The College Offers The Following Courses of Study

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The college offers the following courses of study:

B.A. (Honours Course)
Honours Subjects General Subjects to be taken (any two)
Bengali : History, Pol. Sc., Philosophy/Journalism & Mass Comn.
English : History, Pol. Sc., Philosophy/Journalism & Mass Comn.
Hindi : History, Pol. Sc., Philosophy/Journalism & Mass Comn.
Political Science: a) History, Economics, Journalism & Mass Comn.
b) History, Philosophy, Beng./Eng./Hindi
History : a) Pol. Sc., Economics, Journalism & Mass Comn.
b) Pol. Sc., Philosophy, Beng./Eng//Hindi
Philosophy : History, Pol. Sc., Beng./Eng./Hindi
Journalism & Mass
Communication : Beng./Eng./Hindi, History, Pol. Sc., Economics

B.A. (General Course)
Any three from : a) History, Pol. Sc., Philosophy, Beng./Eng./Hindi
Any three from : b) History, Pol. Sc., Economics, Journalism & Mass

B.Sc. (Honours Course)
Honours Subjects General Subjects to be taken (any two)
Physics : Mathematics, Chemistry/Electronics/Computer Science
Chemistry : Mathematics, Physics
Mathematics : Physics, Chemistry/Statistics/Computer Science
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Computer Science: Mathematics, Physics/Electronics/Statistics
Economics : Mathematics, Statistics / Pol. Sc. / Journalism & Mass
Communication / Computer Science

B.Sc. (Gen. Course) Pure Science: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry/Statistics

B.Sc. (Gen. Course) Bio-Science: Zoology, Botany, Chemistry

B. Com (Honours Course): Accountancy Group

B.Com. (General Course): Usual Commerce subjects as prescribed by the

N. B.:
In the University Part I Course, all students are required to take two compulsory
language papers consisting of fifty marks in English and fifty marks in Bengali/ Hindi.

In the Part III course, students are required to take one compulsory paper of hundred
marks in Environmental Studies.

In accordance with the combination of subjects stated above, students may change their
subjects within the last date fixed by the University.

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