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Hey Little Ant Unit

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Hey, Little Ant Reading Unit

"#$% &$%'(
Bey, Little Ant: Feelings anu 0pinions
)(*+$#, -(.(' /0 &(1%
uiaue Level
Equivalent: S.S
uuiueu Reauing: N
567*%$/# /0
1 week
"#$% )*%$/#*'(8
This unit is impoitant because I want the stuuents to uevelop an iuea about how
feelings anu opinions coinciue. Its piimaiy puipose is to show that feelings can
influence anothei's opinion.

-(*7#$#, 9/*'3: ;/<63
This unit focuses on being able to use key uetails in a text to iuentify feelings anu
opinions of what seem to be two veiy uiffeient chaiacteis. Stuuents will leain to
iefei to the anchoi chaits we cieate as a class foi theii own small gioup activities.
=/#%(1% 0/7 "#$%8
Prior Knowledge: I assume students already know that everyone has their own
opinions and can influence someone elses opinion. They should already know
different feelings, such as happy, sad, embarrassed, etc.
Special Accommodations: Students may have a difficult time reading, so I will
scaffold them by sitting with their group during small groups and read with them.
Anticipating Management Issues: Students might fight for spots on the reading
rug, so I will have to call tables accordingly to come to the rug so there will not be
any problems. They will be told sit in their assigned squares as the come over. I will
separate students whom I believe will cause trouble and disrupt the lesson.

=/44/# =/7( 2-> ?%*#+*7+38
RL.1.1 Ask anu answei questions about key uetails in a text.
RL.1.4 Iuentify woius anu phiases in stoiies oi poems that suggest feelings
oi appeal to the senses.
RFS.1.4 Reau with sufficient accuiacy anu fluency to suppoit compiehension.
RSF.1.4.a Reau giaue-level text with puipose anu unueistanuing.
@#3%76<%$/#*' A*%(7$*'3B )(3/67<(3B *#+ &(<C#/'/,D
&(1%3 "3(+8 Boose, P. & Boose, B. (1998). "#$% &'((&# )*(. Beikeley, CA:
Tiicycle Piess.
E%C(7 )(3/67<(38 Constiuction Papei, pencils, ciayons, anchoi chaits,
maikeis (foi anchoi chaits), glue, checklist (Will the boy step on ant.) foi
beginning of unit, yes oi no hanuouts, compiehension assessment

-(33/# F7/,7(33$/#8 Explain youi thinking biiefly anu in geneial teims as you
envision how instiuction anu leaining uevelops fiom lesson 1 thiough lesson 4. so
the ieauei can unueistanu how a concept stiategy is intiouuceu, piacticeu,
ievieweu, etc. (I am looking foi logical, uetaileu anu thoiough planning that
uemonstiates youi unueistanuing of ieauing instiuction anu mateiials as well as
stuuents at this giaue level. Assume you have 2S stuuents anu thiee ieauing gioups
(A, B, anu C). Theie shoulu be whole gioup, small gioup anu inuepenuent ieauing.)
-(33/# GH8 This lesson is conuucteu thiough whole gioup instiuction. I will
infoimally ask the class what they know about opinions. I will then conuuct a
ieau-alouu of Bey, Little Ant by Phillip anu Bannah Boose. As a class, we will
make pieuictions along the way of how we think the boy will iesponu to the
ant anu vice veisa. Ny main puipose is to show the opinions anu feelings of
the boy anu the ant thioughout the unit. Aftei ieauing, I will ask the class
what they woulu uo if they weie the boy. Woulu they step on the ant. Bow
woulu they feel if they weie the ant. I will inuiviuually ask the stuuents if
they woulu step on the ant anu iecoiu theii answei. These answeis may
change by the enu of the unit.
-(33/# GI8 This lesson will consist of whole gioup anu small gioup
instiuction. I will ieau Bey, Little Ant again to the whole class anu have the
stuuents focus on what the ant says thioughout the stoiy. Aftei ieauing, I will
have the stuuents go back to theii tables wheie they will all have theii own
copies of the book. I will instiuct them to look thiough the book foi the ant's
feelings anu have them shaie with the class. We will make a list of how the
ant feels anu focus on the ant's opinion of himself. The stuuents will cieate
theii own ants with pieces of constiuction papei that aie pie-cut anu wiite
some of the ant's feelings on it.
-(33/# GJ8 This lesson will be piimaiily small gioup instiuction with a little
bit of whole gioup instiuction. The stuuents will take tuins ieauing Bey,
Little Ant, page by page, anu focus on what the boy says anu how he feels
thioughout the stoiy this time. As a class, we will make a list of how the boy
feels about the ant anu focus on the boy's opinion of the ant. The stuuents
will constiuct a boy with pie-cut constiuction papei anu wiite some of the
boy's feelings on it.
-(33/# GK8 This lesson will incluue whole gioup anu inuiviuual instiuction. I
will ieau Bey, Little Ant one moie time while the stuuents follow along in
theii own books anu have the stuuents ieally think about the enuing
question: What uo you think that kiu shoulu uo. Now that they have focuseu
on both the ant's anu the boy's feelings anu opinions, they can ueciue foi
themselves what they woulu uo. 0nce the stoiy is ovei, the stuuents will
ciicle yes oi no to answei the enuing question on a hanuout anu explain why
they woulu oi woulu not squish the ant. They will uiaw a pictuie showing the
iesult of the ant. Stuuents will take a multiple-choice compiehension test
aftei piesenting theii answeis with the class.
JLK -(*7#$#, E6%</4(38 (What will stuuents be able to uo as a iesult of youi
ieauing unit.)
Stuuents will be able to iuentify what an opinion is.
Stuuents will be able to iuentify how an inuiviuual's feelings influence
anothei's opinion.
Stuuents will be able to ieau with a puipose.
Stuuents will be able to locate key uetails in a text to iuentify woius oi phiases
that show feelings.
?644*%$.( >33(334(#%8

I will assess stuuents by giving them a multiple-choice compiehension test at the
enu of Lesson #4. Although it is only six questions, it coveis the main iueas fiom the
book. The foimative assessments thioughout the unit allow me to assess whethei
they unueistanu the mateiial as well, so the summative assessment incluues
questions that I believe aie impoitant foi stuuents to giasp. To ueteimine stiong,
aveiage, anu weak masteiy, I will fiist see how well the stuuents uiu on the
compiehension test. If they uiu pooily but I know they compiehenueu the stoiy
baseu on in-class paiticipation, I will veibally ask the same questions to these
stuuents off to the siue anu assess them that way.
Lesson # of 4: 1 Time fiame of lesson: | x j K-S 9u minutes | j ui. 4-8 6u minutes


In this lesson, stuuents will leain about the opinions of two veiy uiffeient
chaiacteis. This is an intiouuction to this book.

Common Coie

RL.1.1 Ask anu answei questions about key uetails in a text.
RL.1.4 Iuentify woius anu phiases in stoiies oi poems that suggest feelings oi
appeal to the senses.
RFS.1.4 Reau with sufficient accuiacy anu fluency to suppoit compiehension.


Stuuents will alieauy have an unueistanuing of opinions.

Stuuents will be able to iuentify what an opinion is.
Stuuents will be able to locate key uetails in a text to iuentify woius oi phiases
that show feelings.


Teachei-copy of Bey, Little Ant by Phillip anu Bannah Boose
Checklist (Will the boy step on the ant.)
2S stuuent-copies of Bey, Little Ant by Phillip anu Bannah Boose

1. I will call stuuents to the ieauing iug anu make suie they sit in theii
assigneu squaies. I will move stuuents if necessaiy. - appiox. S minutes
2. I will infoimally ask the stuuents what they know about opinions. We
will uiscuss what it means to have an opinion, if opinions can change,
anu come up with some woiking uefinitions. +,)( '- )* ./'*'.*0
(Expecteu stuuent iesponses: "What you think." "I uon't know." "Bow
you see something.") 1)* ./'*'.*- 2,)*3#0 (Expecteu stuuent iesponses:
"No." "Yes." "They can if you want them to." "Yes because you can see
things uiffeiently." "No because you uon't change it.") - appiox. S
minutes (Whole uioup)

(Sequence of

1. I will ask the stuuents what they uo when they see an ant. +,#* $.4 -##
)* )*(% 5,)( 6. $.4 6.0 7. $.4 -(#/ .* '( .8 &#( '( 3.0 (Expecteu stuuent
iesponses: "I step on ants." oi "I uon't step on ants." +,$ 6. $.4 6. (,)(0
(Expecteu stuuent iesponses: "I uon't like ants." "It's fun." "I uon't like
huiting animals." "It's mean.") ".5 6. $.4 (,'*9 '( :)9#- (,# )*( ;##&0
(Expecteu stuuent iesponses: "I uon't know." "The ant uoesn't like it."
"The ant can't feel it.") - appiox. S minutes
2. I will intiouuce Bey, Little Ant anu ask the stuuents what they think the
book will be about just by looking at the fiont covei. <,'- =..9 '- 2)&&#6
"#$% >'((&# ?*(@ +,)( 6. 5# (,'*9 (,'- =..9 5'&& =# )=.4(0 (Expecteu
stuuent iesponses: "It's about a boy anu an ant." "The boy has a pet ant.")
+,)( :)9#- $.4 (,'*9 (,)(0 (Expecteu stuuent iesponses: "Because it
shows a boy holuing an ant." "The boy is looking at the ant.") - appiox. S
S. We will go on a pictuie walk anu look at pages 2, S anu 6, 11 anu 12, 17
anu 18, anu 19 anu 2u. The stuuents will tell me what they see in each
pictuie anu what they think might happen in the stoiy. +,)( 6. $.4 -##
'* (,'- /'2(48# A/)3# BC0 (Expecteu stuuent iesponses: "A boy kneeling
uown." "A boy on the siuewalk." "A boy outsiue." "A boy fell." +,)( 6.
$.4 -## ,#8#0 +,$ '- (,# =.$ -. ='3 A/)3#- D )*6 EC0 (Expecteu stuuent
iesponses: "The boy is stanuing now." "The boy is big because theie is an
ant." +,)( 6. $.4 -## .* (,#-# (5. /)3#- A/)3#- FF )*6 FBC0 (Expecteu
stuuents iesponses: "Theie aie ants ieauing in beu." "Ants aie eating."
"Ants aie passing foou aiounu." "The ants aie with theii family.") +,. 6.
$.4 (,'*9 (,#-# 9'6- )8# A/)3#- FG )*6 FHC0 (Expecteu stuuent iesponses:
"They'ie the boy's fiienus.") +,)( '- ,)//#*'*3 '* (,'- /'2(48#0 +,$ '- (,#
)*( -. ='3 A/)3#- FI )*6 BJC0 (Expecteu stuuent iesponses: "The ant is
biggei than the boy." "That isn't ieal." "An ant can't be biggei than a
peison." "The ant is mau.") - appiox. 1u minutes
4. I will conuuct a ieau-alouu of Bey, Little Ant anu have stuuents make
pieuictions of what the boy anu the ant might say along the way at pages
S, 8, 1S, 18, anu 2u. I will also stop at woius that may be unfamiliai to
stuuents. <,# =.$ -)$-% K+#&&% *.5 '(L- 3.**) -M4'-, $.4 ;&)(@N +,)( 6.#-
K-M4'-,N :#)* A/)3# BC0 (Expecteu stuuent iesponses: "It means kill." "It
means step on." "It means flat.") >#(L- :)9# ) /8#6'2('.* A/)3# DC@ +,)(
6. $.4 (,'*9 (,# )*( 5'&& -)$ =)29 (. (,# =.$ );(#8 ,# -)$-% OP 6.*L( (,'*9 '(L&&
,48( )( )&&0L0N (Expecteu stuuent iesponses: "The ant will tell him that it
will huit." "The ant will ciy." "The ant will say he can feel it.") >#(L-
/8#6'2( 5,)( 5'&& (,# =.$ -)$ =)29 (. (,# )*( A/)3# HC@ (Expecteu stuuent
iesponses: "I am not like you." "We aien't the same.") +,)( '- ) K-/#29N
A/)3# FJC0 (Expecteu stuuent iesponses: "An ant." "Something small." "A
uot.") +,)( 6.#- K28..9N :#)*0 <,# =.$ -)'6 (,# )*( '- ) 28..9 A/)3# FBC@
(Expecteu stuuent iesponses: "A bau guy." "Someone who is mean."
"Someone who steals foou.") +,)( 6. $.4 (,'*9 (,# )*( 5'&& -)$ =)29 (.
(,# =.$0 >#(L- /8#6'2( 5,)( 5'&& ,)//#* *#Q( A/)3# FBC@ (Expecteu stuuent
iesponses: "The ant will say that he uoesn't steal." "The ant will say that
the boy's mom is mean." "The ant will yell at the boy.") +,)( 6. $.4 (,'*9
(,# )*( '- 3.'*3 (. -)$ '; (,# =.$L- ;8'#*6- )8# -)$'*3 (,# )*( -,.4&6 =#
-M4'-,#6 A/)3# FHC0 (Expecteu stuuent iesponses: "Bon't listen to youi
fiienus." "Bon't squish me." "That isn't nice.") >#(L- /8#6'2( 5,)( (,# =.$
5'&& -)$ =)29 (. (,# )*( )*6 ,.5 ,# 5.4&6 ;##& '; (,# )*( 5)- (,)( ='3 A/)3#
BJC@ (Expecteu stuuent iesponses: "The boy will say that can't happen."
"The boy woulun't like it." "The boy will be scaieu." "The boy will laugh."
"The boy will ciy." - appiox. 2S minutes
S. 0nce the stoiy is ovei, I will ask the stuuents what they woulu uo if they
weie the boy. P; $.4 5#8# (,# =.$% 5.4&6 $.4 -(#/ .* (,# )*(0 +,$0
(Expecteu stuuent iesponses: "Yes because ants aie gioss." "Yes because
ants aie bugs." "Yes because it's fun." "No because that's mean." "No
because it huits the ant." "No because the ant can feel it.") - appiox. S
6. I will continue to ask the stuuents how they woulu feel if they weie the
ant. +.4&6 $.4 5)*( (. 3#( -M4'-,#6 '; $.4 5#8# (,# )*(0 (Expecteu
stuuent iesponses: "No.") - appiox. S minutes
7. Stuuents will go back to theii uesks. I will give each of them theii own
copy of Bey, Little Ant. R.4 )&& 3#( $.48 .5* 2./$ .; "#$% >'((&# ?*( ;.8 (,#
5##9S R.4 :4-( &#)T# '( '* (,# 2&)--8..: )*6 *.( ()9# '( ,.:#@ +,)( P
5)*( $.4 (. 6. *.5 '- &..9 (,8.43, (,# -(.8$ )*6 (,'*9 )=.4( '; $.4 5.4&6
-(#/ .* (,# )*( '; $.4 5#8# (,# =.$@ P 5'&& 3'T# $.4 FD :'*4(#- (. 8#)6 (,#
-(.8$% &..9 )( (,# /'2(48#-% )*6 6'-24-- )*$(,'*3 $.4 :)$ ;'*6 '*(#8#-('*3
5'(, $.48 ()=&#-@ - appiox. 1S minutes (Small uioup)
8. I will inuiviuually ask each stuuent if they woulu step on the ant anu
iecoiu theii answeis on a checklist unuei "yes" oi "no." I will not tell
them that I will compaie these answeis with theii answeis to the same
question at the enu of the unit. - appiox. S minutes

Thioughout the ieau-alouu, I will ask stuuents about theii pieuictions of what
the ant anu the boy will say to each othei. This will assess theii compiehension
of what it means to pieuict. I will inuiviuually ask each stuuent if they woulu
step on the ant anu iecoiu theii answeis foi futuie puiposes.

Lesson # of 4: 2 Time fiame of lesson: | x j K-S 9u minutes | j ui. 4-8 6u minutes


In this lesson, stuuents will leain about the feelings anu opinions of one chaiactei:
the ant.
Common Coie

RL.1.1 Ask anu answei questions about key uetails in a text.
RL.1.4 Iuentify woius anu phiases in stoiies oi poems that suggest feelings oi
appeal to the senses.
RFS.1.4.a Reau giaue-level text with puipose anu unueistanuing.

Stuuents will alieauy have an unueistanuing of opinions. They will have piioi
knowleuge that the ant is tiying to change the boy's opinion about stepping on the

Stuuents will be able to iuentify what an opinion is.
Stuuents will be able to ieau with a puipose.
Stuuents will be able to locate key uetails in a text to iuentify woius oi phiases that
show feelings.

Teachei-copy of Bey, Little Ant by Phillip anu Bannah Boose
2S stuuent-copies of Bey, Little Ant by Phillip anu Bannah Boose
Anchoi chait
Naikei foi anchoi chait
Pie-cut constiuction papei

1. I will call stuuents to the ieauing iug anu make suie they sit in theii
assigneu squaies. I will move stuuents if necessaiy. - appiox. S minutes
2. I will ask the stuuents about oui pievious lesson. 7.#- )*$=.6$ 8#:#:=#8
5,)( 5# 6'6 $#-(#86)$0 (Expecteu stuuent iesponses: "We ieau a book about
an ant." "Theie was a boy who wanteu to squish an ant.") +# )8# 3.'*3 (.
8#)6 (,'- =..9 )3)'* (.6)$% =4( P 5)*( $.4 (. ;.24- .* 5,)( (,# )*( -)$-% ,.5
,# ;##&-% )*6 5,)( ,'- ./'*'.*- )8#% .9)$0 - appiox. S minutes
(Sequence of

1. I will conuuct a ieau-alouu of Bey, Little Ant again to the whole class. I will
not stop at any pages this time. - appiox. 1u minutes
2. Stuuents will go back to theii tables once I am finisheu ieauing. +# )8# 3.'*3
(. 3. =)29 (. .48 ()=&#- )*6 &..9 )( .48 .5* 2./'#- .; (,# =..9@ >..9 (,8.43,
$.48 =..9 )*6 ;'*6 ,.5 (,# )*( ;##&- )*6 5,)( ,'- ./'*'.* .; ,':-#&; '-@ +# 5'&&
2.:# (.3#(,#8 (. -,)8# .48 ;'*6'*3- );(#8@ I will sit with the lowest gioup anu
ask them questions about the ant on each page to ensuie they focus on the
ant foi this activity. While I am uoing this, the miuule anu high gioups will
woik togethei to finu the ant's feelings anu opinions. I will pioviue the
miuule gioup with a list of questions to look at while talking about the ant's
feelings anu opinions. The high gioup will not have any guiuing questions.
".5 6. $.4 (,'*9 (,# )*( ;##&- ,#8#0 "# '- -)$'*3% KU&#)-#% ., /&#)-#% 6.*L(
:)9# :# 6'#SN +,)( 6. $.4 (,'*9 ,# ;##&- 8'3,( *.5 A/)3# VC0 (Expecteu
stuuent iesponses: "The ant feels scaieu." "The ant uoesn't want t uie." The
ant is sau.") +,)( 6. $.4 (,'*9 (,# )*( '- ;##&'*3 5,#* ,# -)$-% KR.4 )8# T#8$
:42, &'9# :#0N 7.#- ,# ,)T# ,'- .5* ./'*'.* .; ,':-#&; A/)3# HC0 (Expecteu
stuuent iesponses: "Be is feeling scaieu still." "Be is tiying to making the kiu
not step on him." "Be thinks he is like the boy.") +,)( '- (,# )*(L- ./'*'.* .;
,':-#&;0 ".5 6.#- ,# -## ,':-#&; A/)3#- FF W FBC0 (Expecteu stuuent
iesponses: "Be helps his family." "The ant is stiong." "The ant likes to woik."
"Be uoesn't want to uie.") ".5 6.#- (,# )*( ;##& );(#8 ,# '- 2)&&#6 ) 28..9 =$
(,# =.$0 ".5 6.#- (,)( :)9# ,': ;##& A/)3# FDC0 (Expecteu stuuent
iesponses: "Be's mau because he uoesn't like being calleu that." "Be is sau."
"Be still uoesn't want to uie.") X.5 (,# )*( /8#(#*6- ,# '- ='3 &'9# (,# =.$@
".5 6. $.4 (,'*9 (,# )*( ;##&-0 +,)( '- ,'- ./'*'.* .; ,':-#&; *.5 A/)3# BJC0
(Expecteu stuuent iesponses: "The ant feels big." "The ant feels like the boy."
"Be woulun't step on the boy." "Be sees himself like the boy.") @ - appiox. 2u
minutes (Small uioup)
S. I will call the stuuents back as a whole class anu have them shaie theii
finuings with the class. While they aie shaiing, I will wiite the ant's feelings
anu opinions on an anchoi chait foi stuuents to iefei back to uuiing the next
activity. - appiox. 1S minutes (Whole uioup)
4. I will pass out pie-cut constiuction pieces foi stuuents to cieate theii own
ant. I will have them watch me while putting theii ant togethei. I will show
them which paits aie glueu togethei anu leave my sample on the boaiu foi
stuuents who may be behinu. 0nce theii ants aie glueu togethei, I will
instiuct them to wiite some of the ant's feelings on theii ant's bouy with
ciayons. X.5 (,)( 5# ,)T# .48 24(# &'((&# )*(-% 5# )8# 3.'*3 (. 58'(# (,# )*(L-
;##&'*3- .* (,#:@ +# )&8#)6$ -,)8#6 (,# )*(L- ;##&'*3- )*6 /4( (,#: .* (,'-
/)/#8 4/ ,#8#% -. '( 5.4&6 =# -:)8( (. &..9 )( (,'- )*6 4-# -.:# .; (,# ;##&'*3-
;8.: ,#8#% 6.*L( $.4 (,'*90 - appiox. Su minutes (Inuiviuual)
S. 0nce the ants aie finisheu, I will ask the stuuents to leave theii ants by the
winuow so they can uiy. We will clean the glue off of oui tables with sanitaiy
wipes anu put all of oui ciayons anu glue away. - appiox. S minutes

Stuuents will foimatively be assesseu on theii paiticipation uuiing the anchoi chait
activity. They will also be assesseu on how well they weie able to tiansciibe the
ant's feelings onto theii constiucteu ant, whethei they copieu fiom the anchoi chait
oi founu theii own in the book.
&E&>- (1S max.)

>#%M3 ;(('$#,3 >#%M3 EN$#$/#3 /0 O$43('0
Page S:
The ant feels sau.
The ant is scaieu.
The ant uoesn't want to
The ant uoesn't want to
get squisheu.

Page 8:
The ant is scaieu.
The ant uoesn't want to
get squisheu.

Pages 11 & 12:
The ant is happy.
The ant loves his family.
The ant feels loveu.

Page 1S:
The ant is mau.
The ant is sau.
The ant uoesn't want to

Page 2u:
The ant feels poweiful.
The ant feels big.
Page S:
No opinions.

Page 8:
The ant thinks he is like
the boy.

Pages 11 & 12:
The ant thinks he's stiong.
The ant thinks he is a haiu

Page 1S:
The ant uoesn't think he's
a ciook.
The ant thinks he is a

Page 2u:
The ant thinks he is like
the boy.
The ant sees himself like a
big peison.
The ant uoesn't think it's
okay to step on ants.

Bouy 1
Bouy 2
Lesson # of 4: S Time fiame of lesson: | x j K-S 9u minutes | j ui. 4-8 6u minutes


In this lesson, stuuents will leain about the feelings anu opinions of one
chaiactei: the boy.
Common Coie

RL.1.1 Ask anu answei questions about key uetails in a text.
RL.1.4 Iuentify woius anu phiases in stoiies oi poems that suggest feelings oi
appeal to the senses.
RFS.1.4 Reau with sufficient accuiacy anu fluency to suppoit compiehension.
RFS.1.4.a Reau giaue-level text with puipose anu unueistanuing.

Stuuents will alieauy have an unueistanuing of opinions. They will have piioi
knowleuge that the boy wants to step on the ant anu has his own opinions
towaius the ant.

Stuuents will be able to iuentify what an opinion is.
Stuuents will be able to ieau with a puipose.
Stuuents will be able to locate key uetails in a text to iuentify woius oi phiases
that show feelings.

2S stuuent-copies of Bey, Little Ant by Phillip anu Bannah Boose
Anchoi chait
Naikei foi anchoi chait
Pie-cut constiuction papei

1. I will begin by ieviewing what we uiu in class yesteiuay. +# 8#)6 "#$%
>'((&# ?*( )3)'* $#-(#86)$ )*6 ;.24-#6 .* .*# (,'*3@ +,. 2)* (#&& :# 5,)(
(,)( 5)-0 (Expecteu stuuent iesponses: "We ieau about the ant." "The
ant.") +,)( 6'6 5# 6. 5'(, (,# )*( $#-(#86)$0 (Expecteu stuuent
iesponses: "We maue an ant." "We talkeu about the ant's feelings." "The
ant has opinions.") Y8#)(S <.6)$% 5# )8# 3.'*3 (. 8#)6 (,'- =..9 )3)'*% =4(
5# )8#*L( 3.'*3 (. &..9 )( (,# )*(@ 1)* )*$.*# 34#-- 5,)( 5# 5'&& ;.24- .*
(.6)$0 (Expecteu stuuent iesponses: "The boy." "The kiu.") - appiox. S
(Sequence of

1. I will instiuct the stuuents to stay with theii ieauing gioupstables since
I will not be conuucting a ieau-alouu. +# )8# 3.'*3 (. 6. -.:# 34'6#6
8#)6'*3 (.6)$@ P* $.48 38.4/-% P 5)*( $.4 (. ()9# (48*- 8#)6'*3 "#$% >'((&#
?*(% /)3# =$ /)3#% )*6 ;.24- .* 5,)( (,# =.$ -)$- )*6 ,.5 ,# ;##&-
(,8.43,.4( (,# -(.8$@ 7. *.( -(./ (. ()&9 )=.4( (,# =.$ 4*('& $.4 )8#
;'*'-,#6 8#)6'*3@ @ I will sit with the lowest gioup anu ask them questions
about the boy on each page to ensuie they focus on the boy foi this
activity. While I am uoing this, the miuule anu high gioups will woik
togethei to finu the boy's feelings anu opinions. I will pioviue the miuule
gioup with a list of questions to look at while talking about the boy's
feelings anu opinions once they aie finisheu with the stoiy. The high
gioup will not have any guiuing questions. ".5 6. $.4 (,'*9 (,# =.$
;##&-0 +,)( '- ,'- ./'*'.* .; (,# )*(0 Z#:#:=#8 (,)( )* ./'*'.* '- 5,)( ,#
(,'*9- A/)3# BC@ (Expecteu stuuent iesponses: "The boy feels mau." "The
boy wants to squish the ant." "The boy thinks he shoulu squish the ant.")
+,)( '- (,# =.$L- ./'*'.* ,#8#0 >..9 )( (,# &)-( &'*# .* (,# /)3# A/)3# DC@
(Expecteu stuuent iesponses: "Be uoesn't like the ant." "Be uoesn't think
the ant won't feel him step on him." "It won't huit the ant.") ".5 6.#- (,#
=.$ ;##& .* (,#-# /)3#-0 +,)( 6.#- ,# (,'*9 .; (,# )*( A/)3#- I W FJC0
(Expecteu stuuent iesponses: "Be thinks the ant is ciazy." "Be uoesn't
think he is like the ant." "Be feels angiy." "Be says nobouy woulu caie if
he steppeu on the ant.") +,)( 6.#- ,# (,'*9 .; (,# )*( ,#8#0 ".5 6. $.4
9*.5 (,)( A/)3# FVC0 (Expecteu stuuent iesponses: "Be uoesn't like the
ant because the ant takes theii foou." "Be thinks the ant is a ciook." "Be
thinks it is goou to step on the ant.") 7. $.4 (,'*9 (,# =.$ :'3,( ;##&
#:=)88)--#6 '; ,# 6.#-*L( -M4'-, (,# )*(0 7. $.4 (,'*9 ,# 5'&& =# :)6# ;4*
.; =$ ,'- ;8'#*6- A/)3#- FG W FHC0 (Expecteu stuuent iesponses: "Yes
because he won't be playing the game with them." "No. Bis fiienus will
still like him." "Yes. Bis fiienus think the ant shoulu be squisheu anu will
be mau if he uoesn't squish the ant.") - appiox. 2S minutes (Small
2. I will call the stuuents back as a whole class anu have them shaie theii
finuings with the class. While they aie shaiing, I will wiite the boy's
feelings anu opinions on an anchoi chait foi stuuents to iefei back to
uuiing the next activity. - appiox. 1S minutes (Whole uioup)
S. I will pass out pie-cut constiuction pieces foi stuuents to cieate theii
own boy. I will have them watch me while putting theii boy togethei. I
will show them which paits aie glueu togethei anu leave my sample on
the boaiu foi stuuents who may be behinu. 0nce theii boys aie glueu
togethei, I will instiuct them to wiite some of the boy's feelings on theii
boy's bouy with ciayons. X.5 (,)( 5# ,)T# .48 =.$-% 5# )8# 3.'*3 (.
58'(# (,# =.$L- ;##&'*3- .* (,#:@ +# )&8#)6$ -,)8#6 (,# =.$L- ;##&'*3- )*6
/4( (,#: .* (,'- /)/#8 4/ ,#8#% -. $.4 2)* 4-# (,'- (. ,#&/ 5'(, $.48 =.$-@
- appiox. Su minutes (Inuiviuual)
4. 0nce the boys aie finisheu, I will ask the stuuents to leave them by the
winuow so they can uiy. We will clean the glue off of oui tables with
sanitaiy wipes anu put all of oui ciayons anu glue away. - appiox. S
Stuuents will be assesseu on theii paiticipation uuiing the anchoi chait activity.
They will also be assesseu on how well they constiuct anu tiansciibe the boy's
feelings onto theii constiucteu boy, whethei they copieu fiom the anchoi chait
oi founu theii own in the book.

P/DM3 ;(('$#,3 P/DM3 EN$#$/#3 /0 %C( >#%
Page 2:
The boy feels mau.
The boy wants to squish
the ant.

Page S:
The boy feels poweiful.
The boy feels big.
The boy is mau.

Pages 9 & 1u:
The boy feels angiy.

Page 1S:
The boy is mau that the
ant steals foou.

Pages 17 & 18:
The boy might feel
embaiiasseu if he uoesn't
squish the ant.
The boy might be maue
fun of by his fiienus.
Page 2:
The boy thinks he shoulu
squish the ant.

Page S:
The boy uoesn't think it
will huit the ant.
The boy thinks that ants
can't feel.

Pages 9 & 1u:
The boy uoesn't think the
ant is like him
The boy thinks the ant is a

Page 1S:
The boy thinks the ant is a
The boy thinks it woulu
be goou to squish the ant.

Pages 17 & 18:
No opinion.

Lesson # of 4: 4 Time fiame of lesson: | x j K-S 9u minutes | j ui. 4-8 6u minutes


In this lesson, stuuents will leain about how opinions can be influenceu by
anothei inuiviuual's feelings.
Common Coie

RL.1.1 Ask anu answei questions about key uetails in a text.
RL.1.4 Iuentify woius anu phiases in stoiies oi poems that suggest feelings oi
appeal to the senses.
RFS.1.4.a Reau giaue-level text with puipose anu unueistanuing.

Stuuents will alieauy have an unueistanuing of opinions. They will possess piioi
knowleuge about the feelings anu opinions of the two chaiacteis in the stoiy.

Stuuents will be able to iuentify what an opinion is.
Stuuents will be able to iuentify how an inuiviuual's feelings influence anothei's
Stuuents will be able to ieau with a puipose.
Stuuents will be able to locate key uetails in a text to iuentify woius oi phiases
that show feelings.

Teachei-copy of Bey, Little Ant by Phillip anu Bannah Boose
2S stuuent-copies of Bey, Little Ant by Phillip anu Bannah Boose
"Yes" oi "No" hanuout with space foi pictuie
2S copies of multiple-choice compiehension test

1. I will call stuuents to the ieauing iug, tell them to biing theii own copies
of the book with them, anu make suie they sit in theii assigneu squaies. I
will move stuuents if necessaiy. - appiox. S minutes
2. I will ask the stuuents what we uiu the past couple of uays. +# ,)T# =##*
8#)6'*3 "#$% >'((&# ?*( )&& 5##9@ +,. 2)* (#&& :# 5,)( 5#LT# =##* 6.'*30
(Expecteu stuuent iesponses: "Reauing the book." "Naking an ant anu a
boy." "Talking about the ant." "Talking about the boy.") ?- 5# 8#)6 (.6)$%
5# )8# 3.'*3 (. ;.24- .* =.(, 2,)8)2(#8-[ (,# )*( )*6 (,# =.$@ >#(L- -## ';
(,# =.$L- ./'*'.*- .; (,# )*( 2,)*3#- )( )&&@ - appiox. S minutes
(Sequence of

1. I will conuuct one moie ieau-alouu of Bey, Little Ant while the stuuents
follow along. I will not stop at any pages, but I want the stuuents to be
thinking about the enuing question: What uo you think that kiu shoulu
uo. ?- P 8#)6% /&#)-# ;.&&.5 )&.*3 '* $.48 .5* =..9@ P ): 3.'*3 (. 8#)6 (,#
&)-( /)3# (. $.4 ;'8-( -. 5# 2)* (,'*9 )=.4( -.:# (,'*3-@ K\,.4&6 (,# )*(
3#( -M4'-,#60 \,.4&6 (,# )*( 3. ;8##0 P(L- 4/ (. (,# 9'6% *.( 4/ (. :#@ +#L&&
&#)T# (,# 9'6 5'(, (,# 8)'-#6]4/ -,.#@ +,)( 6. $.4 (,'*9 (,)( 9'6 -,.4&6
6.0N X.5% )- 5# 8#)6 (.3#(,#8% P 5)*( $.4 (. (,'*9 )=.4( 5,)( $.4 (,'*9
(,)( 9'6 -,.4&6 6.@ Z#:#:=#8 #T#8$(,'*3 5# ,)T# 6.*# (,'- 5##9@ +#
&..9#6 )( (,# )*(L- ;##&'*3- )*6 ./'*'.*- )*6 (,# =.$L- ;##&'*3- )*6
./'*'.*-@ "#8# 5# 3.. - appiox. 1S minutes.
2. Aftei ieauing, I will infoimally ask the class some questions. 7. $.4 (,'*9
(,# =.$ -('&& 5)*(- (. -(#/ .* (,# )*(0 (Expecteu stuuent iesponses: "Yes."
"No.") 7'6 (,# =.$L- ./'*'.*- .; (,# )*( 2,)*3# (,8.43,.4( (,# -(.8$0
(Expecteu stuuent iesponses: "No, he still wants to squish the ant." "No,
he still uoesn't like ants." "Yes, he likes the ant now." "Yes, he wants to be
fiienus with the ant.") P; $.4 -)'6 (,# =.$L- ./'*'.*- 2,)*3#6% ,.5 6. $.4
9*.50 +,)( '* (,# -(.8$ (.&6 $.4 (,)( (,# =.$ &'9#- (,# )*( .8 5)*(- (. =#
;8'#*6-0 (Expecteu stuuent iesponses: "The boy uoesn't want to get
steppeu on." "The boy wants his family to eat." "The boy uoes it because
it's a game.") - appiox. 1u minutes
S. I will senu the stuuents back to theii tables anu hanu out a sheet that
asks, "Bo you think the kiu shoulu step on the ant." - appiox. 2 minutes
4. P ^4-( 3)T# #T#8$.*# ) /'#2# .; /)/#8 (,)( )-9-% K7. $.4 (,'*9 (,# 9'6
-,.4&6 -(#/ .* (,# )*(0N R.4 )8# 3.'*3 (. 2'82&# K$#-N .8 K*.@N ?;(#8 $.4
2'82&# .*# .; (,.-#% $.4 5'&& #Q/&)'* 5,$ $.4 5.4&6 .8 5.4&6 *.( -(#/ .*
(,# )*(@ +8'(# -.:# 8#)-.*- 6.5*@ ?;(#8 (,)(% $.4 5'&& 68)5 ) /'2(48# (,)(
-,.5- 5,)( (,# )*( &..9- &'9# )( (,# #*6% 6#/#*6'*3 .* 5,)( $.48 )*-5#8
'-@ _)9# -48# $.48 /'2(48#- )8# 2.&.8;4& )*6 -,.5 (,# )*( )*6 (,# =.$@ P;
$.4 ,)T# )*$ M4#-('.*-% 8)'-# $.48 ,)*6@ P 5'&& .*&$ ,#&/ $.4 '; $.48 8)'-#
$.48 ,)*6@ - appiox. 2u minutes.
S. Stuuents will shaie theii answeis with the class anu tuin them in once
they shaieu. I will compaie these answeis with my checklist fiom
Lesson #1 to see if theii opinion changeu. - appiox. 7 minutes
6. Stuuents will take a multiple-choice compiehension test. - appiox. 2S
Stuuents will tuin in theii "Yes" oi "no" hanuouts. This will be theii foimative
assessment so I can evaluate how well they weie able to pioviue ieasons foi
theii answeis anu uiaw a pictuie to match it.

Name _____________________________________________

Bo you think the kiu shoulu step on the ant. Yes No

Name __________________________________ Bate __________________________

Bey, Little Ant Compiehension Test

1. Aie the boy anu the ant fiienus.

a. Yes

b. No

2. Boes the ant want to get squisheu.

a. Yes

b. No

S. The boy.

a. is afiaiu of the ant.

b. uoesn't think it will huit the ant.

c. thinks he is like the ant.

4. The ant.

a. uoesn't think he is like the boy.

b. tells the boy to listen to his fiienus.

c. steals foou fiom the boy's picnic.

S. Boes the boy squish the ant.

a. Yes

b. No

c. We uon't know.

6. What is an opinion.

a. what somebouy thinks

b. the tiuth

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