Armenian - English Dictionary
Armenian - English Dictionary
Armenian - English Dictionary
agaf agah greedy
ag5aw agrav crow, raven
agr;siw agresiv aggressive
adamand adamand diamond
axat azat free, independent
axatouj\oun azatut‘yun freedom, liberty
axg azg nation
axgakan azgakan relative
axganoun azganun sur name, family name
axgouj\oun azgut‘yun nationality
axniw azniv noble, honest
ajo5 at‘or‘ chair
albom albom album
aliq aliq wave
a.orvak axorzhak appetite
akan= akanj ear
aknoz aknots eye-glasses
akoumb akumb club
a[ agh salt
a[awni aghavni pigeon
a[az aghats the milled product
a[al aghal to mill
a[mouk aghmuk noise
a[=ik aghjik girl
a[qat aghqat poor
aman aman plate
amackot amach‘kot shy, bashful
ama5 amar‘ summer
ambo[= amboghj all, whole
amis amis month
am;n amen every
gnal gnal to go
gnafat;l gnahatel to estimate, to value
gnazq gnats‘q train
gndak gndak ball
gn;l gnel to buy
gnord gnord buyer
gof goh pleased, satisfied
go[ gogh thief
go[anal goghanal to steal, to rob
gon; gone if only, at least
go5al gor‘al to yell, to shout, to cry
goti goti belt
gorg gorg carpet, rug
gor6 gorts affair, work
gor6axourk gortsazurk unemployed, jobless
gor6aran gortsaran factory
gor6iq gortsiq instrument
gtn;l gtnel to find
gradaran gradaran library
gr;j; gret‘e almost, nearly
gr;l grel to write
gric grich‘ pen
gro[ grogh writer
grpan grpan pocket
gz;l gts‘el to throw
gou\n guyn colour
gouz; guts‘e perhaps
dafliy dahlich hall
danak danak knife
danda[ dandagh slow, slowly
da,t dasht field
da5nal dar‘nal to become
das das lesson
dasa.os dasaxos lecturer
palat palat palace
pafaran paharan cupboard
paf;l pahel to keep
pa[pa[ak paghpaghak ice-cream
pa\j;l payt‘el to burst up, to explode
pa\6a5 paytsar‘ bright, clear, brillant
pa\man payman condition
pa\managir paymanagir contract
pa\ousak payusak bag, suitcase
pa\qar payqar struggle
pa\qar;l payqarel to struggle
panir panir cheese
pa,tpan;l pashtpanel to protect, to defend
pap pap grandfather
pa5k;l par‘kel to lie
pat pat wall
patafabar patahabar accidentally, by chance
patafar patahar accident
pataf;l patahel to happen
patani patani adolecent
pata5aqa[ patar‘aqagh fork patasxan answer
patas.anatou patasxanatu responsible;l patasxanel to answer
patgam patgam message
pat;raxm paterazm war
patv;l patzhel to punish
patiw pativ honour, respect
patkan;l patkanel to belong to
patk;razn;l petkerats‘nel to imagine
patya5 patchar‘ cause, reason
pat,gamb patshgamb balcony
pat5;l patr‘el to tear
patwirakouj\oun patvirakut‘yun delegation