
D. Increased pressure in aorta above the defect causes left ventricular hypertrophy
E. Murmur may or may not be heard
F. Specific therapeutic intervention - resection of the defect and anastomosis of ends of the aorta
G. Prognosis - this defect has less than a 5% mortality in children with isolated coarctation

A. Narrowing of the aortic valve
B. Causes increased workload on the left ventricle, and the lowered pressure in the aorta reduces
coronary artery flow
C. Specific therapeutic intervention - division of the stenotic valves of the aorta
D. Prognosis - this defect has a significant (greater than 20%) mortality
in critically ill newborns; older children have a lower mortality risk

A. Narrowing of the pulmonary valve
B. Causes decreased blood flow to the lungs and increased pressure to the right ventricle
C. Specific therapeutic intervention - valvotomy or balloon angioplasty
D. Prognosis - this defect has less than a 2% mortality

A. Four associated defects
1. Pulmonary valve stenosis
2. Ventricular septal defect, usually high on the septum
3. Overriding aorta, receiving blood from both ventricles, or an aorta arising from the right
4. Right ventricular hypertrophy
B. Specific therapeutic interventions
1. Palliative treatment procedures performed to increase pulmonary blood flow
Blalock-Taussig procedure: subclavian artery to pulmonary artery
2. Complete repair: closure of the ventricular septal defect and resection of the infundibular
stenosis, possibly with a pericardial patch to enlarge the right ventricular outflow tract
C. Prognosis - this defect has a 5% to 10% surgical repair mortality


A. Aorta arises from the right ventricle, and pulmonary artery arises from the left ventricle
B. Incompatible with life unless there is a communication between the two sides of the heart, such as
an atrial septal defect, ventricular
septal defect, or patent ductus arteriosus
C. Specific therapeutic interventions
1. Palliative treatment procedures performed to prevent pulmonary vascular resistance and
congestive heart failure until the child is able to tolerate complete repair
a. RASHKIND PROCEDURE: enlargement of an existing atrial septal defect by pulling a
balloon through the defect (balloon septostomy) during a cardiac catheterization
b. PULMONARY ARTERY BANDING if a ventricular septal defect is present to decrease
blood flow to the lungs and increase shunting of oxygenated blood intraventricularly to the

c. PHARMACOLOGIC DILATION of a patent ductus arteriosus with use of prostaglandins
(e.g., Prostin VR)
d. BLALOCK-HANLON OPERATION: surgical creation of an atrial septal defect
2. Complete repair
a. RASTELLI'S PROCEDURE: closure of ventricular septal defect (VSD) (directing left
ventricular blood through VSD into aorta, pulmonic valve closed and conduit made from
right ventricle to pulmonary artery) results in physiologic normal circulation but requires
revision as child grows; procedure of choice for infants with transposition of the great
vessels, VSD, and severe pulmonic stenosis
b. MUSTARD OR SENNING PROCEDURE: removing the entire atrial septum and creating
a new atrial septum from existing pericardium or a prosthesis that tunnels or baffles blood
for more effective oxygenation, with creation of two new functionally correct atrial chambers
c. JATENE OPERATION: transposing the great vessels to their correct anatomic placement
with reimplantation of the coronary arteries
D. Prognosis - this defect has a 5% to 10% surgical mortality

A. Absence of the tricuspid valve
B. Incompatible with life unless there is a communication between the right and left sides of the heart,
such as atrial septal defect, ventricular septal defect, or patent ductus arteriosus
C. Specific therapeutic interventions
1. Palliative treatment procedures: same as for tetralogy of Fallot
2. Complete repair: modified Fontan procedure - conversion of the right atrium into an outlet for
the pulmonary artery, which involves placing a tubular conduit with a valve between the two and
closing the atrial septal defect; physiologically corrects tricuspid atresia by preventing any mixing
of systemic blood in the left atrium and shunting the entire venous blood to the lungs for
D. Prognosis - this defect has a surgical mortality greater than 10%

A. Single great vessel arising from the base of the heart, serving as a pulmonary artery and aorta
B. Systolic murmur is heard, and a single semilunar valve produces a loud second heart sound that is
not split
C. Specific therapeutic interventions
1. Palliative treatment: banding the pulmonary arteries as they arise from the truncus to
decrease blood flow to lungs
2. Complete repair: Rastelli's operation: excising pulmonary arteries from aorta and attaching
them to the right ventricle by means of a prosthetic valve conduit; septal defects also repaired
D. Prognosis - this defect requires complex repair and has a mortality of 10%

General Nursing Care of Infants and Children with Cardiac Malformations

A. Assessment
1. Color: cyanosis, pallor
2. Apical pulse, peripheral pulses, presence of murmurs
3. Respirations, dyspnea, frequency of colds
4. Blood pressure
5. Chest abnormalities
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Activity intolerance related to imbalance between oxygen supply and demand
2. Risk for disorganized infant behavior related to pain and discomfort
3. Body-image disturbance related to having a physical defect
4. Risk for caregiver role strain related to caring for ill child
5. Decreased cardiac output related to structural defect
6. Altered family processes related to having a child with a heart condition
7. Altered growth and development related to inadequate oxygen and nutrients to tissues and
limited socialization with peers
8. Risk for infection related to debilitated physical status
9. Risk for injury (complications) related to cardiac condition and therapies
10. Social isolation related to inability to participate in active play
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Correctly calculate the dosage of digoxin; usually prescribed in micrograms (1000 µg = 1 mg)
2. Take the apical pulse prior to administering the drug; withhold if below age-norm
3. Observe for signs of digitalis toxicity
4. Teach the parents home administration of digoxin
a. Give digoxin at regular intervals, usually every 12 hours, such as 8 am and 8 pm
b. Plan the times so that the drug is given 1 hour before or 2 hours after feedings
c. Use a calendar to mark off each dose that is given or post a reminder, such as a sign on
the refrigerator
d. Have the prescription refilled before the medication is completely used

e. Administer the drug carefully by slowly squirting it in the side and back of the mouth
f. Do not mix it with other foods or fluids because refusal to consume these results in
inaccurate intake of the drug
g. If the child has teeth, give water after administering the drug; whenever possible, brush
the teeth to prevent tooth decay from the sweetened liquid
h. If a dose is missed and more than 6 hours has elapsed, withhold the dose and give the
next dose at the regular time; if less than 6 hours has elapsed, give the missed dose
i. If the child vomits within 15 minutes of receiving the digoxin, repeat the dose once; if
more than 15 minutes has elapsed, do not give a second dose
j. If more than two consecutive doses have been missed, notify the physician
k. Do not increase or double the dose for missed doses
l. If the child becomes ill, notify the physician immediately
m. Keep digoxin in a safe place, preferably a locked cabinet
n. In case of accidental overdose of digoxin, call the nearest poison control center
5. Help the parents cope with symptoms of the disease
a. During dyspneic/cyanotic spell, place the child in a side-lying knee-chest position, with the
head and chest elevated
b. Keep the child warm; encourage rest and sleep
c. Decrease the child's anxiety by remaining calm
d. Feed the child slowly; allow frequent burping; gavage may be ordered
e. Administer small, frequent meals
f. Introduce solids and spoonfeeding early
g. Encourage the anorexic child to eat
h. Encourage parents to include others in child's care to prevent exhaustion
6. Foster growth-promoting family relationships
a. Encourage family members to discuss their feelings about each other and the child's
b. Maintain expectations from all siblings as equally as possible
c. Provide consistent discipline, especially from infancy, to prevent behavioral problems
d. Encourage acceptable pursuits for the child
e. Discuss school entry with the teacher and school nurse
f. Guide parents to the eventual hazards of fostering
g. Help the parents feel adequate in their maternal-paternal roles by emphasizing growth
and developmental progress of the child
h. Help the parents foster the child's development by stimulating the child to age-
appropriate goals consistent with the child's activity tolerance
i. Provide social experiences for the child
7. Preoperative assessment areas necessary for planning postoperative care
a. Keep a sleep record so care can be organized around the child's usual rest pattern
b. Avoid constipation and straining after surgery
(1) Assess the child's elimination pattern
(2) Know words the child uses
(3) Have the child practice using a bedpan
c. Record the level of activity and list favorite toys or games that require gradually increased
d. Determine the child's fluid preferences for postoperative maintenance
e. When recording vital signs, always indicate the child's activity at the time of
f. Observe the child's verbal and nonverbal responses to pain
8. Prepare the child physically and emotionally for surgery
a. Main assessment factor in preparation of the child is the developmental and chronologic
(1) Explanation of the heart differs according to age of the child
(2) Children 4 to 6 years of age know that the heart is in the chest, describe it as
valentine shaped, and characterize its function by the sound of "tick tock"
(3) Children 7 to 10 years of age do not see the heart as valentine shaped, know it has
veins, have an idea of its function (e.g., "It makes you live"), but do not understand the
concept of pumping
(4) Children over 10 years of age have a concept of veins, valves, circulation, and why
death occurs when the heart stops
b. Preparation is based on the principle that fear of the unknown increases anxiety
c. The same nurse should participate in preoperative and postoperative preparation as a
source of support for the child and parents
d. Nurse must know what equipment is usual after open or closed heart surgery
e. Let the child play with equipment such as stethoscope, blood pressure machine, oxygen
mask, suction, and syringes
f. For the young child, especially the preschooler, use dolls and puppets to describe

g. Preparation for cardiac catheterization prior to surgery is essential as well
h. For the young child, talk about the size of the bandage; for the older child, discuss the
actual incision
i. Familiarize the child with the postoperative environment, such as the post-anesthesia unit
and intensive care unit, stressing the strange noises
j. Have the child practice coughing, using blow bottles, and breathing with an incentive
k. Explain to the child why coughing and moving are necessary even though they may be
l. Explain to the child what tubes may be used and what they will look like
m. Teach importance of preventing postoperative constipation
9. Specifics of postoperative care are similar to those for any major surgery
10. Help the child and family adjust to correction of the cardiac defect
a. Improved physical status is often difficult for the child who has become accustomed to
the sick role and its secondary gains
b. Improved physical status of the child is also difficult for the parents, since it reduces
child's dependency
c. The child may have difficulty learning to relate to peers and siblings on a competitive
d. The child can no longer use the disability as a crutch for educational and social
e. Parental expectations must be adjusted to accommodate the child's new physical vigor
and search for independence
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Child chooses and participates in appropriate activities for energy and developmental
2. Child experiences less dyspnea
3. Child participates in age-appropriate activities
4. Child consumes sufficient nutrients for growth and development
5. Child remains free of infection
6. Family discusses fears
7. Family demonstrates home care for child
8. Child discusses disorder and feelings about limitations

A. Malformation of the spine in which the posterior portion of the laminae of the vertebrae fails to
close; most common site is the lumbosacral area
B. Associated defects include weakness or paralysis below the defect, bowel and bladder dysfunction,
clubfeet, dislocated hip, and hydrocephalus
C. Arnold-Chiari syndrome: defect of the occipitocervical region with swelling and displacement of the
medulla into the spinal cord
D. Classifications
1. Spina bifida occulta: defect only of the vertebrae; spinal cord and meninges are intact
2. Meningocele: meninges protrude through the vertebral defect
3. Meningomyelocele: meninges and spinal cord protrude through the defect; most serious type
E. Clinical findings
1. Degree of neurologic dysfunction directly related to level of defect
2. Defective nerve supply to bladder affects sphincter and muscle tone
3. Frequently poor anal sphincter control
F. Therapeutic management
1. Multidisciplinary approach including rehabilitation
2. Surgical repair of the sac to maintain neurologic function and prevent infection
Nursing Care of Infants and Children with Spina Bifida
A. Assessment
1. Condition of the myelomeningocele sac
2. Level of neurologic involvement
3. Elimination
a. Urine: dribble or stream
b. Anal reflexes
4. Monitor head circumference and fontanels at least daily
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Altered family processes related to the birth of a child with a physical defect
2. Risk for infection related to exposed myelomeningocele sac
3. Risk for impaired skin integrity related to paralysis, incontinence
4. Risk for trauma related to spinal cord lesion
C. Planning/Implementation

1. Protect against infection because breakdown of the sac leaves the spinal cord open to the
a. Area must be kept clean, especially from urine and feces
b. Diaper is not used, but sterile gauze with antibiotic solution may be placed over the sac
c. Avoid pressure on sac
2. Maintain function through proper position: place in prone position, hips slightly flexed and
abducted, feet hanging free of mattress, and a slight Trendelenburg slope to reduce spinal fluid
3. Because of restriction in position, feed child in prone position; establish eye contact and
encourage parents to visit and feed the child
4. Foster elimination in the infant with a neurogenic bladder:
a. Use the Crede method or slight pressure against the abdomen for complete emptying of
the bladder; may need straight catheterization regimen
b. While the infant is prone, apply pressure to the abdomen above symphysis pubis with the
sides of the fingers and counterpressure with the thumbs against the buttocks
5. Postoperative nursing care
a. Measure head size to determine whether hydrocephalus is occurring
b. Monitor for signs of increased intracranial pressure
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Remains free of infection
2. Meningeal sac remains intact
3. No signs of skin breakdown
4. Family demonstrates home care for child

A. Abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid within the ventricular system
B. Classifications
1. Noncommunicating: obstruction within the ventricles such as congenital malformation,
neoplasm, or hematoma
2. Communicating: inadequate absorption of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) resulting from infection,
trauma, or obstruction by thick arachnoid membrane or meninges
C. Clinical findings
1. Increasing head size in the infant because of open sutures and bulging fontanels
2. Prominent scalp veins and taut, shiny skin
3. "Sunset" eyes (sclera visible above iris), bulging eyes, and papilledema of retina
4. Head lag, especially important after 4 to 6 months
5. Increased intracranial pressure: projectile vomiting not associated with feeding, irritability,
anorexia, high shrill cry, seizures
6. Damage to the brain because increased pressure decreases blood flow to the cells, causing
D. Therapeutic interventions
1. Relief of hydrocephalus
a. Removal of the obstruction if that is the cause
b. Mechanical shunting of fluid to another area of the bodyventricular peritoneal shunt:
catheter passed subcutaneously to the peritoneal cavity; revised as necessary
2. Treatment of complications
3. Management of problems related to effect on psychomotor problems
Nursing Care of Infants and Children with Hydrocephalus
A. Assessment
1. Head circumference/fontanels
2. Signs of increased intracranial pressure
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Altered family process related to having a seriously ill child
2. Risk for infection related to shunt
3. Risk for injury related to increased intracranial pressure
4. Risk for skin breakdown related to immobility
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Prevent breakdown of scalp, infection, and damage to spinal cord
a. Place the infant in a Fowler's position to facilitate draining of fluid; infant should be
positioned flat postoperatively with no pressure on shunted side
b. When holding the infant, support the neck and head
c. Observe shunt site (abdominal site in peritoneal procedure) for infection
2. Monitor for increasing intracranial pressure
a. Carefully observe neurologic signs
b. Measure head circumference
c. Use minimal sedatives or analgesics, which can mask symptoms
d. Check the valve frequently for patency
3. Promote adequate nutrition

a. Monitor for vomiting, irritability, lethargy, and anorexia, because these will decrease the
intake of nutrients
b. Perform all care before feeding to prevent vomiting; hold infant if possible
c. Observe for signs of dehydration
4. Keep eyes moist and free of irritation if eyelids incompletely cover corneas
5. Postoperative nursing care: similar to that for cardiac surgery with the addition of:
a. Place the infant or child on bed rest after surgery, with minimal handling to prevent
damage to shunt
b. Support parents
(1) Continued shunt revisions are usually necessary as growth occurs
(2) Usually very concerned about developmental delay
c. Observe for brain damage by recording milestones during infancy
d. Teach parents
(1) Pumping of the shunt, if indicated, to maintain patency
(2) Signs of increasing intracranial pressure and infection
(3) Evidence of dehydration
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Child does not exhibit signs of hydrocephalus
2. Child does not become infected
3. There are no signs of skin breakdown
4. Family can demonstrate home care for child

A. Absence of portion of abdominal wall and bladder wall, causing the bladder to appear to be turned
inside out and outside the abdominal cavity
B. May be accompanied by defects such as inguinal hernia, epispadias, undescended testes, or short
penis in boys and a cleft clitoris or absent vagina in girls
C. Occurs three times more frequently in males than females
D. Clinical findings
1. Lower urinary tract is exposed
2. Constant seepage of urine leading to skin breakdown and infection
3. Progressive renal failure may result from infection and obstruction
E. Therapeutic interventions
1. Plastic surgery
2. Closure of the bladder within 48 hours if possible; final repair attempted before school age
3. Ileal conduit (also called ureteroileal cutaneous ureterostomy): a small section of the ileum or
colon is resected, and the remaining bowel is reanastomosed; one end of the resected bowel is
sutured closed and the other end is attached to a small opening in the lower abdomen, forming a
stoma; the distal ends of the ureters are severed from the bladder and attached to the ileum,
which acts like a bladder, although there is no voluntary control in the regulation of voiding; the
child wears an ileostomy appliance over the stoma, which collects the continuously flowing urine;
in a young child diapers serve the same purpose as the collecting appliance
4. Cutaneous ureterostomy: the ureters are attached directly to the abdominal wall, usually at a
site proximal to the level of the kidneys; two collecting appliances are worn over the bilateral
A. Assessment
1. Condition of skin
2. Renal function; urine output
3. Parental interaction with child
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Altered family processes related to loss of image of ideal child
2. Risk for infection related to structural alterations
3. Risk for impaired skin integrity related to incontinence
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Help the parents to accept the disorder and the long-term sequelae
2. Scrupulously clean the area around the bladder and apply sterile petrolatum gauze
3. Use loose clothing to avoid pressure over the area
4. Change clothing frequently because of odor
5. Care for the urine-collecting appliance; change frequently
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. No signs of skin breakdown
2. No evidence of infection
3. Renal function remains within normal limits
4. Family can verbalize care of child
Displaced Urethral Opening

A. Urethral opening is abnormally located
B. In males severity varies, depending on distance from the tip of the penis and involvement of
additional penile deformities
C. Classification
1. Hypospadias
a. In males the urethra opens on the lower surface of the penis from just behind the glans to
the perineum (placement varies)
b. In females the urethra opens into the vagina
2. Epispadias
a. Occurs only in males
b. Urethra opens on dorsal surface of the penis; often associated with exstrophy of the
3. Defect can be a sign of ambiguous genitalia
D. Clinical findings
1. Procreation may be interfered with in severe cases
2. Increased risk of urinary tract infection
E. Therapeutic interventions - surgery
1. Repair of the defect
2. Repair may be performed in several stages
Nursing Care of Infants and Children with a Displaced Urethral Opening
A. Assessment
1. Parental knowledge of defect
2. Origin of urinary stream
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Risk for disorganized infant behavior related to pain and discomfort
2. Body image disturbance related to perception of physical defect
3. Pain related to:
a. Response to deformity
b. Postoperative response
4. Social isolation related to:
a. Frequent hospitalization
b. Body-image disturbance
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Provide the parents with an explicit explanation of child's future functioning
2. Prepare child for surgery; the boy needs help in coping with anatomic difference from peers
and the adjustments to voiding in the sitting position
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Child will not exhibit physiologic signs of pain
2. Child/parents will verbalize effects of the defect
3. Child/parents will maintain peer interactions

A. Foot has been twisted out of normal shape or position
B. Most common type: talipes equinovarus: foot is fixed in plantar flexion (downward) and deviated
medially (inward) C. Clinical findings
1. Deformity is readily apparent at birth
2. Deformity may be rigid or flexible
D. Therapeutic interventions
1. Treatment is most successful when started early in infancy because delay causes muscles and
bones of legs to develop abnormally, with shortening of tendons
2. Nonsurgical treatment: gentle, repeated manipulation of the foot with casting; done every few
days for 1 to 2 weeks then at 1- to 2-week intervals
3. Surgical treatment: done if nonsurgical treatment not effective
a. Tight ligaments released
b. Tendons lengthened or transplanted
4. Follow-up care of the client
a. Extended medical supervision is required because there is a tendency for this deformity to
recur (considered cured when the child is able to wear normal shoes and walk properly)
b. Care emphasizes muscle reeducation (by manipulation) and proper walking
c. Heels and soles of braces or shoes prescribed following correction must be kept in repair
d. Corrective shoes may have sole and heel lifts on lateral border to maintain proper position
A. Assessment
1. Parental understanding of treatment regimen
2. Skin and circulation of affected limb
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Risk for injury related to knowledge deficit and use of corrective devices
2. Risk for impaired skin integrity related to use of corrective devices

C. Planning/Implementation
1. Observe toes for signs of circulatory impairment; make sure toes are visible at the end of the
2. Watch for signs of weakness and wear of the cast, especially if the child is allowed to walk on it
3. Teach parents all the necessary care and emphasize the need for follow-up, which may be
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Parents can demonstrate home care
2. Skin remains intact


A. Imperfect development of hip - can affect femoral head, acetabulum, or both
B. Head of the femur does not lie deep enough within the acetabulum and slips out on movement
C. Occurs in females seven times more often than in males
D. Classification
1. Acetabular dysplasia
a. Mildest form
b. Femoral head remains in acetabulum
2. Subluxation
a. Most common form
b. Femoral head partially displaced
3. Dislocation
a. Femoral head not in contact with acetabulum
b. Displaced posteriorly and superiorly
E. Clinical findings
1. Limitation in abduction of leg on the affected side
2. Asymmetry of gluteal, popliteal, and thigh folds
3. Audible click when abducting and externally rotating the hip on the affected side: Ortolani's
4. Apparent shortening of the femur: Galeazzi's sign
5. Waddling gait and lordosis when the child begins to walk
F. Therapeutic interventions
1. Directed toward enlarging and deepening the acetabulum by placing the head of the femur
within the acetabulum and applying constant pressure
2. Proper positioning: legs slightly flexed and abducted
a. Pavlik harness
b. Frejka pillow: a pillow splint that maintains abduction of the legs
c. Bryant's traction
d. Spica cast: from the waist to below the knees
e. Brace
3. Surgical intervention such as open reduction with casting
Nursing Care of Infants and Children with Congenital Hip Dysplasia
A. Assessment
1. Limb shorter on affected side
2. Positive Ortolani's test (hip click)
3. Restricted abduction of hip on affected side
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Altered family processes related to having a child with a physical defect
2. Altered growth and development related to immobilization
3. Impaired physical mobility related to immobilizing device
4. Risk for injury related to:
a. Corrective device
b. Immobility
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Respiratory problems: hypostatic pneumonia
a. Change position frequently from back to stomach; raise head of mattress rather than
head to prevent flexion of neck
b. Teach parents postural drainage and exercises for child, such as blowing bubbles to
increase lung expansion
c. Encourage parents to seek immediate medical care if the child develops congestion or
2. Infection and excoriation of skin
a. Observe for circulation to toes, pedal pulses, and blanching
b. Do not let the child put small toys or food inside cast
c. Use gauze strips inside cast as a scratcher
d. Alert parents to signs of infection, such as odor
e. Protect cast edges with adhesive tape or waterproof material, especially around perineum
f. Use diapers and plastic lining to minimize soiling of cast by feces and urine
3. Constipation from immobility

a. Teach parents to observe for straining on defecation and constipation
b. Increase fluids and fiber to prevent constipation
4. Nutrition
a. Provide small, frequent meals because of inflexibility of cast around waist (a window may
be made over the abdominal area to allow for expansion with meals)
b. Adjust calorie intake, because less energy expenditure can lead to obesity
5. Transportation and positioning
a. Use wagon or stroller with back flat or mechanic's creeper
b. Protect child from falling when positioned
c. Never pick up child by the bar between the legs of the cast (use two people to provide
adequate body support if necessary)
6. Meet emotional needs
a. Use touch as much as possible; small children can be picked up and cuddled
b. Stimulate and provide for play activities appropriate to age
7. Provide parents with help and support
a. Give written instructions
b. Schedule routine home visits with telephone counseling available
c. Stress need for follow-up care because treatment may be prolonged
d. Prepare parents for the possible use of an abduction brace after the cast is removed
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Child can move about and control environment
2. Child remains free of injury
3. Parents can discuss special needs and demonstrate home care
4. Child is able to regain prior movement (crawling/walking) when device is removed

A. Lack of the enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase, which changes phenylalanine (essential amino acid)
into tyrosine
B. Clinical findings
1. Mental retardation from damage to the nervous system by buildup of phenylalanine if
a. Often noticed by 4 months of age
b. IQ is usually below 50 and most frequently under 20
2. Strong musty odor in urine from phenylacetic acid
3. Absence of tyrosine reduces the production of melanin and results in blond hair and blue eyes
4. Fair skin is susceptible to eczema
C. Therapeutic interventions
1. Guthrie blood test: testing should be done after protein ingestion; if testing is done during
initial 24 hours, it should be repeated by the third week of life
2. Early detection is essential
3. Dietary: low-phenylalanine: use Lofenalac or PKU-1 as a milk substitute and restrict foods to
those low in this amino acid
a. Use of phenylalanine-free formulas such as PKU-2 or Phenyl-Free for children over 3
b. Dietary restrictions of phenylalanine through adolescence and possibly for life
c. Individuals with phenylketonuria who become pregnant must consume a low-phenylalanine diet
4. Treat eczema;

A. Missing enzyme that converts galactose to glucose
B. Clinical findings
1. Jaundice develops
2. Weight loss/vomiting
3. Hepatosplenomegaly
4. Cataracts
C. Therapeutic interventions
1. Early detection: test for galactosemia at birth; Beutler test (method similar to Guthrie test for
PKU) mandatory in many states
2. Dietary reduction of lactose: use a soy-based formula as a milk substitute and restrict foods to
those low in lactose (usually continued until the child is 7 to 8 years of age), followed by a dietary
modification throughout life

A. Failure of embryonic development of the thyroid gland or inborn enzyme defect in the formation of

B. Clinical findings
1. Prolonged physiologic jaundice, feeding difficulties, inactivity (excessive sleeping, little crying),
anemia, problems resulting from hypotonic abdominal muscles (constipation, protruding
abdomen, and umbilical hernia)
2. Appears at 3 to 6 months of age in formula-fed babies; may be delayed in breastfed babies
3. Impaired development of nervous system leads to mental retardation; level depends on degree
of hypothyroidism and interval before therapy is begun
4. Decreased growth and decreased metabolic rate resulting in increased weight
5. Characteristic infant facies: short forehead; wide, puffy eyes; wrinkled eyelids; broad, short,
upturned nose; large, protruding tongue; hair is dry, brittle, and lusterless with low hairline
6. Skin is mottled because of decreased heart rate and circulation
7. Skin is yellowish from carotenemia resulting from decreased conversion of carotene to vitamin
C. Therapeutic interventions
1. Detection: neonatal screening for thyroxine (T4) and thyroidstimulating hormone (TSH)
a. Test is routine and mandatory in many areas
b. Performed by heel-stick blood test at the same time as other neonatal metabolic tests
2. Treatment: replacement therapy with thyroid hormone; if therapy begun before 3 months of
age, chances for normal growth and normal IQ increased


1. Verification of test results
2. Parents' understanding of disorder
3. Growth and development
1. Body image disturbance related to dietary restrictions
2. Altered family processes related to:
a. Situational crisis
b. Genetic illness
3. Anticipatory grieving related to loss of perfect child
4. Altered growth and development related to changes in metabolism
5. Knowledge deficit related to special dietary needs
6. Altered nutrition: less than body requirements related to restrictive diet
1. Help parents to understand the disease and the role of diet
2. Refer parents for genetic counseling
3. Specific nursing care for children with hypothyroidism
a. Instruct parents regarding administration of thyroid replacement and signs of overdose
(rapid pulse, dyspnea, insomnia, irritability, sweating, fever, and weight loss)
b. Teach parents to take pulse
1. Child achieves satisfactory growth and development
2. Child consumes adequate nutrients for growth
3. Child/family verbalizes necessity of diet and acceptable modifications
4. Child/family verbalizes and demonstrates prescribed diet/medications


(Problems may continue past 12 months of age and through childhood)
A. Telescoping of one portion of the intestine into another; occurs most frequently at the ileocecal
B. Males affected two times more frequently than females
C. Usually occurs between 3 to 12 months of age
D. Classification
1. Ileocecal: invagination at the ileocecal valve; most common type
2. Ileoileal: one part of ileum invaginates on another section of the ileum
3. Colocolic: one part of the colon invaginates on another section of the colon
E. Clinical findings
1. Healthy, well-nourished infant or child who wakes up with severe paroxysmal abdominal pain,
evidenced by kicking and drawing legs up to the abdomen
2. One or two normal stools, then bloody mucus stool ("currant jellylike" stool)
3. Palpation of sausage-shaped mass
4. Other signs of intestinal obstruction usually present
F. Therapeutic interventions
1. Medical reduction by hydrostatic pressure (barium enema)
2. Surgical reduction; sometimes with intestinal resection
Nursing Care of Infants and Children with Intussusception

A. Assessment
1. Sudden, acute, intermittent abdominal pain
2. Vomiting
3. Red "currant jelly-like" stools
4. Tender, distended abdomen
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Pain related to invaginating bowel
2. Altered family processes related to having a child with lifethreatening illness
3. Altered nutrition: less than body requirements related to:
a. Decreased intake
b. Increased peristalsis
4. Risk for fluid volume deficit related to:
a. Vomiting
b. Diarrhea
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Same as for any abdominal surgery
2. Make provisions for frequent parental visits because the problem usually occurs when the child
is 6 to 8 months of age and separation anxiety is acute
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Child does not show physiologic manifestation of pain
2. Family can verbalize feelings about the illness
3. Child consumes sufficient nutrients for growth
4. Child does not exhibit signs of dehydration


A. The term used to describe infants and children whose weight and sometimes height fall below the
fifth percentile for their age
B. Persistent deviation from established growth curve
C. Classification
1. Organic (OFTT): result of a physical cause, such as congenital heart defects, neurologic lesions,
microcephaly, chronic urinary tract infection, malabsorption syndrome, gastroesophageal reflux,
renal insufficiency, endocrine dysfunction, or cystic fibrosis (syndrome often called marasmus
2. Nonorganic (NFTT): caused by psychosocial factors, problem being between the child and the
primary caregiver, usually the mother; in this situation the lack of physical growth is secondary to
the lack of emotional and sensory stimulation (other terms include maternal deprivation,
environmental deprivation, and deprivation dwarfism)
3. Idiopathic (IFTT): unexplained by the usual organic or environmental etiologies but usually
classified as NFTT
4. Nonorganic and idiopathic failure to thrive account for the majority of FTT
D. Clinical findings
1. Organic: identifiable physical cause of the growth failure
2. Nonorganic
a. Characteristics of nonorganic FTT in children
(1) Growth failure: below the fifth percentile in height and weight
(2) Developmental retardation: social, motor, adaptive, language
(3) Apathy; difficulty forming meaningful relationships
(4) Poor hygiene
(5) Withdrawn behavior
(6) Feeding or eating disorders, such as vomiting, anorexia, voracious appetite, pica,
(7) No fear of strangers (at the age when stranger anxiety is normal)
(8) Avoidance of eye-to-eye contact
(9) Wide-eyed gaze and continual scan of the environment ("radar gaze")
(10)Stiff and unyielding or flaccid and unresponsive
(11)Minimal smiling
(12)Emotional retardation does not effect hearing
b. Characteristics of the parent providing care
(1) Difficulty perceiving and assessing the infant's needs
(2) Frustrated and angered at the infant's dissatisfied response
(3) Frequently under stress and in crisis, with emotional, social, and financial problems
(4) Often with marital disturbances (e.g., absent spouse or one who gives little
emotional support)
(5) Tend to lead lonely, solitary lives with few outside interests or friends
(6) Experienced poor parenting as a child
E. Therapeutic interventions
1. Provide sufficient nutrients to achieve a rate of growth greater than expected
2. Treat underlying cause
a. Coexisting medical problems
b. Parent-child relationship

Nursing Care of Infants and Children with Failure to Thrive
A. Assessment
1. Accurate height and weight and daily weight
2. Feeding behavior
3. Parent-child behavior/interactions
4. Developmental level
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Altered growth and development related to:
a. Physiologic factors
b. Physical neglect
c. Social neglect
2. Altered nutrition: less than body requirements related to feeding or eating disorders
3. Altered parenting related to:
a. Knowledge deficit
b. Poverty
c. Infant's failure to develop
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Provide a consistent caregiver who can begin to satisfy routine needs
2. Provide optimum nutrients
a. Make feeding a priority goal
b. Keep an accurate record of intake to determine daily calories
c. Weigh daily and record to ascertain weight gain
3. Introduce a positive feeding environment
a. Assign one nurse for feeding
b. Maintain a calm, even temperament; be persistent
c. Provide a quiet, unstimulating environment
d. Hold the young child for feeding
e. Maintain eye-to-eye contact with the child
f. Talk to the child by giving appropriate directions and praise for eating
g. Follow the child's rhythm of feeding
h. Establish a structured routine and follow it consistently
4. Increase stimulation appropriate to the child's present developmental level
5. Provide the parent an opportunity to talk
6. When necessary, relieve the parent of child-rearing responsibilities until able and ready
emotionally to support the child
7. Demonstrate proper infant care by example, not lecturing (allow the parent to proceed at own
8. Supply the parent with emotional support without fostering dependency
9. Promote the parent's self-respect and confidence by praising achievements with child
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Child demonstrates a positive response to interventions
2. Child steadily gains weight
3. Parents demonstrate the ability to care for the child

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS; Infant Crib Death)

A. A definite syndrome with unknown cause
B. The number one cause of death in infants between 1 week and 1 year of age; incidence of 1.4 in
every 1000 live births
C. Peak age of occurrence: healthy infants 2 to 4 months of age - 90% occur by 6 months
D. Higher incidence in:
1. Males
2. Premature infants
3. Multiple births
4. Newborns with low Apgar scores
5. Infants with CNS disturbances
6. Infants with respiratory disorders such as bronchopulmonary dysplasia
7. Infants sleeping on abdomen
8. Infants using soft, moldable pillows and/or mattresses
E. Feeding habits not significant; breastfeeding does not prevent SIDS
F. May be a greater incidence in siblings of children with SIDS
G. Pulmonary edema and intrathoracic hemorrhages found on autopsy
H. Clinical findings
1. Sudden, unexplained death of an infant under 1 year of age
2. Frothy, blood-tinged fluid fills mouth and nose
I. Therapeutic interventions
1. Avoid implying wrongdoing, abuse, or neglect
2. Support parents
3. Be nonjudgmental about parents' attempts at resuscitation

1. Parental knowledge of SIDS
2. Parental support system
1. Family coping: potential for growth related to successfully coping with loss
2. Ineffective family coping: disabling related to situational crisis
3. Altered family processes related to disruption of life-style
4. Dysfunctional grieving related to loss of child
5. Risk for altered parenting of other children related to grief
1. Know signs of SIDS to distinguish it from child neglect or abuse; do or say nothing that instills guilt in
the parents
2. Reassure the parents that they could not have prevented the death or predicted its occurrence
3. Reinforce that an autopsy should be done on every child to confirm diagnosis
4. Visit the parents at home to discuss the cause of death and help them with their guilt and grief
5. Refer the parents to a national SIDS parent group
1. Family exhibits positive coping behavior
2. Family members avail themselves of support services
3. Family exhibits positive bereavement behavior
4. Parents maintain supportive relationship with other children


A. Apnea of 15 seconds or less is normal at any age
B. Pathologic apnea lasts at least 20 seconds
C. May be symptomatic of sepsis, seizures, upper airway abnormalities, gastroesophageal reflux,
hypoglycemia, or impaired regulation of sleep or feeding
D. No cause identified in 50% of cases
E. Less than 7% of SIDS cases
F. Clinical findings
1. Usually presents as an apparent life-threatening event
2. Is associated with cyanosis, marked pallor, hypotonia, orbradycardia
G. Therapeutic interventions
1. Continuous home monitoring of cardiorespiratory rhythm
2. Use of respiratory stimulant medication such as theophylline
3. Treatment discontinued when child has gone 2 to 3 months without a significant number of
alarms or with apneic episodes that did not require intervention
Nursing Care of Infants with Apnea
A. Assessment
1. Parental fears and concerns
2. Knowledge about cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and home monitoring
3. Description of apparent life-threatening event
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Ineffective breathing pattern related to periods of apnea
2. Caregiver role strain related to constant monitoring
3. Ineffective family coping: compromised; related to prolonged need for monitoring that
exhausts supportive capacity of parents
4. Altered family processes related to constant monitoring
5. Fear related to possible loss of child
6. Anticipatory grieving related to loss of perfect child
7. Knowledge deficit related to home monitoring, CPR
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Monitor type and quality of apneic episodes
2. Teach parents about home monitoring
3. Teach parents how to stimulate/resuscitate infant
4. Assist parents to identify support system
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Parents can demonstrate proper use of equipment for home monitoring
2. Parents demonstrate CPR
3. Parents verbalize fears
4. Family identifies support system

A. Frequent, watery stools caused by increased peristalsis resulting from a variety of causes, local or
B. Classification
1. Acute: sudden change in frequency and consistency of stools

2. Chronic: persists longer than 2 weeks
C. Clinical findings
1. Frequent, watery stools
2. Loss of fluids and electrolytes
3. If fluid loss is severe
a. Weight loss greater than 10% (severe dehydration)
b. Poor skin turgor and dry mucous membranes
c. Depressed fontanels and sunken eyeballs
d. Decreased urine output, increased specific gravity, and increased hematocrit
e. Irritability, stupor, seizures from loss of intracellular water and decreased plasma volume
f. Metabolic acidosis, which decreases available bicarbonate
D. Therapeutic interventions
1. In severe diarrhea correct fluid and electrolyte imbalance; with IV therapy avoid fluid overload
2. Identify the causative agent and institute proper therapy (antibiotics are used if a bacterial
agent is present)


A. Assessment
1. Assess diarrhea: number, volume, characteristics
2. State of hydration; weigh daily
3. Possible source of infection
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Altered family processes related to having a child with a defect
2. Risk for infection related to presence of infectious organisms
3. Altered nutrition: less than body requirements related to increased losses
4. Risk for impaired skin integrity related to frequent loose stools
5. Fluid volume deficit related to losses in stools
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Isolate the infant until stool culture results are reported as negative
2. Explain to the parents why antibiotics and an increase in food are ineffective in treating viral
3. Teach parents progressive increase in diet: alterations in diet may control mild diarrhea
a. Clear fluids to decrease inflammation of the intestinal mucosa
b. If tolerated, use half-strength formula
c. Regular diet of bland foods
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Child consumes sufficient calories and fluids
2. No evidence of skin breakdown
3. Child and family do not spread infection
4. Family can discuss illness and home care of child

A. Common symptom in childhood, usually minor and of short duration
B. Associated hazard: aspiration with risk of asphyxiation, atelectasis, or pneumonia
C. Forcible ejection of stomach contents: usually associated with nausea
D. Causes
1. Most commonly caused by infection
2. Response to allergen, drug ingestion
3. Recurrent or prolonged vomiting may be caused by increased intracranial pressure
E. Clinical findings
1. One or more episodes of regurgitation or emesis
2. If vomiting is severe
a. Dehydration
b. Tetany and convulsions in severe alkalosis resulting from hypokalemia and hypocalcemia
c. Metabolic alkalosis from loss of hydrogen ions
F. Therapeutic intervention - correction of underlying disorder
Nursing Care of Infants and Children with Vomiting
A. Assessment
1. Amount and character of vomiting
2. Circumstances preceding vomiting
3. Child's behavior
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Altered nutrition: less than body requirements related to vomiting
2. Fluid volume deficit related to losses with vomiting
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Maintain in side-lying or prone position with body inclined at 30 degrees at all times
2. Do not disturb infant after feeding
3. If associated with gastroesophageal reflux or cardiac sphincter problems:
a. Thicken the consistency of foods given

b. Provide small volume feedings every 2 to 3 hours
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Child does not show evidence of dehydration
2. Child consumes adequate nutrients for growth and development
3. Parents verbalize feelings about illness

A. Paroxsymal abdominal pain or cramping
B. More common in infants of less than 3 months
C. May be caused by cow's milk sensitivity, but often no cause is found
D. May be associated with excessive swallowing of air, size of nipple opening or shape of nipple, too
rapid feeding or overfeeding, tenseness or anxiety in the mother, maternal diet
E. Clinical findings
1. Pulling up of arms and legs
2. Red-faced crying over long periods of time
3. Presence of excessive gas
F. Therapeutic intervention - correction of the underlying cause when identified
Nursing Care of Infants with Colic
A. Assessment
1. Characteristics of the cry (duration and intensity)
2. Diet of breastfeeding mother
3. When the attacks occur in relationship to feeding
4. Activity of caregiver around time of attack
5. Mother's habits, such as smoking
6. Measures to relieve crying and their effectiveness
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnosis
1. Ineffective family coping: compromised, related to alterations in family life-style and
relationships related to infant's discomfort
2. Knowledge deficit related to infant feeding practices
3. Pain related to abdominal cramping
4. Altered sleep patterns related to:
a. Pain
b. Interrupted sleep from infant crying
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Watch the parent feed the infant before attempting to counsel
2. Provide smaller, frequent feedings
3. Teach the parent to bubble the infant frequently and to position on the side or abdomen after
4. Encourage the mother to take time away from the infant
5. Reassure mother that the condition is not life-threatening, the infant will gain weight, and the
condition will eventually subside
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Child has decreased pain episodes
2. Parents and child are rested and ready for day's activities
3. Parents demonstrate proper feeding practices
4. Family can discuss the impact of the infant's colic

A. Hard, dry stools that are difficult to pass or are infrequent
B. Usually a result of diet, although may have a psychologic component
C. May be indicative of Hirschsprung's disease
D. Classification
1. Obstipation: long periods between defecation
2. Encopresis: constipation with fecal soiling
E. Clinical findings
1. "Stool withholding" behavior
2. Pain on defecation
F. Therapeutic interventions
1. Dietary: increased fiber and fluid
2. If mineral oil is used, it should not be given with foods, because it decreases the absorption of
3. Enemas, especially tap water enemas, should be avoided; bowel retraining should be instituted


A. Assessment
1. History of bowel habits, diet
2. Stool characteristics, frequency

3. Parent/child knowledge of elimination
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Constipation related to inadequate fluid and fiber intake
2. Altered nutrition: less than body requirements related to inadequate intake of fiber
3. Pain related to:
a. Bowel distention
b. Alteration in bowel motility
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Teach parents to provide foods with fiber and avoid those that bind
2. Teach parents to increase amount of fluid given to infant
3. Place infant in knee-chest position if abdominal distention or cramping is present
4. Cuddle infant to provide comfort as necessary
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Child consumes appropriate amount of fiber
2. Child drinks increased fluid
3. Child does not experience pain with defecation


A. Frequent cause of morbidity
B. Young children have four to five infections per year
C. Children between 6 months and 3 years react more severely
D. Classification
1. Acute infection may be bacterial or viral
2. Acute nasopharyngitis (common cold)
3. Pneumonia
4. Bronchitis
5. Tonsillitis
6. Epiglottitis
7. Croup
8. Acute laryngotracheobronchitis
E. Clinical findings
1. Infection
a. Elevated temperature
b. Purulent discharge from nose, ears, lungs
c. Enlarged cervical lymph nodes
2. Cough
3. Wheeze
4. Cyanosis
F. Therapeutic interventions
1. Supportive therapy
2. Treat underlying cause if infectious


A. Assessment
1. Respirations: rate, depth, ease, and rhythm
2. Color: cyanosis
3. Lungs: adventitious sounds
4. Nasal discharge
5. Presence of sputum, cough
6. Occurrence of laryngeal spasms
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Ineffective airway clearance related to:
a. Mechanical obstruction
b. Inflammation
c. Increased secretions
d. Pain
2. Ineffective breathing pattern related to:
a. Inflammatory process
b. Pain
3. Risk for injury related to presence of infective organisms
4. Pain related to:
a. Inflammatory process
b. Excessive coughing
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Increase fluid intake
a. Prevents dehydration from fever and perspiration
b. Loosens thickened secretions
2. Increase humidity and coolness
a. Liquifies secretions

b. Decreases the febrile state and inflammation of the mucous membrane
c. Causes vasoconstriction and bronchiolar dilation
3. Promote nasal and pulmonary drainage
a. Clean the nares with a bulb syringe
b. Suction the oronasal pharynx
c. Perform postural drainage, clapping and vibrating
4. Provide rest by decreasing stimulation
5. Increase oxygen
6. Never use tongue blade to visualize posterior pharynx in children with epiglottitis
7. Keep a tracheostomy set at bedside; if a tracheostomy is Necessary.
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Child rests and sleeps with unlabored respirations
2. Airway remains clear
3. Child shows decreasing severity of symptoms
4. Child does not exhibit physiologic signs of pain

A. Acute infection of the middle ear; causative organism usually
Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, or Staphylococcus aureus
B. One of most common diseases of early childhood
C. Highest incidence between ages 6 months to 2 years
D. Classification
1. Otitis media: inflammation of middle ear without reference to cause or pathogenesis
2. Acute otitis media: rapid, short onset of signs and symptoms lasting about 3 weeks
3. Otitis media with effusion: middle ear inflammation with fluid present
4. Subacute otitis media: lasts more than 3 weeks
5. Chronic otitis media with effusion: lasts more than 3 months
E. Clinical findings
1. Acute otitis media
a. Pain: infant frets and rubs ear or rolls head from side to side
b. Drum bulging, red, may rupture; no light reflex
2. Otitis media with effusion
a. No pain or fever, but "fullness" in the ear
b. Drum appears gray, bulging
c. Possible loss of hearing from scarring of the drum
F. Therapeutic interventions
1. Antibiotic therapy
2. Surgery including myringotomy or insertion of tympanotomy tubes


A. Assessment
1. Pain
2. Signs and symptoms of infection
3. Allergies
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Altered family processes related to having child with an infection
2. Risk for infection related to:
a. Inadequate treatment
b. Infectious organism
3. Risk for injury related to:
a. Inadequate treatment
b. Infectious organism
4. Pain related to pressure caused by inflammatory process
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Teach parents proper administration of antibiotics; stress importance of full course of therapy
2. Teach parent proper instillation of ear drops
a. If the child is under 3 years of age, pull the auricle down and back
b. For an older child, pull the auricle up and back 3. Minimize recurrence
a. Eliminate environmental allergens
b. Feed in upright position
4. Encourage medical follow-up to check for complications such as chronic hearing loss,
mastoiditis, or possible meningitis
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Child sleeps and rests without signs of discomfort
2. Child remains free from infection
3. Family verbalizes importance of antibiotic therapy


A. Most common CNS infection of infants and children
B. Inflammation of the meninges by bacteria that travel via the cerebrospinal fluid
C. Classification: culture of cerebrospinal fluid used to help identify organism
1. Bacterial: caused by pus-forming bacteria, especially
meningococcus, pneumococcus, and influenza bacillus
2. Tuberculous: caused by tubercle bacillus
3. Viral or aseptic: caused by a wide variety of viral agents
D. Clinical findings
1. Opisthotonos: rigidity and hyperextension of the neck
2. Headache
3. Irritability and high-pitched cry
4. Signs of increased intracranial pressure
5. Fever, nausea, and vomiting
6. Meningococcal meningitis: petechiae and purpuric skin rash
E. Therapeutic intervention - massive doses of intravenous antibiotics
Nursing Care of Infants and Children with Meningitis
A. Assessment
1. Fever
2. Headache, irritability
3. Vomiting
4. Seizures
5. Nuchal rigidity
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Altered family processes related to having a child with a serious illness
2. Risk for infection related to presence of infective organisms
3. Risk for injury related to presence of infection
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Provide for rest
2. Decrease stimuli from the environment (control light and noise)
3. Position on the side with head gently supported in extension
4. Institute respiratory isolation
5. Maintain fluid balance because of meningeal edema
a. Record intake and output carefully
b. Correct any deficits
c. Monitor IV fluid
d. Daily weights
6. Provide emotional support for parents, since child usually becomes ill suddenly
7. Administer antibiotic therapy as prescribed
8. Observe for complications such as septic shock and circulatory collapse
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Child shows decreasing severity of illness
2. Family verbalizes fears regarding child's prognosis

A. Caused by elevation of temperature
B. Usually occur in children between 6 months and 3 years of age
C. Affects 3% to 5% of children in this age group
D. Classification
1. Simple seizure
a. Brief
b. Generalized
2. Complex seizure
a. Prolonged
b. May have focal features
E. Clinical findings
1. Associated with disease outside the CNS
2. Fever usually exceeds 102oF (38.8o C); seizures occur on rise
3. 25% of children have a recurrence
F. Therapeutic interventions
1. Control seizure with medication
2. Reduce temperature
3. Treat underlying cause


A. Assessment
1. Description of seizure
2. History of present illness
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Ineffective airway clearance related to decreased level of consciousness

2. Risk for aspiration related to seizures
3. Risk for injury related to environmental hazards
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Reduce fever with antipyretic drugs; monitor tympanic or axillary temperature
2. General seizure precautions
a. Protect the child from injury; do not restrain; pad crib rails; do not use tongue blade
b. Place in side-lying position to prevent aspiration
c. Observe and record the time of seizure, duration, and body parts involved
d. Suction the nasopharynx and administer oxygen after the seizure as required
e. Observe the degree of consciousness and behavior after the seizure
f. Provide rest after the seizure
3. Teach parents to give antipyretics at first sign of increased temperature
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Airway remains clear
2. Child does not aspirate
3. Child does not injure self during seizure


A. Atopic manifestation of a specific allergen that may have an emotional component
B. Most common during first 2 years of life
C. Majority of children with infantile form have a family history of allergies
D. Classification
1. Infantile: begins between 2 and 6 months of age; spontaneous remission by 3 years
2. Childhood: occurs at 2 to 3 years of age; 90% manifest the disease by 5 years
3. Preadolescent and adolescent: begins at about 12 years and continues into adulthood
E. Clinical findings
1. Erythema and edema from dilation of capillaries 2. Papules, vesicles, and crusts
2. Itching that may precipitate infection from scratching
3. Periods of remission and exacerbation
4. Seen mostly on cheeks, scalp, neck, and flexor surfaces of arms and legs
F. Therapeutic interventions
1. Relieve pruritis
2. Hydrate skin
3. Reduce inflammation
4. Prevent or control secondary infection


A. Assessment
1. Family history for allergies
2. Environmental or dietary factors associated with previous exacerbations
3. Skin lesions: distribution, type, presence of secondary infection
4. Parent/child attitude toward lesions
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Altered family processes related to:
a. Child's discomfort
b. Lengthy therapy
2. Risk for infection related to skin impairment
3. Impaired skin integrity related to eczematous lesions
4. Sleep pattern disturbance related to:
a. Physical discomfort
b. Schedule of therapies
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Support the parents - this long-term problem is often discouraging, since the infant is difficult to
2. Restrain hands to keep the infant from scratching when unsupervised, but provide supervised,
unrestrained play periods
3. Pick up frequently since the infant is irritable, fretful, and anorectic
4. Avoid using wool clothing or blankets or any furry toys
5. Provide the parent with a list of foods permitted and omitted on an elimination or restricted diet
6. Instruct the parent how to apply topical ointments prescribed
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Child does not scratch
2. Affected areas remain free from infection
3. Child rests/sleeps adequate amount for age
4. Family demonstrates correct performance of procedures



A. Infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
B. Viral infection occurs either:
1. Vertically from an HIV-infected mother to child (breastfeeding has been identified as a source
of the virus)
2. Horizontally by sexual contact or parenteral exposure to blood
C. Immunosuppression results from decreased number of CD4 T cells as well as functional defects in B
D. Three populations of pediatric clients
1. Children exposed in the perinatal period
2. Children who have received blood products prior to 1987
3. Adolescents who are infected after engaging in high-risk behavior
E. Clinical findings
1. Failure to thrive
2. Lymphocytic interstitial pneumonitis (LIP)
3. Hepatosplenomegaly
4. Diffuse lymphadenopathy
5. Chronic diarrhea
6. Pulmonary lymphoid hyperplasia
7. Eczema
8. Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia
9. Developmental failure
10. Neurologic involvement
F. Therapeutic interventions
1. Use of medication to control disease progression; (zidovudine
[AZT, Retrovir], dideoxycytidine [ddc], didanosine [ddl, Videx])
2. Routine injections of gamma globulin
3. Immunizations
a. HIV asymptomatic: DTP is given; inactivated polio virus (Salk vaccine) is used rather than
the oral polio virus (Sabin vaccine); measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine is given;
child monitored to observe results
b. HIV symptomatic: immunizations are not usually given
4. Prevention and management of secondary infections
5. Treatment of pain
6. Nutritional support


A. Assessment
1. Family support; who is able to care for child
2. History to determine source of infection
3. Health status
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Body image disturbance related to having a serious illness
2. Altered family processes related to having a child with a lifethreatening disease
3. Anticipatory grieving related to having a child with a potentially fatal illness
4. Risk for infection related to impaired immune response
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Prevent transmission of virus
a. Blood and body secretion precautions
b. Education of child and parent about modes of transmission
2. Support child and family
3. Monitor child for signs and symptoms of sepsis and other complications
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Child does not transmit the HIV infection
2. Child remains free of opportunistic infection
3. Child has positive interpersonal relationships
4. Family can demonstrate appropriate care for child
5. Family demonstrates positive bereavement behavior

A. 15 months
1. Motor
a. Walks well alone by 14 months, with a widebased gait
b. Creeps upstairs
c. Builds tower of two blocks
d. Drinks from a cup and can use a spoon
e. Enjoys throwing objects and picking them up

2. Vocalization and socialization
a. Can use four to six words including name
b. Has learned "no," which may be said while doing a requested demand
B. 18 months
1. Physical
a. Growth has decreased and appetite lessened - "physiologic anorexia"
b. Anterior fontanel is usually closed
c. Abdomen protrudes, larger than chest circumference
2. Motor
a. Runs clumsily
b. Climbs stairs or up on furniture
c. Imitates strokes in drawing
d. Drinks well from a cup, manages a spoon well
e. Builds tower of three to four cubes
3. Vocalization and socialization
a. Says 10 or more words
b. Has new awareness of strangers
c. Begins to have temper tantrums
d. Very ritualistic, has favorite toy or blanket, thumb-sucking may be at peak
C. 2 years
1. Physical
a. Weight - about 11 to 12 kg (26 to 28 lbs)
b. Height - about 80 to 82 cm (32 to 33 inches)
c. Teeth - 16 temporary; begin visits to dentist
2. Motor
a. Gross motor skills quite refined
b. Can walk up and down stairs, both feet on one step at a time, holding onto rail
c. Builds tower of six to seven cubes or will make cubes into a train
3. Sensory
a. Accommodation well developed
b. Visual acuity 20/40
4. Vocalization and socialization
a. Vocabulary of about 300 words
b. Uses short, two- to three-word phrases, also pronouns
c. Obeys simple commands
d. Still very ritualistic, especially at bedtime
e. Can help undress self and pull on simple clothes
f. Shows signs of increasing autonomy and individuality; offer simple choices when possible
g. Does not share possessions, everything "mine"
D. 30 months
1. Physical
a. Full set of 20 temporary teeth
b. Decreased need for naps
2. Motor
a. Walks on tiptoe
b. Stands on one foot momentarily
c. Builds tower of eight blocks
d. Copies horizontal or vertical line
e. May attend to own toilet needs
3. Vocalization and socialization
a. Beginning to see self as a separate individual from reflected appraisal of significant others
b. Still sees other children as "objects"
c. Increasingly independent, ritualistic, and negativistic


A. Toilet training: most important task of the toddler
1. Physical maturation must be reached before training is possible; approach and attitude of
parent plays vital role
a. Sphincter control adequate when the child can walk
b. Able to retain urine for at least 2 hours
c. Usual age for bowel training: 24 to 30 months
d. Daytime bowel and bladder control: during second year
e. Night control: by 3 to 4 years of age
2. Psychologic readiness
a. Aware of the act of elimination
b. Able to inform the parent of the need to urinate or defecate
c. Desire to please the parent
3. Process of training
a. Usually begin with bowel, then bladder
b. Accidents and regressions frequently occur

4. Parental response
a. Choose a specific word for the act
b. Have a specific time and place
c. Do not punish for accidents
B. Need for independence without overprotection; the parents should:
1. Be consistent: set realistic limits
2. Reinforce desired behavior
3. Be constructive, geared to teach self-control
4. Punish immediately after a wrongdoing
5. Punish appropriately


A. The child plays alongside other children but not with them
B. Mostly free and spontaneous, no rules or regulations
C. Attention span is still very short, and change of toys occurs at frequent intervals
D. Safety is important; there is danger of:
1. Breaking a toy through exploration and ingesting small pieces
2. Ingesting lead from lead-based paint on toys
3. Being burned by potentially flammable toys
E. Imitation and make-believe play begins by end of the second year
F. Suggested toys
1. Play furniture, dishes, cooking utensils
2. Play telephone
3. Puzzles with a few large pieces
4. Pedal-propelled toys, such as tricycle
5. Straddle toys and rocking horse
6. Clay, sandbox toys, crayons, finger paints
7. Pounding toys, blocks
8. Push-pull toys


A. Nutritional objectives
1. Provide adequate nutrient intake to meet continuing growth and development needs
2. Provide a basis for support of psychosocial development in relation to food patterns, eating
behavior, and attitudes
3. Provide sufficient calories for increasing physical activities and energy needs
B. Diet: calorie and nutrient requirements increase with age
1. Increased variety in types and textures of foods
2. Increased involvement in the feeding process, stimulation of curiosity about food environment,
language learning
3. Consideration for the child's appetite, choices, motor skills
C. Possible nutritional problem areas
1. Anemia: increase foods containing iron (e.g., enriched cereals, meat, egg, green vegetables)
2. Obesity or underweight: increase or decrease calories; maintain core foods
3. Low intake of calcium, iron, vitamins A and C; usually caused by dietary fads
4. Often omitting breakfast
5. Influence of commercialism on selection of foods and emphasis on fast foods, "empty-calorie"
snacks, and high-carbohydrate convenience foods
Injury Prevention
A. Leading cause of death in children over 1 year of age
B. Children under 5 years of age account for over half of all accidental deaths during childhood
C. More than half of accidental child deaths are related to automobiles
and fire
D. Accidents can be viewed in terms of the child's growth and development, especially curiosity about
the environment
1. Motor vehicle
a. Walking or running, especially chasing after objects thrown into the street
b. Poor perception of speed, lack of experience to foresee danger
c. Child often unseen because of small size; can be run over by a car backing out of the
driveway, or when playing in leaves or snow
d. Failure to restrain in a car (sitting in a person's lap, improper use of seat belts rather
than appropriate car restraint)
2. Burns
a. Investigating: pulls a pot off the stove, plays with matches, inserts an object into
wall socket
b. Climbing: reaches the stove, oven, ironing board and iron, cigarettes on the table
3. Poisons
a. Learning new tastes and textures, puts everything into mouth
b. Developing fine motor skills: able to open bottles, cabinets, jars

c. Climbing to previously unreachable shelves and cabinets
4. Drowning
a. Child and parents do not recognize the danger of water
b. Child is unaware of inability to breathe under water
5. Aspirating small objects and putting foreign bodies in ear or nose
a. Puts everything in mouth
b. Very interested in body and newly found openings
6. Fractures
a. Climbing, running, and jumping
b. Still developing sense of balance
E. Prevention, through parent education and child protection, is the goal


A. Toddler experiences basic fear of loss of love, fear of unknown, fear of punishment
B. Immobilization and isolation represent additional crises to the toddler
C. Regression to earlier behaviors may occur
D. Stages of separation anxiety: the specific response of toddler
1. Protest
a. Prolonged loud crying, consoled by no one but the parent or usual caregiver
b. Continually asks to go home
c. Rejection of the nurse or any other stranger
2. Despair
a. Alteration in sleep pattern
b. Decreased appetite and weight loss
c. Diminished interest in environment and play
d. Relative immobility and listlessness
e. No facial expression or smile
f. Unresponsive to stimuli
3. Detachment or denial
a. Cheerful, undiscriminating friendliness
b. Lack of preference for parents


A. Anxiety related to:
1. Strange environment
2. Perception of impending event (specify)
3. Separation
4. Anticipated discomfort
5. Knowledge deficit
6. Discomfort
7. Difficulty breathing
8. Feelings of powerlessness
B. Family coping: potential for growth related to successful parenting
C. Ineffective family coping: compromised, related to situational crisis
D. Ineffective individual coping: compromised, related to situational crisis
E. Diversional activity deficit related to:
1. Lack of sensory stimulation
2. Frequent or prolonged hospitalization
F. Altered family processes related to:
1. Situational crisis
2. Knowledge deficit
3. Temporary family disorganization
4. Inadequate support systems
G. Fear related to:
1. Separation from support systems
2. Uncertain prognosis
H. Anticipatory grieving (parental) related to:
1. Expected loss (specify)
2. Gravity of child's physical status
I. Impaired home-maintenance management related to:
1. Knowledge deficit
2. Inadequate support system
J. Risk for injury related to:
1. Use of specific therapies and appliances
2. Incapacity for self-protection
3. Immobility
K. Pain related to:
1. Disease process
2. Interventions

L. Parental role conflict related to:
1. Illness of child
2. Inability to care for child
M. Risk for altered parenting related to:
1. Separation
2. Skill deficit
3. Family stress
N. Risk for altered parent/infant/child attachment related to:
1. Inability of parents to meet child's needs
2. Separation
3. Illness of child
O. Feeding, bathing/hygiene, dressing/grooming, toileting self-care deficit related to developmental
P. Sensory-perceptual alteration (tactile) related to protected environment
Q. Risk for impaired skin integrity related to:
1. Immature structure and function
2. Immobility
R. Sleep-pattern disturbance related to:
1. Excessive crying
2. Frequent assessment
3. Therapies
S. Spiritual distress (parental) related to:
1. Inadequate support systems
2. Decisions regarding "right to life" conflicts


A. Prevents separation anxiety
1. Encourage the parents to stay with the child in hospital or to visit frequently
2. Provide a consistent caregiver
3. Provide individual attention, physical touch, sensory stimulation, and affection
4. Prepare the parents for the child's reaction to separation
5. Involve the parents in the child's care as much as possible
6. If a parent is unable to visit, establish phone contact
7. Establish routine similar to the child's home routine
8. Provide the child with favorite items from home; e.g., a blanket, a toy, a bottle, or a pacifier
9. Maintain the child's familiarity with home by talking about the parents, having the child listen
to a tape recording of family members' voices, and showing photographs of family members
10. When family members leave, stay with child for comfort and to reassure parents
11. Associate the parents' visits with familiar events, such as "Mommy is coming after lunch"
12. Encourage the parents to visit at frequent intervals for shorter times, rather than one long
B. Prepare parents and the child for hospitalization
1. Give primary consideration to maintaining the parent-child relationship by limiting separation
2. Based on assessment, establish routines and rituals that the child is accustomed to in the
areas of:
a. Toilet training
b. Feeding
c. Bathing
d. Sleep patterns
e. Recreational activities
3. Prepare the parent for regression of the child to previous modes of behavior and loss of newly
learned skills
4. Avoid teaching the child new skills during hospitalization
5. Allow the child's release of tension, especially aggression, through play (banging a drum,
knocking blocks over, scribbling on paper)
6. Recognize that only minimal advance preparation of the child for hospitalization is possible,
since cognitive ability to grasp verbal explanation is limited

A. Second and third most common cause of death by trauma in individuals less than 15 years of age
for boys and girls, respectively
B. Causative agents
1. Thermal: flame; hot water
2. Chemical
3. Electrical
4. Radiation
C. Classification
1. Superficial (first degree)
a. Tissue damage minimal

b. Pain predominant symptom
2. Partial thickness (second degree)
a. Involves epithelium and part of corium
b. Severity and rate of healing depend on the amount of damaged corium
c. Very painful
3. Full thickness (third degree)
a. All layers of skin destroyed
b. Systemic effects can be life-threatening
c. Requires skin grafting
D. Clinical findings
1. Local response
a. Edema formation
b. Fluid loss from nonprotected skin
c. Circulatory stasis occurs; usually restored within 24 to 48 hours in partial-thickness burns
2. Systemic response
a. "Burn shock" causes a precipitous drop in cardiac output; returns to normal in 24 to 36
b. Metabolic rate greatly increased
E. Therapeutic interventions
1. Stop the burning process
a. Remove from source of danger
b. Remove smoldering clothes
c. For superficial burns, immerse the affected area in cool water
2. Administer prompt first aid
a. Maintain a patent airway
b. For first-degree burns, cleanse the area, apply sterile
dressing soaked in sterile saline if possible
c. Do not apply creams, butter, or any household remedies
d. Do not give oral fluids for severe burns (more than 10% of body)
3. Transport the client to a proper health care facility
a. Children are hospitalized with burns of 5% to 12% of body
surface or more
b. Child's large body surface in proportion to weight results in
greater potential for fluid loss
c. Shock: primary cause of death in first 24 to 48 hours
d. Infection: primary cause of death after initial period
4. Treat fluid and electrolyte loss
a. Greatest in first 24 to 48 hours because of tissue damage
b. Immediate replacement of both fluids and electrolytes is
c. Determination of hematocrit, hemoglobin, and chemistries should be done daily to
provide a guide for replacement


A. Assessment
1. Wound assessment/classification
2. Vital signs
3. Fluid balance
4. Nutritional needs
5. Respiratory status
6. Pain
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Body image disturbance related to:
a. Perception of appearance
b. Mobility
2. Altered family processes related to situational crisis (seriously
injured child)
3. Risk for infection related to:
a. Injured skin
b. Pathogenic organisms
4. Altered nutrition: less than body requirements related to
increased metabolic need
5. Pain related to:
a. Skin trauma
b. Therapies
6. Impaired physical mobility related to:
a. Pain
b. Impaired joint movement
7. Impaired skin integrity related to thermal injury
C. Planning/Implementation

1. Monitor fluids and electrolytes
a. Administer prescribed fluids accurately, both time and volume
b. Accurate measurement of intake and output is critical (daily weights, diaper count, and weight)
2. Maintain isolation
a. The child has feelings of guilt and punishment
b. Children under 5 years of age rarely understand the reason for isolation
c. Furthers separation between parents and the child
d. Encourage the child to express feelings
3. Compensate for touch deprivation
a. Touch, a child's main means of comfort and security, is now painful
b. Pleasurable touch must be reestablished (apply lotion to unaffected areas)
c. Maximize the use of other senses to promote security and comfort
4. Provide for adequate nutrition
a. High in protein, vitamins, and calories
b. The child is frequently anorectic because of discomfort, isolation, emotional depression
c. Provide the child's food preferences when feasible; do not force eating or use it as a weapon;
encourage parent participation
d. Alter the diet as needs change, especially when high-calorie foods are no longer needed and
can cause obesity
5. Prevent contractures
a. Make moving a game; use play that uses the affected part, such as throwing a ball for arm
b. Provide for functional body alignment; place the child so attention is focused on an object that
will keep the body in specific position
c. Do passive exercises during bath or whirlpool
d. Give analgesics before exercise
6. Meet child's emotional needs
a. Allow the child to play with gown, mask, gloves, and bandages so that they are less strange
b. Prepare the child for baths and whirlpool treatments, which can be frightening and painful
c. Allow child to reenact treatments and care on a doll to work through feelings
d. Help child deal with changes in body
(1) For the younger child, more of a concern to parents (whose reactions are
communicated to the child)
(2) For the older child, especially the adolescent, body appearance is of great concern
(3) Emphasize what can be done to improve looks (plastic surgery, wigs, appropriate
clothing, makeup)
7. Help limit pain
a. Assess extent of pain by observing behavior of the young child, as well as verbal complaints
b. Distinguish pain from fear of dark, being left alone, or being in strange surroundings
c. Administer analgesics before procedures; often narcotics may be required, may be
administered IV
8. Teach prevention of burn injuries
a. Educate children regarding fire safety
(1) Tell the child to leave the house as soon as smoke is smelled or flames are seen,
without stopping to retrieve a pet or toy
(2) Involve all members of the family in fire drills
(3) Demonstrate "stop, drop, and roll," rather than running, if clothes are on fire
b. Educate parents especially in regard to the child's growth and development and specific
dangers at each age level
c. Help parents prevent fires in the home
(1) Teach cautious use of heaters, barbecue, and fireplace; place shield in front of
heating unit
(2) Supervise children at all times
(3) Maintain integrity of the electrical system
(4) Regulate water heater to safe level
(5) Use and maintain smoke detectors
(6) Maintain escape route
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Wound heals without infection
2. Child exhibits only minimal evidence of pain
3. Child consumes an adequate amount of fluids and nutrients
4. Burn heals with minimal scarring
5. Joints remain flexible and functional
6. Child verbalizes feelings and concerns about appearance
7. Family members set realistic goals for selves, child, and others

A. Ingestion of a toxic substance or an excessive amount of a substance
B. More than 90% of poisonings occur in the home
C. Highest incidence occurs in children under 4

D. Improper storage is the major contributing factor to poisonings


A. Assessment
1. Vital signs
2. Need for respiratory or cardiac support
3. Treat other symptoms such as seizures
4. See Clinical Findings under type of poisoning
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Altered family processes related to sudden hospitalization and emergency aspects of illness
2. Fear related to sudden hospitalization and treatment (multiple injections for lead poisoning)
3. Risk for injury related to sources of toxic substances in the environment
4. Risk for injury related to presence of toxic substance in the body
5. Risk for poisoning related to immature judgment of child
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Terminate the exposure
a. Empty the mouth of pills, plant parts, or other material
b. Thoroughly flush eyes with tap water if they were involved
c. Flush skin and wash with soap and soft cloth
d. Remove clothing, especially if pesticide, acid, alkali, or hydrocarbon involved
e. Bring the victim into fresh air if an inhalation poisoning
f. Give water to dilute ingested poison
2. Identify that a poisoning has occurred
a. Call the local poison control center, emergency facility, or physician for immediate advice
regarding treatment
b. Save all evidence of poison (container, vomitus, urine, etc.)
c. Be alert to signs and symptoms of potential poisoning in absence of other evidence
3. Do not induce vomiting
a. If the person is comatose, in severe shock, or convulsing or has lost the gag reflex; these
conditions can increase the risk of aspiration
b. If the poison is a low-viscosity hydrocarbon; once aspirated, it can cause a severe
chemical pneumonitis
c. If the poison is a strong corrosive (acid or alkali), emesis of the corrosive redamages the
mucosa of the esophagus and pharynx
4. Remove the poison
a. Dilute with water
b. Induce vomiting except as contraindicated by administering ipecac syrup (for 6- to 12-
month-olds give 10 ml of ipecac syrup with 8 to 12 oz of water, for 1- to 2-year-olds give 15
ml of ipecac syrup with 8 to 16 ounces of water; over 12 years of age give 30 ml of ipecac
syrup with 16 ounces of water); if omiting does not occur repeat once in 20 minutes for
those over 12 months of age; for those under 12 months of age ipecac is not repeated
c. Administer activated charcoal 1 g per kg 30 to 60 minutes after inducing vomiting d.
Prepare appropriate equipment for potential medical use, such as gastric lavage
5. Whether vomiting is spontaneous or induced, prevent aspiration
a. Keep the child's head lower than the chest
b. When alert, place the head between the legs
c. When unconscious, position on the side
6. Observe for latent symptoms and complications of poisoning
a. Monitor vital signs
b. Treat as appropriate (e.g., institute seizure precautions, keep warm and position correctly
in case of shock, reduce temperature if hyperpyretic)
7. Support the child and parent
a. Keep calm and quiet
b. Do not admonish or accuse the child or parent of wrongdoing
8. Teach prevention of poisoning
a. Assess possible contributing factors in the occurrence of an accident, such as discipline,
parent-child relationship, developmental ability, environmental factors, and behavior
b. Institute anticipatory guidance for possible future accidents based on the child's age and
maturational level
c. Refer to a visiting nurse agency for evaluation of the home environment and the need for
safety measures
d. Provide assistance with environmental manipulation when necessary
e. Educate the parents regarding safe storage of all substances
f. Teach children the hazards of ingesting nonfood items without supervision
g. Caution against keeping large amounts of drugs on hand, especially children's varieties
h. Discourage transferring drugs to containers without safety caps
i. Discuss problems of discipline and children's noncompliance
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Child recognizes and does not ingest harmful substances

2. Child is treated without complications
3. Child receives medication with minimal distress
4. Toxin is eliminated from body
5. Child expresses feelings and concerns
6. Parents express confidence in care
7. Parents and child have knowledge concerning prevention of future poisoning

A. One of the most common drugs taken by children
1. Toxic dose 150 mg/kg body weight
2. Therapeutic use of 150 mg/kg/day for several days has resulted in toxicity
B. Clinical findings - symptoms of overdose
1. Profuse diaphoresis
2. Nausea and vomiting
3. Pallor
4. Weakness
5. Pain in right upper quadrant
6. Slow, weak pulse
7. Confusion
8. Decreased urine output
9. Jaundice
10. Coagulation abnormality
11. Coma
12. Liver failure
C. Therapeutic interventions
1. Induce vomiting with ipecac syrup, lavage
2. Administer IV fluid
3. Administer an antidote (acetylcysteine)
A. Identify ingested substance and amount
B. Monitor the electrocardiograph
C. Measure intake and output
D. Measure and record the vital signs frequently
E. Obtain blood for hepatic and renal function tests
F. Support the child and family
A. Toxic dose: 300 to 500 mg per kilogram of body weight or 7 adult aspirins (28 baby aspirin) for a 9-
kg (20-lb) child
B. Clinical findings
1. Mild salicylate toxicity
a. Diaphoresis
b. Nausea
c. Vomiting
d. Dehydration
e. Delirium
f. Oliguria
g. Hyperpnea
h. Hyperpyrexia
i. Ringing in the ears
j. Dizziness
k. Disturbances of hearing and vision
2. Salicylate poisoning
a. Hyperventilation: confusion, coma
b. Metabolic acidosis: anorexia, sweating, increased temperature
c. Bleeding, especially if chronic ingestion
C. Therapeutic interventions
1. Induce vomiting, gastric lavage, activated charcoal, saline cathartics
2. IV fluids
3. Vitamin K if bleeding
4. Peritoneal dialysis in severe cases
A. Identify the salicylate overdose
B. Assess blood gases and serum electrolyte concentration frequently
C. Administer sodium bicarbonate, electrolytes, and vitamin K as indicated
D. Place on a cooling blanket

A. Distillates include kerosene, turpentine, gasoline, lighter fluid, furniture polish, metal polish,
benzene, naphthalene, some insecticides, and cleaning fluid
B. Clinical findings
1. Gagging, choking, and coughing
2. Nausea
3. Vomiting
4. Alterations in sensorium, such as lethargy
5. Weakness
6. Respiratory symptoms of pulmonary involvement
a. Tachypnea
b. Cyanosis
c. Substernal retractions
d. Grunting
C. Therapeutic interventions
1. Vomiting should not be induced: aspiration is a particular danger because of the risk of a
chemical pneumonia
2. Gastric lavage followed by water, milk or mineral oil


A. Identify ingestion of distillates
B. Prevent further irritation
1. Avoid causing emesis
2. Implement gastric lavage only as ordered


A. Corrosive chemicals include oven and drain cleaners, electric dishwasher granules, and strong
B. Clinical findings
1. Severe burning pain in the mouth, throat, and stomach
2. White, swollen mucous membranes; edema of the lips, tongue, and pharynx (respiratory
3. Violent vomiting; hemoptysis; hematemesis
4. Signs of shock
5. Anxiety and agitation
C. Therapeutic intervention - never induce vomiting because regurgitation of the substance will cause
further damage to the mucous membranes
Specific Nursing Care of Children with Corrosive Chemical Poisoning
A. Identify ingestion
B. Maintain a patent airway
1. Examine the pharynx for burns
2. Observe for respiratory difficulty
3. Provide an airway if necessary; have emergency equipment available
4. Administer steroids if prescribed
C. Prevent further irritation
1. Avoid causing emesis
2. Dilute with water or give a weak vinegar solution to neutralize acid if advised
3. Give nothing by mouth except as ordered and tolerated
D. Provide comfort and support to the child and family
1. Administer analgesics as needed
2. Remain with the child
3. Keep parents informed of the child's progress
Lead Poisoning (Plumbism)
A. A prevalent, significant, preventable health problem that causes neurologic and intellectual damage
from even low levels of lead
B. Blood lead concentration should be less than 10 mg per 100 ml of blood
C. Associated with increased levels of lead in the environment and pica
1. Most common source is lead-based paint
2. Soil, dust, or drinking water with lead
3. Parental occupations, hobbies
D. Clinical findings (chronic ingestion)
1. Loss of weight, anorexia
2. Abdominal pain, vomiting
3. Constipation
4. Anemia, pallor, listlessness, fatigue
5. Lead line on teeth and long bones
6. Protein in urine as a result of proximal tubular damage
7. Behavioral changes (impulsiveness, irritability, hyperactivity, or lethargy)
8. Headache, insomnia, joint pains

9. Brain damage, convulsions, death
E. Therapeutic interventions
1. Objective: reduce concentration of lead in the blood and soft tissue by promoting its excretion
and deposition in bones
a. Calcium disodium edetate (Calcium Disodium Versenate, calcium EDTA)
(1) Urine lead content monitored; peak excretion in 24 to 48 hours
(2) Adverse effects: acute tubular necrosis, malaise, fatigue, numbness of extremities,
GI disturbances, fever, pain in muscles and joints
b. Dimercaprol (BAL)
(1) Generally used in conjunction with calcium disodium edetate
(2) Adverse effects: local pain at the site of injection; may cause persistent fever in
children receiving therapy; rise in blood pressure accompanied by tachycardia after
c. d-penicillamine
(1) Oral chelating agent
(2) Increases urinary excretion, but less effective than calcium EDTA
(3) Adverse effects: transient decrease in white blood cells and platelets; rash;
enuresis; abdominal pain
2. Prevention of further ingestion
Specific Nursing Care of Children with Lead Poisoning
A. Determine environmental exposure
B. Screen children at risk by recognizing clinical findings, especially behavior changes
C. Plan preparation of the child and rotation of injection sites if therapeutic intervention includes IM
chelating agents; warm moist applications may relieve discomfort of injections
D. Observe child carefully and closely
E. Plan discharge and follow-up care of the child
F. Prevent future lead poisoning by parental and child education, appropriate environment, and
supervision of child and siblings

A. An interruption in the integrity of a bone
B. In children, bones are more easily injured; fractures can result without major injury to surrounding
C. Healing occurs rapidly in children; rapidity of healing is inversely related to the age of the child
D. Classification
1. Bend: bone is bent, not broken
2. Buckle or torus fracture: bone is compressed; appears as a bulge
3. Greenstick fractures: incomplete break and bending of a long bone, occurs in young children
because the bones are soft and not fully mineralized
4. Complete fractures: bone fragments are divided; may be connected by a periosteal hinge
a. Transverse
b. Oblique
c. Spiral
E. Clinical findings
1. Generalized swelling
2. Pain or tenderness
3. Diminished function or use of part
F. Therapeutic interventions
1. Splints
2. Bryant's traction for fractured femur
a. Legs are suspended vertically via skin traction with buttocks slightly off bed and upper
body maintaining countertraction
b. Generally used for children under 2 years of age or 30 lbs
3. Casts


A. Assessment
1. Assess for the five Ps associated with fractures
a. Pain and point of tenderness
b. Pulse distal to fracture site
c. Pallor
d. Paresthesia; sensation distal to fracture site
e. Paralysis; movement distal to fracture site
2. Mechanism of injury
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Fear related to:
a. Discomfort
b. Unfamiliar apparatus
c. Strange environment

2. Risk for injury related to:
a. Immobility
b. Traction apparatus or cast
3. Pain related to physical injury
4. Impaired physical mobility (specify) related to musculoskeletal impairment
5. Risk for impaired skin integrity related to unrelieved pressure
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Relieve pain by administering medication as ordered
2. Monitor neurovascular status of distal extremity
3. Provide activity to keep child occupied and entertained
4. Maintain Bryant's traction
a. Keep child positioned flat on back
b. Jacket restraint may be necessary to prevent twisting or turning
c. Maintain line of pull and free hanging weights

D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Neurovascular status in affected extremity remains intact
2. Child experiences minimal discomfort
3. Skin remains intact
4. Joints remain flexible and muscles retain tone
5. Child plays and readily interacts with others


A. Obstruction of the airway by a foreign object
B. Most common in children 1 to 3 years of age
C. Leading cause of fatal injury in children less than 1 year of age
D. Foods that cause asphyxiation include hot dogs, round candy, peanuts, grapes, and popcorn
E. Foreign body can lodge anywhere from larynx to bronchi
F. Classification
1. Partial obstruction has time interval (hours to days) without symptoms
2. Complete obstruction is an emergency
G. Clinical findings
1. Complete obstruction
a. Substernal retractions
b. Inability to cough or speak
c. Increased pulse and respiratory rate
d. Cyanosis
2. Partial obstruction
a. Wheeze
b. Stridor
c. Hoarseness and/or garbled speech
d. Persistent respiratory infection
H. Therapeutic interventions
1. If incomplete obstruction, do not intervene; allow child to continue coughing until object is
2. Immediate first aid if object is completely obstructing the trachea
a. Try to pull the object out if possible without forcing it further down
b. Turn the small child upside down (head lower than chest) and deliver four quick, sharp
back blows with the heel of the hand; turn the child over and deliver four quick chest thrusts
using the technique for CPR
c. Abdominal thrust for children aged 1 year and older
(Heimlich maneuver): grasp the victim from behind around the upper abdomen and
squeeze, forcing the diaphragm up
3. Medical removal by bronchoscopy
4. Surgical relief by a tracheotomy below level of the object
Nursing Care of Children Who Aspirate Foreign Objects
A. Assessment
1. Color
2. Breathing pattern
3. Absence of speech
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Ineffective airway clearance related to obstruction
2. Anxiety related to:
a. Parents' perceived threat to life of child
b. Child's inability to breathe
3. Risk for suffocation related to knowledge deficit of risk factors
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Keep small objects such as balloons, buttons, and batteries out of the child's reach
2. Inspect larger toys for removable objects

3. Teach the child not to run or laugh with food or fluid in the mouth
4. Avoid giving young children foods easily aspirated, such as nuts or hot dogs
5. Teach the child to chew food well before swallowing
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Parents and child verbalize feelings about the child's condition
2. Parents verbalize knowledge of the danger of small objects/food
3. Child's airway remains clear

A. Causes
1. Infection and intoxication - congenital rubella, syphilis, maternal alcohol or drug consumption,
chronic lead ingestion, and kernicterus (high bilirubin level)
2. Injury to the brain suffered during the prenatal, perinatal, or postnatal periods; intracranial
hemorrhage, anoxia, physical injury
3. Inadequate nutrition and metabolic or endocrine disorders such as PKU or hypothyroidism
4. Unknown prenatal influences, including cerebral and cranial malformations such as
microcephalus and hydrocephalus
5. Low birth weight or prematurity
6. Chromosomal abnormalities such as Down syndrome and Fragile X syndrome
B. Conditions that may lead to a false diagnosis of mental retardation
1. Emotional disturbance, such as autism or maternal deprivation
2. Sensory problems, such as deafness or blindness
3. Cerebral dysfunctions, such as cerebral palsy, learning disorders, hyperkinesia, seizure
C. Classification
1. Normal: 90 to 110 IQ
2. Borderline: 71 to 89 IQ
3. Mild: 50/55 to 70 IQ
a. Educable: can achieve a mental age of 8 to 12 years
b. Can learn to read, write, do arithmetic, achieve a vocational skill, and function in society
4. Moderate: 35/40 to 50/55 IQ
a. Trainable: can achieve a mental age of 3 to 7 years
b. Can learn the activities of daily living, social skills; can be trained to work in a sheltered
5. Severe: below 20/25 to 35/40 IQ
a. Barely trainable: can achieve a mental age of 0 to 2 years
b. Totally dependent on others and in need of custodial care
6. Profound: below 20/25 IQ
a. May attain mental age of young infant
b. Requires total care
D. Clinical findings
1. Delayed milestones
a. Infant fails to suck
b. Head lag after 4 to 6 months of age
c. Slow in learning self-help; slow to respond to new stimuli
d. Slow or absent speech development
2. Mental abilities are concrete: abstract ability is limited
3. Lack power of self-appraisal
4. Does not learn from errors
5. Cannot carry out complex instructions
6. Does not relate with peers: more secure with adults
7. Comforted by physical touch
8. Learns rote responses and socially acceptable behavior
9. May repeat words (echolalia)
10. Short attention span, but usually attracted to music
E. Therapeutic interventions
1. Prevent causes that damage brain cells such as hypoxia, untreated PKU
2. Identify condition early
3. Minimize long-term consequences
a. Treatment of associated problems
b. Infant stimulation
c. Parent education
A. Assessment
1. Developmental screening

2. Associated illnesses/risk factors
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Altered family processes related to having a child with mental retardation
2. Altered growth and development related to impaired cognitive function
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Always consider the child's developmental, not chronologic, age
a. Educate the parent regarding developmental age
b. Near adolescence, sexual feelings accompany maturation and need to be explained
according to the child's mental capacity
2. Set realistic goals; teach by simple steps for habit formation rather than for understanding or
transference of learning
a. Break down the process of skills learning into simple steps that can be easily achieved
b. Ensure each step is learned completely before teaching the child the next step
c. Recognize that behavior modification is a very effective method of teaching these
d. Praise accomplishments to develop the child's self-esteem
e. Keep discipline simple, geared toward learning acceptable behavior rather than
developing judgment
f. Recognize that routines are the foundation of the child's lifestyle; hospital routines should
be based on the child's normal schedule
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Child performs activities of daily living at optimum level
2. Family members make realistic decisions based on their needs and capabilities

A. Nonspecific term for a neuromuscular disability or difficulty in controlling voluntary muscles (caused
by damage to some portion of the brain, with associated sensory, intellectual, emotional, or seizure
B. Characteristics of cerebral palsy
1. Affects young children, usually becoming evident before 3 years of age
2. Nonprogressive, but persists throughout life
3. Some motor dysfunction always present
4. Mental deficiency may be present
5. Language deficit may be present
C. Major causes
1. Anoxia of the brain caused by a variety of insults at or near the time of birth
2. Congenital or neonatal infection of the central nervous system
3. Trauma
4. Prematurity
5. Cerebral vascular accident
D. Classification (based on predominant clinical manifestations)
1. Spastic type: hypertonicity with poor control of posture, balance, and coordinated movements;
impairment of gross and fine motor skills
2. Dyskinetic type: abnormal involuntary movement
a. Athetosis; characterized by slow, wormlike, writhing movements
b. Involvement of mouth and throat results in drooling
3. Ataxic type: wide-based gait, rapid repetitive movements performed poorly
4. Mixed type: combination of spasticity and athetosis
5. Rigid tremor, and atonic types: uncommon with deformities and lack of active movement, have
poor prognosis
E. Clinical findings
1. Delayed gross motor development
2. Difficulty in feeding, especially sucking and swallowing
3. Abnormal motor performance
4. Asymmetry in motion or contour of body
5. Delayed motor development and speech
6. Reflex abnormalities - hyperreflexia
7. Any of the muscular abnormalities listed under classification
F. Therapeutic interventions
1. Multidisciplinary approach
2. Mobility devices
3. Surgery to correct spastic muscle imbalance
4. Medications, such as skeletal muscle relaxants and anticonvulsants
5. Physiotherapy and occupational and speech therapy
A. Assessment
1. Presence of prenatal/perinatal risk factors
2. Poor feeding
3. Muscle rigidity

4. Tenseness or hypotonia
5. Delayed developmental milestones
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Body image disturbance related to:
a. Physical disability
b. Appearance
2. Altered family processes related to the birth of a child with special needs
3. Fatigue related to increased energy expenditure
4. Risk for injury related to neuromuscular and cognitive-perceptual impairments
5. Impaired physical mobility related to neuromuscular impairment
6. Feeding, bathing/hygiene, dressing/grooming, toileting self-care deficit related to impaired
neuromuscular development
7. Impaired verbal communication related to neuromuscular impairment
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Feeding
a. Recognize drooling results from difficulty in swallowing
b. Use a spoon and blunt fork, with plate attached to the table, for easier self-feeding
c. Provide child with increased calories because of excessive energy expenditure, increased
protein for muscle activity, and increased vitamins (especially B6) for amino acid
2. Relaxation
a. Provide rest periods in an area with few stimuli
b. Set limits and control activity level
3. Safety
a. Protect from accidents resulting from altered sensation, poor balance, and lack of muscle
b. Provide helmet for protection against head injuries
c. Always restrain in chair, bed, etc.
4. Play
a. Keep safety as main objective
b. Do not overstimulate; should have educational value, appropriate to child's
developmental level and ability
5. Elimination
a. Recognize difficulty in toilet training is because of poor muscle control
b. Provide special bowel and bladder training
6. Speech
a. Recognize poor coordination of lips, tongue, cheeks, larynx, and poor control of
diaphragm make formation of words difficult
b. Refer for speech therapy
7. Breathing
a. Recognize poor control of the intercostal muscles and diaphragm causes the child to be
prone to respiratory tract infection
b. Protect the child from exposure to infection as much as possible; be alert for symptoms of
aspiration pneumonia
8. Dental problems
a. Recognize problems in muscular control affect development and alignment of teeth
b. Explain that frequent dental caries occur and that there is a great need for dental
supervision and care
c. Teach the parent to brush the child's teeth if muscular dysfunction present
9. Vision
a. Recognize that common ocular problems such as strabismus and refractive errors may be
related to poor muscular control
b. Look for such disorders to prevent further problems such as amblyopia
10. Hearing
a. Recognize hearing problems may be present, depending on the basic cause of the brain
b. Encourage parents to have child's hearing checked periodically
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Family provides a safe environment for the child
2. Child consumes adequate nutrients for growth
3. Child is able to communicate needs to caregiver
4. Family verbalizes effect of child's disability on family
5. Child is able to move around environment
6. Child performs self-care activities within capabilities
7. Child exhibits behavior indicative of positive self-image

A. Causes
1. Maternal factors: rubella, syphilis

2. Perinatal: anoxia, kernicterus, prematurity, excessive noise
3. Postnatal: mumps, otitis media, head trauma, drugs such as gentamycin
B. Classification
1. Conductive: loss from damage to middle ear
a. Accounts for about 80% of reduced hearing
b. Conductive loss of 30 dB or more may require a hearing aid
2. Sensorineural: damage to inner ear structures of the auditory nerve
a. Distortion in clarity of words
b. Problem in discrimination of sounds
3. Mixed conductive-sensorineural
4. Central auditory imperception
a. Not explained by other three causes
b. The child hears but does not understand
C. Clinical findings
1. Lack of the Moro reflex in response to a sharp clap
2. Failure to respond to loud noise
3. Failure to locate a source of sound at 61 to 95 cm (2 to 3 feet) after 6 months of age
4. Absence of babble by 7 months of age
5. Inability to understand words or phrases by 12 months of age
6. Use of gestures rather than verbalization to establish wants
7. History of frequent respiratory tract infections and otitis media
D. Therapeutic interventions
1. Conductive loss
a. Antibiotics for acute otitis media
b. Tympanostomy tubes for chronic otitis media
c. Hearing aids to amplify sounds
2. Sensorineural
a. Cochlear implants
b. Hearing aids of less value
3. Central auditory imperception - may not respond to any therapy
A. Assessment
1. Identify children whose history places them at risk
2. Response to auditory stimuli
3. Failure to develop intelligible speech by 24 months
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Altered family processes related to:
a. Situational crisis
b. Difficulty in communication
2. Altered growth and development related to defective communication
3. Risk for injury related to cognitive-perceptual impairment
4. Sensory-perceptual alteration (auditory) related to hearing impairment
5. Impaired verbal communication related to loss of hearing before speech is established
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Observe for manifestations beginning at birth
2. Face the child to facilitate lip reading
3. Do not walk back and forth while talking
4. Have a good light on speaker's face
5. Be level with the child's face and speak toward the unaffected ear
6. Always enunciate and articulate carefully
7. Do not talk too loudly, especially if the loss is sensorineural
8. Use facial expressions, since verbal intonations are not communicated
9. Encourage active play to build self-confidence
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Child obtains and uses hearing aid
2. Child/family use effective communication techniques
3. Parents and child demonstrate a positive relationship
4. Child engages in activities appropriate to developmental level
5. Child has a safe environment

A. Functional definition of blindness: visual loss of acuity to read print; must use braille, may have light
B. Strabismus: imbalance of the extraocular muscles causing a physiologic incoordination of the eye
1. A cause of blindness: amblyopia develops in the weak eye from disuse
2. Must be corrected before 4 years of age to prevent blindness
3. Treatment
a. To force the weak eye to fixate: patch the unaffected and exercise the weak eye
b. Surgery to lengthen or shorten the extraocular muscles

C. Causes other than strabismus
1. Maternal: albinism, congenital cataracts, rubella, galactosemia, gonorrhea
2. Perinatal: retrolental fibroplasia
3. Postnatal: trauma, diabetes, syphilis, tumor
D. Clinical findings
1. Delayed motor development
2. Rocking for sensory stimulation
3. Squinting, rubbing eyes
4. Sitting close to television, holding book close to face
5. Clumsiness, bumping into objects
E. Therapeutic interventions
1. Surgical intervention
a. Strabismus
b. Cataracts
2. Corrective lenses
A. Assessment
1. Identify those children at risk
2. Observe for behavior indicative of vision loss
3. Screen children for visual acuity and signs of ocular disorders
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Altered family processes related to situational crisis
2. Altered growth and development related to sensory/perceptual alterations (visual)
3. Risk for injury related to cognitive-perceptual impairment
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Be aware of early signs of visual problems
2. Explain and encourage parents to follow treatments for strabismus and other conditions
3. Always talk so the child can hear clearly
4. Use noise so the child can locate your position
5. Help the child learn through other senses, especially touch, with play activities
6. Facilitate eating
a. Arrange food on the plate at clock hours and teach the child its location
b. Provide finger foods when possible
c. Provide a light spoon and deep bowl so the child can feel weight of food on spoon
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Child engages in appropriate activities for level of development
2. Parents and child demonstrate a positive relationship
3. Child remains free from injury

A. Known as gluten-induced enteropathy and celiac sprue
B. Chronic intestinal malabsorption and inability to digest gluten, a protein found mostly in wheat, rye,
oats, and barley
C. Usually begins in infancy or toddler stage, but later in breastfed infants
D. Progression of illness
1. Fat absorption affected in early stage of disease
2. Protein, carbohydrate, mineral, and electrolyte absorption then affected
3. Growth failure, muscle wasting finally occurs
E. Clinical findings
1. Progressive malnutrition
a. Muscle wasting
b. Anorexia
c. Distended abdomen
2. Secondary deficiencies: anemia and rickets
3. Steatorrhea: fatty, foul, frothy, bulky stools
4. Celiac crisis: severe episode of dehydration and acidosis from diarrhea
F. Therapeutic intervention - dietary
1. Low in glutens; no wheat, rye, oats, or barley
2. High in calories and protein
3. Low fat
4. Small, frequent feedings; adequate fluids
5. Vitamin supplements, all in water-miscible form
6. Supplemental iron
A. Assessment
1. Nutritional assessment
2. Parent/child for knowledge of diet regimen
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Risk for injury related to knowledge deficit (diet and food composition)

2. Alteration in nutrition: less than body requirements related to impaired intestinal absorption

C. Planning/Implementation
1. Protect the child from infection
2. Teach parents dietary restrictions
3. Explain need for frequent follow-up supervision, home visits
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Parent/child verbalizes correct dietary information
2. Child consumes adequate calories for growth and development

A. Autosomal recessive disorder affecting the exocrine glands
B. Most common serious pulmonary and genetic disease of children
C. Increased viscosity of mucous gland secretions is responsible for most clinical findings
1. Elevation in sweat electrolytes
2. Pancreas: becomes fibrotic, with a decreased production of pancreatic enzymes (late
complication - diabetes)
a. Lipase: causes steatorrhea (fatty, foul, bulky stools)
b. Trypsin: causes increased nitrogen in stool
c. Amylase: inability to break down polysaccharides
3. Rectal prolapse
4. Sweat glands: high electrolyte content of sodium and chloride (three to five times higher than
normal); chloride levels above 60 mEq/L are diagnostic
5. Respiratory system: increased viscous mucus in the trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles resulting
a. Obstruction, interfering with expiration (emphysema)
b. Infection
6. Liver: possible cirrhosis from biliary obstruction, malnutrition, or infection; portal hypertension
leads to esophageal varices
7. Sexual organs: infertility possible
D. Clinical findings
1. Based on pathophysiology listed in C above
2. Similar to celiac disease
3. Some early manifestations during infancy
a. Meconium ileus at birth (about 15%)
b. Failure to regain normal 10% weight loss at birth
c. Presence of cough or wheezing during first 6 months of age
4. Because of respiratory involvement, there may be clubbing of fingers, barrel-shaped chest,
cyanosis, distended neck veins
5. Cardiac enlargement, particularly right ventricular hypertrophy (cor pulmonale)
E. Therapeutic interventions
1. Pulmonary problems
a. Chest physiotherapy
b. Bronchodilators
c. Antibiotic therapy as indicated
2. Gastrointestinal problems
a. Pancreatic enzyme supplements
b. Balanced nutritional intake
Nursing Care of Children with Cystic Fibrosis
A. Assessment
1. Pulmonary assessment
2. GI observation
3. Failure to thrive
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Activity intolerance related to:
a. Imbalance between oxygen supply and demand
b. Ineffective airway clearance
2. Ineffective airway clearance related to secretion of thick, tenacious mucus
3. Ineffective breathing pattern related to mechanical tracheobronchial obstruction
4. Altered family processes related to situational crisis (child with a chronic illness)
5. Altered nutrition: less than body requirements related to inability to digest nutrients
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Prevent respiratory tract infections
a. Postural drainage, percussion, vibrating between feedings
b. Aerosol therapy
c. Use of expectorants and antibiotics
d. Avoid antitussives and antihistamines
2. Promote optimal nutrition
a. Replacement of pancreatic enzymes, given with cold food in middle of meal

b. Replacement of fat-soluble vitamins in water-miscible form
c. High-protein diet of easily digested food, normal fat, high calories
3. Promote mobility and activity
a. Encourage activity and regular exercise
b. Help the child regulate activity to own tolerance
4. Promote a positive body image
a. Help child deal with barrel-shaped chest, poor weight gain, thin extremities, bluish
coloring, smell of stools, poor posture
b. Encourage good hygiene and select clothes that compensate for protuberant abdomen
and emaciated extremities
5. Provide for emotional support and counseling for child and family
a. Long-term problem causing financial and emotional stresses
b. Illness can become a major controlling factor in the family
(1) The child begins to recognize that wheezing brings attention and uses this
(2) Parents can deal with such behavior by recognizing false attacks and using
consistent discipline
c. Encourage the family to join the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
d. Refer family for genetic counseling
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Child rests quietly and engages in activity suitable to developmental level
2. Child is able to clear airway of mucus
3. Child breathes easily
4. Family demonstrates ability to care for child
5. Child consumes adequate calories for growth and development
A. Most prevalent nutritional disorder among children in the United States; caused by lack of adequate
sources of dietary iron
1. Infant usually has iron reserve for 6 months
2. Premature infant lacks reserve
3. Children receiving only milk have no source of iron
B. Insidious onset: usually diagnosed because of an infection or chronic GI problems
C. Causes
1. Decreased intake
2. Increased destruction
3. Increased loss
D. Clinical findings
1. Pallor, weakness, tachycardia, dizziness
2. Slow motor development
3. Poor muscle tone
4. Hemoglobin level below normal for age (general rule: below 11dl)
E. Therapeutic interventions
1. Food sources rich in iron
2. Iron replacement
a. Oral iron sources
(1) Drug: ferrous sulfate - most absorbable form of iron
(2) Adverse effects: nausea, vomiting; fatalities in children who ingest enteric-coated
tablets, thinking they are candy
(3) Drug interactions: ferrous sulfate binds tetracycline and decreases absorption;
magnesium trisilicate decreases absorption of iron
b. Parenteral iron sources
(1) Drug: parenteral iron-dextran injection (Imferon)
(2) Adverse effects: tissue staining (use Z tract for intramuscular injection), fever,
lymphadenopathy, nausea, vomiting, arthralgia, urticaria, severe peripheral vascular
failure, anaphylaxis, secondary hematochromatosis
A. Assessment
1. Nutritional history
2. History of chronic infection
3. Eating habits
a. Pica
b. Ingestion of lead
4. Bowel habits/blood in stools
5. Family history of hematologic disorder
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Activity intolerance related to generalized weakness
2. Altered nutrition: less than body requirements related to knowledge deficit of appropriate foods
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Prevent development of anemia

a. Teach pregnant women the importance of their iron intake
b. Encourage feeding of iron-fortified infant formula or breastfeeding
c. Encourage feeding iron-fortified infant cereal
d. Introduce foods high in iron
2. Provide for nutrition and proper administration of supplemental iron
a. Vitamin C and hydrochloric acid aid absorption
b. Folic acid acts as a coenzyme in the formation of heme; proteins are necessary for the
synthesis of hemoglobin; ascorbic acid promotes the conversion of folic acid to folinic acid
c. Oxalates, phosphate, and caffeine decrease absorption
d. Use a straw because some liquid preparations stain teeth
e. Discolors stools; may cause gastric irritation or constipation
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Child engages in appropriate activities
2. Child consumes adequate nutrients for correction of anemia
3. Parents can verbalize nutritional requirements of child


A. Autosomal disorder affecting hemoglobin
B. Defective hemoglobin causes red blood cells to become sickle shaped and clump together under
reduced oxygen tension; initially fetal hemoglobin prevents sickling
C. Classification
1. Sickle cell anemia: homozygous for sickle cell gene
2. Sickle cell trait: heterozygous for sickle cell gene
D. Clinical findings
1. Vasoocclusive crisis (pain episode): most common and non–lifethreatening
a. Results from sickled cells obstructing blood vessels, causing occlusion, ischemia, and
potential necrosis
b. Symptoms include fever, acute abdominal pain (visceral hypoxia), hand-foot syndrome,
priapism, and
arthralgia without an exacerbation of anemia
2. Splenic sequestration crisis
a. Results from the spleen pooling large quantities of blood, which causes a precipitous drop
in blood pressure and ultimately shock
b. Acute episode occurs most commonly in children between 8 months and 5 years of age;
can result in death from anemia and cardiovascular collapse
c. Chronic manifestation is termed functional asplenia
3. Aplastic crisis: diminished red blood cell production
a. May be triggered by a viral or other infection
b. Profound anemia results due to rapid destruction of red blood cells combined with a decreased
4. Hyperhemolytic crisis: increased rate of red blood cell destruction
a. Characterized by anemia, jaundice, and reticulcytosis
b. Rare complication that frequently suggests a coexisting abnormality such as glucose-6-
phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
5. Stroke: sudden and severe complication with no related illnesses
a. Sickled cells block the major blood vessels in the brain
b. Repeat strokes in 60% of children who have experienced previous one
6. Chest syndrome: clinically similiar to pneumonia
7. Overwhelming infection
a. Streptococcus pneumonia
b. Haemophilus influenzae type B
E. Therapeutic interventions
1. Prevention of sickling phenomenon
a. Adequate oxygenation
b. Adequate hydration
c. Administration of hydroxyurea to limit sickling
2. Treatment of crisis
a. Rest
b. Hydration/electrolyte replacement
c. Pain management
d. Antibiotic therapy
e. Blood products


A. Assessment
1. Vital signs
2. Neurologic signs
3. Vision/hearing

4. Location and intensity of pain
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Body image disturbance related to:
a. Retarded growth and maturation
b. Limited activity tolerance
c. Chronic illness
2. Fear related to:
a. Unfamiliar environment
b. Separation from support system
3. Pain related to tissue ischemia
4. Altered tissue perfusion (cardiovascular) related to decreased oxygen tension
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Prevent crisis
a. Avoid infection, dehydration, and other conditions causing strain on body, which
precipitates a crisis; prophylactic use of pneumococcal, meningococcal, and Haemophilus flu
b. Avoid hypoxia: treat respiratory tract infections immediately
c. Avoid dehydration
(1) May cause a rapid thrombus formation
(2) Daily fluid intake should be calculated according to body weight (130 to 200 ml per
kilogram [2 to 3 oz per pound])
(3) During crisis, fluid needs to be increased, especially if the child is febrile
2. During crisis provide for:
a. Adequate hydration (may need IV therapy)
b. Proper positioning, careful handling
c. Exercise as tolerated (immobility promotes thrombus formation and respiratory problems)
d. Adequate ventilation
e. Control of pain; use narcotics; schedule to prevent pain
f. Blood transfusions for severe anemia
3. Provide for genetic counseling
a. Disorder mostly of blacks; can be found in Mediterranean people
b. Parents need to know the risk of having other children with trait or disease
c. If both parents are carriers, each pregnancy has 25% chance of producing a child with the
d. Screen young children for the disorder, since clinical manifestations usually do not appear
before 6 months of age
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Child reports minimal pain
2. Child verbalizes feelings about disease process
3. Child demonstrates positive body image
4. Child does not exhibit signs of sickling

A. Most common intestinal parasite in United States
B. Children reinfest themselves by fingers-to-anus-to-mouth route
C. Crowded conditions such as classrooms and daycare centers increase risk of transmission
D. Can also be infested by breathing airborne ova
E. Clinical findings
1. Severe pruritus of the anal area
2. Vaginitis
3. Irritability and insomnia
4. Poor appetite and weight loss
5. Eosinophilia
6. Pinworm eggs isolated from the perianal area; cellophane-tape test done first thing in the
morning before the first bowel movement
7. Signs of appendicitis, a complication
F. Therapeutic interventions
1. Mebendazole (Vermox)
a. Selectively and irreversibly inhibits uptake of glucose and other nutrients of pinworms
b. Adverse effects: occasional, transient abdominal pain and diarrhea
2. Piperazine citrate (Antepar)
a. Paralyzes musculature of pinworms and roundworms by curarelike action
b. Within 3 days pinworms are passed active and alive; roundworms paralyzed and alive
3. Pyrantel pamoate (Antiminth)
a. Blocks neuromuscular transmission in roundworms, hookworms, pinworms
b. Adverse effects: anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, headache,
dizziness, drowsiness, rash
4. Pyrvinium pamoate (Povan)

a. Inhibits respiratory enzymes and anaerobic metabolism to inactivate pinworms,
b. Adverse effects: nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps; cyanine-dye origin of the drug
colors stool, emesis, and most materials bright red or orange
A. Assessment
1. Assess the perineal area for signs of inflammation
2. Perform the cellophane-tape test in AM
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Pain related to severe itching in the rectal area
2. Risk for impaired skin integrity related to irritation of the perianal area
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Prevent reinfestation
a. Do not allow the child to scratch the anus; child may need to wear mittens
b. Keep fingernails short
c. Place a tight diaper or underpants on child
d. Wash anal area thoroughly at least once a day
e. Change child's clothes daily; wash in hot water
f. Air out bedroom, dust and vacuum house thoroughly
2. Teach parents about administration of medication
a. Overdose will not produce a quicker recovery
b. Stools contain worms and may turn bright red from medication
c. Additional series of medication may be used depending on medication; frequently 2
weeks after initial dose; all family members are usually treated
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Perianal skin intact
2. Stool specimen is free of pinworm infestation

Developmental Timetable
A. 3 years
1. Physical
a. Usual weight gain 1.8 to 2.7 kg (4 to 6 lbs)
b. Usual height gain 7.5 cm (3 inches)
2. Motor
a. Jumps off bottom step
b. Rides a tricycle using pedals
c. Walks upstairs alternating feet
d. Builds tower of 9 or 10 cubes
e. Constructs three-block bridge
f. Can unbutton front or side button
g. Usually toilet trained at night
h. Uses a spoon
3. Sensory: visual acuity 20/30
4. Vocalization and socialization
a. Vocabulary of about 900 words; uses three- to four-word sentences
b. May have normal hesitation in speech pattern
c. Uses plurals
d. Begins to understand ideas of sharing and taking turns
5. Mental abilities
a. Beginning understanding of the past, present, future, or any aspect of time
b. Stage of magical thinking
B. 4 years
1. Physical
a. Height and weight increases are similar to previous year
b. Length at birth is doubled
2. Motor
a. Skips and hops on one foot
b. Walks up and down stairs like an adult
c. Can button buttons and lace shoes
d. Throws ball overhand
e. Uses scissors to cut outline
3. Vocalization and socialization
a. Vocabulary of 1500 words or more
b. May have an imaginary companion
c. Tends to be selfish and impatient, but takes pride in accomplishments
d. Exaggerates, boasts, and tattles on others
4. Mental abilities
a. Unable to conserve matter

b. Can repeat four numbers and is learning number concept
c. Knows which is the longer of two lines
d. Has poor space perception
C. 5 years
1. Physical: height and weight increases are similar to previous year
2. Motor
a. Gross motor abilities well developed
b. Can balance on one foot for about 10 seconds
c. Can jump rope, skip, and roller skate
d. Can draw a picture of a person
e. Prints first name and other words as learned
f. Dresses and washes self
g. May be able to tie shoelaces
3. Sensory
a. Minimal potential for amblyopia to develop
b. Color recognition is well established
4. Vocalization and socialization
a. Vocabulary of about 2100 words
b. Talks constantly
c. Asks meaning of new words
d. Generally cooperative and sympathetic toward others
e. Basic personality structure is well established
5. Mental abilities (Piaget's phase of intuitive thought)
a. Beginning understanding of time in terms of days as part of a week
b. Beginning understanding of conversation of numbers
c. Has not mastered the concept that parts equal a whole regardless of their appearance;
difficulty with abstract thought
Play during Preschool Years (cooperative play)
A. Loosely organized group play where membership changes readily, as do rules
B. Through play, the child deals with reality, learns control of feelings, and expresses emotions more
through words than through actions
C. Play is still physically oriented but is also imitative and imaginary
D. Increasing sharing and cooperation among preschool children, especially 5-year-old children
E. Suggested toys (same principles as discussed before)
1. Puppets
2. Additional dress-up clothes, dolls, house, furniture, small trucks, animals, etc.
3. Painting sets, coloring books, paste, and cut-out sets
4. Illustrated books
5. Puzzles with large pieces and more shapes
6. Tricycle, swing, slide, and other playground equipment


A. Reaction of the child
1. Fears about body image and body harm are now greater than fear of separation
2. The fears include:
a. Intrusive experiences: needles, thermometer, otoscope
b. Punishment and rejection
c. Pain
d. Castration and mutilation
B. If possible, parents can be helped to prepare the child beforehand, since increased cognitive and
verbal ability makes explanations possible


A. Anxiety related to:
1. Strange environment
2. Perception of impending event
3. Anticipated discomfort
4. Knowledge deficit
5. Discomfort
6. Difficulty breathing
7. Feelings of powerlessness
B. Family coping: potential for growth related to successful parenting
C. Ineffective family coping: compromised, related to situational crises
D. Ineffective individual coping related to situational crises
E. Diversional activity deficit related to:
1. Lack of sensory stimulation
2. Frequent or prolonged hospitalization

F. Altered family processes related to:
1. Situational crisis
2. Knowledge deficit
3. Temporary family disorganization
4. Inadequate support system
G. Fear related to:
1. Separation from support systems
2. Uncertain prognosis
3. Potential change in body
H. Anticipatory grieving (parental) related to:
1. Expected loss
2. Gravity of child's physical status
I. Impaired home maintenance management related to:
1. Knowledge deficit
2. Inadequate support systems
J. Risk for injury related to:
1. Use of specific therapies and appliances
2. Incapacity for self-protection
3. Immobility
K. Pain related to:
1. Disease process
2. Interventions
L. Parental role conflict related to:
1. Sick child
2. Inability to care for child
M. Risk for altered parenting related to:
1. Separation
2. Skill deficit
3. Family stress
N. Feeding, bathing/hygiene, dressing/grooming, toileting self-care deficit related to:
1. Fatigue
2. Pain
3. Developmental level
4. Limitations of treatment modalities
O. Sensory-perceptual alterations (tactile) related to protected environment
P. Risk for impaired skin integrity related to immobility
Q. Sleep pattern disturbance related to:
1. Excessive crying
2. Frequent assessment
3. Therapies
R. Spiritual distress (parental) related to:
1. Inadequate support systems
2. Decisions regarding life or death conflicts


A. Begin preparing for hospitalization a few days before but not too early because of the child's poor
concept of time
B. Clarify cause and effect because of the child's phenomenalistic thinking (in the child's mind,
proximity of two events relates them to each other)
C. Explain routines of hospital admission but not all procedures at one time, because this would be
D. Recognize play is an excellent medium for preparation (use dolls, puppets, make-believe equipment,
dress-up doctor and nurse clothes)
E. Provide time for play as an outlet for fear, anger, and hostility, as well as a temporary escape from
F. Keep verbal explanation as simple as possible and always honest
G. Add details about procedures, drugs, surgery, and the like as the child's cognitive level and personal
experiences increase
H. Encourage parents to visit as often as possible
I. See Nursing Care under each disorder

A. The most common type of childhood cancer; prognosis is improving
B. Peak incidence: 2 to 6 years of age
C. Malignant neoplasm of blood-forming organs
D. In children, overproduction of immature leukocytes: blast-cell or stem-cell leukemia
E. Classification
1. Acute lymphocytic: about 85% of incidence; better prognosis than for myelogenous
2. Acute myelogenous or acute nonlymphoid: about 10% incidence; poorer prognosis

3. Others: 5% incidence
F. Clinical findings
1. Caused by overproduction of immature nonfunctional cells
2. Anemia: pallor, weakness, irritability
3. Infection: fever
4. Tendency toward bleeding: petechiae and bleeding into joints
5. Pain in joints caused by seepage of serous fluid
6. Tendency toward easy fracture of bones
7. Enlargement of spleen, liver, lymph glands
8. Abdominal pain and anorexia resulting in weight loss
9. Necrosis and bleeding of gums and other mucous membranes
10. Later symptoms: CNS involvement and frank hemorrhage
G. Therapeutic interventions
1. Induce remission by chemotherapy (see Pharmacology related to neoplastic disorders)
a. Prednisone: steroid
b. Vincristine: plant alkaloid
c. Methotrexate: folic acid antagonist
d. L-asparaginase: enzyme
e. 6-mercaptopurine: purine antagonist
f. Cyclophosphamide: alkylating agent
g. Doxorubicin hydrochloride: cytotoxic antibiotic
2. Prevent CNS involvement by use of irradiation and intrathecal methotrexate, because leukemic cells
invade the brain, but most antileukemic drugs do not pass the blood-brain barrier
3. Transfusions to replace and provide needed blood factors such as red blood cells, platelets, and
white blood cells
4. Bone marrow transplantation
A. Assessment
1. Hematologic status
a. Anemia
b. Thrombocytopenia
c. Neutropenia
2. Activity level
3. Exposure to infectious diseases
4. Complications of therapy/disease process
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Activity intolerance related to:
a. Anemia
b. Reduced energy and fatigue
2. Body image disturbance related to:
a. Loss of hair
b. Moon face
c. Debilitation
3. Altered family processes related to situational crisis (child with life-threatening disease)
4. Fear related to:
a. Diagnostic tests
b. Procedures
5. Anticipatory grieving related to perceived potential loss of child
6. Risk for infection related to:
a. Decreased immune response
b. Use of chemotherapy
7. Risk for injury (including hemorrhage) related to:
a. Decreased strength and endurance
b. Pain and discomfort
c. Decreased platelets
8. Altered nutrition: less than body requirements related to loss of appetite
9. Pain related to physiologic effect of neoplasia and treatment
10. Impaired physical mobility related to:
a. Decreased strength and endurance
b. Pain and discomfort
c. Neuromuscular impairment
11. Risk for impaired skin integrity related to:
a. Immobility
b. Administration of antimetabolites
c. Disease process
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Encourage adjustment to chronic illness; stress need for normal life-style
2. Deal with the child's idea of death: discussion should be appropriate to level of understanding
a. Preschooler: concept that death is reversible; greatest fear is separation

b. Child 6 to 9 years of age: concept that death is personified; a person actually comes and
removes the child
c. Child over 9 years of age: adult concept of death as irreversible and inevitable
3. Be alert for and attempt to support the child experiencing side effects of drugs
a. Cytoxan: severe nausea, vomiting, cystitis, and alopecia
b. Vincristine: constipation, alopecia, neurotoxicity
c. Methotrexate: oral and rectal ulcers
d. Corticosteroids: mood swings and fluid retension
4. Prevent infection by hand washing; avoid contact with people who have active infections and
avoid crowded places
5. Handle the child carefully because of pain and hemorrhage; administer analgesics for pain
6. Provide gentle oral hygiene; soft, bland foods; increased liquids
7. Provide for frequent rest periods, quiet play
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Child participates in developmental, age-appropriate activities
2. Child repeats information accurately
3. Child exhibits no physiologic signs of pain
4. Child and family demonstrate understanding of procedures
5. Family and child discuss fears, concerns, and needs
6. Child is not exposed to infectious diseases
7. Child does not exhibit signs of bleeding/injury
8. Child ambulates without difficulty
9. Child consumes adequate calories for growth
10. Child expresses feelings about altered body image
11. Child does not exhibit signs of skin impairment


A. Most common malignant neoplasm of the kidney in children
B. Estimated occurrence 1 in 10,000 live births
C. May be associated with congenital anomalies
1. Aniridia (congenital absence of iris)
2. Hemihypertrophy
3. Genitourinary: hypospadias, cryptorchidism
D. Clinical findings
1. Swelling or nontender mass in abdomen; confined to one side of midline
2. Weight loss
3. Fever
4. Hematuria occurs in less than 25%
5. Fatigue and malaise
6. Hypertension occasionally occurs
7. Other symptoms associated with compression of neighboring organs or metastasis (lungs:
cough, dyspnea, shortness of breath)
E. Therapeutic interventions
1. Surgery: should be scheduled soon after confirmation of renal mass
a. Tumor, kidney, and associated adrenal gland removed; precautions taken not to rupture
the capsule of the tumor
b. Contralateral kidney inspected
c. Regional lymph nodes and organs inspected and biopsied; when indicated, they are
d. When bilateral kidney involvement, partial nephrectomy is done on the less affected side
2. Radiation therapy: indicated for all children except those in stage I with favorable histology
3. Chemotherapy
a. Indicated for all stages
b. Drugs used include actinomycin D, vincristine, adriamycin
c. Treatment continued for 6 to 15 months
4. Prognosis
a. Stages I and II with localized tumor: 90% cure with multimodal therapy
b. When metastasis present: 50% survival
A. Assessment
1. Manifestations of Wilms tumor
a. Abdominal mass or swelling; firm, nontender; does not cross midline
b. Anemia
c. Weight loss
2. Symptoms of compression
3. Signs of metastasis
a. Dyspnea
b. Cough
c. Shortness of breath

B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Anxiety related to:
a. Fear of the unknown
b. Strange environment
2. Altered family processes related to situational crisis (child with a serious illness)
3. Risk for infection related to:
a. Lowered body defenses
b. Abdominal surgery
4. Risk for injury related to presence of encapsulated tumor
5. Altered nutrition: less than body requirements related to loss of appetite
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Preoperative
a. Handle and bathe carefully to prevent trauma to the abdomen, which may result in
rupture of the tumor capsule
b. Place sign over bed: "Do not palpate abdomen"
c. Prepare parents and child for large size of incision and drainage
d. Monitor blood pressure
e. Begin teaching family about chemotherapy and radiation therapy
2. Postoperative
a. Monitor blood pressure carefully
b. Monitor intake and output to assess function of remaining kidney
c. Encourage child to turn, cough, and deep breathe to prevent pulmonary complications
d. Teach parents to identify untoward reactions from chemotherapy and radiation therapy
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Child and family discuss disease process and therapy
2. Family demonstrates understanding of the disorder, therapies, and expected outcomes
3. Child does not exhibit signs of infection
4. Tumor capsule does not rupture
5. Child consumes adequate calories for growth


A. Pathology: abnormal, increased permeability of the glomerular basement membrane to plasma
B. Cause unknown
C. Peak incidence: 2 to 7 years of age
D. Classification
1. Minimal change nephrotic syndrome (80% incidence)
2. Secondary nephrotic syndrome
3. Congenital nephrotic syndrome (usually die by second year of life)
E. Clinical findings
1. Proteinuria
2. Hypoalbuminemia: poor general health, loss of appetite
3. Hyperlipemia
4. Generalized dependent edema, especially genital, periorbital, and abdominal (ascites)
5. May also see symptoms usually associated with nephritis
a. Hematuria
b. Hypertension
F. Therapeutic interventions
1. Supportive therapy
2. Diet: salt restrictions
3. Corticosteroid therapy
a. Response to therapy usually within 7 to 21 days
b. Lower dose or gradually discontinue when satisfactory response noted
4. Immunosuppressant therapy for children who do not respond to steroids or those who have
frequent relapses
a. Chlorambucil (Leukeran)
b. Cyclosporine (Sandimmune)
c. Cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan)
Nursing Care of Children with Nephrotic Syndrome
A. Assessment
1. Vital signs/blood pressure
2. Fluid balance; fluid restrictions
3. Urine studies
a. Specific gravity
b. Albumin
4. Daily weight/abdominal girth
5. Edema
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Activity intolerance related to fatigue

2. Body image disturbance related to change in appearance
3. Altered family processes related to situational crisis (child with a serious illness)
4. Risk for fluid volume deficit related to protein and fluid loss
5. Risk for infection related to:
a. Presence of infective organisms
b. Lowered body defenses
6. Altered nutrition: less than body requirements related to loss of appetite
7. Risk for impaired skin integrity related to:
a. Edema
b. Lowered body defenses
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Infection: both disease state and drug therapy increase susceptibility
a. Protect the child from others who are ill
b. Teach parents the signs of impending infection and encourage them to seek medical care
2. Malnutrition caused by loss of protein and poor appetite
a. Provide regular diet; discourage the use of salt and salty foods
b. Encourage the child to select foods from high-protein choices
c. Restrict fluids if ordered
3. Respiratory difficulty caused by ascites
a. Place in a Fowler's position to decrease pressure against the diaphragm
b. Monitor vital signs
4. Discomfort caused by edema, pressure areas
a. Provide some relief by positioning and giving skin care
b. Support the genitalia if edematous
5. Change in body image caused by edema and steroids
a. Recognize that this becomes a greater problem as the child gets older
b. Emphasize clothes, hairdo, etc., that make the child attractive
c. Stress that "diets" will not help weight loss
6. Behavioral changes such as irritability and depression
a. Help parents understand that mood swings are influenced by physical condition
b. Encourage the child to participate in own care
c. Encourage diversionary activities that provide satisfaction
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Child engages in activities appropriate to capabilities
2. Family can demonstrate care of child
3. Child does not exhibit signs of hypovolemia
4. Child exhibits no signs of infection
5. Child consumes adequate calories for growth and development
6. Child discusses feelings and concerns
7. Child exhibits no sign of skin redness or breakdown
A. Very common in females because of anatomy of the lower urinary tract: urethra is short and meatus
is close to the anus
B. Peak incidence occurs at 2 to 6 years of age
C. Classification
1. Bacteriuria
a. Asymptomatic
b. Symptomatic
2. Recurrent UTI
3. Relapse UTI
4. Urethritis
5. Cystitis
6. Ureteritis
7. Pyelonephritis
D. Clinical findings
1. Children under 2 years of age; symptoms mimic gastrointestinal disorders
2. Enuresis or daytime incontinence
3. Dysuria/urgency
4. Increased frequency of urination
E. Therapeutic interventions
1. Eliminate infection
2. Identify and correct structural anomalies if present
3. Prevent recurrence
4. Preserve renal function
5. Provide bland, high protein, high carbohydrate diet
A. Assessment
1. Discomfort on urination
2. Urinary frequency

3. Urine sample
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Altered family processes related to a child with a mild disease with potential for renal damage
2. Risk for injury related to:
a. Kidney damage from chronic infection
b. Knowledge deficit of medication administration
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Teach prevention
a. Cleanse genitalia (front to back)
b. Void when necessary as opposed to holding urine in bladder
c. Increase fluids, particularly those that acidify urine
d. Identify asymptomatic infections
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Child exhibits no sign of infection
2. Family administers medication correctly
3. Family understands condition
4. Child receives follow-up care

A. Reversible obstructive process characterized by increased responsiveness and inflammation of the
airway as a result of exposure to a substance that has been inhaled or ingested or that has contacted
the skin
B. Spasms of bronchi and bronchioles
C. Edema of mucous membranes
D. Increased secretions
E. Respiratory acidosis from buildup of carbon dioxide
F. Classification
1. Intermittent: child symptom free for extended periods of time
2. Chronic: child requires frequent or continuous medical therapy
G. Clinical findings
1. Wheezing, especially on expiration
2. Labored breathing, cough, increased secretions
3. Flaring nares, distended neck veins
H. Therapeutic interventions
1. Bronchodilators
a. Theophylline derivatives
(1) Drugs
(a) Aminophylline
(b) Theophylline
(2) Actions
(a) Act directly on the bronchial smooth muscle to decrease spasm, relax smooth
muscle of the vasculature
(b) Direct stimulatory effect on the myocardium increases cardiac output, which
improves blood flow to kidneys
(c) Direct action on the renal tubules provides diuretic effect by increasing excretion of
sodium and chloride ions
(3) Adverse effects: may cause hypotension; oral forms cause gastric irritation
b. ß-adrenergic agonists
(1) Epinephrine hydrochloride: drug of choice in respiratory emergency, such as status
(2) Albuterol (Proventil), metaproterenol (Alupent),terbutaline (Brethine)
(3) Actions
(a) Effect is on the beta-adrenergic receptors in the bronchi; relaxes smooth muscle
and increases respiratory volume
(b) Inhalants cause vasoconstriction, which reduces congestion or edema
(4) Adverse effects: cardiac palpitation; overuse of inhalants may cause "congestive
c. Cromolyn sodium (Intal): acts primarily by preventing release of mediators of type I
allergic reactions (histamine, slowreacting substance of anaphylaxis) from sensitized mast
cells; prophylactic use by inhaling capsule contents lessens bronchoconstriction
d. Adverse effects common to bronchodilator group: anxiety, nervousness, tremors, nausea,
vomiting, headache, dizziness
2. Corticosteroids
a. Antiinflammatory effect diminishes the inflammatory component of asthma and reduces
airway obstruction
b. Used in status asthmaticus; however, less often for long-term control because of side
c. Immunosuppressive effects increases risk of infection

A. Assessment
1. Chest shape
2. Type of breathing
3. History of current and previous attacks
4. Precipitating events/environmental factors
5. Knowledge of drug therapy
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Activity intolerance related to imbalance between oxygen supply and demand
2. Body image disturbance related to perception of physiologic changes
3. Ineffective breathing pattern related to:
a. Bronchiolar edema
b. Increased mucus secretions
c. Bronchiolar constriction
4. Altered family processes related to situational crisis (illness of child)
5. Sleep pattern disturbance related to:
a. Illness
b. Separation
6. Social isolation related to:
a. Hospitalization
b. Confinement to home
7. Risk for suffocation related to interaction between individual and environmental allergen
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Recognize that cumulation of drug can occur unless dosage is regulated
2. Administer parenteral drugs slowly over a 4- to 5-minute period to avoid peripheral
vasodilation (hypotension, facial flushing), cerebral vascular constriction (headache, dizziness),
cardiac palpitation, and precordial pain
3. Teach parents how to give antispasmodic drugs and bronchodilators and why they must be
given even if child does not have an attack
4. Teach parents postural drainage, need for increased fluids, and the use of a cool mist
humidifier to provide high humidity in home to promote good respiratory hygiene
5. Improve ventilating capacity
a. Position in a high-Fowler's, leaning slightly forward
b. Teach breathing exercises and controlled breathing
6. Teach parents that a controlled environment can limit attacks
a. Keep environment as allergen free as possible
b. Avoid exertion, exposure to cold air, and people with infections
c. Avoid emotional factors that precipitate attacks as much as possible

D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Child engages in appropriate activities
2. Child breathes without dyspnea
3. Child is able to manage secretions
4. Family copes with symptoms and effects of disease
5. Child verbalizes feelings about physiologic effects and disease
6. Child obtains sufficient sleep to feel rested
7. Child maintains family and peer-group relationships


A. Acute febrile illness of unknown cause; principally involving the cardiovascular system, with
extensive perivasculitis of arterioles, venules, capillaries, including the coronary arteries; panvasculitis
perivasculitis of the main coronary arteries may cause stenosis or obstruction with aneurysm
formation, pericarditis, interstitial myocarditis and endocarditis, and phlebitis of the larger veins
B. Geographic and seasonal outbreaks
C. Clinical findings
1. Fever for 5 or more days
2. Bilateral congestion of the ocular conjunctiva without exudation
3. Changes of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, such as erythema, dryness, and
fissuring of lips, oropharyngeal reddening, or "strawberry tongue"
4. Changes in the extremities, such as peripheral edema, peripheral erythema and
desquamation of the palms and soles, particularly periungual peeling
5. Polymorphous rash, primarily of the trunk
6. Cervical lymphadenopathy
D. Therapeutic interventions
1. Primarily supportive and directed toward controlling fever, preventing dehydration, and
minimizing possible cardiac complications
2. Intravenous gamma globulin
3. Large doses of aspirin
4. Monitoring the cardiac status

A. Assessment
1. Cardiac status; signs of congestive heart failure
2. Daily weight; intake and output
3. Symptom identification
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Anxiety related to concern for child's prognosis
2. Pain related to disease process
3. Risk for impaired skin integrity related to:
a. Edema
b. Desquamation
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Administer aspirin to control fever; assess for early signs of toxicity
2. Provide optimal nutrition
3. Administer analgesics for joint pain if needed in addition to aspirin
4. Observe for allergic reaction to and side effects of IV gamma globulin
5. Monitor for any signs of heart disease, especially dysrhythmias
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Parents and child can discuss concerns about the illness
2. Child exhibits no sign of impaired skin integrity
3. Child does not report the presence of pain
A. Not done routinely, since lymphoid tissue helps prevent invasion of organisms
B. Indications for surgical removal
1. Recurrent tonsillitis or otitis media
2. Enlargement that interferes with breathing or swallowing
C. Contraindications for removal
1. Occasional infections that clear up rapidly
2. Cleft palate, hemophilia, or debilitating disease such as leukemia
D. Clinical findings - complications after surgery
1. Hemorrhage: first 24 hours
a. Frequent swallowing, bright-red blood in the vomitus
b. Restlessness
c. Increased pulse rate, pallor
2. Hemorrhage from sloughing of tissue: 5 to 10 days after surgery
A. Assessment
1. Swallowing ability
2. Pain
3. Bleeding; frequent swallowing
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Ineffective airway clearance related to discomfort when swallowing and coughing
2. Altered family processes related to situational crisis
3. Fear related to:
a. Discomfort
b. Unfamiliar surroundings
c. Separation from support people
4. Risk for fluid volume deficit related to vomiting
5. Knowledge deficit related to unfamiliar routine and environment
6. Risk for altered nutrition: less than body requirements related to:
a. Difficulty swallowing
b. Nausea and vomiting
7. Pain related to surgical incision
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Keep the child positioned on the abdomen or side with head turned to the side
2. After surgery give child cool liquids, not red in color and not thick or mucus producing
3. Ask the child to talk; provide assurance that it is possible
4. Apply ice collar to decrease edema
5. Administer analgesics as necessary for comfort; avoid salicylates
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Child is able to manage secretions
2. Child reports minimal pain
3. Family can demonstrate care of child
4. Child/family can discuss surgery/healing process
5. Child does not exhibit signs of dehydration
6. Family verbalizes postoperative/discharge instructions
7. Child consumes adequate calories for growth and healing

Developmental Timetable
A. Physical growth
1. Permanent dentition, beginning with 6-year molars and central incisors at 7 or 8 years of age
2. Tends to look lanky because bone development precedes muscular development
a. 6 years: height and weight gain slower, 5 cm (2 inches) and 2 to 3 kg (4 ½ to 6 ½ lb)
b. 7 years: continues to grow, 5 cm (2 inches) and 2.5 kg (5 ½ lb) a year
c. 8 to 9 years: continues to grow, 5 cm (2 inches) and 3 kg (6 ½ lb) a year
d. 10 to 12 years: slow growth in height compared to rapid weight gain, 6.25 cm (2 1/2
inches) and 4.5 kg (10 lb) a year; pubescent changes may begin to appear, especially in
B. Motor
1. Refinement of coordination, balance, and control occurs
2. Motor development necessary for competitive activity becomes important
C. Sensory: visual acuity of 20/20
D. Mental abilities
1. Readiness for learning, especially in perceptual organization: names months of year, knows
right from left, can tell time; can follow several directions at once
2. Acquires use of reason and understanding of rules; needs consistency
3. Trial-and-error problem solving becomes more conceptual rather than action oriented
4. Reasoning ability allows greater understanding and use of language
5. Concrete operations (Piaget): knows that quantity remains the same even though appearance
A. Play activities vary with age
B. Number of play activities decreases while the amount of time spent in one particular activity
C. Likes games with rules because of increased mental abilities
D. Likes games of athletic competition because of increased motor ability
E. Should learn how to work as well as play, with a beginning appreciation for economics and finances
F. In beginning of school years, boys and girls play together but gradually separate into sex-oriented
type of activities
G. Suggested play for 6- to 9-year olds
1. More housekeeping toys that work, building toys, doll accessories, paper-doll sets, simple
sewing machine, and needlework
2. Simple work and number games (i.e., calling for increased skills)
3. Physically active games such as hopscotch, jump rope, climbing trees
4. Collections and hobbies such as stamp collecting and building simple models
5. Bicycle riding
H. Suggested play for 9- to 12-year olds
1. Handicrafts of all kinds
2. Model kits, collections, hobbies
3. Archery, dart games, chess, jigsaw puzzles
4. Sculpturing materials such as pottery clay
5. Science toys, magic sets
A. Reactions of the school-aged child
1. Usually handles separation well but prefers parents to be near
2. Fears the unknown, especially when dependency or loss of control is expected; fears bodily
harm, especially disfigurement
3. Possesses realistic concept of death by 9 to 10 years of age
4. Self-image about reaction to pain is important; may use avoidance to deal with physical
5. Wants to know scientific rationale for treatments and procedures
B. If possible parents can be helped to prepare the child beforehand, since increased cognitive and
verbal ability makes explanations possible


A. Anxiety related to:
1. Strange environment
2. Perception of impending event
3. Anticipated discomfort
4. Knowledge deficit
5. Discomfort
6. Difficulty breathing
7. Feelings of powerlessness
B. Family coping: potential for growth related to successful parenting
C. Ineffective family coping: compromised, related to situational crises
D. Ineffective family coping related to situational crises

E. Diversional activity deficit related to:
1. Lack of sensory stimulation
2. Frequent or prolonged hospitalization
F. Altered family processes related to:
1. Situational crisis
2. Knowledge deficit
3. Temporary family disorganization
4. Inadequate support system
G. Fear related to:
1. Separation from support systems
2. Uncertain prognosis
3. Potential change in body
H. Anticipatory grieving (parental) related to:
1. Expected loss
2. Gravity of child's physical status
I. Impaired home maintenance management related to:
1. Knowledge deficit
2. Inadequate support systems
J. Risk for injury related to:
1. Use of specific therapies and appliances
2. Incapacity for self-protection
3. Immobility
K. Pain related to:
1. Disease process
2. Interventions
L. Parental role conflict related to:
1. Sick child
2. Inability to care for child
M. Risk for altered parenting related to:
1. Separation
2. Skill deficit
3. Family stress
N. Feeding, bathing/hygiene, dressing/grooming, toileting self-care deficit related to:
1. Fatigue
2. Pain
3. Developmental level
4. Limitations of treatment modalities
O. Sensory-perceptual alterations (tactile) related to protected environment
P. Risk for impaired skin integrity related to immobility
Q. Sleep pattern disturbance related to:
1. Excessive crying
2. Frequent assessment
3. Therapies
R. Spiritual distress (parental) related to:
1. Inadequate support systems
2. Decisions regarding life or death conflicts
A. Begin preparing child for hospitalization before admission if possible
B. Explain diagnostic modalities and treatments at level of child's understanding
C. Involve child and parents in planning care
D. Provide time for play as an outlet for fear, anger, and hostility, as well as a temporary escape from
E. Keep verbal explanation as simple as possible and always honest
F. Add details about procedures, drugs, surgery, and the like as the child's cognitive level and personal
experiences increase
G. Encourage and allow child to express feelings, emotions, and fears; expect and accept regression
H. Provide for tutoring if absence from school is prolonged
I. Encourage visits from siblings and peers and the formation of new peer relationships
J. Recognize that although play is diversional, this age group enjoys games with challenge and skill
K. Allow dependency but foster independence as much as possible

A. Peak incidence in the school-aged group
B. Differences in diabetes in children and adults
1. Onset
a. Rapid in children
b. Insidious in adults
2. Obesity
a. Not a factor in children

b. Predisposing factor in adults
3. Dietary treatment
a. Rarely adequate for children
b. May be beneficial for some adults
4. Oral hypoglycemics
a. Contraindicated for children
b. May be beneficial for some adults
5. Insulin
a. Almost universally necessary in children
b. May be beneficial for some adults
6. Hypoglycemia and ketoacidosis
a. Quite frequent in children
b. More uncommon in adults
7. Degenerative vascular changes
a. Develop after adolescence in children
b. May be present at the time of diagnosis in adults
C. Classification
1. Idiopathic
a. Insulin dependent (IDDM): onset usually in childhood but can be anytime
b. Non-insulin dependent (NIDDM): appears to involve resistance to insulin action and
defective glucose-mediated insulin secretion
c. Maturity-onset diabetes of youth (MODY): autosomal dominant disorder; structurally
abnormal insulin with decreased activity
2. Secondary: caused by exogenous factors; usually reversible if primary disorder corrected
D. Clinical findings
1. Juvenile onset diabetes is always type I insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM); not the
same disease process as type II non–insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM)
2. Onset: rapid, obvious
3. Child usually thin, underweight
4. Increased thirst, fluid intake, appetite, and urinary output
5. Hyperglycemia: ketoacidosis or diabetic coma
a. Causes
(1) Decreased insulin
(2) Emotional stress
(3) Fever
(4) Infection
(5) Increased food intake
b. Symptoms
(1) Weakness, drowsiness
(2) Lack of appetite, thirst
(3) Abdominal and/or generalized pain
(4) Acetone breath
(5) Late signs: Kussmaul breathing (deep, rapid respirations), cherry-red lips, loss of
consciousness, death
6. Hypoglycemia: insulin-therapy related
a. Causes
(1) Overdose of insulin
(2) Decreased food intake
(3) Excessive physical exercise: increases muscle activity and movement of glucose
into muscle cells
b. Symptoms
(1) Sweating, flushing, pallor
(2) Numbness, trembling, chilliness
(3) Unsteadiness, nervousness, irritability
(4) Hunger
(5) Hallucinations
(6) Late signs: convulsions, coma, death
E. Therapeutic interventions
1. Control calorie, carbohydrate, fat, and protein intake
2. Insulin
3. Exercise
4. Hyperglycemia: hospitalization with administration of fluids and insulin
5. Hypoglycemia: immediate supply of readily available glucose followed by a complex
carbohydrate or protein
A. Assessment
1. Knowledge of disease management
2. Blood glucose monitoring
3. Signs of hypoglycemia/hyperglycemia
4. Superimposed illnesses; GI, respiratory

5. Early signs of complications
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Body image disturbance related to perceived body changes (insulin dependence)
2. Risk for injury related to:
a. Hypoglycemia
b. Insulin deficiency
3. Knowledge deficit (diabetic management) related to newly diagnosed diabetes
4. Altered nutrition: less than body requirements related to altered ability/inability to use
5. Powerlessness related to diagnosis of chronic illness
6. Self-esteem disturbance related to:
a. Need to restrict diet
b. Need for insulin injections
c. Feeling of being different from peers
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Explain the differences between childhood onset (type I) and adult-onset (type II ) diabetes to
parents, who may think the child is faking because their own illness does not cause serious
2. Teach factors that affect insulin requirements and signs of insulin overdose and diabetic coma
a. Give family a written list explaining symptoms
b. Emphasize that skim milk can be given if insulin reaction is suspected but that insulin
should not be increased if diabetic coma is developing
c. Emphasize the need for close medical supervision
3. Teach need for prevention of infection
a. Good skin care, frequent baths
b. Properly fitting shoes
c. Prompt treatment of any small cut
d. Protection from undue exposure to illness
4. Encourage well-balanced diet, with fairly equal quantities of food eaten frequently and
regularly, usually unrestricted within reason
5. Help plan exercise and adjust food and insulin to meet child's requirements
6. Teach child how to do blood glucose and urine testing to increase independence
7. Teach child how to administer insulin (by injection or pump)
a. The child should be taught as early as motor and mental abilities allow, usually by 7 to 9
years of age
b. Explanations should be simple; diagrams for rotating sites should be used
c. Periodic observation by an adult should be routine to discover faulty or careless technique
8. Allow child to make choices when possible for sense of control
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Child exhibits no signs of hypoglycemia
2. Child maintains blood glucose levels within acceptable range
3. Child demonstrates a positive self-image
4. Child consumes adequate calories for growth and development
5. Parents and child demonstrate ability to care for needs associated with diabetes
6. Child verbalizes being in control of therapeutic regimen

A. Defect in clotting mechanism of blood
B. Genetic disorder; X-linked recessive transmission
C. Usually occurs in males; females are carriers but do not have the disease
D. Classification
1. Factor VIII deficiency (classic hemophilia): hemophilia A
2. Factor IX deficiency (Christmas disease): hemophilia B
E. Clinical findings
1. Prolonged bleeding from any wound
2. Bleeding into the joints (hemarthrosis), resulting in pain, deformity, and retarded growth
3. Intracranial hemorrhage
4. Severity of bleeding
a. Mild
(1) Factor VIII activity of 5% to 50%
(2) Bleeding with severe trauma or surgery
b. Moderate
(1) Factor VIII activity of 1% to 5%
(2) Bleeding with trauma
c. Severe
(1) Factor VIII activity of 1%
(2) Spontaneous bleeding without trauma
5. Anemia
F. Therapeutic interventions

1. Control of bleeding
2. Prevention of bleeding with use of factor replacement
a. Drugs that replace deficient coagulation factors
(1) Factor VIII concentrate from recombinant DNA
(2) Factor IX complex contains factors II, VII, IX, X (concentrated)
b. Adjunctive measures
(1) Aminocaproic acid (Amicar): inhibits the enzyme that destroys formed fibrin and
increases fibrinogen activity in clot formation
(2) Fibrinogen: maintains plasma fibrinogen levels required for clotting materials
(3) Thrombin: supplies physiologic levels of natural material at superficial bleeding
sites to control bleeding
A. Assessment
1. Parent/child knowledge of disease process and injury prevention
2. Joint bleeding
3. Mobility of joints
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Body image disturbance related to:
a. Perception of self as different
b. Inability to participate in selected activities
2. Altered family processes related to situational crisis (child with a chronic illness)
3. Risk for infection related to frequent transfusions
4. Risk for injury (hemorrhage) related to deficient blood clotting
5. Knowledge deficit related to:
a. Disease process
b. Home management
c. Activity limitations
6. Impaired mobility related to effects of hemorrhages into joints and other tissues
7. Pain related to bleeding into joints/tissues
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Instruct the child and parents in the treatment of bleeding, especially of joints
a. Immobilization of the area
b. Compression of the area
c. Elevation of the body part
d. Application of cool compresses
2. Provide for appropriate activity that lessens the chance of trauma, which is often difficult
because boys are so physically active
3. Select safe toys and inform parents to safe-proof house to minimize injuries; secure throw rugs
4. Avoid use of aspirin or ibuprofen
5. Control joint pain so the child uses extremities to prevent muscle atrophy
6. Provide counseling, because disease is genetic and parents need assistance
7. Encourage parents to treat the child as normally as possible, avoiding overprotection or
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Child exhibits no sign of injury
2. Child reports minimal pain
3. Child maintains full range of motion of joints
4. Child/family demonstrates knowledge of disease process, home management, and activity
5. Child participates in desired activities
6. Family and child have positive interactions

A. Collagen disease: characterized by damage to connective tissue and usually blood vessels
B. Classification
1. Autoimmune reaction to group A, §-hemolytic streptococcal pharyngitis
2. Self-limited; involves joints, skin, brain, and heart
C. Clinical findings
1. Heart: mitral and aortic stenosis may occur
2. Joints: edema, inflammations, and effusion, especially in knees, elbows, hips, shoulders, and
3. Skin: erythematous macule with a clear center and wavy demarcated border usually on trunk
and proximal extremities
4. Neurologic: chorea
5. Low-grade fever, epistaxis, abdominal pain, arthralgia, weakness, fatigue, pallor, anorexia, and
weight loss
D. Therapeutic interventions
1. Antibiotic therapy to eradicate organism and prevent recurrence
2. Prevention of permanent cardiac damage

3. Palliation of other symptoms
A. Assessment
1. Child/parent compliance with drug regimen
2. Symptom development
3. Nutritional intake
4. Activity level
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Activity intolerance related to decreased cardiac output
2. Decreased cardiac output related to disease process
3. Fatigue related to decreased cardiac output
4. Risk for injury related to autoimmune response
5. Altered nutrition: less than body requirements related to:
a. Anorexia
b. Fatigue
6. Pain related to inflammation of joints
7. Risk for impaired skin integrity related to disease process
8. Impaired physical mobility related to joint pain
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Encourage bed rest to reduce workload of the heart
2. Encourage child to do schoolwork and keep up with class
3. Stimulate the development of quiet hobbies and collections
4. Gradually increase activities over a period of weeks to months
5. Handle painful joints carefully
6. Maintain proper body alignment to prevent deformities
7. Monitor need for pain medication and administer when necessary
8. Encourage an increased intake of nutritious fluids
9. Provide small, frequent, nutritious meals
10. Prevent invalidism by emphasizing abilities rather than limitations
11. Maintain child's status in home and school by keeping channels of communication open
during illness
12. Help parents with home problems that may have served as predisposing factors
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Child does not exhibit cardiac damage
2. Cardiac output remains within normal limits
3. Child consumes adequate calories for growth
4. Child's skin remains intact
5. Child does not exhibit decreased mobility
6. Child reports minimal pain
7. Child has sufficient energy for desired activities
8. Child participates in desired activities
A. Inflammatory disease of unknown cause
B. Slight tendency to run in families
C. Two peak ages of onset: 2 to 5 and 9 to 11 years of age
D. Females affected somewhat more frequently than males
E. Classification
1. Systemic onset
2. Monoarticular or pauciarticular: involves a few joints; usually less than five
3. Polyarticular: simultaneous involvement of four or more joints
F. Clinical findings
1. Joint enlargement
a. Chronic stiffness, pain, and limited motion, especially in morning on awakening
b. Spindle-fingers: thick proximal joint with slender tip
2. Low-grade fever
3. Erythematous rash on the trunk and extremities
4. Weight loss, fatigue, weakness
5. Tachycardia
6. Enlargement of the spleen, liver, and lymph nodes
G. Therapeutic interventions
1. Medications
a. Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
(1) Fever reduction in hours
(2) Pain reduction in days, weeks
(3) Antiinflammatory effects in 30 to 37 days
b. Corticosteroids and aspirin
c. Cytotoxic drugs: reserved for clients with severe debilitating disease unresponsive to
NSAIDs and corticosteroids
(1) Cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan)

(2) Azathioprine (Imuran)
(3) Chlorambucil (Leukeran)
(4) Methotrexate (Folex PFS)
2. Physical therapy
Nursing Care of Children with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
A. Assessment
1. Physical health
2. Status of involved joints
3. Physical restrictions
4. Pain
5. Child's response to disease process
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Body image disturbance related to:
a. Perception of self as different
b. Inability to participate in selected activities
2. Altered family processes related to having a child with a chronic illness
3. Pain related to joint inflammation
4. Impaired physical mobility related to discomfort
5. Feeding, bathing/hygiene, dressing/grooming, toileting self-care deficit related to:
a. Pain
b. Musculoskeletal impairment
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Emphasize that medication must be taken regularly, even in periods of remission, to decrease
inflammation and pain
2. Promote proper body alignment and provide passive range of motion
3. Encourage a warm bath in the morning to decrease stiffness and increase mobility
4. Encourage exercises such as swimming
5. Encourage parents to accept the child's illness but to limit the use of the disease to foster
dependency or control relationships
6. Teach the family why aspirin is given in large dosages
7. Encourage use of enteric-coated aspirin if there is GI irritability
8. Observe for signs of aspirin toxicity as demonstrated by tinnitus, vertigo, nausea, vomiting,
sweating, and other signs of salicylate poisoning
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Child is able to move with minimum discomfort
2. Child engages in activities suitable to interests, capabilities, and development
3. Family demonstrates appropriate care for child
4. Child is involved in self-care to maximum capabilities
5. Child verbalizes positive body image

Pediculosis (Lice)
A. Highly infectious infestation of head, body, or pubic hair
B. Nits (grayish-white, oval eggs) attach to hair
C. Severe itching may lead to secondary infection
D. Treatment: special shampoo, use of a fine-toothed comb to remove nits

A. Produced by itch mite
B. Female burrows under the skin to lay eggs (usually in folds of skin)
C. Intensely pruritic: scratching can lead to secondary infection with the development of papules and
vesicles D. Treatment: all members of the family must be treated, since it is highly contagious
1. Must wear clean clothes
2. Must wash with sulfur or other special soap


A. Scalp (tinea capitis)
1. Reddened, oval or round areas of alopecia
2. Treated topically or orally with an antifungal drug such as griseofulvin
3. Head should be covered to prevent spread of infection
B. Feet (athlete's foot, tinea pedis)
1. Scaly fissures between toes, vesicles on sides of feet, pruritus
2. Particularly common in summer; contracted in swimming areas and gymnasium locker rooms
C. Treatment: griseofulvin, micronized (Fulvicin-U/F, Grifulvin V, Grisactin)
1. Acts as an analog of purine and is incorporated into new epithelial cells during synthesis of
nucleic acids

2. Adverse effects: peripheral neuritis, vertigo, fever, dryness of mouth, arthralgia, mild transient
urticaria, nausea, diarrhea, headache (may disappear as therapy continues), drowsiness, fatigue

A. Bacterial infection of skin by streptococci or staphylococci
B. Highly contagious; other areas of body frequently become infected
C. Treatment: antibiotics systemically and locally; isolate child; keep
from scratching other areas of the body
Nursing Care of Children with Skin Infections
A. Assessment
1. Type of skin lesion
2. Pain
3. Parental knowledge of cause/treatment
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Body image disturbance related to perceived appearance
2. Altered family processes related to situational crisis (child with a skin disorder)
3. Infection related to impairment of skin integrity
4. Pain related to skin lesions
5. Impaired skin integrity related to:
a. Somatic factors
b. Environmental agents
6. Risk for impaired skin integrity related to:
a. Mechanical trauma
b. Depressed defense mechanisms
7. Sleep pattern disturbance related to discomfort from skin lesions
8. Social isolation related to self-concept disturbance
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Keep nails short to prevent injury from scratching
2. Administer medications to limit pruritus
3. Encourage daily bathing with tepid water; dry thoroughly
4. Prevent spread of infection to other members of the family
a. Prevent direct contact between children
b. Keep oozing lesions covered
c. Prevent athlete's foot; do not walk barefooted; dry feet carefully; wear lightweight shoes
to decrease heat; disinfect shoes and socks
5. Teach proper hair care
6. Encourage frequent bathing and change of clothes
7. Encourage completion of the full regimen of antimicrobial medication
8. Avoid use of strong alkalis such as bleach in clothes washing
9. Keep area clean and dry, rinse wastes from skin
10. Expose area to light and air
11. Apply bland ointment at night
12. Encourage screening in schools to identify the source of infection
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Child does not exhibit signs of discomfort
2. Family demonstrates appropriate skills to care for child
3. Infection is confined to primary site
4. Child verbalizes feelings and concerns
5. Skin lesions are confined to primary sites
6. Child avoids causative agents
7. Child is sufficiently rested for daily activities
8. Child maintains customary activities and relationships

A. Acute toxic encephalopathy associated with characteristic organ involvement
B. Fever, profoundly impaired consciousness, disordered hepatic function
C. Usually follows viral illness, influenza, or varicella
D. Associated with aspirin administration
E. A 91% decline in occurrence in children less than 5 years of age because of reduced use of aspirin
F. A 75% decline in occurrence in children over 5 years of age
G. Classification
1. Stage I: Vomiting, lethargy, drowsiness
2. Stage II: Disorientation, delirium, aggressiveness and combativeness, central neurologic
hyperventilation (or sometimes shallow breathing), hyperactive reflexes, and stupor
3. Stage III: Obtundity, coma, hyperventilation, cerebral decortication
4. Stage IV: Deepening coma; decerebrate rigidity; loss of ocular reflexes; large, fixed pupils;
divergent eye movements
5. Stage V: Seizures, loss of deep tendon reflexes, flaccidity, respiratory arrest

H. Clinical findings
1. Prodromal symptoms
a. Malaise
b. Cough
c. Rhinorrhea
d. Sore throat
2. Worsening cerebral signs as seen in the clinical stages
I. Therapeutic interventions
1. Early diagnosis with aggressive therapy
2. Treatment: determined by the clinical stage of the disease
a. Stage I treatment is primarily supportive and directed toward restoring blood sugar levels,
controlling cerebral edema, correcting acid-base imbalances, and eliminating factors known
to increase intracranial pressure
b. Stages II through V require invasive support, intracranial pressure monitoring, and
tracheal intubation with controlled ventilation; a radical approach is curarization and
A. Assessment
1. Monitoring of vital signs; neurologic status
2. Fluid volume
3. Level of consciousness
4. Signs of impaired coagulation (related to hepatic dysfunction)
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Risk for aspiration related to:
a. Vomiting
b. Decreased level of consciousness
2. Altered breathing pattern related to increased intracranial pressure
3. Altered family processes related to situational crisis (acute illness of child)
4. Fear (parental) related to sudden critical nature of illness
5. Risk for fluid volume deficit related to intractable vomiting
6. Risk for injury related to:
a. Disorientation
b. Delirium
c. Impaired coagulation
7. Parental role conflict related to sudden illness of child
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Assess vital signs and neurologic status continuously
2. Assist with numerous invasive procedures
3. Explain all therapies to the child (if alert) and parents
4. Monitor intake and output and invasive equipment (intracranial line, hemodynamic monitoring)
5. Keep parents informed of child's progress
6. Include parents in child's care whenever possible
7. Support the family, who will be frightened by the sudden and critical nature of the illness
8. Foster dissemination of information concerning the role of aspirin in relation to viral disease
and the development of Reye syndrome
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Parents can verbalize questions and concerns about child's status
2. Child does not aspirate
3. Child exhibits no sign of physical injury
4. Child maintains fluid balance
5. Child's breathing pattern returns to baseline
6. Parents interact appropriately with child
7. Parents participate in care of child


A. A disturbance of circulation to the femoral capital epiphysis producing an ischemic aseptic necrosis
of the femoral head, epiphysis, and acetabulum
B. Cause unknown
C. Classification
1. Age range: 3 to 12 years of age
a. Most common in males 4 to 8 years of age
b. More common in whites than in blacks (10:1)
2. In 10% to 15% of incidences, both hips are involved
3. Most children have skeletal ages below chronologic age
D. Clinical findings
1. Insidious onset
2. Persistent pain in the affected hip(s)
3. Limitation of movement in the affected hip(s)
4. Limp

E. Therapeutic interventions
1. Aim is to keep the head of the femur in the acetabulum and maintain a full range of motion
2. Conservative therapy must be continued for 2 to 4 years, whereas surgical correction returns
the child to normal activities in 3 to 4 months
3. Use of non-weight-bearing devices such as an abduction brace, leg casts, or a leather harness
sling that prevents weight bearing on the affected limb
4. Use of abduction-ambulation braces or casts after a period of bed rest and traction
5. Surgical reconstructive and containment procedures


A. Assessment
1. Pain
2. Level of joint dysfunction
3. Parent/child knowledge of disease process/therapy
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Body image disturbance related to:
a. Perception of self as different
b. Inability to participate in selected activities
2. Altered family processes related to situational crisis (child with a temporary but extensive
3. Risk for injury related to:
a. Musculoskeletal impairment
b. Unaccustomed use of appliance
4. Impaired physical mobility related to:
a. Pain
b. Use of non-weight-bearing devices
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Instruct the child and parents regarding what constitutes nonweight-bearing (e.g., no standing
or kneeling on the affected leg)
2. Educate the child and parents regarding correct use of appliances
3. Assist the child and family in selecting activities according to the child's age, interests, and
physical limitations
a. Quiet games
b. Hobbies such as collections, model building, crafts, indoor gardening
4. Encourage peer interaction
5. Involve the child in planning activities and therapy
6. Help the child determine alternatives to weight-bearing activity
(e.g., scorekeeping, sideline "coach")
7. Help the child devise explanations for appliances and the inability to participate actively with
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Child does not exhibit signs of physical injury
2. Child reports minimal pain
3. Child is able to participate in activities with immobilizing device
4. Family demonstrates ability to care for child

Developmental Timetable
A. Physical growth: includes the physical changes associated with puberty such as secondary sexual
B. Pubertal growth spurt
1. Females between 10 and 14
a. Weight gain 7 to 25 kg (15 to 55 lb), mean 17.5 kg (38 lb)
b. Approximately 95% of mature height achieved by the onset of menarche or skeletal age
of 13 years; height gain 5 to 25 cm (2 to 10 inches), mean 20.5 cm (8 1/4 inches)
2. Males between 12 and 16 years
a. Weight gain 7 to 30 kg (15 to 65 lb), mean 23.7 kg (52 lb)
b. Approximately 95% of mature height achieved by skeletal age of 15 years; height gain 10
to 30 cm (4 to 12 inches), mean 27.5 cm (11 inches)
C. Mental abilities
1. Abstract thinking
a. New level of social communication and understanding
(1) Can comprehend satire and double meanings
(2) Can say one thing and mean another
b. Can conceptualize thought; more interested in exploring ideas than facts
c. Can appreciate scientific thinking, problem solve, and theoretically explore alternatives
2. Perception
a. Can appreciate nonrepresentational art
b. Can understand that the whole is more than the sum of its parts

3. Learning
a. Much longer span of attention
b. Learns through inference, intuition, and surmise, rather than repetition and imitation
c. Enjoys regressing in terms of language development by using jargon to suit changing
D. Social patterns
1. Peer-group identity
a. One of the strongest motivating forces of behavior
b. Extremely important to be part of the group and like everyone else in every way
c. Clique formation; usually based on common denominators such as race, social class,
ethnic group, or special interests
2. Interpersonal relationships
a. Major goal is learning to form a close intimate relationship with the opposite sex
b. Adolescents may develop crushes and worship many idols
c. Time of sexual exploration and questioning of one's sexual role
3. Independence
a. By 15 or 16 years of age, adolescents feel they should be treated as adults
b. Ambivalence: adolescent wants freedom but is not happy about corresponding
responsibilities and frequently yearns for more carefree days of childhood
c. Parental ambivalence and discipline problems are common as parents try to allow for
increasing independence but continue to offer constructive guidance and enforce discipline


Adolescent Nutrition
A. Nutritional objectives
1. Provide optimum nutritional support for demands of rapid growth and high energy expenditure
2. Support development of good eating habits through variety of foods, regular pattern, good
quality snacks (high in protein; low in refined carbohydrate, primarily sugar)
B. Nutrient needs increased in all respects, so adequate intake of all nutrients should form basis of diet
C. Possible nutritional problems
1. Low intakes of calcium, vitamin A and C, iron in girls
2. Anemia: increase foods containing iron
3. Obesity or underweight: decrease or increase calories as needed
4. Nutritional deficiencies related to:
a. Psychologic factors: food aversions, emotional problems
b. Fear of overweight: crash diets, mainly in girls; cultural pressure
c. Fad diets: caused by misinformation; need for sound counseling
d. Poor choice of snack foods: usually high in sugar; use more fruit and protein forms
e. Irregular eating pattern
5. Additional stress of pregnancy: need high protein and calorie intake
D. Nutrition education may be made through association with teenagers' concerns about physical
appearance, figure control, complexion, physical fitness, athletic ability
Injury Prevention
A. Appropriate education regarding sexual maturity, reproduction, and sexual behavior
B. Driver education
C. Education regarding use and abuse of drugs, especially alcohol
D. Education on health hazards associated with smoking
Areas Needing Health Guidance During Adolescence
A. Accidents: leading cause of death, with motor vehicle accidents causing the most fatalities
B. Homicide and suicide: next two causes of death among this age group
C. Drug abuse
D. Delinquency
E. Alcoholism
F. Pregnancy
G. Obesity
H. Acne
I. Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa
J. Orthopedic problems
K. Cancer


A. Reaction of the adolescent
1. Increased need for privacy, sense of control, and independence
2. Increased concern for mutilation, disfigurement, and loss of function; needs to be like
peers; body image important
3. Concerned about separation from peers and possible loss of status in group
B. Parents and medical/nursing team can help prepare the adolescent for hospitalization by
providing full explanations and answering questions completely and honestly

A. Anxiety related to:
1. Strange environment
2. Perception of impending event (specify)
3. Separation from family/peer group
4. Anticipated discomfort
5. Knowledge deficit
6. Feelings of powerlessness
B. Risk for aspiration related to:
1. Disease process
2. Impaired swallowing
C. Body image disturbance related to:
1. Change in body characteristics
2. Perceived developmental imperfections
D. Family coping: potential for growth related to:
1. Successful parenting
2. Resolution of situational crisis
E. Ineffective family coping: compromised, related to situational crisis
F. Ineffective individual coping related to situational crisis
G. Diversional activity deficit related to:
1. Frequent or prolonged hospitalization
2. Separation from peer group
H. Altered family processes related to:
1. Situational crisis
2. Knowledge deficit
3. Temporary family disorganization
4. Inadequate support system
I. Fear related to:
1. Separation from support system
2. Uncertain prognosis
3. Body-image disturbance
J. Anticipatory grieving related to expected loss of life or limb or severity of illness
K. Impaired home maintenance management related to:
1. Knowledge deficit
2. Inadequate support system
L. Risk for injury related to:
1. Use of specific therapies and appliances
2. Incapacity for self-protection
3. Immobility
M. Knowledge deficit related to new medical regimen
N. Risk for noncompliance with therapy and health teaching related to:
1. Perceived invulnerability
2. Denial of illness
3. Desire not to be different from peers
O. Pain related to:
1. Disease process
2. Interventions
P. Parental role conflict related to:
1. Ill child
2. Inability to care for child
Q. Altered parenting related to:
1. Separation
2. Skill deficit
3. Family stress
R. Risk for impaired skin integrity related to radiotherapy
S. Sleep pattern disturbance related to:
1. Frequent assessment
2. Therapies
T. Spiritual distress related to:
1. s life or death conflicts


A. Involve the adolescent in planning care
B. Answer questions honestly and directly
C. Be as open as possible concerning feelings, care, and prognosis
D. Foster independence as much as possible
E. Provide for contact with peers
F. Encourage compliance with health program
G. Arrange for continuity in schoolwork

H. Recognize that problems of adolescence are magnified by an illness during this period of
I. Encourage involvement of positive support systems
J. Accept the adolescent's self-appraisal but point out reality
K. Encourage use of clothing or makeup to minimize perceived shortcomings
A. Lateral curvature of the spine usually associated with a rotary deformity that eventually causes
cosmetic and physiologic alterations in the spine, chest, and pelvis
B. Cause in 70% of cases is "idiopathic"; probably transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait with
incomplete penetrance
C. Most common spinal deformity
D. More frequent in adolescent girls during growth spurt
E. Classification
1. Nonstructural scoliosis: curve is flexible and corrects by bending
2. Structural scoliosis: curve fails to straighten on side-bending: characterized by changes in
the spine and its supporting structures
F. Clinical findings
1. Prominence of one hip
2. Deformity of the rib cage
3. Prominence of one scapula
4. Difference in shoulder or scapular height
5. Curve in the vertebral spinous process alignment
6. Breasts appear unequal in size
7. Other clues
a. Clothes do not fit right
b. Skirt hems are uneven
G. Therapeutic interventions
1. Screening for scoliosis
2. Diagnosis: confirmed by x-ray examination
3. Interventions depend on severity of the curvature
a. Exercise such as swimming can be used in nonstructural scoliosis
b. Mild to moderate curvature
(1) Braces
(a) Milwaukee brace, an individually adapted steel and leather brace that
extends from a chin cup and neck pads to the pelvis, where lumbar pads
rest on the hips
(b) Low profile or underarm brace
(2) Treatment
(a) Worn 23 hours a day
(b) The child is gradually weaned from the brace over a 1- to 2-year period
(c) Brace then worn only at night until the spine is mature
(d) Electrical stimulation to the convex side of the curvature may prevent
progression of the scoliosis
c. More severe curves usually require surgery: techniques consist of spinal realignment
and straightening by way of external or internal fixation and instrumentation combined
with bony fusion (arthrodesis) of the realigned spine
(1) Harrington rods
(2) Luque segmental instrumentation
(3) Dwyer instrumentation
(4) Texas Scottish Rite Hospital (TSRH) system
d. Most severe scoliotic curvatures require traction devices and exercises for a time
before spinal fusion to provide partial correction and more flexibility


A. Assessment
1. Have the child stand erect, clothed only in underpants (and bra if older girl) and observe from
behind; note asymmetry of the shoulders and hips
2. Have the child bend forward so the back is parallel with the floor; observe from the side, noting
asymmetry or prominence of the rib
B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Body image disturbance related to:
a. Perceived alteration in body structure
b. Altered appearance when using supportive devices
2. Altered family processes related to situational crisis (child with a structural defect)
3. Altered growth and development related to disease process
4. Risk for injury related to use of supportive devices
5. Knowledge deficit related to disorder
6. Impaired physical mobility related to use of supportive devices
7. Risk for impaired skin integrity related to:

a. Presence of brace
b. Use of electrical stimulation
8. Pain related to medical/surgical therapies
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Check spinal alignment
2. Reinforce and clarify explanations provided by the orthopedist in regard to:
a. Appliance
b. Plan of care
c. Activities allowed or restricted
d. Child's and parents' responsibilities in therapy
3. Examine skin surfaces in contact with the brace or electrical stimulator for signs of irritation;
implement corrective action to treat or prevent skin breakdown
4. Help in selection of the appropriate wearing apparel to wear over the brace to minimize altered
appearance and footwear to maintain proper balance
5. Prepare for surgery if required
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Family members demonstrate appropriate care and support of child
2. Child demonstrates proper use of brace
3. Parent/child verbalize understanding of disorder and treatment plan
4. Child verbalizes feelings and concerns
5. Skin does not break down
6. Child engages in activities appropriate to limitations and developmental level
7. Child reports minimal pain

A. Less than 1% of all malignant neoplasms
B. More common in children than adults; peak ages 15 to 19 years
C. Classification
1. Osteogenic sarcoma
a. Most frequent bone tumor in children
b. Primary tumor site: diaphysis (shaft) of a long bone, especially the femur
c. Arises from osteoid tissue
2. Ewing sarcoma
a. Most frequent sites: shaft of the long and trunk bones, especially the femur, tibia, fibula,
humerus, ulna, vertebra, scapula, ribs, pelvic bones, and skull
b. Arises from medullary tissue (marrow)
D. Clinical findings
1. Symptoms
a. Localized pain in the affected site
b. Limp
c. Voluntary curtailment of activity
d. Inability to hold heavy objects
e. Weight loss
f. Frequent infections
2. Diagnosis
a. X-ray examination
b. Computerized tomography (bone)
c. Bone scan
d. Bone marrow aspiration
e. Surgical biopsy (Ewing sarcoma)
E. Therapeutic interventions
1. Osteogenic sarcoma: amputation of the affected bone followed by high-dose methotrexate or
preoperative and postoperative use of chemotherapy with en bloc resection of the primary tumor
followed by a prosthetic replacement
2. Ewing sarcoma: intensive irradiation of the involved bone and chemotherapy
A. Assessment
1. Parent/child knowledge about disease process/therapy
2. Pain at affected site
3. Functional status of involved area
4. Inflammation, lymph nodes
5. Systemic involvement

B. Analysis/Nursing Diagnoses
1. Anxiety related to diagnosis and treatment
2. Body image disturbance related to altered physical appearance following amputation and other
3. Ineffective individual coping related to medical/surgical interventions
4. Decisional conflict related to variety of treatment modalities

5. Altered family processes related to:
a. Hospitalization
b. Child with a life-threatening disease
6. Fear related to knowledge deficit (surgical/medical care)
7. Anticipatory grieving (adolescent) related to possible loss of limb
8. Anticipatory grieving (parental) related to perceived loss of child
9. Pain related to:
a. Disease process
b. Medical therapies
10. Impaired physical mobility related to amputated extremity
11. Social isolation related to:
a. Disease process
b. Body image
C. Planning/Implementation
1. Prepare the child and family for surgery
a. Employ straightforward honesty
b. Avoid disguising the diagnosis with terms such as "infection"
c. Emphasize lack of alternatives if amputation is planned
d. Answer questions regarding information presented by the surgeon and clarify any
e. Avoid overwhelming the child or parents with too much information
2. Prepare the child and family for radiotherapy (Ewing sarcoma)
a. Explain the procedure
b. Remain with the child during the procedure
c. Explain the undesirable side effects of radiotherapy
d. Suggest and/or implement measures to reduce the physical effects of radiotherapy, such
as selecting loose-fitting clothing over the irradiated areas to decrease additional irritation,
protection of the area from sunlight and sudden changes in temperature (avoid ice packs,
heating pads)
3. Prepare the child and family for chemotherapy
a. Impress on the child the importance of therapy
b. Explain the probable side effects of antimetabolites (e.g., nausea, hair loss, stomatitis)
4. Assist the child in adjusting to his or her disability; focus on abilities
a. Assist the child in becoming adept at using the appliances
b. Help the child select clothing to camouflage the prosthesis
c. Encourage good hygiene, grooming, and sex-appropriate items to enhance appearance,
such as a wig (for hair loss from antimetabolites), makeup, attractive (sex-appropriate)
d. Allow the child time and opportunity to go through the grief process
e. Allow for expression of feelings regarding the loss and the undesirable effects of
f. Help the child cope with the side effects of chemotherapy and irradiation
g. Allow dependence but encourage independence
5. Support the child and family
a. Allow for expression of feelings
b. Clarify misconceptions and provide technical information as needed
c. Impress upon both child and family the need for continuing normal activities, interactions,
and behaviors
D. Evaluation/Outcomes
1. Parents and child demonstrate understanding of disease process
2. Parents and child demonstrate understanding of therapies and side effects
3. Family expresses feelings about the potential loss of child
4. Child readily discusses concerns and asks appropriate questions
5. Child and family adjust to loss of limb
6. Child resumes former contacts and activities commensurate with limitations
7. Child reports minimal pain
8. Child/family makes appropriate decisions regarding care
9. Child/family demonstrate positive coping skills

1. The nurse is using drawing, puppetry and other forms of play therapy while treating a terminally ill
school aged child. The purpose of this technique is to help the child
a. internalize his feelings about death and dying

b. accept responsibility for his situation
c. express feelings that he cannot articulate
d. have a good time while he is in the hospital

2. The best term to use in describing recognizable patterns of malformation due to a single specific
cause is:
a. association
b. syndrome
c. heredity
d. congenital

3. A deviation in chromosomes where one is absent from a pair:

a. Trisomy c. Klinefelter's
b. Monosomy d. Down's syndrome

4. You are the nurse in the NB nursery and you are informed that a NB with APGAR score of 1 and 4 will
be brought to the nursery. You quickly prepare for the arrival of the NB and you determine that the
priority intervention is to:
a. connect the resuscitation bag to the oxygen
b. turn on the apnea and cardiorespiratory monitor
c. prepare for the insertion of an IV line with 5% dextrose in water
d. set up the radiant warmer and control temperature at 36.5 C (97.6F)

5. All of the ff is basic family function EXCEPT:

a. providing basic needs
b. child bearing and child rearing
c. providing communication and emotional support
d. enabling enculturation and socialization
e. preparing children to become citizens
f. preparing children to become professionals

6. Basic family structures are the ff EXCEPT:

a. reconstituted c. two – career
b. same sex d. composite

7. The following are common reactions of a family to a child's illness or hospitalization EXCEPT:
a. loss of control
b. possible impaired coping
c. possible parental display of stress
d. loss of chance

8. This theory of Growth and Development says that at each stage, regions of the body assume
prominent psychologic significance as sources of pleasure:
a. psychosocial c. cognitive
b. psychosexual d. moral

9. Temperament involves the child's style of emotional and behavioral responses across situations.
Types of temperament include the ff EXCEPT:
a. easy c. slow to warm up
b. difficult d. sensitive to warm up

9. Which among the ff is the leading cause of mortality in toddlers?

a. congenital anomalies c. Homicide
b. accidents d. Suicide

10. Leading causes of morbidity in children are the ff EXCEPT:

a. acute conditions c. pediatric social illness
b. LBW, poverty, homelessness d. media influences

11. A nurse is caring for a child with a ventricular septal defect and the parents ask the nurse about the
treatment for this disorder. You base your response on which of the ff:
a. surgical closure is done immediately
b. surgical closure is done at age 5 to 6
c. it is treated by meds alone
d. some defects may close spontaneously

12. A NB is diagnosed with Hirschprung's disease based on failure to pass meconium. You as the nurse
observes that the parents are hesitant to hold their baby. Based on this assessment, an important
nursing consideration in working with the parents is to:
a. observe stools for color and characteristics
b. help the parents adjust to the congenital disorder
c. stabilize the NB's fluid and electrolyte balance
d. teach the parents how to administer a Ba enema to their NB

13. A NB infant is diagnosed with esophageal atresia and the mother of the NB asks the nurse to
explain the diagnosis. The nurse bases the response on which description of the disorder?
a. a portion of the stomach protrudes through the esophageal hiatus of the diaphragm.
b. abdominal contents herniated through an opening of the diaphragm
c. gastric content regurgitate back into the esophagus
d. the esophagus terminates before it reaches the stomach.

14. An adolescent is diagnosed with scoliosis. The nurse explains to the adolescent and the parents
that treatment will correct the:
a. excessive posterior curvature of the lumber spine
b. abnormal anterior curvature of the lumbar spine
c. abnormal lateral curvature of the spine
d. abnormal curvature of the spine due to the inflammation.

15. A male adolescent reports to the nurse that when performing TSE, he found a lump the size of a
pea. The nurse makes which response to the client?
a. that is important to report even though it might not be serious
b. that could be cancer, I'll ask the doctor
c. let me know if it gets bigger next week
d. lumps like that are normal, do not worry.

16. The nurse employed in a well baby clinic is providing nutrition instructions to a mother of a 9 mo
old infant. Which instruction is appropriate?
a. begin to offer rice cereal mixed with breast milk or formula
b. introduce strained fruits at one time
c. introduce stained vegetables at one time
d. begin to initiate self feeding.

17. An infant brought to the ER is unresponsive and in respiratory distress. The nurse opens the
infant's airway by which method?
a. hyperextension
b. jaw thrust
c. tongue-jaw lift
d. head tilt-chin lift

18. The doctor informs the nurse that a LGA baby with symptomatic polycythemia and hyperviscosity
will undergo exchange transfusion. The nurse prepares which fluid for use during the exchange
a. 10% glucose
b. Lactated Ringers
c. pedialyte
d. 5% albumin

19. You are preparing to administer an immunization to an 11 y/o child. Which of the ff sites will the
nurse select as the best area to administer the IM injection?
a. post. Lateral aspect of the thigh
b. anterolateral aspect of the thigh
c. deltoid
d. ventral gluteal muscle

20. You are also going to give medication to a toddler intramuscularly and you are aware that thjs
time, the best site should be:
a. deltoid
b. vastus lateralis muscle
c. ventrogluteal muscle
d. dorsogluteal muscle

21. When administering liquid meds to an uncooperative toddler, the nurse would implement which
a. allow parents to remain in the room

b. remove the child to another room away from parents
c. restrain the child in a high chair
d. hold child down with the use of a blanket

22. The nurse is planning care for a child recently admitted to the hospital with meningitis. Which
intervention provides a safe environment for the child and the child's contacts?
a. maintain respiratory isolation for 24 hrs after therapy is started.
b. providing a quiet room away from the nurse's station and exit areas
c. permitting only hard washable toys in the child's room
d. maintaining complete bed rest until recovery.

23. During the initial maternal and child bonding period ff the delivery of the placenta, your primary
responsibility is to:
a. make sure infant stays warm and is in no danger of slipping from parents' grasp
b. assist mother to begin breastfeeding the infant immediately
c. protect the infant from infection by maintaining isolation
d. make sure siblings are involved in the process of bonding.

24. To maintain a child's developmental skill while hospitalized, a nurse would encourage a one year
old child who was born two months earlier the estimated time of delivery to:
a. indicate wants by pointing or grunting
b. walk independently
c. sit independently
d. build a tower of three blocks

25. You as the nurse is informed by a mother of a toddler who has ALL that her child is having
epistaxis. You should advise the mother to immediately:
a. let the child lie down
b. keep child calm and quiet and place the child in an upright and leaning forward position
c. call local clinic
d. apply warm wash cloth to the bridge of the nose.

26. You are performing an assessment on a preschool child. In order to facilitate the cooperation of the
child, you should:
a. have the child pretend to be a nurse
b. have the parents leave the room
c. offer information and answer questions
d. explain in detail each part of the exam before doing it.

27. You are assigned to care for a postpartum client and you plan to promote parent infant bonding by
encouraging the mother to:
a. use low pitched voice when speaking to infant
b. allow the nsg staff to assure infant care
c. hold and cuddle the infant closely
d. allow the infant to sleep in the parental bed in between the parents.

28. Erythromycin base (Ilotycin) ophthalmic ointment is prescribed for the NB immediately after
delivery. You as the nurse administers the ointment knowing that:
a. erythromycin base is more irritating to the NB's eyes than Silver Nitrate drops
b. it must be administered at room temperature to prevent side effects
c. it is straining to the infant's skin and must be wiped off immediately
d. it is used to protect the NB from Neisseria Gonorrhea and Chlamydia

29. A nurse provides instructions to a mother of a child who was hospitalized for heart surgery. The
nurse tells the mother:
a. that the child may return to school one week after hospital discharge
b. that after bathing, to rub lotion and sprinckle powder on the incision
c. to allow the child to play outside for short periods of time
d. to notify the physician if the child develops fever.

30. A nurse is collecting data on a child suspected of Rheumatic fever. The nurse plans to obtain
specific data regarding recent illnesses in the child and asks the parents which questions?
a. has the child had a recent streptococcal infection in the throat?
b. has the child had a recent ear infection?
c. has the child had a recent case of otitis media?
d. has the child had a recent case of pneumonia?

31. A 14 y/o female is having difficulty adjusting to the long confinement in the hospital in a Crutchfield
traction. Which nursing intervention is appropriate to assist the client?
a. let the client dye her hair blue to conform to what her peers are doing.

b. allow the client to play loud music in the hospital room.
c. let the client wear her own clothes when friends visit.
d. honor the clients' request to stay in a private, darkened room with no visitors.

32. You are assigned to care for the teenager who has been placed in a Crutchfield tongs to stabilize a
fracture in the cervical area. You start to plan the care of your client and you know that the ff is an
incorrect intervention:
a. logroll the client when positioning
b. check the tongs every 24 hours for displacement
c. monitor the neurological status
d. perform pin care every shift.

33. A full term infant is admitted to the neonatal ICU with a diagnosis of possible sepsis. The nurse
caring for the infant would report which finding to the physician?
a. Oxygen partial tension of 94%
b. diastolic BP of 32mmHg
c. T = 98.2F
d. RR = 62bpm

34. A 10 month old infant is hospitalized for RSV. Using your knowledge of Growth and Development
according to Erik Erikson and Piaget, the nurse should do which of the ff to meet the infant's
developmental needs?
a. wash hands and keep infant as quiet as possible
b. follow home feeding schedule and allow the infant to be held only when parents visit.
c. Restrain infant continuously to prevent tubes from being dislodged.
d. provide consistent routine as well as touching, rocking and cuddling throughout the hospitalization.

35. A toddler is admitted for fever of unknown origin. The mother's time at the hospital is limited to the
hours that her other children are in school. The nurse shows an understanding of a toddlers'
psychosocial development by making which statement to the mother?
a. it is better to leave without saying goodbye so your child will not be upset.
b. your child is too old to be having separation anxiety, crying is just a way for children to control
c. your child is egocentric, which allows child to self comfort
d. games like peek a boo and hide and seek will help your child understand that you will return

36. A 3 y/o is admitted with a diagnosis of ALL. The nurse assigned is concerned because the child is
crying and states "my knees hurt". Which intervention would the nurse provide for the child?
a. administer 2.5 grains of Acetylsalycilic Acid (aspirin)
b. apply cold pack to knees
c. apply heat pack to knees
d. attempt to involve the child in diversional activities to forget discomfort.

37. Another child with ALL has come out of remission twice and you are discussing treatment for the
disease with the parents. You determine that the parents understand the treatment if the parents
state which of the ff:
a. our child will be just fine in a few days, our child always was before.
b. we know that a bone marrow transplant may not work, however we will have to go ahead with the
treatment because chemotherapy has not helped.
c. there is no effective treatment for ALL now. We will have to look for alternative therapies.
d. fortunately, our child will not have to undergo any more treatments before the bone marrow
transplant. We do not want to see our child have any more radiation or medications.

38. The nurse is providing instructions to the mother of a preschool child with hemophilia. The nurse
can promote a safe environment while allowing for normalcy by instructing the mother to:
a. insist that the child wear a helmet and elbow pads during all waking hours.
b. prevent the child from playing in an outdoor playground
c. examine toys and the play area for sharp objects.
d. only allow the child to use play equipment when a parent or older sibling is present.

39. An adolescent female is admitted to the hospital for severe weight loss. During the assessment, the
nurse notes that the client is experiencing a disturbed body image, amenorrhea and appearance to be
depressed. A primary goal is to improve her nutritional status. Which intervention will the nurse
implement initially?
a. establish a behavioral contract with the client in which she agrees to adhere to diet and a realistic
exercise program
b. weigh client daily in her gown and without shoes, observing any hidden objects that could alter
c. observe client during and after meals to be sure proper foods are eaten and that the client does not
discard food after apparently consuming it.

d. involve the client and parents in family group sessions to work through psychological problems
related to anorexia.

40. A client is providing home care instructions to the mother of a 3 y/o child with a diagnosis of
vomiting and diarrhea due to gastroenteritis. The nurse instructs the mother to give child which of the
ff to maintain hydration status?
a. popsicles
b. soda pop
c. apple juice
d. pedialyte

41. A nurse is preparing to care for a child with AGE who is having diarrhea. The nurse avoids which of
the ff in the care of the child/
a. taking rectal temperature
b. monitoring I and O
c. weighing diaper after each bowel movement
d. sending stools to the lab for culture

42. A school nurse is performing health screening for scoliosis on children ages 9 through 15. To assess
scoliosis, you should:
a. ask the child to lie flat and lift the legs straight up
b. Ask the child to stand and weight equally on both feet with the legs straight and arms hanging
loosely at both sides
c. ask the child to walk 10 feet backward with arms held overhead at both sides
d. ask the child to lie on the right side then roll to the left side while the arms are held over head.

43. A nurse is caring for a child with suspected diagnosis of acute LTB. The nurse reviews the
assessment data in the child's record knowing that which of the ff is a characteristic of this disorder?
a. has a sudden onset that usually worsens during the day
b. is always bacterial in nature
c. causes swelling and inflammation of the vocal cords
d. causes an occasional dry cough

44. A nurse instructs an adolescent with an iron deficiency anemia about the administration of oral iron
preparation. The nurse tells the adolescent to take iron with:
a. water
b. milk
c. tomato juice
d. apple juice
45. A nurse provides dietary instructions to the parents of a child with a diagnosis of cystic fibrosis. The
nurse tells the parents that the diet should consist of:
a. high protein foods
b. low fat foods
c. low calorie foods
d. low sodium foods

46. A nurse is providing instructions regarding home care to the parents of a 3 y/o child hospitalized
with hemophilia. Which statement by a parent indicates a need for further instructions?
a. I need to watch my child closely
b. I should pad the table corners in my house
c. I need to keep unnecessary household items out of the way
d. my child should not receive dental hygiene care from a dentist.

47. A mother of a toddler who is hospitalized with mild dehydration must leave her child to go to work.
Which behavior would the nurse expect to observe in the toddler immediately after the mothers'
a. silently curled in bed with a blanket
b. loudly crying and kicking both legs
c. playing quietly with a favorite toy
d. sucking thumb and rocking back and forth

48. Growth and development in a child progresses in the following ways except:
a. From cognitive to psychosexual
b. From trunk to the tip of the extremities
c. From head to toe
d. From general to specific

49. As described by Erickson, the major psychosexual conflict of a toddler is

a. Autonomy vs. shame and doubt

b. Industry vs. inferiority
c. Trust vs. mistrust
d. Initiation vs. guilt

50. To help parents cope with the behavior of young school age children, the nurse suggests that it
would help if they
a. Avoid asking specific questions
b. Give the child a detailed list of expectations
c. Be consistent and firm about established rules
d. Allow the child to set up his or her own routines

51. The major depriving factor in long term hospitalization of which the nurse should be aware is
usually the
a. Lack of play objects
b. Multisensory inputs
c. Care provided only by a mother substitute
d. Absence of interaction with a mother figure

52. The nurse explains to the mother of a 2-year old girl that the child’s negativism is normal for her
age and that it is helping her to meet her need for
a. Trust
b. Attention
c. Discipline
d. Independence

53. When evaluating a 3-year old child’s developmental progress, the nurse should recognize that
development is delayed when the child is unable to
a. Copy a square
b. Hop on one foot
c. Catch a ball reliably
d. Use a spoon effectively

54. The nurse observes that a 4-year old is having difficulty relating with the other children in the
playroom. The nurse understands that it is normal for a child at this age to
a. Engage in parallel or solitary play
b. Be almost totally dependent on parents
c. Exaggerate and boast to impress others
d. Have fierce temper tantrums and negativism

55. When providing nursing care to a preschool-aged child, the nurse should remember that the child’s
fear is of
a. Pain
b. Death
c. Isolation
d. Intrusive procedure

56. The nurse should attempt to involve a preschool-aged child in therapeutic play to give the child
the opportunity to
a. Meet other children on the unit
b. Work out ways of coping with fears
c. Learn to forget the hospital situation
d. Forget the reality of the situation for a while

57. When a father asks if his 5-year old son should have the Metro Manila Developmental Test
(MMDST), you answer appropriately by considering
a. father’s understanding of the test
b. father’s sense of the IQ of the child
c. child’s developmental level
d. child’s previous test experience

58. Preschool children role play is an important part of the socialization, since it
a. encourages expression
b. helps children think about careers
c. teaches children about stereotype
d. provides guidelines for adult behavior

59. The social development of a 9-month old infant is best promoted by having her
a. Play with a large ball with a bell
b. Manipulate soft clay

c. Play peek-a-boo and bye-bye
d. Pound on a peg board

60. A developmental assessment of a 9-month old infant would be expected to reveal

a. Closure of both posterior and anterior fontanel
b. A 2 to 3 word vocabulary
c. The ability to sit steadily without support
d. The ability to feed self with a spoon

61. The most therapeutic play activity for a 4-year old child would be
a. Using crayons to color in a coloring book
b. Fingerpainting on blank sheets of paper
c. Engaging in a checker game with his father
d. Solving a math puzzle

62. When administering an intramuscular injection to a neonate, which of the ff muscles would the
nurse consider as the best site?
a. deltoid
b. dorsogluteal
c. ventrogluteal
d. vastus lateralis

63. Before surgery, a neonate is to receive an intramuscular injection of an antibiotic. Which of the ff
gauges and sizes of needle would the nurse select?
a. 19 gauge, 1.5 inch needle
b. 20 gauge, 1 inch needle
c. 23 gauge, 2 inch needle
d. 25 gauge 5/8 inch needle
64. Aspiration is a common problem in infants. Which among the following is most dangerous for them
to get hold of:
a. Hotdog
c. A square cube
b. Bendable teething ring
d. A fluffy teddy bear

65. A mother shows several toys to the nurse and asks, “Which one do you recommend for my infant to
play with?”
a. A soft teether that fits inside a toilet paper roll
b. A toy carrot with an inch diameter
c. A teddy bear with small attractive button eyes
d. A 1-piece pacifier with a large flange

66. When is it most dangerous for an infant to be around small objects?

a. 21 months
b. 6 months
c. 8 months
d. 10 months

67. At 10 months, baby Gay’s mother decided to shift to cow’s milk. What supplements should you
recommend to be given to baby Gay
a. Vitamin c and Iron
b. Vitamin B and Folate
c. Vitamin A and Iron
d. Vitamin E and Folate

68. Which of the following instructions would the nurse give to the parents of an 8-year old child with
asthma who is being switched form parenteral steroid therapy to a daily dose of oral prednisone?
a. Administer the dose before bedtime to minimize side effects
b. Give the medication according to the child's response
c. Have the child take the dose with meals to prevent gastric irritation
d. Make sure the pill is given intact to maintain the enteric coating

69. A 3-year-old child with cystic fibrosis is admitted to the hospital with bronchopneumonia. Which of
the following signs and symptoms would be the most helpful in providing supportive diagnostic data for
this child's condition?
a. Weight loss and stringy stools
b. Cough and fever
c. Constipation and vomiting

d. Dysuria and rash

70. When assessing a child with suspected mental retardation, which of the following behaviors would
the nurse expect as least characteristic of a delay in early development?
a. Lack of use of expressive language
b. Poor response to verbal commands
c. Onset of walking at age of 20 months
d. Sitting up ability at age of 6 months

71. A child with Down's syndrome has an intelligence quotient of about 40. The nurse would expect
which of the following as the type of environment and interdisciplinary program to most likely benefit
this child?
a. Custodial
b. Institutional
c. Task analysis
d. Vocational training

72. When discussing plans for genetic counseling with the parents of a child with Down's syndrome,
which of the following would the nurse include as the primary role of the genetic team when working
with a family?
a. Providing parents with information about the risks of birth defects
b. Reporting the findings of chromosome analysis of the amniotic cells
c. Preparing the parents psychosocially for the birth of a defective child
d. Prescribing birth control or abortion measures for the parents as needed

73. The major influence on eating habits of the early school age child is the
a. example of parents at mealtime
b. food preferences of the peer group
c. availability of foods selection
d. smell and appearance of food

74. A mother is concerned about her child’s compulsion for collecting things. Your explanation should
be based on the understanding that this behavior is related to the cognitive ability to perform which of
the following
a. concrete operations
b. formal operations
c. coordination of secondary schemata
d. tertiary circular reactions

75. An emergency room nurse is performing an assessment on a child who has a fever of 102F. Which
finding would be of most concern to the nurse?
a. malaise c. anorexia
b. stiff neck d. weakness

76. A nurse performs an assessment on a 9 mo old infant. Which finding indicates a physiologic
a. head lag is noted when pulled to sitting position
b. inability to stand without support
c. creeping or crawling along the floor
d. absence of rooting reflex

77. A school nurse is about to perform routine assessment of all 11 year old children. During the health
assessment, the nurse would specifically screen for:
a. meningitis c. Phenylketonuria
b. congenital hip disorder d. scoliosis

78. An infant who has pyloric stenosis is admitted to the hospital. The nurse reviews the admission
assessment data and would expect to note which of the ff documented?
a. forceful and projectile vomiting
b. absent peristalsis on auscultation
c. biled stained emesis
d. hyponatremia

79. A nurse is caring for a child with celiac disease and develops a nursing diagnosis of Imbalanced
Nutrition: less than body requirement. Which assessment finding supports this diagnosis?
a. malodorous stools
b. muscle wasting in buttocks and extremities
c. irritability and fretfulness
d. severe abdominal distention

80. Penicillin V (Pen-Vee K), 250 mg orally every 8 hours is prescribed for a child with a respiratory
infection. The medication label reads: Penicillin 125 mg per 5 ml. The nurse has determined that the
dosage prescribed is a safe dose for the child and prepares to administer. How many ml per dose will
be given to the child?
a. 10 c. 20
b. 15 d. 5

81. A teenage girl is seen for the third time in 6 months for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis
infection. The nurse is aware that the additional tests may be necessary to identify an undiagnosed
underlying chronic disease. Which test is most likely to be prescribed?
a. Papanicolau smear c. Throat culture
b. blood culture d. blood glucose level

82. A nurse is conducting a developmental assessment on an infant who is in the clinic for his 6 month
check – up. Which behavioral sign suggests possible cognitive impairment and the need for further
developmental testing?
a. absence of head lag
b. repetitive performance of a new skill
c. motor skills present
d. diminished spontaneous play activity

83. You assess the language and communication development milestone of a 7 mo old infant. Which of
the ff begins to occur in the infant at this developmental age?
a. use of gestures
b. babbling sounds
c. cooing sounds
d. increased interest in sounds

84. The nurse assesses next the motor development of an 18 mo old child. Which of the ff is the
highest level of development that the nurse would expect to note in this child?
a. child builds a tower of 2 blocks
b. child builds a tower of 4-5 blocks
c. child snaps large snaps
d. child puts on simple clothes independently

85. A nurse is caring for a hospitalized school aged child. The nurse determines that an appropriate
play activity for the child is which of the ff?
a. playing with a push and pull toy
b. playing peek a boo
c. hand sewing a picture
d. listening to music

86. A nurse is reviewing the lab results of an infant suspected of having hypertrophic pyloric stenosis.
Which result would you most likely expect to note:
a. increased blood pH
b. decreased blood pH
c. increased Serum Potassium
d. increased serum Chloride

87. A nurse is preparing to administer an IM injection to a 10 year old child in the vastus lateralis
muscle. Which of the ff indicates the maximum volume of medication that can be safely administered?
a. 0.5ml c. 2ml
b. 1.5 ml d. 2.5 ml

88. The parents of a male NB who is not circumcised requests information on how to clean the NB’s
penis. You answer by saying:
a. retract the foreskin and clean the glans when bathing the baby.
b. avoid retracting the foreskin when cleansing the penis because this may cause adhesions
c. retract the foreskin no further than it will easily go and replace it over the glans after cleaning the
d. retract the foreskin and cleanse the penis with every diaper change.

89. A nurse is assigned to a child with gastrointestinal disorder. The nurse reviews the child’s health
record and notes the lab results indicated a Potassium level of 3.2mEq/L. Based on the lab finding,
which clinical manifestation would the nurse expect to note in the child?
a. muscle weakness c. Increased BP
b. increased bowel sounds d. nausea

90. The preschool child is in the pre operational phase of cognitive development and does not yet have
a concept of time or quantity. The nurse understands that if 5 ounces of juice is poured into a short

glass and same amount is pored on a thin skinny glass, the child will think that there is more juice in
the tall glass. The nurse knows that this child has not yet developed an understanding of:
a. egocentrism c. artificialism
b. centering d. symbolic functioning

91. Which of the ff behaviors would indicate to the nurse that an adolescent had not successfully
completed the age appropriate developmental task accdg to Erikson’s theory?
a. emotional maturity
b. talks about career choices
c. rebellious and regresses to child play behavior
d. makes appropriate decisions.

92. A 30 m0 old male child is brought to the clinic by his mother and she tells you that she is
concerned because the child is difficult to awaken, complains of “tummy ache” and is irritable. Which
questions would the nurse ask the mother if lead poisoning was suspected?
a. Has your child been breathing rapidly?
b. does your child’s breath have a sweet, fruity odor?
c. do you live in a house more than 25 years old or very close to a freeway?
d. does your child chew on pencils or crayons while drawing?

93. The nurse has been asked to do a safety survey at children’s day care center. All of the children the
children belong to the age of 1 – 3. Of the ff safety hazards, which presents the greatest risk hazard to
the toddlers at the center?
a. toys with small, loose parts in the playroom
b. swimming pool in the neighbor’s gated yard
c. hot water heater set above 120F
d. toxic plants located in the front yard of the center.

94. A mother of a 2 year old is discussing dental care with the nurse. Which statement by the mother
indicates that teaching is needed?
a. aged cheese is a good snack instead of sweets for a young child
b. I took my child for his first dental examination right after his second birthday
c. it is not necessary to teach proper dental care to a toddler. Their baby teeth will fall out anyway
d. I had my child brush his teeth with clean water because he sometimes swallows the toothpaste

95. Accidents continue to be a real concern for preschoolers since their judgement is over ruled by
their curiosity. The nurse instructs the parents that their preschooler can be responsible to:
a. swim only when an adult is present
b. stay away from strange dogs
c. wear a helmet when bike riding
d. never play with matches or lighters

96. A nurse collects blood glucose sample every shift from a child with suspected diagnosis of Reye’s
syndrome. The result of the 10:00 a.m blood glucose is 40mg/dl by glucometer reading. The nurse
analyzes this report as:
a. normal c. higher than normal
b. lower than normal d. insignificant

97. A nurse is performing an assessment of a pre schooler who is diagnosed of conjunctivitis. Which of
the ff symptoms prompt the nurse to investigate allergy as the probable cause?
a. photophobia c. itching
b. purulent discharge d. ptosis

98. A nurse is caring for a toddler who sustained second degree burns. Which of the ff would the nurse
assess in determining the adequacy of fluid resuscitation in the child?
a. blood pressure c. apical heart rate
b. urinary output d. respiratory pattern

99. A nurse is conducting an assessment of a child suspected of having Reye’s syndrome. Which of the
ff data, as reported by the mother, would the nurse interpret as being most associated with this
a. my child had blood poisoning 6 mos ago
b. my child had influenza 2 wks ago
c. my child has food allergies
d. my child has a history of meningitis

100. A nurse is caring for an adolescent with sickle cell anemia hospitalized for the treatment of vaso
occlusive crisis. The nurse determines that which of these diagnoses should receive priority in the
clients’ plan of care?
a. compromised family coping
b. impaired tissue perfusion
c. acute pain
d. impaired social interaction


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