This document provides the rules for the Warhammer 40K Combat Patrol tournament at AdeptiCon. Armies are limited to 400 points and must follow force organization restrictions. A variety of codices are allowed, but special characters and allies are not. Games use 6th edition rules with modifications like limited psychic powers and flyer reserves. Players earn points towards their overall score from battle points, appearance, and sportsmanship. There are four scenarios that award battle points from objectives and bonuses. Awards are given to the champion, general, artisan, and hero based on highest scores in each category.
This document provides the rules for the Warhammer 40K Combat Patrol tournament at AdeptiCon. Armies are limited to 400 points and must follow force organization restrictions. A variety of codices are allowed, but special characters and allies are not. Games use 6th edition rules with modifications like limited psychic powers and flyer reserves. Players earn points towards their overall score from battle points, appearance, and sportsmanship. There are four scenarios that award battle points from objectives and bonuses. Awards are given to the champion, general, artisan, and hero based on highest scores in each category.
This document provides the rules for the Warhammer 40K Combat Patrol tournament at AdeptiCon. Armies are limited to 400 points and must follow force organization restrictions. A variety of codices are allowed, but special characters and allies are not. Games use 6th edition rules with modifications like limited psychic powers and flyer reserves. Players earn points towards their overall score from battle points, appearance, and sportsmanship. There are four scenarios that award battle points from objectives and bonuses. Awards are given to the champion, general, artisan, and hero based on highest scores in each category.
This document provides the rules for the Warhammer 40K Combat Patrol tournament at AdeptiCon. Armies are limited to 400 points and must follow force organization restrictions. A variety of codices are allowed, but special characters and allies are not. Games use 6th edition rules with modifications like limited psychic powers and flyer reserves. Players earn points towards their overall score from battle points, appearance, and sportsmanship. There are four scenarios that award battle points from objectives and bonuses. Awards are given to the champion, general, artisan, and hero based on highest scores in each category.
AdeptiCon reserves the right to modify, update, clarify, or change event rules in the interest of making AdeptiCon the best event possible. No fundamental rules changes will be made after 2/1/2014.
ARMY CONSTRUCTION RULES Armies will consist of 400 points or less, and must conform to the following Force Organization restrictions: 0-1 HQ 1-3 Troops (you MUST bring at least one Troop choice) 0-1 Elite 0-1 Fast Attack 0-1 Heavy Support 0-1 Swing Slot (this maybe be used to field one additional Troops, Elite, Fast Attack OR Heavy Support choice) The following codices and supplements (print, ePub or iBooks version) are allowed in this event: Codex Adepta Sororitas, Codex Black Legion, Codex Blood Angels, Codex Chaos Daemons, Codex Chaos Space Marines, Codex Clan Raukaan, Codex Dark Angels, Codex Dark Eldar, Codex Eldar, Codex Farsight Enclaves, Codex Grey Knights, Codex Imperial Guard, Codex Inquisition (see below), Codex Iyanden, Codex Legion of the Damned, Codex Necrons, Codex Orks, Codex Sentinels of Terra , Codex Space Marines, Codex Space Wolves, Codex Tau Empire, Codex Tyranids. New codices or supplements that are released after March 3rd, 2014 will not be allowed in this event. Special/Unique/Named Characters, Allies, Data Slates, Fortifications, Escalation, AdeptiCon 2014 Approved Warhammer 40K and Lords of War Units, Forge World army lists and material from the Horus Heresy books WILL NOT be allowed in this event; however players may still use their Forge World models to represent a unit in their army. Armies are not required to take mandatory unit choices. All other unit restrictions (i.e. 0-1) apply. You may spend remaining points on units from anywhere in the Codex. With the exception of Troops and models with the Swarm USR, No model can have more than 2 Wounds. Aside from Troops choices and dedicated Transports, only vehicles with a maximum of 11 in any armor facing may be taken. Dedicated transports and troops may have a maximum armor facing of 12. Vehicle Squadrons and Artillery units are permitted provided every unit within the unit individually would be permitted. Vehicle upgrades that increase an armor facing may only raise the armor value to a maximum of 12 (this includes Necron Quantum Shielding). Rules Modification (Codex Inquisition): Codex Inquisition Henchmen units will be considered Troops for the purposes of this event and will be limited to 1-3 units. Keep in mind that Inquisitors are NOT legal in this event due to the restriction on maximum Wounds. Codex Inquisition may NOT ally in any way with any other codex in this event. Rules Modification (Codex Legion of the Damned): Codex Legion of the Damned squads will be considered Troops for the purposes of this event and will be limited to 1-3 squads. Codex Legion of the Damned may NOT ally in any way with any other codex in this event. Rules Modification (Psykers): All Psykers may use ONE Warp Charge per game turn. Psykers may exchange powers as normal. Rules Modification (Flyers/Reserves): At the start of your Turn One, and each turn thereafter, you must roll a D6 for each Flyer being held in reserve. If the roll is 3 or more, the Flyer and all embarked units arrive at the start of the following turn. Flyers and all embarked units will automatically arrive at the start of Turn Five. Example: On Turn Three, a Necron Night Scythe with troops makes a successful Reserve Roll - they will arrive on Turn Four. There is no need to make a Reserve Roll at the beginning of Turn Four, as all remaining Flyers and embarked units will automatically show up at the beginning of Turn Five. Forge World/Imperial Armor units are NOT allowed in the Warhammer 40K Combat Patrol event, however players may still use their Forge World models to represent a unit from their codex.
GENERAL RULES Players MUST use the same army list throughout the tournament. The Warhammer 40,000 6th Edition Rules, Death from the Skies Compendium (unit rules, wargear and army list entries only) and all relevant Games Workshop Errata and FAQs will be used. In the case of a conflict between a printed version of a Codex and a Digital version the most recent update or FAQ will take precedence.
WARHAMMER 40K COMBAT PATROL The AdeptiCon 2014 Warhammer 40K Rules Addendum and FAQ will be used to resolve additional rules disputes. The following rules will be used in some or all of the missions: Night Fighting, Reserves, Heavy Metal, Fast Recon, The Relic, Mysterious Objectives and Mysterious Terrain. Each mission will denote how/when these rules come into play. A separate printed army list is required for the judges and each of your opponents (minimum of 5 copies required). Each player must bring a Warhammer 40,000 rulebook and the codex (or codices) represented in their army and all materials needed to play a game/report the results - including dice, measuring devices, templates, and a writing implement. All players are expected to abide by the AdeptiCon Conduct Policy. The models used in your army must comply with the AdeptiCon Model Policy (all models MUST be WYSIWYG and painted to a 3-color minimum standard). If illegal units or rules violations are found in a player's list, at a minimum, the models in violation will be removed from all subsequent play. Tournament points may be deducted and award eligibility may be forfeited. Please use the feedback form on the AdeptiCon 2014 website to ask any questions you may have regarding rules issues or legal units in advance! AdeptiCon Tournament Judges' and Officers' rulings are final and arguments or poor conduct by players will not be tolerated. AdeptiCon reserves the right to remove players from the tournament or AdeptiCon itself with no refunds allowed.
WARLORDS Since it is possible to field a Combat Patrol army without purchasing an HQ choice, your army might be left without an obvious Warlord. In this case, your Warlord would be the most senior ranking model in your army. If two models qualify for this position due to equal rank, then the player may choose which one is considered the army's Warlord. This model is considered to issue orders may confer its Leadership bonus to friendly units.
Warlord Traits WILL NOT be used in the Warhammer 40K Combat Patrol event. Some missions will offer Warlords certain abilities, but these will be mission specific.
SCENARIOS & SCORING There are four scenarios that will be used during the tournament. There will be a total of 30 Battle Points in each scenario. These Battle Points will come from a combination of mission objectives (usually 2 or 3) and tactical bonuses.
Players will earn points towards their overall score as follows:
Category Possible Points % Battle 120 points 56% Appearance 48 points 22% Sportsmanship 48 points 22% Favorites Votes Used as tiebreakers n/a
BEWARE ODDITIES When you play Combat Patrol, it's important to remember that these games approach Warhammer 40,000 in a way that was not originally conceived by the designers. This means odd stuff will crop up which you need to sort out 'on the fly'. The best way to resolve these issues is to ask yourself the following:
1. Is there any existing Warhammer 40,000 rule you can use as a precedent? 2. What is the most reasonable thing that would happen in this situation? 3. What are the two most likely outcomes and then roll a D6: 1-3 = Go with solution 1; 4-6 = Go with solution 2. 4. If all else fails, ask a judge, however, the judge's decision is final.
AWARDS Combat Patrol Champion: The player with the highest overall score at the end of all four games. Combat Patrol General: The player with the highest number of Battle Points at the end of all four games. Combat Patrol Artisan: The player with the highest Appearance score. Favorite Patrol votes as a tiebreaker. Combat Patrol Hero: The player with the highest Sportsmanship score. Favorite Opponent votes as a tiebreaker.