Ewton S AWS OF Otion: The Fundamental Laws of Newtonian Dynamics

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In the previous chapter we studied the motion of a particle, with emphasis on motion along a straight line and
motion in a plane. We simply described it in terms of vectors r , v and a . Now we will discuss what
“caused” the motion. This treatment would be an aspect of mechanics, known as dynamics. As before,
bodies will be treated as though they were single particles. Later we shall discuss groups of particles and
extended bodies as well.
The motion of a given particle is determined by the nature and the arrangement of the other bodies that form
its environment. In general, only nearby objects need to be included in the environment, the effects of more
distant objects usually being negligible.
The influence of another body (or bodies) causing the acceleration of a body is referred to as a “force”.
Therefore, a body accelerates due to a force acting on it. One of the most significant features of a force is its
material origin.
All the forces which are treated in mechanics are usually subdivided into the forces emerging due to the
direct contact between bodies and forces arising due to the fields created by interacting bodies (gravitational
and electromagnetic forces). We should point out, however, that such a classification of forces is conditional:
the interacting forces in a direct contact are essentially produced by some kind of field generated by molecules
and atoms of bodies. Consequently, in the final analysis, all forces of interaction between bodies are caused
by fields. The analysis of the nature of the interaction forces lies outside the scope of mechanics and is
considered in other divisions of physics.


“Every body persists in its state of rest or of uniform motion in a straight line unless it is compelled to change
that state by force impressed on it.”
If there is an interaction between the body and objects present in the environment, the effect may be to

change the “natural” state of the body’s motion. If no net force acts on a body its acceleration a is zero.

Experience shows that every body “resists” any effort to change its velocity, both in magnitude and direction.
This property expressing the degree of unsusceptiblity of a body to any change in its velocity is called
inertness. Different bodies reveal this property in different degrees. A measure of inertness is provided by
the quantity called mass. A body possessing a greater mass is more inert, i.e., if equal forces are applied on
two different bodies, the body with the greater mass could have a smaller acceleration.


In discussing Newton’s first law, we have seen that when a body is acted on by no force or zero net force,
it moves with constant velocity or zero acceleration. But what happens when the net force is not zero? By

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion


different experiments we conclude that the presence of a net force acting on a body causes the body to
accelerate. The direction of the acceleration is the same as that of the net force. If the magnitude of
the net force is constant, then so is the magnitude of the acceleration.
This is exactly what constitutes the actual content of Newton’s second law, which is usually formulated in a
brief form as follows:
“the product of the mass of a particle by its acceleration is equal to the force acting on it”, i.e.
F = ma

This equation is referred to as the motion equation of a particle.


Under the given specific conditions any particle experiences, strictly speaking, only one force F whose
magnitude and direction are specified by the position of that particle relative to all surrounding bodies, and

sometimes by its velocity as well. And still very often it is convenient to depict this force F as a cumulative
action of individual bodies, or a sum of the forces F 1 , F 2 , F 3 , ......... . Experience shows that if the bodies
acting as sources of force exert no influence on each other and so do not change their state in the presence
of other bodies, then
F = F 1 + F 2 + F 3 + ...........,

where Fi is the force which the ith body exerts on the given point mass in the absence of other bodies
If that is the case, the forces F 1 , F 2 ,...... are said to obey the principle of superposition. This statement
should be regarded as a generalization of experimental data.
Therefore, when more than one force is acting upon a body we can proceed according to either of the
following two ways:
1. Find sum (i.e. resultant) of all forces and consider it as the only force acting upon the body.
2. Find acceleration due to each force and then add these accelerations to get the net or actual acceleration
of the body, i.e., acceleration of the body, a = a1 + a2 + a3 + .....

→ a→3 → ⇒  = F 1 + F 2 + F 3 + .......
F3 F1 a
m m m
F 1 + F 2 + F 3 + ...... F net
= =
→ m m
m a2
i.e. F net = ma

fig 2.1 F2
PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion

Therefore, acceleration produced in a body is always along the net force  applied
 on it, Notice that the first
law of motion is contained in the second law as a special case, for if F net = 0 , then a = 0 . In other words,
if the resultant force on a body is zero, the acceleration of the body is zero. Therefore, in the absence of
applied forces a body will move with uniform velocity or be at rest (zero velocity), which is what the first

law of motion says. Equation F net = ma is a vector equation. We can write this single vector equation as
three scalar equations,
Fx = ma x , Fy = ma y and Fz = ma z
relating the x, y and z components of the resultant force to the x, y and z components of acceleration for the
mass m. It should be emphasized that Fx is the sum of the x-components of all the forces, Fy is the sum of
the y-components of all the forces, and Fz is the sum of the z-components of all the forces.


Newton postulated the following general property of all interaction forces, Newton’s third law: “two particles
act on each other with forces which are always equal in magnitude and oppositely directed along a straight
line connecting these points, i.e.
F 12 = − F 21 ,
i.e. force on body 1 due to body 2 is equal and opposite to the force on body 2 due to body 1.
This implies that interaction forces always appear in pairs. The two forces act on different bodies; besides,
they are forces of the same nature.

A block is being pulled by means of a rope. I have characterized some action-reaction pairs and have
shown them in figures 2.2a - 2.2d. You are urged to examine these figures carefully.

Note: Action-reaction forces always act on different bodies and their line of action is the same.

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion



Whenever two surfaces come in contact, generally, a force perpendicular to the surfaces is experienced by
each surface. These forces are repulsive in nature and according to Newton’s 3rd law these are equal in
magnitude and opposite in direction. Some cases are illustrated in figures 2.3a - 2.3g.

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion


(In figure 2.3g normal contact forces between ground and the different bodies are not shown).
This force, acting perpendicularly away from contact surface is known as normal contact force. The
normal contact force is an example of a constraining force, one which limits the freedom of movement a
body might otherwise have. The origin of this force lies in electromagnetic interactions between the atoms
and molecules of the surfaces in contact.
If the surfaces are rough then a force parallel to the surface may also act on each surface (known as frictional
force). This force will be discussed in detail in our next chapter.
In figure 2.4, a block of mass m is placed on a horizontal surface.
Gravitational attraction force mg is acting on the block (by the Earth)
in the downward direction and a vertically upward force mg is
acting on the Earth as a reaction. Due to downward force mg, the
block has a tendency of downward motion and it presses the surface
below it by a force N. This force is the normal contact force acting
on the horizontal surface. As a reaction the horizontal surface applies
an equal and opposite force (also called the normal reaction force)
on the block which is the normal contact force acting on the block.


Whenever forces on a body or motion (acceleration) of a body is to be analysed, first of all we need to look
for all forces acting on that particular body. Forces applied by a particular body on other bodies do not
participate in the motion equation (Newton’s IInd law) of that particular body. A diagram showing only the
forces acting upon a particular body is know as the FREE BODY DIAGRAM of that body. The motion of
a body is governed by these forces only. Reaction forces applied by this body on other bodies are not
included in the FBD (Free body diagram). Examples for drawing FBD:
mg m

N mg
FBD of the block A

fig 2.5 a

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion



mg mg
FBD of

fig 2.5 b


N1 m1g N1
m2 m1
N1 m 2g m1 g
FBD of m

fig 2.5 c


N2 N1
N1 N2
N2 mg
FBD of the cylinder

fig 2.5 d


N1 N1
mg m
N1 FBD of the rod
fig 2.5 e

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion



Suppose that in figure 2.5a, the surface is moving in the vertical direction with acceleration a. Find the
normal contact force acting upon the block.
Using Newton’s 2nd law for the vertical motion of the
N block, we have
a m a
Fnet = ma

N mg ⇒ N-mg = ma (∵ net force must be along a)

FBD of the block ⇒ N = mg + ma
fig 2.6
⇒ N = m (g + a)

NOTE: * When the surface is not accelerating (i.e. a = 0), then N = mg

* When the surface is accelerating in the upward direction (i.e. a > 0), then N > mg
* When the surface is accelerating in the downward direction (i.e. a < 0), then N < mg
* When the surface is falling freely (i.e. a = –g), then N = 0


Find the normal contact forces N1 and N2 shown in fig. 2.5c, if m1 and m2 are not accelerating.

Solution: For m1: N1 = m1g (As its acceleration is zero,

net force on it must be zero)
For m2: N2 = N1 + m2g
m1 m2
N1 = m1g + m2g
m1 g m2g
= (m1 + m2)g
FBD of m1 FBD of m2
fig 2.7


In fig 2.5b, find the velocity of the block at some time t if it is released from rest at t = 0. It is given that
the inclined surface is smooth.

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion


Solution: Using Newton’s 2nd law along the inclined surface, we get,

N m
N m
Fnet = ma

⇒ mgsinθ = ma
θ θ mg cos θ
mg ⇒ θ
a = gsinθ
θ mg
fig 2.8

Therefore, at some time ‘t’, velocity, v = u + at = g sin θ.t

Note: Acceleration along the direction perpendicular to the inclined (i.e., along the direction parallel to the
direction of N) surface is zero, hence N = mg cos θ.


It is an intermolecular force between the molecules of a string, which acts when the string is stretched, i.e.,
it is taut. It is important to note that tension in a string is attractive in nature and it always acts along the length
of the string.
As shown in figure 2.9, blocks A and B are connected by a massless string and B is pulled towards the right
with a constant horizontal force F. As a result of action of F on B, the string becomes taut and tension forces
act on

acting on : thread
applied by :block
acting on :block A acting
applied by :thread applied


acting on : threa d
applied by : block fig 2.9 A

each block; these are shown in the figure alongwith their corresponding reaction forces. The direction of the
tension force acting on a body is decided by its attractive nature. The thread attracts the body towards itself
and as a reaction the body attracts the thread. F.B.Ds of the bodies shown in figure 2.9 are shown in figure

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion


• •
A T T thread T T B F
(only horizontal forces are shown )

fig 2.10


For the situation given in Fig 2.9, find the acceleration of each body for the following two cases:
(a) if the thread has a mass m
(b) if the thread is massless
It is given that masses of A and B are M1 and M2 respectively and the horizontal surface is smooth.

a a a
A thread B
Solution: (a) • m

M1 T1 T1 T2 T2 M2 F

fig 2.11

Suppose the two bodies and the thread are moving along the force F with an acceleration of a, as shown in
figure 2.11. Then, we have,
T1 = M1 a ...(1)
T2 – T1 = ma ...(2)
F – T2= M2a ...(3)
Adding (1), (2) and (3), we get
F = (M1 + M2 + m) a
⇒ a = M +M +m
1 2

∴ T1 = M1a

= M +M +m
1 2

and T2 = F − M 2 a
( M 1 + m) F
= M +M +m
1 2

(b) If thread is massless, then putting m = 0 (for any a) in equation (2), we get
T1 = T2

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion


Again, after solving (1) & (3), we get

a= M +M
1 2

M1 F
and T1 = T2 = M + M
1 2

Note: * Tensions at different points in a massless string is the same.

* Acceleration of each body could be calculated very easily if we would have assumed M1,M2 and
thread as parts of a single system. In this way, action and reaction forces acting on different parts of the
same system must get cancelled out and we would have to take care of only external forces. In this
way, we can write
Fext = Msysa

⇒ a=
M sys

M1 + M 2 + m
(put m = 0, if the thread is massless)

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion



1. A bullet moving at 250 m/s penetrates 5 cm into a tree limb before coming to rest. Assuming that the force
exerted by the tree limb is uniform, find its magnitude. Mass of the bullet is 10 g.
2. The force on a particle of mass 10g is (i 10 + j 5) N . If it starts from rest at t = 0, what would be its
position at time t = 5s ? It is given that the particle was initially at the origin.
3. Why is it difficult to walk on sand?
4. Explain why a man getting out of a moving train must run in the same direction for a certain distance.
5. During a high jump event, it hurts less when an athlete lands on a heap of sand. Explain.
6. You take two identical tennis balls and fill one with water. You release both balls simultaneously from the
top of a tall building. If air resistance is negligible, which ball strikes the ground first? Explain. What is the
answer if air resistance is not negligible?
7. Is it possible for an object to round any curve without a force being impressed upon it ?
8. If several forces of different magnitudes and directions are applied to a body initially at rest, how can you
predict the direction in which it will move?
9. When an object absorbs or reflects light, it experiences a small but measurable force. Consider the follow-
ing case. A supernova (stellar explosion) occurs in which the star becomes millions of times brighter than
normal for a few weeks. Light from the star reaches the earth centuries after the explosion and causes the
deflection of a delicately balanced mirror. Does the action-reaction law apply to the interaction of the star
and the mirror?

10. A force F0 causes an acceleration of 5 m/s² when acting on an object of mass m. Find the acceleration of
the same mass when acted on by the forces shown in figures (a) and (b).

m m
F0 F0 45°

Frictionless surface
(a) (b)

11. A force of 15 N is applied to a mass m. The mass moves in a straight line with its speed increasing by 10
m/s every 2s. Find the mass m.
12. A force F = 6iˆ − 3 ˆj N acts on a mass of 2 kg. Find the acceleration a . What is the magnitude a?

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion


13. In order to drag a 100- kg log along the ground at constant velocity you have to pull on it with a force of
300 N (horizontally).
(a) What is the resistive force exerted by the ground?
(b) What force must you exert if you want to give the log an acceleration of 2 m/s²?
14. The graph in figure shows a plot of vx versus t for an object of mass 10 kg moving along a straight line.
Make a plot of the net force on the object as a function of time.

O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 t

15. The figure below shows the position versus time of a particle moving in one dimension. During what
periods of time is there a net force acting on the particle ? Give the direction (+ or – ) of the net force for
these times.

O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 t

16. With what acceleration ‘a’ should the box of figure descend so that the block of mass M exerts a force
Mg /4 on the floor of the box ?

M a

17. The elevator shown in the figure is descending with an acceleration of 2 m/s2. The mass of the block A is
0.5 kg. What force is exerted by the block A on the block B ?

2 m/s2

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion


18. The figure shows a uniform rod of length 30 cm having a mass of 3.0 kg. The the strings shown in the figure
are pulled by constant forces of 20 N and 32 N. Find the force exerted by the 20cm part of the rod on the
10cm part. All the surfaces are smooth and the strings and the pulleys are light.
10cm 20 cm

20 N 32 N

19. A block of mass M is pulled along a horizontal frictionless surface by a rope of mass m, as shown in figure.
A horizontal force F is applied to one end of the rope.
(a) Find the force the rope exerts on the block, and
(b) the tension in the rope at its midpoint.

20. A stunt man jumps his car over a crater as shown (neglect air resistance)
(a) during the whole flight the driver experiences weightlessness
(b) during the whole flight the driver never experiences weightlessness
(c) during the whole flight the driver experiences weightlessness only at the highest point
(d) the apparent weight increases during upward journey
21. In which of the following cases is the contact force between A and B maximum (mA = mB = 1 kg)
30 N A
(a) A B (b) B

A a=2m/s² B A
(c) (d) a=10m/s²

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion


For the given figure, if the pulley is massless and smooth and the thread is light, find accelerations of
each block and tension in the thread.

m1 m2
fig - 2.12
Solution: As the string is massless and the pulley is smooth, tension on both sides of the pulley will be same.

acting on : pulley
applied by :thread

acting on : thread
T T applied by :pulley
T T acting on : thread
applied by :block
T a
a acting on : block m1g
m1g applied by :thread m2g
m2g (a) (b)
fig - 2.13

In figure 2.13(a) tension forces on m1, m2 & pulley are shown with corresponding reactions. In fig. 2.13 (b)
forces acting on blocks only are shown, because we have to write equations of these blocks only for our
current purpose and in figure 2.13(c) FBDs of the blocks are shown. From figure 2.13(c),
we have, T–m1g = m1a ....(1)
and m2g-T = m2a ....(2)
Adding (1) & (2), we get

(m2 − m1 ) g = (m1 − m2 )a

m 2 – m1
⇒ a = m +m g
1 2

Substituting for ‘a’ in equation (1), we get

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion


 m2 − m1 
T = m1 g + m1a = m1 ( g + a) = m1  g + g
 m1 + m2 

2m2 2m1m 2
= m1. g = g
m1 + m2 m1 + m2

NOTE: * As the pulley is fixed, the two ends of the string supported by it have accelerations of the same magnitude
and opposite directions.
* It is assumed that the string is inextensible. For extensible the strings two accelerations may have
different magnitudes.
* For a rough pulley the tensions on different sides may be different. The reason will be explained in a
later topic (Rotational Motion).
* If m2 > m1, then a > 0, i.e., the bodies will accelerate along chosen directions. If m2 < m1, then a < 0,
i.e., bodies will accelerate along opposite directions of the chosen directions.

Alternate Method: System approach:

If we consider a system consisting of m1, m2 and the thread and then analyze it along the length of the thread,
then we find that along the length of the thread external forces acting on this system are m2g (along a) and
m1g (opposite to a), as shown in figures 2.14 (a) and (b). Hence, applying Newton’s 2nd law, we get,
Fnet = ma
⇒ m2g – m1g = (m1 + m2)a

m2 – m1
⇒ a = m +m g
1 2


m1g fig - 2.14


PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion


If the system shown in figure 2.15 is released from rest at t = 0, then find the distance traveled by each

block during first the ‘t’ seconds of its motion



fig - 2.15
Solution: Different forces acting on the blocks and their assumed accelerations are shown in figure 2.16.



30 3mg

Applying Newton’s 2nd law on the two blocks, we have

For m: mg – T = ma, ...(1)
For 3m: T–3mg sin 30° = 3m.a ...(2)
and N = 3mg cos 30° = ...(3)
Adding (1) & (2), we get,
mg–3mg sin30° = 4 ma
− mg
⇒ = 4a
⇒ a = –g/8
Therefore, ‘3m’ accelerates down the inclined surface and ‘m’ accelerates in the upward direction. If the
system was released from rest at t = 0, then at some time ‘t’ distance traveled by each body is

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion


1 2 1 g 2
s = at = × × t
2 2 8
gt 2
= (along the downward direction of the incline for 3m and along the vertically upward direction for m).
Alternative Method: System Approach : Analyzing the system ‘m + 3m +
string’ along the length of the thread
we get,
mg – 3mg sin 30° = (m + 3m) a
[using Fnet = ma]

30 a ⇒ mg − = 4ma
is n 2
3m mg mg
3m m ⇒ − = 4ma
⇒ a = – g/8
3mg sin 30 O a

fig. 2.17

Note: Generally,
EXAMPLE : 8 we do not show forces acting along directions perpendicular to the direction of acceleration.

Find the acceleration of each block and tension in
each string for the arrangement shown in figure 2.18,
if the strings are extensible and the pulleys are
smooth and massless. Also find the force exerted
by the clamp on the pulley A.




fig - 2.18
Solution: We will discuss this situation in much detail, because at this juncture we are facing two new problems
for the first time. The first one is how to relate tensions in two different strings and the second one is how to
relate accelerations of bodies which are not connected by the same string. We should note that in this case
the pulley B is also moving, so we can not assume that m2 and m3 will move with accelerations of equal

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion


As shown in figure 2.19, we have assumed that the tension in
the thread connecting m2 and m3 is T2 and that in the thread
connecting m1 and pulley B is T1. As pulley A is not moving,
T1 the accelerations of the two ends of the string supported by it
T1 B must have equal magnitude and opposite direction. But m2
and m3 will move with different accelerations because their
a1 T2
T2 support (pulley B) is accelerating.
m1g T2
T2 a3

a2 m3g


fig. 2.19

As far as accelerations of m1, m2 and m3 are concerned, we can assume them in any direction (downward
or upward). On solving equations, if we get +ve ‘a’ then it means that it is along assumed direction. If it
comes out to be negative, then it is along the opposite direction of the assumed direction.
Suppose, pulley B has mass mP, then applying Newton’s second law for its motion (see figure 2.20), we get
T1 Fnet = ma
⇒ 2T2 +mpg–T1 = mpa1
a1 But it is given that the pulley is massless, therefore, putting
mp = 0 in above equation, we get
mpg 2T2–T1 = 0 ⇒ 2T2 = T1
T2 T2 ⇒ Fnet = 0
fig. - 2.20

Therefore, net force on a massless pulley must be zero. Let us apply this useful information to our current
problem. Now, we see that (figure 2.21) number of unknowns has reduced to four (a1, a2, a3 and T). Now,
we have to write four equations involving these four unknowns. Using newton’s second law for motions of
m1, m2 and m3, we get,
2T–m1g = m1a1 ...........(1)
m2g – T = m2a2 ...........(2)
m3g – T = m3a3 ...........(3)

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion


To solve these four unknowns we still need our fourther

equation. Here, we see that the motions of the different
bodies cannot be independent from each other because
they are connected with each other. When we represent
this dependence of motion by a mathematical equation,
2T involving their displacements/velocities/accelerations, then
a1 this equation is called a constraint equation. This
2T equation will depend only upon the way bodies are
connected (masses of the bodies will not affect this
a1 T
constraint relation). Therefore, a constraint equation will
a3 be our fourth equation. To write the constraint equation
a2 we will draw a separate diagram here to make things clear,
but from the next time onwads, we will try to solve all
m2g parts using a single diagram.
fig - 2.21

As shown in figure 2.22, we have displaced each body along the direction of their initially assumed
accelerations. The basic idea behind the constraint equation here is inextensibility of strings. Change in length
of each string must be zero. Since pulley A is not moving, displacements of the two ends of the string
supported by it have equal magnitude and opposite directions and hence length of string will remain unchanged.
Due to the motions of the pulley B, m2 and m3, changes in lengths of the string on each side of the pulley B
are shown in fig.2.22. Hence, net change in length of the string supported by B is (+x3 – x1) + (+x2 – x1) =
x2 + x3 – 2x1. Since the string is extensible, net change in its length must be zero. Therefore,
x2 + x3 – 2x1 = 0
Since the bodies have undergone these displacements during
A the same time interval, therefore, the same relations holds
true for their velocities and accelerations.
∴ a2 + a3 – 2a1 = 0 ....(4)
B x1 Solving (1), (2), (3) and (4), we get

x1 4m m − m m − m m

2 3 1 2 1 3
a1 = 4m m + m m + m m g
+x2- x1

2 3 1 3 1 2
m1 m3
4m m − m m − m m
2 3 1 3 1 2
a2 = 4m m + m m + m m g
x3 2 3 1 3 1 2
4m m + m m − m m
2 3 1 3 1 2
x2 a3 = 4m m + m m + m m g
2 3 1 3 1 2

fig: 2. 22
4m1m2 m3 g
and T = 4m m + m m + m m
2 3 1 3 1 2

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion


Pulley A: F Forces acting on pulley A (assuming it to be massless) are

shown in the figure 2.23. Since net force on pulley A has to
A be zero, force on it from clamp, F, is equal to 2T and it acts
in the upward direction.

fig - 2.23

Find the acceleration of each block for the arrangement shown in figure 2.24, if friction is absent
everywhere. Assume that the strings and the pulleys are massless.

fig. 2.24
Solution: The asumed accelerations of the blocks m and M and the tension forces acting on them are shown in
figure 2.25. Using Newton’s second law, we get,
mg – T = ma ...(1)
A 2T = MA ...(2)
2T [Vertical forces on M are not shown, because they will not
M affect its horizontal acceleration]
The net change in the length of the string supporting m must
be zero. Therefore,
(–A) + (a – A) = 0
A ⇒ a – 2A = 0 ...(3)
Solving (1), (2) and (3), we get
–A +a–A
T m 4m
a a= g= g
 M 4m + M
m m+ 
 4 
a 2m
and A = = g
fig. 2.25 2 4m + M
PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion

Find the acceleration of each block shown in figure 2.26.

fig 2.26
Solution: The accelerations assumed for the blocks m and M and the forces acting on them are shown in the figure 2.27.

Since the pulley P is fixed, accelerations of the two ends of

string supported by it will have equal magnitude and opposite
direction. Therefore, if block M is moving downwards with
Q A acceleration A, pulley Q must move upwards with acceleration
T A.
2T T

Mg a
As shown in figure 2.28, now we are considering the string
fig 2.27 supported by the pulley Q. Net change in its length must be
zero, therefore,
(+ A + A) + (A – a) = 0
⇒ a = 3A .......(1)
Applying Newton’s second law to the blocks m and M,
+A we get,
+A + A –a T – mg = ma ........(2)
A Mg – 3T = MA ........(3)
a Solving equations (1), (2) and (3), we get

fig 2.28 ( M − 3m) 3( M − 3m)

A= g and a = g
M + 9m M + 9m
PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion


1. Calculate the tension in the string shown in the figure. The pulley and the string are light and all the surfaces
are frictionless. Take g = 10 m/s2.

1 kg

1 kg

2. A constant force F = m2g/2 is applied on the block of mass m1 as shown in figure. The string and the pulley
are light and the surface of the table is smooth. Find the acceleration of m1.



3. Two bodies of masses m1 and m2 are connected by a light string going over a smooth light pulley at the end
of an incline. The mass m1 lies on the incline and m2 hangs vertically. The system is at rest. Find the angle
of the incline and the force exerted by the incline on the body of mass m1. Also find the force exerted by the
clamp on the pulley.



θ =?

4. A block ‘A’ of mass m is tied to a fixed point C on a horizontal table through a string passing round a
massless smooth pulley B . A force F is applied by the experimenter to the pulley. Show that if the pulley
is displaced by a distance x, the block will be displaced by 2x. Find the acceleration of the block and the
pulley. Also find the acceleration of the block and the pulley, if the pulley has a mass m/2.
A m

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion


5. Find the acceleration of the block of mass M in the situation shown in the figure. All the surfaces are
frictionless and the pulleys and the string are light.



6. Block A shown in figure moves by a distance 3 m towards the left. Find the distance and direction in which
the block B shown in figure is displaced.


7. Consider the situation shown in figure. Both the pulleys and the string are light and all the surfaces are
(a) Find the acceleration of the mass M.
(b) Find the tension in the string.
(c) Calculate the force exerted by the clamp on the pulley A in the figure.

2M B

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion


8. Find the tensions in the two cords and the accelerations of the blocks in figure, if friction is negligible. The
pulleys are massless and frictionless , m1 = 200 gm, m2 =500 gm and m3 = 400 gm.



9. The masses of blocks A and B in figure are 20 kg and 10 kg, respectively. The blocks are initially at rest on
the floor and are connected by a massless string passing over a massless and frictionless pulley. An upward
force F is applied to the pulley. Find the acceleration a1 and a 2 of the two blocks A and B, respectively,
when F is (a) 124 N (b) 294 N (c) 424 N.

20 kg 10 kg

10. Two masses m and 2m are connected by a massless string which passes over a light frictionless pulley
shown in the figure .The masses are initially held with equal lengths of the strings on either side of the pulley.
Find the velocity of the masses at the instant the light mass moves up a distance of 6.54 m. This string is
suddenly cut at that instant. Calculate the time taken by each mass to reach the ground. Take g = 9.8 m s ² .

m 2m

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion


11. Two blocks of masses 2.9 kg and 1.9 kg are suspended from a rigid support S by two inextensible wires
each of length one meter, as shown in figure. The upper wire has negligible mass and the lower wire has a
uniform mass of 0.2 kg/m. The whole system of blocks, wires and support have an upward acceleration of
0.2 m s ² . Acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m s ² .

(i) Find the tension at the mid point of the lower wire.
(ii) Find the tension at the mid point of the upper wire.

S 0.2 m/s2

2.9 kg

1.9 kg

12. At the moment shown in the figure, the blocks A and B are moving towards the right with velocities of 2 m/
s and 4 m/s, respectively. Find the velocity of the block C at that moment.


13. In the shown figure, if the block A has a velocity of 2 m/s towards left and acceleration of 2 m/s² towards
right, find the velocity and the acceleration of the block B.

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion


14. Two blocks A and B are shown in figure. Block A moves to the left with a constant velocity of 6 m/s. Find:
(a) velocity of the block B.
(b) velocity of the point P of the string.
(c) relative velocity of the point M of the cable with respect to the point P.


15. In the figures below the bodies are attached to spring balances calibrated in newtons. Give the readings of
the balances in each case, assuming the strings to be massless and the incline to be frictionless. (Reading of
an ideal spring balance is equal to the tension force developed in the string (massless) that may replace it.)

10 k 10 k g

10 k g

10 k
(a) (b) (c)

16 To paint the side of a building, a painter normally hoists himself up by pulling on the rope A as in figure. The
painter and platform together weigh 200N. The rope B can withstand 300N. Then
(a) The maximum acceleration that painter can have upwards is 5m/s2.
(b) To hoist himself up, rope B must withstand minimum 400N force. A

(c) Rope A will have a tension of 100 N when the painter is at rest.
(d) The painter must exert a force of 200N on the rope A to go downwards slowly.

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion



m horizontal cable
θ Find the acceleration of the ring and that of the block
shown in figure 2.29. immediately after the system
is released from rest at the moment shown in the
figure. It is given that the ring is smooth and small.
Assume the string and the pulley to be massless.

fig 2.29

m a As shown in figure 2.30, the ring will accelerate in the

θ horizontal direction and the block will accelerate vertically
T downwards. The contact force on the ring from the cable
and its weight are not shown because these forces will
not contribute to its horizontal acceleration a. Applying
Newton’s second law for the ring and the block, we get
T cos θ = ma .....(1)
mg Mg – T = MA .....(2)
fig 2.30

As we have two equations involving three unknowns, we need one more equation to solve for our unknowns.
That equation is obviously the constraint equation. To get the constraint equation we may follow any of the
following approaches :
x As the ring moves, the length l in the right angle triangle shown
I. a in figure 2.31 remains the same and the velocity v of the
m θ block M is equal to the rate at which the distance between
 the ring and the pulley y is decreasing.


fig 2.3 1
For the same triangle,
we have, x² + l² = y²

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion


Differentiating both sides with respect to time, we get,

dx dy
⇒ 2x. + 0 = 2 y.
dt dt

⇒ 2 x ( −u ) = 2y(– v) ⇒ xu = yu ⇒ = x y = cos θ
⇒ v = u cos θ
Now, for a moment, we could think that the relation between the accelerations would be the same as it is for
the velocities, because this is what we have done till now. This concept was discussed for the first time in
example 1. But in the curent situation, the acceleration of the ring is not along the thread, so the result may
be a different one. Therefore, we should carry our analysis further without assuming the same relationship
for the accelerations.
We have,
xu = yv
Differentiating both sides with respect to time again, we get,

du dx dv dy
x +u = y +v
dt dt dt dt

⇒ xa + u ( −u ) = yA + v( −v)

⇒ xa − u 2 = yA − v 2

⇒ yA = xa + v2 − u 2

x v2 − u 2
⇒ A = a. +
y y

v 2 -u2
⇒ A=a .cosθ +

Therefore, we have got a different relationship for accelerations. But we are interested in the moment
immediately after the system was released from rest, i.e., v = 0 and u = 0. Hence,

A = acosθ ....(3)

II. Suppose in the next time interval dt the ring moves by a distance dx and the block falls by a distance dy (as
shown in the figure 2.32a). As dx is very small, we can assume that the different positions of the string are
parallel during this interval as shown in figure 2.32b. If we drop a perpendicular on AP from B them
PN  BP, because AP and BP are almost parallel. Therefore, distance fallen by M would be equal to length
AN, as shown in figure 2.32a.
PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion

As shown in figure 3.32a, it is clear that

dy dx
dy = dx cos θ ⇒ = cos θ
dt dt
⇒ v = u cos θ
Since the system is released from rest, we have, A = a cosθ
III. We can also think it in the way that if we take the component of the ring’s acceleration along the string then
this component must be equal to the acceleration of the block M (this statement is true only for the moment
when the ring and the block have zero velocities).
Therefore, we have
a A = a cos θ.
θ Solving (1), (2) and (3), we can solve
osθ for all three unknowns.



fig 2.33

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion



Figure 2.34 shows a rod of length l resting on a wall and the floor. Its lower end A is pulled towards the
left with a constant velocity u. Find the velocity of the other end B when the rod makes an angle θ with
the horizontal.

v A

fig - 2.34
Solution: Method I:
Let us first solve it using the same approach as we used in method I of the previous example. It is clear
from the figure 2.35 that as end A is pulled leftwards, end B will slide downward parallel to the wall. Let
OB = y, AO = x and end B has a speed u at the given moment. Now, it is obvious that the distance x is
increasing at a rate of v and distance y is decreasing at a rate of u. In the right angled triangle AOB, we

x2 + y2 = l 2
If we differentiate both sides w.r.t. time, then, we get,

dx dy u
2 x. + 2 y. = 0
dt dt l y
⇒ 2 x.(+ v) + 2 y ( −u ) = 0

⇒ xv = yu ⇒ u= ⇒ u = v cotθ v A θ

Method-II: fig - 2.35

Now, I will show you an entirely new way to analyze the same situation. As the end A is pulled leftwards,
the end B will slide downward; Let the end B be sliding with speed u at the given instant. Now, resolve the
velocities of the two ends along the length of the rod and along the direction perpendicular to the length of
the rod, shown in figure 2.36c.

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion




v θ v θ
O θ

(a) (b)

fig - 2.36

Now, observe the figure 2.36(c) carefully. The components of the velocities of the two ends along the
length of the rod must be equal, because if they differ, the length of rod would change but the length of the
rod is given as constant. We can also say that as the distance between A and B is constant, the relative
velocity of one with respect to other along the line joining them must be zero. Therefore, we have
v cos θ = u sin θ ⇒ u = v cotθ

Note: The Result shown in the box in method-I of example-11 could be obtained using this approach.


Figure 2.37 shows a hemisphere and a supported rod. The hemisphere is moving towads the rihgt with
a uniform velocity v2 and the end of the rod which is in contact with the ground is

v1 v2

fig - 2.37

moving in left direction with a velocity v1. Find the rate at which the angle θ is changing (in terms
of v1 ,v 2 ,R and θ ) .

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion


Solution: Let the distance between the end A (end touching the ground) and centre, C, of the hemisphere be x. It
is obvious from the figure 2.38 that this distance x is increasing at a rate of (v1 + v2 ). Therefore, we have

v1 R
θ v2

fig - 2.38

= v1 + v2

d (cosec θ )
⇒ R = v1 + v2

d cosecθ dθ
⇒ R ⋅ = v1 + v2
dθ dt

⇒ − R ⋅ cosecθ ⋅ cot θ ⋅ = v1 + v2

dθ v +v 1
⇒ = − 1 2.
dt R cosec θ.cot θ

v1 + v2
= − .sin θ.tan θ
∴ Rate of change of angle θ

v1 + v2
=− .sin θ.tan θ

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion



1. In the arrangement shown in the figure, the ends A and B of an inextensible string move downwards with
a uniform speed u. Pulleys A and B are fixed. Find the speed with which the mass M moves upwards.

θ θ

u u

2. Find the velocity of the block A at the moment shown in the figure, if the free end of the string supporting
it is pulled towards right with constant velocity u, as shown in the given figure.


3. A block of mass m1 rests on a smooth horizontal plane. A light string attached to this block passes over a
light frictionless pulley and carries another block of mass m2 as shown in the figure. When the system is
released from rest, find the acceleration of the block of mass m1 at the moment shown in the figure. Also
find the tension in the string.



4. In the figure shown the block B moves downwards with a velocity 10 m/s. The velocity of A in the position
shown is
(a) 12.5 m/s
(b) 25 m/s
(c) 6.25 m/s A
(d) none of these B

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion


5. The figure shows a block A constrained to slide along the inclined plane of the wedge B shown. Block A is
attached with a string which passes through three ideal pulleys and is connected to the wedge B. If the
wedge is pulled toward the right with an acceleration a1 .

(a) Find the acceleration of the block with respect to the wedge.
(b) Find the acceleration of the block with respect to the ground.
6. If the left and the right ends of the string supporting the block A are pulled in the downward direction with
constant speeds u1 and u2, respectively, as shown in the figure, find the velocity of the block A at the
moment shown in figure.

u1 θ θ u2

7. If the free end of the string supporting the block is pulled with a constant velocity u, as shown in figure, find
the acceleration of the block A at the moment shown in figure.

θ θ


8. Two rings O and O´ are put on two vertical stationary rods AB and A´B´ respectively as shown in figure.
An inextensible string is fixed at point A´ and on ring O and is passed through O´. Assuming that the ring
O´ moves downwards at a constant speed v, find the velocity of the ring O as a function of α.

A A´

α O´
B B´
PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion

9. A student has to escape from his girl friend’s dormitory from a window that is 15.0 m above the ground. He
has a rope 20 m long, but it will break when the tension exceeds 360 N and he weighs 600 N. The student
will be injured if he hits the ground with a speed greater than 10 m/s. (a) Show that he cannot safely slide
down the rope. (b) Find a strategy using the rope that will permit the student to reach the ground safely.
10. The figure shows a rod of length l resting on a wall and the floor. Its lower end A is pulled towards left with
a constant velocity u. Find the velocity of the mid point of the rod in terms of its length l, v and θ .

v A θ

11. Find the speed of the box-3, if box-1 and box-2 are moving with speeds v1 and v2 as shown in a figure
when the string makes an angle θ1 and θ2 with the horizontal at its left and right end.

2 v3=?
1 θ1 θ2 3

12. At the moment shown in the given figure, if the sphere is descending with a speed of 2 m/s, find out the
speed with which the wedge is moving towards right.

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion



All forces in nature can be classified under three headings, each with a different relative strength:
(1) gravitational forces, which are relatively very weak,
(2) electromagnetic forces, which are of intermediate strength, and
(3) nuclear forces. Nuclear forces are of two types, those which bind neutrons and protons in the nucleus
(very strong) and those responsible for beta decay (weak). These force are “real” in the sense that we can
associate them with specific objects in the environment such forces as the tension in a rope, the force of
friction, the force that we exert on a wall by pushing on it, or the force exerted by a compressed spring are
electromagnetic forces: all are macroscopic manifestations of the (electromagnetic) attractions and repulsions
between atoms.
In our treatment of classical mechanics so far we assumed that our measurements and observations were
made from an inertial frame. This is a reference frame that is either at rest or is moving at constant velocity
with respect to fixed stars; it is the set of reference frames defined by Newton’s Law, namely, that set of

frames in which a body will not be accelerated (a = 0) if there are no identifiable force-producing bodies
in its environment ( F = 0) . The choice of a reference frame is always ours to make, so that if we choose
to select only inertial frames, we do not restrict in any way our ability to apply classical mechanics to
natural phenomena.
Nevertheless we can, if we find it convenient, apply classical mechanics from the point of view of an
observer in a noninertial frame. Such a frame is basically one accelerating with respect to the fixed stars.
We can apply classical mechanics in noninertial frames if we introduce forces called pseudo-forces (or
inertial forces). They are so named because, unlike the forces that we have examined so far, we can
not associate them with any particular body in the environment of the particle on which they act; we can
not classify them into any of the categories listed in the first paragraph of this section. Finally, if we view the
particle from an inertial frame, the pseudo forces disappear. These forces are, then, simply a technique
that permits us to apply classical mechanics in the normal way to events if we insist on viewing the events
from an accelerating reference frame.
Consider the situation shown in figure 2.39. A block of mass m is placed inside a box, which is accelerating

fig. 2.39

in the upward direction with an acceleration a. If we view the block from the ground frame (an inertial
frame) then we will see that the block is also accelerating in the upward direction with the same acceleration
as that of

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion


the box. The free body diagram of the block, when it is N

observed from the ground frame, is shown in figure 2.40.
Applying Newton’s 2nd law, we get,
m a
Fnet = ma

⇒ N − mg = ma mg

⇒ N = mg + ma
fig. 2.40
⇒ N = m( g + a )

Now, we will view the same block from the frame of the
box. In this frame the block is in rest and two forces, m REST
normal contact force and gravity, are acting on it (as shown
in figure 2.41). mg

fig. 2.41

From figure 2.41 it is clear that although net force on the block is not zero, the block still has zero acceleration.
This is a violation of the Newton’s Laws of the motion. This is because this frame (i.e. the box frame) is a
noninertial frame and we have already discussed that classical mechanics can not be applied in a noninertial
(or accelerating) frame. But if we insist to view the block from the frame of the accelerating box (i.e., a
noninertial frame) only, then we have to apply an imaginary force, known as pseudo force (or inertial
force), on the block.
From figure 2.41 it is clear that to make the net force zero
(because acceleration of the block is zero when it is viewed
from the frame of the box) on the block, we have to apply
a force ma in the downward direction on the block. This mg
imaginary force is basically the pseudo force only. It is
also shown in figure 2.42.
fig. 2.42

Here, we see that when we view the block from a noninertial frame, we have to apply an imaginary force
on the block to apply classical mechanics in its normal way. This imaginary force, known as pseudo force,
has the direction opposite to that of the acceleration of the frame and has a magnitude equal to the product
of the mass of the body (on which it is being applied) and the acceleration of the frame.
Therefore, F pseudo = – ma f

where m is the mass of the body under consideration and a f is the acceleration of the frame.
Whatever we have discussed can be summarized by the figures 2.43.

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion


F.B.D. of the block

m a
Ground Frame

fig. 2.43(a)

F.B.D of the ball

a m
m a Fpseudo
mg (=ma)

Ground Frame

fig. 2.43 (b)


An elevator shown in figure 2.44 is descending with an acceleration of 2 m/s². The mass of the block A
is 0.5 kg. What force is exerted by Block A on the Block B ?

B 2
fig. 2.44
Solution: Method I ( Ground frame):
Let us observe Block A from the ground frame. Situation is shown A
in figure 2.45a. There are only two forces, gravity and normal 2m/s2
contact force from Block B, acting on Block A descending with
acceleration 2.0 m/s² (the same as that of the elevator). Applying
Newton’s Second law to Block A, we get mg
fig. 2.45a

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion


Fnet = ma

⇒ mg − N = ma

⇒ N = mg – ma = 0.5 × 10 − 0.5 × 2

= 4 newtons.
N Fpseudo(=maf )
Method- II (Elevator Frame):
While viewing Block A from the elevator frame we will have to
apply a pseudo force on the block. In this frame the block is at
rest (as shown in figure 2.45b). Applying Newton’s Second law
to Block A, we get

N + Fpseuto − mg = 0
⇒ N = mg − Fpseudo fig. 2.45b

= 0.5 × 10 − 0.5 × 2

= 4 newtons.

Suppose that the support of the pulley given in example 6 is accelerating in the upward direction with an
acceleration a0 . (Recall that in example 6, the support was at rest). Find the acceleration of each block,
as seen from the ground frame.

Solution: As shown in figure 2.46, the pulley accelerates with the same acceleration as that of its support. As the
pulley is also accelerating, we can not assume that m1 and m2 will move in opposite directions with accelerations
of same magnitude. Here you should notice the difference from the situation given in example 6.



fig. 2.46

Let us assume that m1 is accelerating in upward direction with acceleration a1 and m2 is accelerating in

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion


downward direction with acceleration a2 (as shown in figure 2.47).

From figure 2.47, we have a0

T − m1 g = m1a1 ...(1),
m2 g − T = m2 a 2 ...(2)
and ( + a0 − a1 ) + ( + a0 + a2 ) = 0 +a0-a1

⇒ 2 a0 − a1 + a2 = 0 ...(3) T
Solving (1), (2) and (3), we get T a2

( m2 − m1 ) g + 2m2 ao a1
a1 =
m1 + m2 m2 g

( m2 − m1 ) g − 2m1ao m1 g
and a2 =
a1 + m2 fig. 2.47

After substituting values of m1, m2 and a0 , if any of the accelerations comes out to be negative then it
means that the actual direction of acceleration is in the opposite direction of the assumed direction.
Now we will view the same situation from the frame of the support
or equivalently, from the frame of the pulley. As the pulley is
accelerating in the upward direction with acceleration a0 , we
will have to apply pseudo forces on both m1 and m2 (in fact on
all bodies under consideration) in the downward direction. The
magnitude of the pseudo force applied on m1 is m1 a0 and that
applied on m2 is m2 a0 . This is also shown in figure 2.48. In this
a a
frame the pulley is at rest, therefore, m1 and m2 will accelerate
in opposite directions with equal magnitudes. If we apply a
downward force on both m1 and m2 in example 6, then the m1 g m1a0 m2 g m2 a0
resulting situation will be same as the one being discussed here.
If we follow the system approach, as discussed in example 6 fig. 2.48
only, then acceleration a could be found in just on step. Finally,
m2 ( g + a0 ) − m1 ( g + a0 ) m2 − m1
a= = ( g + a0 ) .
m1 + m2 m1 + m2
To find the acceleration in the ground frame, we must add the acceleration of the pulley with respect to the
ground to the accelerations of the two blocks. Therefore,

a1 = a + a0 =
( m2 − m1 ) g + 2m2 ao
m1 + m2

a2 = a − a0 =
( m2 − m1 ) g − 2m1ao
and m1 + m2
PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion

1. A body of mass m is hanging by a thread from the ceiling of a car accelerating with a constant acceleration a,
as shown in figure. Find the tension in the thread and the angle made by the thread with the vertical direction.

m a

2. Water in a river flows in the x direction at 4 m/s. A boat crosses the river with speed of 10 m/s relative to
the water. Set up a reference frame with its origin fixed relative to the water and another with its origin fixed
relative to the shore. Write expressions for the velocity of the boat in each reference frame.
3. Suppose you are inside a closed railroad car (no sound or light from outsides reaches you). How can you
decide whether the car is moving? How can you tell whether it is speeding up? Slowing down? Rounding
a curve?
4. A 60-kg girl weighs herself by standing on a scale in an elevator. What does the scale read when (a) the
elevator is descending at a constant rate of 10 m/s; (b) the elevator is accelerating downward at 2m/s²; (c)
the elevator is ascending at 10 m/s but its speed is decreasing by 2m/s in each second? (Take g = 10 m/s².)
(The weight shown by a machine is equal to the normal contact force between th machine and the body
placed on it.)
5. A man stands on scales in an elevator which has an upward acceleration a. The scales read 960 N. When he
picks up a 20-kg box, the scales read 1200 N. Find the mass of the man, his weight, and the acceleration a.

m machine
6. Find the weight shown by the weighing machine on which a
man of mass m is standing at rest relative to it, as shown in
the given figure. Assume that the wedge of the mass m is M
sliding freely over the inclined surface.

7. A simple accelerometer can be made by suspending a small body from a string attached to a fixed point in
the accelerating object, e.g., from the ceiling of a passenger car. When there is an acceleration, the body
will deflect and the string will make some angle with the vertical. (a) How is the direction in which the
suspended body deflects related to the direction of the acceleration? (b) Show that the acceleration a is
related to the angle θ the string makes by a = g tan θ. (c) Suppose that the accelerometer is attached to the
ceiling of an automobile which brakes to rest from 50 km/h in a distance of 60 m. What angle will the
accelerometer make ? Will the mass swing forward or backward? →

8. A constant force F is exerted on a smooth peg of mass m1. Two bodies of
masses m1 and m2 are connected to a light string which goes round the peg as m1
shown in Figure. Assuming that F is greater than 2T, (a) find the acceleration of T T
each of the bodies and the tension in the string if m1 = m2 = m3, and (b) find the
acceleration of each body if m1 = m2 and m3 = 2m1. m2

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion



Two blocks with masses m1 = 3kg and m 2 = 4kg are touching each other on a frictionless surface, as
shown in figure 2.49. If a force of 5N is applied on m1 (as shown in figure)

F=5 N m2

fig. 2.49

(a) what is the acceleration of each block

(b) how hard does m1 push against m2 ?

Solution: It is clear from figure 2.49 that the two bodies will move together with the same acceleration (along the
horizontal direction). Let this acceleration be a and normal contact force between the blocks be N. This is
also shown in figure 2.50. Normal contact forces from the ground and gravity are not shown because they
will not contribute to the horizontal accelerations of the bodies.

Applying Newton’s 2nd law to both m1 and m2 , we get

a a
F − N = m1a ...(1) N
and N = m2 a ...(2)
Solving (1) and (2), we get m1
F m2 F
a= and N = fig. 2.50
m1 + m2 m1 + m2

We can solve for a in just one step if we consider m1 and m2 as parts of the same system. The situation is
shown in figure 2.51.
From figure 2.51, we have,
m1+m2 a
m1 + m2
fig. 2.51

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion



Find the tensions in the two strings and the accelerations of the blocks shown in figure 2.52. The pulleys
are massless and frictionless, m1 = 2 kg and m2 = 5 kg .


fig. 2.52

Solution: Forces on m1 and m2 and their assumed accelerations are shown in figure 2.53.
m1 T T

fig. 2.53
m2 a2

Applying Newton’s 2nd law to m1 and m2 , we get,

T = m1a1 ...(1)
and m2 g − 2T = m2 a2 ...(2)
Now, we have two equations involving three unknowns. Obviously our 3rd required equation will be he
constraint equation. The constraint equation can be extracted from figure 2.54. From figure 2.54, we have

( + a2 ) + ( a2 − a1 ) = 0
+a2 a2
⇒ 2a2 = a1 ...(3) a1
+a2 – a1
Solving equations (1), (2) and (3), we get

a1 = 4m + m g
1 2 fig. 2.54

m2 a2
a2 = 4m + m g
1 2

and T = 4m + m g
1 2

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion


Find the acceleration of the blocks A and B in the situation shown in figure 2.55.

4 Kg

B 5Kg

fig. 2.55

Solution: Forces acting on m1 and m2 and their assumed accelerations are shown in figure 2.56a and for the
constraint equation we will use figure 2.56b.

+a1 +a1
a2 a2

2T a1
m2 g
a1 m1
m1 g

fig. 2.56a fig. 2.56b

Applying Newton’s 2nd law to m1 and m2 , we get,

m1 g − 2T = m1a1 ...(1)

and T − m2 g = m2 a2 ...(2)

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion


From figure 2.51(b), we get

( + a1 ) + ( a1 ) + ( − a2 ) = 0

⇒ 2 a1 − a2 = 0 ...(3)
Solving (1), (2) and (3), we get

m1 − 2m2
a1 = m + 4m g
1 2

2 ( m1 − 2m2 )
and a2 = g
m1 + 4m2

Block C shown in figure 2.57 is going down at the acceleration 2 m/s². Find the acceleration of the
blocks A and B.


fig 2.57

Solution: The assumed accelerations of the blocks A and B and corresponding changes in the different parts of
the string between the blocks A and B are shown in figure 2.58.
+a – a1
+a – a1 a
+a – a1
– a1

fig 2.58
It is obvious that the block B will have the same acceleration along horizontal direction as the block C is
having along the downward direction.
Constraint equation for the string between the blocks A and B can be written as
(+ a − a1 ) + (+ a − a1 ) + (+ a − a1 ) + ( − a1 ) = 0
⇒ 3a − 4a1 = 0
3 3 3
⇒ a1 = a = × 2 m/s 2 = m/s²
4 4 2
PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion

Figure 2.59 shows a system of four pulleys with two masses
A and B. Find, at an instant:
(a) speed of the block A when the block B is going
up at 1 m/s and pulley Y is going up at 2 m/s.
(b) Acceleration of the block A if the block B is
going up at 3 m/s² and pulley Y is going down
at 1m/s².



fig. 2.59
Solution: Let us first establish the constraint equation relating the movements of block A, block B and pulley Y. It
is obvious that same expression will hold true for both velocities and accelerations. Assumed velocities are
shown in figure 2.60. Pulleys X and Z are directly connected with blocks B and A respectively. Therefore,
pulley X will have the same movement as that of the block B and pulley Z will have the same movement as
that of the block A. This is also shown in figure 2.60. Writing the constraint equation for the darked string
in figure 2.60, we get,
( − v B ) + (v y − v B ) − v y + (v y + v A ) + v A = 0
⇒ v y + 2v A − 2vB = 0 ...(1)
The same expression will hold true for the accelerations
of the bodies if they are assumed along the velocities of
the corresponding bodies. Therefore, we have
a y + 2 a A − 2a B = 0 ...(2)
(a) Putting vB = +1 m/s and v y = +2 m/s in the
–vB +vA
equation (1), we get, vy
2vB − v y 2−2
vA = = = 0 m/s vB
2 2 +vy +vy
–vB +vA
(b) Putting a B = +3 m/s and a y = −1 m/s in the
2 2

equation (2), we get, X Z

2aB − aY vA
aA = vB

+6 − ( −1) vA
= = 7 2 = 3.5 m/s 2 fig. 2.60
PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion


The machine A in figure 2.61 is ascending with uniform acceleration a0 . At the moment shown, find
acceleration of the block of mass m, if it starts moving from the rest.

θ m

M fig 2.61

Solution: Forces on different bodies under consideration and acceleration of both the blocks are shown in figure
2.62. Applying Newton’s 2nd law to M, we get

Mg − 2T = Ma2 ...(1)

And applying the same to m along the horizontal
direction, we get

T cos θ = ma1 ...(2)

+a0 –a1cosθ
+a2 T
Applying constraint equation to the string connected θ
between block M and machine A, we get, a1 m smooth
(+ a0 + a2 ) + (+ a2 ) + ( − a1 cos θ ) = 0

a2 2T

Solving equations (1), (2) and (3), we can get a1 . 2T fig 2.62

a2 Mg

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion



Figure 2.63 shows a cylinder A of mass M which is resting on two smooth edges, one fixed and other is
that of a block B. At an instant block B is pulled toward the left with a constant speed v. Find the
acceleration of the cylinder after some time when the distance between the two edges, x, becomes 2R.
At t = 0 the distance between the two edges was zero and the two edges have the same height.

v B

fig 2.65

Solution: The analysis of the situation is shown in figure 2.64a For a moment you may feel that since block B is
pulled toward left with constant speed, cylinder A will also fall with constant speed. But as we will go
through the analysis, you will realize that the motion of the cylinder is an accelerated one. The situation at
some time ‘t’, is shown in figure 2.64a . Block B has moved by distance x(= vt ) and height of the centre
of the cylinder from the upper surface of the block B is assumed to be y. As block B is moving with
constant speed, the distance x will increase at a constant rate v. Therefore, distance of the centre from the
fixed edge, x/2, will increase at a constant rate v/2. Therefore,

u1 = v 2

This could also be proved by following approach.

d ( x 2) 1 dx v
u1 = = =
dt 2 dt 2

y u2
v B

Fig 2.6

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion


Since u1 is constant, cylinder does not have any acceleration in the horizontal direction. From figure
we have
 x x2
  + ( y ) = R ⇒ + y2 = R2
2 2

2 4

Differentiating both sides with respect to time, we get

1  dx  dy x dx dy
2 x. + 2 y. = 0 ⇒ . + 2 y. = 0
4  dt  dt 2 dt dt

dy x dx x
⇒ − = . ⇒ − ( − u2 ) = .v ⇒
dt 4 y dt 4y

Now, acceleration of the cylinder in downward direction can be found be differentiating its downward
velocity with respect to time. Therefore,

dx dy
y. −x
du v d ( x y) v dt dt
a= 2 = =
dt 4 dt 4 y2

 v  y.v − x ( −u2 ) v yv + xu2

=  =
 4 y2 4 y2

yv + x.
v 4y
4 y2

v 2 x 2v 2
= +
4 y 16 y 3

When x = 2 R, we have y = , therefore,

a =

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion


Find the accelerations of the wedge A and rod B. Rod B is restricted to move vertically by two fixed wall
corners shown in figure 2.65. It is given that all surfaces are smooth, and the system is released from



fig 2.65
Solution: It is obvious from the figure given in the question that the rod B will accelerate in the downward direction
and the wedge will accelerate towards the right. The situation in shown is figure 2.66. Horizontal forces on
the rod and vertical forces on the wedge are not shown in figure, because they will not contribute to their
downward and horizontal accelerations, respectively. The normal contact force acting on the wedge from
the rod has a horizontal


N a

θ θ

θ N A

θ M

fig 2.66

component due to which the wedge would accelerate in

the horizontal direction and as the wedge would move
towards right, the the rod would come downwards. If we
consider only vertical and horizontal forces on the rod
N sinθ
and the wedge, respectively, the resulting situation is shown mg a A
in figure 2.67. Applying Newton’s 2nd law to the rod and
the wedge along vertical and horizontal directions, θ
respectively, we get N cosθ

mg − N cos θ = ma ...(1) fig 2.67

and N sin θ = MA ...(2)

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion

Here we have 2 equations in 3 unknowns. To solve these unknowns we need one more equation, which
would be obviously the constraint equation, because bodies are not free to move as horizontal movement
of the rod is restricted by the fixed corners shown in figure 2.65.
For the constraint equation consider. Figure 2.68. In this figure I
have shown only accelerations of the bodies and have found their
components along the the line of common normal to the bodies.
As the bodies are rigid and they are always in contact their m
acceleration along the line of common normal must be the same. M
We can also say that their relative acceleration along this line must θ
be zero. The same argument holds true for their velocities and A
displacements, because in this case θ is constant. Therefore, we
a cosθ = A sin θ fig 2.68

⇒ a = A tan θ ...(3)
Solving equations (1), (2) and (3), we get,
a= ;
m + m cot 2 θ
A= .
m tan θ + M cot θ

A small block of mass m is placed on triangular wedge of mass M, as
shown in figure 2.69. If the system is released from rest and all surfaces
are smooth, then, find the acceleration of each body.


fig 2.6 9

Solution: Before opting any particular method to solve this problem, I would N1
like to discuss the situation in general first. In figure 2.70. I have shown
different forces acting on the block and the wedge. N1 is the normal
contact force acting on the wedge from the block and N 2 is the normal
contact force acting on the wedge from the ground. It is obvious from mg N1
the figure 2.70 that the horizontal component of N1 acting upon the N2
wedge would accelerate it towards right (on the smooth horizontal
plane only). If we would have a fixed wedge then obviously the block
would just accelerate down the incline but that is not the case here.
Here the block will have acceleration in both directions, one down the
fig. 2.70

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion


incline and the other one the same as that of the wedge. The net
acceleration of the block with respect to the ground is the vector sum
of these two accelerations.
Let us solve this problem first from the ground frame:
Method-I (Ground Frame): When observed from the ground frame, the forces acting on the block and the
wedge and their assumed accelerations are shown in figure 2.71 and F.B.D.s of the two bodies are shown
in figure 2.72.

θ N2
A N1
θ θ
m A M Y´
a mg A A
N1 θ
a θ
Y N1
N2 X mg
fig. 2.71 Fig. 2.72
Now, we have four unknowns, N1, N2, a and A, and to solve for these unknowns, we need four equations
involving these unknowns. We can get the required equations by writing equations of motion according to
the Newton’s 2nd law along the X and Y directions for the block and along X´ and Y´ directions for the
wedge. Here, we could also choose X´ and Y´ directions, parallel to X and Y directions, respectively.
Therefore, from figure 2.72, we have

mg sin θ = m(a − A cos θ ) ...(i) [applying Fx = ma x for the block]

mg cos θ − N1 = mA sin θ ...(ii) [applying Fy = ma y for the block]

N1 sin θ = MA ...(iii) [applying Fy ' = ma y ' for the wedge]

and N 2 − N1 cos θ − Mg = 0 ...(iv) [applying Fx ' = max ' for the wedge]z

Solving these four equations, we can get a, A, N1 and N 2 .

Here you should note that we could solve for a and A without involving equation (iv), i.e., without involving
N 2 . The acceleration of the block with respect to the ground frame is obtained by adding its acceleration
with respect to the wedge, a, to the acceleration of the wedge with respect to the ground frame, A.
Therefore, acceleration of the block with respect to the ground, a0 (as show in figure 2.73) is

a0 = a 2 + A2 + 2.a. A.cos(π − θ ) θ

⇒ a0 = a 2 + A2 − 2aA cos θ
a a0

fig. 2.73
PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion

Method II (wedge frame): Now, if we observe the block and the wedge from the frame of the wedge itself, then
in this frame the wedge will be at rest and the block will accelerate down the inclined surface of the wedge.
This is also shown in figure 2.74.

fig. 2.74
While observing from this frame, we will have to apply pseudo forces on both the bodies. In this frame the
forces acting upon the two bodies are shown in figure 2.75 (a) and F.B.D.s, of the bodies are shown in
figure 2.5(b).
N1 X´
mA θ
θ N1
mg m M Y´
N1 mA MA
a θ θ
Mg N2 X mg

fig. 2.75a fig. 2.75b

If we compare this approach with the one followed in the previous method, then we find that the difference
is that in method I both the block and the wedge have acceleration A towards right while in method II the
block has a force mA and the wedge has a force MA towards right. Now, writing equations of motion
according to Newton’s 2nd law we get,
For the block:
Along X : mg sin θ + mA cos θ = ma ...(i)
Along Y : mg cos θ − mA sin θ − N1 = 0 ...(ii)
For the wedge:
Along Y´ : N 2 sin θ − MA = 0 ...(iii)
Along X´ : N 2 − N1 cos θ − Mg = 0 ...(iv)
Now, I would encourage you to compare equations (i) - (iv) of method II with equations (i) - (iv) of
method I. You would find that the two sets are identical. Hence, for solving the given problem, you work
from either ground frame or the frame of the wedge, you would find the same set of equations and therefore,
you would have to put equal effort to solve these equations. The difference lies in the way you visualize
things. Therefore, you should choose the frame in which you can visualize more comfortably.

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion


In the arrangement shown in the figure 2.76, the masses of the wedge M and the body m are known. The
masses of the pulley and the thread are negligible. Assuming friction to be absent, find the acceleration
of the body m relative to the horizontal surface on which the wedge slides.


fig. 2.76 SYSTEM

Solution: Again before opting any particular method to solve this
problem, I would like to discuss what is going on here
first. If you consider both pulleys, string, wedge and the
block as a single system, as shown in figure 2.77, there is
only one external horizontal force, tension T, acting upon
the system and therefore wedge will certainly have an
acceleration towards the right and consequently the block T
will also move towards the right with the same acceleration
and at the same time it will also descend with an acceleration fig. 2.77
of the same magnitude.

There is one more thing I would like to suggest you at this

juncture, that is while analyzing the situation you must avoid
considering vertical forces acting on the wedge, because
these forces are never going to contribute to the horizontal
acceleration of the wedge and hence, these will not help
you in finding out required accelerations. These forces N´
are shown in figure 2.78. Now being aware of what we Mg
have already discussed, let us focus on solving for the
fig. 2.78
required accelerations.
Method I (Ground Frame):
The forces acting upon the two bodies (except vertical forces on the wedge) and their assumed accelerations
are shown in figure 2.79.
a a

T a mg
fig. 2.79
PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion

Applying Newton’s 2nd law, we get

For the wedge:
T − N = Ma ...(1)
For the block:
Horizontal direction: N = ma ...(2)
Vertical direction : mg − T = ma ...(3)
Solving equations (1), (2) and (3), we get,

a= g
2m + M

Acceleration of the block with respect to the ground, as shown in figure 2.80, is

a0 = a 2 + a 2
= 2a

a a0 = 2 a
= g
2m + M
fig. 2.80
Method II (Wedge Frame) :
In this frame the wedge is at rest and the block has only downward acceleration. Due to the noninertial
nature of the frame we are applying pseudo forces on both the bodies, which is shown in figure 2.81.

Ma ma N

mg a
fig. 2.81
Applying Newton’s 2nd law to the bodies, we get
T − N − Ma = 0 ...(1)

N − ma = 0 ...(2)

and mg − T = ma ...(3)
Here also you should note that the set of the equations obtained are identical with the set obtained in the
previous method. Solving these equations, we would get the same result.
PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion

Again, for getting acceleration of the block with respect to the ground, we will have to add the acceleration
of the wedge with respect to the ground to the acceleration of the block with respect to the wedge.
Therefore, acceleration of the block with respect to the ground is, as shown in figure 2.82, is

a0 = a 2 + a 2
= a2 + a2

= 2a

a a0= 2 a

fig. 2.82

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion


1. When a horse pulls a cart, the force that helps the horse to move forward is the force exerted by
(a) the cart on the horse (b) the ground on the horse
(c) the ground on the cart (d) the horse on the ground.
2. A car accelerates on a horizontal road due to the force exerted by
(a) the engine of the car (b) the driver of the car
(c) the earth (d) the road.
3. A particle stays at rest as seen in a frame. We can conclude that
(a) the frame is inertial
(b) resultant force on the particle is zero
(c) the frame may be inertial but the resultant force on the particle is zero
(d) the frame may be noninertial but there is a nonzero resultant force.
4. A block of mass m is placed on a smooth inclined plane of inclination θ with the horizontal. The force
exerted by the plane on the block has a magnitude
(a) mg (b) mg/cosθ
(c) mg cosθ (d) mg tanθ.
5. A force F1 acts on a particle so as to accelerate it from rest to a velocity v. The force F1 is then replaced
by F2 which decelerates it to rest,
(a) F1 must be equal to F2 (b) F1 may be equal to F2
(c) F1 must be unequal to F2 (d) none of these.
6. The force exerted by the floor of an elevator on the foot of a person standing there is more that the weight
of the person if the elevator is
(a) going up and slowing down (b) going up and speeding up
(c) going down and slowing down (d) going down and speeding up.
7. A particle is found to be at rest when seen from a frame S1 and moving with a constant velocity when seen
from another frame S2. Mark out the possible options.
(a) Both the frames are inertial. (b) Both the frames are noninertial.
(c) S1 is inertial and S2 is noninertial (d) S1 is noninertial and S1 is inertial
(e) Both the frames may be inertial (f) Both the frames may be noninertial.
8. In an imaginary atmosphere, the air exerts a small force F on any particle in the direction of the particle’s
motion. A particle of mass m projected upward takes a time t1 in reaching the maximum height and t2 in the
return journey to the original point. Then
(a) t1 < t2
(b) t1 > t2
(c) t1 = t2
(d) the relation between t1 and t2 depends on the mass of the particle.

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion


9. A person standing on the floor of an elevator drops a coin. The coin reaches the floor of the elevator in a
time t1 if the elevator is stationary and in time t2 if it is moving uniformly. Then
(a) t1 = t2
(b) t1 < t2
(c) t1 > t2
(d) t1 < t2 or t1 > t2 depending on whether the lift is going up or down.

10. Three equal weights of mass 2 kg each are hanging by a string passing
over a fixed pulley. The tension in the string (in N) connecting B and C is
(a) 4g/3
(b) g/3
(c) 2g/3
(d) g/2. C

11. A bead is free to slide down a smooth wire tightly stretched between points A and B on a vertical circle. If
the bead starts from rest at A, the highest point on the circle, A
(a) its velocity v on arriving at Bis proportional to cos θ
(b) its velocity v on arriving at B is proportional to tan θ θ
(c) time to arrive at B is proportional to cos θ B
(d) time to arrive at B is independent of θ.
12. A uniform thick string of length 5 m is resting on a horizontal frictionless surface. It is pulled by a horizontal
force of 5 N from one end. The tension in the string at 1 m from the force applied is :
(a) zero (b) 5 N
(c) 4 N (d) 1 N.
13. A 10 kg monkey is climbing a massless rope attached to a 15 kg mass over a tree limb. The mass is lying
on the ground. In order to raise the mass from the ground he must climb with
(a) uniform acceleration greater than 5m/sec²
(b) uniform acceleration greater than 2.5 m/sec²
(c) high speed
(d) uniform acceleration greater than 10 m/sec².
14. At a given instant, A is moving with velocity of 5m/s upwards.
What is velocity of B at that time :
(a) 15 m/s ↓
(b) 15 m/s↑
(c) 5 m/s↓ A
(d) 5 m/s ↑. B
15. Two identical mass m are connected to a massless string which is hung over two frictionless pulleys as
shown in figure. If everything is at rest, what is the tension in the cord?
(a) less than mg
(b) exactly mg
(c) more than mg but less than 2mg
(d) exactly 2mg m m

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion


16. A string of negligible mass going over a clamped pulley of mass m supports a block of mass M as shown
in the figure. The force on the pulley by the clamp is given by:
(a) 2 Mg
(b) 2 mg m
(c) ( M + m)2 + m 2 g

(d) ( ( M + m)2 + M 2 g .) M

17. In the figure the block of mass M is at rest on the floor. The acceleration with which should a boy of mass
m climb along the rope of negligible mass so as to lift the block from the floor, is
M 
(a) =  − 1 g
m 
M 
(b) >  − 1 g
m 
(c) = g
m M
(d) > g.
18. A block of mass M is pulled along a horizontal frictionless surface by a rope of mass m. If a force Fis
applied at one end of the rope, the force which the rope exerts on the block is :
(a) F/(M + m) (b) F
(c) FM/(m + M) (d) 0.

19. In the given system a1 and a2 are the accelerations of blocks 1 and 2. Then the constraint relation is
(a) 2a1 = a2
(b) 2a2 = a1 1
(c) a1 = a2 M1
(d) a1 = 4a2.

2 M2

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion


20. Two masses m and M are attached to the strings as shown in the figure. If the system is in equilibrium, then

(a) tan θ = 1 +

(b) tan θ = 1 +
(c) cot θ = 1 + M
45° 45°

(d) cot θ = 1 + . m

21 An iron sphere weighing 10 N rests in a v shaped smooth trough whose sides form an angle of 60° as
shown in the figure. Then the reaction forces are
(a) RA = 10 N & RB = 0 in case (i)
(b) RA = 10 N & RB = 10 N in case (ii)

20 10
(c) RA = N & RB = N in case (iii) 60° 60°
3 3
(i) (ii) (iii)
(d) RA = 10 N & RB = 10 N in all the three cases

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion




1. The figures shows v/t graph for a particle moving along a straight line. The distance covered by the particle
in time interval t = 2s to t = 10s equals _____________.
v(in m/s) 10 m/s

t in sec
5s 10s

2. In the shown arrangement the angle θ and the tension in the rope AB are______________ and
_____________ respectively, provided each of the block is at rest.



3. A particle of mass 50 g moves on a straight line. The variation of speed with time is shown in figure. Find
the force acting on the particle at t-2, 4 and 6 seconds.



2 4 6 8

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion


4. In Figure (a), a block is attached by a rope to a bar that is itself rigidly attached to a ramp. Determine
whether the magnitudes of the following increase, decrease, or remain the same as the angle θ of the ramp

is increased from zero: (a) the component of the gravity force Fg on the block that is along the ramp, (b)

the tension in the cord, (c) the component of Fg that is perpendicular to the ramp, and (d) the normal force
on the block from the ramp. (e) Which of the curves in Figure (b) corresponds to each of the quantities in
parts (a) through (d)?

5. A block is kept on the floor of an elevator at rest. the elevator starts descending with an acceleration of 12
m/s². Find the displacement of the block during the first 0.2 s after the start. Take g = 10 m/s².
6. There are two forces on the 2.0 kg box in the overhead view of Figure but only one is shown. The figure
also shows the acceleration of the box. Find the second force (a) in unit-vector notation and as (b)
a magnitude and (c) direction.


a =12 m/s²

7. Sunjamming. A “sun yacht” is a spacecraft with a large sail that is pushed by sunlight. Although such a push
is tiny in everyday circumstances, it can be large enough to send to spacecraft outward from the Sun on a
cost-free but slow trip. Suppose that the spacecraft has a mass of 900 kg and receives a push of 20 N. (a)
What is the magnitude of the resulting acceleration? If the craft starts from rest, (b) how far will it travel in

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion


1 day and (c) how fast will it then be moving?

8. A worker drags a crate across a factory floor by pulling on a rope tied to the crate (Fig.). The worker
exerts a force of 450 N on the rope, which is inclined at 38° to the horizontal, and the floor exerts a
horizontal force of 125 N that opposes the motion. Calculate the magnitude of the acceleration of the crate
if (a) its mass is 310 kg and (b) its weight is 310 N.



9. In Figure, a chain consisting of five links, each of mass

0.100 kg, is lifted vertically with a constant acceleration of
2.50 m/s². Find the magnitudes of (a) force on link 1 from
link 2, (b) the force on link 2 from link 3, (c) the force on
link 3 from link 4, and (d) the force on link 4 from link 5.
Then find the magnitudes of (e) the force F on the top link 5
2.50 m/s²
from the person lifting the chain and (f) the net force 4
accelerating each link.

10. A chain of mass m is attached at two points A and B of two fixed walls as shown in figure. Due to its weight
a sag is there in the chain such that at point A and B it makes an angle θ with the normal to the wall . Find
the tension in the chain at: (Assume tension is always along the length of chain)
(a) point A and B
(b) mid point of the chain

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion


11. A 10 kg monkey climbs up a massless rope that runs over a frictionless tree limb and back down to a 15
kg package on the round (Fig.). (a) What is the magnitude of the least acceleration the monkey must have
if it is to lift the package off the ground? After the package has been lifted, the monkey stops its climb and
holds onto the rope, what are (b) the magnitude and (c) the direction of the monkey’s acceleration, and (d)
What is the tension in the rope?


12. The force of buoyancy exerted by the atmosphere on a balloon is B in the upward direction and remains
constant. The force of air resistance on the balloon acts opposite to the direction of velocity and is
proportional to it. the balloon carries a mass M and is found to fall down near the earth’s surface with a
constant velocity v. How much mass should be removed from the balloon so that it may rise with a
constant velocity v ?

13. In Fig., a 100 kg crate is pushed at constant speed up the frictionless 30.0° ramp y a horizontal force F .

What are the magnitudes of (a) F and (b) the force on the crate from the ramp?

100 kg

14. Find the acceleration of the 500 g block in figure.

100 g
500 g


50 g

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion


15. Block A is moving horizontally with velocity vA.

Find the velocity of block B h

at the instant as shown in the figure. VA


16. Shown in the figure is a system of three bodies of mass P Q

m1, m2 & m3 connected by a single inextensible light string.

If all contacting surfaces are smooth & the pulleys P & Q
are light, find the tension in the string. m2


17. In a simple Atwood machine, two unequal masses m1 and m2 are connected
by a string going over a clamped light smooth pulley. In a typical arrangement
(in figure) m1 = 300 g and m2= 600 g. The system is released from rest.
(a) Find the distance travelled by the first block in the first two seconds.
(b) Find the tension in the string.
(c) Find the force exerted by the clamp on the pulley. m2

18. Consider the Atwood machine of the previous problem. The larger mass is stopped for a moment 2.0 s
after the system is set into motion. Find the time elapsed before the string is tight again.

19. In figure m1 = 5 kg, m2 = 2 kg and F = 1 N. Find the acceleration of either block. Describe the motion of
m1 if the string breaks but F ocntinues to act.


PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion


21. Find the acceleration of the blocks A and B in the three situations shown in figure.

22. Two masses m1 and m2 are connected by means of a light string, that
passes over a light pulley as shown in the figure. If m1 = 2kg and m2 = 5
kg and a vertical force F is applied on the pulley then find the acceleration
of the masses and that of the pulley when
(a) F = 35 N
(b) F = 70 N
(c) F = 140 N.
23. Determine the speed with which block B rises in figure if
the end of the cord at A is pulled down with a speed of D
2 m/s.


2m/s B

24. The system shown in figure is in equilibrium find the initial acceleration of all three blocks when string S is

1kg S

1kg B

2kg C

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion


25. A particle of mass m, originally at rest, is subjected to a force whose direction is constant but whose

t −T 

magnitude varies with the time according to the relation F = F0  , where F0 and T are constants.
 T 
The force acts only for the time interval 0 to 2T. Find the speed v of the particle after a time 2T.
26. A bead of mass ‘m’ is fitted onto a rod and can move
on it without friction. At the initial moment the bead is
in the middle of the rod. The rod moves translationally
in a horizontal plane with an acceleration ‘a’ in a a
direction forming an angle α with the rod.
Find the acceleration of the bead relative to the rod. α

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion




1. Two objects A and B are thrown upward simultaneously with the same speed. The mass of A is greater
than the mass of B. Suppose the air exerts a constant and equal force of resistance on the two bodies.
(a) The two bodies will reach the same height.
(b) A will go higher than B
(c) B will go higher than A
(d) Any of the above three may happen depending on the speed with which the objects are thrown.
2. A smooth wedge A is fitted in a chamber hanging from a fixed ceiling near the earth’s surface. A block B
placed at the top of the wedge takes a time T to slide down the length of the wedge. If the block is placed
at the top of the wedge and the cable supporting the chamber is broken at the same instant , the block will
(a) take a time longer that T to slide down the wedge
(b) take a time shorter that T to slide down the wedge
(c) remain at the top of the wedge
(d) jump off the wedge.
3. Which graph shows best the velocity-time graph for an object launched vertically into the air when air resistance
is given by | D | = bv? The dashed line shows the velocity graph if there were no air resistance.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

4. Two men of unequal masses hold on to the two sections of a light rope passing over a smooth light pulley.
Which of the following are possible?
(a) The lighter man is stationary while the heavier man slides with
some acceleration
(b) The heavier man is stationary while the lighter man climbs with
some acceleration
(c) The two men slide with the same acceleration in the same
(d) The two men move with accelerations of the same magnitude in
opposite directions

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion


5. A solid sphere of mass 2 kg is resting inside a cube as shown in the figure v = (5t iˆ + 2t ˆj ) m/s. Here t is the
time in second. All surfaces are smooth. The sphere is at rest with respect to the cube. What is the total
force exerted by the sphere on the cube. (Take g = 10 m/s²)
y A B
(a) 29N
(b) 29 N
(c) 26 N
(d) 89N . O x

6. A trolley is accelerating down an incline of angle θ with accelerationg sin θ. Which of the followingis
correct. (α is the angle made by the string with vertical).
(a) α = θ g
(b) α = 0 0 α
(c) Tension in the string T = mg
(d) Tension in the string, T = mg sec θ. θ

7. Equal force F(> mg) is applied to string in all the 3

cases. Starting from rest, the point of application of
force moves a distance of 2 m down in all cases. In
which case the block has maximum kinetic energy ? F m F F
(a) 1 (b) 2
m m
(c) 3 (d) equal in all 3 cases.
8. In the given figure, the wedge is acted on by a
constant horizontal force F. The wedge is moving on
a smooth horizontal surface. Aball of mass ‘m’ is at
rest relative to the wedge. The ratio of forces exerted F
on ‘m’ by the wedge when F is acting and F is
withdrawn assuming no friction between the wedge
and the ball, is equal to θ
(a) sec² θ (b) cos² θ
(c) 1 (d) None of these.
9. A pendulum is hanging from the ceiling of a cage. If
the cage moves up with constant acceleration a, its
tension is T1 and if it moves down with same
acceleration, the corresponding tension is T2. The
tension in the string if the cage moves horizonttally
with same acceleration a is
T12 + T22 T12 − T22 T1 a T2 T1
(a) (b) a
2 2 a

T12 + T22
(c) (d) None of these.

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion


10. Consider a special situation in which both the faces

of the block M0 are smooth, as shown in adjoining Smooth M
figure. Mark out the correct statement(s)
(a) If F = 0, the blocks cannot remain stationary F M0 m
(b) For one unique value of F, the blocks M and m
remain stationary with respect to block M0.
(c) There exists a range of F for which blocks M
and m remain stationary with respect to block
M0 .
(d) Since there is no friction, therefore, blocks M
and m cannot be in equilibrium with respect to
M0 .
11. In the above problem, the value(s) of F for which M and m are stationary with respect to M0

(a) (M0 + M + m)g (b) ( M 0 + M + m)

(c) ( M 0 + M + m) (d) None of these.

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion




1. Two blocks A and B of mass 1kg and 2kg repsectively

are connected by a string, passing over a light
frictionless pulley. Both the blocks are resting on a
horizontal floor and the pulley is held such that string
remains just taut. At the moment t = 0, a force F =
20t Nt starts acting on the pulley along vertically
upward direction as shown in figure. Calculate
(a) Velocities of A when B loses contact with the floor.
(b) height raised by the pulley upto that instnat.
2. Find the Relation among velocities of the block shown in figure a and b, moving under the given


(a) (b)

3. A car is speeding up on a horizontal road with an acceleration a. Consider the following situations in the
car. (i) A ball is suspended from the ceiling through a string and is maintaining a constant angle with the
vertical. Find the this angle. (ii) A block is kept on a smooth incline and does not slip on the incline. Find the
angle of the incline with the horizontal.
4. Figure shows a man of mass 60 kg standing on a light
weighing machine kept in a box of mass 30 kg. The
box is hanging from a pulley fixed to the ceiling through
a light rope, the other end of which is held by the
man himself. If the man manages to keep the box at
rest, what is the weight shown by the machine ? What
force should he exert on the rope to get his correct
weight on the machine ?

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion


5. A small cubical block is placed on a triangular block

M so that they touch each other along a smooth
inclined contact plane as shown. The inclined surface
makes an angle q with the horizontal. A horizontal F
force F is to be applied on the block m so that the
ttwo bodies move withoutt slipping against each other. M
Assuming the floor to be smooth also, determine the θ

(a) Normal force with which m and M press against

each other and
(b) the magnitude of external force F. Express your
answers in terms of m, M, θ and g.
6. A block of mass 10 kg is kept on ground. A vertically upward force F = 20t N, where t is the time in
seconds starts acting on it at t = 0.
(a) Find the time at which the normal reaction acting on the block is zero.
(b) The height of the block from ground at t = 10 sec.
7. At the moment t = 0 the force F = at is applied to a small body of
mass m resting on a smooth horizontal plane (a is a constant). The F

permanent direction of this force forms an angle a with the horizontal

(Fig.) Find. m
(a) the velocity of the body at the moment of its breaking off the plane.
(b) the distance traversed by the body up to this moment.
8. A bar of mass m resting on a smooth horizontal plane starts moving due to the force F = mg/3 of constant
magnitude. In the process of its rectilinear motion the angle α between the direction ofthis force and the
horizontal varies as α = as, where a is a constant, and s is the distance traversed by the bar from its initial
position. Find the velocity of the bar as a function of the angle α.

9. In the shown figure, the wedge A is fixed to the x´
ground. The prism B of mass M and the block C of C
mass m is placed as shown. Find the acceleration of
B y
the block C w.r.t B when the system is set free.
Neglect any friction. x

10. In the given figure all the surfaces are smooth. Find
the time taken by the block to reach from the free F
end to the pulley attached to the plank. Distance M
between free end and pulley is l.

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion


11. Find the mass M of the hanging block in figure which will prevent the smaller block from slipping over the
triangular block. All the surfaces are frictionless and the strings and the pulleys are light.


12. Block B shown in figure moves to the right with a constant velocity of 30 cm/s. find:
(a) the velocity of block A
(b) the velocity of the point P of the string.
(c) the velocity of the point M of the string.
(d) the relative velocity of the point P of the string with respect to the block A.


13. A truck shown in the figure is driven with an

acceleration a = 3 m/s².Find the acceleration of the
bodies A and B of masses 10 kg and 5 kg
respectively, assuming pulleys are massless and
friction is absent everywhere.

14. Figure shows a two block constrained motion system. Block A has a mass M and B has mass m. If block
A is pulled toward right horizontally with an external force F, find the acceleration of the block B relative to


PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion


15. In the arrangement shown in figure, the masses m of the bar and M of the wedge, as well as the wedge
anggle a are known. The masses of the pulley and the thread are negligible. The friction is absent. Find the
acceleration of the wedge M.

α M

16. At the moment shown in the given figure, if the systtem is released from rest, find the acceleration of each

17. An empty tin can of mass M is sliding with speed V0 across a horizontal sheet of ice in a rain a storm. The
area of opening of the can is A. The rain is falling vertically at a rate of n drops per second per square
metre. Each rain drop has a mass m and is falling with a terminal velocity Vn . (a) Neglecting friction,
calculate the speed of the can as a function of time. (b) Calculate the normal force of reaction of ice on the
can as a function of time.
18. In the arrangement shown in figure the masses of the block and wedge are m and M respectively. The angle
of the inclined surface is a with the horizontal. The masses of the pulley and the thread are negligible. The
friction is absent. Find the acceleration of the wedge.

m M

PHYSICS: Newton’s laws of motion

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