The Water Nymph

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The Water-Nymph and the Boy

by Roden Berkeley Wriothesley Noel

I flung me round him,
I drew him under;
I clung, I drownd him,
My own white wonder! . . .
!ther !nd mother,
Wee"ing !nd wild,
#!me to the forest,
#!lling the child,
#!me from the "!l!ce,
$own to the "ool,
#!lling my d!rling,
My be!utiful!
%nder the w!ter,
#old !nd so "!le!
#ould it be lo&e m!de
Be!uty to f!il'
(h me for mort!ls!
In ! few moons,
If I h!d left him,
(fter some )unes
*e would h!&e f!ded,
!ded !w!y,
*e, the young mon!rch, whom
(ll would obey,
!irer th!n d!y;
(lien to s"ringtime,
)oyless !nd gr!y,
*e would h!&e f!ded,
!ded !w!y,
Mo&ing ! mockery,
+cornd of the d!y!
Now I h!&e t!ken him
(ll in his "rime,
+!&ed from slow "oisoning
,itiless -ime,
illd with his h!""iness,
.ne with the "rime,
+!&ed from the cruel
$ishonour of -ime.
/!id him, my be!utiful,
/!id him to rest,
/o&ing, !dor!ble,
+oftly to rest,
*ere in my cryst!lline,
*ere in my

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