Savage Mass Effect
Savage Mass Effect
Savage Mass Effect
Beyond the
Past all
Searching the
Finding the
This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at
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Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product.
A Savage
Worlds RPG
o !"e
Mass Ee#!
Universe$ B% &i' a! E()loding Di#e *do!+ Co'
In !"e %ear ,-./0 e()lorers on Mars dis#overed !"e re'ains o an an#ien! s)a#e1aring
#ivili2a!ion$ In !"e de#ades !"a! ollo3ed0 !"ese '%s!erio4s ar!ia#!s revealed s!ar!ling ne3
!e#"nologies0 ena5ling !ravel !o !"e 4r!"es! s!ars$ T"e 5asis or !"is in#redi5le !e#"nolog%
3as a or#e !"a! #on!rolled !"e ver% a5ri# o s)a#e and !i'e$ T"e% #alled i! !"e grea!es!
dis#over% in "4'an "is!or%$
T"e #ivili2a!ions o !"e gala(% #all i!$$$
Pla%er G4ide 1 Page ,
The Year is 2185 AD. Thirty-five years rior! h"#an$ind discovered a cache of technology on %ars!
&"ilt &y a technologically advanced &"t long-e'tinct race called the Protheans. St"dying and adating
this technology! h"#anity has #anaged to &rea$ free of the solar syste# and has esta&lished
n"#ero"s colonies and enco"ntered vario"s e'traterrestrial secies (ithin the %il$y )ay gala'y.
*tili+ing alien artifacts $no(n as %ass ,elays! the vario"s sace-faring races are a&le to travel
instantly across vast stretches of the gala'y. -"#anity has for#ed the -"#an Syste#s Alliance! one
of #any indeendent &odies that #a$e " the collective of ./itadel sace..
The -"#an Syste#s Alliance is a rising o(er in the galactic stage. The only (ar they have
articiated in (as the .First /ontact )ar. in 2150. A h"#an e'loration e'edition (as activating
dor#ant #ass relays 1(hich (as a ractice considered "nsafe &y citadel races2. The t"rians attac$ed
the s#all fleet and roceeded to cat"re the closest h"#an (orld! Shan'i. Facing starvation the
h"#an garrison s"rrendered to the T"rian -ierarchy. 3ne #onth later! the h"#an Second Fleet
resonded &y annihilating the t"rian fleet aro"nd Shan'i. 4n resonse the t"rians reared for f"ll
scale (ar. The citadel co"ncil sa( that h"#anity (o"ld either &e annihilated or anne'ed &y the
t"rians and steed in. The h"#ans (ere then given an e#&assy in the /itadel /o"ncil.
/itadel sace is r"led &y a &ody of govern#ent $no(n as the /o"ncil! (hich is #ade " of #e#&ers
of the three ro#inent alien races5 the asari! a race of #ono-gendered aliens (hich rese#&ling &l"e-
s$inned h"#an fe#ales6 the short-lived and a#hi&ian salarians6 and the rator-li$e t"rians. 3ther
alien secies incl"de the retilian $rogan! the #ethodical and 7"adr"edal elcor! and the envirol-
s"ited 7"arians and vol"s. Do+ens of other aliens are asserted to e'ist thro"gho"t the gala'y.
Pla%er G4ide 1 Page 6
Presidium District on The Citadel
aprx. 2000 BCE - 8lo&al conflict on the 9rogan ho#e-(orld of T"chan$a res"lts in a n"clear
(inter! red"cing the secies to ri#itive clans.
aprx. 0900 BCE - The Asari &eco#e the first to discover the /itadel. The Salarians arrive shortly
after and together they coloni+e it and &egin develoing the society that (o"ld &eco#e /itadel
aprx. 0183 AD - Salarians resc"e the 9rogan fro# the self-created n"clear (inter &y giving the#
advanced technology and relocating the# to a #ore hosita&le lanet in order to "se the# as
soldiers. The 9rogan o"lation 7"ic$ly e'lodes.
At the sa#e ti#e! the /o"ncil (as engaged in a rolonged galactic (ar (ith the ,achni. -o(ever!
once the 9rogan o"lation gro(s! they are a&le to s"ccessf"lly eradicate the ,achni fro# e'istence!
ending the ,achni )ars.
aprx. 1100 AD - 4n (hat (o"ld &eco#e $no(n as the 9rogan ,e&ellions! the 9rogan "sed their
ne(fo"nd o(er to esta&lish colonies &y force. )hen they started a conflict (ith the T"rians! the
T"rians resonded &y infecting the 9rogan (ith the genohage! (hich #ade only 1 in 1::: 9rogan
&irths s"ccessf"l.
Pla%er G4ide 1 Page .
The Citadel
The T"rians are re(arded (ith a seat on the /itadel /o"ncil.
aprx. 1900 AD - ;"arians create an evolving artificial intelligence call the 8eth. )hen the 8eth
evolve to the oint of &eing self-a(are! the ;"arians fear re&ellion and act 7"ic$ly in an atte#t to
destroy the 8eth. They are too late! ho(ever! as the 8eth fight for their s"rvival and (in the
res"lting (ar! driving the ;"arians off the lanet and into a no#adic lifestyle on the ;"arian Flotilla.
2069 AD - -"#ans esta&lish their first settle#ent on the #oon on <"ly 2=th! the 1::th anniversary
of the first l"nar landing.
2103 AD - -"#ans esta&lish their first settle#ent on %ars.
2148 AD - -"#anity discovers a s#all cache of highly advanced alien technology hidden dee
&eneath the s"rface of %ars. B"ilding on the re#nants of this long e'tinct race > $no(n as the
Protheans > h"#anity 7"ic$ly #asters the science of #ass effect fields! leading to the develo#ent
of faster than light travel.
2149 AD - Sreading o"t thro"gh their o(n solar syste#! h"#anity "ses the discovered Prothean
data to discover that /haron! Pl"to?s #oon! is act"ally a #assive iece of dor#ant Prothean
technology > a #ass relay > encased in ice.
3nce activated! h"#anity discovers that the #ass relay allo(s instantaneo"s travel across tho"sands
of light years to a synchroni+ed #ass relay in another art of the gala'y.
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The Illusive Man
There they discover several #ore dor#ant relays. 3ver the ne't decade h"#anity e'ands raidly!
esta&lishing colonies and activating dor#ant relays to oen " #ore and #ore "ne'lored regions of
-"#ans esta&lish the Syste#s Alliance to coordinate e'loration and coloni+ation of e'tra-solar
2151 AD - A Shiing accident at Singaore 4nternational Saceort e'oses do(n(ind
co##"nities to containers of d"st-for# ele#ent +ero.
Alliance &egins constr"ction of Arct"r"s Station.
2155 AD - To defend its raidly e'anding e#ire! h"#anity asse#&les a #assive fleet and
constr"cts an enor#o"s #ilitary sace station at the ne'"s of several $ey #ass relays@even tho"gh
they have yet to enco"nter another intelligent sace-faring secies.
The Alliance &egins to #ove into the co#leted ortions of the Arct"r"s Station.
2156 AD - 4t is discovered that so#e children in Singaore are e'hi&iting tele$inetic a&ilities.
2157 AD - -"#anity #a$es first contact (ith another sace-faring c"lt"re5 the T"rians.
*nfort"nately! the enco"nter is far fro# eacef"l. 3ver the ne't several #onths a &rief! &"t tense!
conflict ens"es (hich (o"ld co#e to &e $no(n as the AFirst /ontact )arB to -"#ans and the A,elay
Pla%er G4ide 1 Page 9
C1= 4ncidentB to T"rians. D"ring the conflict! the Alliance?s Shan'i colony &eco#es occ"ied &y the
This conflict dra(s the attention of the /itadel /o"ncil > a
#"lti-secies govern#ent &ody that #aintains eace and
sta&ility thro"gho"t the $no(n gala'y. The /o"ncil
intervenes &efore hostilities escalate f"rther! revealing the
e'istence of the greater galactic co##"nity to h"#anity
and &ro$ering a eace &et(een the# and the T"rians.
2159 AD - The /itadel /o"ncil sees Saren Arteri"s as
intelligent! c"nning! and caa&le and na#e hi# a
SPD/T,D! #a$ing hi# the yo"ngest T"rian to receive the
2160 AD - Syste#s Alliance Parlia#ent for#ed.
2165 AD - -"#anity contin"es to e'and! fo"nding #ore colonies and esta&lishing trade alliances
(ith #any of the other secies (ho recogni+e the a"thority of the /itadel /o"ncil. The /o"ncil
#a$es official recognition of h"#anity?s gro(ing o(er and infl"ence in the galactic co##"nity.
-"#anity is granted an e#&assy on the /itadel! the olitical and econo#ic heart of the gala'y.
2170 AD - Batarian slavers attac$ the Alliance colony of %indoir.
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Cerberus Station
First Contact Did Not Go Well
2176 AD - Pirates and slavers attac$ the -"#an caital of the S$yllian Eerge in (hat (o"ld &eco#e
$no(n as the S$yllian Blit+.
2177 AD - Thresher #a(s devo"r the Alliance colony of
2178 AD - An Alliance fleet (ies o"t an ar#y of slavers on
the #oon of Torfan in retaliation for the S$yllian Blit+.
2183 AD - Dden Pri#e! one of the first -"#an settle#ents
o"tside of their ho#e syste#! is attac$ed and sac$ed &y the
8eth. *nder the direction of a rog"e SPD/T,D na#ed Saren
Arteri"s! they gain control of a Prothean Beacon for "n$no(n
reasons. 3nly a relative handf"l of s"rvivors escae the
/o##ander Sheard! carrying ne(s of the sac$ of Dden
Pri#e and Saren?s stat"s as a rog"e SPD/T,D! is na#ed as
the first -"#an SPD/T,D in history. -e is tas$ed (ith finding
Saren! discovering his intentions! and &ringing the rog"e
agent to F"stice.
The 8eth stri$e again! this ti#e attac$ing a research
settle#ent on Feros. Sheard and his tea# deal (ith the threat. The records of the event are sealed!
and #"ch of the "&lic 7"estions the /o"ncil?s insistence on confidentiality.
Sheard then heads to Goveria! follo(ing Saren?s financial interests and a fe( reorts of 8eth
sightings. The records of the incident on Goveria are also sealed! tho"gh a fe( s"rvivors of the Pea$
15 Facility clai# to have &een attac$ed &y 8eth as (ell as "nidentified! insectoid creat"res.
2184 AD - After nearly si' #onths of li#ited sightings! al#ost e'cl"sively on frontier (orlds! the
8eth s"ddenly la"nch an attac$ against the /itadel itself. The fleet is lead &y a #assive! "nidentified
vessel. /o##ander Sheard! in conF"nction (ith the Alliance?s cele&rated Fifth Fleet 1"nder
co##and of Ad#iral -ac$ett2 and the /itadel Fleet! &eats &ac$ the assa"lt. The #assive 8eth
flagshi is destroyed! and the attac$ is ro"ted. /as"alties n"#&er in the h"ndreds of tho"sands.
At the cli#a' of the assa"lt! Saren Arteri"s and <ohn Sheard ta$e art in a dra#atic d"el in the
/o"ncil /ha#&er itself. Sheard is victorio"s! and Saren is destroyed. -is &ody is sei+ed i##ediately
&y /itadel a"thorities! and the "&lic is denied any access to any infor#ation regarding the slain
D"e to their large role in defending the /itadel fro# the 8eth assa"lt! as (ell as Sheard?s relentless
"rs"it of Saren! the /o"ncil grants the Alliance a /o"ncil ,eresentative. David Anderson 1for#erly
a /atain in the Alliance Gavy! and (idely vie(ed as Sheard?s #entor2 is a(arded the osition.
2185 AD - Present day. -"#anity is still settling into their role as a /o"ncil race! and the 8eth have
#ostly retreated &ac$ into the Ter#in"s Syste#s. Pirate activity in the S$ylian Eerge is on the rise.
Pla%er G4ide 1 Page /
Power Generator
The asari (ere the first secies to discover the /itadel. )hen
the salarians arrived! it (as the asari (ho roosed the
esta&lish#ent of the /itadel /o"ncil to #aintain eace
thro"gho"t the gala'y. Since then! the asari have served as
the #ediators and centrists of the co"ncils.
An all-fe#ale race! the asari rerod"ce thro"gh a for# of
arthenogenesis. Dach asari can att"ne her nervo"s syste# to
Pla%er G4ide 1 Page ;
Common Races of Citadel Sace
!sari Commando
a that of another individ"al of any gender! and of any secies! to rerod"ce. This caa&ility has led to
"nsee#ly and inacc"rate r"#ors a&o"t asari ro#isc"ity.
Asari can live for over 1::: years! assing thro"gh three stages of life. 4n the %aiden stage! they
(ander restlessly! see$ing ne( $no(ledge and e'erience. )hen the %atron stage &egins! they
H#eldH (ith interesting artners to rod"ce their offsring. This ends (hen they reach the %atriarch
stage! (here they ass"#e the roles of leaders and co"ncilors.
Attractive: Asari start (ith the Attractive edge.
The $rogan evolved in a hostile and vicio"s environ#ent. *ntil the
invention of g"no(der (eaon! Heaten &y redatorsH (as still the
n"#&er one ca"se of $rogan fatalities. After(ards! it (as Hdeath
&y g"nshotH.
)hen the salarians discovered the#! the $rogan (ere a &r"tal!
ri#itive secies str"ggling to s"rvive a self-inflicted n"clear
(inter. The salarians c"lt"rally "lifted the#! teaching the# to
"se and &"ild #odern technology so they co"ld serve as soldiers
in the ,achni )ar.
Ii&erated fro# the harsh conditions fro# their ho#e(orld! the 7"ic$-&reeding $rogan e'erienced an
"nrecedented o"lation e'losion. They &egan to coloni+e near&y (orlds! even tho"gh these
(orlds (ere already inha&ited. The 9rogan ,e&ellions lasted nearly a cent"ry! only ending (hen the
t"rians "nleashed the genohage! a salarian-develoed &io(eaon that cr"shed all $rogan
The genohage #a$es only one in 1::: regnancies via&le! and today the $rogan are a slo(ly dying
&reed. *nderstanda&ly! the $rogan har&or a gr"dge against all other secies! secially the t"rians. >
Very T!"#: All $rogan start (ith the -ardy a&ility.
Ba$ %ep!tati&: $rogan have a -2 charis#a to all others e'cet their o(n clan.
Pla%er G4ide 1 Page -<
Wre"# $ro%an &attlemaster
The ho#e(orld and caital of h"#anity is entering a ne(
golden age. The reso"rce (ealth of a do+en settled
colonies and a h"ndred ind"strial o"tosts flo(s &ac$ to
Darth! f"eling great (or$s of ind"stry! co##erce! and art.
The great cities are greening as arcology s$yscraers and
teleco##"ting allo( #ore efficient "se of land.
Darth is still divided a#ong nation-states! tho"gh all are
affiliated &eneath the overarching &anner of the Syste#s
Alliance. )hile every h"#an enFoys longer and &etter life then ever! the ga &et(een rich and oor
(idens daily. Advanced nations have eli#inated #ost genetic disease and oll"tion. Iess fort"nate
regions have not rogressed &eyond 2:th cent"ry technology! and are often s#og-cho$ed!
overo"lated sl"#s.
Sea levels have risen t(o #eters in the last 2:: years! and violent (eather is co##on d"e to
environ#ental da#age inflicted d"ring the late 21st cent"ry. The ast fe( decades! ho(ever! have
seen significant i#rove#ent d"e to recent technological advances.
'pecia( A)i(itie*: As er S)DJ
Driven fro# their ho#e syste# &y the geth nearly three
cent"ries ago! #ost 7"arians no( live a&oard the %igrant
Fleet! a flotilla of fifty tho"sand vessels ranging in si+e
fro# assenger sh"ttles to #o&ile sace stations.
-o#e to 10 #illion 7"arians! the flotilla "nderstanda&ly
has scarce reso"rces. Beca"se of this! each 7"arian #"st
go on a rite of assage $no(n as the Pilgri#age (hen
they co#e of age. They leave the fleet and only ret"rn
once they have fo"nd so#ething of val"e they can &ring
&ac$ to their eole.
3ther secies often tend to loo$ do(n on the 7"arians for creating the geth and for the negative
i#act their fleet has (hen it enters a syste#. This has led to #ay #yths and r"#ors a&o"t the
7"arians! incl"ding the &elief that "nder their cloths and &reathing #as$s! they are act"ally
cy&ernetic creat"res5 a co#&ination of organic and synthetic arts.
Pla%er G4ide 1 Page --
Dr Cha'was ( $aiden !len'o
Tali )as Normand* ( Catain +sin,Mal
vas Idenna
+a&$y: All 7"arians &egin lay (ith the %r. Fi' 4t edge. They do not need to #eet the rere7"isites.
They also &egin lay (ith a dK in the ,eair s$ill.
,--!&e De.icie&cy: start lay (ith an environ#ental s"it. 4f a 7"arian loses s"it integrity 14D
ta$es a (o"nd2! he #"st i##ediately #a$e a Eigor roll or &eco#e ill. This has the sa#e effect as
gaining the Ane#ic -indrance. -e #"st #a$e a ne( Eigor roll every day. T(o s"ccesses ends the
illness. A res"lt of a critical fail"re and he gains a fatig"e level (hich re#ains "ntil he has t(o
s"ccessf"l Eigor ,olls in a ro(.
The second secies to Foin the /itadel! the salarians are (ar#-&looded
a#hi&ians (ith a hyeractive #eta&olis#. Salarians thin$ fast! tal$
fast! and #ove fast. To salarians! other secies see# sl"ggish and d"ll-
(itted. *nfort"nately! their #eta&olic seed leaves the# (ith a
relatively short lifesan! salarians over the age of =: are a rarity.
The salarians (ere resonsi&le for advancing the develo#ent of the
ri#itive $rogan secies to "se as soldiers d"ring the ,achni )ars.
They (ere also &ehind the creation of the genohage &io(eaon the
t"rians "sed to 7"ell the 9rogan ,e&ellions several cent"ries later.
Salarians are $no(n for their o&servational caa&ility and non-linear
thin$ing. This #anifests as an atit"de for research and esionage. They are constantly
e'eri#enting and inventing! and it is generally acceted that they al(ays $no( #ore then they let
/!ic0 1itte$: Salarians &egin lay (ith a dK in S#arts.
/!ic0 %e.(exe*: Salarians &egin lay (ith the ;"ic$ Ddge.
'(i"#t . B!i($: not as hysically develoed as other races
Salarians re7"ire t(o oints er ste to raise Strength d"ring
character generation.
,o"ghly 12:: years ago! the t"rians (ere invited to Foin the /itadel
/o"ncil to f"lfill the role of galactic eace$eeer. The t"rians have
the largest fleet in /itadel sace! and they #a$e " the single
largest ortion of the /o"ncilHs #ilitary forces.
As their territory and infl"ence has sread! the t"rians have co#e to
rely on the salarians for #ilitary intelligence and the asari for dilo#acy. Desite a so#e(hat colonial
Pla%er G4ide 1 Page -,
Catain $irrahe
Secter Nihlus $r*i'
attit"de to(ards the rest of the gala'y! the r"ling -ierarchy "nderstands they (o"ld lose #ore than
they (o"ld gain if the other t(o races (ere ever re#oved.
T"rians co#e fro# an a"tocratic society that val"es disciline and ossesses a strong sense of
ersonal and collective honor. There is lingering ani#osity &et(een t"rians and h"#ans over the First
/ontact )ar of 2150! (hich is $no(n as the .,elay C1= 4ncident. to the t"rians. 3fficially! ho(ever!
the t(o secies are allies and they enFoy civil! if cool! dilo#atic relations.
Di*cip(i&e$ +&r: T"rians &egin lay (ith a dK sirit.
Ra#e =! W! Varian#e Ad4l !Middl e Ol d No!es
Asari 5HCB 1C5 2:L 2:: 5:: M:: Parthenogenesis ,erod"ction
9rogan 1fe#ale2 5HK 2=: 15L C: K: M: = %onth 8estation
9rogan 1#ale2 KH 28: 2:L 25 =: 0:
-"#an 1fe#ale 5HCB 1C5 C5L 2: 0: 11:
-"#an 1#ale2 5H1:B 185 C5L 2: K: 1::
;"arian 1fe#ale2 5H1B 125 15L 25 K: 1:: Deficient 4##"ne Syste#
;"arian 1#ale2 5H5B 1=5 15L 25 K: 1:: Deficient 4##"ne Syste#
Salarian 1fe#ale2 5HCB 85 5L 1: 2: C5 -yeractive #eta&olis#
Salarian 1#ale2 5HCB M: 5L 1: 2: C5 -yeractive #eta&olis#
T"rian 1fe#ale2 5HCB 1:: 2:L 2: 8: 1C:
T"rian 1#ale2 5H1:B 15: 2:L 2: 8: 1C:
Ii$e t"rians! the 7"arians are a de'tro-rotein secies of reverse chirality fro# h"#ans and asari.
The food of levo-rotein races s"ch as h"#ans or asari is at &est inedi&le and at (orst oisono"s!
#ost li$ely triggering a dangero"s allergic reaction.
Arcane Bac$gro"nd > only the Arcane Bac$gro"nd
1Biotics2 and Arcane Bac$gro"nd 1Tech2 are "sed in this
setting. See Biotics and Tech sections.
/ha#ion and -olyN*nholy )arrior are not "sed
23er E$"e*: All of the Po(er Ddges are "sed e'cet for
the So"l Drain edge. All Po(er Ddges have the traings
of Bio-A# or 3#ni-tool "grades.
Pla%er G4ide 1 Page -6
Puttin% That -lectronics S'ill To .se
Do"&ting Tho#as > This -indrance is not "sed as there are no s"ernat"ral ele#ents in this setting.
S?i l l s
8"ts > Fear is not a #aFor co#onent of this setting and is not "sed.
Dlectronics 1S#arts2 > *sed for the Arcane Bac$gro"nd 1Tech2 and all non seciali+ed "ses s"ch as
hac$ing and co#"ter syste#s "se.
GEAR Starting F"nds 1::: /redits. All rices listed are credits.
Sleeer *nits 1:
-otel ,oo# 5:N12:N=::
Aart#ent 1#onth2 5::N8::N2:::
Storage *nit S#all 1shoe &o'2! %edi"# 1large tr"n$2! Iarge 1gro"nd vehicle2 5N2:N1:: er #onth
Bac$ Pac$! S"rvival 8: (t 1 1"ses on &ac$ side! center &ac$ and l"#&ar store oint2.
%edi-gel 1:: (t 1N1:! O2 to healing rolls 1aly once er inF"ry2
%,Ds 11 day2 1: (t 1
-ydration "nit 5::! (t 2 > s"lies eno"gh (ater for = eole er day in non-hostile environ#ents.
O'ni 1Tool s - 1:::
3#ni-tools are #"lti"rose diagnostic and #inifact"ring tools "sed for a
variety of &attlefield tas$s! s"ch as hac$ing! decrytion! scanning or reair.
They are also necessary to erfor# tech o(ers. )hen e7"ied! an o#ni-
tool aears over a erson?s left or right hand and forear# as a hologra#.
The act"al hysical device is very s#all and fits into a slot on all ar#or tyes
or s#all &racelets (hen ar#or isnHt (orn.
Eersatile and relia&le! an o#ni-tool can &e "sed to analy+e and adF"st the
f"nctionality of #ost standard e7"i#ent! incl"ding (eaons and ar#or! fro#
a distance.
The fa&rication #od"le can raidly asse#&le s#all three-di#ensional o&Fects
fro# co##on! re"sa&le ind"strial lastics! cera#ics! and light alloys. This
allo(s for field reairs and #odifications to #ost standard ite#s! as (ell as
the re"se of salvaged e7"i#ent.
)itho"t an 3#ni-tool the follo(ing s$ills are rolled at a -2 enalty5 -ealing
1&asic s"lies2! 4nvestigation 1"nless co#"ter ter#inal is availa&le2!
Ioc$ic$ing 1to hel &y-ass and decryt2! P ,eair 1co"nts as &asic tools2.
Trappi&"*: Aldrin Bl"e(ire! Sirta /ha#eleon! Dl$oss /o#&ine /iher! Aria$e Iogic Arrest! Ar#ali
Ge'"s! Serrice Savant.
Pla%er G4ide 1 Page -.
Dnviron#ental S"its rotect against to'ins! &acteria etc. All Ar#or can incl"de environ#ental seals at
do"&le the s"itHs cost.
Iight ar#or is #ade of $inetic red"ction (eaves.
An 4nfantry Battle S"it is #"ch li$e the Iight ar#or &"t incl"des light(eight a&lative cera#ic lates
on the chest! ar#s and legs.
-ard Ar#or is a f"lly ar#ored s"it (ith environ#ental seals and can (ithstand the rigors of vac""#
Standard e7"i#ent for all ar#or incl"des an on-&oard #ini-fra#e and a co##"nications!
navigations! and sensing s"ite. The #ini-fra#e is designed to accet and dislay data fro# a
(eaonHs s#art targeting syste# to #a$e is easier to locate and eli#inate ene#ies 1O2 to Gotice
,olls! and a &on"s to Shooting ,olls (ith high-end (eaons2.
Pla%er G4ide 1 Page -8
! Tin* Samlin% of !rmor )ariet*
T%)e Ar'or W! Cos! No!es
DE S"it O1 1: 1:: Protects against adverse at#osheric effects
Iight O= 1: 25: /overs torso! ar#s! legs
4nfantry Battle S"it OK 2: 8:: /overs torso! ar#s! legs
-ard Ar#or O8 C: 2=:: /overs torso! ar#s! legs
Trappi&"*: Gote! so#e ar#or tyes co#e in several grades s"ch as the Aldrin 3ny'. 4i"#t Ar-r5
Aldrin 3ny'! Aldrin Agent ! Dlan"s ,is$ D"elist! -ahne-9edar Scorion! Serrice Phanto#! Ar#a'
Predator! Aria$e %ercenary. ,&.a&try Batt(e '!it5 Aldrin 3ny'! Aldrin Agent! Devlon S"rvivor!
-ahne-9edar Scorion! Serrice Phanto#! Dl$oss Assassin! -ahne-9edar Silver&ac$! Devlon Ii&erator.
+ar$ Ar-r5 Aldrin 3ny'! Aldrin Agent! Serrice 8eist! -ahne-9edar Scorion! Serrice Phanto#!
Devlon <"sticar! Sirta Eiridian! Devlon Ar&iter.
9inetic Barriers add an e'tra layer of to"ghness that #"st &e "nched thro"gh to even reach the
ar#or of the (earer. 4f any attac$ does da#age greater than the shield to"ghness! the e'cess is
alied to the to"ghness of the (earer. Any da#age res"lt that does this has over(hel#ed the
$inetic &arrier and it goes do(n. 4t co#es &ac$ " on the (earerHs ne't action card! ne't ro"nd.
T%)e To4g"ness Cos! No!es
Shield 4 8 - /o#es standard (ith all ar#or tyes e'cet an DE S"it.
Shield 44 12 8::
Shield 444 1K 2:::
To"ghness is noted (ith one e'tra entry! the shield
To"ghness! as so5 To"ghness 12 1K2 12s
Pla%er G4ide 1 Page -9
Tech !rmor Power With Flare
All #odern infantry (eaons fro# istols to assa"lt rifles "se #icro-scaled #ass accelerator
technology. ProFectiles consist of tiny #etal sl"gs s"sended (ithin a #ass-red"cing field!
accelerated &y #agnetic force to seeds that inflict $inetic da#age. )hen the #ass effect field
collases "on i#act all of the &"ilt " $inetic energy is violently released.
To-of-the-line (eaons also feat"re s#art targeting that allo(s the# to correct for (eather and
environ#ent. Firing on a target in a ho(ling gale feels the sa#e as it does on a cal# day on a
ractice range. S#art targeting does not #ean the &"llet (ill a"to#atically find the #ar$ every ti#e
the trigger is "lled6 it only #a$es it easier for the #ar$s#an to ai#.
All #odern (eaons have a store #ode (hich ena&les the# to foldNco#ress into a rectang"lar &o'-
li$e shae. )hen so stored! they cannot fire and are e'tre#ely d"ra&le. Yo" can hit the# (ith a
sledge ha##er (ith little effect.
Pla%er G4ide 1 Page -:
Snier Rifle and !ssault Rifle
=ea! B4i l d4)
The only li#iting factor to (eaons is heat &"ild-". All infantry (eaons sort t(o #ass
accelerators. This has the d"al effect of increasing the rate of fire (hile slitting the heat load. For
istols! this heat &"ild-" is a non-iss"e. Shotg"ns #ay &e fired t(o ro"nds in a ro(! then #"st have
a Acool do(nB ro"nd. Assa"lt rifles can only fire on f"ll-a"to for t(o ro"nds in a ro(. They are
other(ise "nhindered. Snier rifles can only fire t(o ro"nds in a ro( &efore they #"st cool do(n.
Ranged Wea)ons
T%)e Range Da'age RoF Cos! W! Mi n S!r No!es
Pistol 12N2=N=8 2dKO1 2 25: 1 - AP 1! do"&le ta
Shotg"n 12N2=N=8 1-CdKO1 1 15: C - SP 2
Assa"lt ,ifle 2=N=8NMK 2d8O1 C =:: 5 - AP C! A"to! C,B
Snier ,ifle 5:N1::N2:: 2d1:O1 1 1C:: 8 dK AP 5! SP 1! sna fire! -)
AP only alies (hen shields are do(nQ
7o3 End Wea)ons *Cos! A+
E..ect: /hoose one6 half range! red"ce da#age one die
tye! )t inceased &y 'C! -1 shooting rolls
Trappi&"*: 2i*t(*5 Dlan"s ,is$ Stri$er! Dl$oss /o#&ine
Ddge! 9ahne-9ader 9essler. '#t"!&*5 Aria$e 9atana!
Ar#a' Avalanche! Devlon Firestor#. A**a!(t %i.(e*5
Aria$e Ts"na#i! Ar#a' /rossfire! Devlon ,ator. '&iper
%i.(e*5 Aria$e Gaginata! Ar#a' P"nisher! Devlon Stri$er.
Average Wea)ons *Cos! as l i s!ed+
E..ect: As listed in the )eaons Ta&le a&ove.
Trappi&"*: 2i*t(*5 Aria$e ,ai$o"! Devlon Stinger! -aliat
Stiletto. '#t"!&*5 Dlan"s ,is$ -"rricane! Dl$oss /o#&ine
Sci#itar ! -ahne-9ader Stor#. A**a!(t %i.(e*5 Dlan"s
,is$ Banshee! Dl$oss /o#&ine Avenger! -ahne-9ader
Iancer. '&iper %i.(e*5 Dlan"s ,is$ -a##er! Dl$oss
/o#&ine ,eaer! -ahne-9ader Avenger.
=ig"1End Wea)ons *Cos! (,+
E..ect: /hoose one6 O1 shooting rolls! O1 da#age! ,3F increase of 1! )t -5:L
Trappi&"*: 2i*t(*5 Ar#a' Bra(ler! 9assa ,a+er! ,osen$ov 9arov! /arnife' -and /annon.
'#t"!&*5 -aliat Tornado! 9assa Ar#ageddon ! ,osen$ov So$olov. A**a!(t %i.(e*5 -aliat Th"nder!
9assa Brea$er! ,osen$ov 9ovalyov. '&iper %i.(e*5 -aliat D7"ali+er! 9assa -aroon! ,osen$ov Eol$ov.
Pla%er G4ide 1 Page -/
Small !rms
=and Wea)ons
4t is ossi&le to r"n into hand (eaons. So#e old favorites have &een enhanced (ith #odern
technology s"ch as adding an electrical charge! a #ono-fila#ent edge! or vi&ro-tech. 4n s"ch cases!
the hand (eaon does O2 da#age and is do"&le the cost.
The a##o #aga+ine is a si#le &loc$ of #etal. The g"nHs internal co#"ter calc"lates the #ass
needed to reach the target &ased on distance! gravity! and at#osheric ress"re! then shears off an
aroriate si+ed sl"g fro# the &loc$. A single &loc$ can s"ly tho"sands of ro"nds! #a$ing a##o
a non-iss"e d"ring any engage#ent.
To si#"late this! a##o is treated #"ch li$e that of allies fo"nd in on age M8 of S)DJ (ith the
follo(ing e'cetions5 A##o is red"ced at the end of each ga#e session. A##o only r"ns o"t on a
d"ce if the (eaon started the ga#e session at the lo( a##o rating.
S'al l Ar's A''o W! Cos! No!es
Anti-Personnel - 1: Gor#ally free (ith (eaon "rchase.
Ar#or Piercing 1 =:: AP 2
/he#ical 1 8:: Eigor ,oll or 1dK additional da#age
/ryo 1 12:: Eigor roll or terrain treated as Diffic"lt for ne't 1: #in.
4ncendiary 1 12:: /hec$ for caching fire5 K on 1dK! 1d1: da#ageNro"nd
Phasic - 1=:: SP =
,adioactive 2 =::: SP 2! AP 1! O1 Da#age
=eav% Wea)ons
-eavy )eaons can &e also &e fo"nd in this setting &"t
are often only availa&le to #ilitary "nits. -eavy (eaons
have li#ited a##"nition as listed in the ta&le &elo(. All
heavy (eaons re7"ire a #ini#"# Strength of dK.
Pla%er G4ide 1 Page -;
1eav* Weaon2 M0345 Firestorm
=eav% Wea)ons
T%)e Range Da'age RoF Cos! W! S"o!s No!es
%-1:: 8renade 12N2=N=8 - 1 =::: 1: 1: As er grenade
%-00 ,oc$et 2=N=8NMK =d8 1 8::: 1: 15
%-=51 Firestor# /one Te# 2d1: 1 K::: 15 1: 4gnores Shields and
%-K22 Avalanche 12N2=N=8 CdK 1 8::: 1: 2: Eigor roll or terrain
treated as Diffic"lt for
ne't 1: #in.
%-=M: Blac$stor# 12N2=N=8 =dK 1 K:::: 2: 1: SP 8! AP 12! %ed B"rst
Arc ProFector =N8N1K CdK 1 K::: 15 1: 4gnores Shields! Iarge
B"rst Te#
6-100 7re&a$e 4a!&c#er >
%an"fact"red &y Dlan"s ,is$ /ontrol
Services this ,aid-fire grenade
la"ncher is favored &y Blood Pac$
vorcha #ercenaries. /aa&le of ta$ing
do(n #"ltile ene#ies (ith a single
(ell-laced shot.
6-77 %c0et 4a!&c#er - ,aid-fire
#issile la"ncher (ith otional see$ing
roFectiles. %an"fat"red &y Ar#a'
6-622 Ava(a&c#e - /ryo ,o"nd
technology is "sed to #odify standard (eaon sl"gs. A cooling laser collases the a##"nition into
Bose-Dinstein condensate! a #ass of s"er-cooled s"&ato#ic articles caa&le of sna-free+ing
i#acted o&Fects. Scientists have fo"nd a (ay to aly this technology on a large scale5 &y
generating a #ass effect contain#ent .&"&&le.. 4t is nic$na#ed the ./ryo-Blaster..
6-451 8ire*tr- - The Firestor# is an e'cellent otion for .cro(d control.. This (eaon is
e'tre#ely effective against s(ar#ing! #elee-&ased "nits s"ch as h"s$s and varren.
6-490 B(ac0*tr- - The Blac$stor#! collo7"ially called the .&lac$ hole g"n. encases a fe(
articles of #atter (ithin a high-o(ered #ass-increasing field! elevating the# to near-infinite #ass.
This creates a gravitational sing"larity that dra(s near&y ene#ies and o&Fects in(ard for a short
Pla%er G4ide 1 Page ,<
.n'nown Protot*e 1eav* Weaon
ti#e. The raidly-increasing gravity near the sing"larityHs event hori+on of the sing"larity ris o&Fects
aart. The #ass effect field soon desta&ili+es and ret"rns to nor#al #ass! (ith e'losive res"lts.
/harging ta$es 1 ho"r.
Arc 2r9ectr - The Arc ProFector ioni+es targets (ith a non-visi&le laser to ready the# for a high-
voltage electrical attac$. As the lightning-li$e &olt hits its first target! a sohisticated a"to-targeting
syste# aints s"cceeding targets (ith the ioni+ation laser! allo(ing the electricity to ta$e the ath of
least resistance and arc &et(een the#. An entire ene#y stri$e tea# can &e shoc$ed to death (ith a
fe( "lls of the trigger.
=eav% Wea)ons A''o
T%)e Cos! No!es
Arc ProFector /aacitor 2:::N1:
Avalanch /yro ,o"nds 2:::N2:
Firestor# /anister 2::N1:
Blac$stor# /harge GNA /an &e charged off a %ass drive s"ch as fro# a starshi
,oc$ets 1:::N15 AP 2! S#all B"rst Te#late! -)
See$ing ,oc$ets K:::N15 O2 Shooting ,olls! S#all B"rst Te#late! AP K! Snafire! -)
-igh D'losive ,oc$ets 8:::N15 %ed B"rst Te#late! AP M! Snafire! -)
Type 1t C*t Da-a"e :te*
Frag 1N5 05 =d= %ed B"rst Te#late
4ncendiary R 05 CdK Iarge B"rst Te#late
Wea)on S!ore Poi n!s
All Ar#or has s#art (eaon store oints that are $eyed to
secific tyes of (eaons "s"ally set " &efore co#&at
sit"ations &"t easily c"sto#i+a&le in the field. Favorite (eaons
can &e set " for left hand or right hand retrieval (ith no
ro&le#. The (eaon store oints seed deloy#ent and
holstering &y "sing ro'i#ity signals fro# the (earer?s glove!
-*D! handle of the (eaon and #o"nt oint. All of these
coordinate to near instantly "t a (eaon handle in the hand of
the (earer (hen she reaches &ac$ for one! or holster a (eaon
to the store oint (hen one is ret"rned. Since the (earer
reaches over left or right sho"lder! to the left side or right side of
the lo(er &ac$ or " to(ards the #iddle of the &ac$ the syste#
can easily trac$ and resent the correct (eaon.
Pla%er G4ide 1 Page ,-
The Ri%ht Tool For the 6ob
Bac$ store oints can hold
one of each of the follo(ing5
assa"lt rifle 1left or right side
&ac$2! snier rifle 1left or
right side &ac$2! shot g"n
1lo(er l"#&ar #o"nt2!
heavy (eaon 1#iddle of
the &ac$2.
-i store oints can hold a
istol. Ar#or co#es (ith
one hi store oint 1left or
right hi2 &"t after #ar$et
c"sto#i+ations to add a
second are availa&le.
The in ga#e effect of this is
that Bac$ store oints red"ce the nor#al #"lti-(eaon enalty of dra(ing a (eaon to F"st -1 (ith
the added effect that the revio"s (eaon can also &e sto(ed or holstered at the sa#e ti#e.
-i store oints (or$ so fast! having s#art lin$s that ractically #a$e the istol handle F"# into the
ar#or?s glove! that there is no #"lti-action enalty for dra(ing a istol. -o(ever! there is still a -1
action enalty if another (eaon is stored at the sa#e ti#e "nless a s"ccessf"l agility chec$ is #ade.
This reflects the coordination of dra(ing and firing a (eaon (hile the other hand is reaching &ac$
and "tting another (eaon a(ay. Pistols are often the first (eaon to sho( (hen a conversation
goes horri&ly (rong.
9eying (eaons to secific store oints ta$e t(o actions to set " and an o#ni-tool to do in the field.
This is "sef"l (hen a layer ta$es an ene#y do(n and really (ants his oonent?s (eaon.
3ther(ise a fo"nd (eaon can &e stored on an e#ty store oint &"t (ill not &e a&le to &e retrieved
"ntil the store oint is set" correctly. This is "sef"l to 7"ic$ly gra& that &ea"tif"l shotg"n laying on
the ta&le for later "se.
)eaons in their co#act for# are any(here fro# 1NC to 1N2 their deloyed si+e. )hen co#acted
they are 7"ite d"ra&le and a character carrying a f"ll load o"t on all (eaon store oints sho"ld not
fear if she gets $noc$ed do(n! ta$es a fall or rolls for cover. -er (eaons are sec"rely loc$ed in
lace 1they (ere thin$ing of co#&at and +ero 8 sit"ations (ith this design2! and can ta$e a serio"s
&eating in co#act for#.
Store oints co"ld also &e co##andeered for s#all s"rvival ac$s for carrying co#act s"lies!
hydration "nits etc. S"ch ac$s (o"ld "se " the left or right store oint along (ith the center
1heavy (eaon2 and l"#&ar 1shotg"n2 store oints. This (o"ld leave F"st one left or right store oint
and a hi store oint for (eaons. 4nfiltration "nits e'ected to &e in the field for #ore than a co"le
of days (o"ld tyically &e o"tfitted li$e this.
Pla%er G4ide 1 Page ,,
Pistols !re /ften the First Weaons Drawn
The ter# &iotics refers to o(ers that are accessed and a"g#ented &y "sing &io-a#s! or "sers
thereof. The effects are rod"ced thro"gh &iological #ani"lation of dar$ energy. The vario"s effects
range fro# the a&ility to raise $inetic &arriers! to creating s#all gravitational vorte'es! to raising
ene#ies hellessly into the air.
Biotic a&ilities arise fro# a creat"re (ith s#all oc$ets of ele#ent +ero thro"gho"t their nervo"s
syste#. The nat"ral electrical nervo"s i#"lses create #ass effect fields fro# these oc$ets! creating
the effects seen as &iotic a&ilities.
D'os"re to ele#ent +ero in the (o#& can so#eti#es lead to &iotic a&ilities arising 1s"ch as in the
case of the first h"#an &iotics2! &"t often leads to conditions s"ch as cancer. Biotic a&ilities are of
varying rarity in #any secies. So#e! li$e the asari! are nat"rally &iotic! (hile others! li$e h"#anity!
(ere e'osed thro"gh artificial #eans.
Bio-a#s are artificial devices "sed to increase the ro&a&ility of &iotic a&ilities s"rfacing in an
+!-a& Bitic ;*er*
-"#an Biotics are those (ho (ere e'osed to ele#ent +ero 1ee+o2 in "tero and! &eating the odds!
develoed ee+o nod"les thro"gho"t their nervo"s syste#. A&o"t one in one h"ndred e'os"res 1in
h"#ans2 (ill res"lt in a erson (ith #oderate! sta&le &iotic a&ilities that are (orth training. 3nly
Pla%er G4ide 1 Page ,6
&iotic Power2 Sin%ularit*
asari are nat"ral &iotics and do not re7"ire ee+o e'os"re! tho"gh not all choose to develo their
a&ilities. Dach &iotic is first trained and then (ired for an i#lant > "s"ally at "&erty > to "se their
talents to any "sef"l degree. Basically a &iotic has to develo conscio"s control of their nervo"s
syste#! (hich is a long slo( rocess. 3nce trained! a &iotic can generate and control dar$ energy to
#ove o&Fects! generate rotective &arriers or restrain ene#ies. This is done "sing a techni7"e called
Shysical #ne#onics?6 the &iotic "ses a hysical gest"re to ca"se the right ne"rons and ee+o nod"les
to fire and create the desired effect. The Alliance first trained h"#an &iotics via the BAaT rogra# at
<"# Tero in 21K:! 7"ietly hiring t"rian #ercenaries as teachers! &"t after an instr"ctor died! BAaT
(as sh"t do(n. The Alliance #ilitary event"ally set " other training rogra#s to handle &iotics! &"t
the records ertaining to BAaT re#ain classified.
%ost #odern h"#an &iotics "se the Alliance?s IC i#lant! (hich is safe to "se &"t not artic"larly
o(erf"l. -o(ever! so#e older &iotics are st"c$ (ith I2 i#lants! (hich can allo( for #"ch greater
o(er &"t at a cost. I2 i#lants are notorio"s for ca"sing #edical co#lications s"ch as insanity!
#ental i#air#ent! or e'tre#e hysical ain. 4t is ossi&le to S"grade? fro# an I2 to an IC i#lant!
&"t the roced"re is dangero"s and "nethical. %any I2s are angry at the (ay the Alliance has 1in
their vie(2 a&andoned the# and (ant rearations for their s"ffering.
-"#an &iotics can face reF"dice fro# those (ho are religio"sly or
hilosohically oosed to their hysiological #odifications. This is #ostly
d"e to ignorance5 so#e eole 1(rongly2 &elieve that &iotics can read and
control eole?s #inds. )hile h"#an &iotics get so#e involve#ent fro# the
Parlia#entary S"&co##ittee for Transh"#an St"dies! they don?t have #"ch
olitical reresentation. So#e "nsta&le &iotics see the#selves as Sthe f"t"re
of h"#anity? and have t"rned their &ac$ on the galactic co##"nity to
&eco#e terrorists. -o(ever! the Alliance #ilitary (elco#es &iotics (ith oen
ar#s and offers h"ge recr"it#ent incentives. Beca"se of the #assive hysical
efforts involved in &iologically generating dar$ energy! &iotic soldiers have a
larger daily calorie ration and are given energy drin$s to $ee their &lood
s"gar and electrolytes ". The electrical fields in their &odies #ean they are
also rone to s#all static discharges (hen they to"ch #etal.
-"#an Biotics are classed according to their strength and i#lantation5
I1. These &iotics can #ani"late s#all o&Fects &"t aren?t strong eno"gh to &e offensively
I2. The I2 i#lants (ere first i#le#ented in 21K0. The res"lts vary (ildly > so#e I2s are
hardly stronger than an I1! others are strong &"t "nsta&le! (hile a fe( are o(erf"l and
sta&le! &"t s"ffer disco#fort fro# their i#lants. I2s are all aro"nd the sa#e age.
IC. 4n 210:! the IC i#lant (as develoed. IC &iotics are consistently sta&le (ith #oderate
a&ility6 (hile not as strong as an I2! ICs are safe fro# dangero"s side effects. Beca"se of the
i#le#entation date! all ICs are 25 or yo"nger.
IC-,. Short for SIC-retrofit?! this is an I1 or I2 (ho has "ndergone e'tre#ely dangero"s
s"rgery to relace their i#lant (ith a ne(er #odel.
Pla%er G4ide 1 Page ,.
$aiden !len'o
IC-J. 4#lants installed in an "ns"ita&le candidate.
Bitic* . <t#er 'pecie*
Alien &iotics vary in stat"s5
Al#ost all asari are &iotic to so#e degree. Their hysiology! (hich ena&les the# to "nite their
nervo"s syste# (ith a #e#&er of a different secies! gives the# a level of nat"ral control
over their a&ilities that h"#ans have to str"ggle for over years of training. Biotic a&ility is
#andatory for asari (ho (ant to go into #ilitary service.
Salarian &iotics are "n"s"al and highly ri+ed. The salarian #ilitary does not ris$ the# in the
front lines &"t "ses the# in the intelligence services.
4n t"rians! &iotic a&ility is also "n"s"al. They are vie(ed (ith so#e s"sicion &y the general
infantry and tend to &e deloyed in secialist gro"s called S/a&als? for $ey #issions.
The fe( $rogan &iotics tend to &e e'tre#ely o(erf"l and often train to &eco#e $rogan
;"arian &iotics are very rare. This is li$ely d"e to their life a&oard the Flotilla. Dle#ent +ero is s"ch a
rare reso"rce that it is ro&a&ly too recio"s to &e Ssent? on enco"raging &iotic otential in 7"arians!
and &eca"se the 7"arians live a&oard shis! any engine accident severe eno"gh to release d"st-for#
ele#ent +ero (o"ld also &e fatal to the cre(.
:e3 Bac0"r!&$ E$"e
Arca&e Bac0"r!&$ =Bitic*>
Arcane S$ill5 Biotics 1Eigor2
Starting Po(er Points5 1:
Starting Po(ers5 2
Biotics #ani"late #ass effect fields "sing do+ens of ele#ent +ero nod"les
(ithin their nervo"s syste# that react to electric sti#"li fro# the &rain.
A#lifiers allo( &iotics to synchroni+e the nod"les so they can for# fields
large and strong eno"gh for ractical "se. 3nly the o(ers listed in the
Biotics section #ay &e selected.
Bac0(a*#: )hen a Biotic rolls a 1 on their Biotics die 1regardless of their
)ild Die2! he is a"to#atically Sha$en. This can ca"se a (o"nd.
Pla%er G4ide 1 Page ,8
&iotics are )ersatile
Barri er
Ran?B Govice
Po3er Poi n!sB 2
RangeB Self
D4ra!ionB C 11Nro"nd2
Tra))i ngsB An electric &l"e glo( s"rro"nding the &iotic.
Barrier creates a $inetic &arrier s"rro"nding the &iotic that
is effective alone or can enhance an already active shield.
S"ccess grants the &iotic = oints of Shield and a raise
grants 8.
7i !
Ran?B Seasoned
Po3er Poi n!sB 2
RangeB Eigor
D4ra!ionB C 11Nro"nd2
Tra))i ngsB electric &l"e glo( s"rro"nds target and they are lifted a #eter into the air.
Iift is a &iotic o(er that is "sed to raise a target off their feet! dra#atically li#iting their co#&at
effectiveness (hile the o(er ersists. The (eight a &iotic can lift is e7"al to 1: l&s ti#es his Eigor
die tye! or 5: l&s ti#es his Eigor (ith a raise.
All hysical actions have a >2 enalty. 4f the character rolls a 1 on his trait die! regardless of )ild Die!
he has lost control of his &ody and &egins to t"#&le in three di#ensions. Treat the character as
Sha$en! &"t he #"st #a$e an Agility roll to recover rather than Sirit. )hile "nder the effect of Iift!
the victi#Hs #ove#ent rate is effectively +ero.
Iiving targets #ay resist (ith an oosed agility roll. 4f the roll is greater than the &ioticHs s$ill total!
the victi# has #anaged to gra& onto so#ething. 4f the creat"re loses! ho(ever! it is lifted as "s"al
and does not get another atte#t to &rea$ free. Gote if the victi# is not adFacent to anything that
co"ld &e "sed to revent lifting they do not get the Agility roll to save the#selves.
3ccasionally a victi# #ight #anage to gra& onto so#ething solid to revent itself fro# &eing lifted.
The victi# (o"ld have to &e adFacent to an o&Fect to ta$e advantage of this. An Agility roll is
re7"ired to gra& on in ti#e. 4f s"ccessf"l! the victi# #ay #a$e an oosed Strength roll vers"s the
casterHs arcane s$ill. 4f the victi# is (ins this contested roll! he #anages to gra& onto (hatever (as
availa&le and is not lifted.
Pla%er G4ide 1 Page ,9
&iotic vs &iotic
Ran?B Govice
Po3er Poi n!sB 1- K
RangeB 12N2=N=8
D4ra!ionB 4nstant
Tra))i ngsB a shi##ering electric &l"e a"ra on the target (ith electric sar$s
,eave e#loys #ass effect fields to &iotically attac$ the targetHs nervo"s or synthetic syste#s.
The da#age of ,eave is 2dK.
A$$iti&a( %eave Attac0*: The &iotic #ay attac$ " to three ti#es &y sending a li$e a#o"nt of
Po(er Points. This #"st &e decided &efore the o(er is "sed. The reave attac$s #ay &e sread
a#ong targets as the character chooses. *sing #"ltile reave attac$s does not inc"r any attac$
A$$iti&a( Da-a"e: The &iotic #ay also increase the da#age to CdK &y do"&ling the Po(er Point
cost er reave attac$. This #ay &e co#&ined (ith the additional reave attac$s! so "sing C reave
attac$s of CdK da#age costs K Po(er Points. UThis is the &olt o(er fro# S)DJ.V
Ran?B Eeteran
Po3er Poi n!sB 2
RangeB Secial
D4ra!ionB 4nstant
Tra))i ngsB a series of
e'losive tiny sing"larities
e'tending o"t fro# the &iotic.
Shoc$(ave creates a da#aging
strea# of #icro-sing"larities
that aear and collase (ith
e'losive force. Place a r"ler in
front for the character. Along
the r"ler! lay s#all &"rst te#lates one right after the other (ith their edges to"ching. Anyone (ithin
a te#late #"st #a$e an oosed agility roll vers"s the arcane s$ill roll of the &iotic or s"ffer CdK
Pla%er G4ide 1 Page ,:
&iotic Power2 Shoc'wave
Si ng4l ari !%
Ran?B Eeteran
Po3er Poi n!sB =
RangeB Eigor
D4ra!ionB C 11Nro"nd2
Tra))i ngsB a &lac$ h"##ing &all s"rro"nded &y an electrical &l"e field
Sing"larity is as er the Iift o(er &"t it affects a %edi"# B"rst Te#late and ca"ses 1dK da#age to
all victi#s er ro"nd. The o(er e'tends to a Iarge B"rst Te#late and ca"ses 2dK da#age to all
victi#s er ro"nd on a raise.
Sl a'
Ran?B Seasoned
Po3er Poi n!sB 2-K
RangeB 2=N=8NMK
D4ra!ionB 4nstant
Tra))i ngsB each victi# is yan$ed a #eter
into the air and the# sla##ed into the gro"nd
thro"gh violent #ani"lation of gravitational
forces. There is a &"rst of &l"e energy in a
col"#n aro"nd each victi#.
This is an area effect o(er that can "t do(n
#any oonents at once. The character first
ic$s (here he (ants to center the sla#! then #a$es the aroriate s$ill roll. Gor#al ranged attac$
#odifiers aly.
The area of effect is a %edi"# B"rst Te#late. 4f the roll is failed! the sla# deviates as a la"nched
Targets (ithin the sla# s"ffer 2dK da#age. *nli$e other attac$s! rises on the attac$ roll do not add
to da#age to area effect attac$s.
A$$iti&a( E..ect*: For do"&le the Po(er Points! sla# does CdK da#age or the si+e is increased to
a Iarge B"rst Te#late. For trile the oints! it does &oth. Gote this leaves victi#s rone. U4t is
other(ise the &last o(er fro# S)DJ.V
Pla%er G4ide 1 Page ,/
! &iotic .nleashes With Slam
S!asi s
Ran?B Govice
Po3er Poi n!sB 2
RangeB Eigor
D4ra!ionB C 11Nro"nd2
Tra))i ngsB An electric &l"e glo( s"rro"nding the target.
Stasis ca"ses an ene#y to &e te#orarily loc$ed in a #ass effect field! free+ing the target in lace
and #a$ing the# "na&le to #ove or erfor# actions.
Ran?B Seasoned
Po3er Poi n!sB 2
RangeB Eigor
D4ra!ionB C 11Nro"nd2
Tra))i ngsB An electric &l"e glo(
s"rro"nding the target.
Thro( is the a&ility to #ove a single o&Fect
or creat"re 1incl"ding oneHs self2 &y
#ani"lating #ass effect fields. The (eight
a &iotic can lift is e7"al to 1: l&s ti#es his
Eigor die tye! or 5: l&s ti#es his Eigor (ith a raise.
4i.ti&" Creat!re*: Iiving targets #ay resist (ith an oosed agility roll. 4f the roll is greater than
the &ioticHs s$ill total! the victi# has #anaged to gra& onto so#ething. 4f the creat"re loses! ho(ever!
it is lifted as "s"al and does not get another atte#t to &rea$ free.
3ccasionally a victi# #ight #anage to gra& onto so#ething solid to revent itself fro# &eing lifted.
The victi# (o"ld have to &e adFacent to an o&Fect to ta$e advantage of this. An Agility roll is
re7"ired to gra& on in ti#e. 4f s"ccessf"l! the victi# #ay #a$e an oosed Strength roll vers"s the
casterHs arcane s$ill. 4f the victi# (ins this contested roll! he #anages to gra& onto (hatever (as
availa&le and is not #oved! &ashed! or other(ise affected that ro"nd.
Drppi&" t#i&"*: Partic"larly r"thless characters often "se Iift to dro their foes or &ash the# into
(alls and the li$e. A creat"re affected &y this o(er can &e #oved " to the &ioticHs Eigor in inches
er t"rn in any direction. Droed creat"res s"ffer falling da#age as "s"al.
Eicti#s (ho are &ashed into (alls or other solid o&Fects s"ffer the &ioticHs EigorOdK as da#age. 4f a
&iotic (ith a d12 Eigor s#ashes a &atarian into a (all! for e'a#le! the &atarian s"ffers d12OdK
Pla%er G4ide 1 Page ,;
&iotic Power2 Throw 7bein% used for ersonal fli%ht8
This o(er is artic"larly fearso#e (hen "sed to yan$ an oonent o"t fro# cover d"ring a firefight.
Ran?B Govice
Po3er Poi n!sB 2
RangeB Eigor
D4ra!ionB 4nstant
Tra))i ngsB A visi&le (ave-li$e attern e'tending fro# the &iotic.
)ar rod"ces a large fan of alternating #ass effect fields that da#ages its targets (ith strong !
alternating gravitational forces.
)hen "sed! lace the thin end of the /one Te#late at the characterHs front. Targets (ithin the
te#late #ay #a$e Agility rolls vers"s the &ioticHs arcane s$ill roll to avoid the &la+e. Those (ho fail
s"ffer 2d1: da#age. This co"nts as a -eavy )eaon.
Pla%er G4ide 1 Page 6<
Ar#ane Ba#?gro4nd *Te#"+
Ar#ane S?i l l B Dlectronics 1S#arts2
Starting Power Points: 5
'tarti&" 23er*: none
Trappi&"*: *se of 3#ni Tool! Po(er Ddges are 3#ni-tool "grades! Po(er Points reresent s#arts!
talent! and sohisticated hac$ing rogra#s.
Dlectronic (arfare lays a very i#ortant role in Savage %ass Dffect. The a&ility to t"rn ene#y #echs
on their "sers! or sh"t do(n t"rrets can &est &e reresented &y the Arcane Bac$gro"nd r"les. AII
layers &egin (ith the Arcane Bac$gro"nd 1Tech2. All they need to "se it is an 3#ni-tool and a
o(er. This Arcane Bac$gro"nd can &e co#&ined (ith other Arcane Bac$gro"nds.
Pla%er G4ide 1 Page 6-
$asumi 1ac's ! Securit* S*stem
TEC+ 2<1E%'
A, +ac0i&"
Ran?B Eeteran
Po3er Poi n!sB C
RangeB S#arts
D4ra!ionB C 11Nro"nd2
T"rn an ene#ies #echs on hi#Q A4 hac$ing is an oosed roll of the
characterHs electronics s$ill vers"s the targetHs Sirit. The "ser #"st
score a s"ccess and &eat the targetHs roll to gain co#lete control. The
victi# (ill attac$ friends and even co##it s"icide if it is a si#le E4
device s"ch as drones and #echs.
Sentient synthetics s"ch as the 8eth are allo(ed another oose Sirit
roll to &rea$ the hac$ if ordered to attach allies or co##it s"icide.
Da')i ng
Ran?B Eeteran
Po3er Poi n!sB C
RangeB S#arts
D4ra!ionB 4nstant
This o(er da#ens Tech Talents and Biotics.
The Tech ic$s a single target (ithin range and #a$es an oosed arcane s$ill roll. The tech s"ffers
a -2 #odifier if the target o(er is of another tye 1e.g. Tech vs Biotic2.
)ith a s"ccess! he drains 1dKO1 Po(er Points fro# the victi#. 3G a raise! the victi# loses 1d8O2
Po(er Points.
The victi# cannot &e red"ced &elo( +ero Po(er Points. Drained Po(er Points are si#ly lost.
Drained Po(er Points recharge as nor#al.
This o(er (or$s only on creat"res (ith an Arcane Bac$gro"nd.
Energ% Drai n
Ran?B Seasoned
Po3er Poi n!sB 2-K
RangeB 2=N=8NMK
D4ra!ionB 4nstant
This is an area effect o(er that can "t do(n #any synthetic oonents at once. The character first
Pla%er G4ide 1 Page 6,
Never For%et the
Imortance of -lectronic
ic$s (here he (ants to center the energy drain! then #a$es the aroriate s$ill roll. Gor#al
ranged attac$ #odifiers aly. This o(er &yasses shields.
The area of effect is a %edi"# B"rst Te#late. 4f the roll is failed! the energy drain deviates as a
la"nched roFectile.
Targets (ithin the energy drain s"ffer 2dK
da#age. *nli$e other attac$s! raises on the
attac$ roll do not add to da#age to area
effect attac$s.
A$$iti&a( E..ect*: For do"&le the Po(er
Points! energy drain does CdK da#age or the
si+e is increased to a Iarge B"rst Te#late.
For trile the oints! it does &oth. Gote this
leaves victi#s rone. U4t is other(ise the &last
o(er fro# S)DJ.V
Ne4ral S"o#?
Ran?B Govice
Po3er Poi n!sB 2
RangeB 12N2=N=8
D4ra!ionB Secial
Ge"ral Shoc$ st"ns any living or synthetic oonent (ith an overload to their ne"ral ath(ays 1or
E4NA4 rogra#s2 (ithin a %edi"# B"rst Te#late.
4f the Tech scores a s"ccess! targets (ithin the area of effect #"st #a$e Eigor rolls or &e Sha$en.
)ith a raise! the victi#s #"st #a$e Eigor rolls at -2.
Ran?B Govice
Po3er Poi n!sB 2
RangeB To"ch
D4ra!ionB C 11Nro"nd2
This o(er can only &e "sed on s#all ar#s. 4t overcharges the #icro #ass accelerators for a short
a#o"nt of ti#e. 4t affects F"st one (eaon er "se. )hile the o(er is in effect! the (eaonHs
da#age is increased &y O2! or O= (ith a raise.
Pla%er G4ide 1 Page 66
Tali Scans -ncr*ted Files for -vidence
Overl oad
Ran?B Seasoned
Po3er Poi n!sB C
RangeB KN12N2=
D4ra!ionB 4nstant
3verload hits the target (ith (ith a
cacohony of directed electronic signals.
)hile this o(er does not da#age
organic targets it lays havoc (ith
shields! (eaons and synthetics.
3n a s"ccessf"l arcane s$ill roll the
target ta$es CdK da#age to itHs shields.
Da#age that e'ceeds the shield to"ghness &yasses ar#or and acts as da#age to synthetic targets
and is alied directly to their to"ghness. Any activated (eaon 1not stored2 also overheats. This
even effects istols sh"tting the# do(n for the rest of the ro"nd.
3n a raise the da#age is =dK.
Ta#!i #al Cl oa?
Ran?B Seasoned
Po3er Poi n!sB 5
RangeB Self
D4ra!ionB C 11Nro"nd2
)ith a s"ccess! the character is &arely detecta&le &y eyes! otics and other sensors. -e aears &"t
a vag"e o"tline. A character #ay detect the cloa$ed tech if he has a reason to loo$ and #a$es a
Gotice roll at -=. 3nce detected! he #ay attac$ the tech at -= as (ell. )ith a raise! the tech is
co#letely invisi&le to the eye! otics and other sensors. The enalty to Gotice hi# or hit hi# is -K.
4n either case! the o(er affects the character and his ersonal ite#s and anything he s"&se7"ently
ic$s " if he can carry it.
Te#" Ar'or
Ran?B Govice
Po3er Poi n!sB 2
RangeB To"ch
D4ra!ionB C 11Nro"nd2
Tech ar#or &oosts the e'isting shields a tech has. S"ccess grants the &iotic = oints of Shield and a
raise grants 8. The tech can also "se this o(er to a"to#atically reactivate his shields if they are
c"rrently do(n.
Pla%er G4ide 1 Page 6.
!lwa*s 9et the Tech Do 1er Thin%
Cero G
All hysical actions have a >2 enalty. 4f the character rolls a 1 on his trait die! regardless of )ild Die!
he has lost control of his &ody and &egins to t"#&le in three di#ensions. Treat the character as
Sha$en! &"t he #"st #a$e an Agility roll to recover rather than Sirit.
S=IPS > e'loration! trade! and co#&at.
MODS > enhance#ents to ar#or! (eaons and e7"i#ent s"ch as &io a#s and o#ni-tools! #od
yo"r character (ith racial edges and #ore.
Pla%er G4ide 1 Page 68
! Fleet !rrives at a Mass Rela*