The document outlines the weekly schedule for kindergarten students. It includes a morning meeting and pledge, Jesus time, language and math lessons, snack time, lunch, story time, physical education, Spanish, music, and afternoon centers. The schedule also notes all school chapel on Mondays, department chapel on Wednesdays, and closing devotion before dismissal each day.
The document outlines the weekly schedule for kindergarten students. It includes a morning meeting and pledge, Jesus time, language and math lessons, snack time, lunch, story time, physical education, Spanish, music, and afternoon centers. The schedule also notes all school chapel on Mondays, department chapel on Wednesdays, and closing devotion before dismissal each day.
The document outlines the weekly schedule for kindergarten students. It includes a morning meeting and pledge, Jesus time, language and math lessons, snack time, lunch, story time, physical education, Spanish, music, and afternoon centers. The schedule also notes all school chapel on Mondays, department chapel on Wednesdays, and closing devotion before dismissal each day.
The document outlines the weekly schedule for kindergarten students. It includes a morning meeting and pledge, Jesus time, language and math lessons, snack time, lunch, story time, physical education, Spanish, music, and afternoon centers. The schedule also notes all school chapel on Mondays, department chapel on Wednesdays, and closing devotion before dismissal each day.
!"#$%"& ()*)+, All School Chapel 8:05 Pledges and Morning Work Pledges and Morning Work Jesus Time 7:50 Pick Up Children From Cafeteria 8:15 Morning Meeting Morning Meeting Morning Meeting Morning Meeting Morning Meeting 8:00 Pledges and Morning Work Pledges and Morning Work 8:45 Jesus Time Jesus Time Dept. Chapel Jesus Time Bathroom Break 9:45 Language & Math Language & Math Language & Math Language & Math Language & Math 10:15 Bathroom Break Bathroom Break Bathroom Break Bathroom Break Writer's Workshop 10:30 Snack Time & Outside Play Snack Time & Outside Play Snack Time & Outside Play Snack Time & Outside Play Snack Time & Outside Play 11:15 Writers Workshop Writers Workshop Writer's Workshop Writers Workshop Outside Play 11:45 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch 12:30 Outside Play Outside Play Outside Play Outside Play Game Time 1:00 Story Time Physical Education Story Time Physical Education Story Time 1:30 Spanish Spanish Library Story Time Music 2:00 Afternoon Centers Afternoon Centers Afternoon Centers Afternoon Centers Afternoon Centers 2:45 Music Afternoon Centers Afternoon Centers Afternoon Centers Dismissal 3:15 Closing Devotion Closing Devotion Closing Devotion Closing Devotion Closing Devotion 3:25 Dismissal Dismissal Dismissal Dismissal
May Monthly Homework Chart Please Color in Each Activity As You Complete It. Leave This Chart in Your Daily Folder So Mrs. Torres Can See Your Accomplishments. J
May Monthly Homework Chart Please Color in Each Activity As You Complete It. Leave This Chart in Your Daily Folder So Mrs. Torres Can See Your Accomplishments. J