The Alienniversary

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The Alienniversary

Simon opened the door and knew immediately he had made a

mistake, Sofia was waiting for him very disappointed.
It all began in the morning, when Simon went out for a walk.
Some time later, sofia woke up and she realized Simon wasnt
beside her neither in the house. That day was very important
because they celebrate their 15th Anniversary.
Eventually Simon was walking in the neighborhood when
suddenly appeared an Alien. Quite Unexpectedly the Alien
seduced him with its beautiful spell.
ulalamuadmuaselichbinlisoform said The Alien, and not long
afterwards Simon fell in love with it and he entered to its

As son as Simon came in to the spacecraft, he noticed the
alien was preparing a dinner, but he realized he was the
principal ingredient. What are you doing shouted Simon,
and Just at that moment the magic was broken and he noticed
the time flew.
In The end, when he returned 5 years later to his house ,
Simon opened the door and knew immediately he had made a
mistake because he had forgotten the anniversary.

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