(SEL) for all students. SEL is the process through which children develop skills for decision-making, communication, cooperation, conflict resolution, problem solving, and developing healthy relationships for work and play. The school system has adopted The Responsive Classroom program as the basis for its K-5 social and emotional learning. It is based on principals of child development, explicit teaching of social as well as academic skills and the facilitation of positive community membership. The program increases social skills and academic engagement, establishes positive classroom climate, increases learner investment and independence, and decreases disruptive behaviors.
At Grade Four, students will focus on: Identify observed emotions in self and others Discontinue emotional expression that seems to upset others Set goals Anticipate consequences Show ability to be a member of a group Accept failure or frustration and continue effort Listen carefully Admit mistakes and apologize when appropriate Competently deal with gossip and teasing Identify strategies for coping with strong emotions
8/13 Needham Public Schools GRADE 4
CURRICULUM SUMMARY Schools VISION STATEMENT A community and school partnership that creates excited learners, inspires excellence, fosters integrity
Physi cal Educati on
Participate appropriately in physical education class activities Demonstrate the skill of chasing, fleeing and dodging in a game-like situation Demonstrate the ability to jump rope Demonstrate the ability to combine dribbling and kicking (instep) while moving Dribble a ball with hands while avoiding a defender and maintaining control Demonstrate the ability to consistently strike a rebounding object with a racket or paddle, using a forehand strike with proper grip, stance, and swing
NEEDHAM PUBLIC SCHOOLS Daniel E. Gutekanst, Superintendent 1330 Highland Avenue Needham, MA 02492
Dr. Theresa Duggan Director of Program Development & Implementation Phone: 781.455.0400 x240 terry_duggan@needham.k12.ma.us
Participate in book discussion groups with peers Read and discuss a variety of genres Read text with fluency and expression Use comprehension strategies to deepen understanding Read for insight, information, pleasure Interpret relationships of characters and events in stories and texts Read to acquire information Use multiple strategies to determine word meaning Recognize idioms and figurative language Gather and organize information Increase knowledge of word structure and vocabulary
Writing Media/Technology Use stages of the writing process including drafting, revising, editing, and publishing Use graphic organizers Use a variety of genres for different writing purposes Consider audience and purpose for writing Write with voice Use research skills to support informational writing Write in response to prompts Use mentor text to learn crafting techniques Use conventional spelling Use conventions of punctuation
Master the use of the patron catalog for materials searching Develop keyboarding fluency Save and retrieve work appropriately and responsibly Locate information through a subject or key word search Write an electronic citation Understand the Dewey Decimal System Use text editing tools for spelling and usage Download images from the web Develop more detailed descriptions of cyber- bullying, and of their impact upon children Further development of discussion skills with peers on the topics of cyberbullying Mathematics Use the four operations with whole numbers to solve problems Gain familiarity with factors and multiples Generate and analyze patterns Generalize place value understanding for multi-digit whole numbers Perform multi-digit arithmetic Extend understanding of fractions by applying and extending previous understandings of operations on while numbers Understand decimal notation for fractions, and compare decimal fractions Solve problems involving measurement and conversion of measurements from a larger unit to a smaller unit Represent and interpret data Geometric measurement: Understand concepts of angle and measure angles Draw and identify lines and angles, and classify shapes by properties of their lines and angles
Science/ Social Studies Science Students explore the big ideas of life, physical, and earth science through an inquiry-based, hands on approach. Students study: Changing Earth (Earth Science) Insects (Life Science) Light & Shadow-Exploring Our Celestial Neighborhood (Physical & Earth Science) Living animals, outdoor field trips and special programs serve to enhance the hands-on experience.
Social Studies Students learn about geography and engage in inquiry-based social studies as they study the following units: Native Americans Early Explorers Early Colonial Settlers Reading Art/Music Art Use shading to create spatial relationships Experiment with qualities of watercolor Practice appropriate use of printing tools Produce a completed clay project Use color and texture to enhance a finished product Music Identify and sing music of different cultures Define and perform in canon Demonstrate use of solfege syllables Recognize and define various musical forms Discuss tone color of various wind and string instruments Compose and perform notation in duple, triple, and compound meters Participate in chorus rehearsals and perform in concerts String Ensemble or Band may be elected in grade 4