Inter University Accelerator Centre New Delhi: Advertisement No. 4/2014
Inter University Accelerator Centre New Delhi: Advertisement No. 4/2014
Inter University Accelerator Centre New Delhi: Advertisement No. 4/2014
New Delhi
Advertisement No. 4/2014
Inter University Accelerator Centre, an Inter-University Centre having Mechanical
and lectronics !or"sho# $acilities intends to o$$er A##renticeshi# %raining.
&'ali$ied Indian nationals are invited to a##ly (y 1)
*'ly, 2014.
Trade + lectronics ,-.
Reservation + /C//%/01C- As #er 20I 3'les
Qualification + I%I #assed 4ith NC5% 4ith Matric'lation.
Period of Training + 0ne year
General Conditions + 6anel o$ candidates 4ill (e made on the (asis o$
#er$ormance in test and intervie4 to (e held in IUAC. /elected candidates 4ill have
to e7ec'te a contract ,(y g'ardian in case o$ minor.. No 8'arters/hostel 4ill (e
#rovided. 9ree medical $acility 4ill (e admissi(le as #er IUAC r'les to the trainee
d'ring the training. %o and $ro II class train $are/ordinary ('s $are 4ill (e reim('rsed
on #rod'ction o$ tic"ets to o'tstation candidates. 0nly short listed candidates 4ill
(e called $or the test / intervie4. /elected candidates 4ill (e re8'ired to :oin the
%raining on short notice.
A##lication giving details o$ Name, 9ather;s Name, 6ostal address, Contact No. ,-
mail-Id, 2'ardian<address ,i$ minor., =ate o$ 1irth, Age, /e7, Nationality, /tate o$
domicile, Marital stat's, !hether /C//%/01C, d'cational 8'ali$ication, technical
8'ali$ication along 4ith attested co#ies o$ relevant certi$icates and t4o #ass#ort
si>e #hotogra#hs may (e sent to+-
Administrative 0$$icer ,6.
Inter University Accelerator Centre
6ost 1o7 No. 10)02, Ar'na Asa$ Ali Marg, Ne4 =elhi-1100?@