Celebration Choir Song List

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The Celebration Choir Songlist

Amazing Grace - gospel ballad
Amen - medium gospel shuffle
America The ea!ti"!l - traditional ballad
Ain#t $o %o!ntain &igh 'no!gh - upbeat rock
Ain#t $o Sto((in# )s $o* - upbeat motivational rock
attle &+mn o" the ,e(!blic - patriotic
Circle o" -i"e mid tempo inspirational world-feel
Come .nto This &o!se - upbeat gospel rock
Get /n 0o!r 1eet upbeat latin pop
Go -ight 0o!r 2orl3 - gospel ballad
Go Tell4Go Tell .t on the %o!ntain - upbeat gospel rock
Go3 less America - patriotic - ballad
Go3 less the )SA - patriotic ballad
&ol+5 &ol+5 &ol+ traditional hymn
. elie6e . Can 1l+ - inspirational ballad
. -o6e America - upbeat patriotic rock
7o+"!l5 7o+"!l upbeat hip hop gospel
-et the ,i6er ,!n - medium tempo world feel
-et There e 8eace on 'arth inspirational ballad
-i"t &im )( - upbeat gospel rock
-or39s 8ra+er - traditional
%e3le+ : . elie6e . Can 1l+4Ain9t $o Sto((in9 )s
8ro!3 (2hat &a6e 0o! ;one To3a+) mid tempo
,each inspirational ballad
Seasons /" -o6e - medium rock
Sen3 .t /n ;o*n - upbeat gospel rock
Star S(angle3 anner traditional
)nite3 2e 2in - upbeat inspirational
)n*ritten mid tempo inspirational
2e Can %a<e a ;i""erence - upbeat motivational
2hen 0o! elie6e ballad from Prince of Egypt
2in3 eneath %+ 2ings - inspirational ballad
2or<ing Together - motivational rock
0o! Are Goo3 upbeat, high energy gospel
0o! ,aise %e )( inspirational ballad

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