Bahan Ajar Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII SMP

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Bahan Ajar Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII SMP

Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sangat sederhana untuk
erinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat
Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional !to get things done" dan interpersonal
!ersosialisasi" #ang menggunakan ragam ahasa lisan sangat sederhana dengan lingkungan
terdekat #ang meliatkan tindak tutur$ men#apa orang #ang elum % sudah dienal&
Memperkenalkan diri sendiri % orang laind an memerintahkan atau melarang&
Acitivy 3 Listen are!"lly
'& (eru is a ne) ngihour
Ar# : (ello$ I*m Ar#
(eru : (ello$ +m (eru
Ar# : ,ou are the ne) neighour$ right -
(eru : ,es$ I am& I .ust mo/ed 0rom Padang
Ar# : 1ell$ nice to meet #ou& (eru
2& RIanti meets her teacher$ Mr& 3aket at the post o00ice
Ranti : 4ood a0ternoon$ Sir
Mr& 3aker : 4ood a0ternoon$ #ou are 5
Ranti : Ranti$ Sir& M# name is Ranti& (o) are #ou -
Mr& 3aker : I am 0ine$ thank #ou& And ho) aout #ou -
Rianti : I am 0ine$ too
Mr& 3aker : 1ell$ Ranti& I ha/e to go no)& Pleased to meet #ou
Rianti : Pleased to meet #ou$ too& Sir
6& 7itra is Ari*s 0riend& One night she )ants to see ari at his home$ ut he is not home& Ari*s
rother& Sigit is at home&
7itra : 4ood e/ening$ Sigit
Sigit : 4ood e/ening$ 7itra
7itra : Is Ari (ome -
Sigit : I*m sorr#$ 7itra& Ari is not home
7itra : Oh$ )ell& That*s OK& 4ood night$ then
Sigit : 4ood night
8& Anto is Mont#*s est 0riend
Anto : (i$ Mont#& Are #ou coming to the asketall game -
Mont# : (i$ Anto& ,es$ I*m coming to the game
Anto : OK$ then& See #ou there& 3#e
Mont# : 3#e
4ood morning
4ood a0ternoon$ M# name is Ari
4ood e/ening$
(i I am Nita
Nice to meet #ou good #e
4ood to meet #ou good night
Pleased to meet #ou #e 9
see #ou '
4ood morning
4ood a0ternoon m# name is (eru
4ood e/ening
(i$ I am mone#
Nice to meet #ou too good #e
4ood to meet #ou$ too good night
Pleased to meet #ou too #e 9
see #ou 9
A'tivity 3 %ea( #"t The !#ll#)ing (ial#g"es
'& Reni meets her cousin Romi on his )a# to the ookstone& Romi li/es )ith Reni*s 0amil#&
Reni : (i$ Romi 9
Romi : (i$ Reni 9 1hat are #ou doing here -
Reni : I*m going to the ookstone& Do #ou )ant to come )ith me -
Romi : No$ +m going home
Reni : Ok$ See #ou at home
Romi : See #ou
2& Rudi cannot sleep& (e goes to the kitchen to ha/e some chocholate milk$ his mother is in the
Rudi : (ello$ Mom
Mother : (ello$ Rudi$ 1h# are #ou still a )ake -
Rudi : I can*t sleep& I*m going to drink a glass o0 chocholate milk
Mother : Oh$ here it is
Rudi : Thank #ou$ mom& 4ood night
Mother : 4ood night
$ra**ar +ighlight
T# Be
Pronoun To 3e :ull :rom Short :orm Noun
I am I am i%m a students
,ou are #ou are #ou*re a student
She is she is sh*s a student
(e is he is he*s a student
It is it is it*s a ook
1e are )e are )e*ree student
The# are the# are the#*re student
:ull :orm Short :rom Noun
I am not I*m not I*am not a student
,ou are not #ou*re not #ou aren*t a student
She is not she*s not she isn*t a student
(e is not he*s not he isn*t a student
It is not it*s not it ins*t a ook
1e are not )e*re not )e arem*t students
The are not the#*re not the# arent students
To 3e Pronoun Noun
Is She%he$ it a ook -
Am I a student -
Are ,ou%)e%the# student -
Ste& M#(elling
Activity 3 %ea( the !#ll#)ing (ial#g"e
Irna : (ello$ I am Irna
1ei lin : (i$ m# name is )ei lin
Irna : Are #ou in ' A$ )ei lin
1in ;in : No$ I am in ' D
Irna : It is a pit# )e are not classmates& 3# the )a#$ I*m going to the canteen&
Do #ou )ant to come -
1ei lin : No$ thank*s& I*m going to the lirar#& See #ou later Irna&
Irna : See #ou
In this section$ #ou )ill learn to :
< 4i/e opinion on things in #our house and school
A0ter learning the lesson in this section$ #ou are e=pected to e ales ti :
< 4i/e opinion on things in #ou home and school appropriatel#
Ste& - B"il(ing Kn#)le(ge .! The Fiel(
Activity - St"(y The F#ll#)ing Ta/le
Things in #our house Things in #our classroom
'& So0a '& 3lackoard
2& Tale 2& 3ook
6& Sto/e 6& Pencil
8& 3ed 8& Ruler
>& Pillo) >& 7hair
Activity 0 Listen t# y#"r teacher rea( the !#ll#)ing )#r(s1 %e&eat a!ter hi* 2 her
Introducing to Phonetic S#mols
Sounds !: ? 0or long /o)els"
i : earn % een%
a : arn % arn %
c : orn % ean %
u : oon % uin %
e : urn % een %
Activity 3 N#)4 &r#n#"nce the !#ll#)ing )#r(s )ith the hel& #! y#"r teacher1 Then i(enti!y
)hich )#r(s have l#gn s#"n(1 Disc"ss )ith y#"r !rien(s1
Search pit 0eet
North o# teach
Seed put shoot
In this section$ )ill learn #ou :
< E=press likes and dislikes on things around #ou
< Ask opinion on things around #ou
A0ter ealearning the lesson in this section$ #ou are e=pected to e ales to :
< E=press likes and dislikes on thigs arround #ou appropriatel#
< Ask opinion appropriatel#
Activity 5 Practise the (ial#g"es )ith y#"r &artner
'& A : Do #ou like to read ooks -
3 : ,es$ I like it a lot
A : 1hat kinds o0 ooks do #ou like -
3 : I ;ike stor# ooks$ such as aladdin$ malin kundang and cindirella
2& A : Do #ou like to pla# games -
3 : ,es$ I like it a lot
A : 1hat game do #ou like -
3 : I am /er# 0ond o0 0l#ing kites
6& A : Do #ou like 0ish -
3 : No$ I don*t like 0ish ut I like ee0
8& A : Don*t #ou like hamurger -
3 : I can*t standa hamurger ut I*m reall# 0ond o0 cake
;ikes Dislikes
< I like % ;o/e < !I*m a0raid" I don*t like
< I !reall#" en.o# < I !reall#" hate
< I do like % lo/e < I can*t ear
< I*m !reall#" /er# 0ond o0 < I can*t stand
Asking 0or someone*s opinion 4i/ing Opinion Sa#ing no opinion
< 1hat do ou think aout - < I think it*s a good idea < I don*t kno)
< 1hat*s #our opinion o0 - < 1ell$ I must sa#
< 1hat aout - < Don*t #ou think -
< 1hat )ould #ou sa# to - < I*d sa#
In this section$ #ou )ill learn to :
< 1rite simple 0unctional sentences aout things around #ou
A0ter learning the lesson in this section$ #ou are e=pected to e ale to
- Make simple 0unctional sentences aout things around #ou
Ste& 0 In(e&en(ent #nstr"cti#n
Activity 3 L##' at the !#ll#)ing ta/les
Singular Plural Singular Plural
A student students a rush rushes
A girl girls a us uses
A tent tents a dress dresses
A school schools a )oman )oman
A ook ooks a man men
A lad# ladies a child children
In this section$ #ou )ill learn to :
< Respond to the teacher*s oral instruction using imperati/e sentences
< Identi0l# simple in/itation
A0ter learning the lesson in this section$ #u are e=pected to e ales to :
< Respond to oral instruction using imperati/e sentences
< Respond to simpel in/itation
Actitivy -7 Listen t# y#"r teacher rea( the !#ll#)ing (ial#g"es
'& Nina asks Mei to ha/e lunch to together
Nina : Mei Mei$ ha/e #ou had lunch #et -
Mei Mei : No$ I ha/en*t
Nina : ;et*s ha/e luch together
Mei Mei : That*s good idea
2& 3o akss lia to go the lirar#
3o : (i$ ;ia& 1hat are #ou doing -
;ia : (i$ 3o$ I*m reading a no/el
3o : ;et*s go to the lirar#
;ia : Sorr#$ I can*t& 3ut thanks an#)a#
6& 1ulan asks 7itra to ha/e lunch at the canteen
1ulan : I*m hungr# ho) aout #ou -
7itra : Me$ too
1ulan : Shall )e ha/e lunch in the canteen -
7itra : Sure
8& Ari0 Askeric to to the school #ard
Ari0 : It*s oring in here& Shall )e go to the school #ard -
Eric : No$ I can*t& I*m going to read a ook
In this section$ #ou )ill learn ti :
< 4i/e language accompan#ing action
< E=press simple in/itation to #our 0riends
A0ter learning the lesson un this section$ #ou are e=pected to e ale to :
- 4i/e language accompan#ing action appropriatel#
- In/ite #our 0riends appropriatel#
Actitivity 8 %ea( the !#ll#)ing (ial#g"e
'& Ir)an is going to the ookstore a0ter school& (e )ants rico to come )oth him
Ir)an : (i$ Tico
Rico : (i
Ir)an : 1here are #ou going a0ter school -
Rico : No)here$ )h# -
Ir)an : ;et*s go to the ookstore
Rico : OK
2& 7andra )ants to ask& Mariana to go to the lirar#
7andra : (i$ Mariana
Mariana : (i
7andra : 1hat are #ou doing -@
Mariana : Nothing$ 1h# -
7andra : 7ome )ith me to the lirar#
Mariana : No& I don*t )ant to& I )ant to got to the canteen
E9&ressi#ns #! Si*&e Invivati#n
< ;et*s 5
< Shall )e go to 5
< 7ome )ith me to 5
< I*d like #ou to 5
< 1ould #ou like to 5
In this section$ #ou )ill learn to :
< 4et in0ormation aout )hat people are doing
A0ter learning the lesson in this section$ #ou are e=pected to e ales to
< 4et in0ormation aout )hat people are doing
Activity 5 %ea( the te9t are!"lly
< Anto is a .unior high school student
< (e goes to SMP '
< (e goes to school on 0oot
< (e likes reading ooks
< (e goes s)imming e/er# )eek
< (e doesn*t like coming late to school
< (e likes listening to his teacher
$ra**ar +ighlight
I Am Reading a ne)spaper
,ou Are Pla#ing /ideo game
)e stud#ing english
She is S)imming
The# are 1riting
I am Reading a ne)spaper
,ou are Pla#ing /ideo game
1e are stud#ing english
(e is s)imming
She is )riting
The o#
$et %ea(y T# Learn M#re
Da#s o0 The 1eek :or the #ears )e usuall# sa#
Sunda#$ Monda# 'ABC : nineteen eight#
Tuesda#$ 1ednesda# 2CC> : t)o thousand and 0i/e
Thursda#$ :rida# 2C'> : t)o thousand and 0i0teen
M#nths #! The Year
'& Danuar# 8& April E& Dul# 'C& Oktoer
2& :eruar# >& Ma# A& August ''& No/emer
6& March F& Dune B& Septemer '2& Decemer
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