2 ) injection into an extensive aquifer in the North Sea is assessed. The impact of seal permeability, horizontal permeability, perforation interval, number of wells, aquifer size and cap rock size on the effectiveness of large-scale storage is assessed. A compositional numerical simulation is performed in the period of 50 years (30 years of injection and 20 years post-injection). We study volumes equivalent to the emissions of a large power station in the UK, 10 Mtonnes/year and find the necessary aquifer dimensions, cap rock size and horizontal permeability to allow safe storage assuming that the pressure increases by no more than 10%. We find no impact of the number of wells on field-average pressure response as long as the total injection rate remains constant. However, using more wells enables CO 2 to be trapped by immobilization and dissolution while giving poor sweep efficiency. In order to achieve the target injection rate with 5 injectors, two appropriate aquifer dimensions are proposed: an area of 3,850 km 2 with thickness of 1,260 m; and an area of 11,550 km 2 with thickness of 630 m. For the same aquifer volume, thickness plays a more important role on pressure response than area. Only deeper layers of the aquifer should be perforated in order to minimize pressure build-up and enhance CO 2 displacement efficiency. Introduction CO 2 emissions contribute towards the greenhouse effect and climate change (Ghanbari et al., 2006). The majority of anthropogenic CO 2 comes from power and industry sectors, for example, fossil fuel combustion (IPCC, 2005). Carbon Capture and Storage or CCS has generated considerable interest because it is a way of reducing these emissions (Holloway et al., 2006). Various geological sites are considered suitable for storage in CCS, including depleted oil and gas reservoirs, deep saline aquifers and deep unminable coal seams (Gale, 2004). In the past, the main interest of CO 2 injection relied on oil or gas reservoirs as an enhanced oil recovery (EOR) technique where CO 2 and the remaining oil in place become miscible and the oil can therefore be extracted from the reservoir. However, saline aquifers are currently considered as potential sequestration sites since they have a large estimated capacity and wide distribution throughout the globe (Gale, 2004, Nicot, 2008). Saline aquifer sequestration was first mentioned in 1992 (Van der Meer, 1992) and currently, there are several successful projects of aquifer injection, for example, Sleipner (Norway), In Salah (Algeria), Ketzin (Germany), and K12B (Netherlands) which prove the feasibility of this emerging storage option. However, saline aquifer storage may cause several problems including migration into groundwater leading to contamination (Gale, 2004) and risk of overpressure, causing fracturing and possible leakage due to its shallow position. Pressure build-up is also one of the associated risks for aquifer storage, as large amounts of fluid are added. This could eventually induce fracturing or aquifer deformation which negatively impacts storage security. Four types of trapping mechanism occur at different timescales when CO 2 is sequestered; structural trapping, residual trapping, solubility trapping and mineralization. Structural trapping involves capturing the majority of injected CO 2 in the form of mobile gas beneath structural or stratigraphic traps; seal integrity is therefore the most significant factor in determining the storage security for both short and long term (Kumar et al., 2004; Ngheim, 2009). However, the risk of this storage method is the highest due to the uncertainties of the field characteristics and and relating geomechanic effects. Residual trapping occurs when CO 2 is trapped in the pore space as an immobile phase by taking the advantage of the capillary and wettability effects (Gale, 2004; Ngheim et al., 2009). This process occurs when brine starts invading the CO 2 plume and traps the supercritical CO 2 in the pores space (Kumar et al., 2004). Capillary trapping is considered as the most rapid trapping mechanism (Qi et al., 2009). Also, as CO 2 is highly soluble in brine, solubility trapping can occur (Ngheim et al., 2009). The degree of CO 2 solubility depends on several factors including salinity, temperature and pressure. When there is a drop in pressure, CO 2 can IPTC 14464 Carbon Dioxide Storage Potential in the North Sea Nalinee Chamwudhiprecha, Martin J Blunt, SPE - Imperial College London Copyright 2011, International Petroleum Technology Conference This paper was prepared for presentation at the International Petroleum Technology Conference held in Bangkok, Thailand, 79 February 2012. This paper was selected for presentation by an IPTC Programme Committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as presented, have not been reviewed by the International Petroleum Technology Conference and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any position of the International Petroleum Technology Conference, its officers, or members. Papers presented at IPTC are subject to publication review by Sponsor Society Committees of IPTC. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper for commercial purposes without the written consent of the International Petroleum Technology Conference is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, IPTC, P.O. Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax +1-972-952-9435 2 come out of solution leading to further migration. Solubility and residual trapping are considered as safe storage mechanisms as the risk of leakage does not depend directly on the integrity of the cap rock (Suekane, 2007). CO 2 can also react with solid minerals present in formation water and form precipitates, which considered as the ultimate desirable method of storage due to its long-term integrity. However, mineralization is not considered in this study as it takes up to hundreds or thousands of years to have a significant effect in the sandstone aquifers we consider due to the slow kinetics of precipitation reactions (Kumar et al., 2004). The North Sea is potentially one of the most effective storage sites with, for instance, the Inner Moray Firth basin and the Bunter Sandstone, containing very large volumes of saline water-bearing reservoir rocks (Holloway et al., 2006). A number of simulation studies have been performed to study different aspects of storage design e.g. Pruess et al., 2003; Kumar et al., 2004; Mo & Akervoll, 2005; Qi et al., 2007; Kartikasurja et al., 2008; Primera et al., 2009; Sifuentes et al., 2009; Nghiem et al., 2009; Vandeweijer et al., 2009. However, a limited amount of research has concentrated on the pressure response. Van der Meer (1992) first suggested the idea of the injection limitation due to an increase in pore pressure. Van der Meer et al. (2006) emphasized the effect of injecting additional fluid into an aquifer on fluid volumes and pressures in the total storage system by focusing on CO 2 that dissolves in water. Yang (2008) proposed that rapid pressure build-up during injection greatly limited storage volume for a closed system and in order to relieve the injection pressure and the storage capacity, brine could be produced from the reservoir. Birkholzer et al. (2009) investigated the region of influence from CO 2 injection in terms of brine displacement and pressure perturbation. Oruganti and Bryant (2009) studied the effect of the existence of sealing faults towards pressure build-up. This paper assesses the feasibility of CO 2 injection into an extensively large aquifer in the North Sea. Required aquifer properties and operational constraints, including seal permeability, horizontal permeability, perforation interval, number of wells, aquifer size and cap rock size are studied by studying the field pressure response, well injectivity and CO 2 distribution. Numerical Simulations Numerical simulations are performed using the compositional Eclipse E300 software. A base case model is constructed by using aquifer dimensions and properties from an existing aquifer in the North Sea, the Bunter Sandstone (Bentham, 2006). The model is assumed to be homogeneous. Initially, injection rate and number of wells are studied in order to define the injection capability of this aquifer. By considering the target injection rate to be 10 Mtonnes/year (10 10 kg/year) which corresponds to the estimation of CO 2 emission rate from large power stations, supplying 1-3 GW of coal-powered electricity, in the UK; for example, the West Burton or Ratcliffe on Soar power stations (Holloway, 2006). However, the simulation results will show that the base case aquifer is not sufficiently large to provide the planned storage capacity. Aquifer dimensions are therefore varied and delineated based on the properties of Bunter Sandstone to allow sufficient storage volume. As cap rock is one of the most significant factors for a potential storage site, cap rock size and permeability are studied to justify the appropriate thickness, area and permeability. Also, aquifer permeability is varied in order to determine the appropriate value to store the planned volume without negatively affecting aquifer pressure. In terms of operational constraints, perforation interval is studied in order to optimize CO 2 underground distribution. For every case, the injection strategy is controlled by injection rate. The simulation period is 50 years including 30 years of pure CO 2 injection period and 20 years post-injection. Pressure response, CO 2 leakage and CO 2 phase distribution are observed. Pressure response is observed in the form of the field pressure increase and average bottomhole pressure to study the effect on pressure build-up and injectivity, respectively. Field pressure increase is calculated by considering the percentage difference between the maximum field average pressure occurring at any time during the simulation period and the average initial pressure of the field. In practical operations, field pressure has to be controlled so as not to exceed the fracture pressure which could cause CO 2 migration out of the storage site. Values for the fracture-closure pressure gradients are site-specific and can be determined from direct or indirect testing, or estimated using formation-specific default values (Zhou, 2008). For the study in this paper, feasible schemes are determined based on a field pressure increase of up to 10% of the initial pressure. Also, CO 2 phase distribution and CO 2 distribution around the injector are observed in order to assess the security of the storage over time. Overall, the required dimensions and properties of a saline aquifer that is capable of supporting the target CO 2 storage are provided. Model Description A homogeneous box-shaped model of 215,600 grid cells is constructed as a base case to represent a laterally extensive aquifer. Compartmentalization is not considered in order to allow fluid transmission without excessive pressure increase. As CO 2 injected in an unconfined aquifer, it will likely disperse over a large area and in low concentrations over time (Bentham, 2005). The aquifer thickness is 126 m with an overlying seal which forms the first layer of the model. The seal layer has low permeability and high capillary entry pressure to enable CO 2 trapping. The model size and properties are gathered from the Bunter Sandstone which proves to have high storage potential amongst the reservoir rocks of the Southern North Sea (Holloway et al., 2006). In terms of perforation policy, half of the aquifer layers are completed. The input parameters for the base case simulation are shown in Table 1. Relative permeability curves are based on experimental data of supercritical CO 2 -brine at in-situ conditions of the Viking Formation sandstone, Alberta, Canada (Bennion & Bachu, 2006). Hysteresis effects are taken into account by using both IPTC 14464 3 drainage and imbibition curves. Drainage occurs at the leading edge of the CO 2 plume where gas displaces water, while at the trailing edge water displaces gas in an imbibition process (Juanes et al., 2006). By using both curves, the residual trapping mechanism is activated. Relative permeability curves are shown in Figure 1. Also, a reversal of the drainage is taken into account by calculating a scanning curve with Killoughs method (1976). Capillary pressure is calculated by the method of Van Genuchten (1980). Capillary pressure for the seal layer is scaled with permeability by the use of the Leverett J-function. Parameter Value Grid cells (i, j, k) 140 110 14 Grid block size 500 m 500 m 9 m Aquifer volume 485 km 3 Porosity 0.18 K v /K h ratio 0.1 K h 500 mD Temperature 62.8 C Top depth 1717 m Rock compressibility 1.510 5 bar -1 Pressure at 3200 m 225 bars Table 1 - List of aquifer properties for the base case. Figure 1 - Relative permeability curves (Bennion & Bachu, 2006). Fluid Properties CO 2 has a critical pressure of 73.8 bars and a critical temperature of 304.2 K and is a supercritical fluid at aquifer conditions (Ngheim et al., 2009). Two phases are considered in the simulation studies: a CO 2 -rich phase (gas phase), and an H 2 O-rich phase (liquid phase). Three compositions are included: CO 2 , H 2 O and NaCl while salts are assumed to be in the liquid phase only. By the use of CO2STORE function, mutual solubilities of both CO 2 in water and water in CO 2 are calculated to include the effect of chloride salts in the aqueous phase (Spycher & Pruess, 2005). An accurate prediction of the aqueous phase density is another important aspect for modeling CO 2 storage in saline aquifers (Nghiem et al., 2009). Gas density is calculated by a cubic equation of state. Brine density is first approximated by pure water density using the method presented by Kell & Whalley (1975) and then the effects of salt and CO 2 are corrected by using the Ezrokhis method (Zaytsev & Aseyev, 1993). The CO 2 gas viscosity is calculated using methods of Vesovic et al. (1990) and Fenghour et al. (1999). Formation brine salinity is assumed to be constant throughout the aquifer at 175,000 ppm. Results CO 2 Injection Rate and Number of Injectors The study initially aims to find the optimum injection rate per well in order to evaluate the amount of CO 2 that can practically be stored in the base case model. For every case, only half of the aquifer layers are perforated. By varying the injection rate, the pressure response is observed. The results in Table 2 show that in order to maintain the field pressure not to exceed 10% of its original value, only 440,000 tonnes/year of CO 2 can be injected into this base case model using one well. Furthermore, if the planned injection rate of 10 Mtonnes/year is to be injected, the pressure will increase by nearly 100%. Therefore, in order to reach the target injection rate, either many wells or a larger aquifer has to be used. Case No. Injection rate Field pressure increase m 3 /day tonnes/year 1 34,250 23,000 0.5 % 2 148,000 100,000 2.3 % 3 650,000 440,000 10.0 % 4 700,000 473,000 10.7 % 5 800,000 540,000 12.1 % 6 1,000,000 675,000 14.0 % 7 2,070,000 1,400,000 20.0 % 8 2,960,000 2,000,000 30.0 % 9 15,000,000 10,000,000 96.4 % Table 2 - Results of field pressure increase from injection rate variation. The results (Table 3) show that the number of wells (shown in Figure 2) does not have a significant effect on the average field pressure response. Allowing more wells to be used does not lower the pressure buildup as the total injection rate remains equal for all the cases. However, the number wells used affect the storage mechanisms as shown in Figure 3. A larger number of wells lead to more immobile and dissolved CO 2 , hence less mobile CO 2 . As more wells are used, there is more contact area between CO 2 and water which enhances the rate of dissolution and capillary trapping. The rate of dissolution depends on the amount of mixing of CO 2 and formation water (Kumar et al., 2004). In terms of CO 2 distribution, for every case, CO 2 tends to accumulate around the wellbore along the injection period, then gradually spreads out to form a gas layer below the overlying seal after the injection ceases. Figure 4 shows the CO 2 distribution at the injector for plume radius comparison. For the case with 1 well, CO 2 is forced to be injected at high injection rate which leads to wider plume radius. For the case with more wells, 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 R e l a t i v e
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f r a c t i o n Water saturation, fraction Krw drainage Krg drainage Krg imbibition IPTC 14464 4 IPTC 14464 CO 2 tends to accumulate and concentrate around the wellbore and water is not entirely swept in the lower layers. The high rate in the single-well system makes gravity forces relatively small which enhances sweep efficiency, while in multiple well scenarios, low rates allow time for the CO 2 to accumulate at the top of the formation. In conclusion, a sufficient number of wells should be used in order to optimize both the storage mechanism by enhancing both the immobile and solubility trapping, and the sweep efficiency. However, it is not feasible to inject 10 Mtonnes/year into the base case aquifer even with more wells as pressure build-up exceeds the 10 % limit of fracture prevention. Therefore, the remaining option is choose a larger aquifer. Figure 2 - 2D top view of the base case model showing well locations for each case. Case No. No. of wells Injection rate per well Field pressure increase m 3 /day Mtonnes/year 1 1 well 15,000,000 10 96.4 % 2 3 wells 5,000,000 3.5 103.9 % 3 5 wells 2,960,000 2 102.6 % 4 7 wells 2,150,000 1.5 103.7 % 5 9 wells 1,670,000 1.1 103.3 % Table 3 - Injection rate for cases with number of wells variation. Figure 3 - Results of injected CO2 in different phases for different numbers of injection wells. PermX(MDARCY) 0.00 125.00 250.00 375.00 500.00 0.00E+00 1.00E+09 2.00E+09 3.00E+09 4.00E+09 5.00E+09 6.00E+09 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 A m o u n t
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C O 2 ( K G - M ) Time (years) 1 well 3 wells 5 wells 7 wells 9 wells Mobile CO 2 Dissolved CO 2 Immobile CO 2 5 Figure 4 - 2D cross-section view of CO2 distribution at the injector for different numbers of wells Left: at the end of the injection period (30 years) Right: at the end of the simulation period (50 years) Top to bottom: no. of wells 1, 3, 5, 7, 9. Aquifer Dimensions In order to store 10 Mtonnes/year of CO 2 for 30 years, the aquifer must be sufficiently large in order to accommodate the storage volume and overcome the limitations on pressure increase. The base case aquifer model is enlarged with the same properties by using five injectors with the total injection rate of 10 Mtonnes/year. Two means of investigating the size of the aquifer are used: controlling lateral area and varying thickness and controlling thickness and varying lateral area. For both cases, required area and thickness are determined by observing the average field pressure to increase within the limit of 10%. For the first case, controlling area and varying thickness, the area is fixed at 3,850 km 2 according to Bunter Sandstone aquifers dimensions (Bentham, 2006). The base thickness value is 126 m, according to Bunter Sandstone aquifers dimensions (Bentham, 2006), which is multiplied by 3, 5, 7, 9 and 10. According to the results of field pressure (Table 4) , it can be observed that the thickness of 1,260 m (10 times of the base thickness value) gives a pressure increase within the limit of 10% as thick aquifers allow pressure to dissipate more vertically and hence alleviate pressure build-up. Considering the bottomhole pressure, the case with the thickness of 126 m gives the highest bottomhole pressure, in other words, the lowest injectivity owing to the difficulty of the injection into a thin aquifer while the other cases show relatively similar bottomhole pressure. Therefore, if the aquifer thickness is sufficiently large, there will be no effect on injectivity. In terms of phase distribution, in the case with high value of thickness, CO 2 tends to be less mobile and more dissolved in water as seen in figure 5. Thicker aquifers lead to more contact area between CO 2 and water which enhances the rate of dissolution. Also, longer distance of migration enables water to trap CO 2 which results in higher residual gas. The results also correspond to the previous study stating that the transition of CO 2 from the free gas phase into the dissolved phase in water has a pressure- reducing effect (Van der Meer & Van Wees, 2006); this is because the effective density of CO 2 in brine is much higher than its own phase. Considering the CO 2 plume radius, the case with higher value of thickness gives narrower plume radius as CO 2 is trapped as an immobile phase before reaching the top of the aquifer as seen in Figure 6. Areal displacement is greatly efficient for the case with the thickness of 126 m while other cases show similar results. Case No. Thickness Thickness Field pressure increase Average bottomhole pressure (Bars) 1 Thickness 1 126 m 102.6 % 152 2 Thickness 3 375 m 39.4 % 127 3 Thickness 5 630 m 23.6 % 124 4 Thickness 7 882 m 15.6 % 125 5 Thickness 9 1,134 m 11.3 % 125 6 Thickness 10 1,260 m 9.6 % 126 Table 4 - Results of pressure increase and average bottomhole pressure from aquifer thickness variation. 1 well 7 wells 9 wells 5 wells 3 wells Distance from injection well (km) -7.5 -5 5 7.5 -2.5 0 2.5 1 well 7 wells 9 wells 5 wells 3 wells -7.5 -5 5 7.5 -2.5 0 2.5 Distance from injection well (km) GasSat 0.0000 0.1443 0.2885 0.4328 0.5770 IPTC 14464 6 Figure 5 - Results of injected CO2 in different phases from aquifer thickness variation. Figure 6 - 2D cross-section view of CO2 distribution at the injector from thickness variation Left: at the end of the injection period (30 years) Right: at the end of the simulation period (50 years) Top to bottom: Thickness 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10. 0 1E+09 2E+09 3E+09 4E+09 5E+09 6E+09 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 A m o u n t
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C O 2 ( K G - M ) Time (years) Mobile CO 2 Dissolved CO 2 Immobile CO 2 Thickness x1 Thickness x3 Thickness x5 Thickness x7 Thickness x9 Thickness x10 Thickness x 5 Thickness x 10 Thickness x 9 Thickness x 7 Thickness x 1 Distance from injection well (km) 3 4.5 0 1.5 -3 -4.5 -1.5 Thickness x 3 Distance from injection well (km) 3 4.5 0 1.5 Thickness x 5 Thickness x 10 Thickness x 9 Thickness x 7 Thickness x 1 -3 -4.5 -1.5 Thickness x 3 GasSat 0.0000 0.1443 0.2885 0.4328 0.5770 IPTC 14464 7 For the case that the aquifer thickness is controlled while the area is varied, the thickness is fixed to be 5 times of the base thickness value, 630 m, three different sizes of aquifer were studied:- 2 times, 2.5 times and 3 times of the base area value (3,850 km 2 ). It can be concluded that with the given thickness of 630 m, the appropriate area is 11,550 km 2 (3 times of the base area value) as field pressure increase does not exceed the control limit. The results of pressure increase and average bottomhole pressure are shown in Table 5. Large aquifers can withstand higher overall pressure build-up and also contributes to higher injectivity as pressure is allowed to disperse throughout a larger area. Lower bottomhole pressure is observed in the case with larger area which results in higher injectivity. However, there is no significant difference on phase distribution as the contact area remains the same for all cases. Also, the results show no significant difference on CO 2 underground distribution. Case No. Area Area Field pressure increase Average bottomhole pressure (Bars) 1 Area 1 3,850 km 2 23.6 % 124 2 Area 2 7,700 km 2 13.6 % 120 3 Area 2.5 9,625 km 2 10.9 % 119 4 Area 3 11,550 km 2 10.0 % 118 Table 5 - Results of pressure increase from aquifer area variation. Finally, the effect of thickness and area are compared by fixing the volume of the aquifer to be 4,851 km 3 and varying the aquifer thickness and area. By maintaining the volume, the results show that thickness plays a more important role on pressure response than area according to table 6. In other words, for the same value of aquifer volume, the aquifer with larger thickness value gives a lower pressure increase. In terms of CO 2 distribution, gas tends to be stored more vertically in the case with higher thickness which leads to narrower plume radius as shown in Figure 7. Also, CO 2 phase distribution is shown in Figure 8. More immobile gas and less mobile gas are present in the case with higher thickness value. However, there is no difference in the amount of gas dissolved in water. Therefore, the aquifer thickness is one of the most important criteria when determining a suitable storage site so as to minimize the pressure effect together with increasing the amount of trapped gas. Case No. Thickness & area Area Thickness Volume Field pressure increase 1 Thickness1 Area1 3,850 km 2 126 m 485.1 km 3 102.6 % 2 Thickness10 Area1 3,850 km 2 1,260 m 4,851 km 3 9.6% 3 Thickness5 Area2 7,700 km 2 630 m 4,851 km 3 13.6% Table 6 - Properties and results from aquifer thickness and variation. Figure 7 - CO2 distribution at the injector from area and thickness variation Left: at the end of the injection period (30 years) Right: at the end of the simulation period (50 years) Top to bottom: Thickness x1 Area x1, Thickness x10 Area x1, Thickness x5 Areax2. Thickness x10 Area x1 Distance from injection well (km) -4.5 -3 3 4.5 -1.5 0 1.5 Thickness x5Area x2 Thickness x1 Area x1 Distance from injection well (km) -4.5 -3 3 4.5 -1.5 0 1.5 Thickness x5 Area x2 Thickness x10 Area x1 Thickness x1Area x1 GasSat 0.0000 0.1443 0.2885 0.4328 0.5770 IPTC 14464 8 Figure 8 - Results of injected CO2 in different phases from aquifer thickness and area variation. In conclusion, in order to store 10 Mtonnes/year of CO 2 by using 5 wells the aquifer area should be at least 3,850 km 2 with the thickness of 1,260 m or 11,550 km 2 with the thickness of 630 m to withstand the pressure limitation. The model with the dimensions of 70 km 55 km 1,260 m will be used for further study of the influence of other constraints (cap rock size, perforation interval, horizontal permeability, seal permeability). Seal Permeability Cap rock integrity is one of the most important factors which helps reduce the risk of CO 2 leakage. By varying the permeability of the cap rock to be 10 mD, 1 mD, 0.5 mD, 0.1mD and 0.01 mD while maintaining the seal thickness at 126 m, gas saturation is observed in the uppermost layer (seal layer) as shown in Figure 9. The results show that CO 2 leakage is observed at the seal permeability of 0.5 mD or higher. Capillary entry pressure is dependent on permeability (pore throat size) as gas requires greater pressure to displace brine in a microscopic scale. For cases with low seal permeability, CO 2 tends to migrate horizontally and forms more lateral CO 2 plume while cases with high seal permeability CO 2 is allowed to be stored in the seal layer which results in thicker CO 2 plume. However, by observing gas distribution in the lower layers, all of the cases appear to have comparatively similar displacement efficiency. For CO 2 phase distribution, the results are inconclusive. In terms of pressure effect, Table 7 shows inconclusive results on average field pressure increase. On one hand, a low permeability seal layer forms a pressure barrier which causes the pressure to buildup extensively higher than the case with higher permeability. On the other hand, although a low permeability seal prevents CO 2 leakage because of its high capillary pressure, it also allows a small amount of water to flow over the very large area of the cap rock which helps release the pressure build-up. Overall, seal permeability can affect field pressure response both positively and negatively. Furthermore, no effect on bottomhole pressure can be observed. The most appropriate value for seal permeability is 0.1 mD or less to prevent CO 2 from escaping and provide reasonable pressure increase. 0.00E+00 1.00E+09 2.00E+09 3.00E+09 4.00E+09 5.00E+09 6.00E+09 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 A m o u n t
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C O 2 ( K G - M ) Time (years) Thickness x1 Area x1 Thickness x10 Area x1 Thickness x5 Area x2 Mobile CO 2 Immobile CO 2 Dissolved CO 2 IPTC 14464 9 Figure 9 - Results of CO2 migration into the seal layer from seal permeability variation Left: at the end of the injection period (30 years) Right: at the end of the simulation period (50 years) Top to bottom: seal permeability 10 mD, 1 mD, 0.5 mD, 0.1 mD, 0.01 mD and 0.001 mD Case No. Seal permeability Field pressure increase Average bottomhole pressure (Bars) 1 10 mD 9.7 % 126 2 1 mD 9.2% 126 3 0.5 mD 9.2 % 126 4 0.1 mD 9.6 % 126 5 0.01 mD 9.8 % 126 6 0.001 mD 9.6 % 126 Table 7 - Results of field pressure and injection pressure increase from seal permeability variation. Perforation Interval Different perforation intervals of injection wells are studied in order to investigate the effect on underground CO 2 distribution for storage optimization. The perforation interval is varied to be from layer 2 to 20 (all sand layers) and from layer 10 to 20 (half of the aquifer thickness). As seen in Figure 10, in the case which all the layers are perforated, gas tends to accumulate mostly in the upper layers. While in the case which half of the layers are perforated, gas is also distributed in the lower layers which enhances displacement efficiency. Comparatively larger plume radius can be observed in the case which all of the layers are perforated. CO 2 phase distribution (Figure 11) shows that gas is preferably stored as an immobile phase in the case which half of the layers are perforated but less gas is in a dissolved phase. In terms of pressure build-up, lower pressure increase is observed in the case which only half of the aquifer thickness is perforated as shown in Table 8. As gas is also stored in lower layers, it is trapped before reaching the upper layers which increases the rate of immobilization. This also results in less field pressure build-up. In terms of injectivity, higher bottomhole pressure is observed when only half of the layers are perforated which lowers injectivity. This is due to the fact that the same amount of CO 2 has to be injected through less perforated area. Therefore, in order to optimize the storage capacity and sweep efficiency with less pressure build-up, only deeper parts of the aquifer should be perforated. 10 mD 1 mD 0.5 mD 0.1 mD 0.01 mD 0.001 mD Distance from injection well (km) -4.5 -3 3 4.5 -1.5 0 1.5 Distance from injection well (km) -4.5 -3 3 4.5 -1.5 0 1.5 10 mD 1 mD 0.5 mD 0.1 mD 0.01 mD 0.001 mD GasSat 0.0000 0.1443 0.2885 0.4328 0.5770 IPTC 14464 10 Figure 10 - CO2 distribution at the injector from perforation interval variation Left: at the end of the injection period (30 years) Right: at the end of the simulation period (50 years) Top: layer 2 to 20 perforated Bottom: layer 10 to 20 perforated. Figure 11 - Results of injected CO2 in different phases from perforation interval variation. Case No. Perforation policy Field pressure increase Bottomhole pressure (bars) 1 Layer 2 to 20 perforated 10 % 109 2 Layer 10 to 20 perforated 9.6 % 126 Table 8 - Results of field pressure from perforation interval variation. Horizontal Permeability For an aquifer to be a potential candidate, permeability and porosity have to be high to provide sufficient storage volume for planned CO 2 storage. Seven different values of horizontal permeability are used: 50 mD, 100 mD, 200 mD, 250 mD, 300 mD, 400 mD and 500 mD for a constant K v /K h ratio of 0.1. High permeability enables CO 2 plume to migrate more laterally as seen in Figure 12. The gas plume beneath the seal layer is also formed earlier which results in bypassed lower layers which negatively affects sweep efficiency. On the other hand, for low permeability cases, CO 2 tends to accumulate around the wellbore and the areal extent of CO 2 plume is reduced due to the difficulty of migration. CO 2 is therefore stored in the lower layers which increases displacement efficiency. In terms of CO 2 phase distribution, for high permeability aquifers, CO 2 is stored more in gas phase and less dissolved in water or immobile phase, according to Figure 13 as gas rapidly moves through high permeability layers without being trapped by water. Results of pressure response are shown in Table 9, in terms of injectivity, higher bottomhole pressure is observed for low permeability aquifers as CO 2 migration path is disrupted and fluid pressure is increased. Therefore, low permeability gives poor injectivity. However, the effect on field pressure gives a converse result as higher permeability allows pressure to dissipate more quickly and laterally which leads to higher average field pressure increase. In conclusion, horizontal permeability is one of the critical parameters which could positively or negatively impact CO 2 storage regarding different perspectives. Low permeability aquifers benefits average pressure build-up, sweep efficiency and storage efficiency but worsen injectivity and vice versa. All layers perforated Half layers perforated Distance from injection well (km) -4.5 -3 3 4.5 -1.5 0 1.5 Distance from injection well (km) -4.5 -3 3 4.5 -1.5 0 1.5 All layers perforated Half layers perforated GasSat 0.0000 0.1443 0.2885 0.4328 0.5770 0.00E+00 5.00E+08 1.00E+09 1.50E+09 2.00E+09 2.50E+09 3.00E+09 3.50E+09 4.00E+09 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 A m o u n t
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C O 2 ( K G - M ) Time (years) Layer 2 to 20 perforated Layer 10 to 20 perforated Mobile CO 2 Immobile CO 2 Dissolved CO 2 IPTC 14464 11 Figure 12 - CO2 distribution at the injector from horizontal permeability variation Left: at the end of the injection period (30 years) Right: at the end of the simulation period (50 years) Top to Bottom: Kh 50 mD, 100 mD, 200 mD, 250 mD, 300 mD, 400 mD, 500 mD. Figure 13 - Results of injected CO2 in different phases from horizontal permeability variation. Distance from injection well (km) -4.5 -3 3 4.5 -1.5 0 1.5 50 mD 100 mD 200 mD 250 mD 300 mD 400 mD 500 mD Distance from injection well (km) -4.5 -3 3 4.5 -1.5 0 1.5 50 mD 100 mD 200 mD 250 mD 300 mD 400 mD 500 mD GasSat 0.0000 0.1443 0.2885 0.4328 0.5770 0.00E+00 5.00E+08 1.00E+09 1.50E+09 2.00E+09 2.50E+09 3.00E+09 3.50E+09 4.00E+09 4.50E+09 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 A m o u n t
o f
m o b i l e ,
i m m o b i l e ,
d i s s o l v e d
C O 2 ( K G - M ) Time (years) Kh=50 mD Kh=100 mD Kh=200 mD Kh=250 mD Kh=300 mD Kh=400 mD Kh=500 mD Mobile CO 2 Immobile CO 2 Dissolved CO 2 IPTC 14464 12 Case No. Kh Field pressure increase Average bottomhole pressure (Bars) 1 50 mD 6.7 % 140 2 100 mD 7.9 % 133 3 200 mD 8.9 % 130 4 250 mD 9.2 % 129 5 300 mD 9.4 % 128 6 400 mD 9.5 % 127 7 500 mD 9.6 % 126 Table 9 - Results of pressure increase and average bottomhole pressure from horizontal permeability variation. Discussion By observing CO 2 underground distribution at the injector, along with phase distribution over time, it can be concluded that gas initially accumulates around the wellbore and moves vertically until reaching the seal layer. The majority of CO 2 is stored in the form of mobile gas under the structural trap. Then, CO 2 plume is formed beneath the seal layer and gas tends to spread more horizontally. Highest gas saturation is always observed at the top of the aquifer layer at the injector. After the injection ceases, gas tends to spread more horizontally with higher gas saturation at the tail of the plume. Immobilization is dramatically enhanced at later times as water imbibes CO 2 and traps gas in the pore space. Dissolved gas is also present in relatively high amount due to the CO 2 solubility in brine with a gradual increase. In practical operations, storage security is the primary goal of CCS. The risk of CO 2 leakage can be alleviated by eliminating any escape paths which could possibly result from high seal permeability. Overall, three phases of gas are considered: mobile, immobile and dissolved. The most preferable trapping mechanism is in the form of an immobile phase since gas is securely stored in the pore space. While gas could find an escape path when stored in a mobile phase and the rate of dissolution relies on several conditions. Trapping mechanisms influence the storage security over time. Therefore, in earlier times of trapping process, cap rock integrity is very significant. Long term storage security can be enhanced by using high number of wells with only lower sections of the wells completed. Also, aquifer thickness and permeability play an important role: thicker aquifer and lower permeability give higher extent of immobilization. In practical operations, several perspectives have to be taken into account including commercial aspects. Storage optimization can be done by improving injectivity with fewer wells. Drilling more wells is therefore not commercially viable even though immobilization can be enhanced. One possibility is to use horizontal well in order to increase contacts between CO 2 and brine. Areal sweep efficiency is small compared to vertical due to the effects of gravity segregation and viscous fingering. Displacement process is preferable when CO 2 is allowed to be stored in all of the layers and not aggregated around the wellbore or the top layers. Larger plume radius indicates that more gas easily migrates to the top part of the aquifer without being trapped which reduces the sweep efficiency. In order to obtain effective displacement, less injectors are to be used with only lower sections perforated. Also, aquifer thickness should be high, but with low permeability. The displacement process can be further optimized by injecting CO 2 /brine mixture as mentioned in previous literature (Qi et al., 2009). The main focus on this paper relies on the effect of several factors on pressure response. Considering practical operations, field pressure is normally maintained not to exceed the fracture pressure which results in the lack of CO 2 storage security. Pressure build-up occurs more extensively compared to the CO 2 plume. The effect of pressure can be observed beyond the radius of tens of kilometers while CO 2 disperses in the aquifer in the extent of 4-5 kilometers. This indicates the significance of pressure response on a laterally extensive aquifer area. The maximum field pressure is observed at the end of the injection period. Pressure build-up is expected to be relieved after a certain amount of time after the injection ceases, however, the pressure effect remains visible. In order to relieve pressure build-up, the aquifer should be enlarged in both area and thickness to allow higher extent of pressure dissipation in horizontal and vertical direction, respectively. Large aquifer volume is required in order to overcome the pressure limitation and thickness plays a more important role on pressure than area. Seal properties also impact pressure build-up: the thicker the seal, the lower the pressure build-up. However, the results are inconclusive for seal permeability since it could both positively and negatively impact the pressure response. Aquifer permeability has a negative influence on pressure build-up as high permeability allows pressure to dissipate more quickly resulting in higher average pressure build-up. In terms of completion policy, only lower sections of the wells should be perforated. Pressure build-up greatly affects the maximum injection rate as if the pressure limitation were to be relaxed to 20% instead of 10%, the base case aquifer would be able to handle double the amount of injection. Also, a smaller aquifer would be required to safely store the target injection rate when the pressure limitation was relaxed. The proposed aquifer dimensions for this case (20% limit) would be the thickness of 882 m with the area of 3,850 km 2 or the thickness of 630 m with the area of 7,700 km 2 , whereas the case with pressure limitation of 10%, the aquifer dimensions are the thickness of 1,260 m with the area of 3,850 km 2 or the thickness of 630 m with the area of 11,550 km 2 . Moreover, if the pressure limit were to be 30%, the appropriate aquifer thickness would be half the size of the case with 10% limitation while the aquifer area would be one-third. This indicates that the aquifer dimensions are greatly sensitive to pressure response limitation. This limitation also relies on the integrity of the seal overlying the aquifer which should be properly defined by geomechanical tests. Considering the well injectivity, higher injectivity results from lower bottomhole pressure which is preferable for IPTC 14464 13 operational perspective. This can be achieved by expansive aquifer area, high aquifer thickness and high horizontal permeability. In terms of well completion, more perforated area is preferable.
Summary and Conclusions From the simulation studies, we conclude the following: Number of wells has no impact on pressure response as long as the total injection rate remains constant. However, larger number of wells enhances immobilization and dissolution, but lowers sweep efficiency. In terms of aquifer dimensions, a thick aquifer benefits pressure build-up, immobilization, dissolution and injectivity. Lateral extensive aquifer lowers pressure effect and enhances injectivity without any impact on storage mechanisms. For the same aquifer volume, thickness plays a more important role on pressure response than area. By increasing the aquifer thickness, pressure impact can be more efficiently minimized compared to increasing the aquifer area. Therefore, the aquifer thickness is one of the most significant parameters on determining the injection feasibility. CO 2 leakage is observed when seal permeability exceeds 0.5 mD. Seal permeability could affect pressure build-up both positively and negatively. Furthermore, seal permeability has no effect on bottomhole pressure or displacement efficiency. For well completion, only deeper layers of the aquifer should be perforated in order to minimize pressure build-up and enhance long-term storage security and sweep efficiency but this results in a reduced well injectivity. High value of horizontal permeability benefits higher injectivity but results in higher pressure build-up, poor sweep efficiency and greater amount of mobile gas. In order to store 10 Mtonnes/yr of CO 2 with the pressure limitation of 10%, the proposed aquifer dimensions are the area and thickness of at least 3,850 km 2 , 1260 m or 11,550 km 2 , 630 m, respectively. Appropriate cap rock area and thickness are 1,411 km 2 and 63 m, relatively with permeability of 0.1 mD or less. Suggestions for Further Work A regional aquifer model is required in order to assess the real fracture pressure and large-scale pressure response. Previous studies already focused on the effect of injecting CO 2 /brine in order to enhance sweep efficiency and hence increase storage capacity. However, this could cause excessive pressure according to the incompressibility of brine which needs further study. Heterogeneity should also be considered in the next step as K v /K h ratio tends to affect CO 2 migration path which results in pressure response. Well placement should also be studied as it may affect pressure distribution throughout the aquifer and vary the cap rock size. Nomenclature K v Vertical permeability, mD K h Horizontal permeability, mD
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