Sri Lalitha Sahasra Namavali

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Aum Maha Ganapathaye Namha

Aum Sri Sai Ram
Aum Sri Lalithambikayei Namaha
The great significances of Sri Lalitha Sahasranama
An Introduction to the one thousand epithets for the Divine Mother
Once the Great Universal Mother Sri Lalithambika at her abode of
Sripura in a delighted mood with all compassion and grace of motherly love
called Vasini and other Vag devis and ordered them to compose one
thousand hymens propitiating the powers and secret philosophy of Sri
Vidya and concerned to bless the souls who recite the same. The Vag
Devis accepted the divine order of the mother and composed Sri Lalitha
Sahasranama which contains one thousand sacred names of Sri Lalitha.
The text was presented at a wonderful moment in the august presence of
thirty corers devas, Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra, Maheswara and Sadhasiva
while Sri Lalithambika appeared dynamically over her throne supported on
carved figures of lions. The divine mother was delighted to listen in the
hymens and said, Oh! Vag Devi you have perfectly completed the divine
order assigned to you and I am very much pleased. Let this holy text be
initiated to my devotees and I assure to sanction all boons who chant these
one thousand names. Sri Lalitha Sahasra Nama is available at the middle
segment of Brahmanda Purana. It shines like a diamond preset on a crown
in the stothra kanda of Sri Lalitha Upakyana.
Vedanta the complete essence of Veda finally declares the
Realization of Brahman as Brahmagnana as the ultimate Reality. Sri Vidya
guides practically to reach the objective intended by Vedanta. The
philosophy of Sri Vidya encompasses all branches of Sanathana Dharma
and removes discriminations. It remains as an ocean where all the rivers of
wisdoms merge. The six dharsanas of Indian Philosophy, Advaita, Dvaita,
Visishtadvaita, Nyaya, Vaiseshika and Mimamsa along with six branches of
Sanathana Dharma Ganapathya, Koumara, Saiva, Saktha, Vaishnava and
Sowra are realized harmoniously through Sri Vidya. The mighty path of
realization, Sri Vidya was well explained by Sri Bhaskararaya (1690-1785)
with exponent treatise like Varivasya Rahasya and Sethubandha. He wrote

Sri Lalitha Saharanama Bhashyam that elucidates the meanings of one
thousand hymens.
The first part of Sri Lalitha Saharanama is a dialogue between Sage
Agasthya and Lord Hayagreeva as the lord initiates the sage with the
auspicious wisdom.
Sri Hayagreeva says Sri Lalitha sahasranama is the best one of all
such texts and it should be chanted always to please the divine mother. If
anyone chants with Vilva leaves, thulasi or the petals of lotus over a Sri
Yantra will be blessed by the mother instantly.
Sri Lalitha Sahasranam Stotram consists of sixteen parts. The first
three slokas describe the grand incarnation of the mother. Lord Shiva once
involves into continuous penance and in turn all the activities of the worlds
stand still. The worried devas lead by Indra request Manmatha the God of
love to wake up Lord Shiva. Hesitatingly Manmatha throws an arrow of five
flowers of desire on the Lord. Siva wakes up from his deep meditation and
burns Manmatha into ashes by opening fire from his third eye. Because of
the absence of Manmatha the worlds suffer without restoration. Rathi, wife
of Manmatha begs Parvathy the consort of lord Shiva to bring her husband
alive. Due to the pressure raised by Parvathy, Siva sprinkles the sacred
water from his holy container over the ashes of Manmatha and he appears
back. But there happens a tragedy that from the smoke emerged from the
ashes there arrives a demon called Bandasura. He appears to be the form
of arrogance and ignorance who tries to destroy the three worlds. As per
the guidance of Siva, a sacred fire ritual is performed by Indra for invoking
the divine mother Sri Lalithambika. The holy maid marries Siva incarnated
as Sri Kameswara and begins her regime at the top of the mountain Maha
Meru named as Sri Pura.
The second part from 4 to 21 slokas describes the physical beauty of
Sri Thiripura Sundari praising from the crown to feet.
The third part consisting slokas 23 to 24 details about the Sri
Nagaram the abode of mother. Sri Nagaram means the city of
auspiciousness and it resembles the Sri Chakra. It has nine enclosures

called avarana means stages of concealment. At topmost centre of the
altar Sri Lalithambika sits over her throne supported by lions. The seat of
mother is known as pancha brahmasana and her state is great
The fourth part of Slokas 25 to 34 explains about the war lead by the
mother against Bandasura. The Universal mother Sri Lalithambika
destroyed the demon Bandasura and his forces using her powerful weapon
Mahapasupathasthra and demolished the fort of the demon at
Sonithapura using another weapon Kameswarasthra. The righteousness
of the Universe is re-established and the devas are rescued and regained
their power.
The fifth part of Slokas 35 to 36 describes about the subtle form of
Mother to be meditated as the Mantra form. The sacred mantra of Sri Vidya
cult is known as Pancha dhasakshari consisting of 15 syllables and three
parts. The first part, Vagbavakuta that has 5 syllables is considered as the
face of the mother, the second part Kamarajakuta of 6 syllables is
considered as the body of the mother and the third part Sakthikuta
consisting of 4 syllables is assumed as the parts below the hip of the
The secrets of Kundalini yoga is explained in the sixth part, slokas
from 37 to 40. The Bramham has manifested by its own wish and created
all worlds. The subtle cosmic energy is within our body at the Mooladhara
chakra and dwells as a coiled snake. The devotee who involves in prayer,
meditation and practice of Sri Vidya ignites the coiled force and takes the
same to through the other chakras named as swathishtana, manipuraka,
anahatha, vishudhi, agna, guru peeta, gayathri peeta and sahasrara-Sri
Vidya peeta sailing via the centre canal called Sukshmna nadi.
Simultaneously the practitioner breaks the knots called Brahma Granthi,
Vishnu Granthi and Rudra Granthi. The enlightened kundalini shakthi
meets Shiva at the sahasrara and merge with him in unity. This yogic
practice leads one to the highest realization and blissful state.

The seventh part of 41 to 43 slokas defines the grace of mother
towards her devotees. The earthly life is like a forest with full of thorns. It
gives severe sorrows to one who enters into it without guidance. The
mother removes all sorrows to the devotees who surrender themselves at
the lotus feet of hers. She wipes out all ignorance and gives eternal
auspicious wisdom. She mops the fear from the heart of the devotee and
leads to enlightenment. Once if we understand the divine energy in the
form of mother and surrender she takes care of all our sorrows and clears
all travails of our life. Sri Lalithambika worship and Sri Vidya meditation is
beyond all discriminations like caste, creed and religion. For her devotees
there is only blissfulness and no sorrows forever.
The eighth part consisting slokas from 43 to 45 describes about the
mediation of the mother in formless stage without any attributes. This is
known as Nirguna Upasana. The path of Sri Vidya has four lines like
carya- the bhakthi path of worship, kriya chanting of mantras and
performing rituals, yoga-meditation and yoga and gnana- self-realization
and sacrifice. One can choose the line of his or her choice.
The ninth part consisting slokas 43 to 46 explains about the benefits
attained by the aspirant who walks through the formless stage. One who
praises the mother who has no form in Nirguna Upasana as Niradhara,
niranjana, nirlepa, nirmala, nithya, nirakara, nirakula, nirguna, nishkala,
shantha attains liberation from the imprints created by the mind, intellect,
sole and ego with stain of desire, anger, avarice, discrimination and
The tenth part of Sri Lalitha Sahasranama, slokas continuing from 46
and elapse in 51 details about the benefits achieved through the formless
worship. The divine mother is free from all desires and afflictions. She is
beyond the sphere of multiplicity. She is not dependent on anything or
anyone. She is eternally free. She dwells in ever-awake consciousness.
There is no cause for her, but she is the first cause.
The eleventh part leading from sloka 51 and ends with 60 elucidates
the worship of the divine mother in form as Saguna upasana. In this form

of worship the devotee sees the mother in a tangible existence. The path of
sakthy worship recommends both styles of worship with figure or without
outward appearance. One can attain the liberation through deep meditation
or the external methods like puja, japa or yagna. Siva and sakthy are like
the word and its meaning. The mother is the consort of Siva, the Supreme
ruler of Universe. She is all auspiciousness and the transcendent
consciousness. She is the essence of all mantras (mystical sounds), soul of
all yantras(mystical diagrams) and embodiment of all tantras(scriptures
dealing with worship).
The eleventh part slokas 61 to 75 deals with the divine manifestation
of mother in five primordial forces. She is in the form of exquisite with
charming smile. She is the form of supreme bliss. She manifests in the five
fold forms of pacha buthas (five elements earth, water, fire, air and ether),
Pancha tanmatra (touch, taste, vision, smell and hearing) and Pancha
prana (prana,apana,udhana, vyana and samana). Brahmas or highest
deities are namely: Brahma - earth, Vishnu - water, Rudra - fire, Iswara -
Air and Sadasiva - ether.The epithet 249 of Sri Lalithasaharanama says
that the mother Goddess sits on a seat formed from the five dead deities
referred above.Om pancha pretha sana seenayei namaha (249) The word
dead is referring here to the inactive nature of the five elements. She is
the source of creation, protection, destruction, disappearance and
appearance. Salutations to her who is playful (Lalitha) Her play being
creation, sustentation and dissolution of the Universe.
The twelfth part, composed of slokas 76 to 80 describes the body and
soul concept as kshetra and kshetragna rupa. The physical body is the
composition of five elements with mind, intellect, action and ego. Body is
the seat and the soul is the reflection of the divine mother sits over it.
The thirteenth part slokas from 81 to 97 speaks about the deities and
their abode. The divine mother dwells both in the inner and external worlds.
The ten subtle chakras from mooladhara to Sri Vidya peeta are the inner
abodes. There are 50 external abodes are there as Sri Lalitha
Sahasranama praises Panchshad rupini. The sacred pilgrims like Kailash,
Nepal,Varanasi, Kethar,Omkar, Haridwar, Ujjaini, Hasthinapur,

Kanyakumari, Madurai, Trichy and Kanchipuram are some of them.
Universal Mother Sri Lalithambika has emerged in South India, Tamilnadu,
Coimbatore, Periya Thadakam, at Sri Lalithambikai Peetam. She is praised
as Shad anga devatayuktha as she appears along with six physical
deities like hridaya devi, siro devi, shika devi, netra devi, kavacha devi, and
asthra devi.
The following slokas from 98 to 110 is about Yogini nyasa. This part
of the epic explains the secrets of meditating the divine mother in the six
chakras from mooladhara to agna along with deites named as Dakini,
Rakini, Lakini, Sakini, Halini, and Yakini.
The fifteenth part slokas 111 to 180 describes about the supreme
powers of the divine mother and the conciliation among various paths of
attainment. The divine mother exists as the fire in mooladhara, as Moon in
agna and as Sun in the Sahasrara. She is the subtle power in the sound of
the mantra, she dwells in the heart of the master-guru, and she emerges as
the consorts of Brahma, Siva and Vishnu. The Universe is the expression
of her compassion and play.
The 994
epithet says abalagopa vidhitha meaning such a great
Goddess can be realized by young boys who care cows and people with
innocence like children. She is beyond all discriminations. She is simple to
the innocent and mystical for the skeptic.
The sixteenth part 180 to 182.1/2 that is the conclusion of the epic
explains about the unification and equanimity of Siva and Sakthy as
Sivasathi ikya rupini. The whole worlds sorrow is due to ignorance and
illusion. The path of liberation is Sri Vidya. It removes all darkness and
leads to realization.
Once we come to understand the great mother, it means that we
have crossed millions of births and deaths and the time has come now for
liberation. Everything we experience is her play. If we understand this we
are liberated from all dualities. We become as like as a born child in the
laps of the mother.

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