Capgemini Placement Paper Aptitude Numerical 43775
Capgemini Placement Paper Aptitude Numerical 43775
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Paper Type : Aptitude-Numerical
Posted By : Geo
Updated Date : Jan 7, 2014
Capgemi ni Apti tude-Numeri cal pl acement paper
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Capgemini recruitment process and aptitude test
Capgemini Numerical Reasoning Questions: 25, 1 mark for correct answer, -0.25 mark
for incorrect answer
1. A rectangular tank can hold k liters of water. How many liters of water can a tank with all
its dimensions double that of the first one hold?
A. 2k liters
B. 23 liters
C. 4k liters
D. 6k liters
2. A triangle has sides of lengths 10, 24 and n, where n is a positive n is a positive integer.
The number of values of n for which this triangle has three acute angles is
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
3. In the rectangle ABCD, the perpendicular bisector of AC divides the longer side AB in a ratio
2: 1. Then the angle between AC and BD is
A. 30o
B. 45o
C. 60o
D. 90o
4. A sphere of 10.5 cm radius is melted and cast into a cuboid of maximum volume. The total
surface area of such cuboid is approximately:
A. 1720
B. 1650
C. 1810
D. 1932
5. Consider a right angle triangle where the length of the shorter leg is one third of the length
of its hypotenuse. If the length of the shorter leg is 7 cm, then calculate the area of the
triangle in square cm.
A. 7 * square root of 2
B. 49 * square root of 2
C. 14 * square root of 2
D. 49
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6. Suppose that a train journey is being charged as below:
-- Minimum ticket cost is Rs. 100, which entitles the ticket holder to travel up to a distance
of 10 miles
--For every additional mile traveled, the charge is Rs. 10
--A minimum luggage weight of 10 kg is not charged, after which it is charged at Rs. 1 per kg.
During a specific journey, suppose you carry a weight of 'n' kg, and a distance of 'm' miles is
traveled, which equation will indicate the correct total charge to be paid by you?
A. 100 + (10 * (m-10)) + n
B. 100 - (10 * m) + (n-10)
C. 100 + (10 * (m-10)) + (n-10)
D. 100 - (10 * (m+10)) + (n-10)
7. There are two queues at a supermarket billing counter. In the first queue there are m1
customers all with n1 items in their baskets, while in the second queue there are m2
customers all with n2 items in their baskets. It takes t seconds to process each item and p
seconds for each person to pay. A customer wishes to know which queue to join.
Which one of these options gives the condition for the first queue to be the better queue to
A. m1(p+n1t) = m2(p+n2t)
B. m1(p+n1t) <m2(p+n2t)
C. m2(p+n2t) = m1(p+n1t)
D. m1(p+n1t) = m2(p+n2t)
8. Take a bicycle with following specifications:
--The front de-railer is on the 52 tooth gear and the rear de-railer is on the 14 tooth gear
--The rear gear has 14 teeth
--The diameter of the rear wheel is 27"
If a bicyclist pedals at 75 revolutions per minute, then what will be the speed achieved?
A. 22.38
B. 26.85
C. 25
D. 30
9. Suppose Mr. X works for company A. The company grants 1000 shares to Mr. X in 2008. At
that point each share is worth Rs. 100. In 2010, he decides to sell his entire stake and at that
point, the value is Rs. 120 per share. The government declares that the tax to be paid is 10%
of the entire profit. Due to the inflation, the value of a rupee in 2010 is equivalent to 0.8 of a
rupee in 2008. In this scenario, which of the following model indicates the actual tax to be
paid by the investor?
A. 120 Rs at 2010 value " 100 Rs at 2008 value
B. 120 Rs at 2010 value " 100 Rs at 2008 value * (1 Re at 2010 value / 0.8 Re at 2008 value)
C. 120 Rs at 2008 value " 100 Rs at 2010 value * (1 Re at 2008 value / 0.9 Re at 2010 value)
D. 100 Rs at 2010 value " 120 Rs at 2008 value * (1 Re at 2010 value / 0.8 Re at 2008 value)
10. The ratio of cost price to the marked price of an article is 4 : 5. If the ratio of the profit
percentage on selling the article to the discount allowed on it is 5 : 4, what is the profit
A. 10%
B. 12%
C. 12.5%
D. 15%
11. Krishna bought some wheat at Rs. 10 per kilogram. He buys 2 kg wheat from a ration shop
at the rate of Rs. 8 per kilogram. He mixes the two and sells at Rs. 11 per kilogram. He makes
25% profit. What is the ratio of non-ration to ration wheat?
A. 1:4
B. 1:5
C. 5:1
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D. None of the above
12. In a typical bike rally, every bike has to reach a speed of 20 m/min within a minute and it
increase its speed by 20 m/min and the sum was 1600 m/min. Four minutes later, a new biker
started running in the race. After another two minutes, the biker with the speed of 400 m/min
stopped due to injuries and again two new bikers started running in the race. What is the
current average speed?
A. 260 m/min
B. 220 m/min
C. 280 m/min
D. 290 m/min
13. A river runs at 4 km/hr. if the time taken by a man to row is boat upstream is 3 as the
time taken by him to row it downstream then find the speed of the boat in still water.
A. 16 km/hr
B. 8km/hr
C. 6km/hr
D. 28km/hr
14. A, B, C are running in the same direction around a circular track. The track is marked with
numbers from 1 to 12, like the dial of a clock. The 12 numbers are uniformly spaced along the
track. A overtakes B once at 5 and then the next time again at 9. A overtakes C once at 2
and then the next time again at 4. What is the ratio of B's speed to C's speed?
A. 7:4
B. 2:1
C. 3:2
D. 5:4
15. Manu working alone on a job takes 12 days more than what he would have taken if Bhanu
had worked along with him while Bhanu working alone on the same job takes 27 days more
than what he would have taken if Manu had worked along with him. Find the time that both of
them working together would take to do the job.
A. 10
B. 12
C. 16
D. 18
16. Ram and Shyam are quizmasters. The time taken by Ram and make a question is double of
that taken by Shyam. If Ram made 3/2 questions less each minute and Shyam made 3
questions less each minute, to make x questions, the time taken by Shyam would be 2y
minutes less than that taken by Ram. If Shyam takes y minutes to make x questions, find the
number of questions that Shyam can make in a minute?
A. 12
B. 9
C. 8
D. 6
17. Radha bought a watch for Rs. 144 and got a percentage of profit equal to the cost price
of the watch. What is the cost price of the watch?
A. Rs. 72
B. Rs. 78
C. Rs. 80
D. Rs. 90
18. The price of raw materials has gone up by 15%, labour cost has also increased from 25%
of the cost of raw material to 30% of the cost of raw material. By how much percentage
should there be a reduction in the usage of raw materials so as to keep the cost same
A. 17%
B. 24%
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B. 24%
C. 28%
D. 25%
19. Rani's weight is 25% of Meena's weight and 40% of Tara's weight. What percentage of
Tara's weight is Meena's weight?
A. 10%
B. 100%
C. 150%
D. 160%
20. Three years ago a friend offered me a used typewriter for Rs. 1024. A year later he
offered me the same for Rs. 640 and last year he wanted Rs. 400 and now he is willing to sell
it to me for Rs. 250. But I have decided to buy it when he reduces the price next time, If he
is constantly reducing its price, at what price will he offer the typewriter to me next?
A. Rs.150.45
B. Rs. 156.25
C. Rs. 211.25
D. Rs. 206.75
21. A number is divisible by both 3 and 5, but when it is divided by 8 it gives a remainder 3.
The number is:
A. 45
B. 60
C. 75
D. 90
22. Given a quadratic equation, ax2+bx+c=0
If the ratio of the sum of the roots and the product of roots is 2:7, what can be possible
values of b and c?
A. b=2,c=7
B. b=7,c=2
C. b=-2,c=-7
D. b=-2,c=7
23. A sum of money becomes 2.5 times itself at 12.5% simple interest p.a. The period of
investment is:
A. 6 years
B. 8 years
C. 12 years
D. 20 years
24. The mean of 100 items was found to be 30. If at the time of calculation two items were
wrongly taken as 32 and 12 instead of 23 and 11.What is the correct mean?
A. 29.9
B. 30.5
C. 34.9
D. None of these
25. 200 pepsi bottles are stacked in such a way that there are 20 bottles in the bottom, 19 in
the next row, 18 in the row next and so on. In how many rows will 200 pepsi bottles be
A. 25 rows
B. 16 rows
C. 10 rows
D. 5 rows
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