This document appears to be an invoice and payment record for guarding services in South Africa. It shows an invoice on March 25, 2009 for $17,949, with $6,898.87 paid via EFT on April 2, 2009. It also lists payments of $7,630 each month from April through July 2009 to M Shell for guarding services.
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This document appears to be an invoice and payment record for guarding services in South Africa. It shows an invoice on March 25, 2009 for $17,949, with $6,898.87 paid via EFT on April 2, 2009. It also lists payments of $7,630 each month from April through July 2009 to M Shell for guarding services.
This document appears to be an invoice and payment record for guarding services in South Africa. It shows an invoice on March 25, 2009 for $17,949, with $6,898.87 paid via EFT on April 2, 2009. It also lists payments of $7,630 each month from April through July 2009 to M Shell for guarding services.
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This document appears to be an invoice and payment record for guarding services in South Africa. It shows an invoice on March 25, 2009 for $17,949, with $6,898.87 paid via EFT on April 2, 2009. It also lists payments of $7,630 each month from April through July 2009 to M Shell for guarding services.
Attribution Non-Commercial (BY-NC)
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