Student Handbook MBA-ITB

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The document provides an overview of the MBA-ITB program at the School of Business and Management of Bandung Institute of Technology including its history, vision, facilities, and activities.

The mission of the MBA-ITB program is to create business leaders and entrepreneurs through a learning system performed by expert lecturers that provides both technical competence and soft skills like leadership, decision making, motivation, business ethics, and teamwork.

Facilities available for students include student rooms, a library, and other amenities like a student center. The document describes some of these facilities in more detail.


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We create business leaders and entrepreneurs

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2 Preface
3 Welcome from Dean SBM ITB
4 Message from Director of MBA-ITB Program

6 About the Program
7 About the Program
8 MBA-ITB History
9 Vision, Mission, and Objective
10 MBA-ITB Characteristics
11 Organizational Structure
13 MBA-ITB Program Bandung
14 MBA-ITB Program Jakarta
15 MBA-ITB In-house Program
16 Program Admission
16 Registration of MBA-ITB Student
17 Tuition Fees in MBA-ITB Jakarta
18 Tuition Fees in MBA-ITB Bandung

20 Faculty
21 Academic Lecturer
27 Practitioners

32 Program Structure
36 Curriculum
37 Course Description
42 Concentration

46 Academic Guidance
47 Responsibilities
48 Code of Conduct
50 Grading

52 Learning System
53 Teaching Method
54 Learning Process

58 Students Life
59 Best Achievers Award
59 Executive Choice
59 Students Club
59 Entrepreneurship Club
59 Finance Club

61 Facilities
62 Students Room
63 Library
64 Other Facilities

67 Commitment for Service Excellence
68 Committee of Learning and Teaching
69 Quality Assurance and Accreditation

72 Final Project
73 About Final Project
74 Final Project Grading
75 Guideline

77 Graduation
78 Graduation Night
80 Graduates Award
81 Yudisium

82 Career and Opportunity
81 Career Service
82 Career Opportunity

84 Alumni
85 Alumni Union
86 Activities

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Welcome from the Dean SBM ITB

Welcome to the School of Business and Management at Bandung Institute of Technology (SBM-ITB).
SBM-ITB was established on December 31, 2003 who has a Bachelor degree in Management (2004),
now processing Entrepreneurship study program (2012), Master of Science in Management (2006),
Master of Business Administration (1990), and Doctor Program in Management (2009). As the best
School of Business and Management in Indonesia (Swa-2009), the learning system performed by the
best lecturers in their respective areas of expertise, SBM is the best choice of Indonesian students. In
addition to technical competence, skills, and the theoretical front, the students are also provided
with the ability of learning deep soft skills in leadership, decision making, motivation, business ethics,
team work, and so on.
SBM-ITB establishes cooperative relationships with various institutions, including government
agencies, business, and community organizations, as well as various universities at home and abroad.
Cooperation in double degree program, students exchange, lecturers exchange, and joint research
collaborated with the Tokyo University of Science (TUS) Japan, the University of Pforzheim Germany,
University of Groningen the Netherlands, Finlands Aalto University, the University of Saint Gallen
Switzerland, Universiti Utara Malaysia, and so on. The program of cooperation in the field of
research, training and consultation with the government (central and local), and companies (SMEs,
state-owned enterprises national and multi-national enterprises). Cooperation is also conducted in
the form of case writing, guest lecturers, and as internship and research of student final project.
SBM is located in ITB campus at Bandung city that is beautiful, green and flowering. Bandung is a city
that is very suitable for learning and networking with regards to hospitality people, the mild climate,
as well as the atmosphere is dynamic, creative and innovative. So joining with SBM ITB is the catalyst
for successful business and entrepreneurial leaders.
Finally, I congratulate for your journey with the best school in Indonesia and all the best for your
learning experience preparing to be entrepreneurial leaders in the future.

Bandung, July26
, 2012
Prof.Dr.Ir. SudarsoKaderi Wiryono, DEA.

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Message from Director of MBA-ITB

The Master of Business Administration at ITB is not the first program of its kind in Indonesia.
However, it has proven itself to be the best graduate program in the country. As the award measures
many dimensions, it means that the MBA program at ITB has excelled in many things, among others
are the program, the faculty, the learning experience, the students, and the infrastructure.
We are very proud of our students. They come from various backgrounds with one similarity: a strive
for excellence. Students of MBA-ITB are selected persons. Cognitively they are very competitive.
Curiosity and criticality of thinking are their main characters. We add this with a special soft skill
training to increase their competency as a leader. Besides, they have to be entrepreneurial.
Entrepreneurship is embedded in our program. Students are challenged to come up with new ideas,
new approach and business model. They have to learn that business in the future requires different
This handbook is written to assist our new students to find out more important and exciting
information about the program. It is also helpful for ongoing and potential students. Ongoing
students will need more information as they go through the program. Meanwhile, potential students
can elaborate our program before deciding to join it. In a nutshell, this handbook serves our purpose
to create value for anyone who want to know more about MBA-ITB. We surely need to improve the
content as the program keeps changing to meet the changing demands of business.
Finally, I thank all the people who contributed to this handbook. May Allah SWT reward your good

Bandung, July26
, 2012
Reza Ashari Nasution, PhD

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About the Program

The MBA-ITB program is one of the most highly respected MBA programs in the region. It is
a broadly based program concerned with all aspects of an organizational management and
the development of the innovative, critical, and interpersonal capabilities crucial to effective
business leadership and entrepreneurship.

The MBA-ITB program provides five specializations
namely Business Risk and Finance, Operations and
Performance Management, Business Strategic and
Marketing, People and Knowledge Management,
Management and Innovation Technology and
Entrepreneurship. Students of regular MBA-ITB are
expected to complete the program within 21
months whilst the executive MBA-ITB course may
be wrapped up in 24 months.
The MBA-ITB incorporates creative learning
model, using leading course modules, renowned
lectures, neuro-linguistic program, outward-bound
activity, individual and group project work, students
business simulation, seat-in class, academic debate,
mentoring by practitioners, guest lecturing,
internship program, seminars and training, business
competitions, field trip, business talk and business

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MBA-ITB History

ITB began contemplating a business and management program in the 1970s. In the late 1980s the Industrial Engineering
Department set the framework for this program, and in 1990, Prof. Mathias Aroef founded the Master of Business
Administration (MBA) program focusing on management of technology. On December 31, 2003 then ITB Rector Dr.
Kusmayanto Kadiman formally established the School of Business and Management ITB (SBM-ITB) to administer both the
MBA and the Undergraduate Program.

SBM-ITB has become a pioneer in campus autonomy, and in professionally running such program. Further, the Rector
appointed 10 faculty members from SBM-ITB to be its founders, with their responsibility being to carry out its vision,
mission, and strategy, as well as its curriculum design and distinctive teaching method.

These faculty members are:
Prof. Dr (HC). Ir. Kuntoro Mangkusubroto, MSIE., MSCE.
Prof. Ir. Surna Tjahja Djajadiningrat, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Ir. Jann Hidajat Tjakraatmadja, MSIE.
Ir. Drs. H. Arson Aliludin, SE., DEA.
Prof. Dr. Ir. Sudarso KaderiWiryono, DEA.
Ir. Nurhajati Mamun, M.Sc. (rip)
Ir. Budi Permadi Iskandar, MSP.
Prof. Dr. Ir. Dermawan Wibisono, M.Eng.
Dr. Ir. Utomo Sarjono Putro, M.Eng.
Dr. Aurik Gustomo, ST, MT.

SBM was established to develop leaders and
entrepreneurs who have integrity, ethics, and social
responsibility. Its graduates are expected to possess hard
competences (know-how and skills), as well as soft
competence (effective attitude and behavior in
contemporary organization) in business and

Competency that will be developed in SBM can be divided
in to three parts, which are knowledge, practice and
ethics. In the knowledge aspects, the one will be
developed is knowledge in functional management. In the
practical aspect, the ones will be developed is
organizational ability, teamwork and communication.
Knowledge and practical ability will be a main asset in
running a business in two sides: management practice on
one side and negotiation and on the other side is smart
risk taking. To achieve the goals, ethics and appreciation
skill must be developed during the education process.

The current study programs developed by SBM ITB covers
Bachelor of Business and Management, Master of
Business Administration, Master of Science in
Management and Doctor of Science in Management.

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Vision, Mission, and Objectives

The vision, mission and objective of the MBA-ITB program needs to refer to the overcoming
of national issues and the MBA-ITB program development. One of the national issues at this
moment is the acceleration of human resource quality improvement.

MBA-ITB Program Vision

Being a world class Master of Business Administration
Program that develops an ethical leaders with
entrepreneurial spirit.

MBA-ITB Program Mission

To educate and develop future innovative and
entrepreneurial-spirited leaders.
To develop a sustainable business and management
program for increasing the capacity of human capital
in order to enhance global competitiveness of
Indonesian industries.

MBA-ITB Program Objective

MBA-ITB aims to provide superior, sustainable, and
accredited education nationally and internationally, in
order to produce graduates who have the following
Have a strong competence in business and
management and support of competencies
such as entrepreneurship and ability to take
Have an ethical leadership and professional.
Have the entrepreneurial spirit both as
professional and entrepreneurial.
Able to make decisions based on the values of a
systemic and integrated capabilities so can
meet the needs of the community and globally.

Expected Graduates Profile

Along with the previous program goals, MBA-ITB Program
graduates are expected to have following skills:

Cognitive skill
Cognitive skill is the ability to collect and process a large
quantity of information effectively, to learn new
materials, to identify a problem, define the problem, and
to make decision. This skill dimension is problem analysis
and decision making, innovation and resourcefulness, and
handling detail.

Administrative skill
Administrative skill is the ability to do self and other
peoples activity structuring, resource coordination
productively and efficiently. This skill dimension is the
ability to plan, organize and time management.

Communication skill
Communication skill is the ability to deliver and receive
information clearly, accurately, holistic and effectively.
This skill dimension is to deliver/receive information, do
verbal and written communication.

Personal Adaptability
Personal Adaptability is the ability to give proper
response to the working challenges every time when
facing changes, uncertainty, differences, and third partys

Personal Motivation
Personal Motivation is the ability to set high performance
standard, working hard to achieve the standard, took
initiative and show high commitment to the organization
and profession.

Occupational/Technical Knowledge
Occupational/Technical Knowledge is the ability to apply
the knowledge and skill to the job, including the ability to
understand his personal work area and the connection to
other areas in his work system and the broader system.

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MBA-ITB Characteristics

Our Groundwork: "Striving for Excellence"

MBA-ITB is looking for superior talents who are committed to always "striving for excellence" in business
development and management in the world. We measure our success from the quality of our teaching-learning
process and the ability of our graduates to apply knowledge, skills and leadership qualities not only give benefit
for themselves, but also for the wider community.

Leader with Characters

ITB MBA study program has a mission to educate future business leaders. MBA-ITB believes that business
leaders will face complex business situations, innovative and full of challenges that can undermine a business in
a very fast time. Therefore, they need to be well prepared. We believe they need to understand the concept of
growth and sustainability, competitiveness and dexterity, as well as soft skills to manage it all.

Growth and Sustainability

Each student of MBA-ITB must believe that the business should grow. However, they need to pursue
sustainable growth is not just a fantastic growth that will be eroded instantly. The ability to produce innovations
that deliver high value-added is the answer. Being innovative is not enough because you can produce stunning
creations, but no one is to appreciate and buy. Herein lays an understanding of the value added. Innovations
should be useful and generate profits for its stakeholders.

Competitiveness and Agility

MBA-ITB students must show they can compete with graduates from other business schools, both nationally
and internationally. Therefore, the study program MBA-ITB always does benchmark with other business schools
and we apply a higher standard than other business schools in Indonesia. Competitiveness of MBA-ITB students
are unique because they have flexibility in practical terms. MBA-ITB students should be able to recognize
problems and business challenges, look closely and as soon as possible find innovative breakthroughs. It is
achieved through an appropriate combination of theory and practice, knowledge of local business (national)
and global as well as the ability to develop networks. At last is very important for success in business.

Lead with Soft Skills

MBA-ITB students are directed to become a leader in the business. Opinions and recommendations will be a
significant input to the growth and sustainability of the business. They must realize that their success is
underpinned by teamwork and sensitivity to environmental and social issues. To be able to work together
effectively in a team, we equip them with the ability to recognize themselves, their environment, and manage
the potential and conditions into an effective working relationship and mutual respect. MBA-ITB students also
think the environmental and social issues. They run a business in a responsible because they knew that they
were successful because there are other people around. They realize that they do will affect the natural and
social environment in the vicinity. Therefore, the sustainability of natural and social environment became an
important agenda in their business.

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Organizational Structure

Contact Details:

Director of MBA Program
Reza Ashari Nasution, Ph.D

Market and Product Development
Novika Candra Astuti, S.T., MSM.

Operation Manager and Program Secretary
Efson Thrismono, M.Pd

Industrial Relations and Career Development
Agus Kurniawan, S.E., AK.

Front Officer (Info, Admission, and Student Affairs)
Lynda Siskawati Anggraini, S.Sos.

Course Management Officer (Regular and Executive)
Lavinia Desty Fesfarani, A.Md.

Course Management Officer (In-House and Industry)
Mochamad Oki Surya Gumilar, S.Si

Wiwik Istiyarini, S.Sos.

Taufik Abidin

IT and Database
Epri Triyono Saputra, S.T.

Academic Support
Setiawan, S.E.

Aldi Setiadi, S.E.

Director of MBA Program
Reza Ashari Nasution, Ph.D
Market / Product Development and
Brand Management
Novika Candra Astuti, S.T., MSM.
Operation Manager and Program
Efson Thrismono, M.Pd.
Industrial Relations and Student
Agus Kurniawan, S.E., AK.

Lavinia D. F., A.Md.

M. Oki Surya G., S.Si

Wiwik Istiyarini, S.Sos.

Taufik Abidin

IT and Database
Epri Triyono S., S.T.

Academic Support
Setiawan, S.E.

Front Officer Treasurer
Andang L, S.Sos.

Aldi Setiadi, S.E.

Deputy Director
MBA-ITB Jakarta

Yos Sunitiyoso, PhD

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Organizational Structure of MBA-ITB Jakarta

Contact Details:

Deputy Director MBA Jakarta
Yos Sunitiyoso, PhD

Academic Program Manager
Iwan Doli SImarmata, MBA

Business Development Manager
Gita Fajar Petala Mega, M.Comm

Academic Service
Parmita Ramadhani

Academic Support

Parlindungan Siregar

Ni Made Santi Dewi, S.Si

Academic System Administration
Rezha Fahrullah, S.Si

Maya Irmayanti, S.Psi

Marketing Communication
Nugroho Budi Haryadi,S.T

Alumni and Industrial Relations
Donna Rosalia, S.S

Academic Program Manager
Academic System
Alumni and Industrial
Iwan Doli Simarmata, MBA
Parmita R.
Parlindungan S. Rezha F., SSi Santi Dewi, SSi Maya I., SPsi Nugroho B. H., ST
Donna Rosalia, SS
Business Development Manager
Gita Fajar Petala Mega, M Comm
Deputy Director
MBA-ITB Jakarta

Yos Sunitiyoso, PhD

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MBA-ITB Program Bandung

Young Professional Program
Young Professional program is intended to prepare students to jump on their career ladder.
Students would be trained in the business practical knowledge as well as to develop their
ethics, leadership, entrepreneurship, and communication skills.

Before the beginning of their in-class learning, they have to learn at MBA-ITB conducted
through off-class learning. Also known as a creative learning method, students are
challenged to study outside their comfort zone in the form of outbound and fieldtrip, such
as: outbound and Neuro-Linguistic Program. Young professional program consists of 18
months of course work with in option to do 3 months internship at companies.

Class Schedule:
Monday Friday
08.00 17.00

Executive Program
MBA Executive Program is designed for middle and senior managers with two to three years
of managerial experience. It is delivered in week-end classes (Friday afternoon and
Saturday) in 24 months with 39 credit hours. The 24-months program features four regular
semesters and one or two short semester of coursework, plus a final project. The program is
delivered in Bahasa Indonesia and in English, using intensive modular workshops and
participant-centered learning techniques, primarily in the form of case studies and business
modeling simulations.

Class Schedule:
Friday 17.00 23.00
Saturday 08.00 19.00

Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship (MBA CCE)
Tailored for aspiring entrepreneurs, MBA-ITB program in Creative and Cultural
Entrepreneurship (MBA-CCE) is dedicated to the new generation of entrepreneurs in the
creative and cultural industries. This MBA-CCE program focuses on the latest practices and
knowledge on arts and design, local culture, leadership, entrepreneurship, and business
management for growth and sustainability. Supported by the Goldsmiths, University of
London (GUL) with its Institute of Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship (ICCE), the MBA-
CCE is offered by the School of Business and Management (SBM) in a joint-cooperation with
the Faculty of Arts and Design (FSRD) of ITB.

Class Schedule:
Monday Friday
08.00 17.00

MBA-ITB Bandung
Jl. Gelap Nyawang No. 1
Bandung 40132
Phone: (022) 2504308, Fax: (022) 2504897

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MBA-ITB Program Jakarta

Entrepreneurship MBA (Entre MBA)
This program is designed to support you as young MBA Student with an entrepreneurship spirit
that leads you to be creative in starting your own new venture as well as in fostering innovation
within organization you engaged in. MBA in entrepreneurship degree is based upon the premise
that the knowledge and skills needed to survive and thrive in business can be taught while the
attitudes required of entrepreneurs can be identified and encouraged.

Class Schedule:
Monday Thursday
08.00 17.00

Business Leadership Executive MBA (BLEMBA)
Business Leadership is designed to provide a leadership coaching and further training in handling
practical business issues today. The full-English course adopts business case teaching and problem
solving methods to enhance your business and management skills. In addition, this program is
highly suitable for you who wish to be an ethical and entrepreneurial leader while extending your
networks and career path. As an Executive program, Business Leadership requires a minimum of
three years working experience.

Class Schedule:
Friday Sunday
08.00 17.00

Sharia Banking and Finance Executive MBA (BASHAR)
This program is especially attractive to those of you who wish to advance your ethical and
entrepreneurial business skills in Sharia (Finance and Banking) industry. By applying intensive
modular workshop and participant focused learning, our learning method also employs case
studies from sharia financial institutions to be discussed. This program has been designed for
professionals with at least three years of work experience.

Class Schedule:
Friday 17.00 22.00
Saturday 08.00 19.00

MBA-ITB Jakarta
Gedung Binasentra 1
floor - Bidakara
Jl. Jend. GatotSubrotoKav. 71-73
Jakarta 12870
Phone: (021) 83793458, Fax: (021) 83793470
Global Leadership Executive MBA (GLEMBA)
The high quality education of ITB and Aalto (formerly Helsinki School of Economics) is not only to
develop your competence while promoting globally transportable leadership skills, but also to
strengthen your confidence in making strategic decisions in transnational business environments
where cross-cultural understanding is needed and worldwide business network is in demand. To
join, you will need a minimum 8 years of full time business experience.Class held in Jakarta,
Singapore, China, South-Korea, Taiwan, Finland, and other related countries.

Class Schedule:
Friday 17.00 22.00
Saturday 08.30 18.30

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MBA-ITB In-house program


Customized courses (both compulsory and electives)
Modular system (finish one course then continue with another one)
Flexible interval and location
Program initiation
MBA-ITB meets clients to discuss inhouse program
Clients describe their needs
MBA-ITB proposes a design for inhouse program suited to the clients needs

Contract, admission and registration
MBA-ITB and clients setup a contract for inhouse program
MBA-ITB arranges admission test
MBA-ITB registers students at ITB
Semester activity
MBA-ITB provides clients with course materials (master copy)
MBA-ITB opens the first class at the clients site
MBA-ITB provides progress report at the end of the semester

MBA-ITB allows one or two concentrations at maximum
Electives for each concentration are selected from the available list

Final Project
Final project is aimed at making contribution toward the clients strategic goals
MBA-ITB arranges a workshop for students final project that involves the companys board of directors
MBA-ITB assign its faculty member based on agreed topics
Students are attached to a field supervisor at the company
MBA-ITB arranges a workshop for final project progress and outcomes
Students defend their final project infront of select examiners

MBA-ITB conducted its first in-house classin 1991 with PT
Krakatau Steel (KS). This program went well, escorted by
a systematic quality assurance process. The evaluation of
the graduates in the company showed very satisfactory
results, it can be seen from the number of MBA program
graduates who are occupying strategic positions at PT KS.
The program has involved other companies such as PT
PERUMKA, Petrokimia Gresik, PT Pertamina, PT Angkasa
Pura II, PT Chevron, PT Freeport Indonesia and PT Timah.
With the use of a proven pattern and continuous
improvements, this program will be able to improve
resources and performance of companies.

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Program Admission

MBA-ITB opens class twice a year: January and August. To be admitted into MBA-ITB, a
candidate will have an excellent university degree, a good command of English with
minimum score of TOEFL (Paper-based 500, Computer-based 173, and Internet-based 61) or
IELTS 5.5 and possess at least two years of work experience (for Executive MBA). In the
selection process, candidate also needs to pass our Academic Test, English Proficiency Test,
and Interview (for MBA Jakarta).

Entrance Requirement

A recognize undergraduate degree in any discipline
from an accredited university. For overseas
graduates, it is necessary that the degree is
recognized and certified by the Directorate General
of Higher Education (Dirjen DIKTI).
Excellent academic records as shown in the
Additional requirement for Executive program is 2
years of work experience. This is not required for
Young Professional Program, MBA in Creative and
Cultural Entrepreneurship, and MBA in
Candidate must pass an Academic Acceptance Test
(AAT) conducted by MBA-ITB and the English
Language the Proficiency Test (ELPT) conducted by
UPT Bahasa ITB. For those who have undertaken
International GMAT from ETS or
TOEFL (minimum score 475) or IELTS (minimum
score 5.5) may skip this step.
Pass an interview conducted by the Admission
Committee for Sharia Banking and Finance Executive
MBA and MBAin Creative and Cultural

Documents Submitted

A completed application form provided by the Post
Graduate School of ITB, which is available at
Three (3) copies of appropriately legalized S1
certificate (overseas graduates should obtain a legal
recognition and certification of their first degree
from the Directorate General of Higher Education
(Dirjen DIKTI).
Three (3) copies of appropriately legalized S1
academic transcripts.
Three (3) recent photographs (in color with business
suits/blazer) with the following dimensions: 3x4 cm
or 2x3 cm.
Digital copy of recent photograph (color) on CD.
A certificate of a good health condition from a
physician or medical institution.
Two (2) letters of recommendation each from
previous university and industry (only for those who
have work experience).
Two (2) copies of registration fee payment IDR
750,000,00 transferred to:

Bank BNI 46, ITB Branch
Jl. Tamansari No. 80, Bandung
Account Number : 0900001046
Account Name : Penampungan BPP SBM-ITB

Registration of MBA-ITB Student

Each MBA-ITB students has to register to ITBs Academic
Administration Bureau before joining academic activities
in the corresponding period.

On the designated time in the academic calendar, all
MBA-ITB students must register themselves to the
Academic Administration and Studentship Bureau by
submitting all of the required administrative
requirements that are defined by MBA-ITB and properly
fulfill the required education fee as stated by the
authorized personnel in the finance division.

The MBA Program students that are cleared for
registration is a student who are registered on the
previous semester with the requirements:
Possess the legitimate previous semester Student
Study Card and a Students ID Card.
Submitting a proof of education fee payment and
other legitimate fees for the concerned period that is
published by MBA-ITB Program.
On each academic year, the students are required to
show a clear library account stated by related library
Fill a consultation form and Study Plan Form for the
respective semester, which has been approved by
the academic counselor.

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Tuition Fees in MBA-ITB JAKARTA

MBA in Entrepreneurship Program: 24 Months

TYPE & PAYMENT METHOD 36 SKS (credit hour unit)
1. Confirmation Fee (during re-registration) IDR 4,000,000
2. SDPA (fixed semester fee per semester) IDR 6,000,000/semester
3. SBP (tuition fee based on SKS) IDR 1,500,000/SKS
TOTAL IDR 76,000,000

Business Leadership Executive MBA (BLEMBA) Program: 24 Months

TYPE & PAYMENT METHOD 36 SKS (credit hour unit)
1. Confirmation Fee (during re-registration) IDR 5,000,000
2. SDPA (fixed semester fee per semester) IDR 9,000,000/semester
3. SBP (tuition fee based on SKS) IDR 1,500,000/SKS
TOTAL IDR 86,000,000

Sharia Banking and Finance Executive MBA (BASHAR) Program: 24 Months

TYPE & PAYMENT METHOD 39 SKS (credit hour unit)*
1. Confirmation Fee (during re-registration) IDR 5,000,000
2. SDPA (fixed semester fee per semester) IDR 11,500,000/semester
3. SBP (tuition fee based on SKS) IDR 1,500,000/SKS
TOTAL IDR 75,000,000

Global Leadership Executive MBA

TYPE & PAYMENT METHOD 36.2 SKS (credit hour unit)*
1. Confirmation Fee (during re-registration) IDR 10,000,000
2. SDPA IDR 40,000,000
3. Total SBP IDR 150.000.000
TOTAL IDR 200,000,000

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Tuition Fees in MBA-ITB BANDUNG

Young Professional Program: 18 Months+ 3 Months Internship
TYPE & PAYMENT METHOD 39 SKS (credit hour unit)
1. Confirmation Fee (during re-registration) IDR 5,000,000
2. SDPA (fixed semester fee per semester) IDR 10,000,000/semester
3. SBP (tuition fee based on SKS) IDR 850,000/SKS
TOTAL IDR 68,150,000

Executive Program: 24 Months
TYPE & PAYMENT METHOD 39 SKS (credit hour unit)
1. Confirmation Fee (during re-registration) IDR 5,000,000
2. SDPA (fixed semester fee per semester) IDR 13,000,000/semester
3. SBP (tuition fee based on SKS) IDR 850,000/SKS
TOTAL IDR 77,150,000

MBA in Cultural and Creative Entrepreneurship Program: 24 Months
TYPE & PAYMENT METHOD 39 SKS (credit hour unit)
1. Confirmation Fee (during re-registration) IDR 5,000,000
2. SDPA (fixed semester fee per semester) IDR 10,000,000/semester
3. SBP (tuition fee based on SKS) IDR 850,000/SKS
TOTAL IDR 68,150,000

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MBA-ITB Student Handbook |21

Academic Lecturer

Achmad Herlanto Anggono
Ir. (ITB), MBA (GSM Rutgers University at Newark, New Jersey, USA)
Course Responsibility : Finance Management, Investment, Capital Market, Enterprise Risk
Management, and Business Risk & Venture Capital.
Research Interest : Business Risk & Venture Capital, Risk Management, and Corporate

Aries Feizal Firman
Ir. (ITB), MBA (University of Luton, England), DBA (Curtin University of Technology, Australia)
Course Responsibility : Business Leadership, Project Management, Qualitative Research,
Business Ethics.
Research Interest : Business Leadership, Operation Management and Qualitative

Arson Aliludin
Ir. (ITB), Drs. (UT), S.E. (Unisba), DEA. (UniversitedAix-Marseille III, France)
Course Responsibility : Managerial Accounting, Investment Management, and Sharia
Banking Business.
Research Interest : Cost and Managerial Accounting, Investment Management, and
Islamic Finance & Banking

Aurik Gustomo
S.T. (ITB), M.T. (ITB), Dr. (IPB)
Course Responsibility : People in Organization, Competence-Based Human Resource
Management, People Management & Organizational Behavior.
Research Interest : Human Resource Management, Competence-Based Human
Resource Management, Cross-Cultural & Conflict Management, and
Employee Performance Management.

Bambang Rudito
S.T. (UI), M.Si. (UGM), Dr. (UI)
Course Responsibility : Business Law and Business Ethics.
Research Interest : Corporate Social Responsibility and Intercultural.

Budhi Arta Surya
S.Si. (ITB), M.Sc. IR., Dr. (University of Twente, Netherlands)
Course Responsibility : Financial Risk Management, Business Economics, and Capital Market
Research Interest : Quantitative Methods in Finance and Risk Management.

22 | MBA-ITB Student Handbook

Budi Permadi Iskandar
Ir. (ITB), MSP. (ITB)
Course Responsibility : Marketing Management, Corporate Management.
Research Interest : Consumer Behavior, Strategic Marketing, Business Ethics, Retail,
andPedagogy in Business Education.

Deddy Priatmodjo Koesrindartoto
Ir. (ITB), M.Sc. (Iowa State University, AMES, USA), Ph.D. (Iowa State University, AMES, USA)
Course Responsibility : Corporate Finance, Business Economics, Investment Management
and Capital Market.
Research Interest : Applied Microeconomics, Industrial Organization, Financial
Economics, Computational Methods, Operations Research, and
Electricity Markets.

Dermawan Wibisono
Ir. (ITB), M.Eng (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia), Dr (University of Bradford, UK)
Course Responsibility : Corporate Performance Management and Operations Management.
Research Interest : Corporate Performance Management, Expert Systems, Operations
Strategy and Total Quality Management.

Dwi Larso
Ir. (ITB), MSIE., Ph.D. (Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, USA)
Course Responsibility : Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship, New Venture Planning,
New Venture Management, and Intrapreneurship.
Research Interest : New Product Development, Innovation, Creative and Cultural
Entrepreneurship, and Small Business Development.

Gatot Yudoko
Ir. (ITB), MASc., Ph.D. (University of Waterloo, Canada)
Course Responsibility : Technology and Operation Management.
Research Interest : Green Logistics, Operations Strategy Management and Industrial

Harimukti Wandebori
Ir. (ITB), MBA (Maastricht School of Management), Ph.D. (Universiteit Twente, Netherland)
Course Responsibility : Market Research, Strategic Marketing, Business Strategy,
International Business and Marketing.
Research Interest : Strategic Management, International Business, Marketing Research,
and Investment Management.

Herry Hudrasyah
Drs. (ITB), MA. (Musashino Art University, Tokyo, Japan)
Course Responsibility : Consumer Behavior, Marketing Management, and Brand
Research Interest : Marketing, Visual Communication, Promotion & Media Planning,
and Packaging Design.

MBA-ITB Student Handbook |23

Isrochmani Murtaqi
Dra. (UI), MAcc. (University of Oregon, USA)
Course Responsibility : Financial Accounting and Managerial Accounting.
Research Interest : Financial Accounting and Managerial Accounting.

Jann Hidajat Tjakraatmadja
Ir. (ITB), MSIE (Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium), Dr. (ITB), Prof. (ITB)
Course Responsibility : People in Organization, Knowledge Management, Change
Management and Human Capital Management.
Research Interest : Leadership in Organization, Culture in Organization, Social Network
Analysis in Organization, Knowledge in Organization, Individual
Learning, and Organizational Learning System.

John Welly
Ir. (ITB), M.Sc. (University of Essex, Colchester, United Kingdom)
Course Responsibility : Change Management, People Management & Organization Behavior
Research Interest : Leadership and Change Management

Karl Kent Knapp
B.Eng., M.Sc., Ph.D. (California Institute of Technology, USA)
Course Responsibility : Business Ethics and Social Responsibility, Business Leadership,
Business Law.
Research Interest : Leadership, Business Ethics and Operations Management.

Leo Aldianto
M.Sc. (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands), MBA. (TSM Business School, Netherlands)
Course Responsibility : Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship
Research Interest : Entrepreneurship, New Business Development, Technical and
Project Management, Marketing and Business Development.

Mursyid Hasan Basri
Ir. (ITB), M.T. (ITB), Dr. (Hiroshima University, Japan)
Course Responsibility : Operations Management and Supply Chain Management.
Research Interest : Business Process Management, Quality Management, and
Productivity Management.

Mustika Sufiati Purwanegara
Ir. (ITB), M.Sc., Dr. (State University of Gent, Belgium)
Course Responsibility : Consumer Behavior, Applied Marketing Research, Brand and
Marketing Communication
Research Interest : Marketing Research and Consumer Behavior

24 | MBA-ITB Student Handbook

Pri Hermawan
Ir. (STT Telkom), M.T. (ITB), Dr. (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
Course Responsibility : Strategic Decision-making and Negotiation
Research Interest : Negotiation, Confrontation Analysis and Drama Theory

Reza Ashari Nasution
Ir. (ITB), Dr. (Universiteit Twente, Netherlands)
Course Responsibility : Brand Management, Marketing Management, Market Research,
Corporate and Business Strategy.
Research Interest : Brand Strategy, Technology Commercialization, Business Strategy

Rudy Bekti
Ir. (ITB), M.M. (ITB)
Course Responsibility : Knowledge Management and Global Project Management.
Research Interest : Knowledge Management and Global Project Management.

Subiakto Soekarno
Ir. (ITB), MBA. (Oklahoma State University, USA)
Course Responsibility : Corporate Finance and Capital Market.
Research Interest : Corporate Finance (Valuation & Business Restructuration), Capital
Market, and Wealth Management/Financial Planning.

Sudarso Kaderi Wiryono
Ir. (ITB), Dr. (UniversitedAix Marseille III, France), Prof. (ITB)
Course Responsibility : Financial Management, Risk Management, Business Risk and
Venture Capital, Financial Risk Management, Islamic Banking
System, and Islamic Financial System.
Research Interest : Financial Management, Islamic Banking and Financial System,
Corporate Risk Management and Business Risk & Venture Capital.

Surna Tjahja Djajadiningrat
Ir. (ITB), M.Sc. (University of Hawaii, USA), Ph.D. (University of Hawaii, USA), Prof. (ITB)
Course Responsibility : Business Ethics and Social Responsibility.
Research Interest : Business Leadership, Business Ethics & Social Responsibility, and
Business Economic.

Togar Mangihut Simatupang
Ir. (ITB), M.Tech., Ph.D. (Massey University, New Zealand), Prof. (ITB)
Course Responsibility : Supply Chain Management and Operations Management.
Research Interest : Supply Chain Management, Inventory Model, Operation
Management, Service Industry, and Creative Economics.

MBA-ITB Student Handbook |25

Utomo Sarjono Putro
Ir. (ITB), M.Eng., Dr. (Tokyo Institute Technology, Japan)
Course Responsibility : Strategic Decision Making and Negotiation.
Research Interest : Strategic Decision Making and Negotiation.

Wawan Dhewanto
Ir. (ITB), M.Sc. (Technische Universiteit Delft, Netherlands), Ph.D (Monash University, Australia)
Course Responsibility : Business Strategy, Marketing Management, New Product
Development, Innovation Management
Research Interest : Entrepreneurship, Technology Management, Information
Technology, Biotechnology, Corporate Entrepreneurship, Business
Strategy, Innovation Management.

Yos Sunitiyoso
Ir. (ITB), M.Eng. (Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan), Ph.D. (UWE, Bristol, UK)
Course Responsibility : Operation Management.
Research Interest : Social-Psychological Aspects In Decision Making And Behavior (e.g.
Social Interaction, Social Learning, Beliefs And Expectations),
Sustainability (e.g. Sustainable Transport Systems, Green Logistics)
and Agent-Based Modeling & Simulation Application.

Yuni Ros Bangun
Ir. (IPB), MBA. (Oklahoma City University, USA), Dr. (IPB)
Course Responsibility : People Management and Organizational Behavior.
Research Interest : Human Resource Management, Leadership, Organization Culture,
Politics in Organization.

Kuntoro Mangkusubroto

Ir (ITB), MSCE (Stanford University, USA), MSIE (Stanford University, USA), Prof. Dr. (ITB),
Dr (HC) (Northeastern University, USA)
Course Responsibility : Decision Making and Negotiation
Agung Wicaksono
ST (ITB), M.Sc.(Northern Institute of Technology), M.Sc. (Technical University Hamburg
Harburg), Dr (Universitat St. Gallen, Switzerland)

Course Responsibility : Marketing Management, International Business

26 | MBA-ITB Student Handbook

Akbar A. Utama
Ir. (UI), MBA. (ITB), M.T. (ITB)
Course Responsibility : Operation Management and Performance Management.
Research Interest : Technology & Operations Management and Management of Technology.

Ana Noverina
Dra. (UI), MBA. (Monash University)
Course Responsibility : Financial Management.
Research Interest : Corporate Finance and Risk Management.

Anggoro Budi Nugroho
S.E. (UGM), MBA. (ITB)
Course Responsibility : Financial Management, Capital Market, Risk Management.
Research Interest : Financial Management, Economic Business, and
Risk Management.

Course Responsibility : Financial Management, Capital Market, Risk Management.
Research Interest : Financial Management, Economic Business, and Risk Management.
S.E. (UGM), MBA. (ITB)
Course Responsibility : Financial Management, Capital Market, Risk Management.
Research Interest : Financial Management, Economic Business, and Risk Management.
S.E. (UGM), MBA. (ITB)
Course Responsibility : Financial Management, Capital Market, Risk Management.
Research Interest : Financial Management, Economic Business, and Risk Management.
S.E. (UGM), MBA. (ITB)
Course Responsibility : Financial Management, Capital Market, Risk Management.
Research Interest : Financial Management, Economic Business, and Risk Management.
S.E. (UGM), MBA. (ITB)
Course Responsibility : Financial Management, Capital Market, Risk Management.
Research Interest : Financial Management, Economic Business, and Risk Management.
S.E. (UGM), MBA. (ITB)
Course Responsibility : Financial Management, Capital Market, Risk Management.
Research Interest : Financial Management, Economic Business, and Risk Management.

Isti Rafaaldini Mirzanti
Dra. (Unpad), MBA. (ITB)
Course Responsibility : Innovation and Entrepreneurship Management, Management of
Technology and New Product Development.
Research Interest : Innovation Management, Management of Technology,
New Product Development and Entrepreneurship

Sylviana Maya Damayanti
S.T. (Sultan Agung Islamic University of Semarang), MBA. (ITB)
Course Responsibility : Financial Management, Investment Management.
Research Interest : Financial Management, Project Management, Investment
Management, and Economics.

Achmad Ghazali
S.T. (ITENAS), MBA. (ITB), Ph.D (Massey University, New Zealand)
Course Responsibility : Knowledge management, people management, learning
organization, and creative industry.

Donald Lantu, ST, MBA, PhDc
ST (ITB), MBA (ITB), PhDc (Massey University, New Zealand)
Course Responsibility: People Management, Power and Politic, Communication, Marketing,
Management Practice

MBA-ITB Student Handbook |27

MBA-ITB Bandung

Aldo Fantinus Wiyana
M.Sc., MBA.
Course Responsibility : Operation Management and Supply Chain Design.
Research Interest : Operation Management, Strategy, and Artificial Intelligence.

Alibasyah Inggriantara Soedjarno
Ir. (ITB), SE. (UI), MBA. (ITB)
Course Responsibility : Business Strategy.
Research Interest : Corporate and Business Strategy.

Bambang P. Kusumo Bintoro
Ir. (ITB), MBA. (University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA)
Course Responsibility : Global Project Management, Strategic Decision Making and Negotiation
Research Interest : Global Project Management, Strategic Decision Making and Negotiation

Benny S. Gunawan
Ir. (ITB), MBA. (The National University of Singapore)
Course Responsibility : Business Strategy, Innovation Management, Marketing Management
Research Interest : Corporate Strategy, Business Strategy, and New Product Development Management.

Dona Saphiranti
Dra. (ITB), M.T. (ITB)
Course Responsibility : Design Thinking.
Research Interest : Architecture, Interior Design, Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship

Erman Sumirat
SE.,Ak. (Unpad), M.Buss. (Monash University, Australia)
Course Responsibility : Financial Management, Risk Management.
Research Interest : Risk Management.

Evo S. Hariandja
Ir. (ITB), MM. (IBII, Jakarta)
Course Responsibility : New Product Development, Innovation Management, Marketing Management.
Research Interest : Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Marketing Management.

Indra Djodi Kusumo
Ir. (ITB), Dr.
Course Responsibility : Operation Management.
Research Interest : Operation Management.

Imam Buchori Zainuddin
Dr. (ITB), Prof. (ITB)
Course Responsibility : Design Thinking.
Research Interest : Design Philosophy.

28 | MBA-ITB Student Handbook

Krisnati Desiana
Dra. (Unpad), Lic. Comm (University of Ghent, Belgium)
Course Responsibility : Branding and Marketing Communication
Research Interest : Strategic Marketing, Marketing Management, Brand management, Marketing Communications,
International Marketing, and Distribution Management

Marcelino Pandin
Ir. (ITB), M.Phil./Ph.D. (Judge Business School Cambridge University), Ph.D. (Queensland University)
Course Responsibility : Technological Innovation Management
Research Interest : Technology and Innovation Strategy, New Product Development

Maryat Nirwandi
Ir. (ITB), MBA. (University of Southern California, USA)
Course Responsibility : Financial Management
Research Interest : Financial Management

Mohamad Toha
Ir. (ITB), M.T. (ITB), Dr. (ITB)
Course Responsibility : Business Strategy.
Research Interest : Dynamic Perspective Of Strategy, Flexible Firm, Resilience Organization and Leadership.

Mohammad Hamsal
Ir. (ITB), MSE, MQM, (RMIT University), MBA (Victoria University), Dr. (Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne)
Course Responsibility : Business Strategy and Marketing Management.
Research Interest : Marketing Management, Business Strategy, Financial, Information and Technology Management.

N. Pininta Ambunwaru
S.H. (UGM), M.H. (UGM), LLM (University of Melbourne)
Course Responsibility : Business Law and Business Ethics.
Research Interest : Business Law.

Oni Bibin Bintoro
IngenieurElektro (The Hague University, Netherland), MBA. (Erasmus University, Netherland), MBI. (RSM), Dipl.Sci. (Massey
University, New Zealand), M.Si. (UI)
Course Responsibility : Business Economics, Strategic Decision Making and Negotiation.
Research Interest : Business Economics, Finance Management.

Prasetyo Budi Saksono
Ir. (ITB), MBA. (Arkansas, USA)
Course Responsibility : Human Resource Management and People in Organization.
Research Interest : Strategic Management, Corporate Government, Corporate Administration, Investor,

Priyantono Rudito
Ir. (ITB), M.Buss. (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia), PhD (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University)
Course Responsibility : Marketing Management, Branding and Marketing Communication.
Research Interest : Strategic Management, Marketing Management, Integrated Marketing Communication,

Riawan B. Paramarta
Ir. (ITB), MM. (UI)
Course Responsibility : Marketing Management, Applied Marketing Research.
Research Interest : Strategic Marketing, Marketing Management, Service Marketing, Marketing Research, Corporate
Strategy, Business Development and Entrepreneurship, Managerial Economics.

Satya Aditya Wibowo
Ir. (ITB), MBA. (University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, Wisconsin, USA)
Course Responsibility : Marketing Management
Research Interest : Strategic & Marketing Management, Services Marketing, Brand Management, Organization,
Entrepreneurship and Leadership.

MBA-ITB Student Handbook |29

Suwito Anggoro
Ir. (ITB), MBA. (New Yorks Union College)
Course Responsibility : Business Leadership.
Research Interest : Human Resources and People Development, Project Management, Oil and Gas Facility Project
Design and Operations, Strategic Planning and Budgeting, and Environmental and Safety.

Tonton Taufik
S.T. (Universitas Parahyangan), MBA. (ITB)
Course Responsibility : New Venture Planning, New Venture Management, Business Growth Management.
Research Interest : Entrepreneurship, New Venture Planning, New Venture Management.

Wiwiek M. Daryanto
SE-Ak. (UGM), MM (University of the Philippines), Dr. (IPB), CMA (ICMA, Australia)
Course Responsibility : Financial Management, Investment Management and Capital Market.
Research Interest : Financial Management, Investment Management and Capital Market.

Uke MMP. Siahaan
Ir. (ITB), MBA. (PPM)
Course Responsibility : Financial Management, Investment Management and Capital Market.
Research Interest : Financial Management, Investment Management and Capital Market.

MBA-ITB Jakarta

Adirizal Nizar
Ir. (ITB), MBA (University of Southern California)
Course Responsibility : Operations Management, Service Management

Amol Titus
BA (St Stephens College, India), MBA (Xaviers Institute, India)
Course Responsibility : Marketing Management, International Business, Business Strategy

Anangga W Rosdiono
S.H (University of Indonesia), LLM (Denver University)
Course Responsibility : Business Ethics and Law

Anh Dung Do
Bsc (H.E.C., University of Lausanne, Switzerland), MBA (McGill University, Canada), Ph.D (Universitas Indonesia)
Course Responsibility : Business Economics, Business Strategy

Arisia Arundati Pusponegoro
S.H (Uiniversity of Indonesia), LLM (Harvard Law School)
Course Responsibility : Decision Making and Strategic Negotiation

Iriawan Alex Ibarat
B.SC (Indiana University), M.A (Macquarie Graduate School of Management), M.Sc (National University of Singapore), M.Sc (NUS
Business School)
Course Responsibility : Marketing Management

30 | MBA-ITB Student Handbook

Irwan Rei
Ir. (ITB), MSc (University of Southern California)
Course Responsibility : Business Leadership

Kinsenary Tjendrasa
Drs (Universitas Sumatera Utara), MBA (Monash University), MM (IPMI) (University of Southern California)
Course Responsibility : Finance

Leo J. Susilo
I.r (ITB), S.H (Universitas 17 Agustus 1945), MRP (HochschulefuerVerwatungs-wissenschaften, Speyer, Germany)
Course Responsibility : Business Ethics and Law

Lusie Indrawati Susantono
SH (University of Indonesia), Master of Laws (University of San Francisco)
Course Responsibility : Business Ethics and Law

Milind Gadre
BE (VJIT - University of Bombay), MBA (University of Minnesota), MS (University of Florida)
Course Responsibility : Operations Management, Business Leadership

Nurianna Thoha
Ir (IPB), MBA (University of Oregon), Dr (Curtin University of Tech)
Course Responsibility : People in Organization

Peter Verhezen
MA (University of Leuven-Belgium), MA (University of Antwerp- Belgium), MBA (Leuven Management School in association with
the Chicago Business School, Phd (University of Leuven-Belgium)
Course Responsibility : Business Ethics and Law

Percy Marimba
B.S (University of Washington), M.S (University of Washington), MBA (National University of Singapore)
Course Responsibility : Finance

Pri Notowidigdo
BA (Carleton University, Canada), MA (Carleton University, Canada)
Course Responsibility : Business Leadership

Sisdjiatmo K. Widhaningrat
Drs (University of Indonesia), Msc (University of Hawaii)
Course Responsibility : Accounting

Suryani Sidik Motik
Drs (IKIP Jakarta), MGA (Maryland University), Dr (University of Indonesia)
Course Responsibility : Knowledge and Innovation

Thomas H. Secokusumo
SE (Universitas Indonesia), MBA (University of Wisconsin, USA)
Course Responsibility : Accounting

MBA-ITB Student Handbook |31

32 | MBA-ITB Student Handbook


MBA-ITB Student Handbook |33


The program structure consists of core course, elective and final project with 36-39 total credit
hours. Students are required to complete core courses and final project while elective course
need to be taken in accordance with their respective specialization.

Young Professional Program

Accounting 2
2. Marketing Management 3
3. Business Ethics and Business Law 3
4. People in Organization 3
5. Operations Management 3
6. Finance 3
7. Business Economics 2
8. Knowledge Management and Innovations 3
9. Business Strategy 3
10. Strategic Decision Making and Negotiation 2
Elective 1 3
12. Elective 2 3
13. Elective 3 3
14. INTEGRATION Final Project 3

Executive Program

Accounting 2
2. Marketing Management 3
3. Business Ethics and Business Law 3
4. People in Organization 3
5. Operations Management 3
6. Finance 3
7. Business Economics 2
8. Knowledge Management and Innovations 3
9. Business Strategy 3
10. Strategic Decision Making and Negotiation 2
Elective 1 3
12. Elective 2 3
13. Elective 3 3
14. INTEGRATION Final Project 3

34 | MBA-ITB Student Handbook

MBA in Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship Program (MBA CCE)

Marketing Management 3
2. Operations Management 3
3. Leadership 3
4. Financial Management 3
5. Business Strategy 3
6. Design Thinking 3
7. Design Art & Culture 3
8. Contextual Creativity 3
9. Entrepreneurial Modeling 3
10. Business Initiation 3
11. New Venture Management 3
12. Business Growth Management 3
13. INTEGRATION Final Project 3

Entrepreneurship MBA Program

Business Ethics and Business Law 3
2. People In Organization 3
3. Operation Management 3
4. Business Economics 2
5. Accounting 2
6. Business Strategy 3
7. Marketing Management 3
8. Finance 3
9. Strategic Decision Making and Negotiation 2
10. Knowledge and Innovation 3
11. New Venture Planning 3
12. New Venture Management 3
13. INTEGRATION Final Project 3

Business Leadership Executive MBA (BLEMBA) Program

Business Ethics and Business Law 3
2. People In Organization 3
3. Operation Management 3
4. Business Economics 2
5. Accounting 2
6. Business Strategy 3
7. Marketing Management 3
8. Finance 3
9. Strategic Decision Making and Negotiation 2
10. Knowledge Management and Innovation 3
11. Business Leadership 3
12. International Business 3
13. INTEGRATION Final Project 3

MBA-ITB Student Handbook |35

Sharia Banking and Finance Executive MBA (BASHAR) Program

Sharia Business Economics 2
2. Sharia Contracts and Products 3
3. Sharia Finance 3
4. Sharia Business Leadership 3
5. Accounting 2
6. Business Ethics and Business Law 3
7. Knowledge Management and Innovations 3
8. Strategic Decision Making and Negotiation 2
9. Marketing Management 3
10. Operations Management 3
11. People in Organization 3
12. Business Strategy 3
Sharia Risk Management 3
14. Sharia Wealth Management 3
15. Sharia Insurance 3
16. INTEGRATION Final Project 3

In-House Program

Accounting 2
2. Marketing Management 3
3. Business Ethics and Business Law 3
4. People in Organization 3
5. Operations Management 3
6. Finance 3
7. Business Economics 2
8. Knowledge Management and Innovations 3
9. Business Strategy 3
10. Strategic Decision Making and Negotiation 2
Elective 1 3
12. Elective 2 3
13. Elective 3 3
14. INTEGRATION Final Project 3

36 | MBA-ITB Student Handbook


Corporate Risk Management 3
Islamic Banking System 3
Capital Market Analysis 3
Investment Project Analysis 3
Consumer Behavior 3
Brand Communication and Management 3
Applied Marketing Research 3
Strategic Service Marketing 3
Retail Management 3
Corporate Performance Management 3
Supply Chain Design 3
Global Project Management 3
Human Capital 3
Change Management 3
Business Leadership 3
Technological Innovation Management 3
Product Development Management 3
Corporate Entrepreneurship 3

Global Leadership Executive MBA GLEMBA

Business Ethics and Law 3
2. Human Resources Management 3
3. Economics for Executives 2
4. International Marketing Management 3
5. International Operations Management 3
6. Managerial Finance 3
7. Corporate Entrepreneurship 3
Management Accounting 1.8
2 Innovation Management 1.8
3 Strategic Management & Corporate Strategy 1.8
4 Management Communication 1.8
5 Negotiation & Conflict Resolution 1.8
Elective 1 1.8
Elective 2 1.8
8 INTEGRATION Final Project 3.6

MBA-ITB Student Handbook |37

Course Description

Young Professional & Executive Program

Accounting is the language of business. Therefore,
understanding the basics of accounting is an important
requirement to be a good manager. Only by having a
good grip of what accounting is about management can
maintain their communication network effectively with
the stakeholders.

Marketing Management
In marketing management, student will study marketing
theories and its application. This will give student an
insight of dynamics and decision making in marketing.
This course will evaluate, develop, and share knowledge
on marketing strategy from a company or institutions.

Business Ethics and Business Law
This course is to make business participants aware of the
importance of compliance and integrity in a wider
business environment. Transparency and accountability
is becoming more a necessity to earn a social and legal
contract, i.e. a permission to be in business.

People in Organization
This course is designed to introduce students the human
behavior both as individual and as member of a group or
organization, and its impact through the overall
organization function. An additional, this course is
addressed to assist student in developing their
managerial skill in human resources and to be able to
manage people effectively in their organization.

Operations Management
Operations management focuses on carefully managing
the processes to produce and distribute products and
services. All activities from managing purchases, quality
control, storage, inventory control, production, and
distribution are covered by operations management. It
also talks about strategic issues such as selecting
location and capacity planning and tactical issues that
address how to efficiently schedule material and labor
within the constraints made in strategic level.

Corporate financial management provides a boarder
understanding of financial management of corporation,
in order to increase the wealth of shareholder. It discuss
on topics such as: financial statement analysis, fund on
long-term investment, and company restructuring.

Business Economics
Business economics or managerial economics is
concerned with the application of economic principles
and methodologies to the decision making process of
the firm operating under uncertainty conditions. The
course established important principles for business
practice which is recognized and incorporated into the
discipline of managerial economics.

Knowledge Management and Innovations
Knowledge management and innovation course goals
are to provide students with the necessary skills, to
implement change value in their organization that
improves competitive advantage. The course will not
only explain the concept of innovation but also idea
generation and how innovation can be implemented.

Business Strategy
Business strategy will give student a thorough
understanding of the analytical techniques and skills
necessary to identify and carry out effective strategies.
Starting with an overview of the main elements of the
strategic management process and how these elements
fit together, and finally a review on how to integrate and
implement the strategy at the corporate level in order to
attain a competitive advantage.

Strategic Decision Making and Negotiation
This course discusses among others, decision making
under conditions of uncertainty, bargaining and
arbitration, collusion and competition, as well as
effective negotiation. At the end of this course, students
will be conversant in various negotiation styles taking
into account the dynamics of an organization.

Group Syndicate for Young
Professional Program

38 | MBA-ITB Student Handbook

MBA in Cultural and Creative Entrepreneurship Program

Marketing Management
In marketing management, student will study marketing
theories and its application. This will give student an
insight of dynamics and decision making in marketing.
This course will evaluate, develop, and share knowledge
on marketing strategy from a company or institutions.

Operations Management
Operations management focuses on carefully managing
the processes to produce and distribute products and
services. All activities from managing purchases, quality
control, storage, inventory control, production, and
distribution are covered by operations management. It
also talks about strategic issues such as selecting location
and capacity planning and tactical issues that address
how to efficiently schedule material and labor within the
constraints made in strategic level.

Business Leadership for MBA CCE is designed to fulfill the
need of leaders as entrepreneur in creative and culture
industry. Since there are difference between the
competencies and characteristic of leaders as an
entrepreneur and leaders as executives, the course are
design based on the understanding of managing people
in creative and culture industry.

Financial management provides a boarder understanding
of financial management of corporation, in order to
increase the wealth of shareholder. It discuss on topics
such as: financial statement analysis, fund on long-term
investment, and company restructuring.

Business Strategy
Business strategy will give student a thorough
understanding of the analytical techniques and skills
necessary to identify and carry out effective strategies.
Starting with an overview of the main elements of the
strategic management process and how these elements
fit together, and finally a review on how to integrate and
implement the strategy at the corporate level in order to
attain a competitive advantage

Design Thinking
Design thinking course for MBA CCE is focused on
thinking process and giving knowledge for student about
how to develop and think creative, so it can apply to
public scale. This course also stimulated students
sensitiveness of aesthetical that so important to solve a
technical problem in innovation process.
The Contextual Nature of Creativity
This course is designed to develop students interested in
human beings, in what they are, what they do, how they
do it, what helps them and what hinders them. This
course also aims to bring together student with non-
academic partners to consider and investigate the nature
of creativity and its relationships with innovation and

Art, Design, and Culture
This course sets out the key theorizations of the culture
industry. While incorporating classical figurations of the
culture industry, the course is primarily concerned with
assembling a clear engagement with contemporary
research. Students will learn to strategize cultural
production and intervention through exploration of
relevant material.

Entrepreneurial Modeling
This course provides useful models of entrepreneurial or
business support, and nurtures students skills and
attitudes to enable student to innovate. It provides a link
between broad theory and specific practice, and focuses
on how creativity can be strengthened when put through
creative commercialization modeling techniques. This
course also earns how to use creative talent to maximize
the impact of students work - from an idea through to
production, distribution and negotiation.

Business Initiation
Business Initiation for MBA CCE is designed to Identify
and validate an opportunity to improve business
accomplishments of the organization or a deficiency
related to a business need in students environment and
recommend the exploration of alternative concepts and
methods to satisfy the need.

New Venture Management
In this course, students will be invited to understand and
gain experience to face challenges in establishing and
managing a successful business. This course will be very
useful for potential future business leaders.

Business Growth Management
This course aims to focus students on important aspects
of running a new business, such as the selection of target
markets, market entry strategy design, and selection of
the sales approach to first customers, etc.

MBA-ITB Student Handbook |39

Entrepreneurship MBA (Entre MBA) Program

Business Ethics and Business Law
This course is to make business participants aware of the
importance of compliance and integrity in a wider business
environment. Transparency and accountability is becoming
more a necessity to earn a social and legal contract, i.e. a
permission to be in business.

People in Organization
This course is consists of various practice in managing people in
organization, this module encourage students to learn more
about themselves in the working environment, in ways that are
relevant to their interactions with others.

Operation Management
Operations management equips students with an in-depth
understanding on strategic management design. It involves a
variety of strategic operation subjects from competitive
advantage, forecasting and inventory management, supply
management to aggregative planning.

Business Economics
Business economics is concerned with the application of
economic principles and methodologies to the decision making
process of the firm operating under uncertainty conditions. This
course unit endeavors to solve a range of decision making issues
in the real companies.

Understanding the basics of accounting is an important
requirement to be a good manager. Only by having a good grip
of what accounting is about management can maintain their
communication network effectively with the stakeholders.

Business Strategy
Business strategy course equips student with the concept and
tools necessary to build the competitive advantage of a
business, such as generic strategies on cost leadership or
differentiation in conjunction with market scope.

Corporate financial management provides a boarder
understanding of financial management of corporation,
in order to increase the wealth of shareholder. It discuss
on topics such as: financial statement analysis, fund on
long-term investment, and company restructuring.

Strategic Decision Making and Negotiation
This course discusses among others, decision making
under conditions of uncertainty, bargaining and
arbitration, collusion and competition, as well as
effective negotiation. At the end of this course, students
will be conversant in various negotiation styles taking
into account the dynamics of an organization.

Knowledge Management and Innovation
The issue of this course leads to the concept of
knowledge management and its implementation in the
context of a learning organization. It is a technology to
facilitate improvement of organizational performance.

New Venture Planning
This course includes identifying and measuring market
opportunities, then plan and start a new business. The
topic includes evaluation of opportunities, planning a
business; know the market and how to get funding. This
course is aimed for students who want to own a
business, expand business, become a member of the
team in the new company, and have a better
understanding of entrepreneurship.

New Venture Management
In this course, students will be invited to understand and
gain experience to face challenges in establishing and
managing a successful business. This course will be very
useful for potential future business leaders

Entrepreneurship classroom

40 | MBA-ITB Student Handbook

Business Leadership Executive MBA (BLEMBA) Program

Business Ethics and Business Law
This course is to make business participants aware of the
importance of compliance and integrity in a wider
business environment. Transparency and accountability
is becoming more a necessity to earn a social and legal
contract, i.e. a permission to be in business.

People in Organization
This course is consists of various practice in managing
people in organization, this module encourage students
to learn more about themselves in the working
environment, in ways that are relevant to their
interactions with others.

Operation Management
Operations management equips students with an in-
depth understanding on strategic management design. It
involves a variety of strategic operation subjects from
competitive advantage, forecasting and inventory
management, supply management to aggregative

Business Economics
Business economics is concerned with the application of
economic principles and methodologies to the decision
making process of the firm operating under uncertainty
conditions. This course unit endeavors to solve a range
of decision making issues in the real companies.

Understanding the basics of accounting is an important
requirement to be a good manager. Only by having a
good grip of what accounting is about management can
maintain their communication network effectively with
the stakeholders.

Business Strategy
Business strategy course equips student with the
concept and tools necessary to build the competitive
advantage of a business, such as generic strategies on
cost leadership or differentiation in conjunction with
market scope.

Marketing Management
In marketing management, student will study marketing
theories and its application. This will give student an
insight of dynamics and decision making in marketing.
This course will evaluate, develop, and share knowledge
on marketing strategy from a company or institutions.

Corporate financial management provides a boarder
understanding of financial management of corporation,
in order to increase the wealth of shareholder. It discuss
on topics such as: financial statement analysis, fund on
long-term investment, and company restructuring.

Strategic Decision Making and Negotiation
This course discusses among others, decision making
under conditions of uncertainty, bargaining and
arbitration, collusion and competition, as well as
effective negotiation. At the end of this course, students
will be conversant in various negotiation styles taking
into account the dynamics of an organization.

Knowledge Management and Innovation
The issue of this course leads to the concept of
knowledge management and its implementation in the
context of a learning organization. It is a technology to
facilitate improvement of organizational performance.

Business Leadership
This course aims to cover a result-based leadership and
character-based leadership, the business leadership
course also explicates the know-how of leadership
through all aspects of students business, and to deal
with forces beyond the market.

International Business
This course provides a current dynamic mapping of
international business; highlight the nature of
international business through topical coverage of a
global business and the diversity of business conditions
that impose business operations in different cultures.

Business Leadership
Executive MBA Program

MBA-ITB Student Handbook |41

Sharia Banking and Finance Executive MBA (BASHAR) Program

Sharia Business Economics
Sharia Business Economics is concerned with application
of sharia economic principles and methodologies in the
decision-making process of the business firm operating
under conditions of risk and uncertainty. The course
establishes important principles for sharia business
practice which is recognize and incorporated into the
discipline of sharia economics and finance. The course is
concerned with the firms competitive strategy rather
than simply its expenses and revenues. The course will
put real-world business decision problems into context,
to demonstrate methods of identifying problems and of
finding solutions

Sharia Contract and Products
This course discusses diverse sharia contracts as well as
sharia banking and finance products. Sharia contracts
include murabaha, mudharabah, musharaka, ijarah,
wadhia, wakala, kafala, hiwala, and qard, while sharia
banking and finance products include financing, funding,
services, rahnu, and takaful.

Sharia Finance
This finance course will cover general and sharia specific
aspects of financial management. It provides a broad
understanding of the subject with the objective of
increasing stakeholders wealth. Topics include bank
financial statement analysis, and funding for long-term
and short-term investment.

Sharia Business Leadership
This course will facilitate students to become effective
leaders and to understand the complex challenges of
leadership. It is designed to find a balance between
theory on one hand and practical leadership skills on the

The topic provides students with a conceptual
understanding of sharia accounting and its application in
Islamic financial institutions. The generally accepted
accounting principles applied within these institutions
will be an integral part of classroom discussions. Subjects
covered include accounting for zakat and ijarah, as well
as accounting for Islamic financing.

Business Ethics and Business Law
This course aims at fostering an awareness of integrity as
an absolute ingredient in business, and emphasizes the
importance of transparency and accountability. Topics
include the role of ethics, and how non ethical behavior
will have ramifications far into the future.

Knowledge Management and Innovation
KnowledgeManagement and Innovation course goals are
to provide participants with the necessary skills, to
implement change value in their organization that
improves competitive advantage. The course will not
only explain the concept of innovation but also idea
generation and how innovation can be implemented.
Strategic Decision Making and Negotiation
This course discusses among others, decision-making
under conditions of uncertainty, bargaining and
arbitration, collusion and competition, as well as
effective negotiation strategies. At the end of this
course, students will be conversant in various
negotiation styles taking into account the dynamics of an

Marketing Management
This course introduces the marketing and business
strategies of the sharia banking and finance industry in a
global perspective, and includes a discussion of sharia
financial contracts and products.

Operations Management
Operations management focuses on managing branch
operations and their activities, ranging from purchasing,
quality control, storage, and inventory control. It also
talks about strategic issues such as location and capacity
planning, as well as tactical issues that address the
efficient scheduling of branch operations within the
constraints of decisions made at the strategic level.

People in Organization
This course is designed to introduce participants to
human behavior, both as individuals and as member of a
business organization, and the impact that behavior has
on the organization function in the context of the sharia
banking and finance sector.

Business Strategy
Business strategy will give students a thorough
understanding of the analytical techniques and skills
necessary to identify and carry out effective strategies.
Starting with an overview of the main elements of the
strategic management process and how these elements
fit together, and finally a review on how to integrate and
implement the strategy at the corporate level in order to
attain a competitive advantage.

Sharia Risk Management
The knowledge and understanding gained from Risk
Management in sharia finance industry will enable
student to be prudent in their management approach.
Topics discussed include risk analysis.

Sharia Wealth Management
This course-work discusses wealth management from a
sharia perspective. Student will be given the knowledge
base to give advice on the appropriate financial plans
that are commensurate with clients needs.

Sharia Insurance
This course-work provides the philosophy behind sharia
insurance that encompasses the concept and structure
of the various sharia insurance products that are
available as well as their applicability.

MBA-ITB Student Handbook |42


MBA-ITB postgraduate students are required to have their research done in their final
semester. With the supervision from experiential lecturers, students are encouraged to
produce a wide range of qualified research relevant to meet the needs of industry,
community, and scholars. As the business school where research has played a major role to
the development of our knowledge, MBA-ITB establishes five concentrations of studies as

Risk and Finance
Risk and finance offers students to learn about
management function in the company and in its relation
to domestic and international economy. To give
illustration on financial management practices and
policies, processes, techniques and strategies that are
used in the financial management. Risk and Finance
subject develop knowledge on the type and
characteristics of problems and the possibility of the
occurrence of financial management problems, and to
increase the ability to handle the problems through
reliable approach and problem solving strategy
development. To develop planning skill and monitoring
skill in financial management functions effectively, so
the students are able to apply the appropriate
management strategy to face the company challenges.

MM 6029 Corporate Risk Management
From this Corporate Risk Management course, students
are encouraged to learn how to handle business risk
starting from risk identification, risk measurement, risk
mitigation and risk reporting as well as risk financing.
Besides its prospective idea and profitability, Business
Leaders and Entrepreneurs in their assessment, should
regards the process of how risk is being identified,
measured and managed. This is in line with financial
theory, talking about risk and return

MM 6055 Capital Market Analysis
This course explains the concept of capital market and
all instruments traded in the capital market such as
stocks, bonds, and derivatives. At the end of the course,
students would know how to be a trader and an investor
in the capital market. To be a succeed trader and/or
investor in capital market; students need to know the
ethics/attitudes and the skills about the trading
mechanism and the investment strategy.

MM 6056 Investment Project Analysis
The scope of this course includes knowledge about the
study of financial feasibility, as well as financial
profitability and liquidity of the company. These two
things is the key success in managing the company to be
able to grow and adjustment into company environment

Operations are heart of organizations since real value
added is produced in the tangible manner in these
activities. Therefore, managing operations cannot be
avoided at all in all organization. Operations
management involves designing, planning, and
controlling the processes used to produce the goods and
services provided by an organization. It is the
management of all activities related to doing actual work
of the organization.

Managing these processes can be quite challenging due
to the complexity and involving large numbers of people,
facilities and huge volumes of materials. Managed well,
an organizations operations can be a key source of
competitive advantage in delivering its products with
high quality at low cost. A fundamental understanding of
operations management is thus important for all
managers within an organization.

MM 6024 Corporate Performance Management
The Corporate Performance Management subject offers
students for dealing with two main aspects namely how
to diagnosis company competitiveness and how to
design performance management system contextual to
certain type of company. To have broad view and
advanced knowledge of performance management
system, it would also be introduced experts systems in
supporting performance measurement in a company
and practicing in the teaching laboratory of software
simulation of the Balanced Score Card.

MM 6025 Supply Chain Design
Supply chain management is a systematic approach to
assist companies in creating and sustaining competitive
advantage. An improvement must bring a company to be
closer to its goal to make money now and in the future.
This course is designed to provide MBA students with
the knowledge and skills of improving a supply chain.

MM 6029 Global Project Management
The project can be in any sector and usually
multidisciplinary. It can relate to modification, new
work, maintenance or demolition. This course is
concerned with practice and theory of project
management, particularly in relation to multidisciplinary
engineering products, both large and small, in Indonesia
and overseas.

Human Capital
Manage people is the most important job a manager
should do, and the most difficult thing to do in an
organization. What manager have to do is leading

MBA-ITB Student Handbook |43

people, motivate them, inspire and encourage people, to
achieve the best performance they can achieve align
with the objectives of organization. A manager may be
need to fire someone, or hire new employee, evaluate
them, take disciplinary action and coach people in
pursuing the best performance. In twenty first century,
the challenge in managing people is how to manage
knowledge worker. Turbulence of environment need
employee knowledge, skills and experience as the key
competitive differentiator, to maintain people as the
greatest asset of an organization. The need for high
quality people management is therefore crucial for long-
term success.

MM 5007 Business Leadership
The need for improved soft skills in business
management is now widely recognized. This course
supplements traditional business management
education by providing tools to improve soft skills.
Students will be able to identify the variety of roles and
styles that exemplary business leaders employ, and the
situations in which each style is appropriate.

MM 6012 Human Capital
Human Capital Management is focused on the right kind
of people to get the job done as well as the
transformation of a worker into a resource that is
competitive. Strategic human capital management is not
just a measurement focused approach to human
resource management (HRM). It is certainly not a
decision science in which people can be managed as a
result of quantitative analysis and financial valuation.

MM 6015 Change Management
Organizational Change efforts are the lifeblood of
management consulting and engage top management
attention as well. Thus, this course is especially useful
for students who plan careers in general management,
whether in line or staff positions, even though students
interested in entrepreneurship, strategy, and human
resources will also benefit from the course content

Marketing plays important role in a dynamic business
environment. It helps companies to identify market
opportunities and customer value, create new product,
determine optimum price, and select suitable
distribution channels. In order to formulate a sound and
feasible marketing plan, managers need to execute a
thorough analysis of market, product, and customers in
a framework of corporate and business strategy. This
course is designed to deliver knowledge needed to
analysis and build strategic marketing sense for

MM 6016 Branding and Marketing Communication
This course describes important concepts and steps in
strategic brand management. The brand management
activity includes brand element selection, brand strategy
formulation, brand development, brand measurement
and audit, and brand communication. Those are
interrelated activities. Inconsistency will generally lead
to failure and success will bring significant advantages
for companies.

MM 6019 Strategic Service Management
This course seeks to provide an understanding of the
unique marketing issues related to service industries
(e.g.,insurance, consulting, entertainment, freight,
airlines). The growing role of services in the global
economy will be discussed and key differences between
products and services will be outlined.

MM 6052 Consumer Behavior
Consumer behavior is one of the most interesting and
important aspects of marketing management. All
decisions involved in developing an effective marketing
mix for a product or service rely thorough knowledge of
the consumers who comprise the target market.
Understanding the behavior of consumer can help
marketers anticipate reactions to changes in the
marketing mix or determine when new products are
likely to be adopted.

MM 6053 Applied Marketing Research
Marketing Research has been well known as the key
activity of a company to uncover the real marketing
situation in terms of expanding its understanding about
the nature of marketing aspects through drilling down
the findings and careful analysis which, hopefully, leads
to find the pathway to success in crafting marketing
strategy and programs. This course will highly support
in-depth understanding the important aspects of
Marketing Management, Strategic Marketing, Business
& Competitive Intelligence and Consumer Behavior
Courses especially in clarifying the marketing situations
that should be responded properly by a business.

Technology and Innovation
Technology and Innovation is offered by the
Entrepreneurship & Technology Management (ETM)
Interest Group. This track is intended to prepare
students entering the important and exciting area of
todays business, which is Managing Innovation and
Technology. Today and futures business is depended
more on dealing with product and process innovation
and on leveraging technology for competition. When
business profits are derived from revenues minus costs,
this track not only tries to reduce costs through process
innovation, but also focuses more on increasing
revenues through new product and business

In this effort, technologies are considered resources to
achieve high added values for the business. Courses in
this track are designed to provide students with a
deeper understanding on dynamics of innovation and
technological management. Relevant tools, methods,
skills, and practical experience, including field studies
and industry experts, will also be exposed to the
students taking this track.

MM 6038 Corporate Entrepreneurship
This course is about the role of entrepreneurial people in
a company to foster innovation. Students will learn
about working in an organization, about entrepreneurial

44| MBA-ITB Student Handbook

spirit, and how to employ that spirit in a company in a
corporate venturing.

MM 6039 Product Development Management
This course teach student the knowledge for managing
product development (start from idea generation,
market research and development phase to
procurement and implementation phase in the
company), in order to align that with the corporate
business strategy and maximize the added value. The
students who finish this course will have technological,
entrepreneurial and managerial instincts, the know-how,
and capabilities to manage technological situations.

MM 6040 Technological Innovation Management
The course is built around developing an understanding
of the complexities and uncertainties of innovation
process. It utilizes the results of leading research around
the world. Issued to be studied include : economics and
impact of technological innovation, innovation strategy,
financing, process and commercialization of
technological innovation, managing creative teams, R&D
and technological collaboration, business sustainability,
and building business from sciences.

Entrepreneurship and Technology Management
The Entrepreneurship track is offered by the
Entrepreneurship & Technology Management (ETM)
Interest Group. This track is intended for students who
want to start and run a business while they are at school.
Courses will follow a business life cycle, from identifying
or creating business opportunities, business planning,
running, to growing the business. Relevant training
program, networking, and other resources will be
available for Track students to complement the

Courses in this track are designed not as lecturing
classes. Instead, the students will have entrepreneurial
mentors and meet them as needed. The performance of
students will be measured through a number of
milestones. Students entering this e-Track program will
be carefully selected based on their readiness in terms of
1) individual and team quality, 2) business opportunity,
idea and concept, and 3) resource availability.

MM 6035 New Venture Planning
This course includes identifying and measuring market
opportunities, then plan and start a new business. The
topic includes evaluation of opportunities, planning a
business; know the market and how to get funding. This
course is aimed for students who want to own a
business, expand business, become a member of the
team in the new company, and have a better
understanding of entrepreneurship.

MM 6036 New Venture Management
In this course, students will be invited to understand and
gain experience to face challenges in establishing and
managing a successful business. This course will be very
useful for potential future business leaders.

MM 6037 Business Growth Management
This course aims to focus students on important aspects
of running a new business, such as the selection of
target markets, market entry strategy design, and
selection of the sales approach to first customers, etc.

MBA-ITB Student Handbook |45

46 | MBA-ITB Student Handbook


MBA-ITB Student Handbook |47


A course of study will be effective if it is supported with enjoyable and entertaining
environment thus allowing the mind to maximize its potential in receiving new knowledge.
For that reason, MBA-ITB is putting a real effort to create these conditions in campus and
assist the teaching and learning process optimally.

Student Responsibilities
All class and academic official information can be
accessed through Every
student should have tried to access all of the choices and
understand all of the available information. Students
must register themselves at the period of registration
determined in the academic calendar (shown on next
chapters: to follow academic advisory meeting, to fill in
the form for study planning and to get the KSM (Study ID
Card). At the period of Perubahan Rencana Study (PRS),
student can only drop or add to courses.
A book on regulations of academic and student affairs
can be found at the Library or MBA-ITB Front Office or (click Peraturan Akademik
dan Kemahasiswaan). Form for any academic transaction
process is available at the Service Counter of Directorate
of Education or from, or also
from administration service at the office of MBA-ITB
study program.

Advisor Responsibilities
Every student will have an academic advisor who will
direct in course selection and assist you in academic
problem solution. Make sure that you know who your
advisor is, how to contact him/her, and formally make
regular appointments minimally twice per semester.
Should you need to discuss your academic problems,
please do not hesitate to contact your advisor. Do not let
your problems get worse.
Advisor is responsible to facilitate students to be a
better academic performer and achieve best results in
MBA-ITB studies, along with direct or indirect mental
support. Advisors will provide academic advisory
meeting at least once in each semester and students are
obliged to attend this event.

Students are required to fulfill all assignments, quizzes, mid
and final tests, and attend classes of all chosen subjects

48 | MBA-ITB Student Handbook

Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct is composed as a reminder to the students that as an individual being
we possess individual rights to act and study as we prefer, but as social beings we have the
duty to create a comfortable atmosphere for all campus inhabitants. Therefore we should
act poised as both individual and social beings.


MBA-ITB believes that the course should be conducted
in a diligent-on time manner. Therefore it is compulsory
for every student to attend classes as scheduled. To
avoid disturbances during classes, every student is
expected to be ready in designated rooms 5 minutes
before a class is started and will not be permitted to
enter class when are more than 10 minutes late.


MBA-ITB believes that the attendance of students at
every class will determine how well they will do on their
course of study. It is compulsory for every student to
attend every session of every class of which each runs
for 90 minutes. Code of Conduct relating to the
a. Students must sign the attendance list as a proof of
their attendance. Student whom signature is written
by another is considered absent, this is also applies
to students who sign on behalf of another.
b. Students who leaves the classroom before the class
ends is considered absent.


Examination is one of the methods to evaluate student
knowledge. In doing the examinations, there are rules
that must be adhere to for all participants, these rules

1. The student is deemed eligible for taking part in an
exam if:
a. The student is listed on the course unit that is
b. The student is not on any academic probation.
c. The minimum attendance of the student is 80%
on the examined course unit.

2. Examination participants are required to:
a. Be at the examination rooms 15 minutes before
the examination starts. Students that are 30
minutes late will not be permitted to sit on the
b. Bring in KTM and KSM as a proof that the
student is listed on the unit course that is being
c. Bring in own writing utensils, and may not use
computers (unless permitted by lecturer or
d. Sign the examination attendance form.
e. Abide the rules of examination.
f. Abide all technical guidelines of examination
which are given by the examiner.
g. Ask for the examiners permission before leaving
the seats or the examination room.
h. Hand in the answer sheet of the examination to
the examiner before leaving the examination
i. Participants who enter the examination room
and have received the examination paper cannot
withdraw from it and may not leave the room for
the first 30 minutes of the examination.

3. Examination participants are not permitted to:
a. Act in a behavior that is disrupting the
b. Communicate in any way with other exam
participants and non-participants outside the
examination room.
c. Cooperate or attempting to work together or
even assist in working together with other
examination participants during the
d. Copy or attempting to copy the answer of other
exam participants, or allowing other exam
participants to copy answers.
e. Use notes, books and/or other information
source during examinations unless it is open-
book examination or other exceptions.

4. The examination paper that is written by other than
the eligible participant is considered invalid.

5. Students who violate the rules of verse (1), verse (2),
and/or verse (3) will and may be penalized at the
utmost an E for the examined course unit or a more
severe penalty according to Point 5 (Academic
Misconduct and Sanctions) which are decided by
MBA-ITB, when the intent of the violations is evident
and premeditated.

6. Exceptions of verse (1), verse (2), and/or verse (3) of
this Point can only be given by the teaching staff
responsible for the related unit course.

MBA-ITB Student Handbook |49

Academic Misconduct and Sanctions

MBA-ITB honorable graduates can only be obtained
through education which follows on noble academic
norms. Thus actions that are against these academic
norms are a disobedience that must be avoided.

5.1 Academic Misconduct
The student of MBA program of Bandung Institute
of Technology is not permitted to act as follows:
a. Cheat during examinations, by using
information, materials or other study-assisting
tools during the exam, unless it is permitted to
do so by the examiner or lecturer.
b. Change, alternate, or forge grades, academic
transcript, student identification, assignments,
reports, letters, and signatures within the
academic environment or activities and other
attributes used within campus.
c. Provide the means and ways which can lead
into academic misconduct.
d. Use the words or work of others as their own
words or work in an academic activity without
mentioning citation (plagiarism).
e. Manipulate or attempt to manipulate others
by persuasion, inducement, or intimidation in
order to gain alleviation in finishing
examination, individual assignment, practicum
reports, etc.
f. Replace or work on behalf of others within the
academic activities; such as classes, exams,
practicum, or completion of other academic
assignment, whether it is on the request of
others or self-motivated.
g. Instruct others, within the academic member
of Bandung Institute of Technology or outside
the academic member of Bandung Institute of
Technology to replace or work on academic
assignments on behalf of others for any

5.2 Sanctions
Sanction is a part in an educational process, with
the purpose of admonition to the student who
breaches the academic norms.
1. Violators of point 5.1 can be given penalty
according to the severity of the disobedience
such as
a. Written or Verbal warning
b. Suspension or disallowing of any academic
services and facility for a certain period of
c. Requisition to re-do a unit course which is
related to a plagiarism case (5.1, d)
d. Permanent elimination of student status or
2. The academic sanctions on verse (1) will not
alter the cut-off date of a course of study.
3. All results obtained from academic misconduct
are deemed invalid.

Money Matters

1. Late tuition/registration fee payment is object to
10% monthly interest and administration charge.
2. For each failed course, there is retake fee per credit
based on each program (e.g. some program the
fee/credit is 850.000, some fee/credit 1.500.000).
3. If a course has commenced during the PRS
(Perubahan Rencana Studi), the students that
suspends/abort their study from MBA-ITB Program,
the paid in tuition fee will be returned by 50% but
the Confirmation Fee will not be returned. But if the
course has gone for more than 2 (two) weeks, the
students may not ask for a refund.
4. Class switching regulation (regular to the executive
or vice versa).
For those that switched from the executive class to
the regular class after the first course session, the
MBA-ITB student cannot refund the extra payment.
For the students that switched from regular class to
the executive class after the first course session, the
MBA-ITB student is required to pay the difference
between the executive programs tuition fee and the
regular programs.

Class Regulation

1. All mobile phones must be switched off and not
2. Students should not get up and leave in the middle
of lectures either to go to the toilet or for any other
3. There should be no talking during lectures.
4. Food and drink - with the exception of a bottle of
water must not be brought into the lecture hall.
5. Laptops may only be used with special permission
from the lecturer and must only be used for taking
6. Students must arrive punctually for all lectures to
avoid causing disruption.

Dress Code

MBA-ITB is a professional education entity, and is
expected to create graduates with professional conduct.
Clothing is one of which reflects professionalism.

Thus, every student is required to wear attire in a
respectful and neat manner. Students are not allowed to
wear T-Shirt, earrings (women are exceptions), and
sandals at campus. On certain days, students are
required to wear tie.


To protect the health of students, non-students and the
environment, smoking is prohibited in any room such as
classrooms, seminar rooms, syndicate/discussion rooms,
library, laboratory, administration rooms, etc.

50 | MBA-ITB Student Handbook


Fundamentally, the advancement and achievement of study on the MBA-ITB program is
continuously done through activities that has been pre-scheduled (classes, assignments, etc.)
and through other unscheduled activities (group study and independent activity).

Unit Courses Grading

Grading activity covers aspects such as:
- Pretest
- Quiz
- Mid Test
- Final Exam
- Scientific Paper
- Case Study
- Practice Problems
- Laboratory Practicum
- Special Assignment
Leadership and Effort
- Seriousness
- Participation
- Motivation
- Independence
- Cooperation

According to the goal of MBA-ITB program which covers
the development of individual skills and work skills in
group, evaluation and grading for each unit course is
principally based on the individual achievement and
group achievement. The individual contribution to the
group achievement will be evaluated using peer
evaluation. For that reason the grading would be as

( 60%)
Individual Assignment
Final Exam
Participation in discussion
Group Achievement
and Peer Evaluation
( 40%)
Case Study Report (group)
Group Quiz
Group Assignment/Project.
Peer evaluation is done to see
the leadership, contribution,
cooperation, independence,
effort, and other aspects during
group work.

The grading object which is going to be used is chosen
and selected to fit the goals and objective of each unit
course and handed in to each teaching faculty member,
with a condition that it may not sway from the general
guide on the table above. Staff/Faculty is obliged to
inform students of the weighting and evaluation of
grades at the beginning of a unit course. If a student
failed to pass a course, the student cans re-enroll/re-
take the unit course on the next semester.

The pass grade of a student will be disclosed in letters or
numbers such as:

A 4.0
AB 3.5
B 3.0
BC 2.5
C 2.0
D 1.0
E 0
T -

Achievement Evaluation

At the end of every semester, an evaluation on student
achievement will be received by every student. The
Evaluation Grade of a student is calculated as follows:

= Achievement grade up to semester x
= Number of credits taken
= Final grade of the unit course
i = Unit course taken up to semester x (i= 1, 2... n)

Termination of MBA Program Study

According to the academic records (NR), students of
MBA Program may not continue their study at MBA-ITB
if in a semester their academic record (NR) < 1.50 (one
point fifty).

If the requirement in point C (graduation) have not been
completed at the scheduled time limit of the MBA
Program, then the student must resign or terminated as
a student of the MBA-ITB Program.

Further Information about academic regulation and code
of conduct can be seen at

MBA-ITB Student Handbook |51

52 | MBA-ITB Student Handbook


MBA-ITB Student Handbook |53

Teaching Methods

The Credit System

MBA-ITB follows the credit system, in which the number
of class sessions taken in a semester is determined by
the credit load allotted for the particular coursework.
One credit-hour takes 10 sessions to complete. Twelve
credit-hours is the maximum for the first semester, while
subsequent semesters will have a 16 credit-hours
maximum. During the short semester, students are only
allowed to take 9 credit-hours. The delivery of class
material at MBA-ITB includes 60% case method and 40%
of other methods.

The delivery of class materials applied at MBA-ITB is as

The Case Study Methods

The following are suggestions to ensure that students
are able to maximize the use of the case study method:
1. Read the case study prior to class. A good time-
frame is approximately 3 hours.
2. Discuss the case study with your group. Set a time-
frame of approximately 1.5 hours for this task.
3. Participate in class discussions; this will be enabling
student to share with your classmates, students
knowledge and any work experience that student
may have had. Generally, class discussions are

Writing Assignment

Students may be required to submit a written
assignment to be handed in to their instructor. Late
submission may affect negatively on their grade.

Role Playing

Students may be asked to take on a role in a simulated
work environment.

Group Work

Students are divided into small group (each group
consists of 6-8 students), where students are able to
discuss in depth way what they have learnt in lectures.
Each group is provided with a discussion room, complete
with a computer and internet connection, and must take
their summarys discussion to be presented in class.

Content Delivery

1. Lecturing Staff
Content delivery is conducted by lecturing staff, both
from the MBA-ITB faculty as well as from the
business community.
2. Collaboration with Foreign Universities
In delivering its program, MBA-IT has initiated
collaboration with several foreign universities,
including Nanyang University in Singapore, Tokyo
Institute of Technology, Central Missouri State
University, and University Utara Malaysia. MBA-ITB
has also invited foreign lectures through the
American-Indonesian Exchange Foundation, a non-
profit organization that administers the Fulbright

writing assignment
case base learning

54 | MBA-ITB Student Handbook

Learning Process

Teaching at MBA-ITB incorporates on-class and off-class learning. So-called creative
learning method, students are involved to study outside their comfort zone in the form of
outbound and fieldtrip.

Neuro-Linguistic Program

Neuro-Linguistic Programming is the study of how the
interaction of brain (neuro), language (linguistic) and
body produces patterns of behavior (programming).
Neuro-Linguistic Program (NLP) is conducted within 2
days to understanding the influence of language on the
brain that will allows students to use it deliberately to
communicate more effectively.


MBA-ITB looks to foster the hidden potential,
personality traits and team spirit when they send out
students from varied roles and departments to
experiential learning. Outbound activities is conduct
after Neuro-Linguistic Program to Identify and leverage
the hidden talent and potentials of the students by using
more meaningful and innovative experiential learning
methods. This activity also aims to building in self-
confidence and team bonding in individuals.


Class activities where the lecturer will provides students
with theoretical concepts and engage them in
discussions on content, as well as case-studies. These
sessions are presented by academic lecturers and
industrial practitioners at lectures session to gain an
overview of subject areas and direction for further

Business Simulation

In business simulation, student receive a description of
an imaginary business and an imaginary environment
and make decisions on price, advertising, production
targets, and how their company should be run.A student
typically functions as a member of a team of managers
or planners. Each group syndicate is managing a
company allocating economic resources to any of several
variables in order to achieve a particular goal. The
nature of business games can include decision-making
tasks, which pit the student against a hostile
environment or hostile opponents. They vary in focus
from how to undertake a corporate takeover to how to
expand a companys share of the market.

MBA-ITB Student Handbook |55

Guest Lectures

Guest lecturer and practitioners are derived from many
company and industry to share an experience and to
provide insight for student of the relevant course. In
addition, guest lecture activities also expected to
conduct an applicative method with industry oriented to
follow the development of a dynamic industry and the
demands of the workplace.

Seat-in Class

Student canseat-in class if they want to learn and know
more about some elective courses but does not contract
those courses when registration. Student who want to
seat-in need approval from the Program to ensure the
quota of student in the class still enough. After
registered, student must participate in all assignment,
examination and lectures, but in the end of the class
final grade would not be given to them.

Academic Debate

In the first semester, MBA-ITB Bandung conduct
academic debate competition that must be followed by
all young reguler and MBA CCE group syndicate. This
activities conducted between two teams: the affirmative
side to support the topic and the negative side to
oppose the topic. The debaters from the two teams in
give explanations for and against the topic.The two
teams are not only communicating with each other but
also with a third party jury and the audience. At the
end of the debate, jury will give a feedback for each
team and make decision for the winner.


Internship activities conduct by MBA-ITB to practical
working experience during school time and early
exposure on career and professional development.
There are 2 (two) kind of internship: 1) early in the
program is to provide insights and experiences for fresh
graduate students. Its important for the success of
learning activities; 2) late in the program in the form of
final project is to provide a venue for all MBA students
to apply concepts learned into the real world in the
forms of problem solving, business planning, and new
product/system development.

Seminars and Training

Another activity that is no less important is the seminars
and training, that usually been conducted at SBM ITB
auditorium on Saturday.The objectives of a student
seminar are making learning a fun, entrusting students
assignment to present, inculcating presentation and
leadership skills among students, involving students to
learn actively, offering the presenter student an
opportunity of interaction with peer students and staff,
assessing student while performing assignment, etc.

56 | MBA-ITB Student Handbook

Business Competitions

Student of MBA-ITB often participated in business
competitions that been held by other colleges or
national and multinational company, such as business
plan, business case analysis, business simulation, etc.
This activity is aims to provide an integrative learning
experience for participating students. The participants
will learn about the new venture creation process
through their team's efforts, their work with faculty, and
their presentations to the judges.

Field Trip

These sessions take student off campus to learn about
topic. The length of time away can vary from few hours
to a day. Field trips expand student's learning through
active hands-on experience with the rich resources of
the local company. Field trips increase student
knowledge and understanding of a subject and add
realism to the topic of study.

Business Talk

The purpose of the Business Talk program on the radio is
provide an opportunity for MBAITB students to be able
to apply knowledge gained in the classroom through
business case analysis that happens in the environment.
With this program, MBA-ITB students are expected to
gain experience not only in completing a business case,
but also can answer questions from the listeners on air
at local radio.

Business Clinics

Business Clinics is new program that been held by MBA-
ITB in order to provide services to people, especially to
the Small and Medium Enterprises to provide business
consulting and management to solve problems in their
businesses, demonstrate ability of MBA-ITB students in
completing a business case to the public, as well as a CSR
(Corporate Social Responsibility) of MBA-ITB. This
program also intends to apply the knowledge and skills
students MBA-ITB in real business situations and
establish working relationships with communities and
other institutions.

MBA-ITB Student Handbook |57

58 | MBA-ITB Student Handbook


MBA-ITB Student Handbook |59

MBA-ITB has made many improvements since its inception to educate students to enrich the
knowledge of new business and management technologies which are every-growing and
advancing from time by creating an aspiration to excel deep-rooted education. MBA-ITB
create an atmosphere and exposing inherent natural abilities of the students by giving
suitable impetus and fillip to the students and producing efficient graduates, management
executives leader and entrepreneurship for future's industry.
Best Achievers Award

At the end of the semester, best achievers award are
given to students for their outstanding achievements in
the field of education. Name and photo of student who
get best achievers will place on the MBA-ITB Bulletin

Executive Choice

Executive Choice is a program where a practitioner or
executive of a leading company providing guest lectures
and provide assessments and recommendations to the
MBA-ITB students who demonstrate the best ability in
the classroom in discussing and analyzing a business
case that are constructed in the MBA-ITB. The purposes
of this program are:
Improve the enthusiasm of MBA-ITB student in learn
the course material.
Introduce the real business problems to the MBA-ITB
students so they have better prepared to face the
real world.
Demonstrate the ability of MBA-ITB students to the
public by publishing all executive choice activities
through various media (marketing tools) owned by
the MBA-ITB.


On May 2010, School of Business and Management ITB
(SBM ITB) held SBM ITB CLUB launching event, that
attended by Head of Presidents Delivery Unit for
Development Monitoring and Oversight-UKP4 Dr.
Kuntoro Mangkusubroto, at Auditorium Binakarna Hotel
Bumi Karsa Jakarta. In addition, there were also Dr. Yos
Sunitiyoso as a President of SBM ITB Club Jakarta, Dr. Ir.
Dermawan Wibisono, M.Eng., as the SBM ITB Dean and
Representative of ITB Alumni Board, Bhakti S Ludinand
Ahmad Yani, students, alumni as well as other guests.

The objective of SBM ITB Club is to build a close
relationship between academics, practitioners, and also
all graduates of SBM ITB. In the future, SBM ITB Club will
be the right medium to meet the needs of its members
in various fields of business and management through
forums and programs delivered by leading practitioners
and professionals in public and private sectors.

Entrepreneurship Club

The MBA-ITB Entrepreneurship Club aims to provide a
conduit by which students can access relevant
entrepreneurial resources, network with prominent
community entrepreneurs, and share ideas. To this end,
the club is dedicated to furthering understanding about
new or small businesses, and about entrepreneurship in
all businesses.

Finance Club

The Finance Club promotes finance related activities and
careers throughout the MBA-ITB community. The Club
caters to students with a wide variety of finance related
interests whether it is Investment Banking, Investment
Management, Venture Capital/Private Equity, or
Corporate Finance.

60 | MBA-ITB Student Handbook

MBA-ITB Student Handbook |61


62 | MBA-ITB Student Handbook

Students Room

MBA-ITB very much concern about teaching and learning activities on campus. Therefore,
MBA-ITB cares to provide various kinds of modern facilities to accommodate the needs of
students. Students rooms are air-conditioned and utmost clean and hygiene.


MBA-ITB currently has 3 classrooms with a capacity of 30
seats while a computer, sound system, LCD projector,
and screen are set in every classroom.


MBA-ITB provides an auditorium (big classroom) with a
capacity of 136 seats located on the second floor of SBM
ITB building.

Group Discussion Rooms

MBA-ITB currently has 20 discussion rooms, complete
with internet connection and LCD TV. Students can use
these facilities in accordance with the schedule set by
Program. The use of these rooms after office hours will
need approval from the Program.

Computer Lab

MBA-ITB provides room which contains many networked
computers for students use. Because they are shared by
multiple users, computers in typical labs often have
security software installed. This software may limit,
trace, or block certain activities, or may quickly restore
computers back to their original configurations.

MBA-ITB Student Handbook |63


Student can access three libraries: MBA-ITB Library, SBM ITB Library and ITB Central Library.
These libraries have many collections, including digital sources, resources, and services. The
collections can be of print, audio, and visual materials in numerous formats as a facilities to
support students education.

Library hours

Monday Friday: 08.00 17.00
Friday: 08.00 22.00
Saturday: 08.00 17.00

The terms and regulation for the ITB Central Library can
be obtained at the MBA-ITB Library. At the MBA-ITB
Library, students must ask the librarians assistance to
take the books out of the book shelves.

Library Membership

MBA-ITB students, who have met the administrative
terms and regulations, will be automatically registered
as MBA-ITB Library members. All members will be given
a library card, to be used to borrow books. Unauthorized
use of the library cards is not permitted.

Library Collections

The MBA-ITB Library uses a digital library system. The
collection comprises textbooks, student final projects,
clippings, software, and other material as follows:
3.855 reference books.
1.094 MBA-ITB student final projects.
451 Harvard Business School cases.
Proquest e-journal.
SBM ITB Technology Management Journal quarterly.
7 weekly magazines: SWA, Fortune, Entrepreneur,
Business Week, Time, Readers Digest, HBR.
4 daily newspapers: Kompas, Pikiran Rakyat, Bisnis
Indonesia, The Wall Street Journal.

64 | MBA-ITB Student Handbook

Other Facilities


MBA-ITB provide canteen facilities that offering a wide
range of cuisines with subsidized prices and available
within the work hour. Delicious dishes are served in the
canteen which includes snacks, soft drinks, meals etc.
The idea is to take care of their snacks/food
requirements within the campus, facilitating their
learning and education.

Prayer Facilities

MBA-ITB service supports spiritually as an integral part
of staffs and students lives. Therefore, three mushallas
are built complete with appropriate carpeting and
washrooms to allow Muslim students and staff to pray,
two on the second floor and one on the first floor. Thus,
they do not have to leave the campus for prayers
elsewhere. Friday prayers are conducted at the Salman
Mosque or other mosque near the campus.

Parking Service

MBA-ITB provides enough space for car, motorcycle and
bicycle parking service and free charge for it. MBA-ITB
shall not accept responsibility for any loss damage or
injury to the vehicle, its accessories, content or to the
person/driver or however caused, including any loss or
damage arising, vehicle or goods loss or injury to
students at are at students own risk.

Photocopy and Print Service

MBA-ITB provide free photocopy and print service for
student with limited quota per semester. The online
campus printing service is restricted to students and
staff with valid network login accounts. The service uses
your email address during processing, and will obtain
this email address from your network login.

Wi-Fi Service

Wi-Fi service is available for students to access the
Internet anywhere in the MBA-ITB campus. Whether it is
the group syndicate, library, classrooms or the canteen,
students can access the Internet wirelessly.

In order to connect to the wireless network, one's
computer needs to be configured according to a specific
setting. Enable the Wi-Fi function on students laptop
and try to access any website. If the wireless network
settings are not correct, the browser will be redirected
to the instructions on how to setup the wireless
network. If the problems still persist, proceed to the
computer lab or IT staff for assistance.

MBA-ITB Student Handbook |65

Journal Access

Journal access service allows student to connect to e-
resources (databases, online journals, e-books) licensed
by ProQuest remotely from home or while traveling. To
be able to access licensed resources, student need to
authenticate (login with ID and password provide by
Library Staff) and connect to the campus network using
MBA-ITB internet access service.


To achieve the goal of increased online enrollments and
degree attainment, MBA-ITB develops academic system
that could access by student with user ID and password
given. ACSYS provide capabilities for entering student
test and other assessment scores through an electronic
grade book, building student schedules, tracking student
attendance, and managing many other student-related
data needs in a campus.

Student Service

The Student Services office provides a range of financial,
academic and personal support for students attending
MBA-ITB. The Student Services office staff is available to
meet with any student who has individual difficulties.
The service aims to provide both advice and practical
supports in a wide variety of circumstances. Student
Service is totally confidential and is free to all registered
Executives Meal

For MBA-ITB Bandung Executive Program, dinners meal
is provided by Program on Friday for free.

Kresna Securities SBM ITB

To introduce capital market world among campus, PT.
Kresna Graha Sekurindo, Tbk. (Kresna Securities) opened
investment gallery at SBM ITB. Hopefully, this stock
market and investment gallery can help student to
integrate theories on the capital market course with the
practice. The value of investments are allowed students
to play the stock is lower than usual, amounting to IDR
2.5 million.

66 | MBA-ITB Student Handbook

MBA-ITB Student Handbook |67


68 | MBA-ITB Student Handbook

Committee of Learning and Teaching

The main concern of the Committee of Learning and Teaching is to improve standards of learning and
teaching in SBM ITB. In order to do that, the Committee of Learning and Teaching meets every five or
six weeks with a fixed agenda; it has now met nine times since its establishment in 2009. The
Committee of Learning and Teaching also has student representatives from each program and
receives reports from them at each meeting.


Chairman : Ir. Budi Permadi Iskandar, MSP.
Secretary : Terry Kustiawan, S.T.
Member : Prof. Togar M. Simatupang, Ph.D.
Dr. Pri Hermawan
Reza Ashari Nasution, Ph.D.
Deddy Priatmodjo Koesrindartono, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Jann Hidajat Tjakraatmadja
Ir. Drs. H. Arson Aliludin, S.E., DEA.
Budhi Arta Surya, Ph.D.
Dr. Mustika Sufiati Purwanegara
Dr. Aurik Gustomo
Dr. Utomo Sarjono Putro
Dr. Akbar A. Utama, MBA, MT
Wawan Dhewanto, Ph.D
Achmad Ghazali, Ph.D
Student delegation

Task and Objective

Review any comments about the teaching programs
and courses.
Review proposals for new courses.
Reviewing the structure of existing courses, make
proposals for the restructuring and give change if
Examine complaint from courses and give comment
on the delivery system of course, such as a
combination of lectures and tutorials, how lecturers
teach, and assessment methods used.
Review and analyze the linkages between all subjects
in the study program.


Some of the Committee of Learning and Teachings
accomplishments are: establishing regulations for proper
conduct in lectures; listening to student requests for the
improvement of facilities - lockers etc.; starting a
program of peer review; clarifying issues relating to
plagiarism; beginning discussion of soft/key skills;
putting in place a system for monitoring the evaluation
of programs and courses; pushing for the reappearance
of the newsletter; and encouraging the production of
handbooks for the various programs.

Student can always check the minutes for more
information about the Committee of Learning and
Teaching. The links for the minutes is provided by online,
for example: (November8

MBA-ITB Student Handbook |69

Quality Assurance and Accreditation

Implementation of quality assurance processes involving at least five parties consisting of
faculty, students, and three related units. Units involved in this process are the Quality
Assurance and Accreditation, Committee of Learning and Teaching, and Study Program.

Learning and Teaching Evaluation System
Lecturer Student
Committee of
Learning & Teaching
Study Program
Quality Assurance &
Questionnaire Questionnaire Questionnaire
Questionnaire to
Questionnaire to
Fill Out
Questionnaire that
has been filled
Return the
Questionnaire that
has been filled
Questionnaire that
has been filled
Return the
Questionnaire that
has been filled to
Questionnaire that
has been filled
Questionnaire data
Evaluation Result
Evaluation Result to
each Lecturer
Create Study
Evaluation Report
Study Evaluation
Deliver Study
Evaluation Report to
Study Program
Evaluation Result
Evaluation Result
Make an
explanation about
Evaluation Result
Lecturer Explanatory
Deliver Problem
Meet and Discuss
about Learning and
Teaching matters
Changes and
Participate in
Regular Discussion
Lecturer Explanatory
Follow Up
Study Evaluation
Perform Follow Up

Survey Process

70 | MBA-ITB Student Handbook

Evaluation of course conducted twice in a semester,
which is done by distribute questionnaires to student
that contain of student opinion concerning the
implementation of the course, methodology, course
delivery, and content of lecture materials. The survey
process is conduct as objectively as possible and can
currently be done through on-line survey link sent by the
Quality Assurance and Accreditation to the students via
civitas mail or from

The first questionnaire was administered and completed
by the student before mid-term exam. With this
feedback, the lecturer is expected to capture the
difficulties and suggestions from students to make
improvements at the courses they teach.

The second questionnaire was distributed and
completed by the student before the final exam. In this
second evaluation, students were asked to provide
advice and input on the implementation of lectures
throughout the semester.

Questionnaire was completed by the student submitted
to Quality Assurance and Accreditation unit to be
recapitulated. The results of this recap by Quality
Assurance and Accreditation then distributed to each of
relevant lecturer and the director of study programs.
Lecturers are required to analyze the results of the
implementation of last term evaluation that answered
by the student from teaching results. This document is
then submitted to the study program for follow-up.

Besides that, regular meeting and discussion is conduct
by these five parties for Quality Assurance process every
six weeks with a predetermined agenda. Every meeting
will discuss a progress report from previous meeting,
and every problem/matters also discussed by a
predetermined Person in Charge (PIC).

Accreditation Process

Accreditation process begins with implementation of
self-evaluation in the study program. Self-evaluation
refers to the self-evaluation guidelines that have been
published by BAN-PT. However, if necessary, the director
of study program can add elements to be evaluated in
accordance with the interests of study programs and
institutions concerned. From the results of the
implementation of self-evaluation, executive summary
will made, which further the executive summary is
attached in a letter of application for accreditation that
will sent to the BAN-PT secretariat.

BAN-PT Secretariat will review the executive summary of
the study program, and if it has met all the required
components in self-evaluation guidelines, BAN-PT
secretariat will send the instrument of accreditation in
accordance with the level of accreditation for a study
program after the instrument is filled.

The study program sends the entire file (instrument of
accreditation that has been filled and its attachments,
along with a copy of it) to the BAN-PT secretariat. The
number of copies that must be included for the study
program and Graduate Diploma levels as much as 3
copies, while for the program of Master and Doctoral
level studies as many as four copies. Assessment is done
after the entire file is received in full by the BAN-PT

MBA-ITB Student Handbook |71

72 | MBA-ITB Student Handbook


MBA-ITB Student Handbook |73

About Final Project

MBA-ITB emphasizes the importance of understanding and mastery on the dynamic of
business problem in the real world. Therefore, MBA-ITB presents various real business
nuances to its student inside and outside the class.


In the class, there are realized through the use of case-
based teaching method. Different kinds of case from
various sources are used to build business sense within
the students. Whereas outside the class, these are
realized by urging the students to directly see the
practices of business in any various companied tend to
discuss them for the understanding of the business

At the end of learning process, the students are obliged
to carry out a final project serving as a means for the
students to work independently, under the guidance of a
lecturer, to solve a real business problem in Indonesia.
Through this three-month project, it is expected that
they may sharpen up their ability in understanding and
solving the problems in business world.


In addition, the Final Project of MBA-ITB has the
following objectives:
1. Final Project is a media for students to express their
competence through doing analysis and synthesis of
real problems of company.
2. Final Project is an integration of students knowledge
and skills have been learned in the MBA-ITB
3. Final Project should be based on the spirit of
originality, sharing knowledge and demonstrate
students contribution to business solutions.
Therefore, it should be free of plagiarism, data
manipulation (in the negative term) and cheating.

Supervising Process

1. MBA-ITB provide list of eligible supervisors
2. Students give 3 (three) choices of supervisor they
want to have.
3. SBM ITB committee decides the supervisor based on
those alternatives with considering: expertise and
availability (relates to lecturers load in the other
academic activities in SBM such as in the
undergraduate, MBA program, MSM program, and
DSM program).
4. Students have already been doing non-formal
supervision have privilege to have those non-formal
5. Supervising processes can be discussed between
student and chosen supervisor (frequency, media,

Final Project Defense

1. Deadline of Final Project Defense is generally 1
month before ITB graduation day (March, July, and
2. Students have to submit three copies of Final Project
at least two weeks before the day of Final Project
3. There will be three examiners in the Final Project
A Lecturer in the similar sub-interest group.
Expert from company with Master degree where
the Final Project was taken, if not possible, a
lecturer from other sub-interest group.
4. Final Project defense generally take 1 up to 3 hours

Paper Submission

Based on School of Business and Management Deans
Decree number 021/I1.C12/SK/PP/2011, about the
obligations to publish students research in School Of
Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung,
in order to enhance the ability of writing scientific
papers and ensure School of Business and Management
Institut Teknologi Bandung graduates quality, all
students are required to publish their research result.
The cum laude predicated graduates from MBA-ITB
should make a paper and publish their paper to
accredited national journal as one of cum laude
yudisium requirement. In other hand, for graduates who
do not get cum laude also should make a paper and
publish their paper in the Indonesian Journal of Business

74 | MBA-ITB Student Handbook

Final Project Grading

Grading of the Final Project not only based on the quality of written Final Project but also
quality of understanding of the business issues asked in the exam, attitude, etc.

Grading Proportion

Proportion of grading policy, approximately:
50% from 1
50% from 2

Quality of Substance

1. Problem definition
Does the candidate use and develop original
Are known ideas interwoven in a new way?
Is the exposition of the topic clear, are the aims
logically stated?
Does the Final Project include clearly formulated

2. Research design
Are the possibilities and limitations of the
applied method discussed?
Does the candidate show sufficient familiarity
with current knowledge (literature and
Are the methods and techniques used properly
Are the methods adopted appropriate to the
subject matter?
Does the structure of the Final Project show a
logical approach to the topic?

3. Analysis, interpretation, conclusion
Does the Final Project incorporate critical
Have the results been sufficiently tested by
statistical analyses?
Has the research (field work, collecting data,
experiments, models, etc.) been carried out
carefully and adequately?

4. Research results
Are the core findings presented in clear
Are the result of the research and conclusions
clearly and logically presented?
Have the central questions been answered?
Are generalizations supported by facts?
Are proposals made for subsequent research

Quality of Report

Have the formal requirements for diagrams, tables,
literary sources etc., been met?
Is there a comprehensive, informative summary?
Is the text, clearly understandable, scientifically
correct and in a grammatically sound language?
Is the layout attractive for readers?

Quality of Presentation

At final project defense first phase, students must
present their final project on PowerPoint format, with
no more than 15-20 minutes to examiners. Final project
presentation must be delivered briefly and clearly to
examiners according to students final project content.

Quality of Argumentation

After present their final project, student will be asked by
examiners about content quality of substance, report,
and presentation. Clarity, relevance and linkages
between the answers given by student and the final
project will be the biggest proportion of this part.

Final Project Defense

MBA-ITB Student Handbook |75


Report Format

Validation page
Table of Content
List of Table
List of Figure

1. Introduction
Snapshot of company profile
Background of problem/symptoms

2. Business Issue Exploration
Research question
Problems owner & unit business analysis
The benefits by solving the problem

3. Business solution
Framework/theoretical being used
Data collecting (mechanism, source, sort of data)
Data analysis (method, results)
Proposed problem solution

4. Implementation Plan
Action plan
Budget & organization consequences


Quality Standard

Think that you are in the master level
Should consist of synthesis not only analysis or
reporting evidence
Should have something valuable insight
You will be not embarrassed when you read again 5
years later.or will never say oh my God it was
my poor work but still earned MBA from ITB..!

Physical Conditions

Paper Size
Final Project printed on A4 Paper (210 mm x 297
mm), 80 g/m2.
Printing and Binding
The publishing and compilation of the final year
project report was in accordance to the
predetermined terms and conditions.
Tolerance on Mistakes
This Final Project will not accept tolerance of any
mistakes (zero tolerance).


Use academic, simple and clear language
Following the (customary) writing guidelines in the
Business and Management field as stated in this
student handbook.


The Executive Summary, official statement, Preface,
Table of Contents, Exhibits, Appendices, List of
Abbreviations and Symbols are to be numbered
separately from the Final Project content pages by using
the notation i, ii, iii, ... The main report section of the
final project uses the Arabic notation 1,2,3 in
consecutive order from beginning to end. Both
numbering systems are to be placed at the bottom left
or bottom right of the page.

Citing Reference

If there are words or sentences derived from other
documents or were quoted from an interview, the
quoted words or sentences have to be written in
between the double-quoted sign or for a long quote
(more than three lines) the sentences have to be written
in a separate paragraph indented by 10mm. Moreover,
the source has to be clearly stated.

Reference Source

All written statements quoted from books, journals, and
documents not previously published or were taken from
the internet have to be referenced by stating the last
name of the author, the year of publication, and the
page number from which the statement was quoted.
The quotation should be written in closed brackets, i.e.
(Author-Date Harvard System).

Reid, DH, Parsons, MB & Green, CW 1989, Staff
management in human services: behavioral research and
application, Charles C. Thomas, Springfield.

Cengel, YA & Boles, MA 1994, Thermodynamics: an
engineering approach, 2nd edn, McGraw Hill, London.

76 | MBA-ITB Student Handbook

MBA-ITB Student Handbook |77


78 | MBA-ITB Student Handbook

Graduation Night

SBM ITB always held graduation night for its recent
graduates at Gedung Serba Guna ITB, before or after the
morning ITB graduate ceremony. Every graduation night
is using the theme of Indonesian diverse culture.

Entering the hall, all guests and invites consisting of the
dean, the lecturers, the graduates, and their families,
were warmly welcomed by selected culture interior
decorations. Also, the costumes of the flowers and the
background of the stage were made of selected culture
motif clothes.

Graduates Award

Best Young Professional Award
This award has given to best graduates of MBA-ITB
Regular Program.

Best Executive Award
This award has given to best graduates of MBA-ITB
Executive Program.

Best In-House Leader Award
This award has given to best graduates from all In-House
class that been held by MBA-ITB.

Inspiring Leader Award
This award has given to best graduates from Business
Leader Executive MBA (BLEMBA) on MBA-ITB Jakarta
Campus and has been chosen by managerial experience
in the company.

Bashar Award
This award has given to best graduates from MBA Sharia
Banking and Finance Program on MBA-ITB Jakarta


To complete the MBA Program, a student is considered
graduates if:

a. Have taken all the requisite unit course for the MBA
Program without D, E or, T
b. Achieve the GPA of 2,75 (two point seventy five)
c. Overall study course is not more than 6 (six)
semesters or 3 (three) years.
d. Shows the competency in using English which is
stated on the minimum TOEFL grades of 475 (four
hundred and seventy five) which is given by the
Language Department of ITB, International TOEFL or
other organizations approved by ITB.

The student graduation yudisium is as follows:

Cum Laude GPA 3,75 24 months
Excellent 3,50 GPA< 3,75 24 months
Satisfactory 2,75 GPA< 3,50 36 months

MBA-ITB Student Handbook |79

80 | MBA-ITB Student Handbook


MBA-ITB Student Handbook |81

Career Service

Most of MBA-ITB students whose joined young professional program are fresh graduate and
have no working experience yet. Therefore, SBM ITB Career Service integrates all kinds of
preparations that need to face the challenges after they graduate from the MBA-ITB.


To become a center of professional development in SBM
ITB that provides excellence service for student and


SBM ITB Career Services would give an education for
student and alumni about professional skill that should
have by them so they can get success in career.
Furthermore, Career Service actively develops and
maintaining good relationships with various companies
and associations to connect the student and graduates
of SBM ITB into work life.

Program and Corporate Partnership

SBM ITB Career Service provides services in accordance
with company requirements, such as:

Online Career Website
Companies can register and use the facilities available in
the Career Website for free. Companies can put up
announcements of job opportunities on our website.

Annual Resume Book
Career Service has published Annual Resume Book to
accommodate the company needs and retain MBA-ITB
graduates resume in a book form. We will automatically
send a resume book to the company that has become a

Job or Event Announcement Post
Companies that open a job or career vacancy can send
advertisements or posters to Career Service. Such
information will be distributed to students and alumni
through job boards, SMS broadcast, mailing lists, Career
Website, and other media on request. Resumes
collected will be sent to the company on softcopy or
hard copy.

Annual Career Fair
This activity was held in the area of SBM ITB. Allow the
company to announce job vacancy, accept applications,
conduct recruitment process, and present the company

Presentation & Recruitment Day
Career Service will assist the implementation of
corporate presentations or on-campus recruiting
activities at SBM ITB, in accordance with the company's

Career Training & Workshop
These activities are aims to giving information about
career world. Periodic training and workshop will be
conducted with company delegation as a trainer or

Career Talk & Sharing Session
We invite young workers and senior workers to discuss
about tips and tricks to face the working environment,
and give a description of the professional working

For further information please contact
Career Service Office

Floor Room 101
School of Business and Management Building
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Jl. Ganesha No. 10, Bandung 40132
Phone: +62-22-253-1923 ext. 101
Fax: +62-22-250-4249


YaniNurhayati (

82 | MBA-ITB Student Handbook

Career Opportunity

Graduate Working Industry Profile

Waiting Period to Work

Soft Skill Required

First Basic Salary (in million Rupiah)

Minimum GPA Required

Minimum TOEFL Score Required

Mining, Oil, and Gas
Civil Servant
Directly Work
0-3 Months
3-6 Months
6-12 Months
> 12 Months
High Motivated
Work Under Pressure
Easy to Adapt
< 3
> 7
2.75 - 3.00
3.00 - 3.50
> 3.50
450 - 500
500 - 540
540 - 570

MBA-ITB Student Handbook |83

84 | MBA-ITB Student Handbook


MBA-ITB Student Handbook |85

Alumni Union

Until October 2011, the number of MBA-ITB graduate is 2660 peoples, consists of young
professional, executive, and In-House program (not include MBA-ITB graduates from

Alumni Relations

Admission, Career Service and Alumni Relations (ACA)
have a lot of important roles for dissemination of
information process on students prospect, selection,
career and also relations with SBM ITB alumni. Because
of function differences with Alumni Union (IA) SBM,
Admission, Career Service and Alumni Relations have a
function as a place for alumni to contribute to the SBM
ITB and vice versa. It also helps alumni in the process of
career, gathering place and data base storage

Trace Alumni

Alumni data tracing is required, so can be know the
percentage of alumni who has been working in a certain
time, their career position, etc. Alumni data will be
updated by Career Service Division Alumni until 3
months after graduation. Constraints faced were the
limited time to obtain such data, because the ACA unit
combined with some other activities such as selection,
open houses, regular visits, etc.


Alumni Gathering and Biz Expo

For the first time Student Union of SBM ITB held Alumni
Gathering and Biz Expo that presented on Saturday
November 19
2011, started at 07.00 until 21.00 WIB.
This event is held by cooperation of SBM ITB Alumni
Union, SBM ITB Student Union, and all SBM ITB civitas.

This event started with Fun Bike, Product and Business
Exhibition by SBM ITB Alumni, Students, and Partners,
motivation seminar from Mr. Rodrigo (CTO Axis from
Brazil), Hiramsyah Thaib (Bakrieland), Tonton Taufik
(Rattan Entrepreneurs), and Yusrizki (Amandana
Partners Indonesia), and also debate session from head
of IA ITB candidate, Mr. Amir Sambodo, Mr.Hermanto
Dardak, Mr.Dasep Ahmadi, Mrs.Nining I. Soesilo, and
Mr.Sumaryanto Widayatin.

In the night, gracious event and entertainment event
was held. These activities are aims to create hospitality,
reinforce familiarity and give a positive motivation from
alumni to student of SBM ITB.

Alumni Sharing Session

Alumni Sharing Session was held every two months.
Admission, Career Service and Alumni Relations invite
SBM ITB alumni to give training or seminar in less than
three hours. The event was highly awaited by SBM ITB
students because the material is very interesting and
alumni who have ties with SBM ITB always present with
full of dedication. Training materials, teaching aids and
informal atmosphere of sharing always attract SBM ITB
students to come.

86 | MBA-ITB Student Handbook

Alumni Social Responsibility

This social event has been held by SBM ITB Alumni some
time ago and collaborating with Pustaka Lebah that have
mission to improve the quality of Indonesian children's
education through the facilities of relevant books with
children. For the next plan, ACA has been connected
with several alumni who have planned to make the
committee at the Alumni Gathering 2012.

Annual Golf Tournament

Student creativity can be expressed in many forms, as
long as the aims are positive and the benefits for the
society are apparent. This is what the students of the
School of Business and Management at ITB sought to
achieve by holding SBM ITB Golf Tournament 2011 at
Riverside Golf Club, Cibubur, East Jakarta, on Thursday
January 6

Attended by 144 golfers who came from the likes of
government offices, industries, academic institutions, as
well as the parents of the SBM students themselves
under the banner of IOM SBM ITB, the annual
tournament was the sixth of its kind. This year, under
the theme "Swing for Caring," the proceeds of the
tournament were directed to the Satoe Indonesia social
empowerment programs in the villages of Papak
Manggu and Gambung, Ciwidey, Bandung Regency,
West Java.

MBA-ITB Student Handbook |87

Team Editor

Reza Ashari Nasution
Novika Candra Astuti
Efson Thrismono
Yos Sutiyoso

Graphic Text and Lay-out Designer:
La Ode Muhamad Arief Akbar

Data and Photo Source:
Minar Akbar Kurniawan
Dian Akhirudin
Yani Nurhayanti
Ninuk Endang Windarti
Yose Ali Rahman
Lise Yusanti
Sujoko Winanto
Hariadi Adinugraha
La Ode MuhamadArief Akbar

Copyright 2012
Master of Business Administration
School of Business and Management
Institut Teknologi Bandung

88 | MBA-ITB Student Handbook

Member of:


Bandung Campus

MBA-ITB Building
Jl. Gelap Nyawang No. 1 Bandung 40132
West Java Indonesia
Phone: +62(22) 2504308
Fax: +62(22) 2504897



Jakarta Campus

Gedung Binasentra 1
Floor Bidakara
Jl. Jend. Gatot SubrotoKav. 71-73 Jakarta 12870
West Java Indonesia
Phone: +62(21) 83793458
Fax: +62(21) 83793470

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