7 Info Word Bank For Evaluation Sheets

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Case studies and exemplar materials are produced by

individual teachers working as Lead Practitioners for the

Licence to Cook Programme.

N.B this work is based on the Licence to Cook programme; the

resources may have been changed/adapted to suit local needs.

LP author: Heidi Brodie

School: St. George’s School, Harpenden, Herts

Product: Information for pupils
Word document entitled: Word bank for evaluation sheets
Year group: Year 7, 8 or 9 or any food class

Topics: Sensory word bank

Key focus: Appearance, texture, flavour and aroma words

Description: 1 page table of sensory terms to help pupils select and
use words when writing evaluations or describing food products
Word Bank for help in writing evaluations of food products
Attractive Acidic Brittle Acrid
Appetising Aftertaste Bubbly Aromatic
Bright Balanced Chewy Burnt
Burnt Bitter Clammy Cheesy
Colourful Bland Close Fishy
Colourless Buttery Creamy Floral
Crumbly Cheesy Crisp Fragrant
Crystalline Citrus Crumbly Fruity
Cuboid Cool Crunchy Light
Dark Delicate Dry Meaty
Dull Delicious Flaky Musty
Evenly baked Fizzy Fluffy Perfume
Firm Greasy Greasy Pungent
Fizzy Herby Gritty Rancid
Flaky Hot Hard Roasted
Flat Light Juicy Rotten
Fragile Mature Lumpy Savoury
Glossy Mild Moist Scented
Golden Peppery Mushy Sour
Golden brown Refreshing Open Spicy
Greyish Rich Rubbery Strong
Heavy Salty Runny
Interesting Savoury Sandy
Light Scrumptious Short
Limp Sharp Smooth
Mouth-watering Sickly Soft
Off-colour Sour Sticky
Over cooked Spicy Stringy
Pale Sweet Stodgy
Plain Tainted Tacky
Runny Tangy Tender
Stringy Tart Tough
Tempting Tasteless Waxy
Unevenly baked Warm Uninteresting Zesty
Uniform size Weak
Well risen

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